A New Heart update
TODAY: Go on a 10-point walking tour to get a glimpse of the future campus. Images are positioned at the point of their perspective and identified with balloons. A REALLY BIG HEART: Sunday May 6, 10:15AM Sanctuary Fountain Join the celebration of A New Heart for the Valley by standing with others in the shape of a heart for an aerial photo. Also May 6: Please bring your commitments for A New Heart for the Valley for special dedication at all worship services.
Behavioral Health Conference
Scholarship Deadline Approaching!
Valley Presbyterian Church week of April 29, 2018
Collegiate Scholarships Available Kris Bahr: krisb@vpc.church
Applications and guidelines are available for college scholarships online: vpc.church/foundation Accepting applications through May 4.
You are not alone!
2018 St. Patrick Behavioral Health Interfaith Conference Connecting Our Community: Increasing Awareness & Sharing Behavioral Health Resources
Thursday, May 3, 7:30AM-3:30PM St Patrick Catholic Community Email to register: bhi@stpatcc.org Please join us for a wonderful day of networking and sessions on a variety of behavioral health topics, as well as lunch. Our Keynote address speaker will be Rev. Ron Friesen - Mental Health Care for Latinos in Arizona and plenary address by Dr. Shelly Reed - The Intersection of Faith and Mental Health.
A New Heart for the Valley: Easter Hearts devotional inspiration
During VPC's Capital Campaign we'll take an excerpt from Pastor Joynt's daily devotional. It will be a call to action to listen, pray, or engage with A New Heart for the Valley. You can get your own daily devotional in each worship center or online: vpc.church/devotional. Devotional: Commissioned Hearts The disciples were fishing at night but had a surprise at daybreak. Jesus set the scene very carefully for this encounter. It is great to know we can meet him in our homes, as we’ve seen earlier, and also in work and recreation settings. But this particular time and location had inevitable memories for the disciples. Jesus had encountered them on the shores of Galilee, plying their trade as fishermen. This encounter was a recall of the earlier moment when they left their nets to follow him and become disciples. They had ventured, abandoning the safe and familiar, to become “fishers of men.” Can you recall moments where you sensed Jesus’ invitation or answered his call? Have you ever ventured? Scripture: John 21:4-6; Matthew 4:18-22
NAMI-Family Support Group 1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 6-7:30PM St. Patrick Catholic Community 10815 N. 84th St., Scottsdale Information: vpc.church/mentalhealth Elizabeth Weiss: esweiss1231@gmail.com, or 713-203-5544 Mental Health 24-hour Crisis Line: 602-222-9444
Care & Support
Easter Hearts
Daily Devotionals available in worship centers & church office Learn more about these events inside the FOCUS:
In an effort to support families, students, and teachers Valley Presbyterian Church is hosting
VPC News Congregational Meeting
Sunday, May 13, 10AM, Sanctuary Session has called a Congregational Meeting to elect Scott Freeman an Elder; he will replace Susie Huseth, who resigned to join the VPC Staff team.
11:45AM Worship Service Summer Break
The final 11:45AM worship service before the summer break is Sunday, May 20. Starting Sunday, May 27, VPC will switch to a three service summer schedule.
Free Day Camp
Check the website and look for emails for more details* 9AM-3PM, K - 5th grade *As of print time, further schedule is pending vpc.church/daycamp
Visit VPC Session page! vpc.church/session Read bios and see photos of the Session team.
Please pray for those recovering from recent medical procedures:
Scott Armstrong, Howard Briggs, Ginger Bunker (Jody Hass’ mother), Emily Carroll, Lea Dunlap, Keith Fenton, Sandra Gerlach, Doris & Lester Goss, Gary Green, Lee Henry, Harlen Helser, Barbara Jewett, Jo Ann Jones, Anne Joynt, Ann Kolar, Helen Lawlus, Jim Lawrence, Mary Lorenz, Dorothy Nern, Judy Owens, Sheldon Pishny, Charlotte Reynolds (Debbie Cox’ great-niece), Judy Schumacher, Tom Simpson, Nancy Sumner, Kiki Swanson, Virginia Tatum, Ellie Van Denburgh, Helen Wolfe
A New Heart for the Valley Commitment Sunday Sunday, May 6, all services
Join as we celebrate taking a leap of faith together toward where God is leading VPC.
Please pray for those at home or in a care facility:
Helen Adams, Carolyn Bathurst, Kathryn Bennett, John Berta, Joyce Black, Herb Blinn, Charles Buckley, Dottie Cober, Mary Corbin, Bonnie Domaz, Helen Farmin, Lorraine Fercho, Donna Gardner, Norma Jean Garity, Luella Gross, Sara Hammond, Jean Hiser, Jeannette Huggins, Evelyn Jenkins, Claire Kooi, Jim Lorenz, Dee Melde, John Mueller, Lois Nuernberg, Joyce Newlon, Martha Sarchett, Mary Strasser
valley presbyterian church
For more information about those in our community, call Tammy: 480-991-6424 x163
A Community Where Jesus Christ Transforms Lives
Our church family extends its Christian sympathy to the family and friends of Avis Tempas.
6947 East McDonald Drive Paradise Valley, AZ 85253, 480-991-6424 vpc.church Pastors: David M. Joynt, David L. Turner, Kelly Nieto, Mike Nieto
Celebrating our Graduates Sunday, May 13
VPC wants to acknowledge you for your accomplishment. To be included in our recognition, email Katrina, katrinac@vpc.church
Welcome to VPC
Who We Are: RightNow MEDIA
New to VPC? We’re glad you’re here! Let us know about you by filling out the Friendship Pad. We invite you to visit the Welcome Center after worship to learn more about VPC!
Why we are here VPC is a community that believes God calls us to be in relationship. Sunday morning worship is a time to gather, connect, and give thanks to the Creator who loves us without end.
If you’re here with kids We have several fun and safe opportunities for kids from birth through high school: Nursery: Infants-2 years 8:45-11:45AM Sunday School: 3 years-5th grade 9:15-10:15 & 10:45-11:45AM Student Gathering: Jr. & Sr. High, 9AM, Landes Basement If your kids stay in worship, check out the worship activity cart in each worship center.
Get connected at VPC Want to learn more about what’s going on at VPC? Grab a Ministry Brochure, go to the Welcome Center after worship or visit vpc.church for information about classes, events, opportunities to serve, and anything you see in the FOCUS. *Childcare available by reservation: nursery@vpc.church
In an effort to support families, students, and teachers Valley Presbyterian Church is hosting
Free Day Camp
Check the website and look for emails for more details* 9AM-3PM, K - 5th grade *As of print time, further schedule is pending. vpc.church/daycamp
Thank you to everyone who volunteered for the first two days of VPC's Day Camp! Around 70 students from all over the Valley were able to have a fun and safe place to be during the teacher walkout. The logistics of the walkout unfold rapidly, and as of print time we are unable to confirm the Day Camp schedule or necessity. Please be on the lookout for emails with new information as plans unfold. Contact Tina with any questions: tinag@vpc.church
We're going to make a
really big
And we need your help! Sunday, May 6, 10:15AM
After the 9AM worship service, meet the rest of the congregation out by the Sanctuary Fountain. We'll move everyone there into the shape of a heart and take a photo as a part of our celebration that morning.
Good people and good food
Dinnerfor 8
RIGHTNOW MEDIA CONTENT DASHBOARD RightNow Media is a free streaming service with over 10,000 videos and Bible studies for kids and adult. Find inspiration, find tips for your marriage, find entertainment for your family. If you aren't using RightNow media, email Kelly Nieto, kellyn@vpc.church, for an invite! Access to this great resource is provided to you for free by VPC.
During Palm Sunday, VPC debuted the video for The Table, one of the songs from This Desert Home EP, a CD created using musicians from VPC. That video, along with lyric videos for all the songs is now live! It's inspiration for your week and to share with your friends.
JOIN THE PARADISE VALLEY POLICE! Thursday, May 3, VPC South Parking Lot Torch Run, 4:30-5PM Community Carnival, 4-7PM Info: paradisevalleypd.com/torchrun Every year a torch is carried across the Nation to kick off the Summer Special Olympics. Join the ceremony of the Passing of the Torch.
Calling All Graduates!
Is God calling you to lead?
This Desert Home EP videos are here! Watch online: vpc.church/music
Dinner for 8 spring sign-ups Join today: vpc.church/dinner
Celebrating our graduates Katrina Carney: katrinac@vpc.church
Dinner for 8 is open to everyone, regardless of age or marital status. Dinner for 8 connects eight people to share four meals, four times throughout the year. It’s a great way to get to know others and enjoy some great food!
Are you or someone you know graduating from high school, college, grad school, or trade school? VPC wants to acknowledge you for your accomplishment. To be included in our recognition, email Katrina. Please include school and degree.
VPC's All-Church Nominating Committee (ACNC) needs your help identifying leaders in our community to set the direction of the church in the coming years. We are looking for next year's Elders, Deacons, and Foundation Trustees. You can contact the ACNC chair: Jim Gabler: jimgabler1@gmail.com Or submit online: vpc.church/lead
Calendar of Events Sunday, April 29 Worship Nursery (infant-2 y.o.) Worship 40s-50s Community Group Student Gathering Sunday School (3 y.o.-5th grade) Nursery (infant-2 y.o.) 50s-60s Community Group Worship 5th Grade Transition Class Family Workshop-1st Grade Families 70s+ Community Group Bible Study Sunday School (3 y.o.-5th grade) Worship 5th Grade Transition Banquet
Chapel Nursery Sanctuary Room 409 Youth Room Rooms 404-417 Nursery Fireside Room Landes Center Room 417 Room 415-416 Calvin Center Rooms 404-417 Chapel Landes Center
8AM 8:45AM 9AM 9AM 9AM 9:15AM 10:15AM 10:25AM 10:30AM 10:30AM 10:30AM 10:30AM 10:45AM 11:45AM 4:30PM
Monday, April 30 Middle School Midweek
Landes Center
Tuesday, May 1 Cooks' Tour Crafters Bridge & Mah Jongg B.O.Y.S. Club Valley Day School Chapel Mini Explorers! NAMI Family to Family Boy Scout-Eagle Court of Honor
Calvin Center Fireside Room Chapel Parlor Chapel Calvin Center Calvin Center Landes Center
9AM 9AM 9:30AM 11:15AM 2PM 6PM 7PM
Wednesday, May 2 Congregational Care & Fellowship Presbyterian Women Coordinating Team Valley Day School Chapel Grief Share Sportball Alpha Small Groups Parenting/Love & Logic Way Dietrich Bonhoeffer Grief Support High School Midweek Chancel Choir Rehearsal
Chapel Conf. Room Calvin Center Chapel Chapel Parlor Landes Center Room 415-416 Fireside Room Calvin Center Chapel Parlor Landes Center Choir Room
9AM 9AM 11:15AM 1PM 2PM 6:30PM 6PM 6:30PM 6:30PM 7PM 7:30PM
Thursday, May 3 Men’s Basketball Law Enforcement Torch Run Pickleball
Landes Center South Parking Lot Landes Center
6:30AM 4PM 4:30PM
Friday, May 4 MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) Line Dance Tumble Masters (ages3-5) Alcoholics Anonymous
Room 415-416 Landes Basement Room 409 Landes Center
9AM 10AM 2:15PM 7:30PM
Saturday, May 5 Memorial- Alison Johnston
Sunday, May 6 Commitment Sunday Worship Nursery (infant-2 y.o.) Worship 40s-50s Community Group Student Gathering Sunday School (3 y.o.-5th grade) Nursery (infant-2 y.o.) 50s-60s Community Group Worship 70s+ Community Group Bible Study Sunday School (3 y.o.-5th grade) Worship Boy Scout Troop 441
Chapel Nursery Sanctuary Room 409 Youth Room Rooms 404-417 Nursery Fireside Room Landes Center Calvin Center Rooms 404-417 Chapel Room 409
8AM 8:45AM 9AM 9AM 9AM 9:15AM 10:15AM 10:25AM 10:30AM 10:30AM 10:45AM 11:45AM 3PM