Blackline master
Make a food chain
Why I need the tree Use information from The Plum Tree to fill in the chart below:
What part/s of the plum tree does it use?
Lesson Plans
Activity card
Use the cards and arrows to show how everything is related. 1. Cut out the cards below. 2. Take turns with your partner using the cards and the arrows to show how things are related. Talk about what you have done.
Why does it need the plum tree?
butterfly and caterpillar
ants sap
butterfly caterpillar
Can the student find information in the text? Is the student able to understand the information he/she reads in a factual text?
Flying Start to Literacy Lesson Plans The Plum Tree / My Tree © 2009–2019 EC Licensing Pty Ltd.
Level E (8)
The Plum Tree is an explanation book that describes the animals that depend upon the plum tree for their survival. It is an example of a food chain. Running words: 182 Text type: Explanation
My Tree is a narrative about a group of animals living in a tree. They all need the tree and they all believe that the tree belongs to them individually. Running words: 153 Text type: Narrative
High-frequency words
Key vocabulary
New: eat/s from if many one
animals ant/s bee/s bird/s butterfly caterpillar/s eggs feed flowers grub insect/s nest plum/s sap tree
• Identifying the long /e/ sound made by “ee” as in need, feed • Identifying the long /e/ sound made by “ea” as in eat, leaves
Text features
insect and grub
Early reading stage
The Plum Tree My Tree
• • • •
Reading strategies
• Checking pictures and labels to support reading • Using letter cues
I ntroduction; headings Labels Photographic summary Dialogue has a repetitive pattern
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills
Flying Start to Literacy Lesson Plans The Plum Tree / My Tree © 2009–2019 EC Licensing Pty Ltd. © 2009–2019 EC Licensing Pty Ltd. This work is protected by copyright law, and under international copyright conventions, applicable in the jurisdictions in which it is published. The trademark “Flying Start to Literacy” and Star device is a registered trademark of EC Licensing Pty Ltd in the US. In addition to certain rights under applicable copyright law to copy parts of this work, the purchaser may make copies of those sections of this work displaying the footnote: “© 2009–2019 EC Licensing Pty Ltd”, provided that: (a) the number of copies made does not exceed the number reasonably required by the purchaser for its teaching purposes; (b) those copies are only made by means of photocopying and are not further copied or stored or transmitted by any means; (c) those copies are not sold, hired, lent or offered for sale, hire or loan; and (d) every copy made clearly shows the footnote copyright notice. All other rights reserved.
Developed by Eleanor Curtain Publishing
okapi educational publishing
Text: Jenny Feely and Lyn Reggett Consultant: Susan Hill Designed by Derek Schneider Printed in China through Colorcraft Ltd, Hong Kong Distributed in the USA by Okapi Educational Publishing Inc. Phone: 866-652-7436 Fax: 800-481-5499 Email:
Phonics 1(2) (A) (iii) Demonstrate phonological awareness by distinguishing between long and short vowel sounds in onesyllable words. 1(2) (B) (vi) Demonstrate and apply phonetic knowledge by identifying and reading at least 100 high-frequency words from a research-based list. Reading 1(3) (B) Use illustrations and texts the student is able to read or hear to learn or clarify word meanings. 1(7) (D) Retell texts in ways that maintain meaning. 1(10) (B) Discuss how the use of text structure contributes to the author’s purpose.
Writing 1(7) (B) Write brief comments on literary or informational texts. Speaking and Listening 1(10) (C) Discuss with adult assistance the author’s use of print and graphic features to achieve specific purposes.
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
The Plum Tree
My Tree
Returning to the book
Returning to the book Key concepts • M any animals depend upon trees to survive. • T he tree and the animals that need the tree form a food chain.
Before reading Getting ready to read Encourage students to activate their prior knowledge. Show students a picture of a tree. Talk about the tree. Ask: What animals might live in this tree? Why might animals come to the tree? What parts of the tree do animals use? What might happen if the tree died or was cut down?
Vocabulary building Talk to the students about the book The Plum Tree. Say: We will be reading a book about a plum tree and the animals that need the tree. What do you know about plum trees? Talk about the different parts of the tree (leaves, plums, sap, flowers). Ask the students to predict which animals might live in or visit a plum tree. Record their predictions on a chart.
Introducing the book Give each student a copy of the book The Plum Tree. Say: This book is a report about animals that depend upon the plum tree for their survival. Refer the students to page 16. Use the photographic summary to ensure that the students know the names of the animals in the book. Say: I can see a bee. Who can point to it? Point to another animal and ask: What is this animal called? Compare the animals in the photographs to the ones listed on the chart. Direct the students to pages 2 and 3. Say: This is the introduction. It tells us what we will read about in the rest of the book. Talk the students through the book. Draw the students’ attention to the headings and the photographic labels. Ask: What does this photograph show? What does the label say? Familiarize the students with the various sentence structures in the book. For example, say: The heading on this page says “Ants”. What part of the tree might ants use? Yes, the ants eat the sap from the tree.
During reading Ask each student to read the text independently. Monitor the students as they read and support them where appropriate. If necessary, ask the students to stop reading and remind them to use the reading strategies you are focused on. Point out the photographs and the labels. Ask: How do they help us as readers? Remember to use the photos and the labels as you read the rest of the book.
After reading Talking about the book Ask the students to talk about the book. Promote discussion by choosing questions that are appropriate for your students. Ask them to support their answers by referring to the photographs and the text in the book. What part of the tree does the ant need? Why does this insect lay its eggs on the flowers? What does the bird eat? (Literal) Why is the plum tree important to these animals? (Inferential) This is an example of a food chain. Can you explain what a food chain is? Can you talk about another food chain? (Synthesizing) Could the author have used a different type of tree? How would this have changed the book? (Critical)
Reviewing reading strategies Encourage the students to identify what they did to help themselves as readers. Ask: What reading strategies did you use? If appropriate, comment on how well they used the photographs as they read.
ELL support • Photographs support and extend the text. • Introduction states the main concept of the book. • Labeled photographs.
Key concepts Provide multiple opportunities for the students to read and interact with the book again – with teacher support, with a partner, and independently. Choose activities that are appropriate for your students.
• Many trees are home to a range of animals. • These animals depend upon the tree to survive.
Provide multiple opportunities for the students to read and interact with the book again – with teacher support, with a partner, and independently. Choose activities that are appropriate for your students.
Developing fluency
Developing fluency
Ask the students to work with a partner and to take turns reading about each animal. Encourage the students to read with fluency. Say: Make your reading smooth and clear.
Ask the students to read the book again, taking the part of one of the characters. Encourage them to read with expression and to use character voices. How would the ant say that? Can you make your voice sound the way the ant’s would sound?
Word work Phonemic awareness and phonics Show the students the front cover of the book The Plum Tree. Ask: What sound can you hear at the end of the word “tree”? What letters could make this sound? Ask students to think about other words in the book that contain the /ee/ sound (bee, need, feed). Write these words on a dry erase board. Ask the students to draw a circle around the “ee” in each word.
Before reading
After reading
Getting ready to read
Talking about the book
Encourage students to activate their prior knowledge. Talk about animals that need trees. Create a T-chart with the headings Animals that need trees and What they use the trees for. Complete the chart with the students.
Vocabulary building
Ask the students to use magnetic letters to make words from the book. The students should share their words with a partner and show them where in the book they found their words.
Explain to the students that they will be reading a book called My Tree. Make a list of the characters from the story (the ant, the caterpillar, the grub, the bee, and the bird). Talk about each of the characters. Ask: Why would the caterpillar need the tree? What characters might find it hard to live together in the tree? Why?
Introducing the book
Exploring words
Modeled writing Ask the students to tell you things they know about the plum tree. Write these as sentences on chart paper. Invite the students to contribute using their knowledge of high-frequency words. For example: The sentence starts with the word “they”. Who can write “they” on our chart? Encourage students to identify sounds within words and to write these on the chart. For example: We need to write the word “flowers”. Who can hear the sounds at the beginning of “flowers”? Who can write those letters on the chart?
Independent writing Ask the students to write about the animals in the plum tree. Encourage them to refer to the text when writing high-frequency words (there, are, it, come, this, etc).
Sharing and presenting Ask the students to share what they wrote about the animals in the plum tree with the other students, showing relevant photos from the book.
Give each student a copy of the book My Tree. Say: This book is called My Tree. It is a story that is set in a tree, and the characters are the animals that live there. All of the animals that live in the tree think that the tree belongs to them. Talk the students through the book. Familiarize the students with the various sentence structures in the book. Ask: What does the ant need the tree for? Respond using the structure of the sentences in the text. For example, say: Yes, the ant might say, “This is my tree. I need the leaves on the tree to make my nest.”
Ask the students to talk about the book. Promote discussion by choosing questions that are appropriate for your students. Ask them to support their answers by referring to the illustrations and the text in the book. Why did the ant believe that the tree was his? (Literal) Why did the animals hide when the bird spoke to them? Who does the tree belong to? (Inferential) Can animals share a home? Explain your answer. (Synthesizing) How do the illustrations help us to know more about the characters? (Critical)
Reviewing reading strategies Encourage the students to identify what they did to help themselves as readers. What are some of the things you did that helped you make sense of this book?
ELL support • Illustrations are clear and support the storyline. • Main characters are introduced on the first page. • There is a clear problem and solution.
Phonemic awareness and phonics Write the sentence “I eat leaves” on a dry erase board. Ask: Which two words in this sentence have the same sound? Which letters make this sound? Circle these letters with a marker. Provide the students with magnetic letters. Have the students make the word “eat” and ask them to pull down the letters that make the long /e/ sound. Repeat with “leaves”.
Exploring words Ask the students to use sticky notes to create labels of the parts of the tree that are used by the animals (sap, leaves, plums, flowers). Ask the students to stick their labels onto a tree outline.
Writing Modeled writing Ask the students to tell you about what they know about the characters in the book. Write these ideas on a chart. Invite the students to contribute using their knowledge of high-frequency words. We need the word “from”. Who can write “from” on our chart? Encourage students to identify sounds within words. We need the word “tree”. Who can hear the sounds at the beginning of “tree”? Who can write those letters on the chart?
Independent writing Ask the students to write about their favorite character from the story. Suggest that they use the book as a support when writing high-frequency words (there, are, come, etc).
During reading Ask each student to read the text independently. Monitor the students as they read and support them where appropriate. If necessary, ask the students to stop reading and remind them how letter cues can help them as readers. Ask: What letter can you see at the start of this word? What sound does that letter make? Get your mouth ready to make that sound.
Word work
Sharing and presenting Ask the students to act out the story for the class.
Synthesizing: Talk about the pair After the students have read both The Plum Tree and My Tree, ask: What have you learned about trees? What have you learned about animals and their needs?
Students can work further with these books by completing the Activity card in pairs.
Blackline master
Make a food chain
Why I need the tree Use information from The Plum Tree to fill in the chart below:
What part/s of the plum tree does it use?
Lesson Plans
Activity card
Use the cards and arrows to show how everything is related. 1. Cut out the cards below. 2. Take turns with your partner using the cards and the arrows to show how things are related. Talk about what you have done.
Why does it need the plum tree?
butterfly and caterpillar
ants sap
butterfly caterpillar
Can the student find information in the text? Is the student able to understand the information he/she reads in a factual text?
Flying Start to Literacy Lesson Plans The Plum Tree / My Tree © 2009–2019 EC Licensing Pty Ltd.
Level E (8)
The Plum Tree is an explanation book that describes the animals that depend upon the plum tree for their survival. It is an example of a food chain. Running words: 182 Text type: Explanation
My Tree is a narrative about a group of animals living in a tree. They all need the tree and they all believe that the tree belongs to them individually. Running words: 153 Text type: Narrative
High-frequency words
Key vocabulary
New: eat/s from if many one
animals ant/s bee/s bird/s butterfly caterpillar/s eggs feed flowers grub insect/s nest plum/s sap tree
• Identifying the long /e/ sound made by “ee” as in need, feed • Identifying the long /e/ sound made by “ea” as in eat, leaves
Text features
insect and grub
Early reading stage
The Plum Tree My Tree
• • • •
Reading strategies
• Checking pictures and labels to support reading • Using letter cues
I ntroduction; headings Labels Photographic summary Dialogue has a repetitive pattern
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills
Flying Start to Literacy Lesson Plans The Plum Tree / My Tree © 2009–2019 EC Licensing Pty Ltd. © 2009–2019 EC Licensing Pty Ltd. This work is protected by copyright law, and under international copyright conventions, applicable in the jurisdictions in which it is published. The trademark “Flying Start to Literacy” and Star device is a registered trademark of EC Licensing Pty Ltd in the US. In addition to certain rights under applicable copyright law to copy parts of this work, the purchaser may make copies of those sections of this work displaying the footnote: “© 2009–2019 EC Licensing Pty Ltd”, provided that: (a) the number of copies made does not exceed the number reasonably required by the purchaser for its teaching purposes; (b) those copies are only made by means of photocopying and are not further copied or stored or transmitted by any means; (c) those copies are not sold, hired, lent or offered for sale, hire or loan; and (d) every copy made clearly shows the footnote copyright notice. All other rights reserved.
Developed by Eleanor Curtain Publishing
okapi educational publishing
Text: Jenny Feely and Lyn Reggett Consultant: Susan Hill Designed by Derek Schneider Printed in China through Colorcraft Ltd, Hong Kong Distributed in the USA by Okapi Educational Publishing Inc. Phone: 866-652-7436 Fax: 800-481-5499 Email:
Phonics 1(2) (A) (iii) Demonstrate phonological awareness by distinguishing between long and short vowel sounds in onesyllable words. 1(2) (B) (vi) Demonstrate and apply phonetic knowledge by identifying and reading at least 100 high-frequency words from a research-based list. Reading 1(3) (B) Use illustrations and texts the student is able to read or hear to learn or clarify word meanings. 1(7) (D) Retell texts in ways that maintain meaning. 1(10) (B) Discuss how the use of text structure contributes to the author’s purpose.
Writing 1(7) (B) Write brief comments on literary or informational texts. Speaking and Listening 1(10) (C) Discuss with adult assistance the author’s use of print and graphic features to achieve specific purposes.
Blackline master
Make a food chain
Why I need the tree Use information from The Plum Tree to fill in the chart below:
What part/s of the plum tree does it use?
Lesson Plans
Activity card
Use the cards and arrows to show how everything is related. 1. Cut out the cards below. 2. Take turns with your partner using the cards and the arrows to show how things are related. Talk about what you have done.
Why does it need the plum tree?
butterfly and caterpillar
ants sap
butterfly caterpillar
Can the student find information in the text? Is the student able to understand the information he/she reads in a factual text?
Flying Start to Literacy Lesson Plans The Plum Tree / My Tree © 2009–2019 EC Licensing Pty Ltd.
Level E (8)
The Plum Tree is an explanation book that describes the animals that depend upon the plum tree for their survival. It is an example of a food chain. Running words: 182 Text type: Explanation
My Tree is a narrative about a group of animals living in a tree. They all need the tree and they all believe that the tree belongs to them individually. Running words: 153 Text type: Narrative
High-frequency words
Key vocabulary
New: eat/s from if many one
animals ant/s bee/s bird/s butterfly caterpillar/s eggs feed flowers grub insect/s nest plum/s sap tree
• Identifying the long /e/ sound made by “ee” as in need, feed • Identifying the long /e/ sound made by “ea” as in eat, leaves
Text features
insect and grub
Early reading stage
The Plum Tree My Tree
• • • •
Reading strategies
• Checking pictures and labels to support reading • Using letter cues
I ntroduction; headings Labels Photographic summary Dialogue has a repetitive pattern
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills
Flying Start to Literacy Lesson Plans The Plum Tree / My Tree © 2009–2019 EC Licensing Pty Ltd. © 2009–2019 EC Licensing Pty Ltd. This work is protected by copyright law, and under international copyright conventions, applicable in the jurisdictions in which it is published. The trademark “Flying Start to Literacy” and Star device is a registered trademark of EC Licensing Pty Ltd in the US. In addition to certain rights under applicable copyright law to copy parts of this work, the purchaser may make copies of those sections of this work displaying the footnote: “© 2009–2019 EC Licensing Pty Ltd”, provided that: (a) the number of copies made does not exceed the number reasonably required by the purchaser for its teaching purposes; (b) those copies are only made by means of photocopying and are not further copied or stored or transmitted by any means; (c) those copies are not sold, hired, lent or offered for sale, hire or loan; and (d) every copy made clearly shows the footnote copyright notice. All other rights reserved.
Developed by Eleanor Curtain Publishing
okapi educational publishing
Text: Jenny Feely and Lyn Reggett Consultant: Susan Hill Designed by Derek Schneider Printed in China through Colorcraft Ltd, Hong Kong Distributed in the USA by Okapi Educational Publishing Inc. Phone: 866-652-7436 Fax: 800-481-5499 Email:
Phonics 1(2) (A) (iii) Demonstrate phonological awareness by distinguishing between long and short vowel sounds in onesyllable words. 1(2) (B) (vi) Demonstrate and apply phonetic knowledge by identifying and reading at least 100 high-frequency words from a research-based list. Reading 1(3) (B) Use illustrations and texts the student is able to read or hear to learn or clarify word meanings. 1(7) (D) Retell texts in ways that maintain meaning. 1(10) (B) Discuss how the use of text structure contributes to the author’s purpose.
Writing 1(7) (B) Write brief comments on literary or informational texts. Speaking and Listening 1(10) (C) Discuss with adult assistance the author’s use of print and graphic features to achieve specific purposes.