Christmas Memorials
We invite you to donate a Christmas poinsettia in honor of loved ones. Deadline for acknowledgment in the Christmas Eve bulletin is Monday, December 17. Plants will festively decorate our worship centers. We will be accepting donations ($15) through Christmas. Proceeds benefit Family Promise. Order online:
DO YOU LOVE TO QUILT? VPC's Quilting Ministry needs you! David Turner: We create quilts for the babies of VPC when they are baptized. It's one of the most authentic and tangible ways that we can care for the little ones around us, by literally wrapping them with your prayers. If you love to quilt, regardless of skill, you can be a part of this great ministry.
VPC MENTAL HEALTH MINISTRY Coping with the holidays The holidays can be times of stress for everyone. As a person who lives with a mental illness, I have learned the importance of self-care... especially during times of stress. Try as much as possible to maintain routines like sleeping, regular meals, exercising, taking medication, keeping appointments with mental health professionals, and attending support groups. Remember the holidays rarely turn out as planned. Focus on making them a special time for you and your family. Celebrate this season of hope and expectation. Celebrate the many blessings in your life. -Rev. Susan Gregg-Schroeder Mental Health Ministries founder
NAMI-Family Support Group December 4 & 18 January 1 postponed to January 8, 2019 6-7:30PM St. Patrick Catholic Community 10815 N. 84th St., Scottsdale Living Grace Support Group 2nd & 4th Tuesdays, 6-8PM Oasis Community Church
Valley Presbyterian Church week of December 2, 2018
Christmas 2018 READ PASTOR JOYNT'S DAILY DEVOTIONAL! To coincide with each sermon series, David writes daily devotionals that expand on the ideas and inspiration of each Sunday's sermon. Devotionals can be picked up in each worship center, around campus, or online:
Christmas 2018
Sermon Series begins today Devotional available at worship centers
Learn more about these events inside the FOCUS
Here's an excerpt from today's devotional: Sonlight, Day 1: Sunday, December 2 Revelation 22:1-5 Revelation 21 and 22 describe the restoration of our broken creation. The first three chapters of Genesis are the background. The things that wrecked Eden are overcome and reversed. The tempter is gone, the tree of life is accessible, the enmity of the nations has given way to community, and intimacy with God will be evident in a deeper and permanent way as God's people see him and bear his name. Night will be banished and thirst quenched by the river of life. Christian life does not rest on the tame hope that our current life, with its fragility and perversity, will improve slightly. Christian life rests on the promise that evil will be totally eradicated and creation will be perfectly glorious.
Mental Health 24-hour Crisis Line: (602) 222-9444
Start the holiday season with friends, family, food, and fun! Sunday, December 2, 4:30-6PM VPC Landes Center, Free
Elizabeth Weiss: or (713) 203-5544
Care & Support
Please pray for those recovering from recent medical procedures:
Dove Tree Service of Remembrance Tuesday, December 4, 2PM Memorial Garden
Lyn Ambrose, Lynn Black, Pat Ciccone, Gloria Diefenderfer, Helen Farmin, Brian Fisher, Gary Green, John Hale, Barbara Jewett, Jo Ann Jones, Kay Koeb, Carl Lauer, Jim Lawrence, June Lightburne, Carole Marr, Jan McKenzie, Dorothy Nern, Ron Norris, Nancy Savoy, Nancy Sumner, Ellie Van Denburgh, Andrea Winius, Anna Wyatt
Please pray for those at home or in a care facility:
Carolyn Bathurst, Kathryn Bennett, Joyce Black, Nancy Blomeyer, Herb Blinn, Charles Buckley, Bonnie Domaz, Lester Goss, Roger Fercho, Donna Gardner, Norma Jean Garity, Corenthel Green, Luella Gross, Sara Hammond, Louella Hermanson, Jean Hiser, Jeannette Huggins, Evelyn Jenkins, Heather Kirk, Claire Kooi, Jim Lorenz, Dee Melde, John Mueller, Lois Nuernberg, Joyce Newlon, Martha Sarchett, Mary Strasser, Virginia Tatum, Helen Wolfe
Valley Presbyterian Church
6947 East McDonald Drive Paradise Valley, AZ 85253, 480-991-6424
Prayer Chain: 480-991-6424,
Pastors: David M. Joynt, David L. Turner, Kelly Nieto, Mike Nieto, Travis Kingma
For more information about those in our community, call Tammy: 480-991-6424 x163 Our church family extends its Christian sympathy to the family and friends of Harris Blomeyer, Terry Goss, Lois Holt, and John Tussey. We welcome requests confidentially for you or someone else. Please have permission from the individual before placing your request.
Sunday, December 23 9:30AM, Sacntuary Rehearsal: December 22, 10AM-Noon
Welcome to VPC New to VPC? We’re glad you’re here! Let us know about you by filling out the Friendship Pad. Visit the Welcome Center after worship to learn more about VPC!
If you’re here with kids
We have several fun and safe opportunities for kids from birth through high school: Nursery: Infants-2 years 8:45-11:45AM Sunday School: 3 years-5th grade 9:15-10:15 & 10:45-11:45AM Student Gathering: Middle & High School 9AM, Landes Basement If your kids stay in worship, check out the worship activity cart in each worship center.
Ornament Exchange
Women's Ministry Ornament Exchange Sunday, December 9, 4-6PM RSVP for address: Celebrate the Christmas season with the ladies and friends of VPC. Dinner is provided, and some carols, too. Bring a dessert to share, an ornament to exchange, and a friend!
Why we are here VPC is a community that believes God calls us to be in relationship. Sunday morning worship is a time to gather, connect, and give thanks to the Creator who loves us without end.
Get connected at VPC Want to learn more about what’s going on at VPC? Grab a Ministry Brochure, visit the Welcome Center after worship or visit for information about classes, events, opportunities to serve, and anything you see in the FOCUS. *Childcare available by reservation:
Who We Are: Unto us a child is born
Christmas Eve
3PM* SANCTUARY Valley Singers
Chancel Choir, Worship Band, candlelighting
Valley Singers, candlelighting
Worship Band, candlelighting
MentorKids USA Christmas Party
MentorKids USA Christmas Party December 8, 9:30AM-2PM, Kiva Field Contact Chris Woodard: Through you, VPC will give each child in the MentorKids program a gift. Outside of each worship center there is an angel tree with ornaments. They specify age, gender, and gift suggestion. Take one today. Help put together an amazing celebration for the children and families of MentorKids!
Service of
*Childcare for 0-2 years available
DECEMBER 23 & 30 WORSHIP SCHEDULE One worship service 9:30AM, Sanctuary
The worship service on December 23 will also have VPC's annual Nativity Pageant. Join us for the last two Sundays of 2018 as we gather together as a community, sing about the Christ child, and hear about God's presence in your life today.
The Peace of Christmas
The Four Gospels: Advent Bible Study* (Part of Oasis Community Wednesdays) Wednesdays, November 28 - December 19 6-7PM, Chapel Register online: The four gospels are the "good news" of who Jesus is and what He's done for us! This Advent season we will look closely at each gospel: the audience, focus, tone, and significant moments in Jesus' life.
Featuring the VPC Chancel Choir and members of the Phoenix Symphony Narrated by Pastor David Joynt
Dove Tree Service of Remembrance Tuesday, December 4, 2PM Memorial Garden Feel free to come to the Garden, write a name on a dove, place it on the tree, and offer a prayer. Join us on December 4 as we remember those who have passed.
The Peace of Christmas: A Cantata Monday, December 10, 7PM, Sanctuary As we journey toward Christmas, join us for a concert that will lift your spirits and put peace in your heart. The Christ child is coming, rejoice! Cookie reception following - hosted by the Valley Presbyterian Foundation
Calendar of Events Sunday, December 2 Worship Nursery (infant-2 y.o.) Worship Student Gathering (Middle & High School) Kaleidoscope Community Group Sunday School (3 y.o.-5th grade) Boomers Community Group Nursery (infant-2 y.o.) Worship Sages Community Group Bible Study Sunday School (3 y.o.-5th grade) ADVENT.ure
Chapel Nursery Sanctuary Landes Basement Room 409 Rooms 404-417 Fireside Room Nursery Landes Center Calvin Center Rooms 404-417 Landes Center
8AM 8:45AM 9AM 9AM 9AM 9:15AM 10AM 10:15AM 10:30AM 10:30AM 10:45AM 4:30PM
Tuesday, December 4 Bridge & Mah Jongg B.O.Y.S. Club Valley Day School Chapel Service of Remembrance Pickleball Boy Scout Troop 441
Fireside Chapel Parlor Chapel Memorial Garden Landes Center Landes Center
9AM 9:30AM 11:15AM 2PM 4:30PM 7PM
Wednesday, December 5 Presbyterian Women Coordinating Team Valley Day School Chapel Presbyterian Women Luncheon Grief Share Sportball Oasis Childcare (0-5 y.o.) Oasis Kids! (K-5th grade) Oasis Student Midweek (Middle School) Advent Study: The Four Gospels Chancel Choir Rehearsal
Calvin Center Chapel Landes Center Chapel Parlor Landes Center Nursery Calvin Center Landes Center Chapel Choir Room
9AM 11:15AM 11:30AM 1PM 2PM 5:30PM 6PM 6PM 6PM 7:30PM
Thursday, December 6 Men’s Basketball Congregational Care & Fellowship Sages Comm. Group-Mexican Train, Card Making Pickleball
Landes Center Chapel Conf. Room Fireside Room Landes Center
6:30AM 9AM 1PM 4:30PM
Friday, December 7 Women's Bible Study Line Dance Alcoholics Anonymous
Room 415-416 Landes Basement Landes Center
9AM 10AM 7:30PM
Saturday, December 8 Cooks' Tour Drop Off MentorKids Christmas Party
Back Door Landes Kiva Field
8AM 9:30AM
Sunday, December 9 Worship Nursery (infant-2 y.o.) Worship Student Gathering (Middle & High School) Kaleidoscope Community Group Sunday School (3 y.o.-5th grade) Nursery (infant-2 y.o.) Worship Sages Community Group Bible Study Sunday School (3 y.o.-5th grade)
Chapel Nursery Sanctuary Landes Basement Room 409 Rooms 404-417 Nursery Landes Center Calvin Center Rooms 404-417
8AM 8:45AM 9AM 9AM 9AM 9:15AM 10:15AM 10:30AM 10:30AM 10:45AM
Monday, December 3