June/July 2016

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VALLEY VINE Valley Presbyterian Church

June & July 2016

Volume 61, Number 5

Dear friends, Life lived in communion with the Holy Spirit is intimate and exciting; we sense God’s guidance in our decisions and feel his love and power in our actions. But there is also something inherently disruptive and disturbing about the gift of the Holy Spirit. This is apparent even in the Old Testament. In Numbers 11 and 12, God solves a practical problem with a new anointing. The people of God are moaning about their menu of manna and their desert travails, and Moses is complaining about the heavy burden of leading them. God’s answer is to endow 70 elders with his Spirit in order to share the load. As two of them begin to prophesy, Joshua panics. Comfortable with Moses as CEO and himself as Executive VP, he sees shared spiritual leadership as disorderly and dangerous. Strict hierarchy is easy, clear, and definitive—why risk a change? Moses’ reply undercuts the objection—“Would that all the Lord’s people were prophets, and He put his Spirit on everyone!”

This hope is what happened at Pentecost, as described in Acts 1 and 2. The giving of the Spirit to each follower of Jesus implies that authority is shared. Christian communities are called to distributed leadership. God’s Spirit is not the special possession of a small elite, but the mark and animator of every believer, so the powers of the few must be shared among the many. A distinctive mark of the church must be its capacity to equip its members for leadership. Do you see yourself as a called and empowered leader? This summer, we will study the distinctive characteristics of Jesus’ leadership. Pray that all of us will grow into better leaders in our families and neighborhoods, our businesses and vocations, our classrooms and schools, and in our work within and beyond VPC. Yours faithfully,


Valley Presbyterian Church 6947 E. McDonald Drive, Paradise Valley, AZ 85253-5342 Phone: 480-991-6424 Fax: 480-991-6427 Email: church@vpc.church Website: vpc.church

Who We Are: Our Grads

Highlighted Events

There are several nearly universal times of celebration throughout the year. During Thanksgiving and Christmas we take time to celebrate family and rejoice at Christ’s birth. On July Fourth we come together to recognize the birth of our nation, with all the pageantry that comes with it.

JOIN US FOR SOME SUMMER LUNCHES! Sunday, June 12 & July 10 11:45AM, Landes Center Free

But in late May and early June, we lift up those who have achieved academic milestones. Today we honor our high school, collegiate, and advanced degree graduates. We applaud them for their accomplishments and look toward the future through their eyes. At VPC, we believe equipping our students with a personal knowledge of and faith in Jesus Christ is one of the most important tasks God gives us. Our youth are not just the church of the future; they have great ability and opportunity to reach this world and tell them about the amazing life God has for them.

Get out of the heat and get some good food. Lunches will be served after the 10:30AM service.

Congratulations to each of our graduates, may God guide your steps as you march boldly into the future. High School Graduates

College Graduates

Tyler Beauchamp: Saguaro

Shelby Nelson:

Mandi Felts: Saguaro

Northern Arizona University

Kayla Ingram: Arcadia

Hospitality Management

RSVP is appreciated but not required: vpc.church/event-calendar


Axel Johnson: Arcadia Josh Lindley: Phoenix Country Day

Jaclyn Turner:

Jackson Martin: Saguaro

University of Arizona

Arden May: Saguaro

Elementary Education

Monday, June 20-Friday, June 24 8:30AM-Noon 3 years old-5th grade Cost: $30 by June 6 Register: vpc.church/vbs

Sammy Mendez: Arcadia Natalie Prieb: Phoenix Country Day

Benjamin Gustafson:

Erica Samota: Chaparral

Whitworth College

Emily Woodard: Chaparral

Bachelor of Business Administration


Mission & Service Summer Sunday School teachers needed!

June 5-August 7, 9 & 10:30AM Tina Gilbreath: tinag@vpc.church Marie Bitticks: marieb@vpc.church In the summer we try to give our regular Sunday School teachers a break! We need your help to do this. Please consider signing up to teach just one hour this summer. We do all the work for you- just come have fun with the kids! Contact Marie to sign up.

Junior High Mission Trip: Tuba City

July 17-22, Grades: Incoming 6 – Outgoing 8 Cost: $350 (scholarships and fundraising available) Jordan Gustafson: jordang@vpc.church This is a great opportunity for Junior High students to learn what a large mission trip can look like and how to have a good time while doing good work on the Navajo Reservation.

High School Mission Trip:

Center for Student Mission, Washington, D.C.


July 3-11, Cost: $500 (Scholarships and fundraising available) Jordan Gustafson: jordang@vpc.church We will be spending nine days in the nation’s capital, serving people in critical and dire need. Students that attend will be a part of an intense and moving experience.

Register today and bring a friend! Spaces are limited and are filling fast. Join us on an adventure to share the light of Christ!

Navajo Elementary

Chris Woodard: chrisw@vpc.church School supplies donations for Navajo Elementary will be collected up until July 31. For a full list of needed supplies visit: vpc.church/missions

Save the Date: Cooks’ Tour 2016

Friday, November 4, 2016 Co-chairs: Wandie Hulick, 602-316-3372 Jeanne Campo: 480-994-4116 Annual event benefiting our community and the world. If interested in getting involved, supporting or learning more about this one-day event contact either co-chair. Opportunities to serve this summer: Crafters Tuesdays, 9AM, Calvin Center We are working on items to sell at Cooks’ Tour 2016. Questions? Call Margaret: 480-483-2609 Cooks’ Tour: White Elephant donations Saturdays, 9-11AM, Cooks’ Tour shed Kay Koeb: 480-946-2624 Donate gently used clothing, linens, housewares, watches, jewelry etc. Give your treasures a second chance! Kitchen Treasures: Delicious homemade foods. Contact Kathy Arner, 480-739-4291, for ways you can provide your special touch.


June 12-17 Forest Home, CA Cost: $500

June 12-17 Forest Home, CA Cost: $500

Creekside is the place for campers to get away from the academic and social pressures of Junior High and instead focus on their identity in Christ. Questions? Email Jordan: jordang@vpc.church

Summer Camp at Lakeview is an experience designed to challenge, encourage, and engage students who are entering grades 9-12 in the fall. Questions? Email Jordan: jordang@vpc.church

(Scholarships and fundraising available)

(Scholarships and fundraising available)

WIZARD OF OZ & SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON Friday, June 17 & July 15 5:30PM, Landes Center Free Join us for these two timeless classics on the big screens in the Landes Center. Invite a friend! Questions? Email Mike Nieto: miken@vpc.chuch or Kelley: kellyn@vpc.church


Get Connected

Families Children


Tina Gilbreath: tinag@vpc.church

Jordan Gustafson: jordang@vpc.church

Summer Sunday School: 3 years-1



June 5-August 7 Summer is a time to teach our 2nd-5th graders about worship. Summer Sunday School is for children 3y.o.-entering 1st grade. Our 2nd-5th graders have the opportunity to help prepare children to be part of their worship community as they grow. Research done by the authors of Sticky Faith indicate the closest thing to a silver bullet to keep kids connected to their faith in high school and beyond is promoting teenage attendance in churchwide worship services. When children worship with their families, they have the chance to practice this important skill, and parents have the opportunity to model and teach. We are happy to celebrate this special season for families of 2nd-5th graders at VPC.

Vacation Bible School 2016: Cave Quest!

June 20-24, 3 year old-5th grade Cost: $30 by June 6

Register: vpc.church/VBS Questions? tinag@vpc.church Sportball available 12-3:30PM Cost:$99

Summer Youth Group

Tuesdays: June 7, 21, 28, July 12, 19, 26 Junior High: 5:30-7:30PM High School: 7:00-9:00PM Dinner: 7:00-7:30PM Join us this summer for youth group on Tuesday nights! We will be joining other youth groups from around the Valley for awesome events and looking into what it really means to live life on mission for God. Don’t miss any of the action!

Forest Home Summer Camps

June 12-17, Grades: 6–8, 9-12 Cost: $500 (scholarships and fundraising available) A few spots are still open!

Sportball extended-day (after VBS) Monday, June 20-Friday, June 24 Noon-3:30PM, Cost: $99 Register online: vpc.church/vbs

(follow the link to the Sportball page and scroll down to the Valley Presbyterian Church option)

At Sportball kids are exposed to a wide range of sports, build skills designed to promote physical literacy and build self-confidence, and focus on play and fun.

Educational Enrichment Discipleship

Rev. Kelly Nieto: kellyn@vpc.church Rev. Mike Nieto: miken@vpc.church ADVENTURES IN LIFELONG LEARNING

Tracy Keller: eu@vpc.church, 480-991-6424 ext. 165 Learn more: encoreuniv.org

E ducational N ew R elationships C ommunity O utreach R eligion and F aith E nriched L ives Looking back we are grateful and count our blessings. Moving forward we remain excited to serve the congregation and community. Be a part of this wonderful ministry as Encore continues to grow and fulfill its mission. Become an Ambassador and spread the good news about VPC to all who visit our campus! Stay tuned for more information.


Save the Dates… Fall Term: October 11-November 17 Saturday, October 22: Pat McMahon, TV and Radio Host Saturday, November 19: Jerry Colangelo, Business & Sports Executive

Genesis: Let’s Start at the Beginning

Wednesdays, June 8-July 27, 6:30-7:30PM Calvin Center, Instructors: Kelly & Mike Nieto This course is an interactive look at moments that set the stage for all Scripture. The course will include content from RightNow Media, interactive teaching, and discussion of significant themes in Genesis. Questions? Email Mike or Kelly Nieto

Community Groups

For information visit: vpc.church/community_groups A place to study God’s word, build relationships, serve others, and grow deeper in your faith. Contact Chris for upcoming social and service projects. Chris Woodard: chrisw@vpc.church Tina Gilbreath: tinag@vpc.church Watch for upcoming social and service projects on VPC website. Sundays, 9-10AM, Room 409 David Turner: davidt@vpc.church Bible study, social events, and service projects. Sundays, 10:25-11:30AM, Fireside Room Gloria Gabler: gigabler@gmail.com Empty nesters grow together in faith and fellowship. 2nd Thursdays, 1-2:30PM, Crossing 104 Judith Robins: judithrobins4386@msn.com Seniors gathering for bible study, social events, and service activities. Sundays, 10:30-11:30AM Calvin Center Wandie Hulick: wild4uofa@aol.com

Sports Ministry

Sunday Summer Lunches

June 12, Luau July 10, Summer Fair 11:45AM, Landes Center, Free Everyone is invited to VPC’s Summer Lunches. Join us after the 10:30AM service for good food, fellowship, in a wonderful air conditioned building! Lunch is free but donations are accepted. RSVP is appreciated but not required: vpc.church/event-calendar

*Friday Summer Movie Nights

June 17, The Wizard of OZ July 15, Swiss Family Robinson 5:30PM, Landes Center Come out and watch these timeless classics on the big screens in the Landes Center. Sandwiches and popcorn provided, or feel free to bring your own meal. Kids Zone for children over 2 years. This event is open to movie lovers of all ages! Invite a friend! *Childcare available by reservation (ages 0-2) nursery@vpc.church

All activities in Landes Center

Della Berg: dellab@vpc.church, 480-991-6424 ext. 168 Men’s Adult Basketball Thursdays, 6:30-7:30AM

Adult Line Dance Fridays, 10AM-noon

Pickleball Sundays, Mondays, Thursdays, 6-8PM

Sportball Camp June 20-24, Noon-3:30PM

Grandmaster Han’s Martial Arts of Arizona Thursdays, 4:30-5:30PM

Youth Basketball Sundays, 1-2PM, 2-3PM, ages 12-16 Mondays, 2:30-5:30PM, Thursdays & Fridays, 1-3PM

Music & Arts Minister of Music You are invited to use this powerful service to access streamed video Christian content for all ages at home with your family, in groups at church, or from your phone! Questions? Email Kelsey Woodruff: kelseyw@vpc.

Jennifer Hamm: jenniferh@vpc.church Nellie Cronin (during Jennifer’s maternity leave): mrsnellie@gmail.com

Summer Music Opportunities

The Chancel Choir breaks during the summer, and we are looking for musicians to participate in worship. If you sing or play an instrument and would like to be a part, contact Nellie. We are looking for soloists and vocalists to be a part of a small ensemble.


Care & Support Congregational Care

David Turner: davidt@vpc.church Tammy Milne: tammym@vpc.church


Our church family extends its Christian sympathy to the family and friends of: Steve Kellough Earl Robbins Josephine Lennon Harriette Small Carol Moore

Mental Health Ministry

Elizabeth Weiss, esweiss1231@gmail.com, 480-699-2982 Summer book recommendation: A Common Struggle, Patrick Kennedy and Stephen Fried. A personal journey through the past and future of mental illness and addiction. The book weaves together Kennedy’s private and professional narratives, focusing on the years since his ‘coming out’ about suffering from bipolar disorder and addiction. The book examines his journey toward recovery and reflects American propensity to treat mental illnesses as a family secret.

Church News Pet Pause: Therapy Dog Ministry

Do you believe your dog’s undying love might be able to lift the spirits of someone in need? If so, you might be interested in a new and creative program for you and your dog. Pet Pause brings comfort and joy through a kind smile and a wagging tail. Recipients of pet therapy show lowered blood pressure, reduced anxiety, and decreased feelings of isolation. For dementia patients, pet therapy allows them to interact in ways many of us can’t. Pet therapy is used successfully in area hospitals, rehabilitation centers, and at home. Interested individuals will enroll their dog in a simple certification process. Dogs that are great candidates for this ministry must: -Be friendly and accepting of strangers -Be calm and able to sit on command -Be comfortable around adults and children -Be relaxed even with loud and disruptive noises -Be comfortable in a new and changing environment. If you are interested in learning more about Pet Pause, please email David Turner.

Women Moms Morning Out*

Meghan Gottfredson: nursery@vpc.church Mondays, June 6, 13, & 27, 9-11:30AM Cost: $10 per child (age 0-6) $5 per sibling Moms, need a few hours to get some work done or make it to a needed appointment? Mom’s Morning Out gives you six Mondays during the summer for a break. Payment required for reservation Register: nursery@vpc.church *Childcare available by reservation (0-6)

Presbyterian Women

News from Session

Session welcomed the Valley Presbyterian Foundation (VPF) Trustees. President George Bosworth noted the VPF mission is to encourage and receive contributions for the endowment of VPC, and to invest funds to increase the value of VPF assets over time and support the VPC’s mission. -In its 40 years, VPF has built a $4.7 million investment base and distributed $2.8 million to VPC. -$138,408 was distributed to VPC in 2016, which is 5% of of the unrestricted base of 60%. -137 VPC youth have received VPF college assistance scholarships since 2003. -VPF created the Memorial Garden in 1977 and maintains with funds from a restricted fund. -Over 800 members have their final resting place in the Memorial Garden. -The 2016 Legacy Dinner netted $93,346 for “Fund the Need” and $23,000 for the General Fund. -Over 115 VPC members have joined the Legacy Society, putting VPF into their will or estate planning. The Stewardship Committee and VPF have a goal to bring in 60 new Legacy Society members during VPC’s 60th anniversary; the initiative is called “60 for 60.” Sam Kelsall of The Dana Law Group Estate Planning Attorneys generously agreed to write 30 wills or codicils gratis for 30 people who sign up. After this discussion 10 people signed up. Tracy Keller, Ron Norris, and Becky Bennett, updated Session on Encore University. The program’s mission is to build new relationships, foster a sense of community, study scripture, and participate in Lifelong Learning. This past school year 900 people participated in Encore, with a goal of over 1,000 next year. Over 70% of students are not VPC members, the goal is 50%. A new Ambassador Program will work in Encore next year to attract non-member students to VPC and its other activities. VPC’s budget covers the salaries of the Encore Director and a part-time assistant. Encore covers all other expenses. David Joynt led a discussion on “Together for Tomorrow.” There was lively discussion about the possibility of updating the Sanctuary to make it user friendly for both traditional and contemporary services, and to use the outside space for fellowship for both groups. A motion was passed to further research this idea considering feasibility, attractiveness, and expenses.

Wandie Hulick: wild4uofa@aol.com Circles, Luncheon & Speaker (on summer break) Remain active and volunteer for one of the many Cooks’ Tour opportunities. Contact Wandie.

The Session approved a church-wide event, “Dia de los Discipulos,” for this fall; this will be directed by the Discipleship and Spiritual Growth Committee. The event will focus on how we can deepen our discipleship through the efforts of the various Session committees.

Bunko Night

Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Blessings, Karen Gill Meyer, Clerk of Session

Kelsey Woodruff: kelseyw@vpc.church Sunday, June 5, 4PM, RSVP for location Let’s gather for an evening of Bunko, conversation, and food! Bunko is easy; come even if you’ve never played. Bring an appetizer, treat, or drink to share. RSVP or questions, contact Kelsey.

Staff Baby Updates! Welcome Molly Jo Hamm & Norah Gustafson!

VPC finances year-to-date through April 30, 2016 Kris Bahr: krisb@vpc.church Total income $771,200 Total expense $784,800 Difference -$13,600

SESSION Mary Artigue Sarah Brammer David Eaton Jim Gabler Ed Glady Gary Green Michele Ingram Sam Kelsall Lisa Keylon Kirby Kongable Richard Lockwood Darrah MacDougall Joan Nastro Roy Schumacher Marge Sellers Cheryl Ann Shaff Janel Willert Matt Winter Clerk of Session: Karen Meyer

July 4th Holiday

The Church office will be closed Monday, July 4, in observance of Independence Day.

11:45AM Worship Service Summer Break

The 11:45AM worship service will be on summer break starting Sunday, June 5, resuming Sunday, September 4.

Foundation Fund the Need update

Kris Bahr: krisb@vpc.church Support for these projects received at this year’s Legacy Dinner are already at work! Check here for updates each month.

Chapel Area Landscaping

McDonald Drive Church Sign


Jennifer and Joe welcomed their new daughter, Molly Jo, on April 23. Mom and baby are doing great, and Jennifer is excited for you all to meet their new addition!

Norah Gustafson arrived April 7 to proud parents Jordan and Gabby! Jordan is constantly talking about how cute she is, and both are blessed to be new parents.

Sanctuary Area Bathrooms, “Renew the Loo


Vacation Bible School June 20-24 3 year old-5th grade Cost: $30 by June 6

Register: vpc.church/VBS

Valley Presbyterian Church

Sunday Worship Times

Kilgore Chapel, 8AM

Sanctuary, 9AM

Landes Center, 10:30AM


June 5, July 3


David Joynt, David Turner,

Kelly Nieto, Mike Nieto,

Kelsey Woodruff

The VALLEY VINE USPS 621-060, is published monthly by VALLEY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Periodical Postage paid at Scottsdale, AZ. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Valley Presbyterian Church, 6947 E. McDonald Drive, Paradise Valley, AZ 85253-5342

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