The Convo Magazine - Issue 3

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NOV 2021 | ISSUE NO. 3








The king's Breakfast

Advancing a conversation on men

November's must try Recipe!


NextGen Dating Tips for Ladies.

3 strategies that will keep your business winning in today's competitive markets


What it is and how you can help


A feel of Qatar


The unspoken truths


An expanding trade between Kenya & USA





Neurosurgery Center deals with surgeries of; The Brain, The Spinal Cord and Neuro-Rehabilitation

Predisposing factors and how to protect yourself.

EDITORIALNOTE In the words of Brene Browne; “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” - Theodore Roosevelt, Excerpt from the speech “Citizenship In A Republic” delivered at the Sorbonne, in Paris, France on 23 April, 1910 Convo has been our arena for the past one year. We have been present in every moment, enjoying every victory, feeling every punch and hit because as James Wetu likes to quote in his book, 90 Days of Courage, ‘’Life happens when you are present.’’ We have learnt invaluable lessons that we would not have learnt if we had not stepped into this arena. We felt the fear but we moved anyway and I am so glad that we did.

The conversations we have had in Convo, through our quarterly issues, our weekly blogs, our podcasts and broadcasts have mattered not only to our audience but also to us as individuals. James and I are extremely grateful to everyone that has helped advance these conversations or supported us even financially or morally. We wouldn't be where we are today without the support we have received from our mentors, friends and family. We continue to dare greatly even in this coming year. This month’s issue features a story that is dear to my heart for many reasons, but one because it tells a story of man that was not afraid to get into the arena. He has dared greatly an as a result of his courage he has helped save many lives and added great value to our community. Dr. P.K Wanyoike is a force to reckon with and I am elated that I get to be mentored by such a respected neurosurgeon. He is extremely generous with his wealth of knowledge and wisdom. I am a beneficiary of his work at BSR. Thank you for all your service Doc! You are a priceless gem! At Convo we usually join the rest of the world in November to spearhead conversations around men. This month our main focus will be on His family, His health, His Spirituality and His Money because He matters! We have articles on this issue that are addressed to men and we hope to have more conversations on the #HeMatters series this month on our YouTube Channel.

CONVOMAGAZINE Issue 3 Nov 2021 EDITORIAL James Wetu Fridah Wachira VISUALS

Keith Nyamai

James Wetu Creative Head

Fridah Wachira Deputy Editor


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This would be the perfect time for you to subscribe to our channel Convo- Conversations That Matter to ensure that you don't miss out on any of them. This is an invitation to you who is reading this magazine to join us in advancing conversations that matter to men. I hope that you will find every page of this issue exciting and informative. Thank you and Happy reading.

Sincerely, Fridah Wachira

Deputy Editor





At BSR hospital we not only treat but we also offer mentorship for young neurosurgeons, medical officers, medical students and even high school students who aspire to become doctors.


There is much to fatherhood that goes way beyond a man siring children.



One thing that I would really encourage men out there is that, you should not be too busy to work on yourself. Let us avoid excuses for not working out. How about knowing that for you to begin exercises you do not really need to hit the gym. You start at home.






t’s important to know your specific nutrition needs for your age, and to design an eating pattern that suits you. If you combine your food plan with some regular physical activity you’re on your way to good health.


I lost all these people in a span of six months. At first, it felt like I had failed in my relationships. I felt that I wasn’t lovable and unworthy of love because I had failed to maintain my relationships.


President Uhuru Kenyatta in October 2021 witnessed the signing of a detailed private sector agreement that seeks to expand trade and investments between Kenya and the United States of America.


70 TRAVEL My stay in the Middle East has

exposed me to different realities from those I have accumulated back home. Some are major, say like the way the Qatar government is committed to world class development within its borders.

The sun beat down hard on the nape of the neck of the lanky man strolling down the dusty road, a cigarette dangling from fleshy lips and smoke billowing from the chimneys that were his nostrils. His clothing billowed out from his spare frame against the light breeze.



Betsy Munene, a TEENS grade 6 Pupil, tells us about hobbies, the benefits and why it is important to identify and pursue your hobbies.

66 4



Lynette is a Msc student on Strategic Management and she shares with us on strategies to pursue as an enterprise.

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Book a space on the February issue


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your social media strategy that

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Contact us Phone: 0721-108961 Email: NOVEMB ER 2021 | 05


DAVIS NTHIGA DRUMMIST We envy the Drummists, Playing with speed, a groove, and with loads of creativity – we all want some kind of advantage don't we?. What we do not know is that most overnight successes are 10-20 years in the making. We spoke to Davis and he told us how fear almost stopped him from playing the drums. Now, he has become better at his art. The truth is that every expert was once a beginner. Every professional was once an amateur. Everyone that has ever accomplished anything significant had to work incredibly hard to get there. There are no exceptions. Davis continues sharpening his talent. Now that your eyes are open, make the sun jealous with your burning passion to start the day. Make the sun jealous or stay in bed. Keep sharpening yours. Want your photo here? Write to us, let us have a Convo about your talent!



BSR HOSPITAL The Brain, Spine, and NeuroRehabilitation (BSR) Hospital

BSR Neurosurgery Center deals with surgeries of; The Brain, The Spinal Cord and Neuro-Rehabilitation

BSR Leverages on technology and automation, uses state of the art equipment and employ modern technics to achieve efficiency and most of all customer satisfaction.

Dr. PK Wanyoike - Founder, BSR

Brain, Spine and Rehabilitation Hospital (BSR) Brain, Spine and Rehabilitation Hospital (BSR) opened its doors on 20th July 2017 but the concept of its birth started way back in 2015. In 2015 I retired from public service with the idea of setting up this hospital. I didn’t have the premises to start up then but I needed to concentrate on setting it up so I had to be out of formal employment. In 2016 I went to school to do an MBA to help me with the logistics of starting the hospital and I must say the hospital was a project for my MBA. In 2017, I completed the MBA and started the rehabilitation of the premises that we are in now. It took about a year for us to start seeing patients in this hospital because we started the construction in 2016. Our focus was on brain and spine diseases and their rehabilitation. It was the first of this kind to open its doors at that time as a specialist Centre in the field of Neurosurgery.

We did not have radiology services but we had an ambulance that helped to take our patients for any imaging that was required in a short time. We invested in that ACLS ambulance, other machines and equipment to help us with delicate surgeries. Four years down the line we are still standing and we have been growing organically. We have now managed to buy a CT scan machine which we shall be installing within the next month or so. It will be a game changer in the way we offer our services in the sense that we shall be able to offer all neurosurgical services under one roof. We will be able to confidently say that we are a Tertiary Stroke Centre because we will be able to investigate and offer treatment for such patients. We will not only offer imaging services to our customers but also to people referred to us. I have a team of excellent people with both critical and administrative skills who have made BSR what it is today and without them we would not be where we are.

We are accredited by most major insurance companies including NHIF so any patient with a neurological condition will benefit from our services. Our fees and charges are friendly even to those who are not covered by any insurance company. We operate on a concept of value based healthcare that passes the benefit of care to the patient. We are also able to provide a serene environment that is conducive for healing. At BSR hospital we not only treat but we also offer mentorship for young neurosurgeons, medical officers, medical students and even high school students who aspire to become doctors. Our aim in the next five years is to be a top rated centre of excellence and to have formal surgical training in neurology and neurosurgery together with other partners. - Dr. PK Wanyoike - Founder, BSR

NOVEMB ER 2021 | 07


08 | NOVEMB ER 2021

BSR Stroke Awareness Campaign

STROKE A stroke is the sudden death of brain cells due to lack of oxygen, caused by blockage of blood flow or rupture of an artery to the brain.

5-RS OF STROKE AWARENESS 1. Raise Awareness And Public Knowledge. 2. Reduce “Onset - To – Needle” Time. 3. Reduce “Diagnosis To Definitive Treatment” Time 4. Reverse Neurological Symptoms 5. Neuro-Rehabilitation

BSR PARTICIPATION STRATEGY As a specialist hospital we participate through provision of; 1. Value based healthcare services. 2. Tertiary neurological services. 3. Awareness programmes for both public and medical personnel. 4. High end Neuro-Rehabilitation programs for stroke, spinal injury. 5. Comprehensive stroke center services. 6. Staff development through local and international skills transfer.

TYPES OF STROKE Ischemic Stroke – Clot occluding artery Intracerebral Hemorrhage – Bleeding into brain Subarachnoid hemorrhage – Bleeding around brain

NOVEMB ER 2021 | 09









10 | NOVEMB ER 2021


World Summit for Social


12 | NOVEMB ER 2021

acknowledged the significance of providing help to families so as to enable them to perform their supporting, educating and nurturing roles. The support includes enacting policies and program whose sole intention is to meet family needs and its members. This would go on and ensure inclusion of both men and women in the families to

By James Wetu

Source: MEN IN FAMILIES and Family Policy in a Changing World report 2011 | UN

Development in 1995

ensure they both understand and meet their social obligations.

Men, just like women, are vital in the lives of children and are an asset to family life throughout. Their nonappearance and detachment are intensely felt and are to the disadvantage of children’s development and their transition to adulthood. In 2020 Last year, when the Kenyan register was closed on December 31, some 1,108 people had filed petitions to dissolve their unions. In December 2017, it stood at 909 people and two years later, the number had risen to 1,009. These trends (and others) have led to an increase in the number of women-headed households and the number and proportion of men who do not live with their biological children.

Men are known to be the providers to their families and are expected to offer protection and guidance. For a new generation of younger men, the world today is not the world of their fathers. Stable employment is in flux than it was in the past. There is an increased social expectation about men’s involvement in the care of children and reproduction health in general. So much about fatherhood is changing across the world, albeit slowly. There is emergence of a new trend across the globe although varying. There is an increase in amount of time men allocate to care activities for their children. As the level of education go up, there is a move toward smaller families which has increased participation by men in the lives of their children and family in general.

In many parts of the world, data suggest that more marriages are ending in divorce or separation. From a gender-equality perspective, this implies that women men in many parts of the world have more freedom to leave negative and unfulfilling relationships or to not marry at all; but in some settings couples (and men in particular) may be seen as not having the social and financial means to marry. Given that mothers are more likely to obtain full custody of their children in cases of separation and divorce, these trends mean that a larger proportion of children spend time away or live apart from their biological fathers than in the past. For example, the number of divorces in the Europe has grown steadily exceeding 1 million in 2005, the equivalent of about 42 divorces per 100 marriages, or in terms of an annual rate, 2 divorces per 1,000 persons. Similarly, most of Latin America has experienced.

Urbanization and increase in educational attainment, which often creates a rise in the average age at which young people marry and first have a child. More educated couples decide to wait until they are established economically before starting families. Other studies have shown a correlation between higher levels of education and the holding of more positive attitudes towards gender equality, which again suggests that increasing educational attainment for young men may be associated with greater participation in care work Men, just like women, are vital in the lives of children and are an asset to family life throughout. Their nonappearance and detachment are intensely felt and are to the disadvantage of children’s development and their transition to adulthood. Their participation and contributions, however, are rarely encouraged or admitted; therefore, much more needs to be done to ensure the recognition of the value men bring to the lives of children, women and future generations of fathers.

NOVEMB ER 2021 | 13

The Fatherhood Call There is much to fatherhood that goes way beyond a man siring children. Many men have desired to be good fathers, but the yardstick that really counts is whether or not they are godly fathers. Many men have children, but do not want to be fathers.


One of the most important callings God has given fathers is to display the greatness, goodness, and glory of the God for whom they are made. Fathers have the opportunity, through word and deed, to show children the one true object of worship—the God of the Bible. We know that the greatest delights our children can ever experience are found in delighting in the God who has made them for his glory. Fathers should train their children how to love and honor God. The willingness and ability to train in righteousness is the call of every godly father. 14 | NOVEMB ER 2021

Proverbs 22:6 says, "Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it." Ephesians 6:4 echoes the Proverbs passage, saying, "Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord." It is not good enough just to make children go to church, say their prayers, and learn Bible verses. Those things ought to be part of the training process; however, we don’t come to know Jesus or grow in Him by having external practices forced upon us. The issue as a father is teaching a child to love the Lord as they model their own love for Him. Kids aren’t “stupid”. In fact, they are a lot smarter than most parents give them credit for. They can tell when religious rituals are empty or hypocritical.

By Tirus Kang'ara

As a father, you must exercise authority. You must require obedience of your children because they are called by God to obey and honor you. You must exercise authority, not as a cruel taskmaster, but as one who truly loves them.

A Rich interaction


God calls his creatures to live under authority. He is our authority and has vested authority in people within the institutions he has established (home, church, state, and business). Fathers must not be embarrassed to be authorities for their children. They should exercise authority as God’s agent. Fathers should not direct their children for their own agendas or convenience. They must direct their children on God’s behalf for the good of the children. God has a call to fathers by his Word and his example (Philippians chapter2) to be authorities who are truly kind. God calls them to exercise authority, not in making children do what they (fathers) want, but in being true servants—authorities who lay down their lives. The purpose for their authority in the lives of their children is not to hold them under their power, but to empower them to be selfcontrolled people living freely under the authority of God. As a father, you must exercise authority. You must require obedience of your children because they are called by God to obey and honor you. You must exercise authority, not as a cruel taskmaster, but as one who truly loves them. Every father should know that parents who are “benevolent despots” do not usually find their children racing to leave home. Children rarely run from a home where their needs are met. Who would want to walk out on a relationship in which he feels loved and respected? What child would run from someone who understands him, understands God and his ways, understands the world and how it works, and is committed to helping him be successful? My observation after working for/ parenting children is, they generally do not resist authority that is truly kind and selfless.

Issue 27 | 234

This shepherding process is a richer interaction than telling your children what to do and think. It involves investing your life in your children


The best description of the activity of the father to the children is shepherding. The father is the children’s guide. This shepherding process helps children to understand themselves and the world in which they live. The father shepherds children to assess themselves and their responses. He shepherds the children to understand not just the “what” of the children’s actions, but also the “why.” As the shepherd, you want to help your children understand themselves as creatures made by and for God. You cannot show these things merely by instruction; you must lead them on a path of discovery. You must shepherd their thoughts, helping them to learn discernment and wisdom. This shepherding process is a richer interaction than telling your children what to do and think. It involves investing your life in your children in open and honest communication that unfolds the meaning and purpose of life. It is not simply direction, but direction in which there is self-disclosure and sharing. Values and spiritual vitality are not simply taught, but caught. Proverbs 13:20 says, “He who walks with the wise becomes wise.” As a wise father your objective is not simply to discuss, but to demonstrate the freshness and vitality of life lived in integrity toward God and your family. Fatherhood is shepherding the hearts of your children in the ways of God’s wisdom. NOVEMB ER 2021 | 15




20 November, 2021

5-8 PM Hotel Lillies - Juja

Let's talk about.. HIS HEALTH Dissecting the a man's health and helping him Take control of his health and wellness

HIS SPIRITUALITY How well are you grounded? Make your foundation strong to the core. Helping men rediscover the nuances of their own line of life and redefine their lives


Engaging conversation on developing men as a leaders of the family. Fatherhood and protector.


Tell us if you will be coming. Send me a text 0721108961

In our culture money equals success. Is it also connected to a man's sense of his masculinity? Are men judged and measured based on how much they have?

Next Gen Dating tips By Collins Otas Well,







seems to focus on the girl child



ignores the boy child? Am a boy child and this thing makes me sick. Not that I do not want the girl child to be empowered but am crying for my folks because somehow




figure it out on their own. Who





child should figure it out? I have







listened to people and I am


contact rule








cardinal boys


born with all systems ready to face the world.

1 8 | NOVEMB ER 2021

Enough of lamenting! On this piece I seek to speak to the young girls. Yes, the people I would call the NextGen warriors. Ladies who seems to be well aware of technology and have their opinions shaped by blogosphere and social media. Yes, you girls in campus and colleges. You who is in church and out of church. Am speaking to the young interns and ladies with entry jobs at the company. There is something called expectations. It is not bad to have expectations especially when dating and when planning to marry but when you set these expectations, do you ever stop to consider the boy child? When you tell a man that for them to date you, they must be in some state of financial freedom yet you yourself you are at the entry level in employment or is an intern, don’t you think there is no fairness? The journey walked together is better than journey ran alone. Ladies, the boy child is no special ‘superman’ and he too should be listened to. In other words, he matters!

I know the society has placed a lot of demands on men and the young ladies are not doing any better. Many young people are either dating or marrying resources rather than companions. The question is what happens when the resources are depleted? In many instances, the boyfriend becomes obsolete and this is the reality of our current society. It is a sad state of affairs but I will hold forte for the boy child in this piece and humbly request of our young ladies to consider a man’s vision rather than his television.

There’s no perfect man and human expectations will never be met in this life THE PERFECT MAN Anyway, let’s face it, an electric surge can cause the television to malfunction but a pushed man with a vision can transform the life of a partner. Ladies, let us tone down on the expectations. Take up that young man who does not look like the potential and turn him into one, sit down with him, reason with him and make him mister right for you.

There’s no perfect man and human expectations will never be met in this life time trust me. Be logical, love with your heart but think with your brain because that young man you are dismissing today may be the key to unlock your destiny. The boy child too needs to be listened to on matters relationship and as a young girl if you do this trust me, even him he will know that he matters to you!

NOVEMB ER 2021 | 19


The Man Died By Muchai Echengi

He had not told his wife. He did The sun beat down hard on the

not plan to. He could just imagine

nape of the neck of the lanky

her reaction.

man strolling down the dusty

"Lazy, useless thing that calls itself

road, a cigarette dangling from

a man. So now we should feed on

fleshy lips and smoke billowing

your empty promises?"

from the chimneys that were his

She had quite a way with words,

nostrils. His clothing billowed

that woman. He sighed. The

out from his spare frame against

nubile, agreeable, bashful woman

the light breeze. His jaw,

he had married years ago had

carpeted by bristly stubble, was

been replaced by fiendish,

clenched resolutely, faintly

scowling, fire-breathing dragon

reminding one of a prize

with a double-edged sword for a

bullfighter. The wind sang its


noonday song in his ears. Luckily for him, though no It was unusual for the man to be

investing genius, he had saved up

up and about this early in the

some money from previous jobs

day. Usually, at such an hour,

and this had enabled him to

he'd be bent over the

maintain the charade. But even

unforgiving earth, tilling it. Or

that little rivulet of hope had

otherwise occupied in some

finally run out with the purchase of

other manual endeavour to

his final packet of cigarettes today.

which his brute, raw strength so

For the last one week, they had

uniquely suited him.

been feeding on bread and water,

The truth of the matter was that

something his ever observant wife

for the last four weeks, this had

had not failed to comment acidly

been the man's daily routine. He


would get up in the morning,

"Bread and water for the fifth day

grunt a goodbye to his

running? Dear me, husband, you

tyrannical wife (not that she

must be looking to set a record."

would ever deign to reply. Oh

"If you got off your lazy bum and

no, Her Highness would never

went out there, maybe we'd have

stoop so low), glance at his

something more."

children (who among them was

Her eyes widened in shock as, for

his firstborn? He really didn't

the first time in five years, her

care) and walk out. Four weeks

husband retorted back. But any

ago, his foreman, spittle flying

momentary satisfaction he felt

from his lips like a rabid dog,

quickly crumbled under the

had fired him on the spot for

withering onslaught of invective

arriving one hour late at the

she hurled at him from her not-

construction site. No severance

insignificant arsenal.

package, no golden handshake,

"Man without shame! Man without

not even a paltry hundred

dignity! So I should go out there

shillings in recognition of

and lift stones as you do? I should

services rendered thus far.

have known what a useless dog you would turn out to be before I agreed to marry you."

20 | NOVEMB ER 2021

A flair of pain

As her angry monologue went on and on without abating, he did what he usually did in such situations and let his mind wander to far-off places until his wife's tirade was nothing but an insignificant din in the background. He could not admit to feeling any particularly paternal sort of love towards his children. They were so many. Heck, he called all of them "Junior". He supposed that love was some sort of solution that got increasingly diluted the more people there were to love, until there was no more love left to give. He did, however, possess his male pride and it keenly bothered him that the flesh of his flesh should survive on so banal a meal as bread and water. The man came to an incline on the road, the harsh sun throwing dancing reflections on his bald pate. He noted his rapidly dwindling cigarette, the last one from the packet, and groaned inwardly.

These cigarettes, these cancer sticks and coffin nails, had been his solace, the one unchanging focal point in an otherwise hopelessly miserable existence. Hoping against all hope, he pulled out and peered into the great, empty, formless void that was the inside of his battered wallet. Nothing in there. Hoping against all hope, his callused fingers rummaged inside for a few coins, or a forgotten crumpled note. They fished out nothing but a condom.

He stared at it, and suddenly found himself laughing. Seven children from his loins, years of backbreaking toil, and all he had to his name were the clothed on his back and a condom. Still chuckling, he flung the wallet and condom away and looking ahead, noticed a lorry lumbering down the incline at great speed.

He took one last pull from his cigarette and then let it drop to the ground. He felt something akin to courage blossoming in his chest as he stood by the wayside. He looked around at the humdrum of life around him: the woman selling her tomatoes and kales, two young boys playing football some metres away, two old men conversing, the lorry bearing ruthlessly on the tarmac. He wondered that such simple scenes could be so poignant. Then, with the lorry mere metres away, he exhaled, closed his eyes and stepped out in front of it. There was an almighty screeching of brakes, a sudden flare of pain that was over as soon as it started, and that was the last sensation he ever felt before the merciful blackness took him. The woman selling the tomatoes shrieked. The two old men started violently. The lorry driver swore and jumped out of his vehicle. The kids with the football gasped and then began creeping forward with morbid fascination. And as the crowd slowly gathered round to view the bloody disembodied pulp that had formerly been a man, the wind continued its noonday song.

For the last one week, they had been feeding on bread and water, something his ever observant wife had not failed to comment acidly upon.

NOVEMB ER 2021 | 21

Prostate Cancer

Wachira Fridah, a 6th Year MBChB student reminds us about prostate cancer and tells us that it is time to make changes to your lifestyle. Maintaining a healthy diet, regular exercise and shedding off the extra weight will help you reduce your risk of developing prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer that affects men in the US. In most cases prostate cancer is slow growing and men tend to die with it rather than from it. Sometimes it can be an incidental finding during an autopsy of someone who died from other causes or during screening in an otherwise healthy man. That said, it is important to note that sometimes it can also be aggressive. This is why it is important to understand the risk factors.

Risk factors There are modifiable risk factors and non-modifiable risk factors Non modifiable risk factors are the things one can’t change. They include:-

Age The risk of developing prostate cancer increases with age. It is a disease of old age. 60% of the patients diagnosed with prostate cancer are men at 65 years or older. That is not to mean that it cannot affect younger men but it is more likely in the older population.

Genetics and family history People who have inherited the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutation have a higher risk of developing prostate cancer. 22 | NOVEMB ER 2021

A positive prostate cancer family

Most of these factors require an

history means that a first degree

adjustment in one’s lifestyle. They

relative either father or brother has


been diagnosed with the disease.


People with a positive family history

Being overweight or obese increases

are twice as likely to develop

one’s risk of developing prostate

prostate cancer. The risk is even


higher if the disease was diagnosed earlier in the first degree relative i.e.


less than 55 years old or if more

People who smoke are more likely

than three family members have

to die of prostate cancer. They are at

been affected.

a higher risk of developing an aggressive form of prostate cancer.


Some studies compared the risk of

Studies have revealed that African

dying from prostate cancer in

American men are more likely to be

people who quit smoking for more

affected than white American men.

than 10 years and those who have

The risk is lowest in Asian men.

never smoked and found the mortality risk to be the same. It is

Geographic location

therefore never too late to quit

It has also been demonstrated that


Asian men who live in Asia have the lowest risk but their risk increases when they move to the west. This

The risk of

has been thought to be because of


diet but research is still underway

prostate cancer

to provide accurate and sufficient evidence. The risk of developing

increases with

prostate cancer in the US is 17%

age. It is a disease

while in China it is 2%. Modifiable risk factors are the factors that one can change. These are the things that are somehow in our control thus we can do something about them.

of old age. 60% of the patients diagnosed with prostate cancer are men at 65 years or older.


What can one do?

Researchers encourage a low fat diet

It is time to make changes to your

e.g. fish usually have good fat (omega 3

lifestyle. Maintaining a healthy diet,

fatty acids). Reducing intake of fat from

regular exercise and shedding off the

red meat and dairy products also

extra weight will help you reduce your

decreases the risk of developing

risk of developing prostate cancer.

prostate cancer.

The best way to deal with the non-

A healthy diet is always a balanced

modifiable risk factors is screening.

diet. It is important to make sure that you are not missing any important

Screening allows the doctor to detect

nutrients in your diet and this goes for

the cancer early and thus treat it as

every other disease prostate cancer

early as possible.


It is also important to make sure that

Certain foods have antioxidant

if you have any other underlying

properties that can help reduce

conditions that they are addressed.

oxidative damage to cells. One of them

Untreated or uncontrolled diabetes,

is cooked and processed tomatoes

hypertension etc. can increase your

which contain lycopene . Cruciferous

risk of dying from prostate cancer.

vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower

Visit the doctor today for PSA test or a

have also been recommended.

DRE. While DREs are uncomfortable

Add more fruits and vegetables to your

tests they cause no significant


amount of pain. Giving up that little

Occupational exposure

comfort for the sake of your health is

Exposure to certain chemicals,

a little cost to pay.

pesticides and herbicides can increase one’s risk of developing prostate cancer. Veterans who were exposed to defoliate Agent Orange were 49% more likely to develop prostate cancer than the general population. There is a study

Certain foods have antioxidant properties that can help reduce oxidative damage to cells.

that has demonstrated that firefighters have a 28% risk of developing prostate cancer.

NOVEMB ER 2021 | 23

" not give up..."

Jeff Gichuki is a senior Pastor at Uzima Centre Church. He shares an encouraging message on why we should not give up spiritually, emotionally and physically. He points out that we need to be formed and not deformed by the circumstances of life.

Crisis reveal how weak or strong you are. When crisis come, they reveal who we were in the past. We cannot wait for crisis to verify whether we are strong or weak, we need to work on ourselves, ready for any crisis.

If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small - Prov 24:10 24 | NOVEMB ER 2021

You need to arm yourself before crisis. Sometime in life, an evil day will come, and we got to be ready when that happens. You do not have to learn from your own mistakes, you can learn from those others have made. Being busy with life does not mean that you are being productive.



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The world is conquered by fighters. We must not give up emotionally, physically, or spiritually. A big chunk of people that are celebrated in the world, it is not because they are heroes, they just exceeded where we left. They persisted and persistence wears out resistance. It is very easy to give up in life even without one’s knowledge and operate with what life brings you way. What you became is a result of what you didn’t drop off. Find out what areas in your life you have let go or have put on auto pilot. The best thing to do when you think you are beginning to give up is to talk to an elder. Many people who gave up along the way is because they probably had the wrong judgement.

KEY HIGHLIGHTS W e ne ed t o lea rn h ow t o s ur viv e st or m s a n d p re ssu re W e ne ed t o be fo rm e d a n d no t d efo rm e d by th e re a litie s of life . Yo u ca n 't p ro gr es s u nt il y ou a re d eli be rat e. W h at yo u be co m e i s a re su lt of wh at y ou d idn 't d rop . R oc ks ar e for me d u nd er p re ssu re . P re pa re be fo re a c risi s Th e w or ld is c on qu er ed b y fig h te rs. W h en p eo ple g ive u p lif e t he y dr op of f d ec isio n m ak ing .

26 | NOVEMB ER 2021

The reality is, life is difficult and when you face setbacks after setbacks, problem after problem, it can get very hard to stay positive and keep this same perspective of resilience that is found within all of us. It becomes very difficult to remind yourself that you are strong and that God is on your side. When life is tough, giving up always seems like the easiest and only option. The actual reality is, when you feel like giving up, there is a LOT of untapped inner strength inside of you that you probably have not even comprehended. That is why when you are in a dark and lonely place, it can help to remind yourself of your strengths and your potential so that you can overcome the negativity that creeps into your mind. Be thankful for your God-given capabilities and strive for success. You have all the tools inside of you to persevere and keep going. Again, I want to you to understand that the hardest times are the ones that come right before the breakthrough. So stay persistent because at any given moment you are at the tipping point and success awaits you.

“Keep evolving, keep thinking, keep pushing yourself. Stay on top of it.”

doctor's bench is on Facebook

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Convulsions Have you ever witnessed someone having a seizure? What did you do? The first time I witnessed a convulsion I was very young. It was very terrifying that I vividly recall every minute of the event. A man who was a distant relative would come to our home sometimes very early in the morning. One particular morning as my mum served him some tea, he fell without warning and his whole body was moving violently and without coordination. I was extremely terrified as my mother remained calm and handled the situation. After the fit, the man woke up, sat up and asked for his tea. Apparently everyone in the neighborhood knew that he had epilepsy but it was my first time to witness it. Now that I am a medical student it surprises me how much misinformation and myths there are regarding convulsions and epilepsy. We all somehow believed that this man was cursed. Many people would not want him to visit their home because they didn’t want him to have one of his episodes in their home.

28 | NOVEMB ER 2021

I realize now that just like mental illnesses, epilepsy has a lot of stigma and misinformation attached to it. The first and the most important thing you should do is to remain


calm. Do not panic. You will only be able to help the victim if you remain calm and take charge of the situation. When you are calm, you will not miss out on important details. Also do not run away. It is a privilege to help a victim at this time since they can’t really help themselves. You are their hero at that moment so don’t run; be a hero. If you are all alone when this happens and you are not sure what to do, you can shout for help. It is also important to note that once a convulsion begins it is very hard to stop it. There is not much you can do to stop the convulsion from happening once it begins. The best you can do is to prevent the person from getting hurt during the convulsion. Most of the decisions you make during this time should be aimed at keeping that person safe.

What do you do?

The first and the most important thing you should do is to remain calm. Do not panic. You will only be able to help the victim if you remain calm and take charge of the situation.

What do you do? Make Sure the Environment is safe.

Positioning the victim Sometimes you may notice

3. Do not give them mouth to mouth breaths or CPR

that someone is about to fall,

The victim will usually start

Keep people out of the way.

you should catch them to

breathing on their own after

People tend to crowd when

prevent them from falling and

the convulsion. If the victim

something like this happens. It is

lay them on the ground gently.

has trouble breathing after the

important to make sure that you

Once the convulsion begins

convulsion you can gently try

don’t attract too much attention

you should only move the

to clear any secretions from

to the victim. Take charge and

victim if they are in danger e.g.

their mouth.

assign people roles so that they

they are near a fire or a hot

are not just staring but helping. If

stove or in the middle of a very

the person is on the road, you can

busy road. You can cushion

ask some of them to help to

their head using clothing or

signal the vehicles to slow down.

something soft to avoid injury

Other people can help move

to the head. If their head is not

away any hard or sharp objects

moving, turn it to the side to

like stones that could harm the

prevent aspiration. When the


convulsion stops, place the

Someone else can help keep their

victim in the recovery position.

belongings safe and look for anything that could help identify who the victim is. Some patients usually have medical bracelets or identifications that tell you what

What you should not do 1. Do not try and hold them down Never try to stop the jerking

4. Do not give them anything to eat or drink Doing this while they are having the convulsion can cause the food or the drink to go into their airway instead of the food pipe. This aspiration of food contents into their airway is very dangerous. Therefore wait until they have completely recovered from the convulsion to give them something to eat or drink.

5. Do not leave them alone

they are suffering from, what to

movements when someone is

do in case of an emergency and

having a convulsion. Do not

As I said earlier, at that

whom to call.

also try to make them come

moment you are the victim’s

Finding this information can save

round. Don’t restrain them in

hero. Stay with them until they

their life. Ensuring their

any way. Allow them to have

have completely recovered.

the convulsion.

Some of the victims will not

belongings are safe is important because people tend to take advantage of the situation to rob victims off their belongings. It is also important to make sure that the victim does not have any tight clothing around the neck as this can easily occlude their airway and prevent them from breathing. As you assign roles, take note of the events, the progression and duration of

2. Do not put anything in their mouth This is the most common thing people do when someone gets a convulsion. Avoid doing this because you could damage the victim’s teeth or they could bite you. Do not also try to force their mouth open.

recall any of the events so it is important to explain it to them calmly and slowly until they understand. Reassure them that they are now safe. You can help them get home or ask them if there is anyone you can call for them. Do not run away from them. Epilepsy and convulsions are usually not contagious.


NOVEMB ER 2021 | 29

dyslexia By Maggie Andrew

Maggie Andrew works with children with special needs. She is a Special Needs Specialist and she shares on Dyslexia. She tells us how to take care of children with this learning condition.

Dyslexia is a specific learning difficulty which is neurological in origin. People with dyslexia struggle to read and spell. Dyslexia can absolutely be controlled during early ages. Early intervention can help a student become confident to write as well as process sounds to form words as they read. Learning disability is a condition in the brain that causes difficulties comprehending or processing information. The main types in learning disability include reading, written language and math disability. Other learning disability categories include:Dyslexia - difficulty with

reading. This is problem in reading, writing spelling and sometimes speaking. Dyscalculia - difficulty with math. This is a problem in doing math’s, problems understanding time and using money. Dysgraphia - difficulty with writing. This is problems with handwriting, spelling and organizing ideas Dyspraxia - difficulty with fine motor skills. Problems with hand eye coordination and balance. Dysphasia - difficulty with language. This is problems understanding spoken language and poor reading comprehension. Do you know of a person who struggles reading and spelling? Maybe they have NOVEMB ER 2021 30 |dyslexia.

Can you help?

Dyslexia is not……

Most people think dyslexia is lack of intelligent or simply put, think the person is not clever or is lazy. This is not so. Actually people with dyslexia are as smart as their peers and surprisingly most are gifted artistically, athletically and scientifically. People with dyslexia are already trying hard, it’s not easy to keep asking how a word is read and still do as required. What we can do is offer specific help for them to make progress by simply advocating for improvement of resources to meet their need, empower families to support them as well as to always remember EARLY INTERVENTION IS KEY. Characteristics of a person with dyslexia include:Poor decoding skills Poor reading fluency Slow reading rates Poor comprehension Difficulty identifying important ideas in context Lack of self-monitoring reading skills

"like small children, emotionally immature parents are fixated on their immediate demands." Dyslexia is a specific learning difficulty which is neurological in origin. People with dyslexia struggle to read and spell. This people may not be confident writing or reading because of the possible struggle that comes along though they are very good in other concepts. Students with dyslexia prefer when others read the instructions for them on what need to be done as well as asking for word spellings no matter how simple you think they are. People with dyslexia may sound words in a different way this is because they always have a hard time processing the sounds of letters to make them into words.

Can dyslexia be controlled? Yes, dyslexia can absolutely be controlled during early ages.

Early intervention can help a student become confident to write as well as process sounds to form words as they read. All that is needed to control dyslexia is screening it as early as possible and start focusing on reading and writing to enhance this person ability to read and spell. Can we help? For anything to work under the sun, extra effort and help is required. Same to people with dyslexia. We can all get involved by advocating for structured literacy instructions to help teach people with dyslexia how to read and spell.

The teaching techniques of a person with dyslexia must be evidence based and multi-sensory meaning that they learn from seeing and structuring letters in the simplest way possible to help make words. This can simply be done by use of pictures and models. So a class involving students with dyslexia must be very rich in pictures. Dyslexia teaching techniques must always be explicit, direct, cumulative, and intensive and focused on the structure of language. NOVEMB ER 2021 | 31

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Strong women lift each other up. Lydia, in this article shares an evidence-based, actionable steps how to create, as a woman, a better life for yourself and a better world with more opportunities for women and girls. Women who win are women who strive to stop the vicious cycle of criticizing, judging, gossiping and comparing themselves. We want to feel good in our skin and know we are enough just as we are, nothing missing, nothing lacking. We want to be there for one another, we want to be winners together. By the end of the article one thing should happen, decide to be a winner. You will not walk into a room and size up another woman. You will walk in feeling like you don’t have to compare yourself at all. Women who win radiate confidence from inside out, chase their dreams without worrying what others think or might say, this kind of women lift other women up, live a life filled with purposeful meaning and know exactly who they are hence proud of it. We cannot become a truly unstoppable force for good unless we shake off an old shadow that holds us back: how harsh we can be to one another. Who among us hasn’t suffered the sting of a woman’s snarky comment or workplace sabotage? Or experienced the inkiness of mean-girl shunning or lie spreading? Women heap an avalanche of abuse, discrimination and incivility on one another. Come on, women!

women who understand how powerful they are do not give into envy over meaningless things, instead they fight to maintain beautiful bonds of sisterhood. We deserve better than this. There is a wonder woman inside every one of us, let us unleash her. Decide to be a woman who win by shining a light on the shadows, living from your own incredible worth, express your own brilliance don’t block someone else’s. Be an amazing woman, be kind, be a superstar yourself and you won’t feel the need to tarnish another’s star. As Bintu, an Indian actress said, ‘women who understand how powerful they are do not give into envy over meaningless things, instead they fight to maintain beautiful bonds of sisterhood. Advocate for zero tolerance from our surroundings, workplace, church places, neighborhoods. Stop tolerating abusive talks and behavior among women, if you are being bullied document the abuse, report it and be clear about how you want to be treated. If you witness bulling, don’t hide the truth to keep peace, and if you are a bully, seriously? stop!

Applaud a woman’s success. Don’t hold a woman’s gift against her. Someone said jealousy is when you count someone’s blessing instead of your own. If one woman soars, it doesn’t mean your wings are clipped. We all came here to fly-fly far. Women who win also rest. This work harder thing. Sometimes it can shred us. Slow down, breath and nature yourself. It is sometimes tough to get through some days. Do we have to make it harder by crushing each other’s dream and dignity? When we rest it easier to give a big thumbs- up to a woman’s ideas and cheer for a sister on fire with her creation whether its painting or a product ha-ha. NOVEMB ER 2021 | 33

Persisting Trends in families

Women are more likely to make long-term, radical changes in their professional lives as a result of having children which, generally, involve working part-time or by changing assignments to better cope with the needs of children and the demands of family life. Men, in contrast, often maintain their full-time employment, take parental leave only for short periods of time and opt for temporary cash benefits; they concentrate instead on short-term efforts to resolve the conflicting demands that arise between work and family life -World Health Organization, 2007.


NOVEMB ER 2021 | 35

Customer care xperts For all your training and business consulting needs

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Contact us Phone: +254 728 393664 3 6| NOVEMB ER 2021

By James Wetu

Source - PSCU

Kenyan sme's set to reap big

President Uhuru Kenyatta in October 2021 witnessed the signing of a detailed private sector agreement that seeks to expand trade and investments between Kenya and the United States of America.

Established in 1993, CCA is the largest umbrella body of American companies operating in Africa with an overarching objective of promoting trade and investments between the US and the African continent.

The agreement, signed between Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA) and Corporate Council on Africa (CCA), provides a framework for Kenyan and American businesses, especially the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to partner through information sharing, training, logistics, and financing.

Speaking at the signing ceremony in New York, on the first day of his twoday official visit to the US, the President said the Government backed pact was part of efforts to support the growth of Kenyan SME sector as a key enabler of wealth and employment creation.

NOVEMB ER 2021 | 37

The small and micro enterprises (SMEs) play an important role in the Kenyan Economy such as creating jobs however they face serious challenges such as lack of finance and various restrictions. The agreement, signed between Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA) and Corporate Council on Africa (CCA) will create new opportunities for Kenyan SMEs saying the sector plays a key role of guaranteeing the country's economic resilience especially in times of turbulence. “As we look into the future, the future where we are all focused on recovering, it will be this sector that once again will be the foundation of recovery that we all seek to see in the months and years ahead of us,” the President Kenyatta said.

the challenge President Uhuru thanked CCA for its commitment to the strengthening of African-American economic ties saying the improving trade and investment relations between the US and Kenya was largely due to the organization's good work. He assured of his administration's support in the implementation of the trade pact saying its success is the success of Kenyans, the Government and the country at large. The president noted the existing challenge and asked American Government to be a reliable and predictable trading partner for the initiative to succeed. “Reliability and predictability in a partner is something that is critical. To our American friends, I would like to say that you know you cannot start and stop a discussion with partners on the basis of one administration after another. Relationships are between countries and people not between administrations. “There is need to understand that if really we want to establish a base to be respected and to be known as a reliable partner, you cannot stop and start every five years. People don’t know about Democrats and Republicans, they know and understand the United States of America". 38 | NOVEMB ER 2021

one of the iconic structures in Nairobi City

KEPSA Focus KEPSA's CEO Ms Kariuki, who was in attendance said her focus is to ensure Kenyan SMEs tap into and benefit from the expansive and lucrative American market by leveraging on the networks and expertise provided by its trade and investment pact with CCA. “Our focus right now is to scale up the SMEs so that we really can move into development. We want to connect them with the stores in the US and help them access the market. Many of the SMEs do not know how to access AGOA (African Growth and Opportunity Act)-the training, the logistics, the financing and that is what we want to do,” Ms Kariuki said.

As we look into the future, the future where we are all focused on recovering, it will be this sector that once again will be the foundation of recovery that we all seek to see in the months and years ahead of us


31 “Or suppose a king is about to go to BY LYNETTE MWANGI

Lynette is a Msc student on Strategic Management and she shares with us on strategies to pursue as an enterprise. She notes that without a plan your are almost guaranteed of digressing and ending up doing something that was not in your schedule or nothing at all


war against another king. Won’t he first sit down and consider whether he is able with ten thousand men to oppose the one coming against him with twenty thousand? 32 If he is not able, he will send a delegation while the other is still a long way off and will ask for terms of peace.” 28 “Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it? 29 For if you lay the foundation and are not able to finish it, everyone who sees it will ridicule you, 30 saying, ‘This person began to build and wasn’t able to finish.’

NOVEMB ER 2021 | 39

Where Should You Focus? If you want to achieve a certain goal, you will need a plan. Without a plan I can almost guarantee you of digressing and end up doing something that was not in your schedule or nothing at all. Similarly, all enterprises gearing towards a goal do need a plan- a strategy. An enterprise can come up with its business specific strategies like identifying their product strength or opt to pursue general strategies that any/all businesses can pursue. These are similar strategies that are adopted across all businesses.

There are three known general strategies that any enterprise can pursue. Every enterprise wants to have a unique productProduct Differentiation, be the leader in Pricing-Cost Leadership, or be in control of an area -a niche/target market in which they offer a specialized service/productFocus Strategy. Let’s break down these strategies.



A unique, attractive product that meets the markets expectations fetches more demand as consumers perceive it to be better than other products. This strategy calls for product or service development- that is adding value; unique features to the product. Enterprises may charge higher prices for the value added to the product with the hope that this will cover the extra cost incurred when adding this value to the product during its production. In a nut shell, this involves being DIFFERENT. This strategy is however likely to work in a market that is not price sensitive or the customers have certain specific needs which are not met by the existing firms. It can lead to high profits but not market share. An enterprise that adopts this strategy can focus on customer loyalty instead of attempting to gain a large market share.

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This strategy aims at concentrating on a particular market segment rather than the main market. An enterprise identifies a target market/niche that is under-served and offers its product/service. Such an enterprise can dictate the pricing of these product-Cost Leadership Focus and/or add value to the product they are offering to this target market-Differentiation Focus.

This strategy involves being the leader in terms of cost in the enterprises’ industry. It calls for being the low-cost producer in an industry. This is achieved by having the lowest prices in the target market segment, or at least the lowest price to value ratio (price compared to what customers receive). To succeed at offering the lowest price while still achieving profitability and a high return on investment, the firm must be able to operate at a lower cost than its rivals.

As with differentiation, this strategy implies that market share in the main market will be limited but there is loyalty from customers in that particular niche.

A firm can either charge average industry prices on their products to earn a higher profit than their rivals by reducing costs or charge below the average industry price so as to gain a market share. In the event of a price war, the enterprise can maintain some profitability while the competition suffers losses. Even without a price war, as the industry matures and prices decline, the enterprises that can produce more cheaply will remain profitable for a longer period of time.

Picking one of these can guarantee profitability, but knowing which will be beneficial to your enterprise in the Long run is Key. An enterprise therefore needs to choose wisely which among these strategies to adopt and implement.

An enterprise identifies a target market/niche that is under-served and offers its products.

Either way the enterprise is still gaining but it needs to be careful on the route to pursue. Being a low-cost producer has its risks as other firms can also lower their prices and therefore block attempts for the enterprise to increase its market share.


John is a bachelor of economics & statistics student and dives into why business need to consider data as they pursue their strategy.

Keeping this in mind, every

Innovation in terms of data. This is

company must consider a quality

through advanced data systems and

set of data to enhance massive

networks that yield to better results in

impact to the larger market.

terms of performance and

Majority of companies collect data

productivity. This is the most key point

as a formality and store it up in

in the business strategy since this is

stores without knowing the work

where we plan and execute on what

plan on how to use it to grow and

to do with the data set available.

make decisions to improve the state of the company. A well planned

Data Governance. Specifies on the

data strategy shows the direction a

personnel handling the data e.g. data

Have you ever asked yourself the

company ought to take, helps it to

scientists, statisticians and many

importance of customer’s feedback or

navigate the business terrain.

more. The mandated obligated

reviews to your business? What that

workers who all meant to handle the

feedback can do if only you work it out

Having said that, we need to look at

data is a major component in Data

to complement the customers

what you need to consider as you


demand. From definition, Business

navigate data strategy. This includes

strategy describes the actions or

*identifying the data strengths and

Storage and accessibility. Data

decision that company has to take to

the weakness of the company or

requires a more open world where

achieve its full potential in goals and

organization. The decisions made

everyone can easily access it and


are based on the quality of data set

know when to break the ice and

Data is one of the major Business

presence hence weak data set

juggle around. This becomes a major

strategies component that companies

accelerates poor decision making

obstacle to many of the private sector

are using to beat their fellow

that yields to poor results.

organizations where the data is

competitors. From the previous publication we look at the importance of data generally and gave an example of how multinational companies are transforming data for the good and for productivity.

Data is one of the major Business strategies component that companies are using to beat their fellow competitors.

hidden from the public domain hence the public has no rights and hence their voice become meaningful to the organizations at a big extent. This becomes a big misfortune to the company in future. NOVEMB ER 2021 | 41

42 | NOVEMB ER 2021



Phishing is an email attack method that is employed with the intent to compromise a system by capitalizing on the weakest element in that system who in most cases happens to be the user. In this article, we will share different types of phishing attacks.



These are the most commonly used. They impersonate a genuine institution. They normally do not target a specific individual or organization. To achieve this, the attackers send out generic emails destined to be sent to many emails as which they have harvested in the hope that the common user who happens to be naïve will click on the fake link that has been embedded with the email and initiate the download of malicious file.



This on the other hand, just like email phishing are scams cast to huge numbers of emails, but to specific and well-known targets. From the outlook, they look to be originating from legitimate senders. With this type of attack, attackers are able to infect users with viruses or coarse targets to give away their sensitive data or money. Spear phishing is very dangerous as the attacker will target an individual and employ sophisticated phishing campaigns with the aim to infiltrate a target institution or system.



This is a version of spear phishing but the attacker targets a specific high profile user like CFO or CEO. The aim of this method goes beyond the normal high-value monetary transfer to acquisition of company secrets since the person of interest is a well highly valued senior employee.



This mostly happens when target a particular organization by sending copies of a real email communication. The attackers achieve this by cloning a genuine email communication that was received from an existing trusted source. To achieve their goals, they replace the genuine links with their fake links, and sometimes they embed extra links into the body of the message that will redirect the target to their traps for harvesting their information.

The attackers achieve this by cloning a genuine email communication. To achieve their goals, they replace the genuine links with their fake links,



In this attack, the attackers create a fake website that have codes or scripts that steal or sends security details and other information to their servers. To achieve their target, this technique uses a spoofed website that looks the exactly as the one the target uses. It looks real and legitimate. With this, it is easy to convince the user to input his information which is then harvested.

By Justus Njoroge

Budgeting is making a plan to spend your money. Proper budgeting means you spend less than you earn So many people say, "Oh, I don't care about money." Yet they work eight hours a day, five days a week in one job. We should not underestimate the money factor in humanity. It is therefore important that we all acquire some financial knowledge. Financial education essentially involves learning how to pay your bills, borrow and save responsibly, and how and why you should invest and plan for retirement. Ironically, a person may be highly educated and professionally successful but be financially illiterate about financial decisions. Investing time in your financial development can improve your savings and investment decisions. Today I want to talk about budgeting as one of the most important elements of financial literacy. 44 | NOVEMB ER 2021



GOING? Once you see patterns, you can see where to make adjustments. You may be spending less than you earn and you're still paying for some bills and subscriptions that you don't necessarily need. .

What is a budget? A budget is a cost plan based on income and expenses. In other words, it is an estimate of how much money you will have over some time, e.g., a week or a month, earn and spend. Budget involves making a comprehensive list of expenses or focusing on a few categories. Some people prefer to write their budget by hand, while others use a spreadsheet. From controlling expenses to consistently saving and investing a portion of your income, a budget will help you stay on track in pursuing your long-term financial goals. A budget does not have to be rigid. It should change as your circumstances change. Budgeting Budgeting is making a plan to spend your money. Proper budgeting means you spend less than you earn when planning your financial goals. The budget is the fundamental step towards financial literacy and enlargement, financial security, and freedom. Budgeting is the process of making a plan to spend your hard-earned money and invest wisely to achieve your personal and financial goals in life.

Budgeting shouldn't be a math exercise that we think we should tolerate; rather, it is the result of a self-assessment of our relationship with money and an essential roadmap that leads us to higher standards and a higher quality of life. Budgeting is not about you; it's about controlling your money. A budget shouldn't feel like a punishment. Remember that all your money is on a plane - including money for fun, like swimming. There's no definitive formula that it's important to master our income, expenses, and visions for budgeting that suits everyone while also developing custom budgets that make sense. Why Budget The budget benefits everyone, not just those who are struggling financially. It encourages people to live within their means and manage their money as best they can. Think of a budget as the cornerstone of your financial goals. In short, a painting gives a clear picture of what you should save or spend. Once you see patterns, you can see where to make adjustments. You may be spending less than you earn (maybe!), but you're still paying for some bills and subscriptions that you don't necessarily need. Ready to give budgeting a whirl? Please start with the basics, including showing your income, account balances and liabilities, and tracking expenses. Then prioritize and find the right budgeting system for your needs. If you are baffled, ask for assistance. NOVEMB ER 2021 | 45

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Why men fitness matters By Rachael Mutuku

A Healthy Body Keeping fit as many of us would think in our normal thinking is the ability to endure some form of exercise for a certain period of time. Well, in as much as that might true, being fit is actually a broad term that includes physical, mental and spiritual fitness. The Cambridge English dictionary defines keeping fit as physical exercises to keep your body healthy, often done regularly with other people. Fitness is recommended for everyone and today I would like us to look at why it is important for men to stay fit. You will agree with me that in the society we are living in, many of us experience some form of pressure either from family, peers, workplaces and the social environment at large in regards to our physical fitness. Most of the time people tend to find relief from a day’s pressure in many places and one of these places is the gym or the nearby play ground or in the house – with an aim of doing something physical to help reduce fatigue. All these places are good enough for physical exercises. I experience different kinds of people at the gym every day and from our interactions I can actually tell that physical training is a relief for many men. Work out for men should be 30 minutes daily and/or up to an hour at least three days a week. The work out should cover the whole body which is mostly referred to as, full body workout. Regular physical activity improves the overall quality of life by helping to relieve anger, anxiety and depression. Exercising moderately boosts energy levels and the ability to sleep.

Workouts help reduce the risk of exposure to diseases like cancers, diabetes and high or low blood pressure. Physical training enhances blood circulation which reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and stroke and improves blood sugar levels. The testosterone hormone is vital in a man’s’ general wellbeing. This hormone is mostly thought to control or regulate sex drive. Well, it is also important to note that it is responsible for bone mass, fat distribution, muscle mass, strength and the production of red blood cells and sperm. As they age, the production of this hormone is reduced and this causes erectile dysfunction and reductions in muscle size, legpress, strength and lean mass. One of the ways to improve the production of testosterone is watching what you eat and another is regular exercise. A diet mainly on whole foods is the best. This optimizes both hormone levels and long-term health. Men need to eat foods that are rich in protein, fats and carbs. Proteins aid in fat loss which is associated with testosterone. Carbs intake helps optimize the hormone levels during resistance training.

The testosterone hormone is vital in a man’s’ general well-being. This hormone is mostly thought to control or regulate sex drive.

NOVEMB ER 2021 | 47

"Life is a sport, make it count" I have also come to learn that every time one exercises, they get a rush of endorphins in their system and it makes them feel better and happier. With a desired physical appearance, their self-esteem is highly enhanced especially with the knowledge that you are doing something good for yourself and it makes you feel better about yourself mostly when you start seeing results. Fitness carries with it a higher life expectancy and longevity of sanity – ability to think right - and this helps them to be better leaders, parents, spouses and workmates. Regulated workouts help control and maintain body weight and cholesterol levels. Regular training does improve endurance. This ensures that targets are maintained and usually results start to show after a period of approximately three weeks to one month for fresh beginners. From a distance we are able to also notice that output at workplaces is excellent. This is mostly from a point of fresh and relaxed minds. Lest I forget, aside physical training, once or twice a week, steam bath is recommended. It helps ease mental fatigue and relax muscles. One thing that I would really encourage men out there is that, you should not be too busy to work on yourself. Let us avoid excuses for not working out. How about knowing that for you to begin exercises you do not really need to hit the gym. You start at home.

Jumping Jacks Some Home Exercises Here are some of the exercises you can do at home, jumping jacks, planks, cross crunches, squats, lunges, push-ups, high knees and the Russian twist. These cover a whole body workout at home. It’s important to know that you need to properly warm up before beginning any work outs to prevent injuries and loosen your muscles and joints. One of the simplest ways to warm up is to jog for a minute or two ten stretch yourself. With that you are ready to begin workout.

Russian Twist 46 | NOVEMB ER 2021

Being fit should be a desire for every man. It takes commitment, consistency and hard work. Self-drive is the greatest motivator to personal training and as we all know, no pain, no gain. Run, sweat, smile and repeat. Training is paining but gaining, we got to strike a balance. Being fit begins with thinking fit.




All our soaps are handmade, the ingredients sourced locally, and the oils, waxes, butters as well as essential oils and hydrosols plantderived and natural. They are not tested on animals and are free from artificial fragrances as well as preservatives. 4X Skin Moisturization. The bath soap has three types of natural moisturizers: natural fatty acids that remain in the final oil, glycerol from a variety of oils and Shea Butter after saponification, the avocado wax and honey. These together ensure that your body remains moisturized after bathing and prevent dry skin conditions. Gentle Cleansing. The soap cleanses naturally using vegetable oils that are gentle to your skin and vigorous to any dirt present. The Natural Benefits. Our soap is made from cold saponification, without introduction of external heat. This way, all the benefits of the ingredients- from coconut oil to the Shea Butter-, essential oils and honey are retained.



Men's healthy diet BY SYLVIA MUSINZI

Sylvia is a Masters Student specializing in Nutrition. In this article, she writes about men's diet.

Nutrition needs differ with gender and age. A healthy diet for a man is different from a healthy diet for a woman. And what a middle aged male needs from his food for good health and growth differs from what a male baby, child, teenager or older person needs. It’s important to know your specific nutrition needs for your age, and to design an eating pattern that suits you. If you combine your food plan with some regular physical activity you’re on your way to good health.

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Regardless of age, all men need good nutrition from a healthy diet. Nutrition is simply the process of getting from our food what we need for health and growth. And a healthy diet is the best selection of foods and drinks for that process to work well.

Men may be proactive at work and on the sports field, but when it comes to their health, they take a backseat. Without a healthy diet, you could be increasing your risk of chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, some cancers, and even mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression. As a man, your healthy diet will need to meet your unique physical needs, fit with your lifestyle, and reduce your risk of disease. There are two common mistakes that men make that compromise their health. First is that most men have unhealthy eating habits. Men on average eat less well than women do. Also according to research men are more likely to eat out in restaurants and hence their diets have highly saturated fat and salt and this keeps them at risk of non-communicable diseases. Diets high in beef, pork and lamb can lead to an increased risk of heart disease and colon cancer. Secondly, men seek medical advice less as compared to women. Food is more than just fuel. Your diet can help fight disease and keep you feeling younger. There are several things men can do to improve their diet.

Opt for a hearthealthy fats such as olive oil, canola oil, nuts, seeds and avocados

First, since men have more muscle and typically are bigger than women, they require more calories throughout the day. For energy and disease prevention, men should eat whole grains such as whole-grain bread, pasta, cereal, brown rice, oats, barley, beans, lentils, fruits and vegetables. These foods are high in fiber, help manage hunger and fullness and help fend off certain cancers, such as prostate and colon. Eat a variety of protein foods, including seafood and plant-based sources, like beans, peas and soy products. Also, men can cut down on saturated fat from high fat meats and full-fat dairy products and fried foods. Instead, opt for foods with unsaturated, heart-healthy fats such as olive oil, canola oil, nuts, seeds and avocados. Lastly, they should consider working with a registered dietitian nutritionist to develop healthy habits that will last a lifetime.

Since men have more muscle and typically are bigger than women, they require more calories throughout the day

Without a healthy diet, you could be increasing your risk of chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, some cancers, and even mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression NOVEMB ER 2021 | 51

joyous cakes CAKES & PASTRY



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The king's breakfast BY MARY WANJIRU

PAN FRIED CHICKEN WINGS SERVED WITH ROAST POTATOES PAN FRIED CHICKEN WINGS 900gms chicken wings 2 tsp salt 2 Tbsp olive oil/sunflower oil 2 Tbsp lemon juice 1 Tbsp brown sugar 2 garlic cloves (pressed) 1/2 tsp freshly ground black pepper 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper (optional)


4 medium size potatoes with skin 1 teaspoon paprika 1 teaspoon black pepper powder Salt to taste ½ teaspoon oregano ¼ teaspoon red chili flakes 4 tablespoon olive oil

Opt for a heart-healthy fats such as olive oil, canola oil, etc.

NOVEMB ER 2021 | 53



1. In a large bowl, combine all the seasonings, add chicken wings and mix by hand ensuring even coating. 2. Transfer the wings to a suitable size Ziploc bag. Refrigerate for at least half an hour. Marinating up to 24 hours is perfectly acceptable and will only be beneficial. 3. Preheat a large frying pan. Sear chicken wings on both sides over high heat for about one and a half to two minutes per side. 4. Reduce heat to low, cover with a lid leaving a small crack, and continue cooking for about 20 minutes until the meat is tender. Flip the wings twice or three times during cooking.


1. Wash the potatoes well (keep skin on or peel according to your preference). 2. Cut into medium cubes. 3. In a hot pan, add the oil and when hot add the potatoes. 4. Flip and fry the potatoes on medium heat until golden in color and completely cooked, this will take around 15 to 20 minutes. 5. Add the rest of ingredients to the potatoes and mix well. 6. Turn off heat and serve.

*Serve with a beverage of choice and a salad.

54 | NOVEMB ER 2021

Fashion denim hacks?! BY RACHAEL STANLEY

Denim is one of the reliable style in our closet. Start thinking about the settings. Are you trying to look dressy or casual? Every occasion calls for a specific sartorial choice. Let’s talk about how to make that decision.



Casual doesn’t mean careless, aim high even with a low-key look. The elements of any wardrobe should complement one another, even in a dressed-down style. You’d never wear a pair of patentleather with faded, ripped jeans.



You got somewhere to go? It’s time to kick it up a notch, but put down those winkle pickers. All you need for a dressier look is a darker-wash jean to pair with either leather or suede shoes. They’re the perfect foundation to a collared shirt and blazer combo.



From the casual workplace to a night on the town, a semi-formal outfit is appropriate in most day-to-day situations. In order to class up your jeans for this look, simply wear a collared shirt or sweater with loafers, boat shoes, boots or even clean white sneakers. For those slightly nicer occasions, feel free to tuck in your shirt to give you that extra edge.



Boots and jeans are both ruggedly refined, so pairing them together is a natural fit. Try to find a pair of jeans that are slimming but not too tight, skinny jeans will look disproportionate with a bigger style of shoe. Any wash can work well with boots—they can be dressed up with a dark wash, or dressed down with a faded or distressed style. If you’re the type of guy who owns cowboy boots, opt for boot cut jeans so they will fit over the top of the boots.



Sneakers scream casual, but they aren’t your only option. Lace-up or Chelsea boots will add some street cred to your ensemble. If you opt for distressed or faded denim, then make it the centerpiece of your outfit. Keep things minimal on top and pick an edgier shoe or some classic Chucks in bright white or black.



A slim-fitting pair of dark-wash jeans looks dope. And that means you’ll need an equally dope dress shoe in leather or suede to finish the job. Make sure the length of your pants rests just on the top of the shoe, never let the hem drag on the ground. A subtle cuff is a great way to show off a Secret Fancy Sock—if you’re into that kind of thing.

NOVEMB ER 2021 | 55

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Kingdom of God Mindset Pst. Kevin Ongori


If we are going to make an impact with our walk with God, we need to understand, that His will His and agenda is superior to ours. I came across a scripture in the bible that refined the meaning of purpose to me, most of time's what we have heard about purpose and vision unfortunately is not scriptural at all, For David, after he had served the purpose of God in his own generation, fell asleep and was buried among his fathers and experienced decay [in the grave]; Acts 13:36 AMP What stands out here for me is that David served the purposes of God, so even in him becoming King was specially occasioned by God for kingdom purposes to be established and Gods agenda to be realized. Therefore, the man become King because he was willing to forgo his ambitions and fulfill God's Vision.

And God giving an account of Him states that David was aman after his own heart. Interestingly the true battle of our walk with God has always been His will or our will, the flesh and the spirit will always be in fight and contention with each other, since it is the spirit that has the ability to commune and hear from God while the flesh wants to fulfil its lust, which are always contrary to God standard and will. It's not an easy path to walk in the spirit because our environment is contaminated with so many things that do not support, God's work or Kingdom advancement, from the physical to the spiritual. Letting go of the pleasures together with the delicacies of Babylon and purposing in your heart to follow God only, can so easily make you a victim or a target in our time, When evil and wickedness is the order of the day, but if we must fulfilled kingdom agenda we must be willing to take a stand and go against the norm of the day.

It's not an easy path to walk in the spirit because our environment is contaminated with so many things that do not support God's work or Kingdom advancement.

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You are not fighting a mute deaf, dumb & not powerless enemy. A perfect example is Daniel But Daniel made up his mind that he would not defile (taint, dishonor) himself with the [a]king’s finest food or with the wine which the king drank; so he asked the commander of the officials that he might [be excused so that he would] not defile himself (Daniel 1:8 AMP) It's interested in the scripture clearly indicating that Daniel had an option but he chosen not to take that option even though it was an easy way out and it seemed okay since everyone else was doing it and there was no one to supervise him, since he was in a foreign land as a captive, he had all reasons to do what was wrong but he choose not to. Kingdom mindset dictates that even when no one is watching you still need do what is right. Babylon is attractive it has everything that is trending and latest it has no rules for restrictions it's all YOLO ( You only live once), most might not understanding that anything that will kill you will first of all make sure that you have been addicted to it. The devil has always been against what God is doing, his purpose is clear in scripture which is The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows]. John 10:10 AMP The intention of the enemy is always to turn you against God to make God hate or judge you. And even when God has overlooked your misdoing and maintained his love for us, he the devil will still come in to Manipulate and distort what God has given you. It is detrimental to walk ignorantly to the fact that we have an enemy that we are facing in this kingdom, this enemy was once in the presence of God, The God we are worshipping and serving as a matter of fact, he is aware of some but not all eternal dealing, protocols and principles. He is well informed that even when encountering Jesus he dared quoted the scriptures to Him of his prophecy. You are not fighting a mute deaf dump not powerless enemy. The most damaging lie that he has played on us is that He is not powerful and does not exist. Let me not dwell on this for now, back to the subject. Talking about the mind, it's the place where ideas are generated plans perceived, vision are born and implemented, but by the fall of man an introduction of evil and wickedness entered, distorting the likeness and oneness that man had in the beginning with God hence the perfect will and intention of God for man was interfered with. 60 | NOVEMB ER 2021

@monipoet They said Stay Taliban In the name of peace Stay taliban to avoid getting hurt What they don't understand is that roughly my path of joy was crashed Happiness being a tale And being a taliban was escape peace They said stay dangerous To avoid the cold streets What they failed to know The streets if full of broken walking smiling corpse The stress is full of millions of people carrying a painful past Trauma with others depressed but smiling In hope that this will end soon or maybe a car will come crashing and end their life too Grandma said In all you do stay with pure heart Help without doubt Give hope without complain But the stress whispered Baby you will get used and get hurt Grandpa kept this verse Said let God handle your load Let God fight the battles we cant make But the streets said you are alone in this world With some mentality destroyed their is a no God Grandma has lived long Grandpa has lived longer But the streets have been there for ages People said the older the person the wiser they are I am stuck between the part to follow For both are wise


6 Ways the Youth Can Live a Meaningful Life Most young people have no idea how they can live a meaningful life. Bogged down by peer pressure, and lack of the right information, they are prone to making mistakes they will live to regret. Here are six ways the youth can live a meaningful life: 1. Live by godly standards The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. God is the source of all life and therefore one cannot lead a purposeful life without acknowledging their creator. When you honor God, he will honor you and bless you and give you enduring success in all that you do. We honor him by being obedient to his word and living according to his statutes. 2. Personal Development People think about going to school, but there are many other ways you can develop yourself such as planning and managing your time, making the bed when you wake up, reading a book or two on topics that interest you (you can pick some books on the streets),taking short courses such ascomputer packages, driving, walking together with the same minded people, and nowadays we even have “YouTube university” that you can actually learn many things like cookery, deco, and you don’t need a lot of money for such activities.

3. Be under mentorship Most young people don’t realize they need a mentor to help them achieve a meaningful life. This ought not to be the case, for a successful and meaningful life young people needs to walk under a mentor carefully chosen out and preferably who is much older than them. Mentors provide you with the support you require in the walk of life. They also instill values and help develop character that will help you to adapt well to the society. Many young people that have walked alone have found themselves off the track, and it takes long before they realize their folly.

By Maxwell Waswa

4. Serve others It is in serving others that you discover many of your abilities and strengths. If you ever want to be great, you need to serve others. Many people desire to be in high places but lack capacity to handle the responsibilities of these places. Simple things like performing our duties well, completing projects on time, working under a group challenge us big time. 5. Control your social media time Most young people spend too much time on social media on not-soimportant activities, such as scrolling to see who posted what, who is trending, which soccer team is playing who and betting, wasting lots of precious time. One wise man said time lost can never be recovered, so, make valuable use of the time you have. I’m not suggesting you should stay away from social media, but be disciplined on your social media activities. 6. Know your interests Life becomes more meaningful if you can find time to break away from your day-to-day responsibilities to unwind, or be with yourself. You may adopt a physical fitness routine that does have to involve money. An early morning run with a friend and a few pushups and stretching can go a long way to help you detox and improve your cognitive ability.

Young people may experience many challenges, but can still live a meaningful life if they focus on personal development, purpose to serve others, identify their interests, and be under some mentorship. If you need more information about living a Godly and purposeful life.

NOVEMB ER 2021 | 61


CBC promotes individualized learning and accomodates a variety of learning styles, making it a truly personalized experience

The cbc Education System & its intrigues By James Wetu Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) is an approach in which students work at their own pace to demonstrate mastery in the competencies necessary for their chosen field of study. The Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) under the 2-63-3 system of education in Kenya was unveiled in 2017 to replace the 8-4-4 system of education which has served Kenya for 32 years. The introduction of 2-6-3-3 has received a lot of attention and provides an opportunity for us to reflect on what it holds for our children. Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) is based on learners demonstrating the ability to apply the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values they gain as they progress through their education. Despite initial resistance, this curriculum is now under implementation in Kenya. 62 | NOVEMB ER 2021

Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) is based on learners demonstrating the ability to apply the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values they gain as they progress through their education. Despite initial resistance by stakeholders, this curriculum is now under implementation in Kenya. The education SYSTEM in Kenya has moved from 7-4-2-3 in 1963, to 8-4-4 in 1985 and now 2-6-3-3 system. Due to the nature and limitations of the previous systems, being academic and examination oriented, and in response to the Constitution of Kenya 2010 and to achieve Kenya Vision 2030, there was a need to transform the Kenyan education system towards developing three key components in children as identified by Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development. The Focus of the new system is to develop three components namely; 1. Competencies - The 21st Century demands citizens who are multi skilled. The new system seeks to produce a child with relevant COMPETENCIES to thrive in a rapidly changing world. 2. Character- The school system need to mold learners to acquire values that support peace and national unity 3. Creativity - The school’s system needs to develop Kenyans who are able to creatively solve problems.

The school’s system needs to develop Kenyans who are able to creatively solve problems.

THE CHALLENGES CBC advocates the use of locally available resources to encourage innovation, originality, imagination and creativity in carrying out tasks. Having said this, it appears that most parents have no idea as to how the competency-based curriculum will help their children. Many are torn in between whether the curriculum is meant to increase active learning and creative thinking, or it is merely meant to lead learners in to vocational training. Parents have been complaining about the Competency-Based Curriculum saying they are being given too much work on behalf of their children. Although many parents support the CBC, some parents feels they should be totally left out of CBC affairs. "I have paid fees and sent my child to school. My own work is so demanding that when I come home, it is either too late or I am too tired to start finding out about the tasks my child has been assigned and then get involved". Parents retort.


By Faith Mwangi

How professional are we?

Professionalism also entails integrity and ethical Behavior. Integrity is the act of doing what is right even when no

Staying committed to your

one is watching. No one ever wants to

ethical principles propels you to your career and makes you a

encounter or get involved with a rude,

positive example to your fellow

Respect, honesty, trust, hard work,

workers. Everyone has their own view of what professionalism entails. Some think it is having several degrees (which is good), huge briefcases or wearing suits every day to work, while others think that that it is arriving early, being quiet in the office, working for longer hours than everyone else or dressing smart to work. Well, all this are true and applicable, but professionalism goes beyond looking good and having many degrees. So, what exactly is professionalism especially in the XZ generation?

lying, or non-diplomatic colleague. responsibility, and patience are among the attributes that can prove that one is a person of integrity. It is very important for all employees to exercise integrity despite their level of experience, career level or position. Staying committed to your ethical principles propels you to your career and makes you a positive example to your fellow workers. Showing responsibility to your coworkers and colleagues shows that you are professional. Personal responsibility is important but so is your accountability to others. Learning how to work with others, respect them and being generous with your knowledge and skills allows you to build great work

Professionalism is personal accountability or rather selfdiscipline. Personal accountability simply means that one is responsible for their choices, actions, and consequences. It is easier to trust someone who has proven to be reliable, organized and dedicated to themselves and that is why most promotions are given to employees who have branded themselves as accountable. Being accountable in the workplace means meeting your own personal objectives, getting early to meetings, meeting the set deadlines, and effectively managing your time. While attaining this can be difficult, personal liability proves that you are dependable and can be trusted with more responsibilities.

relationships. Among other ways you can show responsibility to your colleagues is show gratitude, offer support to employees in lower levels and celebrate your coworkers when they achieve and make huge steps in their career. Making friends in the workplace is optional but making meaningful relationship for your career is inevitable and that can only be easier when you show responsibility to those around you.

I clinch my article by echoing a wellknown saying ‘professionalism is not the job you do, but how you do it.’

Professionalism is also portrayed as learning how to handle emotions in the workplace (self-regulation). Imagine being an angry or moody customer service representative, clients are going to exit and find alternatives. A Professional met by a stubborn irritate customer should not do the same in return, they should know how to maintain a calm and business-like attitude. Genuine professionals consider the emotions and needs of those around them. Now that we have a clear outlook of what professionalism entails, are we as professional as we think? I clinch my article by echoing a wellknown saying ‘professionalism is not the job you do, but how you do it.’ NOVEMB ER 2021 | 63


I hope you are well and that you are doing great things. My prayer is that you are listening to your feelings and taking good care of yourself. Recently, I felt very confused and a little panicked, school is starting soon I have been spending the past few days over-analyzing myself and wondering if I push people away. See in the past few days, I have been walking away from any situation that made me feel less or just disturbed my peace. It started with an understanding that engaging with certain people in any way would probably take me back a few months of progress in my mental health. I made the decision to not talk to them at all. Some friends I stopped talking to because I realized that I was a different person than the person they knew. I didn’t feel I needed to keep explaining myself and the struggle of leaving the box that they had put for me was too much. I also developed a habit of walking away from situations at the first red flags without offering too many second chances (I have a history of being a martyr for love). I beat myself up for a long time then I realized I couldn’t expect my new self to keep doing the same old things and being with the same old people. The thing about being codependent and having no boundaries is that once you move on from those habits, it’s so hard for those you were friends to change with you. You move from always being available for them no matter what to showing up only when you have the mental capacity to be there. You move from apologizing for saying no to using ‘no’ as a complete sentence. You own your story and you unapologetically tell it like it is. You refuse to be put down or let anyone tell your story any differently. You understand that your job is not to fix people and solve their problems. You learn that you don’t have to talk about your trauma in an attempt to bond with people. This kind of change doesn’t bring everyone that you thought as your friend with you and sometimes it is okay if you lost friends because then you are gaining yourself.

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When I first heard the concept of losing people to gain yourself, I only thought of the beauty of gaining yourself. The pain of losing friends as you grow is messier and uglier than I expected. I thought that it would be the kind that you just drift apart and then look back five years later to realize that you lost each other. Some of my friends we had long prolonged arguments that couldn’t be solved because we were too different. Others I had to make the decision to stop engaging them because of how I felt after engaging with them. Others it was one argument with so many harsh things said; the kind that you can never come back from. Others it was the realization that you would never be the person they wanted you to be and choosing to walk away. I lost all these people in a span of six months. At first, it felt like I had failed in my relationships. I felt that I wasn’t lovable and unworthy of love because I had failed to maintain my relationships. Once I established that I was worthy of love (still a work in progress) and wasn’t really the problem, I had a fight with love. I didn’t understand how I could love each of all those people and still feel that they were better off not in my life for my sake and theirs. I still don’t understand this concept but then again there is probably no philosophy in this world that can make the heartbreak of loving from a distance make sense. Sometimes we grew, get lost and it hurts so much.


Monday boost Podcast With James Wetu

NOVEMB ER 2021 | 65




Betsy Munene, a grade 6 Pupil, tells us about hobbies, the benefits and why it is important to identify and pursue your hobbies.

A hobby a day keeps the stress away A hobby is something you enjoy doing during your free time. Hobbies help us to grow as a person. The best way to have a new hobby is to try something new. Some of the hobbies include Reading, Photography, writing, Gardening, Baking. Hobbies help us to manage our leisure and unplanned time more productively.

BENEFITS OF HOBBY FOR TEENS Number one is that hobbies forces you to take some time for yourself. Hobbies also provide a way to declutter your mind. It takes your mind away from stressful thoughts and focusing on an activity you enjoy. It keeps you in better physical health. Physical hobbies such as hiking, dancing, sports or fitness can keep us active without feeling of an obligatory trip to the gym. Hobbies can encourage you to stretch the limits of your imagination see the world in a new way


A teenager might not know they love art, sport, singing or dance until they give it a shot. They also learn new skills. Teens can make great leap forward when they focus on something they choose and spent it on their terms. Making new friends, playing sports, learning, musical instruments gets teens out they are meeting people they wouldn't ordinarily meet. It manages time

Participating in hobbies teaches teens how to use their time wisely. Instead of spending all afternoon on the couch, allocate time towards their hobbies because they want to. Hobbies help us to create time for ourselves and practice them. 66 | NOVEMB ER 2021

Let us practice our hobbies

my free time BY ASAPH MUTORIA

Asaph, a grade 5, tells us how he spends his free time and asks other children to make their free time productive

You can help in preparing food like I do, either breakfast, lunch or dinner. Personally I love preparing vegetables.

Since I am in school, grade 5, most of

my free time is on Saturday and

Sunday. When I wake up, I make my bed – it is a priority for me. I wash my face, take my breakfast together with my family and then brush my teeth. Later, I sit and watch television for an

I would love to advise other children to make first things first. When you wake up, make your bed. Wash your face and brush your teeth. Make sure you do your homework and help your parent or guardian do house chores that you are able to. You can then later play your favorite game with your friends, maybe football or

hour, of course I watch my favorite

maybe watch an educative movie or

educative TV show. I am so careful

a TV show.

what I watch because not everything

You can help in preparing food like I

is good for watching. After this, I take

do, either breakfast, lunch or dinner.

a walk to exercise my body, When I

Personally I love preparing

come back home, I have my lunch.

vegetables. Another thing you can

After Lunch, I do my homework and

do is read a story book to help

play football in the evening.

sharpen your languages. Read your

I love cooking so I help prepare

bible and pray, at least three times a

vegetables for supper. We have a lot

day. I would also like to tell children

of discussions with my family as we

to avoid spending so much time on

enjoy our dinner. When dinner is

social media because it may reduce

done, I start to prepare for the next

their intelligence, they’d rather

day which is Sunday. I read my bible,

watch educative videos on amazon,

pray and retire to sleep.

Netflix or on YouTube. NOVEMB ER 2021 | 67

Sharing is caring

Bettina Ndung'u, a grade 3, shares with us why sharing is caring. She notes a scripture in Luke that demands we share with those who do not have. When I hear about sharing I always think about my mother. Many times she will cook some sweet cakes or buy some sweets then she will give me all of it then tell me to share with my brother and sister and sometimes she will give to my brother and tell him to share too. My dad also encourages us to share whatever we have with others. I therefore understand sharing as an act of enjoying something together with others being kind to others. Sharing something with others is not easy but because my parents have trained me I find it easy to share the things I have with others. I always share many things with my friends in school, church and at home. These things include rubber, sharpener, ruler, snacks, bicycle, ball and toys. 68 | NOVEMB ER 2021

We can share things which we own with our friends at school, our families, neighbors and with the needy. Luke 3:11 says we need to share the little things we have with those who don’t have. As children of God, we should learn to share with everyone including other children who don’t have or are in need. I share things with other children because I love them which always make my heart feel good. I love sharing with others because it’s a gift in me. When we share, it’s a way of showing our friends we care about them and by doing so we make them happy, feel loved and appreciated. The moment I share with my age mate friends I always see them very happy and Joyous.

When we share, it’s a way of showing our friends we care about them and by doing so we make them happy, feel loved and appreciated.

I once shared pencils and pens from China with my friends. I also carried some cakes to my fellow Sunday school children and they really enjoyed. I felt so happy and my heart was full of joy and thanked God for providing to me. There are many things that we ask God and he freely gives us. And if we truly love God we also need to share our things with others. We give to people who are needy and this pleases God, we also share with our friends to show that we love and value them. When we are blessed we also need to be a blessing to others.



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70 | NOVEMB ER 2021

Exploring Qatar Before 2022 BY MARY KINUTHIA When you travel internationally for work or vacation, you normally have this picture or ideas in mind of the nation you are traveling to. Probably, this picture is created by the things we hear, read, or what we have watched from movies. I grew up desiring to travel internationally. Middle East was never on my mind. Europe was my first destination of choice; North America came second close. In 2019, God opened a door for me to work at a school in the Middle East. I say God because, I had engaged Him intensely when I quit a well-paying job in Nairobi and decided that I needed something different. Just as I was figuring what next while doing a little bit of business here and there the opportunity to Qatar opened up.


Exploring Qatar

There is a famous Kenyan proverb that says, "He that has never traveled thinks that his mother is the only good cook in the world". My stay in the Middle East has exposed me to different realities from those I have accumulated back home. Some are major, say like the way the Qatar government is committed to world class development within its borders. Others may seem minor, like having to take an Uber to go to the sparsely located baqalas (shops) just to get groceries unlike back home where the shops are located almost outside every apartment. But then here in Qatar, why would they want their estates crowded with mini shops while most people seem to take pleasure in driving themselves to the mall, stop by Starbucks or the mini vans inside the mall for coffee, then maybe carry home some kubus (Arabic bread) and raw yoghurt for their rice back home :). I would say people find pleasure stopping by the malls which seem like a huge business in the country, as they are normally parked and packed to capacity outside and inside in the evening and every other weekend.

During my first month of stay i made several trips to the malls and noticed most stores were flooded with foreign nationalities more than the natives. This boggled my mind and sent me straight to Google in search for some answers. This for me was a major fun fact. You see, the expatriates living in Qatar are more than the Qatari citizens. Wikipedia shows that in early 2017, Qatar's total population was 2.6 million, of which 313,000 (12%) were Qatari citizens while 2.3 million (88%) were expatriates from all nationalities around the world. South Asia foreigners working in Qatar ranks highest about 60% with Indians ranking highest, followed by Nepalis, Baghladeshi, Sri Lankas then Pakistan. Other nationalities include Filipinos, Europeans and a majority of Africans especially those from Arabic nations such as the Egyptians, Sudanese, Algerians and those from Morroco among others. Today, the number of expatriates continues to grow.


Qatar iconic sites

Metro Train Qatar is a nation that invests heavily on internal development. The infrastructure is top notch, as the super highways and metro train subways stand out. By developing their infrastructure, they’ve paved way for increased domestic and international tourism in their many historic sites and beautiful lawn park across the nation. You can use the public buses or metro train to move around at a very affordable cost. Most of the historic sites and parks have a subway station

Aspire Park Corniche is like the heart of Qatar. If ever you visit Qatar, this is your go to place. The Ocean, the architecture and perfect view of the cruise boats gets families and lovebirds spending the weekend outdoors on picnics at the lawn grass park besides the sea. Families reconnect by dining outdoors at Corniche park with home-made food stuff, some making barbecue and playing games with their children along the walled sea line. You will also find lovers and friends go on a cruise rides as a way of refreshing from the busy week that has been.

Corniche Park

Another fun fact is that these historic site and the well-watered parks hardly charge any entry free. This sounded too good to be true based on where I come from. My first trip, which was a week after I landed in Qatar was to Aspire park with the kids from School who went to enjoy an end of year picnic. The government exempts people from entry charges to encourage local tourism so that people can enjoy and learn as much about Qatar history and heritage.

Museum of Qatar The Qataris love their culture and heritage. They have built specific places with specific design drawing an international limelight into their culture and modern designs. Places like Katara, Souq Waqif, Museum of Islamic Art and National Museum of Qatar among others have a historic, cultural and at the same time modern touch. When I first walked through the streets of Souq Waqif I felt like I had travelled back into the medieval period because of the cultural buildings.

Walking through the slim street in Souq led to shops selling ancient Arabic antiques. Of all the shops I saw in Souq Waqif, the bird market impressed me the most. You will find caged birds of all kinds including doves, parrots, sparrows and animals such as rabbits, and tortoise which are for sale. This brought to memory the business back in the days of Jesus. However, the outdoor restaurants and coffee shops will bring you back to our future, where our social activities, bonding and dating begins at coffee shops and our favorite restaurants. 2022 is around the corner and the Qatar government is set to host this historic event. Just so you know how ready the government and its citizens are, the nation has eight mega stadiums that can host from about 40,000- 60,000 people. All except the Al Thumama and Al Bayt are accessible using the metro subway train.



Corniche Park

If ever you are planning to travel to Qatar during world cup, or like me, you hope that the world cup finds you within the country, just know that all eyes will be on this tiny but wealthy nation. And if ever you have a few more days to stay before or after the world cup, you now know better. There are quite a number of interesting places you can visit in Qatar.

Travel Tips & Tricks

Royal Vacations Nairobi, Kenya Your Travel Companion


Royal Vacations

Travel is the movement of people between relatively distant geographical locations, and can involve travel by foot, bicycle, automobile, train, boat, airplane, or other means, with or without luggage, and can be one way or round trip. Travel can also include relatively short stays between successive movements. Travel may be local, regional, national (domestic) or international. In some countries, non-local internal travel may require an internal passport, while international travel typically requires a passport and visa. A trip may also be part of a round-trip. The origin of the word "travel" is most likely lost to history. The term "travel" may originate from the Old French word travail. According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, the first known use of the word travel was in the 14th century. Royal vacations is a travel agency with a touch of excellence and diversity. We aim to revolutionize travel by creating spaces for young people to impact the ecosystem as they express their voices about the environment. We organize domestic travels for Kenya's young population. We also pride in booking hotels for our clients internationally and we are entering a new phase in the company's growth. We are seeking to expand our base by listing more clients in our directory.


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Nimezaliwa na kukua katika nchi ya Tanzania. Masomo yangu yote kwa ujumla niliyafanyia nchini humo, elimu ya msingi na pamoja na ya sekondari. Nikiwa mototo mdogo nilitamani sana kutembea Nchi mbali mbali , kujua tamaduni za watu tofauti tofauti. Vile vile nilipenda sana kupata nafasi ya kusoma nchi nyingine ili nijifunze Zaidi. Baada yo kumaliza elimu ya secondari Mungu alifungua mlango na nikafanikiwa kujiendeleza kimasomo katika nchi ya Kenya. Ingawa nilitamani sana kuwa katika mazingira tofauti na ya nyumbani, haikua rahisi kujifunza mtindo mpya wa maisha katika nchi ya ugenini. Sio rahisi kujifunza tamaduni mpya, ila namshukuru Mungu kwa mda mchache niliweza kutambua jinsi gani watu wa Kenya hufanya mambo yao na nikaweza kujifunza kwa dhumuni la kuelewana katika mazungumzo na kuishi.

Nchi ya Kenya ina vivutio mbali mbali vya utalii ambavyo vinasababisha maendeleo makubwa sana ya kiuchumi. Kenya ni nchi ya kipekee yenye tamaduni mbali mbali ambazo binafsi zimenifundisha na kupanua mtazamo wangu kwa mambo tofauti tofauti. Kwa mfano nimejifunza kua mpambanaji, vile vile kujihusisha sana na mambo ya kimaendeleo.


Kwanza kabisa napenda utalii, napendelea kuzuru sehemu tofauti tofauti kwa ajili ya kujifunza vitu vipya. Hata hivyo nilichagua kusomea mambo ya Utalii katika nchi ya Kenya. Nchi ya Kenya ina vivutio mbali mbali vya utalii ambavyo vinasababisha maendeleo makubwa sana ya kiuchumi. Moja ya kivutio kikubwa cha utalii ni Mbuga ya wanyama iliopo karibu sana na mji wa Nairobi . Takriban dakika 32 kwa njia ya barabara. Nikiwa mwaka wa kwanza chuoni nilipata nafasi ya kutembelea mbuga hio nikapata uzoefu wakipekee. Vivutio vingine nchini Kenya ambavo nilipata nafasi ya kuvitembelea ni pamoja na Thomson Falls , Mbuga ya Nakuru , Ziwa la Naivasha, Mbuga za Maasai Mara, Mlima Kenya , Visiwa vya Mombasa, Mlima Longonoti, Mbuga ya Amboseli, Tsavo East na Tsavo West pamoja na vivutio kadha wa kadha. Kipekee namshukuru Mungu sana kuwepo katika jamii hii ya watu wa Kenya. Nimepata familia na marafiki mbali mbali.

Kwa heshima kabisa nachukua fursa hii ku-utambua uwepo wa familia ya Mchungaji Jeff Gichuki pamoja na mkewe Evelyne Wambui. Hawa wamekua miongoni mwa watu walio sababisha mafanikio yangu, makubwa katika nchi hii, hususani katika maswala ya Kiroho, Sio hivyo tu bali kunifanya kua mmoja wa familia yao. Heshima zangu za dhati ziwafikie, Sijawahi kujihisi mpweke wala mwenye huitaji tangu Mungu alipo nikutanisha na nyie. Nawapenda sana. Kipindi cha Korona hakikunipa barakoa pekee bali nilipata Familia , Kwangu nibaraka. Warumi 8; 28 Nasi tunajua ya kuwa katika mambo yote Mungu hutenda kazi pamoja na wote wampendao, wale ambao wameitwa kufuatana na mapenzi yake.

Nataka nikwambie wewe unaye soma ujumbe huu kwamba,Mungu ndie mpaji wa vitu vyote. Mwamini yeye, fanya kazi yake kwa uaminifu, Na kupenda watu wake. Ni ndoto gani umatamai kuifikia? Ni malengo na matarajio gani unamwamini Mungu kufanikisha? Nataka ni kuhakikishie HAKUNA JAMBO GUMU LOLOTE MUNGU ASILO LIWEZA . WEKA IMANI YAKO KWAKE. Yeremia 32;27 Tazama mimi ni Bwana, Mungu wa wote wenye mwili; je kuna neno gumu lolote nisilo liweza? NOVEMB ER 2021 | 75

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