Balloonies 172 2012

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172 Issue 3 2012 NABAS The only independent trade association for the party & promotional balloon industry in the UK


There will a FABulous event taking place over the weekend of 2-3 February 2013 at Menzies Hotel & Golf Club in the beautiful historic city of Cambridge. This event is quite simply the “FAB Mega Jam”. This is going to be a truly FABulous networking event for face painters, balloon artists, body painters, henna artists, airbrush artists and anyone else who adds colour to this wonderful world of ours. A chance to get together, learn from each other, take part in workshops and jams and make lots of new friends! We will be holding workshops and demonstrations throughout the weekend and just some of the things we are looking at are: Face Painting * Balloon Twisting * Body Painting * Bump Painting Glitter Tattooing * Airbrushing * Henna There have also been lots of suggestions posted up on our Facebook page of what delegates would like to see. We are also looking for retailers to come on board so that we can let the delegates know who is going to be there and what products and services are available. We are, however, not allowing any crossover of product brands to ensure that each retailer does not have to compete with others in the same room selling the same brand, so be quick & apply for your stand space now. We have deliberately kept costs low for both delegates and retailers, as we want this to be an all access “ FAB Mega Jam”. Detailed information and our online booking form can be found on our Facebook page, FABMegaJam , only a £25 deposit is needed to secure your place and the balance will be due by 31 December 2012, with a no extra charge, monthly payment option. We are also offering discounts to retailers who are can offer a demo or workshop and would welcome talking to you about this. To find out more about the “FAB Mega Jam” and the team behind it, please visit our Facebook page to read all about it. We sincerely hope to be welcoming you to the FAB Mega Jam and look forward to hearing from you. Paula Southern,



Dear Member W h a t an ex c i t in g yea r i t h a s b een u p t o n ow fo r u s a s d e co r a t o r s , a s wel l a s ou r u su al o p p or tu n i t y d ay s l i ke New Yea r, Va l en t in es, E a s ter, M o th er s Day e t c . , we h ave h ad th e a dd ed b en e f i t o f t h e Qu een s Ju b il ee , t h e O ly m p i cs an d t h e Pa r a lym p i c s . O ve r th e yea r s, we a s de c o r a to r s h ave c om e u p a ga in s t m any p rob le m s th at we h ave h ad t o ove rc om e es p e ci a lly in th e e ar ly day s an d ye s we d id overc o m e th e m . N ow we f a ce an o t h er on e , th a t i s c er ta in a re a s w i th i n th e U. K. - N O HE L I U M !! ! ! ! I say cer ta i n a re a s, b e ca u se t h e re a re s t i ll a rea s arou n d th e c o u n tr y th at d o n o t h ave a p ro b lem . Th i s i s w h e re yo u h ave t o t h in k o u tsi d e th e b ox ! T h e re i s n o th in g we d o wi t h h el iu m th a t can n o t b e d on e wi t h a ir, an d wh ile th i s p ro b lem , I a m s u re , i s o n ly t em p or ar y, fo r th o s e o f yo u wh o a re h av in g a p rob le m w i th h e l iu m s u p p l ie s yo u n ee d t o go b a c k t o yo u r b r i de s w h o you h ave b o o ked wedd in g de c o r w i t h a n d s u g ge s t s om e th in g d i f fe ren t fo r th e i r h el i u m f i l le d b o u q u e t s a n d ta b l e c en t re p ie ce s . D o n ' t le ave i t t o t h e la s t m inu t e t o le t th e m kn ow th ere i s a p ro b lem i t c o u l d je o p ard i se yo u r c o n tr a c t with th em. You m ay h ave h el iu m in t i m e , b u t h ave a c on t in ge n cy p l an in p la ce for yo u r b r i de s . I f t h e h e li u m is n o t fo r th c om in g, th ey w i ll t h a n k yo u for i t . John - NABAS Chairman Balloonies No. 172 Issue 3 2012 ŠNABAS - The Balloon Association 2012

NABAS Committee

Published by

Paul Bloomer, Philomena Groome, Veronica Kamerling, John Lee,

NABAS The Balloon Association Ltd Katepwa House, Ashfield Park Avenue, Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire, HR9 5AX 01989 762204 Content Editor: NABAS Front cover: Image courtesy of Matthew Lewis, Matthew Lewis Displays

Steve Marsh, Peter Smith, Paul Widdowson Secretariat

Gill Hinton, Kate Walker, Elizabeth Malcolm, Hilary Pulsford

NABAS MEMBER INTERVIEW: Amanda Powell Business Name: Party From A Box Owner: Amanda Powell Location & area covered: Based in Aust, by the Severn Bridge covering South Gloucestershire and Bristol What was your career path to where you are today?: Planning Manager for Scottish and Newcastle then left to have two children and started Party From A Box when my youngest son started school in 2003. Name something in the balloon industry that you most like: Balloons appeal to both young and old alike and never fail to raise a smile. People instantly think ‘Party’ and know something is happening when they walk into a decorated room. Name something in the balloon industry that you least like: Helium tanks are so big and heavy and I don’t like transporting them, especially up stairs and into venues with limited parking and access. Best thing about your job?: Flexible working hours that fit around other commitments and my children and I’m based from home. What best describes your business?: Balloon decorator? Balloon and costume retailer? Other? Balloon Decorator How did you decide on your business name?: I started off by offering everything for a children's party inside a themed box, hence the name – Party From A Box. Balloons were a small part of it and were the most popular so I made the decision a few years later to specialise in just one thing. How do you decide what products to buy in?: I always have a good stock of popular latex and foil balloons and generally order in what my customers want depending on the theme of the event. I like to ‘show off’ any new designs or creations at Wedding Fayres or Showcase Days I attend at local Hotels. What advertising works for you?: My website is my best selling tool and word of mouth, there is no better feeling than doing balloons for a customers 18th, 21st, then Wedding and then the Christening.

Do you show at Wedding Fairs? Other?: Yes, I regularly attend Showcase Days at one .of my local Hotels, they are having seven this year and I also attend a couple of Wedding Fayres at other local Venues. Does your business vehicle promote you?: Yes Do you have an online presence? : Yes, If you have a website, is it a basic site to inform potential customers of your existence, or do you use it as an online portfolio?: The latter, I try and add new pictures on a regular basis as it’s a great selling tool for potential customers to see my work. Do you feel your website is working for you?: Yes How would you like your business to grow in the next few years?: On a steady basis and to maintain and grow relationships with both current and new Venues and Hotels. How is the ‘credit crunch’ affecting you?: I haven’t noticed any significant drop in Weddings and parties but have in corporate events, I feel balloons are seen as a ‘nice to have’ but not essential for the Event to go ahead. What tip would you offer someone new to the business?: Never be tempted to use cheap balloons and when pricing a job remember to allow for your time, you’re worth it! Enthusiasm about your products and designs really does rub off onto the customer and they are more likely to use you, come back to you and recommend you! How do you relax after a hard day’s work?: A lovely meal, a glass of chilled Sauvignon Blanc in the company of my ever supportive partner and two children. If it’s a Summers evening a bike ride.

AIR FILLED BALLOON DÉCOR - RECIPES Materials 70-75 x 5" Balloons 10 x 11" Balloons 1 x IKEA Uplighter (discard the top part) 1 x 5ml thick MDF 6" square (better if rounded) 1 x 6" Nail Method Inflate the 5" balloons to 3.5 inches, tied into 30 duplets, inflate 15 of them and tie into 15 of the duplets making up 15 lots of 3. Twist these to the other duplets so that you end up with 15 lots of 5 clusters. Inflate 5 of the 11" to 10.5 inches and the other 5 to 7 inches and tie them the same. Take your IKEA base and attach 4 sections of the poles to it. (If you have your own type of base and pole, the amount of 5" you use may vary). Take your piece of MDF and put the 6" nail through the middle of it then wrap cello tape around the end to thicken it until it fits snug into the uplighter tube (or hopefully in your base and pole if it is hollow). Place your 10.5inch cluster at the base followed by your 7inch cluster followed by your 3.5inch clusters making sure that your finished cluster sits flush with the top of your pole. Place your 6" square or round MDF with nail through into the top of the pole and sit your flowers on top, dress the column as required.

AIR FILLED BALLOON DÉCOR - RECIPES Materials 17 x 11" Balloons 17 x 5" Balloons 1 x IKEA uplighter base + 5 sections 1 x Roll of 12" wide Organza Method This is a helium filled display which is so simple to convert to an air filled one. Again using IKEA uplighters. These uplighters are (the last time bought) under a fiver each and I buy 10 at a time. They come in black mostly, but by using OASIS spray paint which can be got from any floral wholesaler which dry's in less than 2 minutes, you can match any colour of balloon you are using. For this display I would use 5 sections of the uplighter poles. As they come with 4 sections and the 5th being the light fitting, I discard the light fitting (I don't but that's another story I will share with you another time) and use one from another uplighter. I take 12 of my 11" balloons inflated to 10.5 inches making 6 duplets, twisting 2 duplets together to make a cluster and then taking the other 4 (one at a time that is) and going through the middle each time and twisting them together to make a Topiary Ball. Fit the Topiary ball to the top of the pole attaching the knotted section (middle of the topiary) to the top of the pole. Form a smaller topiary of the 5" balloons 4" in size and push onto the pole approx. half way down. Take your 5 remaining 11" balloons inflated to 10" and make a 5 balloon Cluster, place on the base, do the same with your remaining 5" balloons. Dress with pieces of Organza. Simples!

AIR FILLED BALLOON DÉCOR - RECIPES Materials 5" balloons 11" Balloons IKEA Uplighter 40 x 260 Balloons 12" roll of Organza Method For this display the amount of round balloons will depend on whether you make your column in clusters of 5 balloons or 4 balloons. Your choice. I prefer using 5 but that's just me. I will explain how to fit the 260's at the top. I use 5 sections of the poles on the uplighter. Start with one cluster of the 11" balloons and finish with the same inflated to 10.5inches. You must have at least 6" of pole sticking out at the top. Take a roll of double sided carpet tape (50ml wide) and put a strip from the base visible to the top, peel the paper off and cut across the top with scissors. Do not cut the paper covering and tape together, its really difficult to separate, always leave more of the paper covering on the roll. Take 4 of the 260's and straighten them as best you can, pushing the knot end tight into the top cluster stick 2 upright opposite each other, then do the same in the gap with 2 others. Take your D/S tape and about 3" up from the top cluster wrap around the 4 upright 260's. Put a slight curl on 9 of your 260's and attach them around your first lot of 260's ( it takes 9 exactly) after this wrap your D/S tape again around your 9 balloons and then curl more tightly round 22 of the remaining 260's again push down to the cluster and attach to the D/S tape. finally wrap it one last time with the D/S tape, this does two jobs, first it ensures that the 260's will not fall off and by using the Organza crushed up and stuck to the tape you will hide the knotted ends of the balloons as well as the tape and it finishes it off nicely. Who needs helium? Next issue, simple but effective Table Centre Pieces


NABAS members have been doing some amazing jobs - just take a look over the following two pages. If you have something that you want to share then do let the NABAS office know - what better way to promote your work to show future clients than an article in your industry association's magazine.

Olympics window display/characters - going down very well with the customers. Created by NABAS Member Jess Reed of Vale Balloons, Evesham, Worcestershire.

NABAS NEW MEMBERS 3249 - Elisabeth Hurley Lovelight Essex CM17 9HJ 01279 445209 3250 - Juliana Brown JB Balloons Enfield EN3 5SP 07900 584 621 3251 - Gemma Nicholls Balloon Gems Swansea SA10 7SB 01639 638559 3252 - Rosetta Ma R&R Wedding Hire Harrow HA2 0JS 07557 524 595 3253 - Sylvette Constable Viida London E5 9PB 07983 310 012 3254 - Nikki Bonner Bon Bons Balloons & CandyTrees Hampshire GU35 9QS 07956 908419 3255 - Emma Jones Balloons By Emma Shrewsbury SY3 8EF 01743 851 495 3256 - John Haldane Blackpool Balloon DĂŠcor Blackpool FY2 0AA 01253 354278

3257 - Amiee Hughes Partylicious-Wrexham Wrexham LL13 8HD 01978 353445 3258 - Michelle Law Charming Celebrations Nottinghamshire NG2 6QE 0115 752 6182 3259 - Steph Dawson The Balloon Room Sheffield S36 2QS 07748 841040 3260 - Ash Gupta Mood 2 Party / D-vine Events Middlesex HA8 7AB 020 3327 0195 3261 - Jade Blackburn Balloons 2 Love Ltd Swansea SA9 1DS 07881 730647 3262 - Lyndsey Mayne Razzle Dazzle Morecambe LA4 6LF 07845 752606 3263 - Georgina Ranger Favours with Love Uxbridge UB10 0SD 07956 887537

3264 - Sonia Smedley Perfect Day Events Dartford DA1 2XG 07957 145692 3265 - Harry Gordon Gordon's Balloons London SE16 5NL 07725 917 905 3266 - Claire Thomasson Pink Giraffe Party Manchester M28 7FH 07779145588 3267 - Aled Thomas Creak 'n' Twist Flintshire CH7 1GL 01352 751484 3268 - Edith Parker Parkers London SE5 8JA 07931 353 737 3269 - Katie Haisman Bubblin Balloons London SE9 6HS 07855 160 663 3270 - Katie Dodd Lovealoons Rugby CV21 2HN 07531 475 399 3271 - Heidi Louise Marie Heidel's Hampshire GU33 7JX 07795158573

NABAS NEW MEMBERS 3272 - Bola Oshodi-Solarin Victory Party Decorations London SE16 3XB 020 7252 5458 3273 - Emma Smith Boutique Balloons Northampton NN4 6DZ 07909 030339 3274 - Sally Wilding Rose Cottage Flowers & Balloons March PE15 8RS 01354 657840 3275 - Jennifer Dodd JD Balloons Ltd Kenilworth CV8 1HN 07972 273128 3276 - Rebecca Birdsall Ye Olde Manor Sweet Shop Northamptonshire NN3 9EX 01604 411 116 3277 - Syreeta Oakes Crafty Balloons Hertfordshire AL7 1NS 01707 325060 3278 - Lucy Clifford Lucy’s Balloons Essex RM17 6PE 07891 732 852

NABAS NEW MEMBERS 3279 - Jennifer Summerfield Special Balloon Decoration Cornwall PL15 9DB 07548 662 039 3280 - Shernette May Hooray Entertainment London SW9 0HP 07984 118 111 3281 - Suzan Maric Sue's Floral Designs Buckinghamshire MK16 8SB 01908 614433 3282 - Suzanne O'Bryne Suzanne O'Bryne Buckinghamshire MK16 8ST 01908 210565 3283 - Deborah Horrocks Perfect Parties Isle of Wight PO30 1SS 01983 539958 3284 - Teniola Olukolu Stunning Balloons London SE6 1UA 07932321688 3285 - Gemma Cordle Perfectly Placed West Midlands B46 1EH 07952 317267

3286 - Tina Mawji Saani Ltd Lancashire BL1 6AJ 01204 689 501 3287 - Adam Salt SAR-Holdings Ltd Scotland KY12 8NJ 0844 357 2484 3288 - Modinat Abimbola Olalere Musteeb Party Celebration London SW9 7EH 07951 559 440 3289 - Janet Ellison Come Rain or Shine Merseyside CH49 0UB 0151 378 9252 3290 - George Oustayiannis GO International (UK) Ltd Hertfordshire SG1 2BD 01438 745746 3291 - Sharon Robson All Wrapped Up Bedfordshire SG15 6TF 07886 569 134 3292 - Faye Ferry Boos Balloons Hertfordshire EN10 6GF 07896 429 183


Paul Pearce CBA & Pam Pearce CBA Balloon School of Balloons & Tunes Tel: 01827 316600 Courses provided: NABAS Level 1; Update Level 1½; NABAS Level 2; Assorted workshops & training days Area Covered: Midlands

John Lee CBA & Jane Lee ANBA International Balloon Academy Tel: 01908 605960 / 07852 204706 Courses Provided: NABAS Level 1; NABAS Level 2; Basics & Beyond; Beyond the Basics; Varied range of Master Classes

Area Covered: Milton Keynes and beyond

Janie Bacon Just Janie Promotions Tel: 0141 883 4259 Courses Provided: NABAS Level 1; NABAS Level 2

Jo Uddin CBA Balloon Training Academy by Inflated Ideas Tel: 07904 178024

Area Covered: Scotland

Yvonne Baynes

Courses Provided: NABAS Level 1; NABAS Level 2

Lodge Cordell Balloonery Tel: 01986 894482

Area Covered: Hertfordshire & throughout UK

Courses Provided: NABAS Level 1; NABAS Level 2; Area Covered: East Anglia

Rita Kyriacou CBA Marguerite's Academy of Balloon Artistry Tel: 01279 639508 Courses Provided: NABAS Level 1; NABAS Level 2; Wedding Workshops Area Covered: Hertfordshire, Essex & the South East

Mitch Gilbert CBA


Philomena Groome CBA School House of Balloons Tel: 07956 226824 Courses Provided: NABAS Level 1; NABAS Level 2; Exploding Balloons; Wedding Workshop Area Covered: Yorkshire & throughout UK

Rainbow Balloons Tel: 01625 585910

Mary George Courses Provided: NABAS Level 1; NABAS Level 2; Advanced level; 260’s Course; Balloon Drops Area Covered: Cheshire, NW England & Nth Wales

Gretna Green Creations Tel: 01709 818636 Courses Provided: NABAS Level 1; NABAS Level 2;

Area Covered: Yorkshire and the North East


Broadgate House, Church Street Deeping St James, Peterborough Lincolnshire PE6 8HD T:01778 343 445 F:01778 347 230


BALANCEBEST LTD 118 Wheldon Road Castleford West Yorkshire WF10 2RT T:01977 510 898 F:01977 514 678




The Priestly Centre, 10 Priestly Road The Surrey Research Park, Guilford Surrey GU2 7XY T:01483 244035

Unit1B. Woodside House, Woodside Park, Catteshall Lane, Godalming, Surrey GU7 1LG T:01483 808121 F:01483 808 141





Unit E Parkside Business Park, Kirkstead Way Golborne, Cheshire WA3 3PY T:01942 719888 F:01942 719 988


BALLOONS AROUND SCOTLAND 100 Carnegie Road, Hillington Ind Est Glasgow G52 4JZ T:0141 882 8107 F:0141 882 9925

BALLOONS TO GO 160 Eardley Road, Streatham London SW16 5TG T:020 8679 7766 F:020 8679 8889





Buck House Sunnyside Road Chesham, Bucks HP5 2AR T:01494 774 376 F:01494 791268


50 Stockton Road, Chorlton Manchester M21 9ED T:0161 861 8807 F:0161 881 9289 (Festive Decoration & Lighting) Holland House , 2 Toll Bar Street Stockport Cheshire SK1 3EW T:0161 474 7772

FOLKDEAN LTD Unit 2 Lydney Harbour Estate, Lydney Gloucestershire GL15 4EJ T:01594 841545 F:01594 844 577


GO INTERNATIONAL (UK) LTD Unit 15, The IO Centre, Arlington Business Park, Whittle Way, Stevenage SG1 2BD T:01438 745746 F:01438 745747

Indicates print service offered

WHOLESALERS, MANUFACTURERS & PRINTERS HOUSE PARTI 20 Mandervell Road, Oadby Industrial Estate, Oadby, Leicestershire LE2 5LQ T:0116 271 0100 F:0116 271 0300

OAKTREE UK LTD 66 James Carter Road Industrial Estate Mildenhall, Suffolk IP28 7DE T:01638 716655 F:01638 711211

PARTY DELIGHTS LTD Unit 4 Tallow Way, Fairhills Road Irlam, Manchester M44 6RJ T:0161 776 1133 F:0161 776 1144

PARTY PLUS 16/42 Canham Road, Acton London W3 7SR T:020 8811 2898

TALKING BALLOONS McGregor’s Way, Turnoaks Business Park Chesterfield, Derbyshire S40 2WB T:01246 270555 F:01246 270566

P Compound 1 The Enterprise Centre, Mill Lane, Chorley, Lancashire PR7 5BW T:01257 795700 F:01257 795150


VIBORG BALLON A/S Gortlervej 7 DK8800 Viborg DENMARK T:00 45 866 21200


Beim Flaschenwerk 1 A-3291 Keinberg bei Gaming AUSTRIA T:00 43 7485 606 272 F:00 43 7485 606 694 PREMIUM BALLOON ACCESSORIES PO Box 352 Sharon Centre, Ohio 44274 USA ZIBI GmbH T: 00 1 330 239 4547 Kalkdarren 15 D-79713 Bad Sackingen GERMANY T:00 49 776 192 4010 SG PARTY SUPPLIES LTD Unit 3 The Ickles, Sheffield Road Rotherham, S Yorkshire S60 1DP T:01709 820852 F:01709 830955 = Indicates print service offered


Please note that inclusions of any inserts/adverts within Balloonies are paidfor advertisements and therefore members should not consider this action as an endorsement by NABAS of the products or services.

Utilising 45 years of experience Saunders displays are delighted to provide you with professional products for the balloon industry. Letters A-Z & Numbers 0-9 available. See our website for full product details, including shipping information & prices

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