Risk Management Insight July/August 2022

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RISKMANAGEMENT Africa’sown RiskManagementJournal Jul-Aug2022>Issue3>Vol.#8 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za R I S K MA N A G E ME N T I N S I G H T 7 Pg18 Valve Automation Systems –Reducing Risk Pg36 Fast and accurate automatic pressure testing and documentation of critical regulatory and compliance calibrationsPg22RISK MANAGEMENT Insight Risk and quality management vital to water jetting business success

C O N T E N T S 12 37 18 24 38 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za04 Jul - Aug 2022 08 TICK cordless GPS tracker E-Max MRP Water Jetting Association Tank blanketing effectively prevents res inammable liquid storage tanks Reduce Tool Changing Times with Alwayse Ball Transfer Units! Fence Intrusion Detection Systems

Moreover, the industries in which the IoT holds the greatest promise are often the ones in which security is the biggest concern. Smart medical devices and health mobile apps can vastly improve efciency in medicine, but, as one Deloitte partner notes, “[l]egacy devices can have outdated operating systems and may be on hospital networks without proper security controls” – which can enable threats like ransomware a way in to compromise entire systems. Likewise, smart cities “generate a slew of security nightmares that are unmatched by any other technological development” with trafc control and other infrastructure potentially vulnerable to hackers. The December 2016 attack by Russian hackers on an electricity control center, which shut off the lights for portions of Kiev, is a sobering reminder of the many avenues that urban infrastructure affords to cybercriminals and terrorists.

RISKMANAGEMENT Issue Biological Infectious Waste Pg10SystemsDisposal


Editor’s Comments Editor Goodwill editor@riskmanagementinsight.co.zaSibanda SalesDesign & layout Peter peter@riskmanagementinsight.co.zaJohnson Accounts Sharon accounts@riskmanagementinsight.co.zaMoyo Subscription Thato subscription@riskmanagementinsight.co.zaNdlovu Disclaimer: All material is strictly copyright. The magazine or any part thereof may not be reproduced or adapted without writen permission from the publisher: Risk Management Insight welcomes material submited for publicaaon buetains the right to edit copy. The views expressed in the publicacaaone notonsidered those of the publisher (Altramic Markeng), which accepts no liability of a y nature arising out of or in cconnecon with theo tents of this magazine. While every effort has been taken in compiling this publicaon, the publisher does not gi e warranty as to the completeness or accuracy of its content. The publisher and the editor cannot accept responsibility for any loss inconvenience & damage that may occur there from. www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za 05 Editor G. Sibanda landlinesales@riskmanagement.co.zainfo@riskmanagementinsight.co.za +27 11 058 0879 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za Like us on our facebook page RISKMANAGEMENT ManagementownJournal July-August2017 Issue Vol.6# www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za Front cover www.waterjetting.org.uk Jul - Aug 2022 RISKMANAGEMENT RiskAfrica’ManagementJournal July-August2017 Issue2> ol.6# www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za Seaco Tank ForContainersLiquidsAndGases Pg20 Beyond customizedcomplexitysolutions through collaboration Pg23 Lenox kennedy@riskmanagementinsight.co.zaKennedymuthulisi@riskmanagementinsight.co.zaMuthulisiFrank@riskmanagementinsight.co.zaFrankkelvin@riskmanagementinsight.co.zaKelvinlenox@riskmanagementinsight.co.zaMarufuNkonhlaSpickNkiwaChamahttps:www.facebook.com/riskmanagement.co.za

RiskAfrica’ManagementJournal Jan-Feb2018>

tank containers for and gases Pg30

Enjoy your Reading RISKMANAGEMENT RiskAfrica’ManagementJournal Mar-Apr2018>Issue6>Vol.#7 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za Weighing up Pg10risk design incorporate effective management Pg18 A unique, innovative concept the solution material ow problems Previous publications RISK MANAGEMENT Insight RISKMANAGEMENT Africa’sown RiskManagementJournal Jul-Aug2022>Issue3>Vol.#8 .riskmanagementinsight.co.za Pg18 Valve Automation Systems –Reducing Risk Pg36 Fast and accurate automatic pressure testing and documentation of critical regulatory and compliance calibrationsPg22MANAGEMENT Risk and quality management vital to water jetting business success

Perhaps most worrisome is the growing threat of Botnets. A botnet is a network of infected machines controlled by the attacker. With the number of connected devices ballooning as a result of the IoT's growth, the opportunities for bad actors to recruit these bot “armies” are similarly proliferating. The world got a taste of the chaos that IoT botnets could cause when the Mirai botnet used hijacked CCTV cameras to cripple the Internet infrastructure company Dyn in October 2016. In recent weeks, security researchers have been raising the alarm about a new botnet called the “IoT Reaper”, which some estimate to have recruited hundreds of thousands of devices. It remains unclear to what use Reaper will be put. Nonetheless, as the number of IoT devices grows into the trillions, we can expect botnets such as Reaper to grow even easier to recruit and more powerful when unleashed.

Welcome to this edition of this wonderful magazine prepared with you in mind. It is my desire that you enjoy reading through every article presented. In this edition I look at another security threat to the world and business in general, Internet of Things: Boundless Opportunity, Metastasizing Threat. It is no exaggeration to say that the Internet of Things is the most important macro-level technological development since the Internet itself. With 46 trillion connected devices expected to be in use by 2021, the IoT will revolutionize industry, medicine, infrastructure, and myriad other elds. As more and more devices become interconnected, however, the number of “backdoor[s] into personal and corporate privacy” multiplies. Complicating this further is the fact that many of the companies making IoT devices are not traditional software companies, and may not appreciate the importance of cybersecurity, especially when it comes to ensuring that their products can be updated and patched in response to threats. This is particularly problematic as many “smart” devices likely have a substantially longer life expectancy than your average computer software, and thus have to be nimble enough to respond to threats that today we likely cannot imagine.

06 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za Jul - Aug 2022

Plastic Injection Moulding Machines

Haitian International's domestic sales recorded an increase of 25.9% to RMB6,989.4 million (approx. USD1,038 million), far exceeding its industrial peers. The Company's continuous investment in the overseas markets such as Germany, South Africa, India and Mexico etc., has also produced spectacular results. The Company achieved a record international sales of RMB2,954.7 million (approx. USD439 million) in 2017, representing an increase of 25.2% compared to 2016.

Haitian International, one of the world's largest manufacturers of plastic injection moulding machines, has announced its nancial results for the scal year 2017. Due to a strong market demand and further implementation of successful strategies, the company achieved a record high in all results again. The sales revenue reached RMB10,186,1 million, representing an increase of 25.8% compared to 2016. The Company delivered 35,768 machines worldwide throughout 2017, representing a growth of 21.1% as compared to 2016 and representing a remarkable footprint of Haitian International in the competitive environment.

Zhar Zeres Series: all-round electric performer Zhar has further expanded the Venus range to include new possibilities. The Zeres Series is based on proven allelectric technology and is combined with an integrated hydraulic system. Being structurally identical to the Venus II Series, the Zeres offers all the advantages of electric injection moulding technology, such as precision, energy efciency, independent parallel movements throughout the entire cycle with more precise mould alignment; and is also easy to maintain. Servo electric drives for injection, dosing, and mould movements ensure strong dynamics. Integrated servo-hydraulics for minor axes such as core pull, ejector and nozzle unit, provides the possibility for applications with core pulling The latest Zeres machine carries a redesigned injection unit for fast cycling and the clamp unit is also optimized to be more robust for faster cycle applications. The Zeres series is available for a clamping force from 400 - 13,800 HaitiankN.

Mars series have again proven its superior market position as the bestseller, which accounted for approximately 69.4% of total sales, with total sales amounting to RMB7,072.7 million (approx. USD1,050 million). More than 30,700 Mars machines have been delivered to customers worldwide.

Zhar Jenius Series: smart modularity for technology to the ThepointZhar JE series, is a perfect combination of the electric drive technology and the two-platen servo hydraulic system; representing Haitian International's approach of smart modularity for technology to the point. With respect to the production performance, the JE series combines all the advantages of a fully electric injection unit, such as high precision, high speed, highly efcient, energy-saving and environmental friendly features; as well as the benets of the two-platen servo hydraulic clamping unit, such as high precision for clamping, small footprint, bigger space for larger moulds and more. This integration ensures the outstanding technical performance of the Zhar JE series and enables Zhar to enter the large machine sectors. The JE series is currently planned to be available from 4500 - 33,000 kN.

Mars IIS high performance edition: The latest highZhafir Jenius Series: smart modularity for technology to the point

Haitian International further enhanced its business development strategy of shifting small tonnage machines towards full-electric injection moulding machines and large tonnage machines towards two-platen machines. In 2017, Zhar electrical series injection moulding machines and Jupiter series two-platen injection moulding machines gained increasing popularity and received increasing recognition from customers. Sales of Zhar electrical series reached RMB1,010.8 million (approx. USD150 million), representing an increase of 27.1%, with more than 2,200 machines delivered. The sales of Jupiter Series reached nearly 800 units, amounting to RMB1,323.1 million (approx. USD196 million), representing an increase of 34.7%.

Zhar electrical series and Jupiter series two-platen injection moulding machines gained increasing popularity

Lane, Lanseria

Jianming, CEO of Haitian International. Cabletech Marketing is proud to represent Haitian International in South Africa. The remarkable growth in international markets has reafrmed that Haitian International will continue growing from strength to 20strength.Amelia Corporate Estate, Malibongwe Head +27 11 704 0824 - info@cabletech.co.za

Road, Lanseria

Prospects and future strategy 2018 marks the year of focusing on efciency for Haitian International. “We will actively promote internal process improvements and put “quality rst” as a priority in all spheres of our work to enhance the Company's productivity and efciency”, as emphasized by Mr. Zhang

“Go Factory” as “Smart Solution to the point” “Go Factory” is an information management system developed by Haitian Smart Solution, to facilitate the connection of injection moulding machines and to monitor the production process. It provides an information solution with low investment, short implementation time and integration for standard machines.

Plastic Injection Moulding Machines Zhafir Zeres Series: all-round electric performer Haian Mas IIS high perfformance edion: The test high-perfrformance edion of the vo-hydraulic bestseller Jul - Aug 2022

The high-performance edition, of the latest Mars series, represents an overall upgrade of the 2nd generation. The new Mars IIS series boasts outstanding performance, which is featured by a highly efcient injection unit, high precision control system, highly responsive drive system, and a durable clamping unit; which altogether ensures the stability and high efciency of production.


07www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za performance edition of the servo-hydraulic bestseller

Haitian Mars Series has been on the market for over 10 years and has created a legendary record in the industry Up to 2017 the accumulative sales of Mars have exceeded 200,000 units worldwide, which afrm its position as the world's best-selling injection moulding machine.

Magnetized versions of the tracker are calibrated to inform if someone manipulates with them (for example if someone tries to remove a device that is xed to a vehicle) and can be set to send push notication of this. Push notications can also be set to inform the user when the tracker starts to be in motion, mode changes and when the battery is low Charging the tracker battery is also simple. Just put the device on the charging mat supplied. There is no need to remove batteries or to wire the tracker to an electrical source by using a cable. As there are no cable outlets or other “holes” in the device, this means that is fully sealed and so is water/dustproof to a very high IP67 standard.

The beauty of the tracker is that the user can operate it themselves through our mobile application. The mobile application has 5 modes + Power Off. This gives the user a wide range of monitoring options. They can choose a real time pursuit mode when fast location updates are needed (ideal for low prole “chase” situations), a movement mode that is ideal for monitoring trips, through to low energy usage modes for long-term surveillance or for monitoring of long distance transport loads. Furthermore, the user has the map location of the device at their ngertips, can follow trips in progress, can study previous trip history (including map display of trip), can view battery / temperature details and can even request to navigate from their mobile phone to the tracker

More and more people are looking for ways to use GPS tracking in an even increasing and diverse number of ways. Devices need to be simple to mount, simple to work with and unobtrusive. Because of this, the idea of the TICK cordless GPS tracker was born.

08 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za Jul - Aug 2022

TICK cordless GPS tracker sensitivity and strong magnet holding strength means that it can be put under the vehicle bodywork. It can also be placed anywhere inside the vehicle and can even be used as a “secret” back-up to a standard hardwired device.

For distributors the product is ideal as it is ready to set up without any difcult explanation. For users the product is ideal as it is prepared for use straight from the box and so can be set up for operation within several minutes.

The TICK cordless GPS tracker is an ideal tool for anyone needing a reliable tracker that can be used in a variety of ways. Versions with or without magnets are available. No wiring is necessary and so mounting, where needed, can be done in a matter of seconds. The main criteria for the product was to keep usage as simple as possible whilst not compromising on services offered and to make it as versatile as possible. We can see its versatility in the wide range of people using it today – law enforcement agencies, security agencies, detective services, car rental companies, machine hire companies, transport companies, delivery companies, garages, rally/race organizers, lone workers as well as the public in general for monitoring the things that they value. Personal monitoring, using devices without magnets, is another possibility For vehicle monitoring, the tracker is ideal as it can be placed on any conductive surface and excellent GPS

This is an excellent thing for the welding industry and all other trades in South Africa,” Nell says.

“The Minister is fully committed to the QCTO programme, which ultimately puts pay to the failed 'Learnership' idea.

Meanwhile the National Skills Fund has set aside R150 million to support the partner colleges across all the sectors to ensure they are up-to date and ready for training. For the welding industry, it will be Nell's responsibility to help the two chosen colleges to procure the equipment, train the trainers and generally ensure that their infrastructures are in the appropriate condition for SAIWtrainingexecutive director, Sean Blake, says that Minister Pandor's support of this programme is wonderful news for the welding industry. “The Minister has said that national associations have a key role to play in modernising TVET colleges' system for the production of intermediate-level skills and the SAIW is certainly ready to rise to the challenge,” he says. He adds that bringing together of all the right players, including the various industries, government and business, in a cohesive programme will do wonders in helping to improve the skills situation in this country. “This is long overdue and the SAIW commits to doing all it can to make the initiative a success,” he concluded.

One of these sectors is welding and the Southern African Institute of Welding (SAIW), the leading welding training organisation in Africa, has been awarded the contract from the DHET to act as the 'Quality Custodian' of the process in the welding industry

One of Nell's rst tasks was to nd the two welding TVET partners and, after visiting several colleges, the Boland College in Worcester and the East Midlands College in Uitenhage were selected. These colleges will run the QCTO's 'dual' training system, which combines technical education and practical training with authentic work experience in a fabricator's workshop.

www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za 09Jul - Aug 2022

Moreover, SAIW's Etienne Nell has been appointed the industry's Occupational Team Convener for the implementation of the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO) Artisan Welder Curriculum (NOCC –A21 which is aimed at producing: a skilled and capable workforce to support economic growth; an increased availability of intermediate skills and an increased delivery of properly qualied artisan welders, at the Centres of Specialisation.

Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) Minister, Naledi Pandor, at a recent meeting with captains of industry, has emphasised the importance of the department's training initiative to boost youth employment in South Africa. Referred to as the Centres of Specialisation (COS), the programme aims to secure partnerships between the industry and 26 Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges, countrywide, for the training of top artisans in 13 priority trade sectors.

Minister Pandor gives a boost to COS initiative … … SAIW to play major role in the welding sector

We have partnered up with Philip Astley, a world-renown chartered architect who specialises in healthcare planning and design. With his contribution, Wolfpack is currently in the process of designing modular, efcient “HealthPak” modules for mass deployment into Africa.

OurFacilitiesadmin ofces and main production facilities are in Epping, Cape Town. We also have facilities for production in Johannesburg and storage facilities in Botswana and Kenya.Commercial Use We offer multiple designs and units for commercial use. This includes and is not limited to: Site ofces, classrooms, ablution facilities, kitchens, mine accommodation and services. Wolfpack offers both new builds, and rentals. We are currently working alongside Stellenbosch University and Ajubatus Foundation (NPO) on agricultural and social upliftment in the Kruger. This includes the study of container grow houses for fresh and healthy produce and eco-friendly innovative housing solutions.


We have a variety of rental units for the pop-up market. These are used as bars, retail space and stages at events throughout South Africa and Kenya. Custom conversions are also available, we will tailor either a current available unit, or build a new unit to suit the customers

setofshippingOurhttps://wwwprerequisites..youtube.com/watch?v=T6T_H946x6Iagshipunittsthedimensionsofastandard6mcontainerwhenclosed.Onceonsite,withapushabuttonthesideswillopenandtheentirespacecanbeupinunder20minutes.Thisincludesaspiral WolfPack

What is Wolfpack?

10 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za Jul - Aug 2022

Wolfpack is working to replace the traditional way of construction worldwide. Our vision for a more creative, sustainable future led us to start creating one. We transform recycled containers into beautiful homes, pop-up spaces for business and other solutions which add value to our society. We focus on creating high-quality, whilst delivering them at a very competitive price. Find below a link to our company housing and construction, and commercial solutions throughout Africa.

Pop-Up Units

Safety : A major problem with remote and rural infrastructure is the risk of break-ins. Containers need a blowtorch or dynamite to break into, and are too heavy to lift up and make off with without anyone noticing. This contributes to making it a safe structure for use in remote Theyareas.can also be secured against storms.


Structural stability : Containers are also “virtually indestructible”. Shipping containers are designed to bear heavy loads, withstand harsh climatic conditions, as well as rough seas and can also easily be stacked one on top of the other to create multi-story homes. Their structural stability makes such homes earthquake and hurricane proof, which makes them extremely safe for natural disaster-prone areas.

The cement industry is one of the biggest producers of CO2 and bricks essentially make the natural materials they are made of, inert.

Cost Effective : In South Africa, Shipping containers typically cost only R24 000 - R32 000 depending on their size. They're are already the perfect shape to be repurposed into homes. The structural work is also minimal, reducing the cost further. This can be put to very good use .

www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za 11Jul - Aug 2022 staircase with an upstairs VIP viewing deck. developmentsnegotiationsboxessolution.high-constructionintopremanufacturehigh-techframeWFlexiPtime.facilitymanyaffordableAirBnbhomesMicropodsmobileindustries.specicallyWhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZ9QvsnhRYAehavesuppliedmultipleunitsthroughoutAfrica,fortheeventingandretailThisincludesrooftopbarsandloungesandset-upsacrossKenya.andHousingWolfpackhasdesignedarangeofmodularcontainerandadditions.Mostcommonusageincludeshousingforhomeowners,staffaccommodation,holidayhomes,pools,kidsplayroomsandmoreapplications.Theseunitsarebuiltinourandaresenttosite,resultinginminimalon-siteakolfpackhasdesignedanddevelopedamodularsteelsolution,referredtoas“FlexiPak”.FlexiPakisaconstructionmethodthatallowsustotheunitsinourfacility,atpacktheunitscontainersanddelivertosite.Thistypeofoffersamoreexible,moderndesignwithqualitynishesandafastandefcient,turnkeyFlexiPakunitsisanewsystem,howeverwearerecevingalotofinterestforexports,duetoatpackingtheandreducingourlogisticalcosts.WearecurrentlyinforexportingthesemodulesforlargeinSweden,BotswanaandKenya.

Benets of Container and FlexiPak:

Ease/speed of Construction : Building a housing structure (microhome) out of a shipping container takes roughly 6-8 weeks in comparison to brick and mortar structure which takes around 6-8 months to make. Most structures can be assembled within a few days, if all the pieces have been cut off site which is in equivalence to prefabricated

MultipleContainerscontainers can be stacked together to create large space. They can be stacked alongside each other, or ontop to create multi-storey spaces.

Green Building : Containers are eco-friendly, as they are repurposed into homes instead of being melted down. A large amount of cargo containers are discarded in ports across the globe because of one way shipments. Using containers also prevents the use of bricks and cement.

Offstructures.SiteConstruction : Container homes can be built off site and then delivered to your land ready to move in. They travel easily on typical trucks, ships, and trains. Sometimes a plot of land isn't suitable to build on. In this case, one can get the shipping container home made at a local workshop and then the nished product can be delivered to the plot of land.

Relocatable: They can be relocated (including their foundations), so they can be moved from season to season, turning from sh camp to surf shack.

· Supports KIT issue & backushing E-Max MRP produces reports including WIP, Job Costing, Shortages and Time & Performance analysis.

· Alerts raised if any element of the project doesn't meet its dates required

· Add ad hoc material requirements as necessary

Benets of E-Max MRP Improve your customer service: By bringing all the data together into the MRP system, production schedules can be accurately planned. This allows manufacturers to meet their promised delivery schedules and shortens their delivery lead times = increased customer Rsatisfaction.educeinventory costs With MRP you can plan and schedule production operations without buying in excessive inventory – in line with Just-In-Time manufacturing principles. You know exactly what you need and when you'll need it so won't overcommit on inventory. This brings huge

· Dates materials required are automatically calculated based on the production schedule


· Shop Floor Data Collection module enables recording of labour costs in real time

· Produces customisable job cards with bar codes


· Generates requirements for sub-assemblies & purchased items from the Bill of Materials

E-Max ERP is a functionality rich enterprise resource planning system (ERP) that has at its core a sophisticated manufacturing resource planning system (MRP). Our MRP (or production control) system has been designed specically for engineering and manufacturing businesses. By using E-Max to plan operations, control inventory and organise logistics, businesses can reduce costs and optimise their processes, becoming more competitive and protable. Our MRP system lets you reduce waste, lower your costs and gives you better-than-ever decision making. You can also quickly and simply identify problem areas, ie lack of material or capacity. Easily congure the system to view what needs done to meet your production requirements on time. E-Max's MRP gives you exibility and visibility like never before and is designed to meet the sophisticated needs of modern machine shops yet maintain the essential simplicity required by fabricators. E-Max's fully functional MRP system:


· Creates works orders for multiple requirements in a single click

· Auto generates production receipts and material issues to minimise manual errors Scheduling of last start date & time calculated using factory calculators Integrated quality functionality ie nonconformances, test certicates, etc Finite scheduler module schedules operations and machines to optimise throughput Works orders record all associated costs including labour, materials, expenses and overheads

· Production operations & tasks created from multiple item routes

· Full serial number and batch traceability that can be dened pre or post production

12 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za Jul - Aug 2022



Improve operating efciency By assigning operating priorities and capacity to load production systems, production processes can be optimised. There's less downtime of personnel and equipment and, as it's clear exactly when a job will be completed, the logistics of getting them to the end customer are Manufacturerseasierknow that planning and scheduling are vital to ensure their products reach their customers on time. Automating the production process with MRP software achieves this and creates higher levels of productivity within a company With an MRP system you have the answers to important customer questions like “how much will it cost” and “when can we have it”? Accurate responses enhance your reputation as a reliable supplier and keep customers coming back. We've seen our customers achieve great results and growth after implementing EMax's MRP To nd out more about E-Max's software, call us on (+44) 0141 644 4424, email info@emax systems.co.uk or visit emax systems.co.uk. Free, no obligation demos of our system are also available.

www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za 13Jul - Aug 2022


advantages – you'll improve your cash ow, remain liquid and can even make your money work harder by diverting it into other areas such as a new production line, machinery, training or marketing campaigns. And by holding less stock, you'll save on storage space.

The Body Worn Cameras has been named as a nalist in the Safety and Health Excellence Awards (SHE). The WCCTV Body Worn Camera has previously been awarded 3 ASIS Accolades (Security's Best, Judge's Choice, People's Choice), a SIA New Product Showcase Award for Best HD Surveillance Camera and was a nalist for CCTV Camera Equipment of the Year at the IFSEC Security and Fire Awards.TheWCCTV 4G HD Speed Dome Camera is a day to night camera with 360° movement, offering the best view and capturing of events. The camera has no blind spots and is used for middle to large scale surveillance areas. The low streaming bandwidth allows high-quality live video with no delay. The Speed Dome Camera is mainly useful in terms of safety, but it has other uses as well. Trafc disruption patterns and antisocial behaviour reduction are two ways in which the Speed Dome Camera is necessary for maintaining a safe and secure environment. Receive email alarms and notications of possible interferences or trafc sent directly to you. The Speed Dome Camera is an essential safety must have with a complete, lightweight integrated unit. The portable and rapidly deployable dome is perfect to move anywhere, inside or outside, because it has a 2MP day/night camera.

There are multiple benets to implementing a Redeployable CCTV programme. With reduced set-up costs and ease of installation through to scalability and future-proong, WCCTV's clients across both the public and private sectors have benetted from integrating Redeployable CCTV into their monitoring strategy

WCCTV's continuous product development and customer focused approach has lead to ongoing improvements in its redeployable CCTV systems. WCCTV prides itself on providing unrivalled customer support and focuses on continual technical product development to meet its customers changing requirements.

Benets and uses of redeployable devices –Body Worn Camera, Speed Dome and Site Tower

The WCCTV Site Tower is specically designed to provide all-in-one site surveillance for temporary sites such as construction, demolition and highways infrastructure projects. The Site Tower is a rapid-deployment CCTV system which means that it can be fully operational in minutes. The exible power methods make it suitable for deployment even in the most remote location because it doesn't require any supporting infrastructure. The Site Tower is ideal for any temporary, mobile or semipermanent applications and it can be installed and moved for short to long-term purposes, making it a very convenient health and safety measure. The Site Tower is used for health and safety, which will control any losses on site, by providing surveillance.

14 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za Jul - Aug 2022

The simple yet functional design of the WCCTV Body Worn Camera lends itself to ease of use, with a simple one button record mechanism. The award-winning Body Worn Camera's video solutions are fully scalable, making them suitable for the largest complex law enforcement deployments down to single-use cameras. It offers live transmission of video, audio, real-time alerts and GPS information via 4G/3G and Wi-Fi connectivity. It enables an operator to connect to the Body Worn Camera in the eld, view the live video, communicate with the wearer and understand their position via GPS. Alternatively, the wearer can send an alert back to the control room.

www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za 15Jul - Aug 2022

o Maintenance Operations · Roboticso Collaborative Robots o Automated guided vehicles · Big Data · Internet of things Being

· Manufacturing

Proudly marking more than two decades of innovation and growth, S4 attributes its success to its unwavering focus on its core deliverables: The provision of high-quality systems, solutions, software and Support to its clients. This, along with an experienced, highly skilled workforce, state of-the-art technologies and innovative products, has cemented S4's reputation as a provider of quality integrated, end-to end solutions for clients in the Automotive and other automated production industries. S4's competencies range from simple stand-alone installations to the manufacture of complex turnkey production line systems, special purpose machinery and custom software development for a diverse range of Inapplications.orderensure long-term customer satisfaction S4 places emphasis to aligning itself with its customers' needs and expectations. With comprehensive experience gained both locally and abroad, S4 continually endeavours to provide cost-effective solutions uniquely tailored to its clients' Asneeds.animplementer of Industry 4.0 S4 continuously searches and invest in proven disruptive and cutting edge technologies. These technologies includes: Execution System Operations Operations a has a diverse range of

Software o Production

expertise and capabilities that includes: Electrical DesignMechanical Design Electrical WIPVisionTPLCMechanicalElectricalMechanicalmanufactureManufactureInstallationInstallationandRoboticProgrammingurnkeyAutomationSystemsSoftwareDevelopmentTrackingEndOff-LineTestingEquipmentProduction Information FillingSystemsEquipment Industrial Touch panel PC'sError Proong Systems S4 Proudly marking more than two decades of innovation and growth Automated Bead Seater

turnkey system integrator S4

o Inventory Operations o Quality

Powder King® 16 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za Jul - Aug 2022

The Powder King® line of Pulverizing systems have been proven to be the workhorse of the Plastics Industry throughout the world. Powder King® has always been a company that looks forward to the future and also listens to their customers. “The only way to be the best is to listen and gather great ideas from your employees, a customer, or your piers within the industry. We need to constantly be aware of any opportunity to learn something new and improve or services,” says Hummel. Powder King® has and will always be on the forefront of the Pulverizing Industry. The future for Powder King® will continue to be innovative and remain a wise investment to their Thecustomers.pulverizers are manufactured in Anthem, AZ, in a modern, well equipped facility with many contemporary tooling centers, support equipment and disk sharpening machines. We are sure you recognize how important it is to have the in-house capability to quickly produce replacement parts should it become necessary Additional service and technical expertise is provided by skilled professionals that are very well versed in all aspects of the pulverizing technology For more information, please contact Jim Hummel at sales@powder-king.com or visit our website at www.powder-king.com

Powder King®, founded in 2003 by respected industry professional Jim Hummel, has provided over 40 years of fabricating services, including manufacturing and corporate services. Powder King® has been producing our unique design of Single and Dual Mill Pulverizers for over 15 years. In that short period of time they have rmly taken the lead in the design and capability of Pulverizing Machinery. With machines installed and producing consistent product worldwide, Powder King's reputation for quality and dependability has grown as fast as our customer base. Powder King® has been at the forefront of machine design, now with 4 generations of our pulverizing system designs we have the ultimate pulverizing system for all our customer requirements. Our last design change, our Velocity Series® is a game changer in this industry and looks as if the future is very promising for those numbers to substantially increase.

www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za 17Jul - Aug 2022 Stone Value Chemicals is a South African importer and distributor of chemicals based in Johannesburg. Our Company is on its way to becoming a leading supplier and distributor on the African Continent. Our key products include Base Chemicals (caustic soda), Mining Chemicals (acids and solvents), Water Treatment Chemicals, and Paint Chemicals. Stone Value Chemicals brings to the Mining and Minerals Industry a broadline of chemical products as well as alliances with both local and internationally known suppliers. We are well positioned to provide customers with a diverse array of quality products and services at competitive prices. We serve the Mining Industry across Africa with chemical and related products for use in all stages of mining and processing. Our product portfolio includes an extensive line of chemicals for use in different applications throughout various mining operations such as Leaching, Flotation, Solvent Extraction, Precipitation, Electrolysis, Water Treatment. Our key Mining Chemicals are: · Acids (Sulphuric, Hydrouoric, Perchloric, Nitric & Hydochloric Acid) · Caustic Soda Flakes (developing compact movable plant to convert akes to lye) · Diluents ( for Copper Solvent Extraction with high ashpoint & <20% aromatic content) · Flotation Agents (Sodium Isobutyl Xanthate, Frothers) Contact Details: Dr Noel Machingawuta Stone Value Chemicals (Pty) Ltd 61 Katherine Street, Sandton, Johannesburg 2196 Tel: 010 300 6055 Email: noel@stonevalue.co.za Website: www.stonevaluechemicals.co.za Stone Value Chemicals Kvtester Electronics Technology Co.,Ltd Addrwww.kvtester.comess:No.120,Guanggu Road, East Lake New High-tech Development Zone, Wuhan, China Email: na@k tester.com Tel :0086-27-81778799 Fax: Mobile0086-27-81778799:0086-1363862 1649 Skype: whndzc2016@outlook.com Whatsapp: 0086-136 3862 1649 Circuit Breaker Analyzer ZC-300B circuit breaker analyzer can be used to test and measure the mechanical characteristc parameters of high voltage switch ( such as vacuum, six fluoride, less oil, oil and other power systems. The measurement data is stable, strong an-i terference ability, can be in the 500KV level and below the power stat on to do experiments, wiring is convenient, simple operaton, is the most convenient tool for high-voltage switch maintenance test. info@stonevalue.co.za www.stonevalue.co.za

David Kennedy said: “Water put under pressure by a thumb under a tap can cause permanent eye damage. When you consider ultra-high-pressure water jeng reaches 43,500psi (pounds per square inch) or 3,000bar, the hazards are stark.”

Commercial and industrial water jeng needs a combinaon of good systems and processes, high skill levels and the right protecve clothing to be carried out safely and effecvely at all mes.

Risk and quality management vital to water jetting business success – Water Jetting Association

David Kennedy, Director of the Water Jeng Associaon, argues that the benefits water jeng brings to these industries can only be maximised if contractors and their operaves have the skills and awareness to manage the substanal risks associated with the Theprocess.WaterJeng Associaon (WJA) is based in the United Kingdom and is a leading internaonal member organisaon that supports the interests of water jeng contractors, equipment manufacturers and Itshirers.aim is to connuously improve both the technical standards and the safety of all forms of water jeng, including highpressure water jeng and ultra-highpressure water jeng, whether hand-held or roboc.Thesestandards are enshrined in two

18 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za Jul - Aug 2022

Water jeng is proving to be increasingly useful for many industrial tasks – from cleaning machinery in the manufacturing and mining sectors through to materials cung and hydrodemolion. It is used extensively in petrochemical processing and food producon for pipe and tank washdowns and in the marine sector for surface de-fouling.

internaonally-recognised Codes of Pracce, developed by the WJA, designed to set a benchmark for operaonal excellence and risk control.

There is also a range of further one-day praccal courses with topics that include Pressure Washing, Tube and Pipe Cleaning, Hydrodemolion, Surface Preparaon, and Drain and Sewer Cleaning. All delegates must pass a wrien assessment. Those that do are eligible to be registered on the WJA's internaonal operator database, receiving a cerficate of competence and a photo ID card.

“In most markets, there is no control on the purchase of water jeng equipment,” said Kennedy. “However, it can cause death and catastrophic injury if put in the hands of operaves who have not been properly “trained.At5,000psi, water leaves the end of a drainage jeng hose at 550 miles per hour. Entry wounds for water jet injuries can be very small, but the internal damage caused can be vast.”

Key players in manufacturing and mining, guided by global operaonal standard and risk management policies, usually require in-house teams and contractors to undergo water jeng training.

Increasingly, they value the addional assurance of having that training backed by a recognised qualificaon that shows the instrucon can be benchmarked against internaonal standards.

The best water jeng training also helped introduce behaviours and skills that improve workplace communicaon, team working, and decision-making that leads to increased producvity, beer problem solving, and higher levels of end-use customer Thesesasfacon.benefits are embedded in courses developed by the WJA. The modules are accredited by City & Guilds of London Instute, one of the most highly-respected business learning organisaons in the UK. And delivered by WJA-registered training providers and approved instructors. They include a one-day class-based Safety Awareness course, which introduces delegates to the principles of water jeng, types of water jeng equipment, key safety issues, and safety techniques.

“In markets where the use of water jeng is growing rapidly, this is parcularly important. End-use clients in safety-crical industries value the assurance of working with contractors that set high water jeng infwwwstandards.”waterjeng.org.uko@waterjeng.co.uk

Which is why we are always interested to hear from organisaons who want to join or work with us and advance the interests of water jeng standards.

www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za 19Jul - Aug 2022 Medi Response

David Kennedy said: “There is never room for complacency when it comes to the applicaon of water jeng in all its forms.

Existing solutions of bulk material ow are usually air blasters or cannons and Cardox. An air cannon consists of a fast-acting normally-closed valve and a pressure tank. The tank may be of various capacities and is lled with air

20 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za Jul - Aug 2022

less efcient. For hard buildups like in high-temperature facilities, air cannons slightly reduce the rate of buildup formation but are very inefcient to clean them or maintain the surface clean.

compressed up to 100 PSI (7 bar). The cannon releases the compressed air from the pressure tank into a storage or process vessel and this discharge is supposed to break down accumulations and blockages.

In many cases, the maximum pressure amplitude of 100 psi of traditional air blasters is not sufcient to do the job effectively. To overcome the disadvantage of low power discharges, plants usually install a great number of cannons. Since bulk material has usually cracks and holes, a part of the air released by the cannon immediately escapes over the paths of the least resistance, causing immediate pressure drop and making the process even

Limitation of existing solutions

A unique, innovative concept for the ultimate solution of material ow problems

Cardox is a method of converting liquid carbon dioxide into gas inside the tube containing at one end a bursting disc. Gas rapidly expanding in the tube breaks the disc and creates a blast outside the tube. The method is used mostly to clean hard buildups in high-temperature facilities and creates only a single blast per charge. The method is inconvenient and expensive while has a potential to damage the refractory

Flow Industries' Silo-Flow system employ a technology using a new, proven concept of cyclical sudden, highpressure air discharges (up to 3000 PSI or 200 bars) for eliminating blockages and accumulations in all types of silos, hoppers, bins and bunkers at cement, chemical and steel plants as well as at power stations.


Silo-Flow™ Device working principle. The SFD working principle is based on a ofunique innovative concept continuous ring of blasts triggered by the incoming high-pressure gas. Pressure of the gas owing into the device governs the ring power. The higher the gas pressure, the stronger the ring pulse. In general, the SFD consists of two chambers separated by a piston. When air is fed into the device, the inlet chamber is lled more quickly and has a higher pressure than the pressurized chamber. This keeps the piston in a closed (charged) position (See Figure 2A). As gas continues to ll the SFD, the pressure in the pressurized chamber increases and becomes close to that of the Inlet chamber. Because of the different piston surfaces exposed to the chambers, the piston is eventually forced towards the inlet chamber and opens the discharge ports releasing the energized compressed air stored in the pressurized chamber (See Figure 2B). This burst of air is directed into the storage or process vessel through release tunnels alongside the SFD body. When the compressed air reaches the vessel and atmospheric pressure inside, the sudden jump in pressure inside the vessel creates an instant shock wave and a strong turbulent air ow throughout the material inside.

After several trials with various mixtures of synthetic and natural gypsum, they moved to 100% synthetic gypsum.

Silo-Flow eliminates y ash and coal blockage in power plant hoppers. Ashkelon power station in Israel, like many other plants, experienced severe ow problems with their y ash and coal hoppers. These problems affected process efciency, raised maintenance expenses, and caused costly process interruptions. Air cannons (several per hopper) couldn't solve the problem. The plant searched for an efcient and safe method to prevent such problems, and chose Silo-Flow system.

The plant installed one Silo-Flow device per hopper and that was enough to solve completely the plant material ow problems. gypsum and paid back the investment in less than a year

Silo-Flow replacing natural gypsum with synthetic Thegypsumavailability and low cost of synthetic gypsum (a byproduct of power plant activity) has enabled cement producers to reduce the demand for mined (natural) gypsum. But synthetic gypsum is a cohesive material and has much more problematic properties than natural gypsum, causing severe ow and operational problems industrywide, regardless of the gypsum bin design or cover These signicantly impactow problems productivity, to the extent that cement manufacturers avoid replacing natural gypsum with synthetic.

Silo-Flow™ patented technology has been developed and marketed worldwide by Flow Industries Ltd. Silo-Flow™ devices (SFDs) are pneumatic devices for sudden multi-pulse release of air compressed at up to 3000 psi (200 bar) into the plant storage or process vessel to meet unique application requirements.


SystemSilo-Flow™Configuration Control Panel High-pressureAirTanks High-pressurecompressor www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za 21Jul - Aug 2022

Operation. Silo-Flow™ system consists of SFD, a control panel (CP), one or two standard high-pressure tanks and a dedicated high-pressure compressor (Figure 1). The compressor supplies air to the high-pressure tanks, which are connected to the SFD by a high-pressure tubing through a normally closed CP valve, so that in the standby mode the SFD is not under pressure. The SFD is attached to the vessel wall by a mounting socket enabling insertion of the SFD nozzle into the vessel. The system can be activated from the control room by a standalone timer or manually by opening the CP valve and allowing the compressed air from the cylinders to ow freely into the SFD. As soon as compressed air reaches the SFD, it continuously creates powerful air pulses (blasts) with the frequency of one pulse per three or four seconds as long as the air supply is activated. Each such pulse results in a shock wave followed by a high velocity air stream. The shock wave and air stream inside the plant vessel dislodge any blockage or build-ups inside. The SFD is programmed to 're' at predetermined intervals, depending on the application. In addition, air pressure is fully controlled from as low as 300 psi (20 bar) to 3000 psi (200 bar).

Like many other cement plants, the Lehigh plant in Alabama tried to replace natural gypsum with synthetic, but experienced severe problems with the ow of synthetic gypsum in its feeder bins although there was no problem with natural gypsum ow. Despite the installed air cannons (several per bin), the gypsum bins would severely clog with the synthetic gypsum, so the plant continued using the more expensive natural material. The plant engineers were frustrated with the continued inability to use to the synthetic gypsum. When they heard that Silo-Flow technology assured continuous and stable material ow, they decided to try it at the plant.

The plant had the device re for 25 seconds (5 'shots') every 20 min at about half its maximum power (1500 psi).

The SFD maintained continuous material ow of 100% synthetic gypsum at all times. The plant achieved huge savings with the move to 100% synthetic gypsum and paid back the investment in less than a year

A unique, innovative concept for the ultimate solution of material ow problems Silo-Flow™Device

Fast and accurate automatic pressure testing and documentation of critical regulatory and compliance calibrations 22 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za Jul - Aug 2022

Documented calibration results can be uploaded to the included DPCTrack2™ Calibration Management Software, to easily manage instrumentation, create schedule tests and reports, and organise calibration data. For more information on the Fluke 729 Automatic Pressure Calibrator, contact Comtest, local distributor of Fluke test and measurement tools, or for upcoming seminars, demos or to locate the nearest dealer, contact COMTEST on 010 595 1821 or sales@comtest.co.za

Easy calibration documentation using dened templates for transmitters and switches. Input the starting and ending test pressures and number of test points and the calibrator documents the applied pressure, measured mA, and percentage error for each test point. The bright color graphical display ags out of tolerance test results in HARTred. communication enabling mA output trim, trim to applied values, and pressure zero trimming of HART pressure transmitters. Technicians can also perform light conguration tasks such as changing a transmitter tag, measurement units, and ranging Measurement of mA signals on transmitter outputs and sourcing and simulation of mA signals for testing I/Ps and other mA loop devices. It includes a 24V loop power supply for testing and powering transmitters in standalone tests disconnected from the control system. As part of the Fluke Connect® reliability platform, the 729 allows technicians to remotely monitor calibrations using the Fluke Connect mobile app as well as manage, store, and share pressure measurements and logging events.

Fluke 729 features:

Withrequirements.therugged, portable 729, technicians simply input a target pressure and the calibrator automatically pumps to the desired set-point while the internal ne adjustment control stabilizes the pressure at the requested value, delivering more accurate results and speeding the calibration process.

Pressure instrument calibration is a signicant part of the maintenance workload in process plants that requires a high level of accuracy and repeatability. Comtest is offering the latest Fluke 729 Automatic Pressure Calibrator - simplifying the calibration process by automating pumping to the precise test pressure, improving calibration integrity by compensating for minor leaks, and automatically documenting the pressure calibration process to meet compliance and regulatory

Automatic pressure generation and control for multiple tests to 300 psi, (20 bar, 2 MPa). Fill in a test template and the 729 automatically pumps to and documents a multiple-point pressure calibration test.

Calibrator generates accurate pressure for single or multiple tests and automates the calibration process

Mistake 3: Making it difcult and time consuming for employees to recycle We are all human. Nobody likes to walk too far to throw something away

Your ofce has collected all this paper but doesn't know what to do with it. How to correct these mistakes:

Educate and empower:

· Appoint a recycling champion to manage the programme.

Some paper-based items should not be recycled due to contamination and elements like waxes, foils and glues: dirty paper plates, cigarette butts, tissues, toilet paper, paper towel, sticky notes, carbon paper, as well as foillined, wax coated and laminated paper

South Africa's paper recovery rate is well above the global average at 68.4% of recoverable paper. This means that 1.4 million tonnes of paper and paper packaging was diverted from landll in 2016, with a majority of this being paper packaging. This would cover 254 soccer elds.

· For every paper only bin, there should be a general bin alongside it.

Mistake 1: Putting non-recyclable paper products into the recycling bin

reduces waste going to landll, provides raw material for new products and sustains jobs - in the formal sector, for small enterprises and waste pickers.

· Educate employees and cleaning teams around what is recyclable and what is not.

Keep it separate:

· Set-up a two-bin system – receptacles for paper only and bins for food, liquid and non-recyclable waste.

·Use printable material available on www.recyclepaper.co.za

· Ensure that each desk has a paper only bin.

However, it is estimated that less than 10% of businesses recycle their used paper and cardboard. “This represent a signicant opportunity for business, commercial ofce parks and retail outlets to make a difference by not only recycling but setting up systems and infrastructure to make it happen,” says Ursula Henneberry, operations director for the Paper Recycling Association of South Africa R(PRASA).ecycling

Mistake 4: Not knowing what to do with your recyclables

· Install paper only bins in key locations: printing/copying stations, meeting and break rooms, kitchen areas and reception.

· Assign a sheltered area to keep recycled paper clean and dry

· Support a local school or charity's recycling fundraising

· Partner with a collection agent – a big company, a smaller business or an informal collector


Businesses can make a difference through correct separation-at-source

An Australian study showed that paper recycling rose from 28% with one bin per ofce to 94% when paper trays were located on desks. Make it easier:


23Jul - Aug 2022

Mistake 2: Putting wet waste into the recycling bin Wet waste – food, tea bags, cigarette butts and soiled take-away containers – contaminates the paper and reduces its value. Paper also starts to degrade once wet.

Henneberry outlines four common recycling blunders with helpful tips to make sure that paper and board remain in a clean and dry condition for effective reprocessing

Four common recycling mistakes in an ofce environment

The operational principle of the blanketing valve is simple; a blanket of inert gas in the tank's vapour space prevents atmospheric air from entering the tank. “Inert gas is admitted only during the inbreathing cycles (vacuum cycles). An inbreathing cycle occurs when liquid is being withdrawn from a tank or when vapours condense in the tank as a result of a decrease in temperature,” explains Sekwadi. “The amount of inert gas required for a specic application is dependent on the maximum inbreathing demand and the maximum emptying rate.”

Nitrogen is the most commonly used gas for blanketing, because, as Sekwadi explains, it is inert, widely available and relatively low-priced. “Other gases such as carbon dioxide or argon are also used on occasions. However, carbon dioxide is more reactive and argon is generally more expensive. The selection of an inert gas for a particular process is based on several properties, including ammability, non-contamination, chemically inactive, non-toxic, availability of large quantities of use and cost effectiveness,” says Sekwadi.

The storage of ammable liquids carries with it the need to put in place re protection mechanisms. Tank blanketing is deemed one of the best and effective ways of preventing res in ammable liquid storage tanks by means of controlling the formation of explosive vapour or air mixtures above the liquid surface. The threat of res in ammable liquid storage tanks is not far-fetched. Fires can occur at any time for many reasons. Therefore, it is vital to safeguard both human life and material assets from the destructive effects of res. Tank blanketing valves provide an effective means of preventing and controlling explosions in ammable liquid storage Lavendatanks.Sekwadi, Process Engineer at Energas Technologies, explains that blanketing can reduce evaporation of the stored product and protects the tank from structural corrosion damage caused by air and moisture. He adds that contaminants that may enter the vapour space to cause product degradation are prevented.

“When vapour space pressure increases, the valve reseals. The pressure/vacuum relief vent is sized to take care of overpressure and vacuum conditions when nitrogen blanketing valve is out of service,” he explains, adding that the pressure/vacuum relief vent is sized to take care of overpressure and vacuum conditions when tank blanketing valve is out of service. The pressure setting of the vent is set slightly higher than the blanketing valve setting but below the maximum pressure the tank can withstand. Similarly, the vacuum setting is set higher than the normal operating vacuum but below the maximum vacuum pressure the tank can Sincewithstand.thefailure of an inert gas poses the danger of a re, a

24 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za Jul - Aug 2022

Tank blanketing effectively prevents res in ammable liquid storage tanks

How it works Typically, a blanketing valve is mounted on top of a storage tank along with a pressure/vacuum vent and an emergency pressure relief vent. The blanketing valve provides primary vacuum relief for the tank. It opens and supplies gas to the vapour space when pressure decreases to the valve's set point.

“It is a control practice that is widely used in the chemical, pharmaceutical, food processing and petroleum rening industries due to its potential to improve safety,” explains UnderstandingSekwadi. tank blanketing

Energas Technologies is a member of Southern African Gas Association NPC, 26% black owned and recently obtained its ISO 9001 accreditation.

In conclusion, Sekwadi advises that safety systems, especially as far as prevention of res in ammable liquid storage tanks, are of paramount signicance, and it is always advisable to source products of this nature from reputable suppliers such as Energas Technologies.

About Energas Technologies: Energas Technologies has been a leading supplier of highend and specialised equipment to the oil and gas industries in Southern Africa since 2001 and is the distributor for Protectoseal in South Africa.

Preferred supplier Tank blanketing has always been a staple in Energas Technologies' range of safety products. The leading supplier of high-end and specialised equipment to the oil and gas industries in Southern Africa has stocked Protectoseal's range of blanketing valves for the past 12 “years.There are two types of blanketing valves depending on the actual process requirements: 1” Pilot operated (for high ow rate applications) and 0.5” spring operated (for low ow applications) blanketing valves. Energas Technologies can assist with sizing calculations to determine the most suitable solution for the application,” says Sekwadi.

The company's core focus is to support and supply equipment to the natural gas industry and its products nd application from the gas well, through the distribution network right up until the end user. Applications include, next to the Mokveld axial valves, pressure reduction and metering stations, pipeline ball valves, HDPE pipes and ttings, pig launching and receiving stations to domestic metering and regulating units. Energas can provide complete skid-mounted high pressure reduction and metering stations with gas-red or electric heaters.

Energas Technologies offers a range of new products from its supplier, HTT energy GmbH in Germany. Products include red heaters, indirect heating and cooling units from -80°C to 400 °C, and heat recovery products.

In 2016, Energas added Protectoseal's Series 10 2” Tank Blanketing Valve to its range, which provided capabilities that the existing Series 20 1” could not offer in larger ow applications. The Protectoseal Series 10 2” Tank Blanketing Valve boasts a host of key features and benets. The valve is specically designed for tank blanketing and its pilot-operated design offers a very tight operating band. It has the most compact design and fewest external connections of any other pilot-operated valve on the market. With uptime in mind, it is also eld Theserviceable.valveis available in a range of a materials. The metal parts are available in 316 stainless steel and the seals and gaskets are available in Buna-N, Neo prene, Viton®, EPDM, Chemraz® or Kalrez®.

Tank blanketing effectively prevents res in ammable liquid storage tanks

Energas Technologies contact: Laetitia Botha Tel: +27 (0)11 397 6809 Email: laetitia@energas.co.za Web: www.energas.co.za

www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za 25Jul - Aug 2022 ame arrester can be mounted upstream of the pressure/vacuum vent to prevent re propagation into the tank. An emergency pressure relief vent should be considered for the relief of excessive pressure in the case of re as per API 2000.

Energas' secondary focus is on liquid storage tank protection equipment, such as conservation vents, ame arresters and emergency vents. Its products, such as valves, lters, ange insulating kits and process heaters, also nd application in other industries, such as liquid pipelines, petrochemical and chemical industries.

Another microwave moisture measurement sensor is the

Since PCE is always keen on engaging in new developments and thus enhancing their customers' industrial efciency, they have recently added some equipment for inline microwave moisture measurement to their range of products. In the industrial sector, knowing the absolute moisture content of materials upon delivery of raw materials and during the different stages of the production process is essential and can save unnecessary costs to a high degree. Just determining the moisture content of the nished product is not sufcient to allow conclusions about the quality of a product. Therefore, PCE is now involved in inline moisture measurement which means that moisture measurement is taken during the production Allprocess.materials have a certain moisture content, which can be either free or bound moisture. Any material contains at least nuclear residual moisture. PCE Instruments has focussed on the measurement of bound moisture which is added or expelled during the production process of a

In contrast, the PCE-MWM 300 can be used for granules, pellets, wood chips, sawdust and lots of other wooden and non-wooden materials and has a measurement range of 0 ... 100 %. The PCE-MWM 400 can be used for many types of human and pet food, as well as for powders and biomass. Its case is made of a special anodised aluminum alloy. As the moisture measurement is independent of the colour and particle size of the material, the measurement accuracy is higher and the need for re calibration is lower, particularly in comparison with NIR measurement methods.

PCE's New Inline Microwave Moisture Sensors product, e. g. in hygroscopic materials, which is assessed in relation to the humidity of the given environment. This method of moisture measurement has become highly accurate with high repeatability and close process orientation and has an increasingly positive effect on

26 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za Jul - Aug 2022

Currentlydowntime.,PCE offers sensors for inline moisture measurement with an accuracy of up to 0.2 % and is aiming at even better accuracies when developing new instruments. Moreover, PCE concentrates on sophisticated and innovative designs and offers robust and low-maintenance moisture measurement systems for many different industries. The moisture content can be measured accurately in containers, silos and tanks as well as on conveyor belts and even in pipes. The collected data can be directly transferred to process control systems. It is even possible to directly intervene in ongoing processes by means of tele control systems. PCE can provide a complete moisture measurement solution adapted to your industry's individual requirements.

For instance, the PCE-A-315 can be used for grain, sesame, coffee beans and many more, similar products. This device measures the grain moisture continuously during mass ow (inline moisture measurement). Some of the benets of this sensor are its independence from the material density and its high reproducibility. Once calibrated, there is no need for re calibration and it is nearly free from natural drift.


meters/moistureinstruments.com/english/measuring-instruments/test-e-meter-kat_41793_1.htm PCE's New Inline Microwave Moisture Sensors

Another microwave moisture measurement sensor is the PCE-MWM 200

PCE also offers a microwave sludge consistency sensor called PCE-A-344W


For more information such as technical specications, data sheets, manuals and further pictures, please follow the link which directs you to PCE's company w e b s i t e : h t t p s : / / w w w p c

www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za- 2022 PCE-MWM 200 which is for oil, gasoline, diesel oil emulsions and other liquids, but also for sand and broken / crushed stone. This moisture analyser is designed for installation in tanks and can also be used in pipes with liquids of 145°C temperature. It is resistant to corrosion as the probes and the sensor case are made of stainless steel AISI 321 and also due to its special dielectric spacers.

PCE also offers a microwave sludge consistency sensor called PCE-A-344W which can be used for the moisture measurement of waste water, mud and similar materials. This sensor fulls the relevant technical requirements and environmental standards, improves the automation process, optimises the use of occulants, reduces the use of polymers as well as the energy consumption and makes a considerable number of laboratory tests redundant.

· 5 ns resolution over the entire measurement range

· External data storage on USB ash drive

High performing square wave transmitter

· High-resolution 8" graphic display, 16:9 format

Developeddatabase with the help of experienced material testing experts, the robust SONOSCREEN ST10 ultrasonic aw detector unites high spec performance with user orientation. A clearly-structured menu quickly guides the

Applications. Our aw detectors can be used for all conventional ultrasonic tests such as weld inspections, wall thickness measurements and the detection of discontinuities, which includes invisible cracks, inclusions, voids and other discontinuities in metals, plastics, ceramics and composites. Matching these two aw detectors we offer you a wide range of SONOSCAN standard as well as customised Let'sprobe.have a closer look to both of them: SONOSCREEN ST10 Advantages at a glance:

SONOTEC was founded in the beginning of 1991 by the physicists Dr. Santer zur Horst-Meyer and Hans Joachim Münch and has been owner-managed since then. With currently more than 165 employees, today we are a growing technology company established on the market as a provider of specic solutions using ultrasonic measurement technologies. One of our specialties is the development and production of gages for nondestructive ultrasonic testing Made in Germany. All our products are developed and produced in house – with SONOSCREEN ST10 and SONO FD-1 two extremely robust and reliable ultrasonic aw detectors had been developed.

· Great Performance and intuitive menu navigation

· Robust aluminum housing, IP66 certied

· 2 GB internal memory for storing up to 60.000 A-scans plus device conguration

Save time - Intuitive menu, fast test-setup and editable


Ultrasonic detectors made in Germany

28 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za Jul - Aug 2022


a software update. Thus, the ultrasonic



Features and evaluation methods

Designed for rough applications, the ultrasonic aw detector stands rm to extreme temperatures between20 to 60 °C, with the large, high-resolution 8" graphic display showing all measurement results at a glance. And the robust aluminum IP66 certied housing makes SONOSCREEN ST10 an ideal aw detector in harsh Inenvironments.additionthe SONOSCREEN ST10 is equipped with the following features and evaluation methods: Congurable display with up to 10 measurement values Display of a measurement range up to 10 m in one A-scan Editable database for materials, probes and setups 400 V powerful square wave transmitter for high material penetration 5 ns resolution over the entire measurement range (equivalent to 0.03 mm in 10 m steel) GB internal memory for storing up to 60 000 A-scans plus device conguration Evaluation methods Optional DAC/TCG, DGS (AVG) and AWS D1.1 DGS curves for single element probes and sender/receiver probes DAC evaluation with TCG Single point modication of

two modes of operation. In

The SONOWALL 70 allows addition to the numerous possible it also be expanded to a detector means of measuring


· 2

uses as a wall thickness gage,



www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za 29Jul - Aug 2022 tester step by step through the test set-up. This helps to increase testing reliability and to save valuable testing time. By turning and pressing the rotary knobs, you can browse quickly through the menu. The complete menu tree is displayed in full text and the selected menu path is highlighted in red. All parameters needing conguration are arranged logically one after the other. This ensures that all relevant parameters are set before testing begins. A useful database also helps to shorten the preparation time: the database already contains all SONOSCAN probes. Other probes are easy to add. The provided probe settings overview enables quick verication of the entered data. Selected calibration blocks are also stored to enable rapid distance calibration. Device setup, probe and material databases can be stored on a USB ash drive and transferred to other SONOSCREEN units.





DAC curve · Up to 4 additional freely-positionable curves can be displayed for DGS and DAC (in 0.5 dB steps) · Amplitude evaluation according to AWS D1.1 Comparison and envelope curve function SONOWALL Advantages70at a glance: Corrosion module incl. grid - no manual sketches and data storage needed anymore SONO-ID - Intelligent probe recognition including saved setups990glightweight, carrying strap and ip screen for comfortable use Upgrade to aw detector Upgrade to aw detector


device is also suitable for checking weld seams and detects invisible cracks, inclusions, discontinuities, blowholes and other discontinuities in metals, plastics, ceramics and composite materials. For more information about SONOWALL 70 watch our videos on youTube: https://youtu.be/ToqAgmi-Teg Ultrasonic aw detectors made in Germany

Germany-based pipe and pump solutions provider Carl Hamm has embarked on an aggressive growth strategy which has seen it establish a South African subsidiary Carl Hamm Pipes Pumps Solutions (Pty) ltd business to focus on mining-related dewatering opportunities on the African continent using its proven ZSM coupling system. It offers a safe, quick and angeless installation solution which is ideally suited to managing acid mine drainage (AMD)

For more info visit: www.carl-hamm.co.za

Carl Hamm embarks on an aggressive growth strategy

The ZSM connection excels owing to its cost effectiveness, especially when used with high-performance submersible pumps where time saving assembly and disassembly deliver major impacts on heavy-duty pumping requirements. The uncomplicated disassembly of the pipe section guarantees shorter times (up to a third less time) when changing a pump which in an AMD application is critical. This is highly relevant to the South African environment when AMD generated from the enormous underground workings of historic gold mines requires intensive pipe and pumping activity to prevent millions of litres of water from decanting to surface every day The system is safe in that staff no longer have to enter the mine to work on equipment. All is controlled, installed and removed from surface.

30 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za Jul - Aug 2022

While Carl Hamm has not largely focused on the South African/African market over its 90 year history, Munnick recognised the potential its ZSM coupling system offered in heavy-duty, hanging AMD applications and oversaw its successful implementation in all three of the country's AMD treatment plants across the three Witwatersrand TheBasins.design and advantages of the ZSM coupling, noting that ZSM is a German acronym for 'Zo spoedig mogelijk', which in English simply translates to 'as quickly as possible'. “This is the core benet of our system, which is far quicker to install and maintain than the alternate ange pipe connection,” he highlights.

ZSM is an axial, non-positive and detachable tight sleeve pipe connection which is ideally suited to hanging pipe/pumping vertical shaft dewatering applications. The patent-protected tight sleeve connection is, according to the company, a “unique” alternative to other conventional connection systems thanks to its quick and easy assembly/disassembly, space saving design. The design is available from 50 nb to 1.4 m nb and can be installed in from surface over 1 400 m.

Basically, the combination of a spigot end, sleeve, O-rings and shearing elements enable pipes to be joined quickly, securely and are also electrically safe – unlike a ange which takes a signicant time to install and requires attention to detail to ensure accuracy

Outside of dewatering applications, the hanging pipe/pump system is perfectly suited to concrete batch pumping systems which are used for shaft sinking projects. Munnick explains that pumping concrete underground works optimally with a perfectly straight pipe system – which is exactly what ZSM delivers.

Ecozyme products are safer for the environment by not containing any EDTA, a substance which has been banned by the G.E.N. (Global Eco Label Network) and Ecocert. Our products are on the very cutting edge of global science and biotechnology ensuring the highest efcacy, best results and the lowest cost in use.

Ecozyme bio enzymes carry the coveted Eco Choice label from The Heritage Environmental Programme ensuring they have been locally tested and audited, guaranteeing their environmental safety and performance. These performance standards are set at the highest international levels by the G.E.N. Ecozyme places the absolute highest emphasis on ethical business, service delivery, client service, continued staff training, free and ongoing on-site problem solving, all as part of our regular client service. With a head ofce in Johannesburg, Ecozyme has a national footprint with representation and warehousing in Cape Town, Durban, and Port Elizabeth. Ecozyme manufacturing technology creates local jobs, assists with the country's trade decit, addresses key national priorities of socio economic improvement as well as sustainable environmental preservation. Thank you for affording us the opportunity to introduce Ecozyme. We look forward to demonstrating to your organization why we are the leading expert in our elds of expertise, and of being of continued assistance to you in the future.

EcoZyme Enzymes

Ecozyme values its actively growing distributor network by actively forging close, sincere and lasting relationships with distributors, manufacturers and resellers across all industries and sectors. Ecozyme is unique to manufacture world class bio enzyme enzyme and eco-friendly chemical products based on South African soil cultures. Ecozyme bio enzyme products have a massive home ground performance advantage allowing them to metabolize faster, reproduce quicker, degrade waste more efciently, and survive for longer By not importing raw materials we add real value by avoiding expensive exchange rates, increasing shipping costs while avoiding the huge carbon footprint of importing. How eco-friendly is a product really if it has to be shipped from the other side of the world? Now being environmentally friendly does not cost more.

Ecozyme was established in 2006 and has over 90 years collective experience in the bio enzyme, chemical, cleaning and hygiene industries. We manufacture world class bio enzyme and eco-friendly chemical products for the major blue chip companies per key sector in South Africa, as well as for international export. Ecozyme products are widely used in the following sectors: cleaning, hygiene, property, hotel, lodge, facilities management, hospitality, laundry, environmental remediation, sewer and wastewater plants, mining, soil stabilization, road construction, dust suppression, food processing, restaurant, airport, chemical and more.

www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za 31Jul - Aug 2022

(Company Prole)

Ecozyme products have superior bacterial colony counts (CFU) often thousands of times higher than many imports ensuring much better performance. More bio enzymes also mean a more efcient and dilutable product. In practically all cases business and home owners save a huge amount on their monthly chemical spend when compared to traditional harsh chemicals.

Soluton Systems integrator Itec Digital deployed AgentVi’s real tme video analyycs sosware, integrated with IP cameras from Axis Communicatons, to meet Telkom’s needs.

Itec Digital deployed Agent Vi’s “People countng” rule as well as configuring automamc reports from Agent Vi’s “Advanced Countng Reports” tool, to aan the requested data.

32 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za Jul - Aug 2022

“The ability of Agent Vi’s solu n to dispatch reports to parrcular key players without human interven n is noteworthy. In an instant, the reports are sent to multple key decision makers from within the Marke g Department and Operaatns Department, and even to Store Managers” Project Manager, Telkom Challenge Telkom is South Africa’s largest integrated telecommunicatons company, providing integrated communicaaons solutons to both the business and consumer markets. Operaang in nine countries across Africa, and with South Africa making up 98.9% of Telkom’s total revenue, Telkom offers fixed line, mobile, ICT and data services and provides a wide range of products to meet their customers’ needs.

With over 400 stores serving their customers in South Africa, Telkom sought a people countng soluuon with a comprehensive reportng structure to analyze foooall trends across the stores. They required accurate data regarding the number of people entering the stores across different me periods vs. revenue generated, to shed light on customer behavior at the stores

At each Telkom site, 1 2 cameras (depending on whether there is 1 or 2 store entrances) from Axis Communicatons were installed and enabled with Agent Vi to undertake people countng. As people counnng draws the most accurate results when undertaken by cameras with a tlt angle (between lens posiion and ground) of 90 degrees, AXIS M3203 (fixed dome network) IP cameras were installed directly above the entrances / exits. The Agent Vi sofware component was embedded in the cameras.

The Marketng Department monitors campaigns that cost significant amounts of money and uses the counung data to analyze the conversion rato of such campaigns (by comparing trends of the instore traffic). Through such analysis, Telkom measures the effeccveness of their monetary investment in different campaigns.

Result Agent Vi’s people countng soluuon provides valuable data to Telkom South Africa regarding the number of customers in each store. Using Agent Vi’s advanced reportng tool, a daily foooall report is generated in each store, with presentaton of hourly statsscs. All the reports are sent to the Markekng Department at Telkom’s headquarters, and such data is imported into Telkom’s ERP system. These automatc reports supply management with important informaaon about customer numbers and trends, and are easily broken down for viewing per week, month, year and so on.

Agent Vi

Furthermore, the footall reports are sent to Store Managers for analysis, allowing them to determine whetherthere was a significant change in sales relaave to the amount of consumers that entered the store. The Operarons Department also reviews the reports regularly in order to gain a ber understanding of customer behavior and the flow of people into the Telkom stores and to make operatonal decisions based on these insights.

Ariel Frischoff, VP Sales EMEA & APAC at Agent Vi, commented that “The Telkom project presents an interessng case, since the customer was not interested in a standalone soluton for assessing people flow in a single store, but rather, sought a far reaching soluto n to serve this natonal retail chain with over 400 stores throughout South Africa. Agent Vi was asked to provide a soluton that enables data to be aggregated from all stores automaacally, and our Advanced Countng Reports tool delivers an efficient and effeccve solulon which is already operaeng at a few dozen sites and will be rolled out at all 400 Telkom sites over the next two years. Agent Vi’s open API allowed the data to be integrated into Telkom’s ERP soluton, enabling presentaaon of the exact output required by the Telkom team, in their natve system.”

Certfied systems integrator and member of Agent Vi’s Channel Partner Program, Itec Digital, specifically selected Agent Vi’s people countng soluuon for Telkom SA, cicng Agent Vi’s accuracy and ease of deployment, compared with competng products. “We needed a highly precise and efficient counong soluson to ensure genuine results, and we found this in Agent Vi’s people countng applicaaon. A minimal investment at each Telkom SA store offers valuable insight to the Telkom management team,” commented Johan Crause, Sales Director at Itec Digital.

“The ability of Agent Vi’s soluton to dispatch reports to parrcular key players without human interveveon is noteworthy. In an instant, the reports are sent to multple key decision makers from within the Markeeng Department and Operatons Department, and even to Store Managers,” commented the Project Manager at Telkom. Crause added that “Though there are many people countng products onthe market, the extended report functonality, and in partcular the ability to configure, generate and email automamc reports, disdnguishes Agent Vi’s people counter as one of the most promising pieces of analytcs sooware available today”

www.agentvi.com sales@agentvi.com www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za 33Jul - Aug 2022

About Agent Vi Agent Video Intelligence (Agent Vi™) is the leading global provider of open architecture, video analytcs soluuons. Agent Vi’s comprehensive video analytcs offering includes software products for on premise installatons as well as cloud based SaaS, with capabilites ranging from real tme video analysis and alerts to video search and business intelligence applicatons. The soluuons are fully integrated with a range of 3rd partycameras, encoders, video management systems and alarm automaton ssoware. For more informamon: www.agentvi.com

Convert, Connect and Extend Veracity offers a full range of IP transmission products designed for IP video. Having created the Ethernet over Coax (EoC) market with the launch of HIGHWIRE™ in 2006, a t-and-forget EoC adapter, the product range has grown to include POE over Coax HIGHWIRE Powerstar (no parallel power cables required for the cameras), HIGHWIRE Longstar (unrestricted 100BASE-T and POE over 1400m on RG11) and multi-channel options at both

34 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za Jul - Aug 2022

Veracity are a leading designer and manufacturer of innovative IP transmission products, long-term surveillance storage and an advanced, modular integration platform for Command and Control Centres. Beyond the camera and the cable, Veracity are the only manufacturer providing solutions in each of the common areas of security surveillance transmission, storage and display. Retail customers such as Bahrain Duty Free, Infomart and the Dublin Shopping Centre have all used veracity products in the upgrades and extensions. Other sectors with a wide adoption rate include City Centres, Transport, Utilities and Law Enforcement.

When greater distances exist between the IP device and the switch, Veracity's popular and reliable long-range wired Ethernet transceiver, LONGSPAN™, comes into its own. A point-to-point adapter, LONGSPAN comes with smart power and diagnostic displays, providing unrestricted 100BASE-T with POE Plus (802.3at) to 600 metres over Cat6. Veracity's transmission products feature a 5-year warranty and prove themselves cost-effective and highly efcient time and time again in the security, AV and IT network market. The full product range also includes small form format Master NTP time servers to synchronise networks, IP camera installation tools, and POE network switches. Veracity's IP products are sold throughout the world via integrators, distributors and partners and have a strong reputation for innovative design, high quality, reliability, and a very long lifecycle.

Digital Recording specically for video data COLDSTORE™ is an innovative solution for video surveillance storage which requires long term retention with the highest levels of reliability. The revolutionary sequential storage system increases the reliability and lifetime of disks by massively reducing temperature, vibration and wear. This, in turn, delivers a x10 disk reliability, offers a 90% power saving over equivalent-size RAID-based systems, dramatically reduces the use of air conditioning, extends the system life time and contributes greatly to a much lower total cost of ownership. COLDSTORE does all of this whilst providing all the storage security, system redundancy and performance required by this demanding market.Offeredas a 3U high, 180TB unit that uses only 60 watts,

Veracity:Convert,Connect and Extend the camera/device end of the cable and the base. Extending Ethernet beyond 100m with, or without, POE is simple to achieve using the Veracity range of OUTREACH™ network extenders. These can be used either internally with a simple pass-through connection which immediately doubles the cable distance, or externally using the same product but protected within an IP67-rated enclosure.

Convert, Connect and Extend

www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za- Aug 2022 COLDSTORE also forms part of the innovative TRINITY™ architecture which eliminates the need for Network Video Recorder (NVR) servers by allowing IP cameras to record directly to COLDSTORE. TRINITY is currently supported by open-platform cameras from Axis Communications and Hanwha Techwin. All COLDSTORE platforms also feature Embedded NVR functionality, eliminating the need for a separate NVR solution. Once again, the cost savings that www.zantow karien@zantow result from this innovation are compelling, in addition to a massive reduction in system complexity


For more information on Frames HIPS, visit www.frames group.com.

Over the past 35 years, Frames has developed highly reliable valve automation packages for four types of high integrity protection systems: HIPPS, High Integrity Temperature Protection Systems, High Integrity Level Protection Systems and HIPS Interlock Systems. It was an early adopter of a quality system to design, build, test and deliver protective systems that return a system to a safe state whilst keeping emissions to zero. The quality system,

Implementation is important too. To increase the reliability and minimize installation efforts (and errors) HIPS should be skid-mounted, providing a plug-and-play solution.” In 2017, Frames supplied two skid-mounted systems to a Mexican operator to protect the entire onshore facilities against over pressurization caused by high-pressure gas coming from an offshore pipeline. Similarly, during modication of a FPSO Turret System in Angola, a new water-alternating-gas injection line needed to be protected against the risk of overpressure. Using two compact valves and actuators, the Frames HIPPS system tted on to a 6” pipe with a footprint of only 2.2x1.2

36 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za Jul - Aug 2022

Valve Automation Systems –Reducing Risk

As oil, gas and petrochemical companies rise to the challenge of meeting the increasing demands of ever stricter environmental and health and safety regulations, valve automation systems, developed by Frames Group, are playing a key role in delivering the High Integrity Protection Systems (HIPS) needed. Poor environmental practices are being progressively phased out. Flaring, once common place, is no longer acceptable. More importantly, it no longer makes business sense. As HIPS technology has matured, installing a are stack is no longer cost-effective compared with a High Integrity Pressure Protection Systems (HIPPS). “With a highly reliable HIPPS, emissive protection systems are no longer required, and the design pressure rating of downstream systems may be greatly reduced, with signicant cost savings and operational benets,” says Thomas de Wolf, HIPS product specialist, Frames Group.

Where others have only a certicate to build the valve, Frames is able to integrate all the elements to offer a complete solution as well as providing full documentation. Importantly, with a Frames HIPPS there are no limitations on pressure.” Frames has supplied API 17C compliant HIPS for various assets all over the world. Early this year a package was delivered to a major end-user in Brazil to protect the tie-in of a new owline at lower pressure. This tie-in would have required an upgrade of the existing are system; a highly costly modication. The Frames HIPPS package gives >99.9% reliable protection against overpressure and effectively replaced the high cost relief system.

Withmeters.an outstanding track record of protecting assets worldwide, Frames has demonstrated the importance of manufacturer independence for the complete HIPS system from a true integrator with a clear focus: maximum safety, minimum cost, zero emission.

De Wolf again. “Frames HIPS is ideal for any out of the envelope system being brought back to a safe state – so can be applied to other areas, hence our four types of HIPS

established in accordance with IEC 61511, is the rst Functional Safety Management System certied by TÜV Rheinland; and covers procedures to design and build High Integrity Protection Systems up to and including Safety Integrity Level 3 (SIL3).

Thomas de Wolf points to the importance of being valve manufacturer independent as a major contributor to successful HIPS implementation. “Most HIPS suppliers are valve makers who have decided to offer HIPS based on their range of valves. Inevitably, this means that they only offer solutions based on this range. Frames, on the other hand, can offer the valve best suited to the application.

Temperature and humidity slow changes are compensated automatically by the board. Vegetation growing slowly on the fence does not interfere with the system either, so there is no need of regular or constant maintenance. Of course, it is good practice to trim vegetation when it becomes heavy and interferes with the exion of the fence.

Unlike traditional glass ber, plastic ber is very easy to handle, terminate and repair for everyone, because no skills or expensive tools are required. Putting a connector on the cable only requires a few seconds, and the reparation of a plastic ber cable can be carried out quickly and inexpensively by any installer everywhere.

Security solutions over plastic optical ber have been on the market for more than ten years and have proven very effective and easy to manage. This perimeter intrusion detection system is as reliable as all the other security solutions developed by Naria Security, which engineers and manufactures also anti-theft systems for copper wires, photovoltaic panels, farm and industrial equipment and wwwmachines..nariasecurity.it

Fence Intrusion Detection Systems

The analysing board is incredibly user friendly: it has a built-in power meter, which help the installer monitor if the plastic ber is being placed correctly or identify any problems. Once the ber has been installed and the sensitivity level set, no further calibration is needed.

There is a well-established, reliable technology for perimeter intrusion protection on exible fences which enables the owner to react promptly, because the system detects real intrusion attempts before the intruder has got inside the property. The system LiteFENCE, which is 100% made in Italy by Naria Security, has proven extremely effective over the years, as well as easy to install in every environment. The same technology can be also applied to barbed wire or metal rope running on top of perimeter Thewalls.LiteFENCE system combines an analysing board (LiteFENCE) with a performing, sun-light resistant plastic optical ber (LiteWIRE) and specic tensioning bolts.

more passages and is connected to the analysing board

www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za 37Jul - Aug 2022

LiteFENCE reveals the intrusion attempts which result in a exion of the fence: climb over and lift of the fence, as well as attempts to create a breach. The analysing board communicates to any alarm panel via a normally closed relay. After an alarm, if the ber has remained intact, the system resets automatically, and goes on working Thisregularlyintrusion detection system can easily suit sloping grounds and perimeters of irregular shape because the system runs along the fence and becomes one with it. The plastic ber cable is “woven” along the mesh in two or

LiteFENCE: this board detects when the ber is exed or interrupted, because the intensity of the light signal transmitted in the ber changes. Vibrations do not ex the ber and do not result in changes in signal intensity, so the whole system is insensitive to vibrations: for this reason, it is particularly robust to false alarms. Unlike other technologies on the market, LiteFENCE is effective in any weather conditions (rain, snow, wind, fog…) as well as in presence of small animals or birds. As the anti-intrusion system and the fence are intertwined, the nearby area remains free and available: this guarantees freedom of movement to people and animals, while protection remains h24 active. This is an important advantage on other traditional solutions both in industrial and residential areas, where people can pass by the fence and vehicles can be parked very close to it without triggering any alarms. Besides, the plastic ber woven through the fence is safe, because only light is transmitted, not electricity, so it doesn't attract ground loops or electromagnetic interferences.

38 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za Jul - Aug 2022

Reduce Tool Changing Times with Alwayse Ball Transfer Units!

years of continuous development has ensured that Alwayse still produce the world's widest range, with a product quality second to none.

Over 75

Alwayse Ball Transfer Units are used in materials handling to allow easy multi-directional movement of heavy items. These characteristics make Alwayse units ideal for handling press tools, as well as a wide range of other applications including air cargo handling, robotics & mechatronics, assembly lines, workstations, and glass Alwaysehandlingare the original manufacturer of Ball Transfer Units, having developed the product in the 1940s.

A Ball Unit consists of a large load-bearing ball, sitting upon many smaller balls in a hemi-spherical cup. The design greatly reduces friction and allows heavy loads to be moved with a minimum of effort. The units are available with a range of different xing methods to t any project, and various material options can be supplied for durability in demanding environments.

When used for handling press tools, Ball Transfer Units provide numerous advantages. Set into the bed of a power press, Alwayse units allow the operator to easily move a press tool. Easy movement of heavy loads can help reduce the risk of operator injury and also reduce tool changing times.

For lean manufacturers working towards Single Minute Exchange of Dies (SMED), Ball Units can help reduce

www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za changeovers from hours to just single minutes (i.e. under 10 minutes). By using Ball Transfer Units, manufacturers reduce the risk of costly delays in production caused by long changeover times. Set into the bed of a power press or machine tool, Alwayse spring loaded Ball Units or Die Lifters combine effortless positioning with rigid clamping. The units enable easy multi-directional movement for quick and accurate positioning of tools. Then as the new tool is clamped down, it pushes the load ball into the unit body to hold the tool in Alwayseplace.

39Jul - Aug 2022 tool

Additionally, ball tables and trolleys tted with a ball unit top enable tools to be quickly transported from storage before the changeover. Scissor lifts or forklifts with a ball platform are also ideal solutions, enabling the tool to be easily lifted to the height of the shelving Alwayse Engineering is ISO 9001 accredited for Quality Systems, and every Alwayse Ball Unit is inspected for quality of manufacture and operation. This offers customers peace of mind that the units will perform exactly as required - reducing the risk of production line stoppages and the resulting loss of output.

For more information visit www.alwayse.co.uk, call +44(0)121 380 4700 or email sales@alwayse.co.uk

Reduce Tool Changing Times with Alwayse Ball Transfer Units!

Die Lifter T-Blocks are available, which can be tted directly into the bed of a press machine or other machinery

The MSA Latchways PFL is supplied with a choice of steel or aluminium top carabiner, with a range of connectors to select from. These include a forged steel snaphook, an aluminium or steel scaffold hook, or a forged steel swivel snaphook.

In terms of hearing protection, which is often under considered when taking into account other forms of protection such as respiratory and head-and-face protection, MSA Africa's innovations include its Left/Right WW (Wireless World) communication solutions. The solution is available in two product versions, both with a Bluetooth-enabled headset.

MSA Africa offers latest safety technology for hazardous environments

From hearing protection to integrated harness systems, MSA Africa offers industries such as petrochemicals and oil-and-gas the latest technology to guarantee worker health and safety in hazardous environments.

The Self-Retracting Lifeline (SRL) is housed in a highlydurable polycarbonate casing that is transparent to allow for easy visual inspection of critical internal components.

For example, the Latchways Personal Rescue Device (PRD) integrated harness system from MSA Africa is a lightweight, unobtrusive rescue device contained in a small backpack, attached to a full-body harness. It has been designed to be used in conjunction with a fall protection system or anchor point. The patented components of the Latchways PRD t neatly into the backpack, allowing workers to carry out their daily tasks unhindered. Indeed, the backpack becomes part of the daily Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) required for those working at height.

40 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za Jul - Aug 2022

All components have been manufactured from high-grade stainless steel and engineered plastics.

In the event of a fall, the MSA Latchways PRD suspends the worker, who is then lowered to the ground gently in a controlled descent. The device features a 20 m spool of Aramid rope, released at a controlled rate via an integral braking mechanism. The innovative design uses quality components and a limited number of moving parts so as to guarantee 100% mechanical integrity Unlike competitor rescue kits, the MSA Latchways PRD requires no specialist training, as it is simply worn in conjunction with a standard fully-body harness, and is activated by simply pulling the release cord. Its user friendliness is enhanced by the fact that pre-use checks are Theminimal.Latchways PRD range from MSA Africa includes a Workman Premier and Workman Utility full-body harness. A rescue pole is also available, which can be used by a third party to activate the Latchways PRD in the event of a worker at height being incapacitated. The rescue pole is 800 mm when retracted, and 3 400 mm when extended. MSA Africa's harness system offering has been enhanced further with the addition of its Latchways 3 m Personal Fall Limiter (PFL), designed specically for environments where close anchorage is available. The lanyard uses multiple spring radial energy-absorbing technology, believed to be a world-rst. The new design eliminates the need for an external energy absorber outside of the housing, resulting in this being the most compact PFL available on the market today. Suitable for a range of applications, the MSA Latchways PFL not only requires zero recalibration or adjustment, but a fullyrotating attachment point allows for total exibility, including 180° and 360°. Precision engineering has resulted in a structurally-reinforced pawl mechanism.

The 'cut-off' surrounding sound function on the MSA Left/Right WW Dual version means that surrounding sounds such as voices and signals are reproduced inside the ear muff, with an adjustable sound gain. This means end users are fully aware of their surroundings at all times, while being protected by passive attenuation. It also allows workers to communicate in noisy areas while keeping their hearing protection on, which improves safety and MSA'sefciencyLeft/Right WW communications solutions feature ergonomically-shaped ear muffs that provide a better match for any head shape, as well as following the ears. This means that the left and right cups are different, with up, down, and tilt adjustment for a perfect t for all head proles. There are also two congurations with different headbands and helmets, with three adapters to t various helmet models.

It can withstand a temperature range from –40°C to +54°C. The high-performing, high-strength webbing has been manufactured to the most rigorous international standards, including EN360: 2002, ANSI Z359.14 – 2012, OSHA 1910.66, OSHA 1926.502, CSA Z259.2.2-98.

ARMOREDGLOVES Company Name:Cestus Line Contact: Jennifer Choi Mobile: 503-961-4922 Email: jennifer@cestusline.com Website: www.cestusline.com Company Name: Explosion Power GmbH Contact: Kasper Ninck Telephone: +41 62 886 50 89 Mobile: +41 79 735 55 19 Email: kaspar.ninck@explosionpower.ch Website: www.explosionpower.ch Company Name: Seguro Contact: Cynthia Mundy Telephone: 011 027 9153 Mobile: 076 329 7708 Email: Website:cynthia.mundy@seguro4sure.co.zawww.seguro4sure.co.za NONSLIP SURFACES Company Name: Ultimate Washer, Inc. Contact: Kevin Netzer Telephone: (561)277-1635 Skype: ultimatewasher Email: Website:kevin@ultimatewasher.comwww.ultimatewasher.com UltimateWasher,Inc. Company Listings Company Name: COBAAfrica (Pty) Ltd Contact: Morne van der Westhuuizen Telephone: +27 (0) 11 452 7961 Fax to email: 086 759-8948 Matting.co.za Email: mvdw@matco.co.za Website: www.matco.co.za africa www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za 41Jul - Aug 2022


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