CWL Magazine Issue #19

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THE PORTION Distortion

5 BENEFITS Of Kissing


Not Fight Club




In Men AT HOME REMEDIES FOR Male Infertility

VOLUNTEERING: Helping others could help you 10 MONEY TIPS For the Holidays


Issue #19 October - December 2010

Publisher Pelican Publishers Limited

Editor-in-chief Dr. Henry Lowe

Editors at Large Welcome to the final issue of the Caribbean Wellness & Lifestyle magazine for the year 2010. My how time flies! It seems like only yesterday we welcomed you to the first issue. We do hope that despite the undeniable challenges faced so far this year, you were all able to cope and are optimistic about the year ahead. We have an informative line-up of articles for you in this issue. In the Physical Wellness section, articles such as ‘The Portion Distortion,’ which reveals some of the dangers behind the rather large serving sizes we like to have at meal times and ‘Your Best Day Ever,’ which provides a guideline to help you make better food choices throughout the day are sure to be eye openers. We also take a look at a few health myths and reveal the truth behind them in the article ‘9 Health Myths Revealed.’ Many people like to kiss, perhaps you’re one of them and you just might become even more of a fan when we take a look at some of its benefits in the article ‘5 Benefits of Kissing.’ As we’ve mentioned, the holidays are around the corner and we take a few moments to be nostalgic in the article ‘Christmas in JA.’ We also have decorating safety and entertainment tips in the articles ‘Tis the season for a safe holiday’ and ‘Entertaining: have a big party in a small space’ because surely you plan to do a little of both in the upcoming months. Of course, it will not all be about eating, drinking and being merry this time of year. It’s also about helping others and taking a moment to remember why we’re really celebrating; the articles ‘Volunteering: helping others helps you’ and ‘The Reason for the Season’ should help you do this. It’s also important to remember that this year is simply coming to an end, but there is another year right behind it, so we should be careful particularly with our spending. The articles, ‘10 Money Tips for the Holidays’ and ‘Simple tips for the Bargain Hunter’ are a must read for those of you who need some guidance in the finance department; or for those who are simply looking for ways to be smarter with their cash. As usual, we try to end things on a light note with our jokes, puzzles and informative did you know. The Caribbean Wellness & Lifestyle team would like to thank our valued readers for supporting us through yet another year and we look forward to a continuing relationship in the new one. Please continue to send us your suggestions and comments via email at pelicanpublishers@ or give us a call at 978-8377. Have a blessed and safe holiday season when it arrives and a prosperous new year!

Mrs. Janet Wilson-Lowe Mrs. Venus Lowe

EditorIal & Production Nordia Johnson

Contributors Dr. Hame Persaud Nordia Johnson Paul Taylor Magdalena Cooper-de Neuze

Marketing/sales Nadia Willie

Layout & Design Shane Dennis

Photograph Contributions Byron Buckley

The Caribbean Wellness and Lifestyle magazine is published quarterly by Pelican Publishers Limited in Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies. © 2010 Pelican Publishers Limited No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronically or mechanically, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage retrieval system, without written permission from the publishers. Pelican Publishers Limited Suite # 8, 39 Lady Musgrave Road Kingston 10, Jamaica, W.I. Tel: (876) 978-8377 | 978-0048 Fax: (876) 978-0602 Email: Website:

Features Physical Wellness | 4-11 4•The portion distortion 5•Your best day ever 6•Revealing menopause symptoms 7•What do food expiration dates really mean? 7•Protect those eyes 8•5 Benefits of kissing 8•Health tips the experts swear by 9•Health myths and the truth about them 10•Questions for the doctor

Fitness Corner | 14-16 12•Test your fitness IQ 13•Stay fresh while getting fit

Mental & Spiritual Wellness | 19-22 14•Volunteering: Helping others could actually help you 14•Have a happy heart 16•How to do one thing at a time

Health Technology | 23-24 18•5 Tech tools for non-techies 19•Riding the social media wave: A user’s guide to web-based communication

Healthy Wealth | 25-28

20•10 Money tips for the holiday season 22•The importance of insurance 22•Simple tips for the bargain hunter 23•Sould retirees have an investment strategy during their retirement years?

For Men Only | 30-33

25•Chemicals widely used in plastics linked to testorterone boost 25•Enlarged breasts in men 26•At-home remedies for male infertility tips to boost your sperm count 26•Car news: 5 Tips to protect you and your vehicle

Lifestyle | 34-50

27•Greening your home: What does it really take? 28•This isn’t fight club 29•Christmas JA 30•Teach your kids to express healthy emotions 31•How to have a big party in a small space 31•Recipe corner provided by Grace: Quick hot & spicy mackerel Sauce with spaghetti 32•A smarter clean: A guide to tackling household chores 33•Tis the season for a safe holiday 34•Take back your weekends 35•Smart uses for salt 36•The sweet smell of success: How aromatherapy can help your professional edge 37•How to express your true inner beauty

Entertainment | 51-52 38•Did you know? 38•Interesting phobias 39•Puzzle: Cube count 39•Puzle: Simple cinema 40•Jokes

The portion distortion


hen you pile your plate high, are you even thinking about how many calories you’ll be taking in, or are you just thinking about how delicious it all looks? Chances are you’re thinking the latter and we don’t need to tell you that, that is a very, very, bad idea. When it comes to portion sizes a great number of people throw conventional wisdom out the window and serve food in heaps, as opposed to the recommended serving size. The recommended size is usually smaller than what many people serve and consume as for some reason we tend to overcompensate and dole out huge dishes. It is quite common locally to hear an individual or even a food establishment being described as ‘stingy’, a direct reference to their smaller serving portions. Being ‘stingy’ doesn’t go over particularly well with us but what we ought to realize is that consuming these mega-sized meals makes it harder for us to determine our caloric intake. The health implications also, can be far reaching and devastating. To avoid this we’ve listed six food favourites and their suggested serving sizes below, it just may surprise you.


even though you may be really disciplined, it’s hard to eat just one slice of pizza, which isn’t good considering that even one slice of cheese pizza can wreck your diet. Depending on the amount and type(s) of cheese used, each slice contains roughly 12 grams of fat and will set you back about 300 calories. Cheese also contains a lot of saturated fat, which is bad for the heart. The Fix - eat something before you indulge. It is highly likely that a full or almost full stomach will prevent you from overindulging. Just ensure that what you’re eating before isn’t just as fattening as the pizza itself, so try a hearty salad, minus the fatty dressing. Also consider having your pizza topped with vegetables instead of bacon, pepperoni or beef. Another option is to make your own pizza at home with wholegrain dough and topped with vegetables and low-fat mozzarella cheese.


the standard serving size is half a cup, but who really only eats half a cup of ice-cream? All those calories add up too, as a half cup serving amounts to about 150 calories. If you eat two cups, that’s 600 calories! Having low fat or reduced fat ice-cream may not always help to offset the overindulgence problem as because it carries less fat, people tend to eat more of it. Also, despite the reduced fat it still contains a fair amount of calories, which over time add up and put you at risk. Ice-cream can play tricks on the eye if you’re not careful. A study in 2006 showed that those who had larger bowls, served themselves one-thirds more of the treat, without even realizing it. Those who used larger spoons also dished out more than they should.

Soft drinks

although we’ve heard so many times before that soda is bad for us, some people practically inhale the stuff! Just eight ounces can contain 95 calories and 24 grams of sugar. Now 95 calories may not sound like a big deal, but very few people actually drink soda from an eight ounce container. Fast food joints typically serve sodas in 32-ounce and 64-ounce containers, so that’s potentially 700 calories and 96 grams of sugar just for your drink! The consequences of consuming too much are far reaching and include weight gain, tooth decay, heart disease, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer.

The Fix - Drink water. It’s calorie free and good for you. If

you’re a bit partial to a little flavor in your beverages, you can add a little lemon juice or a flavoured water drink (such as Ocean Spray CranWata is a healthy option as well).

White rice

whether it’s in a restaurant or at home, many people consume roughly two or three cups of white rice. A half a cup of white rice has about 15 carbohydrate grams and two cups bring that total up to 60 grams. Wherever you get them from (fruits, veggies or sugar), carbs will turn to glucose in the body and if you’re consuming more carbs than your body needs for fuel, it will just end up being stored as fat.

The Fix - Your serving of rice should be no more than the size

of a baseball (which is slightly larger than a cricket ball). Add lots of colourful steamed or baked vegetables and experiment with different (low fat) sauces to add more flavor.

The Fix - you need to get yourself an ice-cream scoop or use Burgers a small enough cup. Also consider adding fresh fruits to your servings as this will help fill you up more and satisfy your sweet tooth. Another word of advice also: the ice-cream tub is not your bowl, do not eat from it!

it’s not uncommon to see the meat in your burger spilling a little bit over the sides of the bun. A large burger can easily take up your recommended daily amount of protein and contain as much as 20 grams of fat; most of it saturated.

Orange juice

The Fix - the next time you order a burger, ask for less meat

bet you never would have guessed it! Yes, orange juice is still good for you, what is not good however is drinking too much of it, which many people tend to do. While it has a high vitamin and phytonutrient content, an eight ounce serving contains about 112 calories, which adds up.

The Fix - drink just one glass per day, don’t chug it down from the container, or consider adding a little water to it. Notch up your fruit intake by actually eating fresh fruits. As a bonus, you’ll not only be getting vitamins but also fiber, which helps to make you feel fuller.

and also ask that it be broiled. If you can’t get a smaller portion, cut the burger in half and eat just one half. You may want to have either a bowl of soup or a salad before so you already feel somewhat full by the time your burger arrives. You can also make your own burgers at home and add healthy ingredients such as chopped herbs or carrots to the meat.

| Caribbean Wellness & Lifestyle October - December 2010

Your best day ever


hat you put in your mouth does have a lot to do with how your day goes. Food provides fuel for the body and the mind and depending on what you consume; you can either perform at your peak or you can flounder. So, are you eating your way to the top, or are you sinking fast? Check out our handy menu guide for tips on how you can have your best day ever – nutritionally that is.

Bacon or ham and fried eggs

Peppermint tea

Fullness & energy: this meal is packed with protein and will keep you full throughout the morning. Relaxed blood vessels: when eggs are digested fragments of protein are produced and these can help prevent an increase in blood pressure

Focus: research has found that periodic smells of peppermint can increase concentration on tasks that require sustained attention.

Grilled salmon

Alertness: salmon is rich in tyrosine, an amino acid used by the brain to make dopamine and norepinephrinenuerochemicals that keep you alert.


Relaxation: just a glass of red wine helps to take the edge off a stressful day because it causes the blood vessels to relax. By the second glass, the opposite begins to take place, so limit your intake.

Steak or oysters

Libido boost: protein can increase the levels of brain chemicals that heighten arousal. The zinc in steak may also help to maintain testosterone levels. Oysters contain two types of amino acids that have been linked to testosterone production in rats. It’s still unclear if their libido boosting potential is real however.

Pancakes, Bagels and cream cheese - These options are full of carbohydrates and will send your blood sugar level soaring. You will initially feel like a bundle of energy, but your sugar level will eventually crash and you’ll be hungry again in no time. Soda - researchers in Britain have found that sleepy individuals who drank sugary of caffeinated drinks, had slower reaction times and shorter attention spans after 80 minutes, than those who had sugar free beverages. Tea with milk - while tea may cut stress, its stress busting effects all but disappear when milk is added. This is because milk proteins may bind with the tea’s active ingredients and reduce their effectiveness.

Whiskey - A 2007 study found that individuals with alcohol problems had more premature graying than those that didn’t. Over the long term, alcohol abuse may speed up the aging and loss of the cell which give your hair its pigment.

White chocolate - this type of chocolate does not contain cocoa solids, the beneficial aspect of dark chocolate.

Caribbean Wellness & Lifestyle October - December 2010 |

BOOSTS IMMUNITY: when you kiss, you 1 IT also swap bacteria with the person you’re kissing and

while this may sound gross, there’s apparently some benefit behind it. Most salivary bacteria can be found in everyone, but roughly 20% are unique. Once you are exposed to these bacteria via kissing, your body immediately starts producing antibodies to fight them off. So in a sense it’s essentially similar to a vaccination without the scary needles.

A DE-STRESSOR: a recent study done 2 IT’S at Lafayette College found that oxytocin (a calming

5 Benefits of kissing

chemical), endorphins (a feel good chemical), and dopamine (which encourages bonding) are all released when you kiss someone. Do it for 20 seconds or more, to reap the full mood enhancing benefits.

MAY CALM THOSE ALLERGIES: a 3 IT Japanese study found that kissing for a half an hour can

slow down the body’s production of histamines, which will in turn give some relief from all that sneezing and runny noses.

CAN PROTECT THOSE CHOMPERS: 4 IT when you kiss, excess saliva is produced and this helps


hat’s in a kiss? Apart from the passion or disgust it can evoke, is there some other physiological effect locking lips can create? Well, according to the branch of science dedicated to studying kissing (yes there is such a thing) Philematology, kissing can be quite beneficial to your health.

to wash away food particles and plaque, as well as neutralize decay causing acids. A number of experts also believe that the mineral salts that are present can even help to strengthen tooth enamel.

A LIGHT WORKOUT: kissing, according 5 IT’S to estimates, can burn as much as 6 calories a minute

and you use approximately 30 facial muscles. Ok, so perhaps it won’t give you washboard abs or cellulite free thighs, but if you engage in a 30 minute session; you can feel less guilty about sharing dessert.

Health tips the experts swear by LMAO, DWL Laughter helps to relieve stress, decrease blood pressure, boost the immune system and promote social bonding. So laugh a little (or a lot) more! Hang out more with your hilarious friends or family members more, or tune in to a funny TV show. CHECK OUT YOUR ‘WORK’ By ‘work’ we mean your bowel movements. It may seem gross, but don’t just hastily flush and go as your movements are a telltale sign of what’s going on inside your gut. Keep in mind that it should be shaped like an ‘S’ and be smooth. Coming out in lumps is a sign of constipation and you should up the amount of fiber and water you consume. EAT LOTS OF DIFFERENT COLOURS All those brightly coloured foods aren’t just pretty to look at, they are also chock full of flavonoids and carotenoids – which

help to stop the damaging effects of free radicals in the body. Eat roughly nine servings of colourful fruits and veggies daily to see the benefits. YOU NEED TO DO MORE THAN BRUSH If you don’t want to lose those pearly whites, you need to do more than just brush them, you need to floss too. Regardless of how long or thoroughly you think you brush, you still aren’t getting everything. In addition to being bad for your teeth the bacteria that builds up can also increase your heart disease risk. NO MAN IS AN ISLAND There’s a reason women live longer than men. One of those reasons is the female tendency to form close social bonds and to actually talk about their problems. If you always deal with issues on your own, you’re only aging yourself faster. The love and support of another person will help to

| Caribbean Wellness & Lifestyle October - December 2010

slow this process a bit. IT’S NOT ALL UP TO THE DOC While your doctor helps to keep you healthy, the ultimate responsibility lies with you. Don’t be scared to seek a second opinion if you are unsure about something or before undergoing a major procedure. Write down your medical history and educate yourself as much as possible about any illnesses that may run in the family. HAVE AS MUCH SEX AS YOU CAN The health benefits of sex are numerous. It’s a great workout and stress reliever. Don’t forget to be safe! GREEN IS GOOD Green tea that is. This tea is full of heart healthy and cancer prohibiting polyphenols. It also helps to keep you alert and, if your pour it on your scalp, fights dandruff.

Health myths and the truth about them

MYTH: don’t cut the crusts off bread, they’re MYTH: an apple a day keeps the doctor away. packed with vitamins

TRUTH: a 2002 German study found that

during baking, a new type of cancer fighting antioxidant was produced in the bread and is 8 times more concentrated in the crust, as opposed to the crumb. Bread alone won’t prevent cancer however and it’s more important that you eat brown bread instead of white.

MYTH: going out with wet hair will give you a cold.

TRUTH: it might be better if you ate a handful

of blueberries instead. These little berries are packed with antioxidants and fiber and can easily be added to other meals (such as cereal) to make it more nutritious.

MYTH: we lose 75% of our body heat through our heads.

TRUTH: this is likely based on an infant’s head

hair, you’ll be fine otherwise. Studies have proven that whether or not you feel cold, has no bearing on your immune system.

size, which is usually a greater percentage of the total body, than an adult’s head. This is why it is so important that a baby’s head is covered in cold weather. For an adult, this figure is closer to 10% and heat will escape from any exposed area, so a hat is no more important than gloves.

MYTH: frequently crossing your eyes will cause

MYTH: eating fish makes you smart

TRUTH: while you may feel cold with your wet

them to become stuck that way.

TRUTH: this is indeed true for children up to TRUTH: crossing your eyes should not have any the ages of three or four years. Fish, such as salmon, effect on them, once you’re doing it voluntarily. If however you notice your child doing this and they’re not just playing around, then there may be a vision problem which you need to investigate.

are packed with omega three fatty acids, a type of which is especially beneficial in the first two years of life for brain development, cognition and vision.

MYTH: always feed a cold and starve a fever.


TRUTH: those suffering from either a cold or

fever should eat, drink and drink some more. It’s extremely important to stay hydrated because you tend to lose a lot of fluids when ill. Specialty drinks with electrolytes, such as Gatorade aren’t necessary either unless you’ve experience severe dehydration from bouts of vomiting or diarrhea.

MYTH: if you swallow gum it will stay inside you for seven years.

MYTH: you should not swim for an hour after TRUTH: hit that water. While more blood will

be diverted from the muscles to the stomach to aid digestion, you won’t cramp and drown. You probably won’t have as much energy to swim vigorously, but your ability to play around and tread water should not be affected.

MYTH: every child needs a daily multivitamin TRUTH: children who are fed breast milk only

during their first year should receive a vitamin D

TRUTH: like most non-food items that people supplement. After this however, while it will not tend to swallow, fluids carry gum through the intestinal tract and it is passed out within days.

hurt to give them a multivitamin, It won’t hurt not to either.

Caribbean Caribbean Wellness Wellness&&Lifestyle Lifestyle October October--December December2010 2010 ||

Test your fitness IQ


h i n k you know a lot about fitness? Well it’s time to find out! Take the simple fact or fiction quiz below and find out just how much you really do know. 1.

Cardio burns more calories than strength training.


You can reduce cellulite through exercise.


Crunches are one of the best moves to target you abdominals.


Exercise immediately improves your ability to learn.


The morning is the best time to exercise.


Running a marathon increases your risk of heart attack.


Lift weights quickly to increase the burn.


Skinny people are always healthier than overweight people.

Answers 1.

Fiction – contrary to popular belief, new studies have shown strength training to be superior to steady state cardio in terms of calories burnt. In a study conducted by the University of Southern Maine, participants were found to have burnt as many calories doing 30 minutes of weight training as they did running 6 minutes per mile for the same amount of time. Weight training also boosts your metabolism and builds muscles that burn fat.

With cardiovascular training, once you’re through exercising you’ve stopped burning calories, but with strength training you will continue to burn calories for up to 36 hours. 2.


Fact – even the fittest of athletes can get cellulite and while exercise cannot prevent it from occurring, it can help reduce the appearance of it. Cellulite is essentially fat and so calorie burning activities and proper nutrition can give your skin a smoother appearance. Strength training can play a major role in toning, particularly the hips, quadriceps and hamstrings. Fiction – crunches are an old school method of exercising the abs, their weakness is that most women use their hip flexors to initiate them and not their core muscles. This may exercise the surface abdominal muscles, but it does nothing for the muscles underneath, which is key to getting those washboard abs.


Fact – a study conducted in Germany showed that participants who ran sprints were able to learn new words 20% faster than those who had done nothing. Exercise apparently makes cells more malleable and ready to make connections and also increases the production of the stem cells that develop new brain cells.


Fiction – later in the afternoon would actually be a better bet as your muscle strength and body temperature are at

| Caribbean Wellness & Lifestyle October - December 2010

their peak at this time. Plus you’ve most likely already had breakfast, lunch and dinner and are ready to use up that fuel. The body being as remarkable as it is however, can adapt for peak performance at anytime of the day, so the most important thing is that you’re actually able to exercise and not the time that you workout. 6.

Fact – according to a 2009 study done by St. Boniface Hospital and the University of Manitoba, marathons do indeed cause short term injury to the heart. No long term effects were noticed and it’s advisable that you consult with your doctor before you attempt a marathon for the first time.


Fiction – the opposite is actually true. When you speed through a workout you are likely using momentum instead of your muscles and you just may end up injuring yourself.


Fiction – good health does not only depend on weight and while we tend to judge each other via external appearances, the real indicators of health such as resting heart rate, blood pressure and cholesterol, are what you should be monitoring. It is totally possible to be skinny on the outside, and yet have fat surrounding your internal organs, particularly if you do not exercise. Adapted from Women’s Health

Stay fresh while getting fit


etting fit makes you feel good inside and out. When you exercise, your clothes fit better, your energy levels get a boost and it helps the stresses of your life melt away in a pure endorphin rush. Luckily, no matter where you live, it’s easier than ever to get exercise all year round so that you can maintain your health and fitness.

Whether you’re pounding the pavement or hitting the gym, keep in mind that beauty and working out aren’t mutually exclusive. With a bit of smart preparation, you’ll be feeling good during your fitness routine and gorgeously glowing afterward. Keep these ideas in mind to help you look great, even between workouts. High and dry: High temperatures might be what we crave when it gets a bit chilly outside, but when you’re being active, they can make you feel less than your best. To stay fresh and dry you need a good anti-perspirant that offers 24-hour protection and contains no aluminum salts or parabens. Even during your hardest workouts, a good deodorant should be able to keep any wetness and odor to a minimum. In the drink: As you work out, it’s natural that your body will shed water in the form of sweat, and it’s essential that you keep your body’s fluid levels up. Dehydration can cause everything from discomfort to serious sickness, so don’t let your body down. Even when you’re not working out, hot days call for extra hydration. The added benefits are that drinking more water can

help to keep your skin clear and your appetite sated. Face forward: The exertion of exercising can be a pore-clogging nightmare. That’s why it’s particularly important to have a good skin care regime adapted to your skin’s needs. To keep your skin radiant and in balance, keep products like a refreshing mint spritz and an exfoliating cleanser on hand and in your medicine cabinet. Also, don’t forget your daily SPF protection. Sunscreen is important, even though most of us do not use it. Look for formulas with at least SPF 30. Hair apparent: Swimming, whether in the pool or the beach, is a great way to stay active but it can take a toll on your locks. Whatever your activities, it’s important to use an eco-friendly shampoo, after all, a good choice for the environment can be a good choice for you too. If your tresses are stressed out, be sure to give them a deep conditioning treatment, too. Whether your inspiration is getting healthy or a beauty boost, exercise is the best way to do it. Taking advantage of the opportunity to work out, regardless of the season, with these thoughts in mind will help you look your best. Courtesy of ARA content

Caribbean Wellness & Lifestyle October - December 2010 |

How to do one thing at a time ou probably should know by now that it is not a good idea Y to drive and talk on the phone, or be otherwise distracted, at the same time. Perhaps you didn’t know or think however,

that talking on the phone, reading email, cooking dinner and helping the kids with homework all at once, isn’t such a good idea either. While, at least, you’re not liable to run anybody over doing these things, your brain is not a big fan of all the extreme multitasking people tend to do these days. According to a recent study published in the journal, NueroImage, attempting to do demanding tasks simultaneously, often leads to us not doing any of the tasks as well as we would have, had they been done one at a time. As remarkable as it is, the brain does have its cognitive limits and even though we think we are doing two or more things at once, the brain is actually going back and forth between them.

A Stanford University study found that people are less efficient after turning off phones or shutting down email. They found this out by observing a group of students who were asked to spend a half hour simultaneously compiling a music playlist, chat and write a brief essay. A second set of students were asked to focus on each task individually for ten minutes. All the participants were given a working memory test and those who handled one task at a time, performed significantly better than did the multitaskers. There is actually a great deal of evidence which shows that the brain performs tasks better in a sequence as opposed to simultaneously. It is quite likely that many individuals who complain of fatigue are feeling the effects of overextension and distraction. Here are a few ways you can break the juggling habit and sharpen your focus.

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Savour your senses – have you ever bitten into your favourite treat and found yourself closing your eyes? That is actually your body temporarily shutting down one sense (sight) so you can fully appreciate another (taste). We don’t often only focus on one sense when we’re relaxing however. A relaxing read is sometimes accompanied by background music and maybe even a snack; and right there you’re utilizing three senses when you should be focusing on one. So don’t pile on the extras. Take a relaxing bath in peace and listen to music while lying in bed. Allow yourself to actually use one sense at a time. Embrace silence – sitting in silence can have some physical benefits if you do it regularly enough. In Buddhist meditation this is called ‘calm abiding’ and is said to strengthen the mind’s ability to focus and avoid distractions, slow the heart rate, lower blood pressure and improve memory. Try sitting for ten or even five minutes in silence in the morning and afternoon. Focus on your breathing and just let your mind go.


Consider your actions – this includes thinking about what it is that you have to do or are doing. Even if you’re just taking a walk around your community, just think about your walk and not all the other things you have to do when you get home. If you can simply acknowledge the moment, it’s a lot easier to just ‘be’ in the moment.


Keep track – multi-tasking isn’t just about doing multiple activities at once. You’re also multi-tasking when you’re thinking about the million and one other things you have to do. This occurs a lot at the office where individuals are rushing to and fro between tasks. You may think your brain just goes with the flow, but it is actually pretty taxing for it to switch gears. Think of your brain as a computer system. If you have too many windows open at once, then the system slows down or may even crash. Make things a bit easier for your brain by leaving a note of where you are with a particular task before you begin another. Also, before your resume your original task, take a moment to recap what you’ve done, just to make the re-transition smoother.

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5 Tech tools for non-techies


o you ever feel like the more things the latest technology can do the harder and more complicated it becomes to understand and manipulate? Sometimes it’s so complicated you don’t even feel like using it at all? If so, you’re not alone. There are still quite a few people out there who still use phonebooks, that is, an actual book, for writing down phone numbers and most incredibly they don’t text. Technology has revolutionized our lives and made it so much better and easier to do things on so many levels, but when increasingly complex technology makes it difficult to use a tool quickly and easily: it can really drive you nuts; enough for you you to give up on using that particular technology. This might explain the popularity of simple tech tools that do just one thing - but do it very well. Such simple tools can appeal to very diverse groups such as senior citizens who are more comfortable with basic tools that function well, to savvy tech-users who are looking to streamline certain applications of technology in their lives. If you have a place in your life for uncomplicated technology, here are five tech tools that are both easy to use and elegantly useful:

Digital encyclopedia The WikiReader, a hand-held digital encyclopedia, does just one thing - allows you to access Wikipedia, the online, user-generated encyclopedia. Text and hyperlinks of more than 3 million Wikipedia articles reside on the device, meaning you don’t need a wireless connection to access the information.The WikiReader is a small, hand-held, which makes it as portable as a cell phone and its ability to access Wikipedia without a wireless signal means you always have the information at your fingertips, even if you’re traveling in an area where there are no wireless signals. The reader is particularly useful when used as a reference while reading or doing school projects, or when traveling outdoors or abroad. You certainly cannot carry around a set of encyclopedias and you may find yourself needing information when you’re somewhere that a wireless signal isn’t available.

Touch-free soap dispenser A soap dispenser may seem mundanely lowtech, but what raises it to the level of smart technology is a touch-free sensor. Because of the number of times it gets touched in a day, a traditional soap dispenser can be a haven for germs. With the addition of the same touch-free technology used in public bathrooms around the world, a basic soap dispenser becomes an example of cuttingedge technology that doesn’t complicate life.

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No-blade fans The same company that markets bagand filter-free, high-end vacuum cleaners has introduced a fan that has no blades. Eliminating the blades allows the fan to produce an uninterrupted stream of air, free of buffeting. Plus, because it has no blades or grill, it may be a safer choice for families with children or pets.

Hand-held GPS While hand-held GPS devices can be very versatile, they still basically do just one thing, tell you where you are. Some new smart phones boast GPS capabilities, but using your phone to find out where you are means that, wherever you are, you had better have an available cellular signal. While for the most part, we do have good cellular coverage, you may not want to leave this to chance. Since GPS devices get their info from a satellite which pretty much provides worldwide coverage these days, using a handheld GPS as opposed to a GPS enabled phone means less limitation in where you can use the device.

Electronic dictionary Sure, you can look up the definition of any word in any language online and you can access the Internet from a variety of devices these days. But a hand-held electronic dictionary gives you instant access to definitions anywhere, even if you don’t have a wireless connection. Allow your youngster to use this single-purpose technology for schoolwork or projects, and you never have to wonder if they’re really on Facebook or texting friends instead of working.


Riding the social media wave: A user’s guide to web-based communication

ho is using social media? What is it exactly? When and where do people tweet, post and blog? Why do people engage in social media?

Social media is everywhere. It encompasses blogs, social networks (such as Twitter, Facebook and MySpace), professional networking avenues such as LinkedIn, and creative sites like Flickr, a photography-sharing website. People such as the teenager next door, grandma and celebrities are using social media outlets to keep in touch with family, friends, fans and promote products. Did you know that there are more than 300 million active Facebook users who post nearly 1 billion photos monthly to their accounts?

Additionally, it would take 7,000 years for all the photos that can be found on Flickr, to be developed at a one-hour photo studio! People use social media for a variety of reasons, but what role does social media play in your life? What role should it play? The savvy social media user will know how to maximize social media use for their benefit and for the benefit of others too. Nobody really likes a spammer, so avoid using these outlets to harass others. Below are a few other tips on how to take advantage of the social media tidal wave:

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Know what you are talking about. If you are going to work with social media, be involved in social media. Start your own Twitter account, Facebook page, read blogs and get engaged. That is the best way to understand the culture, tone, best practices, and protocol. Always be transparent. When you are communicating in social media say who you are and who you work for. Don’t try to be sneaky and plant comments or hire people to go out and say nice things about you. Be genuine and be real.

reason to follow you on Twitter or check your blog if they can’t expect new content regularly. •

Add value. Share tips, tricks and insights. People’s time is precious and they need to get something out of the time they spend with you. Make listening to you worth their time.

Respond. Answer questions; thank people even if it’s just a few words. Make it a two-way conversation.

Have fun. If you don’t like what you are doing, others will notice it and won’t enjoy interacting with you.

Post frequently. It’s a lot of work, but don’t post to your blog then leave it for two weeks. Readers won’t have a

10 Money tips for the holiday season

By Paul Taylor


s the yuletide season approaches, so does the anxiety and pressure which come with it. The question on the lips of many Jamaicans is: “How do I manage the resources I have this holiday season to enjoy myself and spread the joy around to loved ones, family and friends?” And yet for others the overriding question that occupies their thoughts is: “How will I meet the needs of the family this Christmas and beyond?” Wherever one finds oneself on this continuum, the fact is that every one of us can do with some useful financial tips this holiday season.

Tip 1: Pay yourself first In alignment with the age old philosophy that you should save between 10% and 30% of the incomes you earn so as to pay yourself first; set aside some of that bonus you might be privileged to get this Christmas. If you will not be getting a bonus this year, do not hesitate to save at least 10% of the incomes you will receive anyway. This is a very useful habit that you are encouraged to adopt now! If you are unable to save 10% of your earnings, do not get discouraged, start with any amounts you can, and commit to increase that amount to at least 10% at a specific date in the future.

Make some adjustment to your daily expenditures and cut back on spending. Use the additional savings from this process to effect incremental adjustment to the amount you save each month. Put that money in an investment account, preferable one that pays interest daily, as your funds will generate returns at a faster rate than it would otherwise. If you have not started to set aside some of your resources for the future, this holiday season provides an excellent opportunity to do so. Go for it, call around to any of the licensed financial institutions, make the necessary inquiries and commit to getting started right away. Remember, the old adage: “It is never about how much you earn, it’s about how much you save and invest.”

Tip 2: Spend wisely One of the most fundamental pieces of advice one can yield this holiday season is: “spend wisely”. This is the first and cardinal money tip that one should observe. Think and plan carefully how you expend your hard earned money at this time. In this regard it is recommended that you establish a budget for the holiday season and stick to it. The current harsh economic times require that we exercise care in managing our financial affairs, and establishing a budget to guide your holiday spending can prove quite helpful in ensuring that your financial resources are utilized prudently. Plan the improvements you intend to make to your home, for example, ahead of schedule. That long overdue paint job on the house may be one of such enhancements you intend to make to improve the décor of your home. Whatever

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improvement or spending you intend to do; budget for it so that you will not be in debt after the expenditure or improvement has been made.

Tip 3: Avoid making high budget purchases

Many financial advisors suggest that while simple home improvements such as redoing your home’s paint job is a wonderful way to fresh-up your place and ring in the festive season, others caution about doing major renovations and making significant furniture purchases during this time. According to some financial advisors, the allure of holiday shopping and bargains prompt many consumers to make costly improvements to their homes, acquire furniture and purchase luxury items that could be done at more affordable prices at other times of the year. Accordingly, it is advised that you consider delaying some of your purchases to other times of the year to capitalize on more affordable prices.

Tip 4: Use plastic sparingly The increased commercialization of holidays gets many confused with what the true meaning of the season is all about. Merchants and other purveyors of goods and services everywhere go all out to maximize sales during the holidays. Enticed by the sounds, lights and merriment that reflect the joy of the season; many consumers go on a spending spree, some spending what they do not have thanks to the convenience of credit cards. It is recommended that you plan your holiday spending carefully, and whenever possible, limit the use of credit and debit cards. As a general rule, the use of credit cards to make everyday purchases should be discouraged; it is better to use cash or debit cards to make such

purchases. It should be noted though that restricting your everyday purchases to cash ensures that the extent of your spending is restricted to the cash you have in hand. This is a simple, yet powerful way to ensure that you stay within your means.

Tip 5: Do not shop when you feel stressed or hungry! “Do not shop when you feel stressed or hungry! This advice may sound strange to many, but it is worthy of note and, as a rule, applicable not only in the yuletide season, but all year round. Studies of consumer behaviour suggest that shopping when hungry or stressed may induce the shopper to make unnecessary purchases, as the shopping experience itself serves to relieve the stress, more than anything else. For the same reason, it is also suggested that you do not go to the supermarket hungry, as when hungry the tendency exists to purchase all kinds of food items that you later discover you did not really need, or that you purchased too much of and had to throw out.

Tip 6: Shop with a list It is recommended you plan your shopping during the yuletide season. Simply write down the things you intend to purchase and stick to it when you make your purchases. Shopping with the aid of a list will help you stay focused and help to guide you to purchase only that which you need or intend to use.

Tip 7: Shop around Although the temptation is great to make a purchase once you see the item you intend to buy being displayed; it is advised that you shop around. Visit other stores or places where the item you wish to buy may likely be on sale. Check-out and compare prices to ensure that you are getting the bang (best value) for the buck (your hard earned money). Resist the temptation to

make a purchase without exploring what is available. Also, some stores have websites, which may allow you to shop around from the convenience of your home.

Tip 8: Give practical

to use, not necessarily pricey gifts

One of the hallmarks of the yuletide season is exchanging and giving gifts to families, friends and associates. Make your giftgiving meaningful. For example, why not seek out and purchase a stack of Christmas cards purchased in support of charities to send to colleagues with whom you have worked during the year? Instead of buying expensive gifts, why not go to the hardware, for example, purchase some household equipment and gift-wrap them yourselves, with the support of your children; and give that personalized gift to that family member or friend you know who would value such a gift as a priceless expression of your consideration and regard? You would be surprised of the range of gift ideas that exist and that you can adopt to bring smiles and extend feelings of good wishes during the holidays. Such gifts are often as appreciated and even considered more valuable than the expensive options available at the gift shop.

Tip 9: Give gifts that can last a life time

Give gifts that last a life time and that will keep on giving. It is fantastic and wonderful to give gifts in the form of books; a 6-month or 1-year subscription to an interesting magazine. Giving a gift certificate, particularly to young family members or the children of friends and loved ones will not only be appreciated but will demonstrate your interest in the future of the people who matter in your life. Giving a monetary gift to offset the cost of a subject or two for a loved one who

will be writing external examinations in December or in the New Year could prove quite invaluable. Giving a gift of stocks to grand children, for example, can also be explored as a possible gift option. Be sure to consult with your financial advisor before making such a decision though, so that you can be guided on what stock and other investment options provide the greatest potential for capital appreciation in the medium to long term, as well as provide investment incomes that can provide returns over the period in which the particular stock is held. As you think about, surely a range of other creative and equally lasting gift ideas will come to mind. Indeed, receiving and exchanging gifts during the holidays need not be an expensive undertaking. Why not give some of your time to social and charitable causes this holiday season? How about volunteering time and effort to help out at the nearest children’s homes, or the children’s hospital, for example? You would be amazed at how fulfilled you will feel at the end of the day, and you will spread love and care for your fellow men at the same time.

Tip 10: Remember the New Year is just around the corner! Never overdo anything; always do things in moderation: Enjoy the holidays, however, do not overspend or indulge in anything that you may later regret. Remember, the New Year is just around the corner and we all want to be in good financial standing to get there, which will present its own set of challenges and opportunities. Accordingly, do not max out that credit card or engage in risky behaviours. Enjoy the season, and spread the love. Happy Holidays!

Paul Taylor is an academic and Assistant General Manager of Environmental Health Foundation. He has served at senior managerial levels in the financial services, maritime and education sectors for fifteen (15) years. He holds a MBA (Dist.) and MA (Dist.) from the University of the West Indies.

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The importance of insurance


hat if your income was decreased as a result of illness, disability or unemployment? What would you do? Insurance may not be considered as a welcome commodity by many persons. However, this product fulfils a societal need and provides some financial security to many consumers, Insurance, therefore, protects you against the unexpected. If you need medical aid, it can pay for private health care; if you were robbed, it pays for you to replace the items that were removed. Insurance may, therefore, assist to reduce an individual’s concern about the possibility of suffering the loss of property or a disabling accident. Many consumers have appreciated the value of insurance only after filing a claim then the importance of financial protection is realised.

Intermediaries - these are middlemen between the policyholder and the insurance company and can either be individuals or companies. The category includes brokers, agents, consultants and sales representatives (normally known as ‘insurance agents’). Currently, there are 27 insurance brokers and 12 insurance agents and more than 1,700 sales representatives Cash surrender value - the value that is payable to the policyholder if the policy is surrendered. (life policies)

Know your rights 1.

Insurance provides a benefit to individuals and the wider macro-environment. 2.

Complex Language Insurance consumers, over time, have developed a distrust regarding the matter of insurance, partly due to myths, misconceptions and misinformation regarding the matter of insurance. Another reason is that insurance is written in a language which is considered to be complex and not easily understood by the general public. There has, however, been a recent change to the writing of insurance contracts, where steps have been taken to have the policies written in a language that is clear and easily understood.




should know

Insurer - This is an insurance company that has been registered by the Financial Services Commission. Currently there are 17 insurance companies, that is, five life insurance companies and 12 general insurance companies.

The insurance company is responsible for all premiums collected by its agents, brokers or sales representatives, whether or not the intermediary forwards the premiums to the insurance company. Consistent with the requirements under the insurance regulations, insurance companies are required to settle claims within 30 days receipt of complete documentation establishing proof of claim.


Every insurer shall prominently display its registration certificate at its principal office, to which the public have access, and a copy of the certificate should be similarly displayed at each of its branches in Jamaica.


The policyholder may terminate the insurance contract at anytime by giving a written notice to the insurer, by post, to its principal office or by delivery to an authorized agent of the insurer. The insurer shall refund the amount paid in excess of the prorated premiums to the date of termination. In other words, the insurer shall refund the premiums relative to the contract period that were not used. Article courtesy of the Financial Services Commission

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Simple tips for the bargain hunter


ith seemingly everything on the shelf going for sky high prices these days, consumers have to be on the hunt, literally, for the most affordable prices. Below are a few simple tips on how you can make the bargain hunting process a bit easier. Prep pre-sale – list the items you are looking for first of all and know their specifics. Say for example you were shopping for a mirror; have dimensions on hand so you don’t end up buying one that is too small or too large for the space. If you’re buying fabric or need to match colours, have a few swatches or photographs on hand to make things easier. Time it right – early bird shoppers will indeed get the best selections but latecomers will get the best deals. So if you spot something you like that’s a bit out of your price range in the morning, check back late in the afternoon and you just might encounter a seller who’s looking to make a deal. What not to wear – save your flashy jewelry and designer clothes for another outing. Sellers will take one look at you in your fancy duds and hike their prices accordingly. Merchants are also known to hike prices on males when shopping in an area usually dominated by females (such as the produce market) and on females shopping in a male dominated area (such as the mechanic or hardware store). This means you should do a little homework so you have some idea of what prices are typically like; or at least try to look like you do. Don’t show your money – if you’re going to negotiate a price down to $300 from $500, its better to have the exact amount in hand as opposed to a larger bill. If the seller sees the larger bill they’re less likely to come down in price because they know you have the money in hand. Give them your best offer while saying how much you really like the product; you’ll be less likely to get a deal if you’re disrespectful.

Sould retirees have an investment strategy during their retirement years? by Magdalena Cooper-de Neuze


uring the early to mid 20th century the word inflation was not part of the financial landscape. However, today whether you are living in Jamaica or another part of our global village, inflation is quite evident. This is one of the reasons why retirees continue to need an investment strategy. The next reason is that there is enough evidence to indicate that retirees are the victims of most financial scams because of poor investment knowledge. An active investment strategy should minimize the jeopardy of being engaged by a financial scam artist. Where a retiree is not employed there has to be thought towards earning additional income that can keep pace with inflation. Investing extra income that may be available usually satisfies this need. But before one starts any investment it is wise to complete a risk profile analysis. I can hear you saying that ‘I did that when I was working, so why should I do it now in retirement?’ The answer to this thought is that as a retiree your risk profile would have changed to low, medium or high and you will need to match your investment with your risk profile. Additionally, your guaranteed lifetime income to meet your daily expenses may have changed. If you visit you can download a FREE risk profile analysis. In real terms what is the meaning of low, medium and high-risk

profiles? Let’s look at each one: Low risk profile: this is an indication that you can only invest in low risk investments such as bonds, Treasury bill (T’Bills), foreign currency investments, savings accounts at the bank, building society or credit union and any low risk low return investment. Usually these types of investments provide for returns which are a little below the inflation rate and the risk of losing your capital is low. Investments in this category are for those individuals who do not have additional income in excess of their guaranteed monthly income. Medium risk profile: this means that you can take a little more risk than the low risk profile. Hence, you may be able to invest in blue chip stocks, medium risk bonds and real estate. These investments provide for higher returns than the low risk investments but they also have a higher risk of losing your principal or capital sum invested. This could be detrimental to your mental health and if a retiree has any fear of loss and how it will impact on everyday income required to meet expenses, this is not for you. However, if after reviewing your guaranteed monthly income and there’s enough to meet the month’s expenses and there’s surplus of say more than one month’s income, medium risk investments could be considered. Article cut for online purposes

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At-home remedies for male infertility tips to boost your sperm count

here are not many experiences that compare to the birth T of one’s child and if you really want to become a father; failing to impregnate your partner can be distressing. If this occurs, usually you are classified as being infertile. Experts define infertility as the inability to conceive a child within a year and it can be caused by a host of factors, such as genetics, lifestyle choices or health problems. It can usually be attributed to a single cause in either the male or female partner and affects millions of couples worldwide every year. Roughly one-third of infertility cases are traced to the male, another one-third to the female and one-third to a combination of problems in both. About 20% of the time it cannot be explained. Both you and your partner will definitely need to see a doctor to ascertain the cause of your infertility issues, but there are a few things you can do at home to up the odds of conception. Toss out those briefs – you may have heard it and didn’t believe it, but it’s true. It is actually beneficial to wear looser underwear that allows the testicles to ‘breathe’. Briefs actually lead to an increase in the temperature of the testicles which may kill sperm or lower their ability to fertilize an egg. No hot tubs – soaking in a hot tub can wreck havoc on your fertility because all that heat can kill sperm in the testes.

Use condoms – if you know you want to have children someday and you’re not in a serious relationship now, be sure to protect yourself every time. sexually transmitted diseases such as Gonorrhea and Chlamydia can lead to infertility in both men and women. Don’t overdo it – you may be really anxious to get that bun in the oven, but having sex around the clock isn’t going to help your cause. In fact, it’s counterproductive! A man’s sperm count decreases significantly after he ejaculates and can take up to two days to reach pre-ejaculate levels. Boost protein intake – eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables may actually help to ‘grow’ healthy sperm. Preliminary studies conducted suggest that high levels of free radicals can cause infertility in some men. A free radical is a ‘damaged’ oxygen molecule that occurs naturally in the body’s processes but they damage other healthy cells and possibly sperm. While sperm do need a small amount of free radicals to fertilize an egg, too much will damage the sperm’s cell membrane and DNA. Ease up on or eliminate the booze – research has shown that heavy drinking can impair fertility. Excess alcohol can end up damaging the liver and men with damaged livers experience an increase in estrogen, which causes problems in sperm production.

Car news: 5 Tips to protect you and your vehicle •

You may very well drive around with your car’s title in the car but this is something you may want to think twice about. If your car is stolen, the thief could get away from an unsuspecting police officer who pulls him/her over, by producing the papers

Be careful and park in well lit areas at night. Thieves have a preference for working in the dark.

Be careful when leaving personal items in your car. Store items in the trunk as the absence of personal belongings will act as a deterrent.

If someone attempts to rob you at your car, do not try anything silly like putting up a resistance. You can eventually replace the car and any valuables. The same cannot be said of your life.

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Greening your home: What does it really take?


n today’s environmentally conscious times, it seems we’re surrounded by the need to shop, act and live “green.” Some of our choices are easy and small, while others can be big and costly. But one thing is for sure - each choice can make a significant difference. As many of us know from experiences of trying to diet, the most successful long-term changes we make, can’t make us feel as if we are “giving up” the small pleasures that we enjoy.

60-watt light bulb run for 14 hours. •

Make sure to wash only full loads of laundry. Using a highefficiency washing machine is ideal, as they use about 28 gallons of water per load, versus an average machine that uses 41 gallons.

Some of the most important green choices we can make involve decisions to live more green within our own home. But what does living green really mean? For some of us it may mean putting in Energy Star appliances or energy-efficient windows, and for others it could be evaluating in-home water usage.

Take a shower rather than a bath. A full bath tub requires up to 70 gallons of water, while taking a five-minute shower uses 10 to 25 gallons. Want to be even more efficient? Switch your showerhead to a water-saving option.

Fix those leaks. Most leaky faucets can waste more than 3,000 gallons of water each year.

It’s the latter that could be one of the simplest and most significant steps any of us could take. Water shortages, energy demands and the cost of transporting water are all on the rise. Finding ways to simply reduce our usage without dramatically altering our lifestyle could save billions of gallons of water each year.

Better design and engineering of many new bathroom products actually gives the user improved performance as well as efficiency. Faucets, toilets and showerheads are great examples. They’re just like appliances that use less energy, but still work very well.

Here are a few tips on how you can immediately start conserving water and save money in your home~

If all the water saving, green choices still have you overwhelmed, select one tip at a time and incorporate it into your home.

Replace older toilets with newer, high-efficiency models. They operate at 1.28 gallons per flush and could save 11 gallons of water per toilet per day.

Be sure to turn off the tap when brushing your teeth - it could save nearly 3,000 gallons of water per year.

Always turn the water off between tasks. Letting your faucet run for five minutes uses about as much energy as letting a

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This isn’t fight club


f you ask most couples they’ll tell you that there are a few hot button topics that they just seem to argue about over and over again. Why does this happen? Probably because the issue has never been solved and so it keeps resurfacing. It is possible to break out of this repetitive rut by identifying the real issue behind all those fights and solving those issues. Here we look at a few of the most common causes of contention and offer suggestions on how to get past them.

Housework There really is no easy fix to spats over housework. You argue about who mops the floors, does the dishes, prepares the meals or does the laundry because you and your partner both have a different perception of unfairness. There isn’t necessarily anything wrong with this, it comes from the way you were raised and has been further complicated by societal expectations. There is no one answer to the problem and the key to even coming close to a resolution is by not avoiding the issue and compromise. Once you understand that both you and your partner have your own assumptions about ‘who should do what’, you both need to come to a compromise that is satisfying to you both. It will probably never be perfect nor may you get everything you want, but letting resentments fester or being verbally abusive, can erode a partnership.

Time Whether it’s about who spends too much time at work or too much time with their friends or involved in other activities, arguments about the time you and your partner spend (or don’t spend) together boils down to one fundamental concern: “Do you really care about me? Do you still love me?” So when you get mad at your partner because they’re working long hours or spend too much time with friends, what you’re really pointing out is that you’re not sure that your partner cares anymore. It’s important to recognize that a healthy relationship does not mean that you and your partner are attached at the hip. What do the two of you do when you are together? Do you have meaningful conversation, have a laugh over dinner or catch up on a good movie? The quality of the time spent together is what is important, not necessarily the quantity.

Money There’s a pretty good chance that you and your partner have different approaches to handling money. If you are total opposites, that is, one’s a saver and the other a spender; you may never fully resolve the issue but you definitely have to discuss it. Talk to your partner and find out why he/she spends so much or so little. Once you both see and understand the others’ point of view you’re much less likely to get involved in bitter disputes that often get disrespectful. At this point, you can start working on a compromise.

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Kids Quite a number of the conflicts that arise over how to raise children, stem from differing opinions on discipline. Sometimes you have one parent who is a strict disciplinarian, while the other is a bit more flexible. With this issue, it is imperative that you and your partner find some common ground and present a united front when it comes to major issues. If you and your partner bicker all the time over whose way is better, your child will learn to pit you against each other in order to get their own way. It is also important to remember that you are both on the same team. You both want the best for your child and by bickering you’re only wasting quality time that could be spent with them.

Sex Disagreements about sex in a marriage usually center on desire levels where one partner wants more and the other is fine as is, or wants less. If this goes on for a while, both parties can end up being resentful because they feel neglected (the partner who wants more) or pressured (the partner who wants less. This hurdle can be difficult to get over, but as with most other issues, you need to sit down and talk to your partner. Discuss what it is that you both need. It’s also important that the partner who wants more sex points out that it is not just about having more sex, but rather about being close. Figure out if there are other ways in which you can spend intimate time together to help foster that closeness.

Your Families This issue can be difficult as you’re both likely to be loyal to your respective families, but what do you do when your family’s behavior or traditions begin to interfere with your relationship? Well the one thing you definitely shouldn’t do is argue about it. You have to remember, you and your spouse are coming from different backgrounds and what may seem normal to you may be way out of left field for them; and you will both have to compromise where this is concerned. Let’s say for example your entire family gets together every weekend for dinner and you think that’s ok, but your spouse would prefer to stay home. Arguing that your family’s way is right and forcing your spouse to accompany you, or going without them will only cause resentment and anger. How about not joining your family every weekend and starting a tradition of your own? In order to give your marriage the healthiest chance in the long term, it should be your priority. Give and take is the name of the game.

Christmas JA Suh run and come to sea and sun, it’s Christmas JA. Snow and sleet you’ll never meet, at Christmas JA – Neville Willoughby


t’s official, the Christmas season is just around the corner, the time of year when Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and non-Christians celebrate some of the more secular aspects of the season. People all across the world will be hauling out the traditional decorations, and participating in gift giving, lavish feasts and of course, partying, to mark the occasion. Whilst Christmas is undoubtedly a joyful and celebratory time of year all around the world, there’s nowhere quite like Jamaica at Christmas time! The rich cultural mix provides for a unique and fun-filled season where there are a variety of activities for one to enjoy. Let’s take a look at a few of the traditions observed in Jamaica at Christmas time.


calls - Whilst people in the Caribbean call their relatives living abroad all throughout the year, it is almost mandatory that a call be sent to relatives who have moved away to wish them a ‘Merry JA Christmas’; particularly those who had moved to colder climates. The idea being to send some of the warmth of Jamaica to that family member.


music - In addition to the traditional Christmas carols, Jamaicans also have their own Christmas songs that are heavily rotated during the season. Popular Dancehall and Reggae musicians often release a typically humorous song specifically for the season. As the classic song ‘Christmas JA’ by Neville Willoughby quoted above indicates, it is quite common for the songs to laud what it is about Jamaica that makes the season so special. Caroling groups still exist although they are not as popular today as they once were; but who could forget being awakened by the lusty singing of a caroling group in the wee hours of the morning!

Hospitality - Jamaicans are already known for their warm

hospitality, but at Christmas time this is even more evident as individuals go all out to cater to coworkers, friends and relatives. So it would be unheard of for an individual to visit another’s home and leave without being served a slice of Christmas cake with sorrel or a soda at the very least.

Redecorating - The home usually gets a major facelift at Christmas time. First it has to be thoroughly cleaned and if it can be afforded, a paint job. New curtains are often put up and old furniture given a sprucing up via washing or varnishing if new furniture cannot be purchased. It is also quite common to see the

trunks of trees and flowers, and rocks coated with a white paintlike substance known as ‘whitewash’ to give them a fresh look.

Gran’market - This is usually a spectacular night long event

held just before Christmas. Vendors put on display a wide variety of children’s toys, decorations and food for purchase by the thousands of patrons who flock the streets. It is an event that is much anticipated by children, because not only do they get to stay up late but they typically receive extra pocket money to buy toys and food and are allowed to play with these until the wee hours of the morning. Fireworks such as ‘starlights’ lit up the sky while the crack of ‘clappas’ and ‘chi-chi bum’ echo through the night. Gran’market was not only for children however, as it was also an opportunity for adults to go out with friends, eat jerked chicken or pork, drink and party into the wee hours of the morning.

Food - Christmas in Jamaica is certainly a delicious time of

year and in the weeks and even months leading up to Christmas, a lot of preparation is done to ensure that the food was just right. Traditional fare includes sumptuous rum cake, for which preparations can begin months in advance with the soaking of raisons, currants, cherries and other fruits in a mixture of rum and wine. Sorrel is the traditional drink of the holiday and can take a few days to prepare if one wants it to be truly intoxicating (no, not in a bad way). The other important Christmas food staple is the baked ham and despite its expense, is a staple, in fact the centrepiece on many a Christmas dinner table. Add to this, pot roasted chicken and of course gungo rice and peas and you are on track to having a truly Jamaican Christmas dinner.

Memories - Perhaps the most powerful thing about Christmas

in Jamaica and what makes it so special, is the memories that can be attached to it. A Jamaican Christmas smells different, perhaps it’s all the rum cake, sorrel and ham being prepared. A Jamaican Christmas feels different, due not just to the pleasantly cooling temperatures brought on by what Jamaicans often refer to as ‘Christmas breeze’, but also to a lift in the spirit brought on by the extra camaraderie and infectious enthusiasm. A Jamaican Christmas also sounds different as carols (both local and international) flood the airwaves and of course there is the peace and quiet that would spontaneously be broken with the eruption of loud cracks of firecrackers. Ah Christmas in Jamaica! It’s no wonder Jamaicans living abroad miss their homeland so much more at this time of year. There’s just no other place like it!

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Here are a few traditions observed elsewhere in the Caribbean:

Barbados Food is an important aspect of the Christmas holidays for Bajans and Christmas is indeed time for feasting. Favourites include baked ham, yam pie, candied sweet potatoes, roasted turkey, green peas and rice, Christmas cake, cassava pone and jug jug.

Guyana As with many other Caribbean islands, food is central to the celebrations. The traditional rum cake, a variety of sweets, garlic pork, pepperpot, sweet potato fly (a fermented drink) and a variety of other rums and wines. Guyanese traditionally bake their Christmas cakes months in advance to facilitate mailing slices of it to relatives living abroad. In the days leading up to Christmas day, church singers would gather in public places to sing carols.

Haiti A traditional custom for Haitians is to use pine branches cut a few days before Christmas as Christmas trees or purchase

fresh trees at the market. The tree would be gaily decorated and a nativity scene would often be assembled beneath (or oftentimes because it was so large) around the tree. Papa Noel (Santa Claus) was expected to leave presents in the shoes of children that were left under the tree on Christmas Eve. Children would play with fireworks and had the freedom to go out and play without much hindrance from parents and the older children were expected to take charge. Most adults would either be out at a midnight mass or have their homes open till the wee hours of the morning.

St. Kitts & Nevis A carnival is usually held over the holidays and this is essentially a large party where people get together to enjoy good music and dancing in the streets. Calypso and steel bands along with masquerade and children’s dance troupes entertain the crowds and traditional foods such as conch, goat water, johnny cakes and black pudding are enjoyed.

St. Lucia A popular Christmas time tradition is “bursting the bamboo” where hollowed out bamboos are turned into cannons via

the use of kerosene, rags and sticks, and so in the weeks leading up to Christmas day one will hear the spontaneous sounds of bamboos bursting at nights. The Festival of Lights and Renewal features lantern making contests and towns and villages are draped in lights to honour the patron saint of light, St. Lucy.

Trinidad & Tobago Traditionally parang music is performed at Christmas time in Trinidad and pays homage to the island’s Spanish heritage. Groups of four or more singers with instruments would visit the houses in their communities playing their instruments and singing songs passed down to them by their Hispanic ancestors. The songs consist mostly of folk carols telling the story of the birth of Christ. Food is also an important part of the festivities and in addition to the customary fruit cake, sweet bread and sorrel, pastelles are also quite popular. A pastelle is made of cornmeal mixed into a paste filled with meat, olives, raisons, capers and stewed pigeon peas, then steamed in banana leaves. Ponche de crema, which is a kind of eggnog with rum is also a popular drink.

Teach your kids to express healthy emotions


veryone has a busy schedule these days, adults and kids alike. Between the hectic days at school or work, extracurricular activities or other personal problems, emotions both good and bad can run high.

Ask your child to explain their drawing. Don’t let them do all the work, parents should draw and explain the feelings involved in their picture as well. This exercise just might be the perfect ice-breaker.

Because of this, it is extremely important that you teach your children to manage both positive and negative moods in an emotionally intelligent manner. Here are some ideas for ways to get your kids to express what they are feeling in a healthy way:

Lead by example

Talk it out Children are much more prone to stress than many parents realize. The first thing that every parent should try is talking to their children about what they are feeling, especially when they are dealing with negative feelings. Try to figure out the origin of the emotion. It helps to encourage them to use the word “I” when they explain their feelings. For example, “I feel sad when” or “I feel excited because.”

Utilize visuals If verbalizing emotions isn’t an easy thing for your child to do, start by sitting down and coloring pictures together. Some children will open up instantly when they have a creative outlet for expression.

Your child is in constant observation of your behavior. So when you’re feeling happy or sad, talk about it with your child. After a tough day at work, have a short conversation over dinner about how you are tired because the work today was hard and how you hope tomorrow is better. If you’re excited for an upcoming event, let your child know what you think about the event and why you are looking forward to it. Talking about life and demonstrating how to properly handle both positive and negative emotions are good ways to lead by example. Try one or more of these ideas to help your child learn about emotions and feelings and how to properly express them. If one doesn’t work, don’t be afraid to try another and with time and patience, every child can learn about feelings and how to effectively manage their moods.

22 | Caribbean Wellness & Lifestyle October - December 2010

Courtesy of ARA content

How to have a big party in a small space o you want to plan a party, whether it’s for the upcoming holiday season or the soon to be graduate in your life and while your intentions S are great, the space you have available isn’t. Don’t panic! You do not need to have a mansion or immense open space to throw a fabulous shindig! You just need to make the most of the space you do have and we’re here to give you a few tips on how to do just that. •

• •

The first thing you need to do is decide on how many rooms you will be using for the party (if you’re having it indoors). If you have an open concept floor plan in your main living area, this means you’re likely to use your living and dining rooms along with the kitchen. Calculate how many people you can comfortably accommodate into these rooms to determine how many people you can invite. A shorter invite list doesn’t necessarily equate with a boring party. It’s best to have fewer guests who are comfortable and able to move about and mingle, as opposed to guests who are squashed together. Identify possible serving areas and dining surfaces. You need to know where you’ll be able to put food so your guests can get to it and your guests need to know where they’ll be able to sit down and eat or simply place their food. If you will need more serving space, decide whether you will be buying, renting or borrowing a table(s) to facilitate this. Choose appropriately sized and shape tables that will maximize the available space. So if your space is narrow, circular tables may not be the best bet as this may leave very little room for people to move around. Decide where you will set up the bar. There’s no need to clutter this area with any decorations you may be using. You want to

• • •

ensure that there is as much free space here as possible, so your guests can get to the drinks! What format will the meal take? Will it be a sit down, buffet or finger food/ hors d’oeuvres only? This has a great bearing on the amount of space you will need. If you’re having a buffet or sit down meal, you will need more space to accommodate tables, chairs, the buffet area and people moving to and from the buffet. If you’re having a sit down meal, ensure you have enough seating and tables. If you’re not having a sit down, then it’s not necessary to have a seat for every guest. In the general area where your guests will be mingling and/or having drinks, get rid of any unnecessary furniture to make more space. If your get together will be casual, think of alternative seating methods that wont take up a ton of space. If you’re not serving particularly messy food and are open to using your sofa then by all means go ahead. Large cushions, bar stools or benches are also options. To create the illusion of more space, place a few mirrors in strategic locations. Mirrors reflect light and the ‘lighter’ or ‘brighter’ a space looks, the more spacious it appears.

So you see, ensuring that your guests are comfortable can be much more important to the vibe of your get together than the space you use. Also important are the food, drinks, music, company and of course you! Your hostessing skills are crucial to the success of your party too. Don’t spend all your time in the kitchen preparing or serving food. Ensure that most of the preparations done before hand and you will only need to visit the kitchen on a few occasions, if at all. That way you are free to mingle, introduce unfamiliar faces and most importantly, enjoy yourself. That is why you’re having a party, right?

Recipe corner provided by Grace: Quick hot & spicy mackerel Sauce with spaghetti Preparation Time: 10 minutes | Cooking Time: 20 minutes | Serves: 6 persons Provided by Grace



1/2 pk.


1 tbsp.



medium onion


pieces hot pepper, scotch bonnet


medium tomatoes

1/4 cup



Cook Grace Spaghetti as directed on package. Chop onion, tomatoes and escallion tops.


Heat Grace Prima Magarine in a saucepan. Saute onion, pepper and tomatoes, add Grace Tomato Ketchup, *stock and Grace Mackerel in Tomato Sauce. Simmer for one minute.

*1/4 cup stock 1 can (7oz.)


2 bsps.

escallion tops


Gently stir in escallion tops.

1/2 tsp.



1/4 cup

cheddar cheese, shredded

Sprinkle on Grace Caribbean Traditions Black Pepper, then remove from flame.

Method Note: *Stock: Stock may be made from cooked, strained Grace Chicken Noodle Soup Mix.

To Serve: Arrange Grace Spaghetti on a plate, spoon on the Grace Mackerel mixture and sprinkle on cheese.

Caribbean Wellness & Lifestyle October - December 2010 | 23

Take back your weekends


ver so increasingly, work related stresses and responsibilities are invading your off-duty hours and threatening to take over your life. This doesn’t have to be so.

Thank god it’s Friday? Well, not necessarily, as instead of meaning two days of rest, relaxation and fun, weekends are being taken over by chores, take home work or a plethora of social activities. Having your life be chock full of obligation after obligation can be a health hazard. Studies have shown that you can actually make yourself sick, most likely due to you confusing your body’s natural rhythm. This has been termed by some experts as ‘leisure sickness.’ Your body releases adrenaline, typically in response to your work demands, but now, this flow of energy doesn’t stop when Friday comes around. If adrenaline is still being released during what is supposed to be your downtime, this can lead to a physiological disturbance that puts you at risk of fatigue and headaches. The average woman now works about nine hours more each week, than she did back in 2004 and the other type of work she has

Think ahead

Plan each weekend the weekend before. Many of us wait until Thursday before we start making plans and by that time most of our friends may have already made other commitments and it’s too late to get advance tickets to a play or event.

Get it done

You may still be in work mode on Friday evening, so doing a few chores then may be less hard to do. Pick one task, do it, check it off your to-do list and get going.

Follow the rule of three

Try not to have more than this amount of activities planned for the entire weekend. Pick three activities you can do with others, such as going to see a movie, shopping, or reading that new book you just bought. This way you’ll have meaningful time to yourself and time for fun and spontaneity as well.

Go with the flow

Get so caught up in what you are doing, even if it is nothing at all, and just go with the flow. Don’t think about what it is that you’re achieving.

to do, i.e. domestic, is left for the weekend when she should be slowing down. Because we use our weekends to catch up on extra work, it should not come as a surprise that Monday is really not the most productive workday. The body needs the highs of the weekday stress to be offset by the lows of weekend leisure, or your cortisol levels could remain sky high. This can affect the body’s ability to recharge itself and even accelerate aging. Additionally we have heard numerous times that chronic stress can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, anxiety and depression. Weekends can also tire you out because they lack the structure of weekdays. Without a series of tasks laid out for completion, many people get the desire to fill each minute of their day with a barrage of ‘stuff’. How do you make the most of your down time though? Well the first step is really balancing times of activity or exertion with times of quiet and leisure. Here are a few tips on how you can achieve that. Creative activities such as writing, cooking or drawing are good methods to stimulate your mind and help foster that escape mode.

Set a chore deadline

Before you set yourself a foot long list of tasks to get done, prioritize it. Which ones must absolutely get done and which can be pushed to a later date.

Take a technology time out

It may be excruciating, but you need to step away from the blackberry. It may not take a huge amount of time to check emails or texts, but it can leave

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you feeling more stressed out.

Good enough is good enough

If you’re a perfectionist, give it a rest. So you may not be able to go visit all the people you wanted to visit this weekend or finish organizing all your closets, but that’s ok. Being a perfectionist can put a strain on your life and while there’s nothing wrong with wanting things done well, nothing will be always perfect. So maybe you can’t quite bake that fruit cake from scratch, but it’s ok to use a pre-made mix until you do.

Smart uses for salt

are so many ways in which you can use salt. In fact, according to the Salt Institute, there are about 14,000! While we can’t There list all those reasons, we can list a few, so read on for some of the ingenious uses of this inexhaustible mineral. In the kitchen

Around the house



Test the freshness of an egg – to find out if your eggs are fresh, simply place them in about a cup of water with two teaspoons of salt. A fresh egg will sink while older eggs will float.


Turn away ants – sprinkle a trail of salt in doorways, windows or anywhere else you may have an ant problem; they do not like to walk on salt.


Brighten colours – help coloured curtains or washable fiber rugs and carpets regain their brightness. Make a strong saltwater solution and soak a cloth in it and briskly rub the carpet.


Prevent fruits from browning – if you place a peeled apple in lightly salted water, this will help prevent brownish discolouration.


Put out a grease fire – have salt handy next to your stove and if you ever happen to have a grease fire, douse the flames with the salt, not water.



Remove odors – been chopping up garlic or onions and now you can’t get the smell off your fingers? Mix a little salt with vinegar and wash your hands with it.




Prevent moldy cheese – to stop mold from growing on cheese, wrap in a piece of cloth that has been lightly dipped in saltwater.

Prevent candles from dripping – soak new candles in a strong solution of saltwater for a few hours, then thoroughly dry them. This will prevent the candles from dripping too much when you use them. This can come in particularly handy at preventing burns and fires when there is a power outage.

Remove perspiration stains – if you’re not a fan of perspiration marks on the underarms of your clothing, mix four tablespoons of salt with hot water and wipe fabric until the stains disappear. Clean a wine spill – if you’ve accidentally spilled wine unto a cotton or linen tablecloth, cover the area with a pile of salt immediately after blotting will help to pull any remaining wine from the fabric. Soak in cold water before you wash.


Repair walls – fill nail holes or small chips in plaster walls by mixing two tablespoons each, of salt and cornstarch and just enough water to make a thick paste. This can then be used to fill the holes.


Set colours – if you’re dyeing clothing and the dye is not colourfast, soak the item in a half gallon of water mixed with a half cup of vinegar and a half cup of salt. Let it soak for about an hour then rinse. If you see any colour in the water, repeat the procedure.

Personal care 1.


Prolong toothbrush life – before you use a new toothbrush, soak it in saltwater. This will make it last longer. Soothe mouth sores – if you have a canker sore, abscess or any other mouth sore, make a weak solution of saltwater and rinse with it a few times per day.


Bee stings – dampen the sting site and apply salt to decrease pain and swelling


As an exfoliant – after you’ve had a shower, massage wet skin with dry salt. It brightens dull skin and boosts circulation.

Cleaning 1.

Clean greasy utensils – a decent amount of salt and paper towels will help remove stubborn grease.


Clean sink drains – salt mixed with hot water can be pour down drains regularly to prevent greasy build-up and deodorize.


Clean refrigerators – it’s a good idea to keep those chemical cleaners away from your food, so use saltwater solution to wipe down the inside of your fridge.


Remove water rings – make a thin paste of vegetable oil and salt to rub on the white marks left by drink glasses and hot dishes on wooden surfaces.

Caribbean Wellness Wellness && Lifestyle Lifestyle October October -- December December 2010 2010 || 25 25 Caribbean

The sweet smell of success: How aromatherapy can help your professional edge

Scent stirs memory. You can use aroma to evoke the emotion of a childhood experience, enhance romance and even hone your competitive edge in the business world. Bet you never thought of that one! In an increasingly competitive job market, many open minded individuals are seeking every edge they can get to find a job, or to keep the one they have. Stimulating the mind and memory function can help professionals feel more alert and “on their game.” Aromatherapy can be one more weapon in a professional’s business arsenal. Aromatherapy works to stimulate memory and the mind because our sense of smell is the only sense directly connected to the central nervous system. The nasal bulb, an area of densely packed neural receptors, sits near the center of our heads and interfaces directly with the brain. By contrast, miles of nerve pathways sit between the ears, eyes and the brain. Tying visual and auditory experiences to a distinct aroma can help us process, retain and recall visual and auditory data more effectively. Essential oils, the essences plants use to attract pollinating insects or ward off disease and predators, are the core of aromatherapy. They are completely natural, widely available, and can be great tools for stimulating mental clarity and the enhancement of memory. The oil most associated with memory is rosemary. The scent invigorates and refreshes while it stimulates the mind. Try taking an occasional sniff of a small bottle of rosemary essential oil while studying for an exam or preparing for a work presentation, and then smelling the oil again during the test or presentation itself. Here are several other mentally stimulating essential oils that enhance concentration and alertness:

Sweet basil Sweet basil is great to diffuse at your desk when that inevitable post-lunch lethargy starts to sap your productivity. It’s as easy as placing two to three drops on a sticky note and positioning it near the exhaust fan of your computer.

Bergamot orange Bergamot orange is loved by almost everyone who smells it, and the scent can inspire fantastic brainstorming sessions. Combine five to six drops per ounce of water and make a mist to occasionally spritz the atmosphere during your next meeting.

Peppermint oil

Pepermint oil is regarded as a cephalic oil, which simply means it’s associated with the head, brain and nervous system. Use your fingertips to massage a single drop into the temples to clear the mind and dispel tension.

You might be in the habit of fueling mental clarity and alertness with cup after cup of coffee, and nothing against coffee, but it’s addictive, can give you the jitters and is likely nowhere near as interesting, inspiring or delightful as the beautiful scents and extraordinary benefits provided by pure, botanically derived essential oils. Try infusing your old work routine with some new clarity today.

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our appearance, whether by what you wear, how you style your hair, or how you carry yourself, sends a message to the outside world. When you exude confident style, that message stays consistent across all of your style “personalities,” going from your work attire to your casual outfits to your most glamorous evening look. When changing their style, many women make the mistake of thinking that they have to go all out and change everything about themselves, often to fit in with the most recent trends. This can be a recipe for fashion frustration and disaster as wearing too many trends at once usually leads to one thing…a train wreck. Giving your style a little refresher however, can be much simpler than you’d expect. Keeping your innate style in mind, you can change up your wardrobe by simply adding small new elements. Even tiny changes can make a huge difference, while still letting you express who you are. Here are some more tips that can help you update your look:


forward: Most women know that buying a new lipstick is a small indulgence that can make you feel great. But it’s more than just the action of buying that provides a boost - something as simple as a new lip color can change the way you look at yourself, and give you a fresh new perspective.

Go au natural: With increased attention being paid to living a more natural lifestyle, mineral makeup is becoming increasingly popular, along with makeup that nourishes the skin. Lines such as Bare Minerals and Eve Pearl cosmetics offer options for every skin tone and type.

A beautiful foundation: The most important parts of the great buildings of the world are the interior structures that keep them standing. So, if your body is a temple, make sure it has a good foundation. Having the right undergarments – bras, panties, camisoles and body shapers, can help your clothes fit better and lay more elegantly on your figure.

Feel scent-sational: Scent is highly tied to memory, but while certain fragrances might remind you of your loved ones, you also want to have a scent of your own that people will remember you by. To make a statement that’s uniquely you, seek out your own signature scents. Remember that not all fragrances work for all occasions. Lighter, fresher scents feel breezy in the summer. Heady, seductive scents are probably not the best for the workday but quite appropriate for a date. Test out different brands and see which ones work best for you. Be yourself: Even when your closet needs updating, you should be true to yourself. Clothes are a form of self-expression. Wear what makes you feel confident and expresses your personality. Your accessories often say a lot about who you are, from the nostalgia of a hat to the sophistication of a draped scarf. They are also one of the simplest ways to breathe new life into your wardrobe. Even small investments in accessories can have a big impact on your style. It’s true that you can’t go just anywhere to find the clothes that combine a modern sensibility with a unique twist of personality. So you will have to shop around, but it’s worth the effort to find stores that carry exactly what you’re looking for. When you’re wearing beautiful clothes and all the right accessories, it’s easy to feel confident. But when your personal style and inner beauty show through, you’ll stand out no matter what you’re wearing. Courtesy of ARA content

How to express your true inner beauty

Caribbean Wellness & Lifestyle October - December 2010 | 27 Caribbean Wellness & Lifestyle October - December 2010 | 27


I tried running Girlfriend 2.0 with Girlfriend 1.0 still installed; they tried using the same I/O port and conflicted. Then I tried to uninstall Girlfriend 1.0, but it didn’t have an uninstall program. I tried to uninstall it by hand, but it put files in my system directory. Another thing that sucks in all versions of Girlfriend that I’ve used is that it is totally “object orientated” and only supports hardware with gold plated contacts. Bug warning!

Technology Funnies

Wife 1.0 has an undocumented bug. If you try to install Mistress 1.1 before uninstalling Wife 1.0, Wife 1.0 will delete MS Money files before doing the uninstall itself. Then Mistress 1.1 will refuse to install, claiming insufficient resources.

Keyboard: An instrument used for entering errors into a system.

Try to explain women

Hardware: The parts of a computer which can be kicked.

A man dies and goes to Heaven. He gets to meet GOD and asks GOD if he can ask him a few questions.

Arnold Schwarzenegger virus: Terminates and stays resident. It’ll be back.

“Sure,” GOD says, “Go right ahead”.

Adam and Eve virus: Takes a couple of bytes out of your Apple.

“OK,” the man says. “Why did you make women so pretty?”

Freudian virus: Your computer becomes obsessed with marrying its own motherboard.

“OK,” the guy says. “But how come you made them so beautiful?”

Nike virus: Just Does It!

“So you would LOVE them”, GOD replies.

Politically correct virus: Never calls itself a “virus”, but instead refers to itself as an “electronic microorganism”.

The man ponders a moment and then asks, “But why did you make them such airheads?”

Girlfriend 1.0 software Last year, my friend upgraded his GirlFriend 3.1 to GirlFriendPlus1.0 (marketing name: Fiancee1.0). Recently he upgraded Fiancee1.0 to Wife1.0, and it’s a memory hogger! It has taken all his space; and Wife1.0 must be running before he can do anything. Although he didn’t ask for them, Wife1.0 came with Plug-Ins such as Mother In Law and Brother In Law. These too slow down the system and cause a slow drain on the resources and well-being of the computer. Some features I’d like to see in the upcoming GirlFriend4.0: 1.

A “Don’t remind me again” button.


Minimize button.


Shutdown feature - An install shield feature so that Girlfriend4.0 can be completely uninstalled if so desired (so you don’t lose cache and other objects).

GOD says, “So you would like them.”

GOD says, “So they would love you!”

Is the wife in control? Everybody on earth dies and goes to heaven. God comes and says “I want the men to make two lines. One line for the men that dominated their women on earth and the other line for the men that were whipped by their women. Also, I want all the women to go with St Peter.” The next time God looks around the women are gone and there are two lines. The line of the men that were whipped was 100 miles long, in the line of men that dominated women, there was only one man. God got mad and said. “You men should be ashamed of yourselves. I created you in my image, and you were all whipped by your mates. Look at the only one of my sons that stood up and made me proud, Learn from him!” Tell them my son how did you manage to be the only one on that line? The man said, “I don’t know. My wife told me to stand here.”

Cube Count Answer: 133 cubes

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