Expert English Art Explorer

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Expert English Art Explorers! Children and teenagers around the world love art and also love using English as a global language to make connections and talk about art. Have a go at these English art adventure activities to see how much you know! In our modern art museum you will see traditional paintings and sculptures, as well as strange objects, videos and photos. Now match the type of art with the correct definition.

the art of using paint to create an image

the art of creating a piece of art using a pen or pencil

video art



the art of taking pictures with a camera

an art display that consists of several different objects or pictures connected to a theme


painting sculpture sculpt

rt of o the ar art aki k ng making ect ctss object tu ure res) es)) (sculptures) ne, ne out of sto one, metal or wood

the art of recording moving images and videos

answers: video art (sztuka video), installation (instalacja), drawing (rysunek), photography (fotografia), painting (malarstwo), sculpture (rzeźba)

projekt: Marta Bielska ilustracje: Joanna Hedemann

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