valley presbyterian church Ministry Brochure September-December 2017
Welcome to the Ministry Brochure! Fall is here, and with it anticipation for what God is doing in our hearts, at VPC, and around the world. In this brochure you’ll find every program, class, and event our ministries are planning. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Updates to this magazine and everything happening at VPC can be found online:
Sunday Worship Services
Music Ministry
Children’s Ministry
Valley Day School
Discipleship: Educational Opportunities
Encore University
Women’s Ministry
Men’s Ministry
Students 11 Boy Scouts
Mission 12 Foundation 13 Care & Help
Life Events
Connect 16 Highlighted Fall Events
Welcome from David Joynt You have a place inside these pages! Perhaps your favorite mission cause is described inside? There may be classes you’ve taught or attended? Projects or events you’ve supported? Maybe some of the people serving or leading inside this Ministry Brochure are on your prayer list. We hope these pages are informative and declarative, telling and sharing how God is at work at VPC. I also hope they will be inspiring and motivating; encouraging you to share yourself and your passions in a new way this fall. Feel free to use these stories and information to help those near and dear to you share in our life together. Blessings, David Joynt
Sunday Worship Chapel, 8 & 11:45AM
The Chapel affords an intimate and acoustically exceptional worship experience. Seating is close to the pastors and musicians, and the 360 degree “Light of the Universe” stained glass surrounds the building.
Sanctuary, 9AM
Children’s Message
The Sanctuary offers a soaring ceiling and time of worship through traditional elements of organ and choir. The largest building at VPC is a place for all people to experience God’s presence in a unique setting.
Landes Center, 10:30AM
Worship in the Landes Center tends to be less formal with a powerful drive. Music is led by the VPC Praise Band, which plays current popular worship music in a visual-driven setting with set pieces and screens.
9 & 10:30AM worship services Prior to Sunday School children worship for a time with their family and listen to a message specifically for them. It is an opportunity for kids to hear music, prayer, and a message in worship.
Music Ministry
VPC’s Music Ministry is dedicated to glorifying and serving God through different expressions of music. If you love music and creativity, join us! You’ll find a Christian community of fellow music lovers.
Chancel Choir
Rehearsal: Wednesdays starting September 6 7:30PM, Choir Room Sings most Sundays at the 9AM Worship Service Jennifer Hamm: The Chancel Choir is a traditional four-part men’s and women’s ensemble. We sing everything from classical to 20th Century. The Chancel Choir is open to all skill levels; if you love to sing in a choir, this is the place for you!
Youth Choir
Worship Band
Rehearsal: Sundays, 8:30AM, Landes Center Plays most Sundays at the 10:30AM Worship Service Travis Kingma: The Worship Band is made up of vocalists, keyboard, bass, electric and acoustic guitar, and drums. We often add violin and cello, as well. This group is eager to glorify God through powerful and driving worship music. If you have or want more experience in a band setting and would like to share your gifts, let us know.
Valley Ringers Handbell Choir
Wednesdays Starting September 6, 6:15-7PM, Choir Room Jennifer Hamm: Students, this musical opportunity is just for you! If you’ve ever been interested in learning how to sing, or what it takes to be in a choir or band, this is the group for you!
Wednesdays starting September 13, 5:30-6:30PM, Bell Room Plays at various times at the 9AM Worship Service Jennifer Hamm: Make a unique and joyful noise to the Lord! This group is for anyone with an interest in a different way of making music. Handbells are easy to learn, come give them a try!
2017-18 Concert Series
Another exciting year of diverse music awaits for this year’s Concert Series! You are invited to experience the varied and creative ways music lifts the spirit and connects us to God. Get more information about these great events, as well as spring 2018 dates in the Concert Series program, coming soon!
A Winter & Warm
VPC Worship Team CD Release Worship Concert Saturday, October 21, 6:30PM, Chapel, Free
A Merry English Christmas
Phoenix Girls Chorus Saturday, December 9, 4PM, Sanctuary Tickets, Premiere: $25, Adult: $15, Student/Senior: $10
Son of the Highest: A Christmas Cantata
VPC Chancel Choir featuring Phoenix Symphony members Monday, December 11 7PM, Sanctuary, Free
Sing We Now of Christmas The Royal Renaissance Singers Saturday, December 16, 6PM Landes Center, Free
Jennifer Hamm, Minister of Music:
Children’s Ministry Sunday Mornings Nursery & Toddler Room
Infant - Two years old Here infants and toddlers are introduced to their church home. We provide them with a safe and enjoyable environment, giving you peace of mind while you to participate in church activities.
Sunday School
Three years old - fifth grade No class September 3, December 24, December 31 This year VPC Children’s Ministry wants to help you as you are Raising Arrows. Each week children participate in lessons designed to point kids toward the mark of knowing Jesus. They will play games, hear stories, make crafts, build relationships and have fun with each lesson.
Take it Home Events
Our theme this year, ‘Raising Arrows,’ based on Psalm 127:3-5, reminds us that our true target for our children is a relationship with Jesus Christ and that our whole church family has a role in guiding our little ‘arrows’ there. We hope to see you at the Take it Home Event (TIHE) for your child’s age. All TIHEs are offered during 10:30AM worship following the children’s message.
Families of 3 year olds: Welcome to Sunday School
September 10, following 10:30AM Children’s message Room 415/416 This class gives an overview of Sunday School and Family Ministry. Families learn the value and meaning of being a spiritual leader in the home and are provided tips and support for growing into that role.
Families of 3rd Graders: How to read your Bible
September 17, following 10:30AM Children’s message Room 415/416 This class is a precursor to the presentation of 3rd grade Bibles on October 22. This class gives tips to families to support and encourage spending time studying their Bibles with their children.
Families of Kindergartners: Praying as a Family
November 5, following 10:30AM, Children’s message Room 415/416 This interactive class is designed to teach techniques and equip families to pray more often with their children, and teach their children how to pray.
Families of 4 year olds: Nightly Blessing
November 19, following 10:30AM, Children’s message Room 415/416 This special class teaches the benefits of and how to incorporate a nightly blessing into their family routine.
Tina Gilbreath, Children’s Ministry Director: Marie Bitticks, Children’s Ministry Assistant Director: Brianne Bergfeldt, Nursery Coordinator:
Tuesdays starting September 12 4-5PM (doors open at 3:45PM) Register today! EXPLORERS! provides children with a safe and fun environment to learn about the world in creative ways. Music and theater are large components of each week; no experience is necessary. Your child will engage with other explorers to build, draw, play, craft, sing and perform with staff members from our Children’s and Music ministries.
Mini EXPLORERS! (3-5 year olds)
Tuesdays, October 17 - November 14 (No EXPLORERS October 31) Mini EXPLORERS! is a great extended day opportunity for smaller kids. Activities are similar to the older kids, but age-appropriate.
Events Presentation of 3rd Grade Bibles
Sunday, October 22 9:30AM (only one service), Sanctuary We celebrate one of the significant milestones in the life of the church each year as we give personalized Bibles to each of our third grade kids. It is a great time to connect the whole VPC community together.
Trunk or Treat
Sunday, October 29, 4:30-6PM, South Parking Lot Tina: How will you decorate your trunk this year? Join hundreds of other costumed families and go from trunk to trunk in a fun, friendly, and safe environment. If you’re interested in helping out or have any questions, feel free contact Tina.
Advent Wreath & Luminaria Party Sunday, December 3, 4:30-6:30PM, Landes Center Bring an appetizer or dessert to share, and join us for an evening of fun and fellowship! Sign up to make an Advent Wreath! Come help assemble nearly 1000 luminarias for Christmas Eve.
Nativity Pageant
Sunday, December 17, 9 & 10:30AM Worship Services Rehearsal: Saturday, December 16, 10AM-Noon This event is one of the highlights of the year, and there is a place for your kid to take part! Contact Tina to learn more about this Advent celebration.
Valley Day School VDS provides children with a Christian environment and sound educational program, where meaningful relationships develop between home and school, child and teacher, and the world around them. Enrollment and registration for VDS is currently closed, but all kids are invited to take part in our after-school activities
VDS After School activities open to all kids
Mondays, 2:15-3PM (3-5 year olds) Tuesdays, 12:10-12:45PM (two year olds) Landes Center, Registration and pricing: JumpBunch offers developmentally and age appropriate sports and fitness activities for two year olds, which include hand/eye/foot coordination, risk taking, sports development, social and emotional development, and much more!
Wednesdays, 2-3PM, Landes Center Registration and pricing:
We know that kids learn best when they’re having fun, and kids have fun when they’re at the top of their own game. That’s why we’re passionate about keeping the play in ball!
Tumble Masters
Fridays, 12:15-1PM (2-3 years) 2:15-3PM (3-5 years) Registration and pricing call Robin: 480-494-7770
Our goal is to teach each student in a fun, structured manner, so they can achieve to the best of their ability. Tumbling develops strength, flexibility, confidence, self discipline, and body control.
Meghan Gottfredson, VDS Director: Molly Livak, Assistant VDS Director:
Discipleship: Educational Opportunities Classes Starting in September The Marriage Course*
Facilitators: Kelly & Mike Nieto Wednesdays, September 6-October 11 6-7:30PM, Calvin Center, Cost: $30 Registration & childcare: Take the time to enjoy a private meal at a table for two and connect with your spouse investing in your relationship. You will find suggestions for practical support, strong foundations and effective communication skills. A true date night!
The Reformation*
Lecturer: Dr. Grayson Carter, Associate Professor of Church History, School of Theology, Fuller Seminary Wednesdays, September 6-October 11 6:30-7:30PM, Room 409, Free Registration & childcare: 2017 marks the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, a pivotal event in church history and the history of Christianity. Dr. Carter will lead us through the main events of this time period and how these moments shaped our faith and history.
Classes Starting in October Wired that Way*
Facilitators: Kelly Nieto, Elizabeth Weiss Wednesdays, October 25-December 6 (no class Nov. 22) 6:30-7:30PM, Fireside Room, Cost: Purchase the book Registration & childcare: Do you know that you were “wired” a certain way by God? God made you with certain personality traits that effect how you interact with God, others, and yourself. You will learn about what these “wires” mean, how to stay mentally healthy, and how to glorify God with who you are!
Classes Starting in November Advent Study: The Trinity*
Facilitators: Kelly & Mike Nieto Wednesdays, November 29-December 13 6:30-7:30PM, Fireside Room, Free Registration & childcare: The season of Advent is a time of anticipation, waiting for God’s kingdom to come. Jesus Christ, God made flesh, is the physical representation of a spiritual community in the triune God. Each week, we will explore the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit in preparing to celebrate Christ’s birth!
*Childcare available by registration. Email:
Pastor Kelly Nieto: Shelby Trimaloff, Ministry Assistant:
Encore University What is Encore University? Encore University’s student body is made up of church and community members who are brought together by common interests. EU offers classes in a collegiate academic model; students enroll and attend individual classes on several topics. Classes meet Tuesdays-Thursdays during each of the school year’s three terms. Encore’s mission is, “To build new relationships, foster a sense of community, study scripture, participate in ‘Adventures in Lifelong Learning’ and experience enriched lives and faith via action.”
Encore University Fall Term
October 10-November 16 (No classes week of 10/30-11/3) Exciting new courses and promotions come with a new term! Take an opportunity to go to lunch with EU Director Mike Nieto, invite a friend enroll in a class and your class is free, take three classes and get a free lunch at the Café, and Class Ambassadors receive a class free! Come hear inspirational messages and beautiful music at our new mid-week Chapel Service (no registration required.)
Events Ambassador Training & Luncheon
Saturday, September 9, 11:30AM-1PM, Fireside Room, Free Call Shelby to sign up: 480-991-6424 ext. 164 Do you attend VPC regularly and feel like you are being called to serve? Be an Encore Class Ambassador and your class is free! Please call Shelby to sign up today: (480) 991-6424 x.164
Back to School Kick-Off Event
Tuesday, October 3, 2017 5:30-7:30PM Fireside Café Patio, Free/No RSVP Needed Encore kicks-off its fall 2017 term with live music, friends and free food! Come meet our new Director, Pastor Mike and see what’s new this fall! Bring a friend!
Pastor Mike Nieto: Shelby Trimaloff, Ministry Assistant:
Women’s Ministry MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) Friday Gatherings*
Coordinator: Molly Livak, Fridays, 9-11AM September 8 & 22 November 17 October 6 & 27 December 8 Room 415/416, Cost: $95 for the 2017-2018 year Registration & childcare: What is MOPS? MOPS is an international ministry dedicated to the message that “mothering matters.” Our MOPS group is open to moms throughout the community, whether or not they attend VPC. Where do my kids go while I’m in MOPS? We offer childcare (up to age 5) on a space-available basis. During the meetings, your little Moppet enjoys the classrooms and playground of Valley Day School on the VPC campus. All caregivers are background checked and fingerprinted.
Bible Study Keeping Place by Jen Pollock Michel*
Facilitators: Beth Glady, (Thursdays) Kelly Nieto, (Fridays) Thursdays, 6:30-8PM, Fireside Room September 14 & 28 November 9 & 30 October 19 December 14 Fridays, 9-10:30AM, Room 415/416 September 15 & 29 November 10 October 20 December 1 & 15 Free, Registration & childcare: *Childcare only available Friday morning Choose which of these times works best for you! Women of all ages, explore God’s word in a small group setting. Friday mornings will have a light breakfast, fellowship, teaching, discussion, and prayer. Author and Bible teacher Jen Pollock Michel takes us on a journey through Scripture to uncover the meaning of home. We’ll discover our holy yearning for a place to belong, how God provides that place for us, and how we can model His hospitality in our lives each day.
2017 Women’s Breakfast Living Gratitude featuring Rev. Laura Bratton
Saturday, September 16, 8-11AM, Orange Tree Golf Resort Cost: $30/$15 for students 18 & under Get your ticket: Rev. Laura Bratton,a South Carolina native who graduated from ASU, is the founder of UBI Global, an organization that offers speaking and coaching during times of crisis. She is the first blind student to graduate from Princeton Theological Seminary and is a pastor, speaker, and author.
*Childcare available by registration. Email:
Pastor Kelly Nieto: Molly Livak, MOPS Coordinator:
Presbyterian Women (PW) PW offers women at VPC meaningful ways to live out their faith in the midst of a caring community. For more than 200 years, Presbyterian women’s groups have strengthened the Presbyterian Church and played a major role in sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ and witnessing to the promise of God’s kingdom. All women are invited to join a Circle meeting. PW also offers a variety of activities that include fellowship, Bible study, worship, community service and prayer.
Coordinator: Wandie Hulick, ESTHER Second Wednesday of the month, 9:30AM, Members’ homes Sandra Gonzales: 602-616-0458, Sharon Vincent: 480-947-5492, LYDIA Second Wednesday of the month, 9:30AM, Calvin Center Lara Robinson: 602-493-9064, Janis Steiner: 602-867-1570, MARY Second Tuesday of the month, 9:30AM Westminster Village, 12000 N. 90th St., Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Jeanne Campo: 480-994-4416, Barbara McCreary: 480-451-2233, SARAH Second Wednesday of the month, 12PM, Room 409 Mary Cochran: 480-922-9426, Sally Eskew: 480-946-7853,
Luncheon & Speaker Series
Monthly, Wednesdays, 11:30AM, Landes Center Cost: $10, RSVP: 480-991-6424, email Wandie to get involved September 27: Michelle Lopez Crisis Intervention Specialist Scottsdale Police Dept., Domestic Violence October 25: WHEAT’s Clothes Silo Style Show Provides job-appropriate attire for disadvantaged women
Cooks’ Tour 2017 Hands Across the City, Arms Around the World
Friday, November 3, 2017, 9AM-3PM Co-chairs: Wandie Hulick, 602-316-3372 Jeanne Campo: 480-994-4116 Annual event benefiting our community and the world. If interested in getting involved, supporting or learning more about this one-day event contact either co-chair. There are so many ways to be involved in this great tradition! Volunteer help is always appreciated setting up the day of, or by helping prepare weeks in advance. There is nothing quite the like the spirit of community and fun you find at this event. You can complete all your upcoming Christmas shopping in one place while helping numerous charities around the world. We look forward to seeing you there! Crafters Tuesdays, 9AM, Calvin Center, Margaret: 480-483-2609 We are working on items to sell at Cooks’ Tour 2017. Silent Auction Donations Needed Carmel Putnam: 602-400-3983, Gift baskets, sporting event tickets, restaurant certificates, gift cards, china, crystal, and antiques. Kitchen Treasures Kathy Arner: 480-739-4291 Provide your special touch by making delicious homemade foods to sell at Cooks’ Tour 2017. Spring Sale (White Elephant): April 6-7, 2018 Donation Saturday drop off dates: September 9 & 23, October 7 & 21, December 2 & 16 9-11AM, Cooks’ Tour shed
November 15: Heard Museum, Ladies of the Canyons True story of remarkable women who left the security and comforts of Victorian society and journeyed to the American Southwest. December 20: Coronado High School Advanced Choral Ensemble
PW of the Presbytery Fall Gathering
Saturday, September 30, VPC Campus Contact Wandie Hulick, We will serve brunch and lunch. You are needed! Please mark your calendar and plan to come and help, enjoy the fellowship and listen to some wonderful speakers.
Men’s Ministry Mountains & Valleys: 2017 Men’s Retreat
September 29-October 1 UCYC, Prescott, AZ Cost: $125, $135 includes bed linens Register online: Retreating is a wonderful moment to refocus on what is important in our lives. It’s hard to work into our busy lives, but the discipline of retreating is an important aspect of our Christian life. Jesus modeled this behavior for us and as imitators of Christ it is important to allow ourselves to get reconnected and refreshed by our God.
Third Tuesday of the Month Breakfast
October 17, 6:30AM RSVP by Sunday prior, All men are invited to join together the third Tuesday of the month for breakfast at VPC. Gather at 6:30AM and breakfast will begin at 6:45AM. We will hear testimonies from each other and will focus in on our topic for the month.
Top Golf
Thursday, November 2 Top Golf Scottsdale, Time & Cost TBA Mike Bitticks: Gentlemen, join us for an evening of fun! Top Golf is a great place to unwind, get to know other guys better, or catch up with those you haven’t seen in a while. No actual experience with golf is necessary!
Men’s Adult Basketball
Thursdays, 6:30-7:30AM, Landes Center, year round, no fee Mike Bitticks: Looking for a way to begin your day with some great fun and exercise? Then our morning Men’s Basketball program is for you. Join us for a quick game before you head off to work. Showers and lockers available.
Chris Woodard, Men’s Ministry Director:
Students Students in grades 6-12: we welcome you! When Jesus did ministry, He understood and accepted people for who they were, and we accept you for the person you are. At VPC Student Ministry, we design our programs to meet you where you are. Contact us anytime, our doors are always open.
Sunday Mornings Student & Parent Small Groups
Facilitators: Kelly & Mike Nieto, Joseph Parisi Sundays, September 10-December 17 9-10:15AM, Landes Basement Sign up: Join us on Sunday morning for our Student Ministry Small Groups! Students engage in learning and talking about faith while parents take a parallel class following the same topics each week. Each student will be placed in a small group with other students led by two adult leaders. Parent and student classrooms will be separate, but the curriculum will be the same. Parents, this class can help you continue the conversation with your students at home. Breakfast will be provided after each class for students and parents. Please sign up now!
During the week Junior High Midweek
Mondays, 6-8PM, Landes Basement For students in grades 6-8 Jr. High Midweek is a weekly event focused on fun and excitement for our Jr. High students. Every Monday you can expect exciting games such as Couch Olympics, Knockerball, and many more! At the end of each night there will be a biblical message that is applicable to each Jr. High student. Hope to see you at Junior High Midweek!
High School Midweek
Wednesdays, 7-9PM, Landes Basement For students in grades 9-12 High School Midweek is weekly event focused on fun and building community. Each week there will be adventures like small groups, worship concerts, game nights, and so much more! At the end of each night there will be a biblical message that is applicable to each High School student. Hope to see you at High School Midweek!
Boy Scout Troop 441 Weekly Meeting
Tuesdays, 7-8:30PM, Landes Center For boys age 11-18 70+ scouts are learning leadership while becoming outdoor savvy and earning merit badges in 120 different areas. Join the fun!
Volunteer Get involved in VPC’s Troop 441. We are looking for adults in the church to serve as merit badge counselors. Scouts are waiting for you to share your passion and knowledge with them. You can expose them to new careers, hobbies, and life skills. We want VPC members’ mentorship! Reach out to Lisa Keylon at 602-680-2133 for further information. A great year awaits you!
Fall Themes & Events September: First Aid Family Camp: Camp R-C, September 23 Court of Honor, September 26, 7-8:30PM October: Climbing & Rapelling Family Promise Dinner Serving, October 3 Green Sales Kick Off! after church services Backpacking:Canyon Lake, October 21-22 November: Engineering Backpacking: San Pedro Mountains, November 18-19 December: Iron Chef Competition Annual 20-mile day trek, December 16
Joseph Parisi, Student Ministry Director:
Mission Preventing Hunger and Homeless Families Family Promise of Greater Phoenix
October 1-8 & December 24-January 1 Website: 7221 E. Belleview St., Scottsdale, AZ 85257 Family Promise rescues primarily first time homeless families from the streets and provides emergency shelter and basic needs in a 60 day program designed to assist their return to self-sufficiency. Our shelter includes a sanctuary for the family pet, the first such program in Arizona. Family Promise partners with VPC to provide safe overnight shelter, food, and compassion to families in crisis.
ICM Food & Clothing Bank
Website: 501 S. 9th Ave., Phoenix ICM provides immediate response to basic human needs for 100 150 families and individuals each day. This can include: -A food box -A change of clothes -Shampoo, soap and other toiletries -Food stamp sign-up -Nutrition bags for small children -Free medical care on-site
Bringing the Gospel to all God’s people First Presbyterian Church, Tuba City, Navajo Reservation
PO Box 368, Tuba City, AZ 86045-0368 The Native American Ministry provides the opportunity to experience a short-term mission trip working with our brothers and sisters in Christ on the Navajo Reservation. Together we build relationships and understanding. Work groups help renovate facilities, lead vacation bible school-type programs and participate in community life.
The Spring
Sundays, 5PM 2424 S. Mill Ave, Tempe, AZ 85282 The Spring is a Christian church community in Tempe near Arizona State University that strives to develop strong ties to Christ, the community, and the world. After the service, members share a free community meal. Volunteers from VPC cook and serve dinner at The Spring several times throughout the year.
Chris Woodard, Missions Director:
Building spiritual and physical infrastructure Ministry of Hope, Malawi, Africa Plot 47/2/129, Box X64, Post Dot Net Crossroads Complex, Lilongwe, Malawi, Africa In 1999 Malawians established the Ministry of Hope (MOH) as a local, community-based response to meet physical and spiritual needs of orphaned and vulnerable children. Using crisis nurseries, community centers, scholarships, and mobile medical clinic programs, Malawi fights for its existence. Valley Presbyterian Church has helped provide support to thousands of orphaned children and widows in the 11 years since the MOH opened.
Villages in Partnership, Malawi, Africa Villages in Partnership is a community of people and organizations who are devoted to sharing God’s love and blessings with the poorest of the poor in the impoverished nation of Malawi, Africa. VIP has several strategic areas of development: -Water -Food security -Education -Health Care -Infrastructure -Economic Development
Ensuring student success MentorKids USA
Mondays, 3-5PM, meet at the church 15300 N. 90th St. #200, Scottsdale, AZ 85260 MentorKids USA is a Christian ministry that recruits, trains and supports mentors who empower young people facing tough life challenges to reach their God-given potential and become transformative members of their families and communities in the name of Jesus Christ. MentorKids volunteers come alongside and tutor students in specific areas, build relationships, and provide stability that may not be present in kids’ homes.
Navajo & Yavapai Elementary Schools
Become a part of VPF today!
Support one of the many funds administered by VPF or include VPC or the Foundation in your will or estate plan Questions? Email Kris Bahr:
Importance of the Foundation & Legacy Society: Tom Ambrose, VPF President, “Some people may find it odd to think of the Foundation as a ministry. In fact, it certainly is – as our Foundation serves and supports our Valley Presbyterian Church. Since the Foundation’s inception 40 years ago, the Foundation has provided for the financial security of our church today. It is admirable to continue this tradition. I am truly thankful for our Trustees and their efforts to assure these funds grow and are used for the benefit of our church, our members, and those less fortunate. Through VPF’s ministry we are assuring that we are, as a community, dedicated to transforming lives through Jesus Christ.”
Joan Nastro, “As a VPF Legacy Society member, I have a sense of spiritual comfort and satisfaction knowing that my future contribution to the Foundation will be used to underwrite creative programs and projects that could not otherwise be funded by the VPC operating budget. Through my gift, one day, my legacy will live on to grow and enhance our Church’s missions through the ministry of the Foundation’s endowment.” Pastor David Joynt, “Life is generational! Previous generations invested in our lives and faith. Now it is our turn to write the future on the hearts of the next generation. Let’s leave a legacy in Jesus’ name.”
Charlee Turner Foundation Administrator:
VPC participates in the Healthy Packs program, which provides food packs for children who are at risk of not receiving adequate nutrition over the weekend. VPC also provides school supplies for each classroom and creates and maintains interactive learning spaces for students and teachers.
Care & Help Counseling & Support Stephen Ministry
Tom Van Arsdale: 480-235-3196 or Karen Annis: 480-510-5385, Free Need a Christian friend to talk to? Need to discuss a private, confidential matter? VPC has Stephen Ministers trained to be compassionate, confidential listeners. Stephen Ministers are men and women identified by the church as good listeners, grounded in the teachings of the Christian faith, and demonstrate the ability to carefully guard confidences. Stephen Ministers become mentors, coaches, and supportive friends. Want to learn more about the ways God is at work through Stephen Ministry? On Sunday, October 15, VPC will recognize and celebrate the men and women committed to helping others through this ministry.
Grief Support - an evening class
Wednesdays starting September 6 6:30-7:30PM, Chapel Parlor Facilitator: Bill Gass Register online: This 10-week class gives the tools to prepare you to choose to recover, how to recover well, and how to hope again. You will receive a workbook with tips on how to recover from your loss. Registration is required and new members will be accepted only during the first two classes.
GriefShare - a daytime class
Wednesdays starting October 11 1-3PM, Chapel Parlor Facilitator: Karen Annis Register online: The 13-week Grief Share program is a combination of DVD presentations, workbook and discussion time. We believe recovery doesn’t come from knowledge, but from Christian hope, personal support and emotional release.
Cancer: Navigating the Journey Workshop
Presenter: Kathy Baughman, Chaplain and Cancer Case Management Specialist at Mayo Clinic Saturday, October 28, 9AM-Noon, Chapel, Cost: $10 RSVP to David Turner: 480-991-6424, No one ever expects to hear a cancer diagnosis, either for themselves or a loved one, and yet over 1.6 million new cases of cancer were diagnosed in the United States in 2016 (according to the National Cancer Institute). Diagnosis sets many people on a journey that can leave them feeling overwhelmed. This workshop will help you understand how to deal with the anxieties and challenges that accompany cancer. You will also hear the personal story of how one man faced the challenge of his life, and what he discovered about himself and his faith in God.
Pastor David Turner: Tammy Milne, Ministry Assistant:
Mental Health Mental Health 24-hour crisis line
602-222-9444 You are never alone; please reach out if you need to talk.
NAMI Family-to-Family Education
Saturdays starting August 26 10AM-12:30PM,Calvin Center, Free Registration required: Debbie Martinez: 602-759-8177 or Family, partners, and friends of adults living with a serious mental illness, this opportunity is for you. This 12-week class is designed to help understand and support someone living with mental illness while maintaining their own well-being. The program is taught by people who know what it is like to have a loved one living with mental illness. For more information contact Elizabeth Weiss, 713-203-5544.
October 21, 9:15AM, State Capital Grounds Registration begins at 8:30AM, Susan Krecker,, 480-607-3598 The VPC Mental Health Ministry invites you to join us for the NAMI Walk. This fun event raises funds to provide support groups, educational programs, and other services needed to fight stigma and raise awareness. Be a part of our team by going online to register for our team, The North Valley Walkers.
Deacon Ministries Deacon Ministries are run by the Deacons of the church, who are nominated and chosen to serve three-year terms. They provide vital services to church members and our community. Deacon ministries are always in need of volunteers. VPC has over a dozen Deacon teams, learn more about them online: David Turner: 480-991-6424 x121,
Pet Pause Therapy Dog Ministry Interested in having one of our Pet Pause visitors bring some cheer and a wagging tail to your home? Contact Tammy Milne. Visits begin in September. Our furry friends are waiting for your call!
Life Events
Recovery Dove Tree Service of Remembrance
Tuesday, December 5, 2PM, Memorial Garden Every year during Advent, we acknowledge family and friends who have passed into God’s Glory. You are welcome to come to the Memorial Garden to write the name of your loved one on a dove, place it on the tree and offer a silent prayer. Pastor David Turner will preside.
Divorce Recovery
Facilitator: Anna Kohls, M.S., LAMFT, M.Ed. Mondays, September 25-November 6 5:30-6:45PM, Chapel Parlor David Turner: 480-991-6424, Registration: We want to encourage you and give you the tools to thrive in the midst of divorce and separation. VPC is offering a new seven-week Divorce Recovery program designed for men and women at any stage of the divorce process. Each week covers a different topic and is followed by group discussion. Meeting others on the same journey, gaining insights for healing, is vital for moving forward.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Fridays, 7:30-9PM, Landes Center Tammy Milne: 480-991-6424 x163, Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other. The only requirement for AA membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for AA membership; it is self supporting through contributions. AA is nonprofessional, self-supporting, multiracial, apolitical, does not engage in controversies, and neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Their primary purpose is to stay sober and to help other alcoholics achieve sobriety.
Funerals and Memorial Services
Interment and Memorial Garden
Jeannie Wright: 480-991-6242 x146 VPC has several venues available for weddings. If you’re interested in holding your special and sacred event on campus, please contact us early in the planning process. Celebrate with us! Tammy Milne: 480-991-6424 x163 When we baptize someone, we witness an individual being brought into the worldwide community of faith and specifically recognized as a unique creation.
Tammy Milne: 480-991-6424 x163 VPC’s staff is here to help support families and loved ones through this difficult time of transition. Services can be held in the Chapel or Sanctuary. Memorial receptions can also be arranged on campus. Tammy Milne: 480-991-6424 x163 VPC has a Memorial Garden dedicated to its community and their families. One section has a Memorial Wall, where plaques may be placed in memory of a loved one interred or buried elsewhere.
Connect Community Groups
Study God’s Word, build relationships, serve others, and grow in your faith. Community Groups are loosely defined by the range of years you were born. Connect with the group that’s right for you! If you are new to VPC, or looking for an easy way to get involved, Community Groups are an excellent way to get connected.
(Born) 1970s-1980s
Chris Woodard: Join an authentic group of believers searching for God’s will in our lives!
(Born) 1960s-1970s
Various classes throughout the fall Tina Gilbreath: We know time is a precious resource for those who may be establishing their career or starting a family. This semester the 30-40s Community Group will connect around three priorities: parenting, finances, and marriage. Check out these opportunities with other 30-40s individuals. The Marriage Course* Wednesdays, September 6 - October 11 Wired That Way* Wednesdays, October 25-December 6 (no class Nov. 22)
Kaleidoscope: (born) 1950s-1960s
Sundays, 9-10AM, Room 409 Ed Glady: We will follow the Israelites as they travel from Sinai to the Promised Land to Nationhood to Captivity to the Expectation of a Messiah. Community Dinner Saturday, September 16, 6PM, Turner’s House Stacy Turner has volunteered to make the entrée, and it is up to us to bring delicious appetizers, salads, desserts, and beverages. This is our chance to get back together after a summer apart! Invite your friends! Email Ed Glady with questions. Family Promise Host Night Saturday, October 7, 5:30PM, Landes Center Kitchen We’ll host dinner and provide fellowship for the Family Promise families we are blessed to have on campus. Family Promise organizes a network of churches that each provide a week of housing, food and fellowship to families who find themselves in tough situations. Oak Creek Canyon West Fork trail hike October, Date TBA (based on anticipated height of leaf color) Holiday Potluck Dinner Saturday, November 18, Location & time TBA Christmas Tree cutting trip Friday, November 24, Location & time TBA
Pastor Mike Nieto:
Community Groups Boomers: (born) 1940s-1950s
Coordinator, Sarah Wiggins Burnette: For invitations, Debbie Sayre, Fall Kickoff Potluck Sunday, September 17, 10:30 AM, Fireside Room Bring a brunch dish to share and learn about upcoming classes! Classes, Coffee, & Confections Sundays, September 24 - November 19 (no class October 22) 10:30-11:30 AM, Fireside Room Welcome! Come early for fellowship and food, learn about God, and grow in faith with us. Movie Parties Saturday, October 14, 6PM, Kelsalls’ House Saturday, November 11, 6PM, Greens’ House See the movie on your own then come to the party for lively discussion. Please bring a ready-to-serve “happy-hour-worthy” appetizer in your own dish and beverage to share. Christmas Open House Sunday, December 10, 4-7PM, Sayres’ House Live music, appetizers, desserts, beverages, and a Christmas Carol Sing-along!
Inquirer Class
Sunday, October 22, Noon, Fireside Room Jane Russell: Life is better when we do it together! We want you to be a part of our growing community. Come learn what making a commitment to VPC looks like. Our Inquirer Class is for those who want to join VPC or learn more about our church and the rich history of the Presbyterian faith. Participants will: -Meet Pastors, Rev. Dr. David Joynt and Mike Nieto -Learn about our church -Ask questions about our faith New members will be introduced to our congregation the Sunday following the Inquirer class at the 9AM and 10:30AM services.
Dinner for 8
Seekers & Searchers: (born) 1930-1940s
Get to know your church community better through food, fun, and fellowship.
Bible Study and Discussion: First & Second Thursday of the month, 1-2:30PM, Crossing 104
Dinner for 8 connects four couples to share four meals on four occasions throughout the year. It’s a great way to get to know others and eat some great food! Look for more details coming soon!
Judith Robins:
Fellowship and Luncheon: Third Thursdays 12:30-1:30PM, Camelback Golf Club Family Promise Dinner Serving, TBA
Sages: (born) 1940s+
Night at the Phoenix Theatre Mamma Mia! Thursday, October 12, 7:30PM Phoenix Theatre, Call Wandie to RSVP
Wandie Hulick: 602-316-3372, We meet throughout the month for fun activities, delicious food, and faithful fellowship. We would love to have you join us! Weekly Class, Sundays, 10:30-11:30AM, Calvin Center Lunch Bunch Third Thursday Fellowship 11:30AM, Camelback Golf Club, Call Wandie to RSVP September 21, October 19, December 14 Fellowship Thursday, Mexican Train, Fireside Room September 7, 1-3PM, October 5, November 9, December 7, 3-5PM Mexican Train is a fun and easy domino game that we’ll teach you! Dinner, 5PM, Fireside Room October 5 German Food November 9 Pork Roast & Root Veggies December 7 Holiday Dinner Card Making Classes, 3PM, Fireside, Call Wandie to RSVP September 28 November 16 October 26 December 21
Highlighted Fall Events
Wednesdays, September 6-October 11 6-7:30PM, Calvin Center
Wednesdays, September 6-October 1 6:30-7:30PM, Room 409
Saturday, September 16, 8-11AM Orange Tree Golf Resort
Mountains & Valleys 2017 MEN’S RETREAT
September 29-October 1 UCYC Camp, Prescott, AZ
Sunday, October 22, 9:30AM, Sanctuary
Sunday, October 29, 4:30-6PM, VPC South Parking Lot
Friday, November 3, 9AM
valley presbyterian church A Community Where Jesus Christ Transforms Lives
6947 East McDonald Drive Paradise Valley, AZ 85253 480-991-6424