2018 Annual Report

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GOD’S WORK @ VPC Dear Friends, We encourage you to read through this annual summary, ponder the pictures, savor the statistics, and reflect on the deep and wonderful ways God has blessed VPC in 2018. Every number and every face reflects a story of God’s goodness and grace. Prayers have been offered and answered. Acts of mercy and love have extended the compassion of Jesus to thousands of people. Children, youth, and adults have gathered together to learn, grow, and serve. God’s glory has been celebrated and seen in transcendent moments of worship and praise. We feel very blessed to share this time, this place, and this ministry with you. Your encouragement and your energy are a beautiful and powerful response to our gracious God. Your tremendous generosity in the A New Heart for the Valley campaign in 2018 will fund the transformation of our campus this year. As we remember 2018 with gratitude, let’s anticipate the joys and blessings that are coming in 2019. Yours faithfully, VPC Pastors & Staff



MISSION Global Mission: 12 acres of land

purchased in Malawi for the new Secondary School through Villages In Partnership One new teacher home built through Ministry of Hope

100,000 pound

concrete hurricaneproof roof built for Chompton, Yucatan Presbyterian Church

Local Mission: 400+ friends from

MentorKids USA attended the annual Christmas Party

5,000+ hours of

shelter provided to families without homes through Family Promise

60+ Yavapai &

Tonalea Elementary School teachers received classroom supplies


CHILDREN DAY CAMP STATS During the six-day #RedforEd teacher walkout, VPC created a day-long experience for elementary-aged kids:

50 volunteers served 120+ kids over six days. 225 children

attended Vacation Bible School (+18% from 2017)

1050 people

attended Trunk or Treat (+150 from 2017)

980 people attended

Bunny Business (+130 from 2017)

789 families receive

the @vpc quarterly email, created for families not yet plugged in to VPC (+286 from 2017)


WOMEN 960 meals packed

at Feed My Starving Children

148 cups of coffee

consumed on Friday mornings at MOPS and Bible Study

300 pounds of food

collected for ICM in response to the Sip & Social Justice event

48 Women’s Bible

Study meetings


MEN 240 hours spent

together in prayer, study, and fellowship

800 hamburgers and

hot dogs grilled for the MentorKids USA Christmas Party Two new small groups formed

50 hours spent to

clean and beautify VPC’s campus

100+ men attended

the 2018 Men’s Retreat and Men’s Breakfast


STUDENTS 35 Students went to

Forest Home Camp

19 Middle School

students & five leaders served at the Summer Phoenix Mission Trip Nine High School students & three leaders served on the Summer Denver Mission Trip


DISCIPLESHIP 654 hours of

Bible Study and Community Group meetings A prayer team of 16 people prayed for 30 Alpha attendees over nine weeks

20 classes offered

throughout 2018 by 18 outstanding facilitators Over 100 people meeting regularly in Community Groups


CONGREGATIONAL CARE $9,185.58 spent to

provide assistance to those with one-time critical need

260+ Lay Hospital

Team & Pastoral visits

43 worship services

where Communion was prepared and served

Six new Stephen Ministers trained, to add to 41 currently active

156 instances of

Transportation Team bringing someone to church

30+ people

received At-Home Communion three times per year

75 cards & care

packages sent to college students and military personnel (Pictured to the right)


WORSHIP 20+ kids attended

Oasis Kids! each week (formerly Explorers)

Seven new talented members of the Chancel Choir

500+ attended VPC’s

Christmas Cantata: The Peace of Christmas Average weekly attendance:

8AM: 54 9AM: 261 10:30AM: 172


FOUNDATION Contributed

$1,000,000 toward

A New Heart for the Valley Capital Campaign

Raised $130,000 during the Annual Foundation Dinner

$57,000 donated

to Family Promise as a part of the Foundation Dinner’s Fund the Need initiative

Awarded $13,500 in scholarships to eight college students Awarded $31,000 towards student camps and mission trips at Forest Home Summer Camp and Center for Student Mission: Denver Awarded $3,500 grant to MentorKids USA



$9,100,000 pledged

in 2018

$4,618,341 pledges

received in 2018

280 donors to A New

Heart for the Valley (Individuals & Families)

100% of VPC Session Elders and Pastors made a campaign commitment


VALLEY DAY SCHOOL 149 children enrolled 40 new VDS families Nine students receive tuition assistance thanks to the generosity of Presbyterian Women Children attended Chapel 50 times

78 families toured


34 families have

children on the VDS waitlist


STATISTICS 1,400 members on

December 31

40 new members 11 third grade Bibles


241 hours spent

reading Valley Vine issues online

6,978 video plays on Vimeo

18,139 visits to vpc.church

(+10% over 2017)

78,585 pageviews on vpc.church

79.8% of visits to

vpc.church were from new users


YOUR GENEROUS SUPPORT We, the Pastors and Staff at VPC, feel blessed to share this time, this place, and this ministry with you. Your encouragement and energy are a beautiful and powerful response to our gracious God! Christian Education


Mission, Outreach, Congregational Care


Pastoral Ministry


Worship & Music


Administration & Facility


2018 Expenses

Administration & Facility Pastoral Ministry Christian Education

$1,069,819 -Personnel expenses included in $489,424 $297,739

each category -Complete Balance Sheet will be available at the VPC Congregational Meeting on Tuesday, January 29

Mission, Outreach, Congregational Care $217,171 Worship & Music Total expenses in 2018

$184,567 $2,258,720

Valley Presbyterian Church 6947 E. McDonald Drive Paradise Valley, AZ 85253


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