Valley Day School
Ministry Brochures are in!
Dealing with strained relationships
Need prayer?
Valley Presbyterian Church Ministry Brochure January-May 2018 2018-2019 Preschool Year enrollment begins February 5 Meghan Gottfredson: Classes are available for children age one (and walking) to age five. The school day is 9AM-Noon, days of the week vary depending on your age/class schedule. Early Bird and Lunch Bunch programs are available for potty trained children.
You are not alone!
VPC prayer chain We welcome requests confidentially for you or someone else.
Get yours today in each worship center, front office, or online:
Understanding our loved ones
Please have permission from the individual before placing your request. Church office: 480-991-6424
Are you estranged from family or friends? Estrangement is an emotional distancing, a cessation of communication. It is prevalent and hard to talk about; we want to help. We will discuss reasons for estrangement, how to deal with our pain and guilt, and successful steps for reconciliation.
VPC News Join VPC’s Mental Health Ministry representatives for a light breakfast and presentation by Terry McDermott, Peer Group Coordinator from NAMI Valley of the Sun. Do you have a family member, friend, co-worker or acquaintance living with mental illness? Do you believe in the power of HOPE? Presenters will walk you through their journey to recovery.
NAMI Basics-caring for kids to 18 Saturdays, February 10, 17, 24 8:30AM-2PM, Room 409, Free NAMI Family to Family-caring for adults Tuesdays, February 13-April 30 Calvin Center, 6-8:30PM, Free Registration: Dawn Dibbern, 602-759-8182 Classes are designed to help family members and friends understand and support their loved one living with emotional, behavioral difficulties, or mental illness while maintaining their own well-being.
Care & Support
Please pray for those recovering from recent medical procedures:
Marilyn Armstrong, Bobbie Bischoff, Howard Briggs, Ginger Bunker (Jody Hass’ mother), Helen Farmin, Sandra Gerlach, Doris & Lester Goss, Gary Green, Lee Henry, Harlen Helser, Millie Homan, Barbara Jewett, Sam Kingma, Helen Lawlus, Jim Lawrence, Mary Lorenz, Dee Melde, Dorothy Nern, Charlotte Reynolds (Debbie Cox’ great-niece), Matt Simpson, Tom Simpson, Nancy Sumner, Virginia Tatum, Avis Tempas, Ellie Van Denburgh, Sharon Vincent
Please pray for those at home or in a care facility:
Helen Adams, Carolyn Bathurst, Kathryn Bennett, John Berta, Joyce Black, Charles Buckley, Dottie Cober, Mary Corbin, Jane Corley, Bonnie Domaz, Lorraine Fercho, Donna Gardner, Luella Gross, Sara Hammond, Carol Hanson, Jean Hiser, Jeannette Huggins, Evelyn Jenkins, Jo Ann Jones, Claire Kooi, Jim Lorenz, Lois Nuernberg, Joyce Newlon, Todd (Helen) Orme, Judy Owens, Martha Sarchett, Mary Strasser, Edna Thomas, Jane White For more information about those in our community, call Tammy: 480-991-6424 x163
Our church family extends its Christian sympathy to the family and friends of Hamilton McRae.
Memorial Services
Hamilton McRae, Saturday, February 17, 10:30AM, Sanctuary
week of January 28, 2018
Mondays, January 22-February 12 6:30-7:30PM, VPC Library Coordinator: Bob Selby
You are free to contribute or simply listen, no RSVP necessary.
In Our Own Voice-Mental Health Workshop Friday, February 10, 9-11AM, Fireside Room Register by February 6: Tammy Milne,
Valley Presbyterian Church
Daily Devotionals available in worship centers & church office Learn more about these events inside the FOCUS:
Master Plan Model
We invite you to come take a look at the model displayed in the Church Office. The VPC Master Plan Team and Jones Studio have envisioned a single primary worship space, a new heart for our campus, and a greatly improved facility for families, hospitality, and outreach. Without building any new structures, they have envisioned a way to reorganize and renew our existing spaces that accomplishes all these goals in a way that is beautiful and powerful. It is a transformational plan.
VPC finances year-to-date as of December 31, 2017 Income
Actual $
Budget $
Variance $
Faith Giving Other Income Total Income
1,873,693 501,791 2,375,484
1,750,000 623,150 2,373,150
123,693 -121,359 2,334
Pastoral Ministry Admin & Facility Mission, Outreach, Cong. Care Christian Education Encore Worship & Music Total Expense
490,560 1,047,468 205,561 248,633 88,459 186,059 2,266,740
474,200 1,053,950 260,550 263,000 123,150 198,300 2,373,150
-16,360 6,482 54,989 14,367 34,691 12,241 106,410
Net Income less Expense
Session has allocated the surplus of $108,744 as follows: 50% to Mission, 50% to Operating Reserve
Inquirer Class
Today, January 28 12:30-2:30PM, Fireside Room Sign up to join our community!
Tuesday, January 30, Landes Center 6PM Dinner, 7PM Meeting
Visit VPC Session page! Read bios and see photos of the Session team.
valley presbyterian church A Community Where Jesus Christ Transforms Lives 6947 East McDonald Drive Paradise Valley, AZ 85253, 480-991-6424 Pastors: David M. Joynt, David L. Turner, Kelly Nieto, Mike Nieto
Saturday, February 10, 8-11:30AM Orange Tree Golf Resort Tickets: $30, $15 for students Get tickets online:
God is my Co-Pilot
Welcome to VPC New to VPC? We’re glad you’re here! Let us know about you by filling out the Friendship Pad. We invite you to visit the Welcome Center after worship to learn more about VPC!
If you’re here with kids We have several fun and safe opportunities for kids from birth-high school: Nursery: Infants-2 years 8:45-11:45AM Sunday School: 3 years-5th grade 9:15-10:15 & 10:45-11:45AM Student Gathering: Jr. & Sr. High, 9AM, Landes Basement If your kids stay in worship, check out the worship activity cart in each worship center.
Men, it's time for breakfast
Who We Are: Men, time to take flight
Men often feel like we have to face life on our own without assistance or aid. This year’s breakfast will feature speakers who will talk about life in good and stormy weather, with God beside us regardless.
You have questions. Try Alpha.
Chapel Nursery Sanctuary Room 409 Youth Room Rooms 404-417 Nursery Fireside Room Landes Center Calvin Center Rooms 404-417 Chapel Fireside Room
8AM 8:45AM 9AM 9AM 9AM 9:15AM 10:15AM 10:25AM 10:30AM 10:30AM 10:45AM 11:45AM 12:30PM
Monday, January 29 Jumpbunch (ages 3-5) Divorce Recovery Jr. High Midweek Estranged from Family or Friends?
Landes Center Chapel Parlor Landes Center VPC Library
2:15PM 5:30PM 6PM 6:30PM
Tuesday, January 30 Fireside Café Encore Classes Bridge & Mah Jongg B.O.Y.S. Club Valley Day School Chapel Worship Explorers! Annual Congregational Dinner & Meeting Boy Scout Troop 441
Fireside Room Campuswide Fireside Room Chapel Parlor Chapel Calvin Center Landes Center Calvin Center
8AM 9AM-4PM 9AM 9:30AM 11:15AM 3:45PM 6PM 7PM
Annual Congregational Dinner & Meeting Tuesday, January 30, Landes Center 6PM Dinner, 7PM Meeting
Wednesday, January 31 Fireside Café Encore Classes Valley Day School Chapel Worship GriefShare Sportball Valley Ringers Rehearsal Wired That Way Class Financial Peace University The Alpha Course Youth Choir Rehearsal Grief Support Sr. High Midweek BSF Young Adult Bible Study Chancel Choir Rehearsal
Fireside Room Campuswide Chapel Chapel Parlor Landes Center Handbell Room Fireside Room Room 409 Calvin Center Choir Room Chapel Parlor Landes Center Youth Room Choir Room
8AM 9AM-4PM 11:15AM 1PM 2PM 5:30PM 6PM 6PM 6PM 6:15PM 6:30PM 7PM 7PM 7:30PM
Join us as we celebrate God’s work at VPC in 2017! During this year of blessing you shared Christ’s love with thousands, touched the hearts of children and fed, clothed, nurtured, and witnessed to people in need.
Thursday, February 1 Men’s Basketball Fireside Café Encore Classes Congregational Care & Fellowship Meeting VDS Kids in the Kitchen Cooking Class 70s+ Community Group Pickleball
Landes Center Fireside Room Campuswide Chapel Conf. Room Landes Kitchen Fireside Room Landes Center
6:30AM 8AM 9AM-4PM 9AM 2PM 3PM 4:30PM
Friday, February 2 Women's Bible Study Line Dance Tumble Masters (ages 3-5) Alcoholics Anonymous
Room 415-416 Landes Basement Room 409 Landes Center
9PM 10AM 2:15PM 7:30PM
Saturday, February 3 White Elephant Spring Sale Drop Off
Cooks' Tour Shed
Sunday, February 4 Worship Nursery (infant-2 y.o.) Worship Student "Souper" Bowl Bake Sale 40s-50s Community Group Student Gathering Sunday School (3 y.o.-5th grade) Nursery (infant-2 y.o.) 50s-60s Community Group Worship 70s+ Community Group Bible Study Sunday School (3 y.o.-5th grade) Worship Boy Scout Troop 441
Chapel Nursery Sanctuary Fountain & Landes Patios Room 409 Youth Room Rooms 404-417 Nursery Fireside Room Landes Center Calvin Center Rooms 404-417 Chapel Room 409
8AM 8:45AM 9AM 9AM 9AM 9AM 9:15AM 10:15AM 10:25AM 10:30AM 10:30AM 10:45AM 11:45AM 3PM
God is my Co-Pilot
Get connected at VPC Want to learn more about what’s going on at VPC? Grab a Ministry Brochure, go to the Welcome Center after worship or visit for information about classes, events, opportunities to serve, and anything you see in the FOCUS. *Childcare available by reservation:
Adventures in Lifelong Learning™
Men, we have a phenomenal slate of speakers at this year's breakfast! Ted Taylor, Executive Director, Family Promise of Greater Phoenix, Keynote Speaker Ted has been at Family Promise for over seven years. In that time, Family Promise has tripled the number of homeless families served, now serving over 100 families per year. It graduates 70% of its clients into sustainable housing. He shared that he and his wife Debbie, his high school sweetheart, were never blessed with children, “yet today, I am blessed with over 350 kids per year at the shelter. I love these families.” Take Flight Panel Speakers: Judge James A. Teilborg (Retired Colonel, USAF Reserve) Judge Teilborg has been a U.S. District Court judge since 2000 General Terrence Woods (Retired) General Woods is a practicing attorney in Phoenix and former Brigadier General Captain David Shepherd (Retired) VPC member David Shepherd recently retired as a longtime pilot for Southwest Airlines
Join our growing community!
Celebrate God's Work at VPC
Inquirer Class
God is my Co-Pilot 2018 Men's Breakfast: God is My Co-Pilot Saturday, February 10, 8-11:30AM Orange Tree Golf Resort Tickets: $30, $15 for students Get tickets online:
Sunday, January 28 Worship Nursery (infant-2 y.o.) Worship 40s-50s Community Group Student Gathering Sunday School (3 y.o.-5th grade) Nursery (infant-2 y.o.) 50s-60s Community Group Worship 70s+ Community Group Bible Study Sunday School (3 y.o.-5th grade) Worship Inquirer Class
Why we are here VPC is a community that believes God calls us to be in relationship. Sunday morning worship is a time to gather, connect, and give thanks to the Creator who loves us without end.
There is still time for a winter term course! Register today! Shelby Trimaloff: Hopi, Puebloan People Wednesdays, Jan. 31, Feb. 7 & 14 11AM-12:20PM Learn Hopi history, beliefs and culture dating to before Spanish entrance to the southwest.
Begin the year with a budget
Today, January 28 12:30-2:30PM, Fireside Room Have questions about your faith? Wonder what it means to join a church? Interested in becoming a member? Register: or contact Jane Russell: 480-694-1186 Childcare:
Divorce Recovery
The road to a new beginning has opened. Alpha Course* Wednesdays, January 24-March 28 6-8PM, Calvin Center, Free Facilitators: Kelly & Mike Nieto Register: The Alpha Course is a comfortable and safe place to learn more about Christianity and ask questions in a pressure-free, casual environment. Each session includes a meal, a DVD lesson, and discussion. *Childcare email:
Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University* Wednesdays, January 24-March 28 6-7:30PM, Room 409, Cost: $109 Questions? Email Kelly: Make a New Years’ resolution to get your finances in order! Whether single, married, or have kids, this life-changing class will help you achieve your financial goals. *Childcare (0-10):
Mondays starting January 29 5:30-6:45PM, Chapel Parlor, Cost: $20 Facilitator: Anna Kohl, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist Registration is required: Seven-week Program designed for men and women at any stage of the divorce process is open to all in our community. For more information contact Pastor David Turner, 480-991-6424 ext. 121.
Calendar of Events
EXPLORERS! Tuesdays starting January 23, 4-5PM Calvin Center (doors open at 3:45PM) Register: Register today! EXPLORERS! provides children (ages K-5th grade) with a safe and fun environment to learn about the world in creative ways. Music and theater are large components of each week; no experience is necessary.