Balloonies 168 2011

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168 Issue 3 2011 The Balloon Association

The Balloon Association

Regional Workshops Not to be missed!

Truly Spectacular Wedding Décor & Exquisite Designs by Internationally-acclaimed Designer and Industry Award Winner Julie Barnes

Julie Barnes has joined forces with NABAS to run her unique and spectacular room and venue décor workshop across the UK over the next few months. You will be enthralled and stimulated by Julie’s talent and flair for design. The workshops will run from 10am to 4.30pm. Wherever possible there will be hands-on elements where you can gain the knowledge and practice the skills to emulate Julie’s work.

Regional Workshops

The following topics will be covered: • Lighting and special effects • Civil settings • Fairytale backdrops • Table dressing • Centrepieces • Using fabrics in décor • Plus gain from Julies experience and imagination These workshops will be restricted to 10 delegates who must have a minimum level of skill in order to maintain course momentum. Julie has won numerous industry awards over the years and has appeared on over 15 television programmes including The Generation Game and Granada Tonight. Julie runs her own design business providing a wide range of services for all types of celebrations. Cost:

£75 plus VAT for NABAS members £95 plus VAT for non members (to include buffet lunch, teas/coffees)


Check out Julies websites to see her unique and dazzling work:

10am to 4.30pm (Registration from 9.30am)

Dates & Locations 14th September 2011 29th September 2011 12th October 2011 19th October 2011 2nd November 2011 24th November 2011 1st December 2011

North West - Bolton North East – Washington East South West – Newport, S.Wales Scotland - Hamilton South Midlands - Leicester

Dear Member -




Balloonies No. 168 - Issue 3 2011 ©NABAS - The Balloon Association 2011

Published by NABAS The Balloon Association Ltd Katepwa House Ashfield Park Avenue Ross-on-Wye Herefordshire HR9 5AX 01989 762204 Fax: 01989 567676 email: Nabas Committee Ada Elliott (Chairman) Jo Uddin Mark Saunders Philomena Groome Paul Bloomer Peter Smith John Lee Paul Widdowson Secretariat: Gill Hinton, Kate Walker, Elizabeth Malcolm, Hilary Pulsford

The Balloon Association

the independent trade association for the party and promotional balloon industry in the UK Design:

0121 449 4050

Printed by: Callprint 0121 632 4518

Front cover: balloon decor carried out by Matt Lewis, at the recent British Grand Prix at Silverstone, for a corporate client.

With so many things happening it’s hard to know where to begin! This supports the NABAS philosophy of ‘Working for its Members’. The recent Regional Events were a great success – check the write-ups and pictures not only in this issue of Balloonies but also the NABAS page in the recent issue of Progressive Party. A North West Regional Event is being finalised for late September with several others in the pipeline. An emailed ‘News Update’ will keep you informed once dates/venues are confirmed. Thanks to the many members who supported National Balloon Week and again it is covered later in this issue. Many local radio stations and papers ran articles which all help to raise people’s awareness of the effectiveness of good balloon decor. I can confirm NABAS will be exhibiting at the NEC Wedding Show in October. This will be an opportunity to show the many thousands of brides who visit the show just how stunning balloon decor can be. Brides will be given contact details of NABAS members within their area. The NABAS insurance has been recently extended to cover other approved activities of members - candy buffets, nappy cakes, temporary tattoos (including temporary glitter tattoos), tarot reading. It’s really interesting to see just how diverse and exciting our industry has become. For many members balloon decor is not enough and they are looking at interesting and innovative ways to enhance their business. I’m really impressed and wish you all ‘good luck’ in your various ventures. You will by now have received information from the NABAS Office regarding the global helium shortage. We are keeping a close watch on the situation and will endeavour to keep you advised of the ongoing situation. As always the Committee would like to hear your suggestions and ideas – just email the NABAS Office Regards, Ada Elliott, Chairman

From your Chairman




Balloons have featured quite a lot in the press recently. May saw the Central Atrium at Selfridges in London taken over by giant balloon sculptures of sea creatures created by Jason Hackenwerth, installed for Project Ocean. For a whole month the store was given over to leading

international marine protection campaigners and conservationists, helping them to reach a far wider audience with their messages about conservation, sustainability and clean and healthy seas for future generations.

Right: Sea creatures by Jason Hackenwerth. Image courtesy of Graham Lee, Exhibition at Tate St Ives, through to September 25th 2011 Martin Creed, Work No. 210 Half the air in a given space, 1999 (Installation in 2011). In this artwork, the huge, curved, glassfronted gallery that looks out over Porthmeor Beach and the Atlantic Ocean is filled with thousands of white balloons. Visitors are able to enter the gallery to play with the balloons and to physically experience the space in an entirely new way. A version of this work, but

numbered 202, featured at the Phillips De Pury auction in New York in September 2010. The auction entry stated: “Choose a space. Calculate the volume of the space. Using air, blow up black 30.5 cm balloons until they occupy half the volume of the space. This work is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity and is signed and dated “Martin Creed 1998.” in the lower left of the framed certificate.” It sold for $98,000 (lot number 125). Was this just a bag of black balloons and a certificate?

Balloons as art!

Left: ‘Let your hair down’. © 2011 Larry Moss and Kelly Cheatle Exhibition at The Strong, NY, through to November 20th 2011 Artist Larry Moss, founder and creative director of, began his career 25 years ago as a NYC street performer, but has gone on to display his amazing air-filled art in 12 countries on four continents. Larry and design partner Kelly Cheatle have recreated their ten favourite scenes from children’s fairy tales in a show called ‘Fine Art of Airigami: Once Upon a Time’ at The National Museum of Play at The Strong, Rochester, New York. ‘Artist’s Eyes’, a children’s book incorporating images from ‘Master Works’ a previous project - has recently been published. A second book incorporating the fairy tale scenes will follow. Read more:

The Balloon Association

Regional Roadshow: Bracknell


On June 15th a Regional Roadshow was held by NABAS at South Hill Park in Bracknell, Berkshire to enhance and improve balloon decoration & sculpting skills for members. The event was hosted by Philomena Groome & Paul Widdowson (both Committee members). Over 30 members attended the event from as far away as The Wirral and Cambridge and an excellent 4 hours was had by all, with Philomena teaching everything from simple wedding effects to the much more ornate wedding sculpture ideas. Members who attended were a mix of long term and brand new entrants to the industry and covered the spectrum of just finishing college and wanting to get into the business to people who had shops or who operated from home and had provided balloons for years but wanted to improve their skills and add more eye catching designs to their portfolio to add the ‘WOW’ factor for brides. Paul then arranged for some of the items to be placed into the Recital Room at the venue, which is their wooden panelled wedding functions room, and a table was set up to show how effectively balloon décor could theme and enhance a wedding venue.

They came from all over Ireland to see Chris Horne work his magic with

balloons and Holly Periera demonstrate a range of face painting techniques. It was a great opportunity for people to experience new decor ideas and get inspiration, exchange experiences and network with others in the industry.

Regional Roadshows

Regional Roadshow: Ireland

NABAS MEMBER interview: Hayley Allcoat


Business Name: 1st For Balloons Owner: Hayley Allcoat Location & area covered: Kinross - covering East and Central Scotland for smaller jobs and Scotland/ North East England for larger scale work. What was your career path to where you are today?: Upon leaving school I worked in a bank followed by a couple of other office jobs before I decided to go into floristry and had 2 florist shops in the Midlands. When supermarkets started to sell flowers our trade was badly hit and Interflora (which we were members of) decided to put balloon courses on. Some of the skills were the same, colour harmonies, visual and actual balance etc so balloons became a small part of our business. Eleven years ago I moved to Scotland to be with Richard (my husband) and decided to work with just balloons from a home based business. The business has steadily grown and with my floristry background I am now able to offer many clients the opportunity to have both balloons and flowers.

Name something in the balloon industry that you most like: Conferences and mixing with other balloonies to further my knowledge and product range. I love the buzz this industry creates I am sure that there is nothing else like it. Name something in the balloon industry that you least like: Companies devaluing our trade. Specifically companies where balloons are not there prime product and offer them at reduced rates as an incentive to purchase their other products. There is no need to reduce the price and do they not realise that they will make more money by pricing correctly? Best thing about your job?: The satisfaction I get from transforming a bland venue into something quite stunning, especially when the staff start getting the cameras out and taking picture because they haven't seen anything like it before. What best describes your business? Balloon decorator and florist. How did you decide on your business name?: When I was in floristry there was a flower wholesaler called "First for Flowers" and I decided to use the number 1st to come first in listings. However that doesn't always work! How do you decide what product to buy in?: I only buy in what I need for the jobs that I have but actively try to encourage customers to try something different so I can get to use all kinds of materials. What advertising works for you? : I think word of mouth and website is probably better than all of the printed advertising that I do, but I do advertise in Yellow Pages and on

Does your business vehicle promote you?: Yes - I have had many jobs from people spotting the car. Do you have an online presence?: Yes. If you have a website, is it a basic site to inform potential customers of your existence, or do you use it as an online portfolio?: I think it has just the right balance of information to attract attention. I don't want people to spend ages looking at loads of pictures but I want them to see enough to make them pick up the phone or fill out the form. It doesn't have prices as we offer a bespoke service and every job is different. I am in the process of updating the website again as I feel it needs to be a little more modern. Do you feel your website is working for you?: Yes, but I think it can be improved on. Some people are having great success with social networking sites directing traffic to their website and I feel that this could greatly improve the number of hits that we get. How would you like your business to grow in the next few years?: I am always on the look out for different ideas and products to grow the business with and I would like to see more work in the corporate area where there is scope to be more creative. This is definitely an area where work has slowed down owing to the current economic situation, so hopefully when things start to pick up companies will feel that they can spend more money on parties, annual dinners

etc. I don't employ anyone on a permanent basis but my husband helps me most of the time and I have many willing friends who love to help out.


How is the ‘credit crunch’ affecting you?: We have had a handful of wedding cancellations and a couple of balloon releases cancelled due to environmental issues, but nothing too serious, and as previously mentioned the corporate events have slowed down. I think we are still going to be affected by the 'credit crunch' this year, as customers seem to want more for their money and are prepared to shop around for bargains. Increases in the price of helium, VAT, supplies and of course fuel, all adds to the cost so our prices need to increase if we are to keep the same profit margin. But I would rather do fewer well paid jobs than be a busy fool. What tip would you offer someone new to the business?: Invest in training to do things the right way. There are lots of people who think it's an easy business to be in and just start up without the basic knowledge. They let people down and give the industry a bad name. Pay particular attention to pricing correctly. Do not undersell yourself. Remember to have fun, it's that kind of industry but at the same time you are in business to make money! How do you relax after a hard day’s work?: Photography is my hobby and I have recently invested in a great camera, some training and I am also learning how to use photoshop. Hopefully, given time my website will be full of great photographs. My favourite kind of photography is street photography. Walking through Edinburgh capturing people shopping, walking, relaxing - its great fun.

1st For Balloons

Do you show at Wedding Fairs? Other?: Yes - this is undoubtedly where most of my wedding work comes from.

The Biggest Polish Balloon Decoration


The Biggest Polish Balloon Decoration 2011 To see more images and videos go to:

These composite photos show the ‘World of Insects’ decoration that ran down two sides of the decoration room, a fantastic achievement.


All photographs ©BalloonsIT

The main idea of the project was to create within 3 days a ‘World of Insects’ decoration in a space of approximately 600 square metres using 125,000 balloons (round, modelling and foil). About 100 decorators and students from Poland and other countries around the globe joined the big decoration, seminars and sponsor product presentations. Thursday 17th - Sunday 20th March 2011

Led by 16 Group leaders, participants learned and shared different basics and advanced balloon techniques. The decoration room was open for 16 hours per day, giving everybody enough time to practise and finish their sculpture.

Parallel with the Big Decoration, twelve seminars were given by six teachers in separate training rooms. We thank all the attendees, teachers and sponsors for helping to make this event into a big success. Teachers and Team leaders: Artur Chojancki (Poland), Bartosz Dryl (Poland), David de Bustos (Spain), Chris Horne (UK), Jan Karolewski (Poland), Sabina Kellner (Austria), Paul Kenyon (UK), Michal Malkiewicz (Poland), Andrey Osokin (Russia), Ernst Reiter (Belgium), Agata Sobczak (Poland), Dmitriy Tishenko (Russia), Irina Tkatsevich (Belarus), Petar Tosic (Slovenia), Ania & Edward Trzeciakiewicz (Poland), Michael Gjerek (Slovenia). Sponsors: Premium Accessories, Amscan, Hi Float, Air Products


This event was organised by BELBAL, Party Deco - BELBAL’s distributor in Poland - and BalloonsIT. The event took place at the Hotel Smithy Napoleonic, in Teresin, near Warsaw.



National Balloon Week NEWS

National Balloon Week was an ideal time for me to launch and promote my new business 'Balloons and Bubbles'. My local Gazette was running an appeal for our local hospice so I thought it would be a nice idea to help raise money towards the appeal at the same time. By doing so, it encouraged them to promote my event in the local paper. I run my business from home so first I needed to find a venue. I contacted a local garden centre who were happy to help as I was raising money for charity. To keep to a garden centre theme I decided to create a balloon garden and sell balloon flowers to raise money. Unfortunately, when the day arrived it was really windy and being outdoors meant I had to scale down my plans. But on the whole the event was a success. I had some lovely compliments on my work, which gave me a real boost (just what you need when starting out in a new venture). I handed out loads of leaflets and made some useful contacts as well as raising over ÂŁ300 towards the appeal. I'm looking forward to doing it all again next year but I've learned a valuable lesson. After losing so many balloons in the wind I have decided to find an indoor venue next time! Thank you for all your help and support. When you're trying to start up a new business on your own it's really nice to know there is somewhere you can turn to for advice etc. Looking forward to future events. Kind regards, Glenys Settle Balloons and Bubbles


For your diary... Qualatex Event 5-7 November 2011 Oxford, UK



The Balloons Project Inspired by the 2012 Olympics National Balloon Week got off to a flying start when NABAS was invited along to LIPA (Liverpool Institute for the Performing Arts) to help out with the Balloons Project.

Encompassing the Olympic values of courage, excellence, determination, equality, respect, friendship and inspiration, the project uses the Performing and Visual Arts to inspire young people with the 7 Olympic values. The young people taking part are aged 11 to 18 and come from disadvantaged areas or from families with no history of higher education. The programme hopes to raise their aspirations and help support their progression through involvement in a range of summer schools, workshops and confidence-building. Balloons are used symbolically throughout the project to add fun and colour with each Olympic and Paralympic value being represented by its own colour of the rainbow. NABAS committee member Paul Bloomer was invited along by Ben to help out with the preparations for the performance which was scheduled on Sunday 22nd May 2011 to coincide with the start of National Balloon Week in the UK !!!

Have you created something in balloons that you’d like to share with NABAS members? Email details and photographs to the NABAS office, and we’ll aim to incorporate into a future issue of Balloonies!

The Balloons Project

The project was created by Ben Brown, an Outreach teacher and the first university student in Britain to be awarded the London 2012 Inspire Mark.

12 3137 Samantha Badhan Just The 2 Of Us Events Wolverhampton WV10 7LG 07900 982288


3138 Yvonne Hewings Balloony Birmingham B24 0NJ 0121 382 4931

NABAS NEW MEMBERS 3146 Samantha Gill Classic Services North East Ltd Billingham Cleveland TS23 3TX 01642 563705

3154 Jacqueline Smith Tiffany's Balloons Chelmsford CM1 6GQ 01245 451981

3139 Jane Sparrow Balloonamania Northampton NN1 5RN 01604 621032

3147 Danni Gane Country Cute Balloons Coleford Gloucestershire GL16 7LR 01594 836527

3155 Elisa Lazier Lazier Balloons Reading RG1 8EA 07570 098259

3140 Alan Lally N A Balloons & Events St Helier, Jersey Channel Islands JE2 3NG 07797 888540

3148 Brian Bailey Gasbags, Balloons & Parties Ilkley LS29 0AQ 01943 604014

3156 Suzanne Stuart Bloomin Lovelys Sheffield S5 0GN 0114 2577 538

3141 Sarah Ward Party Fairies Durham DH7 8TE 0191 378 9353

3149 Robert Taylor FDL (Festive Decoration & Lighting) Ltd Stockport SK1 3EW 0161 474 7772

3157 Lynn Taylor Balloons & More Pontypridd CF38 2BT 01443 203 131

3142 Harprit Phull Petals & Pop Slough SL3 9LQ 07882 329123

3150 Kirstin Tuddenham Createaparty UK Chorley PR7 2FU 07739 540410

3143 Selina Owens Creative Balloonz Wirral CH62 4SD 0151 644 5588

3151 Gillian Kazanci-Smith Etcetera Marmaris, TURKEY 00902524130187

3144 Roy Tilling The Balloon Cellar Nailsworth Gloucestershire GL6 0BL 01453 836720

3152 Wendy Lamb Pop Bang Party In A Van Wallington Surrey SM6 8TB 07506 432020

3160 Helen Horsfall Balloonable Solihull B93 0NU 0121 2472 833

3145 Jenny Gray Crystal Pink Events Ltd Ware SG12 0XS 07950 600710

3153 Rebecca Moulding Balloon Your Room Ltd Stevenage SG1 6EB 07514 051861

3161 Lisa Donaldson Balloon Innovation Huddersfield HD8 9DY 07780 907310

The Balloon Association

3158 Sue Walker Sues Balloons Corringham Essex SS17 7PG 01375 671 590 3159 Jessica Miller J&M Balloons Melbourn Hertfordshire SG8 6FB 01763 220305

the independent trade association for the party and promotional balloon industry in the UK


Janie Bacon


Just Janie Promotions Tel: 0141 883 4259 Courses Provided: NABAS Level 1; NABAS Level 2 Area Covered: Scotland

Paul Pearce CBA & Pam Pearce CBA

Yvonne Baynes

Balloon School of Balloons & Tunes Tel: 01827 316600 Courses provided: NABAS Level 1; Update Level 1 1/2; NABAS Level 2; Assorted workshops & training days

Lodge Cordell Balloonery Tel: 01986 894482 Courses Provided: NABAS Level 1; NABAS Level 2; Area Covered: East Anglia

Area Covered: Midlands

Rita Kyriacou CBA Balloon Training Ireland Tel: 028 4063 2081 Courses Provided: NABAS Level 1; NABAS Level 2; Wedding Workshops 1 & 2; Masterclass Workshops: Christmas & New Year, Valentine, Halloween Area Covered: Northern & Republic of Ireland

Jo Uddin Balloon Training Academy by Inflated Ideas Tel: 07904 178024 Courses Provided: NABAS Level 1; NABAS Level 2;

Marguerite's Academy of Balloon Artistry Tel: 01279 639508 Courses Provided: NABAS Level 1; NABAS Level 2; WeddingWorkshops Area Covered: Hertfordshire, Essex & the S. East

Mitch Gilbert CBA Rainbow Balloons Tel: 01625 585910 Courses Provided: NABAS Level 1; NABAS Level 2; Advanced level; 260’s Course; Balloon Drops

Area Covered: Hertfordshire & throughout UK

Area Covered: Cheshire, North West England & North Wales

Mary Paul

Philomena Groome CBA

Dreemway Tel: 0161 861 8807 Courses Provided: NABAS Level 1; NABAS Level 2;

School House of Balloons Tel: 07956 226824 Courses Provided: NABAS Level 1; NABAS Level 2; Exploding Balloons; Wedding Workshop

Area Covered: Manchester

John Lee CBA & Jane Lee International Balloon Academy Tel: 01908 605960 / 07852 204706 Courses Provided: NABAS Level 1; NABAS Level 2; Basics & Beyond; Beyond the Basics; Varied range of Master Classes Area Covered: Milton Keynes and beyond

Area Covered: Yorkshire & throughout UK

Mary George SG Party Supplies Ltd Tel: 01709 820852 Courses Provided: NABAS Level 1; NABAS Level 2; Area Covered: Yorkshire and the North East


Ada Elliott CBA



B-LOONY LTD Buck House Sunnyside Road Chesham Bucks HP5 2AR 01494 774 376 Fax: 01494 791268 Email:

PARTY PLUS 16 Canham Road Acton London W3 7SR 020 8811 2898 Fax: 020 8987 8404 Email:

BALANCEBEST LTD 118 Wheldon Road Castleford W Yorks WF10 2RT 01977 510 898 Fax: 01977 514678 Email:

PREMIUM BALLOON ACCESSORIES PO Box 352 Sharon Centre Ohio 44274, USA Tel: 00 1 330 239 4547 Email:

BALLOON CITY Unit 7 Spillmans Court Middle Spillmans Rodborough Stroud GL5 3RU 01453 753149 or 07974 941105 Email:

READY2GO LTD T/A PARTY GENIES 8B Daimler Close Royal Oak Industrial Est Daventry NN11 8QJ 01327 308755

BALLOON SUPPLY & DISTRIBUTION LTD 119B Walton Road E Molesey 020 8941 6111 Fax: 020 8941 9633 Surrey KT8 0DT Email:

SAUNDERS DISPLAYS UK LTD Unit 10 Buzzard Creek Industrial Estate River Road Barking Essex IG11 0EL 020 8594 7221 Email: Fax: 020 8594 7216

BALLOON WORLD Unit E Parkside Business Park Kirkstead Way Golborne WA3 3PY 01942 719888 Fax: 01942 719988 Email: BALLOONS & GAS DIRECT Unit 6 8 Meadow Road Glasgow G11 6HX 0141 337 3373 Fax: 0141 337 3374 BALLOONS AROUND SCOTLAND 100 Carnegie Road Hillington Ind Est Glasgow G52 4JZ 0141 882 8107 Fax: 0141 882 9925 BALLOONS TO GO 160 Eardley Road Streatham London 020 8679 7766 Fax: 020 8679 8889

SW16 5TG

BELBAL UK Broadgate House Church Street Deeping St James P’borough Lincs PE6 8HD 01778 343 445 Fax: 01778 347 230 Email: BOC LTD The Priestley Centre 10 Priestley Rd The Surrey Research Park Guildford Surrey GU2 7XY 01483 244035 DREEMWAY LTD 50 Stockton Road, Chorlton Manchester 0161 861 8807 Fax: 0161 881 9289 Email:

M21 9ED

FDL (Festive Decoration & Lighting) Ltd, Holland House, 2 Toll Bar Street, Stockport, Cheshire SK1 3EW 0161 474 7772,, FOLKDEAN LTD Unit 2 Lydney Harbour Estate Lydney Glos GL15 4EJ 01594 841545 Fax: 01594 844577 Email: HOUSE PARTI 20 Mandervell Road Oadby Industrial Estate Oadby Leicestershire LE12 5LQ 0116 271 0100 Fax: 0116 271 0300 OAKTREE UK LTD 66 James Carter Road Industrial Estate Mildenhall Suffolk IP28 7DE 01638 711 522 Fax: 01638 711211 Email: PAMS OF GAINSBOROUGH Unit 30 Corringham Road Industrial Estate DN21 1QB 0845 230 6763 Fax: 01427 810174 Email:

SG PARTY SUPPLIES LTD Unit 3 The Ickles Sheffield Rd Rotherham 01709 820852 Fax: 01709 830955 S60 1DP TALKING BALLOONS Turnoaks Business Park Chesterfield S40 2WB 01246 270555 Fax: 01246 270566 Email: Compound 1 The Enterprise Centre Mill Lane Coppull Chorley Lancs PR7 5BW 01257 795700 Fax: 01257 795150 Email: VIBORG BALLOONS Gortlervej 7-9 DK8800 Viborg Tel: 00 45 866 21200 Email:


WEDDING & PARTY SUPPLIES Rathdale House 30 Back Rd Rathfriland Northern Ireland BT34 5QF 028 4063 2081 Fax: 028 4063 2083 Email: WORTHINGTON CYLINDERS Beim Herrenhaus 1 A-3291 Keinberg bei Gaming AUSTRIA Tel: 00 43 7485 606 272 Fax: 00 43 7485 606 694 Email: ZIBI PRODUKTE GMBH Kalkdarren 15 D-79713 Bad Sackingen GERMANY Tel: 00 49 776 192 4010 Email: indicates print service offered

Please note that inclusions of any inserts/adverts within Balloonies are paid-for advertisements and therefore members should not consider this action as an endorsement by NABAS of the products or services.

Balloons Ribbons/Craft Products Face Paints Soft Toys Organza & Snow Sheers

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