C.S. Lewis: Mere Christianity
Did you know about these simple ways to support VPC?
Hundreds of people are dedicatedly and faithfully supporting God's work at VPC, and we are thankful for your generosity! We don't often talk about financial support, but wanted to highlight a few additional convenient methods to contribute to the great ministries here.
Valley Presbyterian Church week of June 9, 2019
Summer Choir Sundays, June 16 & 23 Room 419, 8:30AM Sing in 9AM worship service All are welcome to join us Sundays in June! Together we'll have fun learning a simple song to sing during the 9AM Worship Service. No robes. No commitments. No Wednesday night rehearsals.
POSTPONED! We anticipate this to be a popular class, and have decided to move it to the fall. Look for more information about this class, which will be offered during Oasis Community Wednesdays. VPC is still exploring a possible summer class, more details to follow.
You are not alone.
Link your VIP card to VPC to support our ministry when you shop!
When you shop Amazon, you can support VPC—and it won't cost you a thing!
Visit the website: fryscommunityrewards.com, follow a few easy instructions, and you can link your VIP card to Valley Presbyterian Church (organization number CB529). A portion of your purchase will go directly to support God's work at VPC!
AmazonSmile designates a portion of their purchase total as a donation to a charitable organization. If you shop with Amazon, please consider logging into your account through smile.amazon.com and select "Valley Presbyterian Church" before you shop. It's an easy and free way to support our ministry!
Learn more about these events inside the FOCUS:
vpc.church/mentalhealth HELPING YOUR FAMILY MEMBER OR LOVED ONE WITH MENTAL ILLNESS: (An East Valley NAMI resource) Communication DOs: • Be respectful and calm. • Stick to one topic at a time. • Keep a positive attitude. • Be honest with yourself and with your family member. • Communicate openly and often with the doctors. Mental Health 24-hour Crisis Line: (602) 222-9444
Care & Support
Communication DON’Ts: • Don’t tease your family member about his/her symptoms. • Don’t yell or shout at your family member. • Don’t argue with your family member about his/her symptoms. • Don’t get stuck in talking about the past – stay in the present. For information contact Elizabeth Weiss: esweiss1231@gmail.com or (713) 203-5544
Please pray for those recovering from recent medical procedures:
Karen Annis, Sharon Arendt, Herb Blinn, John Hale, Elizabeth Jessup, Jo Ann Jones, Jim Lawrence, Carole Marr, Jan McKenzie, Chris Melde, Dee Melde, James Moeller, Julie Rist, Lara Robinson, Nancy Savoy, Stacy Turner, Judy Schumacher, Nancy Sumner, Jim Unruh, Ellie Van Denburgh, Andrea Winius
Please pray for those at home or in a care facility:
Carolyn Bathurst, Kathryn Bennett, Joyce Black, Charles Buckley, Jerry Burnette, Bonnie Domaz, Helen Farmin, Roger Fercho, Donna Gardner, Corenthel Green, Ginny Groom, Luella Gross, Sara Hammond, Louella Hermanson, Jean Hiser, Jeannette Huggins, Evelyn Jenkins, Heather Kirk, Sue Larson, Jim Lorenz, Carolyn McElhaney, John Mueller, Dorothy Nern, Janet Nielsen, Lois Nuernberg, Joyce Newlon, Judy Owens, Carol Rose, Roy States, Mary Strasser, Helen Wolfe For more information about those in our community, call Tammy: 480-991-6424 x163
Our church family extends its Christian sympathy to the family and friends of Dorothy Hanson.
Prayer Chain: 480-991-6424, prayers@vpc.church
We welcome requests confidentially for you or someone else. Please have permission from the individual before placing your request.
SERMON SERIES Devotionals available in the office, worship centers, and online: vpc.church/devo
You can support VPC from your phone!
Set up automatic giving online!
We want to make it easy for you to contribute to VPC. Text-to-give lets you support the ministries of the church conveniently from your phone. First-time users will be prompted to visit a secure URL.
It can be challenging to remember to give to support God's work at VPC. Visit the website to give a one-time gift, or create a recurring donation monthly, weekly, or whenever you like.
VPC News
Pastors Kelly & Mike Nieto Congregational Meeting & Farewell Reception Information Congregational Meeting Today, 10AM (Following 9AM worship), Landes Center
Session has called a Congregational Meeting to acknowledge the change in call for Pastors Kelly & Mike Nieto.
Farewell Reception/Summer Lunch Today, Noon (Following 10:45AM worship), Landes Center
VPC's Summer Lunches will kickoff the summer with an opportunity to celebrate and say goodbye to the Nieto family. If you would like to participate in a Love Offering for the Nietos, email Kris Bahr: krisb@vpc.church.
Valley Presbyterian Church 6947 East McDonald Drive Paradise Valley, AZ 85253, 480-991-6424 vpc.church Pastors: David M. Joynt, David L. Turner, Kelly Nieto, Mike Nieto, Travis Kingma
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 2019 Monday, June 24-Friday, June 28 8:30AM-Noon Register: vpc.church/vbs
Summer Lunch!
Today, Noon Landes Center, Free Get out of the hot sun and eat some cool food with good people at VPC this summer! Everyone is invited. Bring a friend!
Nieto Farewell Reception Today
Summer Lunch will also be an opportunity to celebrate and say goodbye to the Nieto family.
VPC is a place where you can
We're glad you are here today! VPC is a community that believes God calls us to be in relationship. Sunday morning worship is a time to gather, connect, and give thanks to the Creator who loves us without end. New to VPC? Welcome! We want to know what VPC can do for you. First Step Cards are available in all worship centers. Feel free to fill it out, drop it in an offering tray, or give it to a volunteer at the Welcome Center. Want to join our growing community? You can join today! If this is your first time at VPC or you've been coming for months and are moved to join our church, a Pastor and member of our Connection Team will be available after worship to talk and pray with you. If you’re here with kids, We have several fun and safe opportunities for kids: Summer Sunday School: Nursery: 3 years-1st grade (Infants-2 years) 9:15-10 & 11-11:45AM 8:45-11:45AM If your kids stay in worship, check out the worship activity cart in each worship center. Childcare is offered wherever you see an asterisk: * Questions? Email Brianne Bergfeldt: nursery@vpc.church
Cupcakes by you!*
Wednesday, June 12, 6-7:30PM, Fireside Room, Free, RSVP: vpc.church/women Come participate in an evening of cupcake decorating! You'll learn the basic skills including some fun techniques. If you came last year, come again to learn some additional tricks. All materials are provided. Please bring your friends, family, and children as this is a fun event for all ages. *Childcare is available.
MentorKids Summer Soccer Camp
Who We Are: Nieto Farewell
Sunday, June 9
Sam, Mike, Kelly, & Josh We hope you will join us today following the 10:45AM service to take an opportunity to say thank you and goodbye to the Nieto family. This is a bittersweet moment; there is sadness seeing them go, but excitement anticipating what God will do through them at Great Bridge Presbyterian Church in Great Bridge, Virginia. God is at work across our lives and across the country, and we pray for God's blessing on the Nietos in their new adventure!
Tuesday, June 18-Friday, June 21, 5-7PM, Paiute Park Soccer Fields MentorKids is creating community and building leaders in the Paiute Neighborhood! They need some help with their soccer camp. Assistance is needed to help kids check in, being a friendly presence, and helping the camp go smoothly. Questions? Email Promise Neighborhood Manager, Rodrigo: rsilva@mentorkidsusa.org.
Nursery (infant-2 y.o.)
Landes Center
Kaleidoscope Community Group
Room 409
Summer Sunday School (3 y.o.-1st grade)
Room 404
Foundation Dinner Meeting
Room 415/416
Congregational Meeting
Landes Center
Nursery (infant-2 y.o.)
Landes Center
Sages Community Group Bible Study
Calvin Center
Summer Sunday School (3 y.o.-1 grade)
Room 404
Summer Lunch-Nieto Farewell Reception
Landes Center
Vacation Bible School (VBS) Volunteer Training Room 415-416
Monday, June 10 Foundation Dinner Meeting
Room 415/416
Valley Day School Summer Camp
VDS Rooms
Valley Day School Summer Camp
VDS Rooms
Cooks' Tour Crafters
Calvin Center
Bridge & Mah Jongg
Fireside Room
B.O.Y.S. Club
Chapel Parlor
Landes Center
Stewardship Committee
Room 409
Valley Day School Summer Camp
VDS Rooms
Women's Ministry: Cupcakes by You!
Fireside Room
Men's Basketball
Landes Center
Valley Day School Summer Camp
VDS Rooms
Martial Arts
Calvin Center
Landes Center
Landes Center
Nursery (infant-2 y.o.)
Landes Center
Kaleidoscope Community Group
Room 409
Summer Sunday School (3 y.o.-1 grade)
Room 404
Nursery (infant-2 y.o.)
Landes Center
Sages Community Group Bible Study
Calvin Center
Tuesday, June 11
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 2019 Monday, June 24-Friday, June 28 8:30AM-Noon Register: vpc.church/vbs For kids three years old-5th grade Cost: $30 per child (before June 10) $75 (after June 10)
Wednesday, June 12
Thursday, June 13 Even though life gets wild, God is good. Roar is filled with incredible Bible-learning experiences kids see, hear, touch, and even taste! Sciency-fun Gizmos, team-building games, cool Bible songs, and tasty treats are just a few of the standout activities that help faith flow into real life. Plus, we’ll help kids discover how to see evidence of God in everyday life—something we call “God Sightings.”
Friday, June 14 Alcoholics Anonymous Saturday, June 15
Sunday, June 16
Middle & High School Summer Camp God is at work in people's lives at VPC.
Volunteers needed- no soccer experience required
Calendar of Events
A church community is woven together through the journeys our lives take. Listen and be inspired by these stories!
Please pray for our Students and leaders! They return June 14. Today our students travel to Forest Home for a life-changing week at camp. Pray that they are touched through this experience that is designed to challenge, encourage, and mobilize students in their walk with Christ. It will be an awesome time!