Enterprise The Idaho

Grandparents Day at Malad Elementary School is without a doubt one of the biggest days on the calendar. The full morning of activities gives students a chance to show off what they’ve done during the year to their families, and most especially their grandparents. Each classroom was set up with the student’s project displays, grandparents were invited to join their grandkids for lunch at the cafeteria, stop by the book fair, and of course, enjoy the traditional talent show.
This year’s Grandparent’s Day was bittersweet in the way many events of the school have been this year. As the year draws closer to its end, the last moments of the school building that has meant so much to so many come into sharper focus. While there will still be some events on the school auditorium stage, there will never be another grandparents day on the familiar one that has hosted so many in the past.
This year’s celebration was also filled with mixed emotions after the recent unexpected passing of teacher Erin Hawkes, who absence left a palpable void in the school’s hallways. A memorial display was set up in the entranceway to allow students and parents alike to commemorate her incalculable contributions to the school and the lives of countless students over the years. A recent tour of the new school building by the School Board demonstrated the extensive progress the project has made in recent months. Principal Sarah McIntyre and her faculty and staff are all eagerly anticipating the amenities of the new school, in-
Last Year's Sunrise Service was a bit brisk, as you can tell by this picture, featuring Carrie Jensen, Emily Christiansen, and Pennie Wolf.
cluding reliable temperature controls, robust internet functionality, modern design features, and safety upgrades. They can’t, however, ignore a certain nostalgia for the quirky elements of the soon to be gone building.
At least 139 killed in Russian concert attack
The investigation into an attack on a music concert in Russia has been complicated by President Vladimir Putin’s insistence that Ukraine and western backers were responsible for the attack. Radical Islamic groups in the country have credit for the attack, releasing videos from the event that seem to have come from the perpetrators. The group is connected to ISIS, and has threatened just such an attack for several years. Putin eventually acknowledged that there is significant evidence of the terrorist group’s involvement, but still maintains that Ukraine is somehow involved. Outside observers speculate that the damage to Putin’s image as a “protector” of the country is behind his blaming of Ukraine, which has consumed the attention of Russian’s military intelligence services.
After days of feverish speculation about the location and condition of the Princess of Wales, she revealed that she was undergoing treatment for cancer following a January surgery that had resulted in the diagnosis. Middleton is not revealing the specific nature of the cancer she is being treated for, and the family has emphasized that she deserves a reasonable amount of privacy as she deals with the medical situation. The same approach was taken by King Charles, who was also recently diagnosed with an undisclosed cancer and is undergoing treatment as well. The situation has generated apologies from a number of media figures who promoted conspiracy theories about Middleton in the wake of a photoshopped image. It has also driven record numbers of visitors to UK cancer information websites.
intriguing projects. The inventions require a demonstration or model, and a series of explanatory paragraphs that explain how the SCAMPER model has been applied to the idea. SCAMPER stands for Substitute Combine Adapt Modify Put to
One of the yearly features of Grandparents Day is the wide variety of students invention presentations. The students are tasked with designing an invention that could help people in their daily lives, by improving an existing idea or creating a product that fills an unserved need. The creativity and problem-solving on display was impressive, with such inventions as Weston Armstrong’s slingshot, Daniel Oseguera’s Scam Detector, Madelyn Gonzalez’s Shake andScoop, Lineni Lavaka’s Book Holder, Karmyn Charles’ unspillable Cup, Colbie Hammer’s Sweater That Can Heat Up But Also Cool Down, Annabelle Shandrew’s Trapdoor Driveway 3000, Sofia Hess’ Warm Jar, Elijah Napier’s Handpack, Brem Lloyd’s Self-Loading Dishwasher, Keith Armstrong’s Black
Oneida County Interfaith Council Presents the Easter Sunrise Service
Submitted by the Interfaith Council
On Easter Sunday, March 31st at 7:30 AM at the picnic area at the Malad City Park, the Interfaith Council will present a program to celebrate Jesus Christ rising from death, defeating darkness and bathing the world in stunning resurrection light.
The original “Sunrise Service” occurred the morning Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James and Salome went and entered the tomb and saw a young man dressed in a
white robe. He said to them, “Don’t be alarmed, you are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him. But go, tell his disciples and Peter, that Jesus is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you.”
In 1732, a group of young Moravian men in Hernhut, Saxony, Germany held the first modern sunrise service. They gathered at their
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The Iron Door Playhouse in downtown Malad will feature two days of Cowboy Poetry and Music. Saddlestrings and Many Strings will headline the musical portion of the program, while the poetry will include DAvid Anderson, Robin Arnold, Ellie Corrigan, the Romriells, Ty Liddle, The Panhandle Cowboys, The Fall River Boys, and many more. Show will be on Friday and Saturday, with free shows from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Fri, and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, and nightly shows from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. for $15.00. Tickets at door or through irondoor.booktix.com
Television, radio, and podcast
historian Glenn Rawson will be holding a Fireside along with former Malad Stake President Matt Wray on Thursday, March 28 at 7:00 p.m. Rawson recently visited Malad and was hosted on a tour of historic areas by Sharon Jenkins, Luke Waldron, and Bob Crowther. The fireside will be held at the 2nd-4th-5th ward building, and deal with the history of the church in the valley. The Enterprise has arranged an interview with Rawson, and will be presenting that along with a recap of the fireside next week.
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cemetery at sunrise to worship the memory of the women who went to the tomb on the first Easter morning and discovered it empty, and praised the Risen Lord. The Moravian immigrants brought the custom to America in 1773.
The Sunrise Service has been a traditional gathering of the Presbyterian Church since the late 1800’s, according to Interfaith Member Edna Palmer. Services were held up on Two Mile Road or at the Malad City Cemetery, weather permitting.
The Oneida County Interfaith
Council began hosting the Easter Sunrise Service in 2012 to bring all faiths in the Community together to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The program shares inspiration, scripture, and music of the Easter Season.
The Interfaith Council invites all faiths to come together for the celebration. Dress warm and enjoy the program while the sun rises over the eastern mountains!
All are invited to a breakfast afterward at the Victory Baptist Church at 448 So. Main Street in Malad.
On the Sabbath of the third day following the crucifixion of Jesus, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to the tomb to put spices on the body of Jesus as was Jewish custom. The earth quaked and an angel from heaven sat on a stone in glistening white robes. He spoke saying, “This Jesus that you look for is not here. He has been raised from the dead by the Father just as Jesus said that his Father would.” Imagine that! This Jesus that just two days earlier had been brutally beaten into total submission. This Jesus who had been spat upon, whipped and crowned with thorns. This Jesus who took upon himself the SINS of the world without so much as a complaint had just turned the world as was known totally upside down. He had spoken often of carrying his cross and then he did that very thing. Now just what did that mean then and what does that mean today? Those three simple words, “He is Risen”.
For those in Jesus’s day it meant that the Old Testament had been fulfilled. Not in man’s way. Not as a violent conquering soldier sent to destroy all enemies of Israel as had been previously thought. But as a humble, self- sacrificing servant of his flock. One who preached this incredible theology of loving God first and loving our neighbor as ourselves. By loving our neighbor, he said that we are showing God how much we love God. Especially by loving those that we struggle with. One who did his Father’s will in spite of the absolute horror that he knew that he would have to endure.
In today’s world with the incredible tension between who is right and who is wrong, what is right and what is wrong, we lose our own way to rising as we get so caught up in the worldly things. At least we did until recently. We all have been given an incredible gift these past months. Jesus has reminded each and every one of us that he is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He has reminded us that only through him we have hope. Jesus taught us all that only by following his truth which is the Father’s truth, do we have hope for heaven. When we seemingly have lost our way, he has given this world reason to have greater faith and belief in His Rising. As Peter
said to Jesus in the gospel, “To whom should we turn too, You have the words of eternal life.” I would propose that now is the time to listen to Peter. We ought to turn to Jesus and rise as he did.
So again, you may ask yourself what did our Lord and Savior actually accomplished by rising from the dead? Well lets take a good look at what his rising from the dead means to us. Do we love God first and foremost? Do we love our neighbor as ourselves and thus showing God how much we love him? Especially those that we struggle with. In order for us to take full advantage of this incredible gift of eternal life offered by our Savior by his rising, we must follow him by following his example. Is our example one that bashes someone else’s beliefs concerning an issue because it is not ours? Boy am I guilty of that. Or do we truly try to understand our fellow man and respect them regardless of what they believe. Do we slam everyone that does not hold our political beliefs and treat the opposition as though they were some kind of cancer that must be destroyed, or do we try to understand where they come from and make an attempt to at least be civil when we discuss our viewpoints? We are coming upon an election this year that will test all of our beliefs. How will we handle ourselves if we do not get the result that we want?
The example that Jesus Christ gave us while dying on the cross when he looked to heaven and said “Father, forgive them for they no not what they do”, are the words that we must live by today. Our joy in the resurrection must first come from our following Christ’s example. We as leaders of our different faiths in this faith community have a responsibility to be the Christ example for others who do not know him. In spite of all the horrific treatment that he received without deserving any of it , he took up his cross and gave his life for us. Not just some of us, but all of us. And then he did the most incredible thing of all “HE ROSE.” As he rose, so must we.
Art Martinez Saint Paul Roman Catholic MissionWhat does Easter mean to you? Does it conjure up any particular emotions, removed as we are by so many centuries from the original event? How does Good Friday, God’s Friday, affect us; the horror of that cruel and sadistic death on a cross? Why is it so important that the message of Easter remain an essential part of our Christian faith? What have we got to do to get the message across?
First of all, we must recognize that all of mankind is implicated in the unjust death of Jesus. He is crucified again every time another human being shows hatred and/or cruelty or prejudice towards another; every time another child dies through lack of care or food; every time this world is spoiled by lack of concern for future generations; every time that greed wins over care for those less fortunate.
We hear Jesus’ own words in the Gospel of Matthew 25:40, “And the King shall answer and say to them, ‘Verily, I say unto you, inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these brethren, ye have do it unto me.’”
Jesus is crucified time and time again because of why He hung there in the first place. He was crucified in order that mankind might be brought back to the one true God, that guilt of many might be laid on His shoulders as a willing sacrifice. “Who His own self bore our sins in His own body on a tree,
As Easter approaches, we as a Stake Presidency extend our heartfelt greetings to you and your families. This sacred season holds profound significance for all who strive to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ.
In the King James Bible, we read of the miraculous events surrounding the resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ. His victory over death is a testament to His divinity and love for each of us. As stated in Matthew 28:6, "He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay." This declaration brings hope and reassurance to our hearts, reminding us of the eternal promise of life beyond the grave.
When we speak of resurrection, what do we mean? Resurrection is the reuniting of the spirit body with the physical body of flesh and bones after death. After resurrection, the spirit and body will never again be separated, and the person will become immortal. Every person born on earth will be resurrected because Jesus Christ overcame death by being the first to resurrect.
The Book of Mormon, Another Testament of Jesus Christ, provides additional insight into the Resurrection. In Alma 40:23, we are taught, "The soul shall be restored to the body, and the body to the soul; yea, and every limb and joint shall be restored to its body; yea, even a hair of the head shall not be lost; but all things shall be restored to their proper and perfect frame." This scripture underscores the reality of the Resurrection and offers comfort to all who mourn the loss of loved ones. Each person suffers only one physical death since once we are resurrected, our bodies can die no more and we will live forever.
Easter is a celebration not only of the Resurrection of Christ but also of the Atonement of Christ, which includes His suffering for the sins of mankind in the Garden of Gethsemane and the shedding of His blood. His Atonement provides the way for us to be forgiven of our sins and live forever with God. It's important to note that forgiveness of our sins is not a free gift like the Resurrection. We must do our part by repenting for our sins and choose to follow Christ and His teachings.
In recent general conference addresses of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, our leaders have emphasized the importance of drawing closer
to the Savior and living His gospel principles. President Henry B. Eyring said "The message of Easter is that Jesus Christ lives! And because of Him, we will all live again. ... As you look to the Savior and apply His teachings in your life, your love for Him will increase, your obedience to His commandments will become more consistent, and your desire to be like Him will grow." (April 2020 General Conference).
Jesus Christ has done so much for us, one might ask: What could we possibly do for Him in return? President Russell M. Nelson said “One of the best ways we can honor the Savior is to become a peacemaker. The Savior’s Atonement made it possible for us to overcome all evil—including contention. Make no mistake about it: contention is evil!… My dear brothers and sisters, how we treat each other really matters! How we speak to and about others at home, at church, at work, and online really matters. Today, I am asking us to interact with others in a higher, holier way. Please listen carefully. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy that we can say about another person—whether to his face or behind her back—that should be our standard of communication.” (April 2023 General Conference).
This Easter, may we strive to emulate the example of Jesus Christ in our lives. Let us show love and kindness to one another, extend a helping hand to those in need, seek to follow His teachings with diligence and faith, and be peacemakers. As we do so, we will draw closer to our Heavenly Father and experience the joy and peace that come through discipleship.
I bear witness that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Redeemer of the world, and the Prince of Peace. I testify that He did in fact rise the third day, resurrected and perfect, and because of Him we will also rise again. His Atonement and Resurrection brings light and life to all who believe in Him.
May this Easter season be a source of inspiration, joy and renewal for you and your loved ones.
K. Brandon Ward on behalf of the Malad Stake Presidency
David R. Jensen
Jason C. Sperry
K. Brandon Ward
that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness; by whose stripes ye are healed. For ye were as sheep going astray; but now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls.” (1 Peter 2:24-25). We put our faith in the One who died and rose again that we might know that “He was indeed the Son of God.” (Matthew 27:54). But it doesn’t end there. Around us we see evidence of need and our hearts are touched. And as Christians, we are called to share the message of hope for a world that lacks hope for so many; a message of resurrection, of forgiveness, and reconciliation. We can share it gently through our lives, in words and actions and through example.
The message of Easter must constantly remind us as to where our faith and confidence lie, in the One who took and continues to take the guilt of many on His shoulders, in the One who offers the resurrection life to all who will turn to Him and believe.
May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen.
We at Malad Presbyterian Church, along with the Interfaith Council, invite our brothers and sisters in Christ to worship, and praise our risen and glorified Savior, Jesus Christ, at a Sunrise Service, 7:30 AM at the City Park on Sunday, March 31st. Regular Easter service will be held at 11:00 AM at the Presbyterian Church, 5 Chapel Lane, on the hill above Allen Drug.
The victory we can have in Jesus and the Cross where He died! There are Christians around the world that understand the Victory God has allowed us to have in a personal relationship with Him. Those who do not understand Christianity and its principals will not understand what it all means! Most off the world where we live doesn't understand what it means to hold to the doctrine of the Holy Bible and believe it truly is a Holy Book of the spoken word of God preserved for our study to see and understand God and how He works.
All then the old testament is full the word of God spoken threw His prophets and by God expressly! Then we have the New testament where Jesus the son of God came in the flesh. Jesus speaks to His followers in express words for our growth and understanding in Him. Then we have all the letters written by believers who the Holy Spirit spoke threw for the growth of His Church. This also tells use the purpose of the church of Jesus and how it reacts to the world where it exist! The New Testament also has a book that tells us the future called Revelation! This book revels what God's plan for the future of the world and the end of His creation! This is a book of future prophecy that will come true! All the Holy Bible old and new testaments as well as Revelation give us a picture of the complete will of God and tells us what to expect from a world that is rapidly truing away from God and the ideas it tells us are true. This is exactly what it tells us will occur.
We celebrate the resurrection of Christ Jesus every year at an opponent time in the calender year according to history. This is based on the Jewish calender and the events in past history.
This event is not just history it is the future also it has truth that can not be changed and what we expect to happen. We can come to a place in life when we start to believe that these things happened and we can chose to believe in them. Then there will be a change in our personal lives because we believe and that will change every thing. This comes when we understand what Jesus did for us on the Cross and He chose to do that for us. That He died for our sins , not His own but ours, He had none. We see Jesus as our Atonement for sin. We see Jesus as our Deliverer from the sin nature that is in us , to a life serving Him to Glorify God not our selves. This requires complete surrender to Him (JESUS) to live through us by the Holy Spirit.
This is the Victory we have over the world and sin. We have this by His Resurrection on the first day of the week. This is why we celebrate His Resurrection coming back to life! The Old testament tells us the offering had to be killed and the blood put on the Ark of the Covenant in the Holy of Holies Jesus put His blood on the Holy of Holies in Heaven and acts as our priest in heaven before God. That is how we have Victory threw His Word and Holy Spirit.
What you believe in will make a difference in whether you will have Victory or not. There is no other name given under heaven by where you can be saved than Jesus the Christ . Jesus is the way , the truth , and the life and no one goes to the Father except threw Him. My prayer is that you come to Know Jesus as Lord and Savior.
Student artists will display their creative works at the 11th annual Evening of the Arts on Thursday, April 4, from 6:00 – 8:30 p.m. at the Oneida County Event Center at the Fairgrounds. Parents, friends, and community members are all invited to see the talents of our local students at this free event.
Malad Elementary School 4th and 5th grade students have been working very hard on their art projects. Teachers Jordan Cook, Lindsay Waldron, and Susan Clark have had their 4th grade students create chalk art pictures. Erika Johnson, Cinniman Allen, and Kallie Blaisdell have channeled the energy of their 5th grade students into creating water color spring art.
The art works of Malad Middle and High School art students have been created under the direction of Krystal Tavoian Fonnesbeck, the art teacher for both schools. A variety of media have been used by these students on their unique works of art.
The Malad High School culinary arts students of Shantel Tavoian will provide lots of flavors and colors of popcorn as grab-and-go refreshments.
The Malad High School Chamber Choir, under the direction of Foster Garrett, will provide a short music program at the event.
Other artists whose works will be featured at the Evening of the Arts are Jerry Camp (oil painting), Shelby Gunter Blackner (watercolor), Chesley Lewis (woodworking), and Allison Eliason (photography). In addition, the Oneida Quilters will display several of their fabric works of art. Baskets of practical, beautiful, and unique gifts donated by local businesses, gift cards for restaurants, car care products, gardening supplies, sports clothing and equipment, food treats, and works of art are among the items to be raffled in live and silent auctions during the evening. Everyone is invited to come and bid on gifts for themselves or others.
All proceeds from the Evening of the Arts will go toward the remodeling and upgrading of patient rooms and the purchase of new equipment for our local Hospital. The Evening of the Arts is sponsored by the Nell J. Redfield Memorial Hospital Foundation and is its major fund-raising event.
Mrs. Blaisdell's class will be well represented at the Evening of the Arts.
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other uses Eliminate Rearrange or Reverse. While some of the inventions may run into problems with real-world physics, many of the inventions also stand a real chance of becoming realities down the road, and it’s great to see these future engineers and designers put their focus on practical solutions to problems.
The day also includes the long-anticipated talent show portion, which gives parents and grandparents a chance to witness their kids’ talents on a big stage.
A combination of live performances and video clips helped showcase the many talents of Malad’s students, with a wide range of skills on display from dance and music to gymnastics, dirt bike racing, and hunting and fishing.
Dance was the talent of choice for Alyssa Seamons, McCall Clark, Cassidy Schrenk. A number of students treated the audience to piano performances, including Lineni Lvaka, Lydia Hatch, Ruby Coleman, Megan Moss, Eva Coleman, Levi Hatch. Alivia Seamons and Madelyn Gonzalez played cello. Olivia Briscoe played her violin. Sofia Hess played her guitar. Liam Atkinson and Karmyn Charles sang a duet. Austin Schrenk and Blakely Horsley performed a gymnastics routine. Ike Carter performed some of his amazing rope tricks. Video clips were shown of Gannon Steed, Whitney Roe, Maudee Leavitt, McCall Clark, Kallie Nimer, Colt Price, Aidyn Call, Kyler Blaisdell, MaCoy Luke, Andie Talbot, Bryten Bastian, Riggin Reeder, Prezli Ball, Cache Maroney, Thatcher Sweeten, and Cache Lake.
The program was largely put together by Christine Smith, who wrote the script, directed the music, and put together the program. The Lighthouse Team includes Bryten Bastian, Rustin Montgomery, Liam Atkinson, Annabelle Shandrew, Riggin Reeder, Lineni Lavaka, Rhyze Anderson, Kinsley Neal, Thatcher Sweeten, Karmyn Charles, Sofia Hess, Devin Ball, Ruxin Smith, Eva Coleman, Aidyn Weber, Alyssa Seamons. The Team coordinators are Nicole Daniels, Kim Jeppson, and Christine Smith. Zach Palmer, Cherysh Brees, Mahayla Crowther, Brittyn Venable worked as greeters and ushers. Kim Jeppson and Trina Grote ran lights and sound. The tryout judges were Nicole Daniels and Jana Davis. School maintenance is run by Devin Morrison and Jeff Richins.
Snacks are a great addition to any diet, especially if you have decreased energy throughout the day. Including snacks between meals can help support energy levels, reduce overeating at meals, and even balance blood sugar! It’s choosing the right kinds of snacks that’s important.
When we consume snacks that are high in simple carbohydrates, it can spike blood sugar and cause an energy crash. Simple carbohydrates include refined crackers, pretzels, white breads or cakes, cookies, and even some granola bars or cereals.
When we include complex carbohydrates and protein at snacks, our energy is more sustained! Complex carbohydrates include whole grains, fruits, and veggies, while protein includes dairy, lean meats, nuts, and seeds.
Here is a list of snack ideas that include both, according to your sweet or savory preference:
• ¼ cup mixed nuts + 1 cup berries
• 1 banana + 2 tbsp peanut butter
• 1 pear + 1 cup yogurt
• 3 pieces lean beef jerky + 1 apple
• 2 oz cheddar cheese + 1 cup grapes
• 1 cup cottage cheese + ½ cup canned peaches
• 1 cup air popped popcorn + 2 oz cheese
• ¼ cup mixed nuts + 1 cup baby carrots
• 1 piece string cheese + 1 cup cherry tomatoes
• 2 celery stalks (cut into smaller sticks) + 2 tbsp peanut butter
• ¼ cup cottage cheese + 1 cup baby carrots (or another veggie)
• ¼ cup whole grain crackers + 2 oz cheddar slices
Pair up your favorite fiber and protein-rich foods to create a healthful snack seconds. Feel the benefits of having sustained energy throughout the day by eating a good snack every day!
April 18 - Spaghetti, Green Beans, Peaches, Salad Bar, Roll, Dessert
April 23 - Chicken Cordon Bleu, Green Beans, Oranges, Salad Bar, Roll, Dessert
April 25 - Chicken Dumpling Soup, Broccoli, Pineapple, Salad Bar, Roll, Dessert
April 30 - Taco Salad, Salad Bar, Applesauce, Corn, Roll, Dessert
March 29 - Spaghetti w/Meat Sauce, Spinach Salad, Grapes, Dessert
April 3 - Chicken Alfredo over Noodles, Beets, Peaches, Dessert
April 5 - Sloppy Joes, Broccoli Salad, Pears, Dessert
April 10 - Birthday Dinner, Roast Beef, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Rolls, Dessert
Code Enforcement Officer John Christophersen
As spring is in the air and yards need attention, one city ordinance comes to mind.
The ordinance that I would like to address is THE TREE ORDINANCE (435 section 1:9) stating that the owners of the property adjacent to a street in the city of Malad City ARE responsible for trimming of trees. Trees that are in a parkway or front yard are required to be at least 7 and ½ feet above a sidewalk. Trees should also be at least 12 feet above a roadway and cannot obstruct the vision of an intersection. They shall not interfere with pedestrian traffic on the sidewalk.
April 12 - Chicken Sandwiches, Carrot and Celery Sticks, Fruit, Dessert
April 17 - Enchilada Casserole, Salad Bar, Fruit Cocktail, Dessert
April 19 - French Dip Sandwiches, 3 Bean Salad, Applesauce, Dessert
April 24 - Beef Stroganoff, Carrots, Pears, Dessert
April 26 - Chicken Haystacks, Fruit, Dessert
The second ordinance that I would like to make city residents aware of is the BURN ORDINANCE. The city allows burning of yard and tree rubbish in the spring and fall of each year ( Ordinance 413 (01;02) states that between April 1 and May 15 and September 15 to October 31 this type of burning may take place. It is always a good idea to call the Sheriff Dispatch and advise them you are burning to avoid the fire department being sent to your residence!
Our students have done a fantastic job during this month accomplishing their goals. We would like to accommodate them for achieving them!
In 1st grade the goal was to categorize a group of words into the different parts of speech with 90% accuracy. These students were able to complete their goal:
Mrs. Ipsen’s Class: Michael Peterson, Gabe Hofman, Scarlett Smith, Lincoln Moss, Clara Barnes, Amber Evans, Robert Cotter, Hutch Hess, Madeline Shandrew, Gatlin Steed, Remi Sweeten
In 2nd grade the goal was to…...
These students were able to complete their goal:
Mrs. L Jones’ Class: Macie Bennett, Elizabeth Butler, Adi Clark, Kenlee Clark, Adi Daniels, Maddison Green, Maliah Hansen, Azlin Jeffs, Zoe Jeffs, Sage King, Kallie Munns, Lynk Anderson, Eli Beck, Ridge Berry, Morgon Blaisdell, Mason Chabries, Wilford Deschamps, Saske Hachmeister, Wyatt Henrie, John Leavitt, Kash Snow
In 4th grade the goal was to pass off the x9 facts. These students were able to complete their goal:
Mrs Waldrons Class: Dax Beutler, Rawley Carter, MaKelle Clark, Saige Cox, Avery Daniels, George Ferree, Ali Hanks, Draylyn Jones, Cash Kimberling, Haylen Kimberling, Macoy Luke, Lilly Jones, Xavior Mayer, Emmett Moyer, Caleb Myers, Gracie Nelson,
Tuesday April 9, 2024 7:00 p.m.
Zach Palmer, Maizley Rupp, Maggie Schow, Jace Seevers, Abby Smith, Gannon Steed, Charlotte Teeples
Mrs. Cook’s Class: Brittyn Venable, Annika Smith, Aaliyah Mourra, Whittney Roe, Keegan Snow, Mahayla Crowther, Lacie Palmer, Alexis Woods, Tucker Velasco, Jaxon Maloy, Parker Lundberg, Logan Richard, Rickell Call, Mariah Kronvall, Colt Price, Payson Price, Paisley Allen, Boston Schofield
Mrs. Clark’s Class: Jagger Abeyta, Skyli Armstrong, Willis Arnout, Caroline Butler, Talyze Clemons, Troy Cottam, Alyssa Cutler, Mackley Hawkes, Hayden Hutchens, Alee James, Maudee Leavitt, Sadie Miller, Nash Naylor, James Peterson, Saunder Poulson, Gemmalyn Schwartz, Olivia Shandrew, Brynley Stoddart, Jordyn Thomas, Aaron Wall
In 5th grade Mrs. Blaisdell’s Class: The goal was to label 25 out of the 50 states on blank a United States Map. Next month, they will try for 50 states. These students were able to complete their goal: Rhyze Anderson, Devin Ball, Bryten Bastian, Isaac Bird, Cherysh Brees, Eva Coleman, Ruby Coleman, Harper Daniels, Keith Hamilton, Levi Hatch, Lydia Hatch, Seya Martinsen, Rustin Montgomery, Kinsley Neal, Kayman Nimer, Ruxin Smith, Thatcher Sweeten
Lawn Care starting at $35.00
Call 801-845-6155 to get on our schedule
Scott Searle 224
High Series – Kenna Roco 558, Scott Searle 564
SAGE – Neck or Whiplash Issues or for just a great massage. Call Maieli Murray (626) 337 - 0772 (152)
AA/NA MEETINGS, Tuesday and Thursday at 8:00 p.m., Saturday, 7:00 p.m., Call: Rick M. 208-7663584; or Gary B. 435-230-3734; or AA Hotline 208-235-1444. (152)
ALANON - We are only a phone call away. For information on meetings, call 208-220-5295 or 208-251-9808. (1-52)
FOR RENT - Seeking Roommate, Furnished Basement $650 mo. w/ utilities. NO Children, NO Pets, NO Smoking. Call Diana 801-9164040 (10-13)
Not recommended for parents or kids
By Gramma DotGrandparents’ Day…2024. Oneida Pioneer Museum building…1914. That’s a span of 110 years. A lot has happened in that time. It took energy and serious work to get where we are today. The valley’s energy could be seen in the faces of the elementary students on Grandparents’ Day, and it contrasted sharply with the serious portraits of our forebearers hanging on the walls of the Pioneer Museum. They didn’t smile for pictures in those days, but you could see they knew how to work. Many of those portraits predate the building itself and come from the 1800s. We are fortunate to have a reminder of our roots right downtown.
Did you know fifty years qualifies an item as possibly being “museum worthy?” The “museum worthy” board members along with a few energy-infused humans who have a love of this valley’s history are serious about continuing the legacy of our ancestors for the education and character building of our youth. Several Activity Day groups and elementary classes have taken time to visit and learn. The giant bear skin grabs their attention. The medical tools leave most a little squeamish. The bathtub from the early 1900s brings giggles. All leave knowing a little more about those who did so much to build this community. It’s important for young to meet old.
Currently, our museum has more “treasures” on the bottom floor than it can reasonably display. You must move the spinning wheel to really see the pioneer quilts; saddles keep you from examining antique bottles closely and medical equipment that filled a hospital is crammed into a corner. You get the picture. It’s a problem. We have space upstairs and have started to clean, frame and insulate rooms. Construction is expensive!
On April 3 at 4:30 we relics are going to have a “clean sweep” upstairs so we can start organizing and moving some items up. If you can help, call any of the board members and come give us a hand. Also, the Friends of the Museum campaign to raise funds will begin the first of April. We not only need your help, we need your money!
Send your tax-deductible donation today to: Idaho Pioneer Museum, PO Box 79, Malad, Id 83252. And thank you for your generous help. Donors’ names are displayed in the museum.
We do have a Good Life. Come and see some of the ways that Good Life began in this valley. Visit your local Pioneer Museum which opens for the public on May 25 and bring a kid!
Board members: Chair Jean Thomas, Sharon Harris, Joan Hawkins, Bill Lewis, Julie Willie, Janice Vaughan, Marvin Hess, Hailey Sweeten, Lorna Hess, Sarah Robbins, David Gilgen, Dotty Evanson.
The Oneida Education Foundation established the Heritage Club to honor individuals, families, businesses, and organizations that donate to the OEF for the benefit of students, teachers, and schools of Oneida School District.
The Heritage Club was established in 1993 and now has over 200 members. A donation of at least $1000 makes one eligible for the Heritage Club. That amount may be given at one time or over several years. Once one is in the Heritage Club, additional donations result in donors going from the “M” Club to other levels: “M” Club -- $1000
Dragon -- $2000
Orange and Black -- $5000
Bronze -- $10,000
Silver -- $25,000
Gold -- $50,000
Diamond -- $100,000
New inductees and those changing levels in 2023 will receive certificates and commemorative pens. A plaque in Malad High School honors all Heritage Club members.
The following were inducted to the Heritage Club at the “M” Club level this year:
Cinniman and Troy Allen
Dean and Lorie Blaisdell
John V. and Karen Evans, Jr.
Meagan and Ben Gleckler
Brent and Katrina Grote
Krichele and David Jensen
Kelly and Connie Kent
EmoLou Parry
Angela and J.R. Thompson
Lindsay and Eli Waldron
Ryan and Bobbie Ward
JaLynn Weeks
The following were inducted to the Heritage Club at other levels this year:
Sarah McIntyre (Dragon level)
Oneida County Ambulance (Dragon level)
CSS Farms (Orange and Black level)
Stotz Equipment (Bronze level)
Several persons and businesses were honored for their additional donations that meant they changed donor levels in the Heritage Club.
To Dragon level: Hess Lumber, Jamie and Craig Jacaway
To Orange and Black level: Jennifer and Chad Brown, Sheldon and Janice Vaughan, Julie Willie
To Bronze level: Irene and Mark Alder, Terri and Robert Harris, Nell J. Redfield Memorial Hospital
To Gold level: Hess Pumice Products
The OEF’s main fundraiser is its annual Mail-a-thon, which is underway. All donations are tax deductible and will benefit the curricular area or scholarship fund designated by the donor. Last year the OEF awarded nearly $12,000 in teacher grants and $38,900 in scholarships to graduating seniors of Malad High School. For a complete list of OEF endowments and the OEF Annual Reports or to make a donation, please see the OEF website: www.oneidaeducationfoundation.org.
If you are interested in establishing a permanent endowment through the OEF, please contact Jean Thomas, Chair.
5 YEARS AGO (2019)
The 7th annual Malad women's bowling tournament was held March 20, 2019 with five local teams participating. Mountain States Insurance was the winning team with a 2307 series. Bowling on this team were Kristi Richardson, Shannon Barnes, Teresa Daniels and Vicki Larkin.
Thursday, March 21, ushered in the annual Malad Elementary spring vacation with a special day – Grandparents' Day! On this day, grandparents come to the school and spend the morning with their grandchildren, visit their classrooms to see the special projects their grandchildren have been working on and meet their grandchild's teacher and friends.
The Malad High School Academic Bowl team competed in the INL Science Bowl.
Malad competed against Ririe, Wendell, Oakley, and Mackay, losing only to Mackay, the 1st place team in that division.
Pictured in the Idaho Enterprise with coach Jennie McClain are Academic Bowl students, Elyzabeth Teeples, Jaxom Whipple, Edsom Whipple, Samuel Pickett, Britta Sperry, Gentry Hooste and Garren Huckaby.
10 YEARS AGO (2014)
After a recent reorganization of the Malad Area Chamber of Commerce, and the resignation of Rhonda Neal as Chamber president, Eric Crowther was named as the new president, effective March 13.
Grandparents filled the halls, the classrooms, and the auditorium at Malad Elementary School on Grandparent' Day on Thursday, March 20.
Grandparents visited their grandchildren's classrooms, had pictured taken with their grandchildren, and visited the Book Fair sponsored by the Malad Elementary Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO).
The Malad High School Cheerleading team placed with both of their routines at the 2A Idaho State Cheer Competitions, held Friday, March 21, in the Idaho Center in Nampa.
The Malad High School Cheerleaders brought home two trophies in the 2A Idaho State Dance Competition in Nampa. This year's team included Bailey Hill, Bryce Gibbs, Cassidy Stewart, Sami Williams, Taber Paskett, Kassy Love, Tanner Lewis, Ilan Anderson, K.C. Snyder, Derek Checketts, Naomi Corbridge, Saige Smith, Kaclen Hill and Coach Jennifer Hill.
The stunt group finished in second place in the co-ed 2A division. This team included Tanner Lewis, Bryce Gibbs, K.C. Snyder, Bailey Hill and Dereck Checketts.
The Malad High School Dragonettes fought their way to a fourth place finish at the 2A/3A Idaho State Dance Competitions held Friday, March 22, at the Idaho Center in Nampa.
This year's team Charlotte Allen, Aime Marshall, Ashlee Davis, Randi Garamendi, Brittany Thomas, BreAnna Higley, Rachel Green, Paige Robbins, Aubree Davis, Kylee Price and Hope Blaisdell.
"Domestic Engineer" is a title worn well by Mrs. Ervin R. (Iris) Jones. Anyone who knows Iris is well aware of her dynamic attributes as a homemaker.
Mrs. Jones was born and raised in Portage and is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ora H. John. When she and Erv married they moved to Cherry Creek and it has been home for most of their married life.
Lynn Nalder, Blackfoot and a former resident of Holbrook, was promoted to community program specialist with Farmers Home Administration. Before the promotion he was a rural housing specialist. His work involved main community loans in the five southeast Idaho counties.
The Malad Volunteer Fire Department responded to an alarm when wind fanned a trash fire at the Wm. G. Jenkins home. The fire was brought under control before the firemen arrived. There was no damage.
Malad Junior High School students published Issue 1, Volume 1 of the “Junior High Times”, a mimeographed paper carrying various items of school news and features about junior high students. Jayson Esplin was the editor and Tom Thorpe was the faculty advisor.
American Legion Ernest W. Jones Post 65 achieved an all-time record
membership for any post in the Department of Idaho and has been the number one post in Idaho for its activities and membership the past few years. The post had 305 members at the time.
50 YEARS AGO (1964)
Idaho and Texas sheep and cattle growers appealed to the Senate Finance Committee for speedy action to curb meat imports.
Sponsored by the Malad Jaycees, a teenage dance club was opened here for young people aged 14 to 21 years of age, and featured music by a local string quartet.
The second annual banquet and program to raise funds for the Malad swimming pool fund netted over $2,000 which helped retire the existing $6,000 indebtedness on the pool.
50 YEARS AGO (1954)
Mayor and Mrs. D. LeRoy Thomas were pictured buying tickets from Joan Lusk at the grand opening of the New Star Theatre.
Oneida Rod and Gun Club reported more than 1,000 magpies killed since January 1. E. L. Keppener, Idaho Fish and Game Conservation Officer, estimated 500 of the birds were left in the county.
Mr. and Mrs. William Rutter noted their 30th wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Peabody announced the marriage of their daughter, Marlene, to Joe Lindsey. Mrs. Janet Thorpe was honored on her birthday.
Mrs. Hannah Daniels and Mrs. Hannah May Jones attended the pink and blue shower in Ogden for Mrs. DeVon Daniels at the home of Mrs. Ern Spencer.
Leading roles in Malad Stake MIA drama presentation were taken by Stewart England, Rex Daniels, Charlene Corbridge, Betty Wells and Judy Jones.
50 YEARS AGO (1944)
Jolliest dance of the season was the Legion Auxiliary bard dance with Mrs. Sara Tapper and Mrs. Laura Jones, co-chairmen, in charge.
The children of Mr. and Mrs. Alf Atkinson honored their father on his 73rd birthday.
Queen of the Pep Club dance was Dorothy Richards and her attendants, Mary Sue Tovey and Lola Daniels. Presbyterian Ladies Aid served the banquet before the dance.
Five U.S. Senators, who were among many senators who agreed to live on army rations for one day, found the food “adequate but not appetizing”.
Appraised value of a quarter section of state land to be sold at auction was listed at $1,920.
A new women’s club, the Belletrist, was organized. Officers included Anna Whitworth, president; Cleopha Probst, Edna Drake, Helen Ossman, Pauline Atkinson, Helen Thomas, Mary Jensen, Ida Lewis and June Ward.
Carol Griffiths, who had been employed at the UP Depot at Dayton, was transferred to Rigby.
50 YEARS AGO (1934)
Applications for loans on 55 homes in Oneida County “in danger of foreclosure” had been made to the Home Loan Corporation.
Bonded indebtedness of Malad School District was $80,000, balance on the high school building. Most dangerous section of highway in Idaho was the Park Highway, north of Idaho Falls, where 29 fatalities were recorded the past year. Only four were recorded in other areas of eastern Idaho.
Mr. and Mrs. Jedd Jones, Sr. were honored on their 51st wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. John Hill were honored by his mother, Mary Hill, at a dinner.
The largest class in the history of Malad High School was to be graduated in June. Some had not yet completed their work, so the exact number was not known.
100 YEARS AGO (1924)
State Highway Commissioner W. J. Hall recommended $30,000 be spent on the Malad-Weston highway.
Daniel K. Evans of the local planing mill and cabinet works completed and delivered to Jas. A. Nielsen, near Portage, a handsome kitchen cabinet that was “exceptionally complete and efficient with built-in features not found on the market.”
The Malad Lions Club met with representatives from Garland and Tremonton regarding abandonment of a section of highway through Plymouth. Travel
misses towns on the Plymouth road. It was urged the road go “straight south along the Malad River.”
The Malad Milling Co. secured a contract to supply 9,000 barrels of flour to the California market by July 15.
Farmers were turning out in great numbers with teams to help the county in graveling roads. They furnished half the work to gravel roads in the St. John and Pleasantview areas.
Malad High School notes reported the “boys were welcomed back from Moscow.” They lost to Moscow 23 - 11
FRI. & SAT. MARCH 29 & 30
Friday Day Show - 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. - “FREE”
Saturday Day Show - 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. - “FREE” Evening Show - 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. - $15
WHEREFORE, PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a public hearing will be held on Thursday, April 18, 2024, at 6:00 pm before the Malad Planning and Zoning Commission at 59 Bannock Street, Malad, Idaho, to hear, review, discuss, deliberate upon, and take public comment upon the application for the variance described above.
ALSO PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a public hearing will be held on Wednesday, May 8, 2024, at 6:00 pm before the Malad City Council, 59 Bannock Street, Malad, Idaho to hear, review, discuss, deliberate upon, and take public comment upon the application for the variance described above.
All interested residents of Malad City are invited to attend either or both hearings and present written or oral testimony in favor of or in opposition to the application for a variance as described above.
Materials and information related to the application for a variance can be reviewed at Malad City Hall during normal office hours.
DATED this 25th day of March, 2024.
JOAN W. HAWKINS Mayor, Malad City, Idaho
SUSAN J. WITTMAN, City Clerk, Malad City, Idaho #5586-3-28-4-4-24-T2
Ajax Mortgage Loan Trust 2021-F, Mortgage-Backed
Abrielle Christie Goddard, Malad, speeding, $33.50, costs $56.50
Eylure J Harms, Malad, speeding (16 mph or over), $98.50, costs $56.50
David James Price, Pocatello, speeding, $33.50, costs $59.50
Nichole Lee Loftus, Lehi, speeding, $33.50, costs $56.50
Alexander Robert Stone, Orem, speeding, $33.50, costs $56.50
Dylan Bercier, Malad, consume or possess open container by driver, $112.50, costs $225.50, 90 days jail, 90 days suspended, 12 months probation; fail to give immediate notice of an accident, $142.50, costs $3,257.50. 90 days jail, 90 days suspended, 12 months probation – Agency: OCSO
Malad Elementary Breakfast All Breakfast Served with Juice or Milk Monday, April 1 - Cereal Assortment, Breakfast Burrito, Fruit Tuesday, April 2 - Cereal Assortment, Frudel, Fruit Wednesday, April 3 - Cereal Assortment, French Toast, Fruit Thursday, April 4 - Cereal Assortment, Breakfast Bar, Fruit
Malad Middle Breakfast
All Breakfast Served with Juice or Milk
Monday, April 1 - Cereal Assortment, Breakfast Burrito, Fruit
Tuesday, April 2 - Cereal Assortment, Muffin/Yogurt, Fruit
Wednesday, April 3 - Cereal Assortment, Waffle, Fruit
Thursday, April 4 - Cereal Assortment, Breakfast Bar, Fruit
Malad High Breakfast
All Breakfast Served with Juice or Milk
Monday, April 1 - Cereal Assortment, Breakfast Burrito, Fruit
Tuesday, April 2 - Cereal
Assortment, Muffin/Yogurt, Fruit
Wednesday, April 3 - Cereal Assortment, Waffle, Fruit
Thursday, April 4 - Cereal Assortment, Breakfast Bar, Fruit
Choices of Milk, Fresh Fruit & Veggies Served Daily in all Schools
Malad Elementary Lunch
Monday, April 1 – Quesadilla, Spanish Rice, Food Choice – Corn or Peaches
Tuesday, April 2 – Chicken Drumstick, Baked Beans, Breadstick, Food Choice –Celery Sticks or Pears
Wednesday, April 3 –Homestyle Mashed Potato Bowl, Roll, Food Choice –Broccoli or Mandarin Oranges
Thursday, April 4 – Deli Sandwich, Chips, Food Choice – Carrot Sticks or Grapes
Malad Middle Lunch
Monday, April 1 – Cheeseburger, Baked Fries, Salad Bar, Food Choice – Carrot Sticks or Peaches
Tuesday, April 2 – Tex Mex
Mac, Breadstick, Salad Bar, Food Choice – Corn or Pears
Wednesday, April 3 – Corn
Dog, Mac & Cheese, Salad Bar, Food Choice – Sliced Cucumbers or Grapes
Thursday, April 4 – Chicken Teriyaki Bowl, Eggroll, Salad Bar, Food Choice –Broccoli or Applesauce
Malad High Lunch
Monday, April 1 – Cheeseburger, Baked Fries, Salad Bar, Food Choice – Carrot Sticks or Peaches
Tuesday, April 2 – Tex Mex
Mac, Breadstick, Salad Bar, Food Choice – Corn or Pears
Wednesday, April 3 – Corn
Dog, Mac & Cheese, Salad Bar, Food Choice – Sliced
Cucumbers or Grapes
Thursday, April 4 – Chicken Teriyaki Bowl, Eggroll, Salad Bar, Food Choice –Broccoli or Applesauce
Dale Ward, March 29
Jane Ann Ward, March 29
Jerry Bush, March 29
Sara Christiansen, March 29
Kurt Davis, March 29
Davis L. Evans, March 29
Jace Hummell, March 29
Joyce Nieffenegger, March 29
Mark Peterson, March 29
Clair Semrad, March 29
Garen Atkinson, March 30
Trinity Christophersen, March 30
Jason Corbridge, March 30
Brookelyn Daniels, March 30
Alex Lewis, March 30
Drew Pettis, March 30
Van Price, March 30
Sue Robbins, March 30
Zachary Sargent, March 30
Brianna Williams, March 30
Sherrie Wise, March 30
Danielle Daniels, March 31
Diane Daniels, March 31
Jonathan Daniels, March 31
Susan Eliason, March 31
Emily Steven, March 31
Tyler Baker, April 1
James Christensen, April 1
Wade Christophersen, April 1
Jarvis Jones, April 1
Heath Peterson, April 1
Logan Pfeiffer, April 1
Jeff Richins, April 1
Gary Shepherd, April 1
Harry Sherman, April 1
Lois Willie, April 1
Paul Evans, April 2
Mary Richards, April 2
Clinton Goddard, April 2
Jake Hess, April 2
Lance Jones, April 2
Terrel Jones, April 2
Wacey Jones, April 2
Mary Anne Jones, April 3
Tracy Ward, April 3
Loretta Asay, April 4
Kallie Blaisdell, April 4
Blake Thomas, April 4
a community
do?” Yes, the auditorium will come down, but we still have a theater, a veritable theater in the community. What it lacks at times is community support. The theater does three productions per year, in which we try to involve all ages, along with Cowboy Poetry and Music. We sometimes struggle to get actors, directors, and general help. We thank those who have supported us in the past and those who continue to support us.
While we may be too small for a few things, we are large enough for most events. It is my hope that we don’t forget what we have and that more in the community will become involved and help support the Iron Door Playhouse. Anyone interested in being involved can contact any member of the board—Jeff Richins, Cecilia Hess, Brian and Anita Jeppsen, Gene Caldwell, or Tyrell Neal.
Per IC §31-819
February 2024
February 12, 2024 - Topics discussed and decisions made: Claims for payment and meeting minutes were approved. Oneida County will contract with Idaho Transportation Department to help with virtual registrations. County vehicle policy was clarified regarding use and returning the vehicle. ICRMP leaves drug testing policies up to the counties. The county drug testing policy for new hires will be reinforced. Comp time accrual for dispatchers was discussed in the future. School Resource Officer MOA was passed. State retirement (PERSI) rates will increase in July 2024. A non-profit agency, iii-A, will provide first responder counseling services beginning 3/1/2024. The new 1000-gallon propane tank for the back up generator at the events center is being installed by Valley Wide and will provide a combined capacity of 1600 gallons of propane. The Annex Building roof will be replaced by Mountain Peak at a cost of $32,742. Countertops and removal of the tile and flooring in the driver’s license lobby are delayed in order to safely remove suspected asbestos under the original tiles. The TKE Elevator maintenance warranty was discussed. Valley Wide will install the bulk fuel tank with fuel cloud
Expenditures by fund:
dispensing system. The new date for public hearing rezone request will be on April 25, 2024 Commissioner meetings will start at 1:00pm through the end of March, on a trial basis. A town hall meeting is scheduled for April 9, 2024 with the assessor discussing tax assessments and property tax reduction. The R&B agreement with Hess Pumice regarding Wrights Creek Road was clarified. Disposal of excess county property was discussed. Right-ofway debris discussion was tabled. Commissioners voted to move forward with the Depot Road realignment project with future discussion
to be had.
February 26, 2024 - Topics discussed and decisions made: Claims for payment and meeting minutes were approved. Down spouts on the R&B building are being adjusted to redirect runoff and prevent pooling water. The developer of an alternative road repair method would like to present to Oneida County in the future. The culvert budget was approved to go over budget by up to $13,000 using money reallocated from other R&D budgets. Commissioners voted to continue with the S-curve project and gather more information about the project and
The regular monthly meeting of the Oneida School Board was held on Tuesday, March 19, 2024, after the Board took a tour of the new elementary school. (See accompanying article.) Trixy Lind of the Idaho Home Learning Academy (IHLA) was honored as the Oneida School District “Employee of the Month.”
Administrator Reports
Superintendent Jon Abrams reported that the school boards and administrators in the State are still awaiting final actions by the State Legislature in order to know what the financial status for schools will be for next year. Mr. Abrams then presented the list of projects that are priorities for summer maintenance: paving the bus garage and extending the driveway by the middle school will be paid with lottery funds; the office at the high school will be remodeled with State safety funds; new windows will be installed at the Stone School; and the trophy case at the high school will be expanded with financial help from the Malad Booster Club.
Ms. Jeanie Reeder, Principal of Stone School, reported that David Oseguera, Lucy Bird, and Graydee Godfrey were the winners of the essay contest. A field trip to the aquarium in Salt Lake is scheduled. The PTO helped the students learn crafts. For the first time in many years, Stone School personnel will participate in the Idaho Lottery’s “Scratch for Schools.”
Ms. Sarah McIntyre, Principal of Malad Elementary School, noted that the last couple of weeks have been hard for both teachers and students with the death of 2nd grade teacher,
Erin Hawkes. Ms. McIntyre thanked Mr. Abrams, Nacona Smith (counselor at the high school), and Nicole Daniels (counselor at the elementary school) for going to all the 1st through 5th grade classrooms and talking to the students about Mrs. Hawkes. The students were encouraged to write notes about Mrs. Hawkes, who taught at the elementary school for 30 years. The high school and IHLA provided treats for the students. Grandparents’ Day is Thursday, March 21, with the talent show at 9:30 followed by lunch; school will be dismissed for Spring Break at noon. The Book Fair will continue through Grandparents’ Day. Representatives from the school will participate in the “Scratch for Schools” fund raiser in Pocatello.
Mr. Bob Hannah, Principal of Malad Middle School, thanked Kathy Atkinson for taking two teams to the Science Bowl at Idaho State University. Up against 16 teams of all sizes, both MMS teams qualified for the final round where the older team took 4th place. Parent-Teacher Conferences were held in person for the first time since the pandemic. Cami Willie of Malad High School organized a Career Fair for that evening, and Nacona Smith, the counselor at Malad High School, conducted freshman orientation to help students put together their 4-year plans and look forward to high school. Mr. Hannah reported that the 8th grade boys’ basketball team took 2nd at District. A survey was administered to the MMS students with 197 of the 210 students (93%) volunteering to participate. It asked students what they liked best and least about middle school.
Mr. Dallan Rupp, Vice-Principal of
Malad High School, reported that the high school attendance problem is being addressed by a reward instead of a punishment approach. Recently, students who met the rules for not being tardy were rewarded with an extended lunch (15 extra minutes). A pizza party was given for those students with perfect attendance. Mr. Rupp noted that the ag greenhouse is progressing with plants being grown for sale at Mother’s Day. Unfortunately, problems with the greenhouse heating system meant that the ag department lost most of their plants during the winter. The Academic Team had a good year, winning against all schools of the same size and competing well against larger schools.
Dr. Terri Sorensen, Executive Director of the Idaho Home Learning Academy, reported that registration is open with approximately 2500 students already registered, which is about the same as at this time last year. She said that 102 students from Oneida County are enrolled in IHLA although some students may be dual enrolled (87 in grades K-8 and 15 in high school). Dr. Sorensen, Mr. Abrams, and Principal Megan Price attended the charter school boot camp and learned a lot during the rigorous program. IHLA is on track to become a charter school in the fall.
Action Items
The Board approved one-year extensions of administrative contracts
cost. Commissioner Jeppsen will meet with Fish & Game regarding maintenance of facilities at designated recreation areas. Clarification on ICRMP’s policy for drug testing elected officials. Any employee can submit to random drug testing, but elected officials are not required.
Commissioners will revisit the drug testing policy for the county. Stace Gearhart with District 6 Department of Corrections & Oneida County Probation officer Gabe Jimenez presented data about the juvenile justice in Oneida County for 2023. Oneida County employee comp time was discussed and verbiage for “law enforcement” was updated to say “Sheriff’s office” to include dispatchers in the 150-hour ceiling for accumulated comp time. Comp time payout was also discussed and it was determined that the county enforce the policy of paying out excess comp time unless an employee submits a written request to wait (for when they have planned vacation time). Dispatchers comp time accrual calculations will be updated for federal compliance. Stateline Electricals’ $5,257 bid to run power from the ambulance building to the cement pad for the fuel cell system was accepted. Aeysha Maddox has stepped down as a P&Z board member and Rich Moore was approved as the new P&Z board member.
for Sarah McIntyre as Malad Elementary Principal, Robert Hannah as Malad Middle School Principal, Dallan Rupp as Malad High School Assistant Principal and Athletic Director, and Terri Sorensen as IHLA Executive Director. Contracts for 15 IHLA administrators were also approved.
As now required by the State, the Board approved two curriculum proposals: one for a free trial of an interaction supplemental ELA program for Malad Elementary School and one for IHLA.
The following personnel were approved by the Board, pending their passing the State-mandated background check: Aubrey Kennedy as an After-School Program Aide for Malad Elementary School; Theodore Bennett as an overflow teacher for Malad Middle School for next year; Joseph Miller as a 6th grade English Language Arts teacher for Malad Middle School for next year; Janelle Merja, Enoch Ward, Caleb Williams, and McKay McKinee as volunteer track coaches for Malad High School; and one substitute teacher for IHLA. The Board accepted the resignation of Jennifer Hill as the MHS cheer coach.
The meeting ended with Board Chair Brent Evanson thanking the school administrators for all they do for students.
of candidates running for positions in the county, the Oneida County Library is putting a facilities levy on the ballot in an attempt to update and upgrade its building, which has not been significantly upgraded since its initial construction in the 1970s. The library provides a wide range of services to residents of the county and city beyond the book and audio/video materials normally associated with libraries, including after school programs, STEM programs, Adult classes (Glowforge, 3-D printer, etc.), the Summer Reading program, readings from local and regional writers, and much more.
The library also provides Wifi for the community, with an extender to allow for wireless access outside the building in the park area. It also serves as an afterschool place for students to gather in a safe and learning-focused environment. Services for the community such as access to online archives and services, the use of things like the 3-D printer, copying and faxing, and others allow the library to serve community needs that are not met elsewhere.
The levy being sought by the
library is for $150,000/yr for 10 years, which works out to about $30/year for most taxpayers of the library district. The funds will be used for things such as replacing the carpet and paint (which haven’t been updated in decades, replacing the HVAC system (which is currently electric), and expanding the storage space in the library to allow material to be stored more effectively. At present, the large number of items stored in the meeting/ conference room make access difficult and scheduling problematic.
According to Library Director Kathy Kent, the “building is
sound—but we want to keep it that way, and it needs some work to make that happen.”
As a community hub, the library is something that potentially affects the lives of many residents in the community, and certainly their children. The adage about an ounce of prevention is apt here, as the longterm costs of updating the building become larger with each year that passes and the repairs/improvements are not put into place. The vote for the levy will be held May 21.
Submitted by Ann Rethard, Treasurer
The third annual READ A THON sponsored by the Friends of the Oneida County Library will continue from April 1 to April 30, 2024, with contributions being due to the library by Friday, May 10. In addition to the federal and Idaho tax deduction for charitable contributions, your contribution to your public library qualifies you for a tax credit under Idaho Code section 63-3029A. The credit is one half of the total contribution, not to exceed $500 for individual returns and $1000 for joint returns.
Prizes will be awarded to participants aged 18 and younger for the most time spent reading and for the largest donation, as well as other participation. These prizes are provided by several area businesses including but not limited to Just For Fun, Allen Drug, and Pizza Stop. All participants will be invited to a bowling party. Applications with more information will be available at the library and online. The Friends invite all of the students in the Oneida County School District to participate, as well as any interested adults, who can also help by sponsoring or reading to a young person. Participants should count time spent reading, or listening to audiobooks, or being read to during those 30 days. This effort helps to support the library in addition to the proposed levy that will help pay for the following: a basement for storage, a larger community room with a separate entrance for external access, more room for shelving books and other materials, a STEM room for students, carpet, paint, and a roof.
September 24, 1942 - March 21, 2024
Our mom, sister, aunt, grandma and friend left us on March 21st, 2024, to join our dad in heaven.
Nancy was born September 24th, 1942, to Mabel and Floyd Beck.
Mom was born in Newton Utah. Her 2 older sisters were so excited to have their new bright eyed baby sister. Two younger brothers then completed mom’s family.
At about 12 years old, the family moved to Downey where she made lifelong friends and met our dad. Mom graduated from Marsh Valley High School in May of 1960. On July 1st of that year, mom married our dad, Mel Facer.
They moved to Malad and began their life together. While in Malad they welcomed their first son Greg.
They had the only tv in their neighborhood, so mom and dad’s place was the place to hang out!
Mom said they had to move to Pocatello so that they could have a night or two without company watching their tv! Really it was because dad started working for Kraft Foods.
In 1964 Brent was born and then Cory in 1969.
Dad, with mom right by his side opened Mel’s Repair in 1972, where mom did the books, greeted customers and kept the guys in the back on track. Mom and Dad did everything together: worked, played, trained horses and raised us kids.
Mom supported everything we did, sports, hobbies and even some of our shenanigans.
Mom was small but mighty! She had to be to hold her own in a family full of men.
She had so many pets over the years and loved them all, but her favorite was probably Megan.
You can’t talk about mom without mentioning her beautiful eyes! When first meeting mom, everyone would comment on how beautiful her eyes were.
She was so talented! She could paint, craft, garden, cook, decorate, host, fish and loved all of it.
Decorating for holidays was something Mom loved, and our home became a magical place every Christmas where family and friends gathered to celebrate and make beautiful memories.
Mom loved fishing, camping, traveling, her times spent in sorority,
In 2007 Dad sold the shop but mom stayed behind for a couple of years doing books. She wanted to make sure the business continued to thrive.
When mom retired, they made Devil’s Creek Reservoir their summer home and then wintered in Overton Nevada.
Everywhere they went, new friends were collected, and new memories made.
In 2018, mom lost the love of her life, and a little sparkle left her beautiful eyes. Mom made the most of life after losing dad but longed for him. She often shared stories of adventures they had, whether just going for a car ride about 4 every afternoon or times spent at Devil’s Creek, fishing, going to the horse races and times spent with friends and family over the years.
Mom left us with a huge hole in our hearts, but we know the reunion she had with our dad was amazing.
Nancy is survived by her sons, Greg, Brent (Debbie), and Cory (Mindie) Facer. Her sisters Bonnie (Fred) Wise, Janice Holt: Brother Terry (Bonnie) Beck and sisterin-law Sandy Facer, Barbara Facer, Linda Facer. Brother-in-Law Richard Bodily. Her grandchildren, Justin, Jeremy, Whitney and Ashley and many nieces, nephews and great-grandchildren.
Nancy was preceded in death by her husband Mel, her parents Mabel and Floyd, brother Tim Hartvigsen, brother and sister in laws: Ralph and Sheila Clark, Reed Facer, Jay Facer and Maxine Bodily.
May 25, 1947 - January 22, 2024
Kennith (Kenneth) Lester Kidd, aged 76, passed away at Portneuf Medical Center in Pocatello, Idaho, on January 22, 2024, due to medical complications.
He was born on May 25, 1947, in Henderson County, Texas, to the late Jack Kidd and Evangeline Edwards Kidd. Kennith was also preceded in death by his brother, Raymond Kidd.
He is survived by his loving partner, Sallie Lothrop, of Downey, Idaho. Kennith leaves behind a legacy of family, including his three children, Jerry P. Kidd, Stephen T. Kidd (daughter-in-law Shyril), and Kaywin Cottle (son-in-law Danny), along with his two sisters, Judith Reeves of Brownsboro, Texas, and Jaqi Delane Palmer (brother-in-law Ronald), of Gadsden, Alabama, and his sister-in-law, Marilyn Kidd of Montalba, Tesas and several grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Kennith's extended surviving family includes two aunts: Clovis Tompkins of Edom and Wynell Whorton of Edom; three uncles: Marlin Edwards of Olton, Texas, George and Judy Edwards of El Paso, and Harvey Tompkins of Chandler; along with numerous ni9eces, nephews, great-nieces, great-nephews, and a multitude of cousins and friends.
Kennith was known for his dedication to community service and his love for history, In his youth, he served in the U.S. Army. He took immense pride in being a grandparent and had the honor of participating in the commissioning ceremonies of the USS New York, where one of his grandchildren was honored as a plank owner. Kennith dedicated 38 years of service to Kelly Springfield Tyler. He played a crucial role in establishing the Edom Commu -
nity Center, Edom Community Theater, and Edom Historical Markers. He even retrieved the grist mill that now stands outside the Edom Museum. Additionally, he and his loving partner devoted considerable time to helping distribute food to those in need in the Downey and Malad Communities.
A memorial service to celebrate Kennith's life will be held in Edom, Texas under the care of Shelby Dav. Service in Malad Presbyterian Chapel Saturday the 30th of March at 11. Join us in a memorial to commemorate the life of Kenneth Kidd, May 25, 1947 - January 22, 2024.
A service will be held at the Malad Presbyterian Church on March 30, 2024, at 11:00 A.M.
Family and friends are invited to come together to honor his life and memories.
An online obituary and tribute wall is also available at https://www.wilksfuneralhome. com/obituaries/Kennith-Lester-Kidd?obId=3049505
It's hard to believe, but there once was a time when nearly every family in America owned their own dairy cow. They would milk her morning and night, churn the cream into butter, dry their own cheeses and drink the delicious milk raw. Technology, convenience, and the modern grocery store have made it that a quick trip to the grocery store for a gallon of milk is far easier and less painful than milking out ol’ Bessy. Times evolved and so did the demand and a need for a dairy industry. Unfortunately, as times continue to change so does the industry, and not all of it may be good.
From a consumer’s standpoint, the dairy industry must be doing well. They have to be making bank off of my near $4 gallon of milk and pound of butter. The truth is, the industry is in what can only be defined as chaos. On the one hand they say things are going well, evidenced with the average herd size going up and the record number of cheese that is being sold. On the other hand, small family farms are dropping at an alarming rate and the market for milk has never been so soft.
As hard as it is to hear, it's not surprising that generational family farms are selling out. Like so many others in the agriculture industry, input costs are too high to make a profit let alone live on. It isn’t only the common costs like feed and fuel that are eating up their take home dollars, but the high labor costs and specialized equipment that are making it tough for dairies to earn a living. There is no getting around
cows needing to be milked twice a day, every day. Finding employees that are willing to work such a demanding and rigorous schedule is hard to come by.
Similarly, dairy farms, alongside other farms and ranches in the ag industry, are struggling to retain the next generation. Whether it is because of expanded horizons and new opportunities or because they don’t want the physically demanding work, a rising number of farmkids are choosing not to return to their country roots. With no one to inherit their operation, aging dairy farmers are left with only one option: selling out.
And it isn’t the small neighbor farm down the road or a young farmer looking to make a start that can afford to take it over. In most cases, the small dairy operations that are pulling up their stakes are piecing apart their operation, sending their cows to the large scale farms, selling the milking equipment in different directions and then selling land alone rather than their operation being sold as a whole with new owners simply taking over.
Wisconsin is, unfortunately, a perfect demonstration of the steady decline of small dairy farms. In 2003, the USDA reported 16,000 dairy farms averaging a herd size of 124 milk cows. In nearly 20 years of steady decline, there are now less than 6,000 dairy farmers with an average herd size of 208.
The heartbreaking truth of the matter is that small family farms can’t afford to remain in the industry. The statistics say it's when, not if a farm goes under, sells out or declares bankruptcy.
The problems at the grassroots level are only compounded by the problems they face with competing dairy co-op, undercutting processors, poor supply management, global trade and evolving consumers. Despite literally pulling their milk resources in an attempt to sell their products at larger scale, dairy cooperatives were born as a means to protect and help the small farmer. But over time, many of those co-ops have consolidated, giving power and voice to few farmers and are putting small dairies at a disadvantage.
Dairy farmers are wholly at the mercy of processors. With milk processors becoming few and far between, much like the dairies as they fail to compete with large scale processors, some dairies are left with nowhere to take their milk to. When they do manage a contract, it alway based on the processors final product.
In most markets, the price for milk works backwards from the price of the final product, whether it is cheese, ice cream, butter, powdered milk or just regular milk. The processors take what they deem is their cut, what it takes to produce their cheese or ice cream, and what is left is for the farmers. In essence, dairy farmers are price “takers” and never price “makers.
Global trade is affecting the US dairy industry as well as blossoming dairy markets in European countries have not only decreased US exports to meet their needs, but are also a competing force as they sell their products to other countries around the world.
It seems it's anyone's guess on the demand for milk products around
the country. With a growing variety of beverages in the cooler, milk isn’t the go to drink anymore. It isn’t just the milk substitutes like coconut, almond or oat milk that it is competing with. In those same days that everyone had a milk cow, the dinner drink choices were milk or water with the occasional lemonade or ice tea. Now there are juices of every flavor, more sodas than you can imagine, with all sorts of sports and energy drinks to boot. Coffee shops and dirty soda stops are popping up on every corner and the one thing that isn't usually on the menu is a tall glass of milk.
Dairy advocates and supporters are seeing the writing on the wall and are hoping that changes can be made before it's too late. Possible solutions being explored come in the form of setting floor prices for milk, more tightly managing the supply in relationship to the demand, and adopting labeling laws that keep “milk” from being used by anything that doesn't come from a lactating animal.
As the third largest producer of milk and milk products, Idaho dairy producers are falling victim to these same circumstances. The consequences of dairies going out of business in Idaho could be far reaching from the individuals that lose their jobs to a drop in Idaho’s overall economy. Supporting your local dairy farmers has never been more important than it is now. It might hurt buying that extra gallon of milk or pound of cheese, but it is far less devastating than another operation going under.
With clear blue skies, a hint of a breeze and warm sunshine, the Lady Dragon softball team took to the field for the first game of the 2024 as they hosted the Snake River Panthers. Despite feeling nervous and anxious for their first showing of the season, the MHS team came out not just swinging, but hitting in a fearsome way.
The first inning opened with Snake River at bat, struggling to get on base as their first two hitters struck out at the plate. The next three hitters found better luck, getting on base and putting up two runs for the Panthers. But the Lady Dragons shut down any moment they might have had as they caught the Snake River runner attempting to steal second. Catcher Logan Maroney sailed the ball from behind the plate to Aubrey Shulz for the tag out to end the first inning.
Slap hitter Hadley Summers was first to get on base for the Lady Dragons as they went up to bat in the bottom of the first. Riglee Peterson followed with an impressive triple, batting Summers in for their first run on the scoreboard. Kaitlyn Pickett followed with a strong line drive, rounding first base for a double as Peterson ran across home plate to tie the score up at 2 runs.
Malad was only warming up as they put across four more runs by Pickett, Adley Kimberling, Maroney, and Schulz. Head Coach Bri Adams commented on the stellar hitting of her team saying, “They came out swinging and Snake River couldn’t stop them. They exceeded my expectations for their first game of the season. But I really shouldn’t be surprised, every year they come out strong!”
Feeling the energy from the high scoring inning, the Lady Dragons were all business as they took to the field, forcing three outs on three hitters. Summers claimed the first out from right field as she called the ball as easily caught the pop fly. Peterson and Pickett were responsible for the second out as Peterson snatched the grounder near the pitcher’s mound and sent it to Pickett at first base ahead of the runner for the out. The final out came as Pickett snagged a pop fly just ahead of the first base.
The MHS team continued to pull ahead on the scoreboard as they batted through the bottom of the second inning. The pinnacle moment of the
inning came as senior Kimberling stepped up to the plate. The hitter swung at the first pitch, only to hear it hit the catcher’s glove and the umpire call strike. With a keen eye, she held off swinging on the next two pitches, putting the count at 1-2. Seeing her pitch finally coming down the pipe, Kimberling swung for the fences, hitting the first homerun of the season, an even sweeter feat as it was her 18th birthday.
The home run batted in Liddia Gonzalez, courtesy runner for Peterson, and Pickett, putting them up 9-2. Unfortunately, Snake River managed two outs to end the MHS scoring and the second inning.
The Lady Dragon defense once again made it difficult for the Panthers both at bat and on base. Hallie Horsely, now at first base, was responsible for the three outs of the inning, but not before Snake River added one run to their tally to make the score 9-3.
With a little luck and a lot of skill, Oglesbee singled on a fly ball that managed to just barely tip over the glove of the second baseman set to catch it. Seeing the error, Oglesbee hustled on, making it to second base. After the second pitch with the count 1-1, Oglesbee took off from second base, catching the Snake River defense off guard to steal third base. On the next pitch Bostyn Combs put up what looked like a sacrifice hit to the first baseman. Going all out, she ran across the base as the ball fell out of the Panther glove, making
her safe on base. With the error at first, Oglesbee ran in for the only MHS run of the inning. Gonzalez came in as relief pitcher in the 4th inning, a no less difficult hurler to try and hit on. With a full count, Gonzalez walked her first batter up, the only one of the final innings. Unphased, she focused on the next at bat throwing a strike on the pitch. After the second pitch, the gambling runner on first headed to second base for the steal but found herself easily thwarted as Maroney made the connection to Shulz for the tagout. Gonzalez finished off the third Panther batter, striking her out with a full count.
The Lady Dragons made a big push in the bottom of the fourth with the scoring led by Pickett. After getting walked on base, she made her way around to third as Maroney hit a double deep to center field. Schulz next to bat, laid a short bunt towards third as the baseman idly remained at her base. Seeing the opportunity at hand, Pickett raced for home plate, sliding in before Snake River could even scoop up the ball rolling down the baseline. Maroney put up a run on the next play as Oglesbee hit a sacrifice fly to center field. Tagging up before the catch was made, Maroney made the dash across home for the score while Shulz advanced to second. Horsley brought Shulz in on a hard grounder to the outfield, perfectly placed between the Snake River fielding team. Horsley put up the final run of the inning after Combs hit a fly ball to right field, drop-
ping before the defense could make the catch.
With the third out coming on the next play, the Lady Dragons traded their bats for mitts to move into the fifth inning. Putting up a no hitter in the top of the inning would end the game for Malad, a task they easily executed. Horsley snagged the first, hopping over first base to catch the Panther pop fly. Gonzalez struck out the second hitter for the second out of the inning. Coming to bat from the opposite side of the plate, the Panther’s put one last hit on the ball to end the inning- a line hit to Peterson at third that merely required the infielder to reach out to the side for the catch.
The strong win was just what the Lady Dragons needed to start their season off in the right direction. From hitting to pitching to fielding to baserunning, the Malad softball team demonstrated they are ready to roll with their 2024 season. Admitting that there were a few errors here and there and a few kinks to work out, Coach Adams and her staff were proud of the great showing the team had. “Snake River is a good team, better than we expected. But they couldn't shut down our hitters or our runners. Our girls know how to read the defense and take advantage of their mistakes.”
The Lady Dragons play again after they return from spring break, hosting the Marsh Valley Eagles on Tuesday, April 2.
It was a shutout game as the Dragon baseball team took on the Snake River Panthers Wednesday, March 20. The MHS team wasn’t about to let a win happen on their home field, a feat they secured with solid hitting and sound pitching in just their second home game of the season.
The defense dominated the first two innings with both teams remaining scoreless until the bottom of the third.
Carter Carey managed a double bagger to right field on his second pitch, giving the Dragons the start they needed. Two batters down the lineup, Dawsyn Peterson hit another double for Malad on a line drive to center field. On the hit, Ky Willie, courtesy runner for Carey rounded third and headed across home plate for their opening score of the game.
Cale Briggs followed to bat with a single into right field, batting in Peterson for a second Dragon run. Just as they were gaining momentum, Snake River quashed it with a double play to end the inning at 2-0.
Back in the field, the Malad defense collectively strung a series of stops, seamlessly working together. At the mound, Brady Showell put up the first out as he struck out the Panther batter on a 1-3 count. Peterson at shortstop scooped up the hit to send it over to Ryan Hubbard at first base for the second out of the inning. With just one ball in the count, the next Snake River hitter sent a ground ball wide of first base. Covering first base as Hubbard picked up the ball, Showell put up the final out of the fourth inning.
Malad didn’t fare any better as they stepped up to the plate in the bottom of the fourth. It wasn’t until Hubbard was back at bat in the fifth inning before the Dragons managed a base hit. With two balls and two strikes, he doubled on a
line drive past the defense into left field. Two down the lineup, Briggs followed behind him on base with a single to right, advancing to second base on the throw back to the infield. The hit was just what Hubbard needed to make his way around third base and across home for another Malad run.
The pitching and fielding were strong over the last innings of the game. Of the batters that went up to the plate, only one Snake River player managed to get on base as he was hit by a wild pitch but in the end, he was left stranded on base as Showell struck him out for the third out of the inning. Nearing his pitch count for the game, 88 throws, Showell was pulled in the final inning of the game with Timmy Jensen coming in to relief pitch.
Briggs led the Dragons on the charts as he had 3 at bats, with 2 hits, 2 RBIs and 0 strikeouts. Peterson contributed well both batting and fielding, putting
up 1 run on 1 hit on 2 at bats, batting in 1 without any strikeouts. He also added 3 putouts as shortstop. From the mound, Showell tallied 8 strikeouts, 2 walks and 1 hit in 6 innings. Jensen came in as a relief pitcher for the final inning, striking out two of the three batters he faced.
The Dragon baseball team is looking at a packed schedule as they come into April, beginning the month with three games. A packed schedule gives the team the competition they need but it comes at the cost of having few opportunities for practice.
Head Coach Bo Clark shared, “Some-
times we have to teach and correct on the fly in the middle of the game. We can work a little more before or after a game but that is why our boys have to be coachable and work on those things we ask them.” If past experience is any indicator, a busy schedule is no problem for the Dragons as they have done well to work through slumps and hiccups to peak at just the right time.
Malad will host the Marsh Valley Eagles Tuesday, April 2. Two days later they will travel to Firth to take on the Cougars before they host Preston on Friday, April 5.