Valley Vine
October 2019
Volume sixty-four, Number nine
Valley Presbyterian Church
I Know Some Amazing Women By Karley Wilke-Nadler
Carrying on a Tradition By Sandra Gonzales
Latte and a Muffin By Bill Sturgeon
Senior Pastor
DAVID JOYNT Friends, Invitations and responses to shape our lives. It takes years of investment and effort before receiving an invitation to attend a university or college, and to embark on a course. The acceptance of the invitation means further time spent in study and examination, acquiring skills and knowledge, and qualifications that in turn open up a new range of possibilities for work and vocation, and permanently change your intellect and vision. The invitation to date, to become friends, to join lives in a marriage covenant, is even more impactful. Suddenly two families with separate histories are joined, tax status changes, legal responsibilities shift, and the emotional landscape changes as hearts and emotions are joined. Turning down invitations forecloses opportunities and shuts down possibilities. However so does accepting them! One vocation precludes others; one partnership eliminates thousands of other potential ones. The invitation to be on a team, to join a political party, to be part of a network, to move to a new location, to buy a home, to get to know a new friend, to serve a cause – all of these shape our time, our relationships, our careers and ourselves. Spiritual invitations shape our souls and our futures at a deeper level still. We are invited into an exclusive relationship with Jesus, submitting to his authority, and direction and engaging in his mission in the world. Will we invite him to rule over our friendships, our finances, our feelings, our futures? The invitations we issue to others on God’s behalf may be the most important thing we ever do. Come and See! Come and Connect! Come and Question! Come and Experience the love, grace and goodness of the God who made you! I invite you to explore the theme of invitation this October with me, as we begin an 8-week series. I pray you will hear God’s invitation to you and be encouraged to be a key part of our invitational community.
October Series and Preaching schedule: Invitation Date Title Scripture October 6 Invitation to Deepest Intimacy Matthew 11:25-30 October 13 Invitation to More John 10:10 October 20 October 27
Invitation to Open
Matthew 6:19-21
Invitation to See
John 1:35-51
P.S. Don’t forget to pick up your devotional on October 6, or find it online at
Highlighte d
Adventures in Learning
Classes start October 3 Read about every class and sign up: • Classes are free, and open to adults of all ages • Registration is encouraged, but walk-ins are welcome
Sunday, October 27, 5-7PM South Parking Lot Sign up to host a trunk:
49th Annual
Cooks’ Tour
Friday, November 1, 9AM-3PM Tickets available: church office & online: 3
I may be a familiar face to some of you around here, but I am so excited to get to know more of you as I transition to a full-time position at Valley Presbyterian Church. I still work with students (they truly have my heart), but I also have the opportunity to plug in and be more connected in our women’s community! I am so thrilled about this for many reasons, but one thing that gets me so excited is this, women are truly amazing. I’m not just saying women are incredible because I am a woman. Some of the most powerful people in history are women. Some of the most faithful and authentic characters of the Bible are women. Look back over Biblical history, you'll see that God values women and Jesus believes women are essential to life and ministry. The Old Testament speaks of Eve, the first woman on the Earth, courageous women like Ruth and Esther, women judges, like Rebekah; the list goes on and on.
By Karley Wilke-Nadler Student Ministry Assoc. Director, Women's Ministry Liaison
In the New Testament, women are vital to Jesus’ ministry. Jesus has women followers from the very beginning. He has disciples and friends who are women, like Mary and Martha, Susanna and Joanna, and countless other unnamed women. In fact, the first preachers of the Good News following the Resurrection were women. That is incredibly dignifying. The New Testament beyond the gospels also speaks of women spreading the Good News and bringing their family to faith, like Priscilla in Acts 18, Junia in Romans 16, and Lydia in Acts 16. So, why am I listing off all these ladies to you? Women are important and valued in the church and the Women’s Ministry at VPC embraces this notion as well. And from what we can see in God’s kingdom, there’s just something about women. I don't mean that women are better than or more equipped than men. I mean that women have something special, intangible, about them. So, when I heard there was an opportunity to serve with and learn from the women of Valley Presbyterian Church, I knew immediately I wanted in. There’s something so extraordinary about women connecting in so many areas across our church, and that is why I am so excited to jump in and get to participate in a small part of our Women’s Ministry here at VPC.
Getting ready for the Spring Sale
I am so eager to engage with all of the ministries that go on at this church FOR women. Before connecting with the Women’s Ministry team, I wasn’t aware of all of VPC's opportunities for women. From Cooks' Tour, to Friday Morning Bible Studies, to Small Groups meeting in homes, to our Sip & Social Justice events, to the MOPS moms that gather every other week, there is something for every season of life as a woman in our community. We have women involved in Women’s Ministry who are high school students and we have women who are in later seasons of life. It doesn’t matter how old you are, your background (in faith and otherwise), or how you dress. You don’t need to be a mom, you don’t need to be married, you don’t need to be overly feminine or want to wear pink. Women’s Ministry is a place where all ladies can come together, be themselves, and learn what it means to engage more deeply with Jesus and with other women. We all need one another and women’s ministry is a place to come, be vulnerable, and to make friends who are laced together with their love for Jesus Christ.
If you’re anything like me, you’re probably really good at coming up with excuses. “I’m too busy at work,” “I don’t know anyone there,” “My kids schedules are too crazy.” These things may be true, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t or can't make time to be in community and build relationships with other women. And, this is what I want you to know: it’s never too late to join in the women’s community. Women need to encourage and empower one another, share their hurts and pains, and rejoice together in their success. I encourage you to get connected to other women in our community. This is a place FOR you. There is always a place for you at the table, in the small group circle, on the couch in someone’s home. You are invited to be loved for who you are and accepted into the body of women who are an essential aspect of the body of Christ.
2019-2020 MOPS Kickoff Event
By Sandra Gonzales
As a Christian, we share stories of our faith journey. Stories of how God impacts our lives. Stories of our growth and how, through that growth, we are able to bless others. My story began decades ago as a young, married woman with my first child. It was during this time that a Valley Presbyterian Church campus volunteer group, Presbyterian Women, asked if I would volunteer for their annual fundraising event, Cooks’ Tour. Presbyterian Women came into existence over 200 years ago as a result of women having no employment opportunities outside of the home. The organization gained much notoriety throughout time for their charity work and financial assistance to a multitude of mission causes. Many groups counted on receiving donations from these women! Here at VPC, our group of Presbyterian Women have carried on that tradition, too. Cooks’ Tour began in 1970 under the direction of Elder Ruth Blomeyer with a goal to “bring new members into fellowship with existing members through arts and crafts (fairs) and raising funds to encourage education ...” Since that time it has become an annual event, raising over a million dollars in the last 48 years for local, national, and international missions. It is through this work that I found my role in God’s great plan. My task the first year I volunteered for Cooks’ Tour (1991) was to make table centerpieces for the luncheon portion of the event; a small but manageable role in consideration for my day-to-day tasks as a new mother and wife. I was so excited that the ladies, who were comprised of the leadership of our church, would invite me, a young mother into their circle. Thinking back on this, I understand now that these women were mentors planting a seed that would bear fruit well into the future. The memories are vivid because these were the meaningful moments of happiness and joy that helped to mold me into who I am today. Our centerpieces were beautiful; red geraniums planted in the terracotta pots we’d painted into Shamrock cow patterns. I was so proud of our work and remember spending lots of time staring at that centerpiece as I ate lunch on the day of Cooks’ Tour. Memories and happiness aren’t always in the results, it’s in the connections we make with one another as we work towards accomplishing these goals, right? I can easily recall the women who surrounded me during the weeks and months leading up to the event, each recounting comical stories from past Cooks’ Tour events as we worked alongside one another. These are and were the women who became my support systems, my friends. These are the stories I will never forget.
Since then, many years have passed. With those years the passing of many of my mentors on to their forever homes with our Lord. What has not passed is the footprint they’ve left for us to follow: their deep love for our church, their hard work and passion for the missions they supported. It continues on within each of us who were so lucky to be a part of this caring and generous organization. Since 1991 I’ve continued as both a member and volunteer for Cooks’ Tour and Presbyterian Women, even chairing the event and other committees at various points of time! The year I chaired, we served over 650 people for lunch. It was then that I recognized how the Lord uses Presbyterian Women not only as a missional support system but also as an avenue for others to share their God given gifts with others. For our luncheon dessert, I really wanted to serve soft yogurt with chocolate ganache and sprinkles – the chef in me! I reached out to Norm McClelland, owner of Shamrock who just recently passed away, to ask if we could use his yogurt machine. He generously donated as he continued to do over the years to our work. There have been many of our VPC members outside of Presbyterian Women who have done the same on various levels. We are blessed by them all.
So to the greatest part of this story in this moment, please mark your calendars and show up to support your Presbyterian Women for our next Cooks’ Tour event on Friday, November 1 from 9AM-3PM here on the VPC campus. It’s a great place to find your home goods, kitchen treasures, and gifts for your family just before the holidays. You can learn more about the event, the missions we support, and purchase your tickets online at
Kitchen Treasures
As we head into our 49 th year of Cooks’ Tour, I ask you to consider what your story is, whether it is here at VPC, in your home, your community, or beyond. We all have gifts to share and stories to begin. If you are having a hard time finding your story, I want to invite you to start here with Presbyterian Women. Cooks’ Tour is right around the corner with plenty more to do to prepare!
Tiffany West (costume jewelry)
Shamrock cow pot (1991). Every Fall I plant red Geraniums that remind me of all of the many dear lifetime friends that I have made while serving alongside the Presbyterian Women of Valley Presbyterian Church. -Sandra
Crafters' Boutique
By Bill Sturgeon Stewardship Elder
The other day I went to purchase a latte and muffin before my Bible Study. I sat down on the patio outside the Chapel, enjoying the early morning ambiance of the beginning day with our pigeons and quails. Between bites I pulled out last year’s Stewardship brochure, praying for the success of our upcoming Faith Giving campaign. I care deeply about the success of VPC as a place where God’s work is done. As I sat there I thought, “This muffin is fine, and this latte is good enough, but is it the best use of the money that bought it?” The two items cost $7.10. I started the arithmetic to turn my meal into mission: $7.10 per week for 52 weeks is… $369.20. What could God do with that $369? Maybe more than what it did for me. In 2017, VPC had 292 households (out of 951, 31%) with no traceable record of a financial contribution. Believe me, I know life pulls our bank accounts in so many different directions, but I was astounded to learn this number. Think about this, though: if those 292 households took the “Latte and muffin” approach to supporting VPC ($369.20 a year), it would add an additional $107,806.40 to VPC’s budget! I know we’re talking money, and that can be uncomfortable, but stay with me here. If we brought the “Latte and muffin” idea to our regular givers (all 659 of them), we’d add an additional $243,302.80 to our budget! Altogether, that would result in a total of $351,109.20 to meet Jesus’ call to go and make disciples in all the world: Jesus came and said to them, All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age. -Matthew 28:18-20 We so often consider giving a burden. We try to figure out how to support causes and ministries, but in the back of our head, we think about something new we could get for ourselves. We have to save for college, for retirement. But how often do we think about how blessed we are to even have the conversation about giving? How often do we stop, I mean really stop for a minute to look at God’s world and His people as a reminder that we are to be stewards not just of our money, but over all of creation, too?
Consider this: conversations about how to give out of abundance is much different in many parts of the world. These conversations happen in homes without electricity, without running water. They take place in areas ravaged by violence, where people choose to flee their homes to escape danger and death. There are no lattes or muffins to contemplate over. And yet, among those with the least we see some of the largest hearts. What then, is the call upon our lives, we who by God’s grace alone have been spared some of this tragedy? How are we to be God’s steward with all God’s blessings we have? Also, just what is Stewardship? Christian stewardship begins with the premise that everything in the world belongs to God. The resources we have, even our own selves belong to God. God has entrusted us with many gifts, and the appropriate response from us is to manage these gifts the best we can. Stewardship is about lifestyle, making choices in all aspects of our lives that enable us to live with a spirit of thanksgiving and gratitude for God’s love and generosity. Stewardship doesn’t mean all Christians will make the same choices about how to spend their time and money, about jobs and vocations, or about sharing their gifts and talents. Rather, stewardship means we all do our best with what we’re given and God makes good on those gifts. Stewardship is a way for us to participate in the work of Christ and experience the joy of sharing ourselves, our talents, and our resources with others.
Ultimately stewardship is about relationships, our relationship to God, our relationship with each other, and our relationship with God’s creation. It’s about looking at that latte and muffin and asking, “What good could this do for the people of God?” Christians, we are called into relationship with God through Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. This relationship transforms our understanding of ourselves (we are unconditionally loved), and in turn is at the core of our relationships with others (we are to love others as ourselves), and with God’s creation (we are to maintain its goodness). Our call to be stewards is understood within the context of these relationships. When the choices we make nurture and respect these relationships, then we know we are acting as faithful stewards of all that God has given us. So what is your latte and muffin? Are there things in your life where you can say, “You know what, God, it’s all yours, anyway, I’d like it to be used for your purposes.” We are tasked with a tremendous responsibility, stewarding God’s creation, yet through God’s strength and wisdom, we are equal to the task.
Blessing of the Backpacks 2019: An opportunity to be stewards to the children among us.
GOD'S WORK IS IN OUR HANDS: Taking time to talk about stewardship and giving WHAT IS STEWARDSHIP?
It's the premise that everything in the world belongs to God. We're entrusted with many gifts, and it's our responsibility to manage these gifts and resources the best we can. It doesn't mean all Christians will make the same choices about how to spend their time and money. It means we do our best and God will make good with what we've given.
Stewards of the Gospel
Understanding the Good News of Jesus Christ, which we are called to live out in the power of the Spirit and share with others. Stewards
of our time
Making the most of the time God has given us, striving to find healthy balance in work, rest, play, and service.
Stewards of truth
Embracing the life and lessons of Jesus Christ in all things.
Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received.
-1 Peter 4:10
Stewards of each other
Accepting responsibility to relate to those around us in loving, open, and compassionate ways.
Stewards of the earth
Its natural beauty, resources, and living things. God placed us in relationship with creation and entrusted us with its care.
Stewards of our gifts
Identifying them and assessing how we can put them to work for our own growth and to share God's love with others.
Ultimately stewardship is about relationships. Our relationship with God, our relationship with each other, and our relationship with God's creation.
God gives each of us a story. What's yours? How is God calling you to use your gifts? Learn more: 10
Adapted from content by Peter Whitelock, Maria Showalter, and Tapan Munroe.
News from
Building Committee Chairman, Ed Glady, reports to Session on a regular basis. In June, the Session approved the contract for the Sanctuary chairs. It also passed a motion to allow for fundraising for the Classroom Building, Café, and Landscaping Project, which would raise our total from $10.2million (the Sanctuary) to $13.4 million. The motion allows for fundraising but not construction. Session will decide on construction based on funds raised. Since pledges can be paid over three years and the Sanctuary will be completed well before that, Session accepted a bridge loan offered by the Presbyterian Investment and Loan Program for A New Heart for the Valley capital campaign. The maximum loan is $5,000,000 with a blended interest rate of 4.188%. The great news is, to date, about 60% of pledges have been paid.
Karen Meyer Clerk of Session 480-368-6567
The auditors gave VPC a Gold Star for this past year’s audit. Thanks to Kris Bahr for her exceptional work. Session received the Valley Prebyterian Foundation’s Annual Report in June. Lamont Yoder, VPF Presdent, reported last year was one of energy, excitement, and enthusiasm. A major goal this year is to review and update the mission and purpose statement.
Session approved replacing the air-conditioning in the Chapel early this summer. Funds came from VPF's Fund the Need and Preservation Fund accounts. Last month Session requested the Presbytery Commission On Ministry (COM) convert Chris Woodard’s (non-ordained) Director of Mission position to a temporary ordained pastor role upon Chris’ ordination (anticipated in November). This role would be for 6-12 months. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns at 480-368-6567.
Blessings, Karen Gill Meyer, Clerk of Session
Finances &
OPERATIONS CAPITAL CAMPAIGN UPDATE Presbyterian Investment and Loan Program Bridge Loan At the August 27, 2019 Session meeting, Elders moved to accept the bridge loan offered by the Presbyterian Investment and Loan Program (ILP) to be used as needed Kris Bahr to pay costs associated Finance & Operations Director with the A New Heart for the Valley Sanctuary, plaza and 480-991-6424 ext. 112 Education Building renovation. Maximum loan amount is $5,000,000 with a blended interest rate of 4.188%. The current amount pledged for the capital campaign is $10.3 million, with additional fundraising in process for the balance. We are blessed to have almost 2/3 of those funds already paid in full. However, as the pledge period covers three years, and costs associated with the renovation will need to be paid before all pledges have been fulfilled, a bridge loan will ensure access to cash when needed. As pledges are paid, they in turn will be used to pay down the loan.
The ILP is a nonprofit corporation of the PC(USA) created to provide low-cost loans to congregations and related PC(USA) entities. In addition to the low interest rate charged, there are no origination fees, points or prepayment penalties. A portion of the interest paid on our loan will fund other loans to PC(USA) churches – helping them to expand, renovate or reshape their ministry.
If you would like more information on the benefits of investing your personal assets with the ILP – from competitive interest rates, low minimum investment, and support of your borrowing church, please contact Kris.
VPC finances year-to-date as of August 31, 2019 Income
Actual $
Budget $
Variance $
Faith Giving Other Income Total Income
1,181,108 232,445 1,413,553
1,255,000 223,650 1,478,650
-73,892 8,795 -65,097
Pastoral Ministry Admin & Facility Mission, Outreach, Cong. Care Christian Education Worship & Music Total Expense
307,709 728,988 109,536 225,356 128,642 1,500,231
328,785 750,014 98,862 235,230 131,567 1,544,458
21,076 21,026 -10,674 9,874 2,925 44,227
Net Income less Expense