Balloonies 171 2012

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171 Issue 2 2012 NABAS The only independent trade association for the party & promotional balloon industry in the UK


Fly me to the moon ‌.

Let me play among the stars‌.

Utilising 45 years of experience Saunders displays are delighted to provide you with innovative products for the balloon industry. See our website for full product details; including shipping information & prices.



Dear Member We are now part way through what should be a very exciting year for us as decorators. Having had the usual Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day and Easter as well as any promotional opportunities with your local companies, we are now well into the Wedding season; but just look at what occasions are still to come! The Queens Diamond Jubilee with masses of red, white and blue; followed by blue, yellow, black, green and red (rings) for the OLYMPICS !!! Wow what opportunities we have here, hitting all the Sporting Outlets ie shoes, clothes, equipment etc. as well as sponsor companies involved in the Olympics; all this is a way to establish a good relationship with these outlets as a client database for corporate work for the future, so get your promotional postcards out and start reeling in that business! John Lee, NABAS Chairman

Balloonies No. 171 Issue 2 2012 ©NABAS - The Balloon Association 2011

Five rings above courtesy of Paul & Pam Pearce, Balloons and Tunes perfect for an Olympic themed party.

Published by NABAS The Balloon Association Ltd Katepwa House, Ashfield Park Avenue, Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire, HR9 5AX 01989 762204

NABAS Committee

Paul Bloomer, Philomena Groome, Veronica Kamerling, John Lee Mark Saunders, Peter Smith, Paul Widdowson

Content Editor: NABAS


Printed by: Hanley Court Print

Gill Hinton, Kate Walker, Elizabeth Malcolm,

Front cover: Image courtesy of Kate Walker, NABAS

Hilary Pulsford

NABAS MEMBER INTERVIEW: John Walker & Carol Young

Business Name: CJ’s Balloon & Party Supplies Owner: John Walker & Carol Young Location & area covered: Coventry & Warwickshire What was your career path to where you are today?: I worked in the Pub & Leisure industry for 10 years. I managed a Car Boot sale for 6 years, and was offered to buy it, I bought the Car Boot with my partner Carol and since then we have grown to become one of Warwickshire’s Biggest Car Boots. Over the last two years we have managed to employ our son & another team member, who work hard organising car boot sales & other events. We always found it difficult to find good quality balloon decorations for our events; in May 2011 we decided to open a Balloon & Party Shop which now ties into all of our events. Name something in the balloon industry that you most like: I love all the things that are associated to the Balloon Industry, there are so many things we can do with balloons!

Does your business vehicle promote you?: We don’t at the moment, but we will be getting one very soon! Do you have an online presence?: We have our own website, we prefer to see & speak to our customers rather than them ordering online If you have a website, is it a basic site to inform potential customers of your existence, or do you use it as an online portfolio?: On our website we have all the details on what products we can do; our recent clients & photos of our work. Do you feel your website is working for you?: Yes I feel our website is working for us. How would you like your business to grow in the next few years?: We would like to become more known on what we can offer, a lot of people now realise how much you can do with balloons.

Name something in the balloon industry that you least like: I love everything!

Is the ‘credit crunch’ affecting you?: No, we have been able to offer great offers, so this can still bring visitors in.

Best thing about your job?: Creating fantastic Balloon Decorations for people’s special days!

How do you relax after a hard day’s work?: I always think what else I could do with balloons!

What best describes your business?: Balloon decorator? Balloon and costume retailer? Other? We do Balloon Decorations, but also sell Partyware & fancy dress! How did you decide on your business name?: CJ’s Stands for Carol & John (the owners) this is continued through the company and events we do. How do you decide what products to buy in?: We always buy what’s selling best & what the latest in thing is. What advertising works for you?: We advertise on the internet, radio & have promotional stands at Wedding Fairs & at our car boot sales, all this helps & brings lots of new business to us! Do you show at Wedding Fairs? Other?: Yes, we always attend Wedding Fairs


Business Name: Balloontastic Ltd Owner: Richard Adams CBA Location & area covered: Abingdon, Oxfordshire and surrounding counties What was your career path to where you are today?: Many fantastic NABAS approved courses at different levels with CBA exam taken in July 2000 – Passed. A great leaning path for identifying products available, how they can be used and expanded on. A brilliant way of meeting other balloon artists! Name something in the balloon industry that you most like: Always loved balloons from an early childhood, the extensive range and flexibility of the products in the industry allows you to express your imagination and capture this for many customers to enjoy. I find it a great privilege to be involved in the preparations of such a special day as a wedding. It is an industry that represents happiness and celebration and can be moulded to suit all requirements however specific. . Name something in the balloon industry that you least like: To see short cuts taken resulting in what I consider unfinished projects, or where cheaper products are used. The world of balloon decorating is a vast industry and provides a living for many hard working people. Poor performance on site can result in venues thinking twice about accommodating balloon decorations. I have a passion for what I do and believe this needs to be behind all hands working in this industry. Best thing about your job?: Making people happy without a doubt, I have multiple albums full of letters from past customers over the last 15 years expressing their thanks and delight in what we have provided for them during their celebrations. Knowing that I have achieved exactly what the client wants is a fantastic feeling. Does your business vehicle promote you?: Yes, I take great pride in my vehicle and tried to make it colourful and fun. I receive many comments locally and it gets spotted!!

How did you decide on your business name?: Over discussions with friends and with a play on words How do you decide what products to buy in?: The highest quality in a product is of the utmost importance to me, this ensures that the product is easy to work with and always give the best finish in whatever project you are working on. Sustainability is vital and a great product will last and will be fun to work with. Do you show at Wedding Fairs? Other?: Yes approx 4–6 per year, also open evenings/days with local hotels on invitation. Do you have an online presence? : Yes, website created by good friend Paul Daniels (not Mr Magic!!!!) – obtain a good amount of business from this site – Visual access to your work is vital and this allows potential customers to view our past work in their own time If you have a website, is it a basic site to inform potential customers of your existence, or do you use it as an online portfolio?: Used as an extensive online portfolio, this is constantly updated and has received nothing but very positive feedback Do you feel your website is working for you?: Yes, most definitely. How would you like your business to grow in the next few years?: My business has grown to a point where I now work part time for a large Company allowing me more time on my business. I have recently added ‘Candy Buffets’ to my portfolio of services and this has started well with new and existing customers. I will continue to monitor this and look at other associated services that could be added. H o w i s t h e ‘c r e d i t c r u n c h ’ a f f e c t i n g y o u ? : Have been very lucky and have not seen any impact on my business. Working from home means that my fixed costs are very minimal and allows me to be flexible and able to adapt to any changing circumstances.

What advertising works for you?: Internet and recommendations from many venues and past customers What best describes your business?: Balloon decorator? Balloon and costume retailer? Other? Balloon Decorator

What tip would you offer someone new to the business?: It is hard work, but if you love balloons and their associated products and let this be seen by your potential customers you will win them over and reap the rewards. Keep at it and take every opportunity you can with a sensible head. Just ‘love what you do!! How do you relax after a hard day’s work?: Spend time with my beautiful wife Sarah, and boys James (2) and Jacob (1). Love my job but time out is essential with the family. Find a good balance between work and play.

What is PR? Public relations is all about image and how we can influence our reputation and that of our trade as a whole. • • • •

PR is also about how an organisation deals with its staff, customers and the media. PR is not like advertising, you don’t pay for the space. PR is when the media run or air a story as a news item in their editorial section or as a promotion (then it would have a price in time, stock or a display). Media is a general term for all newspapers, TV, radio, internet and magazines – any form of regular communication to a large audience. This document is designed to help you maximise your PR potential, create awareness and ultimately improve your sales.

How To Use Public Relations In An Effective Way Your aim is to increase your target audience’s awareness of the skills you have to offer and where and when these skills can be utilised. You are:

• • • •

Able to create any type of party environment Make this environment personal to the person or group event Use innovative skills to appeal to children and adults Exhibit cost effective creativity that can create a sense of luxury

You need to appeal to certain types of people:

• • • •

Any member of the public who would organise their own event Corporate event organisers, from charities to product launches Civic organisers who organise council events and put on fêtes and fairs Retail event organisers, car showrooms, supermarkets, etc.

These people are your TARGET CUSTOMERS and all public relations efforts must be designed to appeal to these groups. Before acting on an idea or contemplating any work with the local press weigh the idea against the NABAS CRITERIAI Check all ideas and proposals against the NABAS Criteria - REMEMBER THE KEY WORD – TARGET T –

TIMING. Does this idea tie in with a national promotion (such as Balloon Week, the World Cup or other major sporting event). Is it the right time to do this activity? Perhaps there is something else which will steal your limelight if you go ahead. Research other events that are happening around the same time.


APPEAL. Will this idea appeal to your target customer?


REW ARD. What’s in it for you? Will it create awareness? Will it result in increased enquiries? Will it ultimately improve your sales?

G –

GOING RATE. How much will it cost?

E –

EXPOSURE. How much coverage in the media will you get? Will the coverage reach your target customer?

T –

TROUBLE! What can go wrong? What are the obstacles/objections? Remember to get both sides of the arrangement in writing before it goes ahead. You need to know exactly what both sides have agreed. This is especially important for promotions where you are giving a prize as you will have little control over editorial.

What To Do When Approached By The Local Media When they come to youI •

Be prepared! Normally the media will call before they arrive – make sure you know why they are coming and have everything ready for when they arrive.

If they want to take a photograph, make sure your logo appears in shot.

If it is a radio interview, choose someone who is confident and articulate. Remember to naturally mention your company name as often as you can!

If appearing on TV, wear a T-shirt with your logo clearly visible and remember that you only have a short time to impress your audience. If you don’t feel able to do this, choose a member of your team who can or do as much preparation as possible so that you don’t let your nerves get the better of you.

Remember to inform the media of promotions and always emphasise the style and quality of your product.

Who You Should Approach & Why When you go to the mediaI •

Study your local newspapers. When you really feel you have something of interest to tell them, write a press release (more on this later). Then send the approved press release to the news desk of your local newspapers. Remember to include your contact details clearly.

If you want to organise a competition, ring the paper and ask for their promotions department. They will tell you how much it costs (in retail product value). Try and think of something which will appeal to them or their readers, perhaps they are doing a ‘bride of the year’ piece or a ‘bonniest baby’ and you can offer to do balloon displays for the event as part of the prize, in return for a clear mention of your organisation and a picture.

When dealing with promotions, make sure you know when it is going to appear, what is going to appear and that you have approved everything first!

Always be on the look out for good PR opportunities. Watch what your competitors are doing.

Are you or members of your team doing anything wild or wacky, i.e. bungee jumping for charity, promotions, anything that may interest your local media – then be sure to let the media know!

If you want to get involved with a local civic, family or kids event in your town – make sure it fits in with our CRITERIA. Will it boost business? Will it increase your profile locally?

How To Write A Press Release First ensure that your topic is newsworthy and will be of interest to the readers/listeners/viewers of your particular media. Look at the media involved and see the type of stories they are covering. Then give the release an eye-catching title – think tabloid on this one! Your press release should always give the full details of the story in the first paragraph, but with a hook to make the reader read on, e.g. Local balloon artist Phil O’Hare is sculpting a massive balloon tree to raise money for local children. You then go on in your next paragraph to describe what exactly is going on. Always answer the following questions in your release: Who How Why Where What When Once you are sure you have included all the information in the story, end the release with the word ENDS. Then clearly state your name and contact details – include email and mobile numbers. Press releases should always be doublespaced. Press releases do not always get used. However, if you have a good story to tell and your story is not knocked out of the paper by a bigger event, then you have a great chance of getting some valuable coverage for the cost of a stamp! Ring the local paper and get the news editor’s name, then post or email the story directly to them. You can chase the story a few days later with a call to see if they received it and if they are interested in using the piece. Always be amenable to media suggestions about how they want to cover a story providing you are happy with their idea. They may want to try and make it fit with other things they are doing.

1st Place Large Sculpture Master Championship "Anonimus" by Alberto Falcone Team

All images ŠThe Darkroom

2nd Place - Large Sculpture Master Championship "Happy Birthday Balloon Express!!" by Dmitry Tishenko (Russian Team)

Above - "Il coraggio del toro" - Federico Onida Right - "Balloon Artist At Work" - Fiona Fisher Both entries in the Large Sculpture Master Championship

Balloon Arts Convention Italy 2012 Above - 1st Place Large Sculpture Italian Championship "The Temple of Groundkeeper" Balloon Arts Taiwan Team Left - 2nd Place Large Sculpture Italian Championship "Barak O Barak" Manon Dudziac (France)

To see more images and videos from BACI 2012 go to: view_page/290

NABAS members have been doing some amazing jobs - just take a look over the following two pages. If you have something that you want to share then do let the NABAS office know - - what better way to promote your work to show future clients than an article in your industry association's magazine. Best of British We were booked to decorate a party. The theme was Best of British and the client’s brief was to construct a Union Jack Flag. We sat down and designed one for them; the client was overjoyed when we showed him the design and it took pride of place at the party. It was a piece of work that we felt very patriotic building. David & Jacqui Pargeter Fantasy Balloons & Venue Dressers

Pirate Ship Maze Paul & Pam Pearce of Balloons and Tunes created this amazing Pirate Ship Maze . The pirate ship was created as an Interactive balloon sculpture for a local Tamworth carnival. It was built by a small team of dedicated balloon professionals using 80+ sds panels as walls and using 16,500 balloons in the design. With 4 x colour latex spiral balloon entrance archways to each area. The centre of the 'ship' had 60+ balloon pirates, all holding hands to create a MAZE for visitors to walk through and at the exit of the maze a team of balloon modellers greeted everyone with balloon swords and pirate eye masks.

And The Winner Is9.. A very simple idea of using box weights joined together to form a podium for an Olympic themed party designed by Paul & Pam Pearce of Balloons and Tunes.

Patriotic Column This patriotic column was created by Nicola Mehio of Flora Special Occasion.

Above: Dance Floor of Balloons from Paul & Pam Pearce, Balloons and Tunes. Below: Entrance Arch from Annabel Grange, Butterflies & Bows.

Wedding Rings As an alternative to the five rings shown on page 2, Paul & Pam Pearce of Balloons & Tunes created these pink and blue rings for a Wedding Celebration.

Patriotic décor (right and below) from a recent Dental conference at Stoke Park, Bucks, on an Olympics Jubilee theme from Paul Widdowson - Event Planners Surrey.

Suspended by Helium Balloons for a Week! With the help of Matthew Lewis from Matthew Lewis Displays Coventry, Stuart Kettell was suspended for a week by 8ft diameter helium balloons in West Orchards Shopping Centre, Coventry in order to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support. To see the video put the following link into your browser: h p:// hewlewis

Chinese New Year Striking Chinese Dragon created by Roger Daws of Iglobo for Chinese New year celebrations. Roger also created this Peter Pan and Captain Hook for a child’s birthday party.

3227 Louise Roberts Simply Divine Cakes & Balloons Ebbw Vale NP23 6NQ 01495 654596


3228 Jo Chinery Chloe Event Design Ltd London SW20 9HJ 07817 859494

3236 Maureen Russell Bloomin' Balloons Honington NG32 2PH 01400 250169

3239 Andrea Kinsella Ultimate Party People Bury BL8 1XR 07534 973012

3244 Mark Tracey Make My Day Balloons Plymouth PL6 7FD 01752 658673

3229 Rachael Nutter Floating Occasions Littleborough OL15 9JF 07792 662333

3237 Karen Gowdy H.K. Celebrations Burton on Trent DE14 1NA 01283 535 897

3240 Charlie Goldhawk The Goldhawk Group Broxbourne EN10 6QE 07775 522547

3245 Jane Stirling I Do Balloons Prestwick KA9 1DJ 01292 670612

3238 Jacqueline Petrie J P Balloons Aberdeenshire AB23 8YW 07917 466873

3241 Jon Costello Balloonstyle Birstall WF17 0PA 01924 359185

3246 Naomi Spencer Candy Bubbles Birmingham B7 5PG 07904 804419

3234 Adriana Durrant Fabulous Balloons & Events Bournemouth BH2 6PB 01202 780451

3242 Steven Graham Party Delights Ltd Irlam Manchester M44 6RJ 0161 776 1133

3247 Annmarie Hantson Fabulously Pink London E18 1JR 0208 530 2477

3230 Julie Barton Special Occasion Balloons Kings Langley WD4 8LX 01923 634160 3231 Valerie Wallace Fiesta St Albans AL1 4JS 01727 817064 3232 Natalie Rishman Pennywise Selsey PO20 0QL 01243 603493 3233 Zoe Dominy On A Ribbon Hythe CT21 4QE 01303 239 741

3235 Louise Jones The Balloon Ladies Biggleswade SG18 8SR 01767 600065

3243 Lisa McMath Miztique Eventz Dumfries DG1 1UP 01387 711 725

3248 Clare Dakin Kindamerry Ipswich IP1 5DZ 01473 439 338

New Wholesaler Member - Party Delights Launched in 2001, Party Delights has grown from being a great idea into being named Online Retailer of the Year 2011 and achieved a Top 100 position in The Sunday Times Tech Track 100. Specialising in balloons, party supplies, fancy dress and personalised products, the company sells over 15,000 products from its 35,000sq foot warehouse in Irlam, Manchester. On the back of this success the company has launched a new website especially for the trade – – selling a vast array of great products online, but at wholesale prices or less. Trade customers can search the website by theme, product, supplier or product code and there is no minimum order value. Next day delivery comes as standard at only £4.00 and is free for orders over £100. Delights Direct sells an extensive range of products from all the big names in the business including Amscan (Anagram), Qualatex, Unique Party, Creative Party, Rubies, Smiffys and many more. Opening a trade account with Delights Direct is simple and orders can be placed online 24/7, or over the phone with one of the friendly, dedicated trade team on a local rate line 0333 900 9000. The team has in-depth product knowledge and can help with planning, range building, merchandising and pricing. As an introductory offer, for the first month, ALL orders placed will be shipped on next day delivery and Free of Charge (2.00pm cut off for next day delivery).


Yvonne Baynes Lodge Cordell Balloonery Tel: 01986 894482 Courses Provided: NABAS Level 1; NABAS Level 2; Area Covered: East Anglia

Paul Pearce CBA & Pam Pearce CBA Balloon School of Balloons & Tunes Tel: 01827 316600

Rita Kyriacou CBA

Marguerite's Academy of Balloon Artistry

Tel: 01279 639508

Courses provided: NABAS Level 1; Update Level 1½; NABAS Level 2; Assorted workshops & training days Courses Provided: NABAS Level 1; NABAS Level 2;

Area Covered: Midlands

Wedding Workshops Area Covered: Hertfordshire, Essex & the South East

Jo Uddin CBA Balloon Training Academy by Inflated Ideas

Mitch Gilbert CBA

Tel: 07904 178024

Rainbow Balloons

Tel: 01625 585910

Courses Provided: NABAS Level 1; NABAS Level 2

Area Covered: Hertfordshire & throughout UK

Courses Provided: NABAS Level 1; NABAS Level 2; Advanced level; 260’s Course; Balloon Drops Area Covered: Cheshire, NW England & Nth Wales

John Lee CBA & Jane Lee ANBA

Philomena Groome CBA

International Balloon Academy

School House of Balloons

Tel: 01908 605960 / 07852 204706

Tel: 07956 226824 Courses Provided: NABAS Level 1; NABAS Level 2; Basics & Beyond; Beyond the Basics; Varied range of Master Classes

Area Covered: Milton Keynes and beyond Courses Provided: NABAS Level 1; NABAS Level 2; Exploding Balloons; Wedding Workshop Area Covered: Yorkshire & throughout UK

Mary George Janie Bacon

Gretna Green Creations

Just Janie Promotions

Tel: 01709 818636

Tel: 0141 883 4259

Courses Provided: NABAS Level 1; NABAS Level 2 Courses Provided: NABAS Level 1; NABAS Level 2;

Area Covered: Scotland

Area Covered: Yorkshire and the North East

Spring Fair For A Total Novice This year I was asked to attend Spring Fair to represent NABAS on their stand. To be honest I jumped at the chance as I enjoy going to events and utilising the chance to meet the members face to face. So early on a cold morning in February my colleague (Kate) picked me up, we chose a good radio station & off we set north-bound! Luckily Kate knew the route well and we were there in next to no time. As we went through the NEC doors, I suddenly realised just how BIG Spring Fair really is. After a collecting our passes we made our way through the highly colourful Party Show hall, taking in the many different suppliers until we reached the very recognisable NABAS stand. Once we had got set up, sorted the obligatory coffee run, we were ready. At first there was a steady trickle, mainly members coming to say hello, have a chat and ask questions about the Industry & additional training. Then flood gates opened and from about 10.30am we were inundated with enquiries about joining NABAS, benefits of membership & why choose NABAS. Luckily for us Mark Saunders (Committee Member) had the stand next to us, so when we were busy he helped out. The final day was a similar story, but it did get quieter towards the end. As soon as we started to take down our display stand the fun really started. Not being a dĂŠcor person myself I happily opted to puncture the many balloons on and around the frames. W hat I did not know was that once you start dismantling the first thing you should do is deflate all the helium balloons, especially the larger foils. Next thing you know with a crafty shout from Pam Pearce - NABAS Approved Teacher - who was on the stand opposite us, I had accidently released a union jack foil which speedily made its way to the incredibly high ceiling. After a bit of umming and ahhing & the threat of ÂŁ100 fine for leaving the balloon in the rafters, Paul Pearce - NABAS Approved Teacher - came to my rescue. Paul produced a large helium balloon, with heavy duty double-sided tape on the top and had attached to it an endless piece of ribbon. He then very carefully released the balloon, navigating the air vents with noticeable skill, and after several attempts managed to catch a trailing ribbon from the escaped foil balloon. With a big cheer from me and the small crowd that had gathered to watch he carefully lowered both balloons to the floor. All I can say is thank goodness for you professionals! Hilary NABAS Administrator

WHOLESALERS, MANUFACTURERS & PRINTERS B-LOONY LTD Buck House Sunnyside Road Chesham Bucks HP5 2AR 01494 774 376 Fax: 01494 791268


BALANCEBEST LTD 118 Wheldon Road Castleford W Yorks WF10 2RT 01977 510 898 Fax: 01977 514 678


PARTY DELIGHTS LTD Unit 4 Tallow Way Fairhills Road Irlam Manchester M44 6RJ 0161 776 1133 Fax: 0161 776 1144 PARTY PLUS 4 Acton Lane Chiswick London W4 5NB 020 8994 1674

BALLOON SUPPLY & DISTRIBUTION Unit1B. Woodside House Woodside Park, Catteshall Lane Godalming Surrey GU7 1LG 01483 808121 Fax: 01483 808 141

PREMIUM BALLOON ACCESSORIES PO Box 352 Sharon Centre Ohio 44274 USA 00 1 330 239 4547

BALLOON WORLD Unit E Parkside Business Park Kirkstead Way Golborne Cheshire WA3 3PY 01942 719888 Fax: 01942 719 988

SAUNDERS DISPLAYS UK LTD Unit 10 Buzzard Creek Industrial Estate River Road Barking Essex IG11 0EL 020 8594 7221 Fax: 020 8594 7216



BALLOONS & GAS DIRECT Unit 6 8 Meadow Road Glasgow G11 6HX 0141 337 3373 Fax: 0141 337 3374


BALLOONS AROUND SCOTLAND 100 Carnegie Road Hillington Ind Est Glasgow G52 4JZ 0141 882 8107 Fax: 0141 882 9925 BALLOONS TO GO 160 Eardley Road Streatham London SW16 5TG 020 8679 7766 Fax: 020 8679 8889


BELBAL UK Broadgate House Church Street Deeping St James Peterborough Lincs PE6 8HD 01778 343 445 Fax: 01778 347 230


BOC LTD The Priestly Centre 10 Priestly Road The Surrey Research Park Guilford Surrey GU2 7XY 01483 244035 DREEMWAY LTD 50 Stockton Road Chorlton Manchester M21 9ED 0161 861 8807 Fax: 0161 881 9289

SG PARTY SUPPLIES LTD Unit 3 The Ickles Sheffield Road Rotherham S Yorkshire S60 1DP 01709 820852 Fax: 01709 830955 TALKING BALLOONS McGregor’s Way, Turnoaks Business Park Chesterfield, Derbyshire S40 2WB 01246 270555 Fax: 01246 270566

P Compound 1 The Enterprise Centre Mill Lane Coppull Chorley Lancashire PR7 5BW 01257 795700 Fax: 01257 795150


VIBORG BALLON A/S Gortlervej 7 DK8800 Viborg DENMARK 00 45 866 21200 WORTHINGTON CYLINDERS Beim Flaschenwerk 1 A-3291 Keinberg bei Gaming AUSTRIA 00 43 7485 606 272 Fax: 00 43 7485 606 694 ZIBI GmbH Kalkdarren 15 D-79713 Bad Sackingen GERMANY 00 49 776 192 4010


Indicates print service offered

FDL LTD (Festive Decoration & Lighting) Holland House 2 Toll Bar Street Stockport Cheshire SK1 3EW 0161 474 7772 FOLKDEAN LTD Unit 2 Lydney Harbour Estate Lydney Glos GL15 4EJ 01594 841545 Fax: 01594 844 577


HOUSE PARTI 20 Mandervell Road Oadby Industrial Estate Oadby Leicestershire LE2 5LQ 0116 271 0100 Fax: 0116 271 0300 OAKTREE UK LTD 66 James Carter Road Industrial Estate Mildenhall Suffolk IP28 7DE 01638 716655 Fax: 01638 711211

Please note that inclusions of any inserts/adverts within Balloonies are paid-for advertisements and therefore members should not consider this action as an endorsement by NABAS of the products or services.

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