Home Care InSight Winter 2015

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Home Care Aide Clara Aiken, a 2015 apprenticeship graduate with her consumer Frederick Jones, talks about her new home care skills. Page 12










Executive Director’s Note



PHOTOGRAPHER Paul Joseph Brown WRITERS Shaun Scott, Eva Looper Gantala, Niki Stojnic



Nora Gibson, Secretary Executive Director, Full Life Care

Sterling Harders Vice President, SEIU 775

Seth Hemond Director of Member Programs and Participation, SEIU 775

Adam Glickman

Introducing SEIU 775 Benefits Group As the benefits available to Washington state Home Care Aides have

Secretary-Treasurer, SEIU 775

grown, it became clear that a name was needed that more clearly

Sylvia Liang

encompassed the range of ways Home Care Aides connect with our

Home Care Aide and Member, SEIU 775

organizations. To that end, in mid-2015, the SEIU Healthcare NW

Linda Lee

Training Partnership and Health Benefits Trust began the transition to a

Home Care Aide and Member, SEIU 775

Jesse Magana

simpler and clearer organizational brand and identity.

Home Care Consumer and Disability Advocate

Bill Moss

Assistant Secretary, Washington State DSHS

Rich Nafziger Assistant Professor, Institute for Public Service – Seattle University,

Franklin Plaistowe Washington State Office of Financial Management, Labor Relations Division

Flanna Perkins Regional Director, ResCare Homecare

Jan Yoshiwara Director Education Services, State Board for Community and Technical Colleges HEALTH BENEFITS TRUST

Misha Werschkul, Chair Executive Director, Washington State Budget & Policy Center Bill Moss, Vice Chair Assistant Secretary, Washington State DSHS

Mark Robinson, Secretary Regional Director NW Region, Addus Healthcare

The SEIU Healthcare NW Training Partnership is now SEIU 775 Training Partnership.

The SEIU Healthcare NW Health Benefits Trust is now the SEIU 775 Health Benefits Trust.

The new retirement benefit is called the SEIU 775 Secure Retirement Trust.

To represent all three organizations, we are now introducing the SEIU 775 Benefits Group. Over the coming months, you will see the new names and logos rolling out in our materials and communications. We hope you appreciate the change and the effort to better serve our customers. Please let us know what you think – to share feedback and ideas, please contact InSight@myseiubenefits.org. Charissa Raynor Executive Director

Eric Erickson Executive Director, CDM Services

Sterling Harders Vice President, SEIU 775

Seth Hemond Director of Member Programs and Participation, SEIU 775

Adam Glickman Secretary-Treasurer, SEIU 775

Diane Lutz Labor Relations, Office of Financial Management

Monique Taylor-Swan Home Care Aide


Home Care InSight Magazine is a publication of the SEIU 775 Benefits Group to serve Home Care Aides in the Northwest. The existence of advertising in this publication is not an endorsement of the product, service or individual by anyone except the advertiser. Contact Home Care InSight at InSight@MySEIUBenefits.org for permission to reprint or republish content from Home Care InSight. 215 Columbia St., Suite 300, Seattle, WA 98104 © Copyright 2015 Home Care InSight Magazine. All rights reserved.
















30 32 36 38 40 42 44 46







WHAT’S NEW? Mental health checkup now online

We know that your job is both rewarding and challenging. If the challenges become overwhelming or last long-term, the stress may lead to depression and/or anxiety. Recognizing the common signs and symptoms of depression and/or anxiety can be the first step to getting the help you need and improving your overall health. Take a few minutes for this mental health checkup using the link below. www.myseiu.be/checkmymentalhealth

Photo via JG/Flickr

Individual Providers: The way you get paid is changing! In early 2016, Individual ProviderOne, an online, electronic payroll system, will replace the Social Service Payment System (SSPS) you currently use. You will be able to submit timesheets online via a computer, smartphone, or tablet. You will also be able to fax or mail in timesheets. Watch for more information about Individual ProviderOne attached to your SSPS invoice every month. And find out the full information on the ProviderOne website: www.ipone.org




Prometric exam interpreters available Available now: Individual interpreters are now an option for the Home Care Aide exam for students who speak a language outside of the 12 currently translated. To apply: 1) Print and complete Prometric exam application. 2) Print and complete only page 3 of the 5-page ADA accommodations form, including language requested under “Additional Comments” (just above “PLEASE READ AND SIGN”). 3) Mail completed application and page 3 specifying requested language to Prometric.

FDA suggests new daily sugar cap The Food and Drug Administration now recommends Americans eat no more than 12.5 teaspoons, or 50 grams, of sugar per day. That is about the same amount in one can of Coke. But juices (yes, including orange juice), smoothies, and coffee drinks are also packed with the sweet stuff. And not so obvious foods like low-fat yogurt, granola, whole-grain breads, ketchup, pasta sauce, canned fruit and soups, and salad dressing have added sugars. Look for other names like highfructose corn syrup, brown rice syrup, agave, honey, fruit juice concentrate, and cane juice, as these are all different names for sugar.




Home Care Aides share highlights from the 2015 convention BY SHAUN SCOTT

Over 800 Home Care Aides and nursing home workers from all four corners of Washington state attended the two-day fall convention hosted by SEIU 775 on Sept. 4. SEIU 775 Benefits Group was also in attendance, hosting workshops and an apprenticeship graduation ceremony. We talked to a few Home Care Aides about what they were most excited about at the annual convention.

I came all the way from Tri-Cities, so it’s just nice to network. HCAs are not alone in what we do. I’m having a good time just being around other people who might be dealing with things I’ve been dealing with as a caregiver. Teresa Garcia, HCA - Tri-Cities

I look forward to hearing more about the new contract for caregivers, seeing what changes will take effect and when. And also learning how to keep the fight up for workers in Washington will be good. Adam Bradford, Lead CNA - Bellingham

I’m excited to be at the convention for the presentations. There are a lot of interesting classes. Anything I can learn to be a better caregiver will help me, and help my consumer. Jeff Wilson, HCA - Doty


Lillian Wald 1867-1940

Named one of the 12 greatest living American women in 1922 by The New York Times, Lillian Wald was a force to be reckoned with. Wald, a nurse and social worker, founded Henry Street Settlement, the country’s first community health agency in New York in 1893 to serve the city’s growing immigrant population. Her visiting nurse programs became a national model for home health care that we know today . Wald was also involved in the labor

movement and advocated for better working conditions for women and a constitutional ban on child labor. At Henry Street, all services were racially integrated and open to Black residents. She was a founding member of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), organized campaigns for suffrage, and held international antiwar demonstrations. In 1970, she was elected to the Hall of Fame for Great Americans.






Skill Share

What’s Your Diabetes IQ? From prevention and symptoms to nutrition and management, there can be a lot to learn about diabetes. Test what you know already with these five questions!

1. Which of these is NOT a risk factor for diabetes?

Having low blood pressure

2. Which is NOT a symptom of diabetes? Sudden vision changes

Loss of appetite

Two open hands

5. Which two activities are recommended for people with diabetes?

Water with cucumber/fruits

Quit Smoking

Skip the flu shot

30 minutes of exercise, 5x per week



Deck of cards


4) Avoid orange juice, sodas, and smoothies, which are packed with sugars. Opt for unsweetened beverages. 5) Quitting smoking and 30 minutes of exercise/5x a week is recommended. It’s also highly recommended that people with diabetes get the flu shot. WINTER 2015



Orange Juice


3. Which is the recommended meat portion size?


4. Which three drinks should you avoid?

All Fruit smoothie

Having a parent or sibling with diabetes.

Slow to heal sores

Hand/Feet tingling

Unsweetened coffee/tea

Low physical activity

1) Low blood pressure is NOT a risk factor for diabetes, but high blood pressure is. 2) Loss of appetite is NOT a symptom, but an increase in appetite is. 3) A deck of cards is the recommended meat portion size.

Being a member of Black, Asian, Pacific Islander, Native, Hispanic, and Latino communities.

What is Diabetes?


Suggested Diabetes Apps

Diabetes is a disease in which blood glucose levels are above normal. With diabetes, your body either doesn’t make enough insulin or can’t use its own insulin as well as it should. This causes sugar to build up in your blood.

FREE: mySUGR DIABETES LOGBOOK This app is a charming diabetes logbook that’s full of attitude. It makes your diabetes data useful in everyday life with elements of fun, games, and immediate feedback through your diabetes monster! Stay motivated and involved in your diabetes therapy.

Diabetes can cause serious health complications including heart disease, blindness, kidney failure, and lower-extremity amputations. Diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death in the United States.

Free on Apple and Google app stores

Anyone 45 years or older should consider getting tested for diabetes, especially if you are overweight. If you are younger than 45, but are overweight and have one or more additional risk factors, you should consider getting tested.

FREE: FOODUCATE Although Fooducate is described as a weight loss app, it offers so much more. You can scan any product at a grocery store to see its rating, hidden food warnings, and suggested recipes. You can also track your meals and exercise and receive daily nutrition tips.

For more information, visit www.cdc.gov/diabetes

Free on Apple and Google app stores

Diabetes-friendly Recipe: Rice with Chicken This is a great way to get vegetables into the meal plan. Serve with a mixed green salad and some whole wheat bread. Ingredients 2 Tbsp. olive oil 2 medium onions, chopped 6 cloves garlic, minced 2 stalks celery, diced 2 medium red/green peppers, cut into strips 1 cup mushrooms, chopped 2 cups uncooked whole grain rice 3 pounds boneless chicken breast, cut into bite-sized pieces, skin removed 1½ tsp. salt (optional) 2½ cups low-fat chicken broth Photo via Flickr by Mikko Kunha.

Saffron or Sazón for color 3 medium tomatoes, chopped

This recipe was originally published in the “Tasty Recipes for People with Diabetes and Their Families” cookbook by the National Diabetes Education Program. The free, full cookbook is available online and in Spanish at www.ndep.nih.gov

1 cup frozen peas 1 cup frozen corn 1 cup frozen green beans Olives or capers for garnish (optional)

Directions Heat olive oil over medium heat in a nonstick pot. Add onion, garlic, celery, red/ green pepper, and mushrooms. Cook over medium heat, stirring often, for 3 minutes or until tender. Add whole grain rice and sauté for 2–3 minutes, stirring constantly to mix all ingredients. Add chicken, salt, chicken broth, water, Saffron/Sazón, and tomatoes. Bring water to a boil. Reduce heat to medium-low, cover, and let the casserole simmer until water is absorbed and rice is tender, about 20 minutes. Stir in peas, corn, and beans and cook for 8–10 minutes. When everything is hot, the casserole is ready to serve. Garnish with olives or capers, if desired. Exchanges Meat - 5 Bread - 3 Vegetable - 1 Fat - 1 1/3 Note: Diabetic exchanges are calculated based on the American Diabetes Association Exchange System.




Teaching on the fire lines

An instructor’s story from this year’s record-breaking wildfire season



or Meegan Olson, where there’s smoke, there’s buffalo. Olson, a Faculty Instructor for SEIU 775 Training Partnership, was in Cusick, Wash., conducting a Basic Training course in July. She was surrounded by smoke from the Eastern Washington wildfires, composed of several different blazes including the Okanogan Complex Fire, raging just a few miles away. At first she was cautious when driving through the smoky haze for more than an hour to class. As the smoke thickened, her concern grew about whether she and her class of seven students would need to evacuate. So she took her cues from wildlife in the area – peacocks, deer, and those buffalo, about 170 of them – to figure out just how worried she should be about the fire that was nipping uncomfortably close to her classroom’s doorstep. “The wildlife didn’t know what to do and as the fire




encroached they would meander in.” As long as the buffalo were hanging around, moving closer and closer to the Camas Center and away from the fire, she felt like it was still somewhat of a safe place to be. “That was the only thing that kept me sane,” says Olson. “Watching the buffalo.” While they may have been technically safe from fire, the intensifying smoke was becoming uncomfortable for everyone. “As training would progress, the smoke would get thicker and thicker and everyone would get headaches and sore throats. You could really smell it.” She was out sick herself for two weeks with migraines. When the firefighters and National Guard set up their fire camp at the center, the full impact of the situation Olson and her students were in hit home. For Olson, who has been an EMT, a nursing assistant (CNA), a paraeducator, and a CPR instructor (to name just a few), being prepared for dramatic events is part of living in Eastern Washington.

Top photo: The Okanogan Complex Fire near Omak, Wash., just a few miles away from a training classroom. (Photo via U.S. Forest Service) Bottom photo: Wildfire pushed buffalo just outside Instructor Meegan Olson’s classroom. (Photo by Meegan Olson) “We understand to pack more clothes and we pack for the weather.” She made sure to emphasize safety to her students, advising them to take extra time to get to class, and to use their best judgment on whether they should come at all. “(I told them) if you’re not feeling safe, call, tell them why you’re not coming to class. I want your safety. Class can be rearranged. I’m OK (with not coming to class).” One of her students from Nespelem, about two

and a half hours from the center, ended up in that circumstance. She had to go home when she heard the classroom was surrounded by the fire. Fortunately, that was as close as it got before firefighters eventually got the largest fires in state history under control in late summer. Despite the challenges, Olson finds she has always been drawn to teaching. “I always bounced back to working with people and kids,” she says. “I like to help people better themselves.”n

Notes for a Cantonese Basic Training class. Chunhua Ye, who took training and passed the certification exam in Cantonese, shares her passion for home care work.

Q&A: Chunhua Ye on passion for the job BY NIKI STOJNIC TRANSLATION BY JOEY HUANG


hen Chunhua Ye’s aunt became widowed and needed care, she turned to Ye for help. Ye was an obvious choice of caregiver, because her 78-year-old aunt trusted her as a family member. Ye can also communicate easily with her aunt in their native Cantonese language. It’s a job Ye, 38, enjoys. She became certified as a Home Care Aide (HCA) in August as a Limited English Proficient (LEP) student, with Cantonese as her primary language. Learning caregiving skills and taking the Prometric certification exam in a second language comes with many challenges. Ye, the mother of a 3-year-old and an 8-year-old, focuses on what she considers the two keys to being a successful HCA – a lot of patience and passion for the job. What brought you to the United States? I’m from Taishan, a small town in southern China, and I speak the Taishanese dialect, too. (See page 11 to learn more about this region of the world.) My husband and I decided to emigrate in 2001 because my husband’s whole family is in Seattle. It is the first city we arrived in the U.S. What were your biggest lessons as an LEP student going through basic HCA certification training? To be a caregiver you have to be patient. I heard from other students in the same training class that some clients talk a lot. And sometimes the caregiver asks them to do

something, but the client doesn’t listen. I discussed it with the instructor, who advised me to have patience because sometimes the client is lonely. They would just like to talk [and for] someone to be there to listen to what they are saying and what they are feeling. What tips would you have for other LEP students? You have to love this stuff first, because the client sometimes can be (a more difficult case). So you have to give a lot of patience to the client. You don’t have patience if you don’t love your job. There’s no way you can do it. You have to have passion that you can handle the job, otherwise it’s kind of wasting time for the caregiver and for the client too. What is the most rewarding part of being a caregiver? When I take care of the client and she introduces me to other people, tells them how I take care of her in a good way, and how I’m patient and listen. My client shows she appreciates my job. I’m happy that I can help someone and make someone happy. How do you hope to use your caregiving skills in the future? I’m thinking about running an adult family home, but have not started on the process yet. I would like to run a children’s day care, too. n

Next page: Try Chunhua’s family stir-fry recipe and learn more about her home town of Taishan, China. INSIGHT MAGAZINE



冬菇玉子豆腐 MUSHROOM TOFU STIR-FRY Ingredients


• 12 oz tofu - 玉子豆腐 • 8 oz fresh mushrooms

300克 - 新鲜冬菇100克

• 1 green onion - 葱 • 3 cloves garlic - 大蒜3 • • • • • • •

粒 2 Tbsp Canola Oil - 油 2匙 1/2 Tsp Sesame Oil - 香油1/2小匙 1 Tsp Oyster Sauce - 蚝油1小匙 1 Tsp Soy Sauce - 酱油1小匙 1/2 Tsp Salt - 盐1/2小匙 1/2 Tsp Sugar - 糖1/2小匙 1/2 Tsp Cornstarch - 生粉 1/2小匙

Directions 做法: 1. Wash the mushrooms, cut tofu into sections, mince onion, slice garlic.

冬菇洗净去根,豆腐均 切成段,香葱切末,大 蒜切片 2. Add oil to pan, add in the tofu, fry until golden brown.

锅内入油烧热后,放入 豆腐,待煎成金黄色 后,捞起 3. Add onion and garlic, then saute. Add a little water into the fried tofu, add mushrooms, and stir fry a few minutes.

锅内留少许油,放入 香葱、大蒜,冬菇 炒 香,再加入少许水,倒 入煎好的豆腐、翻炒 几下




4. Add salt, sugar, soy sauce, and oyster sauce and stir well. Add cornstarch, a little water, stir well, then drizzle sesame oil on top.

加入精盐、糖、 酱 油、蚝油翻炒均匀,加 入生粉水炒匀,淋入香 油,即可 Note: Ingredients should have a crisp tender texture and smooth taste when done. Before heating the mushrooms, you can put them into boiling water; this helps remove the odor.

质地酥嫩,口感顺滑。 烧制前,先把冬菇放入 开水中焯一下,以去除 异味







n 2002, Home Care Aide Chunhua Ye followed her family to Seattle from Taishan, China. (Read her story on page 9.) Taishan is located in the Pearl River Delta in southern China and just west of Hong Kong. It is the home base for approximately half a million Chinese in the United States and is known as the “Number One Home of Overseas Chinese.” Residents have emigrated from this region to places around the world since its founding during the Ming dynasty in 1499, named then as Xinning County. Natural disasters and the First Opium War drove Xinning residents to the United States in waves. Others came to the United States during the California Gold Rush and the construction of the Transcontinental Railroad. By 1870, there were 63,000 Chinese in the United States, mostly in California. Beginning in the 1880s, residents from this region began to seek work in newly bustling Seattle; laying railroad tracks, canning salmon, and digging mines. The Chinese were the first Asians to settle in the area and established the Chinatown district. However, locals began to look at the Chinese as a threat to limited jobs. This was partly fueled by an economic depression and the Chinese Exclusion Act, which restricted immigration in the United States. Racism and xenophobia, or “fear of people ‘foreign

or strange,’” also fed hostility toward Chinese immigrants. Tensions rose, and led to one of the most shameful moments in U.S. history. In 1886, a mob of angry white people marched over 200 Chinese to the Seattle waterfront. There, they were forced to board a boat headed to San Francisco. Similar events occurred in other cities around the state, including Tacoma and Issaquah. Shortly after, the Great Seattle Fire of 1889 destroyed the city and Chinese laborers were recruited back to provide labor to rebuild. It took the Chinese community a long time to recover from this event. Later antiJapanese sentiment during World War II spilled over into the Chinese community, as well. But there were many leaders who helped rebuild the community and became part of the city’s fabric. Wing Luke became the first Chinese American elected to any political office in the continental U.S. when he won a seat on the Seattle City Council in 1962. Ruby Chow, born in Seattle to Chinese immigrants, held a seat on the King County Council and established the first Chinese restaurant outside of Chinatown in 1948. This became a major destination for local celebrities and led the introduction of Chinese culture and traditions to the wider city. While American-style Chinese food is very different from dishes made in China, it looks


Above: Residents of a small village in Taishan pick green pepper leaves off the vine. (Photo by P Bibler) Below: A political cartoon from 1882 when the Chinese Exclusion Act restricted immigration to the U.S. The caption reads, “We must draw the line somewhere, you know.”

closest to the style of food made in southern China, since the majority of immigrants are from this region. Dim sum and rice-based dishes and ingredients, including noodles, hail from the area. Home Care Aide Chunhua Ye shares one of her favorite family recipes (left), a mushroom tofu stir-fry that uses simple and affordable ingredients. n





Home Care Aide Clara Aiken and her consumer Frederick Jones. (Photo by Paul Joseph Brown)

Skilling Up Clara Aiken sharpens home care skills through advanced training BY SHAUN SCOTT


lara Aiken was a veteran nursing home worker, but when she made the leap to home care, she looked for a way to sharpen her skills. Through the Advanced Home Care Aide Apprenticeship program, Aiken found that training and opportunities to skill share with other caregivers. “One client I had could not speak, so I had to learn her body language,” Aiken says. “If it weren’t for the training apprenticeship, I don’t think I would’ve learned that kind of sensitivity to my consumer.” The apprenticeship program is a free, 70-hour training program that provides HCAs with in-depth training for assisting consumers with physical disabilities. HCAs, both certified and grandfathered, are eligible for the program, also receive a 25-cent raise




upon completion. SEIU 775 Training Partnership launched the program to support Home Care Aides like Aiken who have basic skills that could be advanced by professional training, attention to detail, and opportunities to skill share with other classmates. “I wish I could tell every Home Care Aide to take these classes,” Aiken says. “It gives you the opportunity to voice a situation and learn about a situation that someone else in your class might also be going through.” The apprenticeship program is also designed to better position Home Care Aides as professionals on their consumer’s care team and prevent costly ER visits by identifying health concerns early.


Top left: Apprenticeship graduates Fialelei Maiava (left) and Kischa McGee (right) attend the Advanced Home Care Aide Apprenticeship graduation on Sept. 4 in Seattle. Top right: Clara Aiken addresses the audience as the student speaker at the graduation ceremony. Bottom left: U.S. Rep. Suzan DelBene speaks on the importance of growing the Home Care Aide workforce. Bottom right: Advance Home Care Aide Apprenticeship graduates take a photo with SEIU 775 President David Rolf. (Photos by Alex Garland and Naomi Ishisaka) Aiken spoke passionately at the

Rep. Jim McDermott shares Rolf’s

have to know. You have to learn when to

apprenticeship graduation on Sept. 4

appreciation for the importance of

listen, how to handle your consumer, how

about the importance of training as she

the apprenticeship program. “When I

to keep schedules for food, for medicine,

transitioned from a 25-year career working

graduated from medical school in the

and how to best monitor your consumer’s

in nursing homes to a Home Care Aide

1960s,” Rep. McDermott says, “there

health. Those are skills. And through the

working directly with consumers in their

wasn’t really such a thing as a home

program, I learned how to get better at


care industry. The foresight of SEIU 775

them.” n

Aiken shared the stage with SEIU 775

Benefits Group in starting a training

President David Rolf. “The number of

program to professionalize this new

people who need care is huge,” Rolf says.

workforce is quite exemplary.”

“The U.S. doesn’t employ enough

Aiken sees her profession as a critical

doctors and nurses to take care of this

role in the consumer’s care team. “One

population. So our vision at SEIU is that

of the things I learned that was most

doctors and nurses and pharmacists

important is how to be a part of the

understand that they have allies in

environment of the consumer,” Aiken says.


“There are communication skills you

For more information for 2016 classes, learn more about the apprenticeship program at www.myseiubenefits.org/ training/apprenticeship


WINTER 2015 13


Home Care Aide David Birmingham, right, asks his consumer, Luther Stone, a series of health questions on a tablet device. The questions can be logged daily and, in the future, shared with a supervisor and the consumer’s Primary Care Provider.







hen Home Care Aide David Birmingham noticed a rash forming on his consumer’s leg, he opened up a new mobile application on his tablet to send a photo to his supervisor and asked for advice. Birmingham and his consumer are leading the way in testing how technology can become part of the consumer’s care plan. From Lazy Susans to food processors to Hoyer Lifts, Home Care Aides make use of all kinds of technology in the work they do for their consumers. SEIU 775 Benefits Group is testing a series of mobile applications for smartphones and tablets that help caregivers maintain and monitor the health of their consumers. These apps are currently being tested by HCAs and consumers before they become widely available. Birmingham, an HCA with the agency ResCare, was selected to work on an early version of an app that allows caregivers to monitor and report changes to the health of their consumer. The agency then sees a full health report, Birmingham says. “The app is a series of ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions which caregivers can answer, or which the consumer can answer. Things like ‘Is the consumer eating more or less today than other days?’” Birmingham believes the app’s simplicity is part of its genius. “These questions help to record baseline, and deviations from baseline,” Birmingham says. “Sometimes you’re not

Home Care Aide David Birmingham takes a photo using a tablet of a scab on the leg of his consumer, Luther Stone. Birmingham and Stone are testing new technology that could be used with HCAs across the state in the future. capturing anything except pictures of potential health that the consumer is stable. conditions to get guidance But if you start answering from a clinician before it ‘yes’ to certain questions, gets out of hand. you can add observations “As somebody who hates about what the client has paperwork,” Birmingham been experiencing. This says, “the ability to autogives us a clear, quantifimate is very valuable. I able way appreciate to capture technology and report that has informaa human It can increase client face.” tion about the state It would safety and well-being of a conbe hard to when used correctly. It imagine a sumer.” Variaeven adds a sense of more pertions in a sonal line professionalism. consumof work er’s health than carecan go giving. But unnoticed, the very Home Care Aide and it’s intimacy of difficult the day-toDavid Birmingham to stop day work problems at their source. of caregiving is exactly what The app that SEIU 775 Benmakes it so difficult to docuefits Group is testing allows ment for HCAs, consumers, caregivers to compile an acagencies, and health care curate and reliable record. providers. In addition to allowSahar Banijamali, SEIU ing HCAs to report written 775 Benefits Group develinformation to agencies and oper and organizer of the health care providers, the technology pilots, says, app also includes a feature “Home care work is often in that lets them take and send a silo. There needs to be a

formal pathway for sharing important observations from HCAs with the primary care team.” Banijamali says these apps can provide early detection of changes in a consumer’s health and prevent future health issues. Si-Chi Chin, a SEIU 775 Benefits Group researcher working with Banijamali on the tech pilots, says, “HCAs find that just asking questions of consumers adds value to the work of being a caregiver. They feel they can contact supervisors with more structured information. They have a technology and a form that allows them to say ‘I notice a rash, this is concerning.’” New technology always takes some time to perfect through trial and error. It was not long ago that digital care plans, connecting consumers with family members via Skype, and nutrition apps were not widely used. Today, they are regular tools in the lives of many HCAs and consumers. Birmingham says that the technology he has helped test in the real world has a bright future, one that depends, like any tool, on the needs of HCAs and consumers. “This is a great tool,” he says. “But nothing more than a tool. It can increase client safety and well-being when used correctly. It even adds a sense of professionalism. This is just the tip of the iceberg. However, technology will always be an extension of the caregiver who makes it work.” n


WINTER 2015 15


Sign up by December 23 for January coverage On the Washington Healthplanfinder website, enter your ZIP code and county to find plans in your area. Enter your date of birth, gender and estimated household income to get detailed cost information. To qualify for free Apple Health (Medicaid), you must create an account to see your full options.

Find your health insurance plan today Your guide to the Washington Healthplanfinder BY KARI HUUS

automatically, because there are many

the above information, you will be able to


new options – 90 plans offered by 10

see the plans available to you. To com-

companies this year compared with 46

pare the plans, you need to think about

plans sold by eight companies last year.

several factors that make up the total

Chances are good that you can find a

cost. (See glossary at right.)

ow is the time of year to sign up for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act.

The Washington Healthplanfinder is

your one-stop shop for affordable plans. But it is only open until Jan. 31 and if you want insurance coverage by January, you need to sign up by Dec. 23. Who can take advantage of “auto-renewal”? If you are returning, it is possible that

better deal. Go with the flow In the first screens (above) you will set

penses (silver plans). Plans that charge a lower monthly premium may cover fewer

This will tell you if you qualify for free

new action required.

(Medicaid). If you don’t qualify for Med-

offerings, even those who can renew

deductibles when you have medical ex-

family’s information.

you can renew automatically, with no Even so, the experts urge everyone

out of pocket in the form of co-pays and

up your account with your individual and

insurance through Apple Health

to look through the insurance plan

If you pay a higher monthly fee, or premium, then you will likely pay less

icaid, you will likely qualify for low-cost

services, and tend to have higher out-ofpocket expenses (Bronze plans.) For most people, the silver plan is the best value. n

insurance. “Browse” is where, after submitting

Are you eligible for health insurance through SEIU 775 Health Benefits Trust? You may qualify if you work 80 hours per month for three consecutive months. See page 31 for more information about our insurance plan. Call the Member Resource Center at 1-866-371-3200 to learn how to apply.





FAQs about the Healthplanfinder What is the Washington Healthplanfinder? If you are not eligible for Health Benefits Trust health insurance, the Washington Healthplanfinder, also known as the Washington Health Benefit Exchange, is a one-stop shop where you can compare and shop for affordable health insurance plans, including Medicaid (Apple Health). It is only open now through Jan. 31, 2016. To get covered by January, 2016, choose your plan by Dec. 23, 2015.

Need help enrolling? Online or over the phone: 1. Find your plan today at www.wahealthplanfinder.org

How much will it cost?

2. Online customer support is available to walk you through your application.

You may qualify for FREE insurance through Apple Health (Medicaid). Apple Health covers adults, children, and families with low incomes, certain

3. Call 1-855-WAFINDER or

seniors, and people with disabilities. Create an account on

1-855-923-4633. They have support

www.wahealthplanfinder.com to see if you qualify. If you don’t qualify for

in over 175 languages and disability

Apple Health, you may still qualify for LOW-COST insurance. On average,

accommodations provided at no cost.

people pay about $82 per month.

In person:

Which plan should I choose?

1. Search by your ZIP code for in-person

Bronze plans will have the lowest monthly costs, but high deductibles.

navigators in your area on

This means you pay more out-of-pocket costs when you seek care. Silver

WAHealthPlanFinder.org or

plans are in the mid-range for monthly costs, but you will have lower out-ofpocket costs. This plan saves you money in the long run.

www.myseiu.be/wanavigators 2. Enrollment events are happening

For most people, a Silver plan is your best value.

around the state. Find one near you at www.myseiu.be/healthplanevents

What will my new insurance cover? Whatever plan you choose, at minimum, the following benefits will be available for you, your spouse, and children:

Words to know

Doctor visits



Pap smears

Urgent Care visits

Cholesterol screening

Maternity & infant care

Blood pressure screening

Mental health

Colorectal cancer screening

bership fee, like to Costco or Sam’s Club.



Deductible: The amount you pay for health

What do I need in order to sign up? •

Social Security numbers of everyone on your plan. (You do not need the actual cards – just the numbers.)

Immigration information.

Income information. A recent W-2 or pay stub helps.

Current health insurance information if you have it.

Premium: The cost of your insurance per month. You pay this amount even when you do not use any services. Think of it as a mem-

costs per year BEFORE your insurance begins to pay its share. Copay: The fixed amount (for example, $15) you pay for some medical services or medicine. Does not count toward deductible. Coinsurance: Your share of the costs (for example, 20%) of certain health care services

Do I need to renew if I signed up last year? Your current health insurance will automatically renew. However, you

AFTER paying the deductible. Out-of-pocket maximum: The maximum

may qualify for more financial assistance this year, or find a better plan on

amount you will pay in one year for medical

the Washington Healthplanfinder.

services, not including premium payments.

There are many more plans to choose from this year, so we recommend checking to see if you can find a better deal.

Get your health insurance today at WAHealthPlanFinder.org

Network / In-Network: Doctors and other medical staff your insurance will pay for you to see.




What HCA Dawn Scott wants you to learn from her painful back injury Other Home Care Aides are hesitant to report injuries because they don’t want to let their consumers down. But Scott n a field where care starts with the caregiver, Individual Prohas actually found a way to have self-care be a positive part of viders (IP) are often hesitant to take time off due to illness her relationship with her consumers. or report injuries. But Dawn Scott, an IP for 15 years, wants “I’m very open. I’ll tell a consumer ‘OK, we have to do this a people to know that there’s a better way. certain way so that I don’t injure myself.’ Or I let it be known “I used to think that we just have to do whatever we have to that I’ll have to find a safer or easier way to do something,” she do to care for the consumer,” Scott says. “But I’ve learned that says. “If it helps the caregiver, a lot of consumers will underit’s also easy to get worn down. If we don’t set boundaries and stand that it’s good for them, too.” take care of ourselves, the consequences can be as bad for us An avid Harley-Davidson rider, Scott understands that there as they can be for the consumer.” is strength in numbers. “New caregivers One day while stretching a sheet across should get a mentor, a caregiver who has been a bed, a spinal disc slipped in her back. “I in the field a little longer than you.” asked a doctor if it was something that was She also strongly recommends the apprenwork-related, and she said no.” Sometimes even ticeship program, which she says helped her But thanks in part to classes Scott took look at home care work as a “profession with admitting that through the Advanced Home Care Aide rules of conduct and protections, like health Apprenticeship Program, she later learned we’re hurt is the insurance, that we should take advantage of,” the truth. “I now know that it should’ve been Scott says. “It also introduced me to forms of hardest part. reported as a work-related injury. I could’ve equipment for transporting and handling confiled an L&I claim, but I didn’t know any sumers like Hoyer Lifts and Lazy Susans that better.” can reduce the risk of injury.” At SEIU 775’s 2015 convention, Health Scott wants her fellow Home Care Aides Home Care Aide Benefits Trust staff Leslie Phillips and Allison to report injuries when they happen and to Hansell held a “Stay Safe Workshop” with Dawn Scott practice preventive care. “A lot of damage can caregivers. Workers were encouraged to be done to our bodies over the course of time,” think of caregiving injuries as “on-the-job” injuries, even if they she says. happen at home with a family consumer. But more than anything, Scott wants other caregivers to “Some people won’t report injuries because they think they know they should not feel afraid to be vulnerable – or to admit may lose their job somehow,” Scott says, echoing one of the that they already are. “Certain repetitive tasks can be really most frequent responses given by those who attended the workhard on your body,” Scott says. shop. “Or they’ll think maybe it was their fault somehow. And “So much of the time we think we’re strong and that we just sometimes even admitting that we’re hurt is the hardest part.” have to muscle through it. But often times that isn’t good for Scott never wants Home Care Aides to be in a situation us, and it isn’t always good for the consumer, either.” n where they wish they could hit the rewind button. “If I have anything that I suspect may be addressed, I do it,” Scott says. BY SHAUN SCOTT






Top 3 Myths About Injury Reporting Myth: I can lose my job for reporting an injury. Truth: Your employer cannot discriminate, demote, or fire you for reporting an injury. It is illegal for your employer to discriminate against you for filing a claim.

Myth: I will lose my wages if I file a claim and cannot immediately return to work. Truth: If you miss work because of your injury and your doctor certifies you are unable to work, L&I or your self-insured employer may pay for a portion of your lost wages, called “time loss compensation.”

Myth: People who file injury claims don’t want to work and take advantage of the system. Truth: Hard working, good people get hurt and deserve good medical care and compensation.

Steps to Reporting Your Injury When you are injured at your consumer’s home or your own home as a family caregiver, report your injury to Washington State Department of Labor & Industries (L&I). If your claim is accepted, you will receive worker’s compensation to pay for medical care directly. If you are unable to work following your injury, you may be eligible for a portion of your lost wages.

Step 1: Injured at Work

Step 3B: Rejected Claim

Claims can be rejected if the doctor cannot certify your medical condition is related to something specific that happened at work or an occupational disease.

Get first aid. Many falls, cuts, and sprains can become serious injuries if they aren’t treated right away. If you are injured at work, go to your doctor, nearest Urgent Care center or, for severe injuries, the Emergency Room. Let them know you were injured on the job and they will assist you in filing the worker’s compensation claim. Let your employer know right away about your injury.

For IPs: Ask your doctor for the “Report of Injury or Occupational Disease” form. List your employer as: HCQA Negotiated Contract 601 Union St., Suite 3500, Seattle, WA 98101.

Step 2: File a Claim You can file an accident report for your injury at your doctor’s office, over the phone to the L&I office at 1-877-561-FILE (business hours only), or online at www.LNI.WA.gov Remember to: • Complete all required paperwork and keep copies of everything for your records. • Read all paperwork carefully and respond promptly. • Put your claim number on your paperwork and have it ready when you call L&I and your employer. For IPs: A company called Sedwick CMS will manage your claim. Contact them toll free at 1-866-897-0386.

You and/or your doctor have the right to protest any decision made about your claim online at www.lni.wa.gov. Appeals can be made directly to the Board of Industrial Insurance Appeals.

Step 4: Get Back to Work Some injured workers miss days of work while they recover. However, many can return to work gradually, while still receiving medical benefits. Returning to work as quickly as possible is a team effort between you, your doctor, and your employer. Stay in touch with them. L&I will provide assistance when you need it.

Step 5: Close Claim Claims are closed when: • Your doctor certifies that further treatment won’t improve your condition. • L&I has no new information showing you need further assistance. • Your treatment was successful! (In these cases, L&I accepts and closes your claim at the same time in a “Notice of Decision.”)

Step 3A: Approved Claim L&I will approve your claim if your doctor certifies that you were injured at a specific time and place at work, or if you have a disease or disorder caused by your work. Benefits cover medical bills. They also may include wage replacement, return-towork help, and disability for the severely injured.

HBT Members: Your insurance coverage through the Health Benefits Trust will NOT be affected by reporting your injury to L&I. You can continue to use your current benefits while collecting additional benefits from L&I.

Learn more and file your claim at www.LNI.WA.gov INSIGHT MAGAZINE

WINTER 2015 19





About the Writer Eva Looper Gantala is a Home Care Aide and parent provider for her adult son, Mike. She serves on the Executive Board for SEIU 775 and is a peer mentor for new Home Care Aides. Mike and Eva are active leaders in Washington’s Home Care Aide community and regularly advocate for parent providers across the state.





t is difficult for parents when they know their child is intelligent, but other people are not able to see it. During my time teaching at a developmental preschool, I met some terrific children with autism. Autism, or autism spectrum disorder, is a group of complex disorders related to brain development that can cause significant social, communication, and behavioral challenges. One in 68 children has been identified with autism. There were wonderful surprises in teaching, like a few children with autism who could read accurately and at exceedingly high levels by age 3. I asked parents how their child learned to read and the parents replied with, “He just started reading. I don’t know how he learned.” Teaching, along with my experience as a parent provider of a young man with cerebral palsy, have allowed me to appreciate people with

S Jeremy Klennert, right, his mom, Sherri, and his dad go for a walk at their home in Gold Bar, Wash. Read their story on page 24.

developmental disabilities and understand them as extraordinary, complex, and interesting human beings. As with all people, no two individuals with autism are alike. So I was eager to sit down with the parent providers of three young men with autism to chat about their lives. Tim has an amazing memory according to his mom, who was surprised when he remembered the house they lived in 15 years ago. Jeremy’s mom noticed he had a talent for matching words with pictures at a very early age and long before reading was introduced. Kyle quickly picked up reading sheet music and playing instruments in the school band. All of these young adults have challenges and they have extraordinary gifts. The world outside these families may only see the challenges, but I hope to share some of the solutions families have found, lessons learned, and the joy families have because of their amazing, extraordinary child.

Kyle Adams and his mother, Audrey, share tips for communicating with each other. Page 22.

Tim Lechner and his mother, Denese, talk about moving past the diagnosis and finding solutions. Page 26. INSIGHT MAGAZINE

WINTER 2015 21




Kyle Adams, 30, is a “man of few words,” according to


his mom, Audrey, who is his caregiver along with his dad,

Above: Kyle Adams scans documents as an office assistant at Highline Community College. Above right: Kyle’s mom and caregiver, Audrey Adams, applies an espom salt cream designed for people with chemical sensitivities.

Keith. Although Kyle speaks very little, he can write and read, including complex sheet music for playing piano and cello. In this interview, Audrey says that understanding Kyle’s needs is a work in progress, but she’s learned a lot in 30 years. Kyle’s skills with computers and electronics got him a Interview with Kyle Adams

office assistant. Four days a week, parttime, Kyle scans

What is your favorite thing to do? Go to work. What do you like most about your job? (My) own desk. (He means his own new cubicle. He loves privacy.) What thing does your mom do that is most helpful? Make dinner. What makes you happy? Barb (Kyle’s supervisor). Who are your friends? Casey (co-worker). Where is your favorite place to go? Club Thursday (with Renton Parks Special Pops).

and archives documents to the computer, and does other office work, too. Once trained, Kyle manages most tasks independently, but his supervisor, job coach, and co-workers assist when needed. He loves his job and they love to have him there. A specific challenge is that Kyle is highly reactive to chemicals in his food, water, and in his environment. When exposed, chemicals cause him severe headaches and pain throughout his body. Kyle cannot use painkillers, but applying Epsom salt cream topically provides relief. Avoidance of chemicals – abundant in processed foods, non-organic produce, and even medications, to name a few – is key to a happy, employed, pain-free life for Kyle. 22




job at Highline Community College nine years ago as an



Interview with Audrey Adams, Kyle’s mother When was Kyle diagnosed with autism? In 1987, Kyle was diagnosed with Pervasive Developmental Disorder by a neurologist who said that he didn’t want to use the “A” label. There was such a stigma of hopelessness attached to autism and he didn’t want professionals to expect less of Kyle. But his symptoms were severe and, shortly after, a psychologist gave the autism label. A diagnosis at 27 months was nearly unheard of then. How do you communicate with Kyle? There are words in Kyle’s head, but getting them out is extremely difficult. He understands what people are saying, but can’t join the conversation. On rare occasions, he will surprise us by saying an entire sentence, but for those unfamiliar with Kyle, his words can be nearly impossible to understand. To communicate his wishes, Kyle needs a multiple-choice list (verbal or written) to give him the words his brain can’t recall. He then recognizes the words and can verbalize what he wants. The tricky thing is to give him very broad multiple choices at first and then gradually narrow the choices, very similar to the method companies use for incoming calls. I usually begin with, “Are you in pain, hungry, or frustrated?” Recently, during ear-splitting Tarzan yelling, he answered, “Frustrated.” So I asked, “Are you frustrated about something at work, at

home or something else?” He repeated, “work.” Using this drop-down method of questioning, I discovered he was worried about a change in his work schedule. I told him the information he needed and happiness was restored. Have you ever used communication devices? Ten years ago, Kyle’s first job coach felt he needed an electronic communication device at work. I thought Kyle would love it. I typed in phrases or sentences and then it spoke in a funky computer voice. Then, checking it before work, I noticed phrases missing that I had keyed in. I re-entered them, but they disappeared the next day. After several weeks, the entire speech program was gone, while all other programs were intact. Sometimes moms are slow to understand communication. Nobody asked Kyle if he wanted a device to talk for him–he didn’t. We learned an expensive lesson. Fortunately, his language continues to improve in his adult years and the wonderful folks at Highline communicate just fine with Kyle using his preferred method, his own voice. Does Kyle have outbursts or undesired behavior? Yes, especially if he is hungry, frustrated or in pain. But as long as he is assured of meals, given the means to communicate his frustrations, and protected from chemicals (easier said than done), he’s great company. Some chemicals cause him to be literally wild with pain: running, jumping, sweating

and screaming. Others lay him flat with a profound migraine. I didn’t just wake up one day and know this. It took me many years to understand that pain was causing the outbursts, and chemicals were causing the pain. He suffered 14 excruciating years before I had a clue that he was so horribly chemically sensitive. Converting to organic, unprocessed foods and spring water helped reduce pain and behaviors tremendously. How do you manage exposure to environmental toxins in public? There are a lot of things we can’t predict, like being in the doctor’s office and a woman arrives wearing perfume. In a few minutes, he is in horrific pain. When he was getting headaches at work, Kyle’s doctor suspected the air conditioner was circulating toxins from another area of the building. The solution was a heavy-duty air purifier on his desk. We bought one for his bedroom, too. Kyle’s life, thus ours, revolves around chemical avoidance. Has Kyle ever had an episode in public where people are rude and judgmental? Unfortunately, wild-looking behavior scares people, especially seniors and families with small children. And, in pain, my son can look very scary. People don’t know pain is causing his behavior, so there is little empathy. Kyle has never hit anyone in his life, but strangers don’t know that. I have countless rude stories from Kyle’s childhood, but these days people are much more understanding about autism because everyone knows someone with autism. Now, when people recognize autistic-like behavior, they are much better at ignoring it. What do you do to take care of yourself? I am lucky because I have a fabulous husband that supported our family of four, which allowed me time to focus on our family and Kyle’s needs. Now, at 60, the best thing I can do for myself is to protect Kyle from pain. If I don’t, my life can become much more complicated in a hurry. I am so proud of Kyle. In spite of the pain he has endured, he is still full of smiles and love. He has made me so much wiser than I ever could have been without the journey of learning that he has taken me on.


WINTER 2015 23




Jeremy Klennert, 22, can often be found with his feet

kicked up on his bed listening to his favorite tunes. Sherri and Mike Klennert, his parents and caregivers, say he is a joy to be around as he is funny and likes to tease and play when he is feeling good. Living by a creek in Gold Bar, Wash., Jeremy is often outside playing or horseback riding with his grandmother. Memorial Horse Shows. At the Monroe YMCA Miracle League, he goes bowling and plays baseball. And one day a week, he works cleaning tables at the Monroe Senior Center. Jeremy was born 13 weeks premature and was diagnosed with autism around age 3. Because he is nonverbal, Jeremy and Sherri have created their own method of communication using pictures. And even though he doesn’t talk, Jeremy is very social and likes to be included in the conversation. Sherri talks about the problems she is yet to solve, their technique of communicating, and how the absence of language impacts Jeremy’s care as she works hard to ensure he has positive experiences.




Interview with Sherri Klennert, Jeremy’s mother How do you understand what Jeremy wants or needs? He has a lot more receptive language than expressive. Just now he came to get me and showed me what he needed. That is usually how he communicates with me. I’ll show him breakfast food like a waffle. If he is hungry and wants it, he will push it toward the toaster. If he doesn’t want it, he puts it back into the freezer. I can show him two different items and he can choose which one he wants. I put pictures on the clipboard of what we are going to do or where we are going to go, but if he doesn’t want to do something that is on the board, he will take that picture off. So he can definitely let me know what he doesn’t want to do. We also have an iPod that has picture schedules on it. He can communicate a little bit with it but he has to be encouraged to use it. Understanding Jeremy has taken 22 years and it is not perfected yet, but it’s getting better. It also changes all the time. It’s kind of like a roller coaster and I have to be really flexible. What happens when you surprise him? We often run into a problem when Jeremy doesn’t want to go somewhere or do something that I really need to do. Since he can’t really tell me how he feels about it he will


He’s won first- and second-place ribbons in the Pat Flynn

Above: Mike, Jeremy, and Sherri Klennert at their home in Gold Bar.


Above: Jeremy and Mike pose with his ribbon from the Pat Flynn Memorial Horse Show. Jeremy also plays baseball in the Monroe YMCA Miracle League. (Photo courtesy of Sherri Klennert.) often have a meltdown. He has scared people during his Then I won’t be able to do what I meltdowns. One time a lady was need to do. When he has a meltdown, holding a small baby and Jeremy was they usually last for a short time but having a meltdown in the parking lot when it is happening it feels like and his screaming scared the baby. I forever. I can’t stop him when he gets felt really bad but there was nothing I in those moods. I can’t even talk to could do about it. him. It just makes it worse. Those But if he unintentionally hurts one of episodes are hard to handle especially us by grabbing too hard or scratches if we are out us because his nails somewhere. I really are too long we say try to stop things “owie.” He knows on a positive note, “owie” and he will before we get to that Understanding Jeremy stop immediately. point. Can he use his has taken 22 years and communication Do you have tools or strategies it is not perfected yet, device to show you to handle the how he feels? but it’s getting better. meltdowns? His communication I don’t know what device has pictures to do other than just of feelings on it but get into the car and he has to understand go home. When we what those pictures Sherri Klennert are at home, he goes mean. If there is a to his room where he sad face I don’t know has a chair to sit in. if he really knows what that picture But if he gets to the point of means. He wouldn’t be able to tell me screaming and kicking things, I take what made him sad. A lot of it is just him out and I put him in the corner guesswork. just to distract him and he stares at the What’s the biggest issue you can’t wall until he calms down. But I have to solve? watch that because he has banged his Doctors are always a big issue and head against the wall before. I don’t know how to solve that one. Has he ever hurt someone during a When the doctor sees Jeremy it’s meltdown? usually because he is hurting and he No, he has never, ever hurt anyone. is not on his best behavior. So the

picture of Jeremy the doctor gets in a 15-minute visit is not how Jeremy is all the time. This winter we were a family in crisis and we couldn’t find help anywhere. Jeremy was having extremely bad headaches and that was causing him to have these rages that were so bad we have holes in our walls. Jeremy’s doctor just passed it off as Jeremy’s autistic behavior and didn’t even want to see him. After that we decided to change doctors. For the autism stuff, we have to go to the University of Washington Children’s Autism Center which is 90 miles away. That is a good place for people with autism but it’s unrealistic to go there when Jeremy is sick and needs to be seen right away. How do you take care of yourself? In order for my husband and I to get breaks we have to tag team. My husband gets to go hunting for a few days and when he comes back I get to go to Vegas to see my girlfriend. But we usually don’t get to go places like that together unless we take Jeremy. Last week my husband and I had a big date when Jeremy was in day care. We had time to go out to lunch together. What do you think your most urgent needs are? Respite! My mom is our respite provider and she is getting older and doesn’t have the energy to deal with his meltdowns. Activities like going to a movie or hiking help get rid of some of his energy. Boy does he have energy, lots of it! Our biggest challenge is to find someone in this area (Gold Bar) who can help. Sometimes we just need a break. What else do you want to share? We parents need resources, strategies, and some training to help our children. We need to understand this better and we need training to be able to do that. I think parent training is an awesome thing because we love our children very much and we are responsible for these guys for life.


WINTER 2015 25




Most people sit down with a puzzle by first looking at the

Above: Tim Lechner sits for a photo with his mom and caregiver, Denese Wallace, in their home in Everett, Wash. Above right: Denese applies bandages to Kyle’s arm.

box and then building the edge pieces. Tim just dives right in, clicking pieces together without a visual aid. Tim Lechner, 30, is full of surprises. His mother and caregiver, Denese Wallace, says surprises happen in small moments like recently when she found him drumming the beat to rock music for the very first time. Or the way Tim wakes up every morning in the home in Everett with a grin Although Tim has never been formally diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), Denese believes many of his behaviors indicate he is autistic. As the caregiver, she has learned how to interact with his behaviors, such as throwing fits and repetitively asking questions. Tim also works at Grocery Outlet handling recycling and cleanup. A job coach helps keep him on track and watches out for his safety.




Tim, what do you like best about your job at Grocery Outlet? Clean the parking lot. What are your hobbies? Puzzles and collecting wrestling (items from) WWE. What kind of things do you like to do? I like going to the movies. Do you like to go to Full Life? Yes. Who are your friends? Casey (co-worker). What is your favorite thing to do there? Meet my friends and walking club and when they do plays


on his face.

Interview with Tim Lechner



Interview with Denese Wallace, Tim’s mother What kind of autistic behaviors does Tim have? He has repetitive behaviors. He talks nonstop, saying the same thing over and over. Tim must also put things in order. When he was little, he had to line up his cars in a certain way and he rearranges stuff in stores when it is out of place. He gets stuck on that and cannot move on until it is in order. One time we were on the bus and he had to align the bus book exactly right before we could get off the bus. Why do you think he was not diagnosed when he was younger? I don’t think they diagnosed the milder cases of autism back then. When he was 2 years old, I thought he acted like a regular 2-year-old and the fit throwing wasn’t abnormal. It wasn’t until he was about 7 and still throwing fits that I thought we needed some help. Back then, the doctors said he probably wasn’t autistic because he had language and they told me people with autism don’t have language. They told me people with autism sit, stare, and rock and Tim didn’t do that. We did seek help from medication which calmed him down a lot. I quit trying to find a label for him and I just try to do whatever I need to do to make his life better.

What is Tim like now? The best way I can describe him is he has scatters of intelligence, which scatter into the higher ranges. He has a lot of trouble with expressive language. When something is bothering him he can’t always find the words to tell me about it. When he goes to bed he repeats the same things every night. He says, “Don’t miss my bus, not wake you up, clock wakes me up.” We have told him the clock wakes him up and then he can wake us up. Otherwise he wakes us up in the middle of the night to ask if it is time to get up. What are his fits like? He screams and yells and cusses. Sometimes it takes so much of my attention, especially if I’m trying to go somewhere I often don’t get to go. I need to deal with the situation and I want to deal with that behavior at home. I’ve had to leave places before when he’s having a fit. How do you handle the fits he throws? When he was younger I would hug him against me in safe way, but he is too big to do that now. And I don’t know if it was that effective anyway. The hard thing about his outbursts is he is not a little 2-year-old throwing a fit. He is a big guy and he has hurt people. I don’t think he means to and he

is very apologetic when the outburst is over. Once when he was upset he threw one of his trucks through his window. I try to stop it before it gets that far. Now I can handle the outbursts better and I try to give him choices. I also have to word his choices very carefully so he won’t be overwhelmed. Has he ever had a bad reaction to medication? Yes. One behavior medication caused him to be out of his head for two days. He was hitting people and yelling at everyone. He was so upset I couldn’t calm him down. I took him to the mental health counselor and he tried hitting the counselor. The counselor wouldn’t deal with him and told me not to bring him there again when he was like that. So I had to figure out what was causing the problem by myself. I figured out that it was the medications. I took him off that med and those problems stopped. What strategies have you figured out that work for Tim? I’ve found having structure, along with daily routines and medication have greatly reduced his challenging behaviors all around. How do you take care of yourself? It’s important for me to just get away from everything for a bit. Thank goodness for [home care agency] Full Life. They have trained people there as well as a nurse, so if something happened trained people can take care of it. When he is at Full Life I get to have a break and not worry about him. I can do something for myself, schedule a doctor’s appointment, get a haircut, or just take a nap. What is some advice you would give other parent providers? It’s a lot different when you are a caregiving mom. Your adult children aren’t doing a lot of stuff by themselves. I think a lot of the time we don’t think there are outside people who can take care of our children as well as we can. It’s true that there are not a lot of people to provide respite for us but there are people who can do it if you ask and it’s important to get away. INSIGHT MAGAZINE

WINTER 2015 27


AUTISM RESOURCE GUIDE SUGGESTED BOOKS Autism Guidebook for Washington State This 142-page comprehensive guide was created by the Governor’s Autism Task Force. It includes information on medical aspects, instructional programs, community transitions, community autism awareness training, future life planning, and more.

Population One: Autism, Adversity, and the Will to Succeed This collection of personal essays, by 18-year-old Tyler McNamer from Gig Harbor, Wash., explores the author’s life with autism. Tyler says, “Having a mind that views the world differently is a new experience for everyone. Autistic people are here for some reason. Let’s see if you can find that reason.” $19.95, available at www.populationone.com

Free download at here.doh.wa.gov/materials/autism-guidebook


Autism Society of Washington ASW works to provide education and advocacy, and mobilizes local chapters to create safe and inclusive communities for individuals with autism. Find local chapters of this organization across the state. www.autismsocietyofwa.org

Autism Speaks A 10-year-old national organization connecting families with information, resources and opportunities for supporting a client with autism nationwide – the Washington office is in Seattle. www.autismspeaks.org

Adult Autism Clinic – University of Washington Designed for adults with ASD and their families, this clinic helps with medication, mental health assessment, screening, care management support and aids in locating resources. www.uwmedicine.org/locations/adult-autism 28



Alyssa Burnett Center – Seattle Children’s Hospital For young adults 18 and up with ASD, the center offers classes, activities, and ways to join the community, helping to bridge the transition between childhood and independent adulthood. www.seattlechildrens.org

Interactive Autism Network Individuals with ASD and their family members can use this network to volunteer to participate in ASD research. www.ianresearch.org






Record how you communicate so respite providers can learn from your expertise. For parent providers, nobody can communicate as well as you do with your child with autism. But recording how you communicate, ways you respond to a meltdown, and common scheduled events can help you skill share with other caregivers. Tip via Autism Guidebook for Washington State.

Use a visual calendar in your home to prep the individual with autism for upcoming activities. Many providers suggest using a clipboard, velcro, or magnet icons that can be moved around for the upcoming day or week ahead. Parent Provider Sherri Klennert says her son, Jeremy, can then pick and choose what activities he wants to do by removing icons. This also helps their family prevent meltdowns from unexpected events.

APPS FOR SMARTPHONES + TABLETS ChoiceWorks: Visual Calendar This versatile app has a built-in visual calendar, a “waiting” timer, and a feelings board to assist in expressing emotions. The app includes a library of images but can also be customized. $6.99 for iPhone, iPod, and iPad only.

Cause and Effect Sensory Light Box Light Box uses abstract animation and sound to introduce basic touch skills and awareness, but the app is appropriate for any age group. Twenty-four different scenes range from loud and energetic to calm and immersive.

MyTalk Lite An Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) app, MyTalk allows users to customize a board of images that play recorded sounds when touched. You can personalize the boards with your own images and recordings. Free “lite” version for Android, iPhone, and iPad.

Share Your Tips! What tools, techniques, and strategies have worked for you in providing autism care? Let us know by emailing us at insight@myseiubenefits.org!

$3.99 for Android, Kindle, iPhone, and iPad


WINTER 2015 29


Dip in your monthly hours? The Coverage Grant will help you stay insured 80 60 HOURS


Do you have a consumer who is temporarily entering a nursing home? Or maybe you are currently looking for a new consumer? We understand that unexpected changes happen that may affect your monthly work hours. Our new Coverage Grant Pilot Fund may provide one additional month of Health Benefits Trust insurance coverage to qualified members who dip between 80 and 60 hours. The Coverage Grant is available to you once during your health plan year (Aug. 1, 2015 - July 31, 2016). You can apply for this coverage by contacting the Member Resource Center at 1-866-371-3200.

Combine your hours to qualify for health insurance



SEIU 775 Health Benefits Trust has started a new pilot program, called Combined Hours. This program allows us to combine all of your service hours worked during a month for all of your employers. We will then use this information to determine your eligibility to receive health care coverage through HBT.

The Combined Hours Provider program applies to both Agency Providers and Individual Providers. What does it mean to combine hours? If you work at least 80 hours between two different employers, we will combine those hours and you will be eligible for HBT coverage. Ex.: You work 40 hours as an IP and 40 hours as an AP, and separately you do not qualify for coverage. However, by combining the hours, you qualify because you work 80 hours for the month.

How do I enroll? If you qualify for the Combined Hours program, you will receive an enrollment form in the mail to complete and return. How much is the premium? $25 per month. How is the premium paid? Self-payment. You will need to submit payment by the 10th of each month. No payment will be auto deducted from your paycheck. For more information, call the MRC at 1-866-371-3200

Engage your passion for healthy living (available for HCAs statewide) Participate in programs focused on weight loss, workplace safety, and stress reduction. You will be introduced to healthy action steps, track your results, report back to us, and share your success with other Home Care Aides. If you are interested in participating, e-mail us at healthy@myseiubenefits.org





New changes to your Health Benefits Trust insurance Monthly hours requirement dropped from 86 to 80 hours As of Aug. 1, 2015, the Health Benefits Trust has reduced the monthly hours required for eligibility from 86 to 80 hours per month. This means that it will be a little easier for you to meet eligibility requirements and stay enrolled in your plan from month to month. If you think you might be newly eligible, call the Member Resource Center for information on how to enroll at 1-866-371-3200.

Your Delta Dental annual benefit has increased to $2,000 We heard your feedback that a $1,000 annual benefit was not enough to cover members’ basic dental care. Members now have access to $2,000 of covered services per calendar year for preventive, diagnostic, and restorative coverage. Willamettte Dental plans continue to have no annual maximum. Your dental benefits are included in your insurance even if you do not have a physical card.

Health Benefits Trust Quick Start Guide

Check Your Eligibility for Health Benefits


Look for Your ID Card

Individual Providers: You can apply by logging in to www.myseiubenefits.org and filling out the application form. Agency Providers: Talk with your employer about applying.

After you are eligible and pay your $25 premium, you will receive an ID card in the mail. You will need the ID card number to access your benefits. If you do not receive the card by the 15th of the month that your coverage starts, call the MRC at 1-866-371-3200.

Choose a Primary Care Provider

Complete a Dental Cleaning/Checkup

Locate Your Nearest Urgent Care Center

Manage Your Prescriptions

Use the online provider directory at www.ghc.org or www.kp.org to choose a Primary Care Provider who’s a good match for you. Then make a preventive care appointment or call to schedule. Group Health 1-888-901-4636 or Kaiser Permanente 1-800-813-2000.

Your oral health is an important part of your overall health. Choose a dentist, complete a cleaning – smile! Delta Dental 1-800-554-1907 or Willamette Dental 1-800359-6019.

As soon as possible, you should identify the closest Urgent Care center to you for when you need Urgent Care treatment. You can find Urgent Care centers online at www.ghc.org or www.kp.org.

If you have existing prescriptions, have them transferred to Group Health or Kaiser Permanente. Next, set up mail-order prescription refills online or through customer service to save money and time.

You must work at least 80 hours per month for three consecutive months to be eligible to apply for Health Benefits Trust benefits. You do not need to wait until you are eligible to apply, you can complete the application form after you’re hired.

Complete Your Health Profile Complete the online Health Profile after registering online at www.ghc.org or www.KP.org.


WINTER 2015 31



The Department of Health (DOH) is the state agency responsible for issuing the Home Care Aide credential (HCA). DOH works with a testing company named Prometric to provide the HCA written and skills test. If you are required to become certified, we recommend the timeline on the right below to allow time to get through the certification steps. The steps below outline our SUGGESTED timeline for certification.

Prior to Providing Care: Take Orientation & Safety You will receive an Orientation & Safety kit when you are hired. Taking Orientation & Safety before providing care helps prepare you for caring for your consumer while you are in the process of receiving certification.

Get a Background Check •

• •

You will need to complete a name and date of birth background check before beginning work. Ask your employer how to do this. Then you will need to schedule a fingerprint appointment. Ask your employer how to do this. Make sure to keep a copy of your OCA number found on the fingerprint receipt.

How to Get your HCA Certification: STEP 1: Send in Your DOH Certification Application DOH requires that you send your application to become a Home Care Aide within 14 days of when you are hired. Limited English Proficient (LEP) students: Mark that you are a LEP student on your DOH application. You may be given up to 60 extra days to get certified.

STEP 2: Register for Training Individual Providers: • •

Create a user name and password to log in to the training portal at www.myseiubenefits.org Look for “How To Videos” on the website under “Help.” For support, call the Member Resource Center at 1-866-371-3200.

Agency Providers: •


Check with your employer on the best way to register.



STEP 3: Submit Candidate Exam Application As soon as you are registered for training, download and read the Candidate Information Booklet and the Sample Candidate Application Form at www.prometric.com/WADOH • Your first test fee is paid for you. Simply mark “State Pay” on your application. • On the form you will mark that you are in training and the estimated date you will finish the required 75 hours. • You should allow four weeks for your application to be processed. Download the forms at www.prometric.com/WADOH

STEP 4: Schedule and Take Your Basic Training Take your training as soon as possible to find classes in your area and in your preferred language.

STEP 5: Self Study and Prepare for Exam To prepare for the exam, review “Exam Preparation Materials” found on the Prometric website for the HCA Exam. • You will find practice questions, skills checklists, and instructions that will help you be successful in the exam. • You can also review the Practice Exam at www.prometric.com/WADOH

STEP 6: Take Your Exam Arrive at your test location ready to follow testing guidelines in the Candidate Information Booklet and General Instructions. www.prometric.com/WADOH

STEP 7: Get Certified Your exam results are sent to DOH and they will send you a letter confirming you are officially certified. • You can check the DOH website to see if your certification is “Active.” • If you are “Pending,” it means that DOH does not have all the information they need to complete certification. • Make sure you have fully completed the application, background check, and explained any personal history that could affect your ability to get certified.



Frequently Asked Questions Q: What happens if I don’t apply to the Department of Health (DOH) / What happens if I don’t send in my application to DOH? A: You must submit applications to the Department of Health (DOH) within 14 days of your hire date. This is important because DOH issues your candidate ID number or HM # needed to apply for the Prometric exam. If there is no application with DOH, there is no data to match and payment cannot be confirmed between the Training Partnership and DOH. Q: When can I send my application to Prometric? A: Send your application to Prometric as soon as you know your training completion date. This is important because sending applications through the mail can take a couple of weeks to reach Prometric. (Applications submitted online are preferred.) If there is no application with Prometric, there is no data for the automated systems to match between DOH and Prometric.

Q: Does my information need to be the same on the DOH application and the Prometric application? A: You must give the exact same first name, last name, birth date, and Social Security number on both the DOH and Prometric application. Make sure you use the exact HM number given to you by the Department of Health to put on the Prometric application.

date to reach Prometric. Prometric assigns an exam date and sends the notice out the day they receive verification of your payment. If you submit an e-mail address on your application, you will receive the notice the same day Prometric receives verification of payment. There are some cases where Prometric is working to obtain an interpreter or testing site date. However, if you don’t receive notice of a testing date within two weeks of training completion, it may be because there is an error in your data and payment verification did not reach Prometric. If this is the case, call Prometric at 1-800-324-4689.

For example, you cannot use Robert on one application and Bob on another application. Do not include hyphens in your name. Also, your birth date must match exactly in all applications. If any of your data doesn’t match, Prometric will not get confirmation of payment and you will not be able to schedule your examination (until the data is corrected).

Q: What should I do if Prometric tells me they have not received payment for the exam? A: If Prometric tells you that they did not receive your payment (and it’s two weeks after the training completion date), contact the Department of Health at 360-236-2700 immediately. DOH staff will then research the issue and get it corrected as soon as possible. If you do not need an interpreter, you will receive a testing date the day your issue is resolved.

Q: What happens if I don’t get an examination date within two weeks of completing basic training? A: If you do not receive notification of an exam date within two weeks from your training completion date, you need to contact Prometric at 1-800-324-4689. Verification of payment should not take longer than two weeks from the training completion











**If you are a limited English speaker, you may have additional days to receive certification.





WINTER 2015 33





Safety Training 3 Hours




Accelerated Basic Training 30 Hours

Basic Training 70 Hours

Parent Provider (DDD Only) Class 7 Hours


HCA Credential Required?

Continuing Education 12 Hours

Continuing Education 12 Hours

Not required


If your first renewal period is less than a full year from the date of certification, no CE will be due for the first renewal period.**

By your birthday

Standard HCA Individual Provider (IP) & Agency Provider (AP) hired on/after 1/7/2012 in process or Newly Issued HCA credential

Completed prior to providing care

Completed prior to providing care

Not applicable

Within 120 days of starting to provide care

Standard HCA IP or AP hired on/after 1/7/2012 renewed certification

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable


By your birthday following your last HCA credential renewal date

By your birthday

Standard HCA IP or AP hired before 1/7/2012

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable


By your birthday in next calendar year after completing Basic Training

By your birthday

Parent Individual Provider (HCS/AAA)*

Completed prior to providing care

Completed prior to providing care

Within 120 days of starting to provide care

Not required

Not required


Not required, unless you voluntarily obtain your HCA credential

Not required, unless you voluntarily obtain your HCA credential

Parent DD Individual Provider (DDD)*

Completed prior to providing care

Completed prior to providing care

Not required

Not required

Within 120 days of starting to provide care


Not required, unless you voluntarily obtain your HCA credential

Not required, unless you voluntarily obtain your HCA credential

Limited Service Provider*

Completed prior to providing care

Completed prior to providing care

Within 120 days of starting to provide care

Not required

Not required


Not required, unless you voluntarily obtain your HCA credential

Not required, unless you voluntarily obtain your HCA credential

Adult Child Individual Provider*

Completed prior to providing care

Completed prior to providing care

Within 120 days of starting to provide care

Not required

Not required


By your birthday in next calendar year after completing Accelerated Basic Training

By your birthday


Completed prior to providing care

Completed prior to providing care

Within 120 days of starting to provide care

Not required

Not required


Not required

Not required

*NOTE: If you work for multiple employers, have multiple roles or multiple consumers, you may have different training standards than the chart indicates below. ** If you are credentialed on your birthday then your CE is due on your first birthday following your Current NAC Credential issuance date.

For Workers Who Have a Current NAC Credential, the Chart Below Applies (Not LPN or RN)*** Providers with a renewed NAC or Special Education Endorsements Providers with a new NAC or Special Education Endorsements

Not required

Not required

Not required

Not required

Not required

Not required

Not required

Not required

Not required

Not required


If CE is required in table above, then your CE is due by your first birthday after you start working as an HCA IP or AP.

By your birthday


If CE is required in the table above, then your CE is due by your second birthday following your NAC Credential issuance date.**

By your birthday

***If you are currently certified as an LPN or RN, CE is not required for your role as an Individual Provider (IP) or Agency Provider (AP). You must maintain your LPN or RN credential and be in good standing with the state of Washington. Note: A provider may fall into more than one of these definitions. They must meet the higher requirements for training and certification.

Web Browser Tips for Taking Online Continuing Education Courses Google Chrome is the best web browser to use when taking your Online CE course. To download it:

Ask for help if not very familiar with computers

1. Visit www.google.com/chrome from your current browser

2. Click “Download for personal computer” and then click “Download” on the next screen.

Borrow a computer if the one available is very old, or has not been updated in a long time

Reserve a spot in the library

Consider attending a class in person

3. Open the downloaded file on your computer and you will be walked through the setup. 34


Other tips to consider:




Provides care to a consumer living in his or her home. Employed by a private, Medicaid homecare agency or DSHS.

HCA Credentialed

A worker who has successfully passed a test and been credentialed by the Department of Health as a Home Care Aide.

Non-HCA Credentialed

This is an HCA with a current healthcare credential, such as a Registered Nurse (RN), Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN), or Nursing Assistant Certified (NAC).

Agency Provider (AP)

Home Care Aide (HCA) employed by a private, Medicaid homecare agency.

Individual Provider (IP)

Home Care Aide (HCA) whose employer of record is DSHS.

Standard HCA

Home Care Aide who does not work with their own parent or child. Works more than 20 hours a month or has more than one consumer.

Parent Individual Provider (HCS/AAA)

This is an IP who provides care to his/her own adult child and is contracted through Home and Community Services (HCS) and/or an Area Agency on Aging (AAA). This is often referred to as a non-DDD Parent Provider.

Parent DD Individual Provider (DDA)

This is an IP who provides care to his/her own adult child with a developmental disability and is contracted through the Developmental Disability Administration.

Limited Service Provider

This is any IP who provides care 20 hours a month or less for one consumer.

Adult Child Individual Provider

An adult child providing care for his/her biological, step, or adoptive parent.


This is an IP that provides DDA Respite services at 300 hours or less in a calendar year.


CONTACT THE MEMBER RESOURCE CENTER AT 1-866-371-3200 The Member Resource Center can help you register for classes, provide you with all the training requirements, answers questions around health insurance coverage, and much more. The MRC is available to support you Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Call 1-866-371-3200 or use the contact form at MySEIUBenefits.org/contact

សូ មទាក់ទងមកមជ្ឈមណ្ឌលធនធានសមាជិក តាមលេខ 1-866-371 3200 ប�ើលោកអ្ន កត្រូវ ការជំនួយការចុះឈ្មោះសម្រាប់ការបណ្តុះបណ្ តា ល របស់លោកអ្ន ក ឬដ�ើម្បីឱ្យដឹងថា លោកអ្ន កមា នសិទ្ធិស្របច្បាប់ចំពោះអត្ថ ប្រយោជន៍នៃការ ថែទា ំសុខភាពឬទេ។ 如需在安排培训日程或了解您是否有资格获 取保健福利方面获取协助,请致电 1-866371-3200 联系会员资源中心。 훈련일정을 잡거나 건강혜택 자격 확인을 위해 도움이 필요하시면 회원지원센터 1-866-371-3200 로 전화주세요. ຕິດຕ່ໍ ຫາສູ ນຊ່ ວຍເຫື ຼ ອສະມາຊິກ (Member Resource Center) ທ່ີ ເບີ 1-866-371-3200 ຖ້ າ ທ່ ານຕ້ ອງການຄວາມຊ່ ວຍເຫື ຼ ອໃນການລົ ງທະບ ຽນສໍາລັ ບການຝຶກອົ ບຮົ ມຂອງທ່ ານ ຫື ຼ ເພ່ື ອຊອ ກຮູ້ ວ່ າທ່ ານມີສິດໄດ້ ຮັ ບເງິນຊ່ ວຍເຫື ຼ ອສ�ຳລັ ບກາ ນດູ ແລສຸ ຂະພາບຫື ຼ ບ່ໍ . Если у Вас есть вопросы, связанные с определением расписания занятий, или относительно получения Вами пособия по нетрудоспособности, обращайтесь в Учебно-методический центр по телефону 1-866-371-3200.

Faafesootai le Member Resource Center ile 1-866371-3200 pe afai ete manaomia le fesoasoani mole resitaraina mo lau toleniga pe fia iloa pe ete agavaa mo faamanuiaga mo togafitiga tau soifua maloloina. Comuníquese con el Centro de Recursos para Miembros al 1-866-371-3200 si necesita asistencia para registrarse en su entrenameinto o para saber cuál es su elegibilidad para los beneficios de salud. Kala xiriir Xarunta Macluumaadka Xubinka 1-866371-3200 haddii aad u baahan tahay caawimaadda diiwaangelinta tababarkaaga ama si aad u oggaatid haddii aad u qalantid dheefaha daryeelka caafimaad. Makipag-ugnayan sa Member Resource Center sa 1-866-371-3200 kung kailangan ninyo ng tulong sa pagpaparehistro ng inyong pagsasanay o para malaman kung kayo ay karapat-dapat sa mga benepisyo sa pangangalaga ng kalusugan. Зверніться до Учбово-методичного центру за тел. 1-866-371-3200, якщо Вам буде потрібна допомога з реєстрацією для проходження навчання або якщо Вам буде необхідно з’ясувати, чи маєте Ви право на пільги з медичного забезпечення. Hãy gọi Trung Tâm Nguồn Lực Thành Viên theo số 1-866-371-3200 nếu quý vị cần được trợ giúp trong việc lên lịch đào tạo hoặc tìm hiểu về điều kiện để nhận phúc lợi y tế.


WINTER 2015 35

健康福利信托基金 (HEALTH BENEFITS TRUST):入门 核查您领取健康福利的资格








申请 n 个人提供者:您可登陆


www.myseiubenefits.org 并填写申请表以进行申请。


n 机构提供者:与您的雇主讨论申请事宜。

级护理人员。然后,预约预防护理或打电话安排日期。拨 打1-800-901-4636,联系Group Health或

找出您的ID卡。 在您提出申请、被确认符合申请资格且支付保险费用之 后,您应通过邮件收到一张ID卡。您将需要ID卡号以获取

拨打1-800-813-2000联系Kaiser Permanente。

完成口腔清洁/检查 口腔健康是整体健康的重要部分。选择牙医,完成清洁, 尽情欢笑吧!请拨打1-800-554-1907联系Delta Dental ,或拨打1-800-359-6019联系Willamette Dental。

您的福利。若保险生效后,当月的第15天内您仍未收到ID 卡,请拨打电话1-866-371-3200以联系MRC。找出并记下 距离您最近的紧急护理中心,并将该记录与您的ID卡保存 在一起以供参考。

寻找最近的紧急护理中心 当您需要进行紧急护理时,请尽快确定出距离您最近的紧

最新更新:现在您可以将在多个雇主处的工作时间累积,以满足80 小时的资格要求。如需获取更多信息,请致电医疗后备队: 1-866-371-3200。

急护理中心。您可登录www.ghc.org或www.kp.org,在线 查找紧急护理中心。

管理您的处方 若您已有处方,请将处方转至Group Health或Kaiser Permanente。然后,在线或通过客户服务设置 邮购续配方药,以节约金钱与时间。

培训:如何从培训中获益最多 理解DOH认证要求






尽早注册参加培训 如果您需要基础培训,我们建议您在受雇后两周内注册课程,以便获 得最佳课程选择方案。如果您希望参加讲师指导式继续教育课程,请 在截止日期(您的生日)前尽早注册,以便获得最佳课程选择方案。

参加在线学习,获取继续教育学分 通过参加在线继续教育课程,您可简单、方便地获取家庭护工继续教 育学时。您可以随时在电脑上查看可选课程、参加课程、查阅学分。

在网上获取便利服务和支持 www.myseiubenefits.org门户网站为您提供可选课程、当前培训状





需要语言支持以获得培训或健康福利吗? 敬请致电会员资源中心(联系电话1-866-371-3200)或发送电子邮 件至 www.myseiubenefits.org/contact-us,服务代表将以您所用 语言 回答您的问题。 除英语外,培训、认证测试所用的其他12种语言 阿拉伯语 广东话 柬埔寨语

韩语 老挝语 萨摩亚语

索马里语 西班牙语 俄语

此外,学生们可致电MRC,按先到先得的原则 获取其他语言的口译译员协助。

菲律宾语 乌克兰语 越南语

个人服务提供者:您获取报 通过Healthplanfinder找到 酬的方式正在发生改变! 您所需要的保险。

使用谷歌浏览器 (Chrome)获取您的网上 课程。

在2016年初,Individual ProviderOne , 作为一个在线电子薪资系统,将取代您目前正 在使用的社会服务付费系统(SSPS)。 您将可以通过电脑、智能手机或平板电脑来 在线提交个人的工时表。您也可以传真或邮寄 工时表。 关于Individual ProviderOne的更多信息请 详见您的每月SSPS发票。ProviderOne网站 上可获取完整信息: www.ipone.org


Washington Healthplanfinder是您的一站式 服务点,并为您提供可负担的计划。但它仅开


放至1月31日。 您可能有资格通过医疗补助计划(Medicaid)获得免费医疗保险。医疗补助计划适用 于成人、儿童和低收入家庭、特定老年群体以 及残疾人士。 如若您不符合医疗补助计划资格,您仍然有 资格获得低成本保险。平均而言,每人每月仅

1. 通过IE浏览器(Internet Explorer)或 您现有的浏览器访问www.google.com/ chrome。 2. 点击“下载到个人电脑”(Download for personal computer),并在下一个界 面上点击“下载”(Download)。


3. 在您的电脑上点击已下载的文件,然




如何报告您的工伤 当您作为家庭陪护员时在客户家中或者您自己家中受伤,请向华盛顿州劳工和产业部报告(L&I)您的伤势。如果您的索赔被 接受,您将会直接收到用于支付医疗保健费用的工伤赔偿。如果您受伤后无法工作,您可能符合获得部分损失工资的条件。









请尽快找您的医生、最近的急救中心或急诊室问诊。他们将协助 •











您可以在您的医生办公室,拨打1-877-561-FILE 致电华盛顿州劳工和产


业部办公室(仅限办公时间),或登陆 www.LNI.WA.gov 提交关于伤病的







• 完成所有必需的文件,并保留所有文件的副本作为记录。 • 仔细阅读所有的文件,并及时回复。


• 把您的申请号记录在文件上,并在致电华盛顿州劳工和产业部以 及您的雇主前准备好。

第三步:批准索赔 如果您的医生证明您是在特定的工作时间和地点受伤,或因为工作生

如需了解更多信息并提出索赔,请登录 www.LNI.WA.gov

病或失调,华盛顿州劳工和产业部可以批准您的索赔。赔偿涵盖医疗 费用。还可能包括补发的工资、重返工作的帮助和重伤导致的伤残补 偿金。 INSIGHT MAGAZINE

WINTER 2015 37

의료보험혜택신탁 (HEALTH BENEFITS TRUST): 시작하기 건강 프로필 작성

의료보험 혜택 자격 확인

www.MyGroupHealth.org 또는 www.KP.org에서 온라인으 로 등록한 다음 온라인 건강 프로필을 작성합니다.

3개월 연속으로 월당 80시간 이상 근무해야 의료보험혜택신탁 혜택 을 신청할 자격이 있습니다. 신청 자격이 될 때까지 기다릴 필요 없이 취직 후 바로 신청 양식을 작성할 수 있습니다.

신청 절차

n 개인병원 의사:

예방진료를 위한 의사방문 www.ghc.org 또는 www.kp.org 에서 온라인 주치의 명부를 참고하여 귀하에 게 적합한 주치의를 선택하십시오. 이후 예방진료를 예 약하거나 또는 전화 문의하십시오. Group Health 1-800901-4636 또는 Kaiser Permanente 1-800-813-2000.

www.myseiubenefits.org에 로그인한 다음 신청서를작 성하면 신청이 가능합니다.

n 에이전시 의료공급자: 신청에 대해서는 고용주 와상의하십시오.

ID 카드 찾기 신청 후 자격에 부합하여 보험료를 납부하면 ID 카드 를 우편으로 수령하게 됩니다. 혜택 이용 시 ID 카드 번호가 필요합니다. 보험 기간이 시작되는 달의 15 일까지 카드를 수령하지 못한 경우 MRC(1-866-3713200)로 전화해 주십시오. 가장 가까운 응급 의료 기 관을 찾아 기록한 다음 급할 때 참조할 수 있도록 카 드와 함께 보관해 두십시오.

새로운 사항: 지금부터는 80시간의 자격 요구 사항을 충족하 기 위해 여러 고용주로부터의 근무 시간을 한데 묶을 수 있습 니다. 자세한 내용은 MRC, 1-866-371-3200으로 문의해 주십시오.

치과 세정/검진 구강 건강은 귀하의 전반적인 건강에서 매우 중요한 부 분을 차지합니다. 치과 의사를 선택하고 치아 세정을 받 은 후 마음껏 미소를 뽐내세요! Delta Dental 1-800-5541907 또는 Willamette Dental 1-800-359-6019.

가장 가까운 응급 의료 기관 찾기 위급 상황 발생 시 이용할 가장 가까운 응급 의료 기관 을 조속히 알아 두어야 합니다. www.ghc.org 또는 www. kp.org에서 온라인으로 응급 의료 기관을 찾을 수 있습니 다.

처방전 관리하기 기존 처방전이 있으면 Group Health 또는 Kaiser Permanente에 전달하십시오. 그 후 우편 주문 처방전 리필을 온라인이나 고객 서비스를 통해 작성하면 시간과 비용을 절약할 수 있습니다.

교육: 교육 프로그램을 효과적으로 활용하는 방법 DOH 인증 요건 이해하기 의무적으로 인증을 취득해야 하는 경우라면 미루지 말고 가능한 빨리 과정을 시작하십시오. 회원지원센터로 전화해서 담당 직원과 필요한 자격 요건에 대하여 상담하십시오.

교육 프로그램 조기 등록하기 초급 교육 과정을 이수하는 경우라면 입사 후 처음 2주 안에 등록 하여 가장 적합한 수업 일정을 선택할 수 있도록 합니다. 강사 주 도 CE(평생 교육) 수업을 수강하는 경우 원하는 수업을 수강하려 면 귀하의 신청 마감일(출생일) 전에 최대한 빨리 등록하는 것이 좋습니다.

온라인 과정으로 평생 교육 학점 취득하기 온라인 평생 교육 과정을 이용하면 간병인 자격 취득에 필요한 CE 시간을 쉽고 편리하게 이수할 수 있습니다. 1년 365일 언제든지 집에 있는 컴퓨터로 접속해 개설된 과정을 열람하고 수업을 들을 수 있으며 학점을 조회할 수 있습니다.

온라인으로 편리하게 서비스 및 지원 받기 38



www.myseiubenefits.org 웹 포탈에는 참여 가능한 수업, 귀하의 현재 교육 상태, 지원 혜택 신청 요건 등이 종합적으로 마련되어 있습니다. 궁금한 점이 있을 때는 먼저 홈페이지를 확인해 보십시 오.

연락처 정보 갱신 고용주가 가지고 있는 귀하의 연락처 정보를 갱신하면 교육에 관 한 최신 정보를 받고 있는지 확인할 수 있습니다.

교육 또는 의료보험혜택에 대한 언어 지원 이 필요하십니까? 1-866-371-3200으로 회원지원센터에 전화하거나 www.myseiubenefits.org/contact-us의 이메일을 이용하시면담당 자가 귀하의 언어로 질문에 답변해 드립니다. 12개국 언어 및 영어로 제공되는 교육, 인증 시험 타갈로그어 소말리아어 아랍어 한국어 중국어(광동어)








또한 학생들은 MRC에 연락하여 다른 국가의 통역사를 선착순 으로 요청할 수 있습니다.

개인 제공자들: 여러분여러분 이 지불받는 방식이 변하고 있 습니다! 2016년 초에, 온라인 전자 급여 시스템인 Individual ProviderOne이 여러분여러분이 현재 사용중인 사회보장 지급 시스템 (SSPS) 을 대체할 것입니다. 컴퓨터, 스마트폰, 혹은 타블렛으로 근무 시간 기록표를 온라인으로 제출할 수 있게 될 것입니다. 또한 근무 시간 기록표를 팩스와 우편으로 보낼 수 있게 될 것입니다. 매월 여러분의 SSPS 청구서에 첨부된 Individual ProviderOne의 더 많은 정보를 보세요. 그리고 ProviderOne 홈페이지에서 모든 정 보를 찾으세요: www.ipone.org

의료보험 탐지기(Healthplanfinder)로 여러분여러분의 보험 을 찾으세요! 워싱턴 의료보험 탐지기(Washington Healthplanfinder)는 알맞은 비용의 보험 계획을 위한

크롬 브라우저로 온라인 수업 을 들으세요. 구글 크롬이 온라인 CE수업 수강에 가장 좋 은 브라우저입니다. 다운로드 하려면:

원스톱 샵입니다. 하지만 1월 31일까지만 문

1. 인터넷 익스플로러(혹은 현재 브라

을 엽니다. 여러분은저소득층 의료보장 제도

우저)에서 www.google.com/chrome

(Medicaid)로 무료 보험의 자격이 있을 수도 있

을 방문하세요.

습니다. 저소득층 의료보장 제도는 저소득층 성 인, 아이 및 가족, 노인, 그리고 장애인의 보험 을 보장합니다. 저소득층 의료보장 제도를 받을 자격이 없어도 저비용 보험의 자격이 있을 수 도 있습니다. 평균적으로 사람들은 매달 82불

2. “개인 컴퓨터용 다운로드(Download for personal computer)”를 클 릭하신 후 다음 화면에서 “다운로드 (Download)”를 클릭하세요.

을 지불합니다. 1-855-923-4633로 전화하세요.

3. PC에서 다운로드 파일을 여시면 차

175개 이상의 언어 지원과 장애인 응대 서비스

례대로 설치하실 수 있을 것입니다.

를 무료로 제공해 드립니다.

업무상 재해 보고 방법 가족 간병인으로서 일하다 환자의 주택이나 자신의 주택에서 다친 경우 워싱턴주의 L&I(노동 및 산업) 부서에 귀하의 부상을 보고합니다. 귀하의 청구 사항이 수락되면 의료비에 대한 직접적인 근로자 보상을 받을 수 있습니다. 부상을 당한 이후 일을 할 수 없는 경우에는 급여 손실 중 일정 부분에 대한 보상을 받을 수 있습니다.

1단계: 근무 중 부상을 당한 경우

• 응급 처치를 받으십시오. 낙상, 창상, 염좌의 부상 중 상당수는 올바른 처치를 바로 받지 않아 중상으로 발전할 수 있습니다. • 필요한 경우 의사의 진찰을 받으십시오. 근무 중 심각한 부상이나 손발 이 절단되는 부상을 당한 경우 가장 가까운 응급 처치 센터 또는 응급 실을 방문하여 의사의 진찰을 받으십시오. 해당 기관에서는 근로자가 보상 청구를 진행할 수 있도록 도움을 제공할 것입니다. • 귀하의 대리인이나 DSHS 에서 바로 인지할 수 있게 하십시오. 고용주는 부상에 대해 알아야 합니다. 그래야 L&I 관련 서류 도착 시 귀하가 업 무에 복귀할 계획을 세울 수 있도록 지원해 줄 수 있습니다.

2단계: 청구 진행

• 주치의의 병원에서 L&I 사무소 전화, 1-877-561-FILE(업무 시간에 만 가능) 또는 온라인 www.LNI.WA.gov 로 사고 보고서를 제출할 수 있습 니다. 유의 사항: • 필요한 모든 문서를 작성하고 귀하의 기록에 관한 모든 사본을 보관합 니다. • 모든 문서를 주의하여 읽고 정확히 답변합니다. • 문서에 청구 번호를 기입한 다음 L&I 및 고용주에게 전화할 때 사용할 수 있도록 준비해 둡니다.

3단계: 청구 승인

L&I는 귀하가 근무 장소에서 특정 순간에 부상을 입었거나 업무로 인해 질 병이나 장애가 발생했다고 주치의가 소명하는 경우 귀하의 청구를 승인할 수 있습니다. L&I에서는 의료 비용을 부담합니다. 또한 대체 급여, 직장 복 귀 지원 및 중상으로 인한 장애를 보상해 드립니다.

3단계: 청구 거부

근로 또는 직업병으로 인해 발생했다는 특정 사항과 근로자의 의학적 상태의 연관성을 의사가 소명할 수 없는 경우 청구가 거부될 수 있습니다. 귀하 또는 주치의는 청구 사항에 대해 내려진 모든 결정에 대해 온라인으로 이의를 제기할 수 있습니다. 항소는 BIIA(산업 보험 항소 위원회)에 직접 제기할 수 있습니다.

4단계: 업무 복귀

부상에서 회복하는 동안 직장 근무를 할 수 없는 근로자도 있습니다. 그러나 대다수는 의료 혜택을 계속 받으면서 점진적으로 업무에 복귀하게 됩니다. 가능한 빨리 업무에 복귀하려면 귀하, 주치의 및 고용주 간에 협조가 필요합 니다. 관련자들과 계속 연락을 주고받아야 합니다. L&I는 필요한 경우 지원 을 제공합니다.

5단계: 청구 종료

다음의 경우 청구가 종료됩니다. • 추가 치료를 받아도 귀하의 상태가 호전되지 않는다는 주치의의 소명 이 있는 경우. • 귀하를 위한 추가 지원이 필요하다고 보여 주는 새로운 정보가 L&I에 없는 경우. • 치료가 성공적인 경우. (이 경우 L&I는 “결정 고시”와 동일한 순간 에 귀하의 청구를 수락 및 종료합니다.)

자세한 내용 및 청구 진행에 대해서는 www.LNI.WA.gov를 참조하십시오. INSIGHT MAGAZINE

WINTER 2015 39

ОРГАНИЗАЦИЯ «HEALTH BENEFITS TRUST»: ПЕРВЫЕ ШАГИ Проверьте, имеет ли Вы право на получение медицинской страховки

Пройдите процедуру профилактического ухода

Для подачи заявки на предоставление страховки Health Benefits Trust Вы должны работать по меньшей мере 80 часов в месяц в течение трех месяцев подряд. Если Вы не хотите ждать, пока Вы получите право на подачу заявки, Вы можете заполнить форму заявки после поступления на работу.

Воспользуйтесь онлайн-списком врачей на сайте www. ghc.org или www.kp.org , чтобы подобрать подходящего поставщика услуг в сфере первичного медицинского обслуживания. Затем запишитесь на процедуру профилактического ухода или ознакомьтесь с графиком работы. Group Health 1-800-901-4636 или Kaiser Permanente 1-800-813-2000.

Подайте заявку n Индивидуальные поставщики услуг: Вы можете подать заявку, зарегистрировавшись в системе www.myseiubenefits.org и заполнив форму заявки. n Агентства: Поговорите со своим работодателем о подаче заявки.

Пройдите чистку зубов / стоматологический осмотр Здоровая ротовая полость для нас так же важна, как и общее состояние Вашего здоровья. Выберите стоматолога, пройдите чистку зубов и улыбнитесь! Delta Dental 1-800554-1907 или Willamette Dental 1-800-359-6019.

Найдите свою карточку идентификации

Установите местонахождение ближайшего центра неотложной помощи

После подачи заявки, предоставления Вам соответствующего права и внесения Вами страхового взноса Вы должны по почте получить карточку идентификации. Номер данной карточки понадобится Вам для получения льгот по страховке. Если Вы не получили карточку по состоянию на 15 число месяца, в котором начинает действовать Ваша страховка, обратитесь в Учебнометодический центр по телефону 1-866-371-3200. Найдите и запишите координаты ближайшего центра неотложной помощи и носите свою карточку при себе.

Вы должны знать, где находится ближайший центр неотложной помощи на случай, если Вам понадобится срочное медицинское вмешательство. Вы можете найти список центров неотложной помощи на сайте www.ghc. org или www.kp.org.

Управляйте рецептами

Заполните свой профиль пациента Заполните онлайн-профиль пациента, зарегистрировавшись на сайте www.MyGroupHealth.org или www.KP.org.

Если у Вас имеются текущие рецепты, отправьте их Group Health или Kaiser Permanente. Далее для экономии времени и денег заказывайте препараты на основании рецепта по почте, установив соответствующую опцию в онлайн-режиме или через службу поддержки клиентов.

ОБУЧЕНИЕ: КАК СДЕЛАТЬ ТАК, ЧТОБЫ ОБУЧЕНИЕ ДАЛО МАКСИМАЛЬНЫЕ РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ Разберитесь с требованиями к сертификации, установленными Министерством здравоохранения Если Вам необходимо пройти сертификацию, не откладывайте – начните этот процесс как можно скорее. Позвоните в Учебнометодический центр, чтобы поговорить о том, что Вам нужно.

Зарегистрируйтесь на участие в обучении заранее

Если Вам необходимо пройти Базовое обучение, мы порекомендовали бы Вам зарегистрироваться на прохождение учебных курсов в течение первых двух недель с момента найма на работу, чтобы иметь возможность выбрать лучшие варианты. Если Вам нужны курсы повышения квалификации, проводимые преподавателем, зарегистрируйтесь как можно скорее, чтобы иметь возможность выбрать лучшие варианты до наступления конечного срока (Вашего дня рождения).

Пройдите дистанционное обучение для получения кредитов в рамках системы повышения квалификации

Курсы дистанционного повышения квалификации – это простой и удобный способ заработать часы в рамках системы повышения квалификации, которые необходимы Вам как специалисту по уходу на дому. Вы можете просматривать доступные курсы, выбирать предметы и видеть заработанные Вами кредиты непосредственно со своего компьютера – 24 часа в день, семь дней в неделю.




Зайдите в Интернет для получения услуг и помощи в удобной для Вас форме

Веб-портал www.myseiubenefits.org – это ресурс с исчерпывающей информацией о доступных предметах, Вашем текущем статусе в рамках прохождения обучения, возможности получения Вами каких-либо льгот, а также о многом другом. Чтобы получить ответы на волнующие Вас вопросы, необходимо войти на портал.

Обновите свои контактные данные

Обновите свои контактные данные, предоставленные работодателю, для получения самой актуальной информации о ходе Вашего обучения.

Требуется языковая поддержка для прохождения обучения или получения медицинской страховки?

Обратитесь в Учебно-методический центр по телефону 1-866-371-3200 или отправьте электронное сообщение через форму на сайте www.myseiubenefits. org/contact-us, и наш представитель ответит на Ваш вопрос на Вашем языке. 12 языков и английский язык для прохождения обучения, сдачи сертификационного экзамена Арабский язык Корейский язык Сомалийский язык Тагальский язык Кантонский диалект Лаосский язык Испанский язык Украинский язык китайского языка Вьетнамский язык Камбоджийский язык Самоанский язык Русский язык Кроме того, учащиес я могут обратитьс я в Учебно-методический центр, чтобы воспользоваться услугами переводчика с/на другие языки. Заявки обрабатываются в порядке живой очереди.

$82 в месяц. Звоните по телефону 1-855923-4633. Они оказывают помощь на более чем 175 языках и бесплатно предоставляют необходимые удобства для лиц с ограниченными возможностями.

Для частных работников по уходу: Меняется способ получения Вами оплаты!

Найдите свою страховку прямо сейчас про помощи программы Healthplanfinder

В начале 2016 года Individual ProviderOne, электронная сетевая система оплаты, заменит собою Социальную платёжную систему (Social Service Payment System), которой Вы пользуетесь сейчас. Подавать листки учёта через Интернет, с помощью компьютера, смартфона или планшета. Также листки учёта можно будет отправлять по факсу или по почте. Дополнительная информация об Individual ProviderOne прилагается к Вашему счёту SSPS за каждый месяц. Всю информацию также можно найти на сайте ProviderOne: www.ipone.org

Washington Healthplanfinder - способ поиска доступных страховых планов по принципу "одного окна". Но он будет работать только до 31-го января. Вы можете подать заявку на получение БЕСПЛАТНОГО страхования по программе Medicaid. Medicaid распространяется на взрослых, детей и семьи с низкими доходами, некоторые категории пожилых людей и людей с ограниченными возможностями. Если Вы не соответствуете требованиям Medicaid, вы всё равно можете подать заявку на получение страховки по ПОНИЖЕННОЙ ЦЕНЕ. В среднем, платёж составляет около

Для занятий в режиме онлайн используйте браузер Chrome Google Chrome - самый лучший браузер для прохождения Ваших курсов повышения квалификации в режиме онлайн. Чтобы скачать браузер, Посетите www.google.com/chrome, используя Internet Explorer (или Ваш текущий браузер) Для частных работников по уходу: Меняется способ получения Вами оплаты!

Как сообщить о травме на работе Если Вы получили травму дома у своего клиента или у себя дома при осуществлении ухода за членом семьи, сообщите о своей травме в Департамент труда и промышленности штата Вашингтон (L&I). Если Ваше заявление принято, Вы получите компенсацию, выплачиваемую работникам, получившим травму на работе, непосредственно для оплаты медицинских услуг. Если вследствие травмы Вы не можете работать, возможно, Вы сможете претендовать на часть своей утраченной зарплаты.

Шаг 1: Производственные травмы • •

Получение первой помощи Часто падения, порезы, растяжения и вывихи могут привести к серьезным травмам, если их немедленно не обработать. При необходимости обратитесь к врачу. Если Вы получили травму на работе, обратитесь к врачу, в ближайший центр скорой или неотложной помощи (при серьезных травмах, потере конечностей и т.д.). Вам помогут заполнить заявление на получение компенсации, выплачиваемой работникам, получившим травму на работе. Сообщите безотлагательно в агентство или Департамент социальных услуг и здравоохранения (DSHS). Паботодатель должен знать о травмах, чтобы при получении документов от L&I помочь Вам спланировать возвращение на работу.

Шаг 2: Подача заявления Вы можете сообщить о несчастном случае в кабинете своего врача, обратившись в L&I по телефону1-877-561-FILE (исключительно в часы работы) или в онлайн-режиме www.LNI.WA.gov. Важно: • Оформить все необходимые документы и сохранить копии всех своих записей. • Внимательно прочитать и своевременно оформить все документы. • Указать в документах номер своего заявления и держать его под рукой при звонке в L&I и работодателю.

Шаг 3: Одобренное заявление L&I может одобрить Ваше заявление, если обслуживающий Вас врач подтвердит получение Вами травмы в определенное время и в определенном месте на работе, или заболевание или нарушение, вызванные Вашей работой. Выплаты покрывают расходы на медицинское обслуживание. Кроме того, они могут включать в себя компенсацию заработной платы, помощь при возвращении на работу и пособие по инвалидности при серьезных травмах.

Шаг 3: Отклонение заявления Заявления могут быть отклонены, если врач не может подтвердить связь медицинского состояния пациента с конкретной ситуацией, имевшей место на работе, или с профессиональным заболеванием. Вы или Ваш врач имеете право опротестовать любое решение, принятое в отношении Вашей претензии, в онлайн-режиме. Апелляции можно направлять непосредственно в Апелляционную комиссию по производственному страхованию.

Шаг 4: Возвращение на работу Некоторые получившие травму работники в период выздоравливания скучают по работе. При этом многие могут постепенно возвращаться к работе, в то же время, продолжая получать пособие по болезни. Скорейшее возвращение к работе достигается совместными усилиями работника, его врача и его работодателя. Поддерживайте контакт с врачом и работодателем. L&I предоставит необходимую помощь.

Шаг 5: Закрытие заявления Заявление считается закрытым, если: • Обслуживающий Вас врач подтвердит, что дальнейшее лечение не улучшит Вашего состояния. • У L&I отсутствует новая информация, указывающая на то, что Вам нужна дальнейшая помощь. • Ваше лечение было успешным! (В этих случаях L&I принимает и закрывает Ваше заявление одновременно в «Уведомлении о решении».)

Узнать больше и отправить свое заявление можно на сайте: www.LNI.WA.gov INSIGHT MAGAZINE

WINTER 2015 41

HEALTH BENEFITS TRUST: BILAABISTA Eeg U-qalmitaankaaga ee loogu talogalay Health Benefits

Waa in aad shaqeysid ugu yaraan 80 saacadood bil kasta seddax bilood oo isku xiga si aad ugu qalantid in aad codsatid dheefaha Health Benefits Trust. Uma baahnid in aad sugtid ilaa aad uga qalantid in aad codsatid, waxaad dhammeystiri kartaa foomka codsiga kadib marka lagu shaqaaleysiiyo.


n Bixiyeyaasha Shakhsiga Gaarka ah: Waxaad codsan kartaa adiga oo galaya www.myseiubenefits.org kadibna buuxinaya foomka codsiga. n Bixiyeyaasha Hay’adda: Kala hadal loo shaqeeyahaaga wixii ku saabsan codsashada.

Raadso Kaarkaaga Aqoonsiga Kadib marka aad codsatid, laguuna arko in aad u qalantid oo aadna bixisid lacagta joogtada ah ee caymiskaaga, waa in aad ku heshid Kaar Aqoonsi boostada. Waxaad u baahanaysaa lambarka kaarka Aqoonsiga si aad u heshid dheefahaaga. Haddii aadan helin kaarka marka ay tahay 15ka ee bisha caynsanaantaada ay bilaabanayso, ka wac MRC 1-866-371-3200. Raadi kadibna waxaad qortaa Xurunta Daryeelka Degdega ah ee kuugu dhow waxaadna la haysaa kaarkaaga tixraac ahaan.

Cusub: Waxaad hadda isku dari kartaa saacadahaaga ee loo-shaqeeyayaaal baddan si aad uga soo baxdo shuruudda u-qalmitaanka 80-saac. Ka wac MRC si aad u hesho macluumaad baddan lambarkaan 1-866-371-3200.

Dhammeystir Haybsashada Caafimaadkaaga Dhammeystir Haybsashada Caafimaadka ee online-ka ah kadib marka aad online-ka iska diiwaangelisid www. MyGroupHealth. org ama www.KP.org.

Dhammeystir Booqashada Daryeelka Ka Hortaga Ka adeegso tusiyaha bixiyaha online-ka ah www.ghc. org ama www.kp.org si aad u xulatid bixiyaha daryeelka aasaasiga ah ee sida wanaagsan kuugu habboon. Kadibna samee ballanta daryeelka ka hortaga ama wac si aad waqti u qabsatid. Caafimaadka Kooxda 1-800-901-4636 ama Kaiser Permanente 1-800-813-2000.

Dhammeystir Nadiifinta/Baarista Ilkaha Caafimaadkaaga afka waa qayb muhiim ah oo kamid ah caafimaadkaaga guud. Xulo takhtarka ilkaha, dhammeystir nadiifin – dhoolla-cadday! Ilkaha Delta 1-800-554-1907 ama Ilkaha Willamette 1-800-359-6019.

Baro Meesha Ay Ku Taalo Xarunta Daryeelka Degdega ah ee Kuugu Dhow Sida ugu dhaqsiyaha badan ee suurtagalka ah, waa in aad u aqoonsatid Xarunta Daryeelka Degdega ah ee kuugu dhow marka aad u baahan tahay Daaweynta Daryeel Degdeg ah. Waxaad ka heli kartaa Xarumaha Daryeelka Degdega ah online-ka www.ghc.org ama www.kp.org.

Maarey Rijeetooyinkaaga Daawada Haddii aad haysatid rijeetooyin daawo oo hore u jiray, ha laguugu wareejiyo Caafimaadka Kooxda ama Kaiser Permanente. Kadibna, ka aasaas online-ka dib-u buuxinada rijeetada ee dalabka-boostada ah ama iyada oo loo marayo adeegga macmiilka si aad u badbaadisid lacag iyo waqti.

TABABAR: SIDA LOOGA HELO FAA’IIDADA UGU BADAN Ka raadso Online-ka Adeeg iyo Taageero Kugu Habboon TABABARKAAGA Fahan shuruudaha Shahaado Qaadashada DOH

Haddii lagaa doonayo in aad qaadatid shahaado, haka daahin – waxaad u bilaawdaa hanaanka sida ugu dhakhsiyaha badan ee suurtagalka ah. Wac Xarunta Macluumaadka Xubinka si aad ugala hadasho wakiil wixii ku saabsan shuruudahaaga.

Isugu diiwaangeli Xili Hore Tababarka

Haddii aad u baahantahay Tababar Aasaasi ah, waxaan kugu dhiirigelinay-naa in aad isku diiwaangelisid fasaladaada labada toddobaad ee ugu horreeya ee shaqaalaynta saad u heshid doorashooyinka ugu fiican ee ikhtiyaaraadka fasalka. Haddii aad doonaysid in aad qaadatid fasallo Wax-barasho Sii-wadasho ee Macalinka-Horkaca (CE) , isku diiwaangeli xili hore ee suurtagalka ah si aad u heshid doorashada ugu fiican ee ikhtiyaaraadka fasalka kahor wakhtiga kama dambayska (maalintaada dhalashada).

Qaado Barashada Online-ka ee loogu talogalay Darajooyinka Aqoon Qaadashada ee Waxbarasho Sii-wadasho Qaado Barashada Online-ka ee loogu talogalay Darajooy-inka Aqoon Qaadashada ee Waxbarasho Sii-wadasho




Cinwaanka mareegtada www.myseiubenefits.org waa macluumaadkaaga dhammeystiran ee fasallada la heli karo, xaalkaaga tababarka ee hadda la joogo, u-qalmitaanka dheefaha iyo wax badan. Soo gal mareegtada marka hore si aad u heshid jawaabaha aad u baahan tahay.

Cusboonaysii Macluumaadkaaga Xiriirka

Hubso in aad helaysid macluumaadka hadda la jooga ugu dambeeya ee ku saabsan tababarkaaga adiga oo ka cusboonaysiinaya macluumaad-kaaga xiriirka cidda aad u shaqeysid.

Ma u Baahan Tahay Taageero Luuqadeed ee Loogu Talogalay Tababar ama Dheefo Caafimaad (Health Benefits)?

Ka Wac Xarunta Macluumaadka Xubinka 1-866-371-3200 ama iimeyn ugu dir www.myseiubenefits.org/contact-us waxaana su’aalahaaga kaaga jawaabaya wakiil ku hadlaya luuqadaada. 12 Luuqadood Oo Lagu Darey Ingiriis oo loogu talogalay Tababar, Imtixaan Sha-haado Qaadashada Carabi Kuuriyaan Soomaali Tagalog Kantoniis Laoshiyaan Isbaanish Yukreeniyaan Kamboodhiyan Samoan Ruushiya Fiitnaamees Waxaa intaa siidheer, in ardayda ay waci karaan MRC si ay turjumaan ugu helaan Luuqadaha ku saleysan imaanshaha-koowaad.

Daryeel bixiyeyaasha Shaqsiga ah: Qaabka wax laguugu siiyo wuu isbedelaysaa!

Hel caymiskaaga maanta adiga oo u maraya Healthplanfinder

U isticmaalka qalabka internetka lagu galo ee lagu magacaabo Chrome fasaladaada online-ka ah

Horaantasannadka 2016, ProviderOne Shaqsiga ah, qaab online ah, nidaam mushaar bixin elektarooniga ah, ayaa bedeli doona Nidaamka Lacag-bxinta Adeegga Bulshada (SSPS) aad hadda adiga isticmaashid. Waxaad awoodi doontaa in aad ku soo gudbiso waraaqaha waqtiga online-ka adiga oo sidaas ku sameeya tooska kombuyuutar, teleefoonka casriga ah, ama tablet. Waxaad sidoo kale awoodi doontaa in aad ku soo dirtid waraaqaha waqtiga faakis ama boosto. Ka fiiri macluumaad badan oo ku saabsan ProviderOne Shaqsiga ee lagu soo lifaaqo warqadaada qaansheega SSPS ee bil kasta. Kana raadi macluumaad buuxda bogga internetka ProviderOne: www.ipone.org

Washington Healthplanfinder waa dukaankaaga-halka joogsi ee qorsheyaasha la awoodi karo. Balse wuxuu kaliya furan yahay illaa 31 Janaayo. Waxaa dhici karta in aad u qalantid caymis BILAASH ah iyada oo loo marayo Medicaid. Medicaid wuxuu caymiyaa dadka waaweyn, carruurta, iyo qoysaska leh dakhliyo hoose, waayeelada qaarkood, iyo dadka naafada ah. Haddii aadan u qalmin Medicaid waxaad weli u qalmi kartaa caymis QIIMO-JABAN ah. Dhexdhexaad ahaan, dadku waxay bixiyaan ku dhowaadkii $82 bil kasta. Wac 1-855-923-4633. Waxay haystaan taageero wax ka badan 175 luuqadood iyo hoyga dadka naafada ah oo lagu bixiyo lacag la’aan ah.

Barnaamijka internetka lagu galo ee lagu magacaabo Google Chrome waa midka ugu fiican ee lagu galo internetka ama la isticmaalo marka aad qaadanaysid koorsadaada CE ee online-ka ah. Si aad usoo dejisato: Booqo www.google.com/chrome ee aad ka gashid barnaamijka Internet Explorer (ama barnaamijkaaga hadda kuugu degsan ee aad ka gashid internetka) Guji “Download for personal computer” "Soo dejin loogu talogalay kombuyuutar shakhsi" kadibna guji “Download” "Soo deji" ee ku qoran shaashada xigta. Fur faylka aad ku soo dejisay kombuyuutarkaaga kadibna waxaad u sii gudbeysaa dejinta barnaamijka aad ku dejisid kombuyuutarkaaga.

Sida Loo Sheego Dhaawacaaga Shaqada Marka aad ku dhaawacanto guriga Macmiilkaaga ama gurigaaga sida daryeele qoys ahaan, u soo sheeg dhaawacaaga Waaxda Shaqaalaha iyo Warshadaha ee Gobolka Washington (L&I). Haddii xaq sheegashadaada la aqbalo, waxaad helaysaa magdhowga shaqaalaha si aad toos ugu bixiso daryeelka caafimaadka. Haddii aadan awoodin in aad shaqeyso kadib dhaawacaaga, waxaad u qalmi kartaa qayb ka mid ah mushaarkaaga la waayay.

Tallaabada 1aad: Ku dhaawacmay shaqada • •

Hel gargaar degdeg ah. Dhicis, dillaac, iyo murgacasho baddan waxay noqon karaan dhaawacyo halis ah haddii isla markiiba aan la daaweyn. Arag dhakhtar haddii loo baahanyahay. Haddii aad ku dhaawacantay shaqada, u tag dhakhtarkaaga, xarunta Daryeelka Degdega ah ee kuugu dhow ama Qolka Xaaladaha Degdega ah (dhaawacyada daran, addin waayid, iwm.) Waxay kugu caawin doonaan xaraysashada xaq sheegashada magdhowga shaqaalaha. Isla markiiba u sheeg wakaaladaada ama xiriirkaaga Waaxda Adeegaha Bulshada iyo Caafimaadka. Loo-shaqeeyayaasha waxay u baahanyihiin in ay oggaadaan dhaawacyada sidaas awgeed marka warqada shaqada ee L&I ay timaado waxay kugu caawin karaan in aad qorshayso shaqo kunoqoshadaada.

Tallaabada 2aad: Xarayso Xaq sheegasho

Waxaad xarayn kartaa warbixin shil ee loogu talogalay dhaawacaaga xafiiska dhakhtarkaaga, taleefoonka ayaad ugu gudbin kartaa xafiiska L&I 1-877-561-FILE (saacadaha shaqada kaliya), ama online-ka www.LNI.WA.gov. Xasuusnow in aad: • Dhammeystirto dhammaan shaqada warqada loo baahan yahay waxaadna meel u dhigataa nuqulada wax kasta oo diiwaanadaada ah. • Si taxadar baddan u akhri dhammaan waraaqadaha kadibna si dhaqso ah uga jawaab • Kuqor lambarka xaq sheegaaga waraaqdaada waxaadna u akhrisaa marka aad wacdo L&I iyo loo-shaqeeyahaaga.

Tallaabada 3aad: Xaq sheegasho la Ansixiyey

L&I waxay ansixin kartaa xaq sheegashadaada haddii dhakhtarkaaga uu xaqiijiyo in aad dhaawacantay waqti gaar ah iyo goob shaqada ah, ama haddii aad cudur qabto ama xanuun sabab u ah shaqadaada. Dheefaha waxay ceymiyaan biilasha caafimaadka. Waxaa sidoo kale ka mid ah bedelka mushaarka, caawimaad shaqo-kunoqosho iyo naafonimo loogu talogalay kuwa sida xun u dhaawacmay.

Tallaabada 3aad: Xaq sheegashada La Diiday

Xaq sheegashada waa la diidi karaa haddii dhakhtarka uusan caddayn karin in xaaladda caafimaad ee shaqaalaha ay la xiriirto wax gaar ah ee ka dhacay shaqada ama cudur shaqo. Adiga iyo/ama dhakhtarkaaga waxaad xaq u leedihiin in aad diidaan go’aan kasta ee lagu gaaray online-ka ee ku saabsan xaq sheegashadaada. Rafcaanada waxaa si toos ah looga sameyn karaa Guddiga Rafcaanada Caymiska Warshadaha.

Tallaabada 4aad: Shaqada Dib Ugu Noqo

Qaar kamid ah shaqaalaha dhaawacma waxay seegaan maalmo shaqo inta ay bogsanayaan. Si kastaba kuwo baddan waxay ugu noqon karaan si tartiib ah shaqada, ayaga oo wali qaadanaya dheefaha caafimaadka. Dib ugu noqoshada shaqada sida ugu dhaqsiyaha baddan ee suurtagalka ahi waa dadaal kooxeed oo u dhaxeeya adiga, dhakhtarkaaga iyo qofka aad u shaqaysid. Laxiriir ayaga. L&I waxay bixinaysaa gargaar marka aad u baahantahay.

Tallaabada 5aad: Xir Xaq sheegashada

Xaq sheegashooyinka waxaa la xiraa marka: • Dhakhtarkaaga uu xaqiijiyo in daaweyn dheeraad ah aysan wanaajinayn xaaladaada. • L&I aysan hayn macluumaad cusub oo muujinaysa in aad u baahantahay gargaar dheeraad ah • Daawayntaada waa lagu guulaystay! (Xaaladahan, L&I waxay ku oggolaanaysaa oo ay ku xiraysaa xaq sheegashadaada isla waqtigaasi “Ogeysiiska Go’aanka.”)

Wax baddan ka baro oo ka soo xarayso xaq sheegaaga boggaan internetka www.LNI.WA.gov INSIGHT MAGAZINE

WINTER 2015 43

HEALTH BENEFITS TRUST: INTRODUCCIÓN Verifique su elegibilidad para Health Benefits Trust Debe trabajar por lo menos 80 horas por mes durante tres meses consecutivos a fin de ser elegible para solicitar los beneficios de Health Benefits Trust. Para solicitar los beneficios, no necesita esperar hasta ser elegible. Puede completar el formulario de solicitud luego de ser contratado.


n Proveedores individuales: Puede hacer la solicitud ingresando a www.myseiubenefits.org y llenando el formulario de solicitud. n Agencias: Consulte a su empleador sobre cómo hacer la solicitud.

Busque su tarjeta de identificación Luego de hacer su solicitud, ser encontrado elegible y haber pagado su prima, recibirá una tarjeta de identificación por correo. Necesitará el número de su tarjeta de identificación para acceder a sus beneficios. Si no recibe la tarjeta antes del día 15 del mes en que comienza su cobertura, llame al Centro de Recursos para Miembros al 1-866-371-3200. Busque y anote el centro de atención de urgencias más cercano y conserve la anotación junto con su tarjeta de identificación para referencia.

Totalmente nuevo: Ahora puede combinar sus horas de múltiples empleadores para cumplir con el requisito de elegibilidad de 80 horas. Llame al MRC (Centro de Recursos para Miembros) para más información al 1-866-371-3200.

Complete su perfil de salud Complete su perfil de salud en línea luego de registrarse en www. MyGroupHealth.org o www.KP.org.

Realice una visita de atención preventiva Use el directorio en línea de proveedoreswww.ghc.org o www.kp.org para elegir un médico de atención primaria adecuado para usted. Luego coordine una cita de atención preventiva o llame para programarla. Group Health 1-800-901-4636 o Kaiser Permanente 1-800-813-2000.

Realice un chequeo/limpieza dental Su salud oral es una parte importante de su salud en general. ¡Elija un dentista, complete una limpieza, sonría! Delta Dental 1-800-554-1907 o Willamette Dental 1-800-359-6019.

Ubique su centro de atención de urgencias más cercano Tan pronto como sea posible, identifique el centro de atención de urgencias más cercano a usted para cuando necesite atención de urgencia. Puede encontrar los centros de atención de urgencia en internet en www.ghc.org o www. kp.org.

Administre sus recetas Si tiene recetas, haga que se las transfieran a Group Health o Kaiser Permanente. Luego, establezca, por internet o a través del servicio al cliente, que sus recetas sean reabastecidas mediante el servicio de pedidos por correo.

CAPACITACIÓN: CÓMO OBTENER EL MÁXIMO DE SU TA Vaya al sitio web para Servicio y soporte convenientes CAPACITACIÓN

Entender los requisitos de certificación del Departamento de Salud

Si usted tiene la obligación de recibir la certificación, no se demore, inicie el proceso tan pronto como sea posible. Llame al Centro de recursos para miembros para hablar con un representante acerca de sus requisitos.

El portal web www.myseiubenefits.org es su recurso completo para las clases disponibles, su nivel de capacitación actual, los beneficios de elegibilidad y mucho más. Inicie sesión en el portal primero para obtener las respuestas que necesita.

Actualice su información de contacto

Regístrese temprano para la capacitación

Actualice su información de contacto con su empleador, para continuar recibiendo la última información sobre su capacitación.

Tome sesiones de aprendizaje en línea para obtener créditos de Educación continua

Llame al Centro de Recursos para Miembros al 1-866-371-3200 o vaya a www. myseiubenefits.org/contact-us y un representante contestará su pregunta en su idioma. 12 idiomas adicionales, además del inglés, para la capacitación y el examen de certificación

Si usted necesita Capacitación básica, lo invitamos a inscribirse en sus clases dentro de las primeras dos semanas de contratación para obtener la mejor oferta de opciones de clases. Si usted quiere tomar clases de Educación continua dirigida por un instructor (EC), inscríbase lo antes posible para obtener la mejor selección de las opciones de clase antes de la fecha límite (su cumpleaños).

Los cursos de Educación continua en línea son una manera fácil y conve-niente de obtener las horas de Educación continua (CE, por sus siglas en inglés) que usted necesita como ayudante de atención domiciliaria. Usted puede ver los cursos disponibles, tomar clases y ver los créditos, todo desde su computadora, 24 horas al día, siete días a la semana.




¿Necesita apoyo de idioma para la capacitación o los beneficios de Health Benefits?

Árabe Coreano Somalí Tagalog Cantonés Laosiano Español Ucranio Camboyano Samoano Ruso Vietnamita Además, los estudiantes pueden llamar al Centro de Recursos para Miembros para solicitar los servicios de un intérprete de otros idiomas. Este servicio se otorgará en orden de solicitud.

Proveedores individuales: ¡La manera en la que se le paga está cambiando!

Encuentre su seguro hoy a través de Healthplanfinder

Utilice el navegador Chrome para sus clases en línea.

A principios del año 2016, Individual ProviderOne, un sistema de nómina electrónica en línea, reemplazará el Sistema de pago de servicio social (SSPS) que usa actualmente. Usted podrá entregar sus hojas de registro de tiempo en línea, por medio de una computadora, teléfono inteligente o tableta. También podrá enviarlas por fax o correo. Busque más información sobre Individual ProviderOne adjunta a su factura SSPS cada mes. Y averigue toda la información en el sitio web de ProviderOne: www.ipone.org

El Washington Healthplanfinder es el único sitio que necesita para buscar planes económicos. Pero sólo estará abierta hasta el 31 de enero. Usted puede calificar para seguro GRATIS por medio de Medicaid. Medicaid cubre a adultos, niños y familias con bajos ingresos, ciertos adultos mayores y personas con discapacidad. Si no califica para Medicaid, podría calificar para seguro DE BAJO COSTO. En promedio las personas pagan alrededor de $82 por mes. Llame al 1-855-923-4633. Tienen atención en más de 175 idiomas y ajustes por discapacidad sin costo.

Google Chrome es el mejor navegador cuando tome su curso de CE en línea. Para descargarlo: Visite www.google.com/chrome desde Internet Explorer (o su navegador actual) Haga clic en “Descargar para computadora personal” y entonces haga clic en “Descargar” en la siguiente pantalla. Abra el archivo descargado en su computadora y se le indicará cómo continuar con la instalación.

Cómo reportar su lesión

Cuando se lesiona en el hogar de su cliente o en su propio hogar como cuidador familiar, reporte su lesión al Departamento de Labor e Industrias (L&I) del Estado de Washington. Si su reclamo es aceptado, recibirá compensación laboral para pagar su cuidado médico directamente. Si usted no puede trabajar debido a su lesión, es posible que sea elegible para recibir una porción de sus sueldos perdidos.

Paso 1: Lesionado en el trabajo

Paso 3b: Reclamo rechazado

Los reclamos pueden ser rechazados si el médico no puede certificar que la condición médica del trabajador se relaciona con algo específico que sucedió en su trabajo o con una enfermedad ocupacional. Usted y su médico tienen el derecho de objetar cualquier decisión tomada sobre su reclamo en línea. Las apelaciones pueden hacerse directamente al Consejo de Apelaciones al Seguro Industrial.

Consiga primeros auxilios. Muchas caídas, cortaduras y esguinces pueden convertirse en lesiones serias si no son tratadas inmediatamente. Vea a un médico si es necesario. Si se lesiona en el trabajo, vaya a ver a su médico, centro de cuidados urgentes, o sala de emergencias más cercano (lesiones severas, pérdida de extremidades, etc.) Ellos lo ayudarán a llenar el reclamo de compensación del trabajador. Informe al contacto en su agencia o DSHS (Departamento de Servicios Sociales y de Salud) de inmediato. Los empleadores deben estar al tanto de su lesión cuando llegue el papeleo L&I y para que puedan ayudar a planificar su regreso al trabajo.

Paso 2: Presente un reclamo Usted puede presentar un informe de accidente por su lesión en el consultorio de su médico, vía telefónica con la oficina L&I al 1-877-561-FILE (solo horario de oficina), o en línea en www.LNI.WA.gov. Recuerde: • Complete todo el papeleo requerido y retenga copias de todo para sus registros. • Lea los formularios cuidadosamente y envía sus respuestas puntualmente. • Coloque su número de reclamo en su papeleo y téngalo a la mano cuando llame a L&I y a su empleador.

Paso 3a: Reclamo aprobado L&I puede aprobar su reclamo si su médico certifica que usted se lesionó específicamente en su lugar de trabajo, o si tiene una enfermedad o desorden ocasionado por su trabajo. Los beneficios cubren las facturas médicas. También pueden incluir reemplazo de sueldo, ayuda para volver a trabajar e incapacidad para quienes se lesionan severamente.

Paso 4: Volver al trabajo Algunos trabajadores lesionados dejan de trabajar mientras se recuperan. Sin embargo, algunos pueden volver a trabajar gradualmente, mientras reciben beneficios médicos. El que usted vuelva a trabajar tan pronto como sea posible, es un esfuerzo en equipo entre usted, su médico y su empleador. Permanezca en contacto con ellos. L&I le proporcionará asistencia cuando la necesite.

Paso 5: Reclamo cerrado Los reclamos se cierran cuando: • Su médico certifica que el tratamiento adicional no mejorará su condición. • L&I no tiene nueva información que muestre que usted necesita asistencia adicional. • ¡Su tratamiento fue exitoso! (En estos casos, L&I acepta y cierra su reclamo al mismo tiempo en una “Nota de decisión”).

Conozca más y complete su reclamo en www.LNI.WA.gov


WINTER 2015 45

HEALTH BENEFITS TRUST: BẮT ĐẦU Kiểm Tra Tư Cách nhận các Phúc Lợi Y Tế của Quý Vị Quý vị phải làm việc ít nhất là 80 giờ mỗi tháng trong 3 tháng liên tiếp để đủ điều kiện nộp đơn đăng ký các phúc lợi của Health Benefits Trust. Quý vị không cần đợi cho đến khi quý vị đủ điều kiện để nộp đơn đăng ký, quý vị có thể điền mẫu đơn đăng ký sau khi quý vị đã được tuyển dụng.

Hoàn thành Lần Thăm Khám Chăm Sóc Phòng Ngừa Sử dụng danh bạ nhà cung cấp trực tuyến tại www.ghc.org hoặc www.kp.org để chọn nhà cung cấp dịch vụ chăm sóc chính phù hợp với quý vị. Sau đó lập cuộc hẹn chăm sóc phòng ngừa. Group Health 1-800-901-4636 hoặc Kaiser Permanente 1-800-813-2000.

Nộp đơn đăng ký

n Nhà Cung Cấp Dịch Vụ Cá Nhân: Quý vị có thể nộp đơn đăng ký bằng cách đăng nhập www.myseiubenefits.org và điền vào mẫu đơn đăng ký. n Nhà Cung Cấp Dịch Vụ Cơ Quan: Thảo luận với nhà tuyển dụng của quý vị về việc nộp đơn đăng ký.

Tìm Kiếm Thẻ Căn Cước của Quý Vị Sau khi quý vị nộp đơn đăng ký, được phát hiện đủ điều kiện và nộp phí bảo hiểm của mình, quý vị sẽ nhận được một thẻ căn cước qua đường bưu điện. Quý vị sẽ cần số thẻ căn cước để tiếp cận được các phúc lợi của mình. Nếu quý vị không nhận được thẻ trước ngày 15 của tháng mà khoản bao trả của quý vị bắt đầu, vui lòng gọi đến MRC theo số 1-866-371-3200. Tìm kiếm và viết ra Trung Tâm Chăm Sóc Khẩn Cấp gần quý vị nhất và mang theo cùng thẻ của quý vị để tham khảo.

Hoàn Thành Hồ Sơ Y Tế của Quý Vị Hoàn thành Hồ Sơ Y Tế trực tuyến sau khi đăng ký trực tuyến tại www.MyGroupHealth.org hoặc www.KP.org.

Hoàn thành Khám/Vệ Sinh Răng Miệng Sức khỏe răng miệng là một phần quan trọng của sức khỏe tổng quát của quý vị. Chọn một nha sĩ, hoàn thành vệ sinh răng – mỉm cười! Delta Dental 1-800-554-1907 hoặc Willamette Dental 1-800-359-6019.

Tìm Địa Điểm của Trung Tâm Chăm Sóc Khẩn Cấp Gần Nhất Ngay khi có thể, quý vị cần xác định Trung Chăm Sóc Khẩn Cấp gần nhất phòng trường hợp quý vị cần điều trị Chăm Sóc Khẩn Cấp. Quý vị có thể tìm thấy các Trung Tâm Chăm Sóc Khẩn Cấp trực tuyến tại www.ghc.org hoặc www.kp.org.

Quản Lý Toa Thuốc của Quý Vị Nếu hiện quý vị đã có toa thuốc, chuyển các toa thuốc này đến Group Health hoặc Kaiser Permanente. Tiếp theo, đặt mua theo toa thêm qua đường bưu điện trực tuyến hoặc tại bộ phận dịch vụ khách hàng để tiết kiệm thời gian và tiền bạc.

ĐÀO TẠO: CÁCH TẬN DỤNG TỐT NHẤT KHÓA HUẤN LUYỆN CỦA QUÝ VỊ Truy Cập Trực Tuyến để nhận Dịch Vụ và Hỗ Trợ Thuận Tiện Hiểu Được các Yêu Cầu về Chứng Nhận DOH

Nếu quý vị bắt buộc phải nhận được chứng nhận, đừng trì hoãn – bắt đầu quy trình càng sớm càng tốt. Gọi đến Trung Tâm Nguồn Lực Thành Viên để thảo luận với đại diện về các yêu cầu của quý vị.

Đăng Ký Sớm để Tham Gia Khóa Huấn Luyện

Nếu quý vị cần Huấn Luyện Cơ Bản, chúng tôi khuyến khích quý vị đăng ký tham gia lớp học của mình trong vòng hai tuần đầu tiên kể từ khi được tuyển dụng để chọn lựa tốt nhất các tùy chọn lớp học. Nếu quý vị muốn tham gia các lớp học Giáo Dục Thường Xuyên (CE) có Giảng Viên Hướng Dẫn, hãy đăng ký càng sớm càng tốt để chọn lựa tốt nhất các tùy chọn của lớp học trước thời hạn của quý vị (ngày sinh nhật của quý vị).

Tham Gia các Khóa Học Trực Tuyến để Nhận Tín Chỉ Giáo Dục Thường Xuyên

Các khóa học Giáo Dục Thường Xuyên trực tuyến là cách thức dễ dàng và thuận tiện để đạt được số giờ CE mà quý vị cần khi là Hộ Lý Chăm Sóc Tại Nhà. Quý vị có thể xem các khóa học sẵn có, tham gia các lớp học và xem các tín chỉ của quý vị, tất cả từ máy tính của quý vị – 24 giờ một ngày, bảy ngày một tuần.

Cổng thông tin web www.myseiubenefits.org là nguồn lực toàn diện dành cho quý vị về các lớp học sẵn có, trạng thái huấn luyện hiện tại của quý vị, tình trạng đủ điều kiện nhận các phúc lợi và nhiều hơn nữa. Đăng nhập cổng thông tin trước tiên để nhận được câu trả lời mà quý vị cần.

Cập Nhật Thông Tin Liên Lạc của Quý Vị

Bảo đảm quý vị đang nhận được thông tin mới nhất về khóa huấn luyện đào tạo mình bằng cách cập nhật thông tin liên lạc của quý vị với nhà tuyển dụng của quý vị.

Cần Hỗ Trợ Ngôn Ngữ cho Huấn Luyện hoặc các Phúc Lợi Y Tế?

Gọi đến Trung Tâm Nguồn Lực Thành Viên theo số 1-866-371-3200 hoặc gửi email www.myseiubenefits.org/contact-us và đại diện sẽ trả lời câu hỏi của quý vị bằng tiếng Việt. 12 Ngôn Ngữ Ngoài Tiếng Anh cho Huấn Luyện và Kiểm Tra Chứng Nhận Tiếng Ả Rập Tiếng Quảng Đông Tiếng Campuchia

Tiếng Hàn Quốc Tiếng Lào Tiếng Samoa Tiếng Somali

Tiếng Tây Ban Nha Tiếng Nga Tiếng Tagalog

Tiếng Ukraina Tiếng Việt

Ngoài ra, các học viên có thể gọi đến MRC để có được thông dịch viên các ngôn ngữ khác, người nào gọi trước thì được phục vụ trước. 46



Nhà Cung Cấp Cá Nhân: Cách quý vị nhận tiền đang thay đổi! Đầu năm 2016, Individual ProviderOne , hệ thống trả lương điện tử, trực tuyến sẽ thay thế Hệ Thống Thanh Toán Dịch Vụ Xã Hội (SSPS) quý vị đang sử dụng. Quý vị sẽ có thể nộp bảng chấm công trực tuyến thông qua máy tính, điện thoại thông minh hoặc máy tính bảng. Quý vị sẽ cũng có thể fax và gửi bảng chấm công qua đường bưu điện. Xem thêm thông tin về Individual ProviderOne đính kèm với hóa đơn SSPS hàng tháng của quý vị. Và tìm hiểu thông tin đầy đủ trên trang web của ProviderOne: www.ipone.org

Hãy tìm gói bảo hiểm của quý vị ngay hôm nay thông qua Healthplanfinder Washington Healthplanfinder là nơi quý vị có thể tìm mua các chương trình giá cả phải chăng. Nhưng Washington Healthplanfinder chỉ mở cửa đến ngày 31 tháng 1. Quý vị có thể đủ tiêu chuẩn nhận bảo hiểm MIỄN PHÍ thông qua Medicaid. Medicaid bao trả cho người trưởng thành, trẻ em và gia đình có thu nhập thấp, một số người già và người khuyết tật. Nếu quý vị không đủ tiêu chuẩn nhận Medicaid, quý vị vẫn có thể đủ tiêu chuẩn nhận bảo hiểm CHI PHÍ THẤP. Tính trung bình, mọi người trả khoảng $82 mỗi tháng. Gọi 1-855-923-4633. Họ hỗ trợ trên 175 ngôn ngữ và cung cấp dịch vụ nơi ở miễn phí cho người khuyết tật.

Sử dụng trình duyệt Chrome cho các lớp học trực tuyến của quý vị Google Chrome là trình duyệt web tốt nhất để sử dụng khi tham gia khóa học CE Trực Tuyến của quý vị. Để tải trình duyệt này về: Hãy truy cập www.google.com/chrome từ Internet Explorer (hoặc trình duyệt hiện tại của quý vị) Nhấp vào “Download for personal computer” (Tải về dành cho máy tính cá nhân) rồi nhấp vào “Download” (Tải xuống) ở màn hình kế tiếp. Mở tập tin đã tải về trên máy tính của quý vị và quý vị sẽ chuyển qua phần cài đặt.

Cách Thức Báo Cáo Chấn Thương Tại Nơi Làm Việc của Quý Vị Khi quý vị bị thương tại nhà Khách Hàng của quý vị hoặc nhà của chính quý vị trong vai trò là người chăm sóc gia đình, vui lòng báo cáo chấn thương của quý vị cho Sở Lao Động & Công Nghiệp Tiểu Bang Washington (L&I). Nếu yêu cầu bồi thường của quý vị được chấp nhận, quý vị sẽ nhận được bồi thường cho người lao động để thanh toán trực tiếp dịch vụ chăm sóc y tế. Nếu quý vị không thể làm việc sau khi bị chấn thương, quý vị có thể đủ điều kiện nhận được một phần tiền lương đã mất của quý vị.

Bước 1: Bị thương tại nơi làm việc • •

Được sơ cứu. Nhiều trường hợp bị ngã, đứt và bong gân có thể trở thành các chấn thương nghiêm trọng nếu không được điều trị ngay lập tức. Thăm khám bác sĩ nếu cần. Nếu quý vị bị thương tại nơi làm việc, hãy đến thăm khám bác sĩ của quý vị, đến trung tâm Chăm Sóc Khẩn Cấp hoặc Phòng Cấp Cứu gần nhất (các chấn thương nghiêm trọng, mất tay chân, v.v.) Họ sẽ giúp quý vị điền vào yêu cầu bồi thường cho người lao động. Báo ngay cho người liên lạc của cơ quan của quý vị hoặc DSHS. Chủ sử dụng lao động cần biết về các chấn thương để khi giấy tờ L&I đến, họ có thể giúp quý vị lên kế hoạch trở lại làm việc.

Bước 2: Nộp yêu cầu bồi thường

Quý vị có thể nộp báo cáo tai nạn về chấn thương của quý vị tại văn phòng của bác sĩ quý vị, qua điện thoại gọi đến văn phòng L&I theo số 1-877-561-FILE (chỉ trong giờ hành chính), hoặc trực tuyến tại www.LNI.WA.gov. Cần nhớ: • Hoàn thành tất cả giấy tờ cần thiết và lưu giữ bản sao mọi thứ cho hồ sơ của quý vị. • Đọc kỹ tất cả giấy tờ và trả lời ngay, • Điền số yêu cầu bồi thường của quý vị vào giấy tờ của quý vị và chuẩn bị sẵn số yêu cầu bồi thường khi quý vị gọi đến L&I và chủ sử dụng lao động của quý vị.

Bước 3: Yêu Cầu Bồi Thường Được Phê Duyệt

L&I có thể phê duyệt yêu cầu bồi thường của quý vị nếu bác sĩ của quý vị chứng nhận rằng quý vị bị thương tại một thời điểm cụ thể và tại nơi làm việc, hoặc nếu quý vị mắc bệnh hoặc tình trạng rối loạn gây ra do công việc của quý vị. Các phúc lợi bao trả hóa đơn y tế. Các phúc lợi cũng bao gồm khoản thay thế tiền lương, trợ giúp quay trở lại làm việc và bao trả tình trạng khuyết tật cho người bị thương nặng.

Bước 3: Yêu Cầu Bồi Thường Bị Từ Chối

Các yêu cầu bồi thường có thể bị từ chối nếu bác sĩ không thể chứng nhận bệnh trạng của người lao động liên quan đến một điều gì đó cụ thể đã xảy ra tại nơi làm việc hoặc một bệnh nghề nghiệp. Quý vị và/hoặc bác sĩ của quý vị có quyền phản đối trực tuyến bất kỳ quyết định nào được đưa ra về yêu cầu bồi thường của quý vị. Có thể kháng cáo trực tiếp lên Hội Đồng Kháng Cáo Bảo Hiểm Nghề Nghiệp.

Bước 4: Quay Trở Lại Làm Việc

Một số người lao động bị thương phải nghỉ làm việc trong khi họ đang hồi phục. Tuy nhiên, nhiều người có thể trở lại làm việc dần dần trong khi vẫn nhận các phúc lợi y tế. Quay trở lại làm việc càng sớm càng tốt là một nỗ lực nhóm giữa quý vị, bác sĩ của quý vị và chủ sử dụng lao động của quý vị. Hãy giữ liên lạc với họ. L&I sẽ trợ giúp khi quý vị cần.

Bước 5: Đóng Yêu Cầu Bồi Thường

Các yêu cầu bồi thường được đóng khi: • Bác sĩ của quý vị chứng nhận rằng điều trị thêm sẽ không cải thiện tình trạng của quý vị. • L&I không có thông tin mới cho thấy quý vị cần thêm trợ giúp • Điều trị của quý vị đã thành công! (Trong những trường hợp này, L&I chấp nhận và đóng yêu cầu bồi thường của quý vị tại cùng thời điểm trong “Thông Báo Quyết Định.”)

Tìm hiểu thêm và nộp yêu cầu bồi thường của quý vị tại www.LNI.WA.gov


WINTER 2015 47



ADVERTISE WITH HOME CARE INSIGHT WHAT IS HOME CARE INSIGHT? Home Care InSight is the go-to magazine for over 45,000 Home Care Aides in Washington. Its relevant writing engages readers with columns and articles that highlight the interests, needs and experiences of the Home Care Aide, as well as detailed information they need to access the best of their benefits. Other articles encourage readers towards healthier living, through nutrition, good use of health care and exercise. Home Care InSight is an indispensable resource for Home Care Aides and their families, consumers and employers.

CIRCULATION Home Care InSight is mailed directly to more than 40,000 actively employed Home Care Aides. It is available at more than 100 agency and state offices, reaching thousands more direct care workers in healthcare. 48



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