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Ease digestion
HERBAL TEAS AGAINST DIARRHEA For diarrhea, the common tormentil (Potentilla erecta) proves very helpful: take a teaspoon of powdered root, pour over 5 oz boiling water, brew for 7 minutes, then strain. Drink 3 or 4 times a day before a meal.
Take 2 teaspoons of dried blueberries, pour over 8.5 oz cold water and let brew overnight. Drink twice a day, eating the wet blueberries as well.
If there are no herbs available use real black tea and drink it throughout the day. Unsweetened, of course!
Mix 1.1 oz medicinal comfrey root (Symphytum officinale), 0.8 oz ribwort plantain (Plantago lanceolata), 0.8 oz common knotgrass (Polygonum aviculare), 0.8 oz field horsetail (Equisetum arvense). Take 3 teaspoons of this mixture and pour into 6.5 oz of boiling water. Drink the liquid lukewarm in small sips.
Get two to four full teaspoons of chopped willow bark and pour over 17 oz cold water, allow to brew for 30 minutes, boil for a short time and strain. Drink warm 30 minutes before a meal.
People suffering from diarrhea or dysentery can be treated to a cup of blackberry leaves tea daily: take 0.5 oz blackberry leaves and sprouts, pour over 17 oz boiling water, brew for 15 minutes and strain. Drink lukewarm throughout the day. A similar effect can be seen with a tea made from leaves and young raspberry sprouts, or from agrimony tops prepared in the same way.

Tea from blackberry plant roots was successfully used during World War 1 to cure dysentery. The dried root (collected early in spring – in February and March) is chopped into very small pieces, and 2 teaspoons of the material is to be boiled for 20 minutes in 17 oz water. The tea is drunk unsweetened and very warm. For children make the drink weaker.
The root of medicinal comfrey works as a remedy for pains and cramps in the intestinal tract, and for this reason it is a very useful treatment for diarrhea and dysentery. Put 2 teaspoons of the root into 6.8 oz cold water, brew for half an hour, let it reach boiling point, take off the heat, brew for a further 5 minutes and then strain. Drink the liquid 2 times a day.
A poultice against diarrhea Put 0.5 oz silverweed (Argentina anserina) into 17 oz water, boil for 5 minutes, brew for a further 5 minutes and strain. The hot poultice soothes the cramping pains of the intestinal tract.
More and more people are beginning to suffer from constipation. Only a few, however, are aware that a healthy body produces stool at minimum once a day. Irregular and strenuous motion involving stiff, dry and smelly defecate means that the metabolism has slowed down, and the normal function of the intestine has been interrupted. This means decaying bacteria are not passed and fermentation processes start to take place. Allowing for the creation of harmful, deeply poisonous substances, which infiltrate the intestinal wall directly into the bloodstream. Slowly but surely you are poisoning your entire body.
onstipation is the cause of other issues, for example headaches, chronic infections in various organs, tumors, varicose veins, back pains and more. Typically, it is cause by a lack of fiber in the intestine, irregular eating habits and lack of exercise, along with stress, tension and hormonal irregularities. C

into the rectum with 6.8 oz cold water. Hold the liquid inside for one minute and then let it go; the contents of your intestine have to leave naturally! Softly massaging your belly with a circular motion could help as well. Another useful tip is to shower your belly with cold water, leading to perfusion of the area.
TREATING CONSTIPATION AT HOME Fiber has a significant effect on the intestine. Its presence in food supports the bowel movements, known as peristalsis. Fiber bonds water to itself, softening the contents of the intestine and therefore making it easier for the contents to leave.
Good sources of fiber are leaf and root vegetables, fruit, seeds, legumes, grains and wholegrain products.
To create a habit of regular motion it is advisable to apply a enema. Apply the enema Lastly, it is important to give the body a sufficient amount of liquid. Drink one or two glasses of clear water or an herbal tea on an empty stomach in the morning. Do not drink during mealtimes, but fifteen minutes before and thirty minutes after a meal, at the earliest. You can also use mineral water with a laxative effect. Avoid overeating as that can lead to constipation! Keep in mind that even black tea and coffee can cause constipation.
Laxative effects are known in plums, dried plums, apples, figs, strawberries, licorice, raw lettuce, spinach and sour cabbage.
Fig treatment: Put four to eight washed figs into 17 oz warm water and let sit in the liquid overnight. In the morning, eat the figs and drink the water in which they were submerged. To make the treatment stronger, use olive oil instead of water, and leave the figs in it for up to 24 hours. Fnish the treatment as soon as the intestine starts working regularly again.
Drink 5 oz sauerkraut liquid every day in the morning, on an empty stomach. Also, eat plenty of the sauerkraut itself.
Flax seed is another one of the best remedies against constipation. It helps to lubricate the intestine and give it fiber. Chew up the entire seed – if our teeth are not good enough anymore, we can grind it and add to food such as purees, or eat it with cheese and salad and so on. Otherwise, use two to three teaspoons of the seed three times a day.
HERBAL TEAS AGAINST CONSTIPATION We can prepare a laxative tea from one teaspoon of anise (Pimpinella anisum) seeds, two teaspoons of alder buckthorn bark (Frangula alnus), two teaspoons of common sea buckthorn root (Hippophae rhamnoides), two teaspoons of licorice root and three teaspoons of senna leaves. Boil two teaspoons of the mixture in 8.5 oz water for twenty minutes and strain. Drink one or two cups per day, especially in the evening.
Prepare a mixture from 0.5 oz alder buckthorn bark and 1 oz peppermint. Take a spoonful of this blend and pour over 8.5 oz boiling water, brew for ten minutes and strain. Drink the beverage in the evening.