Hosting World Music
Celebrate God's Work at VPC
Calling all God’s creation
Save the date!
Annual Congregational Dinner & Meeting Tuesday, January 31, Landes Center 6PM Dinner, 7PM Meeting Tickets: $13 (dinner only), on the patio, and online: Join us as we celebrate God’s work at VPC in 2016! During this year of blessing you shared Christ’s love with thousands, touched the hearts of children, and fed, clothed, nurtured, and witnessed to people in need.
valley presbyterian church
Afrizo Ensemble from Daystar University Sunday, January 29, 4PM, Sanctuary Afrizo is a singing group of students from Daystar University in Kenya. Daystar is a Christian Liberal Arts College in Nairobi with a mission of training Christian servant leaders to transform Africa. They sing in English, Swahili, and African tribal languages, worshiping the Lord in a unique variety of styles.
Care & Support
Please pray for those recovering from recent medical procedures: Donovan Akins, Jean Akins, Robert Bard, Elaine Bracken, Ginger Bunker (Jody Hass’ mother), Charllie Ann Campbell, Helen Farmin, Millie Homan, Barbara Jewett, Margaret Kurtz, Charlotte Reynolds (Debbie Cox’ great-niece), Margaret Wheeler, Charlie Young Please pray for those at home or in a care facility: Helen Adams, Ruth Adams, Carolyn Bathurst, Bunny Beall, Kathryn Bennett, John Berta, Joyce Black, Charles Buckley, Dick & Dottie Cober, Gladys Conroy, Mary Corbin, Jane Corley, Bonnie Domaz, Lorraine Fercho, Charlotte Fox, George Freiburghaus, Donna Gardner, Louella Gross, Ken & Carol Hanson, Joan Herman, Jean Hiser, Jeannette Huggins, Evelyn Jenkins, Jo Ann Jones, Claire Kooi, Jim Lorenz, Lois Nuernberg, Joyce Newlon, Todd (Helen) Orme, Judy Owens, Barbara Patterson, Charlotte Phillips, Marie Pishny, Martha Sarchett, Mary Shrake, Ruthe Small, Mary Strasser, Edna Thomas, Ellie Vandenburgh, Jane White, Lorraine White For more information about those in our community, call Tammy: 480-991-6424 x163
Sympathy Our church family extends its Christian sympathy to the family and friends of Newell Bohnett, Ron Dunlap, and Carolyn Gleave. Prayer Chain Church office: 480-991-6424, We welcome requests confidentially for you or someone else. Please have permission from the individual before placing your request.
Mental Health Ministry Book Discussion *Date Change
*Monday, January 30, 6-8:00pm, Fireside Room RSVP: Elizabeth Weiss:, 480-699-2982 Change your Brain, Change your Life: Revised and Expanded by Daniel Amen, MD The breakthrough program for conquering anxiety, depression, obsessiveness, lack of focus, anger, and memory problems. Dr. Amen is a clinical neuroscientist, psychiatrist, and brain-imaging expert who heads the world-renowned Amen Clinics. He is also a Christian who speaks openly about his faith. Book available in paperback and at local libraries. For more information contact Elizabeth.
National Alliance of Mental Illness (NAMI)
NAMI BASICS Class coming to VPC February 4, 11 & 25, Room 409, 9AM–2:30PM Register by email Debbie Martinez: This class is open to providers or caregivers of children who have been diagnosed with mental illness. NAMI-Family Support Group 1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 6-7:30PM, St. Patrick Catholic Community, For more information: or Family Support website: Mental Health 24-hour Crisis Line: 602-222-9444 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255) AZ Teen Lifeline: 602-248-8336,
week of January 15, 2017 valley presbyterian church
Winter Term beings January 24, 2017 Don't miss the fun. Keep on Learning. Encore University and Discipleship & Spiritual Growth presents: Two Among the Righteous Few: A Story of Courage in the Holocaust Special Event* No Fee Wednesday, February 8, 6:30-7:30PM Interested in Lifelong Learning? Email or call Tracy:, 480-991-6424 x165
Valley Presbyterian Foundation Legacy Dinner: Step into the Future Friday, March 31, 2017 Step into VPC's future with a stroll through the decades! Dance to music from the last 60 years. Dress in a style for your favorite decade and join us for a night that changes the life of VPC. Tickets available online starting today.
VPC News
Church Office closed Monday, January 16, Martin Luther King Jr. Day Valley Presbyterian Church Master Plan Survey
VPC is embarking on a campus master planning effort as an investment in our future effectiveness and growth for our church. We strive to learn what kind of campus and facilities attract people, provide them with warm places for fellowship, and building a community that goes out into the world to fulfill our ministry. Please take time to fill out the survey you received today!
Devotionals are available Learn more about these events inside the FOCUS:
2017 "Per Capita" $34 per member
Part of belonging to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), each church pays a predetermined amount to bring leaders together and serve the denomination. The amount is determined by the number of members. VPC covers the $34 per member, but every reimbursement coming in designated “Per Capita” allows us to support other areas of outreach.
VPC finances year-to-date as of December 31, 2016 Kris Bahr: Income
Faith Giving Encore Other Income Total Income Expense Pastoral Ministry Admin & Facility Mission, Outreach, Cong. Care Christian Education Encore Worship & Music Total Expense
$1,755,000 $44,000 $505,000 $2,304,000
$1,825,000 $53,000 $568,000 $2,446,000
$-70,000 $-9,000 $-63,000 $-142,000
$471,000 $1,085,000 $190,000 $247,000 $119,000 $192,000 $2,304,000
$479,000 $1,079,000 $262,000 $281,000 $140,000 $205,000 $2,446,000
$8,000 $-6,000 $72,000 $34,000 $21,000 $13,000 $142,000
Net Income less Expense $0 $0 $0 Other income includes $72,500 from prior years' Memorial Garden space sales.
VPC Session
CLASS OF 2016: Sarah Brammer David Eaton Jim Gabler Joan Nastro Richard Lockwood Matt Winter
CLASS OF 2017: Mary Artigue Ed Glady Lisa Keylon Darrah MacDougall Roy Schumacher Janel Willert
CLASS OF 2018: Gary Green Michele Ingram Sam Kelsall Kirby Kongable Marge Sellers Cheryl Ann Shaff
DAVE RAMSEY’S FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERSITY Wednesdays starting January 18 Register online:
Inquirer Class
12:30PM, Fireside Room For more information call Jane Russell: 480-694-1186 Register online:
CLERK OF SESSION: Karen Meyer: 480-368-6567
valley presbyterian church A Community Where Jesus Christ Transforms Lives 6947 East McDonald Drive Paradise Valley, AZ 85253, 480-991-6424 Pastors: David M. Joynt, David L. Turner, Kelly Nieto, Mike Nieto, Kelsey Woodruff
ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL DINNER & MEETING Tuesday, January 31 6PM Dinner, 7PM Meeting, Tickets: $13
Welcome to VPC New to VPC?
We’re glad you’re here! Let us know a bit about you by filling out the Friendship Pad (Chapel & Sanctuary) or Communication Card (Landes). We invite you to visit the Welcome Table after worship.
If you’re here with kids We have several fun and safe opportunities for kids from birth-high school: Nursery: Infants-2 years 8:45-11:45AM Sunday School: 3 years-5th grade 9:15-10:15 & 10:45-11:45AM The Gathering: Jr. & Sr. High 9AM, Landes basement If your kids stay in worship, grab a worship activity bag available near the entrance of each worship center.
Unstoppable: Men’s Breakfast
Saturday, February 11, 7AM-noon Gainey Ranch Clubhouse Tickets: $30, students $15 David Turner: Men, you will not want to miss this morning of food, fellowship, and inspiration. Get your tickets today! Get tickets and check out our speakers online:
Your Courageous Choice
Who We Are: Walk a child to school
Why we are here VPC is a community that believes God calls us to be in relationship with each other. Sunday morning worship is a time to gather, connect, and give thanks to the Creator who loves us without end.
Get connected at VPC Want to learn more about what’s going on at VPC?
THIS YEAR'S FOCUS In the Zomba region of Malawi, students walk ten miles each way to school. This year Scottsdale & Paradise Valley for Africa will begin funding a new boarding school where students can stay and learn during the week. WHAT YOU CAN DO At Scottsdale & Paradise Valley for Africa, run or ride a child to school. It's 10 miles for them, and we want you to run or walk 10 miles, or ride 20 miles, in teams or individually. There will be a one-mile running loop and a five-mile bike loop. There are also several interactive opportunities during the event for all ages. THIS YEAR'S ROUTES Sign up today! Look for the Scottsdale & Paradise Valley for Africa reps at the Welcome Center. Volunteer opportunities are also available.
Grab a Ministry Brochure, go to the Welcome Center after worship or visit for information about classes, events, opportunities to serve, and anything you see in the FOCUS.
*childcare available by reservation:
Bible Study by Shauna Niequist
Women’s Bible Study* Living Life Together by Shauna Niequist January 19 & 20 Every other Thursday, 6:30PM, Room 415 *Every other Friday, 9AM, Room 415 Kelsey Woodruff: Register: There are messy parts in all of our lives that we would rather not reveal. What if we invited others in and experienced the beautiful acceptance and deep connection of Christian community?
Join Valley Presbyterian Church!
A place for you
Sunday, January 22, 12:30PM* Fireside Room Interested in becoming a member? Have questions about your faith? Join a growing faith community. We've been waiting for you! For information contact Jane Russell: 480-694-1186 *Childcare email:
It's not too late to join! PARENTING THE Love and Logic WAY
Friday, January 27* 9-11AM, Room 415-416 Meghan Gottfredson: January 27: Activity: MOPS Bootcamp MOPS is a place to gather, connect, and be encouraged. *Childcare email:
Begin the year with a budget
Inquirer Class
*Childcare email:
Wednesdays, through February 22 6:30-7:30PM, Calvin Center, No Fee Facilitators: Kelly & Mike Nieto During the Holocaust, European Christians faced a choice- help those in danger or ignore them. Explore Jewish history, Hitler's rise, Christian response to Nazism, and how each of us face the choice of living as a disciple of Jesus Christ in our world today.
Scottsdale & Paradise Valley for Africa is Saturday, February 25! This annual festival is an event for the whole family, where we make an impact on thousands of lives in Malawi.
Parenting the Love & Logic Way* Wednesdays, through February 8 6-7:30PM, Room 415/416, Cost: $40 Questions? Email Kelly: This class will teach you how to help your children take ownership of problems, make more responsible choices, and see the logical consequences of their actions. *Childcare (0-9):
Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University* Wednesdays, January 18-March 22 6-7:30PM, Fireside Room, Cost: $100 Questions? Email Kelly: Make a New Years’ resolution to get your finances in order! Whether single, married, or have kids, this life-changing class will help you achieve your financial goals. *Childcare (0-9):
Mission for Africa
Saturday, February 25 VPC South Parking Lot VPC and the Cities of Scottsdale and PV will host a festival with music, food, fun runs, bike rides, and other activities. All proceeds will support Ministry of Hope and Villages in Partnership in Malawi. This will be an exciting day for our church, town, and global community! For more information visit:
Calendar of Events Sunday, January 15 Worship Nursery (infant-2 y.o.) Worship The Gathering (6th-12th grade) 40's-50s Community Group Sunday School (3 y.o.-5th grade) Nursery (infant-2 y.o.) 50’s-60’s Community Group Worship 70s+ Community Group Sunday School (3 y.o.-5th grade) Worship Monday, January 16 Martin Luther King Jr. Day Church Office Closed Tuesday, January 17 B.O.Y.S. Club Explorers! Pickleball Boy Scout Troop 441 Wednesday, January 18 Mental Health Ministry EU-Speed Spanish Tutoring PW Ruth/Naomi Circle Sportball Men's Bible Study Financial Peace University Valley Ringers-Handbells Parenting the Love & Logic Way Your Courageous Choice: The Holocaust Sr. High Midweek Choir Rehearsal Thursday, January 19 Men's Basketball Travel Tales Lay Hospital Chaplains 60s-70s Community Group Martial Arts Pickleball Women’s Bible Study Friday, January 20 Women’s Bible Study Line Dance Alcoholics Anonymous Saturday, January 21 Encore University Ambassador Training Memorial-Oscar Butt Sunday, January 22 Worship Nursery (infant-2 y.o.) Worship The Gathering (6th-12th grade) 40's-50s Community Group Sunday School (3 y.o.-5th grade) Nursery (infant-2 y.o.) 50’s-60’s Community Group Worship Take It Home Event-The Cheerful Giver 70s+ Community Group Sunday School (3 y.o.-5th grade) Worship Inquirer Class
Chapel Nursery Sanctuary Landes Basement Room 409 Rooms 404-417 Nursery Fireside Room Landes Center Calvin Center Rooms 404-417 Chapel
8AM 8:45AM 9AM 9AM 9AM 9:15AM 10:15AM 10:25AM 10:30AM 10:30AM 10:45AM 11:45AM
Chapel Parlor Calvin Center Landes Center Landes Center
9:30AM 4PM 4:30PM 7PM
Crossing 101 Room 412 Room 409 Landes Center Chapel Parlor Fireside Room Handbell Room Room 415-416 Calvin Center Landes Center Choir Room
9:30AM 10AM 12PM 2:15PM 4PM 6PM 5:30PM 6PM 6:30PM 7PM 7:30PM
Landes Center Calvin Center Chapel Conf. Room Crossing 104 Calvin Center Landes Center Room 415-416
6:30AM 8:30AM 10AM 1PM 4:30PM 4:30PM 6:30PM
Room 415-416 Landes Center Landes Center
9AM 10AM 7:30PM
Fireside Room Memorial Garden
10AM 2PM
Chapel Nursery Sanctuary Landes Basement Room 409 Rooms 404-417 Nursery Fireside Room Landes Center Room 415-416 Calvin Center Rooms 404-417 Chapel Fireside Room
8AM 8:45AM 9AM 9AM 9AM 9:15AM 10:15AM 10:25AM 10:30AM 10:30AM 10:30AM 10:45AM 11:45AM 12:30PM