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Treat your skin
Get Rid of Skin Issues Naturally
Treat Your Skin
The skin is the body’s largest organ with an average size of 1.7 m 2 / 18.3 sq. ft. It has thermoregulation capabilities, an important secreting function, and fulfills immunological and sensory roles –pressure, pain, cold and heat.
czemic changes are induced by pathological immune system reactions in individuals with genetic predispositions, irritated by various materials in the external environment, medicine, chemicals and so on. Skin changes are similar among the different eczemic diseases. What comes about E
during the acute phase is a reddening of the afflicted areas, itching, swelling, sometimes blister formation and, in the chronic phase, the skin is dry, rough, scaly and has a tendency to crack and fissure, which invites bacterial infections with festering complications.
STAY CALM It is typical of eczemas that they get worse after a viral or bacterial disease, or following acute stress. That is why it is good to stay in both physical and mental shape, to take care of one’s body, to keep a check on dieting habits and especially to stay in a good mood. Another eczemic problem is that the skin tends to be dehydrated, dry, itchy and vulnerable to infections. Even washing with water can be unpleasant. The role of dieting in all this is huge, as is drinking regularly. Our general inner state and its pH exert a great influence over all the body’s processes. We tend to be too acidic: especially white sugars, white flour, smoked meat, and stress – all these bring about inner sourness, which then manifests in our moods. An acidic pH is a suitable environment for disease and inflammation formation.
HERBAL TEAS FOR ECZEMA Cleansing Tea Mix 40 g / 1.5 oz chicory tops, 20 g / 0.8 oz dandelion root and leaves, 20 g / 0.8 oz restharrow, 10 g / 0.5 oz viola tops and 10 g / 0.5 oz knotgrass tops. Pour ½ l / 17 Fl oz boiling water over the mixture and infuse for 20 minutes. Put the tea into a thermos bottle and sip throughout the day. Nettle Tea for Children ’ s Nervous Eczema Pour 150 ml / 5 Fl oz over 1 spoonful of the dried leaf and infuse for 10 minutes, then decant and add sugar according to preference. Drink three times a day.
For Festering Eczema Drink tea from 40 g / 1.5 oz blooming viola tops, 40 g / 1.5 oz nettle and 40 g / 1.5 oz red clover. Pour 150 ml / 5 Fl oz over 1 spoonful of the mixture, infuse for 10 minutes. Drink three times a day.
Herbs that Support the Liver for Dry Eczemas Pour 200 ml / 7 Fl oz boiling water over 1 teaspoonful great yellow gentian and 1 teaspoonful of peppermint. Infuse for 10 minutes, decant and drink twice a day.
BATHS FOR ECZEMA Dry eczema: wash with an infusion of mallow herbs. Especially common mallow, flax seeds or bladderwrack. Take a large spoonful of the herb and pour ½ l / 17 Fl oz boiling water, infuse for 20 minutes and decant. Wash the afflicted areas 2 to 3 times a day.
Festering eczema: wash with infusion of burdock or pot marigold: 1 large spoonful of the dried herb should be poured over with ½ l / 17 Fl oz boiling water, infused for 15 minutes and decanted. The afflicted areas are to be washed twice daily.
Arm and hand eczema: wash the areas with infusion of wild marrow or agrimony. Pour 1 l / 35 Fl oz boiling water over a handful of the dried herb, infuse for 15 minutes and decant. Wash the afflicted areas in the lukewarm infusion once a day for 10-15 minutes.

Psoriasis (Psoriasis vulgaris)
Psoriasis is a skin disease that arises from genetic predisposition in an acute or chronic form. It is one of the most common and oldest described skin diseases. It was first mentioned in Corpus Hippocraticum which was released 100 years after the death of the doctor and philosopher Hippocrates (460-377BC). Only Ferdinand von Hebra clearly defined psoriasis in Vienna and described its various clinical forms.
IT HURTS THE SOUL Psoriasis is an illness which doesn’t threaten a person’s life, but it can provide them with many serious and annoying complications. Issues with self-presentation, relationships, job seeking, self-realization and the unending search for an effective medicine or treatment method all affect the person’s quality of life. A person with psoriasis notices the dismissive attitude

of their environment, keeps their distance and oftentimes deliberately isolates themselves from society in an attempt to hide the illness. Many people believe it is infectious and are squeamish around the affected persons. It is therefore nothing surprising that psoriatics often suffer from anxiety, depression, insomnia, neurosis and even sexual dysfunction. The disease can appear at any age and becomes the person’s lifelong partner. The critical period is the one of growing up, as hormones play a major role and the person encounters new forms of stress. The mental state can also be very fragile at this time. Stress, impatience, depression and bad moods can further worsen the state of psoriasis.
POWER OF NATURE AHA (alpha-hydroxyl acids) work on several levels. They are applicable as a “peel” – they remove sticky and dead skin scales and open up space for new ones. They cause a signal to be sent to the basal layer – the lowest layer of the skin – to produce more new cells and to send them to the surface. Cell regeneration is sped up, material exchange in the skin is activated and the epidermis becomes well-perfused. Besides, fruit acids support the formation of new collagen and elastic fibers which have a dominant influence on the flexibility and strength of the skin and help in keeping it moisturized. AHA acids are capable of “liberating” fat and ligament cell membranes from cellular poisons, and they also “repair” them, releasing the knotted fibers and returning them to their proper, sound structure. Fruity acids can effectively deal with skin issues and improve the state of the skin in general. AHA acids protect collagen and elastin fibers from so-called free radicals, aggressive molecules which destroy cells.
Sunflower (Helianthus)
Sunflower oil regenerates the state of the skin by returning the epidermis to its former density, thus “repairing” all skin damage. The oil easily permeates it and supports its perfusion. It softens the skin and makes it suppler. Even sensitive skin takes well to it. It helps calm eczema through its high vitamin E content and has a great effect in treating and regenerating the skin.
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)
Rosemary extract functions like an antioxidant, as its main functional compound is the natural rosemary acid. It mildly stimulates and perfuses the skin. It has cleansing and antibacterial effects. It regulates the production of skin grease and harmonizes the metabolism.
Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)
It has disinfectant and strong regenerative effects, it refreshes the skin and provides it with flashiness and vitality. It also regulates skin grease production and harmonizes the epidermic metabolism.
Wheat sprouts
The life-giving effects of materials contained in a wheat sprout are multiplied in its oil, in which many of those materials actually reach the highest concentration. Besides, those materials enable active components to penetrate deep layers of the epidermis where they are then easily processed. Wheat sprout extract is an important regenerative and revitalizing medicine for dry and rough skin. It makes the rough skin supple and soft and protects skin cells from free radicals.

Sesame seeds
Their pure oil is used to treat dry and normal skin, to prevent stretchmarks, as baby oil and for scar massage. It contains 85-88% essential oils, amino acids contained in natural proteins, B1, B12 and PP vitamins, potassium and trace elements – manganese, iron, tin, nickel. The extract has strong stimulating and hydrating effects. It helps regenerate the skin and makes it more resistant to environmental factors.
Almond tree fruits
Sweet almonds can be pressed for a very soft oil rich in a variety of biologically active compounds. It contains a multitude of vitamins and oleic acid, which belongs among unsaturated fatty acids, and it also contains alpha-tocopherol, which is a natural antioxidant. It has strong regenerative effects and is absorbed easily and quickly. It doesn’t instigate any allergic reactions and calms the skin. It calms itchiness and irritability, and rejuvenates rough, cracked and scaly dry skin. It endows the skin with a natural silkiness and smoothness.

Coconut (Cocos nucifera)
Coconut oil is processed from freshly harvested coconut pulp. It contains A, C and E vitamins, which provide the skin with self-defense capabilities. Apart from that, it makes the skin softer, heals it and regenerates. It can suppress negative effects of sunrays. It is close to the esters found naturally in skin grease. It has an easy time penetrating the skin, makes it soft (without leaving a sticky feeling) and covers it with a protective layer. It has deep hydrating effects and protects the skin from drying out. Coconut oil can also replenish cell energy, making the skin more flexible and healthier. It stays on the skin for a while as it itself is quite resistant. After application the skin is soft and gentle, moisturized and covered in a protective film.

Tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia)

Its effects have been used for centuries by first white colonizers of Australia in dealing with various injuries. Tea tree oil is known for its antiseptic and disinfectant effects. It has a strong capability to permeate damaged skin and its effect is strongest in bloody, festering wounds. It does not irritate the skin or damage cells even when used in the long-term.
Sandalwood (Santalum album)
It is an important part of many oils, perfumes and cosmetic products. Its beneficial effects are unmistakable: it makes the skin suppler, nourished and strong, especially dry and dehydrated skin. It calms skin inflammations and relieves reddened skin. It refreshes the epidermis and has positive effects on it even when it is irritated. It has antiseptic and cleansing capacities and regulates the formation of skin grease.