Featured S po n s o r Sparqu In c | S PA RQ U.C O M | ( 3 0 3 ) 3 5 1 - 1 1 72 | I NF O@SPARQ U.C OM
SummerTEK 2021 Online is an exciting e-learning opportunity for high school students to explore rewarding careers and acquire valuable technology skills in a supportive and user-friendly environment. This summer we are offering the following four Cisco Networking Academy courses: 1) Introduction to Networks 2) Introduction to Cybersecurity 3) Introduction to the Internet of Things (IoT) 4) Entrepreneurship Participants gain knowledge that positions them for future internships, earn rewards and recognition for excellence, and become members of the Cisco Networking Academy
Lucious Shellman Jr., Jhia Turner, James A. Batiste, Lynn Wilson, Jamal Bowen
Our amaz i ng Team Of Ed uc ator s
Students who successfully complete SummerTEK are awarded HP e-Gift cards
App ly o n lin e at c f te k .or g/ s u mme r te k/a pply
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