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Balance your cholesterol levels

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The Big Boogeyman of the Health World

Balance Your Cholesterol Levels


The idea that by lowering our cholesterol, we will reap gains to our heath has been prevalent in medicine for several decades now. Recently, it has been shown that this is not exactly true and that the real mechanisms behind this are actually quite complicated. Cholesterol is absolutely essential to the human body and the organism needs it – however, only in the right amount.

olesterol is one of the most controversial nutrients in the history of medicine. It is true that when it is in higher concentrations in the blood, it certainly brings about a variety of health risks. This is especially relevant in the area of cardiovascular disease. Ch

GOOD SERVANT, BAD MASTER Cholesterol, which our bodies need for the making of hormones and vitamin D, is a compound not unlike fat, and is part of every one of our cells. Cholesterol helps the body process fats, and is important in the creating of cell membranes. It is also the basic structural unit of nerves and brain cells. Should we have an overabundance of cholesterol in the blood, it tends to sediment in the cell walls. This process is called atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries. This process leads to a narrowing of blood vessels, through which blood then has problems flowing. Plates of sediments also often crack, and when this happens, blood clots in the damaged spot. These phenomena can lead to a complete closure of a blood vessel, which can lead to, for example, heart attacks or stroke, depending on where the cell has been cut off. The level of cholesterol is one of the undeniable risk factors leading to cardiovascular problems, especially ischemic heart disease. However, it is important to keep in mind that we ourselves can affect this level.

GOOD VS. BAD Cholesterol in the human body is divided into two subtypes: “good” cholesterol, HDL – high density lipoprotein, and “bad” cholesterol, LDL, low density lipoprotein. Technically they are the vehicles of blood cholesterol. HDL, the high density lipoprotein transports cholesterol from the blood into the liver, protecting arteries from sedimentation. A high ratio of “good” cholesterol therefore shows a strong capability to secrete redundant cholesterol from the organism. LDL, the low density lipoprotein, is formed in the liver and leads to sedimentation of redundant cholesterol in artery walls and blood vessels. We should essentially aim to keep a high level of HDL cholesterol and a low level of LDL cholesterol.

RISK FACTORS More than two thirds of the population struggle with high blood cholesterol. It is important to keep in mind that an increased level of cholesterol in the blood has no visible symptoms. Its levels in the circulatory system can only be proven by medical examination. There is also a myth that only overweight people struggle with cholesterol, when in fact there are more factors affecting its levels in the blood. Other risk factors are high blood pressure, diabetes, lack of exercise, improper diet habits, smoking and genetic predisposition. While the last one is unavoidable, the rest’s influence on our body can be significantly limited by following a healthy lifestyle.

WE ARE WHAT WE EAT One of the basic steps we can take in bettering our cholesterol levels is changing our dieting habits. There are certain foods we should be aware of that can help prevent issues with high cholesterol.

PROPER FOODS: Fish, chicken, lean pork and beef Olive oil, flax oil Sour milk products Eggs (in a limited number) Walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds Fruit and vegetables

IMPROPER FOODS: Smoked and fat meat, intestines, caviar Salami, pate, sausage Reinforced fats, margarine, lard Large amount of butter Sour cream, fat cheese, sour cream, yogurt Cream-filled cakes, whipped cream Mayonnaise

In choosing proper foods it is important to keep healthy options in mind while shopping, and to keep to the rules which allow for decreasing cholesterol in the bloodstream in the long term. First accomplishments come after a prolonged period of time – usually after around two to three months. It is important to increase the consumption of fruit and vegetables since most have a low energy content, yet a high amount of vitamins, minerals and fiber, which helps us not only to lower cholesterol levels, but also supports digestion and have a positive effect on peristalsis in the bowels. Whole-grain bread also contains a lot of fiber, and as such should completely replace white bread in our diet. It is better to use fresh herbs (basil, oregano, rosemary) for seasoning instead of lots of salt. You can have some sweet foods, but limit your intake of cheap chocolate, biscuits and various icings – opt for a square of quality chocolate with a high cocoa content instead, whole-grain cookies, or very high-quality muesli bars.

EXERCISING FOR HEALTH Another way of preventing cardiovascular disease is exercise. Exercise helps keep the heart healthy – especially by means of lowering blood pressure, increasing HDL cholesterol and lowering LDL cholesterol levels. It also helps us fight against being overweight or obese. Every person should devote at least 30 minutes of their day to exercise. Statistics show, however, that only 18% of Europeans, for instance, keep to this habit.


Citruses They adjust blood cholesterol especially through their high vitamin C content. Common varieties are tangerines, oranges and grapefruits, which are all abundant in stores right now. Other herbs or superfoods which contain this vitamin are good as well, for example common sea buckthorn, dog rose or goji. Those products can readjust cholesterol to normal levels.

Chokeberries Dried chokeberries are applicable here, and are also a preventive and medical means in dealing with atherosclerosis. They also lower cholesterol levels and high blood pressure. Furthermore, they adjust the metabolism and are effective in treating stomach inflammation.

Eleuthero It works as a natural tonic, adaptogen and harmonizer. It has a positive effect on both blood pressure and blood sugar. It lowers levels of “bad” cholesterol and slows down the sclerotization of blood vessels. It can be also purchased in the form of a supplement, and its tincture is similarly useful.

Avocado It contains fatty acids and other compounds that stimulate the circulatory system. It also lowers cholesterol levels effectively.

CONTROVERSIAL EGGS Are they good or bad? We cannot avoid the fact that eggs are a source of protein, minerals and D, A and B2 vitamins. They also contain a lot of cholesterol, over 200 mg / 0.01 oz apiece. A good deal of it is, however, “good” HDL cholesterol. The yolk also contains up to 10% lecithin, which helps regulate cholesterol levels, and has a positive effect on memory and the nerve and immune systems. But just be sure not to eat too many. Still, it is worth noting that recent scientific studies have shown that most people who ate one or two eggs a day did not experience any increase in cholesterol levels.

HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE – DEAL WITH IT NOW High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, can be found in over a billion people globally, and cardiovascular (heart and blood vessels) problems ail a growing number of the population. Heart infarction and stroke are among the most common causes of death in Europe. Those most at risk are the elderly and those who have multiple chronic diseases, like these of the cardiovascular or respiratory systems. Those who have some form of metabolic illness or use several types of medications should be careful as well.

NATURAL MEDICINE So what exactly are the problematic aspects of hypertension? Blood pressure works against blood vessel walls, especially in the arteries. It takes place because the heart pushes blood into the aorta, and blood pressure rises and falls depending on the heart cycle. How high the pressure rises is affected by the strength of the heart’s expulsion of blood, by the state of the aorta’s walls, and resistance to blood coming from smaller blood vessels. The human body keeps blood pressure within certain boundaries. Its

fluctuation expresses itself as either high or low blood pressure. The value is 160/95 torr (mm Hg). High blood pressure is very dangerous as it often has no symptoms. Unlike low blood pressure, those with high blood pressure can be active and happy. They may get angry easily, but they are quick to recover. However, if blood pressure is too high, what follows are headaches, heart palpitations, tinnitus and eye pressure. Reasons for high blood pressure are varied. There’s usually an association with chronic stress, obesity, overeating and inflexible blood vessels.

HOME TREATMENT • Stay in shape by exercising regularly and taking cold baths.

Lower your weight. Obesity is always a predisposition to high blood pressure. Limit your sugar intake – avoid sweet foods and drinks and skip dessert.

Go for a pleasant walk in the forest when stressed. Any form of pressure or stress increase blood pressure so avoid getting hot-headed.

Lower your intake of salt. Remove the salt dispenser from your dining table. We have a tendency to add salt to meals without even first trying it.

Limit all nutrients which contain sodium (like monosodium glutamate).

The opposite of sodium is potassium, which is an important part of our diet. Should we lack it, the body starts to stockpile sodium, which is dangerous and can lead to an increase in blood pressure. Having enough potassium in our diet can help our body get rid of sodium. Sources of potassium include dried yeast, dried apricots, parsley, lovage, wheat bran, molasses, raisins, plums, peaches, currants, potatoes, spinach, walnuts, whole grains and cauliflower.


Cut up a wedge of garlic, put it into a cup and pour coldly pressed olive or flax oil over it. Keep the cup covered for about a week. Then decant the mixture, put it into a smaller bottle and use a spoonful of the oily result daily, ideally twenty minutes before a meal.

Limit your intake of very fatty meals.

A sufficient intake of calcium helps prevent high blood pressure. Sources of calcium are dark green leafy vegetables, carrots, parsley, whole grains and sesame.

Vegetarians have objectively healthier blood pressure, so consider limiting how much meat you eat.

When suffering from high blood pressure it is not advisable to drink coffee, black tea, alcohol, red wine, chamomile tea, celery (neither raw or juice) or fatty meals.

Eat three spoonfuls of beer ferment or dried yeast daily for two weeks.

To support heart functioning during times of high blood pressure, take a spoonful of dill seeds, divide it into thirds and chew them throughout the day. Drink some quality green tea afterwards.

Mix red beetroot (or sugar beet) juice 1:1 with honey, keep it cold and use 1-2 spoonfuls three times a day.

Cook three to four wedges of garlic for five minutes in 750 ml / 25 Fl oz water. Drink one cup daily. Do not drink if you have stomach problems.

HERBAL TEAS FOR HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE • Yarrow decreases blood pressure by widening peripheral blood vessels. Pour 200 ml / 7 Fl oz boiling water over two teaspoonfuls of yarrow, infuse for ten minutes, decant and drink twice a day.

Dandelion leaves widen the blood vessels slightly and support kidney functioning, which in turn lowers blood pressure and prevents heart attacks. Pour 200 ml / 7 Fl oz boiling water over two teaspoonfuls of dandelion leaves, infuse for 10 minutes, decant and drink three times a day for a lengthy period of time.

Mix 20 g / 1 oz of St. John’s wort, 20 g / 1 oz yarrow tops, 20 g / 1 oz hawthorn blooms, 20 g / 1 oz shepherd’s purse and 20 g / 1 oz centaury. Pour 150 ml / 5 Fl oz cool water over one teaspoonful of the mixture and infuse for 10 to 12 hours. Then pour 150 ml / 5 Fl oz over one spoonful of the mix, infuse for ten minutes and decant.

TINCTURE FOR HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE A very effective combination is tincture of common mistletoe, tincture of valerian and tincture of lemon balm. Drip the tinctures together into a hot peppermint tea. It has an immediate effect; the result calms an irritated heart and nerve-induced high blood pressure. Drink for six weeks. The positive effect extends to the nervous system as well.

BATHS The best ingredients for a bath against high blood pressure are calming herbs, like lemon balm or lavender. We can also use their essential oils. Mix ten drops of essential oils with one glass of sour cream and pour into the bath.

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