Friends in Pink Millie Ferarra is Volunteer of the Quarter
Third quarter 2014
Publication designed by Melissa Yashuk Photos provided
Friends in Pink
OH HELLO We want YOUR stories!
elcome to the new version of the Friends in Pink newsletter. It looks a little different. Our goal is to keep you informed of events, fundraising activities and all things related to Friends in Pink. With that said, we want your feedback. We want your stories of beating breast cancer. Do you have a great recipe that helped you get through chemo? Share it with us. Or maybe there is something that moti-
vates you every day. We want to hear it. No matter what your story, tip, recipe or suggestion, tell us. There are several ways of getting in touch. You can email me Or hit up Friends in Pink on Facebook. Or reach us on Twitter. So, what are you waiting for? Stay connected and discover what you can do to be a part of your favorite local organization.
Melissa Yashuk ~ Communications Coordinator
Table of Contents Upcoming events 6 President's message 9 Luncheon photos 10 Pre-party photos 14 Volunteer of the Quarter 16 Meet Deborah Segal 18 Friends in Pink in the news 20 Event flyers 22 Support groups 24
Upcoming Events
Volunteer meeting Volunteer meeting Volunteer meeting Volunteer meeting Volunteer meeting Volunteer meeting
Oct. 8 Oct. 22 Nov. 12 Nov. 26 Dec. 10 Jan. 14
Sept. 2 - Oct. 22 Mimi McCallum “Putting It On The Line” Bra Event, Harbour Bay Plaza, Sewall’s Point, FL
tion table, pledge generation, help sell 20 $30 tickets, encourage costume wearing attendees and figure out a neat way of using our website/ facebook/whatever to use this event to raise money for our recipients.
Oct. 8, 5:30 p.m. Quarters Auction, PSL Community Center PSL, Volunteer Liaison, Idania Rodriguez; 772-332-6500
Oct. 24 & 25, Friday & Saturday Stuart Sailfish Tournament and Dinner. In cooperation with Stuart Sailfish Club we will particiOct. 9, 11:30 a.m. – 2 p.m. pate in the events to generate funds for Stuart Sailfish Stuart – Martin County Chapter Women’s Council of Scholarship fund and Friends In Pink. Stuart Sailfish Realtors, Eighth Annual Purse Auction, Miles Grant Club is taking the lead on this so stay tuned. We will County Club, Stuart Volunteer Liaison – Kathy Everett need volunteers for this 2-day event. This will be a Collaborative event. We will need sponsors. Oct. 11, 3 – 7 p.m. Pink Heals Tour, Tradition Village Park, Volunteer Oct. 18, Saturday 5-10 p.m. Liaisons – Vivien Coniglio and Madeline Herrmann The Stuart Woman’s Club with Fred Astaire Dance Studios presents “Masquerade Costume Dance Party”, Kane Center, Stuart Oct. 18 St. Lucie County Breast Cancer Walk at Lincoln Park Community Center, 1306 Avenue M Oct. 22, Wednesday 5-8 p.m. Reception and Live Auction of the Decorative Bras at October 18, Saturday 5-10 p.m. Mimi McCallum Studio & Gallery, Harbour Bay Plaza The Stuart Woman’s Club with Fred Astaire Dance in Sewall’s Point Studios presents “Mascarade Halloween Costume Ball Dance Party.” October 25 By Appointment, Teeth Whitening Event and “ManiCheryl will drop the Birkenstocks and sneakers for high heels and a ballroom dress to dance to benefit of Pedi” event at B Nails Spa, Stuart; Liaison Margie Jimenez , 772-260-6371 our recipients. We need volunteers for the informa7
President’s Message
From the desk of Cheryl Norman Caldwell Milestones and Memories
Tie Friends, Inc. and now we do business as Friends in Pink.
As you all know, October is Breast Cancer month. We are busy! Busy! BUSY! Almost two dozen events this month will help bring awareness and some much needed funding to our organization. In addition, October is a month when we celebrate the advances in breast cancer diagnosis and treatments. Please take this opportunity to jot a note to yourself or put a reminder on your calendar to conduct your self breast examination every month!
The strong group of people who started humbly became the backbone of our volunteer driven organization, as Board of Director Presidents, Vice Presidents, Treasurers, Secretaries and volunteers extraordinaire. We exist because of the foresight, self-sacrifice and fortitude of our previous leadership and volunteers. We begin 2015 with an homage to our past on January 31, 2015. Our “Friends in Pink Gala” will be at the Flagler Center in downtown Stuart. The unique, historical site will hold 200 guests and celebrate our accomplishments, while having fun and raising money for the people we help, which is always a priority of our Signature events.
This is also an opportune time for me to take a few minutes and say a very loud “Thank you contributors!” Because of you, more than 200 people have received financial assistance for surgery and treatment of Breast Cancer. Thank you for supporting Friends in Pink!
We look forward to inviting every single person who has been involved in Friends In Pink from the beginning. If you don’t hear from us, please reach out to us. Missing you will certainly be an oversight on our part. We want everyone to celebrate our history and be present for a look into the future of growth and expansion. With the backdrop of historical Stuart we will honor all those who contributed to the Friends In Pink legacy.
A couple other noteworthy milestones are on the horizon. Effective 2015, Cancer Awareness month turns 30 and Friends in Pink is 10 years old. Yes, 2015 is our 10th anniversary. We started out with a handful of people led by our founder Nancy O’Neill. This wonderful group of people decided no one should go without breast cancer treatment simply because they have little or no adequate health insurance. Based on this goal, we were born first as Friends of the Breast Care Center of the Treasure Coast, then became Pink
In the meantime, visit us on Facebook and our new website
Friends in Pink Luncheon
Photos by Marilyn Kane
Pre-party for Cheryl’s Charity Masquerade and Dance Party
Photos by Marilyn Kane
Photos by Marilyn Kane
Volunteer of the Quarter
Volunteer of the Quarter
Millie Ferarra
By Melissa Yashuk Millie Ferarra was chosen as the Volunteer of the Quarter for fall 2014! Millie was selected for her dedication to Friends in Pink and the time she has spent helping out. The work Millie has put in to help out our recipients has been noticed. Thank you to Millie for your hard work!
Meet Deborah Segal
Above left, Deborah Segal and at right, her sister Sandra Potena
Photo provided by Deborah Segal
Meet one of our new volunteers By Melissa Yashuk To know Sandra Potena, you knew how kind and wonderful she was to everyone around her. Deborah Segal will never forget the sweetness of her sister, Sandra. She was a few years younger than Deborah but the two very close. In a moment, their lives changed: Nancy was diagnosed with breast cancer. “There was no breast cancer at all in our family,” Deborah said. There were never any biopsies done. None of the typical in depth procedures that could help her sister were performed. After several years, Sandra lost her battle with breast cancer. “My sister was very fortunate. She had insurance, which helped with her treatments,” said Deborah. Deborah has started volunteering with
Friends in Pink to help others with breast cancer that aren’t as fortunate as her sister, who had breast cancer. “There are so many people that don’t have insurance or not adequate insurance. Up until recently, you couldn’t get insurance if you had cancer,” she said. With assistance from Deborah, Friends in Pink is looking to expand its reach in Vero Beach with a volunteer meeting. “We need to let people in Vero know about the organization and figure out how to get the message out,” she said. The charity is looking at conducting volunteer meetings on the third Wednesday of the month, but nothing has been confirmed yet. Keep checking Facebook for meeting information to come. To access the page, go here: FriendsInPink1.
In the News
Friends in Pink Part of Research Story in Scripps Treasure Coast Newspapers By Jeannette Weiss According to a story in Scripps Treasure Coast Newspapers, Friends in Pink uses more than 75% of funds raised throughout the year towards actually helping breast cancer patients. When writing about Friends in Pink, the reporter noted “more than 75 percent of the revenue, about $107,980, went toward payments for breast cancer surgery and treatment bills for those who are uninsured and underinsured on the Treasure Coast.” The story was part of an investigation into how money that is raised throughout the year is spent by the three major breast cancer organizations on the Treasure Coast. The three organizations, Susan G. Komen South Florida, the American Cancer Society and Friends in Pink, were asked for financial information by Scripps staff writer Zaimarie De Guzman. Of the three organizations, Friends in Pink spends the highest percentage of funds raised on expenses related to medical bills for local breast cancer patients. “We’re very proud of the fact that more than 75% of the dollars we raise goes to actually helping local breast cancer patients,” said Friends In Pink President Cheryl Caldwell. “Our administrative expenses are low and that’s by choice. We’re really excited to be a part of this report. It’s important that our donors know their dollars are going to work where they are most needed.”
The story can be accessed at TCPalm under the headline “Breast cancer groups raised $2.2M last year across Treasure Coast” or by clicking on this link: http://www.tcpalm. com/lifestyle/health-and-fitness/breastcancer-groups-raised-22m-last-year-acrosstreasure-coast_95856077.
Event Flyers
Support Groups
Check out the list below for support groups on the Treasure Coast IRMC All Cancer Support Meeting: 5 p.m. 1000 36th St., Vero Beach. Every month on the third Tuesday. Friends After Diagnosis support group meeting: Second and fourth Mondays, 2-3:30 p.m., Indian River Medical Center Cancer Center, 1000 36th St., Vero Beach. (772) 567-4311 Friends After Diagnosis Support Group: Third Saturday, 10-11 a.m., Indian River Medical Center Executive dining room off cafeteria, 1000 36th St., Vero Beach. (772) 567-4311
Chair Yoga: Chair Yoga for Cancer Survivors, noon. 1550 24th St., Vero Beach. Every month on the third Monday. Cancer Support Group: 2-3:30 p.m., 501 E. Osceola St., Robert and Carol Weissman Cancer Center, Stuart. Call: Kimberly Ouellette (772) 223-5945 Young and Young at Heart Breast Cancer Support Group (Martin County branch), Second Thursday of the month, 6:30 p.m., Robert and Carol Weissman Cancer Center
Submit your story!
We’re looking for your story. Share your story of breast cancer and help other people. It may end up published in the newsletter. To send your story, email
at Martin Health System, 501 E. Osceola St., Second Floor Meeting Room, Stuart. Contact: Kim Ouellette, MSW, 772-2235945, ext 3719. Look Good Feel Better (Hosted by American Cancer Society- for female patients to learn how to apply makeup/wigs while going through treatment) MUST RSVP in advance! Last Monday of the month 2:30 p.m., Robert and Carol Weissman Cancer Center at Martin Health System, 501 E. Osceola St., Second Floor Meeting Room, Stuart. Contact: American Cancer Society, 772-287-7467, ext 5255
Helpful links
Links & Resources or 800-ACS-2345 NOTE: All newsletters can be viewed on our website by clicking on media, newsletter. 27
Until next time