VPC is a place where you can grow, learn, and be loved. Join us in 2019!
Faithful New series Starts January 6
Career. Marriage. Children. Health. Finances. Peace. Relationships. Life takes faith. Join us Sunday mornings at 8AM, 9AM, 10:30AM.
Have you given Oasis a try? Oasis is a time to bring families together to eat, learn, and build relationships. Carving out time to come to church during the week is challenging. That’s why VPC sets aside Wednesday evenings, where everyone in the community can come and spend some time with great people growing closer to God. Food trucks will offer affordable items for purchase. Read about classes starting in January: vpc.church/oasis.
Inquirer Class
Sunday, January 27 Noon, Fireside Room Sign up to join our community! vpc.church/inquirerclass Jane Russell, jalaru4@cox.net
Worship: 9:30AM, Sanctuary (one worship service) Festival: 10:30AM, South Parking Lot Learn more: scottsdalepv4africa.com VPC will partner with Scottsdale, Paradise Valley, and other organizations throughout the Valley. This event will raise awareness of the needs of people in Malawi, participate in acts of solidarity, and raise funds to complete phase one of a secondary school.
VPC is always online: vpc.church Facebook: facebook.com/valleypresbyterian
Join us tomorrow on Christmas Eve: SANCTUARY
3PM* Valley Singers 5PM* Chancel Choir, Worship Band 7PM Valley Singers
9PM Worship Band, communion
Candlelighting at all services *Childcare for 0-2 years available
Valley Presbyterian Church Week of December 23, 2018 v pc .c h urc h