12 minute read
Get relief from joint pain
Diseases of the muscular system are beginning to ail more and more people; even statistics show that they are one of the most frequent causes of disability. What can we do for our joints to overturn this negative trend?
he human body moves by means of joints.
Altogether, we have over a hundred joints that enable bodily motion. Movement is joy, but it also exposes joints to friction and wear and as such it is important to nourish them specifically. Joints are made of cartilage, but also of subchondral bone, bones of balls and sockets, the joint capsule, tendons and the synovial membrane. And all this is made of collagen, thanks to which our bodies are not liquid, despite being 70% water. T
CARTILAGE ON STAGE Cartilage is primarily made up of collagen and enables fluid motion of the joint. It forms the area where friction takes place between the different parts of joint bones. To limit the amount of friction, the joint contains syno
vial fluid, which is pushed out of the cartilage surface during motion, lubricating the area. Another important function of the cartilage is protecting the joint bone from exertion and impacts, serving as a suppressor. It has to resist a lot of force as running and jumping creates pressure of hundreds of kilograms per square centimeter. Repeated impacts result in microfissures of the cartilage which can lead to its becoming damaged. It progressively loses its strength and flexibility and what follows is its defibering, destruction, thinning and complete dissolution. Serious cartilage injury brings about joint tenderness and osteoarthritis, which is the result of cartilage regeneration failure. In order for it to retain the fluid which nourishes and regenerates it, it requires a strong and undamaged arching collagen structure.
COLLAGEN PEPTIDES Discoveries of the mechanism and the progression of cartilage destruction lead scientists to look around for something that could simply fix the joints. They found out that it is first necessary to regenerate the collagen structure of the cartilage – to replace collagen with collagen. They found out that using collagen to nourish joints increases collagen synthesis rates by 100%, meaning twice as much, just after eleven days of use. For collagen to be usable by the organism it has to be used in the form of enzymatically-prepared collagen inlays, also known as collagen peptides, which stimulate the formation of new collagen fibers. They then form an arching structure, which is the basic organic material forming connective tissue of the muscular system – bones, joints, cartilages, tendons, ligaments etc. Should we aim to regenerate the functioning of connective tissues and cartilages, it is necessary to do so by means of collagen peptides which support formation of new collagen fibers. A connective tissue nourished with collagen can develop healthily, which in turn makes it more resistant to encumbrance. An advantage of collagen peptides is that they can be used consistently, as they have no negative side effects, not even on the digestive system. 70% of cartilage mass is formed by water bound in a proteoglycan gel kept in the network of collagen fibers. Hence the importance of drinking regularly, ideally 0.03 l / 1 Fl oz fresh water per kilogram / 35 oz of a person’s weight for hydration of joint cartilage, as the body expresses dehydration by pain, including joint pain. It is very important to drink enough also so as to ensure that released metabolites (waste) are flushed out easily. As water contains cell information and has memory, it is best to drink it fresh. The body can then easily rid itself of waste materials. Apart from that, the water is readily available to the body, since tea and juices have to be first dissolved in the stomach. Coffee, for example, releases water, but not urea. Coke contains phosphates which take away valuable minerals, like calcium. We should diligently and regularly drink throughout the day. Kidneys can effectively process only 200-300 ml / 7-10 Fl oz of a liquid an hour. This renders drinking “ahead” or “to make up for not drinking” pointless.
UNPLEASANT ARTHRITIS Most people believe that osteoarthritis, also known as rheum, affects only elderly people. However, that is not so. Its formation and development can be intercepted at a relatively young age. Causes of the illness can be simple – a bit of extra weight or even the wrong kind of exercise. The reasons for joint pain caused by osteoarthritis can be varied. Genetic predispositions, metabolic disorders, joint fractures, recurring minor injuries from sport or manual labor or constant joint exertion. The unpleasant pain can also be caused by being overweight, having malfunctioning kidneys or joints that formed imperfectly – X-shaped knees or O-shaped legs. It can manifest itself at a young age, even around the twenty year mark. It is the failure of joint cartilage regeneration. Osteoarthritis damages the joints the more we weigh our joints down through sport or improper exercise. The disease can be identified through several symptoms: the most obvious ones are especially joint pain during exercise, sensitivity to the cold and weather, muscle pain, drastic difficulties with moving, or even night pains. Another common symptom is the so-called winding-up pain; stiffness which manifests especially in the morning after waking up, or after long periods of resting. The disease tends to develop very slowly and can sometimes take several years. In the event that the inflammation is not identified and treated early, it can lead to degradation of cartilage mass and damage to other joint tissue, especially joint bone, which can start falling apart in terminal stages and there may be no other option than to surgically install an endoprosthetis.
PREVENTING ARTHRITIS How to prevent the illness? Listen to your body. Exercise, but with caution! Swimming, fast walking, certain yogic exercises or cycling can be good options. Wear shoes with soft soles to soften impacts from walking, and eat healthily. This will also help to prevent you from becoming overweight.
NINE TIPS ON HOW TO TREAT YOUR JOINTS People with predispositions to osteoarthritis, like hip dysplasia, arthritic ancestors, hard manual labor, high-level sport or obesity, should preventively use medicine designed for protection and nourishment of the joints through collagen peptides (which regenerate joint tissue by increasing joint collagen synthesis by up to 100%) from a young age. People without arthritis predispositions should begin self-treating their joints when symptoms first manifest: when joints become sensitive to cold and weather, or when joints ache at the beginning of exercise. Should the first symptoms appear, movements like jumping and landing should be limited, as they make the joints suffer. It is advisable to exercise muscles of the lower part of the body, as well-developed muscles are capable of compensating for weaker functioning of the joints. Some good types of exercise are swimming and stationary cycling. 1. 2. 3. 4.
It is good to spend time in the sun in order to activate vitamin D. It is important to choose footwear wisely, as shoes with a flexible sole soften walking impacts on the joints, especially for overweight people. Should joint pains begin, it is important to start regularly using medicine with collagen peptides which regenerate the joint system. Prolonged overburdening of the joints, like standing or walking, should be limited. After the installation of a prosthetic joint it is very important to immediately start going to rehabilitation, including walking in a swimming pool and also strengthening real joint tissue with special collagen preparations. It is good to know that the human body contains over 100 joints which enable its movement. Even after the installing of a prosthetic joint we still have many other joints in the body which are already affected by arthritis, yet not all can be replaced. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
KNEE PAIN – GONARTHROSIS In relation to the knee joint we deal with the topic of humbleness. Kneeling is a gesture we use to express submission. It is how we meet religious authorities and some time ago it was the proper way of showing respect to a monarch.
It is striking that modern people tend to kneel less. As such, it is no surprise that the gesture of kneeling and the humbleness associated with it have disappeared from our lives, whereas the number of knee problems is growing, also in severity. of the mixture in cold water for six hours, then cook it for ten minutes and let it infuse more. Drink four times a day. Or, we can opt for a mixture of the same amount of knot-grass, nettle, horsetail and goldenrod, or a tea of bearberry leaves, birch, corn stigma, couch-grass rhizomes and licorice root.
HIP PAIN – COXARTHROSIS The hip joint is the base for every step, the home of our journeys and advances, small or big, good or bad. Every path begins with a single step, and so does every digression.
The state of knee joints affects the functioning of the kidneys, the functioning and health of which is associated with the quality of interpersonal relationships. Their functioning often tends to be disrupted by recurring infections of the urinal tract. Apart from drinking water, a good way of supporting the kidneys and aiding the expulsion of urine is drinking herbal tea: from bearberry leaves, blueberry leaves, briar, birch leaves, horsetail, restharrow root, root and tops of garden parsley, flax seeds, goldenrod, couch-grass or nasturtium.
An equal mixture of bearberry leaves, salvia and horsetail has been met with success, too. Infuse a spoonful Hip joint pains usually stem from osteoarthritis and prevent such steps, signalling to those they trouble that significant life advances are over. Those who are affected advance through life at the cost of great pain. Their aim should be to grow accustomed to obligatory relaxation, admit to themselves that progress and movement are difficult, and instead switch over to inner movements from physical ones. Admitting that the possibility to move forward in this respect is lost, the outer goals grow ever distant. Yet there is still the opportunity for the affected to realize that there is still the option to set inner goals during this relaxation period, and also the chance to accomplish them.
The solution is calmness. If it is deep enough, it becomes a form of motion on its own, an inner motion. Hip joint health is associated with the gallbladder and the liver. Liver malnourishment requires bitter herbs like menyanthes, wormwood, yellow gentian and centaury. Maintaining liver function can be also accomplished by dandelion, agrimony, wormwood, ground ivy, milk thistle, artichoke, fumitory, chicory, marigold, couch-grass rhizome, horehound, veronica, elecampane root, buckbean or centaury.
The following mixture works well: four pieces of agrimony tops, two pieces of dandelion root with tops and bloom of marigold and two pieces of horehound and lemon balm tops. Drink this tea four times a day.
ARM AND HAND PAIN – RISARTHROSIS Diseases of arm joints are associated with a decreasing capability in connecting on the touching, grasping and comprehension levels: the afflicted person has problems grasping life. It hurts to be manipulated, the capacity for interaction is painfully diminished, painful wrists and hand joints call attention to the topics of releasing and letting go.
The afflicted has to admit to themselves that they cannot grasp something and so they clearly have to let go of something, to release oneself from all manipulation. By doing so, they leave the outward life for the sake of the inward one, seeking inner peace and calm through manipulation. So what do the specific fingers signify? Thumb: thumb joints represent the head and the neck, chest, loin and tailbone (the entire spine). Here it is important to pay attention to the spine.
Index finger: left index finger joints express the health state of the spleen and pancreas organs; the right index finger is the liver.
Middle finger: it is a finger associated with intestinal health. If the middle finger’s middle joint is hypertrophied towards the ring finger, the wrong bacteria are in the large intestine. If the hypertrophy aims towards the index finger, there is disorder in the small intestine. With either, it is advisable to cleanse the intestines:
1) Don’t eat processed cheeses; the greasier they are the worse they are, as they cover the intestines with a thin film that prevents nutrient, vitamin and mineral absorption.
2) Detoxify – psyllium, shiitake mushrooms, flax seeds, natural rice, sauerkraut cabbage, fruit and clean water.
3) Put healthy bacteria into the gut – lactobacillus.
Ring finger: this finger represents the kidneys, which we have already dealt with in detail in knee joint diseases –
gonarthrosis, in which the ring finger can be sensitive. The middle section of the left ring finger is connected with heart function.
Little finger: a crooked little finger speaks volumes of the state of our genitalia: in women of their uterus, in men of their prostate. State of the uterus means its position and musculature. In men it is the question of prostate size and urinary problems.
SPINE PAINS – SPONDYLARTHROSIS A crookedness in the person’s inner standing will sooner or later project itself into bodily posture. Scoliosis is clearly the expression of constant evasion; a stiff spine signifies too much pride, inflexibility and lack of humbleness of spirit.
The cause of locally blocked spine muscles from a worsening in the functioning of the kidneys – which can lead to spinal disc herniations – is a malfunction of the flow of life energy in lines along the astral body’s various organs. Every vertebra is connected with an organ through astral lines. Should a person conduct a short-term but strong “evasion” in the mental sphere, the energetic discharge shifts through astral lines into the spine. There it creates a blockage and herniation. The place of energetic discharge can be identified through the localization of muscular blockages.
The kidneys’ element is water, and that is why their functioning (which expresses relationships, fears and feelings of responsibility) affects the health of the spine so much. For that reason, it is advisable to pay good attention to the kidneys, as all spine issues are associated with them. An herbal cure should take heed of which part of the spine is affected and with which organ it is connected, and then use the proper herbs accordingly.
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