MVHS May Newsletter '22

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Key Club Int. | Region 13 | D35W | Mountain View Key Club

V o l u m e 3 I s s u e 13

The Sealy Times M a y 2 0 2 2

Table o Table of Contents 1-2

Upcoming Events 7

President & Editor’s Note 3-4

f Contents p a c e R y Ma 5-6

De-Stressing Activities 8

Contact Info 9

President’s Note Hi Seals!

I would like to first start off by saying thank you for such an amazing school year. We wouldn’t be able to accomplish what we did without you. Like always there’s no club without members. I hope that everyone did great on finals and is ready to relax during summer. And thank you to ever who attended our last meeting of the school year! We won’t be having meetings throughout summer but there will be service opportunities. You can also invite any incoming freshman! It’s a great opportunity for everyone to build up their hours so make sure to take advantage! If you have any questions always feel free to ask. We’re here to help to the best of our abilities! - Kaylee San <3

Hey Seals!

Editor’s Note

What a year it has been! Finals are almost coming to a close so make sure to study and get in some breaks! It has been a pleasure meeting everyone in person again after quarantine and school spirit has never been higher. As make sure to stay safe and enjoy your summer. Like our dear president said, meetings won’t be held over the summer but our instagram is always updated with new events so that you got something to do during the summer! Stay cool, stay hydrated, and see you all next semester!! -Miki Lam :D

May Recap

Last Assembly


Last Bash Poster

Club Meeting

Upcoming Events

De-Stressing Activities Life can be stressful at time and it’s always important to give yourself a break so here are some activities to destress!! Listing to music can help you relax! Playing your favorite music whether that be chill or upbeat music can lift your mood! Doing some exercise can take out that pent-up stress you’re holding in and also keep you healthy and fit! Finding time to mediate can relieve stress and allow you to relax. It’s always good to have time for yourself!

Contact Info

text @mtviewkey to 81010



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