The Viewpoint January/February 2022

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Mountain View High School 2135 Mountain View Rd. Stafford, VA 22556 STUDENT NEWS MAGAZINE MVHS VOLUME 16 ISSUE 3 JANUARY | FEBRUARY Take a peek at pages 12 & 13 to learn more about the six stages of shutdown

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u january | february 2022 u advertisements

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Editorial Advice on mental health varies from person to person. Based on their own experiences and current research, this is what the staff recommends if someone is struggling with mental health. Disclaimer: staff members are not professional doctors; this is based on some of the life challenges they have gone through. Tiara, Alex, Noemi and Emily’s advice is to open up to someone emotionally close. Tiara said, “Talking it out with someone always calms me down whenever I feel frustrated or down.” Juan said, “Your emotions are natural, make sure you get your time to wind down and think about what is going on in your situation.” Milana also agrees that taking time for yourself is necessary to keep up a good mood. Preston advises a good routine is helpful. Miya said, “Struggling with emotions and feeling frustrated is proof that you’re trying.” Molly wants people to know that they are never alone, and there will always be someone to help them. Michelle said, “You are not condemned to feel this way forever.” Caroline agrees by saying, “Don’t be ashamed of what you’re going through.” Zöe and CateLynn think that if a relationship never has been or is no longer healthy, then consider leaving may be in their best interest. In summation, Tessa said, “Be patient with your growth, your emotions, and ultimately yourself.”

Index 01 Cover 02 Ads 03 Index 04 Briefs 05 Teacher Spotlight 06 Tips for Stress 07 DIY Relax 08 Reading Improves 09 Reading Improves 10 Mental Health Types 11Ew, Crypto 12 Shutdown

Alyssa Freeman

Managing Editor CateLynn Aiman

Social Media Editor Juan Diaz-Gutierrez

Assistant Editors Tiara Bigelow Emily Smith


Trisha Strahl

Staff Writers

13 Shutdown 14 Ads 15 Shamrock Shake 16 Body image 17 Take a Break 18 Int. You 19 Int. You 20 PTSD 21 Mental Space 22 Academic Stress 23 Mindful Movies 24 Flower Zodiacs

Feature Figure by Tiara Bigelow

The Viewpoint JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2022 VOLUME 16, ISSUE 3

Alex Baker Preston Bates Molly Calhoun Michelle Des Rivieres Miya Easley Caroline Fortiz Noemi Höhn Zöe Lucas Tessa Mattison Maia Roscigno Milana Waller The Viewpoint is a cross-section of the news and opinions of the student body at Mountain View High School. It is a forum of expression published by aPrintis. Letters and art to the editorial board are welcomed and should be submitted to room 300. Front Cover CateLynn Aiman 2014-2018 International Quill and Scroll First Place Articles

Have you seen her through the hallways? Is she a close friend of yours? Have you seen her on the sidelines, cheering for our Wildcat athletes? I am referring to senior Alyssa Freeman. She’s been a Wildcat for all four of her years and is graduating this year. After her senior year, she is planning to go to University of Arizona for wheelchair basketball. She said that she hopes to spread awareness to others about “being yourself, no matter what’s holding you back or what disabilities you have. Just be yourself.” Alyssa comments,“ Many people think that being in a wheelchair is difficult, but I adapted to what I can and can not do.” Moveover, she said she enjoys what she does and loves every opportunity she’s given. For her future goals, she stated that she wants to become an ASL interpreter while publicizing for everyone “to be who they want to be and focus on being you.”

2014-2016 VHSL State Championship First Place Award 2013, 2014, 2015 Free LanceStar Best Over All Newspaper 2011 Columbia Scholastic Press Association Gold Medalist Mountain View High School 2135 Mountain View Rd. Stafford, VA 22556

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What’s new at the View? Pete’s Jewelry By Tessa Mattison

Located right in MV’s senior class is a booming small jewelry business: Pete’s Jewelry. Peter Salzano, a senior, runs a business dedicated to creating beautiful jewelry. Originally, he just practiced by making rings. “I wanted to make my own wedding rings,” Salzano states. A friend complimented his work which inspired him to create a necklace for her. After this, he was hooked. This business really hit the ground running at a family yard sale back in 2021. “I set up a stand to sell my jewelry,” Salzano remembers. At the end of the day, he made a large sum and decided to make it official. Now he creates an assortment of jewelry to sell to friends, family, and anyone interested. He creates charms, bracelets, necklaces, rings, earrings, and fake nose rings; a large enough assortment that anyone could find something they love. To explore and purchase this art, visit Salzano’s Instagram (@Petes_Jewelery). He also treats his customers with extra surprises: “I do holiday-themed give-a-ways to thank my customers for purchasing from me.” Consider supporting a fellow classmate and treat yourself or look for gift ideas.

Centerpiece Boutique + Studio

Florals are in fashion By Zöe Lucas

The bright face of Centerpiece Boutique + Studio’s Instagram and website holds true to its atmosphere and unique niche of business. Owned by Hannah Keyton, the studio is centered around the motto of “Let us live like flowers– wild and beautiful and drenched in sun”. It’s gorgeous in its structure and simplicity, with its social media feed dressed in bright greens and displaying curving fonts across adorable totes and pale beige backgrounds. It has no trouble catching eye, but the premise sounds even better. Centerpiece Boutique + Studio has its hands dipped both in nature and noteworthy fashion. It not only has a studio to help create gorgeously put-together arrangements, but it also has a clothing shop stocked with everything you could possibly need to feel beautiful and confident. It’s the perfect combination of beauty and brains, taking technical elements, such as floral knowledge, and incorporating them into the intricacies of aesthetics and human connection. The shop is located at 703 Caroline Street and offers a range of services including wedding and event floral design, gift items, and workshops. Its other shop calls La Plata, Maryland it’s home and provides the same services as its Virginia sibling. The business’s hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday through Friday and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.

The monthly guided woodland hike starting at Gari Melcher’s Home and Studio Visitor Center is coming up fast. Throughout this event, you will see Belmont’s historic ruins and beautiful sights in fields and woodlands. The event is at 224 Washington Street, Falmouth, VA and is being held on Sunday, February 27 from 2:00- 3:00 p.m. It costs nothing to go on this hike being led by naturists who really know their stuff. Pay nothing and have an amazing day in the wilderness with friends or family. The website strongly recommends wearing sturdy footwear. If you have any questions about the event, call (540) 654-1015.

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u january |february 2022 u briefs

Tour Stafford

Guided Woodland Hikes by Preston Bates

Teacher Spotlight

Learn more about the Teacher of the Year and the Teacher of the Quarter by Caroline Fortiz


eacher of the Year, Lisa Brandon, took a very non-traditional route of becoming a teacher. She studied English in college and soon after joined the Peace Corps. This volunteer organization sent her to Africa where she taught kids English. After falling in love with this line of work, she decided to become a teacher. Here at Mountain View, Brandon teaches ESOL, or English to Speakers of Other Languages. Her knowledge of English, French, and her ability to pick up Spanish have made her extremely successful with helping others. Brandon’s favorite part about being a teacher is the relationships that she is able to develop with the students. She expressed, “It’s really exciting to see how much they have grown and achieved by the end.” Especially at Mountain View, everyone has such a level of enthusiasm and is always willing to help each other out. Brandon happily explained that she has the coolest job and wouldn’t want to be doing anything else. When she is not teaching, Brandon loves to read, travel, and spend time with her family. Recently, she has been very interested in books about wildlife conservation, very different from her usual fiction books. Regarding both travel and family time, she is very excited to visit her daughter who lives in New York City because they are planning to watch a Broadway show together. She made it clear how close the bond is between her and her daughter. In fact, as a Christmas gift, her daughter contacted former students asking for quotes from them. These quotes were then put onto the cover of a journal that Brandon carries around with her everywhere. Each message from past and present students was sincere and truly showed what an impact she has made on their lives. One thing that Brandon wishes is that there were more hours in the day for her to be able to help others. It is evident how naturally altruistic she is and how much she supports each and every one of her students. Senior, Luis Pagoada, stated, “She’s very inspiring and a good problem fixer. I know that I can always go to her for anything”. The relationship developed between herself and her students will be one remembered by them for a lifetime.


anielle O’Toole was voted by Mountain View’s National Honor Society as Teacher of the Quarter. After growing up surrounded by influential teachers, O’Toole decided that she wanted to be able to have the same impact on others. O’Toole has been teaching at Mountain View for the past six years, Biology being her favorite subject. She exclaimed that the family atmosphere at Mountain View is different than anywhere else. She loves that everybody is supportive and school-spirited. O’Toole’s favorite part about being a teacher, although there are many, is that every day brings something different–no day is the same as the last. In her free time, you can mostly catch her traveling, hiking, or exercising. If she’s not somewhere around the world like in Canada, the Dominican Republic, or the Grand Canyon, she may be at one of the club meetings that she sponsors. These clubs include the Interact Club, the Cancer Awareness Club, and the Environmental Science Club. Another thing you may be surprised to find her participating in is MMA classes. She took part in these classes when she was just out of college as a women’s self-defense course. With everything that she is involved in, sometimes it can be difficult to balance time for both work and home. She has learned from her own experiences, as well as from others, that some days people aren’t able to give their all-time best. O’Toole explained that “everybody has stuff going on in their lives and it is important to give grace. Maybe they are having an off day, so you should appreciate anything that they can give.” This is especially prevalent today with the pandemic and everything going on. It is evident how impactful O’Toole’s style of teaching is after interviewing some of her past students. Senior, Savannah Rounds, described her as a very understanding and kind-hearted person. Rounds recommends that students “create a bond with her because she’s really nice and offers a lot of help.” Similarly, junior, Amelia Thibodeau stated that “she will do everything to help you be successful.” Although Rounds and Thibodeau had O’Toole their freshman year, both happily recounted their experiences with her as well as her kindness, hard work, and dedication that made a lasting influence on them.

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↟ Repress

from your stress ↡

Here are some tips and tricks to do when you feel stressed by Tiara Bigelow

Stress is a hard emotion to overcome but you are not alone. Many people, on a day-to-day basis struggle to conquer this physical tension but there is help. Look through these tips and find what is right for you. Taking a “Time Out” and Leaving the Room According to Mental Health America’s website (MHA), leaving the room or walking away from the situation can be a big help and distance yourself from further stress. Queensland Health’s website also says that taking a “time out” can help step away from the cause and spend a few minutes focusing on yourself. The websites recommend doing something you enjoy like reading a book or listening to music, or finding a trusted friend or colleague that you can talk to about how you’re feeling. Meditate MHA’s website states that mediation triggers your body’s relaxation response. As a result, it slows down your breathing, blood pressure and pulse. Not only that, it will promote mental wellbeing. Colorado Law’s website says that all you need is five minutes of peace to get rid of all the stress and depression. Exercise As stated on Queensland Health and Colorado Law’s websites, stress can also make you subconsciously tense your muscles, which exercise might help to release. Do some yoga; not only does it give the body a good stretch, but it helps create peace of mind, too. Examples: walk around the block, do 20 jumping jacks, go for a quick run or complete a 10-minute yoga flow.

Quotes from Wildcats Logan Benson, a junior, said, “Normally, when it’s a situation where I can go back to it later, I choose to work out since it gives me a clear mind.”

Maren Gingrich, a senior, said, “Yes, I like having my own free time, but having stuff to do is good.”

Talk it out When something’s really bothering you, it can help to share your feelings with a buddy, according to MHA and Colorado Law’s websites. Talking to a friend, parent, teacher, coach, or someone else you trust can help you get out of your own head and see things from a different point of view. Organize Taking a few minutes to reorganize your desk (or table, or wherever you are), leaving just what you need on top, will help, as stated on MHA and Queensland Health websites. Sit down and write out everything you need to get done and each step you’ll need to take to complete each task. Spend 20 minutes focused on tidying up—it will help you feel in control of something and give you a sense of accomplishment.

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Josh Weatherly, a freshman, said that he will “try different things” when trying to relieve stress.

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Relaxing crafts

Quick, in the moment ways to relax through arts and crafts by Miya Easley When things start to feel overwhelming, it’s always good to take a break and try to refresh yourself. A good way of stretching your mind without stress and getting comfortable is arts and crafts. Here are some simple craft ideas to try for peace of mind.

Glitter Bottles

Freshman Grey Evarts makes kandi bracelets to relax.

Items Needed

- Lidded container - Water - Glitter - Clear Glue - Food Coloring


A good way to relax yourself is through visual sensations. Glitter Bottles can be a simple and easy way to make something fun that will help you calm down. They’re satisfying and pretty and sure to keep you distracted.

Origami Messages

Senior Trenton Shannon says he would find painting for fun relaxing.

Items Needed

- Origami Paper - Writing Utensil


Sometimes when you need something to cheer you up, you don’t feel like talking to someone. Leaving little messages for yourself can give you just what you need. Putting them in cute origami shapes is just a fun bonus.


Sophomore Elyse Johns writes in her journal to destress sometimes.

Scrapbooks/Journaling Items Needed

- Blank Craft/Art Book - Glue/Stickers - Photos - Sticky Notes - Writing Utensil Scrapbooking and journaling are both long term craft projects that can be good for reminiscing your past. You can use it to vent secrets or jot down daily events. Years later it can be something to look back on and enjoy how much you’ve changed.

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Ways Reading Improves Mental Health Reading is beneficial in a multitude of ways regarding mental health By Milana Waller


bedtime stimulation

empathy therapy

dementia mindfulness 08 u the viewpoint

u january | february 2022ufeature

Reading relieves stress as effectively as yoga by offering a sense of escapism for the reader, as stated by GMS’s website. When selected at a suitable reading level, books necessitate an effortless mindfulness that practitioners use to better mental illness, as well as general livelihood. This allows reading to take on a therapeutic form referred to as bibliotherapy. GMS states that self help and fictitious books can be prescribed to combat mental illness as it engages the mind in an emotional train of thought. In this, readers can improve negative feelings of loneliness or isolation by translating fictional scenarios to real-life scenarios. Additionally, Step Up for Mental Health’s website states that reading for six or more minutes a day “reduces stress and [sharpens] mental acuity.” Reading also increases brain stimulation that can lead to increased memory and vocabulary skills that can directly benefit conversation and communication effectiveness. Because of this, reading aids in reducing the symptoms of dementia by continuously activating the brain, as brain inactivity is what leads to the disease. According to GMS’s website, elderly individuals that practice frequent reading were “2.5 times less likely to get Alzheimer’s” than those who did not. Reading at earlier ages can prevent the disease earlier on, as well. GMS additionally states that the hobby also improves empathetic capabilities as fiction allows readers to better understand others’ “desires and beliefs.” At bedtime, one can wind down and obtain more quality sleep by increasing relaxation levels by reading a physical book so as not to harm eye sensitivity. In conclusion, reading is a way to indirectly exercise your mind and improve your lifestyle. Even if you may think you do not enjoy reading, finding books that suit your interests is a great way to get into the hobby.

Recommendations Book Descriptions photos from Goodreads


by Kathleen Glasglow addresses difficult topics such as self-harm, physical abuse, and drug abuse. It follows the story of a seventeen year old girl trying to survive while fighting grief and avoiding the trap of apathy.

It’s Kind of a Funny Story by Ned Vizzini follows the story

of a boy who is so hyper focused on creating the perfect life for himself that the pressure he puts on himself becomes too much, landing him in a mental hospital where he is to recover from his suicidal thoughts. It is here that he meets others with various strange struggles and is forced to confront his ongoing anxiety.

Turtles All the Way Down

by John Green seems to follow the story of a girl uncovering the mystery of a fugitive billionaire. But under the surface, the novel builds a character that reveals what it is truly like to live with anxiety and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, two struggles in which Green himself deals.

Readers’ Thoughts: Why do you like to read?

Scarlett Carle, senior, says reading “allows you to understand other perspectives with the use of other people’s words”. This coordinates with the idea that reading improves empathetic capabilities.

How do you think reading betters your life and/or mental health?

Theresa Gaddy, IB English teacher, likes to read nonfiction because she enjoys “witnessing the genius of other people and how they synthesize ideas”and “experiencing other people’s brilliance”. She used Malcolm Gladwell as an example, an author who identifies real-life occurrences that should be obvious but are often overlooked.

What is your favorite thing about reading?

Dylan Tolley, English teacher, says, “when a book is good, it is easy to leave the world for a while”. feature u january|february 2022u the viewpoint u09

Let’s Talk Mental Health Learn more about what mental health is and different types of issues one can face by Tiara Bigelow Mental Health According to Manitoba Healthy Schools website, mental wellness or good mental health is feeling, thinking, and interacting in ways that help you enjoy life and deal effectively with difficult situations. It is a feeling of emotional and spiritual well-being that respects the importance of culture, equity, social justice, relationships and personal dignity. Mental Health Problems are struggles and difficulties that affect everyone from time to time. Everyone experiences mental health problems at some time, and these problems can affect their ability to handle day-to-day situations and enjoy life. Mental health issues can include many areas, from enhancing our emotional well-being, to treating and preventing mild to severe mental illness, to the prevention of suicide. Mental Illness or Mental Health Disorder Mental Illness or Mental Disorder refers to a diagnosed condition (e.g., Depression, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Addiction, or Schizophrenia) that may require medical treatment according to Manitoba Healthy School’s website. The exact cause of many mental illnesses is unknown, but current theories suggest that some illnesses are related to the chemistry of the brain. There are many things that may play a role in causing or triggering a mental illness. Jonathan Day, psychology teacher, said, Stress may act as “Stress that helps us get things on time a trigger for a mental disoror motivates us to move forward is a der or may good form of stress. Stress that deals make it with relationships or focusing on how worse.

we look towards others is a bad form of stress.”

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Taking care of Mental Health The National Canadian Mental Health Association has ten tips for good mental health: 1) Build Confidence - Identify your abilities and weaknesses together, accept them, build on your abilities, and do the best with what you have. 2) Eat Right, Keep Fit - A balanced diet, exercise and rest can help you to reduce stress and enjoy life. 3) Make Time for Family and Friends - Important relationships need to be nurtured. If taken for granted, these people may not be there to share life’s joys and sorrows. 4) Give and Accept Support – Positive friends and healthy family relationships show their strength during difficult times. 5) Create a Meaningful Budget - Financial problems cause stress. Over-spending on our “wants” instead of our “needs” is often the culprit. 6) Volunteer - Being involved in the community gives a special sense of purpose and satisfaction. 7) Manage Stress - We all have stress in our lives but learning how to deal with it when it threatens to overwhelm us helps to maintain our mental health. 8) Find Strength in Numbers - Sharing a problem with others who have had similar experiences may help you find a solution and will make you feel less isolated. 9) Identify and Deal with Moods - We all need to find safe and constructive ways to express our feelings of anger, sadness, joy and fear. 10) Learn to Be at Peace with Yourself - Get to know who you are, what makes you really happy, and learn to balance Ioana Lupu Pitulice, a junior, what you can recommended “To seek help, whether it and cannot be your parents, counsellors or anyone change else. Always go to someone that is about beneficial or helpful to you.” yourself.

Katherine Zendek, a junior, said, “I usually eat a snack or two and avoid what I need to do so that I can relieve my stress” regarding her coping mechanisms. type u december 2019 u the viewpoint u3

📌 💭 ew crypto


Cryptocurrency and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) have become some of the most advertised for investments online. There is controversy over them, however, particularly on how they have a negative effect on the environment.

💶 📲 💵🏗 📶💬

Bitcoin mining is the process of making new bitcoin via solving complex math equations to verify the transaction into currency, according to Bankrate’s website. The process of bitcoin mining does require a large amount of electricity on the computers used to perform the mining can cause several carbon emissions from mining alone, most of which are done on old and/or underused power plants. According to the New York League of Conservation Voters, a bitcoin mining facility in Greenridge, NY was permitted to emit 641.878 tons


💭💭 💭

Cryptocurrency and NFTs have been taking over in storm, but are they worth it? by Juan Diaz





of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

Even without the environmental factors being considered, just like any investment, there is always a risk to it- especially since it is all digital. With crypto you have to worry about getting potentially hacked and losing your investments in data mines or not being careful with viruses. The crypto project you have invested in may also end up failing, as well as several scams being prevalent. Financial expert Dr. Christine Parlour from the University of California urges people to be “curious but cautious.” One of the big benefits to crypto is that it may gain significant value over time and possibly become a globally accepted form of currency.

💷 💼 💾

Cryptocurrency has more negatives to outweigh the positives it has attached to it, including financial risks and threats to the environment and global warming.

Economics and Personal Finance teacher, Amy Ellis states that she thinks it is a very risky investment, but if you do invest in crypto you should be “diversifying your investments but only after you have an emergency savings account.”

Economics and Personal Finance teacher Kelly Pollock has some experience with Crypto when her son invested in it. ”It’s risky because my son has it, and he lost a lot of money. People should work with a professional financial advisor if they are considering investing.”

Senior Carlos Lara Sanchez has already been making investments in the stock market and he said, “ I think they are a great investment. I already made investments, and I am planning on buying NFTs.”

Many people suspect that there may be a lot of Ponzi schemes related to cryptocurrency, and there have in fact been many schemes found in the cryptocurrency scene. Not all crypto franchises are scams, but you definitely have to be careful with what you invest in. In 2014 there was a website called with the motto, “Get rich off the world’s first open Ponzi scheme!” Economist Robert McCauley from Boston University stated that “Bitcoin is worse than a Madoff-style Ponzi scheme.”





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6 Stages of Shutdown

The six stages represent teenage mental health during the time of Covid by CateLynn Aiman

Teens were/are suffering due to Covid. They faced many different challenges during the shutdown.

Denial, Winter 2019 Back in 2019, when the world was still semi-normal, Covid-19 was a small virus. According to The World Health Organization, a number cases of pneumonia of unknown cause was reportedly detected in Wuhan, China where it originally only affected a few hundred people. The only commonality found was each afflicted person went to the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market. Americans heard the news, and many believed it would stay in China where the virus would die out eventually.

Happiness, Winter/Spring 2020 As Covid-19 reached America, students rejoiced with a longer spring break. Lock down has just begun, and it was a few extra weeks to relax with no school. Students were still able to travel and see friends and family. Masks were not mandated yet. The virus was spreading rapidly, so this period was short-lived.

During the pandemic, teenagers were feeling, just like the rest of the world, a sense of depression and stress with all of the new rules and regulations that came with the pandemic. In the thick of it, teens especially were struggling because they could not just go and hang out with their friends or continue to make any other social relationships. As teenagers, that is a part of your job. Being at home 24/7, inside most of the day with family members can be very stressful for teens as well.

-Sarah Demmy, psychology teacher

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Boredom, Spring/Summer 2020 The virus was spreading fast. School was online for the rest of the year. “I was very bored, and I did nothing but school,” said Dorcilia Valbrun, junior. This is the period when students started to realize the virus is more serious than they previously thought. Masks were required everywhere now and places were limited to a certain number of people.

Depression,Fall/Winter 2020-21 School has started up again, but it was different. Everything was online, which made it hard to pay attention and get help if a student was struggling in a subject. The only time anyone left the house was for groceries. “Not being able to see my friends and having to stay inside was the hardest,” said Joshua King, senior. Any other time was spent isolating to avoid spreading/catching Covid-19. Students were starting to get restless, itching for life to go back to normal.

Hope Spring/Fall 2021 Finally, stores are starting to open again and students are returning to school. Friends and family could go out again. Everything is returning to normal. During this period, students were hopeful that everything would go back to the way it was.

Acceptance Winter 2021 A new variant of Covid-19 is spreading, Omicron, at this point students are used to self-isolation and quarantining. According to the CDC website, America has the tools to fight the new variant with vaccines and medicine. Masks are now required in some, but not all, stores. This time students can only accept what has happened and hope it will not be as bad as last time.

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u january | february 2022 u advertisements

St. Patrick’s Day I shamrock shake I Join me in making a festive St. Patrick’s Day recipe by Caroline Fortiz


t. Patrick’s Day makes everybody think about the iconic McDonald’s Shamrock Shake. Unfortunately, the Shamrock Shake is only sold for a limited time. Why only enjoy the minty flavor for thirty days? This recipe is quick and simple, only requiring a few ingredients and can be made whenever desired.

Recipe from Yields 1 Serving Total Time 5 Minutes

Ingredients: • • • • • •


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

3 Large Scoops of Vanilla Ice Cream 1/4 Cup of Heavy Cream 1/2 Teaspoon of Mint Extract 6 Drops of Green Food Coloring Whipped Cream, for topping Maraschino Cherry, for topping



Gather ingredients. Combine vanilla ice cream, heavy cream, mint extract, and green food coloring in a blender until completely smooth. Pour into a glass cup. Top with whipped cream and a marashino cherry. Enjoy!



kkkkk kkkkk kkkkk

Sydney Hook, senior

“Looks delicious, can’t wait to try it!”

Alivia Boatwright, sophomore “OMG looks so good!”

Mark Sanford, teacher “Amazing!”

recipe u january | february 2022 uthe viewpointu15

Social Media and Self-Esteem From filters to photoshop, people online can manage to always look unrealistically perfect. But how does that damage everyday people’s self-image? By Michelle Des Rivieres

@CreativeCommons @CreativeCommons


16 u the viewpoint

As prevalent as social media is nowadays, it’s almost impossible to escape. It’s become a normal part of our everyday lives. However, the distortion of reality that occurs online has set an unrealistic standard that normal teens are struggling to live up to. Screen time among teens has been consistently on the rise, and the pandemic has only exacerbated this issue, bringing the average to around 8 hours per day according to USA Today. A majority of this time is spent on various forms of social media, king among them being Instagram. Teens today use these platforms to interact with their friends and family, but also to consume content from online communities. These can be centered around interest in a show or movie franchise, or a particular style/aethstetic. Some of these, however, are centered solely around physical appearance. The #fitspo, #thinspo, #bodygoals communities are meant to inspire people to work on their fitness and improve their bodies. Junior Faith Grathwol said that she looks at these types of hashtags when scrolling through social media. However, these communities often portray people with unrealistically perfect bodies. Either with photoshop or an extremely regimented lifestyle, these influencers are able to achieve a look that most of us can only dream of. But has it really gone that far? We all want to portray our best self online, whether that’s only showing the parts of our lives that are exciting or only posting pictures where we feel we look good. But with face filters and photoshop, we are not only able to look like the best versions of ourselves, but like other people entirely. A majority of photos posted by big celebrities and influencers are retouched in some way. Erasing flaws, accentuating their good features, slimming down or adding weight where they want it. Eventually we start to forget what real people actually look like. We grow used to this unrealistic and idealized version of the human form, and it begins to become the norm. So when we compare our real,

u january | february 2022 u feature

flawed, unedited selves to these pictures, we feel inadequate because we don’t look like that. No one does. Not even the people we’re comparing to ourselves do. For example, Junior Taliana Sellner stated, “I feel like I’m tall compared to a lot of people, and social media makes it seem like being tall is bad.” But is this really such a big deal? What are the long term effects? Well, one of the main effects of consuming content like this is body dysmorphia. According to Hopkins Medicine, “Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is a mental health problem. If you have BDD, you may be so upset about the appearance of your body that it gets in the way of your ability to live normally…you may find that negative thoughts about your body are hard to control. You may even spend hours each day worrying about how you look. Your thinking can become so negative and persistent, you may think about suicide at times.” Body dysmorphia often causes people to see their body in a skewed light, seeing themselves as less attractive than they actually are. For instance, Senior David Reiten stated, “I think I’m a lot smaller and less muscular than I actually am.” Extreme and persistent body dysmorphia can lead to eating disorders. Due in part to social media, these kinds of disorders are on the rise. As stated in Life Sciences Journal, “NHS Digital released data in 2018 that showed the number of hospital admissions due to eating disorders had doubled in six years, with 16,000 people admitted for some type of eating disorder in the United Kingdom over that time period.” More and more, people are willing to go to extreme lengths to achieve beauty and body standards. Cautiously approaching social media and remembering that most posts are altered and retaken until the owner is satisfied helps keep viewers in more positive frame of minds regarding their own body image.

Take a break How to avoid being on social media too much by Noemi Hohn


Disclaimer: Mental health is important, and social media plays an important role in it, but spending too much time on it can increase mental health problems. However, there are tips to help prevent it from causing issues in your life. Turn off Notifications Turn off notifications from certain apps or put your phone on do not disturb. That makes it easier to keep control on when there is time to check your notifications. Senior Grace Hootselle said, “ I put my phone on “do not disturb” most of the time so I can’t even see any of the notifications.” It can also help to just put your phone in a different room for a while and go do something else. Set yourself limits Look for apps that could help you remind you that you crossed a certain time limit or even just write down how much you think is a solid time to spend on social media. It is also possible to just set a time limit on your phone in general. Paige Sensabaugh, senior, explained: “I say not to check your phone all the time; you miss what’s happening in the world if you’re staring at a phone screen.”

Dedicate time to hobbies and other activities If you don’t want to spend all your time on social media, try to spend time on hobbies instead. According to the website Insider, “Dedicate time to hobbies or activities. A hobby or new activity can help curb your desire to check in to social media.” Senior Rebekkah Speelman said, “Find something else you enjoy doing just like reading a book, drawing something, singing something, dancing around.” Don’t have impossible goals Your goal doesn’t have to be to completely avoid going on social media. It is fun to scroll through sometimes. After all, there is a reason why we use it so often. If you notice that you’re on social media too much, the thing to do is simply try to start to have a healthy and open relationship with it. Hence, the tips! Be aware of what you see and how often you are on it and like New York Times writer Geoffrey Morrison said, let social media sites “become positive aspects of your life.” featureu january | february 2022 u the viewpoint u17


he introduction to this article reads like a script: interior, you. Cinema has forever been a pinnacle in our lives. We get excited by the previews we see full of the people we love; we imagine ourselves within the cinematic universe. We gush about what we liked and rant about what we hated when we speak to friends, when we’re at dinner, when we type reviews. We connect with characters and spend time with them. We compile lists of our favorite scenes and complete films, spend hours listening to cinematic soundtracks that build love stories, and replicate horror. Cinema is very much an interior concept. It deals with our personal connection to what’s happening on screen. Directors have a vision of what they want their audience to experience, feel, think and leave with. They manipulate lighting, choose words, and select actors in order to achieve a certain reaction or successfully mirror situations in real life. Mental health has always had its heart poked and prodded in the artistic world, whether that’s art, literature, or other forms of visual media. It’s something that many deal with in their everyday lives, followed by ghosts and demons that they struggle to get away from. It’s real and vivid, a thing of sharp pain that can even be passed on from family.


Perfection is the climax to the point where you shatter by Zöe Lucas

Perfectionism is commonly shown through the character trope of the obsessed artist, which is explained as follows by journalist Vittora Di Meo in her article “Obsessed artist reveals a realistic side to simple movie trope” written for The Standard. Di Meo writes: “Achieving success is any person’s dream, yet few reach these aspirations. Success could be achieving their set goals, winning an award or getting praise for their work. Too often, artistic prodigies push themselves past their limits, sacrificing their wellbeing. Although many fictional characters assume the role of the obsessed artist on screen, this characteristic is a prevalent symptom in real artists and can be condensed into three words: obsessed artist trope. Though the characters who exemplify the obsessed artist trope are often romanticized (This is usually done through edits on social media, moodboards to capture the visuals of the film, etc.) many find a connection with them. They exemplify the mental and sometimes physical consequences of perfectionism and how it destroys what they love the most. “Perfectionism is in every aspect of my life, from my academic performance to my relationship with my family,” says senior Camila Cazon. One of the most popular models of internalized perfectionism is Nina Sayers, the prima ballerina star of the critically acclaimed film Black Swan (Disclaimer: Black Swan is rated R and deals with sensitive content such as derealization and psychosis. There are also moments of slight gore. Proceed with caution.) Nina works her hardest to become the perfect lead for Tchaikovsky’s ballet Swan Lake: Odette. She exemplifies the idea of perfection and how it is different from person to person.


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The concept of being perfect is one that is built off of archetypes and observations of human beings. Josi Brooks, the IB Language and Literature teacher, spoke on its origins in film and literature, saying “Perfectionism in film or literature is typically based on the concept of archetypes and common storylines Therefore, our brains are programmed to expect a level of perfection. Obviously, this archetypal [love] story isn’t quite realistic, but the level of “perfectionism” between girl and guy is appealing to human brains.”

N Many viewers, mainly female, tend to latch on Nina and her idea of violent perfectionism for a variety of reasons. Eric Hokanson, TV and Media teacher, articulated why we tend to see ourselves inside of these characters and what makes for such a strong connection: “We relate to these characters because they are given traits that ‘resemble’ us. They are teenagers, parents, or employees. You never see them make movies about CEOs. That way, when we see these characters succeed, it plants a seed in us that we can too. And in some ways, it’s almost irresponsible. They create characters that look like us, talk like us and maybe even have lives like us but we know they’ll never fail. (continued on next page)

It tricks us into thinking we’ll never fail. They can’t, so we can’t. It makes our inevitable struggles harder to cope with because then we feel like we let ourselves down. ” He goes on to talk about how cinema also affects our perception of “being perfect” and how the techniques that are used often are internalized more than we know: “Sure, we’ll see characters struggle, but we very very rarely see them fail. And deep down we know they won’t fail. Their relationships always seem to work out. It puts incredible pressure on the rest of us to have to reconcile with that: that the characters we look up to never fail - and therefore neither should we.” And he’s right: we don’t ever see them fail, we just see them push themselves until they no longer are at a healthy level of being. They still manage to get the leading role in the ballet production or are made into the supposed best version of themselves. They lose themselves sometimes, deal with eating disorders such as Nina or develop mental health issues such as psychosis, a mental disorder characterized by losing touch with reality and is often accompanied by hallucinations, or much worse. Though, while we watch these play out on the silver screen or read these paragraphs curling on the pages of our most current novel, we have a tendency to ignore those aspects of perfectionism and instead remark on how the protagonist has made it to the finish line, how they are seemingly happy or successful or have achieved their goal. So we internalize that. We lie in our beds at night and glance at a blank ceiling and tell ourselves that we can be the most perfect, beautiful, and unblemished version of ourselves if we just push ourselves hard enough, which is often to the extreme. “Humans rely on a level of perfection for survival. We naturally want to fit into a certain metaphorical box because our brains are hardwired to need companionship for survival. Displays of perfectionism in the media give human society a model of fitting in, although I do think that in the past 5-10 years, this model has been disrupted by the body positivity movement and the increasing acceptance of all people regardless of appearance,” Brooks continues to say which is an illuminating statement that doesn’t always occur to us before, during, or after consuming a form of media.

While it’s easy to get caught up in a dark spiral of being the best and constantly at peak performance, it’s exhausting and hard to navigate. So what can we do to work at this gnawing feeling in the pit of our stomachs? How can we change, improve in the right ways? These are answers we don’t have. Everyone is different and that means the ways that they pick themselves apart and stitch themselves together are too. The only option we really have collectively is to take a step back and understand that we only have ourselves in the end. The kindness that you show yourself keeps you healthy and in good form and affects the voice in your head you end up spending your life with. The negative aspect of doing the opposite is shown at the end of Nina’s story, leaving her depleted. \We can never be perfect in anyone’s eyes. We might always have someone better than us or better off than us or something else entirely. That doesn’t erase our impact or our talent. There is still room for us. There is still room for you. Different trees root themselves inside of the dark dirt of the forest. They still grow, they still have a little piece of sunlight for themselves.



Maybe we are attempting to be perfect like these characters or strap ourselves to them like a piece of wood in the sea as a form of survival. If we’re good enough then we can’t be replaced or criticized or hurt

Natalie Portman as Nina Sayers in Black Swan

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Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Shedding light on PTSD, how it affects people, and how to treat it by Emily Smith

What is PTSD? According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, also known as PTSD, occurs in some people who have experienced a traumatic event, such as military combat, assault, or some form of natural disaster. About 3.6% of the US adult population has been diagnosed with PTSD, and 37% of those are considered to have severe symptoms.

Treatment of PTSD While PTSD can be very difficult for people to deal with, there are ways for people to overcome, and there are ways to seek help. According to the US Department of Veterans Affairs, trauma-focused psychotherapies are the most highly recommended when combating PTSD. These treatments focus on the memory of the traumatic event or its meaning to help patients process the event. Some examples of traumafocused psychotherapies with the most promising results are Prolonged Exposure (PE) Therapy, Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT), and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). PE teaches patients to gain control by confronting their negative feelings by talking with a professional about their trauma and engaging in activities you haven’t done since the trauma. CPT teaches patients to reframe their thoughts regarding the trauma. EMDR helps patients process and make sense of their trauma by calling the trauma to mind while paying attention to a repetitive, back-and-forth movement or sound. There are multiple avenues people can take to receive this help. The Department of Veterans Affairs has resources for those seeking help. “All you have to do is contact your local Veterans Affairs support services which are located on most military installations,” says Sergeant Major Tanner, a JROTC instructor at Mountain View and retired U.S. Marine. Military OneSource is another resource for active duty or veteran soldiers seeking help. “This is the government/ military one stop resource for any issues, not just PTSD, for all active and veteran service members,” says Lieutenant Colonel Barnes, another Mountain View JROTC instructor and retired Marine.

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How PTSD affects people According to the National Institute of Mental Health, there are different categories of PTSD symptoms; re-experiencing symptoms, avoidance symptoms, arousal and reactivity symptoms, and cognition and mood symptoms. Re-experiencing symptoms include things like recurring, distressing thoughts or nightmares about the event. Avoidance symptoms include avoiding people, places, or thoughts that bring reminders of the event. Arousal and reactivity symptoms include being easily startled by certain stimuli, hypervigilance, and angry/ emotional outbursts. Cognition and mood symptoms include trouble remembering the traumatic event, distorted feelings regarding the event (such as unwarranted guilt/blame), and negative feelings about oneself. In order to be diagnosed with PTSD, they must experience at least one arousal symptom, at least one re-experiencing symptom, at least two arousal and reactivity, and at least two cognition and mood symptoms for over a month. The criteria is different for small children (less than 6 years old), as PTSD can manifest differently in children. For small children, things such as wetting the bed after having been potty trained, forgetting how or being unable to talk, acting out the scary event during playtime, and being unusually clingy with a parent/ guardian.


C H C Mental Space Explore how astronauts, mentally, prepare for space travel and exploration by Tessa Mattison


According to Tech Radar, the very first step in sending astronauts into space is selecting the right candidates. Those candidates are most commonly people from stressful jobs, such as pilots and physicians. As well as previous job experience, behavioral and psychiatric problems are identified. There are two parts to this process: ‘select-out’ and ‘select-in’. These processes explain themselves; ‘select-out’ you’re out, ‘select-in’ you’re in. Lastly, the astronaut’s ability to work in a team is tested. In order to better understand how possible astronauts might react in certain conditions, many groups have run simulations. NASA, for example, has a mission called HERA. In HERA, four astronauts live in close proximity for 45 days.






After being selected, the new astronauts are trained on how to solve a number of issues. These issues include feeling lonely and any psychological problems. To combat loneliness, astronauts have a telephone and, soon, virtual reality to turn to. The telephone solution comes from the internet protocol telephone. It allows astronauts to connect with their family, friends, and fans. Virtual reality is currently an idea floating around NASA’s Human Research Program (HRP). It will help to provide astronauts with a connection to life on Earth. It would allow them to enter environments they’ve been missing since they’ve departed from Earth. Currently, aboard the ISS astronauts are required to attend therapy sessions. These sessions happen every two weeks and provide the experts with an understanding of an astronaut’s emotional state. An assistant professor of engineering, Arman Sargolezaei, stated that “it’s vital for astronauts to be mentally healthy during missions.”

Even though the US was the first to have boots on the moon, Russia was the first to focus on psychology in space. During two missions, back in the late 1900s, Soviet cosmonauts began to exhibit signs of psychological issues while in space. In order to avoid having this happen to other astronauts, Russia created a space psychology program. “They brought in experts within the field of psychology to work full-time with the Russian space program” stated Gary Beven, a space psychiatrist at NASA. But in the mid 1990s, the US and Russia collaborated to create the Shuttle-Mir Program. This program allows NASA to explore and study how Russian astronauts reacted to long durations in space. Now, NASA has created a group of experts to act as a support group to the NASA astronauts who were living on Russia’s Mir space station.


Nick Barch, senior, says that he wouldn’t want to be an astronaut. Preparing for space then using that training doesn’t exactly excite him: “there’s too much work and training required.”


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Preparing to be an astronaut is an extensive process no matter how you analyze it. Besides preparing mentally for space, there are many other steps. Astronauts also have to prepare for the physical effects. “They have to practice in simulations with zero gravity and weightlessness,” states Seth Thompson, a science teacher. He describes how even the most basic of activities are different: “Everyone has to be trained on the instruments and gauges to make sure missions are conducted safely,” which is the most important thing when in space.






Jada Gorn, freshman, also doesn’t have any plans on becoming an astronaut. She values safety and is worried that she would affect it while on the ship: “I’d be my usual clumsy self and break something important.” january | february 2020 u

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Academic Stress Students’ mental health is often overlooked, and there needs to be ways to deal with stress when it comes to school work by Preston Bates

Dealing with stress is one of the hardest things to manage while under pressure. Finding the best ways to deal with it, and attack it head on instead of letting it linger and ruin your mentality is recommended for everyone. Hobbies are a great way to relax and take a load off of a stressful week. Playing an instrument or being involved in a physical activity like sports or exercise is also proven to release stress. It makes you happy and makes you want to keep pushing, but it doesn’t get rid of the underlying issue that’s why it leads into beneficial habits.

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness’s website, talking to people about how you feel is the best way to help yourself when it comes to a cluttered mind. That’s why therapy is a thing. It helps people in many ways. Getting things off your chest and just having someone to talk to is proven to help in many ways. You’re not the only person struggling, and hearing that someone else is going through the same thing as you can relieve a lot of that stress.

According to O’Connor Professional Group’s website, building habits to deal with school work and get it out of the way as soon as possible is another great way to deal with school stress. A lot of people get stressed because they like to procrastinate. Procrastination is a demon when it comes to managing work. You can say you will do it tomorrow and then before you know it the due date is creeping up on you, set a date and time to get the work in question done, get it out of the way and don’t cheat yourself. Stress is a terrible thing, and as the CDC states it can cause mood swings, loss of appetite and difficulty sleeping which are key factors in a happy and healthy life.

Joe Nunez , senior, says, “I like to set time limits before things

Bradley Smarr, senior, says, “ I don’t tend to. I find it hard to

are due” to handle academic stress.

talk to people” regarding talking to people about stress.


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Movies that decide to dive into the interworking of brains by Alexander Baker

Memento Christopher Nolan’s Memento was released on September 5, 2000. Produced by Jennifer and Suzanne Todd, this is easily one of Christopher Nolan’s noticeably critically acclaimed movies, earning a 93% on Rotten Tomatoes, along with winning 32 awards by varied organizations along with getting academy nominations in 2006; Best original Screenplay/Best film editing respectfully. Watching the film is one of close analysis and confusion. Due to the structure of the film being heavily segmented in abstract cuts to color and then black and white, it may be hard to follow. Considering the film itself is attempting to replicate short-term memory loss, it is meant to demonstrate the confusion that is associated with this affliction. This representation was well received by the scientific community such as neuroscientist Christopher Kosh, who stated the movie is “the most accurate portrayal of the different memory systems in the popular media.”

Inside Out Inside Out is an American animated film by Disney/Pixar directed by Pete Doctor with help of Josh Cooley and Meg LeFauve in writing. The movie’s premise was a novelty for its release, that being the main cast would be the core emotions that make up the character Riley. The film, instead of just focusing on the plot of Riley’s parents moving from Minnesota to California, decides to focus mainly on the emotions of Joy, Sadness, Anger, Disgust, Fear, and Disgust. This way the main conflict quite literally takes place in the mind. Inside Out was not only critically acclaimed, winning a “universal acclaim” title by Metacritic with a 94/100 average among fifty-five critics,but also culturally due to its empathic premise. It deals with not only emotions but memories as well. The movie is one that is easily accessible to others. With its childish humor and soft animation style along with its actual logistical commentary on the human brain, it provides something for the whole family to pick up.

Ghost in the Shell Ghost in a Shell is an animated cyberpunk thriller movie. The screenplay was written by Kazunori Ito and directed by Mamoru Oshii and based on the 1989 Manga by the same name. The movie itself amassed over 10 million dollars in the global box office and was well-received critically, With a 7.8/10 from rotten tomatoes and 76/100 average on Metacritic. The movie’s plot revolves around a fully cybernetic human “Major” Motoko Kusanagi and her assault team, Security Section 9 in their pursuit of the cybernetic mind hacker called the Puppet Master. While not at the forefront of the film, it is impossible to not notice the mental conflicts and propositions it brings up, such as mental illness, identity, and overall consciousness and what defines it in our new digital age. Oshii stated, “ There are only a few movies, even out of Hollywood, which clearly portray the influence and power of computers.”

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Taurus - April 21- May 21 - Earth sign - Poppy - Enjoys relaxing and calm things

Gemini - May 22June 21 - Air sign - Lavender - Playful, intellectually curious

Aries - March 21April 20 - Fire sign - Honeysuckle - Bold and Ambitious

Pisces - February 20 March 20 - Water sign - Water lily - Mysterious, empathetic

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Cancer - June 22- July 22 - Water sign - White rose - Gentle, compassionate

Lily k, rcha Dwo ore m o soph think I “ , Virgo s c t he it ma ” . ll e w

Flowers of the zodiacs

Welcome to the world of zodiacs, learn about your zodiac and the flower that matches by Molly Calhoun

Aquarius - January 21 February 19 - Air sign - Orchid - Innovative and loving

Zodiacs, the different parts on the diagram, are used by astrologers for the positions of the planets and stars. Every birthday has a matching zodiac sign to represent it. The zodiacs are said to tell you about personality traits and just simple likes and dislikes. Your zodiac matches certain flowers based on the characteristics of both.. All the matching flowers are from website, and zodiac facts have been sourced from Allure’s website.

Leo - July 23 - August 22 - Fire sign - Sunflower - Passionate, natural leader


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- August 23 September 23 - Earth sign - Buttercup - Logical and practical

- September 24 October 23 - Air sign - Rose - Stylish and cheerful

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- December 22 January 20 - Earth sign - Pansy - Mischievous, playful

Sagittarius Scorpio - October 24 - November 22 - Water sign - Geranium - Courageous and calculative u january|february 2022 u feature

- November 23 - December 21 - Fire sign - Carnation - Curious and Unique

All about

Turner Syndrome

An insight into what exactly Turner Syndrome is and my personal story of life with it by Emily Smith

What is Turner Syndrome? Turner Syndrome. Don’t feel bad if that’s not a familiar phrase. This article will help you to understand what exactly Turner Syndrome is, who it affects, and how it affects them. You will also hear my personal story of life with Turner Syndrome. According to the Turner Syndrome Society of the United States, Turner Syndrome is a condition where a girl is born with a partially or completely missing X Chromosome. This condition affects 1 in every 2,000-4,000 live female births. According to Stanford Children’s Health, there are two types of Turner Syndrome; monosomy X Turner Syndrome , where the second X chromosome is completely missing, and mosaic Turner Syndrome, where only part of the second X is missing. According to the Genetic and Rare Diseases Information Center, TS affects 1-2% of all embryos. Sadly, 99% of those embryos don’t make it to full term. It is estimated that Turner Syndrome can account for up to 10% of first trimester miscarriages. According to Mayo Clinic, Turner Syndrome can be diagnosed as early as before birth, or as late as the teen/young adult years.

Signs and symptoms According to the National Organization for Rare Diseases, Turner Syndrome is incredibly variable, and can manifest in different ways from person to person. There are many potential signs and symptoms of Turner Syndrome, and not every girl with Turners has every one of them. Due to this, Turner Syndrome can manifest in a wide variety of ways. The most common symptom is short stature. According to the Turner Syndrome Society of the United States, most girls with Turner Syndrome are under 5 feet tall; however, there are growth hormones available to help with this. Another common symptom is delayed puberty. This is often caused by premature ovarian failure, or an early loss in ovarian function. According to the National Library of Medicine, many girls with Turner Syndrome require hormone replacement therapy to help their body produce these hormones; however, many will still be infertile. Some other potential symptoms include various heart, kidney, and liver issues, puffy hands and feet, recurrent middle ear infections, and delayed bone maturation. Again, Turner Syndrome can manifest in a wide variety of ways. Not everyone with Turner Syndrome will experience the same symptoms, or the same severity of symptoms.

My Story When I was about 9 months old, my parents took me to a new doctor. Up until this point, my parents had never noticed anything off about me; I seemed to be your standard healthy 9-month-old baby. This new doctor noticed a few things about me that raised some questions: a broad chest, puffy hands, and puffy feet. He then asked my parents if I’d ever been tested for Turner Syndrome. They answered, no, they had never even heard of it before. He suggested a karyotype, which is a blood test that analyzes chromosomes. The test was run, and sure enough, instead of the normal 46 chromosomes, mine only showed 45. I had Turner Syndrome. From this point, my parents learned what they could about Turner Syndrome. What it is, signs and symptoms, all the things someone raising a child with Turner Syndrome should know. When I was about three or four, I started on growth hormone injections, but I was only on them for about a year because I gradually began disliking the needles more and more until I would throw full-on tantrums every time I needed the shot. For most of my childhood, I was able to live a standard life, although I was (and still am) shorter than many of my peers. When I was about 14, I began noticing that, while everyone around me was undergoing puberty, I wasn’t. I was seeing very few of the tell-tale signs, if any. I talked to my mom, and she took me to an endocrinologist who started me on hormone replacement therapy. Fortunately, I could get my hormones in a patch this time as opposed to a needle. I’ve been on the patches for a little over 2 years, and I check in with my endocrinologist on a 3-4 month basis. I’ve been able to live a relatively normal, happy life. Most of the ways Turner Syndrome affects me are very minor, non-problematic things. For that, I am grateful.

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Behind the scenes of rest Lack of sleep doesn’t always mean insomnia by Miya Easley

Everyone has habits and patterns that they follow. Some patterns are fun and feel natural, but others can be a result of negative coping strategies for negating stress. A lot of people don’t realize that they do it, or ignore it thinking it’s not that important. Revenge bedtime procrastination is one of these examples you might be doing without realizing.

While a form of procrastination, revenge bedtime procrastination is more speciffcally caused by feelings of lack of control over one’s time and people often do it for stress relief or personal time. Some may confuse this lack of sleep to be caused by insomnia, as they have similar symptoms and long term consequences, however revenge bedtime procrastination is often a conscious decision. A good example of this may be staying up late to relax by watching a favorite tv series and choosing to keep watching despite being aware that you should get sleep.

According to WebMD, habitual lack of sleep can have short term consequences such as slower thinking and reaction time, worse memory, fatigue, faulty decision making, and stress, anxiety, as well as feelings of irritation. Long term issues with continued lack of sleep can lead to weaker immune systems, hormonal problems, higher risk of mental health issues such as depression and anxiety, and higher risk of physical health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and ongoing pain.

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Sophomore student Arianna Lairmore says she drinks more coffee than water and pro crastinates.

Junior stu dent Ameera An derson-Dade says she wishes she could stop her bad habits.

Teen Date Ideas

If you and your significant other haven’t had a nice date in a while, then take these ideas into consideration by Preston Bates

Get a blanket and some snacks and watch the night sky twinkle at your local park. A sky full of stars is extremely romantic. Curtis park is a great place to go for this idea. The lake reflecting the stars will make it 10x better. You can find Curtis Park at 18 Fairway Dr, Fredericksburg, VA 22406. According to Blend College’s website, the movie theater is one of the best ways to spend a day with your significant other especially if you’re a bit shy. It is a total classic when it comes to dates. It is on a lot of couples first date lists, and it will never fail to put a smile on your face. A couple nearby movie theaters are Paragon at 51 Towne Centre Blvd, Fredericksburg, VA 22407 and Regal at 3301 Plank Rd #3W, Fredericksburg, VA 22401. If it’s cold where you’re at, or even if it’s not, take the day and go to an ice rink to make some core memories with each other. According to Couple Travel the World’s website, you don’t have to be the best ice skater in the world to make it a romantic date. Take your time, and get to know each other. The more you fall, the more you will laugh. It doesn’t always have to be perfect to be fun. A few ice rinks nearby is the Prince William Ice Center at 5180 Dale Blvd, Woodbridge, VA 22193 and Fairfax Ice Arena at 3779 Pickett Road, Fairfax, VA 22031 Lukas Lofgren, senior, said, “I went to the movies” for his favorite date. Mason Insisiengmay, senior, said, “A picnic is one of my favorites” for his most cost effective date idea. type u january | february 2022 u the viewpoint u27

New Headline year,new down-style me Insert a witty deck here that explains your headline and story, and please make it sound nice. by First Last Reflect on your past to reflect your future By Maia Roscigno

Self-reflection is when you think about, analyze, and give serious thought into your behaviors, thoughts, attitudes, motivations, and desires. It’s the process of getting very deep into your thoughts, feelings, and motivations. ewrqwerwqreqwGa. Hic torepuditis vellaboria debit re num aceptatem nonesciis dit est voluptatus, cus pa sit volenih iliquiThis doluptatiis exeribusallows praerfe ritisque lab ipsus, autempore process us topliam evaluate what we’ve experienced. It odit alit laboreperum volorist verro corporum dem solumqu asperentem. Itasitas mincti veria usnam toeum think deeply our emotions, and motivations. demporrumet fugitiam, quasallows doluptatem voloressum eliquoabout vent inctati nciliqui con res que remquodia corumet, ati omnimus alit landitiis es perfernatium di conecea quiaeri tatecte Itintiure provides the opportunity a healthier porestisquid ut aut audae net scimus aut aspeliquid ut vollo doles for de nullitae natur aut happier lifestyle and pliant ut quid qui sit, omnis eosti conem voluptis ullupti quod undae. Occaerorrum, ut maio. La as mindset. voluptat. Eniminc ipsandi doluptatia vita duciam hit qui dolorepel et qui you aut et digent ad enditibus, Self-reflection allows to take a step back and gain cones ipit ventium aliquam et et res diam aut eum qui blaborit, sitibus et latempe sae sitate perspective on what really matters andistrum what isn’t so important. It demporecae volorep udipsam quibus, istiisquae nus samusti temodic iationsequia diorum voluptur aboritati dolorep eremped que qui re sincteseque evendaestium hiciet im ati odit allows you spidenime to process and achieve quo invendesci quia et di rerum eatio ipsaper necaeroevents et ex et laborerro estia dem your true goals. quideli quibus doluptas doluptur aut mi, num quiae siminve leceper roremquias alibus aut plaut quasperitat volupta tionsedigent voluptae arumetur, venis di to omniet quas reic temodia tinctur, omnimoluptio que iurit, occabo. Nem corest, as eos exceriat porionem quatibus pos debis ad que sendele ctotat int molupta tibusa illant etusti totaquid et faccus est, ex ea cor apernat asinten ecercil -Kerry Reichhardt

These are just a few ways of how to positively self reflect :

Mind - Do you feel clear-headed, engaged, and intellectually challenged? Body - Does your body feel healthy, nourished, and strong? Soul - Do you feel at peace and connected to the world around you? Play - Do you feel joyful? Are you engaging in activities that make you happy? Love - Do you feel content about the relationships in your life?

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type u december 2019 u the viewpoint u3

Comfort Concoctions Try any of these snacks and treats to help boost your serotonin by Tessa Mattison

Chocolate Chip Cookies


Ingredients: - 1/2 cup butter - 1/2 cup granulated sugar - 1/4 cup brown sugar (packed) - 2 tsps. vanilla extract - 1 large egg - 1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour - 1/2 tsp. baking soda - 1/2 tsp. kosher salt - 1 cup semisweet chocolate chips

Instructions: 1. Preheat the oven to 350 F 2. Microwave the butter till it is completely melted (about 40 seconds) 3. In a large bowl, combine the butter and sugars 4. Then, stir in the vanilla extract and egg 5. Next, add the flour, baking soda, and salt 6. Mix until combined (dough should be soft and slightly sticky), then fold in the chocolate chips 7. Scoop out the dough (about 1.5 tbs.) and place 2 inches apart on a baking sheet 8. Bake for 7-10 minutes, until the cookies are set and puffy

Ingredients: - 1 lb. lean ground beef (90% lean) - 2 cups pizza sauce or pasta sauce - 1 package (3-1/2 ounces) sliced pepperoni, chopped - 4 slices American cheese, chopped - 12 mini buns, split - 2 cups shredded part-skim mozzarella cheese

Instructions: 1. Preheat oven to 350 F 2. Using a large skillet, cook the beef until browned (5-7 minutes), breaking it apart as it cooks; then drain it 3. Then, include the pizza sauce, pepperoni, and American cheese 4. Cook for about 4-5 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the cheese is melted 5. Cut the buns, then place them on a baking sheet 6. Then, spoon the mixture onto the buns and top with mozzarella cheese 7. Bake for about 5 minutes, or until the cheese is melted

Cheesy Pepperoni Buns


Some of MV’s favorite snacks




Cheddar Chex Mix

“It’s swag.” - Marissa Jones, freshman


“They’re delicious.” - Lilly Mote, senior

Fruit Roll Ups

“They’re flavorful and fun.” Jiovana Velasquez, freshman

recipesu january | february 2022 u the viewpointu 29

What to do when feeling anxious Disclaimer: Each and every person is different and not everything works the same for everyone. The best thing one can do is find out what helps them personally. On a long term basis, somebody who daily deals with anxiety against nothing seems to help should not just ignore it, and is encouraged to get professional help because it is a serious topic that affects many people in different ways. Take Time outs: Taking a time out and just stopping working on something can actually help more than just trying to continue work as if nothing is wrong. To calm down and regain focus is stress relieving. Eating Enough/ Balanced: Having balanced eating habits can also help balance your mental health and decrease your anxiety. That does not mean that everybody has to have the perfect diet in order to treat their anxiety or not feel anxious anymore, but eating enough food and drinking enough water is proven to help against anxiety. Exercise:Exercise helps clear your mind. According to the website Healthline, “ When you’re experiencing anxiety, it’s because of a buildup of adrenaline. Exercise — even if it’s just a walk — can help use up that extra adrenaline.” Some people may be able to relax and clear their mind by doing meditation or yoga, others while running or playing a sport in a club or team. There are also several breathing exercises designed to help people cope with their anxiety. Junior Maylie Hudson, a member of the track team, said that she personally feels that running is stress relieving and would recommend it to others.






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What to do when feeling anxious


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30u the viewpoint u january | february 2022 u feature



Write it out: The website Medical News Today explains that writing might help: “Exercises to replace negative thoughts with positive ones: Make a list of the negative thoughts that might be cycling as a result of anxiety, and write down another list next to it containing positive, believable thoughts to replace them. Creating a mental image of successfully facing and conquering a specific fear can also provide benefits if anxiety symptoms relate to a specific cause, such as in a phobia.” How to spot anxiety and help if possible: Having the help of friends and family can help dealing with anxiety. Therefore, spotting anxiety is important in order to help the people surrounding one. One main sign of anxiety is being stressed out a lot and having the feeling that everything is too much. People that deal with anxiety can also be affected by tiredness and/ or restlessness. As a friend or family member, it can be helpful to distract them by being open and offering them to talk about it. “As friends of someone who suffers from anxiety, it is important to make sure that there is down time for fun and relaxation,” said counselor Stephen Carroll. He also explained how important it can be to have a little down time and just spend time with family and friends since “if there is never any down time you end up “burning the candle at both ends.” Senior D’Angelo Mathieu said, “ I have dealt with anxiety most of my life, and I try to be very open about it” showing how identifying the issue helps.




Music for the Mind Learn the effects that music has on your mental state by Maia Roscigno

When it comes to mental health, the topic is touchy for some people. Things like treatment are a huge question constantly like therapy, medicine, and how even music can be apart of treating mental health. The studies of how music can impact your mental health have shown it can help with your memory, helps to deal with your feelings. Music can help people with many different mental illness like Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, Alzheimer’s,etc Studies even have shown that music blended with nature sounds help people feel less anxious and have less anxiety after listening to music. Music helps brighten your mood or just serve as a distraction to take you out of your negative thoughts One study found that music therapy was a safe and effective way to help reduce depression and anxiety in patients suffering from neurological conditions such as dementia, stroke, and Parkinson’s disease. Meditation music helps to decrease stress and anxiety and help heal and take your mind off of the negativity.

Rainbow kitten surprise, because the songs have a lot of meaning and I relate to them all. - Logan Arbogast, sophomore

Sad music because I relate to it and it helps me push through hard times. - Lily Dworchak, sophomore


january | february 2022 u

the viewpointu


F l o w e r s G a l o r e

32 u the viewpoint

Step outside of a nice cold winter and learn about some tips and tricks for planting flowers this upcoming spring by Molly Calhoun When it comes to flowers and gardening, the possibilities are endless. Today I will be going over a few tips and tricks for when it comes to planting your very own flowers.

To begin with, what should you plant your flower in? For things like roses and lavender, make sure you get a larger pot, equipped with drainage holes for well drained soil. As Madison Frashure, sophomore, said, “This will help me once I plant some”. Now for flowers, irises and cannas, well saturated soil is best, so a pot with no or few drainage holes is best. If you aren’t sure which type of pot for your flower, I would recommend just getting a pot with some drainage holes, and water once or twice a dry.

Now, as every flower needs to grow in something, what are the best soils to use? A good neutral type of soil to use is referred to as “loam”. It’s a mixture that consists of about 40% sand, 40% silt and 20% clay. Max Rogers, freshman, said “I think that [using a good mixture] will help”. For some simple, premade soil mixes, “Miracle-Gro potting mix” and “Black Gold Organic potting mix” are good examples and alway a good thing to turn to.

For deciding where to put your flower, try somewhere with direct sunlight for at least a few hours of the day. Flowers like peonies and marigolds can bask in the sun all day long. Though flowers like violas are rather forgiving and don’t need much light for when you forget. In the end, it’s always a great idea to check on it every few days in case there may be anything new blocking the sun.

Sunlight is not the only concern though; distance to a heatsource is also something to think about. You should aim to keep your flower on the cooler side, so nothing on top of the oven. In the fridge isn’t a good idea either. I’ve found that having your flower on something like a side table or nightstand works best, especially as a simple decoration.

So, now you have some flowers, what do you do with them? To start, they’re already great decorations and are great for adding a bit of color to your room. You can cut some of the flowers up and make bouquets for great gifts, especially when it comes to being romantic. Did you know that roses, the most popular flowers to give out on dates, are in the same family as fruits and almonds, as stated by Floranext’s website.

For more creative ways, you could make them into a wreath, wall art, or even just pressing them to remember in the future. Did you know you can eat some flowers too? As Avas Flowers website says, flowers such as pansies and violas are great to add to a salad for a bit of extra color and flavor, and for things like lavender and dandelions, they can be added as well to sweet treats, such as cookies and cakes. Finally though, a fun way to enjoy the flowers is to “Leave them out, and let nature show,” said Allison Kingston, teacher.

u janurary|february 2022 u feature

~|Letters to Cupid|~ You’ve sent your letters, and Cupid has responded to offer you some love advice in place of shooting arrows by Michelle Des Rivieres Love is never easy, and we could all use a little guidance from time to time. Who better to ask than the love god himself? Read on to see the responses to your dating dilemmas.

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the viewpoint u january | february 2022 u feature 33

New Pokemon Remakes: get or skip After 15 years since the release of the original Pokémon Diamond & Pearl, their long anticipated remakes have finally been released in November 2021 by Juan Diaz

Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl were very controversial when they were first announced due to the fact that the games took a different approach to Pokémon remakes; the biggest one being that instead of looking like the more modern games and instead trying to emulate the original Diamond & Pearl by having a chibi overworld art style. As a result, many people considered them to look unappealing. Later trailers would show that the game’s overall graphics quality have improved, but does that mean the overall games would still turn out good? Playing through the games was fun despite all the controversy leading up to the game. Some areas, such as Floaroma town and it’s field of flowers, were very pleasing to look at considering the game’s art style choice would be limiting. Quality of life changes, such as a reworking of HM moves, were also nice so you weren’t forced to have them, and you could have more freedom with your team’s attack options. In the original Diamond & Pearl, HM moves were required to reach certain locations, for example HM surf to travel across water to reach certain destinations in the game. New features were also introduced into the games. For instance, Pokémon follow behind you as you travel around in the game- so players such as senior Vanessa Vacher can walk in the overworld with her favorite Pokémon, stating that “I love Lopunny.” They also now have the Pokémon Sword & Shield experience share system so the games are not as grindy as the originals-- although some people see the lack of difficulty as a downside.

Back when Diamond & Pearl were released, they were intended to be the inferior versions of Pokémon Platinum which was released two years later that was essentially a combined version of Diamond & Pearl, but also new story elements such as more character background & the Distortion world being part of the story’s climax. According to iMore, fan favorite content from Platinum was also excluded such as the Distortion world & the Battle Frontier. Overall, I think these games were enjoyable to playthrough and have a lot of replay value despite the missing Platinum content,IGN found them to be faithful remakes of the original Diamond and Pearl; however, if you still want the definitive Pokémon Diamond and Pearl experience, just play Pokémon Platinum.

34 u the viewpoint

ujanuary |february 2022 u opinion

The soundtrack of the original Diamond & Pearl was primarily composed by piano and saxophone, creating a very jazzy vibe to it, the overworld music in the remakes keep the same energy as the originals; however, the battle tracks now use different instruments that turn me off from some of the them, but thankfully the game gives you the option to switch between the new and the old soundtrack, which allows you to change track depending on your preference.

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