The Convo Magazine - Issue 4

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Qatar Treasure The Hidden Resource


The interlocks & intertwines of better halfs

Young & Bold Children engaging in constructive activities

Your Business

Business Strategies you should never ignore


Tips to Longevity

Mr. Mwega A Man

With a burden For the Elderly

Inua Jamii

An aid to the Kenyan senior citizens

Osteoporosis, Dementia & their Remedies

Reach more people

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Book a space on the May issue Let us tell your story


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EDITORIALNOTE Ageing is a natural process. Everyone will undergo this phase of life at his or her own time and pace. In the broader sense, ageing reflects all the changes taking place over the course of our life. These changes start from birth, one grows, develops and attains maturity. To the young, ageing is exciting. Middle age is the time when people notice the age related alterations like greying of hair, wrinkled skin and a fair amount of physical decline. Even the healthiest of them, fittest among them cannot avoid these changes. Slow and steady physical impairment and functional disability are noted resulting in increased dependency as you age. According to World Health Organization, ageing is a course of biological reality which starts at conception and ends with death. It has its own dynamics, much beyond human control. However, this process of ageing is also subject to the constructions by which each society makes sense of old age.

Our fourth issue features a story of a man driven by compassion to help a neglected group of people in our community. Mr. Mwega identified a need in the community and went out of his way to meet that need. I am amazed at how much he has been able to accomplish and the impact he has had on the community. From only 36 older persons in 2003 to over 600 elderly people at the center, his work is being felt across the country and beyond. One thing I have learnt from him; Consistency always pays off. The elderly is the most neglected group in any community. Children grow up, get their own lives, move out and forget the people that gave everything for them. We leave our parents with no one to talk to, and leave them to take care of their needs. As they age they develop issues with their health, memory, finances, speed, social lives etc. They are just not able to keep up with all that is happening around them and it is at this point that every aging parent needs their children. They took care of you when you could not, now it is your time to give back all the love and care they showed you. We celebrate Mr. Mwega for the good work he is doing.


James Wetu Fridah Wachira VISUALS


FaithLucy Mwangi

James Wetu Creative Head Fridah Wachira Deputy Editor


Manuel Consultants & Trainers Nairobi +254 728 393664 DESIGN & PUBLISHING BECOME VENTURES Nairobi

CONTACT US +254 721 108 961

We also have other amazing stories and quite a number of informative articles featured in issue 4 of Convo Magazine. I know you'll find this issue quite interesting and helpful. Happy Reading.

Sincerely, Wachira Fridah

Deputy Editor





The elderly is the most neglected group in any community. Children grow up, get their own lives, move out and forget the people that gave everything for them.

26 DEMENTIA IN OLD PEOPLE Dementia is a loss of thinking, remembering, and reasoning skills. It is not a normal part of aging.



I highly recommend personal training, it’s worth the cost, you have someone assisting you to tick the box and they are considerate of your age!






There is need to understand and acknowledge that breakups a real thing in the world we live in, yet there are ways to make the fall, less frightening and painful.

65 YOUNG & BOLD I lost all these people in a span of six months. At first, it felt like I had failed in my relationships. I felt that I wasn’t lovable and unworthy of love because I had failed to maintain my relationships.


The term ‘Elderly’ is applied BUSINESS to those individuals belonging to age 60 years and above, who represent the fastest growing segment of populations throughout the world.


The Essential OilsTRAVEL

Lavender -100% pure , natural, grown, harvested and steam distilled at the base of Mt Kenya.



Helping is a good thing to do. We should always help our parents at home.

66 4



Lynette is a Msc student on Strategic Management and she shares with us on strategies businesses can employ to guarantee continuity



BASSIST Learning to play an instrument is like learning to walk, you undergo painful sharpening experiences to perfect the skill. My passion for music begun way in the late 90s when mama used to sing for me while we were in the kitchen preparing some scrumptious ngûnja like and dad as we dug through the soft loamy soils of the leafy suburbs of Mt. Kenya and milked cows.

Passion drove me to not give up. My mentors encouraged me and gave me tips on top of what I learnt online. People consider me a force to reckon with now. In the next few years, I want to be one of the badass jazz bassists in Kenya. I want to make people happy through entertainment. I want to mentor as many as I can to play an instrument (bass guitar and piano).

It was not until 2017 when I decided to learn to play a musical instrument like a pro. I chose the bass guitar and piano. I cannot regret the journey 5 years down the line. All the painful practice sessions, mockery when I played wrong notes or was too slow...such kept me going and wanting to be better. I can say it was all worth it.

To me, music is medicine, music is life. I am not stopping any time sooner. You want to learn an instrument; the time is now. Go for it.

BRAVERY | DELIBERATE | CONSISTENCY | PASSION Want your photo here? Write to us, let us have a Convo about your talent!






KARIKA is an acronym of

A community where older persons

Kenyan Aged people Require

enjoy their life and dignity.

Information, Knowledge & Advancement. This is a registered community based organization CBO, under the

“To empower ageing people and give them a better quality of life”


ministry of culture and social

To inform, educate and

services in the year 2003,

promote policies and practice

located in Dagoretti South

to improve the quality of life of

Riruta location next to police

older persons.

station. the land in which we

To support ageing people in

are located belong to the

the community; to make them

government of Kenya and we

self sufficient and remove

were located here by the

them from the poverty trap. It

Authority of the local leaders

aspires to advocate on behalf

after we had been forcefully

of the ageing people to ensure

evicted by the landlords we

a better future and to give

used to rent their house next

them hope in life.

to K-REP BANK when they had a family land dispute in the year 2013.


OBJECTIVES Creating awareness in the community. Advocacy on livelihood and social protection for both older people and grand children Empowering the older persons in terms of information and age friendly income generating activities providing basic needs in their households. Resource mobilization, monitoring and evaluation. Networking and collaborations.

ACTIVITIES Provide facilities for ageing people to meet weekly; get support and counseling To carry out workshops to educate women on women’s issues and health related subjects. Home visits to those unable to attend Karika due to illness Feeding programme every Saturday for up to 40 orphans/vulnerable children and ageing people Lobbying the government on issues facing the ageing in order to improve their quality of life Organize day trips/activities


The Elderly & The Increasing Numbers The term ‘Elderly’ is applied to It is expected that by the year those individuals belonging to 2020, 70% of the world’s age 60 years and above, who elderly population will be in represent the fastest growing developing countries, with segment of populations the absolute number throughout the world. The exceeding 470 million which percentage of elderly in is double the number of the developing countries tends to be developed world. The main small, although numbers are factor responsible for this often large. In the year 1990, changing pattern of there were more than 280 population ageing includes a million people belonging to the rapid decline in both fertility age 60 years or over in and premature mortality developing regions of the world, and 58% of the world’s elderly were living in less-developed - intechopen regions


Ageing is associated with many neurological disorders, as the capacity of the brain to transmit signals and communicate reduces. Loss of brain function is the biggest fear among elderly which includes loss of the very persona from dementia BY YEAR 2020



FE AT U R E STORY By: FaithLucy Mwangi Ageing is an undeniable stage in life. It affects the ability of the elderly to take care of themselves which in turn leads to increased dependency on the family members or caregivers. While taking care of the aging population comes from a place of love and gratitude, it is not usually very easy to do that. It tends to be an emotionally draining task which often makes a caregiver feel overwhelmed, anxious, or intimidated by these tasks. If you are a caregiver, it is important to know what challenges you might encounter and how you can address them if the need arises. Financial Strain Helping a loved one brings along financial implications to mostly the family caregivers. There is a need to buy medicine if the person is struggling with chronic illnesses, nursing homes, professional caregiving costs, and increased household bills.

KARIKA, FOUNDED IN 2003 Mwega’s father died when he was 14. His mum was then disinherited by his fathers family leaving her with only one plot of land to live on and putting her under huge financial strain. Mwega wanted to continue his education and took it upon himself to write to the head master of the school to explain his situation. Luckily three teachers agreed to pay for his fees and he completed Form Four. He got a job with the Government as a civil servant and managed to put his brothers and sisters through school as a result. Unfortunately, his fathers family tried to claim the final plot of land which caused a family feud and caused great stress to his mother. She finally died from health complications.

The Challenge Decreased self-care Most caregivers find it difficult to prioritize their needs to those of their ageing person. This can include foregoing their desire to further their education, quitting a well-paying job, adding more stock to the business, spending time with friends so that they can dedicate more time to the old parent. This often leaves them exposed to risks of chronic stress and mental health disorders. Lack of affordable, professional, and reliable medical services Most caregivers are family members who do not have any medical experience. This makes it difficult for them to make informed choices about the health of their old loved one which increases the health risk of the old parent. Lack of access to reliable and affordable medical facilities is yet another challenge that they encounter.

Through this experience Mwega realized the pain and suffering experienced by ageing people and orphans. Over the years his need to do something got stronger and he gathered the courage to leave the security of his job with the civil service where he worked for 15 years. He has since dedicated his time to this project. The proportion of older people is increasing worldwide. It is estimated that older people (those 60 years or older) constitute more than 11% of the population globally, over 20% of the population in developed nations and about 8% in developing ones. The proportion of older people in developing countries is expected to rise to about 20% by 2050. Older people therefore will increasingly form an important sub-group in numeric terms in developing nations.

There is a need to create a balance between caregiving and personal life. Lack of support Support systems in caregiving are essential to prevent burnout. However, most caregivers shy away from asking for help from their friends, family, therapist or other caregivers. It is important for them to realize when they need a helping hand in their caregiving journey.

Being aware of the challenges you will face when responding to the elderly will help you be on the lookout for potential signs. There is a need to create a balance between caregiving and personal life. This can be made possible by respite care which gives the caregiver an opportunity to focus on their own mental health, needs and interests.

Mr. Elijah Mwega - Founder: KARIKA



A Man with a Cause Larger Than Him When he is working for an older person, he affirms that he is giving back to God. Older persons, if not taken care of becomes needy to a point they are unable to take care of themselves. Mr Mwega, Founder of KARIKA CBO speaks to James Wetu about his work with elderly, what the government is doing and can do. He also lets us know his future plans. . I visited my friend and mentor, Mr. Elijah Mwega, a person who held my hand when I left college and showed me community work. I thought I should visit him to see how he has progressed since we last met. It is amazing to see the kind of work happening at Karika – an organization he founded in 2003and which works with older persons. I got to know this organization long time a ago, and I'm so glad that this organization is still in operation. The picture I am seeing now is completely different from what I saw the first time I came here and that tells me that there's real work happening here. I engaged him to learn more about what has been happening in his advocacy work, lobbying for elderly in our community. I was also interested to understand what the government is doing, what the community is doing, because right now, statistically, the number of older persons is rising in our community and being able to understand their needs and to ensure that their welfare and their needs are protected, is important. That is why we are having this conversation. Q. I'm so glad Mr. Mwega to come back and see you still doing this work that you initiated. It just tells me how passionate you are. You've been so consistent in this work and that is something to admire. A. Thank you very much James. I'm so happy to receive you another time. After so many years, actually more than 10 years. Thank you for remembering me.


I am also happy that are still picking up. We are here to work and to nurture KARIKA until the end, because this is the only organization for older persons in this area; and we want to make it a Kenyan organization for older persons. Therefore, we are not planning to die tomorrow. We are even trying to grow more. My name is Elijah Mwega the founder of KARIKA which is an acronym of Kenyan Aged People Require Information Knowledge and Advancement. We are located here in Dagoretti, South Riruta, just behind Riruta police station. For more information, you can find us on our website You can also find us on YouTube and Facebook.

We are all about all older people. I started this organization in 2003 together with a team of 63 people. With time, some retired and I remained with only one team member who has been working with me all through .I'm happy and grateful for that is at least I did not lose everything. I started this organization because I could see the trend Kenya is taking.

A lot has been done about young people, children and single mothers but nobody was addressing issues of the older people. I remember something, my teacher taught us in school; that if you want to eat a frog, go for the fattest. I found out that the fattest frog was the older people who have been left behind for a long time. As the name suggests, older people do not have information. They require some advancement in life even economically. They are also prone to chronic diseases and as it usually happens in many houses when the older people are there, the children go for greener pastures. They leave their parents alone in the house. As a result, you find that majority of older people remain in the house alone and they speak to their cats, chicken etc. because they are socially alone. They have no alternative which is very awkward. So I thought it would be good to be an example in Kenya by bringing and securing a space for these older people especially those around me, providing them an avenue where they can meet together, share their challenges, experiences, and even encourage one another. Therefore KARIKA is about bringing older people together, to share their experiences and even console one another when they go through challenges. Older people are usually faced with chronic disease and sometimes they don't have money to buy the medicine they need but they have skills and some have wisdom to use herbal medicine. When they are together, they talk a lot and assist one another.

FE AT U R E STORY From previous page......

Q. Mr. Mwega, just to take you back a little bit. I know that you started the organization in 2003. We are now in the year 2022 and you are still in operation. Could you tell us some of your greatest achievements in the community and in this area. A. There's been a lot of achievements because when I started, I did so in an open air. We could sit on the grass. After a long time I rented a space for the older persons to meet. In 2013, I approached the leadership and they gave me this piece of land, which is almost half an acre. I am very grateful that they saw the need. To me that is a great achievement. I used to rent but nowadays I don't. Q. Not rent. So that means that the government and the community recognizes the need? A. They even gave me the chance to demonstrate what I had in mind. You can see by the look of the buildings, the setting of the office and the center that it is all my brains. I'm happy that everybody comes here and they appreciate. I count this as a very great achievement from the government and also the fact that since 2003, I have been having older people with me all the time. That acceptance from the older persons is an achievement by it itself.

The other thing is that now we have a fully equipped office which has staff; we have a project officer, finance officer, assistance and also frontiers coming. It has become an avenue for students from universities. They come here from internship. Therefore it has become a resourceful center for more than I expected. That is also an achievement. I have also had the privilege to share my views with the world.

I've been in New York and other countries speaking on behalf of older people in Kenya. So this is why I should start working even more. I want to appreciate the people behind me, people of goodwill, friends of KARIKA and some other donors because without them KARIKA could not being where it is. KARIKA is not a personal organization. It is a network of friends who came together because of the wellbeing of our older people. Therefore we have achieved quite a lot. Q. That's huge. Allow me to ask about the community you are living in. Do you think the community has become more receptive about the need to take care of older persons? Does the community really understand that older people come with their own special needs? A. I would say somehow yes because within this community, for instance we have about 45 groups of older persons which are never there and they have their own leadership. They have their own venues where they meet. So this tells me that the community is more receptive than it was before. I'm also looking at the fact that the government came up with cash transfer for older persons. That was never there. So as a result of this campaign, there is a bit of positive reception from both the community and the government. However I feel like it could have been better this because I find that we don't have enough political goodwill to protect the older persons. This is where the challenge lies. I say this because though the government has introduced the cash transfer and national hospital insurance. There is still the issue of technicality and implementation, because you find that many older people, though already registered, they are not aware the day they could benefit. There is also the issue of those who have been left behind with the cash transfer. We have to think about the population?

What does the data say about the population of older persons in Kenya? Then how many people are benefiting through the cash transfer? Then we can give the government credit as to how many they have assisted and how many are remaining. This is a challenge I'm still trying to address together with our other network of other organization members who have now joined KARIKA. I'm very grateful that though it started as one, now we have a network of over 60 groups. We are even outside Dagorreti. Now we are in Migori, Siaya,Embu, Murang'a, Thika, Kiambu, Nakuru, Machakos and Kajiado. These are some of the areas that never had groups of older persons, but now they're coming up. Q. This is a good indicator that the community is becoming aware.

A. Very true. Now there is a lot of positivity in addressing the issues of older persons. Where I have challenges is that even the government did not have policy on the rights of older persons, but in January 2018, the president signed the policy. So now we have a policy guiding the implementation of protection of older persons. What we are lacking in the government, is the implementation work plan. This is the document we are working on currently. Though, we have the policy, it should be guided by the implementation work plan. Perhaps in the next one or two years we will have it so that every institution whether government or private can now incorporate issue of all the older persons. I'm happy about this. I'm also very happy that the government also has a geriatric bill, which is already passed by the parliament. It is also coming to the public very soon. It was introduced by Mheshimiwa Gathoni wa Muchomba Kiambu women rep and we worked on it. We drafted it from scratch and now we are headed to public participation. These are some of the milestones we have achieved.

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We should have the government providing social facilities for the older persons, which are age friendly.

Q. So what I'm holding here is the national plan of action on implementation, the national policy on older persons and aging. This is amazing. So maybe I'll still, ask you on the same segment. I know you've mentioned about the involvement of government. Is there anything else that shows how the government has intervened to ensure that the rights of older persons are respected? Maybe you could highlight to us more about that.

I would say that the government is working hard to see to it that older persons are being protected

A. One, I want to appreciate the government. The constitution of Kenya, which is now the governing document, Article 57 speaks about older people, the state and the community. Yes. The same article clause D says, an older person belongs to the state and the family. So now the policy will guide us on how to address the nature of older persons. Within the constitution, they are a number of articles that can protect the older persons such as article 57 ,article 21 and some other articles. I may not remember them all, but of course that is a very good step from the government towards addressing the needs of older persons. The other thing is that now we have the policy on the rights of older persons that was signed in the year 2018.

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In addition to all that, the government has also done with us, the national standards and guidelines on the establishment of the institutions of older persons. These are documents we have worked on as KARIKA from scratch. So I would say that the government is working hard to see to it that older persons are being protected. Apart from all this, we are pushing the government and I know they have a plan to ratify the African protocol and the rights of older persons. The original document that will protect the rights of older persons. Kenya is a member of AAU. According to the United nations, they only require 15 countries to ratify the African protocol for the rights of older persons. Then the EU can consider to formulate a convention on the rights of older persons just as they have done the convention on the rights of women and on children rights. Okay. So these are some of the steps by the government and I'm happy that KARIKA has been part of it at the forefront. Q. What else do you think the government is missing or needs to do? A. Well, the government still has a lot to do for the protection of older persons. One, because even as we protect them, we should look at their mental health, physical and even the environmental. So we are looking at what the government has done towards the healthy living of older persons?

The wellbeing of an older person. For example, why do we have play grounds for young people and we don't have some for the older persons? We should have the government providing social facilities for the older persons, which are age friendly. Secondly, we also have quite a number of bills protecting the older persons which are yet to be passed in the parliament. For instance, I have a copy of a summary of the care and protection bill of all the members of the society 2018, which was dropped along the way by the parliament and we are very concerned about it. We also had the older persons bill, 2019 done by the minister of labor and social protection. It did not go well. It was to be merged with the senate bill which did not work. It was turned back. Then we had the maintenance and welfare of parents and the senior citizens bill 2020 done by OKONGWE BORA society. It is not yet passed by the parliament. It has challenges. Finally, we have the geriatric bill, which was done the other day by Mheshimiwa Gathoni wa Muchomba. These bills need to be passed by the parliament so that we can enhance the protection of older people. As you have said James the population of older people is rising every now and then so if we do not do it quickly, we are prone to be caught up and the government may not have any guiding principles, which can lead to the protection of all the persons, so I feel like government should have passed a bill on the rights of older persons. which will then provide an act of parliament so that we start charging people of any abuse of older persons. Today, if you go to report a case to the police station about alder person abuse, the police officers would ask you under what act or law are you accusing them. So these are some of the things we need to address as society.

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We have had cases of young people abusing, or even neglecting the older people, but you cannot report to them. There is no law that is hindering them from doing so. I think the government should enact as soon as yesterday. Another issue; we normally report every year to the UN headquarters, openended working group on the rights of older persons, where we have to provide a country proposition paper. The government is reporting every year, but even as they report, we want to see the parliament moving with the country. If the country is reporting good things about what they're doing for the older persons right now e.g. the cash transfer, the NHIF coverage the parliament should also make a step and sign a bill. I'm happy that I'm part of the team that is working on the country proposition paper, 2022 which will be tabled in UN in April 11. This is a good step that shows that the government is concerned. However there is too much that needs to be done. One ,and this is very key is the education and community awareness. What is the government doing for the older people? Who are these people that are supposed to go and cascade the information to the grassroots? The government has a lot to do. We have been interacting with the ministry of labor and the ministry of health. and I like the strides they are taking. The ministry of health has already brought up a division for the older people for the first time in Kenya, since independence. They started with the unit for the aging which has now been upgraded to the division of aging and geriatric medicine. I'm hoping that one of these days it'll be a ministry for the senior citizens. Remark. I'm very sure this will come to pass if we continue pushing it

Q. I just want to drift a little bit and talk about the organization briefly. So what the kind of need do you have as an organization that if addressed can make you more effective in your outreach and in fighting for the advocacy and lobbying for the older people? A. That's a good question. One, I need people to give me the legs to walk .I want to go and reach more counties. I want to take the older people on the grassroot and give them the information that they're missing. So I would appeal any people of Goodwill to provide me with the ability to move e.g. a vehicle or paying for my transport. For instance right now I have an invitation to Machakos where older people are meeting and they want me there to train them. I would be very happy to reach there. I also have an invite to Mai Mahiu and another one in Migori. I need to go there but I am restricted financially.

The other thing is that lately there have been a lot of new cases of dementia. I noticed last year that here in Kawangware, many women and men who come to meet their friends along the day, forget where they belong. They even forgettheir homesteads and their names. They even forget even their children and they are referred here by the chief or the DO. When they report here I am unable to accommodate them because I don't have enough room for them. So another thing that I'm planning to do, and I've already started, I'll show you, is that we want to build a rescue center; temporary rescue center for the older persons. As we stay with them and counsel them to bring them back to their memories, we need to ensure their safety in this place. Safer places for older people in every county, in every sub county must be available.

Another important thing to note is that people are growing older because of the kind of food we are eating here in Kenyan nowadays. I tend to believe like here in Dagorreti a lot of older people eat what is available. They don't eat what they like but what is available. As a result, you'll find that many of them contract diseases that can be prevented. Therefore, here in, KARIKA we are asking people of Goodwill to assist us with equipment such as treadmill, skipping ropes and anything to help with physical exercise. So that when they come here they can be exercising. The other thing that we are implementing in Kenya vision 2030 that we leave no one behind but if you look at the digital technology today, older people are using outdated gadgets. They don't know what Facebook or twitter is and we need to build their capacity. I'm looking for tablets and smartphones because we have to continue doing good to our older people. If you ask me what plan I have for this year, I will tell you that on 1st of April, we have already planned a class of 50. We want to train them on using the smartphones. We are training 50 of them. I don't know where I get resources. I'm appealing to the young people to bring their skills here. Just be a friend of older person, come and train one and we'll be very happy. Come with your phone or tablet and help our older people to learn.

we want to build a rescue center; temporary rescue center for the older persons CONV O ISSU E 4 | 12

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I am looking upon to see a national voice for older persons from all corners of Kenya where we'll have a representative of older people in parliament. We want to have a branch of KARIKA in every county. We also want to see all the older people able to manage themselves. I am looking upon to see a national voice for older persons from all corners of Kenya where we'll have a representative of older people in parliament. Why do we have youth representative? Why do we have women representatives? People with disability representatives yet we don't have one for older persons. Remark. Yes. That's a good question. A. Yes. Why is it that older people have no representation in parliament. Who is speaking on their behalf? So this is my dream to see a Kenya where we have an incorporated house where everybody is represented. That is my prayer. Q. You may want to appreciate partners that you have been working with. A. I want to appreciate those people who have been supporting KARIKA and also private sector. I cannot forget Brookside. They have been bringing us some milk and yogurt which the older people may not afford to buy for themselves. We have other institutions like Lavington rotary club. They have been supporting KARIKA. I may not quite mention everyone but I just want to say thank you to everybody who has ever helped KARIKA to be the way it is. Thank you so much.

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Q. I'm so happy for even your time and the willingness to share your experiences with me. I'm very grateful and I'll be coming often so that we can advance this conversation further.

That was that. You have heard the issues of older people are very critical and so much is happening to be able to address the issues affecting older persons. So even when as you walk out there, when you are doing your usual daily business, it's good to remember that in our community, the older population is increasing and their rights need to be protected. As Mr. Mwega said sometimes they don't have anybody to talk to so they talk to whoever is available in the house. So take some time and go and visit them. In case you have older person living in your community, it could be a relative or your parent.

It is Experiential working with the Elderly By: Violet Kagai Co- Founder, Karika It has been a good experience with older people, around 36 older persons in 2003 and now the number has grown to over 600. We have women, who are the majority and men who come here and we engage in different activities. Women engage in weaving and bead work and men do carving. We sing a lot and this gives the elderly a relief from day to day stresses. Majority are suffering from communicable diseases and so we do a lot of home based care, we visit them in their houses where we give them medications. we also have provide food everyday at KARIKA which we get from well wishers. We partner with HelpAge International, Kenya office and the Area Administration and engage in different projects aimed at improving the welfare of older persons.

Inua Jamii

Written By: Rachael Mutuku

Inua Jamii is a government initiative by the Kenyan government to provide regular and predictable cash transfer to poor and vulnerable older persons (65 years and above) in identified deserving households. This is done through the different cash transfer program on a bi-monthly basis. This means that the registered members receive their aid after every two months.



FY 2015/16


An Aid to the senior citizens in Kenya Kenya’s government has made a substantial effort in tackling poverty through cash transfers, as part of the National Safety Net Program (NSNP). There are a set of minimum requirements that seek to ensure the right person benefit from the cash

Requirements one needs to enroll into the OP-CT Be a Kenyan citizen. Have attained the age of 70 years and above. Not enrolled in any other cash transfer program. Lived in a particular location for more than a year. Not receiving pension.

transfer program for older

Older persons are encouraged to

I would encourage our older

persons. In the targeting

be wise in choosing who to

persons and every other

process, there are other

register as caregiver to avoid cases

beneficiary of this initiative to

considerations that are made to

of unconsented transactions or

always be on track with every

determine the eligibility of a

cases of fraud.

update and for those who are not


Within the period I have been

able to access information to

The local government

practicing, I witnessed several

inquire from the nearest

representatives like the chiefs

cases of beneficiaries who came

government representative. This

and their assistants assist in

up with complaints through their

will help them to ensure they are

validation and confirmation of

various local leaders, most of

not coned or cheated in any way.

eligible beneficiaries.

which were about irresponsible caregivers. We found out that

Secondly, to help reduce the

After the identification process,

some of these people who are

number of cases as mentioned

the targeted are then registered

expected to be the aid to their

above, it is important for the banks

into the cash transfer program

elderly parents or grandparents

that are allowed to handle the Inua

and are guided into opening a

are actually the ones that are

Jamii Initiative accounts to

personal Inua Jamii bank

leading in these irresponsibility’s.

distribute their agents in the

account. They are ready to

interior arrears. This will ease the

receive the cash transfer

Most reports being that most of

burden of travelling far for the

payments upon receiving a

the beneficiaries do not even get

older persons to make a

payment card.

to know when money is credited

transaction. It will also be easy for

to their accounts. We had a case

them to check from time to time

One may ask, how then do the

where a son withdrew cash from

their statements.

beneficiaries receive or

the fathers account for a year

withdraw the cash since some

without the fathers’ knowledge.

I would also encourage all the

of them are advanced in age

These are some of the reasons

caregivers to be straight forward

and not well versed with the

why the government in

people with the welfare of the

banking systems. Well, during

collaboration with the banks do

elderly at heart. Not just for those

registration into the program,

conduct some random checks on

caring for the older persons but

the beneficiary is allowed to

the beneficiaries where they are

also those caring for every other

register one person of their

required to appear in person once

beneficiary with the different

choice as their caregiver and by

in a while for verification and life

challenges that need full time care.

that, the caregiver also is

confirmation. This has also helped

registered with the bank and is

the government to keep track of

therefore allowed to transact on

the enlisted members since there

behalf of the beneficiary.

are people who do not report in case of a members’ demise.

15 | CONV O ISSU E 4




Lessons From Grandpa By Joana Atetwe

17 | CONV O ISSU E 4

All my life, I have lived with my grandpa. One would say, I come from a young family as he wasn’t all that old. Nonetheless, he was my grandpa. Grandpa and I aren’t particularly close but we have spent quite a long time together. As I am now older, I realise the importance of the moments we shared with him. He is a library of knowledge, a well of lessons and advice for all the phases of life. Now more than ever, he shares with me stories that he definitely wouldn’t have as I was younger. Every time these stories comes up, they turn into thought and germinate into principles of life. I’d like to share some of them with you.


Giving back to the community. My grandpa is a giver. A giver of time and whatever else he can, to support those around him and those in need. From him, I learnt that giving enlarges the heart and it brings great joy to see others thrive too. 03



The Fear of and Love for God. My grandpa’s morning routine to this very day has never changed. And all his days begins with God. I can always recall the bible stories and the hours spent as a family discussing and learning from the Bible. He taught me that everything in life can be done with God. When there seems to be no way, God has a way. It may sound as a cliché or the most basic stuff, but living it is the opposite. But having an example of this faith and beliefs, I have been able to gradually apply them into my life.

Learning never stops. An avid reader, he inspires me to keep learning. That the thirst for knowledge can never be fully quenched. 04

Do what You Can and Leave the Rest to God Another lesson would be to do what I must and leave the rest to God. To do my work diligently, and efficiently. To do my very best in everything I do as if in service to God and others. The lessons from him are too many to complete. I’m ever grateful for these lessons and hope that all the days of my life I shall live by them.


Humility Humility goes a long way. My grandpa doesn’t do well around arrogant people. It’s something I have noticed over the years. A humble heart is a kindred spirit to him. He humbles himself to his superiors and even to those inferior to him and that’s a lesson I picked up too. To be humble and kind.

Grandpa and I aren’t particularly close but we have spent quite a long time together. As I am now older, I realise the importance of the moments we shared with him.


HIV/Aids and Older Persons Written By: Hellen Amollo

Hellen is currently Working as a HTS Provider (HIV Testing Service Provider. Her role includes, counseling, testing and treatment preparation support (TPS). and linkage



in SSA may have far reaching consequences on societies' economic, social and political spheres of life. Despite this evident need, issues of aging in Africa have only recently started receiving attention in research and in policies. There is a near absence of policies and programs targeting older people in most countries in SSA and

Older people have traditionally been

most health policies are geared

held in high esteem in many African

towards the needs of traditionally

societies for their wisdom, role as

vulnerable groups of women and

heads of families, and roles in


conflict resolution. Some authors

In all ways in which one can be HIV-

have used the term "gerontocracy"

affected, females were twice as

to illustrate the powerful position

likely to be affected as males except

older people hold in most African

for perceived loss of community

societies. More recently, older

support. A study among people

people have been engaged in the

living in slums in Kenya indicate

fight against HIV/AIDS especially in

that, 7.7% of infected people had

their role as caregivers for HIV

cared for or were currently caring for

infected family members and

a family member with AIDS, 5.3%

orphans left behind by deceased

had cared for or were currently

relatives. The vulnerability of older

caring for orphans, 1.8% had lost

people as a consequence of the

social and financial support due to

HIV/AIDS epidemic has increased

the illness and/or death of their

due to the weakening of traditional

adult children, 4.0% had lost general

social support structures, increased

community support normally given

mortality of family members in the

to older people and 0.3% had lost a

productive age group and

spouse to HIV/AIDS.

subsequent loss of economic

people is increasing

support for older people.

The importance of older people in

worldwide. Globally, it is

In many cases the death of an adult

the fight against HIV/AIDS cannot

estimated that older people

in the reproductive age group is

be overemphasized. The worse

(those 60 years or older)

soon followed by the death of the

health outcomes exhibited by older

spouse leaving behind a number of

people affected by HIV/AIDS

orphans. It is estimated that up to

highlights the need for policy

60% of orphaned children live in

makers, development partners and

grandparent-headed households in

civil society organizations involved

constitute more than 11% of the population. As the HIV/AIDS pandemic rages in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), its

some SSA countries.

in HIV/AIDS initiatives to develop

impact on older people needs

In Kenya, it is estimated that 5% of

policies and programs that

closer attention given the

those infected with HIV/AIDS are

specifically target older people.

increased economic and

aged 50 years and older and recent

social roles older people have

research and public health

Such programs should include those

discourses are increasingly

that improve HIV/AIDS and other

highlighting the need to focus on

general health services for older

older people in the fight against

people and those that increase


uptake for counseling and testing

taken on as a result of increased mortality among adults in the productive age groups. Few studies have

pandemic rages in sub-Saharan

services. Older people should also

looked at older people and

Africa, its impact on older people

be targeted by initiatives aimed at

their health in SSA or indeed

needs closer attention because the

mitigating the social and economic

the impact of HIV/AIDS on

intersection of the HIV/AIDS

impact of HIV/AIDS on vulnerable

their health.

pandemic and ageing population-


19 | CONV O ISSU E 4

osteoporosis Written By: Wachira Fridah

The cause that is widely known is old age; age-related or senile osteoporosis. Bone formation decreases with age. However, there can also be other forms of osteoporosis termed as secondary osteoporosis. This type of osteoporosis can begin at any age Osteoporosis is a condition where the bones become weak, fragile and brittle. A diagnosis is not likely to be made

What are the risk factors?

●Old age; Age is a primary risk factor for developing this disease.

unless one breaks a bone. The

Senile osteoporosis begins at the

bones that are usually affected by

age of 70 years. Thus the older

this condition are bones of the hip,

one gets the higher their risk of

wrist and spine. The bones become

developing osteoporosis.

so brittle such that even a minor fall or activities that produce mild

●Family history - having a parent or a sibling that has had this

stress to the bones can cause a

disease especially hip fractures

fracture. These fractures are called

related to osteoporosis increases

osteoporosis related fractures.

one’s risk of developing the

How common is osteoporosis?


It is estimated that about 1 in 2

●Drugs - phenobarbital, thyroid

women and 1 in 4 men over 50

hormone, steroids (high dose

years of age suffer from

steroids for about 3 months), or

osteoporosis. Approximately 15-30%

drugs that can affect bone

men and 30-50% women will suffer

strength or hormone levels such

osteoporosis related fractures in

as anti-estrogen drugs given to

their lifetime. About one-tenth of

breast cancer patients can

women aged 60 have osteoporosis,

predispose one to getting

while two-fifths of women aged 80


have the disease (International

●Gender; Osteoporosis tends to

Osteoporosis Foundation)

affect women more than men,

What causes osteoporosis?

Normally bone tissue is usually constantly being broken down and new bone being formed to replace the bone cells that have been destroyed. When the process of new bone formation (osteoblast) does not match up to the process of bone destruction (osteoclast) then this results in osteoporosis. It is a quantitative bone disease i.e. there is decrease in bone mass. Therefore, conditions in the body that affect the balance between bone destruction and bone formation can cause osteoporosis.

especially older women.

●Postmenopausal women estrogen usually prevents bone destruction and this hormone usually decreases after menopause. Thus, postmenopausal women are more likely at a higher risk of developing osteoporosis (postmenopausal osteoporosis)

●Underweight/ low body weight ●Low intake of calcium and Vitamin D

●Lack of physical activity ●Lifestyle - heavy smoking, alcohol use, sedentary lifestyle


How Does the Disease Present? Osteoporosis is termed a silent disease because one can have it for many years without showing any signs and symptoms. Here are the most common signs and symptoms;

●Loss of height ●Back pain ●Vertebrae collapse How do we prevent osteoporosis?

● Nutrition - a balanced diet is always a good place to start. Vitamin D and calcium rich diet is essential for bone health. It is also important to avoid caffeinated drinks.

● Lifestyle modification - encourage physical activity early in life. This helps one to achieve the peak bone mass. It also increases bone strength by about 30%

● Quit smoking and alcohol use. Heavy drinkers and smokers have a high risk of developing osteoporosis later in life.

Approximately 15-30% men and 30-50% women will suffer osteoporosis related fractures in their lifetime.

● Prevention of frequent falls - If a loved one already has osteoporosis it is important to create a safe environment for them at home.

● It is also important to adhere to

medications a s prescribed e.g. do not take steroids unless prescribed or for a longer duration than is prescribed.

● For women, it is important to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of hormonal medications. It is advisable to take certain medications or procedures if the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Make sure you ask your doctor about the pros and cons and make an informed decision.

21 | CONV O ISSU E 4

Is it an obligation to take care of our aging parents? Children taking care of their aging parents is a conversation that has been heard in almost every country from all over the world. Some people think it is not the responsibility of the children to take care of their ageing parents while others think it is an obligation. An important thing to note is that as we age, our parents also follow suit. It reaches a point in life where roles change, and we are the ones responsible for their provision, health, and well-being. The last thing parents should go through is feeling abandoned by the children they raised. Research shows that children prefer to take their parents to nursing homes with a belief that the parents will get better care there. This is not usually the case; most elderly people want to spend as much time with their kids in the last days as they can. Alexis Abramson says that everyone’s expectation should be that one day, they will be a caregiver. There is probably no law written that is illegal for children to neglect their parents, but I write this article confidently saying that we ought to take care of our parents during their last days. Caring for parents is more of a privilege and duty than a burden. Taking care of ageing parents is one of the highest forms gratitude and love to them. They raised us to become the successful career women and men we are which is their joy. Most parents forewent their dreams, desires, and goals to make sure that their children live a life they would be proud of so we can only show appreciation by taking care of them in their old age.

Ageing people need appropriate care and they can only enjoy this is at home with their children. Children are the only people who perfectly understand their parents’ habits which is not the case with nursing homes and professional caregivers. There are very high chances that parents will not enjoy the satisfaction, excitement, and fun with a caregiver as compared to being with their children. Old people struggle a lot with feelings of loneliness and isolation so their own children taking care of them gives them a sense of belonging and purpose. It is the desire of every child to see their parent happy and satisfied in their old age, one of the ways we can do that is by taking responsibility for this stage in their life. It is a privilege to take care of an ageing parent. Scientifically, an old person is not so different from a child in terms of their thought patterns meaning while children spend time with them in this stage, they get to help them discover the wonders of life. Children get to bond with their parents at this stage as compared to before because, the elderly trust you with their own lives. One of the ways children can take care of their parents is by sharing out the roles between the siblings where each of them takes up the role they can manage. This way, the responsibility is not left to one of the children making the load lighter. In cases where there is an only child and they are not available physically, a professional caregiver can relieve the burden. Among other ways, children can take care of their ageing parents amidst their busy calendars and family responsibilities is to keep frequent contact with them, Visit the parents regularly and encourage them to visit and engage in social gatherings.

Old people struggle a lot with feelings of loneliness and isolation so their own children taking care of them gives them a sense of belonging and purpose. Aside from the fact that children need to take care of their ageing parents, it shouldn’t come at the expense of their mental health and emotional well-being. They should be able to have a balance between caregiving and their own lives. Taking care of your ageing parent is probably one of the challenging jobs you will encounter but I am sure you would want to look back and proudly say that you did the best for your parent.


How to take care of an Aging Parent Written By

Wachira Fridah

Age like wine not like milk ~ unknown Old age is not a disease; it only puts you at risk of developing quite a number of diseases. Aging is a natural process not a disability or a time of hopelessness or despair. Different literature and people describe old age differently but a person is considered old when they hit 65 years. As we grow older we also watch our parents grow older. They cease to be as youthful and energetic as we once knew them to be. Some might even start to struggle with their health. Eventually your parent (s) might need you to step in as their caregiver. Your parents were patient with you when you were young, now it's time for you to be patient with them in their old age. I honestly think that it is a privilege to have the opportunity to take care of the people/person who spent most of their time worrying, caring and loving you. Issue 27 | 234


Depending on the condition of their health, there are a lot of things to consider as you take care of them. Here are a few tips on how to take care of an aging parent.

1. Know as much as you can about their health condition if they have one. As earlier stated old age is not a disease but most seniors develop different diseases as a result of their old age. E.g. dementias, osteoporosis, hearing loss Research about their disease, find out if there are any measures you can take to prevent the progression of the disease, learn the side effects of the drugs they are on and what to do in case they develop the side effects, learn about the complications of the disease and how to prevent them e.g. a diabetic person can develop blindness, hearing loss, non-healing wounds etc. but all this can be prevented if the person is on strict follow up and sugar control. It may be difficult for your parents to gather such information by themselves or even put the information to good use. It is therefore your responsibility to gather the correct information from trusted and credible sources and recommend and implement any changes in their lifestyle.

2. Find them dedicated care and take charge of their medical needs

Do not neglect your parents. Ensure that you are aware of how they are doing physically, mentally, socially and even spiritually. Remember according to WHO health is not the mere absence of disease but a state of complete physical, mental and complete wellbeing. Some parents may not take any symptoms they develop seriously so it is important to check in on them frequently. If your parent has a specific condition take responsibility and ensure that they are on follow-up by the specialist. E.g. it is vital to ensure that hypertensive, diabetic patients attend regular clinics and take their meds without fail. It is therefore necessary to sign them up for specialist reviews or follow-ups to make sure that their health is under control and the disease is not progressing.

If they are on so many drugs, you can find them a pill organizer or manage their medication schedule to make sure that they are not taking an overdose or under dose or missing certain doses. Sometimes it is necessary to find them home based care e.g. find a nurse, clinician, medical officer, family medicine physician to come assess them at home regularly even if it is once in a month. You don't need to be a doctor to take care of your parent’s medical needs. All you need to be is their advocate. Accompany them to see the doctor, ask the right questions, make sure they follow any medical advice they receive to the letter. Do not dismiss their medical needs.

There’s no perfect man and human expectations will never be met in this life 3. Make the house they live in safe and comfortable As people age they may lose balance and be prone to falls and burns. It is therefore important to reduce the risks at home for your parents. For example, add grab bars to the stair rails, make sure the floor is not slippery, ensure that the bathroom facilities are easily accessible for them, discourage use of biomass fuel as it may cause respiratory problems.

4. Keep them hydrated Seniors are at a higher risk of dehydration even if they are healthy. This is due to increased fluid loss and reduced intake of fluids. In certain cases, dehydration in old age can be fatal. Aging is also associated with an increased percentage of body fat which in turn decreases the total percentage of body water. Ensure that your parents are always well hydrated. Emphasis to them the importance of taking fluids and the dangers of dehydration.

5. Keep them physically active Physical inactivity worsens one’s state of health. For instance, a senior who is physically inactive can develop bed sores. Ensure that your parents engage in physical exercises as tolerated. Do not push them too hard but do not also let them stay inactive. Physical activity also improves their health.

6. Offer them psychological support It is not right to leave one elderly parent to take care of a sick spouse. If your aged mother is unwell, do not leave the responsibility of taking care of her to your aged father and vice versa. Take as much pressure and weight off your parent’s shoulders. Make sure that they understand that they are not a burden to you. Let them know that you are happy to take care of them and not complaining. Show them love by spending quality time with them. Do not take away their sense of control; this does more damage than good.

If your parent has a specific condition take responsibility and ensure that they are on follow-up by the specialist. 7. Remember to take care of yourself Rough statistics show that 30% of caregivers die before those they are caring for. It is therefore very important to learn how to take care of yourself. Your parents will benefit from you more when you are in the right state of mind. Involve other family members when you need to. Ask for help when things get hard. You do not have to do this alone. If your parents are severely demented and you are not able to take care of them, do not be afraid to take them to an elderly home. Make decisions that are best for them and their health, not just for you. Always do what is best for them.


Mental Health in Old Age Written By: FaitLucy Mwangi

Social Withdrawals Those elderly people suffering from mental illnesses will often withdraw from their social circles and may avoid social

Ageing is a process which results from the effect of molecular and cellular accumulation over time which begins mostly at the age of 65. Ageing brings along with retirement, a decrease in mental and physical strength, unplanned death and a higher risk of disease and health conditions. A longer life provides a huge opportunity for older people to pursue new activities such as: a new career, a forgotten passion or further education. However, the extent to which they contribute to their own lives, to their families and to the society depends on one vital thing: Their Health and more especially Mental Health. Mental health is the psychological, behavioural and emotional well-being of a person. Over 20% of adults aged

Most of them find it troubling to

engagements and gatherings. This

do so. While there is a growing

could be due to loss of a spouse,

evidence of mental health

separation from family members,

challenges among late life, there is

loss of mobility or retirement.

limited concentration and care for

Other warning signs for

arrangement for them. It is our

deteriorating mental health

responsibility as the society to look

among the elderly are: Changes in

out for the mental health of every

appearance mostly the dressing,

elderly person around us and

decrease or increased appetite,

make them understand that

overly excited or depressed,

ageing is a stage in life.

feelings of worthlessness,

Some of the warning signs to look

inappropriate guilt, loss of interest

out for in relation to the mental

in things they used to love,

health of the elderly include:

reduced self-esteem, unexplained

Frequent Loss of Memory

memory loss which is an indicator that their mind is preoccupied with accumulative thoughts, I.e. : misplacing items, difficulty finding their way home, getting lost in well-known places or failure to take care of themselves like taking a shower or poor health habits.

Apathy This simply means loss of

mental or neurological disorder.

motivation and especially in the

The reason why most elderly

activities that used to interest

people have a challenge in their

them. For example, cleaning the

mental health is the stress and

house, reading a book or tilling the

anxiety that comes along with

land. The elderly often withdraw

their age which leaves them

themselves from anything that

wondering what will happen or

involves their emotion or thinking,

what they will do with their lives

depend on other people to make

in their old age. In most cases,

decisions for them, have no desire

no one recognizes that their

to learn new things and seem

mental health is deteriorating

unbothered about their own

i.e., the elderly, their caregivers


is important to realize that while

Social Disorders

there are few elderly people

Increased aggressiveness, difficulty

who can cope with life changing

sleeping, anxiety, anger, irritability

situations such as retirement,

or worry are significant signs of an

death of a loved one,

old person struggling with their mental health.

25 | CONV O ISSU E 4

increased substance use.

This mostly involves short term

60 and above suffer from a

or even the family members. It

fatigue and energy loss and

Once these signs are noticed, it is important to act and provide a safe space throughout the journey. Some of the ways we can support the elderly as care givers are teach them about mental health, help them acknowledge important things they have done over time, encourage them to be productive by reading, volunteer and social work, do not ignore remarks they make about suicide, be present in their lives, teach them a new basic skill like fishing, cooking or farming. The government too has a responsibility over the elderly and should make sure to provide policies that protect the elderly and provide basic services to them since most have lost their livelihoods. In conclusion, it is important to raise awareness about mental disorders among the elderly, the community and the health specialists and to ensure easy access to health care for the elderly with mental illness.

Dementia Among the Elderly Written by: Margaret Muiruri

Have you ever wondered why old people might appear forgetful or having child -like behavior, it could be dementia. Dementia is not necessarily a disease but a condition that is characterized by memory loss. This condition may affect older people as they advance in age. This condition can be managed through treatments but can’t be cured.

What is Dementia? Memory loss is one of the key symptoms of dementia where a person can forget their name, their family members and can insist on what one has already told them. Sometimes we get irritated because they need lots of patience and repetition but as a care giver just bear with them and answer when they ask. Older people are fun to live with and in both their sweet stories and entertainments, tolerate them even in time of frustrations. One time, I met an old man who I wandered what on earth was wrong with him because he kept asking my name, after few minutes of talking, he would ask, what did you say your name is? I felt annoyed but later I came to realize it was dementia. Now I appreciate the condition and what I can do is show love and help whenever needed. Dementia can make one look and behave in a child -like manner and thus forget they are adults and get entertained by baby like actions. Sometimes they would love someone to sing them lullabies, can throw tantrums and would love to be treated like a baby.

Making up things, is another characteristic portrayed by a person with dementia. This sounds funny right? If you want to know a person suffering from dementia, listen to their stories, they tend to have so many enemies because to them whatever they say is so real and believe they are always right which can cause conflict among people. If no one listens to them and pays attention they easily get into depression. Dementia in older people can cause them not even to recognize common things. They might not even know who they live with and tend to lose track of time. One case I know is of a man who does not differentiate between sheep and cattle, he has sheep but will keep telling everyone he meets that his cows are grazing then the next day he will say he sold them, another time will refer to his wife as his sister. Among many other things don’t remind people with dementia that they have lost a loved one, don’t argue with them, never ask them if they remember a thing and also in whatever issue they bring up just agree with it don’t tell them they are wrong about anything. Dementia can be controlled and managed by the help of doctors. If you have a person with dementia visit a hospital and they will receive some medications that will help manage the symptoms.

Spread news about dementia in old people and let the society learn and be their voice so that life can become better for them. You create my today, I create your tomorrow. CONVO ISSUE 4 | 26


His Unlived Life

It is a large room, almost cavernous. The air has a still quality to it. A large window sits squarely in the concrete wall, halfopen, and through it the wind oozes in with a papery rustle. Long fingers of sunlight, heralds of the setting sun, snake in through the window and do their eery dance on the marble floor. The room is stark, dry, dilapidated. Much like the man sitting in the bareboned rickety armchair in the center of the room.

He is a rather gangly fellow, all angles and legs and arms, a sentient mass of folded limbs and bent joints. He is hunched over in his equally angular armchair, running his hands over his bald pate. It is possible, even if with singular difficulty, to glimpse the crowning majesty of youth that once was his— in the steady clenching of what is an admirably large fist, in the languid grace with which he crosses and uncrosses his legs, in the occasional ripple of aged muscle in his gaunt arms, in his bright keen gaze. And in the grim determination that suffuses his face. Such a face, this one. Time has raked its inevitable claws through it, leaving it with wrinkles and fissures so deep the face seems to be folded in on itself, like a rumpled tablecloth carelessly cast away. It is almost impossible to distinguish any semblance of what could be a human face— were it not for a bristly white moustache, it might be difficult to tell which fold was the mouth and which the nose. The man feels just like the room he sits in — old and stark, dry and tired. It seems to him that his joints have long since been replaced by duct tape, any sudden uncalculated movement and he might fall apart into an unsalvageable mass of bits and pieces. He is in a philosophical mood, that quiet rumination that men way past their prime are famous for. Like scores of similarly elderly gentlemen who have sat in rooms just like this across the many millennia of human history, he is coming to a similar conclusion — his life has been marked by landmark events, defining moments in which he the traveller came to a fork in the path that was his life. And each path he chose spawned forth a myriad more paths. And for each neglected path, whole other lives were lost and left unlived.

27 | CONV O ISSU E 4

Two roads diverged in a Written By wood, Emmanuel and I Muchai I didn't choose the road, the road chose me.

Robert Frost turns in his grave, listening to his words so recklessly butchered.

How much more different his life might have been had he stuck out it out as a somewhat talented, although admittedly penniless, musician. Had he refused to sacrifice his life's joy at the altar of the money machine, what glamorous nights, penniless as they were, might have been his? Had he had ten children instead of one, had he married one woman rather than the other, had he stood in the way of his son enlisting in the army and being blown up to high heaven, had he..... He stops. His train of thought is giving him a headache. One decision has led to another and another after it, an inevitable domino of cause and effect. Nothing left to do but tough it out to the end. He sighs. His soul is bursting apart at the seams, struggling to contain all of his unlived lives.

Robert Frost was an American poet who wrote the narrative poem "The Road Not Taken".


doctor's bench is on Facebook

Your health our priority

An Initiative of Wachira Fridah; 6th Year MBChB

A platform where we can share our experiences as patients, health care workers and caregivers



How to Invest in Your Health in 2022

Written By: Wachira Fridah

Regular health checkups When was the last time you visited a dentist? Some of us only see a dentist when they get a toothache. It is extremely important to get screened. Do not wait until you get sick to visit a doctor. Plan for regular checkups.

Would you consider yourself healthy?

Put a little more thought into

Is your lifestyle a healthy one? Being

your diet

If you are a woman when was

How much food do you eat? How

your last pap smear done? Do

frequent are your meals? What is the

you know how to do self-

health benefit of each of the

breast examination to look for

nutrients included in that meal? It is

lumps? If you are a man above

important to put thought into what

40 years have you considered

you eat. In most homes the diet has

screening for prostate cancer?

been greatly influenced by the

If you have a positive family

family culture.

history for high blood pressure

In other words, you are more likely

or diabetes how often do you

to prepare meals the same way you

get your blood pressure and

found your parents preparing them.

sugars checked? Have you

You rarely question the quantity and

identified the modifiable risk

quality of your meals. How much

factors for the diseases you are

nutritional value do you gain from

predisposed to?

your diet? Asking yourself such

Do not make self-

healthy is more than not having to visit a hospital in a long time. As defined by WHO health is not the mere absence of disease or infirmity but a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing. Therefore, you cannot measure how healthy you are by counting the number of visits you make to a doctor’s office per year. What then is a healthy lifestyle? How do you tell if you are living a healthy life? A healthy lifestyle is a way of living that lowers the risk of being seriously ill or dying early. (WHO) Do your behaviors or your way of life put you at risk for certain diseases? Are you unhealthy as a result of a poorly managed lifestyle? Can your state of health right now be traced back to certain habits you have adopted over time? How much

questions can help you derive more nutritional value from your meals. How much starch do you need in every meal? In most homes starch is served as the largest portion per plate while the rest of the nutrients occupy the little space left. This should not be so.

prescription a habit Unfortunately, it has become very easy these days to access certain drugs. You can easily buy an antibiotic or a steroid over the counter even without a prescription. Most parents will get an antibiotic over the

thought have you put into the effects

Stay hydrated and physically

counter for their child if at the

your lifestyle has to your health?


least they suspect tonsillitis.

Water is life! Did you know that 60% Adopting a healthy lifestyle helps you

of your total body weight is water? If

to enjoy more aspects of your life and

you are like most people who only

does not only benefit you but also

drink water when they feel thirsty

your family. There is much more to a

you can find ways to make sure that

healthy lifestyle than eating a

you are hydrated. You can start by

balanced diet and working out in the

getting a wattle bottle and carry it

gym. I am strong believer in

with you every day as a routine. If

preventive medicine. There a lot of

you rarely remember to take water,

diseases that cannot be prevented

attach it to certain routines e.g. take

but you can always reduce your risk

water before or after working out,

of contracting them or dying from

when you feel hungry, when you


wake up etc. If you don’t like the taste of plain water you can some

Here are some things to consider this

spice into it such as lemon.

This is a dangerous habit as over time it leads to antibiotic resistance and drug misuse. This is a behavior that encourages unhealthy lifestyle.

A healthy lifestyle is a way of living that lowers the risk of being seriously ill or dying early.

year to help you adopt a healthy lifestyle;

29 | CONV O ISSU E 4



Mind Your Posture Rethink your sleep pattern Sleep is extremely important. Research has now demonstrated the numerous benefits of sleep and the detrimental effects of sleep deprivation. In some of last year’s articles we discussed the benefits and effects sleep has on our overall health. You can read more about sleep here.

Have a reliable health insurance plan Having a good insurance plan protects you from losing a lot of money in case you or your loved one requires medical attention in the future. Listen to the conversation on health insurance here.

Work on your posture Poor posture is a major cause of lower back pain. For those who sit at a desk for long hours it is important to adopt the right posture and get frequent breaks where you stretch or take short walks. Lower back pain can greatly affect your productivity

Do not assume your mental health Find creative outlets such as journaling and meditation. Do not ignore fatigue; find ways to rest in the middle of your busy schedule. Create time for family and fun. Learn how to forgive quickly and get rid of bitterness. Find ways to get rid of emotional baggage. Find a therapist if you have to.

and quality of life. The choice of mattress and pillow, your posture in the car seat or office desk are things to reconsider this year. You can adjust your seat or change your mattress or create health breaks when you have sat or stood for long hours. Businessman working sitting at desk feels unhealthy suffers from lower back pain. Damage of intervertebral discs, spinal joints, compression of nerve roots caused by wrong posture and sedentary work.

It is also important to create and maintain healthy relationships. Define your boundaries to protect yourself from unnecessary pain and struggle. Smile and laugh more often. The body keeps scores of emotional trauma and pain and over time this translates into physical illness. The mind and the body are connected thus it is equally important to

A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.” PROVERBS 17:22

take care of your mind.



Do not Doubt Your Call, be a Deborah

By: Lydia Arunga

I am a woman, hear me roar, in numbers too big to ignore. Let me start by saying that one way to approach an essay on women is to pick a random woman from the history and start writing. you can research all there is to know about her or perhaps focus on one key aspect of her accomplishment. That’s why on the she matters we bring you “BEING A DEBORAH” Getting to know the accomplishment of women who were influential in the spiritual journey and know what you as a young and old woman can emulate from them. A woman plays a very powerful role in God’s story of redemption throughout scriptures, in honor of them. I will highlight one woman by the name Deborah and how she contributed to God’s powerful work in the world and the advancement of his kingdom. Since you and I are of God, this woman will help us realize the ideal woman you can become because that is what she matters is all about. Helping each other to pierce through life together. The season of judges was a tumultuous time for Israel. Deborah being the only named female judge in Israel, she aggressively bridles of Israel to return to worship one true God. She ruthlessly purified the nation of evil actors who were interested in keeping Israel spiritually complacent and under slavery to the Canaanites.

Debora doesn’t question God’s voice or wonder what others will say or think? she simply has faith to do what God tells her. Whether people follow it or not is not her concern, her only concern is doing what God has called her to do and not letting anything get her way. Have you ever found yourself in a daunting situation.? A role that you felt ill-equipped to step into?. You know you heard God very well but that little voice still whispers doubt to your heart. You pour your all day after day, yet it still feels like nothing. It’s never enough, never good enough, what gives you the authority to step out, to lead, to be an example. Fear and doubt wrestle against God’s voice trying to hold you back and keep you from stepping into your calling and choke out your faith. The devil pulls out our scars when we are trying to step into our calling. He pulls out all our stops and pasts from where we thought we had buried them. I don’t know about you but those feelings are familiar. Doubt and fear are old companions of faith. Perhaps this is why Deborah in the bible stands out so much for me. As a woman born at a time where being a woman didn’t have any advantages, living in captivity, she stands, steps through the pages of history without fanfare like the other judges in the bible and steps out to the front of the stage.

women who understand how powerful they are do not give into envy over meaningless things, instead they fight to maintain beautiful bonds of sisterhood. In judges 4 verse 6 the bible says that Deborah sends for a man called Barak. She doesn’t call him to come, she does not plead, she simply sends for him with authority. Her authority is something given by God. Her skill and reputation is from God. When God calls you he provides everything that accompanies what he has called you to become or do. Like I stated before, so often we doubt the call on our lives because of fear. Doubt and fear whisper in our ears crumbling what God is doing and sending us to retreat in the shadows of our comfort zone. Deborah in the bible doesn’t question God’s voice like we always do. You and me can be the Debora’s of today. We can stand to be counted and be part of what God is doing in the universe. All we have to do is to erase fear and doubt hence have faith to do that which God has called us to do or become.


NOVEMBER 2021 | 35


What Nakuru's City Status Mean for Business Written By: James Wetu

Nakuru is a city in the Rift Valley region of Kenya. It currently serves as the capital of Nakuru County, and formerly as the capital of Rift Valley Province. As of 2019, Nakuru had an urban and rural population of 570,674 inhabitants, making it the largest urban center in the Rift Valley region. Things will however take a different turn for the better as different companies and businesses venture into Nakuru. The scramble is seen to be motivated by the imminent city status. With the conferment, Nakuru is set to join the other cities of Nairobi, Mombasa and Kisumu to cement its status as one of Kenya's metropolises, which offers an array of merits, that will see the transformation of the once small town into an economic giant. The Kenya Airports Authority has been tasked with the construction of Nakuru city's Lanet Airport, which is scheduled to be completed in August 2022. The Ksh3 billion project will open up the region to untapped opportunities as it has a high potential for taxpayers with the project set to boost the tourism and the horticultural sector. Residents will also enjoy the benefits of the upgrading of roads leading to the airport. Nakuru county prides itself in its prominence in the industrial sector, and the conferment of the city status will open up the centralized region to prospective business as industries are set to benefit from investor funding to grow the region's economy.

lesser Pink Flamingoes at Lake Nakuru

Ksh3 billion Airport is set to be completed in August 2022 The move will see the city benefit from government funding that will nurture the manufacturing industry, hence contributing to the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The city's centralized location puts it at advantage over the other cities, exerting its dominance in the agricultural sector as its climate and volcanic soils are suitable for farming and livestock keeping. During the conferment ceremony, President Uhuru opened the Kisulisuli market that will boost agriculture and trade within the city, to facilitate the growth of economy of the new city. The construction of the Sh160 billion dual carriageway that will connect Nakuru and Nairobi will revolutionize Nakuru's economic status. The county government should ensure free flow of traffic. We also need parking slots in the CBD

Sh160 billion dual carriageway to connect Nakuru and Nairobi will see an economic boost for Nakuru City.



To survive in today’s crowded

continuously battling for the

bazaar, you need to stand out.

attention of their prospects and

This is where your business’ story

audiences. To help ensure that

comes in.

you’re heard, you need to be

Stories can make your prospects

genuine and tell a story that

the main characters, and even

appeals to your audience. Your

change the way they think and

goal is to make a human

feel. And storytelling is used in all


formats of content. It isn’t just

In the world of business, a story

used in a lengthy eBook. You can

will help your audiences or

use storytelling in blogs, email,

prospects make sense of

videos, case studies, guides. The

decisions they are about to make.

list goes on and on.

Helping You Create Content for Your Social Media

Chances are, you’re not the only business that is offering same

So, what’s NOT a story?

services or goods.

A story is not just your history. A

Your goal is to make a human connection 35 | CONV O ISSU E 4

story is why you are doing what you are doing, and telling it in a way that appeals to your audience as Simon Sinek says.


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What Ailing The Retail Market

Written By: Lynette Mwangi

Strategic Management requires the organization to come up with a corporate and business culture for professional management. Strategic Management enables an organization to leverage on its strength and opportunities while avoiding threats and weaknesses.

Tuskys- a wholly Kenyan, privately

The retail stores have had a

held company that was owned

changing environment over the

by seven children heirs of the

past years especially since customers change preferences

founder Joram Kamau; a family

over time, customers being

business. Founded in the 90’s as

offered a variety of shopping

a single retail outlet, Tuskys grew

experiences, changes in

to 64 outlets in Kenya and

government regulations and

Uganda and was named as the

external environment.

second largest retailer in the

Tuskys especially faced a threat

country. It’s fall saw these outlets

when covid-19 hit; that is a

reduce to 5 in operation

change in the external

currently. The management blamed Cocid-19 pandemic for

Every organizations goal and


its collapse citing lower sales due vision are to be in operation and

A research done on Tuskys

to economic troubles during that gain profits for the long term.

showed that in 2013, Tuskys

period. Did the fall really begin

Every business starting up needs

entered into a private deal with

during this period? I believe it

or has a plan, done its

Ukwala Supermarket a rival

was gradual- troubles began a

environment analysis especially

chain, whereby Tuskys would buy

while back and it couldn’t hold

external environment and has

six Ukwala stores in the Nairobi

any longer.

steps to mitigate and cope up

area. To arrive at a fair price,

with change. Strategic

Tuskys took over the

Walking down memory lane, 3

Management requires the

management of two of the stores

big supermarkets popularly

organization to come up with a

to assess traffic and commercial

known for their retail business

corporate and business structure

have gone down the drain over

and culture for professional

the years citing sinking in debts


and financial troubles as the

Strategic Management enables

major reason for their downfall.

an organization to leverage on its

But one would ask, didn’t these

strength and opportunities while

outlets have a strategic plan?

avoiding threats and weaknesses.

What strategic management

Strategic management involves

step did they miss out on? What

formulating strategies,

didn’t they do when they realized implementation and execution.

flow at those locations. The two chains did not consult the Competition Authority of Kenya (CAK), as required by law. The regulator stopped the deal and fined the two chains a total of KES:5.3 million (about US$62,000). CAK ordered the management arrangements to be reversed. When the supermarket chains did not

they were going down the drain?

Formulating strategies is not the

move fast enough, CAK closed

I’ll try and expound more but let

big hurdle. Putting them into

the two stores in questions. This

me first give you a basis on

action is where the rubber meets

was the beginning of their

strategic management.

the road.

financial downfall. continue Next page......


BU SIN E SS OU TL OOK From previous page......

As earlier mentioned, a firm needs a corporate structure and culture for proper management. Tuskys was family owned and the business was run by siblings after the founder passed on. There was sibling rivalry that went all the way to court in light of management. The first step they missed is failing to put up proper governance, professional management & corporate structure. Poor strategy formulation and

The Data Nightmare for SMMEs By: John Ndungu

The goal and objective of every company is to maximize its profit and minimize its cost so

implementation. Tuskys aggressively

as to be efficient in its

acquired Ukwala outlets and saw its

operations. This is the basic law

way to open outlets in big malls. This

of production in

saw the company overstretch its

microeconomics. In the

financial capacity when the profit

previous articles we

margins were slim, which accelerated a financial crisis With the increasing competition and changes in external environment

expounded on the matter `Data` as a major key factor in any corporate organization. The biggest challenge lies on how to acquire and collect correct data that will help

which posed threats, Tuskys was

spearhead the future of the

unable to cope up with this

company into greater heights.

competitive environment and hence meet the markets expectations and

The market dynamics varies

demand due to financial crisis.

each and every day based on

One thing that is bound to happen in an organization is change. A company therefore needs to have strategic change management so that it can cope and manage any

the demand and supply. one of the biggest challenge especially where we have homogenous goods is that the consumer can still acquire goods from the competition in

change. When Covid-19 hit, Tuskys

case you neglect them.

ought to have know that there were

In such a case, data analysis in

major changes that were bound to

a business become major

happen and therefore come up with

factor that determine

ways to manage these changes

continuity of a business. Based

rather than blaming the pandemic. The supermarket sector needs to put these into consideration to avoid what happened to the likes of Tuskys, Nakumatt and Uchumi.

37 | CONV O ISSU E 4

on the recent survey companies that have invested heavily in data have slowly progressed to achieve the goals and objectives set forth.

However, lack of know how in data applications leads to mismanaged expectations. This is where firms/companies expect too much within a short period after major investment in the data sector. The expectations in turnover is expected to be high but only yields disappointments. Companies take loans to invest in Big Data with zero expertise and human capital to venture in it, this to great losses to the companies. Untrained personnel to handle data from the initial to the final stage of data analysis becomes then a big challenge. Big data experts and IBM trained personnel are very minimum compared to the number of companies and corporations/firms that require their services in the big market.

SAVING FOR OLD AGE? Written By: Justus Kimani One obvious thing is that we are responsible primarily to cater for our bills even in our old age or after retirement. It is important to note that National Social Security Funds (NSSF) does not provide enough for a comfortable living after retirement. As such, we must save as much as possible to increase the possibility of experiencing a financially secure old age life and make working during old age optional rather than mandatory. In East Africa, men are slightly more likely than women to save for this purpose. Worldwide, saving for old age is more common among older adults. Before I progress, I pause to humbly appeal to you to consider saving for old age now objectively. Whether you just started earning or you're nearly done, you can still potentially grow your cache. When planning for old age, the truth is that the earlier you start saving, the better for you, thanks to the power of interest and timevalue of money. And even if you began saving late or have yet to start, it's essential to know that you have a chance. Some of the factors to consider while saving for old age;

Vesting period In this context, the vesting period is when a person saving for old age must wait until they are capable of accessing their money. We must always opt for the retirement savings plan that matches our requirements and needs for the vesting period. There are numerous pension saving schemes that people can opt for once they reach the age of 40 that can streamline the income, and people can be secured from an early age, while some plans can also opt at the age of 60 if you plan to stop earning late. It should be understood that old age saving schemes are not for emergencies; there is also emergency saving schemes that we also need to consider.

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the truth is that the earlier you start saving, the better for you An appropriate annuity alternative

We must choose a pension plan with the annuity alternative that is most appropriate to the foreseen needs. For instance, some lifetime old age savings plan alternative assures annuity for a specified number of years whether the assured person survives or not. On the other hand, specific savings plans assure annuity to the nominees of the guaranteed person after their demise.

Risk and secure, assured return We often take some risks to enhance our portfolio. However, when starting to grow old and approach the near future, individuals must try to moderate the risk factor and look for plans that assure secured returns. In the last few years, before one-stop earning is important to stick to guaranteed return on investment and low-risk corpus to fight the increasing market volatility.

Vesting period While choosing a saving plan for old age, we need to keep in mind that we need to receive adequate income after we stop earning sufficient for the family and us. Another essential point to be noted is ensuring that the amount is enough to pay for expenses at the time of need. Finally, while we intend to invest and plan for our old age, I advise that we act now. Planning for our old age should be considered earnestly by every person. Planning for our old age would ultimately lead to a hassle-free and financially independent life post our earning age. The days that we probably need to save are very many; hence, we must make a SMART rational and informed selection.

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How to Have Longevity in Life There’s one thing that, we as human beings have in common, we are all going to Die, nobody knows the day or the exact time. However, here’s a ray of sunshine we can push that day further as we enjoy every moment. “Wow! You look so young; no one can tell that you are 60”. It is mostly received as a compliment yet the truth is ageing is inevitable. Research has shown that older people suffer from lifestyle diseases such as diabetes type 2, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, arthritis and cancer. We are about to find how we can control, prevent and cure these diseases. First and foremost, what causes ageing? At the peak of your growth i.e. early adulthood, our bodies reach senescence, biologically we would call it cellular senescence which means that, your body cells stop the process of Mitosis that’s cell division by shortening of Telomeres which are attached to the DNA chromosomes containing useful information about our bodies Metabolism and Development. Either the cells stop dividing or they multiply exponentially causing diseases such as cancer. Ever heard of cancerous cells? Exactly or they remain dormant but they are actively affecting your body’s metabolism, affecting the cells close to it. You are just at a higher risk of getting the lifestyle diseases, because your body systems are continuously changing courtesy of the beauty that comes with aging. It’s definitely not compulsory for all older people of the society to have these diseases. Also the young one’s have a higher chance of preventing them. As we know prevention is better than cure. Let’s get into it;

Stay physically active Looking forward to retirement that’s great that doesn’t mean we will reduce our activity levels, right? Research shows people who are engaged physically and psychologically have higher chances of longevity, we want to enjoy it too. I highly recommend personal training, it’s worth the cost, you have someone assisting you to tick the box and they are considerate of your age! Group training is also amazing, hiking, running, walking, swimming, go for check-up too. Your body is your greatest investment.

"Life is a sport, make it count" Eat the Rainbow Diet Instead of the norm of banning carbs, gluten and fats which are still useful in certain proportions, let’s be intentional about adding plant based fruits and vegetables that are rich in colour hence ‘rainbow diet’ in your everyday meals, does your plate have red, orange, green, yellow and purple? This in the long run boosts your immunity. Alcohol, smoking and other drugs encourage ageing leading to early deaths that’s a No Go zone

Some Home Exercises No man is an island! Everyone at whatever age needs friends, family or just people that they can socialize with and talk to in terms of adversity and share joy. Life is for the living. Let’s live to intentionally enjoy every moment by our daily Habits.

Written by: Diana Orito - Sports Scientist +254 785720767

41 | CONV O ISSU E 4




Key Ingredient Benefits The Essential Oils-Lavender -100% pure , natural, grown, harvested and steam distilled at the base of Mt Kenya. The lavender a restorative for all skin types with antiinflammatory, anti-acne and anti-wrinkle properties, offering protection against sunburns. Natural Vitamin E- that maintains the cellular structure, natural moisture and elasticity of the face, improving micro-circulation and observed to aid in dermal anti-inflammatory action; a natural antioxidant aiding in preventing damage caused by UV radiations. Papaya Oil, Shea Butter and Beeswax. Virgin beeswax a natural antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory, moisturizing the skin by reducing transepidermal water loss. Shea butter providing natural UV protection, boosting collagen production and has antiageing as well as skin smoothing and strengthening benefits. The papaya seed oil complements the oils with high vitamin content- especially vitamin C- and adding a gentle exfoliating effect on the skin due to its natural proteolytic enzymes. Directions for Use: Cleanse face using either the cream cleanser, exfoliant or add a face mask into your cleansing routine. Tone and then apply the face cream with the tips of your fingers using a gentle circular motion, focusing on the areas you think need most attention. Avoid the eyes. Use within 12 months, and store in a cool place, below 30°C.




the pastry basics By Joy Simon

Baking is an art that one masters. sometimes out of a hobby. Pastries include a wide range of wheat products; cakes, donuts, meat pies, and much more. There are various techniques that we can use to achieve a good cake that is moist, fluffy and sweet. Whenever you are doing pastries, it is always good to ensure that you use ingredients of good quality. The kind of ingredients you will use have an effect on the final product. Any pastry needs to be adequately prepared to give it time to rise so that it can produce good results.

Tips for making great cakes 1. ·Read the recipe from top to bottom 2. ·Bake on the middle rack 3. ·Use room temperature ingredients 4. ·When creaming sugar and margarine ensure its fluffy light and pale. This allows for air to be trapped which will play a huge role in the rising of the cake. 5. ·Add the eggs one at a time 6. ·Add flour and liquids in alternating stages Stirring gently after each addition 7. ·Always use raising agents with care 8. ·Ensure you check the readiness of the cake before letting it cool. Cool the cake or the pastry product in a wire cooling rack before icing.


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Jumpsuits There are various types of Jumpsuits that are really comfortable and stylish. There are ones that are really loose, fitting with a frilly skirt attached on the waist line. They can be from different kinds of fabric, colors, design and texture and can be worn for different purposes. Some jumpsuits look more formal, while others seem more casual, depending on the outfit.

45 | CONV O ISSU E 4

Material: Polyester, Satin Neckline: Sweetheart Occasion: Homecoming, Prom, Banquet, Party, Wedding, Ball, Christmas, Special Occasion Silhouette: Sheath/Column Back Design: Zipper




This women’s two-piece jumpsuit is just the thing for all of your casual elegant summer-to-fall activities. It is beautifully designed. It features an attached/detachable skirt at the belt and flows beautifully downwards, you can also opt it to flow to the floor depending with the function you are attending to. he skirt is well put in place to provide a view of the jumpsuit underneath and pair it with your favorite heels.


The power of a great outfit is impossible to overstate. At its best, fashion has the ability to transform your mood, identity, and, of course, your look. his is a beautiful piece, well fabricated and properly finished.


For the love of off-shoulder, let’s do this. A design and model we can never get enough of. While white, blue, red and black are the most obvious choice for jumpsuits, printed ones are equally good too. If you have one in a plain color, you can opt go with a printed one. You can add a belt depending with your style, it’s worth it. CONVO ISSUE 4 | 46


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Offense that rob us Pst Jeff Gichuki Lead Pastor - Uzima Centre Matthew 13:54 And when He had come to His own country, He taught them in their synagogue, so that they were astonished and said, "Where did this Man get this wisdom and these mighty works?

_ 55 "Is this not the carpenter's son? Is not His mother called Mary? And His brothers James, Joses, Simon, and Judas?_ _ 56 "And His sisters, are they not all with us? Where then did this Man get all these things?"_ _ 57 So they were offended at Him. But Jesus said to them, "A prophet is not without honor except in his own country and in his own house."_ _ 58 Now He did not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief._ Jesus came to Galilee preaching and teaching. Actually Matthews writes that a great multitude gathered to hear Him. So He sat on a boat and taught them many things. He taught them the parable of the sower, of the wheat and tares and the parable of the mustard seed. After this Jesus came to His village, into their synagogue where He began to teach. But there was a problem; And when He had come to His own country, He taught them in their synagogue, so that they were astonished and said, "Where did this Man get this wisdom and these mighty works? The people analyzed the ministry of Jesus comparing it with His descent and couldn’t put the two together. How can this man born to Mary and Joseph whose family is with us be the teacher? They asked themselves hard questions.

Beloved, offense is a terrible disease! … Where did this Man get this wisdom and these mighty works? … "Is this not the carpenter's son? … “Where then did this Man get all these things?" Unfortunately after asking each other all these questions they arrived at a wrong conclusion; So they were offended at Him. (Vs. 57) Look at it this way; one of our villagers has risen to prominence, he is now teaching wisdom and doing miracles… what is the best reaction to it? Is not opportunity to celebrate that finally our village has produced a great man?

That was not the case – they got offended at Him. Their offense triggered something else; Now He did not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief. (Vs. 58) Beloved, offense is a terrible disease. Although Jesus had power to do many things, their unbelief could not allow Him. Unbelief is unwillingness to trust. These guys were too offended to trust their man to do and teach what He easily did for others. What about you? Are you offended by your man of God? Does he do the mighty works among you as he does elsewhere?


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Faith that Yield Results Pst. Kevin Ongori When we say that all things are possible with God the statement is absolutely true but at times some of the things that happen will leave us asking where was God, the question come from a place of doubt and fear, which is the number one enemy of Faith. “But he must ask [for wisdom] in faith, without doubting [God’s willingness to help], for the one who doubts is like a billowing surge of the sea that is blown about and tossed by the wind. For such a person ought not to think or expect that he will receive anything [at all] from the Lord, being a doubleminded man, unstable and restless in all his ways [in everything he thinks, feels, or decides].” In the mist of danger and death: James 1:6-8 AMP Shadrack, Meshack and Abednego were not afraid because they had Faith will demand you to the understanding of the God they believe without seeing, faith is not the absence of Knowledge served, even death would not scare them. That’s what knowledge does it but the presence of it, Faith is makes you bold, Daniel 11:32b KJV”… not presumptuous or an but the people that do know their assumption. Not at all rather it God shall be strong, and do exploits.” flows with knowledge, which means there are principles and guidelines to it, your Faith is as strong as your knowledge of God.

Sadly, most have drifted because of lack of knowledge, Scripture’s state that,” their men were led into captivity because of lack of Knowledge” Isaiah 5:13, so captivity has a lot to do with lack of exposure to truth. “Jesus said you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free” John 8:32.

Knowledge of God will make you believe in the one that is able and who promised, that even if there is no physical evidence of his presence or work your understanding of Him will make you not doubt or Basically Faith is a result of receiving the Invisible before it’s visible, by waver away from the promise and assurance of what He said. your ability to know the one that is invisible. Just to take it further our to tap into the invisible and Faith will demand you ability create what we want to see in the to believe without visible it’s anchored in faith which is seeing your knowledge of God.

There is the cooperate Faith that we experience by coming together as believers, but Faith is personal scripture says,” the just shall live by his faith.” Hab 2:4. Personalization of Faith is key in activation of God’s blessing in our lives, but always "God will meet you where you are in order to take you where He wants you to go." For faith to work in Abraham’s life he needed to be withdrawn from his familiar territory, family and to a space where his faith will be perfected alone with God. This doesn’t not mean that you abandon family absolutely not, it’s a personal pursuit of God by placing aside mindset and family attachments. "We never grow closer to God when we just live life. It takes deliberate pursuit and attentiveness.



Interlocks & Intertwins of Relationships Written By: Anne Mbotela

Inspired to fill a relationship gap, which

One may be tempted to think this author had

comes across many times over, as I speak

a vantage point to scrutinize her own work.

both to the young (19-35years) and older

Sadly, in writing, this is not always the case.

generation, I wrote 26 Interlocks of Bricks

While passion and persuasion pervade the

and Weaves, under a series Relationship

author’s space, and creative thoughts flow,

101. Termed a series, to imply that there are

ensuring, a beautiful copy results, is the

more books to come, as the art or skill

harder part.

required to manage boy-girl relationships is quite diverse and also a wide subject.

While also a trainer in the world of communications in writing, speaking and

For starters, writing the book was no mean

career development, still the discipline and

task, while handling many a client’s work in

innovation to compile 26 thoughts in

editing books and documentation as part of

alphabetical order for ease and fun, was not

the work I do, on a platform I founded called

always forthcoming. This was during a one

The Writer’s Harbour.

year of putting pen to paper.

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In a December launch of the book, attended by at least 80 guests, under the umbrella of Kenya Faith Writers Network, four of us put out some interesting work, after quite some substantial sweat. On this occasion, a question asked to each author, as to the reasons for and challenges in writing, mine follows: The greatest hurdle as a Communications major from Daystar University, having previously been a newspaper sub-editor and columnist was self-editing. This was a mammoth undertaking and if I can be honest, a frustration to correct one’s own work. It reminded me of a thesis paper, I’m constantly cleaning up. The end of writing this relationship series was sometimes, not clearly visible.

The author is Founder and CEO of The Writer’s Harbour – A training hub for public speaking, writing, and career development. Anne is an independent consultant and media communication expert, with over 15 years of practice and twice Award-winning Writer of Media Council Awards; and Champion for Children’s Rights Award by a Civil Society Consortia. A wife and mother of three–two young adults and a teenager, she is passionate to impact and empower youth both spiritually and economically, to reach their ultimate peak. Anne is also a member of the Association for Media Women in Kenya (AMWIK) and a Global Give Back Circle (GGBC) mentor. The author can be contacted via email:

To the more exciting part, the reason for writing 26 Interlocks of Bricks and Weaves, are the existing shattered relationships those seeking a life partner undergo. seem to be rough in their edges, and without a solution. Relationships exist in interlocked and intertwined spaces, much as do bricks (guys) and weaves (girls). While weaving has overtones of the articulate, meticulous and working-with-details, cliché for girls; building, denotes physical strength, muscle, and appreciation of the overall structure, as guys are perceived. Being a first of its kind for many who have interacted with it, the book is written conversationally, as if sitting by a fireplace with truths being passed down, to build a strong foundation and fabric of society. While also penned with an intention to keep the 19-35 years for engaged from the first to the end, it is suitable for parents who want to guide the youth, counsellors and scholars, who work with this age group. It can also be a reference book for anyone who wishes to advise a friend with a relationship struggle, or to get useful tips to relate well.


So far, the reviews of that age group

Relationship is simply the way in which

have been encouraging, referring to

two or more people or things are

it as a timely compilation, for which

connected, or the state of being

I’m grateful to learn. Some of the topics covered in the A-Z alphabetical arrangement include

connected. Today, many a brick and weave are unable to “feel” each other because of how different our make up and physiology is. Some Internet

Build before you blunder for the

content feeds into this difference and

letter B, and Knowledge crowns you

expounds it, rather than seek the

in chapters 2 and 5 respectively.

complimenting factor which Chapter 8

I daresay that bricks left on their own only gather dust, unable to recreate themselves into wonderful buildings which mesmerize an

touches on through letter subject T – Truth and Trust paired up. There is need to understand and acknowledge that breakups a real thing

onlooker. Likewise, weaves can no

in the world we live in, yet there are

more knit themselves into a

ways to make the fall, less frightening

beautiful shawl or tapestry. In

and painful. Romantic relationships

essence, two people seeking a relationship of substance, must together, start somewhere. This

while encouraged, just as with workplace ethos, should be undergirded with pointers for what works well to keep both the dignity of the bricks

Relationship 101 series is a good

(tough guys) and weaves (soft,

commencement point.

sometimes complex girls) intact.

Excerpt from 26 Interlocks of Bricks and Weaves Relationships exist in interlocked and intertwined spaces, much as do bricks (guys) and weaves (girls). While weaving has overtones of the articulate, meticulous and working-with-details, cliché for girls; building, denotes physical strength, muscle, and appreciation of the overall structure, as guys are perceived. The ultimate point is that girls delve into the thread-like aspects of life to provide insight and conversely, a guy’s role is structured as one that avails oversight. This book serves an audience of between 19-35 years, yet can be read by most anyone who wishes to advise others, or get useful tips to relate well. This timely compilation of 26 Interlocks of Bricks and Weaves is a worthwhile contribution to the youth in the author’s forte as a responsible parent, a coach and mentor. Bricks left on their own only gather dust, unable to recreate themselves into wonderful buildings which mesmerize. Likewise, weaves can no more knit themselves into a beautiful shawl or tapestry. In essence, two people seeking a relationship of substance, must together, start somewhere.

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YOUTH TODAY A father's View By Joseph Arunga In this article I invite us to take a look into the life lived by the youths of yesterday as opposed to that lived by the youths in the present setting. Before we dive into the story, let me warn that this story aims to capture the writer's personal information gathered by virtue of his experience. It is not limited to facts only. Having warned you thus, now, here we go: Who is a Youth? Youthful life is classified by an age bracket. The age bracket variant depends on clans or organization. Some have expanded youth age bracket while some have contracted youth age limit. According to my survey, a youth is therefore a person who is above twelve years or below thirty-five years. The highest bar stands at 45 years of age. Around 1950 youth age bracket was between 25-50years. This could be said to be associated to the types of lifestyles over time.

It is important to note that the more expanded the youth bracket, the slower the youths mature to take up roles in the community. Or the more they are delayed instead of plunging into early economic growth. However, they are advantages and disadvantages which I will not delve into here. Pregnancies were not as common amongst youths as is the case today. Youths were taught behavior, from family trees to clan trees to enhance respectful relationships. Yet the education rate was low but more valuable than today.

▪Who watches over Youths?

Some youths finish school earlier than others, others train faster, whereas others are slow to catch up, academically, economically and socially. Again, it depends on an individual youth, given that the majority of youths have no incomes. Parents, relatives, teachers and guardians play very big roles, caring for youth mentorship.

How have youths achieved? Some youths have achieved so much in a short time than earlier youths would do fifty years ago. The present youth starts and completes his/her degree, master and doctorate degrees, plus other trades earlier than the youths of our days

What do youths expect? a) From Parents? Youths expect to be accorded social rights, health care, education and training. They expect a good education system, a conducive environment, structures and infrastructures. Freedom of expression. b) From Relatives? Youths need to be properly led by family or community leaders to talk them through relationships, especially at teenage stage. If not, chances of them falling into taboos like sex between a brother and a sister or between cousins and so on, will be more prevalent. They need to be guided traditionally starting at family level, clan through to national. Youths must be involved in transformative change as early as possible. By participating in sports, music, games and more other activities, they develop and bond together as positive citizens of their country. They learn to compete with others, befriend, associate and speak their voices. Conducive environment and moral behavior can help to boost youth confidence. Corruption and shortcut handouts destroy the youths, exposing them to begging mindsets.

What is expected of the Youth by the Society

1. youthful work maniacs 2. educated youths 3. soberly minded but/and not intoxicated youths. 4. responsible youth

How and why Youths have failed?

Firstly, bad peer group influence has negatively impacted adversely. Drug abuse and alcoholics account for a quarter of the youth drug and alcoholic indulgence It was not the norm in our heydays. If a youth was found misbehaving, he/she was punished regardless of who should effect the punishment. So long as the punisher was elderly. It was accepted communally. Unlike today. Secondly, sexual abuse is rising because of bad modern life styles. The missing is, marriages were sanctioned by the boy family and girl family whenever they fell due. Younger youths were not allowed to practice underage sexual immorality. Unlike today. A youth married maturely through the indulgence of relatives and such mature mediators.



How CBC is organized from Pre-Primary to Upper Primary and core subjects offered By James Wetu

The Kenyan Competency based Curriculum was designed by Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development in 2017 and has 5 levels which are: 1.Pre-primary Education (2 Years) i.e. Pre-Primary 1 and Pre-Primary 2 commonly known as PP1 and PP2. 2.Lower Primary (Grade 1 to Grade 3) and is expected to run for 3 years 3.Upper Primary (Grade 4 to Grade 6) and is expected to run for 3 years 4.Lower Secondary (Grade 7 to Grade 9) and is expected to run for 3 years 5.Senior School (Grade10 to Grade 12) and is expected to run for 3 years. Most parents are not conversant with the subject’s learners are expected to learn at various levels. I have summarized the subjects for preprimary up to upper primary to act as a guide and to help you prepare children.

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-Language Activities -Mathematical Activities -Environmental Activities -Psychomotor and Creative Activities -Religious Education Activities

CBC promotes individualized learning and accomodates a variety of learning styles, making it a truly personalized experience

NB: Digital literacy and pertinent and contemporary issues will be integrated across all Subjects SUBJECTS FOR LOWER PRIMARY: GRADE 1 TO GRADE 3 (THREE YEARS)

-Literacy -Kiswahili Language Activities/Kenya Sign Language for learners who are deaf -English Language Activities -Indigenous Language Activities -Mathematical Activities -Environmental Activities -Hygiene and Nutrition Activities -Religious Education Activities -Movement and Creative Activities

SUBJECTS FOR UPPER PRIMARY: GRADE 4 – GRADE 6 (THREE YEARS) -English -Kiswahili or Kenya Sign Language -Home Science -Agriculture -Science and Technology -Mathematics -Religious Education -Creative Arts -Physical and Health Education -Social Studies

Optional: Foreign Language ICT will be cross cutting in all subjects . -Pertinent and contemporary issues and life skills will be mainstreamed in all Subjects. -A pastoral program of instruction will be conducted once a week. On the next issue, I will share with you subjects for lower and upper secondary

Podcast With James Wetu



Monday boost


WOMAN'S VOICE The society leaves me stuck in mud, Actually I don't need to be pulled out, Neither to be tolled out, Since I'm not a car, I'm comfortable being stuck in it. A woman's voice sounds like whispers, Blocked out by the society, It's like an echo, Hitting the walls, Like a tennis ball it bounces back to the sender. When will a woman be given an audience? When will her cry be aired? Just as the airing of Corona cases as it doubles, My shoulder is too weak to carry the earth on it, My shock absorbers are leaking!


I clap to you the society, Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! You say, "a woman is the backbone of the society," Yet you've turned her to be the mockery, The mockery of the same society. I'm tall in height, And I stand tall on my own, A woman has a voice that can be heard, Come out of the kitchen, your spot that it isn't, Match like soldiers and earn your rightful spots in the society. @monipoet

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YOUNG & BOLD 2. Express our gratitude:

Parents sacrifice a lot for the happiness of their child. Always remember to be grateful for all they do. 3 Appreciate them

our parents relentlessly worked to make our lives comfortable and secure .A little thanks for all the things they have done will go along way. 4 Be open with them.

Honest communication is the base for any relationship. As children we tend to share every detail of our lives with our parents, as we grow up we tend to draw away from them and prefer our friends try to be honest as possible and let them on into the most important aspect of your life they they will understand you

Respecting my Parent Written By Betsy Munene

A parent child relationship is perhaps the purest of all. It is also one that goes through several transformations both good and bad.

Ways of respecting our parents.

5. Try not to raise your voice to them.

There will be times when you disagree with your parents it is okay but don't shout or raise your voice always be calm and discuss any issue you may be going through. 6. Help in house chores and also

volunteer to assist them some tasks e.g. washing clothes. Remember the bible says in Colossians 3:20; Children, obey your parents in all

things, for this is well pleasing to the Lord. Deuteronomy 5:16

1 Give them time. The greatest gift you can give someone is your time. Parents often feel lonely and left out when you live them alone so it is nice to spend time with them.

Don't anger your parents in order to please other people. Those people did not spend their lives building yours.

Honor your father and your mother, as the Lord your God has commanded you, that your days may be long, and that it may be well with you in the land which the Lord your God is giving you. In respecting and obeying our parents we please God. Once a Wise man said don't anger your parents in order to please other people. Those people did not spend their lives building yours.



Activities to engage in Written By: Joe Ndungu

Children can participate in very many activities, alone, with parents or friends. For example; 1.House chores: this includes washing clothes, mopping the house and cooking. All this gives the child the ability to be responsible. Take for example when one joins a boarding school, he/she must comfortably be able to do some of these activities so that life can be easy for them. 2.Word of God: As a Christian, I love reading the bible. Children can do the same. Reading the bible helps children get to know more about God. Also, they are able to do their Religious subjects well You could engage in outdoor or indoor activities.

Outdoor activities include farming, watering animals and plants and going out for hiking or camping. This gives one ability to learn skills like weeding, pruning etc. If you do such activities with your parents, they create a strong relationship between you and your parents. Apart from bonding, they also help children relate well with parents which makes them stop fearing them. Indoor activities like watching movies, playing games together and many more.

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It is good for us children to share activities with our parents.


Engaging in productive activities during Holidays Written By Jephthah Ndirangu

Holidays is a great time to bond with my parents after a busy school term. It is also a period where children can let their own inner child come out to play. But it can also be a boring time especially when it is not well planned. Personally, I usually have a plan. The first thing is to ensure I am revising for the exam papers of the ended term exam. I prepare a revision timetable to guide me in revising for all the subjects. I usually start with the subjects that I did not perform well and engage my parents to help me with the difficult questions. I will also ensure I finish the school assignment given to me by the school teachers.

Holiday is a great time to bond with my parents after a busy school term

Apart from my academic activities, I love to help my parents with the household chores like; washing the utensils, sweeping the carpet and washing the used shoes. It brings joy when I am engaged in productive activities in the house. During the holidays when all other children have closed school as well, it is a great time to engage with them especially during our Sunday school church. We usually have presentations, when we meet on Sundays, we agree on which day we will meet and prepare. We prepare a presentation which we present to the congregation at church we attend. I love doing it, it helps me become more creative and in the process I learn a lot from my friends.



How I help my parents at Home Written By: Bettina Ndungu

Bettina Ndung'u, a grade 3, shares with us how she assist her parents at home. She reckons that, children ought t o be active at home helping in tasks they are in a position to do. Helping is a good thing to do. We should always help our parents at home. At home I help my parents by, washing the dishes, cleaning the house, wiping the shoes and taking care of my baby sister. I feel proud of any help to my parents. In the morning I get ready myself for school. I keep books in the bags for day to day routine. Though my parents help me sometimes. I also clean my handkerchief. I also sometimes help my parents by serving them food and water and some little other things like ironing their handkerchief, clothes and brushing my dad’s shoe.

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desert treasure


Exploring Qatar's desert intrigues Written By: Mary Kinuthia Mention the desert and everything this word stands for screams fear or hard times. You are likely to envision the scorching sun blazing over uninhabited vast and sandy ground. The strong winds blowing over some silohoutte figures as sunset comes to mind, as they move bundles of sand further ahead concealing any possible trail of human footprint. For the believer, the desert connotes a season of tough times full of the trials of life and testing of one's faith just like the Israelites or Jesus in the wilderness. Well now, I'll stop invoking this line of your imagination before it begins to sound worse than it is in the Arabian desert of Qatar in Mesaieed


Desert: The Resource Most Middle Eastern countries have a desert occupying some part of their land. In Qatar, the desert is a national treasure and a major contributor to the country’s economy. It occupies part of the land that connects with the Sea at Sealine Beach in Mesaieed City and the Inland Sea at Khor Al Udaid bordering Saudi Arabia. The desert in Qatar is famous for its thrilling adventures that range from the famous desert safari, also known as sand bashing, paragliding, quad biking, family dinners and barbeque along the beach, horse and camel riding. Most adventures take place early mornings or late evenings because of the high temperature during the day. Whoever said that when life gives you lemon, make lemonade must have experienced the literal or figurative desert. While these desert land in Mesaieed could lie barren and be considered dreadful because of their harsh weather conditions, the middle easterners creatively blend adventure, tourism and culture and dish it out in the desert. The scenic beauty where the sea meets the desert is fascinating. Tourists, residents and a considerable number of Qatari nationals frequently plan getaways from the city to the desert where they camp their weekends and public holidays away!

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The crowd during the weekend and holidays is huge! As long as you have found your way to the desert, there will always be something entertaining to do or watch including joining onlookers watch the mastery of the four wheels sand bashing! Jacob and Soni, a couple residing in Qatar from India, have the desert as their go to place for fun and unwinding. "Also, whenever we receive guests or friends from India or any other country as we do, we take them for an outing at the desert among other places in Qatar," Soni states. For Soni, the desert is a wonder!

Her face glows as she narrates to me how her mind rushes to the reality of the children of Israel wandering in the desert just like the one she is staring at. Whenever her husband, Jacob, takes her and their sons to the desert she will often stands to ponder on this wonder and listens to the whistling wind as it blows and build up new dunes different from what she previously saw the previous day. Soni who is also a believer, concludes as she tells me it often boggles her mind seeing how God displays His wisdom and mastery in this seemingly barren land called the desert

The Adrenaline Junkie Paradise

If you are an adrenaline junkie, you will not pass out the opportunity to try out the famous desert Safari ride. Only the 4x4 wheels vehicle are recommended for dune bashing, driven by a professional and licensed driver. The weekend and holidays in desert at Mesaieed are packed with thousand speedy vehicles and quad bikes mounting up and down onto the next dune summit. Drivers who have not mastered the courage to ride on this extreme adventure will stand by and watch as pro drivers display their skill driving braving the thick sand and beating the steep dunes. Soni and Jacob are quick to point out that riding the quad bikes and joining the onlookers is always enough thrill for them. The quad bikes, which are hired at an hourly fee, don’t require much skill like the four wheels. “However, taking a guide through the desert when biking is necessary,” She adds.

Only the 4x4 wheels vehicle are recommended for dune bashing, driven by a professional and licensed driver. She warns that caution is crucial because it's possible to lose your trail, get stuck in the thick sand or get into an accident and insurance will not cover for damages incurred on vehicles and bikes during this thrills. Qatar has minimal crime cases and it was recently rated as one of the safest places on earth. This makes Tent camping in the desert safe and a perfect getaway from the normal city life. Before the discovery of the revolutionary oil, the Qatari ancestors were nomadic people who roamed the Middle Eastern desert with their farm animals and lived in pitched tents.

Despite the world class development across the nation, these nationals keep their culture alive by pitching tents in the desert for recreation and cultural purposes. In Mesaieed, the tents have a cultural and modern touch of glamour which ranges from the fascinating TV set, Wi-Fi to the cool air-conditioning. Due to the tent's high demand, one has to plan ahead if they so wish to spend a night in the desert tents as they are usually overbooked. Qatari nationals fondly spend weekend nights out with family to reconnect and in honour of their culture and past generation.


In the evening, the beauty of the rising ocean tides and sunset view is visible. Creation is at its full display. If one could freeze moments in time, well say moments in the desert, that would be the late night dinners and barbeques with family under a thousand stars. Tourists are treated with late night cultural performances and dinner inside and outside the tent. The five star restaurants located along the beach is considered a viable option for those who missed space at the tent or wish to spend their weekend or holiday indoors.

The getaway to the desert would not be complete without the Arabian horse and camel rides. The horse and camel are part and parcel of the Qatari identity. They signify wealth and status and are paraded during every Qatari national event celebration. These animals including the falcons are owned by Sheikhs and well-known-wealthy families across the country. The desert doesn't sound like a total waste as we would suppose. Does it?

Treasures can come forth the metaphorical desert just as much as the physical Arabian desert. Many believers dread the "desert" but it is in that place that God showed up the most for the Israelites and Jesus overcame and came out full of the Holy Spirit. If only we would look beyond, then we would see it as place where impossible is made possible, God displays His glory, where springs (or should I say resources?) gush out, where creative ideas come forth, and where courage to brave the winds is built up.

Resources in a Hidden place

God displays His glory, where springs (say resources) gush out, where creative ideas come forth, and where courage to brave the winds is built up.

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Accommodation being one of the major and key product in Tour Package, it must be given a lot of attention when choosing it. In this industry we believe that no good experience in leisure activity without having best accommodation. Below are some necessary factors you should check before deciding the hotel to stay when you go for a vacation. The vicinity of hotel, amenities, value, and accessibility are some of the important factors when you choose a hotel for a comfortable stay.

Consider Reviews

In an era of the technology, an end-user has unlimited options to choose because of the competition. Before choosing any particular hotel, you may go through the testimonials received from the other tourists who have already visited that hotel. There is no direct control of the hotel management to the reviews and testimonials so there is a space of 100% honesty and transparency in the reviews published in different travel websites. You can also surf diverse travel articles by different travel bloggers depicting the experiences about the city or the tourist spots.


If you are on a leisure trip, make sure that the hotel is located in the proximity of all the tourist destinations. If your hotel is located at the center of a city or town, it makes easy for you to visit the all tourism places in less time. If you are visiting for a business trip, chose a hotel that is nearby to the main business centers or industrial centers of the city. Medical services, shopping malls and airport or railway station also should be near the hotel. It’s just not save time; it will also make your trip more enjoyable.


This is an extremely important factor when you are on a trip. You should check the smooth transport accessible from the hotel. The Hotel must give shuttle services to the key destinations like shopping malls, tourist places, railway station and airport. Also, there should be public transport or frequent taxi services nearby the hotel.


The modern hospitality players understand the importance of services and different amenities to their clients unlike the traditional ones. In cut-throat competition, hotels which give exceptional services and amenities are preferred mostly by tourists. For example, if you are staying for a business trip, internet facilities and Wi-Fi is mandatory in your rooms


You can choose a hotel by comparing prices of the different hotels simultaneously. Asking discounts and other lucrative offers is not at all wrong. You are just asking for the best value for your money. You can research about the value added services provided by hotels.


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