valley vine
Valley Presbyterian Church September 2017 Volume sixty-two, Number eight
Dear friends, We turn our attention this fall to the teaching of Jesus found in his “Parables of the Kingdom.” An old Scottish preacher, James Stewart, begins his book on the teaching of Jesus by describing the Master’s method. Jesus taught orally, trusting that the seed of his word would lodge in minds and hearts and reverberate through the centuries. He taught spontaneously, responding to immediate problems, to people, and to events, like a quarrel among his disciples (Luke 9:46) or a meeting with a paralytic in the synagogue (Matthew 12:10). Yet because his teaching dealt with real situations and actual human problems, it has outlasted dozens of systems of thought whose generalities became antiquated. The personal and situational have become universal.
and parables which made listeners, and now readers, engage and think. He stimulated questions and discussion, rather than giving cut and dried answers. Most of all, he lived the truths he taught, including forgiveness and love. His pupils felt encouraged, despite their misunderstanding and mistakes. They grew by following the power of his example and feeling his acceptance of them, even and especially, when he believed in them despite their failings. I pray as we uncover his parables that you will feel their power to lodge in your heart. I hope that they will connect in personal ways with your questions and life circumstances. I trust that you will hear his divine authority and engage with the questions he raises. Most of all, I want you to live his truths, knowing that he offers to you and I that same encouragement and blessing, even when we struggle. Yours faithfully,
Jesus adapted his teaching to his audience, responding to their questions and concerns. To lawyers, he discussed the law; with those hoping and praying for the Kingdom, he discussed its character and coming. He held some things back knowing they’d be inexplicable–like the full meaning of his death and return because “you cannot bear them now” (John 16:12). He taught with authority, not like the teachers of his day, deriving his power from his gospel of God’s will and ways, his understanding of the O.T., and his sense of divine identity and calling (Matthew 7:28; John 17:68). His style was usually figurative and never coercive. Jesus used epigrams, stories,
6947 E. McDonald Drive, Paradise Valley, AZ 85253-5342 Phone: 480-991-6424 Fax: 480-991-6427 Email: Website:
A note about the Valley Vine from the Communications Team The VPC Communications Team is always looking for creative and better ways to tell the stories of God's work in our church community and beyond. With that in mind, we are moving to an online-only publication of the Valley Vine beginning in October. This will allow us to deliver a better looking and more timely magazine each month, and will save several thousand dollars in printing and mailing costs. The Valley Vine will be emailed to you the first of each month, will be full color, and accessible anywhere. It will also be available on the VPC website, like always. We hope you will be as excited as we are to have additional and better flexibility to bring you timely and compelling information about Valley Presbyterian Church. If you are still interested in receiving a printed and mailed version of the Valley Vine, we will still mail one to you! If you'd prefer to stay with your printed monthly Valley Vine, email Katrina Carney:
Who We Are: Men, what's your story?
September 29-October 1 UCYC Camp, Prescott, AZ
It is difficult, sometimes, to know what your story is. What are the circumstances and experiences in my life that are really worth telling? What are the essential components that make me who I am? Where has God's hand been present in my life and I didn't even know it? Does anyone care about the mountains and valleys of my life? God's answer to you is that Christ's salvation is new again in each life, unique in each individual. Your story has been shaped by the power of other stories, and your story can speak into the lives of others, as well. Who we are, as men, and how we express that is one of the core responsibilities in our lives, and it is an experience worth telling. Men, join us in the mountains of Prescott at the end of this month. There will be time to rest, to explore, and to hang out together over this awesome weekend.
Worship @ VPC
8AM 9AM 10:30AM 11:45AM*
Chapel Sanctuary Landes Center Chapel
PREACHING SCHEDULE September 3* September 10 September 17 September 24
Pastor David Turner Pastor David Joynt Pastor David Joynt Pastor David Joynt
*on summer break, returning September 10
All-Church Community Worship, Congregational Meeting & Lunch Sunday, October 22, 9:30AM, Sanctuary Congregational Meeting to elect officers for 2018.
Fall Ministry Brochure The new Ministry Brochure is out! Grab your copy today to find out all the events and programs through the end of the year.
Highlighted Events
Saturday, September 16 8-11AM, Orange Tree Golf Resort
Mondays starting September 25 5:30-6:30PM, Chapel Parlor
Classes begin Tuesday, October 10
Valley Presbyterian Church Chancel Choir CHANCEL CHOIR REHEARSAL
Wednesdays starting September 6 7:30-9PM, Choir Room
Mission & Service Family Promise Each night, over 25,000 people are without a home in Maricopa County. Homelessness affects people in all walks of life; from our vulnerable children to our forgotten seniors. Homelessness is a community problem- and it will take our entire community to ensure that all people have a place to call home. VPC is continuing our relationship with Family Promise to do our part in ending homelessness in the greater Phoenix area. Currently, Family Promise is able to serve over 100 families each year, transitioning them from the street to permanent housing. This year, Family Promise wants to double their impact in the Valley and serve over 200 families. VPC will continue to host families here on our campus as well as be a primary advocate in helping Family Promise reach their goal. If you would like to do your part in ending homelessness in Maricopa County, partnering with VPC and Family Promise is a great first step. -Chris Woodard
Hosting Family Promise October 1-8, evenings on VPC campus If you would like to host, serve a meal, spend the night or simply get to know our guests please contact Chris at
Volunteer with MentorKids USA Mondays, 3PM, van leaves from VPC MentorKids Afterschool program is in full swing. If you would like to have a major impact in a child’s life this is an opportunity for you. Come be a part by reading to a child, helping them with their homework and being a consistent loving presence in their life.
Cooks’ Tour Kickoff Planning Meeting September 8, 9AM, Calvin Center Co-chairs: Wandie Hulick, 602-316-3372 Jeanne Campo: 480-994-4116 If interested in getting involved, supporting or learning more about this big event for missions please attend meeting. All are welcome!
Cooks’ Tour 2017 Friday, November 3, VPC campus Learn more: Co-chairs: Wandie Hulick, 602-316-3372, or Jeanne Campo, 480-994-4116 Over $1 million has been raised over the past 46 years to support mission needs in our church, our community, and throughout the globe. Event includes Luncheon ($20), Costume Jewelry, Craft Boutique, Silent Auction, and Kitchen Treasures. We need your help! It’s an opportunity to give your time, talents, and treasures. We would love your donations. Visit website for contacts and ways you can help.
Pastor Mike Nieto: The importance of connections
Deep, meaningful Christian community is such an important part of our spiritual walk with God. Kelly and I have been reminded of this countless times over the last few months, as we have been blessed with cards and visits and prayers and food from so many of you during a difficult period in our lives. We honestly don’t know what we would have done without our church family. You all have been so wonderful!! VPC is truly an amazing place, and that’s why it is such a privilege to introduce you to the newest members of our community. Please join me in welcoming Kristen and Kevin Hurley, Michelle Nienaber, Betty and Webb Perryman, Ian Thomson, and Liz and Adam Walter.
Chris Woodard, Mission Director:
Community Groups Information visit:
Do you want to grow deeper in relationship with Jesus while you connect with other Christians? Our small groups meet at various times throughout the month to study God’s word and encourage each other to live it out loud.
20-30s: Chris Woodard,
Contact Chris for upcoming social and service projects.
30-40s: Tina Gilbreath,
Watch for upcoming social and service projects on website.
40-50s: David Turner, Sundays, 9-10AM, Room 409 Bible study, social events, and service projects.
50-60s: Sarah Burnette, Sundays, 10:25-11:30AM, Fireside Room Empty nesters grow together in faith and fellowship.
60s-70s: Judith Robins,
Starting in October, 1st & 2nd Thursdays, 1-2:30PM, Crossing 104 Study, fellowship, and refreshments.
They are a great group, and I am convinced they will be a blessing to many within our church family! Lastly, please remember my door is always open to chat or pray together. -Blessings, Pastor Mike Nieto
70s+: Wandie Hulick,
Next Inquirer Class-Interested in becoming a member? 12:30-2:30PM, October 22, Fireside Room Sign-up:
Theatre Night, Mamma Mia! Everyone is welcome. Thursday, October 12, 7:30PM, Phoenix Theatre Tickets: Wandie Hulick,
Sundays, 10:30-11:30AM, Calvin Center Mexican Train: September 7, 1PM, Fireside Room Lunch Bunch: September 21, 11:30AM, Camelback Golf Club Cardmaking: September 28, 1PM, Fireside Room
Children & Families
Tina Gilbreath, Children’s Ministry Director:
Raising Arrows Our theme this year, ‘Raising Arrows,’ based on Psalm 127:3-5, reminds us that our true target for our children is a relationship with Jesus Christ and that our whole church family has a role in guiding our little ‘arrows’ there. Our Take It Home Events (TIHE), for parents of children 3y.o.-5th grade have been developed to support our partnership with you to aim those arrows. The following are the ages and TIHEs: • 3y.o Welcome to Sunday School (Fall) • 4y.o. Nightly Blessing (Fall) • Kinder Families Pray (Fall) • First grade Families Worship (Spring) • Second grade Families-Cheerful Giver (Spring) • Third grade Families Reading the Bible (Fall) • Fourth grade Families Serve (Spring) • Fifth grade Families Communion & Blessing (Spring) We hope you will look for the TIHE for your child's age and mark your calendars. (All TIHEs are offered during 10:30AM worship following the children’s message.) And, if your family missed a TIHE feel free to check it out this year regardless of your child’s age. For more information please reach out to Tina, or Marie,
Take It Home 3 year old familiesWelcome to Sunday School September 10, following 10:30AM children’s message, Room 415/416 Join us for this fun class and opportunity to meet other parents of three year olds. This class gives an overview of Sunday School and Family Ministry. In addition, families learn the value and meaning of being a spiritual leader in their home and are provided tips and support for growing into that role.
Take It Home 3rd grade familiesHow to read your Bible September 17, following 10:30AM children’s message, Room 415/416 Parents and 3rd graders attend this class together. This class is a precursor to the annual presentation of 3rd grade bibles. Presentation will be October 22. This class also gives tips to families to support and encourage spending time studying their bibles with their children. RSVP to Tina with how you would like your child’s name to be printed in their bible.
EXPLORERS! Tuesday, September 12, 4-5PM (doors open at 3:45PM) Kids ages K-5th grade: Register today! EXPLORERS! provides children with a safe and fun environment to learn about the world in creative ways. Music and theater are large components of each week; no experience is necessary. Your child will engage with other explorers to build, draw, play, craft, sing and perform with staff members from our Children's and Music ministries.
Joseph Parisi, Student Ministry Director: Meet Alex Donnell Valley Presbyterian Church has been searching for VPC’s next Intern in Student Ministry. We are excited to announce the hiring of Alex Donnell, who will be starting September 1.
Alex Alex has been a blessing to our Jr. High ministry and was a leader on the San Diego Mission Trip and Forest Home Camp this summer. Before becoming a part of VPC, Alex volunteered with YoungLife, where he witnessed to high school students throughout the Phoenix area. Alex has shown the ability to display the love of Christ to our students and we could not be happier that he is joining our staff. If you see Alex on campus say “hello,” he would love to meet you. -Joseph Parisi For more information about VPC Student Ministry visit:
Student & Parent Small Groups Sundays, 9AM, Landes Basement Sign up online: Student Ministry Small Groups are where students can engage in learning and talking about faith. Each student will be placed in a small group led by adult volunteers. Parent and student classrooms will be separate, but the curriculum will be the same. Breakfast will be provided after each class for students and parents to come together to fellowship. Email Joseph with any questions.
Jr. High Midweek Mondays, 6PM, Landes Basement Jr. High Midweek is a weekly event focused on fun and excitement. Expect exciting games such as Couch Olympics, Knockerball, and many more! At the end of each night there will be a biblical message that is applicable to each Jr. High student.
High School Midweek Wednesdays, 7PM, Landes Basement High School Midweek is a weekly event focused on fun and building community. Each week there will be adventures, small groups, worship concerts, game nights, and so much more! At the end of each night there will be a biblical message that is applicable to each High School student.
Learn & Grow
Pastor Kelly Nieto:
Looking forward to great fall classes The Discipleship and Spiritual Growth ministry at VPC is excited to offer several courses this Fall. The Marriage Course is an opportunity for marriage enrichment and quality time together, and The Reformation with Dr. Grayson Carter is an historical and theological look at the events of this 16th century movement. As the fall continues, look for classes on Wired that Way, a biblical take on how God has uniquely made each one of us, an Advent Study on the Trinity, and an Advent Prayer Service. Also, look for a re-launch of the House of Prayer, as we commit to covering our members and ministries in prayer. Come and learn and grow with us!
The Marriage Course Wednesdays, September 6-October 11 6-7:30PM, Calvin Center, Cost: $30 (dinner included) Registration & Childcare: Take the time to enjoy a private meal at a table for two and connect with your spouse investing in your relationship. You will find suggestions for practical support, strong foundations and effective communication skills. A true date night!
The Reformation Wednesdays, September 6-October 11 6:30-7:30PM, Room 409 Registration & Childcare: 2017 marks the 500-year anniversary of the Reformation. Come learn more about the events of the Reformation, a spiritual and theological event that defines the church. Lecturer: Dr. Grayson Carter, Associate Professor of Church History, School of Theology, Fuller Seminary
Finding time to get to church during the week can be challenging, but at VPC we are eager to provide worthwhile experiences that will help you grow closer to God, and close to those in your life. Feel free to let me know any questions or ideas you might have. -Pastor Kelly Neito
Encore University
At Encore University we want to equip and empower you to recognize and fulfill the God-given callings in your life! To celebrate the new Encore year, we would like to extend a few special offers to all students: -Invite a Friend to take a class with you and we will treat you both to that class. -Take more than three classes, get a Free Lunch at the Café. -Volunteer to be a class Ambassador, take that class for free. Join us for Back to School kickoff on October 3 from 5:30 to 7:30PM on the Sanctuary patio. Enjoy live music, free food, art. Reconnect with friends! Free, no RSVP required. Looking for a time to refresh and renew? Come to our new Thursday afternoon Chapel service. Come find out how Encore University can be a part of God’s plan for you. - Pastor Mike Nieto
Register today for Encore’s Fall Term 2017! Fall Term: October 10-November 16 (No classes week of October 30-November 3)
Register online,, or contact Shelby, 480-991-6424 ext. 164 New classes, promotions, lunch with Director, plus more.
Encore Class Ambassador Training Luncheon September 9, 11:30AM-1PM, Landes Center, Free Sign up today: Shelby 480-991-6424 ext. 164
Do you attend VPC regularly and feel you are being called to serve? Be an Ambassador and receive your class free!
Molly Livak: Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) is here!
Come check out our MOPS group! Even if you couldn't make it to our amazing beginning of the year kickoff, it's not too late to join! We have some incredible speakers that will begin our year in September. You'll leave our Friday mornings feeling refreshed, renewed, connected, and encouraged. We hope to see you September 8 and 22 from 9-11AM! Register for MOPS today and tell your friends! -Molly Livak
September MOPS Fridays, September 8 & 22, 9-11AM, Room 415/416 Register for MOPS: Childcare: We offer childcare for children (up to age 5) on a spaceavailable basis. During the meetings, your little Moppet will enjoy the classrooms and playground of Valley Day School which is on our campus. All caregivers have been fingerprinted and have had background checks.
Men’s Ministry
Chris Woodard, Men’s Ministry Director:
Discovering our stories Stories are powerful. A good story can spark imagination, inspire change, and comfort the unmoored. What is your story? One aspect of the discipleship process is knowing your story and understanding how it fits into God’s metanarrative for this world. I am excited to have Ted Taylor speak at our 2017 Men’s Retreat and share his story with us. Ted Taylor is the Executive Director of Family Promise of Greater Phoenix. He is also a Presbyterian since infant baptism. Ted’s walk of faith has been filled with many mountains and valleys he plans to share. His passion to serve the Lord has grown from ‘What I hope the Lord will do for me’, to an adventure of excitement driven by ‘What the Lord will show me next’. He says, “I have been transformed more in the last seven years than the previous 49 years combined. The Lord has truly blessed my walk.” He is a story-teller, a "mono-maniac" on a mission to serve the Lord, and passionate about sharing his walk, which he believes is available to anyone who chooses to truly believe in the promises made in the scriptures.
Mountains & Valleys: 2017 Men’s Retreat September 29-October 1 UCYC, Prescott, AZ Cost: $125/$135
Retreating is a wonderful moment to refocus on what is important in our lives. It's hard to work into our busy lives, but the discipline of retreating is an important aspect of our Christian life. Jesus modeled this behavior for us and as imitators of Christ it is important to allow ourselves to get reconnected and refreshed by our God.
Third Tuesday of the Month Breakfast October 17, 6:30AM RSVP by Sunday prior, All men are invited to join together the third Tuesday of the month for breakfast at VPC. Gather at 6:30AM and breakfast will begin at 6:45AM. We will hear testimonies from each other and will focus in on our topic for the month.
I am looking forward to seeing you all there as we discover and rediscover our stories. -Chris Woodard
Women’s Ministry Living with gratitude this Fall
Kelly Nieto, Pastor: Living Gratitude: 2017 Women’s Breakfast Saturday, September 16, 8-11AM, Orange Tree Resort
The women of VPC enjoy spending time with one another, praying together, and learning more about who God is. Come and bring a friend to the Women’s Breakfast (if she's never attended VPC, her ticket is $15!!) and Bible Study. The annual Women’s Breakfast will be a morning of inspiration, fellowship, and spiritual retreat!
Tickets: Cost: $30/$15 students under 18 and non-VPC women Speaker Rev. Laura Bratton Rev. Bratton founded UBI Global, an organization that offers speaking and coaching during times of crisis. She is the first blind student to graduate from Princeton Theological Seminary and is a pastor, speaker, and author, writing about her life in Harnessing Courage about how to approach difficult times with “grit and gratitude.”
The Women’s Bible Study will explore the theme of “home,” belonging to God, and being at rest in God’s presence.
Tuesday, September 12 Mary: 9:30AM, Westminster Village Saguaro Room Wednesday, September 13 Esther: 9:30AM, Sandra Gonzales’ home, 602-616-0458 Lydia: 9:30AM, Calvin Center Sarah: 12PM, Room 409
Presbyterian Women offers women meaningful ways to live out their faith in the midst of a caring community of women. PW will host monthly Circle meetings, a luncheon with very important topics, and host this year's PW of the Presbytery Fall Gathering. -Pastor Kelly Nieto
Keeping Place: Women’s Bible Study Every other Friday starting September 15 9-10:30AM, Room 415-416, Free
Registration & Childcare: Author and Bible teacher Jen Pollock Michel takes us on a journey through Scripture to uncover the meaning of home. Discover your holy yearning for a place to belong, how God provides that place for you, and how we can model His hospitality in our lives each day.
Presbyterian Women Circles
PW Luncheon and Speaker September 27, 11:30AM, Landes Center, Cost: $10
RSVP: 480-991-6424 by September 22 Enjoy lunch and inspiring speaker, Michelle Lopez, Crisis Intervention Specialist Scottsdale Police Dept., Domestic Violence.
PW of the Presbytery Fall Gathering Saturday, September 30, VPC Campus
Contact Wandie Hulick, We will serve brunch and lunch. Mark your calendar to come and help, enjoy the fellowship and listen to some wonderful speakers.
Care & Support What makes a ministry successful? We often attribute success of a ministry to the skill of the leader and the knowledge and tenacity of the people working together. But is it possible that in this mix, the most important ingredient is missing?
Grief Support Wednesdays starting September 6 6:30-7:30PM, Chapel Parlor Registration, Facilitator: Bill Gass Grief Support is a 10-week discussion-based class designed to give you tools to recover and to hope again. Questions about this program? Email David Turner:
Divorce Recovery Mondays starting September 25 5:30-6:45PM, Chapel Parlor, Cost: $20 Registration: Facilitator: Anna Kohls
When I consider the most important aspect of a successful ministry, the secret is in the prayer life of the people involved. James 5:16 reminds us that the prayers of the people who love God more than anything are powerful. It’s for this reason that the Deacons have dedicated an evening in the fall and spring to meet in the Chapel, share a devotion and scripture reading, and spend time praying over their ministries. The Deacons also pray for the staff and Session, the direction God is leading VPC, for growth in the numbers of people coming to faith in Jesus Christ, and for God’s healing presence. It’s a silent part of the ministry the Deacons dedicate themselves to that few in the congregation know about. Through the power of prayer many have been blessed by the ministry of the Deacons to the glory of God. -Pastor David Turner
GriefShare Wednesdays starting October 11 1-3PM, Chapel Parlor Registration, Facilitator: Karen Annis
At-Home Visitation – Communion Sunday, October 1, 12:15–3:30PM Contact Tammy Milne: 480-991-6424 ext. 163,
GriefShare is a 13-week DVD-based program with workbook and discussion time. Recovery doesn’t come from knowledge, but from Christian hope and personal support. Questions about this program? Email David Turner:
We will be serving communion to our At-Home members. We are reaching out to see if you are willing to assist us on this special day. Please contact Tammy as soon as possible if you are interested in assisting in this rewarding ministry project. Training is provided and you will be matched with an experienced Elder or Deacon.
Remembrances Our church family extends its Christian sympathy to the family and friends of Henry Kirkwood, William McBay, Megan Reynolds-Gooch, Barbara Matia, Marie Pishny, and Susan San Marco.
Mental Health NAMI Walk- Save the Date! October 21, 9:15AM, State Capital Grounds Registration begins at 8:30AM
This seven-week program designed for anyone at any stage of the divorce process. Facilitator Anna Kohls has Master’s degrees in Marital and Family Therapy and Education. Divorce Recovery is open to everyone. Are you or someone you know ready to take the next step in their journey? Questions? Email David Turner:
Elizabeth Weiss: World Suicide Prevention Day September 10, 2017
VPC Mental Health Ministry Team and The North Valley Walkers would like you to join them to raise funds to host education programs, facilitate support groups, offer training and advocate for services for millions of Americans living with mental illness. For more information contact Susan Krecker,, 480-607-3598
The weekend of September 8-10, the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention invites faith communities across the nation to pray for those whose lives have been touched by suicide. Did you know that many families at VPC have been faced with the devastating consequences of suicide? Join us as we pray for those who are hurting from loss or struggling with thoughts of suicide or hopelessness. We are stronger together as we reach out in prayer and friendship to those who are suffering.
NAMI-Family Support Group
Family Support website:
1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 6-7:30PM, St. Patrick Catholic Community Information: or
Living Grace Support Group
David Turner, Pastor:
2nd & 4th Tuesdays, 6-8PM, Oasis Community Church Information: or 480-234-7073
Mental Health 24-hour crisis line: 602-222-9444 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255 AZ Teen Lifeline: 602-248-8336,
Jennifer Hamm, Minister of Music: VPC's new Organist/Assistant Minister of Music, Julia Tucker
Julia is a native of Auburn, Alabama. She holds two degrees in Piano Performance from Auburn University and Syracuse University and a Masters in Organ Julia Performance from Syracuse University, where she studied with Dr. Annie Laver. Julia keeps a very active performing schedule as an organ performer, collaborative pianist, harpsichord player and choral singer. She is the 2017 recipient of the Civic Morning Musicals award for excellence in organ and piano performance, and was a 2017 finalist in the Strader Organ Competition. Julia has been serving as a church musician since she was an early teenager and is passionate about assisting and empowering choirs and congregations to give their best to God through song and praise. She recently moved to Phoenix, Arizona to begin doctoral studies in Organ Performance with Dr. Kimberly Marshall. Julia is a wonderful and welcome addition to our team; please welcome her when you see her! - Jennifer Hamm
Valley Day School
Chancel Choir Rehearsal Wednesdays starting September 6 7:30PM, Choir Room This is a great time to join our Chancel Choir. We are seeking new members! We rehearse each week and sing each Sunday at the 9AM service. Come share your voice and love for fellowship and the Lord!
New Youth Choir Starting Wednesdays starting September 6 6:15-7PM, Choir Room Open to all students in Junior High and High School who love to sing! We’ll be learning some fun music to sing in worship together! Come and try it out and bring a friend!
Valley Ringers Handbell Choir Wednesday starting September 13 5:30-6:15PM, Bell Room We are seeking new handbell ringers, beginning and advanced. If you are in Junior High or High School and read music, you are welcome to join the other adults! The handbell choir plays in worship once a month and is a great way to learn something new and challenging at any age!
Meghan Gottfredson, Day School Director:
Valley Day School Students We welcomed 154 students into our classrooms during our first week of preschool last week - 30 more than we've ever had before! Our hallways are filled with joyful greetings and laughter. Back to School is certainly a time of celebration. And that's just what we're doing at Valley Day School. We're celebrating new and returning teachers and the commitment they've made to helping our children grow and develop this year. We're celebrating the families that we get to serve daily. We're celebrating new procedures we've been able to put in place to create a safer campus for students. We're even celebrating in the hallways as parents drop children off and pick children up. New friendships are forming, and there is a sense of true excitement in the air. We hope you'll celebrate with us by offering prayers of praise for this fantastic start to the new school year. Look for our wonderful Valley Day Families on Sunday, October 1, at Day School Sunday. We can't wait to celebrate with all of you then! -Meghan Gottfredson
Charlee Turner, Foundation Administrator: Foundation President, Tom Ambrose
It is an honor to serve as President of the Valley Presbyterian Foundation. As a member of VPC, I have come to appreciate the role of the Foundation in assuring thfinancial Tom security of our church. Forty-one years ago several wise members of our church community thought it appropriate to establish the Foundation and today it is a reliable resource for our church to sustain its capital needs, music program, scholarships, and mission ministries. The Foundation also manages the retirement distributions for former Senior Pastors Tom Erickson and Woody Garvin. The Foundation consists of 12 trustees who serve staggered three-year terms. With trust funds of 4.6 million dollars, we utilize a professional investment management arrangement that includes two outside investment advisory firms as well as an investment committee of advisors from within our church membership. -Tom Ambrose
Save the Date: Foundation Legacy Dinner March 23, 2018 Interested? Email Charlee: A fun-filled evening of auction, dance, and laughter! Join us for a night that can change the life of our church.
Sunday Morning Greeters Starting Sundays in August Volunteer! Email or call Cheryl Ann: 480-213-8912 or We are so glad you are here, and need your help welcoming people to our campus on Sunday mornings. Please contact Cheryl Ann if you’re interested in this opportunity.
Cooks' Tour is accepting donations for Spring Sale Saturdays, September 9 & 23, 9-11AM Cooks’ Tour Shed, Lynetta Norris: Volunteer your old treasures to support mission needs in our community. Cooks’ Tour is collecting items as they prepare for the Spring Sale. Have items you would otherwise donate to Goodwill or Red Cross? Drop them off here instead! Cooks’ Tour Spring Sale (White Elephant) will be April 6-7, 2018.
Sunday School teachers Tina Gilbreath: 3 years-5th grade, 9:15-10:15 & 10:45-11:45AM
Training and lessons provided. Contact Tina for more information.
Learn more about the Valley Presbyterian Foundation: Foundation Office, 480-991-6424 ext. 168 Charlee Turner, Kris Bahr,
VPC Boy Scouts Troop 441 It Takes a Village (or a Church) to Run a Scout Troop Running one of the most respected Boy Scout troops in metro Phoenix takes a lot of volunteer support! Every family from VPC’s Troop 441 puts in time helping their son and the troop run smoothly. More than 70 scouts are striving to become leaders and have fun developing different skills. VPC's Sam Kelsall and Allen Hall are deeply committed to the success of Troop 441, and serve as District Representative and Chaplain, respectively. VPC's Session has been very supportive and is responsible for re-chartering Troop 441 with Boy Scouts of America annually. Ed Glady has been instrumental in this effort, as well. Lisa Keylon is VPC's Troop Representative. Every leader and parent involved with Troop 441 takes Youth Protection Training, then receives training on a specific role. The Boys Scouts of America loves a trained leader! If you have a passion for scouting, backpacking and/or youth leadership development, think about getting involved in our troop.
Coming Next Month... Encore University Check out what's new this term Back To School Kickoff Tuesday, October 3, 5:30-7:30PM, Fireside Cafe, Free Art Display, Bistro on Wheels, Door Prizes, Live Music, Registration, and much more. Fall Term begins October 10 Registration:
All-Church Community Worship, Congregational Meeting & Lunch
One worship service Sunday, October 22, 9:30AM, Sanctuary Congregational meeting and lunch will follow.
Online-only publication of the Valley Vine beginning in October If you are still interested in receiving a printed and mailed version of the Valley Vine, we will still mail one to you! If you'd prefer to stay with your printed monthly Valley Vine, email Katrina Carney:
VPC Leadership News From Session
Leader Spotlight
A report from the monthly Session meeting will return in October. However, an update from the September 6 special Session meeting will be distributed via eVine, Focus, and website. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact, Karen Meyer, Clerk of Session at 480-368-6567.
Elder Mary Artigue Planning and Organization Committee Chair 2017 Mary Artigue has been a member since 1992, and has served previously as both a Deacon and an Elder. Mary served on the Pastor Nominating Committee that brought Pastor David Joynt to VPC. She has participated in Dinner for Eight for many years and volunteered for Cooks' Tour. Mary and her husband, Cameron, are the parents of two daughters, Heidi and Emily. Mary is an attorney (inactive) and formerly practiced law with her husband. When she is not involved in church or school activities, Mary is usually judging at debate tournaments, attending Arizona Theater Company productions or traveling (preferably on a cruise).
Church office will be closed Monday, September 4 for Labor Day holiday.
Read more bios of the Session team.
Kris Bahr: krisb Making sense of the numbers
Chapel Stained Glass Windows
Income continues to be 2% greater than budget, expense 3% less than budget.
During one of our mid-July monsoon storms, strong winds and flying debris damaged two of the faceted glass windows in the Chapel. The good news is that insurance will cover the cost of replacing and repairing the damage (less the $2,500 deductible). Associated Crafts, specialists in this area, will be doing the work, which we anticipate will begin sometime in September and take approximately 12 weeks to complete.
Just like at home, the utility bill spikes in July due to air conditioning – almost $17,000 for the five meters on campus. With almost 60 a/c units on campus, it adds up! -Kris Bahr
VPC finances year-to-date as of July 31, 2017 Income
Visit VPC Session page!
Actual $
Budget $
Variance $
Faith Giving Other Income Total Income Expense Pastoral Ministry Admin & Facility Mission, Outreach, Cong. Care Christian Education Encore Worship & Music Total Expense
1,057,622 196,737 1,254,359
1,014,100 210,685 1,224,785
43,522 -13,948 29,574
280,342 590,091 95,845 148,752 55,664 105,312 1,276,006
276,533 606,392 100,303 151,692 73,225 113,038 1,321,183
-3,809 16,301 4,458 2,940 17,561 7,726 45,177
Net Income less Expense
As we consider these beautiful windows designed by Robert and Louise McCall, and the treasure they are to our campus (“from within a jewel by day and from outside a jewel by night”), we are further exploring with Associated Crafts a process to protect them in the manner they deserve for many decades to come. If you have any questions, please contact Kris Bahr.
David Joynt, David Turner, Kelly Nieto, Mike Nieto
Kilgore Chapel- 11:45AM (resumes September 10)
Landes Center- 10:30AM
Sanctuary- 9AM
Kilgore Chapel- 8AM
SUNDAY WORSHIP TIMES Valley Presbyterian Church
The VALLEY VINE USPS 621-060, is published monthly by VALLEY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Periodical Postage paid at Scottsdale, AZ. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Valley Presbyterian Church, 6947 E. McDonald Drive, Paradise Valley, AZ 85253-5342
Saturday, September 16 8-11AM, Orange Tree Golf Resort Get your ticket today!