My Lombok issue 49

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mylombok VOLUME 049






Welcome to another bumper issue of My Lombok! It’s all go on our fabulous island with the Christmas and New Year festive season not far away and places are prepping for the party season. This month we introduce two great options for a luxury Gili island escape - KOHO, Gili Air and Villa Bali Gili on Gili Trawangan. Maurizio at Lotus in Senggigi explains his philosophy behind authentic Italian food culture and we also chatted with the chef of OHANA, Kuta. We also sat down with Paula from architect firm Bambook Studios and profiled Pak Indra, a police officer and NTB Muay Thai coach. Check out Feel Lombok, an Anglo-Indonesian tour company offering adventurous Lombok tours beyond the usual tourist hotspots, and our ‘Through A Lense’ feature showcases the photogenic places and faces of kids at play around Lombok. Also don’t miss the insightful story of filmmaker Lulu’s quest to 'Embrace Difference' in Lombok, as well as the great work of the Trash Hero network in helping to rid Lombok of plastic waste. ON THE COVER Image by Ahmad Achend IG: @ahmad_achend

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Activity Feel Lombok: Share the Culture; Share the Feeling


Activity Gemtrack: Embrace Difference


Meet the Expat Paula Huerta


Helping Hands Trash Hero


Local Profile Indra Gunawan


Through A Lens Kids of Lombok EAT


Chef Interview Chef Tino of Ohana Cafe


Superfood Banana


Restaurant Review Lotus Bayview Restaurant STAY



Luxury Living Villa Gili Bali Beach


Hotel Review Koho Gili Air


Social Lombok Eco Flea Market






Spaghetti Marinara

Spaghetti Luciano


Prawns Carpaccio




Feel Lombok

Paula Huerta

Trash Hero Bayan






here's no better way to get a feeling for a place than to share an experience with the local people. There's no better way to get to know people than to share something of your life and culture and learn about theirs. Dayat, originally from Kediri, Lombok, and his English wife Hannah, obviously know that from personal experience. It is also the philosophy behind their business, Feel Lombok. As a 17-year-old, Dayat went to live in Gili, and worked as a 'beach boy', cleaning sand and playing guitar to earn a living. His contact with visitors to the island helped him improve his English, and he soon became involved in the homestay business, organising accommodation for tourists. He saw the potential in the growing tourist market, and began to offer day trips to Lombok – in his spare time at first and then on a more regular basis. A chance conversation with a visitor gave him the idea to build a career on sharing culture. He gave visitors a 'feel' for Lombok by inviting them into his family home, as part of the trip, sharing a meal with them, and introducing them to locals, who were keen to exchange a few words with the mainly English-speaking tourists. He saw further possibilities: how others in Lombok could also benefit, and earn a living, from the exchange of cultures – learning English and offering services to the ever-increasing number of visitors.


Feel Lombok As the idea took shape, he set up a tourist office on Gili Trawangan. About the same time he met his wife, Hannah. Her business background and her skills in photography were the ideal support for the plan. His dream of running a business was coming true, and Feel Lombok was born. Later, as the business could be managed almost entirely online, they moved back to Lombok, to start the next chapter.

The English Club Dayat was very much aware that learning to speak English had been an important part of his interaction with tourists, and his success in sharing Lombok culture with them. Once again, Hannah's background was the perfect springboard for their next venture. The success of the Feel Lombok tours program meant that they could fund an English Club in Dayat's village and recently opened one in Senggigi, which they run from the mosque courtyards, with the plan of setting up permanent bases when they have accumulated enough funds. The aim was simple: to teach English to young people (7–18 years) and give them the head start Dayat had when he first began to see his future in tourism.


The Club also gave employment opportunities to local English speakers, and tourists visiting would be involved in real sharing – mixing with the local people and giving them a chance to have real-life conversation practice. The club has plans for the future to set up wi-fi hotspots, where young people could access the Internet, do their studies, and socialise with friends. Although the recent earthquakes have delayed their plans, Dayat and Hannah hope to be able to offer homestays to Lombok visitors, who will have a taste of life with local families, visit the English club, and enjoy Lombok's major attractions.


The Feel Lombok tours they now offer across Lombok and the Gilis are in an exciting phase. The opening of a new tour office and juice bar on Gili Air means tourists can be greeted with refreshments, and taken to nearby Lombok to enjoy jungle walks, visits to Lombok's waterfalls and glorious beaches, and treks to Mt Rinjani. They might choose snorkelling, white water rafting, surfing, or camping, or just go island-hopping.... The future is looking bright. Dayat is eager to 'give back' to the Lombok community, and hopes to provide work experience in tourism-related activities for young locals – inspiring them, and opening up a greater range of choices in a situation where unemployment is an issue for many school leavers. His advice to young people is to think bigger, and 'share the feeling', as he did years ago. Never stop dreaming, and anything is achievable.

Geresik Utara, Kediri, Lombok Barat +62-859-3838-0730 +62-370-784-3922



Embrace Difference Gemtrack is a team of passionate travellers who are on a mission of making slow & sustainable travel accessible to travellers around the world. They have made a handpicked selection of "travel gems" (accommodations, restaurants and activities). These travel gems make you go from observer to participant, from tourist to traveller, from someone who skims the surface to one who explores far and wide. Rather than being on the hunt for photogenic hotspots, you leave with fresh perspectives and new insights - gifts that can last a lifetime! They believe that what stays with you the most after a trip are the people you meet and the new insights you procure through them. Last year, Gemtrack decided to highlight some of these travel gems and their inspiring stories by creating a series of short documentaries in Lombok and Bali. One of these documentaries, created by filmmakers Martijn van Monsjou and Tobias Buijs, is Embrace Difference. Embrace Difference! talks about Lucile (her friends call her Lulu), a young Frenchwoman who moves to a small town in Lombok. In this documentary, Lulu shares her new insights and illustrates beautifully how important it is to embrace difference.



he spirit of the traveller, seemingly boundless and inspired, can run dry after a long voyage on the road. Much like any other situation, our existential angst is likely to get the better of us as we leave behind city after city in the dust. As one day fades into the next, we may begin to wonder ‘Why am I doing this? Why am I here?’ It is not unnatural to desire something more from your travels than simply the joy of discovering a new place or a new culture or a new delicacy. The desire to be able to engage with a place or build something meaningful becomes stronger as we move through our lives. Lulu’s story reveals this same desire to travel with a sense of purpose, to contribute to something meaningful where she went. Lulu found herself in Lombok with a friend several years ago, making a documentary about the Sasak people and their slowly disappearing culture. Initially finding herself at odds with traditions she did not understand, the months that followed took her into the depths of practices and rituals and values that she grew to resonate with at a deeper level.

Sasak customs could not be more different to Lulu’s native French culture. As a documentary maker, her role was to observe, understand and record. As the rich history of Sasak tradition unravelled in front of her, Lulu found herself longing for something more. Being a mere witness was not enough! This community that she was trying to capture in a camera had become so much more than a unique project to her - she felt a passion to learn more about their ways of life and participate in it too! The inevitable happened when Lulu fell in love with a surf instructor from the village of Ebunut. Their romance deepened and paved the way for Lulu to take a step further into the community. Lulu started to speak the language, to learn the art of weaving, to discover the secrets of Sasak cooking. Having secured this place as an insider in the Ebunut community, Lulu’s inhibitions began to fade. She got married to Damar, in a sweeping ceremony that brought both French and Sasak cultures together. As a woman of Ebunut now, she was determined to make the best aspects of both cultures meet. Lulu’s dream, one that she is working on tirelessly, is to preserve the traditions of the Sasak people while bringing in positive values from the West. In a bid to save traditional art forms, Lulu has begun to work with several women to weave baby slings that can be sold to tourists. She manages a B&B for a Swiss couple in Ebunut and hires locally, encouraging the women around her to take on stronger roles with confidence and pride. She has also set up a library where

English classes can be taught, along with a variety of other skills that could be useful to the children. Her focus is on the women and the children with upliftment and empowerment being key goals. Lulu’s story is inspiring not only because of what she is trying to accomplish with this union, but because of the way she has approached it. Rather than remaining an outsider that tries to “fix” the problems in a culture, she sought to become an insider first and create the means for an exchange of values and skills. She always reiterates how much the world can learn from the ways of the Sasaks and hopes to create a channel of learning between travellers and Sasaks, where both parties benefit from the skills and knowledge of the other. The future she envisions for Ebunut has been built together with the women and children of Ebunut, not the product of someone who sees themselves as some kind of a saviour, separate to the village. Ebunut is Lulu’s home, and the people of the village are her community. gemtracktravel Author: Aishwarya Shah Watch the documentary here: positive-pioneers-embrace-difference If you want to experience Ebunut, you can contact Lulu at +62-812-194-6053




Sustainability: Everyone Benefits


aula Huerta's upbringing in a travel-savvy family sparked the sense of wonder that led her to explore the world. A solo-trip through South East Asia led her to a ‘hidden paradise’: Lombok. Now an activist, green consultant, and 'sustainable architect' she shares with My Lombok some of the stories from 12 years of living on the island.

Tell us something about your background. I was born in Madrid, Spain, and grew up as the middle child between two younger brothers and two older male cousins. My childhood was very happy and stable. Ours is a very close family. We are spread out around the world but we make the effort to meet in Spain at least once a year.

Where did your passion for travelling begin? My dad was a pilot, and my family always had the urge to explore, so ever since I can remember, we travelled the world, discovered new places and experienced different cultures. That was what led to my solo travels.

What first brought you to Lombok? After I finished University in 2005, I worked in Spain as an architect, but then decided to keep exploring. I left with a one-way plane ticket to Mumbai, and travelled solo through South East Asia for a year. I started exploring Lombok 12 years ago, and I loved how undeveloped it was. The beaches were pristine, unexplored, untouched – a hidden paradise. I also met some amazing people. In Singapore, I started working as a designer architect and stayed there for 7 years. I had stayed in contact with the friends I met in Lombok, and visited every year. Lombok was the perfect holiday destination, to get away from city life. I also bought land near Kuta. That's where my husband and I designed and built our home.

What is your profession? I am a licensed architect, specialising in Sustainable Design with a masters degree in Energy & Environmental Studies from the University of East London. During my early professional years, I was mostly engaged with conceptual design and construction management. But

in the last 10 years, I have worked internationally as a Sustainability Consultant, developing strategies and tools to reduce operational expenses and carbon footprints for large architectural projects – including airports, hospitals, laboratories, manufacturing plants and data centres. At Bambook Studio, my current company in Lombok, I design NET ZERO sustainable architecture, and I am actively involved in initiatives that bring education and sustainable action in the area. I lead the Advanced Leadership Foundation, which offers conferences on the circular economy and the role of Sustainable Architecture in building a low carbon future.

What are the sustainable aspects of your projects in Lombok? Everything we design at Bambook Studio incorporates sustainable strategies. We do not accept projects that do not follow our sustainability standards. I am lucky to be able to choose, and work on what I believe in. We cover many areas, including: Water and Energy Efficiency, Environmental Quality, Water Treatment, Rain Water Capture, Renewables, and Sustainable Materials. We collaborate with other companies on Sustainable Land Use, Hydrology, Bio-remediation, Reforestation and Waste Management. We are close to completing construction on Villa Serena, the First Net Zero Villa in Lombok. Its solar system and water collection facility make it a complete 'off grid' building that will sell 'carbon free' power to the grid. It will be a milestone for Lombok and we hope others will follow. Architecture should improve Lombok, not destroy it.

What has been your biggest achievement this year? First, the lectures and talks I have been invited to give, and the incredible response from the audiences. I am often invited to new events and forums, and recently I visited Lombok's international schools. I was impressed with the knowledge kids have about the environment; they will soon take over – soon enough, I hope.



Also, I feel particularly proud of Villa Alba and Karinya in Central Kuta – good examples of low-emitting villas that use renewable energy and water treatment, which was made possible thanks to the owners, Tom and Lucy, who understood the importance of architecture's impact and wanted to do whatever they could to mitigate it. The recently opened Patio Lombok Restaurant, also in Central Kuta, was a gift to design and build. It has a tropical atmosphere with Muslim and Mediterranean cultures, and mixes style and cosiness with functionality, high quality design and low impact architecture.

Movement, started by professionals working in Lombok, helps promote better development practices. It doesn't make sense for Lombok to make the same development and tourism-related mistakes others have made. We can do better; it’s just a matter of willingness.

What makes you feel at home here? My family. I adapt easily, but my husband is my pillar and support. He encourages me to thrive and follow my dreams; he believes in what I do. We make a good team and we are happy as a family.

Could you tell us about your more ‘personal projects’?

What are the challenges? And how to overcome them?

My husband and I have done several. It all started with our own eco bamboo house up in the mountains of Siwak, Lombok Eco Homes, built in 2011, the most sustainable home I have ever designed and built. It was the gateway to my later projects – Villa Sorgas and Karar Boutique Hotel – and the reason to establish Bambook Studio.

There are endless challenges. But I take one day at a time and feel thankful for what I have. Every day I sit and breathe and remember how lucky we are, and try to not focus on the small things.

Later, we felt Gerupuk needed a healthy cafe for the expats living there, so we started Shake and Bake, to complement the Lombok Eco Homes Accommodation Project. When we did The Patio Lombok restaurant , with our partner, head chef Juliette, it was also with the aim of improving the expat community’s life and Kuta's cuisine.

My house. It's remote and quiet, with a nice view, and surrounded by jungle gardens. Or perhaps Karar Boutique Hotel in Bumbang – a gem yet to be exploited.

The thing I would most like to highlight is that our journey to Lombok has been a life achievement, and personal commitment to live a low carbon life, to walk the talk, to reduce our footprint and experience first hand what sustainable living means. This is why I left Singapore and the corporate world: I needed to commit myself to the change I was preaching. Now we are raising our 4-yearold in nature, surrounded by permaculture, jungle animals and the ocean.

You are also active in creating a better community life on the island?

How do you unwind? Where is your favourite place to relax?

Which other things do you feel you can only do in Lombok? The life style here is priceless. My husband goes spear fishing; we only eat the fish he takes. Our chicken give us eggs, we make compost with our organic waste, and we have built our own waste water gardens. The beach is 2 minutes from our house. We do not have Internet at home. What else can you ask for?

What’s your vision for Lombok’s future? I hope Lombok will become an example of best practice, related to sustainability. If we can make it happen, everyone will benefit.

All I can say is that I am definitely trying. With other committed people, we are starting projects that will benefit Lombok. The first Eco Flea Market, at the Patio, will promote environmentally friendly products, and show local people there is a market to be explored. The Circular Lombok





Be A Hero – A Trash Hero


rash Hero is an energetic, volunteer-led movement that drives change within communities around the world. It motivates, educates and supports them to clean up, and prevent, plastic waste.

Lombok's newest chapter, Trash Hero Bayan, started in August 2019, and joins Lombok's existing chapters – Tanjung, Gili Meno, Gili Air and Mataram. Every Friday morning, they organise a cleanup in Bayan area. They separate recyclable material from nonrecyclable trash, and send it to Bank Sampah, a recycling facility.

So how does it work? A Message From Trash Hero Bayan It's obvious, from speaking with people in the community, that many have little knowledge about plastic and how it harms the environment. Our weekly cleanups allow us to have an open conversation with them and try to find solutions to reduce our daily plastic use. It’s really about motivating people around us to become Trash Heroes in their everyday lives. Every week, we change the location of our cleanups. We started at one end of the district and now we are following the main road until we reach the last village. This allows us to meet the villagers, tell them about Trash Hero Bayan and invite them to join us. In two hours each Friday, we collect an average of 70kg of trash. About one third of that is recyclable: plastic bottles and cups; glass bottles; metal, cardboard and paper. All the data from our cleanups is collected, and sent to Break Free From Plastic (BFFP), an NGO network that releases global brand audits to identify the top global polluters. They use the information to push for systemic change in the production and disposal of single use plastics.


An important aspect of our action is always to stay positive. We never blame; we’d rather try to find solutions together. We especially try to engage with kids. They are the future and they are also more willing to change their habits. We also encourage local businesses to stop supplying single-use plastic items – plastic bags, plastic straws and plastic bottles – and replace them with reusable items, like tote bags and bamboo or metal straws, and set up refill stations. This is an important first step for Bayan and we are happy to see the movement growing. Each week, new volunteers join us; sometimes tourists also take part in cleanups. Our most successful cleanup was on World Cleanup Day (WCD) on 21 September. It was the first time Bayan had participated in WCD and it was a great success. More than 500 volunteers came, including school students, office workers, guides, porters and farmers. We followed the main road of Senaru, and collected 1.4 tons of trash in just a few hours. Everybody has a role to play: local authorities can create an enabling environment by offering adequate incentives; the commercial and business sector can reduce single use plastic; schools can educate about trash and the impact on the environment; and individual consumers can sort their trash. It’s a joint responsibility for everyone, and it starts at the household level. Trash Hero Bayan is an open movement. There's no need to sign up. All you have to do is show up on Friday morning. Get involved, and be a Trash Hero in your community!

@trashherobayan Hombase for Trash Hero Bayan is at Saifana Organic Farm, Bayan




Fighting Fit: The Art of Muay Thai


ndra Gunawan was born in Mataram, and went to high school in Bandung, West Java. His decision to start training in martial arts was made for practical reasons, but it made a huge difference in his life, and in his career. He spoke with My Lombok about what his involvement in Muay Thai has meant to him When did you first become interested in martial arts? I love martial arts – Karate, Judo, and Tarung Derajat – an Indonesian form of full contact martial art created by Haji Achmad Dradjat in Bandung, West Java. And Muay Thai, of course. I first got into fighting when I was 14 years old. When I was growing up, life was quite hard, and I started training in martial arts because when you are on the streets you need a way to protect yourself. You have to be able to fight because there is no one else who will fight and protect you but yourself. I did kickboxing in West Java and Jakarta for 12 years before training in Muay Thai. Can you explain exactly what Muay Thai is? It is an old, and traditional, combat sport from Thailand. It is a complete set of techniques for stand-up fighting. With Muay Thai you are trained in everything; you learn to use your fists, elbows, shins and knees, and learn styles of kicking and punching. Is there a particular philosophy behind the practice of Muay Thai? Basically, you train so you can win. Is it particularly challenging? Yes, it is very hard but it is so good. When you compete a lot, which I did, you must challenge yourself to become the best. You need a big heart to train, to focus and to become a champion.

Tell us about your involvement. After I finished fighting competitively I became a Muay Thai Coach for Nusa Tengara Barat (NTB) and have been the coach for 7 years. I trained with Mr Kent – a famous Martial Arts and Muay Thai Coach in Thailand. After I moved back to Lombok, because I was an athlete and a fighter, the police asked me to join. So I became a policeman in 2000. Have you been inspired or influenced by anyone in particular? Yes by Bruce Lee – He is a Famous Martial Arts actor and everyone loves Bruce Lee especially when we were growing up. Do you find Muay Thai useful in your police work? Yes, because Muay Thai makes you feel confident. It prepares you for everything that can happen to you. It makes you ready for any situation. My job here is as an internal policeman and I don't have a lot to do with the ‘bad boys’, so I have never had to use Muay Thai while working in the police force. Tell us about your role as a trainer. After I finished fighting competitively, in 2007, I wanted to train the athletes for the IFMA – the Indonesian Federal Muay Thai Association. I was the first person to train Muay Thai in NTB and I set up a new organization in Lombok. I am the head Coach for the Muay Thai Team in NTB. The athletes train 6 days a week, and there are 2 sessions a day, each lasting for 2 hours. In the morning session they do physical training, and then they work on technique in the afternoon. We get a lot of support from the government – the Governor, the Mayor and the Vice-Mayor all support us here in NTB.



I have been training the athletes for 5 to 6 years now. There are 6 fighters who I train personally, but there are 18 fighters in the NTB team. Any success stories, memorable experiences? Yes. In July, my fighter, Ardian, fought in the World Championships in Thailand, and won the bronze medal. He fought against UIA, Kazakhstan and Belgium. We now have 4 world champions and many national champions. Tell us more about your gym, and the process of setting it up. Being a personal trainer is my hobby, and my wife is also an athlete, so we decided to open a gym. Why would we not do what we love? We support and train the people around us because we love to see people become healthy and slim after being overweight. We also help a lot of athletes here to train and to become champions. There are lots of benefits for people who come to our classes. First of all, I teach them to become healthy. After they become healthy and reach their target they enjoy it and focus more. Then, depending on what their target is, we work together either to become healthier, to train as fighters, or focus on becoming a champion fighter.


What drives people's interest in Muay Thai? I had been in kickboxing, and people already knew me because of that, and from being in the martial arts group. When I introduced Muay Thai to Lombok, in 2013, they all liked it. What are your plans for the future? We are planning for the 2020 Indonesian Olympics. There is a Muay Thai competition in December, in Semarang, Jawa Tengah, and Ardian must win the competition to qualify for the Olympics. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? I love spending time with my family, and going on holiday. What do you enjoy most about living and working in Lombok? I grew up here so it is my home. The people in Lombok are easygoing, and I like the natural surroundings and the beaches. We have an easy life in Lombok, compared with living in a big city.

Finally, what has been the best thing about being involved in Muay Thai? I really like to see the students who do Muay Thai for fun really enjoy themselves, and enjoy practising. And when I see my students become champions, it is priceless!





Lombok Image by: Didik Hariadi Mahsyar @didikhariadi



Go out, go out I beg of you And taste the beauty of the wild. Behold the miracle of the earth With all the wonder of a child. Edna Jaques

Image by: Antox Bondre @antoxerror


Image by: Ahmad Achend @ahmad_achend


Images by: Ahmad Achend @ahmad_achend


Image by: Kids of Asahan @kidsofasahan

Nature knowledge is the most for young children. Let them once get in touch with nature, And a habit is formed which will be a source of delight through life. We were all meant to be naturalists, each in his degree, and it is inexcusable to live in a world so full of the marvels of plant and animal life to care for none of these things. Charlotte Mason


Image by: Ahmad Achend @ahmad_achend


Image by: Antox Bondre @antoxerror


Teach a child to play Solitaire, and they'll be able to entertain themselves when there's no one around. Teach them tennis, and they'll know what to do when they're on the court. But raise them to feel comfortable in nature, and the whole planet is their home. Joyce Maynard

Image by: Antox Bondre @antoxerror




Chef Tino


Lotus Bayview Restaurant



Keeping it Simple, Fresh and Natural


hana Cafe, in Kuta, Lombok, is a favourite with locals and overseas visitors, who particularly enjoy the ‘East meets West’ menu Ohana offers. My Lombok spoke with the cafe’s Chef Tino about his career in cooking, and his focus on simple fresh ingredients.

Is there one dish you love and remember from your childhood? A favourite is Nasi Goreng (Indonesian fried rice) – mainly because my mom makes that dish for me all the time, and I’ve loved it since I was young. How did your family react when you told them you wanted to become a chef? They were very supportive of my choice of career, and always encouraged me to follow my dreams. Tell us about your career and some of the places you have worked. I started at Novotel, as a cook, and later I helped my family in the family business. Then I moved to Ashtari for a while, as assistant chef, before coming to Ohana. How would you define your style of cooking? I would describe it as a blend of western dishes and local food. I also really love baking. Tell us about the concept for your menu at Ohana Cafe? We want the focus to be on ‘healthy and fresh’, so we make sure all our foods are freshly prepared. Which dish do you most like to cook? I particularly love to cook curry and make pizza.


Which do you think are the guests’ favourites? They especially enjoy healthy foods, so their favourites are probably our poke bowls and our range of smoothie bowls. Do you have particular ingredients you really like to cook with? It would have to be vegetables. Not only are they healthy and tasty, they are also fast and really easy to cook with. Which are your ‘must have’ kitchen gadgets? A well-sharpened knife and a clean chopping board. We use these items every single day, with everything else we cook with, and for every dish we make. Describe your typical working day. The first thing is to prepare for opening. We check our stock, prepare the poke bar, and set up production for desserts. Then we prepare for breakfast and lunch. For the second shift, we start by cleaning and doing a stock take, and then we prepare for dinner. Before we close, we do another stock take before we clean up and pack everything away. What do you like most about your job? I like having a good and cooperative team to work with. What is the biggest challenge? Because we work in a small kitchen, it is hard to prepare food as fast as we want to, so for a faster and smoother process, we try to focus on efficient production and good team work.

What do you like to do in your spare time? I like to spend time with my family. I also enjoy playing sports – especially futsal, which is a little like soccer. I play in a team every Wednesday. What foods do you really love to eat? Anything you would never eat? I love fish fresh from the sea, like mahi and snapper – especially when they are grilled. I would never eat pork but, other than that, I love all kinds of food. Other than creating great food, what would you say are the most important qualities that make a successful chef? It’s very important to be able to stay calm – especially when there are many orders coming in. With a calm mind, I am able to focus on the dishes I need to prepare, and to make sure that each dish is prepared carefully and well. Do you have a favourite celebrity chef? Yes, two. Chef Juna and Gordon Ramsay. Any tips for budding chefs? I would say to them: keep on trying, and keep improving your skills. Even if the dishes don’t always turn out well, don’t give up. Also, make sure you always keep the kitchen clean at all times, even while you're cooking. If you hadn’t become a chef, what do you think you would be doing right now? A baker, I think. I love baking, and it has always been a dream of mine to open a bakery one day.


Tuna Poke Bowl Ingredients


Tuna • 1 pound sushi grade ahi tuna, cut into 3/4 inch cubes • ¼ cup soy sauce • 1 tsp rice vinegar • 1½ tsp sesame oil • 1/3 cup onions, thinly sliced • 1 tbsp green onion • ½ tsp sesame seeds, plus more for garnish

Rice • 2 cups sushi rice, cooked • 1 tbsp mirin • 1 tsp simple corn syrup • 2 crab sticks • 1 tbsp mayonnaise • ½ lime • thinly sliced carrots • ½ avocado

Sauce • 2 tsp chipotle • 1 cup mayonnaise • ½ lime • salt & pepper

Toppings • ¼ nori sheet


1. In a medium-sized bowl combine ahi tuna, soy sauce, rice vinegar, sesame oil, green onion, onions and sesame seeds. 2. Boil corn and slice corn into little nuggets. 3. Slice carrots into thin strips. 4. Cut the avocado into cubes. 5. Chop-up the crab stick and mix with mayonnaise, salt, pepper and ½ lime. 6. To make chipotle mayonnaise, simply mix chipotle (blended), into the mayonnaise and add ½ lime, sprinkle salt and pepper. Mix well. 7. Add mirin and sugar syrup into sushi rice and mix well (make sure that rice has cooled and not to serve rice hot). 8. Scoop sushi rice into bowl, add tuna, corn, carrots, avocado, crab salad. 9. Add chipotle mayonnaise on top. 10. With a pair of scissors, cut up the nori sheet into thin slices and sprinkle on top as garnish. 11. Lastly, sprinkle with remaining sesame seeds.

Ohana Brownie Ingredients


• 200gr semi-sweet dark chocolate • ½ cup butter • 1 cup white sugar • ½ cup brown sugar • 3 medium eggs • ¼ tsp salt • 1 tsp vanilla essence • ½ cup flour • ¼ cup cocoa power

1. Melt the semi-sweet dark chocolate in mixing bowl. 2. Add soft butter into melted dark chocolate and mix until fully melted. 3. Then leave to cool. 4. In a separate bowl add the white sugar, brown sugar and eggs. Mix after each addition until creamy. 5. Add the salt, vanilla, chocolate and butter and mix together. 6. Add the sifted flour and cocoa powder and gently fold into the butter. 7. Pour into a baking mould of your choice. 8. Bake for 30 mins at 180°C in pre heated oven. 9. Remove from the oven and leave to cool. 10. Serve with a scoop of Vanilla ice-cream.


Ba–Na–Na–Bananas: Berry Good!


f you were offered a selection of berries, you'd probably be surprised to find a familiar, curved, pale yellow favourite among the strawberries and raspberries. Yes, the banana is technically a berry. And just to confuse you even more, those strawberries and raspberries are not true berries. But that's another story. By strict botanical classification, a banana is a berry, and the plant it grows on is not a tree, or a 'banana palm', as many call it, but a large variety of flowering herb. All that most of us care about, though, is that the banana is a beautiful and delicious fruit. Bananas are native to Southeast Asia and Australasia, but have been introduced into most areas of the world. The largest producers of bananas are India, China, The Philippines and Ecuador.


The broadest grouping designates two main types: 'dessert' or sweet bananas; and bananas that are best eaten cooked. There is no real fixed division; it depends on the cultivar, and on local preferences. In Europe and America, the starchier 'cooking' bananas that have less sweetness are often called plantains, but true plantains are a smaller number of cultivars that are usually found in Africa. The many varieties and cultivars of the banana can range in size from 2½-12 inches (6-30cm), and in colour from green and yellow to pink and even purple. Even the traditional curved shape isn't standard; some bananas are shorter, thicker or very much straighter than the average. The story that the EU tried to ban curved bananas, as being 'flawed', however, is just a 'Euromyth'.

Bananas – fact and fiction • Bananas are the most popular fruit. It's difficult to be 100% sure, but probably Fact. More than 100 billion bananas are consumed, around the world, every year, and half of that number is eaten for breakfast. The tomato is the closest rival for the title of most popular fruit. • The fibre from bananas is used to make fabric and paper. That's a Fact. The Japanese, especially, use an incredible number of natural fibres, including banana, to make practical and decorative paper products. • The forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden wasn't an apple but a banana. There's no way that can be proved as fact or fiction, but it is true that some have claimed it to be more likely than an apple. The banana has certainly featured in the religious stories and symbolism of many different faiths. • You can live on bananas alone. Well, no; probably not – so that's Fiction. The banana has been at the centre of various diet dilemmas. Many claim that the banana is a complete food, containing all the major nutrients. Restricting the diet to one single food, however, is never going to work out well in the long term. Medical experts also warn against consuming excessive amounts of banana at the expense of other foods. High levels of potassium, fibre and natural fruit sugars can cause health problems, and some people experience allergic reactions to overindulging in bananas.

reputation for being a great source of potassium, 100 grams of banana actually provides only 8% DV, far less than the equivalent amount of foods such as mushrooms, spinach, beans, and even potatoes. Cooking bananas, on average, contain less water (65%) more carbohydrate (31%), more Vitamin C (22%DV), less B6 (23%DV) and slightly more potassium (11%DV) than sweet bananas. Otherwise, the nutritional values are similar.

Storing bananas Bananas continue to ripen after they have been picked, and the higher the temperature, the faster the ripening process. It's best to keep them at room temperature. The skins will soon turn black in the refrigerator, although the lower temperature will slow down the ripening process, and the banana inside will still be good to eat. If you want to speed up ripening, leave the bananas at room temperature, in a brown paper bag. You should also know that bananas release small amounts of ethene gas, which speeds up the ripening of other fruits nearby (particularly pears and avocados). That might be a good or a bad thing, depending on how quickly you want to use the fruit.

Best banana recipe? There'll never be any agreement on that.

Nutrition You might not be able to live on bananas alone but, for a food that contains almost 75% water, the banana is particularly nutritious. The average sweet banana is a little over 1% protein, and 23% carbohydrate – including almost 3% dietary fibre – but less than 0.5% fat. In terms of vitamins, bananas are rich in Vitamin B6 – a 100-gram serve provides 31% of the average daily requirement (DV) – and Vitamin C (10%DV). They also have useful levels of other B-group vitamins, manganese and magnesium. Despite its

Beautifully moist banana bread? A banana split, with all the trimmings? The banana smoothie, with mango, almond or honey? Perhaps your vote would be for banana chicken curry, or spicy banana and zucchini rissoles, with a crunchycrumb coating. Sweet or savoury, it doesn't matter. The banana is the big bendy B on everyone's A-list.



L O T U S B AY V I E W R E S TA U R A N T, S E N G G I G I An unshakeable passion for authentic Italian food



he catchword of modern-day travel is authenticity. We travel for ‘real’ experiences, be it culture, heritage, art or cuisine. Food is integral to this. It showcases a destination in a more approachable way by bringing people together. Food is part of the rhythm of life and there are few things more inspiring than genuine food cooked in a traditional fashion with a real passion. Likewise when in Lombok, and you crave a taste of home cooking, why should you settle for second best? Being so far from ‘home,’ it’s easy to expect standards to dip slightly and find it nigh impossible to have the same authentic taste in the tropics. Take classic Italian cuisine. With a little skill and experience, a classic lasagne or ravioli dish can be replicated, but is it the real deal? There is so much more to real Italian food. It’s all about knowing and respecting the culture - the flavours, creativity, history and traditions, and the importance of each region’s diverse dishes. With the increasing availability of good quality produce, there is always the temptation to cut a few corners. Not so for Naples native Chef Maurizio of Lotus in Senggigi, who has never compromised on his goal of serving real Italian food. Even though he has been in the business for years, he is still learning every day to make better food while sticking steadfastly to the principles of authentic food. The Lotus’


Neapolitan pizza is a house favourite and is made from scratch. The dough is hand-made from flour, water, salt and yeast which Chef makes himself. This mix of ingredients is simple but takes years of experience and skill to perfect. You have to know the right quantity, and select the quality just right. This is an art only the best Italian chefs have mastered. Unlike many other Italian restaurants Lotus uses a real wood fired oven. Maurizio’s classic Carbonara pasta is another example of staying true to authentic cooking methods. It must be al dente with egg yolk only, and not parmesan but Pecorino cheese, as well as beef bacon. And good food made the right way takes patience. The restaurant’s Bolognese sauce is painstakingly cooked daily from 7am to 3pm. Sourcing the right ingredients is also key to the perfect Italian dish. There are some things you just cannot compromise. Olive oil, pasta and truffle oil are all imported while the restaurant’s mozzarella is sourced from Malang, Java. To ensure optimum freshness, vegetables come from quality suppliers here in Lombok. Even with the finest, most authentic ingredients, a dish is only as good as the person preparing and cooking it. Chef Maurizio imparts his many years of experience and culinary skills to the Lotus team. It is important to have the required skills and knowledge of each dish. However training goes well beyond this. Each team member is encouraged to frequently taste the food, to get a real understanding of the flavours and textures. He teaches them from the beginning about the concept of Italian cooking, the importance of food in Italian life and all about the culture in Italy. Only then are they able to translate their understanding and passion for Italian food onto the plate.

Senggigi Art Market +62-370-693-758 Lotus Bayview Restaurant





Villa Gili Bali Beach

Koho Gili Air



VILLA GILI BALI BEACH Choose your own holiday style in this sleek, versatile beachfront villa


here are innumerable luxury villas and cool boutique resorts in Gili Trawangan, but few can transition between the two with flawless ease like Villa Gili Bali Beach. It’s essentially a huge villa, but it’s the sum of its parts that really gives it the edge. Villa Gili Bali Beach seamlessly integrates the private villa lifestyle with a boutique beach resort stay, offering a choice of vacation styles depending on your preferred levels of privacy, social needs and budget. This in itself is quite unique, particularly for the Gili Islands. It is billed as a beachfront nine bedroom villa but that description only tells part of the story. The big selling point is its flexibility, with virtually endless possibilities. The entire property can be booked for exclusive use for up to 20 guests. There are few if any places in Lombok offering a single self-contained villa experience on this scale. How about a large family get-together, a corporate retreat or perhaps even a private wedding reception; it can be easily configured to suit all preferences. Looking for something less expansive? Villa Gili Bali Beach’s diverse room options tick all the boxes. At the rear is a private two bedroom villa for exclusive use, as well as separate Sea View and Sunset suites, and two self-contained beach bungalows with pool and ocean views. Each can be rented separately or in multiples. There is a very distinct design theme that runs throughout the property. It has charming aquamarine hues with a backdrop of crisp whitewashed walls, yet all the units have their own subtle distinctions. The suites showcase flowing drapes and intricate wood and stone carvings, and the bungalows in particular have a sleek yet cosy ambience.




Located in its own enclosed area is the standalone villa. There is a cosy lounge, a kitchen and pool to enjoy in full privacy. The living space has delightful little touches. Lush foliage frames the interior offering a dynamic contrast against the white dÊcor and there are cute retro touches as well as sleek modern fixtures. Needless to say a stay in the villa comes with a host of extra services like private in-villa dining, massage services and full housekeeping. An outstanding swimming pool serves as the centrepiece of the main resort, just steps from the beach. It is framed by comfy daybeds and a poolside bar and eatery for cool libations and lunchtime bites. There is additional seating and tables on the sand for al fresco drinks and dining by moonlight. Villa Gili Bali Beach is located in a tranquil corner of Gili T, far from the party buzz. If you are seeking quietude and sleek luxury comforts, this is a great option whether a couple’s getaway or a big party celebration.

Gili Indah, 83352 Gili Trawangan +62-878-5488-7853 @villagilibalibeach


KO H O G I L I A I R A boutique bolt hole with a true island flavour


here are innumerable places in the Gilis to enjoy a quintessential chilled island lifestyle but few really look the part. New kid on the block, KOHO in Gili Air certainly does. It has the island style but doesn’t limit itself to a single geographical location. Welltravelled wanderers will recognise shades of the Greek Islands, the Mediterranean and the Aloha spirit (KOHO means ‘choice’ in Hawaiian). It’s a unique melting pot of styles transplanted to a small Indonesian island. Best of all, it has cultivated the laid back ‘tiki’ island vibe perfectly. The island style exudes throughout the resort grounds, not least the room interiors. There is a choice of deluxe double and twin rooms and studios. Room décor is airy and light with hints of Aegean blue blending with whitewashed walls and warm browns. The exposed brick walls is an interesting feature and there are numerous arty touches with quirky ornamentation made from natural woods, bamboo and rattan. The Mediterranean style window shutters are another unique feature made from recycled and reclaimed wood. There is ample storage space however it has a super-chilled cosy ambience just perfect for couples. The layout is well thought out with great use of space with a minibar, in-room safe and some rooms with separate seating. The semi-open bathrooms are equally light and airy. It’s just a couple of steps to the swimming pools. Lazy days beneath the shade by the pool are down to a fine art at KOHO Gili Air. Fringing the inviting main pool is a range of seating options to get horizontal: traditional loungers, deck chairs, day beds and ‘lazy boy’ beanbags. Richly coloured Bougainvillea and palms surround the pool, while there is more respite from the searing midday sun in a variety of lounging and social areas such as the bar and dining area. Barrista coffee, cool cocktails and snacks are served up between laps of the pool or curling up on a lounger with a good book The languid vibe continues after dark with regular open air movie screenings. These range from Hollywood blockbusters to documentaries showcasing Indonesian culture and nature. There is a big emphasis on being as sustainable as possible at KOHO Gili Air. There are a lot of



initiatives going on behind the scenes. Various eco-friendly measures are in place to reduce single-use plastics in guestrooms, using less harmful cleaning products and organic toiletries, and making use of locally sourced produce. There are efforts to conserve water and energy and a ‘reduce, reuse, and recycle’ policy for waste management. KOHO Gili Air nestles in a quiet spot just a short stroll from the harbour and south coast beaches and an easy bike ride or walk away to witness the famed ocean sunsets.

Gili Air, Gila Indah, Pemenang 83352 +62-812-3676-2669 @kohoair



Lombok Eco Flea Market Lombok had its first Eco Flea Market on the 23rd and 24th November in Kuta. The event was hosted at the Patio Restaurant and many local businesses came together to form one big ‘eco tribe’! The businesses which participated are all working on a more Conscious Earth Friendly way of producing things. The event was a great success and until the next one (date to be announced) shop local, shop conscious, shop handmade & shop zero-waste!



Endri’s Foundation Celebrate the Arrival of 166 Wheelchairs at Grab & Surf, Kuta Endri’s Foundation celebrated the arrival of 166 imported wheelchairs which were donated by Wheelchairs For Kids Foundation in Perth, Australia and sponsored by Rotary and Christian Brothers. The wheelchairs will be distributed around Lombok, Sumbawa and Flores. The event was organised by Edgar Scheepmaker and supported by Grab & Surf in Kuta. It was also a chance to raise awareness about Lombok’s Forgotten Children to the Kuta community and was joined by 25 volunteers from Endri’s Foundation to thank them for their hard work and always helping others.



horoscopeofthemonth Aries (March 21 – April 19) This month you’ll have great faith and conviction. Self-reliant and strong, you also have a sensitive side. You are not afraid to stand apart from the crowd and stand up for your beliefs and convictions. You are not always comfortable asking for others’ help, but you should probably do so every once in a while so that you avoid the traps of feeling lonely or uncared for. Taurus (April 20 – May 20) You are an independent, determined, and faithful person who is at once stable and restless! While you have a calm manner that soothes others simply by your mere presence, and you value security, you have a rather restless spirit and need to create some challenges for yourself in order to feel “alive”. You remain youthful throughout life, with a mischievous quality that is unmistakable. Gemini (May 21 – June 20) At this time, you are a true artist at heart. You see the world around you in a unique way, which endears you to others. You are thoughtful and curious. At times moody and at other times inspired, you can also vacillate between great practicality and idealism. You might find that following the dictates of your head, which is often your choice, gets you into more trouble than following your heart. Cancer (June 21 – July 22) You are an intriguing person who attracts attention whether you want to or not because of this quality. You’re a very determined person, sometimes quite stubborn, who is also hard working. At the same time, you have a soft, giving, and perceptive side to you. Love relationships can be up and down because of a tendency to swing between being too soft and too hard. You love the holiday season.


Leo (July 23 – August 22) You are a natural leader and others quite readily look up to you. You love variety and can be quite indecisive at times, but you are tough and determined when you need to be. While most consider you calm and centered, you do have a tendency to worry, particularly about money and security. Even so, you are generous and you enjoy some of the finer things in life. Sometimes sarcastic, you quite easily see through falseness, and you much prefer to surround yourself with people who are authentic and honest. Virgo (August 23 – September 22) This month you have a strong, self-reliant, and upfront personality but you also manage to remain refined, humble, and helpful. Extremely hardworking, you put in more working hours than most and care immensely about what you contribute. Although you get along with others, you work best with yourself and for yourself. You are bright, inquisitive, and others tend to love to be around you for your delightful and unique insights. Libra (September 23 – October 22) You are a success-oriented, charming, and personally powerful individual. You are at your best when you are in control, your own boss, or working on your own. However, you get along with others and have the necessary “people skills” to do so, although occasionally your impatience comes through! You are willing to work hard for what you want, and you generally appear to be confident. Scorpio (October 23 – November 21) This month you certainly follow your own instincts, and you possess a very strong will and distinct character. You have progressive and sometimes unusual ideas and convictions. Your wit is sharp and you have a strong sense of irony. Your personal style is distinct and magnetic, and you could talk a bird out of a tree if you put your mind to it! You are a family person who takes responsibility for loved ones very seriously, and you are a passionate lover.

Set your intentions, and have a tarot reading or life purpose session with Sarah-Jane of

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21) This is a month that you are fiercely independent, but also very passionate, and thus relationships are important to you. Optimistic yet practical, you are success-oriented. You have a sixth sense that you rely upon quite heavily, as it allows you to see and understand more than the average person, and you trust your instincts. After all, they serve you well. Charismatic and attractive, you enter relationships rather easily but often end up in a power struggle. Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) This month you are a respectable and strongwilled person who can easily intimidate others simply because others are in awe. You are a highly independent person, although, without others around you, you cannot keep control! It’s not that you need to control everything, but you do like having the upper hand, and you generally are reasonable as a leader as well. Your willpower is enormous if you choose to use it, and it certainly takes you far. Aquarius (January 20 – February 18) This month you are strong-minded and often quite stubborn when it comes to sticking to your point of view. You are a highly original person who can be impulsive and self-willed. You are also very magnetic and easy to look up to. You love to start new things, but don’t always have the follow through to complete them! However, you are very strong at coming up with new ideas and having the courage to act upon them. You are artistic and creative, and you remain youthful throughout life. Pisces (February 19 – March 20) Although you are self-reliant and for the most part independent, you are also a true giver, with loads of compassion for others. You have a vision and you go after it. Truly inspired, you have an innate understanding that change is necessary in order to grow and move forward. You can be very persuasive when you want to be. While you can be moody and sensitive, you are also very good at picking yourself up from a fall, dusting yourself off, and changing plans if need be.





This is Lombok! Lombok’s time is here and now, having finally stepped out of Bali’s shadow, showcasing to the world its unique mix of adventure, pristine natural scenery and captivating art and culture. A new airport, international yacht marina and improved roads have made travel to and within Lombok much easier, but it is its untamed natural beauty and traditional charm that captivates. It is an adventure-seeker’s paradise, home to world-class scuba diving, surfing and mountain climbing yet travellers looking for a cosmopolitan beach lifestyle and luxury creature comforts will not be short of options. Experience the best of Lombok with these recommended highlights and hidden gems: Senggigi and The West Coast Senggigi, just a short drive from the island capital Mataram is Lombok’s premier beach resort, extending along a series of sweeping bays. The main beach strip is fringed by a wide expanse of sand framed nightly by spectacular ocean sunsets. It is a fairly spread out beach town that rarely feels overcrowded yet there is a broad variety of places to stay, eat and socialise. There is a vibrant expat community here with lots of opportunity for sports and leisure, business networking and searching out those hard to find imported goods. Senggigi is the best place to arrange days out and guided trips to other parts of Lombok. The beach road then winds its way north to upmarket Mangsit, dotted with hip boutique hotels and villas among some of west Lombok’s most captivating scenery. In all, the Senggigi area stretches for almost 10 km along the west coast, and away from the main tourist centre, comprises numerous palm fringed beaches dotted with colourful fishing boats.


Gili Islands A trio of tiny tropical islands off the northwest coast, known simply as ‘the Gilis’ are the go-to place for laid-back island life and the simple pleasures of sun, sea and superb scuba diving. Each of these three islands has its own distinctive atmosphere; the smallest is Gili Meno, a peaceful tropical island haven with few distractions other than deserted white sand beaches and a couple of chilled out beach bars. Legendary ‘party island’ Gili Trawangan is largest and most cosmopolitan of the Gili Islands with no shortage of swanky boutique villas, diverse dining and plenty of action after dark. Gili Air, located closest to the Lombok mainland, sits somewhere in the middle of these two extremes and has the most authentic local atmosphere. The enduring appeal of the Gili Islands is the refreshing absence of any motorised transport making for a pleasant alternative to Bali’s congested beach resorts. Scuba diving is still the main draw and it is one of Asia’s top spots to learn the basics and get qualified. For landlubbers, there are few better places to get horizontal on a tropical beach and soak up the unique island vibe. Kuta and South Lombok Like its namesake in Bali, Kuta Lombok is synonymous with world-class waves but thankfully without the hassle of 24/7 traffic and infuriating beach hawkers. In fact, Lombok’s south coast surf breaks are more than a match for the best in Bali, and savvy surfers are heading here to enjoy miles of uncrowded, adrenaline-fuelled waves. Kuta, invitingly close to Lombok’s new international airport, is the main tourist hub yet remains a fairly tranquil tropical haven favoured by both surfers and adventurous families. It makes for a great base for exploring the rugged southern coastline dotted with numerous breathtaking beaches. Scenic highlights include up-andcoming Tanjung A’an, Gerupak and isolated Ekas Bay.

The Southwest Lombok’s ruggedly beautiful southwest peninsular is largely unexplored by visitors but is now getting serious recognition with the discovery of superb offshore scuba diving and miles of deserted beaches. The main gateway is Sekotong Bay, located just south of Lombok’s main ferry port Lembar and is the jumping off point for Lombok’s ‘Secret Gilis.’ These small offshore islands feature pristine coral reefs and idyllic tropical beaches for a real castaway experience. Heading south, the coastal road winds its way past tiny fishing communities and secluded bays all the way to the tip of the peninsular where the legendary surf breaks of Bangko Bangko (Desert Point) are found — rated among the best in the world. Mount Rinjani For an alternative to surf, scuba and sandy beaches, a trek up the immense Rinjani volcano is hard to beat. At over 3,700 meters, this is Indonesia’s second highest volcano and makes for challenging 3–4 day trek but the views are definitely worth all the effort. The mountain dominates much of north Lombok and the caldera alone covers a mind-boggling 50 square kilometres. Most climbers only go as far as the crater rim which offers vertigo-inducing views down into the volcanic lake but the extra effort to get to the summit will be rewarded with views as far as Java and eastwards across to the island of Sumbawa. If this all sounds too arduous for comfort, the mountain’s foothills offer a wealth of leisurely hiking opportunities. Head to Senaru village for easy-going walks through remote weaving villages and dense jungle to uncover a succession of scenic waterfalls.


THE DIRECTORY EAT Senggigi and the West Coast Cafe Alberto +62 370 693 039 / 693 313 La Chill +62 370 693 925 Lotus Bayview +62 370 693 758 Quah Restaurant +62 370 693 800 Quali Restaurant +62 370 693 800 SENJA Lounge & Dine +62 370 693 333 Square Restaurant & Lounge +62 370 664 4888 Temptations +62 812 3948 3982 The Kliff +62 370 6197 888 The Ballroom Restaurant +62 370 693 831 The Taman +62 370 693 842 Warung Plaza Senggigi +62 878 6561 6688

Kuta and South Lombok Aura Lounge & Bar +62 812 3682 3141


El Bazar Cafe & Restaurant +62 819 9911 3026 Horizon at Ashtari +62 811 3884 838 KRNK Restaurant +62 823 4017 9854 Nugget’s Corner +62 878 6546 1505 Spice Market +62 370 6153 333

Scallywags Beach Club +62 878 6584 7309

Wagwan Spa +62 370 614 5301

The Mexican Kitchen Gili Air +62 877 6550 3931

Gili Air

Gili Meno

H20 Yoga and Meditation +62 877 6103 8836

Karma Reef Beach Resort +62 370 630 981

Gili Meno

Mahamaya Restaurant & Bar +62 888 715 5828

Karma Sea Spa +62 370 630 982

Gili T

Adeng-Adeng Beach Restaurant & Bar +62 818 0534 1019

Retail Senggigi and West Coast

Kayu Cafe +62 878 6239 1308


Asmara Collection, Lombok +62 370 693 619

Spas and Wellness Senggigi

Sasaku +62 899 1000 031

Divine Wax & Nail Bar +62 370 698112

Kuta and South Coast

Malibu Beach Club +62 370 619 5251 Pearl Beach Lounge +62 81 337 156 999 Scallywags Seafood Bar & Grill +62 819 17432086 The Banyan Tree +62 878 6239 1308 Pituq Cafe +62 812 3677 5161 The Roast House +62 896 1027 3326

The Laguna Beach Spa +62 370 693 333 Puri Mas Spa +62 370 693 831 Qambodja Spa +62 370 693 800 Verve Beach Spa +62 812 4640 0246

Matcha Spa +62 823 3905 0182 Nalua Surf Shop +62 819 0796 9162

Gili T Casa Vintage +62 819 1724 3808

Health & Leisure / Recreation Senggigi and West Coast

Kuta and South Lombok

Pirates’ Bay Cruising +62 821 4500 3903

Ashtari Yoga +62 812 3892 0735

Scuba Froggy +62 370 693 901

Novotel Beachside Yoga +62 812 3892 0735

Sire & Tanjung

Gili Air Coffee & Thyme +62 853 3879 4046 Mowie's +62 878 6423 1384

Gili T Pachamama Organic Cafe +62 878 6415 2100

Azure Spa at Pesona Resort +62 823 3910 4881

Lombok Golf Kosaido Country Club +62 370 640 137

Kuta and South Coast


Ashtari Cooking Class +62 812 3608 0862

Rinjani Country Club Golf Course +62 828 9703 0270

The Playground +62 811 3907 501


What Sup? Lombok +62 878 6597 8701

Sekotong DiveZone +62 819 0785 2073

White Sand Weddings

STAY Hotels Senggigi and West Coast The Chandi Boutique Resort & Spa +62 370 692198

Gili T Freedive Gili +62 858 5718 7170 Gili Cooking Classes +62 877 6324 8215 Gili Golf +62 821 4501 6419 Manta Dive +62 370 614 3649 Scallywag Divers +62 877 6586 7517

Gili Air Gili Cooking Classes +62 878 2157 0188 Oceans5 +62 813 3877 7144

Jeeva Klui +62 370 693 035 Kebun Villas & Resort +62 370 692 999

Sudamala Suites, Lombok +62 370 693 111

Kuta and South Lombok Origin Lombok +62 370 615 8550 Kies Villas +62 878 6553 4450 Novotel +62 370 615 3333 Selong Selo Residences +62 813 3779 1400

Sekotong Cocotinos +62 819 0797 2401

Gili T Kila Senggigi +62 370 693210 kila-senggigi-beach-lombok Living Asia Resort & Spa +62 370 693 519 The Oberoi Lombok +62 370 613 8444 Puri Mas Boutique Resort & Spa +62 370 693 831

Aston Sunset Beach Resort +62 370 633 686 hotel-detail/244/aston-sunset-beachresort---gili-trawangan Pondok Santi Estate +62 819 0705 7504

Property Amber Lombok Beach Resort Kuta Heights Development +62 821 4587 5594 +62 817 6673 983 Lombok Eco Developments +62 817 713 708 Lombok Property & Investment +62 819 0797 4075 NAGAINDO +62 813 5332 9501 Private Sanctuary +62 821 4741 9919 Reef Property Lombok +62 852 3801 4269 Tate Developments +62 818 0376 0677

Charity Endri's Foundation Face This

Pearl of Trawangan +62 813 3715 6999

Gili Eco Trust +62 813 3960 0553

Gili Meno

John Fawcett Foundation

Qunci Villas +62 370 693 800

Karma Reef Beach Resort +62 370 630 981

The Sheraton Senggigi Beach Resort +62 370 693 333

Mahamaya, Gili Meno +62 370 637 616

Lombokcare +62 370 6194201

Gili Meno Amber Yoga Retreat & Spa +62 822 3759 6677

Pelita Foundation Lombok



EMERGENCY NUMBERS Ambulance Phone: 0370 623 489 Emergency call: 119 Fire Brigade Phone: 0370 672 013 Emergency call: 113 Lombok Police Jl. Gajah Mada No7, Ampenan Phone: 0370 693 110 Emergency call: 110 Tourist Police Senggigi Jl. Raya Senggigi km 1 Phone: 0370 632 733 HOSPITALS Harapan Keluarga Jl. Ahmad Yani, Selagalas Phone: 0370 617 7000/617 7009 Risa Sentra Medika Jl. Pejanggik No.115, Cakranegara Phone: 0370 625 560 New Mataram Public Hospital Jl. Bung Karno No.1, Mataram Phone: 0370 645 045 Mataram Public Hospital Jl. Pejanggik No.6, Mataram Phone: 0370 623 498 Siti Fajar Moslem Hospital Jl. Panca Warga, Mataram Phone: 0370 623 498 Anthonius Catholic Hospital Jl. Koperasi, Ampenan Phone: 0370 621 397 Police Hospital Jl. Langko No.54, Ampenan Phone: 0370 633 701 Army Hospital Jl. HOS Cokroaminoto No.11, Mataram Phone: 0370 621 420 Central Lombok Public Hospital Jl. Jen Basuki Rachmat, Praya Phone: 0370 654 007 East Lombok Public Hospital Jl. Prof M. Yamin No.55, Selong Phone: 0376 216 80 HEALTH CLINICS Biomedika Clinic Jl. Bung Karno No.143, Mataram Phone: 0370 645 137 Medika Husada Clinic Jl. Raya Senggigi Phone: 0370 664 480 Sengiggi Beach Hotel Clinic Phone: 0370 693 210 Klinik Prodia Jalan Pejanggik No.107, Mataram Phone: 0370 635 010 Hotel Villa Ombak Clinic Gili Trawangan Phone: 0370 642 336


Jolie Sourire Dental Care Mataram Mall Jl. Pejanggik, Mataram Phone: 0370 668 1797

CAR RENTAL COMPANIES Lombok Rent Car Jl. Raya Senggigi Km 12, Senggigi Phone: 0370 667 7887

PHARMACIES Guardian Pharmacy Mataram Mall Jl. Pejanggik, Mataram Phone: 0370 629 921 Kimia Farma Jl. Sriwijaya No.295, Mataram Phone: 0370 633 211 Jl. Pejanggik No.48, Mataram Phone: 0370 638 502 Jl. Catur Warga, Mataram Phone: 0370 634 774 Jl. M. Yamin No.155 Selong, East Lombok Phone: 0376 220 51

FREIGHT/COURIER COMPANIES Tiki Jl. Anyelir No. 1, Mataram Phone: 0370 633 014 DHL Jl. Hos Cokroaminoto No.53G, Mataram Phone: 0370 639 400

TAXI Bluebird Taxis Phone: 0370 627 000 Express Taxis Phone: 0370 635 968 Narmada Trans Taxi Phone: 0370 702 5333 IMMIGRATION OFFICE Department of Immigration Jl. Udayana, Mataram Phone: 0370 632 520 POST OFFICES Central Post Office Jl. Sriwijaya, Mataram Phone: 0370 632 645 Jl. Langko, Ampenan Phone: 0370 631 642 Jl. Raya Senggigi Phone: 0370 693 711 INTERNATIONAL SCHOOLS Nusa Alam Kompleks Grand Natura, Jl. Bung Hatta Phone: 0370 647 510 AIRLINE SALES OFFICES AirAsia Lombok International Airport Garuda Indonesia Jl. Majapahit No. 2, Ampenan phone: 0370 642303/649100 Lion Air Jl. Sriwijaya No.81, Mataram Phone: 0370 629 111 TransNusa Jl. Panca Usaha No.28, Mataram Phone: 0370 624 555

PUBLIC UTILITIES Electricity (PLN) Jl. Langko No. 25, Ampenan Phone: 0370 632 182 Jl. Raya Sengiggi Phone: 0370 693 535 Water (PDAM) Jl. Pendidikan No.29, Mataram Phone: 0370 632 510 Jl. Raya Sengiggi Phone: 0370 693 886 CHURCH SERVICES Bethany Mataram Church Jl. I Gusti Ketut Jelantik Gosa No.23, Mataram Phone: 0370 625 956 HKBP Mataram Church Jl. Gili Air No.4, Mataram Phone: 0370 632 924 Kristen Tuhan Church Jl. Ekas No.47, Mataram Phone: 0370 621 811 Masehi Advent H7 Church Jl. Kom L Yos Sudarso No.16, Mataram Phone: 0370 638 500 Pantekosta Church Jl. Pariwisata No.4, Mataram Phone: 0370 631 219 Katholik Church Jl. Majapahit No.10, Mataram Phone: 0370 634 397 CONSULATES IN BALI Australia (Also consular service for Canada and New Zealand nationals) Jalan Tantular No. 32, Renon, Denpasar Phone: 0361 241 118 Brazil Jl. Raya Legian No.186, Kuta Phone: 0361 757 775 Czech Republic Jalan Pengembak No.17, Sanur Phone: 0361 286 465

Denmark Jl. By Pass Ngurah Rai–Pemogan No. 852, Denpasar Phone: 0361 821 6979 France Jl.Mertasari Gg. II No.8, Sanur Phone: 0361 285 485 Germany Jl. Pantai Karang No.17, Sanur Phone: 0361 288 535 Italy Lotus Enterprise Building Jl. By Pass Ngurah Rai, Jimbaran Phone: 0361 701 005 India Jl. Raya Puputan No.42, Renon, Denpasar Phone: 0361 241 987 Japan Jl. Raya Puputan No.170, Renon, Denpasar Phone: 0361 227 628 Mexico Jl.Prof. Moh. Yamin No.1, Renon, Denpasar Phone: 0361 223 266 Netherlands Jl.Raya Kuta No.127, Kuta Phone: 0361 761 502 Norway Segara Village Hotel Jl. Segara Ayu, Sanur Phone: 0361 282 223 Russia Bali Kencana Resort II Block Cendrawasih No.18, Ungasan Phone: 0361 279 1560 Spain Kompleks Istana Kuta Galeria Blok Valet 2, No. 1 Jl.Patih Jelantik, Kuta Phone: 0361 769 286 Sweden & Finland Jl. Segara Ayu No.2, Sanur Phone: 0361 282 223 Switzerland Kompleks Istana Kuta Galeria Blok Valet 2 No.12 Jl. Patih Jelantik, Kuta Phone: 0361 751 735 United Kingdom Jl. Tirta Nadi No.20, Sanur Phone: 0361 270 601 United States of America Jl. Hayam Wuruk No.188, Denpasar Phone: 0361 233 605



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