MVHS February Newsletter '23

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Key Club Int. | Region 13 | D35W | Mountain View Key Club Sealy Times The Sealy Times V o l u m e 3 I s s u e 22 F e b r u a r y 2 0 2 3
Table of Table of Tableof Contents 1-2 Editor’sPresident& Note 3-4 SchoolEvents 8 1
February Recap 5-6 Upcoming Events 7 ContactInfo 9 2

President’s Note President’s Note

Hi Seals!

I wanted to start off by saying thank you to everyone because we wouldn’t have been able to accomplish what we’ve done without everyone. There would be no club without our members so you all are very appreciated.

By this time officer applications have closed and your new board members have been announced. Myself and the old officers will be here to support them in their transition to their position. We have the utmost faith in them.

It has been such a great term to get to know everyone. I hope that everyone continues to be involved and grow in Key Club. Key Club may not make keys but they hold the keys to many opportunities.

If you ever have any questions please feel free to reach out!


Editor’s Note Editor’s Note

Hey Seals!

This might be my last newsletter as officer elections are here and positions are changing. But don’t worry, I’m sure I’ll be helping whoever the new newsletter editor is with making these! It’s been such a fun time making these newsletters and I can’t wait to see how someone else can evolve these.

Thank you for reading my newsletters!!

January January Spirit Week Posters Spirit Week Set Up 5

Upcoming Events Upcoming Events



There are only 10 tickets left for Grad Nite so hurry up and buy a ticket!

School News School News

Come watch MVHS’ new theatre production Grease! Support any friends who are in it or just have a fun time watching the show!!

Contact @mtviewkeyclub Thank You For Reading! Info 9

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