Cross Linguistic Connections Biliteracy para todos
Teaching for language connections
Early Biliteracy Set 2: Phonology
Biliteracy para todos
Teaching for language connections
para todos
Teaching for language connections
Biliteracy para todos Teaching for language connections
Biliteracy I notice that in English and in Spanish, the _____ sound of the letter _____ is _____. para todos
Teaching for language connections Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed
Biliteracy para todos
Teaching for language connections Lorem ipsum
CLC Early Biliteracy Set 2: Phonology Mini-Lesson Partner talk
Biliteracy para todos © 2021 EC Licensing Pty Ltd..
I notice that in English and in Spanish, the _____ sound of the letter _____ is /k/. The sound is the _____ in English and in Spanish. For example, _____ and _____. CLC Early Biliteracy Set 2: Phonology Student Investigation Partner talk
Biliteracy para todos © 2021 EC Licensing Pty Ltd.
In English and in Spanish, the hard sound of the letter _____ makes the _____ sound. For example, _____ and _____. CLC Early Biliteracy Set 2: Phonology Modeled Writing stem
Biliteracy para todos © 2021 EC Licensing Pty Ltd.
Cross Linguistic Connections Biliteracy para todos
Teaching for language connections
Early Biliteracy Set 2: Grammar
Biliteracy para todos
Teaching for language connections
para todos
Teaching for language connections
Biliteracy para todos Teaching for language connections
Biliteracy I notice that in these English and Spanish sentences, the _____ and the _____ are _____. para todos
Teaching for language connections Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed
Biliteracy para todos
Teaching for language connections Lorem ipsum
CLC Early Biliteracy Set 2: Grammar Mini-Lesson Partner talk
Biliteracy para todos © 2021 EC Licensing Pty Ltd..
I notice that in English, the verb _____ and the noun _____ are both _____. I notice that in Spanish, the verb _____ and the noun _____ are both _____. CLC Early Biliteracy Set 2: Grammar Student Investigation Partner talk
Biliteracy para todos © 2021 EC Licensing Pty Ltd.
In English and Spanish, the _____ and the _____ must always _____. For example, ____ and _____. CLC Early Biliteracy Set 2: Grammar Modeled Writing stem
Biliteracy para todos © 2021 EC Licensing Pty Ltd.
Cross Linguistic Connections Biliteracy para todos
Teaching for language connections
Early Biliteracy Set 2: Syntax
Biliteracy para todos
Teaching for language connections
para todos
Teaching for language connections
Biliteracy para todos Teaching for language connections
Biliteracy I notice that in English, we write a _____ _____ at the _____ of a question. I notice that in Spanish, we write a _____ _____ at the _____ and the _____ of a question. para todos
Teaching for language connections Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed
Biliteracy para todos
Teaching for language connections Lorem ipsum
CLC Early Biliteracy Set 2: Syntax Mini-Lesson Partner talk
Biliteracy para todos © 2021 EC Licensing Pty Ltd.
In English we write a _____ _____ at the _____ of a question, but in Spanish we write a _____ _____ at the _____ and the _____ of a question. CLC Early Biliteracy Set 2: Syntax Student Investigation Partner talk
Biliteracy para todos © 2021 EC Licensing Pty Ltd.
In English, we write a _____ at the _____ of a question, and in Spanish, we write one at the _____ and one at the _____ of a question. For example, _____ and _____. CLC Early Biliteracy Set 2: Syntax Modeled Writing stem
Biliteracy para todos © 2021 EC Licensing Pty Ltd.
Cross Linguistic Connections Biliteracy para todos
Teaching for language connections
Early Biliteracy Set 2: Phonology
Biliteracy para todos
Teaching for language connections
para todos
Teaching for language connections
Biliteracy para todos Teaching for language connections
Biliteracy I notice that in English and in Spanish, _____ make up _____. _____ can have a _____ number of syllables. para todos
Teaching for language connections Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed
Biliteracy para todos
Teaching for language connections Lorem ipsum
CLC Early Biliteracy Set 2: Phonology Mini-Lesson Partner talk
Biliteracy para todos © 2021 EC Licensing Pty Ltd.
I notice that the words _____ and _____ have _____ syllable, but the words _____ and _____ have _____ syllables. CLC Early Biliteracy Set 2: Phonology Student Investigation Partner talk
Biliteracy para todos © 2021 EC Licensing Pty Ltd.
In English and in Spanish _____ are made up of _____. Words can have a _____ number of _____. For example, _____ has _____ syllable, but _____ has _____ syllables. CLC Early Biliteracy Set 2: Phonology Modeled Writing stem
Biliteracy para todos © 2021 EC Licensing Pty Ltd.