VALLEY VINE valley presbyterian church
April 2015
Volume 60, Number 3
Dear friends, Dr. Richard Olsen chairs the Communications Department at the University of North Carolina in Wilmington. I met him when our daughter, Madeleine, now a sophomore at UNCW, was there for a college visit. He said many wise things about university education, but I was particularly struck by his comments about the profession of journalism. He explained that in the 21st Century, journalists are almost never the first to report a story or an event. The era of smartphones has made everyone into a reporter! The internet has made instant information and comment available via blogs and social networks. So what role do journalists now play, we asked, since they are rarely first time conveyors of new information? “Journalists,” he said, “Provide the context for events, giving the meaning by fitting the facts into a story.” Journalists, in other words, are storytellers and interpreters! The world we live in is information rich but suffers from a poverty of meaning. We draw in a superabundance of facts unless we can place them in a context.
In fact, we have a great advantage over ordinary reporters. We are keyed into the great story that frames reality itself, a narrative of tragedy and comedy and pathos that ultimately becomes a tale of universal love. Sharing the faith means understanding the stories of the people around us and helping them see their own lives in light of the God story that has its center in Jesus Christ. Individual destiny develops in relationship to him, and our lives interlock with his purposes. This is what the New Testament calls “entering the Kingdom.” After Easter, beginning on April 19, we start a series called “Each One Reach One.” We will explore how to be 21st Century witnesses or reporters on behalf of our gracious Lord. On the morning of Saturday, April 25, 2015, there will be an all church seminar to provide some tools and ideas for the glorious challenge of gathering others in Jesus’ name. Look for more details to follow. You are invited! I hope you will engage with this great theme and pray that VPC will become a place where many people find a role in God’s great Kingdom story! Yours faithfully,
Now this is illuminating for the task of sharing our faith. The role of a 21st Century witness is like a 21st Century reporter. We don’t just convey facts about Jesus; we provide a meaningful context for discipleship. We are storytellers too.
6947 E. McDonald Drive ▪ Paradise Valley, AZ 85253-5342 Phone: 480-991-6424 ▪ Fax: 480-991-6427 Email: ▪ Website:
Who We Are Valley Presbyterian Church has a story to tell. It’s a story about the beauty found in the in the stained glass in the Chapel, on the northern end of the church campus. It’s the story of Louise McCall, who, with her husband Robert, designed the panorama that stretches around the top of the building, along with windows in the library and Sanctuary. “Life is so beautiful, and everywhere you look, you can find beauty,” Louise said. And she would know. The McCalls were both very successful artists during their careers. If you’ve seen any of the sweeping, captivating paintings from the early space program, you’re likely looking at art by Robert McCall. Isaac Asimov likened him to, “the nearest thing we have to an artist-inresidence from outer space.” Louise’s paintings of her gardens and flowers adorn the walls of galleries and private collections across the world. But the “Light of the Universe,” the windows stretching around the Kilgore Chapel, hold a special place in her heart. “It’s our spiritual child,” Louise states. They wanted the stained glass to say, “it didn’t matter what your denomination is, doesn’t matter what color you are, doesn’t matter where you came from. Anyone walking in here, we wanted them to experience a sense of reverence and awe for the universe and their place in it.”
That awe for our place in the universe stretches to her paintings today, as well. Painting “brought me out of my blue when I lost my husband.” Robert passed away in 2010, after 65 years of marriage. “When I got back to my painting, I got back to everything I needed, and it would have made him happy, too.” Louise paints Easter lilies. She has painted one this year that is on the cover of the Easter bulletin. The first light of the universe is captured in the Chapel windows. The imagination and determination of humankind is captured in Robert McCall’s paintings. The beauty of a garden in bloom is captured in Louise McCall’s paintings. And the message of Jesus is captured in her painting of a single lily. “It’s just like saying, ‘halleluiah, here you are again,’ and then ‘Christ is Risen.’ And that says it all.” Want to hear more of Louise’s story? Check out her interview online:
Events Easter 2015 Worship Services: Begin Again with the Risen Savior
7:30 a.m.- Sunrise at the Sanctuary fountain 9 a.m.- Sanctuary with brass and Chancel Choir 10:30 a.m.- Landes with the Worship Team 11:30 a.m.- Sanctuary with Chancel Choir
Bunny Business Satruday, April 4, 9-10:30 a.m.
Kiva Fields Easter Bunny - Games - Snacks - Easter Egg Hunt
Get Connected Sundays, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Calvin Center
Community Groups
A place to study God’s word, build relationships; serve others, and grow deeper in your faith. For more information visit: Thursdays, 7:30-9 p.m. Members’ homes Every other Sunday, April 12 & 26, 9-10 a.m. The Crossing April 17, 4 p.m., Feed My Starving Children Sundays, 9-10 a.m. Room 409 April 18, HopeFest, Phoenix Sundays, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Fireside Room April 25, Movie Night 2nd Thursdays, April 9, 6:30-8 p.m. Room 409 April 17, Game Night
Extra upcoming activities for 70s+ April 2 No events April 9 3 p.m. Mexican Train 5 p.m. Chinese dinner April 15 11:30 a.m. Lunch, Camelback Golf Club April 16 3 p.m. Movie, “Life is Beautiful” 5 p.m. Brisket, mashed potatoes and gravy April 19 3 p.m., Sanctuary, Baroness Jill Knight April 22 11:30 a.m., Landes Center, Luncheon Baroness Jill Knight April 23 5 p.m. Vegetable beef soup, corn bread and salad 6:30 p.m. Leave for Phoenix Theatre for “Buyer & Cellar” April 30 3 p.m. Card making class 5 p.m. BBQ meatballs, potato salad, sherbet
Della Berg:, 480-991-6242 ext. 168 Join the fun and fellowship! Be active and have a great time. All activities in the Landes Center • Pickleball: ages 7-107, Sundays, Mondays, Thursdays 6-8 p.m. • Men’s Basketball: all ages, Thursdays, 6:30-7:30 a.m. • Martial Arts: ages 5 & up, Tuesdays 6-7 p.m., Thursdays 4:30-5:30 p.m. • Line Dancing: adults, Fridays, 10 a.m.-noon • Sportball: ages 3-5, Wednesdays, 2:15-3:15 p.m. • Twinkle Toes Dance: ages 2-5, Tuesdays, 2:15-3 p.m.
April 22, 11:45 a.m., Landes Center Helen Wolfe: 480-994-0035 Contact Helen for tickets. Candidates for Coordinating Team 2016-2018 will be announced. Speaker: Baroness Jill Knight presents Sulgrave Manor. From teenage volunteer in the Women’s Royal Air Force during World War II, to the House of Lords, Baroness Knight has a unique and powerful story of determination and opportunity
Every Tuesday from 9 a.m.-noon, Calvin Center Margaret Wheeler: 480-483-2609 Join us to create items for sale at Cooks’ Tour 2015.
April 26 4:30-7:30 p.m. Leslie Woodard: Event for all women and a great opportunity to meet others in our church community. Purchase tickets online: $15 adults/$10 students Scholarships available Portion of ticket goes to Women’s Ministry Scholarship Fund
Every other Friday from 9-10:30 a.m. Every other Thursday from 6:30-8 p.m. Leslie Woodard: Grow deeper in your faith and find time for Sabbath in your life.
Mission & Service
Chris Woodard: Garden Dedication April 11, 10 a.m. Garden dedication and basketball tournament with presentation by the Mayor of Phoenix. Reading Program Mondays, 3-5 p.m. Meet in church parking lot at 3 p.m. to shuttle. Provide students with reading partners.
April 18, 10 a.m., Chase Field Chris Woodard: HopeFest Phoenix brings the community together to help meet basic needs of underserved individuals. This year Valley Presbyterian Church is a sponsoring organization and will serve from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Last year over 2,500 volunteers from around the Valley served over 75.000 meals.
June 22-26 Tina Gilbreath: We are beginning to build our VBS team and we needyour help. Volunteers needed for jobs big and small the week of VBS and prior to transform our campus into a Himalayan style base camp!
Tina Gilbreath: Our regular Sunday School teachers get a break for the summer so we are looking for summer substitutes for children 3y.o.-entering 1st grade at 9 and 10:30 a.m.. Lessons will be prepared for you! You just need to show up ready to have fun with the kids!
Jordan Gustafson: Invest in the lives of our students, volunteer today!
May 3-10 Chris Woodard: This is an exciting new ministry partnership. We will be hosting 4 families. We need volunteers to prepare and serve meals each night. The Easter Offering and part of One Great Hour of Sharing will be dedicated to this local ministry partnership.
COOKS’ TOUR-White Elephant donations
Accepting Saturdays, 9-11 a.m., Cooks’ Tour shed Kay Koeb: 480-946-2624. Donate gently used clothing, household items, costume jewelry, books, toys, collectibles, exercise equipment and Silent Auction items.
Families CHILDREN 1st grade parent Take It Home Event
April 26, 10:30 a.m., Room 415/416 Tina Gilbreath: Children entering the 2nd grade worship with their parents in the summer. This class will help parents prepare their kids for this new experience. Be inspired to teach your children how to worship. Please let us know you can come... it will help us plan!
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
June 22-26 Everest...Conquering challenges with God’s mighty power! Parents mark your calendars registration will be on-line in April.
Wednesdays, through April 29 4-5 p.m., Chapel Julia Joynt: If you love to sing, hang out with your friends after school, learn more about Jesus and share His amazing love with others, then give Kids Chorus a try!
Jordan Gustafson:
The Gathering
Sundays, 9 a.m., Landes Basement Grades 6-12
Junior High Midweek
Mondays, 6-8 p.m., Landes Basement
Senior High Midweek
Wednesdays, 7-8:45 p.m., Landes Basement
MOPS: Mothers of Preschoolers
April 10 & 29, 9-11:30 a.m., Fireside Room Meghan Gottfredson: Drop your little ones in our nursery rooms and join us for some much needed mommy time. Childcare available for children up to age 5. RSVP for childcare:
Mondays, April 13-June 8, 6:30-8 p.m. Crossing 104 Lisa Bateman: Cost: $25, scholarships available Our spring DVD series and small group discussion covers Changes That Heal by Dr. Henry Cloud. Come join Divorce Recovery as we undertake this journey of healing and transformation.
Andy: 480-994-4407 If you have specific mental health-related questions, contact Andy. He helps people navigate the oftenconfusing Arizona mental health system. Andy can refer people to free community behavioral and mental health support groups for adults in the Phoenix Metro area.
Changes That Heal: Spring DVD Series
Our church family extends its Christian sympathy to the family and friends of: Bill Hein Betty Knotts Sue McFarland Jean Snyder
Betty Weckstrom Eleanor West Barbara Whiting
Service of Remembrance Memorial Garden
April 12, 2015, 10 a.m. Pastor David Turner: Service remembering our loved ones.
Marc Community Resources, Inc. Information & Referral Coordinator
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Family Support Group 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of the month, 6-7:30 p.m. Mountain View Presbyterian Church Tom Lacey: 480-467-9130
Mental Health 24-hour Crisis Line 602-222-9444
Brianne Bergfeldt: Tammy Milne: Providing healthy meals for our church community in need after unexpected life events or hospital/medical procedures.Volunteer cooks needed. Along with healthy freezer-ready meals we will provide fresh ready-to-eat meals. Contact us if you are interested.
ENCORE UNIVERSITY Adventures in Lifelong Learning
Tracy Keller 480-991-6424 ext. 165
Thank you to everyone who gave their time and expertise to make Encore University a success this year! Snapshot from the 2014/2015 school year: • 3 Terms • 820 students enrolled • 102 course offerings • Over 250 new students As Encore continues to grow, we rely on registration and course fees, volunteers and financial contributions in order to sustain our fun and informative curriculum offerings. Come be a part of the fun! Join the Curriculum Committee, Work in the Cafe, Be An Ambassador - there are so many ways to get involved!
Wednesdays, April 8—29 480-991-6424 ext. 168
Christianty & Culture in 21st Century
Rev. Dr. David Joynt 4:30-5:30 p.m. Room 409 We will explore the relationship between faith and culture in the 21st century in North America. What are the challenges and opportunities for communicating the gospel today? Come and explore how Christ encounters the age of the internet and multiculturalism.
Why the Cross?
Bryan Fergus 6:30-7:30 p.m. Chapel This course is designed to help participants understand the necessity of Jesus’ incarnation and the significance of the Cross to our Faith, and of how Jesus’ ministry, crucifixion and resurrection impact their daily lives as followers of Christ.
April 13, 7:30 p.m., Sanctuary Nellie Cronin: Performances include: Schubert’s Mass in G with works by Rutter, Wilberg, Handel and others. Featured soloists: Rhea Miller, Tom Collins, Lazo Mihajlovich, Alexis Davis Hazell and Earl Hazell Free will offering to go to a VPC local mission partnership, Family Promise.
“Where is it that our soul doth go?”
April 24, 7:30 p.m., Sanctuary Earl Hazell: Featuring: Alexis Davis Hazell, Mezzo-soprano Patricia Heller, Violin Jeremy Peterman, Piano Produced by Earl Hazell, Jazzoperetry Inc. An evening of Loeffler, Bridge, Dargomyzhsky and Brahams featuring poetry by Shelley, Verlaine, Ruckert and Baudelaire. General admission, $20
Church News SESSION
Karen Meyer, Clerk of Session: 480-368-6567 At the March Session meeting Bob Aldag was selected as an additional delegate to Presbytery. Bob now joins Gloria Gabler, Dick Lockwood and Roy Schumacher as delegates from Valley Presbyterian Church. Session nominated Sam and Edie Kelsall as nominees for the Senior Service Award of the Presbytery of the Grand Canyon. On recommendation from the Planning and Organization Committee, Session voted that lay employees will, as of July 1, 2015 contribute to dependent insurance coverage at the rate of 1.5% of effective salary. A motion passed endorsing a plan by the Foundation to augment the available amount for 2016 scholarships by an anonymous donor who will match new donations. A motion was passed to suspend the current Ordination Standards voted on in 2011 until such time as the Session renders a final determination on the issue, which is anticipated before 2016 and in consideration of thoughtful and prayerful consideration the Session will undertake in the meantime. Pastor David Joynt will send a communique to the congregation discussing this action in further detail. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Blessings, Karen Meyer
FINANCE Kris Bahr: Valley Presbyterian Church Finances Year to Date (Through February 28, 2015) Total income, year to date: $451,000 Budget: $484,100 Total expense, year to date: $351,000 Budget: $364,300 Total difference, year to date: $100,000* Budget: $119,800**
Kathy Arner Mary Artigue Sarah Brammer David Eaton Dick Fawley Fred Fetters Gloria Gabler Ed Glady Lisa Keylon Lisa LaFon Richard Lockwood Ruth Lukian Darrah MacDougall Joan Nastro Prescott Pohl Shirley Polk John Samota Roy Schumacher Vicki Tatum Matt Winter Clerk of Session: Karen Meyer
*$100,000 difference represents several one-time yearly contributions **Current total contributions are $20,000 behind budget
Vicki Tatum:
Thank you to everyone for making the Legacy Dinner a success! We are a church where God is transforming lives and your generosity equips our campus and Mission to continue meeting the needs of our community. We raised over $130,000. We are truly blessed. See y'all next year.
Linda Miller:
The Valley Presbyterian Foundation is seeking funds to support our member-scholars in their advanced studies for the Fall of 2015. The General Scholarship Fund is made up of endowed funds, donor contributions and from a generous donor who will Legacy Dinner photo gallery online: (photos by Bill Phillips) agree to match dollar for dollar up to $4,000 until May 1. Your support helps our students as they study locally and around the world.
Worship HOLY WEEK WORSHIP SERVICES PALM SUNDAY March 29, 8, 9, 10:30 & 11:30 a.m. MAUNDY THURSDAY April 2, 6:30 p.m., Sanctuary GOOD FRIDAY April 3, Noon, Chapel EASTER SUNDAY April 5 Pastor David Joynt 7:30 a.m. Fountain 9:00 a.m. Sanctuary 10:30 a.m. Landes Center 11:30 a.m. Sanctuary Valley Presbyterian Church
The VALLEY VINE USPS 621-060, is published monthly by VALLEY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Periodical Postage paid at Scottsdale, AZ. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Valley Presbyterian Church, 6947 E. McDonald Drive, Paradise Valley, AZ 85253-5342
April 12
Jordan Gustafson
April 19 Pastor David Joynt April 26 Pastor David Joynt
Weekly: Kilgore Chapel 8 & 11:45* a.m. *Beginning April 12 Sanctuary 9 a.m. Landes Center 10:30 a.m.
Pastoral Staff David Joynt, David Turner Pastors Emeriti Thomas A. Erickson, G. Wooden Garvin
Office will be closed on Monday, April 6 8