Cooks’ Tour
Valley Presbyterian Church week of September 29, 2019
49 Annual Friday, November 1, 9AM-3PM th
Proceeds support missions around the world.
VPC Hosting Family Promise September 29-October 6 Chris Woodard: Family Promise provides emergency shelter and basic needs designed to assist their return to self-sufficiency. Family Promise partners with VPC to provide safe overnight shelter, food, and compassion to families in crisis. Contact Chris if you're interested in getting involved.
Friday, November 1, 9AM-3PM Lunch: $20, Home Tour: $20 Get tickets Sundays on the patio, church office (M-F, 9AM-12PM), or online: One of your favorite fall events is coming soon! Cooks' Tour is lovingly created each year with you in mind-from trinkets to trips, confections to crafts, all to benefit mission partners around the world. Visit the website to learn more about this fantastic event!
Honoring Service
VPC is honored to acknowledge those currently serving our nation as members of the U.S. Armed Forces. Feel free to pray for all peacemakers around the world. AIR FORCE USAF Mechanic Justin Claudon (Grandson of Joyce Overholt) Major Michael Lee (Grandson of Randy & Beverly Tozer)
CONSTRUCTION UPDATES! VPC Construction Updates! • The south courtyard walls are nearing completion. • Bell frame has been installed in masonry wall at choir room entry. • Masonry wall in choir room has topped out. • Electrical panels in basement are being wired.
MARINE CORPS Sgt. Ian Cole (Grandson of Nancy Savoy) Lance Corp. Nathan Shrake (Grandson of the late Mary Shrake)
To add a service member to this list, email Tammy Milne:
Care & Support
Please pray for those recovering from recent medical procedures:
Sharon Arendt, Herb Blinn, Dick Coffelt, Debbi Courtright, Sandra Gerlach, Rick Glady, John Hale, Elizabeth Jessup, Jo Ann Jones, Ann Kolar, Jim Lawrence, Carole Marr, Jan McKenzie, Lara Robinson, Nancy Savoy, Judy Schumacher, Nancy Sumner, Bob Turpin, Bob Rufenacht, Jim Unruh, Ellie Van Denburgh, Andrea Winius
Please pray for those at home or in a care facility:
Carolyn Bathurst, Kathryn Bennett, Joyce Black, Charles Buckley, Bonnie Domaz, Roger Fercho, Donna Gardner, Corenthel Green, Ginny Groom, Luella Gross, Sara Hammond, Louella Hermanson, Jean Hiser, Jeannette Huggins, Evelyn Jenkins, Sue Larson, Jim & Mary Lorenz, Carolyn McElhaney, Dee Melde, John Mueller, Dorothy Nern, Janet Nielsen, Lois Nuernberg, Joyce Newlon, Judy Owens, Roy States, Mary Strasser, Bette Vyskocil, Helen Wolfe For more information about those in our community, call Tammy: 480-991-6424 x163
Memorial: Terry Wright, October 5, 11:30AM, Chapel Prayer Chain: 480-991-6424,
We welcome requests confidentially for you or someone else. Please have permission from the individual before placing your request.
Read more about these events inside the Focus!
If you have any questions about Sanctuary construction, please contact Ed Glady:, 602-738-8009 or Kris Williams:, 602-619-6578
ARMY Sgt. Christopher Acosta (Grandson of Al & Marcie Straatmeyer) Private Carter Dunlevie (Grandson of Malcolm & Linda Dunlevie) Private Jake Dunlevie (Grandson of Malcolm & Linda Dunlevie) Sgt. William Conner Bell (Grandson of Janice Bell) Axel Johnson (Son of Greg & Julie Johnson)
NAVY/AIR FORCE LCDR Michael Christoph (Grandson-in-law of Dee Melde, Son of Richard & Patricia Melde)
South courtyard walls are nearing completion.
Masonry wall in choir room has topped out.
VPC News VPC FINANCIAL SUMMARY: Year-to-date as of August 31, 2019 Income $1,413,553 Expenses $1,500,231 For a more detailed update, check out the latest edition of the Valley Vine, online: or contact Kris Bahr:, 480-991-6424 ext. 112
Take a peek inside the Sanctuary! Look inside the Sanctuary during construction! Today, 8:15-8:45AM, 10-10:45AM, 11:45AM-12:15PM Meet outside the Sanctuary
#thestruggleisreal Valley Presbyterian Church 6947 East McDonald Drive Paradise Valley, AZ 85253, 480-991-6424 Pastors: David M. Joynt, David L. Turner, Travis W. Kingma
Connecting & Communicating with Your Kids Facilitator: Larry Kerby, author of Parenting Rocks! Wednesday, October 2, 6-7:30PM, Room 409
VPC is a place where you can
#thestruggleisreal Connecting & Communicating with Your Kids
We're glad you are here today! VPC is a community that believes God calls us to be in relationship. Sunday morning worship is a time to gather, connect, and give thanks to the Creator who loves us without end. New to VPC? Welcome! We want to know what VPC can do for you. First Step Cards are available in all worship centers. Feel free to fill it out, drop it in an offering tray, or give it to a volunteer at the Welcome Center. Want to join our growing community? You can join today! If this is your first time at VPC or you've been coming for months and are moved to join our church, a Pastor and a church leader will be available after worship to talk and pray with you. If you’re here with kids, We have several fun and safe opportunities for kids: Nursery: Sunday School: If your kids stay in worship, check (Infants-2 years) 3 years-5th grade out the worship activity cart in 8:45-11:45AM 9:15-10 & 11-11:45AM each worship center.
Childcare is offered wherever you see an asterisk: * Questions? Email Brianne Bergfeldt:
Sip & Social Justice Sip & Social Justice: Assisting Asylum Seekers in the Valley
October 17, 6:30-8:30PM, Twisted Grove Parlor + Bar (8220 North Hayden Road) Cost: $25 (includes dinner), Register online Guest speaker: Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest Our speaker will talk to us about refugee & immigration services, including LSSoS’ efforts to assist asylum seekers in the Valley and how you can help. This is an incredible event for any woman who feels convicted to help those without a voice in our community. LSSoS also has collection needs, check the website for how you can help!
Adventures in Learning
Read about every class and sign up: • Classes are free, and open to adults of all ages • Registration is encouraged, but walk-ins are welcome • RSVPs are greatly appreciated • Childcare not available
Check out these great upcoming opportunities: The 10 Commandments - Understanding the Importance of Morality Instructor: Dave Winter Thursday, October 3 & 10, 2-3:30PM (brief intermission), Calvin Center Dave will discuss the unique nature of God’s human creation and why the Ten Commandments are integral to achieving God’s intentions for us. The class will be a lecture with Q & A.
Connecting & Communicating with Your Kids Facilitator: Larry Kerby Wednesday, October 2, 6-7:30PM, Room 409 This class is open to parents with kids of any age. VPC is committed to being a partner to parents through your child's journey from cradle to college. Join Larry Kerby for a class on choosing, setting, and enforcing healthy boundaries. Even if you've taken a class taught by Larry before, this will be a valuable time to take a step back and be encouraged and challenged. Larry Kerby, MBA is a sought-after entertaining and engaging speaker. He helps parents and teachers create more joy, peace and happiness by understanding their role with children. As a trained independent facilitator of the Love and Logic curricula, Larry teaches effective, practical and proven parenting techniques that both parents and teachers can take away and start using immediately. He is also the author of the “Master Your Emotions” seminar series.
Take a peek inside the Sanctuary!
How to Watch Football: Defense Instructor: Jerry Sayre Thursday, October 10, 7-8PM, Calvin Center The Basics of How to Read Music Instructor: Jennifer Hamm Thursday, October 17, 10-11:30AM (brief intermission), Calvin Center Real Estate Tips from Jayann Instructor: Jayann Fordon Thursday, October 17, 7-8PM, Calvin Center
Get a chance to look inside the Sanctuary during construction! Today, 8:15-8:45AM, 10-10:45AM, 11:45AM-12:15PM Meet outside the Sanctuary Take the opportunity to look inside the building! Chat with members of the Building Committee and staff from Porter Construction.
Calendar of Events Sunday, September 29 Worship Chancel Choir Rehearsal Look Inside the Sanctuary Nursery (infant-2 y.o.) Worship Kaleidoscope Community Group Sunday School (3 y.o.-5th grade) Boomer Community Group Sages Community Group Nursery (infant-2 y.o.) Worship Sunday School (3 y.o.-5th grade) High School Lunch Bunch
Chapel Room 419 Outside Sanctuary Nursery Landes Center Room 409 Rooms 404-417 Room 415-416 Calvin Center Nursery Landes Center Rooms 404-417 Youth Room
8AM 8:30AM 8:15, 10, 11:45AM 8:45AM 9AM 9AM 9:15AM 10AM 10:30AM 10:30AM 10:45AM 11AM 11:30AM
Monday, September 30 All Deacon Meeting
Room 415-416
Tuesday, October 1 Valley Day School (VDS) Cooks' Tour Crafters Bridge & Mah Jongg Valley Day School (VDS) Chapel Pickleball Session Boy Scout Troop 441
Day School Rooms Calvin Center Fireside Room Chapel Landes Center Calvin Center Landes Center
9AM 9AM 9AM 10:30AM 4:30PM 6PM 7PM
Wednesday, October 2 Valley Day School (VDS) Valley Day School (VDS) Chapel Presbyterian Women Coordinating Team Oasis Café Oasis Food Truck Oasis Childcare (0-5 y.o.) Oasis Kids! (K-5th grade) Oasis Middle School Midweek Mere Christianity -C.S. Lewis Study Top 10 Things to Know About the Bible Family Workshop Women's Holy Yoga Chancel Choir Rehearsal Oasis High School Midweek
Day School Rooms Chapel Calvin Center Fireside Room Fountain Patio Nursery Room 415-416 Landes Basement Calvin Center Chapel Room 409 Youth Room 512 Room 419 Landes Basement
9AM 10:30AM 9AM 5PM 5:15PM 5:30PM 6PM 6PM 6PM 6PM 6PM 6PM 7:30PM 7:30PM
Thursday, October 3 Men's Basketball Valley Day School (VDS) Congregational Care & Fellowship Meeting Grief Class-Beyond the Broken Heart Sages Community Group-Mexican Train/Card Making Adventures in Learning-The 10 Commandments Martial Arts Pickleball
Landes Center Day School Rooms Chapel Conf. Room Chapel Parlor Fireside Room Calvin Center Calvin Center Landes Center
7:30AM 9AM 9AM 10AM 1PM 2PM 4:30PM 4:30PM
Friday, October 4 Valley Day School (VDS) Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) Line Dance Alcoholics Anonymous
Day School Rooms Room 415-416 Landes Basement Landes Center
9AM 9:30AM 10AM 7:30PM
Saturday, October 5 Cooks' Tour Drop Off Memorial-Terry Wright
Back Landes Center 8AM Chapel 11:30AM
Sunday, October 6 Worship Chancel Choir Rehearsal Nursery (infant-2 y.o.) Worship Kaleidoscope Community Group Middle School Gathering Sunday School (3 y.o.-5th grade) Boomer Community Group Sages Community Group Nursery (infant-2 y.o.) Worship Sunday School (3 y.o.-5th grade) High School Lunch Bunch At-Home Communion
Chapel Room 419 Nursery Landes Center Room 409 Youth Room Rooms 404-417 Room 415-416 Calvin Center Nursery Landes Center Rooms 404-417 Youth Room Fireside Room
8AM 8:30AM 8:45AM 9AM 9AM 9AM 9:15AM 10AM 10:30AM 10:30AM 10:45AM 11AM 11:30AM 12:15AM