LEGEND MINIMAL/NO BEAT (ie. idle, sitting, standing) SLOW BEAT (ie. lingering, strolling) MEDIUM BEAT (ie. eating, browsing, walking, playing, brisk walking)
FAST BEAT (ie. busy, in a rush, excitement) LESS PROMINENT RHYTHM
HIP HOP (ie. being active, going somewhere with purpose, loud, excitement)
POP (ie. excitement, activity less intense than hip hop but more upbeat than jazz)
JAZZ (ie. medium tempo, socialising, eating, a quiet and controlled buzz of excitement)
WALTZ (ie. calm, slow browsing and movement, walking) BLUES (ie. deserted, minimal movement, alone, idle)
The definition of rhythm can be described as: a strong, regular (or irregular) repeated pattern of movement or sound; the measured flow of long and short syllables; or the “BEAT� of music. Rhythm is a repeated pattern which people follow, whether it be through sound or sight - it is the backbone and underlying strength of a song. The context of this map is if the Elizabeth St transect was a song, what would be the underlying
rhythm that drives how theareas of the transect function? This map classifies the colour of the transect under five music genres and compares it to the beat felt when walking in the space. This rhythm map aims to explore the relationship between behaviour of people along Elizabeth St and associate it with the familiarity of types of song. Michelle Jia Mei Xu | 635683