MVHS December Newsletter '22

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Key Club Int. | Region 13 | D35W | Mountain View Key Club D e c e m b e r 2 0 2 2 V o l u m e 3 I s s u e
The Sealy Times
Table of Contents 1-2 President’s & Editors Note 3-4 School Tips 8 1
Table of Table of
Contents December Recap 5-6 Contact Info 9 Upcoming Events 7 2

Hi Seals!

President’s Note President’s Note

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I hope everyone was able to have a great break and relax after finals. I’m excited to see what the new year has for us!

We will be releasing events as well as goung back to our scheduled meetings so please stay updated! Hope to see everyone again!

If you ever have any questions please feel free to reach out to me or any of the other officers. We are here to support everyone to the best of our abilities!

-Kaylee San <3


The year has finally come to an end and now’s the time to reflect back on the year and plan ahead for the upcoming school year! It’s been an amazing year with all of you and I can’t be happier that so many members have participated this year!Have a happy new year and here’s to all of us!! -Miki Lam :D

Editor’s Note Editor’s Note
Hey Seals! 4
Food and Toy Drive Assembly Food and Toy Drive Distribution 5

Upcoming Upcoming


School Tips School Tips

The new year is almost here so that means a new school semester! Here are some tips to help start of your semester right!!


This semester will be a fresh start so don’t hurt your grades by procrastinating. Get ahead of your work and finish the semester strong!

Tip #2: Plan ahead! With a new year comes a whole bunch of events, work, and maybe some stress. Take that stress out by planning ahead and making sure everything's in a calendar!

Tip #3: Have fun!

The new year is a time where new beginnings can happen so have fun with what you do and enjoy the last semester before summer vacation starts!

Contact Info Contact Info @mtviewkeyclub Thank You For Reading! 9

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