Miracles of Medjugorje

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k Miracles of Medjugorje Written by Myrhael Angel

Medjugorje • Appeared in 1981

Our Lady of Medjugorje (also called Queen of Peace and Mother of the Redeemer) is the title given to the Blessed Virgin Mary by those who believe that she appeared in 1981 to six Herzegovinian children in Medjugorje, Bosnia and Herzegovina (at the time in SFR Yugoslavia). Witness

Mirjana Dragićević Ivanka Ivanković Marija Pavlović Jakov Colo Vicka Ivanković Ivan Dragićević

• Location « Medjugorje» • Bosnia and Herzegovina

There have also been continued reports of seeing the apparition and receiving messages from it during the years since. The visionaries often refer to the apparition as the "Gospa",[3] which is Croatian for lady • Type «Marian Apparition»

On May 13, 2017, a papal response came when Pope Francis declared that the original visions reported by the children are worth studying in more depth, while the subsequent continued visions over the years are, in his view, of dubious value

Medjugorje • “The young people in this story had no idea…”

Ivanka Ivankovic Elez is one of the six visionaries of Medjugorje and was 15-years old when she first saw Our Lady on June 24, 1981. Though her eyes only now behold Our Lady once each year on June 25th, those same eyes have beheld more than beauty. Ivanka was shown the

Ivanka Ivankovic Elez

Our Lady showed her the coming massacre nine months before it was birthed into being. She was shaken by the horrible images she was shown, such as rivers running red with blood and tens of thousands of bodies. War, Our Lady says, begins first in the heart

Medjugorje • “That on an ordinary day in their lives... “ Jakov, the youngest visionary, was only 10 years old when the apparitions began. He was eight years old when his father abandoned the family in which he was the only child. He was left an orphan at the age of 12 when his mother died. It is Jakov who steals the heart when looking at old pictures of the visionaries in ecstasy from the first years of the apparitions.

Jakov Colo

For many, it is he who convinced them the apparitions were real, as any normal 10-year-old boy would consider it impossible to have to endure three hours of prayer, on their knees, every single night, year after year, without any break in the routine. If the apparitions had been a trick or a lie conceived by the so-called visionaries, young Jakov would have broke long ago-and yet, it is said of him that he was the most faithful in attendance to the evening prayer services out of any of the six visionaries

Medjugorje Vicka was 16 years old when the apparitions began in 1981. She is one of eight children and is described as strong-willed, full of energy, courageous, outspoken and fearless. Her smile is contagious. She has been given the life of Our Lady and has written it down to be revealed one day to the world.

• “They would set off on an incredible…”

Marija was 15 when the apparitions began. Science has proven beyond a doubt the six visionaries are seeing something supernatural. After 25 years of testing, all possible means were exhausted and the verdict final: What they are seeing is supernatural. Marija and Jakov kneel before Our Lady during an apparition in Fr. Slavko's office in the rectory of St. James Church. The Crucifix hanging on the wall, blessed by Our Lady's presence many times, was given as a gift by Fr. Slavko to a Friend of Medjugorje in 1988. This Crucifix now hangs above the Bed in the Bedroom of Apparitions where Our Lady has appeared to Marija. Ivanka being observed during an apparition by world-renowned Marianologist, Fr. Rene Laurentin, who would write of Medjugorje and the visionaries: "At Medjugorje the Virgin is calling people to believe without waiting for tomorrow; tomorrow will be too late. Second, the Church authority is urging that there be prior verification in order to be sure that it is the Virgin Who is speaking. This is what usually happens with prophetic messages. More often than not, prophets have been believed after their death rather than during their lifetime; and by then it was too late."

FIVE OF THE SIX MEDJUGORJE VISIONARIES From left to right: Jakov Colo, Marija Pavlovic (Lunetti), Vicka Ivankovic (Mijatovic), Ivanka Ivankovic (Elez), Ivan Dragicevi

Medjugorje • “And they're accompanied by flights of angels…”

Millions of feet have trod the path to Apparition Mountain, praying the mysteries of the Rosary as they climb. The once sharp, protruding rocks are now polished. The view from the top of Apparition Mountain brings clarity of mind and spirit to the one who seeks it. Our Lady reminds us that we all have crosses. Part of the call of Medjugorje is for Christians to carry our crosses in joy. She said on March 29, 1991: "Dear children, I want to call (invite) you, under this Cross to take your Cross as the will of God..." Our Lady said on September 2, 2017: "...you, my children, apostles of my love, you who suffer, know that your pain will become light and glory..." Our Lady is our guide in this time. She is leading Her apostles. She is giving words from Heaven, medicine for the nations. She said on April 2, 2011: "...Follow me, my children, so that also others, in recognizing the truth and love in you may follow you..."

The visionaries make the Sign of the Cross as they greet the Queen of Heaven. The simultaneous focus of the visionaries' eyes in one instant in one location was proven scientifically and is one of the reasons it can be stated...Medjugorje is real

Medjugorje • Aland of Miracles Beautiful sunsets are not rare in Medjugorje. The Holy Village of Medjugorje brings pilgrims to encounters with God in nature that the coldness of city life and the preoccupation of noise and busyness that surround them never allow them to experience...belief in the extraordinary

• “(Instrumental music)…” When Our Lady first began appearing to the visionaries in 1981, their parish church was too big for the village surrounding it. None of the villagers could have foreseen that this church was waiting for pilgrims to arrive. Providentially, the church's patron, St. James, is the patron of pilgrims

December 26, 2012 Reported at [Spirit Daily.com] online newspaper. It came as a jolt: for nearly three decades, the Blessed Mother has been delivering a monthly message to seer Marija Pavlovic of Medjugorje, the famous apparition site in Hercegovina that is currently under Vatican review. Tuesday, for the first time in memory, on Christmas Day, the message, always on the twenty-fifth of the month, came from the Infant she was holding. It was not the first time she has appeared with Jesus. In fact, the first day of events on June 24, 1981, when Mary materialized on a hillside she appeared to be opening and closing a blanket over her tiny Son as the visionaries approached. He has been seen on special occasions and was once reported by Marija's own father, who claimed to have seen His Face in the apparition's early days. Marija saw the Infant with His mother each Christmas. But at least to our knowledge, never before has He uttered words, at least not public ones -- and certainly not as the formal monthly message, which for years was translated and distributed by Franciscan priests at the local parish (Saint James). As reported by a site devoted to the message, "Our Lady came with little Jesus in her arms and she did not give a message, but little Jesus began to speak and said : 'I am your peace, live my commandments.' With a Sign of the Cross, Our Lady and little Jesus blessed us together." (Spoken in Croatian, the words were, "A sam vaš mir, živite moje zapovijedi.") Beginning on March 1, 1984, Our Lady began giving weekly messages to Medjugorje and the world. On January 25, 1987, Our Lady began giving these messages on the 25th of each month. Although the Lord has appeared through the centuries to saints and mystics, perhaps most famously Saint Faustina of Poland, it is almost unheard of for Him to deliver messages at a first-tier corporeal apparition, a category that includes such cases as Guadalupe, Lourdes, Fatima, and will add Medjugorje if the Church one day deems it worthy of belief. (A commission reportedly is preparing or has finished a report on the apparitions, with rumors that it will recommend declaring Medjugorje an official shrine, though the apparitions themselves, which are ongoing, will not officially be declared supernatural). Whether such an appearance means a major shift in the apparitions or portends significant events is yet to be seen. It seems surprising and noteworthy. As one commentator noted, the words echo those in John 14:15: "Peace I bequeath to you, My own peace I give you, a peace the world cannot give, this is My gift to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.” (John 14 : 27) Elsewhere in the discourse He says: “If you love me you will keep my commandments.” Just before that are the words, “My little children, I shall not be with you much longer” (John 13 :33)." At Fatima, the Holy Family -- Mary, Jesus, and Joseph -- were seen by the three visionaries at the final formal apparition on October 13, 1917. But no words were spoken by Him. There too He came as the Infant. Early in the afternoon, after rain clouds parted, Sister Lucia dos Santos reported seeing Our Lady dressed in white with Saint Joseph beside her holding the Infant. Then Lucia saw a sorrowful Mary and an adult Jesus Who looked with pity on the crowd and raised His Hand -- as now reported at Medjugorje -- to bless the pilgrims. This occurred at the time of the great sun miracle -- and concluded the major Fatima events. Sister Lucia later also said she saw Him in 1925 in her room at a convent in Pontevedra, Portugal, where He accompanied Mary. At that time, the Infant spoke -- telling Lucia to have compassion on His mother's heart, which was pierced by the thorns of ingratitude." The following February Lucia had another remarkable experience in which she saw a mysterious child who referred to the First Saturday devotion. At Knock, Ireland, in 1879, Mary and Joseph were seen in a silent apparition with a lamb on an altar. Many mystics -- Padre Pio and Maria Esperanza in recent times -- have reported encounters with Christ in less formal settings. But it is extremely rare for Christ to be part of a formal series of major apparitions. Medjugorje has been visited by tens of millions of pilgrims, hundreds of cardinals and bishops, and tens of thousands of priests (more than a thousand clerics visit during an average month). Four hours before, a second seer, Jakov Colo, received his annual apparition, at which Mary did speak, delivering a message that also related to sin.

October 6, 2013 Reported at MedjugorjeToday.tv. Cristian Felice suffered

from ALS which leads to sure death. But while in Medjugorje on September 26, he heard a voice tell him to climb Apparition Hill where he broke into tears. His respirator put away with his feeding tube next, he appears as world’s first to recover from ALS. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a killer. Also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease, the first patient is yet to survive the neurodegenerative disease that affects the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. However, this first patient appears to be Cristian Felice, a 37 years old father of two from Piane Crati near Cosenza in southern Italy. What appears to be his healing came about on September 26 in Medjugorje. A patient for five years with his lower limbs paralyzed, Cristian Felice’s respirator has been put away already, and in two weeks time his feeding tube is set to go the same way, the regional newspaper Gazzetta del Sud reported. Cristian Felice tells the regional newspaper il Quotidiano della Calabria that his reflexes have also returned to functioning normally, and that sensation has returned to his legs and his feet. While Cristian Felice’s medical files require further examination, his physical improvement has been attested to by doctors, both newspapers tell. “On September 26, Cristian heard a voice that drove him to climb Apparition Hill. He ascended the hill along with his wife and two priests. They were the ones to see him stand up (from his wheelchair, ed.), they saw him walk to the big statue that marks the exact spot where Our Lady first appeared to the visionaries. There, they saw him cry” Gazzetta del Sud writes. Overwhelmed by what happened, Cristian Felice is not ready to tell his story yet. Church authorities in Cosenza have been informed of his seeming cure, the regional newspaper Il Cirotano reports. On October 5, a prayer vigil of thanksgiving was held in Cristian Felice’s hometown. Applauded by about 100 people, he arrived by walking along with his wife, a Rosary in hand, Gazzetta del Sud reports from the event. ALS is deadly due to its breaking down the motor neurons between the brain and spinal cord. When the motor neurons die, the brain’s ability to initiate and control muscle movement is lost. With voluntary muscle action progressively affected, patients in the later stages of the disease may become totally paralyzed.

  Reported in [Spirit Daily.com] online newspaper. His name is Ferdinand Roccanti. He used to be a multimillionaire. He used to be in trouble with the law. He is now an evangelist. It was in 1992 that he traveled for the first time to the apparition site of Medjugorje and there witnessed what he describes as a huge manifestation of the Virgin Mary. Once a car dealer in New England and then Florida, where he amassed a small fortune of $5 million, Roccanti and his wife Barbara were going up Apparition Hill on September 12, where one of the seers, Ivan Dragicevic, was to receive a message. "Barbara had some candles and we climbed Apparition Hill and I knelt by this pile of rocks where they said Mother Mary first appeared -- not to think that she was going to appear, but just because it seemed like the place to kneel -- and at nine o'clock we started to pray," he says. "It was dark and I prayed this prayer, I don't even know where it came from: 'God, God of Abraham and Jacob and Isaac and Moses, do You know I'm here?' "I had my head bowed and my hands folded together in prayer. I didn't see this hand but I felt a hand come under my chin and lift my head up and the heavens opened and He sent His mother. When I say the heavens opened up, it was daytime to my eyes. She was all white and as big as the heavens.I went to point my finger up and say, 'Look!' but my hand froze halfway and now I couldn't talk. I couldn't move my hand, I couldn't talk, and I couldn't take my eyes off her, so I touched my wife with my left hand and I could only whisper. When I touched her she looked and in a whisper I said, 'Look up and tell me what you see,' and she said, 'I see her!' Mother Mary didn't talk to either one of us, but there was something that happened deep in our hearts and souls that would change our lives forever. I really believe that once you see the Mother of God -- I don't know how someone could describe something so incredible." When Ferdinand told a priest, the priest later heard the exact same testimony from another pilgrim. Flying back, Ferdinand was sitting on the end of the fifth seat on the middle row of a plane when a woman, another pilgrim, came and sat on the arm of his seat as the flight attendant was wheeling a cart in the area, reached in her purse, pulled out a Pieta book, and put it in front of his eyes, asking, "Have you seen her?" The question was a shock. It had come out of the blue and was a confirmation to Ferdinand, who says the Virgin he saw on Apparition Hill did look "a little bit" like the picture, "but she was as big as the heavens, enormous. And when she left there were these shooting stars. I thought everyone had to have seen it, but nobody did but Barbara and one other person. It was a white or lightblue sky like heaven's light. And it was just her face." For Barbara, it was similar. "The sky was pitch dark, we could hardly find our way up the mountain, but when the vision appeared, I saw her face and it looked all white and she was up in the sky and it was just huge and when I looked down and looked back she was still there," Barbara recalls. "She was sort of transparent and all white and all bright. It was very clear."

  n 1993, Christ allegedly spoke asking Ferdinand to be a victim soul. "There were three things Jesus said to me," claims the former businessman. "My mom, my wife, and my sister were there. He said, 'Ferdinand, would you be blind for me?' Immediately I closed my eyes really tight like a little kid and started crying. I couldn't talk. I was choking. I thought, no way, I'm not saying yes. Then He said, 'Ferdinand, would you be in a wheelchair? ' I'm crying and choking and my poor mom, she thought I was going to die. And then He said, 'Would you give away all your money?' Now my mind is racing. This is the worst news I've ever heard, so I cried more. I'm choking, crying. I could not say yes. Everyone laughs when I say it, but I wasn't laughing. I was crying like a person who just lost his whole family. My mother was really upset. I was crying and choking. She thought I'd die. But Mother Mary came and said, 'Take a tear and touch your mother's arm.' My mother became calm, and she had been really hysterical. I touched my sister and wife also and they became calm and relaxed like on a sunny day. Mother Mary said, 'Little Ferdinand, I'm giving you my heart,' and I felt this incredible infusion of power and I said, 'Jesus, do with me what You want.'" It was then that the former car dealer developed ailments that indeed temporarily took away his sight and sent him into a wheelchair. It was a neuromuscular disease called myasthenia gravis. He went blind on September 16, 1994, and a month later -- on October 13, 1994 -- experienced another vision, this time of Mary as Our Lady of Fatima. She also appeared to him during 1993 in St. Peter's and Paul's Church in Chicago. As for the money, by now this businessman who had once sold BMWs and Volvos had about $1.4 million left and began to give this away "to whoever Mother Mary lead me to" – individuals, churches. He bought new cars for people. He kept only enough to pay a fine he owed over a financial transaction (which had sent him seeking refuge at Medjugorje to begin with), buy a small house, and pay legal fees. For a long period he and his wife traveled, living out of the trunk of their car. Today he relies on selling inspirational paintings. This was another miracle for a man who didn't previously know how to paint! Before a talk at St. Michael's College in Vermont, dozens of evil spirits attacked, Roccanti told Spirit Daily. "I was punched, threatened, and bounced around the room," he says. "I would spray them with Holy Water and you could hear it like a sizzle." And in this too is a message. "Every time you pray a mystery of the Rosary, you hit the devil right between the eyes, and in these times that we're living in, you need to hit him 15 times," urges Ferdinand. "Because if you whack him in the forehead with those mysteries, by the end of the day he's dazed and he can't get you. But he'll start again tomorrow if you don't pray." Now a resident of Grange, Indiana, Roccanti feels the United States will suffer for next four years. On September 11, while in church, he says Jesus spoke to him, repeating a sentence three times. "He said, 'This is the beginning of the punishment against the killing of the innocent,'" recalls Ferdinand. "'This is the beginning of the punishment against the killing of the innocent.' He said it three times. Some people don't want to hear it -- you know, 'God wouldn't do this.' And I say, well, the God Who sent the serpents into the desert to kill the Israelites because they were disobedient is the same God.

Rosaries becoming gold One sign that is always spoken about when discussing Medjugorje is about pilgrims’ rosaries turning gold. A multitude of people have claimed this miracle has happened to them. Many people believe it is a gift from God and Our Lady and that there are many different reasons for receiving this gift. It could be to strengthen their faith, to thank them for coming to Medjugorje, or a sign that their prayers have been answered, as well as many other reasons

The following is from a pilgrim who traveled to Medjugorje with a Caritas pilgrimage for the Anniversary of the Apparitions in June of 1988. Her group was traveling on the bus to Medjugorje and had just begun a Rosary when she noticed that her Rosary had turned gold. She was so touched by this experience that she cried all through the Rosary. What follows is her explanation of what happened:

“Well, I had heard about this happening. I certainly never expected it, but just as we started to say the Rosary, I noticed that the metal parts, you know, in between the beads, had turned color. And I thought at first maybe it was my imagination, but my husband looked and he said, ‘Yes, it was metal before.’ And now I don’t know what it is, but it looks like the gold color…I feel that Mary is very present…I feel that Mary is here and that’s why I wanted to come. And I feel that She has done this. I don’t know how else it could have happened. I just picked it up and there it was…I feel very moved. I’m very surprised and I feel very, very moved, very blessed…I feel like She’s right here on this bus with us…The chain in between was just plain metal and as I picked it up, I noticed that it looked different. I was silver-looking before and now it’s gold-looking. And it happened like almost immediately as I picked it up when we started to say the Rosary…I noticed that it looked different. And then I realized that it had turned to gold almost immediately.”

Signs and Miracles St. James Church in Medjugorje –Taken on July 3, 1986 during the 6:40 p.m. apparition. Pilgrims experienced the miracle of the sun during the time this picture was taken. Among the pilgrims was the first large American group to travel to Medjugorje. The Blue Army Fatima group chartered a plane, bringing a group of 200 pilgrims to Medjugorje. Little information was known about Medjugorje due to communist suppression. Many on the group were shocked to see an abundant number of signs, such as the sun spinning, a host over the top of it, the Cross on Cross Mountain with a back drop of rainbow colors, and many more, as well as personal signs. The action of God clearly wanted this group touched, and several Medjugorje centers were birthed from this one trip. Among the pilgrims was the founder of Caritas and his family, who took the above picture, and who in the future would become known as “A Friend of Medjugorje.” Supernatural signs have changed the course of history many times. Medjugorje’s magnitude is such that it has changed and is changing not only history, but the present and the future course of the world, dramatically, even more so. There were many signs and miracles that manifested publicly in the beginning years of the apparitions in Medjugorje. There are still many people who still witness these signs today...

What Does Our Lady Say Of Signs? In the beginning years of the apparitions, the visionaries often asked Our Lady about different signs witnessed by them and others. Read here some of Our Lady’s responses.

Mysterious Rosaries Two months before the apparitions began, Vicka, along with her brother and sisters, found two old Rosaries that had mysteriously placed on the trailer they were using to haul firewood.


Cross appeared in the sky at Medjugorie on September 13, 2017 – Many pilgrims reported seeing the cross in the sky and took similar photographs to this one. The cross appeared between the Hill of Apparitions and Cross Mountain and stayed for some time. Randall Sullivan was an atheist, but now he believes after experiencing a vision on Cross Mountain. August 23, 2016 - Reported [here]. Video [here] (from 2011). Sullivan started his day interviewing visionary Mirjana. He explained the interview went poorly and she kicked him out of her house. Within nothing more to do for the day, Sullivan decided to climb Cross Mountain. The day was hot and sunny, almost too hot for a climb. Few people seemed willing to make the hike up the path, but Sullivan went anyway. As he climbed, he heard beautiful melodious voices singing in French. He came upon a party of French nuns, singing and praying the Stations of the Cross. Sullivan decided to join their party for awhile. 
 The pleasant experience was interrupted by a developing thunderstorm which engulfed the mountain. Soon, it was raining. Thunder and lightning crashed everywhere. Sullivan suddenly felt and urge to kneel and pray, which he did for the first time in his life. 
 As he prayed, a pretty, young woman appeared to him. She comforted him in the storm and placed a hat on his head. The moment was so peaceful and surreal, that Sullivan closed his eyes to take it in. When he opened his eyes, everything was gone. The brilliant sun was hot. The nuns were nowhere to be seen. The young woman had disappeared. He had no hat. Nobody else saw anything. Not the nuns, not the storm, nothing. For everyone else, it was an ordinary day in every way. 
 Sullivan realized he'd just experienced a miracle. From that moment on, he became a believer. Sullivan is now a believer in the miracles of Medjugorje, having witnessed one firsthand. Of critics he says, "There is no single word I discovered that so instantly could produce a rapturous smile a derisive snort or an uncomfortable silence in the Vatican as "Medjugorje" What fascinated me was that those that extolled Medjugorje as a place of sacred virtue of unparalleled power all had made pilgrimages to experience the village first hand while those who scoffed knew only what they had read or heard. The priests inclined to to dismiss reports of miracles at Medjugorje (first as an insult to their intelligence and second as an embarrassment to the church) all seemed curiously muted."


15, 2015 Reported [here] and [here]. Rough translation from Croatian. Zagrepčanki Branka District Bingula (56) was diagnosed in 2005, a • malignant tumor of the breast. They operated on it, and then have her uterus removed. Just two years later, they found her lung metastases. He says he has vowed to Our Lady and her intercession, God had completely healed. - I was sitting at the table and suddenly sting me in the left breast. Hand I felt the lump. I guessed what it was. Mammography and ultrasound confirmed my fears, it was a malignant tumor a story Branka showing us extensive medical documentation. Metastases spread to the lungs. The doctors sent her to the hospital, was followed by surgery to remove the tumor which, and began the tedious and difficult recovery. After chemotherapy had a problem with the uterus and the ovaries so she removed them. Already the following, 2007, metastases have spread to the lungs. - The whole world we crashed. It seemed to me as if I had all these years fighting in vain. As soon as the metastases, and the end is near - recounts Branka. The church had previously walked out of habit. Although she was born in a Catholic family, the church had previously walked out of habit. - I had a Bible for years, and I never took in hand and read. Never even opened. And yet I wondered, 'God, why me?' And then I started thinking about my life and faith - says Branka. At hospital, she heard stories about Lupoglava. At the hospital she heard the story of a woman doctors gave only a few months old, and was able to defeat cancer. She went to Lupoglav in the Community Good Shepherd with charismatics, Reverend Drazen Radigović. Drawn to the story, and Alicia went to Lupoglav. People pray there and glorify the Lord, and reverend is laying hands on the sick. God heals through it. Already after the first visit I knew that God would not leave and that I will get well - explained Branka. Often contacted the Lady in quiet, personal prayers. She began to make pilgrimages to Medjugorje. After several weeks of examination showed that the metastases disappeared. - My illness has disappeared as if by magic, and believe me through Our Lady's intercession, God healed - she concludes with a broad smile on his face holding a normal findings in hand.


Medjugorje • "...My poor children, look around you and look at the signs of the times..."

From this little village, Our Lady has a huge plan. Mirjana said: "Through our daily encounters with the Blessed Virgin, we realized that Her plans with Medjugorje were not merely for the village itself, nor were they limited to Yugoslavia. She had come to change the entire world."

Jacinta Marto, Francisco Marto, and Lucia Santos began seeing Our Lady in 1913 in Fatima, Portugal. 2017 marks the 100Year Anniversary of their apparitions. Our Lady has said in Medjugorje that Her apparitions there are the fulfillment of what She began in Fatima

During the first apparitions, the Medjugorje visionaries said it was as if they flew up Apparition Mountain, which was then covered with thick brush. They traveled at an extraordinary speed, and the other village kids recall that even the fastest among them could not keep up with the six visionaries



Pilgrims from all over the world gather on the top of Apparition Mountain on June 24, 2011, before the prayer group meeting when Our Lady will appear to visionary, Ivan. Those who come to Medjugorje while Ivan is there have the opportunity to be present at a prayer group meeting with Our Lady; an experience one remembers their entire life. The prayer group, which began on July 4, 1982, has been meeting for 27 years. Our Lady has said that every person in the world should belong to a prayer group. "Prayer groups," Ivan said, "are a protection from the triumph of satan."

"...if you were able to see just once the tears on Our Lady's face because of unbelievers, I am so certain that you would pray from the bottom of your heart."


Medjugorje Pilgrims from all over the world gather on the top of Apparition Mountain on June 24, 2011, before the prayer group meeting when Our Lady will appear to visionary, Ivan. Those who come to Medjugorje while Ivan is there have the opportunity to be present at a prayer group meeting with Our Lady; an experience one remembers their entire life. The prayer group, which began on July 4, 1982, has been meeting for 27 years. Our Lady has said that every person in the world should belong to a prayer group. "Prayer groups," Ivan said, "are a protection from the triumph of satan."

"...if you were able to see just once the tears on Our Lady's face because of unbelievers, I am so certain that you would pray from the bottom of your heart."

Medjugorje • Medjugorje Miracles (by prof. dr. Ljudevit Rupcic)

Regarding the luminous phenomena in Medjugorje, a professor employed in Vienna, an expert in that field, admitted to me that he studied them in Medjugorje for a week. At the end, he told me: "Science has no answer to these manifestations." Although judgment about miracles does not belong to any natural science nor to science in general, but to theology and faith, nevertheless, the judgment of science is very important because where it leaves off, faith takes over. It is very significant that many events were understood by the faithful as a real miracle. They understood their significance and, whether they experienced them for themselves or through others, they felt themselves obliged to accept the Medjugorje messages as an obligation. It is difficult to say precisely how many of these miraculous events have taken place in regards to the Medjugorje apparitions. However, it is well known that several hundred of them have been reported and attested to. Several of them have been thoroughly examined and scientificallytheologically elaborated, and there is no serious reason whatsoever to doubt their supernatural character. It suffices to mention just a few of them.

Dr. fra. Ljudevit Rupčić

From the beginning, the Medjugorje apparitions were accompanied by many unusual phenomena, both in the sky and on the ground, especially by miraculous healings. I myself, with about a thousand pilgrims, experienced one unusual dance of the sun. That manifestation was so unusual and obvious, that everyone without exception classified it as a miracle. None of those present remained indifferent, which I myself was convinced of by questioning the others who were present. The joy, the tears, and the statements of those present strongly confirmed it. From their words, it could be seen that they understood that manifestation as a confirmation of the authenticity of the apparitions, and as an incentive to respond to the Medjugorje messages by accepting them. And that is the real purpose of miracles: to help people believe and live by faith because they stand in the service of the faith and of the salvation of people.

Medjugorje “My Miracle at Medjugorje” – Christine Watkins Inside Medjugorje with

“The theology of Medjugorje rings true. I am convinced of its truth. Everything concerning Medjugorje is authentic from a Catholic point of view. All that happens there is so evident, so convincing! . . . There is only one danger alone for Medjugorje – that people will pass it by!” Cardinal Hans Urs Balthasar– Cardinal Hans Van Urs Balthasar is regarded by Pope Benedict XVI as one of the greatest theologians of our time I have travelled to Medjugorje five times. On each trip, I discovered that in Medjugorje, the miraculous is commonplace. The miracle of the sun, spontaneous healings, the smell of roses where no roses or perfumes are present—all of which I have personally experienced—are but small drops in a sea of miracles witnessed by millions who have been there. One never knows what will happen in Medjugorje, where the Blessed Mother has allegedly appearing to six visionaries for over thirty years, because Medjugorje is part Earth, part Heaven. Even with the modern build up of hotels and religious knick knack stores at every turn to shelter and cater to the growing stream of pilgrims, Medjugorje captivated me. I

By Christine Watkins

Never before Medjugorje had I experienced such intense spiritual communion, such palpable belief, everywhere I looked. In Medjugorje, graces seemed to rain down in torrents, renewing parched souls with the same living water Jesus offered to the woman at the well. I once heard a priest say, “Show me another place on earth besides Medjugorje where I can take teenagers for a week and they come home transformed, and I’ll take them there instead.” One particular miracle stands tall in my memory above the rest. It happened on my last pilgrimage, which came about because ABC News wanted to interview me there for a program on Mary called “The Miracle Mysteries.” After eating dinner at a restaurant, near a table seating the three-person crew from ABC television, I left to walk a short block to the area behind St. James Church where hundreds of people sat outside in the warm summer night air, facing the Blessed Sacrament—a large Host carefully placed in a stunning monstrance circled by golden rays.As I walked into the midst of the Real Presence of Jesus, a multitude of prayers, and sweet live music, I felt overcome with a deeply peaceful, tingling, ecstatic joy that filled my heart to capacity. When I sat down to pray, that capacity somehow grew. Giddy waves of peace carried my heart off to heaven while it somehow remained in my chest. Off to the left, the sky flashed with lightning, but without a sound, as if the Holy Spirit were delighting in showing himself off to his people—perhaps He was. I promptly stood up and ran back toward the restaurant. If only the ABC crew could experience this! Surely then their hearts would be touched, and they could share with the world what was truly happening here at this holy site.

Medjugorje “My Miracle at Medjugorje” – Christine Watkins Inside Medjugorje with

I bounded back into the restaurant trying to calm myself down. Still gasping for breath, I approached the crew’s table and exclaimed, hardly making sense: “You might want to see this. You might want to film this. The peace—the lightning with no thunder—the music, the multitudes. It’s so beautiful. It’s warm. It’s adoration. It’s what we Catholics do. Then looking at them with pleading eyes, I said, “You should come!” They looked at me with courteous amusement, and then I left. They never budged. They hadn’t finished their beers and saw no reason to disturb their comfortable dinner. Without interest or faith or the desire to change, even one block is too far to travel. Miracles, as divine as they are, simply become neglected sideshows if the soul is left untouched. As Fr. Jozo Zovko, OFM, the pastor of St. James church when the apparitions began, once said: “In Medjugorje, the miracle is not so much in Our Lady’s apparitions or in the words she speaks to us, but in the pilgrim’s reply, who accepts to change his heart and life. That is the great miracle! Take St Francis: the miracle was not that Jesus spoke to him, but in the fact that he gave up everything to become poor in everything.

By Christine Watkins

It is not a miracle for God to talk; it is normal. In Medjugorje it is the pilgrim who decides if a miracle will occur or not. All he has to do is to open his heart to respond to the call.”** Medjugorje would mean nothing without the conversion of the human heart. My work gathering stories for my book, Full of Grace: Miraculous Stories of Healing and Conversion through Mary’s Intercession, introduced me to Medjugorje’s inner world, the world within each heart, as I wrote down some of the most amazing conversions I had ever heard: a former crack addict who experienced his own apparition of Mary in Medjugorje and is now completely free from his addiction; a lonely youth who found healing from abortion, depression, and anxiety; a Nobel Peace Prize who, with Mary’s help, rescues children living in the sewers of Colombia; a violent, homeless heroin addict, diagnosed as paranoid schizophrenic who is now a happy, sane, kind-loving family man; a former stripper who has considered becoming a nun; and a former atheist, who was me, caught up in serious sin and miraculously saved from imminent death through Mary’s Intercession. The gift of Medjugorje is for everyone. Don’t allow it to pass you by. If you have never travelled to Medjugorje, let yourself be transformed and challenged by this inspired book, which pours the graces of a Medjugorje pilgrimage into your own hands. If you have been there and long to return, visit there now through these pages. Through Steve Ryan’s engaging writing and skillful compilation of some of the best information concerning Medjugorje available, the Mother of God will come to you.

This 16-ton Cross was sacrificially built by the villagers of Medjugorje in 1933 to commemorate the 1900th anniversary of Christ's death. The water, cement, sand, gravel and tools were carried by hand to the top of Mt. Krizevac, which is more than 1,700 feet above sea level. With this sacrifice of love, the villagers petitioned God to protect their village and their crops both then and into future generations. Our Lady in Medjugorje said that the Cross was providentially erected and this truth is manifested by the millions who have traveled the path to the top, softening the roughest of stones...and hearts

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