The Shopper 7/19/2023

Page 2

Assessor’s Office Honored with National Association of Counties Achievement Award

Cook County – The Cook County Assessor’s Office (CCAO) received a National Association of Counties Achievement Award for the creation of a tool called the Property Tax Simulator, also known as PTAXSIM. This is a software code package implemented in the coding language R and is designed to recalculate changes to Cook County property tax bills. It uses real assessment, exemption, TIF, and levy data to generate historic, line-by-line tax bills for properties in Cook County from tax years 2006 to 2020. Why is this important? Policy makers, researchers, and journalists can now create historical counterfactual scenarios to determine how policy changes could impact the property tax system.

“This award is a testament to our continued commitment to using modern tools to build transparency, trust, and educate stakeholders throughout the County,” said Assessor Fritz Kaegi. “Researchers and policymakers can use PTAXSIM to analyze the whole system of appeals, exemptions, and tax levies – an unprecedented resource for academics, journalists, and policymakers.”

Since its publication, PTAXSIM has been featured in a recorded talk for civic tech enthusiasts, received public suggestions for added data, used to produce five counterfactual analyses, and is currently in use by external policy researchers. The public can watch PTAXSIM in action on our YouTube channel.

PTAXSIM is an R package that can be downloaded here: The CCAO Data Department welcomes questions at Assessor.Data@

For more information and to view the complete list of award winners, visit

5 Savvy Tips for a Smooth Back-to-School Transition

(Family Features) Balancing schedules, supplies shopping, meal planning and more can make the back-to-school season one of the most hectic times of the year. Keeping stress at bay may be a little easier when you put a plan in place the entire family can follow. Remember, making the transition as smooth as possible requires a team effort. Help make a new academic year easier on your little ones (and yourself) with these hacks.

Start Your Routines

Getting your kids into their school day routines may be a massive undertaking, but it’s often helpful to start weeks before the first bell rings. Set those alarms and encourage kiddos to treat each morning as if they’re going to class. In the evenings, practice prepping backpacks and outfits just as you would during the school year, and ensure children are going to sleep at the times they should on school nights.

Simplify School Lunches

Prepping lunchboxes to send to school doesn’t need to be a timeconsuming affair. In fact, it can be one of the easiest parts of your routine with prepackaged options that help make packing lunches a breeze. Seek out solutions that help simplify the process like Kemps Smooth Cottage Cheese, a first-of-its-kind snack for kids made with 4% whole milk and blended with real fruit to create a smooth and creamy texture without the curds. Available in four-packs of 4-ounce cups in fun flavors like Mixed Berry, Strawberry and Strawberry Banana, it’s a healthy, convenient and versatile solution with probiotics and no high-fructose corn syrup. Plus, it’s high in protein to keep kids feeling full and focused throughout the school day.

Prep the Night Before

Stressful mornings can lead to less productive days. Instead, simplify mornings as much as possible by packing backpacks, prepping lunches and planning outfits in the evenings to save yourself time once that alarm goes off. Plus, you may be less likely to forget essentials like homework assignments or permission slips when you’re not in a rush.

Serve Nutritional After-School Snacks

Skip the temptation to stock the pantry with sugary grab-andgo treats. Instead, encourage good nutritional choices for your children after a day of learning by offering them healthier snacking solutions. For example, pairing cottage cheese with crackers or fresh fruit provides a protein punch without the added sugar of less healthy snack choices to keep little tummies full until it’s time for a family meal.

Create a Family Calendar

The school year certainly isn’t the only time that calendars feel like they’re bursting at the seams, but the addition of after-school activities, field trips, parent-teacher conferences and more can be overwhelming if you’re not prepared. Find a scheduling solution that works for your family, whether it’s a dry-erase board in a mudroom or magnetic calendar on the fridge. Stay on top of upcoming events and activities by sitting down together once a week (or more) to write down everyone’s commitments and track important dates.

To learn more and find fun recipes, visit

Harris’ new law will help protect consumers from security risks

Illinois Insurance are required to take extra precautions to keep residents’ sensitive information safe, thanks to a new law sponsored by State Senator Napoleon Harris, III.

“No organization or business is immune to cyber threats,” said Harris (D-Harvey). “It’s important that the state’s insurance companies take the necessary steps to protect resident’s private information.”

House Bill 2130 institutes requirements and procedures for insurance companies to implement security programs and create response plans. The measure, known as the Insurance Data Security Law, also requires the insurers to submit a written certificate of compliance and notify the Illinois Department of Insurance if any cybersecurity events occur.

Harris spearheaded this measure after news of several major data breaches involving large insurers. During these breaches, potentially sensitive personal information of millions of insurance consumers were compromised.

He believes that in light of these increasing incidents, that state insurance regulators need to be reevaluating their regulations on cybersecurity and consumer data protection.

“Our hope is this new law will provide consumers with the peace of mind that their information is safe from bad actors,” Harris said. “We need to continue to institute new laws that keep our residents safe from these threats.”

House Bill 2130 goes into effect on Jan. 1, 2024.

The Wednesday • July 19 • 2023 RESIDENTIAL POSTAL CUSTOMER Subscribe to The Shopper for just $20 a month! Email See Mailing Notice on Page 5 SHOPPER DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR Find us on Facebook! 708.774.9087 CALL A QUALIFIED LOCAL EXPERT! S E R V I N G T H E S O UT H SU B U R B S F O R 25 YE A R S ! Call Janice 708-302-8585 Janice Minton-Kutz Licensed Indiana & Illinois (708) 302-8585 Cell Residental BROKER AGI Buying or Selling in Illinois or Indiana? OIL CHANGE $10 SAVE • Change Motor Oil • Replace Oil Filter • Lubricate Chassis • Fill Washer Fluid • Wash Windshield • Reset Oil Light Indicator Provide Reminder by Mail • Provide Window Sticker for Next Service • Provide FREE Tire or Fluid Checks Anytime INCLUDES: WE CHECK: Air/Cabin Filters • Transmission Fluid • Power Steering Fluid • Brake Fluid Antifreeze/Coolant Tire Pressure Battery • Exterior Lights • Wiper Blades Most Cars Not Valid With Any Other O fer. Exp: 8/30/23 NS10 Find Us At Locations: • Hobar t • Hammond (2) • Valparaiso • Munster • Highland (2) • Merrillville (2) • Calumet Cit y • South Holland COUPON ON ANY July 19, 2023 NATIONAL HOT DOG DAY #1 Source For FREE Community Info. Advantage CARPET UPHOLSTERY & AIR DUCT CLEANING 708-349-6131 No Hidden Changes Most Furniture Moved Deep Soil Extraction FREE Pre-Spotter FREE Deodorizer Truck Mount Unit Quick Drying Time Insured & Bonded All Work Guaranteed SPECIALIZING IN SAFE, HIGH-QUALIT Y CLEANING FOR YOUR • CARPET • UPHOLSTERY • AIR DUCTS No Personal Checks ANY ROOM DEEP CLEANED $2000 WHOLE HOUSE DUCT CLEANING Removes up to 96% Of All Dust, Dirt, Pollen, Mold Spores & Animal Dander A+ Rating with BBB A+ Rating with Angie’s List UPHOLSTERY CLEANING CHAIR $15 Unlimited Registers Single Furnace Home LOVE SEAT $30 2 CUSHION SOFA $35 3 CUSHION $8500 Per Room • 2 Room Minimum • L-Shaped and Great Rooms Count as 2 Summer and Fall 2023 Registration is Open! EnrollmentOpenNow The New You

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Some content courtesy of Family Features and Capital News Illinois.


Friday 4:00 pm for the following week’s issue.


The Shopper reserves the right to edit any content supplied for publication as it sees fit, including but not limited to clarity, grammatical and factual accuracy, and to accommodate available space. All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to Fair Housing Laws which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, familial status, sexual orientation, marital status, military status, age, ancestry, parental status, source of income, military discharge status or housing status,” no matter how large or small the property. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777.

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Personal Trainer to the Real Estate Consumer

Are Realtors Essential Today?


In a normal market, it’s good to have an experience guide coaching you through the process of buying or selling a home.

That person can advise you on important things like pricing your home correctly or the first steps to take when you’re ready to buy. However, the market changes we have experienced the past few years are far from normal. As a result, an expert isn’t just good to have by your side…an expert is essential. Today’s markets are full of extremes. Mortgage rates going from record lows to doubling within ten months’ time.

In 2020 through 2022 the absence of sellers created record low housing inventory. This imbalance in supply and demand lead to a skyrocketing rate of bidding wars and more houses selling over their asking price which drove home price appreciation and gains of home equity quickly. Today’s mortgage rates have affected the affordability and therefor have pulled back on some of the escalated gains. These market conditions aren’t just extreme, they can be overwhelming. Having a trusted expert to coach you through the process of buying and selling a home gives you clarity, confidence, and success through each step. Here are some reasons why Realtors are invaluable in today’s market. Realtors help with the disclosures and contracts necessary in today’s heavily regulated environment. Realtors are well versed in real estate and experienced with the entire sales process, including the ways it has changed over the past year. Realtors act as a buffer in negotiations with all parties throughout the entire transaction while advocating for your best interest. Realtors can simply and effectively explain today’s market conditions and decipher what they mean for your individual goals. Realtors

Retirees: Talk finances with your grown children


When you’re retired, you’ll likely have some financial concerns — just like all retirees. However, if you’ve invested regularly and followed a long-term financial strategy, you should be able to address most issues that come your way. But there’s one important action that’s sometimes overlooked by retirees: sharing their financial situation with their grown children. And this knowledge can benefit everyone in your family.

You might be surprised by the concern your children have for your financial wellbeing. Consider these findings from a 2023 study by Age Wave and Edward Jones:

• 66% of millennials (generally defined as ranging from 27 to 42) worry that their parents or in-laws may not have enough money to live comfortably in retirement.

• 83% of millennials would rather know their parents are financially secure in their retirement, even if it means their parents pass on less money to them.

If you have children in this age range or older, or who soon will be, how can you address their concerns and potentially improve your financial outlook? Communication is the key. By openly communicating with your family about your financial status, you can reduce anxieties and misperceptions. If you’re in good financial shape, your adult children may be reassured that you won’t be needing their assistance. And if you are feeling some financial pressures, you can inform your children of the steps you are taking to improve your situation.

One such step may be to reduce your cost of living — the less you spend day to day, the better your ability to preserve your investment and retirement accounts. You may be able to reduce costs in many small ways, such as ending streaming services you no longer use, but you could make an even bigger impact by downsizing your living arrangements. In fact, 72% of today’s retirees

have downsized or are willing to downsize to reduce their housing costs, according to the Age Wave/Edward Jones survey. Downsizing isn’t for everyone, but if it’s a possibility for you, it may be worth considering because the savings could be significant.

You may also be able to reduce or consolidate your debts. Start by understanding how much and what kinds of debt you have. Then, consider ways to lower your payments, such as refinancing. For example, if you’re carrying a balance on multiple credit cards, you might be able to transfer the amounts you owe onto a single card with a more favorable interest rate.

Here’s another move to consider: Adjust your investment mix to possibly provide you with more income in retirement. During your working years, you may have invested primarily for growth — after all, you could be retired for two or more decades, so you’ll need to draw on as many financial assets as possible. But once you’re retired, your investment focus may need to shift somewhat toward income-producing opportunities. Keep in mind, though, that you’ll still need some growth potential to help keep ahead of inflation.

One final suggestion: Let your children know if you already have a strategy in place to meet the potentially high costs of longterm care, such as a nursing home stay. This burden is certainly something you won’t want your children to take on.

By informing your children about your financial picture, and how you’re trying to improve it, you can ease everyone’s minds — so keep the lines of communication open.

This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor, Patrick Zamkin, located at 18735 Dixie Hwy, Homewood, IL 60430. Contact us at (708) 798-9066. Edward Jones. Member SIPC.

Real Estate Specialists

Real Estate Questions & Answers


also help you understand today’s real estate values when setting the prices of your home or making an offer to purchase one. A Realtor can be your essential guide through this unprecedented market, but truth be told, not all agents are created equal, a true expert can carefully walk you through the whole real estate process, look out for your unique needs and advise you on the best ways to achieve success.

Finding the right Realtor should be your top priority when you’re ready to buy or sell a home. It starts with trust. You’ll have to be able to trust the advice your agent is going to give you, so make sure you’re connected to a true professional, an agent can’t give you perfect advice because it’s impossible to know exactly what’s going to happen at every turn, especially in this unique market. A true professional can, however, give you the best possible advice based on the information and situation at hand. They can help you make the necessary adjustments and best decisions along the way. The right professional will help you plan the steps to take for success, advocate for you throughout the process, and coach you on the essential knowledge you need to make confident decisions toward your goals. It’s crucial now more than ever to work with a Realtor who understands how the market is changing and what that means for home buyers and sellers.

If you are looking to buy or sell real estate call Mike Buder at RE/MAX 10 (708) 418-4444, E-mail:, Website: Facebook Friend request Mike Buder: your comments are always welcome.

Question: I purchased a 250-year-old home and had an all-around home inspection including termites, power post beetles etc. The house passed. The home was inspected in May and by mid-September I saw a white ant walking across my dining room floor next to my fireplace.

I called a pest control company and they collected samples. The samples confirmed that we have termites. Who is ultimately responsible for taking care of this?

Answer: Do you have actual termite damage or just a few bugs hopping around? A change in the weather could drive insects indoors, thus there may not have been termites in the house during the warm months when the house was first inspected.

You say you had a “home inspection.”

Was the inspector a licensed pest controller or a general structural inspector?

If there is termite damage that was missed, then speak with the inspector about such warranties as they may provide. As to the current infestation, it should be treated by a licensed pest controller.

Question: We expected to close on a house today, but then found out that the buyers’ broker neglected to mention the minor contingency of them needing to sell their home first. At contract, they specifically

mentioned the buyers had no contingencies. Now they are having trouble closing on their home ... which they need to close on our deal. What happens if our deal falls apart?

Answer: Read the sale agreement. Does it permit closing to be delayed until the buyer’s current residence is sold and title is transferred?

Real estate agreements are in writing precisely because verbal understandings are worthless. The buyers have no right to unilaterally change the terms of a sale agreement, thus the purchasers may lose their deposit and face other damages if they do not meet all contract requirements.

That said, your goal is to sell the home. A brief delay rather than the loss of the sale might be in your interest. Of course, it might be even more in your interest to allow a delay if the buyers paid more of the closing costs or made other concessions. Check with your attorney.

E-mail us your Real Estate questions at Thinking of selling your home? Call Cathy & Jim Higgins, Licensed Broker/Realtors in Indiana & Illinois. IN: 219-865-4361 IL: 708-828-3304. McColly Real Estate. Website: www.Cathyhiggins. com. Personal Real Estate Journal: www.


page 2 July 19, 2023 Say I saw it in The Shopper
Financial Advice Column
A local Christian Businessman 3651 Ridge Road, Lansing 708-895-2630 219-972-2630 any large 16” pizza $2OFF $3OFFany super 18” pizza YOU LOVE IT. YOU WANT IT. OR Must mention coupon when ordering. Not good with any other offer. Expires 8/30/23 YOU GOT TA




16341 South Park Ave., South Holland 708-339-1133



Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 11:15 a.m.

Saturday Women’s Grief & Loss Support Group - 2nd Sat. each month at 10:00 a.m.


1151 E. 170th St., South Holland 708-331-8389

FAX 708.331.8374





6910 Walnut Avenue, Hammond, IN 46324 219-844-8470 EVERY



19058 Burnham Ave, Lansing 312-206-1833




Sunday........................................... 11:00 a.m. Wed. Service on Facebook.............7:30 p.m. Women of Worship via Zoom 3rd Sat. @ 12 pm

Heart Smart

It’s summertime. Vacation time.

Perhaps you’re just about to embark on your family vacation. The promise of going on this trip is so satisfying and you can’t wait to just be there. Then everything will be good.

Or maybe you recently took a trip and while you were there you had a great time seeing the sights and living life to its fullest. And then, when just days ago you felt like there was nothing you’d rather do than leave home, you wanted to return to the normalcy and safety of home.

And then you’re back. And life continues on, and you wish you could just exist at home without the pressures of everyday life returning. But they return in force.

Have you felt this way? We always seem to want something in life other than what we have!

It’s almost like this world isn’t our home…

The Bible leaves us no doubt. Hebrews 13 says, “For here we do not have an enduring city, but we are looking for the city that is to come.”

In John 18, Jesus says, “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place.”

There is much that awaits us beyond this world. Our true home is beyond this world. We were made for God, and as St. Augustine once said, our hearts are restless until they find their rest in God. In fact, our hearts are homeless until they find their eternal home in God’s presence.

COVENANT UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 1130 East 154th St., South Holland 708-333-5955



833 East 168th St., South Holland 708-331-7755

PASTOR GLEN MCCARTHY WORSHIP SERVICES Sunday Worship 10:00 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 p.m.

If you find yourself never satisfied by the most homey or the most adventurous the world has to offer, don’t be discouraged. God has a home for you that’s more satisfying than you could possibly imagine. And it’s a free gift for those whose hope is Jesus Christ.

FIRST CHURCH (PCA) 3134 Ridge Rd, Lansing 708-474-9610



16248 South Park Ave., South Holland 708-333-8211

PASTOR REV. DANIEL SVENDSEN WORSHIP SERVICES Sunday 9:30 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m.

GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH, LCMS 8303 Sheffield Avenue Dyer, IN 46311 (219) 322-6527


Sunday........................................... 9:00 a.m.

Monday...........................................6:30 p.m.

Bible Study Sunday 10:30 a.m.


651 East 166th St., South Holland 708-331-4100



16400 S. State St., South Holland 708-439-1220

PASTORES Jose & Paula Lopez

SERVICIOS: Grupo de Oracion de Hombres Jueves ........................................... 7:30 p.m. Sabado Alabanza y Predicacion.....6:00 p.m.


Plum Creek Center

2138 Moeller Street Dyer, IN 46311 (219) 931-5284 ALL WELCOME


Say I saw it in The Shopper July 19, 2023 page 3
Church School 9:15 a.m. Worship Services 10:30 a.m.
7:00 p.m.
11:00 a.m. Wed.
Sunday Worship
Bible Study Noon
Morning Worship 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Evening Worship 5:30 p.m.
9:30 a.m. Sunday
10:45 a.m. Channel 6 Tues. 10:00 a.m.
STUDY .........9:30 am Central Time WORSHIP 11:00 am Central Time FREE! FREE! HEALTHY LIVING TALK AND DEMONSTRATION HELD MONTHLY Call for the next date and time! Invite your community to church. Join The Shopper’s Church Directory by calling 708-333-5901 Attend the church of your choice. VERSE OF THE WEEK
I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. Romans 8:18
FREE INTERNET Qualify today for the Government Free Internet Program CALL TODAY (866) 443-3789 YOU QUALIFY for Free Internet if you receive Housing Assistance, Medicaid, SNAP, WIC, Veterans Pension, Survivor Benefits, Lifeline and Tribal. Bonus offer: 4G Android Tablet with one time co-pay of $20 ACP program details can be found at Read The Shopper Online! Visit


Calumet City Public Library

Address: 660 S Manistee Ave, Calumet City, IL 60409

Phone: (708) 862-6220



Dolton Public Library

Address: 14037 Lincoln Ave, Dolton, IL

Phone: 708-849-2385



Virtual Story Time with Mrs. Brooks

Come and join in the story time with Mrs. Brooks. For ages 3 - 12. FREE. Every 1st Wed. (10am – 10:30am) To register for the Virtual Story Time go through the calendar of events on our website at

Virtual Zumba

Virtual Zumba with licensed instructor Yvette Roberts. Come and join in the fun every Friday at 5pm. Please call 708-849-2385 or email and leave your full name, email and phone number to register. (5pm – 6pm every Friday). FREE.


Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday (4pm to 4:30pm)

Ages 10 + years, beginning Oct. 10, 2022. To register go to the calendar of events on our website OR email us at

Leave your name, email and cell number. You must download “Among Us’ on your device to play. It is free. A Zoom link and game code will be sent the day of the program. FREE.

Virtual Line Dancing with “Dawn the Dancin’ Deeva”

Every Thursday, at 6pm. Please call 708-8492385 or email lincoln@doltonpubliclibrary. org and leave your full name, email and phone number to register. A link will be sent to you the day of the program. FREE.

Virtual Senior Yoga

Every Wednesday taught by Dionne Arnold, Certified Yoga Instructor, (4pm to 5pm) Please call 708-849-2385 or email and leave your full name, email and phone number to register. FREE.

Senior Bridge Club

Come out for the fun every Tuesday, from 3:30pm to 4:30pm If interested register by calling 708-849-2385 or email at lincoln@ and leave your full name, email and cell phone to register. FREE.

Virtual Workout Program with Sheena Stinson

Get in Shape from Home. Classes held every Monday from 6pm to 6:30pm. Please call 708-849-2385 or email us at leaving your full name, email address and cell number to register. A Zoom Link will be sent day of the program. FREE.

Get Up & Move with Simon Says!

Join the Dolton Public Library Youth Services Dept. as we play “Simon Says”. Held every 3rd Saturday of the month from 2pm to 2:30pm starting Oct. 15. A YouTube link will be emailed every 3rd Friday. Register by calling (708-849-2385, ext. 4) or emailing at leaving your name, email, cell number and the number of children participating. FREE.

Dolton Public Library District Curbside Times Monday through Friday [9am to 2pm]. FREE.


Burbio is a one-stop free resource to find out about all the Dolton area events and activities. If your group wishes to post your events on burbio contact: Sign-up at or download the free android or iPhone app and follow the calendars that interest you. FREE.

Chess Club

Mr. Paul Fritz, Chess Coach. January 26, 2023 from 4:00pm to 4:30pm. And every other Thursday to May 18, 2023, via Zoom and to play. Register at in addition to registering for the program. Register at and leave your name, email and cell # or call (708-849-2385, ext. 4) Date & Times subject to change. Call 708-849-2385, ext. 212. A Zoom link will be emailed to you the day of the program. FREE.

Virtual Program, Passport to Knowledge

Every first Monday of the month. (3:30 – 4pm). Pack your bags for a virtual trip around the world and learn about other countries and cultures. Register at lincoln@doltonpubliclibrary. org or call (708-849-2385) and leave your name, email and cell number. Come curbside to pick up your Passport Packet prior to departure. The link for Zoom will be emailed prior to the program. FREE.

Coffee and Chat – a Senior Experience

Are you a senior over the age of 60 and want to have conversation with other seniors. Some of the topics discussed are technology and other happenings in our world and community. Held every Wed., @ 4pm to 4:30pm. To register for the program and all the other Senior Programs call (708-849-2385) or email your registration to FREE.

Between the Pages: A Virtual Story Time

Every third Saturday of the month at 1:30pm. To register call (708-849-2385) or email and leave your name, phone number and email address. A link will be sent to you. FREE.

Toddler Time

For young children (18 mos – 4 yrs.) and their caregivers. Every First Tuesday, 10:45am – 11:45am. 14037 Lincoln Avenue, Kopac Room, starting June 6, 2023. To join us, please register at leave your name, email or call at 708- 849-2385, ext. 4. FREE.

Family Fun Day

Come Join us Saturday August 5, for an afternoon of free fun and activities as we close out Summer Reading and Kickoff Back – to – School. Register at leaving your name, phone and email address.

Family Game Time

Starting Tuesday, June 20 (1:30pm – 3pm) No registration required. To be held in the Youth Services area

Thank You!

Thank you to all the vendors who made DPLD Health Fair a success. Looking forward to next year!

Hammond Public Library

Address: 564 State St., Hammond Phone: (219) 931-5100, ext. 310 or 307



Harvey Public Library

Address: 15441 Turlington, Harvey, IL 60426

Phone: 708-331-0757x3200


FREE online Line Dancing with Dawn the Diva, Tuesdays at 6:30pm

Join Us For Virtual Programs:

Each day at 4:00 pm, “stop” in for online family-fun at the Harvey Library. Tuesday: Craft Wednesday: Story Time Thursday: Bacon Bits & Cooking Tips Monthly Virtual Music Class (Friday, check calendar each month)

Homewood Public Library

Address: 564 State St., Hammond

Phone: (219) 931-5100, ext. 310 or 307



Lansing Public Library

Address: 2750 Indiana Ave., Lansing IL

Phone: 708-474-2447



Riverdale Public Library

Address: 208 W 144th St Riverdale, IL 60827

Phone: (708) 841-3311



Community Pantry Food Drive

Open to the public during business hours: Monday -Thursday 10AM to 6PM, Friday 10AM to 5PM, and Saturday 10AM to 2PM

“Join our Patrons Helping Patrons initiative by donating non-perishable food items to the new Riverdale Public Library Community Food Pantry. Let’s work together to help others!”

Multi-Library Geocaching Event

Join us for the 11th Annual ATLAS Multi-Library Geocaching Event! All library patrons are invited to use clues and geographic coordinates to find hidden “geocaches” at numerous participating area libraries. For each listed geocache you discover, you earn a chance to win a $25 Gift Card. To be eligible for the prize drawing, your library card from a participating library must be in good standing. All ages welcome! Find all the official clues at

Summer Lunch Bus At Franson Park

Monday - Friday from 2:15PM to 2:45PM The Riverdale Public Library District is hosting the Greater Chicago Food Depository Lunch Bus to provide free nutritious meals for children ages 18 and under throughout the summer months. Monday-Friday until August 19th, kiddos can receive free meals at Franson Park from 2:15pm to 2:45pm.

Summer Reading Challenge

Starting June 5th and ending September 5th “Our Summer Reading Challenge has begun! Read 45 books and log the titles in your logbook which you can pick up at the library during sign-up. Turn in your log by September 5th to be entered into a raffle to win cash prizes and Lego sets.”

Poetry in the Preserves Story Walk

Story changes every 3rd Wednesday of the month July through August “Follow a charming poem or short story by local author Jessica Brooks as you walk along the Major Taylor trail in Whistler Woods. A new story or poem will be posted each month so be sure to come back!”

Library Book Sale

Wednesday, July 19th all day while supplies last “We’re having a book sale! Paperback and hardcover books are up for grabs. Choose from a variety of used books at bargain prices.”

Bingo Night (Adult/Seniors)

Wednesday, July 26th from 4PM to 5:30PM “Enjoy a game of Bingo with friends and win fun prizes! No entry fees.”

Jewelry Making Class

Thursday, July 20th 4PM to 5:30PM “Learn the steps to create your own handmade jewelry!”

Puzzle Club (Children/Tweens)

Wednesday, July 19th from 3PM to 4PM “Join in the fun as we put together puzzles. You can also win cool prizes and school supplies!”

Shape Up Exercise Class (Adults/Seniors)

Every Saturday from 11AM to 12PM “Enjoy the benefits of strength, flexibility, and relaxation in a fun and social way.”

Story Time with Ms. Cheryl (Children)

Every Tuesday from 10:30AM to 11:30AM “Listen to the storytelling of Ms. Cheryl and afterwards, participate in a fun-filled craft. Ages 3 and Up.”

Tie-dye Party (All ages)

Monday, July 17th from 10:30AM to 12PM “Create your own tie-dye creation at the library. Bring a white t-shirt or pair of socks to tie-dye. All other supplies provided.”

Craftapalooza (All Ages)

Monday, July 24th from 10:30AM to12PM “Enjoy a fun, new craft to make and take home with you. There will be crafts and/or take-and-make craft kits for children, teens, and adults.”

Family Game Day (All ages) Thursday, July 27th from 3PM to 4PM

“Spend time with your family and friends playing a variety of board games, card games and more! Snacks and beverages provided.”

Family Film Friday (All ages) July 7th and 21st from 1:30PM to 4PM

“The library will be hosting a new film showing, new and old, action and romance and much more. Free popcorn, snacks, and beverages.”

South Holland Public Library

Address: 16250 Wausau Ave., South Holland IL

Phone: 708-527-3160 or 708-580-6161



Thornton Public Library

Address: 115 E. Margaret St. Thornton, IL. Email:


Calendar Of Events

Golden Times Seniors

Themed Luncheon August 19 th , 2023 $35.00 50/60’s Celebration Chateau Restaurant There is a required yearly membership fee of $10.00. Please contact me, Jennifer Jones, 219-9498270 or 219-789-2783

page 4 July 19, 2023 Say I saw it in The Shopper Email your library events to

Neighbor 2 Neighbor


In July 2022, the cost of both printing and mailing greatly increased. Instead of passing this cost along to our long-time dedicated advertisers, we made the tough choice to eliminate our free mailing sevices to keep The Shopper alive. As of July 2022 we no longer be mailing to homes. If you would like to continue to receive a paper in the mail the cost will be $20 a month. Our new distribution plan has increased the availability of the newspaper as well as expanded the area we serve with added locations below. Thanks for sticking with us , we love our readers and communities! Thank you -


AT CATHOLIC CHARITIES: Responsible for many of the day-to-day operations of Catholic Charities, Trudy took a moment to talk to N 2 N about her duties there and how one may avail themselves of a place within the system. For more information call Trudy at 773-842-5534. Not as formidable as it would seem, simply filling out some forms and being placed on a list is all it takes. ***

WELCOME TO THE NEIGHBORHOODVALENTE CASPER RIVERA FAMILY: Just moved into Hegewisch, the Valente family is on 134th and Avenue N are our newest neighbors. For more information on buying or selling please contact selling agent Nellie Milan of ReMax MiCasa or listing agent Janice Minton-Kutz of Coldwell Banker in Schererville, In. Now is the time to find your new home in Illinois or Indiana! ***


BURNHAM: The round table consists of revelers Lenny Koronkowski, Karen Koronkowski, Gloria (Mrs. Ex Lenny) Koronkowski and Juanita (Flo) Muszynski, sister of George Muszynski, VP of the South East Side Vite Nam Veterans. The group was at the Amvets for burgers and hot dogs and all the trimmings. All proceeds will benefit the organization and a gala party planner for one day soon. ***

ROB HAMANAKA AND FAMILY GARDENING IN MUNSTER: Pictured here are Rob Hamanaka and wife Micha along with Maria 9, and baby Matthew, 2. The little guy loves to snuggle in Dad’s arms while he cuts the grass on Columbia Avenue in Munster. Camera shy Andrew did not want to be in the photo. In another picture is Rob and Matthew charmingly cutting the grass together! ***


43: The former Commander of Amvets 43 in Burnham, Mike Steele and his wife Angie taking a break from their busy day to enjoy the hospitality of Amvets 43 on Torrence Avenue in Burnham, Il. Many fun events planned for the near future. ***

ONE HUNDRED YEAR OLD MARGARET VISITS GAYETY’S ICE CREAM IN LANSING: In front of a huge picture of Gayety’s Patriarch Jim Papageorge are Gayety’s owner Laurene Lemanski and Margaret who has visited both the old Gayety’s in South Chicago and the new in Lansing. Margaret who hails from the old South Chicago neighborhood and now lives in the south suburbs enjoys an ice cream Sunday recently. In fine spirits and fine health, Margaret is a joyful example of what good living can do—Live a long life!


For inclusion in Neighbor 2 Neighbor, please call Janice at 708-302-8585 or write to her C/O Coldwell Banker, 20 E. US 30, Schererville, IN 46375, or e-mail her at

Say I saw it in The Shopper July 19, 2023 page 5
LICENSED IN BOTH IL & IN! Janice Minton-Kutz 708.302.8585 Realtor Michael Cavoto 708.372.0712 Senior Mortgage Banker WE MAKE BUYING & SELLING EASY


1. At a distance

2. One of the genders

3. An alliance of countries

4. Nature of being

5. Harvested

6. Not our

7. Angelic headgear

8. Anagram of “Rain”

9. Perceives

10. Aroused

11. Damp

12. Silly

13. Appointed

21. Tight

25. A young girl

26. Christmas

27. A1

28. French for “Black”


NATIONAL HOT DOG DAY- JULY 19TH, Chicagoans can thank Germans for bringing hot dogs to America. At the end of the 19th century, 25% of Chicago’s population was German-born or first generation German, and in 1880 36% of ALL butchers in Chicago were German immigrants. They brought their food culture with them, particularly the Vienna sausage–at the time a mix of pork, beef and spices.

A deep yellow color
Not that 10. Front part of a lower leg 14. Not true 15. Rabbit 16. Albacore 17. Genus of the alewife or shad 18. Style or grace 19. Muslim prayer leader 20. Wedding parties 22. Not yours 23. Hearing organ 24. Avoided 26. Home of Kublai Khan 30. A plant fiber used to make rope 32. Open to debate 33. Avoiding giving offence 35. Vaults 39. A style of Japanese comic art 41. Untruth 42. Absconded 43. Short-horned goat antelope of southeast Asia 44. Grave 46. Gaelic 47. Anagram of “Notes”
Travelled on the back of a horse 51. An examination of human tissues 54. Local Area Network 55. Scottish for “Lake”
A word the same backwards and forwards 63. Anagram of “Neat” 64. Angers 65. A northern sea duck 66. A coffin stand 67. Chair 68. Church deacon 69. Satisfy 70. Thick bituminous liquids 71. Writing tables
HOT DOG SEARCH BBQ CHAR CHARCOAL COOKOUT FAMILY FLUID GATHERING GERMAN GRILL HOTDOG IMMIGRANTS LIGHTER MUSTARD ONIONS PEPPERS PICNIC RELISH SALAD SAUSAGE TABLECLOTH VIENNA Announcements are free and run in The Shopper each week. They are accepted by e-mail at, or at the front counter. Deadline is Friday at 4:00 p.m. for the following Thursday’s edition. The Shopper reserves the right to edit all content.
Fill in the blank squares in the grid, making sure that every row, column and 3x3 box includes all digits from 1 through 9.
of Asia
or anger
29. The air around us 30. Descendent 31. An individual unit 34. Male singing range 36. Car manufacturer 37. Otherwise 38. Observed 40. Female sheep 45. Roughage 48. Clerk 50. In
51. Tattles 52. A region
Minor 53. Group of
54. Tilts 57. Region 58. Shakespearean king 59. Annoy


Paying it forward is the idea and process of helping another individual with a show of sincere kindness either with a gesture of opening a door, providing advice, passing on a coupon or tip, or treating someone else to something. The thought behind this is not only helping someone else but the possibility of the recipient also demonstrating kindness to someone else, thereby continuing the kindness to the next person. The concept encourages people to reciprocate kindness and generosity to others, which creates a chain reaction of positive actions.

The idea behind “pay it forward” aligns with Jesus’ teachings. Jesus emphasized the importance of loving one’s neighbor, showing compassion, and serving others selflessly. He taught his disciples to be generous and to help those in need without expecting anything in return. Jesus taught in Mark 12:31 “The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” (NIV).

The Good Samaritan in Luke 10:25-37 tells a story of a man that was left on the side of the road and in need of help. Leaders walked by and did not offer help, despite them being capable. A Samaritan passed by and chose to help the man, despite their differences in culture. The Samaritan paid for his lodging, medical care, and promised to pay any other expenses. Jesus used this parable to teach us on showing mercy and love to others, regardless of differences.

Were also taught as people to help the less fortunate, extend a helping hand to others in need, and show acts of kindness and service to others. One small act of paying it forward spirals into other people potentially being directly helped because of the original act of kindness. Simple acts of kindness can go a

long way. There are numerous ways to “pay it forward” such as:

• Random acts of kindness: Performing small acts of kindness for strangers, such as holding the door open, giving compliments, or sharing a coupon. I shared a simple coupon and savings tip with the customer behind me, which allowed her to save also.

• Volunteer your time and share expertise: Local churches, charities, community organizations, and elderly neighbors need your time and skills to assist with community events, tutoring, mentoring, and bringing meals. If you notice trash on the lawn after garbage pickup, clean up your lawn and your neighbors.

• Support local businesses: Choose to support local businesses, small or family-run such as in The Shopper. By shopping locally or recommending them to others, you can help them thrive. Making a nice comment on social.

• Pay for someone’s meal or coffee: Surprise a stranger by paying for their meal or coffee when you’re at a restaurant. This small act of paying for a coffee can brighten their day and inspire them to pay it forward. Just them sharing their experience of having someone buy their coffee can inspire someone else to ‘pay it forward’. A young man’s credit card was rejected in front of his date at a sporting event. My husband overheard and paid it forward.

‘Paying it forward’ is showing kindness to others even through a simple small act such as holding a door open, paying for a coffee, or giving sound advice to someone in need versus turning away to avoid a need for help or giving a kind act for others as you would like for yourself. One act of kindness that you give today could perhaps affect numerous others, and possibly come back to you in a ‘paying it forward’. Y? Why Not!

Say I saw it in The Shopper July 19, 2023 page 7 Free for eligible families! WE’RE SAVING YOUR CHILD'S SEAT Contact us to learn if you ’ re eligible for free child care 708-365-1500 or visit: H a r v e y / S o u t h H o l l a n d F o r d H e i g h t s C h i c a g o H e i g h t s D o l t o n H i g h - q u a l i t y e a r l y c h i l d h o o d p r o g r a m s i n s o u t h e r n a n d w e s t e r n C o o k C o u n t y . S e r v i n g w o m e n a n d c h i l d r e n p r e n a t a l t o f i v e - y e a r s - o l d i n c e n t e r s a n d h o m e - v i s i t i n g p r o g r a m s . L o c a t i o n s :


ONE EAST WACKER, SUITE 1250 Chicago IL, 60601



Attorney File No. 22-004540

Attorney Code. 48928

Case Number: 2022 CH 02368

TJSC#: 43-2695

NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff’s attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose.

Case # 2022 CH 02368








Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale.The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information.If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1).IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 151701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW.

You will need a photo identification issued by a government agency (driver’s license, passport, etc.) in order to gain entry into our building and the foreclosure sale room in Cook County and the same identification for sales held at other county venues where The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclosure sales.

For information, contact MANLEY DEAS KOCHALSKI LLC Plaintiff’s Attorneys, ONE EAST WACKER, SUITE 1250, Chicago, IL, 60601 (312) 651-6700. Please refer to file number 22-026456.


One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE

You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at for a 7 day status report of pending sales.


ONE EAST WACKER, SUITE 1250 Chicago IL, 60601


E-Mail: Attorney File No. 22-026456

Attorney Code. 48928

Case Number: 2022 CH 10025

TJSC#: 43-2697

NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff’s attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose.





PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on May 18, 2023, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30 AM on August 25, 2023, at The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker, 1st Floor Suite 35R, Chicago, IL, 60606, sell at a public sale to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate:

Commonly known as 358 CLYDE AVE, CALUMET CITY, IL 60409

Property Index No. 29-12-113-039-0000

The real estate is improved with a single family residence.

Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation

Public Auction at Devon Self Storage

19600 Stoney Island Ave, Lynwood, Il 60411

of the sale.

The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information.

If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1).


(HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. You will need a photo identification issued by a government agency (driver’s license, passport, etc.) in order to gain entry into our building and the foreclosure sale room in Cook County and the same identification for sales held at other county venues where The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclosure sales.

For information, examine the court file, CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. Plaintiff’s Attorneys, 15W030 NORTH

Indiana Closes the Fiscal Year with $2.9B in Reserves

State Comptroller Tera Klutz, CPA confirmed today that the State of Indiana closed the 2023 fiscal year with $2.9 billion in state reserves.

“Indiana’s reserves of $2.9 billion are once again within the healthy range of 10-15% of our fiscal year 2024 budget,” said Comptroller Klutz. “We have prudently managed State resources to ensure appropriate reserves are available to weather any economic shifts that may come.”

The State of Indiana began fiscal year 2023 with more than $6 billion in reserve balances. The General Assembly contributed $2.5 billion to the pension stabilization fund and increased the 2023 budget over $3 billion for other one-time expenditures.

“Indiana’s strong fiscal leadership continues to serve all Hoosier residents and businesses well,” Comptroller Klutz continued. “We have just completed another very productive year with taxpayer refunds and historic investments in education, public safety, infrastructure and economic development.”

In addition, the State collected approximately $21.1 billion in general revenues, which was $25 million (0.1%) more than expected and $133 million (0.6%) less than the State collected in 2022.

“Gov. Holcomb and the General Assembly have made substantial investments in critical areas such as public health, education and workforce while paying our long-term obligations,” said Office of Management and Budget Director Cris Johnston. “We continue to maintain a reputation of being a fiscally minded state that meets the needs of all Hoosiers.”

The 2022-2023 Fiscal Year Close-Out Statement, ending on June 30, 2023, is prepared by the State Budget Agency.

RIDGE IL, 60527 630-794-5300

E-Mail: Attorney File No. 14-22-02489


Property will be sold to satisfy the Owner’s lien for rent under the Illinois Self-Service Storage Facility Act.

Property contained in the units will be sold to the highest bidder via an online auction at

Online bidding will begin on August 7, 2023 at 10am, and will continue until August 21, 2023 at 10am, at which time a high bidder will be determined.

Devon Self Storage reserves the right to set minimum bids and to refuse bids. Please refer to for all other terms and conditions governing the bidding and auction process

C005, Tony Maurizi, Tools, Boxes, Totes, Compressor, Chairs, Mattress, Typewritter

C026, Courtney Toler, Bike, Chair, Boxes, Mattress, Sofa, Trash can

C032, Crystal Sessom, Mattress, Clothes, Suitcase, Washer, Totes, Boxes

C047, Samantha Green, Dinette Set, Table Chairs, Boxes

E004, Ericka Campbell, Boxes, Clothes, Household Items, Bags, Totes, Toys

E021, Derrick Harrison, Speaker, Mattress, Box Spring, Dresser, Refrige, Baby car seat

E060, Kim Mccree-German, Vacum Cleaner, Shoes, Pictures, Chair, Boxes, Clothes

E094, Katie Peterson, Speakers, Clothes, Boxes, Misc. items

F078, Joel Ross, Tires, Clothes, Fan, Speakers, Misc. items

H035, Eddie Thigpen, Sofa, Totes, Lamps, TV, Speakers, Guitar, Bags, Clothes

“Closing the state fiscal year with a healthy reserve offers financial security if the state faces unexpected economic stress,” said State Budget Agency Director Zac Jackson. “We accomplish this year after year by spending less than the state is projected to take in, even taking into account income tax rate reductions.”


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Board of Trustees of the Barbara W. Smith Family Life Center, located in South Holland, Cook County, Illinois, that the sealed bids will be received for the following improvement(s):

• Roofing

• Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning

• Electrical (wall and floor outlets)

• Plumbing

• Carpentry (ceiling tiles, flooring, interior doors)

Said bids will be received up to the hour of 2 p.m. Central Standard Time, on Friday, the 4th day of August 2023, at the Barbara W. Smith Family Life Center Gym, located at 1130 East 154th Street, South Holland, Illinois and will be publicly opened and read at that time.

The bidding forms and documents are available at the office of Barbara W. Smith Family Life Center, 1130 East 154th Street, Illinois, upon payment of the sum of FIFTY DOLLARS ($50) which is not refundable. The project consultant has been authorized to refuse to issue plans, specifications and proposals to any person, firm or corporation that he or she considers to be unqualified. Proposals must be submitted on the forms provided. No proposals will be issued to bidders after 1 p.m. on the 27th day of July, 2023. All proposals or bids offered must be accompanied by a bid bond, cash, or certified check made payable to the Barbara W. Smith Family Life Center in the amount of not less than five percent (5%) of the total amount of the proposal as a guarantee that if the proposal is accepted a contract will be entered into and the performance of the contract is properly secured.

No bid shall be withdrawn after the opening of the proposals without the consent of the Board of Trustees of the Barbara W. Smith Family Life Center for a period of 14 days after the scheduled time of closing bids.

The bidder is specifically advised that the Barbara W. Smith Family Life Center is a Subrecipient of the County of Cook of a grant pursuant to the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, pursuant to an agreement entered into between the County of Cook and the Barbara W. Smith Family Life Center. Payments to the contractor will be made by the Barbara W. Smith Family Life Center and reimbursed by Cook County’s CDBG Program in accordance with the terms of the aforesaid agreement. Further, in compliance with the Stevens Amendment to the Department of Defense Appropriations Act of 1989, the (estimated/actual) percentage of the total cost of this Project to be funded with federal dollars is fifty (50%) and the exact dollar amount of federal funds which will be set aside for this project will be based on the contract amount awarded under this offering.

Say I saw it in The Shopper July 19, 2023 page 9
at for a 7 day status report of pending sales.
SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE TO ROSLON SEALS, DECEASED Defendants 2022 CH 10025 831 EAST GLENWOOD LANSING ROAD APARTMENT 607 GLENWOOD, IL 60425 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on February 3, 2023 and amended on July 3, 2023, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30 AM on August 15, 2023, at The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker, 1st Floor Suite 35R, Chicago, IL, 60606, sell at a public sale to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 831 EAST GLENWOOD LANSING ROAD APARTMENT 607, GLENWOOD, IL 60425 Property Index No. 32-11-102-024-1031 The real estate is improved with a residential condominium. The judgment amount was $49,281.31. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court.Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a
TRUST Plaintiff,
FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL, 60527 (630) 794-9876 THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at for a 7 day status report of pending sales. CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR
TJSC#: 43-2141 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff’s attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Case # 2022 CH 11655 I3225074 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE • REAL ESTATE FOR SALE • REAL ESTATE FOR SALE • REAL ESTATE
Attorney ARDC No.
Attorney Code. 21762 Case Number: 2022 CH 11655


Paula J. Grede, nee Dowling, age 75, of Valparaiso, IN, passed away Sunday, July 9, 2023. Beloved wife of Phillip Grede Sr. Loving mother of Jennifer (Dennis) Oakes and Jeffrey (Sharon) Eichensehr. Step-mother of Kelly (Timothy) Donahoe and Phillip (Pamela) Grede Jr. Cherished grandmother of Nathaniel and Noah Fortener, Lucy and Melanie Veron. Step-grandmother of Colin, Tristan, Taylor and Tyler and Amber, Ryan, Sydney, Madison and Savanah Oakes; and several step-greatgrandchildren. Preceded in death by her first husband David Eichensehr, and by his parents Paul and Margaret Dowling. Paula was dearly loved and will be missed by all. Paula volunteered for 30 years for the Little League Organization. She was President of Dyer Little League for 5 years and spent 25 years as the Local District Administrator. Paula loved children and spent 25 years as a bus driver for Highland Christian School. She loved making all the kids holiday treat bags. Paula was also a lover of animals, most of all her beloved Shitzu, Katie. She was a diehard Yankee and Packer fan who loved to travel and spend time with family. Visitation Thursday, July 13, 2023 from 3:00 – 8:00 p.m. with a funeral service to be held at 7:00 p.m. at Smits Funeral Home, 2121 Pleasant Springs Lane (Rt.30/ Pleasant Springs Ln.), Dyer, IN. Interment Fairmount Willow Hills Memorial Park – Willow Springs, IL. For further information, please contact 219-322-7300 or visit our online guestbook and obituary at www.SMITSFH. com


Virginia M. Benson, nee Sonnleitner, age 96, passed away on Thursday, July 13, 2023. Beloved wife of the late Robert Benson. Cherished sister of the late Patricia (late Harry) Pierie. Kind aunt of many nieces, nephews, greatnieces, and great-nephews. Virginia will be missed by all who knew and loved her. Private family services are to be held. Arrangements entrusted to Smits Funeral Home, 2121 Pleasant Springs Lane, Dyer, IN 46311. For further information, please call 219-322-7300 or visit our online guestbook and obituary at


Karen L. Deinema, age 78, late of Beecher formerly of South Holland, IL, passed away peacefully Saturday, July 8, 2023. Dearest sister of Sharon (Phil) VanDam, Wayne (late Joyce) Deinema, and the late Edith (late John) McDermott. Kind aunt of many nieces and nephews. Preceded in death by her parents Peter and Eda Deinema. Karen was loved by many and will be dearly missed.Visitation Thursday, July 13, 2023 from 10:00 a.m. until the time of the funeral service at 11:30 a.m. directly at First Reformed Church 15924 South Park Ave. South Holland, IL, with Rev. James Oord officiating. Private interment Mount Vernon Memorial Estates Cemetery – Lemont, IL. Arrangements entrusted to Smits Funeral Home 2121 Pleasant Springs Lane, Dyer, IN. For further information, please contact 219-322-7300 or visit www.


Constantine W. “Buddy” Shaw, age 57, of DeMotte, IN, formerly of Sauk Village, IL, passed away peacefully on Friday, July 14, 2023, surrounded by his family. Devoted father of Joshua (Brooklyn) Lemler, Margaret (Garrett) Waugaman, and Cortnie (Nathan) ShawHernandez. Loving son of Theresa and the late Robert Guntorius. Proud grandfather of Hazellyn Lemler, Jenavive Lemler, Benjamin Waugaman, Ryan Keller, Daniel Keller, Nathaniel Wright, Brantley Waugaman, Hunter Waugaman, Arianna Hernandez, Antonio ShawMendez, Alexis Hernandez, and Joseph Hernandez. Dearest brother of Mary (Jeff) Cripe, Kimberly (Harry) Cowan, James (Sandra) Guntorius, the late Thomas Guntorius, and the late Christina Ireland. Kind and dear uncle of many nieces and nephews. Buddy enjoyed arts and crafts, fishing, playing cards, joking around, and the precious time with his family. Buddy was loved by many and will be dearly missed. There will be no public services, services will be private. Arrangements entrusted to Smits Funeral Home 2121 Pleasant Springs Lane (Rt.30/Pleasant Springs Ln.), Dyer, IN. For further information, please contact 219-322-7300 or visit our online obituary and guest book at


Betty Ann Dykstra, nee DeBoer, age 85, of Lansing, IL, went home to her Lord and Savior on Wednesday, July 12, 2023. Beloved wife of the late Marvin Dykstra. Loving mother of Gary (Donna) Dykstra, Terry (Angela) Dykstra, Peggy Sue (Richard) Davis, and Carla (Kevin) VanTil. Cherished grandmother of Christopher Dykstra, Alison (Jon) Mittleman, Libby Dykstra, Tina (Jordan) Hernandez, Bethany (Wesley) Mills, Caleb (Abby) Dykstra, Douglas (Lyndsay) Davis, Litasha (Evan) Peace, Dustin Davis, Aaron (Rachael) VanTil, Ben (Tabi) VanTil, Melanie (Brandan) VandeKamp, and 10 great-grandchildren and 1 soon to be. Dear sister of the late Edward (late Ann) DeBoer, late Andrew (late Alice) DeBoer, late Elmer (Tini) DeBoer, Tena (late Dick) Poortinga, and the late Jackie (Don) Dykstra. Preceded in death by her parents Arthur and Julia DeBoer. Betty had a devotion to her family, faith, and spreading the word of the Lord through Munster Church and the Crossroads Prison Ministries program. Her life was a treasure and one that will be deeply missed. Visitation Saturday, July 15, 2023 from 10:00 a.m. until the time of the funeral service at 2:00 p.m. at Smits Funeral Home, 2121 Pleasant Springs Lane, Dyer, IN, with services conducted by Rev. Jim Hollendoner. The funeral service will also be streamed live on Smits Funeral Home Facebook Page. Private interment at Skyline Memorial Park –Monee, IL. In lieu of flowers memorial contributions in Betty’s name can be made to Munster Church, 214 Ridge Rd, Munster, IN 46321 or Crossroads Prison Ministries, PO Box 900 Grand Rapids, MI 49509. For further information, please call 219322-7300 or visit our online guestbook and obituary at

VILLAGE OF SOUTH HOLLAND Police Department Employment Opportunity Assistant Records Manager

SALARY ORDINANCE: Up to $25.97 per hour. Salary commensurate with experience.

REPORTS TO: Records Manager


POSITION SUMMARY: Under the direction of the Police Records Manager, the Assistant Records Manager is responsible for distributing assignments, checking the work of others to ensure compliance with rules, policies, codes or other requirements, and referring matters that require supervisory intervention to the Police Records Manager. The assistant manager is a lead worker among the police records clerical staff, performing the full domain of clerical duties in support of the Police Department including processing and maintaining documents, correspondence and coding reports; and to provide information and assistance to the public.


Organizational Health Leadership Requirements:

1. Assist in moving the Village forward through modeling behavior that is consistent with our Good to Great leadership philosophy, our “Three Pillars to Greatness” institutional values (which include our Five Key Traits), and the overall mission and vision as public servants.

2. Preserve the integrity and core values of our organization through the consistent use of our three strategic anchors in order to make intentional decisions that are in the best interests of the organization.

3. Carry out the “Organizational Health Plan,” which emphasizes the four disciplines of leadership both within and outside of your respective departments, through the building a cohesive leadership team, creating clarity, overcommunicating clarity, and reinforcing clarity on a consistent basis.

4. Demonstrate behavior that is consistent with the characteristics of a Level 5 Servant Leader by being authentic, vulnerable, accepting, present, useful, and ambitious first and foremost for the institution, not yourself.

5. Perform all job duties in compliance with the established Code of Conduct and rules and regulations of the Village with the utmost of ethical standards and behaviors.

6. Maintain a positive public and professional image of the Village at all times, including professional attire in the performance of responsibilities.


• As a lead worker, distributes work to and checks work completed by police records clerks for compliance with rules, policies, codes or other requirements, and referring matters that require supervisory intervention to the Police Records Manager.

• Compile, enter, record and file a wide variety of police records, reports and materials including memos, letters, reports, complaints, booking information, restraining orders, citations and fingerprint cards.

• Maintain the Department’s warrant system, including research and recall; track and maintain documentation on attempts to serve; access information from the computerized warrant system; send warrants to other agencies upon request; enter information into LEADS system.

• Counts and reconciles monies received for bonds.

• Process, sort, file, copy and distribute crime reports, traffic reports, citations, petitions, and other materials to appropriate personnel; enter data into computer system.

• Maintain a variety of police record filing systems including field interrogations and bicycle registration; prepare and maintain legible, concise and understandable activity logs.

• Codes police and traffic reports. Compile data from records or other information as requested; inform officers of pertinent information as related to other Village departments, other police departments or other agencies.

• Post, record, file and issue receipts to the cashier relating to the collection of various fees.

• Compile and process arrest packages for court filings including jail paperwork, citations, and bails.

• Assist Department personnel and the public in person and by phone including retrieve information and files; mail out requested reports to outside agencies, provide general information regarding Department policies, procedures and regulations.

• Operate a computer terminal and printer to type, enter, modify and retrieve a wide variety of police reports and records, memos, letters and other material.

• Maintain a variety of logs including traffic accident logs and logs of all stolen, recovered, stored, or impounded vehicles.

• Research records and criminal histories for police officers upon request.

• May be subpoenaed into court to address or clarify employee-initiated actions.

• Act as the MSI administrator and oversee Local Court.

• Oversee Background checks and fingerprinting programs.

• Fulfilling Freedom of Information Act Requests (FOIA) as delegated by the records manager.

• Approve reports generated during duty hours.

• Promote and maintain responsive customer service and community relations while responding to citizens’ inquiries and complaints in a courteous, professional and timely manner while assisting customers at the window and on the phone.

• Plan, coordinate, assign and evaluate work for quality, thoroughness and accuracy. Reporting such to the Records Manager.

• Uphold a high level of confidentiality with employees, residents and any other office contacts.

• Maintain a professional demeanor and respectful working relationship with the Mayor, Village Board, Administration and Department Heads.

• Prepare data, correspondence and reports for Bond Drops and Red Light Camera Hearing process.

• Assist in maintaining all computerized police records, service contracts, and quality control customer service surveys.

• Exercise independent judgment to resolve problems involving records staff and/or residents.

• Operate and properly maintain all equipment needed to perform essential job functions and responsibilities listed above.

• Perform other duties as assigned or may be required by the Police Chief, Deputy Police Chief(s) or Records Manager.

• May require working additional shifts as needed to cover part-time vacation, sick or emergency leave.

• Perform all other related duties and responsibilities as assigned.


a. Education

• High School Graduate or equivalent

b. Experience • Two (2) years of Police Records Clerk experience and/or equivalent combination of education and experience

c. Licensing/Registration/Certification

• Must maintain L.E.A.D.S. certification

• Valid driver’s license

d. Knowledge, Skills & Abilities

• Capability in preparing accurate reports

• Knowledge of CAD program

• Familiarity of modern office practices and techniques

• Knowledge of law enforcement functions

• Knowledge of records management principles, practices and methods

• Knowledge of Village, State and Federal laws, codes and regulations governing Police records management

• Proficiency in data entry

• Skill in compiling and maintaining complex and extensive records

• Skill in effective oral and written communication (including spelling, grammar and punctuation)

• Skill in utilizing multiple computer programs.

• Understanding of personal computers, hardware and software

• Understanding of Police department policies and procedures

• Ability to listen WORKING

page 10 July 19, 2023 Say I saw it in The Shopper
professional appearance appropriate for
position and situations. • May require extended computer monitor usage, standing for prolonged periods of time as well as repetitive motions such as typing • Ability to multi-task in a fast-paced environment • Ability to exercise initiative and independent judgment to successfully complete duties in a timely and efficient manner. The Village of South Holland offers participation in the Illinois Municipal Retirement fund system. Employment applications are available online at Submit completed applications to Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. THE VILLAGE OF SOUTH HOLLAND IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER AND DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, RELIGION, AGE OR DISABILITY IN EMPLOYMENT.
CONDITIONS: • A well-groomed,




Special! Furnaces or A/C’s , Clean & check $59.95. Furnaces, A/C’s, Boilers, water heaters, sump pumps, humidifiers, installations, repairs, furnaces installed from $1495.00 R/D

Heating & Cooling. IL. and IN. 219-616-3281


“All” Drywall Repair, plaster repair, light construction, interior decorating and interior painting. Cell 708-514-0217 phone 708-841-2523. Stanley McDavid



Call, send a text message, or an emailCell: 708-269-2992, email: bruce@ familypriderealty.comFamily Pride Realty, 3337 W. 95th St., Evergreen Park, IL. 60805


CLEANING AVAILABLE. South Holland Area. Call Randy 708-552-1839


Lenord Wilks - Call 1-773-897-9464


Will replace your burnt out and broken bulbs - Interior/ Exterior. Also replace Smoke and CO2 Detector Batteries. 219-865-2345


REPAIRS Done On The Side to save money! Painting, drywall, tile, concrete patching, doors, roofing, hauling. Very reasonable. Mark 708-408-7192


Done On The Side to save you money. Also general contracting, handyman work, FHA work & snowplowing. Very reasonable. Call Mark 708-408-7192


Economy Painting. Interior/ Exterior painting 20% Off. Mention this ad. Wallpaper instllation. General drywall repair & installation. Best price guaranteed. Ask for Ed. 708-548-6356 or 708-2885038.


Cleaned gutters and repairs, installing new gutters, protectors/cover caps. Never clean gutters again! Unclogging all pipes large and small. 312-8356645/708-250-4752


J.E.M. Plumbing & Sewer , Drain Cleaning Specialist, water lines, pumps, water heater, faucets, toilets, same day service. 219-845-7589 or 708-896-0500


SUPER FLOW Gutter cleaning, Free estimates. Very reasonable. Asl for Rob. No Sundays. 708-877-6860


A&A Services services faucets, carpentry locks, fence and gate repair, gutter cleaning, power washing, toilet repairs, wind damage repairs, caulking, rooftop repair. Insured. Free estimates. 219-865-2345

TREE SERVICE: Maggy’s Tree Service. Tree’s Topped, Trimmed, Removed, Bush Removal, Stump Removal. Walks shoveled. Also Insured Bonded. Free estimates. 708-200-8078

PAINTS OF AMERICA interior and exterior painting, plus carpet cleaning and gutter cleaning. Senior discounts. Call Algie at 708-574-6367

HARP-WILL CLEANING INC. has several openings for experienced, dependable Home/Office Cleaners with a track record of excellent service. We offer competitive pay. Contact us at info@ or 708-855-4294.

GUTTER CLEANING. Just a friendly reminder that your gutters need cleaning. Also, for a limited time, we offer a Free Rooftop Inspection at no extra charge. Call today for your free quote 219-8652345

SHELTON’S FIREARM AND SELF DEFENSE LLC www. sheltonsfirearmsandself Don’t be a Victim, Book A Class Today! “Shelton’s Firearm and Self Defense Training LLC” 708-502-3718

TRIPLE E LAWNCARE Full Service weekly lawn care. Power Raking, Aeration, Fertilization, Bush Trimming/ Removal/ Planting. Erik of Lansing 708-858-1213

DAILY MOVERS 20 miles one way $325-$425 Special 708-940-1378

CORONADO HOME IMPROVEMENTS. Providing home improvement services such as drywall repairs, painting, floor installations, plumbing and electrical services. For free estimates call (219) 902 1017


LOOKING FOR THE OWNER OF A 1988 WELLCRAFT ST TROPEZ 3200 Hull number is WELC3653G788 Model 3200. If you are the owner of this vessel please contact Freddie D Mayers 708-2882938

ELECTRIC STOVE AND REFRIGERATOR, PERENNIAL PLANTS AND VEGETABLE PLANTS and containers, a walker, and a Wondering Jew plant. 708-882-3712



MODEL TRAINS ENGINES,ROLLING STOCK,TRACK,SCENERY will take away or make B O please text 708-262-1661



TUBE TESTERS 70S HIGH POWER STEREOS misc test equipment Tube type stereos old radios no tvs 708 536 8823




OLD - ECONOMICAL CAR CAN BE DAMAGED IF RUNNING FOR LOW INCOME SR. CITIZ. Does not have to pass emission test if the price is right - Call 219-801-0955


CARS & TRUCKS, PARTS, RUNNING OR NOT (and parts) unfinished project and 67-69 Camaros. 708-4399770

WANTED - GARAGE TO STORE MY OLD DODGE CAR. Could use 1 or 2 Stall Garage. Prefer the Lansing area. Call James between 9am and 9pm, 708-460-8308

SOMEONE TO REPAIR A GAS LAWN MOWER. Call or text 708-673-9361






Dan 312-720-0844

HOUSE PHONE, CORDLESS, CALLER ID. Ask for Martha 708-849-4690

US SOLDIER IS DESPERATE IN NEED of a 3 bed house, to rent or rent to buy. Currently paying $2000/mo at Hotel and $209 for storage. Have fixed income of $4000/mo Plus. Call Algie 708.574.6367

SENIOR LOOKING TO RENT 2 OR 3 BEDROOM HOUSE WITH GARAGE. Have Sect. 8, also have 24hr caregiver. Looking in Lansing, Calumet City, South Holland, or Thornton ASAP. Call 708-200-8473. Ask for Carol

WANTED: Electric chainsaws and as many chains as you have. Exterior Brown Paint.


WANTED: Old Deagan or Musser big bar vibraphones. Any Condition 219-801-0955




V10 Propane fueled. Excellent delivery van or convert to a food truck.

$28,000 OBO Call 773-9084704 ask for Buddy.



- 2152 Glenwood Dyer Rd., Ste 3 Lynwood, IL 60411. Biohazard/Hoarding

Technician Applications -in person ONLY Mon and Wed 12pm - 2pm. We provide necessary training and certifications including Blood Borne Pathogens. However, the following Requirements/ Qualifications MUST be met:

• Live within 30 min. of the office which you are applying for

• Have experience with power tools and have construction or restorations experience

• Valid driver’s license, an MVR will be run

• Clean background, extensive background check will be run

• Pass drug screeningAble to lift 50 lbs.

• Able to work in a respirator and full PPE for long periods

• Must be 21 years of age due to many of our vendor contracts

• Available to work 30-40 hours per week

• Available to work 9 hours per day with 1 hour lunch and 15 minute break

• Reliable transportation to get to our office (work vehicles provided)

• Working cell phone

The work we do is extremely physically and emotionally demanding. Please consider this when applying.

Compensation: DO

For Sale



Mattresses: twin $88, full $98, queen $138. Bunk beds, futons, day beds $178. 5 pc dinette $179. Sofa LV $495. 4 pc. bdrm $495. Lamps, rugs & more. EZ credit $7,000, 90 days same as cash. or 12mo Installment plan. Free layaway. 708-371-3737 www.

ATTENTION LANDLORDS AND TENANTS BARELY USED CARPET AND PADDING EXCELLENT QUALITY varies sizes colors and grades. Vinyl flooring excellent paint interior and exterior 708-596-0255


STAINLESS STEEL $1100 OBO in great condition self cleaning, whilpool dish washer stainless steal$350 obo , black electric top stove top $300 obo stainless steel deep double sink $85 708-536-3228

Real Estate

LANSING, IL, 2 BDRM., 1 BATH, 1ST FLR. SENIORS WELCOME. 17710 S. Commercial Street. Includes free heat, gas, appl., A/C. Private prkg. 1.5 mon. + sec. Avail/ immediately. $1050. Call Larry 312-405-0697 FOR RENT WAREHOUSE FOR STORAGE 62.5 X 53 = 3,312 SQFT. 14 FOOT CEILINGS. INSULATED AND HEATED , Door 13’9” high X 23’ 4” Wide. In Crete by Walts food store. $1,500.00 Call 708-672-7775


BEDROOM HOME. South Holland. $950 plus security. Redone, appliances, large living room, quiet area, big deck with nature views. Application fee. Outside parking. 708-268-7075

HARVEY 2 Bds 2nd floor, 1 bath, A/C, Appl included, 1 month rent, 1 month security, no pets. 708-362-7887, 708-527-4477

LARGE, NEWLY DECORATED 3 BEDROOM Apt, 2 baths in Calumet City.

Sec 8 welcomed. 219-2139556



Included, Refrigerator and Microwave Included. No Section 8 or Smokers, or Pets. 708-566-1103 Call Linda.

Garage/Estate Sales



TO 4:00 PM

All types of items must see, Tools, furniture, art, house wares. And much more 213 NORTH HUNTER THORNTON, IL JULY 20, JULY 23, 2023 9:00 AM- 3:00

PM . Women’s clothing sizes

12 /Large /X-Large designer label clothing/ shoes, purses, sports wear, Nike, Adidas, Coach, Vera Bradley, Lauren Conrad, Vera Wang, reasonably priced .. some baby items.. some furniture. weight lifting bench, bar bells, weights, office desk chairs, coffee table, end table


Ethan Allen Wingback Chair - $70; 6 Feet long “Haywood-Wakefield” Bench $100; Occasional Squire 26” dark wood 2 tier table - $50. 708-481-6907

Misc garage/car items for sale. Alum ladder, booster cables, 14 inch electrical radiator fan, misc other items. 219-301-7145

1 Maple Color Kitchen

Cabinet with 1 door, 3 shelves inside. 33.5”h x 16.5”w x 18”d - $25, Black Vanity, 2 door with white sink, 33”h x 24”w, x 19”d$50; Solid Oak Medicine Cabinet with Beveled Mirror, 4 Shelves inside. 26” x 16” $30, Pedistal Sink, new - $50; Whirlpool Over the Stove Microwave - $75. Call 708-481-6907

Brother All-in-one (fax, scan, copy, andphoto capture) like new $30; Small Kitchen Appliances (Juicers, Toasters, Rice Cooker, 5 Speed Mixer, Coffee Grinder, etc) from $5-$10; 2 Stadium Camping Chairs $5 each; Set of 2 White Resin Stacking Chairs $10 for a set; Yard Decor, $1-$5 each; Garden tools (rakes sheers etc) $3-$10 each; Flower Pots $1-$5 each; Assorted Sizes Sheppard Hooks and Trelisses $3-$10 each. 708-481-6907

Nike cross training shoes with dual fusion ankle support. New. Never worn. Men’s size 12.$35 Call or text 708-673-9361

Automobile Tire. P205/70

R15. Used only 5,000 miles. Mounted on Dodge/Chrysler wheel. $35; Automobile tire. P205/75 R14. White wall. Mounted on rim. Brand new. Never used. $27; Michelin Defender tire. 225/60 R16. Mounted on Ford 16” rim. 10,000 miles on tire. Excellent condition. $75 Call or text. 708-673-9361

Push lawn mower. Excellent condition. $35 Call or text 708-673-9361

2 white aluminum awnings. 26 inches from wall x 44 inches wide.Excellent condition. $35 each. Call or text. 708-673-9361

Trekking bicycles, red and green, in very good condition, each $60 Phone: 219-6291169

Weber Gas Grill, natural gas, hardly been used! $110 call 219-629-1169

Rollator/Walker, silver, with seat, and a little basket. Great support! $80Phone: 219-6291169

Large Dog Cage - 48” long, 36” high, 30” wide, Good Condt. $85 - Please do not call after 5pm. 708-877-1228

1965 Schwinn Hollywood Girls bike, fair to good condt. Rideable, all original, $110. Please do not call after 5pm. 708-877-1228

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Say I saw it in The Shopper July 19, 2023 page 11 NATIONAL CLASSIFIED ADS [AFCP] Reader Advisory: The National Trade Association we belong to has purchased the above classifieds. Determining the value of their service or product is advised by this publication In order to avoid misunderstandings some advertisers do not offer employment but rather supply the readers with manuals, directories and other materials designed to help their clients establish mail order selling and other businesses at home Under NO circumstance should you send any money in advance or give the client your checking, license ID, or credit card numbers. Also beware of ads that claim to guarantee loans regardless of credit and note that if a credit repair company does business only over the phone it is illegal to request any money before delivering its service All funds are based in US dollars. Toll free numbers may or may not reach Canada VIAGRA and CIALIS USERS! 50 Generic Pills SPECIAL $99.00. 100% guaranteed. 24/7 CALL NOW! 888-445-5928 Hablamos Español Dental insurance - Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. Covers 350 procedures. Real insurance - not a discount plan. Get your free dental info kit! 1-855-526-1060 #6258 Attention oxygen therapy users! Inogen One G4 is capable of full 24/7 oxygen delivery. Only 2.8 pounds. Free info kit. Call 877-929-9587 Viagra stop overpaying! Generic Viagra or Cialis 70 tablets - only $99 shipping included! call now 888-203-0881 Prepare for power outages today with a GENERAC home standby generator $0 Down + Low Monthly Pmt Request a free Quote. Call before the next power outage: 1-855-948-6176 Eliminate gutter cleaning forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debris-blocking gutter protection. Schedule free LeafFilter estimate today. 20% off Entire Purchase. 10% Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-833-610-1936 BATH & SHOWER UPDATES in as little as ONE DAY! Affordable pricesNo payments for 18 months! Lifetime warranty & professional installs. Senior & Military Discounts available. Call: 855-761-1725 Donate Your Car to Veterans Today! Help and Support our Veterans. FastFREE pick up. 100% tax deductible. Call 1-800-245-0398 HughesNet - Finally, super-fast internet no matter where you live. 25 Mbps just $59.99/mo! Unlimited Data is Here. Stream Video. Bundle TV & Internet. Become a published author. We want
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The Doctor Tried To Help


Recently, a nice doctor tried to help one of our clients by writing a letter to Medicare. One of our staff helped the client file an appeal with Medicare over a denied medical service. The staffer did not consult me first. It was a nice gesture but a waste of time.

Our client was charged $900 by an ambulance company because her sister called for help. The ambulance responded but did not take anyone to a hospital. The $900 RESPONSE CHARGE is new. It started midyear in 2022.

It used to be that an ambulance company would agree to respond to calls for help that did not result in taking someone to a hospital without charging anyone in order to win an ambulance service contract with a town or city. But ambulance companies lobbied for a change in law to allow them to charge.

In the case of one client, the doctor sent a brief letter to Medicare to ask that the ambulance service not charge the patient the $900 fee. I can’t tell you the name of the client or the doctor. But I can tell you what was in the doctor’s letter. So, with some editing to protect the privacy of the patient and the doctor, here is the letter from the doctor to Medicare.

The patient is under my care for advanced cancer. She suffered a fall at home due to weakness and malaise associated with her


cancer and overall general health. She was unable to lift herself from the ground. Her sister who was present and of advanced age was unable to get her from the floor as well. In light of the situation, with no other alternatives, the patient’s sister called 911 for assistance. (Ambulance company) came, assessed the patient, and were able to assist her from the floor. She fortunately did not sustain any injury. She received a bill in the amount of $900 for ambulance services which included treatment but no transport. Medicare no longer pays for ambulance service and treatment when no transport is involved. Please, reconsider the circumstances of this patient’s weakness due to her advanced cancer.

Since the law was changed, a lot of senior or disabled people who needed help have been billed $900 by ambulance firms. I want to know how the law changed and who voted for that change.

Note: Woodrow Wilcox is the senior medical bill case worker at Senior Care Insurance Services in Merrillville, Indiana. He has saved clients of that firm over three million dollars by correcting medical bills. Also, Wilcox wrote the book SOLVING MEDICARE PROBLEM$ which is available though book stores or online.


page 12 July 19. 2023 Say I saw it in The Shopper REMODELING ROOFING CONCRETE Brian Caputo’s SouthWest Concrete Commercial & Residential Concrete Specialist of • Driveways • Sidewalks • Patios • Garages • Stamp & Color • Decorative Concrete Overlay FREE SPECIAL Free concrete sealer with purchase of new concrete 708-514-0457 Brian BBB Accredited • 5 Star Rating cuputossouthwest HEATING & APPLIANCE REPAIR MAN #1 Priority is Servicing your Heating, Refrig., Washer, Dryer, Stove. FREE FREE FREE service charge with same day repair. $25 discount on all repairs. CALL AL AT 708-985-1623 APPLIANCE REPAIR DECORATING ECONOMY PAVING • Drive Ways • Parking Lots • Bonded & Insured • Owner Supervised 708-481-1380 REMODELING & CONSTRUCTION • Laminate • Flooring • Bathrooms •Decks & kitchens CALL ROBERT 773-647-7948 ASPHALT PAVING FLOORING 2681 Route 394 Crete, IL 60417 (708) 672-6111 SENIOR LIVING/CARE HANDYMAN NEIGHBORHOOD CONTRACTOR All types of Roofing, Siding & Gutters, Sofit & Fascia, Insurance Work Residential /Commercial IL & IN Licensed & Insured Free Estimates 708-333-8951 219-319-0993 Matejko Family Owned for 45 Years PAINTING & CLEANING CALL THE SHOPPER TO HAVE YOUR BUSINESS ADDED! 708-333-5901 PROFESSIONAL PAINTING & CLEANING TEXT OR LEAVE MESSAGE 219-577-2935 DANNY G. PRODUCTIONS PAVING & SEALING PERFORMANCE PAVING & SEAL COATING CALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATE 708-476-5680 219-872-2184 TREE SERVICE MAGGY’S TREE SERVICE. • Tree’s Topped, Trimmed, Removed • Bush Removal, • Stump Removal • Walks shoveled Insured & Bonded. Free Estimates 708-200-8078 Problems R Solved HANDYMAN SERVICES General Repairs Drywall Basic Carpentry Painting Basic Electric Plumbing Holes, Cracks & Seams in Drywall SENIOR DISC OUNTS FREE E STIMA TE S Call 773-897-9464 VANDERWIELDES Window and Screen Repair • Table Tops • Patio Doors • Thermal Panels • Store Fronts 708-474-0049 WINDOWS & SCREENS FREE ESTIMATES INTERIOR • EXTERIOR Coronado Remodeling & Decorating, Inc. Quality Work at a Fair Price • Complete Remodeling • Bathrooms & Kitchens • Ceramic Tile • Drywall Repair • Paint • Installs Fences Hector (cell phone) 708-692-7357 Over ten years experience in South Suburbs, References Available Watch Our Videos at users/coronadodecorating AUTO SALVAGE Running or not, with or without title. *FREE TOWING* Turn that old car into cash. Call or text today for a FREE QUOTE. 773-617-7308 Paying Top Dollar - Fast pick up. G’s & Construction • Supply & Installed • Service Openers • Broken Springs, Cables • Entry & Storm Doors FREE ESTIMATES CALL 708-323-5954 Garage Doors GARAGE DOORS WE BUY JUNK CARS CALL 773-647-7948 Robert J. Jr. Laminate Flooring GUTTER CLEANING Super Flow Gutter Cleaning Free Estimates Very Reasonable ASK FOR ROB 708-877-6860 Rob’s Tuckpointing Chimney & Brick Repairs Gutter Cleaning No Job Too Small. Very Reasonable. Call For Estimate 708-877-6860 AARON PLUMBING Sewer Rodding Large Pipes Electric Power Rodding Catch Basins Cleaned Plumbing Repairs Water Heaters Contact Aaron for a Quote! 312-835-6645 708-991-7770 office ADG LANDSCAPING Lawn Care Handyman Call today for a Quote! 312-835-6645 708-991-7770 office email TUCKPOINTING PLUMBING LAWN CARE HEATING & COOLING R-A Lawn Care & Landscaping Calumet City • Power Raking • Aerating • Clean Ups • Seeding • Fertilizing • Gutter Cleaning • Grass Cutting • Edging • Re-Sodding • Evergreen Trimming • Snow Removal FREE ESTIMATES 708-969-1176 SPRING SPECIAL! AC CLEAN & CHECK ONLY $69.95 CALL 872-242-6673 WIZARD HEATING AND COOLING Complete Home Remodeling Electrical • Plumbing Ceramic Tile • Laminate Flooring • Drywall • Painting • Fences • Roofing 708-625-7102 Hector Coronado FREE ESTIMATES! Lawn Care & Landscaping Lawn Maintenance • Power Raking Bush Trimming • Aeration & Seeding Fertilizer • Clean Up • Mulch & Rock • Sodding 708-860-9524 708-825-8237 July
National Grilling
Remember to cook with fire OUTDOORS. Get HELP with DEBT We consolidate All Your Debts Into 1 Low payment SAVE 100’S each month! Bad Credit OK! Call 877-422-4557
Speaking Of Seniors

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