Choosing a new dentist can be a real challenge. How do you know who is really a holistic dentist? Here are several things to look out for when choosing...
• They DON’T use mercury containing fillings because mercury is one of the most toxic substances known to man.
• They DON’T remove mercury fillings without protection because inhaled mercury vapors can be easily absorbed by the body.
• They DON’T recommend Root Canals because they harbor bacteria and toxins.
• They DON’T use conventional standards for their cleanings because tap water and chemicals are full of toxic substances.
• They DON’T use fluoride because it has been shown to be a neurotoxin.
• They DON’T use metal in their restorations because many people have metal allergies and sensitivities.
• They DON’T treat sensitive patients without biocompatibility testing because allergic reactions and system reactions can occur which burden the body.
Dr. Glenn Gero, Naturopathic Physician:
“I was seeing a dentist for over 30 years, and when I was invited to try the Holistic Dental Center for the first time, I was so impressed with the office....The best dental experience I have ever had in my life.”
Lisa Mack, Certified Thermographic Technician:
“What I see in my Thermography, I see inflammation in the mouth, how important it is, you see the bacteria draining down into the lymphatic system and from there I always refer patients to the Holistic Dental Center. Why? Because they can test that bacteria to see exactly what it is so from there he can help you. I am also a patient of the Holistic Dental Center and I absolutely love coming here. The one thing that I love about the center is that when you walk in, it’s like you’re family. They are very caring and very loving and when you walk out of here you feel like you’ve been well taken care of....”
Nancy Barrett, Certified Holistic Manual Lymphatic Therapist: “Every health problem begins in the mouth...I am also a patient of the Holistic Dental Center and the reason I go holistic is because I understand that every health problem begins with your mouth...I love the staff, I love also the cleanings that they do here and I am also very aware of the benefits of going holistic...I really highly recommend the Holistic Dental Center and its staff!”
Natural Awakenings is a network of natural lifestyle magazine publishers empowering local communities with knowledge, resources and connections to lead healthier lives on a healthy planet.
To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please contact us at 908-405-1515 or email Joe@NaturalAwakeningsNJ.com Deadline for ads: the 10th of the month.
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Iamsitting at a place of peace and quiet on a crispy, bright, cloud-free Sunday morning enjoying the warm comfort of tranquility. Stillness, quiet and gratitude fills me. Paying attention, self-care and some common sense have rewarded me with a sense of clarity—to feel part of and connected to this snapshot of time. Living in the moment, as they say, is a special feeling.
Publisher Joe Dunne
908-405-1515 • Fax 239-920-5147
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Design & Production Kathy Tarbell
Contributing Writer Jess Spooner
Digital Marketing Kristy Mayer
Joe Dunne, PublisherHow did I get here, I ask myself. How can I feel so connected now when so much of my past life was dysfunctional? Contentment was a word I never had the option to understand. So, how can I now feel so contented, worry-free and empowered? Right now… right here… in this moment?
Naturally, I don’t have all the answers. I wish I could share in detail what happened to reach this point. It’s true that I have spent a lifetime trying to figure out happiness, acceptance and all the good stuff. I have read books, watched YouTube, attended a variety of seminars to understand how contentment is achieved. The education I have sought throughout my life has offered wisdom to be learned, spiritual knowledge to be gathered and contributed much to my own mental practices.
Yes, I have worked for this. Yet, in this moment, it feels like a miracle. Early on in life I found a bottom that was without hope. Then, small miracle after small miracle happened. Events, people and messages of hope appeared. Hope grew into believing and everything changed. I started to understand that my life was my responsibility, that I could achieve what I never thought I could, that contentment was possible if I committed to the practice of believing.
I am nothing special. I am not what you would consider to be a high achiever in the traditional sense. I am no different than anyone else, and that is why I feel gratitude. I am a big believer that every one of us has a talent waiting to be tapped into. Feeling present in the moment is a dream that I encourage everyone to pursue—it is empowering, freeing and so rewarding.
I wish I could live fully in every moment, but I can’t. There is no monastery or cave in the hills, living in silence, for me. I live in New Jersey where there is noise, distraction, along with all the business and personal life experiences. What I can do is stay diligent in my practice, beliefs and needs, to take responsibility for my selfcare. I wish everyone joy in their life, and to believe that you can reach deep and achieve your dreams.
Accounting/Billing Asta Dunne
Asta@NaturalAwakeningsNJ.com 908-405-4040
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With peace, love and laughter, Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul – and sings the tunes without the words – and never stops at all.
~Emily Dickinson
In 2023, an article in Forbes magazine reported, “Red light therapy works by activating your mitochondria, or the powerhouse of the cell… With this boost to the energy center of the cell, the cells can do their jobs—such as healing and growth—more efficiently.” So, what is red light therapy (RLT)?
RLT is an affordable band that is placed to contact the inner wrist where blood vessels come closest to the skin surface. As blood from a major vein and artery flow past and return, they make four key touchpoints with the device stimulating healing for a variety of systems in the body.
At 8:30 p.m. EDT, Blue Skai Healing will offer a Zoom presentation on this amazing health and healing device. Attendance is free, however, registration is limited to 50 people, so reserve your spot today by emailing: blueskaihealing@gmail.com or calling/texting 973-493-3139.
For more information, visit TapLink.cc/blueskaihealing. See ad, page 27.
Join us for an outstanding Virtual Open House presentation on how it’s possible to reverse chronic disease and get off meds. Dr. Ron Weiss explains the Ethos difference and how a therapeutic lifestyle intervention can make you well. The Open House will be held from 7 to 8 p.m. on October 24. Come with questions as this is an interactive discussion with Dr. Weiss. To register, visit https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/ijJRnxw/Openhouse.
For more information, contact 908-867-0060, patientcare@ethosprimarycare.com or visit EthosPrimaryCare.com. See ad, page 11.
KnoWEwell and Natural Awakenings magazine will host a free, advanced screening of Memories for Life: Reversing Alzheimer’s, a documentary-style film that follows the journeys of six Alzheimer’s patients that refuse to accept their prognosis and are instead turning to a new, clinically proven method to help reverse the hands of time and retain their memories. This innovative approach, called the ReCODE (Reverse Cognitive Decline) Protocol, was invented by top neurologist Dr. Dale Bredesen.
Narrated by Grammy Award-winner Michael Bublé and directed by Hideyuki Tokigawa, the film will be live-streamed on KnoWEwell’s Regenerative Whole Health Hub at 8 p.m. ET (5 p.m. PT), on October 14. As an added bonus, Bredesen, New York Times’ bestselling author of The End of Alzheimer’s, will participate in a live, post-screening Q&A session.
This is a rare opportunity to view the film at no charge prior to its formal release and to interact with the creator of this exciting new Alzheimer’s protocol.
For more information or to register, visit Tinyurl.com/memoriesforlife. See ad, page 24.
OnNovember 12, The Wellness
Gala will proudly present A Day Like Never Before from 12:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the Sheraton Hotel in Parsippany. This event features a panel of world-renowned intuitives and healers that will share insights on pertinent topics including matters of the heart, career choices, spiritual growth, or communicating with a loved one who has passed. Panelists will also open up to the audience for Q&A, providing prophetic messages and guidance. The day also includes healing sessions, mini-workshops, wine tasting, food, silent auction and unique vendors. In addition, Mas Sajady joins us as a Keynote Speaker, and there will be a VIP exclusive meet and greet with panel and celebrity guest, Concetta Bertoldi, a NYTimes best-selling author and world-famous psychic medium.
Location: 199 Smith Rd., Parsippany-Troy Hills. For tickets and information, visit WellnessGala.com/events. See ad, page 15.
Underground Farms (UF) provides a connection with consumers to ultra-local livestock farmers that raise animals responsibly and are not a part of the industrial food industry, and deliver traceable meat, poultry and eggs to customers’ homes.
“As family livestock farmers ourselves, in New Jersey, we found ourselves confronting an industry that lacks disclosure and pushes prices below intrinsic value so that responsible competitors can’t succeed. And, we noticed that plenty of farmers who raised animals the right way – i.e., not cutting corners to streamline p&l and achieve massive scale — were struggling to stay in business,” shares owner Bill Spoor. “Our farmers do not use toxic inputs; they leave ample space for the animals to live and do not rush their growth. Each aspect of UF is run in an environmentally responsible way. We focus on minimizing waste, treating the animals well, and delivering food that is healthy and discernibly different from industrialized food.”
UF gathers information about how independent farmers source, raise and harvest their animals, and provide it to folks who care about humanely-raised local sources of meat, poultry and eggs.
Located in Harding, NJ. For product list and ordering, visit UndergroundFarms.com. See ad, page 10.
Everyone feels stress occasionally. It manifests itself in many ways but we all know it when we feel it. Given all the culturally-induced stress factors in our lives (pressures to succeed, make money, lose weight, be good looking, do more, buy more), it’s no wonder so many of us are stressed out. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, as much as 90% of all illness and disease is stress-related, and the presence of stress will make any illness worse. High stress levels are linked to heart disease, heart attacks, strokes, and suicides. Stress contributes to substance abuse, depression, absenteeism, poor concentration, and decreased productivity.
Not all stress is bad, however. A certain amount can be beneficial, motivating us in healthy ways to perform quickly and competently, build our confidence, and produce creative solutions to problems.
Hypnosis can help us recognize the internal and external sources of our stress, and identify what can change. Additionally, it can be used to help develop coping mechanisms so that when stressful situations arise, we are equipped to face them in appropriately. At Hypnosic Counseling Center, we will work with you to design a stress-reduction plan that is unique to you, recognizing and avoiding old patterns of response. Through using the tools of hypnosis, a freer, more enjoyable life, and healthier existence is possible.
Locations in Flemington, Livingston and Princeton. For information call 908-303-7767 and visit HypnosisCounselingCenter.com. See ad, page 9.
• This food is not a part of the industrialized food system
• All our products are raised 5-65 miles from your home
• Our farmers raise a small number of animals, use healthy inputs and their practices are sustainable
• With your first order we will bring you one dozen eggs for free when you email info@undergroundfarms.com
Taurine, one of the most abundant amino acids in the body, is vital for health of the eyes, muscles, brain and heart. Research has found that taurine levels decrease with age. In a study published in the journal Science, researchers found that taurine supplementation improved the lifespan and healthspan of middle-aged mice.
The scientists noticed improvements in bone, muscle, pancreas, brain, fat, gut and immune function. The median life span of taurine-treated mice increased by 10 to 12 percent, and life expectancy at 28 months increased by about 18 to 25 percent. Similar effects were observed in monkeys and cellular worms. The researchers also found a link between lower circulating taurine levels and higher risk for Type 2 diabetes, obesity and hypertension.
The researchers speculate that taurine’s anti-aging and disease-preventing benefits could be due to its effects on reducing cellular death, inflammation, DNA damage, mitochondrial dysfunction and other hallmarks of aging. They also found that exercise increased concentrations of taurine metabolite levels in the blood.
109 Main St., Suite 1B, Succasunna, NJ 201-738-8311 • CathyLudwig.com
While more research is needed on taurine supplementation, dietary sources can be prioritized. Shellfish (scallops, clams and mussels) are the best dietary source of taurine, followed by lamb, beef, pork and chicken.
New methods for cultivating healthy hair growth have been gaining traction amongst young people on social media platforms, including hair tapping, a technique popularized in Korean and Japanese hair spas. According to haircare experts, hair tapping is similar to a scalp massage and involves gentle drumming movements along the scalp with the fingers. Hair-tapping techniques draw from acupuncture, the practice of releasing energy by accessing certain landmarks in the body.
Like other kinds of scalp massages, hair tapping may relieve scalp tension, stimulate blood flow and improve lymphatic drainage. A Japanese study found that four-minute daily scalp massages over a 24-week period increased hair thickness by changing the expression of human dermal papilla cells in tissue under the skin. And a 2019 self-assessment survey found scalp massages improved hair growth for individuals with hair loss.
For years, we have seen a growing appreciation in contemporary culture for Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and the complementary role it can play within Western medicine. Based upon thousands of years of observation, this natural healing approach can be valuable not just for humans, but also for animal companions.
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM) includes the use of food therapy, acupuncture, Chinese herbs and tui-na massage to maintain health and treat disease. Some pets with chronic arthritic pain, inflammatory bowel disease, nerve damage, epilepsy, cancer and other long-term ailments may not respond well to conventional treatments, or the side effects of Western medicine may cause even more problems. That is when TCVM can intercede to provide relief.
There are a few basic principles governing TCVM. Qi is the life force that flows freely when a pet is healthy and may be blocked or weak when a pet becomes ill. Yin-and-yang refers to the interplay between natural dualities—such as light and dark or hot and cold—and the need to maintain a balance between these opposing properties. There are five elements—wood, fire, earth, metal and water—which also need to be in balance for optimal health. During an examination, a TCM vet will determine what is out of balance and develop a customized treatment plan.
Dr. Ruth Roberts, an integrative veterinarian and pet health coach, applies TCM principles when designing a whole-foods diet to optimize pet well-being and support healthy longevity. “Under TCM principles, foods have warming, cooling or neutral properties when they interact with a pet’ s natural energy, and the goal is to find a balance,” she explains. “Many pet ailments may stem from or be related to imbalances within the body, as well as environmental
factors, all of which underscore the need for the proper nutritional balance.”
According to Roberts, in a hot climate, a pet might need cooling foods, such as turkey, fish, banana, celery, kelp, spinach, broccoli, cabbage, cucumber and melon. In colder temperatures, warming foods such as mutton, deer, chicken, ginger, squash and pumpkin are advisable. When designing a balancing diet, neutral foods may be needed, including pork, bison, salmon, tuna, carrots, green beans, peas, olive oil and shiitake mushrooms.
Veterinary acupuncture is becoming increasingly popular to relieve pain or treat ailments, including allergies, seizures, reproductive problems and liver and kidney disease. The procedure involves the insertion of very thin needles into specific points on the body, thereby stimulating nerve endings, which then conduct impulses to the brain and spinal cord. It is best to consult an experienced, licensed acupuncturist or TCVM specialist that specifically treats pets.
In a 2017 study published in the Canadian Veterinary Journal, researchers found, “Acupuncture alone or in combination with analgesics reduced pain and improved quality of life in dogs with neurological and musculoskeletal diseases. Dogs with musculoskeletal disorders had a better improvement in chronic pain and locomotion than those with neurological disorders.”
TCVM uses a number of herbs, roots, mushrooms, bark and other plant-based ingredients to help pets with immune dysfunction, gastrointestinal issues, skin conditions, liver and kidney disease and other long-term, chronic conditions. When it comes to more serious pet health issues, such as osteosarcoma (bone cancer), Roberts suggests the strategic use of full-spectrum hemp extract (CBD), cannabis oil (THC) and medicinal mushrooms. Dosages will differ for each individual pet. It is best to consult an integrative veterinarian or pet nutritionist.
“In several documented cases, a combination of homeopathy, TCM, medicinal mushrooms and CBD-THC solutions
working together synergistically with a healing diet have helped dogs outlive their bone cancer diagnosis without harmful side effects, stressful procedures or complicated vet visits, all at a dramatically reduced cost,” Roberts says. “As they say, ‘An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,’ especially where our beloved animal family members are concerned.”
Also under the TCVM umbrella, tui-na massage uses kneading, pressing and rolling techniques to improve a pet’s health and balance. Among the conditions that respond well to this type of massage are arthritis, muscle tension and soreness, stress and anxiety, joint paint and mobility issues. The technique focuses on stimulating acupuncture points and energy pathways, or meridians, that promote the smooth flow of qi throughout the body. This treatment can be used in conjunction with complementary therapies to enhance results.
“I strongly believe Traditional Chinese Medicine is good medicine. Western medicine is great medicine. However, the best medicine is an integration of both because each of them has their own strengths and weaknesses,” says Dr. Huisheng Xie, DVM, Ph.D., a clinical professor of integrative medicine at the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine, in Gainesville. According to Xie, TCVM is weak in diagnosis because it does not have sophisticated diagnostic technology. Western medicine’s weakness is the large amount of side effects associated with conventional drugs. “That’s why the best medicine is to integrate both to avoid the weaknesses and take advantage of the strengths of each,” he says.
Kiki Powers is a health writer, blogger and national speaker specializing in plant-based nutrition and healthy green living. Learn more at RawKiki.com.
Sunday November 12th
Plus, all-day mini-workshops, demos and healing sessions with experts in the fields of health, beauty and wellness. Massage, intuitive readings, unique vendors, wine tasting, light bites, silent auction, & more!
A study published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters shows that the pumping of groundwater impacts the tilt of Earth’s rotation and further exacerbates climate change. The study reports that in less than two decades, Earth has tilted 31.5 inches because of pumping groundwater, equating to about a quarter of an inch of sea level rise.
Previous research from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration in 2016 demonstrates that because the Earth moves on a rotational pole, the distribution of water on the planet impacts the distribution of mass. In other words, the Earth spins a little differently as water is moved around due to pumping, ultimately impacting its tilt. Researchers believe this shift could have serious consequences in the long term—from changes in climate patterns to more frequent seismic activity if Earth’s core moves as a result.
Human activities, such as irrigation, water consumption and global droughts have led to a considerable amount of groundwater pumping in the last few decades, with the water eventually relocating to the oceans. Conservationists are using this data to understand how to rethink water usage and work toward preventing continued sea level rise and other climate issues.
In a landmark climate case in Montana, a group of young people has emerged victorious. The judge ruled in Held v. Montana that the state’s failure to consider climate change when approving fossil fuel projects was unconstitutional, thereby placing the burden on state agencies to take action to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions.
This decision marks a significant win in the fight against government support for oil, gas and coal, which have contributed to global warming. The ruling means that Montana must now take climate change into account when deciding whether to approve or renew fossil fuel projects. The state attorney general’s office intends to appeal the decision.
This case is part of a larger wave of climate-change litigation that targets companies and governments around the world. Other states and cities have sued major companies seeking damages from climate disasters, while individuals have sued governments for enabling the fossil fuel industry and failing to protect citizens. The case, which was the first of its kind to go to trial in the U.S., sets an important precedent for similar cases in other states and may have reverberations around the world.
Ar tificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the education sector, bringing unprecedented opportunities for personalized learning experiences and teaching assistance. AI can help teachers identify gaps in students’ understanding, enabling a swift, tailored response. AI tools can also be used as study aids, reinforcing classroom concepts and driving student engagement.
Two organizations—California-based online educator Khan Academy and Seattle-based computer science education nonprofit Code.org— have joined forces to create a free, five-part AI training series for teachers. Code.org also offers two instructional videos for teachers, students and the public.
Despite the potential for AI in the classroom, teachers’ contributions remain crucial as facilitators of technology tools to foster enriched learning environments. Teachers can also identify if students are leveraging AI assistance, such as ChatGPT, helping ensure the ethical usage of these tools. Khan Academy, Code.org and others are providing teachers and administrators with the tools they will need to keep pace with emerging technology.
Magpies and crows in Scotland, Holland and Belgium are using metal spikes—originally intended to deter bird perching—to build their nests. The spikes appear to provide several nesting benefits, such as structural support, protection against predators and even as a signal of mate quality.
According to researcher Auke-Florian Hiemstra from the Naturalis Biodiversity Center and Leiden University, in the Netherlands, the metal spikes seem to provide a similar function to more natural materials, such as thorns. However, manmade materials in nests can be dangerous. For example, metal may get cold at night and harm chicks, or the spikes can collect materials that can be harmful to the birds.
This is not the first documentation of birds using harsh, manmade materials for nesting. The first account of a crow’s nest made of barbed wire dates back to 1933, and more modern examples include the use of nails, screws and syringes.
Who wouldn’t give a thumbs up to a warm seaside vacation? So, why not make it a “smart” vacation with long-term benefits for overall physical health, weight loss, improved mental attitude and environmental support at the Balance For Life Health Retreat in the Wyndham Hotel in Deerfield Beach, Florida?
The Balance For Life (BFL) mission is that every life should be filled with vibrant physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health and a sense of purpose—and teaches the practical tools to attain them in an all-inclusive program focusing on nutrition, fitness, mindfulness and natural treatments. BFL offers a variety of options with specialized programs in juicing, water-only fasting and a SOS-free (no added salt, oil or sugar) plant-based menu for optimal health.
Terry MichaelAccording to Reservations and Information Director Terry Michael, guests overwhelmingly take advantage of this holistic opportunity to de-stress, detoxify and reboot following this gold standard program of plant-exclusive whole food nutrition. “Our remarkable, life-changing program helps guests reduce dependence on medications and processed foods, in addition to experiencing tai chi, yoga and aqua exercises, along with daily health education and recipe/shopping/meal planning workshops from expert physicians, nutritionists and exercise specialists. The overriding goal is to help the guests insure and promote success at home,” she explains.
Harold Lebovic, founder, was involved in health spas in Florida and the Midwest during the 80s and 90s, and personally benefited by losing weight and maintaining a healthier lifestyle after he found himself a member of the obesity epidemic and threatened with acquired chronic diseases. It was that personal journey that motivated him to create Balance for Life in Florida and offer a comprehensive all-inclusive lifestyle program with health director Dr. Frank Sabatino, who brings four decades of research and expertise in health and wellness spa environments. He personally supervises the vegan whole food plant program, as well as the juice cleansing and water-only fasting programs.
In recent years, the medical community has been investigating
more holistic and functional healing options in addition to traditional medicine. Balance for Life clients are people from all different walks of life including educated clinicians, nurses, teachers and moms and daughters who want an ocean front, nurturing sanctuary to start a healthier lifestyle with like-minded people in an intimate group setting.
According to Lebovic, they are not looking for magic potions or lotions, but want to unplug and experience the beginning of a genuine, livable lifestyle. “After the one- or two-week programs, with a daily routine of health education, beach walks, yoga and aqua/fitness exercises classes and a smorgasbord of plant based meals (which our clients always are amazed at feeling full and satisfied at the end of the day), clients go home rejuvenated, with tips on continuing a successful transition to their home environment minimizing the temptations in their ‘real’ world. They get recipes, tips on using equipment like air fryers and instant-pot meal prep and inspiration that comes from how much better they feel after letting the body heal naturally—even after a short period.
“We encourage our clients to take it a day at a time, with small, consistent changes in every aspect of their day-to-day lifestyles. These small consistent steps yield big results as the guests develop healthy routines and make lifelong friends that they often keep in touch with. And many typically come back as repeat guests for a weekend or longer to reset and take their experience to the next level,” Dr. Sabatino confirms.
While the program isn’t a one-size-fits-all, if you are interested in personally learning the basic steps toward a healthier lifestyle while supporting the ethical treatment of animals and caring for the environment, call the reservation line and consult with experts about the value of an all-inclusive retreat at the oceanfront Balance For Life program in Deerfield Beach, Florida.
Philip Smith is the editor-in-chief of Life Extension magazine. For more information about Balance For Life retreats, call 800-663-929 or visit BalanceForLife.com. See ads on pages 31 and 37.
October 9 is Indigenous Peoples’ Day. Its origin traces back to 1977, during the United Nations International Conference on Discrimination Against Indigenous Populations in the Americas, but it was not proclaimed an official U.S. holiday until 2021. During this national holiday, we celebrate the invaluable contributions and resilience of Indigenous peoples, recognize their inherent sovereignty and commit to our treaty obligations with tribal nations. The federal government recognizes 574 American Indian tribes and Alaska Native entities in the U.S. According to the United Nations, there are more than 476 million Indigenous peoples living in 90 countries worldwide, accounting for 6.2 percent of the global population.
Here are a few ways to celebrate.
HONOR THE LAND. Visit Native Land Digital (native-land.ca) to learn the location and history of lands inhabited by Indigenous peoples around the world. The website, which includes an interactive map, identifies territories, languages and treaties.
LEARN THE HISTORY. Winner of the 2015 American Book Award, An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States by
Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz offers a compelling history of the United States told from the perspective of Indigenous peoples.
CONNECT WITH NATURE. Indigenous peoples are exemplary stewards of the land that they inhabit, and we can take their lead by spending time in nature, acknowledging our dependence on the land and becoming good stewards of the local ecosystem.
BUILD A GARDEN. There is much to learn from Indigenous gardening techniques. Companion planting, for example, is the idea that certain plants grown together improve each other’s health and yield. Choose native plants as much as possible to support the local ecosystem. Grow healing herbs and flowers. At the end of a season, save the seeds of plants that thrived for future use.
SUPPORT INDIGENOUS BUSINESSES. On this day and every day, consider supporting Indigenous businesses for handmade jewelry and clothing, body-care products, home decor and artwork.
VISIT A MUSEUM. The National Museum of the American Indian is part of the Smithsonian Institution, with locations in Washington, D.C., New York City and Suitland, Maryland. It curates one of the world’s largest collections of native artifacts.
TAKE UP STORYTELLING. Historically, Indigenous peoples have used storytelling to educate, inform, entertain and preserve their distinct legacy for future generations. Gather with friends and family to learn about and practice this life-affirming art.
EXPLORE INDIGENOUS ART FORMS. From traditional masks that narrate origin stories to handmade jewelry, crafts and dreamcatchers that memorialize healing dreams, there are so many wonderful art projects that we can appreciate and learn.
Kiki Powers is a health writer, blogger and national speaker specializing in plant-based nutrition and healthy green living. Learn more at RawKiki.com.
With time-tested wisdom and natural roots, traditional and Indigenous medicine has been an integral resource for centuries in communities around the world. According to the World Health Organization, 88 percent of all countries are estimated to use traditional medicine, such as herbal remedies, acupuncture and shamanism. The contribution of these practices is increasingly being recognized by Western medicine, especially in collaboration with integrative, holistic and regenerative medicine. The pandemic prompted renewed interest in traditional treatments, and incorporating them into wellness and healing modalities is easier and more valuable than ever.
Herbalist and spiritual coach Lucretia VanDyke integrates rituals, plant-spirit meditation, holistic food and ancestor reverence into her practice. An expert on Southern folk healing, VanDyke notes in her book, African American Herbalism, that Indigenous practices were never lost, but people had to go underground for fear of persecution.
“Herbal and sacred ceremonial practices of enslaved people of African descent were highly regulated or banned by the United States government in an effort to control the people most affected by colonization,” she explains. “In the mid-18th century, Virginia and South Carolina made it a capital offense to practice herbalism, resulting in harsh punishment or even execution if found guilty. Additionally, in 1883, the U.S. Department of Interior came up with the Code of Indian Offenses, which implemented laws that applied only to Native people until 1978. They were punished for dances and feasts by imprisonment or withholding food rations for up to 30 days.”
Noting a resurgence of these once-forbidden practices, VanDyke adds, “Today, I see people trying to branch out on their spiritual journey and seeking sources outside their Christian upbringing to answer questions within themselves with practices like herbalism and African traditional religion coming more into the mainstream.”
Linda M. Conroy, MSS, MLSP, is an educator, herbalist and community organizer who dedicates her life to connecting with the green world. She is the founder of two annual gatherings: the Midwest Women’s Herbal Conference and the Mycelium Mysteries Women’s Mushroom Conference. She also provides herbal education, workshops and individual consultations through her Wisconsin-based business, Moonwise Herbs.
“Herbalism is a practice where people connect and work with plants for healing and nourishment,” she says. “Plants, herbs and mushrooms have been around long before we have and provide an innate connection to the earth. Everyone has ancestors that grew and foraged for their own food, and we remember that in our being. It’s a different experience from buying a plant or pill from the store shelf.”
Misconceptions about herbalism are common in America, Conroy asserts. “In other countries such as Cuba, Germany and China, conventionally trained physicians still learn about more than 50 herbs in their training, but the United States all but abandoned
herbalism after the development of antibiotics and pharmaceuticals,” she explains. “The pandemic has helped spawn a resurgence of interest, with people increasingly disappointed by Western medicine and turning to herbs for respiratory support, stress management and other conditions.”
Conroy stresses that working with herbs is both an art and a science. Learning their unique properties is key. “In order to be truly effective, it’s imperative that people know how to properly choose and use the correct herb for each situation. This includes being mindful of the dosage, method of delivery and sourcing. Herbs are much safer than most things out there, and with the right assessment skills, they can be truly transformative,” she says.
Another recommendation is to establish a wellness routine that incorporates herbs as maintenance to remind the body of their healing value. “Herbs are not drugs but can work in synergy with them. Many common ingredients can be used every day, such as a stinging nettle infusion to nourish the kidneys and lungs, and oats to fortify the nervous system,” Conroy says. “Acquiring our herbs and foods from local sources also strengthens our connection to the plants. Most things we need, such as garlic, cabbage, eggs and raw honey, we can find in our own garden, from neighbors or at a farmers market.”
Billie Topa Tate’, a member of the Mescalero Apache tribe, is founder of MSI Wellness, in Evanston, Illinois, and author of the upcoming book, Spirit Guide Invocations: Seeking Wisdom from
Sacred Helpers. Dedicated to creating a sacred space one person at a time through her Indigenous teachings, she is a mentor, teacher and healer. Her work has been shared by several universities and publications.
Although Indigenous healing practices do not have scientific studies to support their efficacy, they do have the observational and traditional support of her people, Topa Tate’ says. “The Apache learned medicinal properties from the plants and honored the position of being stewards of the land,” she asserts. “We learned from our virtuous elders that plants provide us with medicine and food, as well as spiritual qualities, such as smudging, essential oils and incense, which help to cleanse the body, mind and spirit.”
According to Topa Tate’, a shamanic journey is a visit to the energy world and can lead someone to insightful wisdom regarding their life’s purpose. “The spirit world provides a release of the thoughts that limit us and brings us into a realm where we can be guided by higher thought,” she explains. “Visiting the spirit world with proper guidance allows us to access the worlds of healing, wisdom, angels, the past, the future and even the symbolic energies of our present lives through our mind. Another way to find this release is to understand that words are energy carriers and can provide our mind, body and spirit with a source of enlightenment. We do this through our drumming songs and ceremonies, but also by becoming more aware and harnessing the power of words as medicine in everyday actions.”
Energy work can help us reconnect with that part of ourselves that facilitates healing, says Topa Tate’. “I recommend beginning the day with a five-minute morning ceremony that gives thanks to the creator for a beautiful day and invokes our helpers to offer assistance with particular projects. As a healer, it is important to teach people how to manage their stress with more productive platforms, such as meditation, nature walks and seeking out their life’s purpose. There is a misconception that only Native people can do this energy work, but we are all one family and can learn how to integrate the natural wellness that the Native people have used for centuries,” she explains.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is based on the philosophy, experiments and experiences indigenous to Chinese culture. It has been practiced for more than 2,500 years and is used for health maintenance as well as the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of physical and mental illness. According to Dr. Heming Zhu, NCCAOM, a board-certified acupuncturist and Chinese herbalist, author, educator, scientist and founder of Harmony Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, in Maryland, the basis of TCM lies in the belief that the human body is a holistic system deeply connected to the universe.
“TCM is influenced by the flow of vital energy called qi. To restore the balance of qi and gain the harmony of life’s paired aspects known as yin and yang, TCM practitioners use various techniques, including acupuncture, moxibustion [burning herbs at acupressure points], herbal medicine, massage, qigong and dietary therapy,” Zhu explains.
Zhu says that TCM modalities fit into either a physical therapy or chemical therapy category and can be introduced for regular maintenance. “Acupuncture is commonly used for addressing fatigue, stress,
pain, gastrointestinal issues, arthritis and improving overall well-being. Cupping is beneficial for relieving stress and muscle soreness. Tui-na, a form of therapeutic massage, is used for musculoskeletal disorders, digestive issues, pain and more. Gua sha helps manage stress and alleviate muscle tension and pain. Moxibustion can boost energy, improve digestion and address cold-related ailments. Qigong and tai chi are gentle, mind-body exercises that reduce stress and promote relaxation and overall mental well-being. Chemical therapy includes herbal medicine and dietary therapy to emphasize the connection between food and health,” he says.
TCM can be incorporated into an established wellness routine, and Zhu offers a few guidelines to ensure the best results. “People should seek education on the basic principles of TCM and be intentional not to judge it by Western medicine standards. They should find a licensed and experienced TCM practitioner and keep an open mind in initial consultations. Simple TCM practices, such as mindful breathing, gentle stretching or drinking herbal teas, can be incorporated into a daily wellness routine,
and lifestyle changes, such as sleep routines and stress management, are part of the healing process,” Zhu says.
“There are multiple factors to illness, but often our emotions and trauma, either intergenerational or personal, are at the core,” VanDyke says. “Creating ceremonies based on the old ways gives you the strength to show up for yourself and makes it a little easier to move through the experience. Grief is a multilayer process, and it takes a holistic approach to co-create a path to a new normal. Our emotions are like invisible chains that bind us in a trauma loop, and having support for that is important. Nurturing the spirit is one thing that Western medicine does not talk about. I find that laughter, joy, pleasure and feeding the child-like spirit in us helps with this when life gets heavy. Ask yourself how you prioritize joy, and create your own rituals that center traditions while honoring your true self.”
treasures that I have found—the bits, pieces and even words on paper—and make them into art.”
Cesar Aguilera, art curator at the Sidney & Berne Davis Art Center, in Fort Myers, Florida, makes art to create consciousness about what humans use and consume. “My personal artwork and the exhibitions I design encourage others to reconsider how much we throw away,” he says. “There is not another species on Earth that creates the amount of waste that does not naturally decompose. All that we create has an impact.”
It takes a special kind of artist to create a work of art out of discarded items. These imaginative, multimedia visionaries see beauty and purpose in the most mundane materials, including paper, computer parts, bits of plastic, leftover fabrics, used tires and random game pieces. Their thought-provoking, surprising works reduce waste that would otherwise populate landfills and prove that trash can indeed become treasure.
Motivated by a desire to educate and inspire, many upcycle artists often interweave a message of environmental consciousness into their artwork, thus spreading awareness about issues or making social commentary. Plastics found along the beach may become a collage
of a thriving sea turtle, for example. Old rusty metal parts may be transformed into a steampunk clock face or a modern hanging sculpture that spins in the wind.
Artist and interior designer Noelle Turco, of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, comes from a legacy of artists that found ways to be creative with things that were left behind. “Repurposed and upcycled art is inventive and gives a second or third life to everything from packing materials and wood to bottle caps and string,” she explains.
“It’s one of my favorite things to do and challenges me mentally because it makes me think about how I am going to take the
Jen Hardwick, a mixed-media artist who resides in Longview, Washington, loves working with vintage game pieces, toys, wood and metal. “When I moved to Seattle in the late 80s, I started going to markets, junk stores and donation centers, and I would collect all these little ‘treasures’. A lot of these materials would end up in a landfill, so I hope that by using them in my art pieces, it’s helping the environment in a small way.”
Artist Gracie Berry, who also lives in Lancaster, loves the challenge and inspiration that creating upcycled and repurposed art brings. “It allows me to use my creativity to rename things from my perspective,” she explains. “While each of my creations has their own stories and set of rules, a common message is that my art is purposeful and needs to be here.”
Aguilera, Berry, Hardwick and Turco concur that when making repurposed art, the creative process unfolds in a messy, nonlinear way. Sometimes they begin with an
idea in mind, but inspiration occurs while working with the pieces, so the work often takes a different direction. Canvas, wood, metal and fabric become foundations for intricate layers of found items placed, sewn and nestled into nooks and crannies, like puzzle pieces fitting oddly together.
“Materials seem to find me way before I ever go looking for them,” Berry shares. “Sometimes the material itself gives me inspiration for my next piece. It’s magical the way it all unfolds. I welcome challenges when it comes to learning techniques that work for specific projects. It’s exciting to find solutions through trial and error, cementing techniques that can be used again.”
Aguilera makes art from discarded computer parts, fabric and furniture. “Technology consumes precious resources but gets discarded as newer inventions become the focus,” he explains. “Showcasing the interior workings of a computer draws attention
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to hidden beauty. A fresh coat of paint or a design remodel breathes new life into a piece of furniture or clothing.”
“For those just starting out, simple projects can be created using magazines, cardboard, yarn and glue,” explains Turco. “Visit secondhand and thrift shops. Often, these stores are nonprofits, so by shopping there, we are not only keeping stuff out of landfills, but also supporting our local communities.”
“Choose materials that inspire you. Pieces can be as simple or detailed as you want them to be, but most importantly, have fun,” enthuses Hardwick. “I love all the things I collect individually, but putting them together to create a robot or a bug or an animal opens up a whole new world for me.”
Look for beauty in unexpected places. Berry suggests that repurposing upcycled objects is not only more sustainable for the planet, it also allows creativity to be accessed anywhere. “When we think outside the box, we can create change through art,” believes Aguilera.
Once a Cus tomer Always a Cus tomer. Education is our to p priorit y.
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Sophie Haruna Klimcak is the co-founder and program director of Wild Awake, a nonprofit in San Francisco. Drawing from her Japanese and Eastern European roots, she designs immersive, nature-based learning experiences that nurture deep caring for people and the planet. Klimcak holds a master’s degree in education from the Harvard University Graduate School of Education and bachelor’s degrees in philosophy, neuroscience and psychology from Washington University, in St. Louis.
Whether in an after-school setting with children or an outdoor adventure among adults, she and her team of naturalists, artists and healing practitioners invite people to mindfully gaze at the stars, invigorate the senses with ocean sound-baths, experience healing and community in a song circle, build empathy and connection through storytelling, and express creativity by painting with botanical pigments.
In the summer of 2020, my co-founder Shasha Du and I took a weeklong trip to Joshua Tree National Park. Every night we experienced this feeling of awe and wonder and reverence as we stared up at this stunning night-sky portal of infinite space and blazing stars. On the last night, we brought binoculars and stayed up to see the comet NEOWISE. At 4 a.m., it ap-
peared on the horizon—this icy rock moving toward the sun and releasing all these gases behind it in a glorious paintbrush streak—and we literally screamed and held each other because we had never seen anything like that before. As educators, we decided that we wanted to keep those feelings alive in our hearts, and design for awe and wonder in learning.
You don’t have to travel to places like Joshua Tree or see a comet to experience wonder and awe. With the right amount of mindfulness and attention, everything is worthy of such appreciation—our backyards, our houses, everything. Feeling a sense of wonder requires us to take time to appreciate the textures of something in its entirety and realize where it might have been sourced from and how it’s supporting us and we’re supporting it—remembering that we’re interconnected. We offer local experiences to help people see that magic exists where they live.
Learning is super-creative, constructive, collaborative and social. The best kind of learning is when you’re following a thread of your own intuition and asking questions that are joyful for you. They’re not questions someone told you to ask. You’re building your own worlds by a process of inquiry. I think wakefulness comes from bringing that attention to whatever it is that you want to go deeper into.
One of our most experiential offerings was a wildflower therapy workshop, which brought people in community to see the superblooms in the Bay Area. To make this a wonder-based experience, I created this little booklet for a mindfulness walk, inviting folks to choose one flower to develop a relationship with over the course of an hour and a half.
The booklet had multisensory prompts to deepen that relationship, and I asked them to record a conversation with their flower. When do people stare at a flower that long, right? But it does wonders, helping you move a little bit slower in the world.
The next time they walk by flowers, they’ll notice them in a different way because they took intentional time to devel-
op a relationship to local flora and to their own joy and wonder. Little steps like these can be radical in developing a love for what we may lose if we don’t protect and care for this world.
Living in San Francisco with the bay surrounding us, we are always in a relationship with the ocean. It cools the planet, making it livable for us; it’s an amazing place to play and enjoy water sports; and it nourishes us through seafood. So, we designed a program that takes folks out to forage for seaweed.
It’s not about filling our buckets with as much seaweed as possible, but rather bringing mindfulness to the experience. We marvel at the diversity of seaweed; you can see dozens of different kinds along our shoreline. People are curious about what makes seaweed a certain color or how it nourishes us. We learn how to harvest seaweed from rock in a way that it can regenerate and grow more seaweed. We make an offering to the ocean, saying, “Thank you,” remembering our mutual reciprocity.
One of the most accessible ways of connecting to nature is by connecting to your own body. Putting one hand on your belly and one hand on your heart and noticing your breath can really help you drop into that space of deep calm and deep knowing. If you can, find your local dark sky and go out to see the stars. Look at the moon. Notice the way planets and stars move through the sky. Or, notice a leaf or a flower and be in a relationship with it by noticing it over time, returning to it and seeing how it has changed and how you’re changing inside, too.
Sandra Yeyati is the national editor of Natural Awakenings.So much has evolved in the 100 years since Japanese educator George Ohsawa created the macrobiotic diet. For one thing, the recipes have become more flexible, empowering people to save time and use ingredients that they love. “The modern macrobiotic diet is about much more than tofu, seaweed and miso,” says chef and author Christina Pirello, the Emmy Award-winning host of Christina Cooks, on about seasonal, whole, unprocessed food cooked in accordance with each person’s condition and lifestyle.”
“In the beginning, there was rigidity that didn’t give you the freedom to say, ‘I don’t want to eat adzuki beans again,’” Pirello says. “Variety is key. You can’t just eat kale and drink smoothies and hope for the best. You have to get balanced nutrition with enough protein, fats and carbohydrates.”
According to Pirello, “What we eat determines how we move through the world. Are we comfortable or uncomfortable? In Chinese medicine, we are either in a state of ease or dis-ease, which became the word disease, but in Chinese medicine, it really means uncomfortable. What do you do to get back into that state of ease, or balance? That’s really what macrobiotics is about; how do you rebalance the body—the organs—to be comfortable?”
Eating in accordance with the natural order— with the seasons—is an essential concept of the macrobiotic diet and includes fall, winter, spring, summer and a fifth season, “late harvest.” The idea is to follow our intuition, Pirello advises:
“If you walk into the supermarket in November, you’re not immediately attracted to cherry tomatoes and strawberries, but the winter squashes, pumpkins and parsnips call your name. Macrobiotics allows us to understand that—even here in the United States where foods are so widely available that you can have strawberries at Christmas.”
Her recipe for Winter Squash Risotto, which is featured in her new cookbook, VegEdibles, is just one example of the delicious macrobiotic dishes she has developed. “This risotto is perfect for cooler weather, when we need to keep energy in our middle organs so we are warm and cozy, centered and balanced,” Pirello says. “Come winter and fall, we want foods that are going to help the body hold onto heat. Squash, pumpkin, turnips and rutabaga are going to help relax the body and the middle organs and help us stay grounded, centered and warm. The risotto is cooked really long, so there’s a lot of warming energy that will help you in cold weather.”
“There has to be a period when the body transitions from the heat of summer into the cool of the fall,” says Chicago area-based macrobiotic counselor Karla Walter. “That’s when we have those beautiful orange foods starting to come out, and the squashes start arriving. We have this really lovely, sweet time of the year that actually nourishes the body and helps the immune system ramp up and get ready for colder weather.”
Walter recommends the macrobiotic diet for finding calmness and rhythm. “When we eat healthy foods that sustain us, our goals come to the surface where we can see them a lot clearer. People don’t know their potential until they start to feel good about themselves,” she says.
Lisa Books-Williams, a plant-based chef, educator and therapist in the San Francisco area, encourages people to find their own plant-based path. “I found my answer at the end of a fork, instead of in a bottle of pills,” she says. “The most loving thing I ever did for myself started with changing my food choices. Sure, it would be more delicious to be eating a pizza, but eating a salad with beans and rice is how I love myself.”
Books-Williams believes that taking the extra time that is required to follow a plantbased lifestyle is worthwhile. “We can eat well inexpensively if we are willing to take an extra couple of hours each week to chop vegetables. We are worth the time it takes to batch-cook and freeze beans in single servings so we have them when we need them. Each of us has to be committed to our own well-being. No one is going to do it for us.”
While much has changed since Ohsawa introduced the macrobiotic diet, Pirello still adheres to its three core ingredients. “I still eat rice, seaweed and miso soup,” she says. “Not as much as I used to, but I still do, because miso is the greatest probiotic on the planet, followed by kimchi. Those are the greatest macrobiotics we could ever eat in our lives, and both are delicious.”
Veronica Hinke is a food historian and the author of The Last Night on the Titanic: Unsinkable Drinking, Dining and Style and Titanic: The Official Cookbook. Learn more at FoodStringer.com.
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4 medium beets, washed and with stems trimmed to about 1 inch
2 tsp ginger, finely chopped
2 Tbsp green onions, finely chopped
2 cups water or vegetable stock
1¼ cup orange juice
2 Tbsp raspberry vinegar
1 Tbsp barley (mugi) miso
½ cup chopped chives or green onions
Place the beetroot in a large saucepan, cover with water and bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce the heat and simmer until tender, about 40 minutes. Drain the beets.
The all-copper handle is curved and textured for maximum contact with fingers and hands in case you touch things a sick person touched and pick up their germs.
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Next, run the beets under cold water and peel them. The skin and stalks should fall off easily. Chop the beets into ½-inch cubes.
Reserve ⅓ cup chopped beets and set aside.
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In a large saucepan over medium-high heat, combine the remaining beets, ginger, green onions, water or vegetable stock plus one extra cup of water. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes.
Remove from heat and stir in orange juice.
Purée soup in small batches in a blender until smooth.
Remove a small portion of the soup into a bowl and dissolve the miso. Add miso back into the soup and stir through. Add the vinegar and stir through.
Garnish with the chives or green onions.
Recipe courtesy of Karla Walter.
¼ red onion, diced
½ carrot, diced
¼ cup diced winter squash
Splash of white wine or mirin
3 cups spring or filtered water
2 Tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
½ red onion, finely diced
¼ tsp sea salt
Splash of white wine or mirin
½ cup carnaroli or Arborio rice
¼ winter squash, unpeeled and finely diced
4-5 sprigs fresh basil, leaves removed, hand-shredded
To make the broth, combine all of the listed ingredients in a large saucepan over low heat and simmer for 30 minutes before making the risotto. This can be done the day before.
For the risotto, place the olive oil in a deep skillet along with the onion over medium heat. When the onion begins to sizzle, add a pinch of salt and cook, stirring until translucent. Add the rice and a generous splash of wine, and cook, stirring until the wine is absorbed. Add ¼ cup broth and cook, stirring frequently, until the broth is absorbed. Add another ¼ cup of broth and repeat the process. Stir in half of the diced squash and cook, stirring.
In a small saucepan over medium heat, place the remaining squash with enough water to cover halfway. Add a pinch of salt. Cook over medium heat until the squash is soft, about 20 minutes.
Continue adding the remaining broth to the rice—¼ cup at a time—and stirring until the rice is tender but al dente, about 25 minutes.
Take the remaining squash and use an emulsion blender or a food processor to purée until smooth. Stir the puréed squash into the cooked risotto. Season it lightly with salt and cook over low heat until the squash is absorbed into the rice.
Serve immediately, garnished with fresh basil.
Recipe courtesy of Christina Pirello.
Holistic Health & Healing Expo – 11am-5pm. The HHH expo empowers individuals to live a healthier lifestyle on a healthier planet by educating communities on the latest in natural health and sustainability, by inspiring attendees to lead more balanced lives. Free. The Westin Mount Laurel Hotel, 555 Fellowship Rd, Mount Laurel. HHHExpo.com.
Crystal Singing Bowl Meditation with Peter Olsen – 5:30-6:30pm. The sound of the bowls creates an immersive sound bath, a “vibrational massage” or an “inner tuning” that helps to restore balance on both a physiological and energetic level. Providing numerous benefits, the tones harmonize with the cellular structures of the body. The sound of pure tone produces sine waves, present in the brain during an alpha state, inducing a deep state of relaxation, insightful presence, and elevated mood. The event is one hour long, with a few minutes of silent meditation at the end. No experience necessary. Please bring a yoga mat, blanket and/or cushions to make yourself comfortable as you lie or sit in meditation. Age limit 12 and older please. $30. Yoga Loka, 23 Race Street, Frenchtown Borough. 908-268-7430. Yoga-Loka.com/ workshops.html.
Quantum Experiences: The Power of Restorative Healing Tones – 8:30pm; online. Join this free webinar to learn how your emotions could be negatively affecting areas of your body and how to reset with personalized frequency music. From a 10-sec voice clip, this technology can measure your voice tones to then generate balancing audios to diminish frequencies that are in excess and supplement those that are lacking. This can reduce anxiety, help with insomnia, and restore overall balance to the body. Free. To register, e-mail blueskaihealing@gmail.com or visit TapLink.cc/blueskaihealing.
Art of Living - Part 1 – 6:30-9pm. SKY breath Meditation taught in Art of Living Part 1 course is a powerful rhythmic breathing technique that harmonizes the body-mind complex. Learn this course online from the comfort of your home. $295. aolf.co/ Oct-online.
Soul Shamanism Weekend Training Know Live Your True Self – 10am-6pm; 10/7-8.
All calendar events for the November 2023 issue must be received by October 10 and adhere to our guidelines. To submit, visit https://www. naturalawakeningsnj.com/pages/calendar-listings or email kathy@NaturalAwakeningsNJ.com for submission form.
This powerful Spiritual practice offers you direct access to your soul, who you are, and why you are here, and guides you in how to live your true self. Profound awareness, wisdom, healing, clearing, and ongoing access to your personal and spiritual growth journey evolve as you deepen this practice. This class is the beginning of a fantastic journey. Join Shaman Janet StraightArrow in person or on Zoom as she initiates you into a direct experience of your soul-self. Soul Shamanism 201 follows this class. Ongoing advanced training is bi-weekly on Zoom. See testimonials and more on the website. $625/650. Be The Medicine (Online In-Person-Sessions-Classes-Retreats), 247 North Road, Chester. For information call 973-647-2500 or email janet@BeTheMedicine.com. BeTheMedicine.com.
Change Your Life with Hypnosis – 6:309:15pm. Barry Wolfson leads three one-hour sessions. Take any or all for tools to help you change your life for the better. Stop Smoking with Hypnosis – 6:30-7:30pm. Lose Weight with Hypnosis – 7:30-8:30pm. Reduce Stress with Hypnosis – 8:30-9:15pm. $65 each session. Morristown High School, 50 Early St., Morristown. 973-292-2063. For more information, contact Barry at 908-3037767 or barry@hypnosiscounselingcenter. com. HypnosisCounselingCenter.com.
FREE Frequency and Bio-Resonance Presentation – 8:30pm; online. This innovative quantum healing app scans and optimizes chakras, meridians, organs, skeletal and muscular systems, hormones, enzymes, vitamins, nerves, collagen, bacteria, viruses, mold, metals and parasites to help reach a more balanced state. Discover how to imprint and broadcast frequencies plus make homeopathic remedies and detoxes. Scan your supplement library to see what is most in resonance with your body to take each day. Free. To register, e-mail blueskaihealing@gmail. com or visit TapLink.cc/blueskaihealing.
Change Your Life with Hypnosis – 6:309:15pm. Barry Wolfson leads three one-hour sessions. Take any or all for tools to help you change your life for the better. Stop Smoking with Hypnosis – 6:30-7:30pm. Lose Weight with Hypnosis – 7:30-8:30pm. Reduce Stress with Hypnosis – 8:30-9:15pm. $60 each session. Columbia High School, 17 Parker Av., Maplewood. 973-378-7620. For
more information, contact Barry at 908-3037767 or barry@hypnosiscounselingcenter. com. HypnosisCounselingCenter.com.
Virtual Sound Healing – 7-8pm; online. Join us for a virtual sound bath from the comfort of your home. This transformational journey will help raise your vibration, reduce stress, and leave you feeling lighter by bringing your body back into harmony. Frequency healing through sound has been proven to improve your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. $25. To register, e-mail blueskaihealing@gmail.com or visit TapLink. cc/blueskaihealing
FREE Frequency Webinar: A Vibe Above the Competition – 12 noon, virtual. A lunch presentation for all holistic practitioners and wellness enthusiasts who would like to add bio-resonance technology into your practices. Learn how practitioners are using this innovative quantum technology to expand their businesses and improve client outcomes. Free. To register, e-mail blueskaihealing@gmail.com or visit TapLink. cc/blueskaihealing.
Change Your Life with Hypnosis – 6:309:15pm. Barry Wolfson leads three one-hour sessions. Take any or all for tools to help you change your life for the better. Stop Smoking with Hypnosis – 6:30-7:30pm. Lose Weight with Hypnosis – 7:30-8:30pm. Reduce Stress with Hypnosis – 8:30-9:15pm. $60 each session. Parsippany Hills High School, 24 Rita Dr., Parsippany. 973-263-7180 x 4342. For more information, contact Barry at 908-303-7767 or barry@hypnosiscounselingcenter.com. HypnosisCounselingCenter. com.
Ethos Primary Care Open House – 7-8pm. Virtual. Reverse chronic disease and get off your meds. At this virtual Open House Dr. Ron Weiss shares how a therapeutic lifestyle intervention can make you well. Come ready with questions as no question is too easy or too hard for Dr. Weiss. Register at: lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/ijJRnxw/ OpenHouse. For information, call 908-8670060, patientcare@ethosprimarycare.com and visit EthosPrimaryCare.com.
Change Your Life with Hypnosis – 6:309:15pm; Zoom. Barry Wolfson leads three one-hour virtual sessions. Take any or all for tools to help you change your life for the better. Stop Smoking with Hypnosis –6:30-7:30pm. Lose Weight with Hypnosis –7:30-8:30pm. Reduce Stress with Hypnosis – 8:30-9:15pm. $60 each session. For more information and link to sessions, contact Barry at 908-303-7767, 610-353-2330 or barry@hypnosiscounselingcenter.com. HypnosisCounselingCenter.com.
Red Light Therapy Presentation – 8:30pm, EDT; via Zoom. Learn how the red light therapy device is used to target acne, rejuvenate the skin, stimulate collagen activity, target blemishes and other signs of aging, assist in pain relief, support vasodilation, reactivate nutrients and more. Attendance is free; however, registration is limited to 50 people. Reserve your spot today by emailing: blueskaihealing@gmail.com or calling/texting: 973-493-3139. TapLink.cc/ blueskaihealing.
Wellness Gala: A Day Like Never Before –12:30-5:30pm. On-going demonstrations, mini-workshops, and healing sessions with experts in the fields of Health; Beauty; Wellness; Massage; Intuitive Readings; Wine Tasting; Appetizers; Unique Vendors; and more! Keynote Speaker - Mas Sajady, “Transforming the Limited to Limitless.” $48. Sheraton Parsippany, 199 Smith Road, Parsippany. For tickets: WellnessGala.com/ events or 973-713-6811.
Breathe, Meditate & Be Happy – 6:30pm. Learn SKY Breath Meditation to be energized and efficient for healthy living and happy relationships. Free. RSVP http://tiny. cc/breathe-summit. For information, Maya. yagnik@us.artofliving.org or 908-3766729. ArtOfLiving.org.
Mediumship, Intuitive, & Psychic Development Circle – 7-9pm. This on-going, interactive workshop series is presented in a way that assists in building intuitive muscle. Maureen guides participants in connecting with their intuition. This is a spiritual growing
environment, and each week will focus on different techniques to help you unfold and develop to the next level. Every class will be different in development lessons. All levels welcome! $15. Portal of Healing, 50 Main St., Top Flr, Chester. PortalOfHealing.com.
Yoga with Roberta – 6:30pm. Join us in the Scalar Energy Field for an hour of yoga with an energetic kick. $40. Advanced Frequency Energy Spa, 431 Rte 22 E (Bishop’s Plaza), Whitehouse Station. For details call 888460-4050, text 908-864-8111. AdvancedFrequencyEnergySpa.com.
Science of Breath – 6:30pm. Learn SKY Breath Meditation to be energized and efficient for healthy living and happy relationships. Free. RSVP http://aolf.co/Scienceof-breath. For information, Morriscounty@ us.artofliving.org or 973-833-2193. ArtOfLiving.org.
Soul Shamanism 201 - Complete Advanced Training – 7-9:30pm; 6-wk: 9/14-10/19. Join more fully with your timeless self and know more clearly about your life and soul purpose. We explore the upper realms of
ALL INCLUSIVE PROGRAMS INCLUDE lifestyle health rejuvenation, stress management and weight loss. Choose from rejuvenating options including invigorating water fasting, refreshing juice cleansing, and nourishing plant-based meals meticulously prepared by our Chef to support your wellness goals. All under the guidance and support of our director, Dr. Frank Sabatino, DC, PhD.
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This powerful Spiritual practice offers you direct access to your soul, who you are, and why you are here, and guides you in how to live your true self. Profound awareness, wisdom, healing, clearing, and ongoing access to your personal and spiritual growth journey evolve as you deepen this practice. This class is the beginning of a fantastic journey. Join Shaman Janet StraightArrow in person or on Zoom as she initiates you into a direct experience of your soul-self. $625/650.
Be The Medicine (Online In-Person-Sessions-Classes-Retreats)
247 North Road, Chester.
For information call 973-647-2500 or email janet@BeTheMedicine.com. BeTheMedicine.com.
our records and spiritual support and find the higher energy, wisdom, and connection that brings us into self-mastery. Healers will appreciate more ways to work with others too. Led by Shaman Janet StraightArrow. $625/650. Be The Medicine (Online In-Person-Sessions-Classes-Retreats), 247 North Road, Chester. For information call 973-647-2500 or email janet@BeTheMedicine.com. BeTheMedicine.com.
Neck and Shoulder Clinic with Certified Yoga Therapist Bonnie Pariser – 10:4511:45am; 10/6 & 10/13; Zoom option on request with registration. Many of us store tension in the upper shoulders and neck. In this two-session seminar, we cover exercises to both strengthen and stretch this area and most importantly, to release the tension. Includes recordings, exercise notes and a spreadsheet to track progress. $50. Yoga Loka, 23 Race Street, Frenchtown Borough. 908-268-7430. Yoga-Loka.com/ workshops.html.
Qi Gong with JoeyG – 6:30pm. Join us in the Scalar Energy Field for an hour of qi gong with an energetic kick. $40. Advanced Frequency Energy Spa, 431 Rte 22 E (Bishop’s Plaza), Whitehouse Station. For details call 888-460-4050, text 908-864-8111. AdvancedFrequencyEnergySpa.com.
Your local source for natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle.
Dr. Andy Rosenfarb, ND, LAc
Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine; Board Certified in Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine
332 South Ave East, Westfield 908-928-0060 • AcuVisionTherapy.com
Dr. Rosenfarb is world renowned in the field of holistic eye health and passionate about helping people with degenerative eye diseases. Call now to qualify for your free copy of his groundbreaking book, Recover Your Vision. Additional specialties include glaucoma, retinitis pigmentosa and diabetic retinopathy. See ad, pages 14.
Kismet Acupuncture & Apothecary
Katie Us, L. Ac., Dipl. Ac.
200 North 14th Street, Kenilworth 973-874-9445
Kismet Acupuncture & Apothecary is a cozy, woman-owned health and wellness practice focused on helping you live your best life via holistic, whole-body healing. We believe in creating partnerships with our patients to ensure you leave feeling better. See ad, page 17.
Starseed Bakery
Linda Beg
100 Hibernia Avenue, Rockaway 973-957-0500
100% gluten-, dairy-, soyand GMO-free retail and wholesale bakery. Available products: artisan breads, custom cakes, pies, cookies, desserts, seasonal, vegan, Paleo, natural sugars, nutfree. See ad, page 35.
80 Morristown Rd, Bernardsville 908-766-5450
Exclusive collection of Organic and Chemical Free mattresses and accessories. Over 30 years family experience. Come see how easy it is to shop for a mattress. Free delivery, free set up, free removal.
Online and In-person Workshops for Breathwork and Meditation
Art of Living- Morris county, a team of facilitators and volunteers bring the mission of Art of living, to bring stress free living to the Morris & Sussex county residents. They conduct events and Workshops teaching Breathwork, Meditation and Yoga designed for various age groups, SKY kids for 8-12 year olds, SKY teens for 13-17 year old and SKY Breath Meditation for 18 and above. See ad, page 39.
See ad, page 29.
Dean Cramp
14 Hibernia Road, Rockaway 862-330-8706
License Number: 0450958626
Transcend Healing and Breathwork offers both Private and group Breathwork sessions both in-person and online. We use the power of the breath to release stuck emotions and energy so that the client can heal. We also offer Life coaching services that can be coupled with the power of Breathwork to allow the client get back into the flow of life.
Online and In-person Workshops for Breathwork and Meditation
Art of Living- Union county, a team of facilitators and volunteers bring the mission of Art of living, to bring stress free living to the Union & Essex county residents. They conduct events and Workshops teaching Breathwork, Meditation and Yoga designed for various age groups, SKY kids for 8-12 year olds, SKY teens for 13-17 year old and SKY Breath Meditation for 18 and above. See ad, page 39
Nicole and Alex Rodrigues
Holistic healers Nicole and Alex use a quantum healing device to communicate with the body via subtle bio-frequencies and electromagnetic signals to identify areas that are out of balance, then shift the body back to homeostasis. We also help holistic practitioners and others integrate this technology into their practices and lives. See ad, page 7.
“Everything has been said before, but since nobody listens we have to keep going back and beginning all over again.”
- Andre Gide
David Scott Bartky, CLOALC
David is a certified and experienced Law of Attraction life coach. His clients all have great success because he teaches them powerful processes and techniques so they can attract what they want, instead of what they don’t want in all areas of life (both materialistically and emotionally). The Law of Attraction is always responding to you, so if you’re ready to say “Yes!” to attracting what you want, and/or improving your life in some way, contact David today. Coaching sessions are held over the phone and the first session is always free.
Ann Ochs • Colon Hydrotherapist
I-ACT Certified
26 Elm St, Morristown
973-998-6550 • ColonHealthNJ.com
Ann Ochs has more than 20 years experience as a colon hydrotherapist. She holds an advanced certification from the International Association of Colon Therapists (I-ACT), is certified by the National Board for Colon Hydrotherapy, and is a certified body ecologist. Living Waters offers the Angel of Water®, an advanced colon hydrotherapy system, designed to offer the ultimate in privacy and dignity. Call today Cosmetics – Organic. See ad, page 27.
Susan Richter, RN, Nutritionist, CCH, LDHS Denville • 973-586-0626
Enzyme nutrition is becoming a sought after therapy for the underlying digestive issues related to autism, auto-immune diseases, chronic pain, skin problems, mood disorders, bowel issues and allergies. The system of analysis is scientific, non-invasive, and based on anatomy and physiology. The methods of correction are foodbased, drug-free, and have no side effects. Regardless of age or diagnosis, correcting digestion, supporting the immune system, and following guidelines for healthy choices are the backbone of Susan’s successful private practice of 36 years. Call for a gentle approach to healing.
Dr. Andy Rosenfarb, ND, LAc, Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine; Board Certified in Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine
332 South Ave East, Westfield 908-928-0060 • AcuVisionTherapy.com
Dr. Rosenfarb is world renowned in holistic eye health. Learn of his astounding work in this area—call now to qualify for your free copy of his groundbreaking book, Recover Your Vision. Additional specialties include glaucoma, retinitis pigmentosa and diabetic retinopathy. See ad, pages 14
Advanced Frequency Energy Spa
431 Rt 22 E (Bishop’s Plaza)
Whitehouse Station
888-460-4050, text 908-864-8111
We offer a comprehensive range of cutting-edge technologies that stimulate cellular energy detoxify the body, and restore optimal health. See ad, page 7.
The Hair For Life Center, LLC
For over 35 years The Hair For Life Center has been helping women who experience hair loss.In as little as 2 to 3 hours we restore your hair to its natural state safely without using glues or extensions. For more information, visit at TheHairForLifeCenter.com. See ad, page 21.
Haven of Harmony
Rev. Denise Saracco-Zoppi
23 Diller Ave., Newton • 862-268-3213
NJ Lic. # NJ 18KT00314000
Rev. Denise supports the awakening of your inner healer. Whether you’re searching for support in your own healing journey or a mentor to awaken your innate healing gifts, Rev. Denise has supported thousands of patients and students since 2006. See ad, page 17.
Howard G. Mertine C.Ht, RM, NLP 908-283-0117 • HGMertine@gmail.com
Alleviations of allergies, phobias, trauma, addictions, anxieties, PTSD & various other afflictions. Past life regressions, building confidence and self-esteem, Certified Hypnotherapist, Certified NLP instructor and practitioner, Certified Reiki Master & practitioner, card reading and pendulum divination, motivational speaker and coach, holistic healer. See ad, page 11.
Holistic Dental Center NJ 91 Millburn Avenue, Millburn 973-457-4688
Holistic dental care that is good for the body as well as teeth and gums. By treating the cause, not just the symptoms, Dr. Gashinsky helps improve his patients’ quality of life through dental care that respects and honors the body. See ad, page 3 .
Have a business opportunity, job opening, space for rent or other need?
Place your classified ads here, 30 words for $30, extra words $1 each. Email to Joe@NaturalAwakeningsNJ.com by the 10th of the month prior to publication date.
OFFERINGS: A unique gift shop for the mind, body and soul. Check out our collection of angels, candles, cards, crystals, crystal soaps, jewelry, sage, salt lamps, solar wind chimes, tea, t-shirts, tumbled stones and more. Card readings, classes and workshops available. Metaphysical & Spiritual Bliss, 19A Old Highway 22, Clinton. 908-268-8029. FB Metaphysical & Spiritual Bliss. Instagram @cmatsen11
is proudly
distributed at:
Bound Brook (Bridgewater)
319 Chimney Rock Rd.
1255 Raritan Rd.
Unit 150
Madison (Rose City)
222 Main St.
645 Middlesex Ave.
2245 Springfield Ave.
701 Bloomfield Ave.
Morristown 110 Washington St. Newark
633 Broad St.
Parsippany 60 Waterview Blvd
3495 US Rt 1 S
Ridgewood 44 Godwin Ave.
West Orange
235 Prospect Ave.
Linda Sercarz Certified Heartmath Coach
Serving North Jersey & surrounding area 973-714-8650 • Sercarz@aol.com
Heartmath+ consists of simple heart-focused, sciencebased meditations. The techniques are designed to change the way your body responds to stress by learning to self-regulate. They create more resilience, coherence, clarity (even in stressful situations), and the apacity to self-regulate. Heartmath+.
Barry Wolfson
Offices in Flemington, Princeton, Livingston NJ, and King of Prussia, PA 908-303-7767
Over 35 years of experience. We offer traditional counseling methods and the art of hypnotherapy in private and group settings, in person or virtual, for weight loss, stress, smoking, confidence building, phobias, insomnia, test taking, sports improvement, public speaking, and more. See ad, page 9.
Linda West, BA, ACH
55 Madison Ave, Morristown 973-506-9654
Advanced clinical hypnosis using interactive, personalized techniques; based on a lengthy interview at the first session and dialogues at following sessions. For weight loss, stress/anxiety, smoking, chronic pain, improved performance, trauma, substance use, sleep, fears/phobias, anger, confidence, studying/ memory issues, and more. Self-hypnosis is taught at the first extended session. If you have constraints that you can’t seem to break through, or are overly burdened by negative thoughts or feelings, hypnosis can free you and put you back in charge.
Holistic Health Consultant, Author, Teacher, Researchermmaoneill@gmail.com
Learn how to reverse engineer the many illnesses brought on by this MTHFR gene disorder. Sixty percent of the population has a variant of this disorder yet doctors are not taught how to recognize or treat it. You must educate yourself and I have simplified the knowledge for you. Together we can make a huge impact on your well-being. See ad, page xx.
Cathy Ludwig, Ed.S., LPC
109 Main St., Suite 1B, Succasunna 201-738-8311 • ludcat2001@gmail.com
Do you want to make peace with your past? Selfacceptance and clarity are yours when you determine how the past is influencing the present and when you make conscious choices about the future. As a licensed psychotherapist, Cathy helps you experience healing in all areas of your life. Using the powerful and effective treatments of Past Life Regression Therapy or Hypnotherapy alone or in combination with talk therapy, Cathy helps you develop your full potential, resolve conflict and have more compassion for yourself and others. Call to discuss which treatment option will work best for you. See ad, page 10.
Everyday Organizing Solutions by Sherry LLC
Sherry Onweller, Professional Organizer, Life Strategy & Organizing Coach
Providing sympathetic and nonjudgmental organizing and decluttering services to residential and business clients, also helping adults with ADD to get their physical space and time management in order. Virtual and inperson sessions available. See ad, page 28.
"There is no such thing as a great talent without great will power."
- Honore de Balzac
Janet StraightArrow
Shaman, Healer, Sage, Reiki Master Teacher, Astrologist
Profound Healing, Clearing, Reclaim yourself, Enjoy life. 41 years of experience. Shamanic and Intuitive Energy Sessions. Soul Retrievals. Past Life, Ancestral, Current life healing. Business, Home, and Land clearings. Meditation, Shamanic, and Reiki Healers Training. and more. See ad, page 25.
Lisa’s Thermography and Wellness
Lisa Mack, CCT, HHC Thermographer and Holistic Counselor
See website for locations in NJ, NY & PA 855-667-9338
Lisa@LisasThermographyAndWellness.com LisasThermographyAndWellness.com
Thermography gives an early look at the most important indicator of a potential health problem – inflammation. Early stage disease screening is an area in which thermography excels. Whether your pain is acute or chronic, or you are merely curious about the state of your health, thermography can help provide answers. Radiation-free breast and full body screenings for men and women. See ad, page 27.
Longevity Veterinary Center
265 Route 10 East, Whippany 973-606-1101
Longevity Veterinary Center is NJ’s largest, most advanced integrative veterinary center. Our team of professionals is committed to helping pets achieve optimal health through using conventional and holistic therapies. We believe in creating wellness for all pets, including exotics. See ad, page 13
Nomadic Healer Bill Flanigan treats physical, emotional and spiritual pain. Healing works both in person or remotely. Book your appointment to kickstart your healing.