Family Chiropractic CareSpecializations
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SoftWave Therapy- Non-invasive tissue regeneration for pain relief, faster recovery, and improved mobility!
Light Bed and Infrared SaunaBoost circulation, reduce inflammation, and promote relaxation for full-body rejuvenation!
Lymphatic Massage- Boost immunity, reduce swelling, and recover faster.
Massage and Bodywork- Relieve tension, restore balance, and enhance mobility with tailored therapies.
Choosing a new dentist can be a real challenge. How do you know who is really a holistic dentist? Here are several things to look out for when choosing...
• They DON’T use mercury containing fillings because mercury is one of the most toxic substances known to man.
• They DON’T remove mercury fillings without protection because inhaled mercury vapors can be easily absorbed by the body.
• They DON’T recommend Root Canals because they harbor bacteria and toxins.
• They DON’T use conventional standards for their cleanings because tap water and chemicals are full of toxic substances.
• They DON’T use fluoride because it has been shown to be a neurotoxin.
• They DON’T use metal in their restorations because many people have metal allergies and sensitivities.
• They DON’T treat sensitive patients without biocompatibility testing because allergic reactions and system reactions can occur which burden the body.
Dr. Glenn Gero, Naturopathic Physician:
“I was seeing a dentist for over 30 years, and when I was invited to try the Holistic Dental Center for the first time, I was so impressed with the office....The best dental experience I have ever had in my life.”
Lisa Mack, Certified Thermographic Technician:
“What I see in my Thermography, I see inflammation in the mouth, how important it is, you see the bacteria draining down into the lymphatic system and from there I always refer patients to the Holistic Dental Center. Why? Because they can test that bacteria to see exactly what it is so from there he can help you. I am also a patient of the Holistic Dental Center and I absolutely love coming here. The one thing that I love about the center is that when you walk in, it’s like you’re family. They are very caring and very loving and when you walk out of here you feel like you’ve been well taken care of....”
Introducing DiscSeel® — a revolutionary, patented, minimally-invasive new treatment for chronic low back pain. Even patients who have had prior surgery, including fusion surgery, may be candidates for this procedure.
Stephen J. Roman, Jr. M.D., PLLC
Dr. Stephen Roman’s practice serves patients from around the world. We are happy to provide services for disorders of the spine and joints in the fields of pain management and physical medicine and rehabilitation.
The Discseel® Procedure uses a natural biologic substance called fibrin to seal tears in the spinal discs, becoming a part of the disc, and then promoting the growth of disc tissue.
During the Discseel® Procedure, part of the process is to look for torn discs using x-ray images. If the disc is shown to have a tear, fibrin is injected. The goal of the fibrin is to seal torn, leaky discs and promote regrowth of disc tissue. The procedure takes about 30 minutes and improvement in pain usually begins in 1-4 months.
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Joe & Asta Dunne, Publishers
The other day, I met a man … or maybe a woman (I’m not sure about that) … from the future They informed me that 2025 was to be a turning point . That this was the year of the human when we would embrace the logic of peace, acknowledge the suffering and destruction of war, and solve the problems along the way “But how?” I asked “How is it possible to change cultures, politics, egos, and in some cases, country’s needs? How do we bring about nonviolent change, pull together, and influence our future to bring peace to our struggling world?”
They asked me a few questions—”have you ever visualized a future world?” My futuristic friend shared that they themselves began by projecting a faraway universe to visit and live . Today, on Earth, Google has mapped the streets of the planet, robots are becoming plentiful, and we now can see pictures of us cutting our grass from outer space . In the beginning these ideas were seen as far-fetched, but each one started as a thought, that led to an action, that led to a series of small, good decisions The key to all progression is belief because that is the true driver To believe that something is possible is a powerful thing For us to create a world that’s humane will take a bunch of us, a multitude of us committed to a better vision, and that’s the only way it will happen A world without violent conflict, a world without war A world where we can live in peace, security and joyous creativity
“Every person, just one person, you or me, can make a difference ”
I wondered how it would happen, and I realized that it started with me Doing my part to share the good, the word, the logic, the accountability The hope It may be hard to imagine a world without ego conflicts, stubbornness and dogmatic thinking Yet, the voices of imagination shared by John Lennon and Martin Luther King, Jr ., still resonate The root of imagination is image…to be open to a vision . As we join together, let our intentions grow stronger as we work toward a better world For me, my mantra for 2025 will be “all we are saying, is give peace a chance ”
As a side note, according to Chinese astrology, the Year of the Wood Snake begins on January 29, 2025 It is written that the snake represents wisdom, introspection, mystery, creativity, intuition and elegance If one is born in 2025 under the sign of the snake, it is suggested that your characteristics will include patience, insight, and a keen intuition That sounds wonderful
I hope you understand the future person I describe was just a dream, and the snake was just information However, my hope for our future is quite real
Together, let’s make 2025 a year of positive transformation
With peace, love and laughter,
Morris, Union, Susses & Essex County Edition NaturalAwakeningsNJ.com
Dr. Robert Kandarjian DC
40 years of Holistic Care and Spiritual practices distilled into a single course.
» Connect to your inner healing abilities and direction
» Increase your awareness and clarity about your Self-Healing path
» Know your personal life lessons and purpose
» Learn the 8 core Self-Healing verbs
» Identify the Self-Healing spiritual principles
» Learn how to sense, trust, and act on your intuition to Self-Heal
It’s time to take control of your life. Get your FREE “Sacred Intentions” E-book.
With all the craziness of the past few years, the desire to feel more control in ourselves and our lives is generating a drive to make positive and healthy changes . However, bridging the gap between good intentions and good results needs more than sheer willpower This is where learning how to use hypnosis can help achieve your goals because the only tools needed for hypnosis to work are one’s mind and the desire to succeed
Barry Wolfson, director of the Hypnosis Counseling Center, shares, “Although January 1st connotes a new beginning, just picking an arbitrary date to make a change doesn’t always make it happen immediately It’s like riding a bicycle Very few of us have probably mastered that task immediately,” states Wolfson . “It took practice and then some more practice . But overall, learning to balance was fairly easy to master The same is true for hypnosis ”
Hypnosis has been medically approved as a safe, painless and customizable way to aid individuals with a variety of behavioral issues including phobias, fears, sports performance, insomnia, migraines, stress reduction and myriad other conditions
Wolfson shares that hypnosis can eliminate yo-yo dieting and help individuals reach an ideal weight by eating healthy and satisfying meals . It is also used successfully for the cessation of smoking—one of the most difficult habits to break—without anxiety, weight gain or mood swings . It also charts a way to move through life without being overwhelmed from stress
The Hypnosis Counseling Center has over 39 years of experience helping clients attain their goals and successfully change their lives for the better HCC offers individual (in person and virtual) and group counseling sessions in adult and continuing education schools throughout New Jersey
Let the tool of hypnosis help you achieve your goals in 2025 .
Location: Offices in Flemington and Princeton and Livingston. For more information, call or text 908-303-7767 or email barry@ hypnosiscounselingcenter.com. HypnosisCounselingCenter.com. See ad, page 9.
In Dr Robert Kandarjian’s 40-year private practice from 1983 to 2023, he provided integrative body-mind wellness in the NJ-NY metro area by embracing a holistic and spiritual approach to health . Currently, he is a seminar leader and retreat instructor on integrative health and spirituality, and has authored several books, including “Sacred Intentions” Today, Dr Robert, as he is known, is offering “Path to Self Healing”, a definitive online course encapsulating 40 years in holistic care and spirituality .
Topics in the course include:
• Connect to your inner healing abilities and direction
• Increase your awareness and clarity about your Self-Healing path
• Know your personal life lessons and purpose
• Learn the 8 core Self-Healing verbs
• Identify the Self-Healing spiritual principles
• Learn how to sense, trust, and act on your intuition to Self-Heal
In addition, Dr Robert is offering Sacred Intentions as a free download Visit the website to receive your copy and sign up for Path to Self Healing It’s time to take control of your life!
For more information, and to sign up for the course and receive your e-book, visit PathToSelfHealing.com. See ad, page 8.
Are you struggling with anxiety, fears or behaviors that seem to defy all attempts to change?
Your Past Life Back-Story may hold the key to unlock your answers.
Recall experiences from previous lives for understanding and healing in a safe and comfortable environment with
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Many of us choose the New Year to make a new start. Most of us make New Year’s Resolutions to do it.Al most none of us keep them. It’s not that we don’t want to make the changes, we are usually very sincere. The problem is we try to tough it out alone using sheer will power. However, many of the resolutions involve long term habits and are difficult to change without help. That’s where hypnosis comes in. Hypnosis is a very fective tool to help this year’s resolution come true. Eliminate yo-yo dieting forever! Never diet again! Outrageous claims? They’re not. Learn to eat healthy satisfying meals to get to your ideal weight and main tain it for life.Accomplish all this without drugs, diets, dangerous herbs expensive meal plans or special foods. The only tools you need are your own mind and the desire to succeed. Hypnosis is safe, medically approved and best of all – it works.
Stop smoking without anxiety, weight gain or mood swings. Smoking addictions is one of the strongest and most difficult to break. Discover what thousands have learned – hypnosis can eliminate cigarettes your life finally and painlessly.
The Hypnosis Counseling Center has 27 years of perience in helping clients attain their goals and suc cessfully change their lives for the better. It has offices in Flemington, Frenchtown, Princeton, and Bloom field. It offers both individual and group counseling. The type of session depends on the specific problems, needs and personality of the client.
A clinical audit conducted by Health Services Research sought to assess the effectiveness of homeopathic interventions administered in 2020 for 305 outpatients with COVID-19 symptoms Homeopathy is the treatment of health conditions by minute doses of natural substances As there is no standard homeopathic remedy, the treatments covered by the audit were individualized for each patient
Published in Integrative Medicine Reports, the audit reported that 70 percent of the patients experienced a full recovery, while 14 4 percent showed no improvement Most cases (74 4 percent) were resolved within 21 days and 29 2 percent were resolved in less than five days The authors of the audit also noted that homeopathy was easy to administer and there were no adverse reactions .
In a study involving 76 adults published in the Natural Medicine Journal, researchers evaluated the effectiveness of magnesium supplements to reduce the risk of developing kidney stones The subjects were divided into three groups; two of the groups took 120 milligrams of either magnesium oxide or magnesium citrate three times a day for eight weeks, while a control group took a placebo A urine analysis was performed on each participant at the start of the study and after eight weeks .
The researchers found that magnesium citrate significantly reduced 24-hour urine oxalate levels and calcium oxalate supersaturation—two indicators of kidney stone risk . A reduction in the urinary excretion of calcium is believed to reduce the chances of developing kidney stones .
Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (CHS) resulting from longterm use of marijuana is characterized by nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain every few weeks to months CHS symptoms typically begin abruptly, within 24 hours of the last cannabis use, and may be relieved by hot baths or showers, which leads some people to bathe compulsively Hospitalized patients’ symptoms are managed with intravenous fluids and anti-nausea drugs, but the most effective treatment is to stop cannabis use altogether .
According to a report in JAMA Network, CHS now affects an estimated 2 .75 million Americans each year, particularly among men between 16 and 34 years old From 2017 to 2021, emergency room visits for CHS in the U .S . and Canada doubled . In addition to the gastrointestinal issues, CHS may also cause dehydration, acute kidney injury and low blood levels of chloride, potassium, sodium and bicarbonate Frequent vomiting may erode tooth enamel and promote tooth loss Rare severe complications include heart rhythm abnormalities, kidney failure, seizures and death The rise in CHS coincides with the legalization of recreational cannabis and increases in tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) concentration in cannabis products that cause intoxication
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Healing is a lifestyle with exciting results There is great joy and abundance that fills us when we trust and live our nature to claim health and take exquisite care of ourselves
Our attitude and choices make all of the difference in our health and wellness . Our decision to be happy helps us let go of what makes us hurt, breakdown and make us feel hopeless . Our ability to put ourselves first helps us stay in touch with what is occurring in our body and life so we can make healthy changes
My life has been a journey of healing, learning, living, and sharing how to heal and live a full and happy life It began with a diagnosis that I chose not to follow and took me on a search for a new way to live
In 1967, my 43-year-old father was dying . I was pretty sickly at 15 . My immunity was low, and I suffered physical pains and continual health challenges that often kept me out of school Our family doctor told me that I had a short painful life ahead This woke me up, from shock to new life I somehow knew that we did not have to be sick and in pain . I wanted to figure out how to heal and be free of the burdens my body and mind were carrying . No one offered lifetime healing and overcoming what caused disease, or ways of raising my low immunity I had to figure it out for myself and I did with great tenacity
Humans, animals, and all of nature are self-healing I decided I needed to learn how to align my actions with my body’s wisdom and ability to heal itself .
I saw my future as a happy, healthy elder, teaching others how they could do this too . Be The Medicine was born as my mission and purpose then I lived it all along the way I have researched traditional and non-traditional worldwide healing ways to learn how to
by Janet StraightArrow
realign and bring us into perfect health . This has been an amazing adventure with great rewards Continuously asking questions and finding answers that I followed and continuously invested in Never doubting our ability to reclaim our health, I stayed curious and open, to resolve even the simplest things .
Fifty-eight years later, I have healed myself, body, mind, emotions, spirit, and soul continually, and love helping people find their own healing path and trust their innate abilities
We tend to heal with pieces of the puzzle, like meditation, yoga, breathwork, nutrition, and all manner of good helpful things There are important foundational realities to support us and activate that make all the difference . Begin with these basics below .
PERFECT HEALTH. Our nature is perfect health Be inspired each day to allow healing and remove anything that gets in the way . Seek answers when you are challenged
COMPLETE HEALING. The focus is not just feeling a little better, or a lack of symptoms We want full functioning The more directly and completely that we focus on perfect health, and follow what helps, the better the results
OUR BODY REBUILDS DAILY. Our cells replicate daily Learn exactly what will help you heal in ways that continue to offer results .
SPIRITUAL HEALING. We are spiritual beings that factor into being whole and healed I was inspired by the stories about Jesus, and other masters who taught and lived unconditional love, healing energy, and transformation, and I found ways to live them .
HAPPINESS AND LIFE SATISFACTION. Happiness is a high energy that is our nature too We all deserve a healthy happy life
POSITIVE FOCUS. Building a positive loving health focus makes all the difference Shut down thoughts and beliefs that sabotage your efforts and refocus on health .
CHOOSE. It’s all about us continuously choosing to live a long healthy, happy, life .
Our body’s intelligence follows our intentions and actions Stay with it and be amazed
RESPONSIBILITY. We stand in our own body and mind and live true to ourselves . No one else can heal us without our full participation .
NO FEAR OR DOUBT. Over the decades people allow beliefs to block their healing Release whatever beliefs and fears that keep you away from allowing full living and health .
SUMMARY. I hope this encourages you to explore new ways to look at and experience life and health This paradigm to focus on health first helps you make the best choices Focus on the highest possibility Change is good and necessary . If I had stayed living on the life path I was on in my family, I would not be alive, healthy, happy, and here now
I hope this inspires you to look at your
health in new ways that support you As self-healing beings we can learn to work with ourselves to have more energy, clarity, and health as well as awaken our personal gifts and abilities in ways we have yet to imagine
Have great fun with the process
Janet StraightArrow, founder of Be The Medicine, is a master healer, shaman, teacher, guide, and coach dedicated to helping students help themselves. Janet offers private sessions and workshops, trainings, and retreats. She is currently putting several works/books together to be out in the next years to support your journey.
Be The Medicine is located in Chester, New Jersey. For information contact Janet StraightArrow at 973-647-2500 or Janet@ bethemedicine.com. Visit BeTheMedicine. com. See ad, page 13.
African forest elephants, a smaller cousin of the savanna elephants that inhabit the dense rain forests of central Africa, are natural climate-change mitigators . They shape their forest habitats by dispersing seeds from large, carbon-storing trees through their dung Some of the seeds of trees responsible for the greatest carbon sequestration do not germinate until they are digested by the elephants .
As they forage for food, African forest elephants trample the dense underbrush, which promotes the growth of taller, denser carbon-capturing trees Because the litter left from foraging is not easily decomposed, more carbon is accumulated in the soil
A 2019 report in Nature Geoscience estimates that one forest elephant can increase net carbon capture capacity by almost 250 acres, the equivalent of one year’s worth of emissions from more than 2,000 cars African forest elephants are critically endangered as a result of illegal poaching and habitat loss
Idling in a car waiting for the pre-timed traffic light to turn green can be frustrating, time consuming and a cause of air pollution
A 2023 simulation published in Applied System Innovation found that deploying smart traffic lights at a single key intersection in a small Portuguese city reduced CO2 emissions by 32 to 40 percent and wait times by 53 to 95 percent
Smart traffic lights use a combination of sensors, including vehicle detectors, cameras, and light detection and ranging equipment (LiDAR) to collect traffic data, enabling artificial intelligence algorithms to make real-time adjustments that maximize traffic flow
The investment in these technologies is up to local governments For example, in late 2023, the Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Regional Council of Governments announced that they would upgrade 45 traffic signals in high-traffic areas in Butler County, Ohio .
The Silk Road was a series of ancient trade routes that once connected China to the Roman Empire . Research published in the journal Nature reported the discovery of two fortified cities—Tashbulak and Tugunbulak—in the mountains of southeastern Uzbekistan, 7,000 feet above sea level Urban centers above 6,000 feet are rare .
The discovery is important because it had been assumed that ancient trade routes avoided the mountains of Central Asia . Archaeologists used light detection and ranging equipment (LiDAR), a drone mapping technology, to create a detailed map of these large urban centers, which included watchtowers, fortresses, complex buildings and plazas
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October Brain Gain
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Embrace Joy
by Marlaina Donato
Diving into a new job, partnership or living situation might not be as scary as jumping into a fire or abyss, but fear of the unknown can certainly get a grip on us if we are not careful Beginning anything new can feel unsettling, but with a little shift in mindset, anxiety can morph into genuine excitement . Whether taking piano lessons or trying a fitness class at the gym for the first time, we have one thing on our side: beginners have nothing to prove Every master of their craft was once a novice, and remembering this can quell the ego’s impatience for perfection
Curiosity, instead of fear, can become our internal navigation system, urging us forward as we turn a new corner or a new page . The month of January can bring expectations, fresh goals and, for the anxietyprone, flashes of what-ifs It is not easy approaching the unknown, even for the seasoned artist putting that first brushstroke onto a stark, white canvas . Tapping into our innate creativity helps us to see an open road of choices lying before us
First steps can be shaky, but with a little purpose and fortitude, they become surer, even elegant Martin Luther King, Jr advised, “You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step . ” When we feel snagged in a web of procrastination or hesitance, reviving our sense of wonderment and childlike innocence can disarm doubt . Despite our fears and uncertainties, we might even experience some levity in our pursuits
• Try a different ethnic restaurant .
• Visit an unexplored town .
• Start a conversation with a previously unknown neighbor .
• Begin wearing hats or another signature piece, and own a new style
• Learn an interesting word every week, and use it in conversation .
• Investigate an intriguing culture .
• Enroll in a cooking class, or learn to bake bread
• Take a screen break and pick out a new book at the library
Marlaina Donato is an author of several books, a painter and a composer. Connect at WildflowersAndWoodsmoke.com.
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FREE Consultation Call FREE Consultation Call with us with us to review your existing marketing to review your existing marketing plan or let’s design one together. plan or let’s design one together.
by Carrie Jackson
The new year brings a fresh focus on growth and forward thinking . An intentional way to harness this is to adopt the Zen Buddhist idea of shoshin, or beginner’s mind . This approach guides people to experience life with curiosity and openness, helping them let go of old patterns It is a way of being that encourages practitioners to abandon preconceptions, embrace the world with a sense of wonder and see things from a more optimistic perspective . By examining and releasing old ways of thinking, expressing gratitude and
incorporating different practices, the mind, body and heart open to novel opportunities
“The idea of being open to the situation comes up repeatedly in meditative traditions,” says Steve Rogne, owner and director of Zen Shiatsu, in Evanston, Illinois He notes that in his practice, shoshin is an essential part of shiatsu, a form of massage therapy that uses gentle pressure to stimulate the body’s acupressure points and meridian channels Shoshin can aid in unblocking
stagnant energy and harmonizing the flow of qi, or vital energy, in the body .
“As a situation arises, we have our natural responses, which may include wanting to change what is happening Another perspective is to ask, ‘What if I accept things the way they are?’” Rogne explains . “Accepting situations for the way they are is the foundation from which we can respond It’s like a preparation for action without being the endpoint We can simultaneously be open and respond mindfully”
Learning to accept what is happening can also help us break old patterns of thinking and reacting “There is a very common human dynamic to move toward the things we want and away from the things we don’t want; however, this can lead to a fixed response pattern that limits our growth,” says Rogne “In shiatsu, we help people to recognize those patterns and find the balance between active response and trusting with faith This trains us to listen to our inner wisdom and relax into outcomes that aren’t what we prefer . ”
Mindfully changing patterns can open us up to new experiences that we had previously shut out . “You may find a willingness to move forward in new relationships, even though you’ve experienced that relationships can be painful, or perhaps you find the willingness to speak up even though there’s a chance you won’t be heard in the way that you want,” Rogne notes .
Keeping a receptive mind helps to open us up physically, as well “In both shiatsu and the shoshin mindset, we trust that every person’s body is already working on its own healing . When we let go of our fixed holding patterns, the internal circulation is freed up, leaving the best possible opportunity for the body to regain all the healthy rhythms of the organs and reduce conditions such as chronic pain,” Rogne asserts
Having hope and confidence about the future is essential in cultivating a beginner’s mind, helping to counter some of the fear and intolerance that can undermine our lives “A shoshin principle is that there is not anything fundamentally wrong with us or with the world This allows us to move forward with positive faith and engagement,” says Rogne
“Optimism is a belief that good things will happen and that things will work out in the end,” says Victor Perton, founder of the Centre for Optimism, an Australian-based think tank dedicated to fostering realistic and infectious optimism around the world . “With optimism, we enter each experience expecting fresh possibilities, guided by a sense that there’s something meaningful to discover”
This positive outlook has myriad benefits “Optimism nurtures healthy longevity and acts as a powerful protector against major health threats like heart disease, cancer and dementia,” says Perton . “Optimism also lowers the risk of cognitive decline, as optimistic people tend to be more socially and physically active, helping stave off dementia and age-related memory loss ” A 2022 study of more than 150,000 racially diverse, older women published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society found that the most optimistic women were healthier, lived 4 .4 years longer than the least optimistic women and were more likely to live past age 90
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A positive outlook can help navigate the stress and anxiety of life . “Optimism doesn’t mean ignoring the challenge; it means approaching it with the belief that solutions are possible Optimism and a beginner’s mind work together in this way, helping us to stay open to new paths, resilient in the face of setbacks and appreciative of life’s small, beautiful details,” opines Perton
Incorporating small, intentional practices into our day can help us cultivate optimism “Smiling with genuine warmth—even at strangers—can shift our outlook, and asking others, ‘What’s the best thing in your day?’ brings a positive energy to conversations,” says Perton He also recommends simple grounding practices like gardening, yoga and meditation to nurture curiosity and positivity, noting, “Through these small habits, optimism becomes a daily practice and, in time, a personal superpower for resilience and joy . ”
Reflective practices encourage us to explore our goals with a fresh outlook . “Journaling is a practice that is just for you, and you’re not intending to share it with anyone else,” explains Shawn Brown, a Baltimore-based wellness facilitator and yoga teacher who helps clients find a path to being their authentic selves . “It really allows you to examine what is popping up and what you are curious about This might be learning a new language or starting a new yoga practice When we look at things as a beginner, we are open to what we are truly interested in . ”
A regular gratitude practice also helps bring us back to a place of grounding “When we tap into gratitude, it expands our propensity to be creative and allows us to drop into the present moment This is where we live, but when we think of the future or ruminate on something that happened in the past, we are pulled out,” says Brown She encourages
clients to take breaks throughout the day and recall a person, place or experience for which they are grateful “Think about something that makes the corner of your mouth turn into a smile,” she suggests “It can be as simple as gratitude for your partner who bought dog food or a neighbor who moved a package off the porch This brings us back into our lives right now, and that’s where the beginner is ”
Cultivating a sense of play can also tap into a shoshin mindset . “As adults, there’s a need to have a goal or expected result in any situation When you’re a beginner, you don’t have a specific outcome because you’re just learning Play, especially with kids or an animal, is free-form engagement without the need to get it right or check something off our to-do list Releasing the need for control and perfection opens us up and expands us for so many other options and possibilities,” Brown says .
Brown encourages her yoga students to be open in the way they approach their practice . “Coming into a pose in a different way can give us a new experience of it,” she says “My approach to yoga is not that we’re trying to do the posture, it’s that we’re trying to feel the posture . It’s a mirror of our being and can indicate if you are feeling strong, tired, energized or wobbly Rather than attaching a label of good or bad, you just notice, and that opens us up . ”
Especially in the new year, Brown urges clients to replace “I have to” with “I get to,” which presents more of a growth mindset . “This is the time to reframe our goals,” she points out “Trying something new, like taking a West African dance class instead of your regular spin class, shakes up the routine and keeps your mind and body learning You get to be pushed out of the comfort zone, and that’s where the magic happens ”
Carrie Jackson is a Chicago-based freelance writer and frequent contributor to Natural Awakenings. Connect at CarrieJackson Writes.com.
Many people have T-shirts that are faded, worn, torn, out of style or don’t fit anymore . Before throwing them out, consider giving them a new life as a useful item for personal or home use
Scrunchie: Cut a 21-by-3 5-inch strip of fabric and fold it in half, lengthwise and inside-out Sew the long edges together to make a tube . Turn the tube right-side-out . Thread an 8 .75-by-one-quarter-inch piece of elastic through the tube and tie the ends of the elastic Sew the ends of the tube together after folding in the edges to create an even seam .
Tote Bag: Start by cutting off the sleeves and neckline so the shirt resembles a tank top This will be the top of the bag Turn the shirt inside-out and mark a horizontal line across the shirt for the bottom of the bag, leaving at least 2 inches
below that line Using scissors, cut threequarter-inch-wide vertical strips from the bottom of the shirt to the line drawn, cutting the front and back of the shirt at the same time . Take the first pair of fringe pieces (a front piece and its back piece) and tie them into a knot Continue across until all of the pairs are tied . To further close any gaps, grab the top strand of the first tied set and tie it in a knot with the bottom strand of the set next to it Repeat until all the strands are tied Finally, flip the bag right-side-out again to hide the fringe . Alternately, to keep the fringe as a visible part of the bag, turn the shirt rightside-out before tying any pieces
Dog Tug Toy: Using scissors, cut a shirt into thin strips, stretch the strips to reduce elasticity and then braid them together tightly Tie a knot at each end and play a game of tug-of-war with the dog .
Memory Quilt: Cut each shirt as close to the neckline as possible, in a consistent size with the graphics in the center Organize and lay out the squares Stitch or sew the T-shirts in columns, then sew the columns together . Add batting and backing . The other side of the T-shirts can be used as the backing fabric, if assembled the same way as the front
Braided Basket: The first step is to create braided yarn Cut the T-shirt into long strips about two inches wide, and stretch the fabric to increase length and reduce elasticity Braid three strips together . To add new material, overlap the end of the new fabric strips with the end of the existing strips and sew or glue them together with fabric adhesive before continuing to braid . The second step is to arrange the braid in a circular or oval pattern to the desired size and use heavy-duty thread to sew the braid to make the bottom of the basket . Using another braid, sew it to the outside of the bottom of the basket and then upwards to make the sides . Add a doublebraided handle and sew it to the top of the basket
Cleaning Cloths: For shirts too worn to upcycle, cut them into squares and use them as cleaning cloths . When they are dirty, throw them in the washing machine and reuse .
November 30, 1920 - September 28, 2024
by Rose Winters
Recognized around the world as the mother of holistic medicine, Gladys McGarey was a physician and activist who inspired new ways of thinking about disease and health Throughout her expansive career, she championed the integrated use of healing methods from Western, Eastern and Indigenous sources; advocated the use of food to prevent and treat disease; and promulgated the idea that illnesses offer glimpses into our inner selves .
McGarey practiced medicine for eight decades, was the co-founder and former president of the American Holistic Medical Association (now called the Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine) and co-founder of the Academy of Parapsychology and Medicine She was one of the first medical doctors to use acupuncture in the United States
In her book, The Well-Lived Life: A 102-YearOld Doctor’s Six Secrets to Health and Happiness at Every Age, McGarey offers both practical advice and inspiring wisdom drawn from her own life, as well as from the experiences of patients, family and friends . Here is a selection of excerpts from her book
Each of us is here for a reason, to learn and
grow and to give our gifts When we are able to do so, we’re filled with the creative life energy that I call the “juice ” The juice is our reason for living . It’s our fulfillment, our joy . It’s what happens when life is activated by love . It’s the energy we get from the things that matter and mean something to us .
Consider life flowing like a forest stream A tree falls across the stream, creating a small dam, and some sticks come along to build the dam up a little higher . Downstream of the dam, the water flow may slow significantly, but it usually doesn’t stop completely Even if it does, the water continues to flow upstream of the dam, and the movement can be seen in the rising waterline . At some point, the water reaches the top of the dam and a trickle forms on one side or another, going around the dam and continuing downstream .
Life reaches for life Always That means that when we feel the most stuck, whether physically, emotionally, situationally, or any other way, we may need only to look to where things are still moving When we put our focus and our energy there, a trickle will form around our dam Aligning with this trickle will help us realign with life When we do, we can get up and start moving again . Once
that happens, all we need to do is keep going .
Secret III: Love Is the Most Powerful Medicine
Love dispels fear, but it is also blocked by fear The two are often presented together because they’re constantly in a push-pull game with each other If fear is our habit, practicing love is a wise solution And that practice will take us far, because love is infinitely stronger than fear—always Just as our bodies are born to breathe air, we are born to love That’s why although it’s good to address our fear, it’s even better to focus on our love Any effort we put toward love—truly, any effort at all—will self-perpetuate, bringing joy, health, and well-being into our lives
Secret IV: You Are Never Truly Alone
There’s a danger in thinking that we have to agree on everything to enjoy each other’s company This pushes everyone to extremes
It’s natural that when someone’s life looks like ours, it’s easier to find common points of connection But it’s sometimes the people who are most unlike us who push us to see things in a new way . That means there’s great meaning in interacting with people we don’t like that much When we approach people who think very differently from us with curiosity instead of condemnation, we grow
True optimism isn’t toxic, because focusing on the positive does not mean denying the negative It does not mean we dissociate from our pain, whether it’s physical or emotional, or pretend that things are okay when they aren’t Instead, it means we look for what’s wonderful anyway We allow what hurts to hurt while continuing to search for the lesson in it and be grateful for the teaching .
Love is always worth your energy Always Lean into what you love, whom you love, how you love Love is an endless font of life force, and it’s always there for you .
Excerpts are printed by permission of The Foundation for Living Medicine, created in 1989 by McGarey to bridge the gap between holistic and allopathic medicine through research and education. To learn more or to make a donation, visit FoundationForLivingMedicine.org.
Rose Winters is chief executive officer of The Foundation for Living Medicine and a consultant addressing nonprofit strategies with a special focus on women, health and children.
To read a longer version, visit online at TinyURL.com/McGareyWW or scan the QR code.
Ann Ochs has more than 20 years experience as a colon hydrotherapist.
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Experience cleansing in a warm, safe, spa-like environment.
by Zak Logan
Most of us feel a little grumpy when we’re hungry, but a diet that is dominated by ultra-processed packaged foods and drive-through meals increases our chances of experiencing chronic mood swings and symptoms of depression Ultra-processed foods are characterized by a long list of additives—artificial flavors, colors, sweeteners, preservatives, salt and more—resulting in products that do not resemble their original natural state
In a 2022 study published in JAMA Network Open involving more than 10,000 participants aged 18 or older, individuals with a higher percentage of their total energy intake from ultra-processed foods were significantly more likely to report mild depression and more mentally unhealthy and anxious days . Research involving more than 31,000 middle-aged women published last year in JAMA Network Open linked a higher consumption of ultra-processed foods, especially artificial sweeteners, to a higher risk of depressive disorders . Reducing ultraprocessed food intake by at least three servings per day lowered the risk of depression .
In order to produce serotonin, dopamine and other neurotransmitters that are crucial for balanced mental health, our bodies require vitamins, minerals and other nutrients found in real, whole foods . The Mayo Clinic recommends avoiding processed meats, sugary beverages, sweets and refined grains, and it gives a thumbs-up to feel-good fare on the Mediterranean diet that includes
plant-based foods, such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds and whole grains; healthy fats like olive oil; lean meats, including fish and poultry; and some dairy, such as natural cheese and yogurt
According to Holly DeLong, a registered dietitian and the founder of Food & Mood, in Malvern, Pennsylvania, “Food is a form of medicine, and we truly can make big improvements in our mental and emotional well-being using the intersection between nutrition and mental health Food, gut health and nutrient status all affect neurotransmitter production and balance . Certain nutrients are required to produce neurotransmitters ” She recommends the
consumption of mood-friendly, B-vitaminrich leafy greens, avocados, lentils, sunflower seeds and nutritional yeast, as well as magnesium-packed whole grains, tofu and bananas .
“What we eat influences key systems in our body, especially blood sugar, gut health and inflammation, and these impact mood, energy, stress and anxiety,” says Amy Fox, a certified functional food coach and life coach in Cincinnati, Ohio “Think of each meal as your ‘nutrition prescription’ These choices almost always predict how you’ll feel in a few hours A helpful rule of thumb is to aim for foods with five ingredients or less and limit boxed, bagged or wrapped items ” She also notes that high-sugar items, especially before bed, are the worst offenders
What we eat, and when, can improve the body’s chemical balancing act “Meal timing can be a huge factor in how food affects mood . Skipping meals and eating too close to bedtime can contribute to poor energy, lower moods and higher anxiety for some people,” explains DeLong
Fox notes that consuming alcohol can also backfire . “Sometimes we think a glass of wine will help us unwind after a long day, but it has the opposite effect Even small
amounts of alcohol can disrupt the production of our natural happiness chemicals ”
Because 95 percent of serotonin is produced in the gut, nutritionally dense foods and those containing probiotics and prebiotics promote the presence of good bacteria in the belly, which ensures the production of this neurotransmitter . Fox recommends three daily servings of fermented foods like kefir, kombucha, kimchi, plain Greek yogurt and naturally fermented sauerkraut found in the refrigerated section with “live cultures” on the label .
DeLong’s favorite go-to allies are sources of omega-3 fatty acids like salmon, walnuts and chia seeds to combat inflammation, an integral factor in fighting the blues She praises the antioxidant potential of berries, acai and pomegranates, and suggests swapping coffee for L-theanine-rich matcha green tea to decrease systemic patterns of anxiety
Protein is an unsung hero in eating to feel better “A craving for sweets might indicate a serotonin deficiency often linked to stress and low energy,” says Fox . “When you eat protein-rich foods, they help slow digestion, keeping blood sugar levels stable and providing a longer-lasting energy source ” She recommends lean chicken, beef, eggs, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese and legumes .
According to DeLong, “Neurotransmitter health is not a predetermined, unchangeable defect as it is often seen . We can make an impact with the choices we make ”
Simple, consistent changes in the diet can produce lasting effects “It’s about small, supportive choices that build up over time, shifting focus from restriction to nourishment,” says Fox .
Zak Logan is a freelance health writer dedicated to getting back to basics.
1 yellow onion, roughly chopped
3 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped
2 celery stalks, roughly chopped
¾ tsp dried thyme
5 cups bone broth
1 cup raw cashews
1½ lbs Yukon gold or white potatoes, diced (approx. 3½ cups)
7 cups broccoli florets (approx. 1 large head of broccoli)
½ tsp sea salt or to taste
½ tsp black pepper or to taste
Add onion, garlic, celery and 2 to 3 tablespoons of water to a pot . Sauté for 3 to 4 minutes until softened, adding more water as needed to prevent sticking Add the thyme and sauté another 30 seconds until fragrant
Add broth, cashews, potatoes, broccoli florets, salt and pepper to the pot and bring to a boil over high heat Once boiling, lower the heat to medium and cook for approximately 6 to 8 minutes until the potatoes are fork tender
Use an immersion blender to puree the soup in the pot or carefully transfer the contents of the pot to a stand blender in batches and puree .
Serve with crusty bread or garnish with croutons .
Recipe courtesy of Holly DeLong.
by Maya Whitman
In a world overflowing with needless waste, sustainability is the new necessity, and upcycling is trending as a fun, creative practice for all ages Whether we slather peanut butter on a paper towel tube and roll it in seeds to make a bird feeder or turn a patterned bedsheet into curtains, the point of upcycling is to reduce trash by transforming an obsolete item into something useful or beautiful . It is a way forward that conserves precious resources, reduces our carbon footprint, saves money and provides an outlet to unleash our imagination
Almost anything can be repurposed—from clothing and furniture to household items like wine bottles, cardboard and toothpaste tubes . Many online and offline resources provide inspiration, including books like Calin Duke’s How To Upcycle Nearly Everything Cleaning out old drawers and closets or perusing thrift stores opens the door to endless possibilities for personal expression and clever innovation .
According to a 2021 study by market researchers at First Insight and at the Baker Retailing Center in The Wharton School at University of Pennsylvania, upcycled clothing is a favorite among Gen Z consumers that prioritize sustainability over brandname loyalty . The #UpcycledFashion hashtag is more popular than ever, with more than 427 million views on TikTok, a large driver of Gen Z content
Sewing a quilt out of old T-shirts or cutting up worn-out jeans to make a stylish boho purse can be weekend projects or rainyday distractions for bored kids . But for
Angela Sawyer, upcycling is a passion and a way of life Inspired by her mother and grandmother, as well as a lifelong passion for crafting and art, she created her own YouTube channel @MizAngelaSawyer to teach and motivate others . Her tutorials exhibit the joy that can come from a do-ityourself lifestyle “It’s fun to see what you can make out of something else,” she declares .
Sawyer suggests viewing everything around the house with a new perspective, saying, “Look for anything you use a lot of and have to throw away What could you make with those, since you have so many?” Her jam is turning outgrown clothes into personal fashion statements .
“Jeans are very popular to upcycle,” Sawyer explains . “You can turn them into skirts, patchwork blankets and much more ” For the stitching-phobic, there are plenty of no-sew techniques to embellish or repurpose tired clothes, such as dying fabrics (extra points for plant-based dyes); applying
self-adhesive trim, patches or lace; adding rhinestones with fabric glue; and tying or braiding fabric pieces together . For beginners, Sawyer recommends watching online YouTube channels that offer easy-to-follow instructions and creative solutions for every craft project .
Sentimental mothers are reluctant to give away baby clothes, but upcycling can preserve family memories in the form of patchwork memory quilts, holiday ornaments and clothing for dolls that can be handed down to the next generation . Those inexplicably mismatched socks can be reused as dusting or cleaning mitts, rice-filled hot compresses or eyeglass holders . Old teacups are lovely containers for hand-poured candles, while old forks and spoons can be repurposed into musical wind chimes Even junk mail and glossy, outdated catalogs can be transformed into handmade cards and decoupage jewelry .
To a creative mind, anything can be repurposed and reimagined . Inventive examples abound, many of which are easy to replicate Here are a few ideas
• Use toilet paper rolls as cable organizers to keep the wires from tangling .
• Store earbuds in empty mint containers
• Transform used wine bottles into rustic flower vases .
• Spruce up old furniture with a fresh coat of paint and re-purpose bent silverware as drawer pulls .
• Make a necklace or earrings with buttons .
• Repurpose an old tennis racket into a trellis for the garden
• Take broken plates and ceramics, break them down and create a new work of art
• Place stringed lights in discarded jars for a new lease on life
• Turn aluminum or plastic containers into house planters
Showing others how to turn trash into treasure or add new life to tired objects is a wonderful motivator for friends, neighbors and future generations . “When a child gets into upcycling, it can give them a sense of accomplishment, which increases confidence,” Sawyer points out “It can have a ripple effect outside of our communities, too, if we share with others what we are doing and inspire them to do the same . ”
Maya Whitman is a regular contributor to Natural Awakenings
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by Christina Connors
There are no sweeter sounds than the giggles of a child playing with a puppy or the giddy singing voice of a little one at bedtime When these life-affirming moments are consistent and shared among a family, such heartfelt and abiding contentment can be considered a type of joy that becomes second nature, impacting children in enduring ways .
“Joy is the building block for developing resilience, improving mental health and supporting cognitive performance,” says Dr Chanie Messinger, a Brooklyn-based occupational therapist, educator and motivational speaker . “It’s important to remember that our ability to experience joy is directly dependent upon our ability to be open to experiencing all the rainbow of emotions, including sadness, anger and frustration . To me, creating a joyful home means that, as a family, we practice accepting and holding all of our emotions through joyful play, deep connection and creativity”
“Everything starts in the home, and our kids take their cues from their parents and caregivers,” says Harmony Longenecker, founder of The Classical Academy of Sarasota, in Florida, a private pre-kindergarten through 12th-grade classical liberal arts school “It is important to model for our kids how to be grateful, generous and joyful, and doing things together as a family fosters those qualities ”
A systematic review of research published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health suggests that positive family dynamics like cohesion and communication strongly predict the happiness of children and adolescents Here are some ways to incorporate joy in the home to benefit the whole family .
Reduce smartphone use. Children thrive
whenever their parents and other family members are fully present in their lives . When spending time together, it is vital to remove distractions as a way of enabling and deepening the connection to one another . Eliminating or reducing smartphone use during family time is an important first step To learn more, Longenecker recommends reading The Opt-Out Family: How to Give Your Kids What Technology Can’t, by Erin Loechner
Champion a gratitude jar. Encourage everyone to write down what they are thankful for on pieces of paper and drop them into a large jar Once a week, invite each family member to pull out a gratitude note and share it with the group, encouraging discussion
Have a family dance party. “Moving our bodies is a great way to release tension and boost serotonin,” says Messinger . For added fun, stop the music every so often and have everyone freeze in place in outlandish positions that represent an emotion Family members then take turns guessing what the emotions are Is it boredom, anger, glee, frustration or anticipation? This enjoyable game can improve the emotional intelligence of children
Engage in a child’s favorite activity. Plan an afternoon or day trip around a child’s passions, which could be attending a car race for the auto enthusiast, painting outdoors for the child artist or having a family fashion show for the budding clothing designer “Tapping into what our kids appreciate and noticing what lights them up is how we can create feelings of safety and joy,” says Messinger .
Hold recurring family meetings. At the beginning of each season, sit down together and set family goals for the quarter, making sure to include both thoughtful intentions and fun activities “Communication and setting intentions regularly as a family is not only a fun way to spend time together, but also opens up conversations about the power of setting intentions and following
through,” says Longenecker
Get moving outdoors together. Go for a family bike ride Take a walk in nature Visit the zoo Exercising in the sunshine or under a sparkling night sky is not only great for everyone’s health, but also a fun way to bond and make special memories
Keep a tidy household. A well-ordered home is a joyful one Make chores fun by playing music while decorating, cooking, cleaning or doing laundry together .
Develop a family manifesto. Jointly write down a code of conduct and set of beliefs that identifies the family . “Getting clear on who we are as individuals and as a family helps our kids know their true selves By helping them develop this inner knowing, it will help them navigate the world with confidence and be less likely to succumb to unhealthy peer pressure,” says Longenecker
Hit the reset button. “Oftentimes being crabby is a habit,” says Longenecker “Establish a rule: When a family member wakes up crabby, they must return to their room and take a few moments of alone-time to breathe and decide to shift their emotional state to a more positive one If there are feelings that need to be seen and heard, be sure to help them express those emotions through conversation and cuddling . ”
Practice radical generosity. The act of giving is healthy for the soul A beautiful way to practice generosity as a family is to serve together Volunteer at a local charity, or pay for a stranger’s meal at a restaurant . Such acts of kindness strengthen our empathy muscles and fill our spirits with joy
Christina Connors is a writer, singer and creator of Christina’s Cottage, a YouTube series to strengthen kids’ resilience, connection and joy through music, mindful play and the power of the heart. Learn more at ChristinasCottage444.com.
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Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions –6:30pm. For over 39 years Barry Wolfson has helped people find the power to make positive changes in their lives by using the tool of hypnosis. Learn more at this free presentation on how to “Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions”. Free. Milltown Library, 20 W. Church St., Milltown. For information and to register call 732247-2270, or Barry at 908-303-7767 or barry@hypnosiscounselingcenter.com. HypnosisCounselingCenter.com.
Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions –6:30pm. For over 39 years Barry Wolfson has helped people find the power to make positive changes in their lives by using the tool of hypnosis. Learn more at this free presentation on how to “Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions”. Free. Garwood Library, 411 Third Ave, Garwood. For information and to register call 908789-1670, or Barry at 908-303-7767 or barry@hypnosiscounselingcenter.com. HypnosisCounselingCenter.com.
Emotion Code Demo – 11am-12noon. Join an Emotion Code demonstration to see how this type of therapy can help your body heal. Trapped emotions cause pain, emotional problems and all kinds of malfunction and disease, such as physical pain, depression, chronic fatigue, PTSd, phobias or panic attacks. Space is limited to five adult (18+) registrants. Presented by Chava Bekhor, a certified Emotion Code therapist. To register email:Etsemlyhealing@gmail.com. $10. Chabad Center, 26 West Hanover Ave, Randolph. etsemlyhealing.com.
Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions –6:30pm. For over 39 years Barry Wolfson has helped peo-ple find the power to make positive changes in their lives by using the tool of hypnosis. Learn more at this free presentation on how to “Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions”. Free. Springfield Library, 66 Mountain Ave., Springfield. For information and to register call 973376-4930 or Barry at 908-303-7767 or barry@hypnosiscounselingcenter.com. HypnosisCounselingCenter.com.
Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions –2pm. For over 39 years Barry Wolfson has helped people find the power to make positive changes in their lives by using the tool of hypnosis. Learn more at this
free presentation on how to “Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions”. Free. Middlesex Library, 1300 Mountain Ave., Middlesex. For information and to register call 732356-6602, or Barry at 908-303-7767 or barry@hypnosiscounselingcenter.com. HypnosisCounselingCenter.com.
Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions –6:30pm. For over 39 years Barry Wolfson has helped peo-ple find the power to make positive changes in their lives by using the tool of hypnosis. Learn more at this free presentation on how to “Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions”. Free. South Plainfield Library, 2484 Plainfield Ave., South Plainfield. For information and to register call 908-754-7885 or Barry at 908-303-7767 or barry@hypnosiscounselingcenter.com. HypnosisCounselingCenter.com.
Psychic Fair by Shirley Ann – 3rd Sun each mo; 11am-5pm. Shirley Ann invites all to come for a day of insight and discovery with professional, seasoned psychics, mediums, tarot cards, palmistry, etc. Admission is free. Holiday Inn, Rte 46 E , Parsippany. For information, call/text Vincent at 973723-8238 and visit Facebook/ Psychic Fair Network.
Emotion Code Demo for Pets – 11amnoon. In this demonstration, you will learn how Emotion Code Therapy can release the trapped emotions that may be causing your pet to have physical or emotional health issues. Space is limited to the first five registrants and their pets. Presented by Chava Bekhor, certified Emotion Code Therapist. To register email: etsemlyhealing@gmail.com. $10. Chabad Center, 26 West Hanover Ave, Randolph. etsemlyhealing.com.
Wellness Gala presents Psychic Sunday – 1-5pm. Get your questions answered by NJ’s Top Psychics. Receive answers, guidance, and insight into your individual messages, and messages from loved ones who have passed. There are 15, 30, and 45 minute sessions available. Location: Enchanted Treasures, 245 South Ave, Garwood. For information and tickets go to WellnessGala.com/Events.
Change Your Life with Hypnosis – 6:309:15pm; Zoom. Barry Wolfson leads three one-hour virtu-al sessions. Take any or all. Stop Smoking with Hypnosis – 6:307:30pm. Lose Weight with Hypno-sis –7:30-8:30pm. Reduce Stress with Hypnosis
Morris, Union, Susses & Essex County Edition NaturalAwakeningsNJ.com
– 8:30-9:15pm. $60 each session. For information and link to sessions, contact Barry at 908-303-7767, 610-353-2330 or bar-ry@hypnosiscounselingcenter.com. HypnosisCounselingCenter.com.
Change Your Life with Hypnosis – 6:308:30pm. Barry Wolfson leads three onehour sessions. Take any or all for tools to help you change your life for the better. Stop Smoking with Hypnosis – 6:307:30pm. Lose Weight with Hypnosis –7:30-8:30pm. $60 each session. Kearny Adult School, Kearny HS, 336 Devon St., Kearney. For more information, contact 201-955-1392 or Barry at 908-303-7767 or barry@hypnosiscounselingcenter.com. HypnosisCounselingCenter.com.
Heal Your Life® Workshop Leader Training – Sat. 6/14- Fri. 6/20. Plan to attend this leader training in Louise Hay’s philosophy, personally approved by her. Six night/seven day training in Orlando takes you on a deep dive into Louise’s techniques and provides you with complete materials to lead up to 15 different workshops. Call Master Trainer Patricia Crane, 760-539-2227. https://healyourlifetraining.com/florida
Mediumship, Intuitive, & Psychic Development Circle – 7-9pm. On-going, interactive workshop series presented in a way that assists in building intuitive muscle. Maureen guides participants in connecting with their intuition. Every class will be different in development lessons. All levels welcome! $15; RSVP to Maureen 908-955-3282. Portal of Healing, 50 Main St., Top Flr, Chester. PortalOfHealing.com. DivineWingsOfFlight.com.
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- Albert Schweitzer
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Connecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide email Joe@NaturalAwakeningsNJ com to request our media kit.
Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine; Board Certified in Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine 332 South Ave East, Westfield 908-928-0060 • AcuVisionTherapy.com
Dr. Rosenfarb is world renowned in the field of holistic eye health and passionate about helping people with degenerative eye diseases. Call now to qualify for your free copy of his groundbreaking book, Recover Your Vision. Additional specialties include glaucoma, retinitis pigmentosa and diabetic retinopathy. See ad, page 34.
Linda Beg 100 Hibernia Avenue, Rockaway 973-957-0500
100% gluten-, dairy-, soyand GMO-free retail and wholesale bakery. Available products: artisan breads, custom cakes, pies, cookies, desserts, seasonal, vegan, Paleo, natural sugars, nut-free. See ad, page 19.
80 Morristown Rd, Bernardsville 908-766-5450
Exclusive collection of Organic and Chemical Free mattresses and accessories. Over 30 years family experience. Come see how easy it is to shop for a mattress. Free delivery, free set up, free removal. See ad, page 35.
“The only sin passion can commit is to be joyless.”
- Dorothy L Sayers
Patricia J. Crane, Ph.D. 760-539-2227
Master Louise Hay’s proven methods for helping others heal and transform their lives. This comprehensive certification training equips you with complete workshop materials, licensing, and skills to launch your teaching practice.
David Scott Bartky, CLOALC 973-444-7301
David@LifeCoachDavid.com LifeCoachDavid.com
David is a certified and experienced Law of Attraction life coach. His clients all have great success because he teaches them powerful processes and techniques so they can attract what they want, instead of what they don’t want in all areas of life (both materialistically and emotionally). The Law of Attraction is always responding to you, so if you’re ready to say “Yes!” to attracting what you want, and/or improving your life in some way, contact David today. Coaching sessions are held over the phone and the first session is always free.
Ann Ochs • Colon Hydrotherapist I-ACT Certified 26 Elm St, Morristown 973-998-6550 • ColonHealthNJ.com AnnLivingWaters@aol.com
Ann Ochs has more than 20 years experience as a colon hydrotherapist. She holds an advanced certification from the International Association of Colon Therapists (I-ACT), is certified by the National Board for Colon Hydrotherapy, and is a certified body ecologist. Living Waters offers the Angel of Water®, an advanced colon hydrotherapy system, designed to offer the ultimate in privacy and dignity. Call today Cosmetics – Organic. See ad, page 23.
Union, Susses & Essex County
NEXT LEVEL HEALING OF NJ, INC. Susan Richter, RN, Nutritionist, CCH, LDHS Denville • 973-586-0626
Enzyme nutrition is becoming a sought after therapy for the underlying digestive issues related to autism, auto-immune diseases, chronic pain, skin problems, mood disorders, bowel issues and allergies. The system of analysis is scientific, non-invasive, and based on anatomy and physiology. The methods of correction are food-based, drug-free, and have no side effects. Regardless of age or diagnosis, correcting digestion, supporting the immune system, and following guidelines for healthy choices are the backbone of Susan’s successful private practice of 36 years. Call for a gentle approach to healing.
DR. ANDY ROSENFARB, ND, LAC, Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine; Board Certified in Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine
332 South Ave East, Westfield 908-928-0060 • AcuVisionTherapy.com
Dr. Rosenfarb is world renowned in holistic eye health. Learn of his astounding work in this area—call now to qualify for your free copy of his groundbreaking book, Recover Your Vision. Additional specialties include glaucoma, retinitis pigmentosa and diabetic retinopathy. See ad, page 34.
For over 35 years The Hair For Life Center has been helping women who experience hair loss.In as little as 2 to 3 hours we restore your hair to its natural state safely without using glues or extensions. For more information, visit at TheHairForLifeCenter.com. See ad, page 7.
17 Hanover Road, Suite #301 Florham Park, NJ 973-240-7251
support@hbotusa.com OxygenNJ.com
Unlock better health at New Jersey HBOT with hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Our treatments promote healing, reduce inflammation and boost overall wellness. Experience the benefits of advanced therapy tailored to your needs. Start your journey to optimum health today! See ad, page 2
Barry Wolfson
Offices in Flemington, Princeton, Livingston NJ, and King of Prussia, PA 908-303-7767
Over 35 years of experience. We offer traditional counseling methods and the art of hypnotherapy in private and group settings, in person or virtual, for weight loss, stress, smoking, confidence building, phobias, insomnia, test taking, sports improvement, public speaking, and more. See ad, page 9.
Linda West, BA, ACH 55 Madison Ave, Morristown 973-506-9654
Advanced clinical hypnosis using interactive, personalized techniques; based on a lengthy interview at the first session and dialogues at following sessions. For weight loss, stress/anxiety, smoking, chronic pain, improved performance, trauma, substance use, sleep, fears/ phobias, anger, confidence, studying/memory issues, and more. Self-hypnosis is taught at the first extended session. If you have constraints that you can’t seem to break through, or are overly burdened by negative thoughts or feelings, hypnosis can free you and put you back in charge.
91 Millburn Avenue, Millburn 973-457-4688
Holistic dental care that is good for the body as well as teeth and gums. By treating the cause, not just the symptoms, Dr. Gashinsky helps improve his patients’ quality of life through dental care that respects and honors the body. See ad, page 3 .
Linda Sercarz Certified Heartmath Coach Serving North Jersey & surrounding area 973-714-8650 • Sercarz@aol.com
Heartmath+ consists of simple heart-focused, science-based meditations. The techniques are designed to change the way your body responds to stress by learning to self-regulate. They create more resilience, coherence, clarity (even in stressful situations), and the apacity to self-regulate. Heartmath+.
- Samuel Johnson
17 Hanover Road, Suite #300, Lower Level Florham Park, NJ 973-920-7429
The Longevity Lounge will become your favorite place to both Get Better and Feel Better! You will experience our proven ancient healing strategies combined with cutting edge technologies in the perfect setting and to achieve your wellness goals to live a long and healthy life. See ad, page 2
CATHY LUDWIG, ED.S., LPC 151 Rt 10 E., Suite 204B, Succasunna 201-738-8311 • ludcat2001@gmail.com
Self-acceptance and clarity are yours when you determine how the past is influencing the present and when you make conscious choices about the future. As a licensed psychotherapist, Cathy helps you experience healing in all areas of your life. Using the powerful and effective treatments of Past Life Regression Therapy or Hypnotherapy alone or in combination with talk therapy, Cathy helps you develop your full potential, resolve conflict and have more compassion for yourself and others. Call to discuss which treatment option will work best for you. See ad, page 9.
Sherry Onweller, Professional Organizer, Life Strategy & Organizing Coach 908-619-4561
Providing sympathetic and nonjudgmental organizing and decluttering services to residential and business clients, also helping adults with ADD to get their physical space and time management in order. Virtual and in-person sessions available. See ad, page 33.
DR. ANDY 332 S. Avenue E., Westfield, NJ Specializing in Holistic Eye Health • #1 Bestselling Author 908-928-0060 • AcuVisionAcupuncture.com
Shaman, Healer, Sage, Reiki Master Teacher, Astrologist 973-647-2500
Profound Healing, Clearing, Reclaim yourself, Enjoy life. 41 years of experience. Shamanic and Intuitive Energy Sessions. Soul Retrievals. Past Life, Ancestral, Current life healing. Business, Home, and Land clearings. Meditation, Shamanic, and Reiki Healers Training. and more. See ad, page 13.
Thermography gives an early look at the most important indicator of a potential health problem – inflammation. Early stage disease screening is an area in which thermography excels. Whether your pain is acute or chronic, or you are merely curious about the state of your health, thermography can help provide answers. Radiation-free breast and full body screenings for men and women. See ad, page 23. Andy Rosenfarb, ND, LAc. Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine Board Certified in Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine
Lisa Mack, CCT, HHC
Thermographer and Holistic Counselor See website for locations in NJ, NY & PA 855-667-9338
Lisa@LisasThermographyAndWellness.com LisasThermographyAndWellness.com
If you are looking for high quality, HEALTHY mattresses and bedding all from an incredibly well -run, caring LOCAL business, look no further. Pam (the owner) and her team are knowledgeable, responsive, kind and price things fairly to boot. After trying for months to cobble together healthy options for mattresses and bedding for our new home, a friend told us about Hibernate Bedding ”just call Pammy,” she said. We did and couldn’t be more thrilled. In an age of online customer service Hell, Hibernate Bedding is an incredible breath of fresh air. A local brick -and-mortar retailer where you can try before you buy, get great advice and have a great person to work with who stands behind everything they recommend and sell. Bravo!