MVHS August Newsletter '22

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Key Club Int. | Region 13 | D35W | Mountain View Key Club A U G U S T 2 0 2 2 V o l u m e 3 I s s u e The Sealy Times 16 Sealy Times

of Contents Table Contentsof1-2 PresidentEditor’s&Note3-4 UpcomingEvents7 1

Table Table

of Contents

AugustRecap5-6 MVHSEventsSchool8 Contact Info 9 2

-Kaylee San <3 3

Hi Seals!

I hope that everyone has been doing well andhaving a great transition coming back toschool! It’s been great seeing everyone. been getting a lot of questions aboutmeetings and events. We are working ondates and when would be best. We hope toget the information out soon!

P R E S I D E N T ’ S N O T E

contact me or

Always feel free


Club Rush is coming up and I hope to seeeveryone at our booth. It’ll be a great timefor questions or if you have any our best to help everyone! to any ofthe other officers!


Hey Seals!



E D I T O R ’ S N O T E

Summer’s finally coming to a close anddespite the crazy heat El Monte is having, Ihope you’re all staying cool. Remember, thereis always the cooling center in the gym atschool or around the city!

I also hope you’re all adjusting well into thenew school year and don’t worry! Our clubmeetings will resume soon. Make sure to stopby our booth during club rush to learn moreabout the date and time of our first meetingof the year! As always, I and other officers are alwaysfree to answer any questions you have andI’m excited to see you all soon! lam :D

Welcome Back Posters Welcome Back Set Up5

August August

Recap Recap



Upcoming Events Upcoming Events

Come visit our Club Rush booth August 13th-14th

Rush Come visit Key Club’s booth during club rush! The event will take place SeeGSA,PacificclubtoschoolfirstandweThereduringSeptemberon13-14thlunchtime.atthebooth,willhavethedatetimeofourverymeetingoftheyear!FeelfreealsovisitotherboothssuchasHorizon,andZooCrew!youthereseals!! Aloha Dance Our very first dance is coming up and it’s the Aloha Dance! Typically this is for the freshman but all other classes are free to come as well! Freshman, Link Crew, and Gold Cards come for free!8

School Events School Events Club

Contact Info text @mtviewkey to 81010 @mtviewkeyclub Contact Info 9

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