Action Based Advocacy
CBID National Secretariat House No: 24, Street 28, F10/1 Islamabad. Ph.: +92-51-2102170-Fax: +92-512102171 Email: info@cbid.org.pk, Web: www.cbid.org.pk
14th December, 2013. Meeting To formulate a Plan of Action and a Mechanism for Pakistan Disability Act in Sindh Province. Meeting with Ms. Robina Qaimkhani Minister for special education Sindh Karachi held on 14 Dec 2013, to discuss about to bring law on disability in Sindh. Dr. Shahnawaz Munami (National Coordinator CBID), Mr. Ghulam Nabi Nizamani (International Coordinator), Mr. Jawed Rais (Provincial Coordinator Sindh) and Mr. Abid Lashari (Deputy Provincial Coordinator Sindh) attended the meeting. Mr. Abid Lashari also presented the resolution copy, which was passed during seminar held on 3Rd Dec 2013.
18th Jan, 2014 International Seminar on Independent Living of Intellectually Challenged Persons with Disabilities. Milestone Society for the Special Persons (Provincial Coordinator Punjab CBID) organized an International Seminar on Independent Living of Intellectually Challenged Persons with Disabilities under the umbrella of CBID Network Pakistan. The seminar was addressed by Dr. Muhammad Amjad Saqib, Executive Director Akhuwat, Dr. Maryam Mallick, disability adviser, WHO and Dr Shahnawaz Munami, National Coordinator, CBID Network Pakistan. The focus of the seminar was to sensitize parents, teachers and society regarding independent living of persons with intellectual disabilities. A Japanese delegation from Mainstream Association (Disabled Persons Organization) also attended the seminar and shared their experiences 8th-9th Feb, 2014 Two Days workshop on Current State of Disability Rights in the Context of the CRPD The two-days training workshop entitled “Advocacy Skills on Disability Rights� was held on 8th-9th February, 2014 at Faisalabad organized by Association of Women for Awareness and Motivation (AWAM) under the umbrella of CBID-N Punjab Chapter. The training workshop was brainstorming sessions facilitated by experts to enhance the understanding of the trainees about human rights and disability concepts and framework, and to sensitize them for their role in advocating disability rights, and
to capacitate them with necessary expertise to address and take up disability issues with policy makers, parliamentarians, political parties and government functionaries. Participants from 8 districts of Punjab attended this workshop. The government must introduce comprehensive legislation catering to the needs and problems of disability community with 15% population in Pakistan, and make sincere efforts to bring the most marginalized group of the society into mainstream, so that the suppression and exploitation of their due rights could be stopped. Mr. Naseem Anthony (Program Director-AWAM), Mr. Asim Zafar (CBID), Ms. Shazia George (Coordinator-AWAM), Ms. Nazia Sardar (Executive Director-AWAM), Ms. Saima Aslam (SAAYA) and Mohammad Jawwad Afzal (Deputy Director-NISE) were among the facilitators. 18th Feb, 2014 Training workshop on Community Based Inclusive Development (CBID) The Secretariat Organized a very productive session in collaboration with Telenor employees on the topic of disability equality and Community Based Inclusive Development. The topic was to aware the participants about the equal rights in community and equality based institutional developments at all levels. The crowd really got enthusiastic after a very interactive session lead by Mr. Asim Zafar secretariat coordinator CBID , and then Miss Saima Aslam made it more informative, explaining the rights and the needs of women with disabilities ensuring no gender discrimination in the development of our country. In the end, the respected CEO Telenor Pakistan and the whole team gave their best remarks about disability and independent living movement, hence ensuring their support and appreciations in future as well. After various meetings now the building of Telenor is totally accessible. 26th Feb, 2014 Consultation Meeting entitled “Disability Legal Framework for Creating Inclusive and Accessible Environment” Consultation Meeting was held entitled “Disability Legal Framework for Creating Inclusive and Accessible Environment” held on 26 February 2014 at Solo Hotel, Sargodha organized by Association of Women for Awareness and Motivation (AWAM) in collaboration with Social Development Network under the umbrella of CBID Network (Punjab Chapter).
27th Feb, 2014 Protest by Organization of Persons with Disabilities and Civil Society against Refusal of Allocation of Seats in Assemblies and Senate The protest demonstration was organized by Disabled Persons Organization (DPO) and civil society under the umbrella of Community Based Inclusive Development CBID Network throughout the country on 27th Feb, 2014 to express their disappointment for the current Government and showed their unity to refuse the consent of standing committee (Law & Justice).
4th Mar, 2014 Consultation Meeting on Pakistan Disability Act The detailed meeting was held on 4th March, 2014 with Secretary Law & Justice Commission of Pakistan at Supreme Court building. Mr. Asim Zafar Secretariat Coordinator –CBIDN and Mr. Imran Nazir, Executive Member CBID-N Pakistan attend this meeting. Mr. Asim Zafar Submitted the request letter for independent commission on Disability issues and draft of Pakistan Disability Act as well. 5th March, 2014 Constitutional Petition under Art. 184 regarding the rights of persons with disabilities (CBID VS the Federal Govt. & others) The Members of Community Based Inclusive Development Network Pakistan had filed a Constitution Petition before the Supreme Court of Pakistan which was fixed for hearing before Bench No. 1 which was headed by the Ex-Chief Justice of Pakistan, Mr. Tassaduq Hussain Jillani and composed of Justice Mr. Khilji Arif Hussain and Justice Mr. Sheikh Azmat Saeed. After hearing the preliminary arguments of Barrister Mr. Raheel Kamran Sheikh, the counsel for the Petitioners, the Court has admitted the Petition for regular hearing, acknowledging the lack of enforcement of the rights of persons with disabilities as enshrined in the UNCRPD as well as the Constitution of Pakistan. The Court has issued notices to the Attorney General of Pakistan and the respective Advocates General of the four provinces.
14th March, 2014 Meeting with Chief Minister Baluchistan on Pakistan Disability Act. The meeting was held on 14th March, 2014 at Chief Minister Secretariat Baluchistan. Mr. Riaz Baloch (President TSO & Provincial Coordinator CBID Baluchistan) briefed to Chief Minster Baluchistan Dr. Abdul Malik regarding problems, and rights of persons with disabilities. He also presented draft copy of Pakistan Disability Act.
2nd April, 2014 Briefing/ review on developments on Disability Act in Pakistan in CBM Perspective & Progress Report for 1st Quarter. The CBID Executive Body meeting was conducted on 2nd April, 2014 at CBID National Secretariat in Islamabad where National Coordinator and Provincial coordinators from all provinces were present and graced the occasion. The Honorable Parliamentarians joined the house after National Assembly Session; they were given warm welcome by the CBID Executive Body members. Dr. Shahnawaz Munami National Coordinator CBID NETWORK presented Draft of Pakistan Disability Act to the honorable Parliamentarians along with other CBID executive members. The Honorable Parliamentarian who graced the occasion including: Ms. Kishwar Zahra MNA Dr. Nighat Shakeel MNA Mr. Shaikh Salahuodin MNA Mr. Salman Mujahid Baloch MNA Mr. Syed Waseem Hussain MNA Mr. Iqbal Qadri MNA 3rd-5th April, 2014 5th All Pakistan National Bank Wheelchair Users Cricket Tournament 2014 5TH All Pakistan National Bank Tournament organized by Saaya Association, Disabled Welfare Organization and Milestone Society for the Special Persons under the umbrella of CBID Network at Jinnah Sports Complex where all 6 teams from different cities of the country participated in this event. The event was well served as it provided a healthy opportunity to persons with disabilities to show their sports talent.
The honorable parliamentarians and other guests who graced the occasion included:
Mrs. Kishwar Zahra (Member of National Assembly, MQM) Mrs. Nighat Shakeel (Member of National Assembly, MQM) Mr. Rehal Hashmi (Member of National Assembly, MQM) Mr. Muzamil Qurashi (Member of National Assembly, MQM) Mr. Ahsen Iqbal (Federal Minister for planning and development) Mr. Mian Riaz Hussain (Federal Minister for Sports) Mr. Akhter Nawaz Ganjara (Director General Sports Complex) Dr. Maryam Mallick (Technical Advisor WHO) Mr. Abdul Waheed (MD Pakistan Baitul Mal) Mr. Tariq Zafar Iqbal (Regional Head National Bank of Pakistan) Mr. Sibghat-ur-Rehman (Directorate General Capital Administration & Development Division) Mr. Fazal-ul-Rehman (Past District Governor Rotary club Islamabad) Mr. Nawabzada Khurshid (Executive editor Pakistan group of News Papers) Muhammad Afzal Butt (President Pakistan federal Union of Journalist Mr. Sheryar Khan (Press Club Islamabad)
Members of National Assembly from different political parties were sensitized regarding the rights of person with disabilities The draft of Disability Act presented to the parliamentarians and concern departments during the event The teams of person with disabilities participated from all over the country The civil society, students, government officials also attended this historical event and well aware regarding the rights of persons with disabilities th 8 April, 2014 Consultation Meeting on Pakistan Disability ACT A meeting was held on 8th April, 2014 with Mr. Asad Umar member of National Assembly and chairman standing committee Industries and production at his office along with his Legal team in Islamabad. A comprehensive discussion was made on legislation, Disability and employment issues. He also invited CBID in the next meeting of standing committee to discuss employment issues of person with disabilities. Later in the end a draft of Disability Act was presented to the honorable MNA on behalf of CBID network and was received on behalf of PTI. 16th April, 2014 Meeting on Pakistan Disability ACT A meeting was held on 16th April, 2014 at Baluchistan assembly with Dr. Shamah Ishaq member of Baluchistan assembly. Mr. Riaz Baloch Provincial Coordinator (Baluchistan CBID) presented the Pakistan Disability Act draft to MPA Dr. Shamah Ishaq of National Party.
17th April, 2014 Consultation Meeting on Pakistan Disability ACT Senator Mr. Ajiz Dhamrah visited ASHA office sanghar and had a meeting with founder of ASHA Mr. Ghulam Nabi Nizamani (International coordinator CBID-N) ,and president ASHA Mr. Mumtaz Mangi Mr. Dhamrah briefed regarding issues of persons with disabilities(,PWDs) on the occasion Mr. Mumtaz Mangi presented copy of Pakistan Disability act to Senator Mr. Dhamrah.
17th April, 2014 Meeting with JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency), Islamabad The delegate paid official visit to JICA Office where the project for persons with disabilities was discussed that is to be implemented in Lahore in the coming days by CBID Provincial Coordinator Punjab. The project is designed for severe persons with disabilities where they will be provided with the electric wheelchairs and with the self-management trainings to be productive and contributing part of the society.
18th April, 2014 International seminar on Independent Living & Assistive technologies An international seminar was conducted by CBID National Secretariat and Comsats University in Islamabad where students were sensitized of the disability issues and inclusion of persons with disabilities.
5th May, 2014 Training Workshop One Day Training Workshop on DET (Disability Equality Training) & Emergency Response was conducted By CBID National Secretariat for Telenor Employs
6th May, 2014 An Advocacy Walk on EFA in collaboration with UNESCO, Global Action Week CBID Network organized An Advocacy Walk on EFA in Collaboration with UNESCO, Global Action Week at Pakistan Sports Complex. DPO’s, stakeholders, students, teachers, civil society and media participated in the Advocacy Walk along with other dignities.
23rd June, 2014 Provincial Consultation Meeting on Disability Rights (Engaging Parliamentarians, Government Officials) Comprehensive Legal Framework for Persons with Disability Provincial Consultation meeting entitled “Comprehensive Legal Framework for Persons with Disabilities” was organized by the Association of Women for Awareness and Motivation (AWAM), Community Based Inclusive Development (CBID Network) and Milestone Society for the Special Persons. The consultation meeting was chaired by Mrs. Kaneez Ishaq (MPA) and Mrs. Suraiya Naseem (MPA), and was attended by 28 participants including; parliamentarians, govt. officials, and representatives of civil society organizations. At this juncture, the disability rights activists gave recommendations to the parliamentarians and government officials for reforms in disability legal framework. The government must introduce comprehensive legislation and polices in line with universally recognized disability standards to protect rights of persons with disabilities. This was articulated by the renowned promoters of the disability rights from the Islamabad, Lahore and Faisalabad during the provincial consultation. 9th July, 2014 Provincial Consultation Meeting on Pakistan Disability Act The CBID Provincial Consultation Meeting on Pakistan Disability Act (Draft) was held on 9th July, 2014 in Quetta where representatives from INGOs, NGOs and honorable parliamentarians participated and graced the occasion. The draft of Disability Act was presented to the honorable Parliamentarians of Baluchistan. 1. Mr. Zamruk Achakzai (MPA) 2. Ms. Samina Khan (MPA) 3. Mr. Nasrullah Zehri (MPA) 4. Muhammad Khan Lehri (MPA) 5. Mt. Yasmeen Lehri (MPA) 6. Ms. Sapozmi Achakzai (MPA)
16th July, 2014 Meeting on Pakistan Disability ACT The Follow-up meeting was held on 16th July, 2014 with Mr. Shoaib Mir (Joint Secretary Ministry of Law & Justice) at his office (Pak Secretariat Ministry of Law & Justice. Mr. Asim Zafar (Secretariat Coordinator) attend the meeting. 27th August, 2014 Provincial Consultation Meeting on Pakistan Disability Act Consultant Meeting on Pakistan Disability Act (Draft) with Ms. Meher Taj Rojhani Minister of Social Welfare & Special Education KPK held on 27th August, 2014 at special education complex Peshawar.
28th August, 2014 Networking, collaboration and support for upcoming National Conference/activities. The meeting was held on 28th August, 2014 at Sight saver’s office. Dr Imam Yar Baig, Ms. Munazza form Sightsaver, Dr. Shahnawaz Munami and Asim from CBID attended this meeting. Minutes of the Meetings are: Yearly activity reports and achievements of Network was shared by National Coordinator. National coordinator also thanked to Sightsaver for their kind support to the Network from day one. Sightsaver ensured for upcoming activities of Network regarding legislation It was also discussed that Sightsaver will be the part of upcoming national Conference of CBID as organizer 29th August, 2014 The membership of National Forum of Women with disabilities The meeting was held on 29th August, 2014 at CBID Secretariat. Ms. Abia and Saima from National forum of women with disabilities and Dr. Shahnawaz Munami and Mr. Asim Secretariat Coordinator from secretariat attended this meeting. Minutes of the Meetings are: Request from National forum of women with disabilities for CBID membership, which will be discuss in the EC of CBID Network and collaboration for upcoming activities of NFWWD at all level. NFWWD will share organizational Structure with the secretariat.
29th August, 2014 Networking, collaboration and support for upcoming National Conference/activities. The meeting was held on 29th August, 2014 at Handicap International’s office. Mr. Luc Bellon (Head of Mission) form HI, Dr. Shahnawaz Munami and Asim from CBID attend this meeting. Minutes of the Meetings are: Yearly activity reports and achievements of Network was shared by National Coordinator. National coordinator also thanked to HI for their kind support to the Network from day one. HI ensured for upcoming activities of Network regarding legislation It was also discussed that HI will be the part of upcoming national Conference of CBID as organizer 10th Nov, 2014 An Action Plan for CBID Network Pakistan for 2015 – 2018 Sightsavers in collaboration with CBID Network Pakistan and CBM organized a day workshop to develop an action plan for CBID from 20152018. The workshop was organized on 10th November 2014 at Pak Continental Hotel, G-8 Markaz Islamabad. Representatives of Handicap International, CBM, CHEF International, STEP, Milestone, Saaya Association, National Forum for Women with Disabilities, SADA, DWA, Our Voice, TSO, ADTF, SEDA, CHIP, Pakistan Special, JICA, SSP and LCDDP. 27th November, 2014 Provincial Consultative Meeting on Disability Rights: Constraints and Prospect. The follow-provincial consultative meeting on disability rights was held on 27th Nov, 2014 at ambassador hotel Lahore organized by Awam Pakistan and Milestone (Provincial coordinator Punjab). DG Social welfare, DPOs and members of National assembly attended this meeting. Disability bill was discussed in this meeting 1-2 Dec, 2014 National Conference “Disability-Inclusive Sustainable Development Goals in Pakistan” A two days Community Based Inclusive Development (CBID) Network, National Conference titled “Disability-Inclusive Sustainable Development Goals in Pakistan & International Day of Persons with Disabilities 3rd December, 2014 was organized by The Community Based Inclusive Development Network and Milestone Society for the Special Persons in Lahore.
The conference was organized in collaboration with Government of Punjab, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Handicap International, Sightsavers International, CBM, STEP, Awam Pakistan and Heera where more than 200 delegates including persons with disabilities from all over the country participated. The dignitaries from INGOs, NGOs and other government and private sectors graced the occasion with their presence. The presentation, speeches of the representatives, panel discussions and deliberations from the participants in the conference provided a wide range of perspectives and perceptions about the way forward for an inclusive society in Pakistan. In the end there was a consensus that persons with disabilities have equal rights to a decent and respectable life like their counterparts and we must move forward for the creation of right based, barrier free and inclusive society for all. 3rd December, 2014 Celebrated World Disability Day, 2014 An awareness walk to celebrate World Disability Day was observed where persons with disabilities and stakeholders chanted slogans for the equal rights of persons with disabilities. Mr. Shahnawaz Munami, National Coordinator CBID Network addressing the media on the occasion said that persons with disabilities are the respectable and contributing part of the society and they must be treated as equal respectable segment of society for the creation of right based, barrier free and inclusive society for all.
SPECIAL THANK!!!! We pay our sincere gratitude to all Networks Members especially CBM, WHO, JICA, Light for the World, Ministry of Law & Justice, Local governments, Parliamentarians of all political Parties, Sightsaver International, CHIP, Handicap International, ADTF, LCDDP, CHEF International, SPO, AWAM Pakistan, Provincial Coordinators (Milestone, TSO, DWA, STEP, Our Voice, SAADA, SSP, Saaya, ASHA, Danishkadah, NDF and PAD) Darul Sukun and Hands for their commendable support.