VALLEY VINE Valley Presbyterian Church
April 2017
Volume 62, Number 3
Dear friends,
It is harder and harder to distinguish the real and the unreal. Reality TV blurs the line between the orchestrated and the actual. Computer generation and special effects make life-like images from digital sources. Deceptive stories are presented as news. Virtual reality headsets create 3-D worlds that rival our own. That is what makes a visit to Israel so powerful. Watching a storm arise on a boat on the Sea of Galilee and eating a fish caught in its waters. Walking the hills where Jesus spoke aloud the eight blessings we’ve come to call the Beatitudes. Looking at the view from the palace at Caesarea, where Pontius Pilate watched the sun set and the crowds cheered in the Hippodrome. Treading the path from the Mount of Olives down into the Old City—the journey Jesus took as the crowd waved their palm branches.
The faith we celebrate this Easter is no virtual reality, no mythological construct. It is rooted deep in the history of the Holy Land, rising out of the dusty streets and the historical struggles of people as real as you and I. The rulers have come and gone, as the Egyptians gave way to the Hittites and the Assyrians to the Babylonians, the Persians to the Macedonians, the Romans to the Byzantines. Caliphates, Crusaders, Turks, Mongols, Ottomans, and Europeans all had their turn. But the Kingdom Jesus initiated, without sword or cannon, without horse or army, has outlasted and outspread them all. Our faith roots in history but transcends it too. For the one we celebrate this Easter is as contemporary now as He was in the first century. He still answers prayers, still solves mysteries, still directs seekers, and still calls us to love and service. As we celebrate Holy Week and Easter, may the Living Lord become ever more real to you.
valley presbyterian church Valley Presbyterian Church 6947 E. McDonald Drive, Paradise Valley, AZ 85253-5342 Phone: 480-991-6424 Fax: 480-991-6427 Email: Website:
Who We Are: The Easter invitation is for everyone
April 9-16 Holy Week is the most significant seven days in the life of the church. During Holy Week we see Jesus hailed as he enters Jerusalem, betrayed as he eats with his disciples, condemned, killed, and ultimately resurrected to bridge the chasm between humanity and God once and for all. You might know the story, and you might be eagerly anticipating the global celebration on Easter morning. There are many, however, that don’t know the story, haven’t felt the joy of Easter morning, and have never encountered the Risen Jesus in their own lives. This Easter, we want to encourage and challenge you to invite someone to join you at VPC. Where has God put you in someone’s life so that you can reach out and ask them to take part in the experience of Holy Week? God is at work in the hearts and lives of people at VPC, and He wants us to bring people to a place where Jesus Christ transforms lives.
Palm Sunday, April 9 All Worship Services
Maundy Thursday, April 13 6:30PM, Sanctuary
Good Friday, April 14
Noon & 6:30PM, Chapel
Easter, April 16 6AM, Fountain, Sunrise 9AM, Sanctuary, Choir & Organ 10:30AM, Landes Center, Band 11:45AM, Chapel, Valley Singers
Mission & Service Chris Woodard: Scottsdale & Paradise Valley for Africa Update
Thank you all for your help and participation in our second annual ScottsdalePV4Africa. What a great morning full of friendship, solidarity and fun; Mayor Lane of Scottsdale even dropped by to show support. We raised enough money to get the building project of the boarding school in Malawi started. We look forward to seeing you at next year’s event on February 24, 2018.
Family Promise
April 30-May 7 We will be hosting four families through our relationship with Family Promise. If you would like to help host, serve food or stay the night we can use all the help we can get, contact Chris.
ICM Food Drive
Bags available on the patio Return full bags on Sunday, April 9 ICM Food & Clothing Bank meets the basic needs of up to 150 families every day, six days a week. Please pick up a bag and return it with non-perishable items on or before April 9. Your generosity is felt in the lives of many!
VPC Mission Team to Malawi
June 22-July 4, Malawi, Africa VPC is excited to send a team to Malawi this summer! A trip to Malawi is an eye-opening and life-altering experience; if you’re even a little curious contact Chris! This trip we will work with our partners at Mission of Hope and Villages in Partnership.
Highlighted Events
You’re in charge of the next Sermon Series! Email: Online: What questions have you always wanted answered? Now’s the time to ask!
Students & Families CHILDREN
Tina Gilbreath:
Sunday Nursery: Infants-2 years
Joseph Parisi: Join as we worship together, engage in the Bible together, and have small group time with our grade levels.
Sunday School: 3 years-5th grade
The Gathering- All students 6th-12th grade
Sundays, 9-10:15AM, Landes Basement
9:15-10:15 & 10:45-11:45AM Registration:
Jr. High Midweek
Mondays, 6-8PM, Landes Basement
April 2: Explorers! Sing in worship 2nd Transition class (5th graders) 10:30AM
Sr. High Midweek
April 4: Final Explorers! and concert/musical Concert begins at 5:30PM
For more information:
Wednesdays, 7-9PM, Landes Basement
Summer Trips!
Meet Joseph Parisi, Interim Student Ministry Director
April 8: Palm Sunday Procession rehearsal 10AM-noon April 9: Palm Sunday Procession during 9 and 10:30AM worship. 3rd Transition class (5th graders) 10:30AM
I have a passion for youth ministry and have had the pleasure of working as an intern for nearly a year with Student Ministry. I look forward to meeting you and continuing to work with students at VPC. If you would like to say hello, or have any questions, please feel free to reach out. I hope to talk to you soon!
April 16: Easter-FamilyWorship NO Sunday School (Parents of 3-5 year olds make sure to pick up a worship bag to fill for your child! Worship bags available Palm Sunday April 9) April 18-May 9: Mini-Explorers! for children 3y.o.-pre-K, 2-3PM Register online: April 23: 4th and final transition class (5th graders) 10:30AM Transition Banquet, 3:30PM, Chapel (Invite your family)
Meghan Gottfredson: A play based and faith based first school experience. Valley Day students, parents, and teachers are excited for the opportunity to attend chapel during the school day. This new weekly program makes chapel accessible to all students who attend on Tuesday or Wednesdays. There has been lots of excitement about the Chapel building; the children think it is the most beautiful place! Many have been seen taking their parents to see it at the end of the school day, and overheard sharing their favorite parts of the lesson. Parents will be invited to attend a special Family Chapel with Pastor Joynt on April 11 and 12.
1st grade families Take It Home Event-Families Worship WHO? VPC Children entering 2nd grade (fall ’17) and up AND their parents. WHY? During the summer months this age group worships with their family. For many 2nd graders this is their first experience with worship in the ‘big church.’ WHAT? We have planned this special class to encourage and support parents in this new role…’parenting in the pew’ Please RSVP to Tina, it will help us plan!
Save the Date: Vacation Bible School (VBS) Maker Fun Factory-Created by God, Built for a Purpose June 19-23
Jennifer Hamm:
Interested in singing in a Youth Choir? Contact Jennifer for a rehearsal schedule.
Valley Ringers Handbell Choir
Wednesdays, 5:30PM, Handbell Room
Choir Rehearsal
Wednesdays, 7:30PM, Music Room
VPC Concert Series: Language Explored Vocal Recital with Valley Singer Vanessa Naghdi *Sunday, April 30, 4PM, Chapel *Note date change
As a classical singer in the US, it is typical to sing in English as well as in Italian, French, and German. In addition to these beautiful languages, this recital will explore some lesser-performed but equally as gorgeous languages, such as Spanish, Russian, and Farsi (Persian). Enjoy a trip around the globe with a taste of music from many different countries and cultures at this concert.
VPC Concert Series: An Evening with Rutter
Sunday, May 7, 4PM, Sanctuary The VPC Chancel Choir along with the Sanctuary Choir at Mt. View Presbyterian, will present Rutter’s Magnificat. The second half of the concert, you will enjoy other wonderful anthems written by Rutter. We will be joined by a wonderful full orchestra. This event is sponsored by the VPC Foundation.
Educational Enrichment DISCIPLESHIP
Kelly Nieto:, Mike Nieto: *Childcare available by reservation (0-9 y.o.):
The Influential Disciple*
Wednesdays, April 19-May 24 6:30-7:30PM, Calvin Center, No Fee Facilitators: Kelly & Mike Nieto There are two things that are non-negotiable when you read the New Testament: We are called to be disciples of Jesus and then called to make disciples of Jesus. Many times, though, the idea of discipleship is something weak, shallow or elusive for Christians. The Influential Disciple is a deep dive into five specific dimensions of discipleship: Spiritual Formation, Personal Wholeness, Healthy Relationships, Life Mission, Economics and Work.
Master Your Emotions for Parents and Teachers*
Wednesdays, April 26-May 10 6-7:30PM, Room 415-416, Fee $40 Facilitators: Kelly & Mike Nieto Yelling at your children is a choice. So is getting frustrated with them. You do not get angry at what your children do. You get angry at what you tell yourself about what your children do. Learn how to apply the tools necessary to create transforming relationships with your children and loved ones.
ADVENTURES IN LIFELONG LEARNING® Learn more: Looking Back, Moving Forward…
Looking back at the 2016-17 school year, we welcomed over 900 students onto the campus. We are truly grateful for Encore’s instructors, students, and volunteers. VPC is reaching out and bringing people to our community as a result of those who shared their time and talents over the three terms. Moving forward, Encore will celebrate its Fifth Anniversary in the fall! As we begin to make plans for the upcoming school year, we invite you to share your ideas with us. At Encore our mission is to make a positive difference in the lives of others. Stay connected this summer, and join us in the fall. We have a place for you. The end of this school year will also bring other changes. After four great years, I feel that it is the right time for me to move on to other opportunities. I am looking forward to spending more time with my family. I am grateful for my time at VPC and for the wonderful relationships I have built. I will miss everyone but know that Encore will continue to flourish. What an amazing program, and it’s all happening right here at VPC! Yours faithfully, Tracy Keller
For information visit: A place to study God’s word, build relationships, serve others, and grow deeper in your faith. Contact Chris for upcoming social and service projects. Chris Woodard: Tina Gilbreath: Watch for upcoming social and service projects on VPC website. Sundays, 9-10AM, Room 409 David Turner: Bible study, social events, and service projects.
All activities in Landes Center
Pickleball: Tuesdays & Thursdays, 4:30-6:30PM Sportball: Wednesdays, 2:15-3:15PM, ages 3-5 Grandmaster Han’s Martial Arts of AZ: Thursdays, 4:30-5:30PM, Calvin Center Men’s Adult Basketball: Thursdays, 6:30-7:30AM Adult Line Dance: Fridays, 10AM-noon
Sundays, 10:25-11:30AM, Fireside Room Gloria Gabler: Empty nesters grow together in faith and fellowship. 1st & 2nd Thursdays, 1-2:30PM, Crossing 104 Judith Robins: Gathering for bible study, social events, and service activities. Sundays, 10:30-11:30AM, Calvin Center Wandie Hulick: Mexican Train: April 6, 3PM Brisket: 5PM, Fireside Room Lunch Bunch: March 20, 11:30AM Camelback Golf Club Cardmaking: April 27, 3PM, Fireside Room
Kelsey Woodruff: Have you had a chance to use RightNow media yet? If not, email Kelsey for an invite! Over 10,000 videos and Bible studies for kids and adults are completely free.
Women Lenten Prayer Walk Tuesday, April 11, 5:30PM Canaan in the Desert, 9849 N. 40th St., Phoenix, AZ 85028 Kelly Nieto: Be guided through a prayer walk focusing on the last days of Christ, and then have dinner together at Paradise Bakery and Café. The walk will take approximately 1 hour and is a time of contemplation and prayer led by one of the Sisters. Come to the Table: Women’s Retreat 2017 Speaker: Rachel Palmbush Friday, April 28-Sunday, April 30 Marriott’s Residence Inn, Prescott, AZ Kelsey Woodruff: Register online: Get away from daily distractions and spend time learning about God with women of all ages. There will be Biblical teaching, conversation in small groups, free time to relax, and community meals. MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers)* Friday, April 21, 9-11AM, Room 415-416 Kelly Nieto: What is MOPS? An international ministry dedicated to the message that “mothering matters.” Our MOPS group is open to moms throughout the community, whether or not they attend VPC. *Childcare available by reservation (0-5 y.o.)
Presbyterian Women
Luncheon & Speaker April 26, 11:30AM, Landes Center, Cost: $10 RSVP: 480-991-6424 by Friday, April 21 Program: Deb Hurd Deb is an accomplished composer, songwriter, arranger and vocalist/musican. Her passion is in Christian music, both original and old church hymns. Her non-profit HeartSong Foundation raises funds that will allow musicians to share and teach their music to disadvantaged areas both nationally and globally. PW Circles, April 2017 Wandie Hulick: All women are invited to join a Circle meeting. Meet new friends and study the Bible! Tuesday, March 7 Mary: 9:30AM, Westminster Village Saguaro Room Jeanne Campo, 480-994-4116/Barbara McCreary 480-451-2233 Wednesday, March 8 Esther: 9:30AM, Pat Ciccone’s home, 480-948-7608 Sandra Gonzales, 602-616-0458/Sharon Vincent, 480-947-5492 Ruth/Naomi: 12PM, Room 409 Alice Paige, 602-404-5508/Bettie Ringle, 480-251-8384 Rachel/Rebekah: 9:30AM, Calvin Center Lara Robinson, 602-493-9064/Carlene Lawrence, 480-338-3304 Sunshine Acres Children’s Home Presbyterian Women, we are still accepting monetary donations for Sunshine Acres children to spend on Easter clothes and needed supplies.
Care & Support CONGREGATIONAL CARE David Turner: Tammy Milne: Remembrances Our church family extends its Christian sympathy to the family and friends of Ruth Adams, Dale Buczko, Ron Casola, Ann Cherny, Kenneth Hanson, Richard MacIntyre, and Hazel Tennison. Deacon Sunday Celebration was a great success! Thank you for your support and encouragement as we celebrated the work God is doing through the Deacon Ministry at VPC. We are grateful for your generous donations to the Deacon Fund, which is fully dependent on your gifts to function. We also want to thank those who signed up to volunteer with our Deacons – we cannot do God’s work without you! If you missed Deacon Sunday but want to participate in the ministry, please contact Tammy or David. Learn more about how the Deacons are at work in the lives of our community: Staff Appreciation – Notes of Gratitude We want you to submit your notes of gratitude to the wonderful staff of VPC. Cards available in church office – complete as many as you would like, and return them to Tammy by April 24. Staff members will each receive their personal notes from you at our next Staff Appreciation Luncheon on May 9.
Connecting Our Community: Increasing Awareness and Sharing Behavioral Health Resources Speakers: Chip Coffey, Director of Behavioral Health Integration at Quail Run Michael Schafer, Director of the Center for Applied Behavioral Health Policy at ASU May 11, 8:45AM-3:30PM, St. Patrick’s Catholic Church No Fee, Registration: Sandy Meyers: 480-998-3843 ext.108; Topics include the state of mental healthcare in Arizona, implications for people of faith, suicide prevention, trauma informed care, power of kindness, collaboration between law enforcement and counselors, and utilizing online community resource guides. Understanding Dementia: A Challenging Journey Tuesday, March 28, 6:15-7:45PM, St. Patrick’s Catholic Church RSVP: 602-776-6795; Open to anyone who needs to understand dementia and how it progresses from early to advanced stages. The workshop will help to develop strategies for making and maintaining meaningful connections with the person with dementia. National Alliance of Mental Illness (NAMI) Family Support Group 1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 6-7:30PM, St. Patrick Catholic Community or Family Support website:
-With gratitude and praise Session named Ron Norris as the recipient of the Presbytery Senior Service Award. -Rev. Kelsey Woodruff’s contract as Parish Associate was enthusiastically renewed for one year, until March 1, 2018. -Session approved using funds from the Foundation to support the recording and distribution of four original songs to VPC’s congregation and community. The intent behind this is to provide outreach and growth through music. Valley will have the copyrights to the music. -Hyumni Lee, Brandon Fox, and Tracy Keller are leaving VPC. There was discussion on the best way to replace the positions of VPC’s Organist, Manager of Buildings and Grounds, and Encore University Director. Plans are now in place on how to cover these duties until hires are made and searches are underway. A sub-committee of the Youth and Children Committee is interviewing to replace Jordan Gustafson, Director of Student Ministries. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Blessings, Karen Meyer, Clerk of Session You can always read more about members of Session on the VPC webiste:
Clerk of Session: Karen Meyer
VPC finances year-to-date as of February 28, 2017 Kris Bahr: Income
Mary Artigue Beverly Cooper Jim Gabler Ed Glady Gary Green Tom Hillman Susie Huseth Michele Ingram Sam Kelsall Lisa Keylon Kirby Kongable Darrah MacDougall Roy Schumacher Marge Sellers Cheryl Ann Shaff Bill Sturgeon Janel Willert Kris Williams
Faith Giving Other Income Total Income Expense Pastoral Ministry Admin & Facility Mission, Outreach, Cong. Care Christian Education Encore Worship & Music Total Expense
$315,000 $75,000 $390,000
$318,000 $73,000 $391,000
-$3,000 $2,000 -$1,000
$86,000 $155,000 $26,000 $41,000 $23,000 $31,000 $362,000
$87,000 $158,000 $26,000 $43,000 $24,000 $32,000 $370,000
$1,000 $3,000 $0 $2,000 $1,000 $1,000 $8,000
Net Income less Expense
Support VPC’s ministries!
Be a part of God’s work in the Valley and around the world:
Text to Give
Text the amount of your donation to 480-372-8548 –it’s as simple as that!
CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED Monday, April 17 Easter Holiday
Foundation Foundation: Charlee Turner,
Step Into the Future: 2017 Legacy Dinner
Thank you to everyone who attended the 2017 Legacy Dinner, and thank you to all the many volunteers who made the evening a success! Because of your time, generosity, support, and excitement, you are helping VPC Step into the Future!
Collegiate Scholarships Available
Kris Bahr: Applications and guidelines are available for college scholarships online: Accepting applications through May 1. High school seniors, college and graduate school students. There are three unique scholarships: Erickson Scholarships for high school seniors, currently enrolled collegiates, individual entering the seminary and church staff; Kurz Scholarships for college junior or seniors; and Simmons Scholarships for high school seniors. For more information regarding our Scholarships contact: Kris Bahr or Foundation Trustee, Linda May Bucher at
Sunday Worship Times Sanctuary- 9AM
Landes Center- 10:30AM
Communion April 2
Season of Lent Palm Sunday
April 9, regular service times
Chris Woodard:
ICM Food & Clothing Bank meets the basic needs of up to 150 families every day, six days a week. Please take a bag with you when you leave today and return it full on April 9.
Bags available today on the patio Return full bags next Sunday, April 9
Food for those in need locally
Kilgore Chapel- 8 & 11:45AM
April 13, 6:30PM, Sanctuary
Good Friday
April 14, Noon & 6:30PM, Chapel
Easter Sunday
April 16 6AM, Fountain 9AM, Sanctuary 10:30AM, Landes Center 11:45AM, Chapel
David Joynt, David Turner, Kelly Nieto, Mike Nieto, Kelsey Woodruff
The VALLEY VINE USPS 621-060, is published monthly by VALLEY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Periodical Postage paid at Scottsdale, AZ. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Valley Presbyterian Church, 6947 E. McDonald Drive, Paradise Valley, AZ 85253-5342
Valley Presbyterian Church
Maundy Thursday