Mt. Pleasant United Methodist Church Ordinary. What a strange little word. It has to be one of the loneliest words in our vocabulary. After all, who wants a bumper sticker that announces to the neighborhood, “My child is an ordinary student at Babbling Brook Elementary”? Who wants to be that ordinary person who lives an unremarkable life, not doing much of anything, going through the motions, having superficial friends, working at a job they neither care about or enjoy? Why do many people prefer this path? Because it’s predictable, safe and easy. It’s a slow easy slide into mediocrity. Rod Dreher described it like this… “Everydayness is my problem. It’s easy to think about what you would do in wartime, or if a hurricane blows through, or if you spent a month in Paris, or if you won the lottery or bought that special thing you really wanted. It’s a lot more difficult to figure out how you’re going to get through today, without despair.” Sound familiar? Everyone really wants to leave their mark, have a legacy, and make a difference. We want to find an amazing adventure that captures our heart, but we’re so afraid of the risks. We need help, someone to show us the way. We were not called to live like other Christians… we are called to live like Christ! If you’ve made it this far, it’s because deep down inside you KNOW your life matters, you KNOW your actions have an eternal consequence and you KNOW the Creator of the Universe wants to use YOU. Even though you KNOW all this, you may have gotten sucked into the routines and habit that define success but lack significance. But don’t give up yet, deep down inside there’s a little glowing ember telling you “You were made for more…” If you’re feeling a bit bored and you’re ready to take the next step in your journey, here’s how to get started... Surround yourself with people you admire. We become like the people we spend time with. Connect with inspiring people. Join a small group, Sunday school, or Bible Study that challenges and brings out the best in you. “Those who walk with angels learn to soar above the clouds.” proverb Be Grateful for what you have, are where you are. Gratitude turns what you have into what you want. Gratitude takes nothing for granted, is constantly awakening to new wonders and sees opportunities everywhere. Lead with Courage! Many people prefer to just sit and soak, Christians stand and serve. In baptism we say, “Here I am, Lord, send me!” We are the risk takes, the change makers, the leaders of the New Way. So roll up your sleeves, jump in and make an impact. I’m so thankful to be a part of this church (and you hope you are too!) We have great people who inspire me, who believe God is calling them to do something extraordinary in our world and, who are willing to roll up their sleeves and make it happen. I’m glad you’re one of them! Blessings,
New Faces and new Friends
Quienton, Melanie, Aidan & Ashton, Garrett 761 Nursery Road, Elizabeth, WV 26143 304.275.0670 Transfer of Membership from Grantsville, WV
Cherie Overmiller, 101 Stoney Creek Lane, Pkb 26104 Transfer of Membership Trinity UMC, Rome, GA Andy and Adria Haney Transfer of Membership St Marys Catholic Church 103 Del Ray Drive, Marietta, OH 45750 740-516-2005
Cheryl Marshall 25 Longwell, Rd., Mineral Wells, WV 26150 681-797-5110 Transfer of Membership St. Luke’s UMC, Harrisville, WV
Natalie Rose Parrish (daughter of Christin and Whit Parrish 3606 Chesterville Road Mineral Wells, WV 26150 Baptized on 04.23.17
Laura Helen Gibbs 824 Lakeview Drive, Apt 410, Bldg D, Parkersburg, WV 26104 Baptized on 04.23.17
Christie Inman 3001 23rd Street, Pkb, 26101 Transfer of membership from St. Paul’s UMC, Parkersburg
Tom and Bethany Knopp Bethany by transfer from First UMC, Sistersville Tom by transfer from New Hope Baptist, Vienna, WV
Parker and Landry baptized, 2.26.17
Mia Archer was baptized on May 21, 2017 Mia is the daughter of Brian and Christy Archer 780 Lockhart Fork Rd., Sandyville, WV 25275 304.273.2637 // Sister is Maddie Jo.
Mary, Damien, and Stacy Shaffer 233 Mineral Park Lane, Mineral Wells, WV 304.488.1956
All baptized on 07.23.17
Men are hardwired to be adventurers, roll-upyour-sleeves and get-it-done leaders, and fearless defenders of God’s truth. Our goal is build a band of brothers that makes us proud to be courageous leaders called by Christ in our families and our community. “Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.” 1 Cor. 16:13-14 There are many critical places in our community that need men of courage, commitment and faith. We need YOU! Pit Stop Ministry – Providing oil changes and general car maintenance/repair for single women and senior adults. The Carpenter’s Helpers – Providing critical home repairs for those needing assistance and support. Outdoor Ministry – Share your passion for the wonders of God’s handiwork with our kids and families. Fellowship Ministry – Connecting Fun with Friends, & Faith (softball, bowling, golf, whitewater rafting, skiing, etc.
2017 Charge Conference, October 10th The charge conference is the basic governing body of each United Methodist local church and is composed of all members of the church council. All members of the charge conference must be members of the local church. The charge conference must meet at least once per year. The charge conference directs the work of the church and gives general oversight to the church council, reviews and evaluates the mission and ministry of the church, sets salaries for the pastor and staff, elects the members of the church council, and recommends candidates for ordained ministry.
A great group of our THRIVE
Students went to Cedar Point, July 17! We had a very blessed time! Anytime we are able to travel and stay overnight together, we create many memorable moments of laughter and joy!! Our relationships grow tighter, and what better friends to have than those that share the love of Christ! I ask that as we begin a new school year that you pray for each of these young people that they will continue to stay connected. Pray that all of our children will come together regularly to continue to study the word of God and learn ways to share His love with all of their friends and family! Pray for our ministry that it will continue to grow and support these students and their friends to help guide them through the TEENAGE YEARS!
It is hard to believe how fast summer is flying by this year. I noticed in Walmart the school supplies are out on the shelves and fall will be here before we know it. We would like to invite everyone to a Wednesday Night Dinner planning meeting at 5:30 pm on Wednesday, August 9th. Pizza will be provided. Please bring your ideas on what we can do to make Wednesday Night Dinner even better this fall. This is a great way to meet other people who attend the church. I have really been blessed by getting to visit with old friends and have enjoyed meeting new people that I did not know very well. Please RSVP by Tuesday, August 8th at 9:00 pm to me at 304
Thanks! Jenny
BOOKS and BURGERS SALE Friday & Saturday
Mt. Pleasant UMC brings to you the 3rd Annual SAK PAK GOLF SCRAMBLE Saturday, August 5th Woodridge Plantation Golf Course Mineral Wells Thank you to everyone who attended the Chicken Dinner. We raised $1,200.00 to feed the children of Mineral Wells.
8:00 am Registration SHOTGUN START at 9:00 am
September 8-9 Friday: 9:00 am—6:00 pm Saturday: 9:00 am—3:00 pm Books for All Ages!! Come and search for that perfect book and enjoy a hamburger while you are here. If you would like to donate books, CD’s or DVD’s please contact Sherry — 304.481.5064 Hinton
A special “Welcome” and “Thank You to Mt. Zion Baptist and Big Tygart UMC as they join our SAK PAK Team!
August 6 ~
Elaine Smith
Ashlyn & Luke Eagle
John & Linda Bargeloh
August 13 ~
Carol Dobson
Chase Offenberger
Butch & Carol Dobson
Dana Mader
& Cameron Fallon August 20 ~
Rose Armstrong
Bryce Smedley
Jean Evans & Ann Mayhew
Brenda McNight
August 27 ~
Jeanne Dye
Parker Knopp
Cyndy Goldsworthy
Gina Starkey
& Calvin Lantz
& Kaylynn Lantz
We are women with a Purpose! “United Methodist Women shall be a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.” Mt. Pleasant Church United Methodist Women provide opportunities and resources to grow spiritually, become more deeply rooted in Christ and put faith into action. We hope you will be able to join us for our meeting in September. Because of the holiday and other conflicting dates, we will hold the September meeting on Tuesday, September 12, 2017 at 7:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. In October, we will return to our regular schedule of the first Monday of each month. We will begin our meeting with devotion and prayer and discuss how we can support our local, national and global ministries for the coming year. Some of our mission projects this year included support to the Haiti and Zimbabwe mission trips; members are contributing 10 cents a day throughout this year that will provide support to the World Thank Offering, our local SAK PAK program and Food Pantry; Undie Sunday was successful with 49 packages of underwear delivered to the House of the Carpenter; Random Acts of Kindness during Lenten season provided encouragement to many people; breakfast was provided for the Little Kanawha Youth Mission Retreat to deliver to the Latrobe Street Mission; a reception was organized for the District Superintendent’s Installation; and we sponsored a tee box for the SAK PAK Golf Scramble fundraiser. There are opportunities throughout the year to participate in events such as the Spiritual Growth Retreat; Day Apart; Little Kanawha District United Methodist Women’s meetings; and the Annual meeting of the West Virginia United Methodist Women which will be hosted by the Little Kanawha District in October 2018 and will be held at our own Mt. Pleasant United Methodist Church. Membership is open to all women of our church. We welcome any new ideas and suggestions and hope you will be able to join us. If you are unable to attend, but would like to receive minutes, updates and other information, please visit our web page at Jane Utt President In a moment, quicker than a blink of an eye, things change. Most people do not like or care for change. Most prefer for things to stay the same. But, that never happens. How we adapt and how we deal with change is very important. If God is Good, all the time and All the Time, God is Good, is there not Good in All. Depends on how we want to look at the moment. By now, most of you may be aware our church handyman, Roger Hodges, has been diagnosed with a very aggressive brain tumor. Roger starts radiation and chemo treatments the first part of August. Roger has been and continues to be a very important and integral asset to the Trustees. Roger has helped maintain the church building for the past three years and the church grounds for over six years. He was told when he started the job as handyman, not to expect anyone to know what he does. This is because, when friends and members enter the church, everything would be as they would expect things to be, correct, right and functioning. In supporting Roger, the Trustees are organizing volunteers to help maintain the church building and grounds while he is in treatment. Announcements are forthcoming as to how you can help. In advance, thanks for your help! Listed below are projects we are expecting to complete this year. SOUND SYSTEM: Speaker and microphone for the Fellowship Hall LOCKS: A new electronic lock has been ordered from Runyon for the Fellowship Hall entrance. Once it is in place, keypad codes will be required for the door. New locks for the main entrance will be ordered and the keyed entrances for the education building will be removed. EDUCATION BUILDING: Carpet PARSONAGE: Landscape to be completed this fall. Deck is complete but not finished. Railing and another set of steps is planned. Also, several small projects on the interior. AED: Looking into the possibility of a second AED. SHOWERS: Permanent showers in an outside building. EXTERIOR OF CHURCH: Paint pillars and gable areas. Repair and replace some of the lettering. FELLOWSHIP FOLDING DOORS: Repairs were made, but additional repairs are needed. KITCHEN: Shelving FUTURE PROJECTS: Church sign near the stop light. Large rug at narthex entrance. Back-up Generator. Tankless water heater for the kitchen and bathrooms. New fence around the playground. Storage shed. Portico outside of the laundry room. Painting the narthex and Sanctuary. Stage lighting for the Sanctuary. Please contact one of the trustees with any concerns, problems or issues. And you are always welcome to any of the Trustee meetings. We usually meet at 7 pm on the first Monday of the month. Greg Cappadona Trustees