CW&L #31

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Publisher Pelican Publishers Limited


Editor-in-Chief Dr. Henry I.C. Lowe

Editorial & Creative Director Meleisa Witter

Editors at Large Mrs. Janet Wilson-Lowe Mrs. Venus McGregor-Lowe

Editor Alicea James

Marketing / Sales Aneka McKenzie

S PA N I S H CO U R T H OT E L 926.0000 1 St. Lucia Avenue, Kingston 5, Jamaica

Graphics Art, Layout & Illustration Nicole Williams Shauna-Kay Battick

Main article Shoot Location: Chai Studios

Photography Pelican Publishers, Michele-Anne Hamilton The Caribbean Wellness and Lifestyle magazine is published quarterly by Pelican Publishers Limited in Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies. Š 2014 Pelican Publishers Limited No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronically or mechanically, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage retrieval system without written permission from the publishers.


CONTENTS Welcome to

apr-jun 2014



26 POLE FIT 21

Face time WITH dr. anna n. law

ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 6 Eco Watch: Composting with Ecowells 12 What Happens When Home Is Not


– Aneka McKenzie

Wealth & Health 9


Live Within Your Means Or Expand Your Means: Finding Creative Ways to Make Money – Clinton Gordon

Physical Health & Wellness 18 Autism & Massage Therapy

–Dona Miller

28 Moringa The Miracle Plant

– Avia-Ann Miller

– Dr. Hame Persaud

40 Diabetes Management


On the Cover

42 Married With Meaning

26 Pole Fit 47 Why We Should Have Sex

44 Beyond Infidelity Part Two:

(Beyond The Obvious Reasons)

92 Cayman Connections 78 Mommy Diaries

– Tashika Witter-Francis

Understanding The Cycle

– Meleisa Witter


BOOK LAUNCH: Sexplanations


Wellness Resort & Spa

Mental & Spiritual Health


58 Ease Suffering With Music

–Sharlene Hendricks

– Dr. Herbert Lowe

62 How Emotions Affect Your Health 70 Understanding Age Related Memory Loss

– Dr. Herbert Lowe

Potential – Glenford Smith

74 Belief: The Key to Unlock Your Unlimited

Lifestyle & Entertainment 14 Pets Are Good Yor Your Health

– Alicea James

– Meleisa Witter

– Tamara Bailey


54 Nature's Unlikely Beauty Treats 80 Mother's Day Treat 84 Intelligent Driving 101

– Paul G.J. Messam 86 Father's Day Feature – Shauna-Kay Battick 90 Children & Constipation – Paediatric Association of Jamaica 96 Social Media And Privacy – Ray St. Michael Williams 99 Pixel 3D Studios

104 Hair Me Out

– Mahalia Palmer

Ways To Transition

106 From Processed Hair to Natural Hair: Healthy


– Vanessa Osbourne


EDITORIAL persons will be inclined to be health conscious and focus on wellness, but our Executive Chairman and Editor in Chief, Dr. Henry Lowe, is as usual, right on the ball and moving ahead of the game. He recently launched Eden Gardens Wellness Resort & Spa; a premier wellness & health oasis, smack in the heart of the golden triangle in Kingston. For more on the fantastic launch, see page 42. So we made some promises and we are keeping them. We are jet setting and have brought two very interesting, enlightening articles from the wider Caribbean which will expand your knowledge base about two of our wonderful neighbors, Cayman and St. Lucia. These articles will provide some small, but interesting insight into the aspects of

Wellness is timeless! As long as there are people, there will be a need for wellness. And every day a new catch phrase is born as entrepreneurs coin new phrases to titillate the senses of a people who are into novelty and like to be a part of the 'in crowd'. But even I’ll admit, this is a good one. And if properly harnessed and managed, not only the companies engaged in it, but the whole country, will be the beneficiaries of "Wellness Tourism."

Wellness Tourism is being touted as the latest Jamaican ‘Tourism Cash Crop,’ and CW&L is pretty excited about it. Not only do we welcome the fact that more

life covered in each island respectively. We have featured so many interesting people for your benefit, it is a little sinful. The wonderful orthodontist Dr. Anna Law spent some time with us chatting about braces, while Brian Williams took us to the future’s reality in the fusion of real estate and technology. Not to be left out, we also spoke to Marc Williams from Eco-Wells; as you know, we are serious about environmental health. Finally, our main feature was so touching and titillating! Shani’s story is definitely one to read, and you should absolutely try pole fitness! But I won’t detain you here any longer.

So much wellness and lifestyle goodies await.

Meleisa Witter

Editorial & Creative Director



CHANGED... The Journey You may have seen Dr Carla Dunbar’s controversial interviews regarding sex and Christianity on local airways, but you don’t know her story and you don’t know her journey. Her first publication fittingly titled, Changed; The Journey, will give you an inside look into her life. From her humble beginnings in the country and her dramatic separation from her siblings, to her rocky relationship with her parents and her forte into the dancehall arena. This story is one of trials and tribulations, but also of inspiration for those who think they are resigned to a life of poverty due to their background. Dr Dunbar proves that where you are from has absolutely no bearing on where you going. So, find your most comfortable chair, fill up a large glass of lemonade and prepare to be taken on a journey like no other. Changed; The Journey, Coming this summer! Title: Changed; The Journey | Author: Dr. Carla Dunbar Foreword by: Author & Veteran Journalist Ian Boyne






g n i t s o p m o C

Ecowells is a waste management company that takes clean, organic waste and repurposes it into an organic fertilizer, which is then sold to the public. The concept for the company emerged from Linstead Market Jamaica where a lot of ackee is processed and the waste was being sent to landfills. About 85 percent of ackee is waste, about 300 truckloads of




ackee were being sent to the landfill per year. The chairman of Ecowells, Mr Norman McDonald researched the most environmentally friendly ways to deal with waste and came across composting. This is a process in which microorganisms in the soil break down organic material into a soil like product. This can then be mixed into soil.

CW&L wanted to learn more about this process: Is there a need for this product? Yes, the need for the product is great, people need it and don’t know they need it. Compost is both an organic fertilizer and a soil amendment. It has all the major nutrient your plants need: nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. It also has other minor elements that you don’t normally get in your artificial fertilizers. When compost is mixed in with your soil, it retains nutrients longer. When you use artificial fertilizers with poor soil, the nutrients can drain through so fast that your plant does not get to use it all. This won’t happen when you have compost infused in your soil. It will increase your water retention in sandy soils while improving drainage in clay soil.

in nature when leaves and fruits rot and become a part of the soil. When compared to artificial fertilizer, it is not as potent in terms of the amount of nutrients you get per pound. However, using these artificial fertilizers with poor soil is counterproductive. Remember compost also improves the quality of your soil.

Do you have scientific proof to support claims about the benefits of using organic materials versus regular fertilizers? The best science is the one you see for yourself; buy a bag and see. Managing

Composting can only be done with organic materials. This material we source separate at the factory to ensure only fruit and vegetable waste is sent to the recycling facility. These fruits and vegetables are then mixed with grass and leaves collected from our farm.

director of Ecowells, Bronson McDonald studied the science of composting at the University of Maine. The benefits are well documented. We have done tests with the aid of the Sugar Industry Research Institute, Bodles Research Station and the Rural Physical Planning Division of the ministry of agriculture, which have given us results to make these bold statements of what our product can do. Apart from that, it has been field tested and proven.

How does your product compare with conventional fertilizers?

What are some of the materials used for your composting?

What benefits are derived from using organic materials?

If you are trying to farm or garden organically, then compost is the way to go! It is as good as it gets. We got the idea from mother nature herself. Compost happens

How do you source raw materials? It is sourced at Linstead Market Jamaica in marked waste containers. The grass and leaves we get from our farm and from schools and communities in the area.

Do you have a system in place which allows others to provide materials? Right now we are only processing our waste, but in the future we hope to expand our collection.

What are the benefits of Ecowells to Jamaica, and its impact on reducing greenhouse effect etc? Our dumps are nothing more than dumps. They don’t process the waste they receive. This waste breaks down via different methods than our compost mechanisms. These various ways produce far more greenhouse gases than composting does. Each year we divert approximately 300 truck loads from the landfill. Not only do we divert it, but make Jamaica a greener country in the literal sense. That burst of nitrogen your plants get from compost literally makes them greener.

Ackee, callaloo, grass, leaves and any other fruit or vegetable used at the factory. Manure is not used in our compost.


Flower Power!

Floral patterns are totally in for spring, but you don’t have to go flower crazy if it’s not your style. You can incorporate this trend with your accessories. Try a pair of sunglasses with floral details or even a cute floral watch. For the bolder fashionistas a great floral dress, a floral shirt or even a pair of floral stilettos will certainly add some flower power to your wardrobe.

Bright White!

White can be a tricky colour to wear sometimes, but it’s spring, so white is more than appropriate right now. Bust out those white skinny jeans or shorts and pair them with a bright top and a great pair of wedge. Better yet, throw on a cute white dress with sandals for a lunch date with friends.

Colour Frenzy!

Orange, yellow, purple, fuchsia, if you love bright colours, then you certainly love spring; plus it’s pretty much for everyone. Again, if you are not a fan of bright colours you can opt for brightly coloured accessories. What would go great with your white lace dress? An orange or yellow bag of course!

Crochet and Lace!

This is not your grandmother’s lace dress; it is a sexier, trendier version. Lace is totally in for spring; whether it’s a beach cover-up, a lace dress or a pair of shorts with lace or crochet detailing, this can add a little sweetness and elegance to your wardrobe.



Live Within Your Means:

e CWrayes aotmiv ake money t

by: Clinton Gordon

Awesome! The new smart phone is the latest craze and you got it first. This thing does everything from controlling devices to taking pictures under water; the sacrifice wasn’t bad, just a six month loan and living on soup for the next two months. It’s a pity you lost it three days later.

Accumulated moneys owed for purchases that don’t appreciate or add value are called consumer debts; these create a strain on income and can lead to bankruptcy. merchants develop ingenious ways to entice you to spend more than you make and acquire items that you really don’t need. It’s up to you to recognize that you are spending more than you make and decide if it’s a worthwhile purchase.


Do you live within your means; are you aware of the signals that indicate you are going above and beyond your spending limit and budget?

Do you recognize any of these signs?

* Spending more than your paycheck

can cover.

* Can’t identify what your money was

spent on and where you spent it.

* Borrowing money to attend parties every week.

* Spending money you don’t have, before it’s landed in your pocket or bank account.

* Future overtime and bonus payments have been booked to help make ends meet.

* Your credit card is used to buy things

that you used to buy with cash. If your credit card is maxed out, the bank won’t increase your limit and you can only pay the minimum amount due each month.

* The credit collection number has a

special ring so you can ignore the call.

* You shuffle your loans to decide which

one won’t get paid this month.

Newsflash: you can't afford your lifestyle!

now that you’ve recognizeD the signs, let’s look at some remeDies:


Make a budget and stick to it, this will help keep track of what is important and indicate financial trouble.


Avoid using short term fixes for long term problems, they only compound the problem.

* A loan should be a last resort. * Your credit card should be used for emergency purposes.


* Get rid of extra credit cards. * Consolidate and eliminate debts before

* Your savings are always used as collat-

* Reduce your expenses; you don’t need

You take new loans to pay old loans/ debts.

eral for a loan.

you add another loan.

to be a fashionista to be stylish.

* Most importantly, live with what

you have.

Expanding your income is really the best option to alleviate financial distress. Start by improving your marketability through educational development. It creates more possibilities and is more rewarding. But in the short term, use what you have, such as your strengths, skills, hobbies or passion as an income generator to get what you want.

have a strong opinion or passion?

Try blogging or vlogging * or an editorial contributor for the newspaper or tabloid

are you gooD in the kitchen?

* Start a catering service.

think you are gooD at selling?

* Become an entrepreneur. are you artistic?

* Create & sell art pieces. what about your eclectic taste?


Try your hand at being a designer, stylist, decorator or even consultant.

try backyarD farming

To cut your food expenses * or to sell to neighbors

become a

* Weekend tour guide

When it comes to

making money


from your paSSioN or TaleNT, the possibilities are endless. Caribbean WELLNESS & LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE | APR-JUNE 2014

by Aneka Mckenzie




s t e P D o o G for your h t l a e H are

cH HoW to



one! t H G i r James s e tH e


by Alicea

Want to stay healthy? get a pet!

Well, there are several things that you can do; eat right, exercise, get enough sleep, maintain your Yes, pets are good for your health. spirituality and Research has found that pets can help to reduce stress, lower blood pressure, help with weight loss, improve mood, lower cholesterol, prevent allergies, improve immunity, prevent stroke, and can also help children develop. Considering the long list of benefits, it is no surprise that so many people own pets, or are considering same.

If you are not a pet owner (well at least not yet) there are some important factors to consider, especially as it relates to the type of pet that best fits your lifestyle. Here are some integral points to consider:

them and ensure that they play a role in choosing the type of pet that best fits your family’s needs and lifestyle.

2. environment

1. FamilY

structure You need to consider other family members when choosing a pet. Do you have children? Are they mature enough to help care for a pet? Sometimes you might be away and will need help caring for your pet, family members will have to be in agreement with this idea. Discuss the issue with

Space is extremely important when choosing a pet. If you live in an apartment, there might be rules and regulations about having certain pets, or just having pets in general. Also large animals such as some types of dogs are not really ideally suited for tiny apartments as they need space to run around and play.

3. Financial


Excluding the initial cost to purchase the pet, there are many other financial responsibilities. Toys, food, visits to the vet, and medicine, just to name a few.

can spend on average US$1500 annually and a cat owner about US$1200 to care for the animal. If you have a high maintenance pet such as a horse you can spend up to 1000 US dollars per month just to care for this animal.

4. liFestYle

It is best to choose a pet that best fits your lifestyle as this will ensure that the relationship is fruitful on both ends. If you enjoy outdoor activities such as jogging, hiking or exercising, then you might be a ‘dog person.’ Research different breeds and see which best fits your personality and needs. If you like to stay home and cuddle with a good book, then maybe a cat could work for you. If you have lots of outdoor space or even a pond, why not opt for a rabbit or a few ducks. Whatever you choose, just remember that pets need as much love and attention as humans in order to thrive.

According to the American Pet Products Association, a dog owner


WHat You neeD to KnoW!


Different breeds of dogs have different characteristics, but in general these are social animals that require human interaction in order to be happy.

* Dogs can live more than ten years, so they are a long term commitment.

* If you choose an indoor dog, she will need to be taught house-training skills, and learn basic cues such as ‘come,’ ‘sit,’ or ‘stay.’

* Dogs can be costly, especially certain breeds. Toys, leashes, litter box, vet care, grooming, training and food are just some of the costs associated with having a dog for a pet.

Birds Birds are a lifetime commitment as many types such as parrots can live up to 50 years. If you’re thinking about getting a parrot, there are some details you should know about their care:

* Dogs need to be active and require at least one

walk per day outside the home. If you are not prepared for this, then you should reconsider.


Parrots need entertainment such as toys, radio, television or interaction with other parrots. Ideally, you will also need to spend two to three hours interacting with your parrot outside his cage each day.

* Parrots are messy. Prepare to spend

time cleaning their cage and any other areas of the house where they may play.


Parrots require a very complex and varied diet, which you’ll need to prepare every day.




and they ls a im n a l ia lso soc These are a Spending . n o ti n e tt a lots of do require t will make a c r u o y h me wit adequate ti ored pet b a n e e tw ce be the differen y one. and a happ

* Cats usually live to about 15 years, so

they are definitely a long term commitment.

* Cats are known for their cleanliness,

so, on your end, you have to keep their litter box clean and fresh.

* Cats have different personalities.

Some like to be held and snuggled; others are more aloof and don’t like to be picked up. Be prepared to adapt to your new cat’s individual personality traits.

* Cats need to scratch; a sturdy scratching

post or mat is necessary. Declawing a cat (which involves the removal of the first knuckle of each toe) is extremely painful. In order to protect your furniture you can trim your cats nails or visit a pet store for available products that can help with this issue.


Most people don’t realize that rabbits are social creatures that require human interaction in order to really thrive. If you have lots of outdoor space and a big family, then a rabbit will certainly be a great addition.

* Rabbits need daily care. If they are

not handled gently and often, they may not be comfortable with being picked up and cuddled.


Rabbits will need to see the veterinarian for regular checkups.

* Rabbits should be spayed or neutered

to make them happier and healthier.

research information courtesy of

autisM awareness Month (april)

autism and

Massage therapy by Dona Miller, J.P., M.A.


hroughout the course of their child’s life, parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disor-

der (ASD) will likely explore many

intervention options, such as behavioral, educational, medical, allied health, and complimentary alternative techniques. Always remember that each child on the spectrum is different and no ‘one therapy’ provides a one stop solution. As a result, parents most often utilize a combination of services while enduring continuous periods of trial and error.




ortunately, the increase in early diagnosis of ASD among children at the pre-school level, allows for a window of opportunity for both conventional and alternate

intervention programs. It follows that conventional therapies normally utilized in the treatment of ASD include: Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), Occupational Therapy (OT), and Speech Therapy. One alternate avenue in particular that many parents have started to explore is the integration of Complementary Alternative and Medical (CAM) techniques into their child’s routine.

Now, given that massage therapy is a type of complementary and alternative medicine technique that occurs in many forms and often involves the use of tactile stimulation to stimulate various parts of the physical body, one would think that a child with autism would find manipulative and body based therapies, including massage therapy, intolerable, as they are often averse to touch. However, a massage session is indeed possible if the therapist is skilled at introducing touch and further helping the individual to become tolerant to it. Massage therapists with exposure to individuals with ASD will know that moderate pressure massages are preferred and tolerated over light ones. It follows that, if modified to meet individual needs, massage therapy can indeed be tailored to accommodate persons with autism.

Cranio-sacral Therapy In truth, types of massage thought to have positive implications for ASD include Cranio-Sacral Therapy (CST), Qigong Massage Therapy (QMT), and Moderate Pressure Massage. Cranio-sacral therapy is one of the more controversial

autism related massage therapies. It is a manipulative treatment based on the research of osteopath John C. Upledger and is designed to be a non-invasive therapy that deals with the stimulation of the cranio-sacral system. According to Upledger, the cranio-sacral system consists of the protective membranes surrounding and supporting the brain, the lining of the cranium, the covering of the spinal column and the cerebrospinal fluid. It is believed that when cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) produced within the brain reaches a particular pressure it is then reabsorbed. This production and re-absorption cycle is thought to create a rhythm known as the cranio-sacral rhythm. It follows that, cranio-scaral therapy involves using the bones to gently stretch the meninges and is essentially treating the membranes to improve flow of CSF and not necessarily realignment of bones.

cranial rhythm may be detected by both palpation and instrumentation. However, cranial rhythm is often imperceptible to untrained observers and is best executed by a trained professional. Even so, there is still controversy surrounding professional identification of the rhythm as research indicates that there is a lack of concordance among professionals when it comes to inter-rater reliability and repeatability in identifying the rhythm. Nevertheless proponents of cranio-sacral therapy believe that ASD may be related to a loss of flexibility and probable inflammation of the membrane layers around the brain. These issues may lead to the creation of a restrictive force on the brain tissue that may lead to strain on

Successful cranio-sacral therapy is dependent upon identification of the cranial rhythm. Cranio-scaral therapy practitioners relate that this


different brain structures. This strain may further lead to dysfunction. Cranio-sacral therapy is thought to reduce this stress and structural strain in the brain membranes. It is additionally theorized that when the brain is free from this state, it has the ability to not only heal, but reorganize as well. Proponents have further stressed that CST does not cure autism, but merely provides a catalyst to help treat the brain dysfunction of autism, by helping to elevate the body’s natural healing and compensatory mechanisms. It remains, that while systematic reviews of the literature on cranio-sacral therapy has highlighted that there is very limited research on efficacy, and the research that does exist is very old, it is still widely used today by osteopaths and physical therapists.

Qigong Another massage technique currently utilized by some parents is Chinese Qigong massage. This therapy is rooted ancient Chinese medicine where Qi, meaning ‘energy’ or ‘force’ is thought to be the foundation of existence. As such, matter is created and subsequently transformed by Qi. When Qi is disturbed in humans, transformation also becomes disrupted causing illnesses and eventual modification of the material structure of organs and tissues. Qigong massage involves re-establishing the correct flow of Qi in the body, which remedies the material effects and ultimately leads to restoration of normality. For use with ASD individuals, Qigong massage therapy will often involve patting, shaking, and pressing movements applied to 12 areas of the body while clothed. It is thought to be among the arsenal of valuable early intervention tools as it may bring about improvement in behavioral, social, and language issues in children with ASD, as well as improvement in sensory impairment and self-regulation.

April is world Autism Awareness Month, and the

seventh annual World autism aWareness day is

april 2, 2014. Every year, autism organizations around the

P lease get the next issue of C WL to read more about Autism and Massa ge T herapy.



world celebrate the day with unique fundraising and awareness-raising events.

FaceTime r. nna DA FEATURing


sd Bs, dmd, m

TisT OrThOdOn

Orthodontist Dr Anna Law is not just about fitting you with braces to improve your smile. In her office they live by the creed, “More than braces, we create great faces.� Before starting her practice in Kingston, Jamaica, Dr Law received her dental degree at the prestigious Tufts University School of Dental Medicine in Boston, where she graduated as the number one student in her class. She continued her training at one of the most esteemed universities for orthodontic training, the University of Washington in the United States. Dr. Law did her research on Bone Density and graduated in 1995, with a certificate in Orthodontics and a Master of Science in Dentistry. After her return home to Jamaica, she started her now successful private practice at 4 Hillcrest Ave, Kingston 6. Her practice has now outgrown her current location and she is making plans to occupy her new super hi tech office at 53 Lady Musgrave Road very soon.



utside of her professional qualifications, Dr Law’s success can be attributed to her friendly and professional demeanour as well as her philosophy of providing on-time, efficient service in an environment that is relaxed, caring, and familyfriendly, while maintaining a high level of sophistication and professionalism. Every day her practice aims to achieve 100% patient satisfaction through friendliness, enthusiasm, knowledge and professionalism. This effort is bolstered by state-of-theart technologies, and a highly trained staff, that communicates clearly and simply with patients regarding their treatment, scheduling and financial arrangements.

what is Orthodontics? Although many of us have heard the word ‘orthodontics’, we may not know how to properly define it. As the expert in our midst, Dr Law was happy to elucidate that orthodontics involves the correction and repositioning of the teeth and jaws in order to give a functional bite and in some cases, better facial aesthetics. Issues such as under bite, overbite, crowding, spacing and other facial incongruities will likely require the services of an orthodontist. It is best to correct some of these issues from an early stage (childhood) so that the problem does not persist into adulthood, as this can ultimately complicate the treatment process when the time arrives.


There are different treatment options available, and of course each is dependent on the issue at hand.


the types AnD FunctIOns

CW&L wanted to learn more about one very popular treatment used to straighten the teeth, braces. Dr Law offers options such as stainless steel, ceramic, gold, metal and lingual braces. The type chosen is usually dependent on the extent of the mal-alignment of the teeth (the bite problem) and sometimes on patient choice. There might be some discomfort associated with braces, especially as it relates to initial movement of the teeth. This usually goes away within three to five days and can be treated with painkillers if it proves too much for some patients. MetAL Braces: Traditional metal braces are the most commonly used option. It works by straightening the teeth using metal brackets. It is made of high grade stainless steel and is probably one of the most effective methods for correcting teeth. Gold braces are quite similar; they are made of stainless steel, but coated in gold. cerAMIc Braces: These are used by teenagers and adult patients who have cosmetic concerns as they are made of clear materials and therefore less visible on your teeth. Ceramic braces are generally used on the front teeth as they require more attention to oral hygiene, since they are more prone to staining from highly pigmented foods such as curry.


InvIsIBLe Braces: This type of braces is used by persons with minor issues. It is not ideal for more complex dental issues such as ‘open bites.’ Probably one of the most liked features of this option is that no one can tell you are wearing them because (as the name states) they are invisible. Not only are the aligners invisible, they are removable, so you can eat and drink what you want while in treatment, plus brushing and flossing are less of a hassle. The aligners are comfortable and have no metal to cause mouth abrasions during treatment.



Open BIte

crOss BIte


Buck teeth

unDer BIte

Never before seen 3D imaging and 3D printing technology will make your experience and results even more brilliant, in our brand new state-of the-art office OPENING SOON AT 53 LADY MUSGRAVE ROAD Come see us now and get ready for some real face-time. In our new office we’ll do more than braces. We’ll create great faces.

surgIcAL OrthODOntIcs More complex cases such as extreme jaw discrepancies might require a more in depth form of treatment such as surgical orthodontics which is a combination of orthognathic surgery and braces. The aim of this surgery is to correct jaw irregularities so as to improve the patient's ability to speak, chew and breathe and also improve facial appearance. In simpler terms, surgery aligns the jaws and braces align the teeth. Jaw surgery is usually done by an oral surgeon and subsequent tooth movement overseen by an orthodontist. There is no visible scarring after the procedure is done. The healing process takes between four to six weeks, after which orthodontic treatment is resumed.

eMergIng technOLOgIes wilckodontics Dr Law is also taking advantage of the new and innovative technologies within her industry. She tells us about a mode of treatment that you might not know about, Wilckodontics; also known as

Accelerated Osteogenic Orthodontics. This is a combination of orthodontics and a moderate surgical procedure to straighten the teeth three to four (3-4) times faster than conventional methods. It can accomplish in eight weeks what would usually require one year of regular treatment. Persons with time constraints such as an upcoming wedding can benefit greatly from this option.

Incognito™ (formerly known as iBraces)

This revolutionary technology is 100 percent customized to your dental issue and the shape of your teeth and is placed on the inside of the teeth so it is not visible. This option is ideal for adult professionals, models, musicians who play wind instruments and persons who play contact sports. Incognito can be used to treat patients ranging from age 13 to 60 years or older. Most people who can be treated with regular braces can also be treated with Incognito, however, Dr. Law would first decide if this is the right treatment option for you.

caring For teeth During Orthodontic treatment


Dr Law recommends brushing your teeth after each meal or snack when you have braces and that you take a travel or folding toothbrush so that you can brush when you are at school or work. A soft toothbrush should always be used (many patients damage their teeth with medium and hard toothbrushes making significant gouges in their enamel leaving the dentin exposed which results in sensitive teeth). Brushing technique is similar to that used when no braces are placed, but it takes a little more time to complete the process when braces are present. Flossing is also

mandatory when you have braces and Dr. Law provides floss threaders and other auxiliaries that assist patients with getting the floss under the wires. Once the floss is under the wire, flossing is the same as before braces. Waterpiks, proxy brushes, mechanical brushes are a few of the other adjuncts that can be used to assist with cleaning. After brushing and flossing a flouride mouthwash should be used to destroy any germs remaining. Most importantly, when you have braces, patients should continue to see their general dentist for regular cleanings during their orthodontic treatment.

Future plans Dr Law continues to invest her time and effort in perfecting her craft. She and her hard-working team are getting ready to move into the bigger and more convenient space at 53 Lady Musgrave Road, which will feature even more futuristic technology like 3-D scanning and 3-D printing which will improve office efficiency and customer experience. Younger patients can also look forward to the super cool games room being designed by Dr Law’s twelve year old son Joshua, who is a first former at Campion College. Through her own beautiful smile Dr Law reiterates the vision of her practice; “We will routinely exceed our patient’s expectations. …And be known as the fun orthodontic practice that does more than braces.

We cr eate gr eat faces.”


FIT I t is not every day that one ha s the opportunity to see a beautiful, talented, successful, business woman skillfully dangle from a pole… in broad daylight. But CW&L heard about the latest craze on the fitness circuit and had to see for ourselves.

The new



We spent several hours with the innovative and interesting Shani McGraham-Shirley of Chai Studios Ltd. as her business partner Zoe Arscott was unavoidably absent. She shared her electrifying, though at times heart breaking, but ultimately triumphant story in between sprightly swings from the pole affixed from floor to ceiling in their dance/exercise studio. My personal struggle with weight and body image started in 2004, with my first pregnancy. I have three children. With each pregnancy I ballooned, until I was at an astounding 200 pounds, at 5’2”.



Chai studios

Having been Miss Jamaica 1998 and a model (for a brief stint), people were very unkind and had harsh criticisms about my new physique. So for seven years I struggled and hid from the world as much as possible. My friendships suffered, my relationship suffered, I suffered with my insecurities, self doubt, loss of sensuality. I didn’t know who I was anymore. It was hard to accept the changes in my body, and as a result I simply lost myself.’ Then, in 2010 after having her last baby, Shani was finally ready to make a change. Despite having said ‘I’m sick and tired of being fat’ many times before, for the first time she truly meant it. And just when she became ready, she met Zumba and fell completely in love. Everything else had failed; the crash diets, weight loss pills, different gyms numerous times before; she became bored or just disinterested. With Zumba, it felt like anything but a workout and she finally started to lose weight; there was no burn out, or desire to quit. She was enjoying what she was doing and reaping the rewards. After shedding 20 pounds in four weeks she became a walking testimony. ‘With my newfound love, and proof that it worked, persons asked me to teach Zumba. So I changed professions from a special educator at a pre-school to the instructor at gyms. l gave up teaching little people with issues for training big people with issues…it wasn’t that farfetched.’ Having lost the weight and learning to

accept her new body (because after having three children and blowing up to 200lbs then back down to 130lbs, there are certain changes that cannot be undone), Shani became re-acquainted with ‘Shani.’ She realized that despite all that she had gone through, she was still a strong, sensual and sexual being. ‘My journey taught me that being sexy had nothing to do with physical appearance. It was a quality, a characteristic that comes from within…a person’s state of mind. After all my experiences which left me scarred, with stretch marks and extra skin, droopy breasts which fed three kids, soft large thighs which act like pillows for them to sleep on…I realized that this was the sexiest I’ve ever felt.’ And exercise was her saviour. It had given her back herself and allowed her to reach her full potential; changed what needed to change and accept what couldn’t be changed. It empowered her with physical and mental health and strength.




the intention of offering only Zumba and Yoga, but then decided ‘why not offer all the classes we enjoy?’ The name selection process was quite an interesting one, and dear readers, we’ll just say a packet of Chai tea saved the studio from being called ‘Shazo.’ A Google check revealed that CHAI means ‘LIFE’ in Hebrew. How perfect! A nd so Chai Stud ios was bor n; a non-judgmental fitness studio. A place where persons can work out without feeling that they are being critiqued or scrutinized. A place for persons who want something different from a traditional gym, and need to be stimulated with fun, effective,’ outside the box’ exercises. A place for persons for whom the treadmill isn’t sufficient. Chai Studios allows the client freedom to choose the regimen which works best; that is, the one which she/he enjoys doing most. That will be the most effective regime. As a rule, they see the best results from persons who mix it up. At Chai, ‘variety is the spice of life.’ CW&L: Tell me about Pole fitness. Most people will see the cover and think perhaps we went on the nightclub scene… Why the stigma; how and when will it be removed?

So Chai Studios Ltd. started January 2012 as the ‘love child’ of her partner Zoe and herself. Shani met Zoe while teaching Zumba at one of the many different locations she taught at for two years. Zoe was teaching yoga and spinning at Gymkhana. Shani’s request for Zoe’s help to cover the 10 gyms and companies where she was teaching Zumba was thankfully answered 'yes,' and as they say; the rest is history. After a while they decided to open their own place with

‘Nowhere else in Jamaica offered it. We knew it would be a challenge to break away from the negative stigma attached to pole dancing, but we were willing to try. Jamaicans are mainly familiar with pole dancing at exotic clubs and definitely don’t think there are any health benefits to it. How wrong they are! Pole fitness is basically where ballet, gymnastics, pilates and sculpting meet on a vertical pole. It is one of the most challenging but rewarding classes you will ever try.’

Cont'd on Page 61



lways ahead of man, nature in her infinite wisdom has provided one of the most nutritional superfoods needed. Some of our Indian, Asian, and African friends have long discovered this nutritional secret and incorporated it in stir fries, steamed dishes, teas, and medicinal preparations. Due to the increase in scientific studies and man’s greater appreciation for nature’s design, several pseudonyms such as the ‘the miracle tree,' 'the elixir of life,' and 'tree of life’ are now being aptly associated with the plant. Here in Jamaica and the Caribbean, we simply refer to it as Moringa.


MORINGA ANd the CARIbbeAN One cannot help wondering why Moringa oleifera has garnered so much attention here in the West from the scientific, cosmetic, and alternative healing communities. Perhaps the answers lie in its roots, leaves, flowers, fruit, and seeds that are saturated with life sustaining compounds that suggest an array of implications for the entire spectrum of human health and wellness. In the Caribbean context and by extension the world, the positive implications for moringa and nutrition are undeniable. Its full potential for the young to the old, through the ameliorating of deficiencies and the promotion of optimal nutrition, provide a beacon for our wellness fraternity. Beyond the nutritional scope, it also provides avenues for the utilization of human and non-human resources. Avenues of exploration include science and academia - as evidenced


by preliminary exploration of use of the seed cake for water purification and animal fodder by scientists. The functional development of food - moringa supplements, powders, bars, and medicinal wellness teas. Agriculture and agro-processing - through the commercial cultivation and subsequent production and promotion of teas, powders, oils, creams, and agro-based technical services; as well as new business development and job creation.

beNefIts Literature indicates that the leaves of moringa are a rich source of proteins, vitamins, and minerals. The pods are also a source of minerals; and the seeds are the source of a healthy oil with applications for the food and cosmetic industry. Beyond its nutritional scope, scientific research has indicated the plant has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antihypertensive, antioxidant, antitumor agent, and anti-hyperglycemic


properties. Traditional uses include its incorporation in extracts, decoctions, poultices, creams, oils, emollients, salves and healing powders. Even further, the plant possesses applications for the environment and sustainable living.

NutRItION Almost every part of the moringa plant is a reservoir of essential nutrients and minerals. The high concentrations of oestrogenic substances and β-sitosterol, iron, calcium, phosphorus, chromiumcopper, vitamins A, B and C, α-tocopherol, riboflavin, nicotinic acid, folic acid, pyridoxine, β-carotene, protein, and in particular essential amino acids such as methionine,

cystine, tryptophan, and lysine present in Moringa leaves and pods make it a virtually ideal dietary supplement. Even further, leaves may be eaten fresh, cooked or stored as dry powder for many months without refrigeration and without loss of nutritional value. The seed oil by virtue of high anti-oxidant activity is also not prone to rancidity and is of superior quality.


phARMACOlOGICAl ApplICAtIONs AntiOxidAnt ACtivity Just one serving of dried and powdered moringa leaves contains various antioxidants in the form of vitamin C, flavonoids, phenolics and carotenoids. Moreover, the plant contains a diverse but rare combination of potent antioxidants in the form of zeatin, quercetin, rutin, β-sitosterol, caffeoylquinic acid, chlorophyll, and kaempferol. The presence of these compounds indicate a host of implications for free-radical scavenging, metal chelation, reduction of oxidative stress damage, protection against DNA damage, and even prevention of diseases and cancers.


Anti-Hypertensive & CArdiO prOteCtive Moringa’s unique combination of diuretics along with lipid and blood pressure lowering constituents may make it useful in treating cardiovascular disorders. In animal studies, isolated compounds showed a blood pressure lowering effect in rats. In other studies, the crude extracts of its leaves has exhibited a significant cholesterol lowering action in the serum of high fat diet fed rats which might be attributed to the presence of β-sitosterol.


Anti-miCrObiAl ACtivity Several compounds isolated from the leaf, seed, flower, root, and stem of the plant have been shown to elicit antimicrobial activity. Anti-fungal activity has been observed in the laboratory setting against several fungal species such as trichophyton rubrum, trichophyton mentagrophytes, epidermophyton floccosum, that usually affect human skin; it also proved useful against microsporum canis (afflicts cats) and some penicillium species. Additionally, a compound 4 (α-L-rhamnosyloxy) benzylisothiocyanate, isolated from the seeds and roots, is reported to act on several bacteria and fungi.

eNvIRONMeNtAl IMpACt CleAns WAter Moringa even has applications for sustainable living. The seeds cakes left over from oil extraction as well as the entire seed, ground into a powder serves as one of the best natural coagulants for water treatment and are a cheap and feasible alternate to the synthetic ones. Moreover, the seed extract is an effective natural clarification agent for highly turbid and untreated pathogenic surface water. Shelled moringa seeds also possess the potential to eliminate toxic metals such as cadmium from water resources, while the bark too has an excellent bio-sorbent property for removal of heavy metal ions from wastewater or effluents.


HeAltHy Oils And COsmeCeutiCAls

Moringa seed oil is also non-drying and may be utilized in the manufacture of perfumes, hairdressings, and as a lubricant for fine machinery. As it is resistant to rancidity, it is extensively used in the effleurage process, whereby delicate fragrances are extracted from flower petals. The chemical properties of moringa also allow for use in a wide variety of skin care, hair care, and cosmetic formulations.


Moringa is a multifunctional, natural, self preserving super food with immense potential for a diverse array of global industries. Unfortunately, moringa preparations with their host of internal and external applications are not well known in the West and the Caribbean. Through the work of the Bio-Tech R& D Institute and other stakeholders, they will likely become staples for a health conscious, sustainable, and wellness oriented society.

References Journal of Herbal Medicine and Toxicology A plant with a plethora of diverse therapeutic benefits: An updated retrospection. Medicinal& Aromatic Plants Moringa oleifera: A food plant with multiple medicinal uses. Phytotherapy Research


GARLIC ... This strong-smelling, pungent-tasting bulb that originated in central Asia has found its way into the kitchen cabinets of the Caribbean. In almost every instance, garlic has been a flavoring staple to our major and minor food dishes. But beyond the scullery, this herb has been proven to contain amazing properties that benefit our bellies as well as our bodies:

Good for




Garlic is a natural antioxidant. It is useful in reversing the effects of aging by improving the health of your skin. It also helps the skin appear more youthful. Goodbye wrinkles! Do you have a scar that you would like to remove? Garlic reduces the appearance of scars by increasing blood flow to the scar tissue. Acne issues? Eating garlic or drinking garlic mixed with your favorite juice is a great way to fight acne from the inside out. Just make sure to brush your teeth afterward!

We eat because our brain tells us we are hungry. Garlic acts as an appetite suppressant, as it sends signals to the brain that our appetite is satisfied, thus helping to curb appetite. Garlic also pushes the nervous system to release adrenaline, which increases metabolism. Higher metabolism equals higher activity level, which equals more fat burnt and weight lost.




June is a popular month for weddings all around. Garlic has a reputation of stirring up sexual passions as it increases circulation to all members of our body. If this is your lucky season, boost your sensual appetite with a bit of natural herbage to prepare for that special honeymoon.



FLAvoR on your lips & in your life Prevents/treats

common cold

Children as well as adults are susceptible to the common cold at different points in their life. Inevitable interactions sometimes make us susceptible to viruses. Though we may not have the strongest immune system, there is a natural way to cure the common cold and if recognized early, it can prevent the virus from going any further. Garlic contains a powerful antibacterial called allicin, which is strongest in fresh garlic. For the braver chaps, eating a whole clove of garlic or sucking on a slice of the clove for 15 minutes can work wonders to eliminate the cold virus. For the average person, we could crush or slice and dive cloves of garlic and mix with honey or olive oil to make it a little more palatable. Experiment with solid food and juices to spice up this medicinal mixture.

Toot hache relief

Keeps away


Many have applied garlic to the mouth region and have experienced healing, whether it is a toothache, soreness of the gum or soreness on the lip. Garlic can be crushed, minced or wholly applied to the affected area. It can also be chewed to give it a more direct contact with the region of discomfort. Be warned that the juices in the garlic will burn at first, but a minute of sacrificing our comfort is well worth it. No pain, no gain!

Mosquitoes thrive in hot weather and areas of high rainfall. It is no surprise that they are common residents among Caribbean folk. As we get ready for summer, the rainy season and the big 'H' season in June, it is good to know that there is a cheaper and healthier alternative to artificial repellants. Allicin, garlic's super ingredient, functions as an anti-microbial agent that wards off mosquitoes. Those with a high allicin blood count are less susceptible to mosquito bites. Eating slices of garlic cloves per day can play a hefty role in avoiding those blood sucking vermins.



blood pressure

Blood pressure is the force of blood pushing up against the blood vessel walls. The higher the pressure, the harder the heart has to pump. Strains on the heart and consequently other vital organs can be reduced by incorporating garlic into our daily diet. Garlic acts as a blood thinner, thus reducing the general rate of pressure of the blood. Just a clove of garlic a day can significantly ease the stress of high blood pressure.

Helps to prevent


Doctors worldwide are patrolling vigorously in search of a cure to the deadly disease called cancer. Though garlic cannot cure cancer, it contains compounds that slow and stunt the growth of tumor cells. This helps to prevent cancer and slow down its harmful effects in cancerous patients.



Diabetes is best when you don't yet have it, and since a cure has not yet been discovered, ‘prevention is definitely better than the cure.’ Increasing your garlic intake helps to reduce the risk of diabetes as it slows down the production of free radicals. Free radicals cause an impairment of insulin action which deposits more glucose in cells than the body can handle, causing diabetes. Garlic also plays a part in controlling diabetes once it is developed. Garlic slows down the 'meteor shower of sugar molecules' which can cause severe damage to kidneys, blood vessels, skin and eyes. It is a healthy and cost-effective way to minimize the effects of diabetes on the body.

Protects the


Without a properly functioning heart, the entire body is defective and eventually shuts down. Garlic is known to protect the heart against cardiovascular problems like heart attacks and atherosclerosis.


It is important to know the remedies for ‘garlic breath’ as we seek to employ this healthy herb as a daily natural medicine.

Tips for eliminating garlic breath:

* Drinking lemon juice or eating a few slices of lemon can eliminate garlic odour. * Breath mints and peppermint chewing gum mask garlic breath temporarily. Keep a pack or two with you if you have recently eaten garlic. * Drink a glass of milk as it is known to neutralize or at least decrease oral malodours. * Consume cold foods - the smell of garlic intensifies when something hot is consumed. So after ingesting garlic, you should switch to eating cold foods, such as ice creams or other frozen desserts and snacks. * Practice good oral hygiene – brush, floss and use mouthwash

Garlic is a super food for our body, but like every food item,

it must be consumed in moderation. Garlic, particularly in larger quantities, can cause nausea, bloating, gas, a burning feeling in the stomach and other gastrointestinal issues. Taking it with food might reduce these effects. A clove or two of garlic a day is sufficient to provide flavor to your lips and to your life.

Garlic Tip When picking out garlic at the supermarket, choose firm, tight, heavy, dry bulbs.

Sunshine Salad with home-made dressing

By Bena Nakawuki

Ingredients 1 medium lettuce

½ cucumber 1 large tomato 1 small carrot ¼ ripe yellow

sweet pepper

½ small onion ½ diced papaya

Sunshine Salad Dressing

1 cup olive oil

(extra virgin)

¼ cup apple

cider vinegar

Sea salt to taste

1 teaspoon of


1 clove of garlic 2 tablespoons of

cane juice (or

1 teaspoon of honey)

Scotch bonnet pepper to taste

Directions Wash and shred lettuce. Grate carrot, then chop cucumber, tomato, sweet pepper, onion and papaya and combine all the ingredients in a bowl. Blend salad dressing ingredients in a blender. Taste and adjust if necessary. Pour over salad as required. Any leftover dressing may be refrigerated and consumed within five days.






Reaching Target By

DIABETES MANAGEMENT Diet | Exercise | Proper Medication By Dr. Hame Persaud

If you have been diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, your doctor undoubtedly recommended suitable medication, proper diet and of course exercise. He might have told you also that the most integral part of controlling diabetes is constantly monitoring blood sugar levels. High sugar levels can damage the body and lead to other health problems. Currently, the diagnosis of diabetes is based on an arbitrary ‘cut-off’ point for a normal blood sugar level.

NICE recommended target blood glucose level ranges Target Levels by Type Non-diabetic Type 2 diabetes Type 1 diabetes Children w/ type 1 diabetes

Before meals (pre prandial) 4.0 to 5.9 mmol/L 4 to 7 mmol/L 4 to 7 mmol/L 4 to 8 mmol/L

2 hours after meals (post prandial) under 7.8 mmol/L under 8.5 mmol/L under 9 mmol/L under 10 mmol/L

NB: There are differening opinions about the ideal blood glucose level range. You should discuss your own individual needs with your healthcare team.

The World Diabetes Federation recently stipulated fasting blood sugar at 5.5 mmol/l or 100 mg percent, and two hours PPS ( Post-Prandial Sugar) i.e. two hours after a meal to be 6.5 mmol/l or 120 mg percent. This is to prevent over time complications or damage to the eyes, heart, kidneys, vessels affecting legs, nerves, and joints, and predisposition to all types of infections – fungal and bacterial.


Reaching Target by Diet, Exercise & Proper Medication

Looking at the Real Issue Diabetic patients are not simply blood sugar to be treated, blood pressure to be controlled or pains to be relieved. Most patients are treated for high sugar level, and may be given increasing medications, without any thought as to their diet, or lack of exercise or weight gain.

First Step

If sugar level is up or highly out of control, then look at the meal, especially the quantity of starch, proteins and fruits, plus snacks in between. Immediate guidance as to reduction must be made, and the patient must be willing to make the change, and monitor the results.

Second Step

If the meal is nearly perfect, exercise is adequate and sugar level in the blood in still high, then oral medications can be stepped up. If the response is still not good, then insulin may be necessary. When complications arise, such as retinal damage, severely elevated cholesterol, cardiac vessels being blocked, or kidney damage is observed, then it will definitely be necessary to use insulin. These problems usually occur when the sugar is difficult to control with oral medications, such as when the result is very high at 20mmol/l or 400mg percent at fasting level or two hours after a meal. Fear of the needle must be bypassed. Hence every effort must be made to reach target values by the lifestyle changes and monitor the results carefully.

Third Step

Meticulous, regular follow-up is absolutely important. Most delinquency and hence early death are due to patient’s misunderstanding how important the above are. Treatment is for life. The patient may feel okay ; but diabetes is a silent killer which, unless monitored, may not be recognized as worsening until too late.

Success Story

But it is possible. I have recently seen one successful patient – a 73 year old male who had diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, prostatic hypertrophy and early renal problems plus gastritis. He is a very busy man (businessman). However, he has been meticulous in taking his ten medications, including insulin, regularly responding well to his insulin management, diet, exercise and stress management. So his condition has been kept under control. You can do it too!

Lifestyle Changes: Target by Holistic Management By your grace oh Lord We must eat right - eat to live, rather than live to eat | We must drink water (eight glasses per day) | We must follow in your way, Lord, by also walking daily for 30 minutes | We must enjoy sunshine activities day by day, e.g. gardening or simply sitting in the sun for 20-30 minutes daily | We must sleep for at least 8 hours every day | We must smile, laugh, pray and, meditate regularly | We must develop a positive mental attitude. It is only by your blessings, o Lord that we live, amen.


Married with

MEANING By Tashika Witter-Francis

You won't find him drinkin' at the tables, rolling dice and staying out 'til three. You won't ever find him being unfaithful, you will find him, you'll find him next to me. ~Emeli Sande 42


Having topped the UK albums chart for two weeks in 2012 with her debut set, ‘Our Version of Events,’ Emeli Sande went on to make inroads in U.S. media with her single, ‘Next To Me.’ During an interview, Emeli noted, ‘I wanted the album to have a real message of hope [for relationships]. I wanted to speak about unconditional love.’ Her song, to date, has received over forty four million views on YouTube. This level of popularity and response to positive lyrics promulgate the notion that persons are desirous of a type of relationship and marriage that is lasting and honorable.

The Sacredness of Marriage: A Slow and Painful Death To think there exists one male without an unflinching desire towards a well-endowed woman, strutting her curves in an all too revealing attire, is like thinking whales can survive without water. While this statement seemingly represents the views of many persons, it may not necessarily be true. It does, however, speak to where today’s society is heading, as the traditional sacredness of marriage slowly retreats into retirement. Interestingly, the global attitudes survey conducted in spring 2013, revealed that 84 percent of the US population still believes that marriage is morally acceptable, while 76 percent

of the Canadian and British population share the same view. A quick search in Google, however, will expose the stark reality; the glaring statistics on divorce and infidelity rates worldwide, are never below 50 percent of marriages. Therefore, not surprisingly, much airtime is spent on married persons who look everywhere, but no accolade or recognition is given to married men and women who celebrate years of committed loving unions. Those who celebrate the true meaning of being married.

Tips for Success Like the seductive seahorses, the sweetheart swans, and the trustworthy turtle doves, faithful men and women today have managed to remain married with meaning. To be married with meaning can only be appreciated by those willing to make their marriage a success. Any married couple will tell you that success in marriage does not come with a specific label or can be cookie cutter, as each marriage has its own uniqueness and requires its own formula to survive and thrive. A successful marriage is the product of hard work and carefully thought out plans, agreed on by each partner who is committed to making it happen. Additionally, there are five simple ‘C’ principles outlined by Kathy Infeld author of, Creating Love

for a Lifetime: Five Cs of Successful Marriage that can be used to accentuate marriage relationships. 1. Commitment to do what you must in order to make your relationship strong. Without an agreement to do the work, nothing can be accomplished. So commit! 2. Communication is necessary for building a bridge of love and connection. Talk daily about your desire to be happy together and what you are going to do to accomplish that. 3. Conflict Resolution is required owing to the differences between each of you and the identifying of wounds and needs. Learn to resolve differences by reading, doing workshops, and going to therapy. 4. Cherish each other daily and create a great sex life. Tell your partner what you mean to each other and touch each other often. This fosters healing and builds connection. 5. Connection with Christ is the purpose, intimacy and giving back that naturally flows from a satisfying relationship with God. Together build a relationship with Christ that is never ending and will pull you both closer to each other as you connect daily with Him.


Beyond Infidelity Part two:

Understanding the cycle By Meleisa witter

Day after day men and women mess around, leading secret lives, as they hide themselves from their marriages. They go through distressing divorces, inflicting pain on their children and their children's children. Or they make desperate, tearful, clammy efforts at holding on to the shreds of a life they've betrayed. If asked, they will tell you they have gone through all of this for a quick thrill or a furtive moment of romance. Sometimes they don't remember making the decision that tore apart their life; ‘It just happened.’ Sometimes they don't even know they are being unfaithful. For the person who is not involved, or who has never been involved, it seems awfully absurd that someone would be willing to turn their whole life and the lives of the people they claim to love most upside down for reasons they are not even sure of; because infidelity is not just about sex! All affairs are not alike, but tend to fall in one of four broad categories. In this issue we will explore two of them; accidental and romantic infidelity.

accidental Infidelity Most first-time affairs are cases of accidental infidelity, unintended and uncharacteristic acts of carelessness that really did ‘just happen.’ Someone will get drunk, will get caught up in the moment—will just be having a bad day. It can happen to anyone, though some people are more accident-prone than others, and some situations are accident zones. Quite often, a philanderer’s career begins quite accidentally, say while traveling

out of town on a new job with a boss who chooses one of a pair of women and expects the young man to keep company with the other. Interestingly, it has been discovered that the most startling dynamic behind accidental infidelity is misplaced politeness; the feeling that it would be rude to turn down a needy friend's sexual advances. In the debonair gallantry of the moment, the brazen discourtesy to the marriage partner is overlooked altogether. Both sexes slip up and have accidental affairs. Those found to be most accident-prone are the drinkers, the travelers, those who don't get asked much, those who don't feel very tightly or rightly married, friends of philanderers, and the ‘a lways challenge ready.’ Most often men! After the first accidental infidelity, there is usually the sense that one's life and marriage have changed.

the choices are to:

1. Decide that infidelity was a stupid thing to do, to confess it or not to do so, but to resolve to take better precautions in the future 2. Decide you wouldn't have done such a thing unless your husband or wife had let you down, put the blame on your mate, and go home and pick your marriage to death 3. Notice that lightning did not strike you dead, decide this would be a safe and inexpensive hobby to take up, and do it some more 4. Decide that you would not have done such a thing if you were married to the right person, determine that this was meant to be, and declare yourself in love with the stranger in the bed.

romantic Infidelity Frank Pitman of Psychology Today puts it this way, ‘without a doubt, the most extreme form of infidelity is the temporary insanity of falling in love. You do this, not because you have met somebody that wonderful, but when you are going through a crisis in your own life, can't continue living your life, and aren't quite ready for suicide yet. An affair with someone grossly inappropriate—someone decades younger or older, someone dependent or dominating, someone with problems even bigger than your own—is so crazily stimulating that it's like a drug that can lift you out of your depression and enable you to feel things again. Of course, between moments of ecstasy, you are more depressed, increasingly alone and alienated in your life, and increasingly hooked on the affair partner. Ideal romance partners are damsels or ‘dumsels’ in distress, people without a life, but with a lot of problems, people with bad reality testing and little concern with understanding reality better.’ One can always argue that the freedom to choose who you love or get involved with is very personal and it is just unfortunate that the one person you really connect with has been taken. We have been told that being assertive is the way to go and go-getters are the people who make the headlines and live large. Why should it be any different with affairs of the heart? But what do the statistics show? Many divorces, suicides, heart attacks, murders and strokes have resulted from romantic affairs; but not many


successful marriages. It is believed that most of these marriages are doomed to fail no matter how many sacrifices are made, as the relationship will gradually burn itself out when there is nothing left to sacrifice. Then, added to this new wreck, is the past one which some might be inclined to say led to the affair in the first place. These romantic affairs tend to happen at the turning points in life; such as the death of parents or the emptying of the nest. In situations where there is a health crisis, mid-life crisis or when one is forced to give up a form of solace or comfort such as an addition. Sudden, unexpected failure or success, or even the birth of a first child; just about any situation which requires a face to face confrontation with reality and a mature response may trigger infidelity. Strangely, Frank says ‘the better the marriage, the saner and more sensible the spouse, the more alienated the romance factor is likely to be. Romantic affairs happen in good marriages, even more often than in bad ones. Both genders seem equally capable of falling into the temporary insanity of romantic affairs, though women are more likely to reframe anything they do as having been done for love. Women in love are far more aware of what they are doing and what the dangers might be. Men in love can be extraordinarily incautious and willing to give up everything. Men in love lose their heads—at least for a while.’


Conclusion… infidelity can be a very messy diversion. It is not recommended as an effective way to find a new mate or a new life. It is certainly not a safe treatment for depression, may temporarily relieve boredom, might provide a diversion from the imperfect marriage, and definitely does not allay inadequate gender splendor. And it should not impress the rest of us. It does not work for women any better than it does for men. It does initially excite the senses and the imaginations of those who are involved, and those who melt merely at hearing the tales of lives and deaths for love, who fall to pieces at the sound of Liebestods or country songs of love gone right or wrong; in other words, die hard romantics. But, echoing the sentiments of Psychology Today’s Frank Pittman, CW&L believes it is best to engage infidelity as an observer! Make infidelity a spectator sport like shark feeding or bull fighting—that is, great for those innocent bystanders who are careful not to get their feet, or whatever, wet. So if you must engage, for the greatest enjoyment of infidelity, we recommend you observe from a safe physical and emotional distance and avoid any suicidal impulse to become a participant.

research information courtesy of Psychology today



Sex We Should


Beyond the Obvious Reasons by Tanesha Henry

It’s a topic that ignites the imagination of children, arouses the curiosity of teenagers, adults can’t get enough and the elderly smile from ear to ear when they reminisce. Coitus or sexual intercourse has always sparked the interest of people from the beginning of time and is never a stale topic. There has been much debate over the years about the importance of intercourse. And it has found its way on psychologist Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of biological and physiological needs at the basic level. While we all agree that intercourse is integral to reproduction, nothing can compare to the pleasure of an orgasm, which leaves your entire body and soul feeling utterly incredible, and if you go too long without it you will die (this is not true by the way!). But there are many other benefits to be had from sex and this article will expose just that. Before we get to those benefits, however, let’s explore the biological process of sexual intercourse.

The Four Phases of Sexual Intercourse Regular love making is essential to a healthy relationship, but what really happens to your body when you have sex? Dr. William Masters and Virginia Johnson, who became famous for their groundbreaking sex research conducted


at Washington University coined the term ‘sexual-response cycle.’ This refers to the sequence of events that occur in the body when a person becomes sexually aroused and participates in sexually stimulating activities such as intercourse, masturbation, foreplay, etc. The sexual-response cycle is divided into four phases: excitement, plateau, orgasm and resolution. For men and women the stages are the same, but the timing varies.


The Excitement Phase This phase usually begins within 10 to 30 seconds after mutual erotic stimulation, which prepares the genitals for sex and may last minutes or hours depending on the techniques used.

Men: The penis becomes slightly erect, the testes are drawn upwards and his nipples may also become erect. Women: Vaginal lubrication begins around 10 to 30 seconds af ter stimulation. The vagina expands and lengthens. Various muscles are tightened all over her body. The outer lips, inner lips, clitoris and sometimes breasts begin to swell. For both men and women, the heart rate, blood pressure and breathing are all accelerated.


The Plateau Phase Men: The

penis becomes fully erect and rigid.

Women: Sexual

stimulation is more intense and orgasm is about to happen. The vaginal lips become puffier and the opening of the vagina narrows by around 30 per cent in order to grip the penis. This reaction is due to an increased amount of blood flow.




This is the peak of sexual pleasure where the body explodes into a series of intense involuntary physical contractions. Men usually reach orgasm first, while women may take up to 15 minutes, reducing the likelihood of simultaneous orgasms.

Women: Orgasm in the female is characterized by rhythmic muscular contractions in the uterus, outer vagina and anal sphincter. Muscles throughout the body also contract in response to orgasm.

Men: Orgasms in men occur in

two stages. During the first stage, contractions force semen into the urethra. In the second stage, contractions of the urethra and penis merge with contractions in the prostate. Semen is ejected out of the body through the tip of the penis.


Resolution Phase

This is when the body returns to its unaroused state.

Women: Some women may be multiorgasmic - or experience several orgasms - before the body normalizes during the resolution phase. Ten seconds after the vaginal contractions, the clitoris returns to its normal position. The entire vagina returns to its normal color, size and position in about 15 minutes. Men: It is biologically impossible for men to experience multiple orgasms. Immediately after ejaculation, the man enters a recovery period where the penis becomes semi-erect and then flaccid. Renewed stimulation will arouse most women just after intercourse, but most men have a refractory period immediately after sexual intercourse when re-stimulation and achieving an erection is impossible.


The Hidden Health Benefits of Sex Having sex regularly can do more than make you feel closer to your partner—it can actually make you physically healthier claimed Dr. Hilda Hutcherson, clinical professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Columbia University and author of Pleasure: A Woman's Guide to Getting the Sex You Want, Need, and Deserve. Several clinical studies have been done advancing the knowledge of the health benefits of sexual intercourse. Here are some reasons you should take the opportunity to engage.

1. Sex Helps to De-str ess

If you are a nervous wreck when it comes to stressful situations like job interviews or public speaking, you might just want to get it on. During sex, endorphins and oxytocin are released. These hormones activate the pleasure centres in the brain that create feelings of intimacy and relaxation and help stave off anxiety and depression, says WH advisor Laura Berman, Ph.D., an assistant clinical professor of ob-gyn and psychiatry at the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University and author of It's Not Him, It's You!

2.Better Sleep

If you have difficulty sleeping, before you grab the sleeping pills, try having sex first. This is a well known natural tranquilizer. That's because the same endorphins that help you de-stress can also relax your mind and body, priming you for slumber, says Cindy M. Meston, Ph.D., Director of the Sexual Psychophysiology Laboratory at the University of Texas at Austin and co-author of Why Women Have Sex.

3.Minimizes Pain

‘The endorphins that are released during an orgasm, closely resemble morphine, and they effectively relieve pain,’ says Cindy M Meston, Ph.D. A study conducted at the headache clinic at the southern Illinois University found that half of female migraine sufferers reported relief after orgasm. The scientists also discovered that sexual arousal numbs the female nervous system to such an extent that a woman doesn’t feel as much pain — only pleasure.

4.Fewer Colds

People who have sex were found to have higher levels of an antibody called immunoglobulin A (IgA), according to researchers at Wilkes University in Pennsylvania. These antibodies help combat diseases and keep the body safe from colds and flu.

5.Sex Str engthens

Your Immune System ‘Sexually active people take fewer sick days,’ says Yvonne K. Fulbright, Ph.D a sexual health expert. People who have sex have higher level antibodies to defend against germs, viruses, and other intruders.

6.Lowers Your

Blood Pr essur e

and Lowers Heart Attack Risk Research suggests a link between sex and lower blood pressure, says Joseph J. Pinzone, MD CEO and Medical Director of Amai Wellness. ‘There have been many studies,’ he says. ‘One landmark study found that sexual intercourse specifically lowered systolic blood pressure.’ According to Dr. Joseph Pinzone MD, ‘sex raises your heart rate and helps keep your estrogen and testosterone levels in balance.’ This helps to prevent problems such as osteoporosis and heart disease. Men who have sex at least twice a week were half as likely to die of heart disease as men who have sex rarely.

7.Keep Away

Memory Related Diseases

We start losing approximately 7,000 brain cells, each day once we reach the age of 35. However, according to neuroscientists from Princeton University in the United States, having regular sex may help us grow new brain cells. In fact, they say, the more sex you have, the more cells you can grow, it seems. An article published

in the Public Library of Science Journal, suggests that sex stimulates the growth of brain cells in the hippocampus, the part of the brain responsible for memory and learning based on animal studies.

8.Boosts Your


Here’s the irony; If you have a low sex drive having sex more often will make sex better and improve your libido.

Sexy Tip: Include Kissing for Better Love Making Kissing before intercourse leads to much better sex. The lips are packed with 100 times more nerve endings than the fingertips. Kissing increase the levels of pleasure hor mone s a nd will make you a lot more receptive to what happens later.

So, gentlemen listen up!

The next time she tells you she is not in the mood or she has a headache, grab your copy of the CW&L magazine and share this page with her. Who would resist these wonderful benefits!


s n o i t a n a l p x h e c S Laun ex s g n i s cus s i D o t ide u aG

lity a u ex s &



the very title piques the interest of every person who sees the book, or hears the name for the first time. It is filled with titillating content intended to spark conversations about sexuality and the launch was designed to further promulgate that intent. The foci were to showcase the author for his bravery in shedding light on issues that are considered taboo in the Caribbean, to educate our brothers and sisters about sex and sexuality and to enlighten those who still seem to be living in the dark when it comes to issues related to sex. The event was held on the rooftop of the Eden Gardens Wellness Resort and Spa; and it seemed that even the weather knew in advance that something great was about to happen, as it slowly changed from dark and gloomy and instead of the anticipated rain, a nice breeze gently caressed the face of each guest. Every detail was taken into account, from the eye catching invitation which mirrored the theme of the publication, to the red and white accent pieces that draped the rooftop podiums and complemented the design of the book. Industry related sponsors S&M Romance located in Ocho Rios displayed a variety of interesting and eye-catching



n a e b b i r Ca e h in t

marital aids and lingerie, while Bayer brought information to assist men suffering from erectile dysfunction and pre-mature ejaculation. Yolens Events’, Yvonne Aquart rounded it off with the most beautifully decorated booth, a testimony to her prowess as a decorator. The guests arrived right on time, all dressed up in their fancy attire and once all were seated, the event was off to an interesting start. It was an intimate affair with friends and family members of the author, as well as many of his notable colleagues. Master of Ceremonies Dr. Errol Daley got the show going as popular names in the industry Dr. Karen Carpenter & Dr. Kai Morgan gave remarks as well as representative from Pelican Publishers’ Meleisa Witter. Professor Frederick Hickling who was ably introduced by Pelican’s Editor, Alicea James, gave the keynote address.

Prof. Hickling joined the chorus of voices applauding the excellent job done by the author stating that the book was evidently well researched and it was obvious that the depth of the research was primarily informed by Dr. Bailey’s experience as a talk show host who over time learned to understand the underlying issues related to the customers’ calls. This was something Prof Hickling could also relate to, having been a talk show host similarly while newly practicing psychology. This talk segued into his very interesting commentary on what he hoped would be Dr. Bailey’s sequel, focusing on the psychosocial aspect of sexuality, which he bemoaned is often ignored and hopes the author will collaborate with psychologists for his next book to unearth some of the psychological issues relating to sex in order to better understand our sexuality and how we relate sexually. Pretty interesting stuff!

Finally, Pelican Publishers Limited made a grand announcement; the launch of Pelican Greetings, which is a selection of customized greeting cards unlike any other. This line of cards is geared at providing customers with ‘one of a kind’ options created specifically for their loved one, or for a special occasion. Customers can choose the style, size and wording of each card, and they can even incorporate photos of their choice. The cards are reasonably priced and are available at Bookophilia and at Pelican Publishers’ office. It would be remiss of the hosts to have a party without extending appreciation to the guests for their presence and so the author’s sister, Ms Audette Bailey closed the show with sweeping motions of gratitude for all who participated, while his daughters the lovely Dr. Krystle and Rochelle Bailey treated guests to small tokens of edible treats, which were quite provocative in design.

The man of the hour, Dr Alverston Bailey, put a hilarious twist on things while delivering ‘author’s remarks’. He kept his speech short and sweet and interacted with guests throughout his time on stage. Before the program came to a close, we were engaged with poetry from Mel Cooke, and entertained with a seductive tango from Aung Chan and his beautiful female dance partner.



Sexplanations … is now available in all major bookstores islandwide and at Pelican Publishers’ office at 44 Lady Musgrave Road. It is recommended for all adults who are having, or who will have sex.

Be sure to get your copy today!!!

BIG BUTT Big Advantage



Got a little extra junk in the trunk? It may actually protect you from diabetes, a new study shows.

Research already has shown that fat that accumulates in the stomach increases the risk for diabetes.

A type of fat that accumulates around the hips and buttocks called subcutaneous fat helps to improve sensitivity to the hormone insulin, which regulates blood sugar, a study from Harvard researchers found.

In trying to decipher why fat in different parts of the body has different effects on the metabolism, Ronald Kahn and his colleagues from Harvard Medical School transplanted subcutaneous fat from the hips and buttocks into the abdomens of mice. The mice lost weight and their fat cells shrank, even though they made no changes in their diet or activity levels. The study appears in the journal cell metabolism. "It was a surprising result," Kahn told Reuters. "We actually found it had a beneficial effect, and it was especially true when you put it inside the abdomen." Information courtesy of:

A woman went to the doctor and he realised that all her problems were because she was terribly overweight, so he put her on a strict diet.

the doctor by having lost nearly 60lbs! "Why, that's amazing!" the doctor said, "Did you follow my instructions?"

He said to her, "I want you to eat regularly for 2 days, then skip a day. Repeat this procedure for 2 weeks. The next time I see you, you should have lost at least 5 pounds."

She nodded..."I'll tell you though, I thought I was going to drop dead on the 3rd day."

When she returned in two weeks time, she shocked

"No, from skipping!"

"From the hunger, you mean?" asked the doctor. the


Nature'S uNLikeLy

Beauty TreaT at La Soufrière, St. Lucia


he beautiful sight of the Pitons greets you before the highly sulphuric smell of rotten eggs does. La Soufrière is located within the caldera of the dormant Qualibou volcano. The area is geothermally active, but there has been no volcanic eruption since its last eruption occurred in the late 18th century. There are still many sulphur springs and you can see the steam rising from the hot, gurgling, larval water. There is a crater which was formed from the last set of eruptions covered by a thin crust, but a board wall cordons that off. A few metres below the crater are well established hot springs resulting from a stream which runs through the crater. A gorgeous mud bath, hotter than the average bath invites you to try out its ashy depths. It is advised that you place your body in slowly and allow it to acclimatize to the heat. Once fully immersed however, you may not want to leave. Volcano sites are very nutrient rich from the many minerals which they belch from the bowels of the earth and these bathing pools are richly endowed with volcanic minerals and health-giving properties. I can personally attest to the complete transformation my skin underwent after emerging from the mud bath and hot spring after about an hour. It was simply amazing!



There was no doubt that there is some truth to the reputed therapeutic qualities which the volcano emitted stream provides to the skin. We will admit, the highly sulphuric smell does take some getting used to and you will need some acclimatization to the heat, but your skin will breathe easy after a fairly quick plunge. The sulphur springs emit a mixture of iron, calcium oxide, sulphur, copper oxide, carbon and magnesium which is responsible for the pungent smell and also stain the rocks a green colour. However, molten volcanic lava is not part of the mix; otherwise the mudbath would not be safe to enter.

h c n u a L l a i c i f f O


he redeveloped Eden Gardens Wellness Resort & Spa, the Caribbean’s first Wellness and Hospitality Resort was officially opened on Tuesday March 25th 2014. The opening commenced with tremendous fanfare and attendees included past and present prime ministers, industry leaders, overseas dignitaries, entrepreners, and business leaders. Sumptious cocktails were served at the property’s poolside, while the formal proceedings took place on the lawn which was magically transformed to emulate the 'Garden of Eden,'

replete with their own Adam and Eve. Renovation and redevelopment costs was a tidy sum of J$550 million, procured by the EHF Group of Companies, parent company for Eden Gardens Wellness Resort & Spa. Dr. Henry Lowe, Executive Chairman of Eden Gardens Wellness Resort & Spa, noted that the new property is a green facility; infusing cutting edge technologies and state of the art amenities to position itself as a major tourist attraction in Kingston, Jamaica. Dr Lowe also pointed out that the new property has been redirected to its core mantra of promoting service offerings


nothing on this spa,” alluding to Eden Spa. that would be united and provide holistic wellness for the body, mind and spirit. The new property now offers: therapeutic spa, fitness club, health food restaurants with a salad, juice and smoothies bar, nutrition center, gift boutiques, meetings and conference rooms, in addition to 18 luxurious and spacious suites for accommodation. Becky Stockhausen, executive director for American Chambers of Commerce applauded the efforts of Dr. Henry Lowe and by large the E HF Group of companies and stated “I’ve been to spas in Miami and Napa (California) and they have


Tourism Minister Wykeham McNeil also stated that Eden Gardens Wellness Resort & Spa exemplifies the Government's mandate to diversify tourism, and for the island to tap into the booming health and wellness market. The key address at the launch came from the Prime Minister, the Hon. Portia Simpson Miller who championed the Energy Minister to seek dialogue with Dr. Henry Lowe in his 'Go Green

initiatives.' The ribbon cutting ceremony and the unveiling of the Eden Garden’s plaque to commemorate the officially opening of the property was done by the Prime Minister, Portia Simpson-Miller, Dr Henry Lowe and his wife Janet Lowe. In her remarks, Mrs Simpson Miller stated that Eden Gardens Wellness Resort & Spa is an excellent addition to the Tourism Product and represents the triumph of Jamaican entrepreneurship and resourcefulness.

Immerse in tranquility

at the redeveloped ier a, the Caribbean’s prem

s Resort & Sp Eden Gardens Wellnes sitioned cated and perfectly po lo tly en ni ve on C rt. so Wellness Re egancy and luxury. el of ra au its in u yo p to wra

T hese include: ● 14 Grand & Sophisticated Banqueting,Conference & Wedding

● An Exquisite Semi Contemporary Spa ● Eden Boutiques: Memories,


Herb & Things

● 3 Tantalizing Restaurants: Tulips, Black

● Professional Onsite Health Service Providers:

Orchid, Tiffany Tea House ● Eden Chateaux: 18 Modern Luxurious Suites

Urban Beauty

Dr. Harvey’s Chiropractic

● Expert Event Planner & Decorator: Yolens Events We Do

Centre ●

● Mangoes Juice Bar: Natural Juices, Shakes and Smoothies

Daling Chinese Acupuncture & Moxibustion

39 Lady Musgrave Road, Kingston 10

Tel: (876) 946-9981/(876) 946-9669 | Email: | Website:




By Sharlene Hendricks

One good thing about music, when it hits you feel no pain.

This well known quote by Reggae icon, Bob Marley, whose music has brought respite to millions around the world, is now being backed up by medical researchers who have found that music provides therapeutic intervention for persons suffering from physical, emotional, cognitive and other needs. By extension, the ubiquitous nature of music serves as evidence that music is a primary means of relaxation and taking a break from the mundane task of everyday life. Think it not a coincidence that those occasions of relaxation or letting go and having a bit of fun; whether it be a soca jam or a yoga session, usually involve music of some kind.



But what really is it about music that assists the human psyche and/or physiology in escaping moments or even periods of stress or illness?

Music and Wellness The scientific linkage

Music has the power of transforming our moods and therefore changing our feelings and thought patterns. Research has shown that music actually triggers bio-chemical and neuro-transmitting reactions in our brains that create a particular mood or feeling, thereby having a therapeutic effect on the body.



Music has the

effect of slowing down and equalizing brainwaves


Music affects

heartbeat, and blood pressure levels

Separate from hormones in the body, it has become a commonly known fact that our moods and feelings are associated with our brainwaves. There are four kinds of brainwave activity that occur in the brain at any given time. Beta waves are associated with daily mundane activities and occur at a high frequency. Alpha waves are associated with periods of calm and heightened awareness. Theta waves occur in peak periods of creativity, while delta waves, which come at the lowest frequency, occur when we are sleeping. Listening to music that matches the frequency of our brainwave during a particular activity helps us to operate at our optimum. This is why, for example, listening to upbeat music during a cardio workout usually improves longevity, while slow music might send you off to sleep.

As with brainwaves, the heart beats in rhythm with the frequency of whatever music we might be listening to. The faster the music, the faster the heart beats, and for slower music, the heart beats slower to match the rhythm. A lower heartbeat is known to reduce stress and physical tension in the body, creating a more relaxed feeling and a calm state of mind.

In the practice of brainwave entrainment, which is a growing area in the field of mind empowerment and living at your optimum, sensory stimulus such as nature sounds are used to help persons operate at their optimum. Google explains brainwave entrainment as any practice that aims to cause brainwave frequencies to fall into step with periodic sensory stimulus, having a frequency corresponding to the intended brain-state. In this practice, it has been found that listening to particular sounds such as the sound of the rain, for example, can cause the brain to synchronize with the frequency of the sound, causing a calming effect which helps to improve the function of the brain. Similarly, with brainwave entrainment, the frequencies of our brainwaves can synchronize with the frequency of pleasurable or calming music, thus creating a pleasurable effect.

Research has found that the hormones that are released when the body is undergoing stress are significantly reduced when listening to music. Hence, music, it is suggested, can at times even be used in place of medication. Listening to soothing or upbeat music releases pleasure hormones such as dopamine into the blood, causing one to experience feelings of happiness and well-being.


Music reduces

stress hormones and increases pleasure hormones

Music can


strengthen the function of the immune system

Medical research has found that listening to music for at least 15 minutes increases Interlukin-1, a family of proteins that is associated with cellular protection against AIDS, cancer and other diseases in the blood.


cures Music cures Through music therapy and other medical practices which incorporate music, patients suffering from various disabilities or degenerative diseases have experienced improvement, or have been cured. Alzheimer patients, for example, though they cannot be cured of the disease, experience breakthroughs in their memory when they listen to a song or a piece of music the brain associates with a past experience or relationship. This helps them to make emotional re-connections with loved ones. Music is also known to rehabilitate victims of stroke who had lost their ability to speak. Melodic intonation therapy, as defined by the online psychology dictionary, is a method used to improve patients’ speech with the introduction of melodies. This method takes advantage of the fact that the language center of the brain is located in the left hemisphere, while the music center of the brain is located in the right hemisphere. The left side of the patient’s brain is therefore trained to transfer the speech function to the right side by associating music with language. This method also works in a similar way for persons suffering from speech impediments such as stammering and expressive language disorder. The movie, ‘The King’s Speech,’ for example, is a true story based off King George VI, whose stammering was remedied by him listening to music while reading.

Music gets rid of addiction Another area in which music is known to have therapeutic effect, is in getting rid of an addiction. As stated above, music directly affects the bio-chemical activities of the brain. Medicated drugs also have this effect. However, the continued use of medicated drugs causes the brain to become dependent on the medication, thus restricting the natural function of the brain to produce these hormones. So when one has stopped taking these drugs, the brain fails to produce enough of the hormones needed for the body to function properly. The introduction of music, however, helps in the production of hormones associated with


addictions such a dopamine, mimicking the feeling of ecstasy or a high that the patient would get from their addiction. Music, specifically piano music, has been found to reduce seizure-causing activity in the brain. Experiments with Mozart’s music have shown significant improvements in seizure patients in the first five minutes of exposure. Although it is a theory, it has been suggested that the complex, organized neo-cortex of the brain resonates with piano music, particularly that of Mozart. Historically, music has always been a source of comfort, a means of easing suffering. And this point is one that we in the Caribbean can relate to immediately. Music was a major source of resilience and easing the horrors of plantation slavery. The act of singing songs while working in the fields, was an act of making the work appear less strenuous and the conditions more bearable. By extension, this has been retained today and not just within the African community, but generally. Listening to music or humming a song helps to make whatever task we are engaged in less tedious, and might even make the task enjoyable.

Music is a natural energizer Along with all the physical positive effects stated, listening to music, whether it be the soothing and mellowing melodies of Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven, or the inspiring words of You Raise Me Up by Josh Groban, has the power of inspiring us to action, drawing out the inner champion within us who will surmount any obstacle to reach our goal. Music essentially, like other art forms, embellishes and heightens our experiences of pleasure and in many instances, is that portal through which we are transported into some of our most rapturous moments.


Cont'd from Page 37

At first, clients were very skeptical. The general classes were relatively small, but private classes were booming. Everyone wanted to do the classes, but was concerned about what others would think. One of the drawbacks when just starting poling is occasional bruising. There were clients, who would say to friends when asked about the bruises, ‘Oh, I’ve started horseback riding.’ But after clients started to see the benefits of poling, and how quickly their bodies where changing, they realized it was nothing to be ashamed of, but something to embrace and feel empowered by. Now, classes are so packed there is a waiting list. Women are now proud to say they Pole at Chai. The diverse clientele ranges from mothers, grandmothers, CEO’s, bank executives, doctors, lawyers, teachers; the list goes on. ‘Jamaica is slowly seeing what pole fitness is, and definitely embracing it. There will always be the few who will continue to be closed minded about it, and that’s ok. The treadmill will continue to be their friend,’ Shani said. Pole fit is highly effective as a sculpting tool. It focuses on upper body strength, core strength, flexibility, mind body awareness, balance, agility, co-ordination and musicality. One does not need to possess all disciplines prior to attending a class, but will acquire them along their pole fitness journey. Pole fitness tones and sculpts from within; targeting the deepest muscles, and tones and strengthens from the inside out. As a result, the effects are visible in a matter of three to four weeks. And instead of bulky muscles, which many women are afraid of, it gives long, lean muscles. Like any exercise regimen, Pole fit is for anyone who doesn’t have medical

limitations. Once you are cleared to do sports, then you are cleared to pole. There is NO weight limit and any shape, size, or height can do pole. Shani’s daughter started doing pole fit when she was eight years old. The kids love it; some even admit ‘poling is better than an amusement park!’ Pole fitness is for any person who wants a challenge, who thinks outside of the box, anyone who doesn’t limit or restricts themselves; from eight to sixty eight…and every age in between. A word of caution was issued however; if someone has major joint issues, or is unable to bear weight in the shoulders, wrists or elbows, she won’t manage pole. If your physician has advised you not to do inversions, or any strenuous activity, then pole is not for you. Chai’s biggest supporters so far are women seeking non-traditional, fun, effective exercise. Women, who don’t want to be judged, but need encouragement on their journeys to their new selves. But that said, they are NOT a ‘female only’ gym. Though the classes are supported mostly by women; there is no gender discrimination. A wide variety of classes is offered namely: * Yoga * Pilates * Sculpt * Spinning * Dancehall * Zumba

* Pole Fitness * Stretch * Circuit Training

In conclusion, Shani had this to say ‘To be successful at life, persons, especially women, have to learn how to be selfish before learning how to be selfless. In order to give, we must first have something to give. I can’t speak for everyone, but as a woman, a mother, a wife, a teacher, a business owner, I wear so many hats and do so much that at times, I fight to hold on to myself. To be the best I

can possibly be, I had to step back, and put everything on the back burner, and focus on just me for a while. Find ME, love ME, and invest in ME. And once that was done, I was able to give of ME to all who needed me. Strive to find balance in your life, and everything else will fall in place. As CHAI’s motto says,

‘movement, balance, life.’ That is the key.’

How Emotions Affect Your

HEALTH By Dr. Herbert Lowe

People with good emotional health are usually aware of their thoughts, feelings and behaviors. They have learned healthy ways to cope with stressful everyday situations. They have healthy relationships and generally feel good about themselves.


e know that life sometimes throws curves that can literally knock you off your feet, upset your emotional health and lead to strong feelings of sadness, stress or anxiety. Some of these things include getting married or divorced, losing your job, getting sick or injured, moving into a new house, etc. Notice if you will, not all these changes are negative.

The following can be physical signs that your emotional health is out of balance: ✻ ✻ ✻ ✻

Our body responds to the way we think, feel and act. This is often called the ‘mind/body connection.’ When you are stressed, anxious or upset, your body tries to tell you that something isn’t right. For example, high blood pressure or a stomach ulcer might develop after a particularly stressful event, such as the death of a loved one.


✻ ✻ ✻ ✻ ✻


Extreme fatigue General aches and pains Headaches High blood pressure Insomnia Sexual problems Shortness of breath Weight gain or loss Floating anxiety

Poor emotional health can weaken your body's immune system, making you more likely to get colds and other infections during emotionally difficult times. Also, when you are feeling stressed, anxious or upset, you may not take care of your health as well as you should. You may not feel like exercising, eating nutritious foods or taking medicine that your doctor prescribes. Abuse of alcohol, tobacco or other drugs may also be a sign of poor emotional health. Scientists have found that negative emotions reduce antibody levels and lower the ability of your immune system to ward-off sickness and disease. Conversely, optimistic people who regularly experience positive emotions have stronger immune systems and are better able to resist infections such as the flu. Now that we are aware of the mind and body relationship, we can begin to address this problem. First, talk with your doctor. He or she can’t always tell that you’re feeling stressed, anxious or upset just by looking at you. You can start by being honest with your doctor if you are having these feelings. He or she will need to make sure that other health problems aren’t causing your physical symptoms. If your symptoms aren’t caused by other health problems, you and your doctor can address the emotional causes of your symptoms. He/she may suggest ways to treat your physical symptoms while you work together to improve your emotional

health; which if left untreated could lead to depression.

How to Minimize Negative Emotions First, try to recognize your emotions and understand why you are having them. Sorting out the causes of sadness, stress and anxiety in your life can help you manage your emotional health. Fight against negative self talk and stop expecting the worst. Too often we begin to expect the worst when something doesn’t go the way we expected it to go. Ask yourself, ‘where is the evidence that everything is going to go bad?’ Begin to accept the fact that in life, things do not always go the way we want them to go. Express your feelings in appropriate ways. If feelings of stress, sadness or anxiety are causing physical problems, keeping these feelings inside can make you feel worse. It’s okay to let others know when something is bothering you. However, keep in mind that your family and friends may not be able to help you deal with your feelings appropriately. You may need to talk with a counselor.

Get some balance in your life. Try not to obsess about problems at home, school or work that lead to negative feelings. This doesn’t mean you have to pretend to be happy when you feel stressed, anxious or upset. It’s important to deal with these negative feelings, but try to focus on the positive things in your life too. You may want to use a journal to keep track of things that make you feel happy or peaceful.

Research has shown that having a positive outlook can improve your quality of life and give your health a boost. You may want to ask yourself: What are the things in my life that are causing me to become stressed? Once you identify then, find ways to let go of those things. Make time for things you enjoy. Have some fun! Develop resilience. People with resilience are able to cope with stress in a healthy way. Resilience can be learned and strengthened with different strategies. These include having social support, keeping a positive view of yourself, accepting change and keeping things in perspective.


Calm your mind and body. Relaxation methods such as yoga and meditation are useful ways to bring your emotions into balance. Meditation is a form of guided thought. It can take many forms such as exercising, stretching or breathing deeply. Ask your family doctor for advice about relaxation methods.

Take care of yourself. Experts will tell you that in order to have good emotional health, it’s important to take care of your body by having a regular routine for eating healthy meals, getting enough sleep and exercising to relieve pent-up tension. Avoid overeating and don’t abuse drugs or alcohol as these can lead to other problems.

Appeal to your senses. Stay calm and energized by appealing to your five senses: sight, touch, smell, sound, and taste. Place flowers where you can see and smell them, listen to music that fits your mood, sip your favorite drink and get a massage.

I’ve had the privilege of studying under the renowned psychologist, Dr. Albert Ellis. According to him, ‘people are not disturbed by things, but rather by their view of things.’ The fundamental assertion of Rational Emotive Therapy (RET) is that the way people feel is largely influenced by how they think. When people hold irrational beliefs about themselves or the world, problems result. So, think happy and, be happy.

Make time for contemplation and appreciation. Think, pray, meditate and take a moment to pay attention to what is good, positive and beautiful as you go through the day. And focus on some of the things you are grateful for.

Resear ch has shown that having a positive outlook can impr ove your quality of life and give your health a boost.

Practising Mindfulness By Sharlene Hendricks

Mind fu l ness is defined the skil as l of bein g delibe attentiv rately e to one’s e x p erience a it unfol ds, with s out ana or addin l yzing g our ow n percep of what tion is happe ning.



The concept of mindfulness has become a primary preventative measure in modern day psychology and medicine. Mindfulness has been found to help persons reduce their stress levels, and by extension, prevent certain lifestyle diseases that are usually brought on by a stressful environment. Among the many new age fads of health and wellness methods is the ancient practice of meditation, which is a primary tool in developing the skill of mindfulness. However, I am mindful to say that majority of persons are still unaware of the importance of mindfulness to their overall wellness.

In today’s modernized world where everything is fast paced, persons tend to neglect, or find it difficult to pay attention to their spiritual needs. Here in the western culture particularly, where hi-tech gadgets, heavily demanding jobs, and a host of other mundane activities drown out our awareness of what is happening around us and also, our awareness of how we are impacted by these things, it is critical that we develop the skill of mindfulness. In a course guidebook by Dr. Mark Muesse, titled Practising MindfulnessAn Introduction to Meditation, the

term mindfulness is defined as the skill of being deliberately attentive to one’s experience as it unfolds, without analyzing or adding our own perception of what is happening. The absurdity of developing such a skill becomes apparent when we consider that the human consciousness seems to be wired to project on itself the experiences and circumstances it is exposed to. But the opposite is true; the human mind is malleable and can be trained to be more aware and mindful of our experiences without projecting them on our psyche.

Benefits of Mindfulness 1. Increased awareness

A heightened awareness makes us more attentive to persons and situations happening around us. This allows us to have peripheral vision and to view things on a lateral level and not just from our own perception.

3. Increased focus

Gradually, mindfulness helps us to become more focused on those things that will assist in achieving our goals. Mindfulness helps us to filter out the mass distractions that saturate our environment.

2. Increased self-awareness

When we are more attentive to our own thoughts and emotions, we are better able to identify those negative self-concepts and destructive habits that plague us and wreak havoc in our external lives and in the lives of our loved ones. An increased sense of self therefore prompts us to counteract those negatives by developing healthier habits and self-concepts.

4. Increased self-control

Usually, our reactions to circumstances are impulsive and conditioned, without much thought. However, because mindfulness requires that we be more attentive to the reality of what is happening around us, instead of our own internal perceptions, we are better able to regulate and gauge our responses and reactions to our circumstances.


7. Reduces stress levels

5. Emotional intelligence Mindfulness helps us to deal better with our emotions, creating a state of mind that helps to react in ways that are more beneficial to us than to our own detriment.

As human beings, we often experience anxiety and stress from the challenges and problems we face. However, mindfulness helps us to accept those things which are beyond our control, and to identify those things that are within our control to change. The inevitability of death and the loss of a loved one, for example, is something outside of our control. Mindfulness broadens our perspective, allowing us to accept death as a force of nature, thereby reducing our anxiety.

6. Reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases

As reported by Dr. Meusse in his course guidebook, The American Heart Association found that patients who consistently practiced mindfulness reduced by half, their risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Meditation Meditation is one of the primary tools for developing the skill of mindfulness. It is a discipline that requires much patience because the benefits might not be readily reaped. The three key elements of meditation as outlined in Practising Mindfulness - An Introduction to Meditation have been summarized:



Timing 1. There really is not a set time of the day that one can meditate; this is for the most part dependent on your preference and circumstances. However, a usually good time to meditate is early in the mornings before proceeding to your daily routine. This usually kick-starts your day, sets the tone and centres your focus on the tasks ahead. 2. The discipline of meditation can be tedious, and although at least 20 minutes of daily meditation is recommended, one could start out by doing between 5-10 minutes of meditation each morning, until you find that you can do more. 3. It is also recommended that you meditate at a time of the day when your body is most conducive to it. Again, this is an individualized decision and depends on your routine and schedule. However, make sure that you set the time when you will meditate and stick to that time. This way, your body and mind will adjust faster to that time of the day you have set to meditate.


1. Ensure that the environment in which you meditate is conducive. Naturally, the physical space in which you meditate needs to be as quiet as possible and free from distractions and interruption. 2. Wherever you choose to meditate, it is important that you always return to that particular place to meditate. This helps your mind and body to become accustomed to this space.


1. The traditional position for meditation is the lotus position which is sitting on the bare floor or on a soft cushion with your feet folded in, and your spine upright. 2. However, some persons often find the lotus position very uncomfortable and find it distracting to sit in this way for too long. So, using a cushion chair is an alternative. 3. You are also recommended to wear loose fitting clothing and to remove shoes when meditating. This allows for proper blood circulation.



Age RelAted Memory Loss F

orgetfulness is pretty much guaranteed to catch up with you at some point in time. You are in your 50s, 60s, 70s, or older, when suddenly it seems that you're ‘losing it.’ The name of the movie you saw last week? Can't remember it! The title of a book you finished reading yesterday? No idea! ‘A nother senior moment,’ you may say to yourself as you experience one of these minor mental setbacks. However, others may have darker thoughts when their memory starts slipping: ‘OMG, I must be developing Alzheimer's disease.’ Research shows that there is another possibility to consider. According to Nobel laureate Eric Kandel, M.D., such

instances of forgetfulness may be neither senior moments nor Alzheimer's. Instead, these memory lapses may actually be caused by a drop-off of a protein called RbAp48, which is found in the brain's hippocampus region. And the good news? Columbia researchers led by Dr. Kandel, M.D., are now hard at work to find ways to restore the protein and with it, a person's faulty memory. Dr. Kandel, the Kavli Professor at Columbia University, recently reported that a deficiency of RbAp48 in the brain is a major contributor to age-related memory loss, and that this memory loss is reversible. His study, which appeared in the journal, Science Translational

By Dr. Herbert Lowe

Medicine, also provides the strongest evidence to date that many of the age-related memory complaints of older people are not related to Alzheimer's disease. Dr. Kandel and his Columbian colleagues are now looking for an effective memory pill that will help older people reverse memory loss and keep their minds eternally sharp. Therapies that are being explored that might be effective at boosting RbAp48 include physical exercise, cognitive exercises, vitamin supplements, and prescription pharmaceuticals.


How to Keep Your Memory


Memory lapses can be frustrating, but most times they aren’t cause for concern. Age-related memory change is different from dementia. As we grow older, our bodies go through changes that can cause glitches in brain functions, and it takes longer to learn and recall information. We’re not as quick as we used to be. In fact, we often mistake this slowing of our mental processes for true memory loss. But in most cases, if we give ourselves time, the information will return to memory. It’s important to be aware of ways that your health, environment,

and lifestyle may contribute to memory loss. Sometimes, even what looks like significant memory loss can be caused by treatable conditions and reversible external factors. Let’s look at the issue of medication. Are you taking three or more drugs? Too many medications and even our lifestyles can also create cognitive problems. A recent study found that the more medications you take, the higher your risk for brain atrophy. Researchers found that the loss of gray matter was most acute in people who took three or more different medications. It is important that you discuss your concerns regarding medication with your doctor.

The following could also affect your memory:


Depression can mimic the signs of memory loss, making it hard for you to concentrate, stay organized, remember things, and get stuff done. There are many life situations that can lead to depression. Be aware of what might be contributing to your absent mindedness.

Alcohol abuse

Excessive alcohol intake is toxic to brain cells, and alcohol abuse leads to memory loss. Over time, alcohol abuse may also increase the risk of dementia. Because of the damaging effects of excessive drinking, experts advise limiting your daily intake to just 1-2 drinks.

Preventing Memory Loss & Cognitive Decline The same practices that contribute to healthy aging and physical vitality also contribute to healthy memory.

Exercise regularly

Stay social

This boosts brain growth factors and encourages the development of new brain cells. Exercise also reduces the risk for disorders that lead to memory loss, such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Exercise also makes a huge difference in managing stress and alleviating anxiety and depression—all of which lead to a healthier brain.

People who don’t have social contact with family and friends are at higher risk for memory problems than people who have strong social ties. Social interaction helps brain function in several ways: it often involves activities that challenge the mind, and it helps ward off stress and depression.


Eat healthy

Get adequate sleep

Eat plenty fruits and vegetables and drink green tea as these foods contain antioxidants in abundance.

This is necessa r y for memor y consolidation, the process of forming and storing new memories so you can retrieve them later.

Don’t smoke It heightens the risk of vascular disorders that can cause stroke and constrict arteries that deliver oxygen to the brain. Many people believe that they can manage stress by smoking or having a couple of drinks; be careful how you try to alleviate stress.

Memory: Use It or Lose It Try to find brain exercises that you find enjoyable. The more pleasurable an activity is for you, the more powerful its effect will be on your brain. Here are some ideas for brain exercise: • Read newspapers, magazines, and books that challenge you. • The more interested and engaged your brain, the more likely you’ll be to continue learning and the greater the benefits you’ll experience. • Get in the habit of learning new things: games, recipes, a musical instrument, a foreign language. • Play games that involve strategy, like chess or bridge, and word games like Scrabble.

Memory Tips • Leave yourself notes or make

checklists. • Put appointments and important dates on calendars or day planner. • Put the things you use regularly (keys, glasses, purse, watch) in the same spot when you’re not using them. • Set an alarm clock or timer to remind you when to leave for an appointment or do something in your home.

Memory Tips for Learning New Information • Listen closely when someone talks to you. • Repeat the information. • Try to talk with people in quiet places. If, or when memory lapses become frequent enough, or sufficiently noticeable to concern you or folks who know you well, it's time to see a professional for a thorough physical examination. Early intervention is key.

Again, avoid panicking. You just might get anxious about being anxious. And avoid expecting the worst. Remember as we grow older we will experience changes in our body including our brain. Use the tips provided and enjoy life. 72





There is a common trait possessed by all extraordinary achievers, which others lack. In my book Profile of Excellence, written in collaboration with Ian Boyne, I call it the ‘key to excellence.’ Napoleon Hill, famous author of Think and Grow Rich calls it the ‘supreme secret to success.’ Jesus the Christ called it faith. Most people know it simply as belief. Call it what you will, it is that magical power which provides unstoppable drive to make the seemingly impossible possible. Belief is nothing less than the key that unlocks the latent potential within the people the world recognizes as great. Take Jamaican celebrities, Tessanne Chin and Shelly Ann Fraser-Pryce, for instance. What could these two women, in vastly different fields - music and


sports, respectively - have in common? And what can they tell us about what makes the great great? On the surface, they seemingly share few similarities. Even a cursory look beyond the surface, however, reveals an interesting find: both women share the coveted accolade of 2013 Gleaner honors awards, ‘women of the year.’ Fraser-Pryce, the undisputed queen of Olympic and World Championship 100 meter and 200 meter female sprinting, is celebrating her second such honor this year. A few weeks before, she had received the 2013 RJR foundation ‘sportswoman of the year award.’

contest ‘The Voice,’ to become its unlikely season five winner. In the process, she earned worldwide acclaim for herself and brought glory to Jamaica. Both women share something beyond the ‘women of the year’ honor. The more profound commonality is an unmatched commitment to be extraordinary in their respective fields. They have been willing to do what it takes to unlock and unleash their latent potential for greatness. They’ve worked hard. They’ve modeled vision, courage, discipline and determination. All these, however, have been backed by their unstoppable belief in themselves and in their dreams.

Tessanne Chin blazed her way to international fame with sensational performances in America’s NBC singing

Don’t take my word for it. In an interview following her amazing victory, Tessanne reflected:


‘Words fail to express the kind of emotions surging through my whole being, as I think about it. Who

In Profile of Excellence, Shelly Ann shares her insights on success in her inspirational ‘Profile’ interview with Ian Boyne.

thinks they are going to make it into top three?

She asserts, ‘My coach will tell you that I think a lot;

I know I did it (The Voice) because I just wanted

so much so that people would say I have a lot of

some exposure. I wanted to see, is there an

fantasies. But it is our fantasies that become our

opening for me here? Is there a way to make it in

realities. All I’ve achieved was what I dreamed and

the US? To make it internationally? But I completely

thought about daily. You have to dream. And you

surpassed everything I expected. In watching my

have to allow yourself to believe that anything you

blind auditions now, I could see such a change

put your mind to is possible.’

from that girl, to the girl I am now. And that little bit of self-belief - maybe this is real; maybe I can do something with this. Maybe I can take it to the next level. And from battles, to knockouts, to every live show, since, it has been an absolute honor and pleasure to be on the stage.’ Did you catch that? Did you notice what she said made the difference? Self-belief. So, what’s the big deal? Not a lot, until you hear Shelly Ann Fraser-Pryce also citing self-belief as one vital factor underlying her own athletic greatness.

There you have it. Underlying the extraordinary exploits of these two amazing achievers is the common denominator called ‘belief.’ It is nothing less than the master key to unlock your potential to be, do and have desires that may seem impossible right now. In his seminal book, The Magic of Believing, Claude Bristol noted mid-20th century, ‘Belief is that factor or element that enables people to climb high the ladder of success and gets phenomenal results for those who apply it.’ So, what precisely is belief, and what’s the secret to its power? According to Anthony Robbins, leading peak performance


bestselling author of Awaken The Giant Within, ‘A belief is a feeling of certainty about something.’ He explains that every individual possesses unlimited capacity within them. What prevents them from tapping into their boundless resources of motivation, creativity, determination and courage is lack of belief - a lack of certainty. Fear, self-doubt, worry - these mental states all inhibit your ability to be at your best. This raises the question of how one develops belief, in himself and his ideas. If you lack self-confidence, there are some proven strategies you can apply to create unstoppable self-belief. ¬Review your life and career and make a written list of your top 20 major achievements in life. Consider these as evidence of your ability to achieve. If you’ve done it in the past, you can do it again. ¬Visualize yourself as having achieved the goal you’re working toward already. Play this imagined future as a mental movie at least three times per day, every day - morning, midday and before retiring. ¬Associate with positive achievers and people who express belief in you and your ability to succeed. Limit your interactions with people who belittle you, ridicule your dreams, and attempt to let you doubt yourself and your ideas. ¬Keep a daily record of all your successes, as well as what people commend you for, at work and otherwise. ¬Read or watch stories and biographies of winners who have overcome great odds to succeed. Their examples will inspire you to do the same.





The Elevator! A family from the country was visiting Kingston and went into a shopping center for the first time in their lives. The father, Mass Jake and his son Ralphie were strolling around, while the wife shopped. They were amazed by almost everything they saw, but especially by two shiny, silver walls that could move apart and then slide back together again. The son Ralphie asked, "Pa, what’s dat?" Mass Jake (having never seen an elevator) responded, Ralphie mi son, ah don’t know. Ah never seen anything like that in mi entire life; I got no idea what it is." While Mass Jake and Ralphie were watching with amazement, a fat old lady walked up to the moving walls and pressed a button. The walls opened and the lady walked between them into a small room. The walls closed and the boy and his father watched the small circular numbers above the walls light up sequentially. They continued to watch until it reached the last number and then the numbers began to light in the reverse order. Then the walls opened up again and a young gorgeous, voluptuous woman stepped out. Mass Jake, not taking his eyes off the young woman, said quietly to his son, "Ralphie mi bwoy, run goh call Ma...."

A child cries, a cry of fear. One we ignore because we are so busy satisfying our greed. Fighting for metallic and liquid gold; wars are our hobby, death our pastime. While a child cries. A child cries, a silent scream of despair. One we do not hear as “Uncle" creeps in and takes something she didn't even know she had, her innocence. We serve him wine and food, oblivious to the fact that his finger reeks of a child’s essence. While a child cries.

A Child CRIES BY Thomas C. Hudson Thomas C. Hudson was born in the United Kingdom but raised and nurtured in the cool hills of Mandeville, Jamaica. Thomas is spreading his message through his words, he has explored life and love as he takes his readers on journeys they may have been afraid to embark on. His poetry collection which includes, Shedding my Skin, Words on the Water, Skinless, and The Forgotten Words can be found and purchased on Amazon, and on his website,

A child cries, a cry of hunger. One we cannot hear over the smacking of our lips. We feast from heaping tables and overflowing vessels, enough to feed dogs and rats beyond belief, yet children die of eminent starvation each minute. While a child cries and dies. A child cries, a cry of cold shivers, one we cannot hear over the crackle of our fireplace. We wrap ourselves in the blankets and furs of our security and care not of those on the outside peeping through the window. Do we offer shelter? Do we lend a coat? We pull the shade, not so much to block them out, but more so to lock our shame in. While a child cries, a homeless cry. A child cries, a cry of want. One we never hear, for we are too busy loving everything and everyone else. We give our time to lovers and friends without reservation. Affection is thrown around like balloons, false love is given and taken as real love suffers and wilts without care. A child goes to bed without a hug. Not a gentle kiss felt and no hugs good night. Whimpers of the unloved. While a child cries.

The kings that rule are blind to the very world they govern. Their eyes see what they wish to see and their ears are tuned to only the sweet songs. Arias performed by their own sons and jesters. When will we admit that this world is not ours, but belongs to the children we create? When will our actions be honest and true to preserving their happiness, creativity, education, health and sanity? How much longer will we pretend not to hear the cries of our children?



Diaries: ’ ‘S is for

r e p u S oman w

by Keisha-Ann Sleight

I always knew I wanted to become a mother; it was a no brainer for me. I knew it all of my adult life. What I didn't know was that it would be the hardest job on the planet.

It's being selfless without even knowing it, following your instincts, being open to new things; it's being on an emotional roller coaster, but enjoying every moment of the ride. I have a toddler; a precocious three year old who thinks she runs my house and like every other toddler, she is the centre of the universe (as she should be); but let’s start at the beginning.




hen I had my daughter, I read everything I could about being a mom. The clinical stuff, the emotional stuff, the funny stuff. Heck, I wanted to know so much about motherhood, I downloaded a poop indicator; yes a poop indicator! It was handy to check what the various types of poop meant (disgusting as it sounds). It specified if she was sick, getting sick, or if she was healthy.

Motherhood is? Motherhood is following your intuition like a weird celestial being, nudging you to pick her up just as she is about to trip, to waking up in the middle of the night just in time, as she tosses and turns because she's hungry; you just know. I think God made it that way.

being in control crippled me; this is where other mothers’ support comes in. I called my friend; a mother of two year old twin girls, and a boy just exiting toddlerhood. If she doesn't understand, no one would. Through tears I told her my feelings of being lacking as a mother, she reassured me, so I dried my tears and put the ‘S’ back on my chest. The world was all good again, even superwoman needs a support team.


My daughter was born only months before my mother’s death, so her grandmother; the woman who to me was super mom, was gone and I was left alone as a mom navigating my way through motherhood. But thank God, my mom was a great teacher, not by lectures, but simply by her actions. I remember her holding my hand as a toddler and even as an adult. She taught me that there was no ‘U’ in being a mom and I've learnt this with my daughter. It is a selflessness that comes naturally; you go hungry to make sure she is full, you give her that last grape even though you love grapes. You put off buying that pair of shoe you've been eyeing for months to make sure her formula is on the grocery list.

is an emotional rollercoaster Motherhood is about being open to new things, like playing dress up. It’s about forgetting alone time, because private moments in the bathroom now turn into discussion sessions with your toddler about body parts, or an impromptu concert where ‘ABC’ is this mini singers’ hit song; privacy is out the window.

Motherhood is an emotional roller coaster. I have cried outside my child’s school after she threw a fit to stay home with her daddy; she cried all the way to school that first day. Her ‘have it all in control mom,’ that's me, calms her down and takes her (pouting toddler lips and all) into her classroom. But superwoman has a heart and as soon as I got to the car, I cried like a baby. Feelings of not

It makes me happy when my daughter discovers new things, makes me laugh, when she tries on my high heels and struggles to walk in them. It saddens me when she cries when her hair is being combed. But, she makes me feel like the best person in the world when she says, after an exhausting day of work that has battered every part of me, ‘ mommy you ahwight’ and I smile at her and find more energy from God knows where. Keisha-Ann Sleight is a reporter and producer. Her Mommy Diaries series is inspired by her 3 year old daughter Kelsey. Look out for more Mommy Diaries in the next issue of CW&L.


We Love you Mom!

A mother’s love cannot be understood; instead it overwhelms and comforts continuously. That’s one of the reasons why a day is dedicated in honor of her. Personally, I think the whole year should be. But since the day is fast approaching and there is much to be done, let us not waste time debating additions, but rather find a way to make this day EXTRA special and memorable for the rest of the year, ‘Mission Mother’s Day’ now in full swing! There have been some traditions held over the years for celebrating moms; some we shall keep, some we shall throw out and some we shall revamp. As usual, I have made your job easier by providing some tricks and tips to ensure that mom never forgets just how much she means to you.

Motherʼs Day TREAT

How to make her feel special! By Tamara Bailey

Begin the Day Right ♥

Breakfast in bed - contrary to your belief, your mother does not always like being in the kitchen slaving over a stove. This is your chance to take her off her feet, cook her a delicious meal and give it to her while in the comfort of her bed. Take into consideration her likes and dislikes and you can even experiment with a new recipe.

Do her laundry - please don’t give your mother a wonderful meal to have enough energy to go do house chores. Make sure she wakes up to a clean house.

Mid-Morning Bonding ♥

Go through a photo album - with the hustle and bustle of life there is hardly any time to have a sit down moment, but for mom devote at least an hour going through photos and take the time to reminisce and bond.

Make a pictorial collage - show her you cherish the memories, and you want to help her preserve them.



Morning matinée - stay in, and watch a movie together or take your mom to see a great movie on the big screen.

Afternoon Fun and Frolic with Finesse ♥

Boat ride - go to a nearby beach and soak up some sun or take your mom on a boat ride.

Visit the zoo - interacting with animals and nature can cause a rush of emotions, your mom will definitely enjoy this moment.

Grant a wish – find a way to help your mother do at least one thing she has always dreamed of doing, but didn’t do before; this will be sure to make her day.

Pamper and Please ♥ Spa treatment - manicure, pedicure, facial, massage; she will feel like a renewed woman when she’s through.

Salon visit - if your mom is into trying new things, maybe a professional could suggest a new hairstyle or a color that could make her look and feel even more beautiful.

Shopping - if you can afford to splurge, take your mom on a shopping spree; you don’t have to buy the whole store, but make sure she gets at least one item that she really likes.

Now some of you may be able to do some of what was mentioned, maybe all; but for those who simply want to buy her a gift, here are some ideas:

A charm bracelet with a picture of her and all her children

A portrait - have one of her best pictures used for portrait completion by an artist

Scents - give her a basket of all her favorite scented candles, bath oils and perfumes

A trip - fund a trip for her to a local or international destination of her choice

Cruise ticket - get her a ticket for a Caribbean cruise

Hotel day pass

Tamara Bailey is a journalist by training and currently works as a news correspondent and writer at the Gleaner Company. Her passion for writing is often explored through interesting features focused on health, wellness and several other issues.



101 by Paul G.J. Messam

Defensive driving requires intelligence and patience whether there is heavy water on the street or sunshine in the sky. It means driving to save lives, time and hard earned cash. It means being alert, being fully aware of the wet, muddy roads, pot riddled holes and acting on time and in time. It also means being able to manouvre on ‘slippery roads which have the features of cooked okra,’ as alluded to by Radcliffe Lewis, former head of the Jamaican police traffic department.



T he concise E nglish dictionary puts intelligent succinctly, 'Endowed with the faculty of understanding or reason; well informed; the capacity to know…’ It was John Dewey, who posited that ‘intelligence is something possessed once for all.’ It is in constant process of forming, and its retention req u i res c on s ta nt a le r t n e s s i n observing consequences, and open-minded will to learn and courage in readjustment.


eing patient means having the ability to endure delays, hardships, provocation, and persevering in a safe, steady, sober manner. Without patience, a driver is headed for trouble no matter how cautiously he drives or how familiar he is with the regulations. ‘Once the basics are learned, the way is clear for safer, more satisfying driving,’ notes David Jones, a St. Andrew based auto mechanic who operates in the Cassia Park area. To many persons, a motor vehicle means genuine convenience and enjoyment; to other drivers, it is the cause of great financial outlay, with two or three years of stiff monthly payments. Intelligent driving means avoiding collisions at all cost. It means, trying and succeeding in keeping space between

your vehicle and others on all sides. It means talking to the other drivers with all the signals you can; use the turn signal correctly, giving adequate notice of the intentions. Intelligent driving means ensuring that brakes are pumped so that tail lights show you are slowing or stopping. It also means using the horn appropriately to tell other drivers where you are. Applying Intelligence means not allowing the heavy traffic or the rush-hour traffic to take charge of your nerves; relying on a driver’s awareness, alertness and good judgement in stopping, starting, and turning. Also, knowing and applying those road and traffic rules and signals usually go a far way. Realize that in heavy traffic one needs extra time to react, so look ahead, read the road ahead and be careful

The Intelligent Driver: 1 4 Takes rest stops at least every two hours, even if he or she does not feel really tired.

2 3

Rests before the start of the assigned task.

Tries not to get to bed too late as a driver’s body is accustomed to going to sleep at that time.

Does not drive for long hours at a time as there is an awareness that driving can be dangerous if one is tired and sleepy.


Looks out for pedestrians, cars in front, cars behind, parked motor cars, intersections and bicycles.

Jim Kenzie, writing in the Toronto Star, once said ‘All you need is some knowledge, some common sense, and some consideration for the other person.’ The road is not a place for showing off, for impatience or selfishness. One senior driving instructor, Lurkent Hanson with over 10 years

Often, it is the motor vehicle’s performance, how it achieves maximum speed in minimum time, its power, as well as its sleek lines that add to the equation. Are windshield and windows clean? Are wiper blades in good condition? Are there any deep cuts or cracks, splits or other damage? Are brakes in good working order? Is the oil level above the ADD line? Do the tires have the correct inflation, pressure, depth of thread and evenness of wear? For the battery, is the fluid level in each cell correct?


Knows the peril of dangerous driving.


Manages time carefully to avoid

Does not take any drug that may cause drowsiness.


at intersections, especially uncontrolled intersections without traffic lights or signs.

undue rush at last minute.


Tries very hard to control any feelings of irritation.

experience, advises that by developing car sympathy, reading the road, by concentrating and anticipating as well as cultivating a humble attitude, knowing and following the road code, one will succeed in driving safely, defensively and intelligently.


We Love you Dad!

Father, daddy, da-da, papa, uncle, grandpa, sir. Whether we have had the opportunity to be loved by our biological father or the honor of being loved by others who have played the role, we know that there is no love like that of a father. A father teaches his daughter to be a woman of substance by his expectations of her, and teaches her the expectations she should have of men. To a boy, he is the living example of a man, one you can’t quite express in a book or read in an article online. American Governor Mario Cuomo, known for his liberal views and public speeches expressed this thought perfectly when he said, ‘I talk and talk and talk, and I haven’t taught people in 50 years what my father taught by example in one week.’ Though never perfect (a result of the fallen nature of man), fathers are remarkable beings that ought to be cherished by their objects of joy, their children. On this Father’s Day, delight your dad with these exclusive tips of tenderness.

Fatherʼs Day FEATURE

How to make him feel special! By Shauna-Kay Battick

Tips of Tenderness ♥

Spa treatment - give your dad a day-off with a body massage, facial, manicure and pedicure. There are many spas which have discounts and packages specially suited to this special day.

Words of appreciation - whether you are a closet writer or a fumbler with words, a father likes to know that he has done, and still is doing his job well. Write a poem highlighting fond memories that you have shared together. Let him know how much his tiny and enormous acts of love and discipline have shaped you into the person you are today.



Personalized card - love is expressed not only in words, but in action. A greeting card that you made yourself demonstrates how much you care. Even if you don’t have an artistic bone in your body, who says you have to do it alone? Get someone who is inclined along that path to give you some assistance. Do-it-yourself (DIY) online sites such as can turn even an amateur into an expert in personalized card making. Opportunities also exist for you to design personalized cards through online services and personal graphic artists. Pelican Publishers Limited recently launched their new greeting card line, ‘Pelican Greetings’ which specializes in exquisite personalized cards for every occasion.

A basket of goodies – we are not talking about flowers here (unless of course he really loves flowers). You could fill a gift basket with some of his favourite food. You could even throw in an electronic gadget that he has been wanting. Goodies vary for each dad, so make sure you know his likes to make your gift basket extra special. Many pharmacies offer gift-wrapping services if you provide the items.

You – ‘a truly rich man is one whose children run into his arms when his hands are empty’. Daughters and sons, you are the best gift that you could ever give to your father. The Bible says, ‘Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from Him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them.’ (Psalm 127:3-5). The words of David O. McKay ring true, ‘Next to eternal life, the most precious gift that our Father in heaven can bestow upon man is his children.’ If you are no longer at home, make plans to spend the day with your father. As much as you can help it, stash the phone away and buy a plane ticket, or invest in some petrol for a well-needed road trip. For those who are not so fortunate though, phone calls and online calls (Skype, Facebook, Oovoo) are always appreciated. You are undoubtedly the best gift you can give to your father.

Don’t limit the love of your glorious ‘pops’ to one day of the year. For every day that he has life, prize the moment. Celebrate his existence! You only get to have him once in this lifetime.

Start the preparation to ensure he has a ‘Happy Father’s Day!’

We Love you Dad!

The Journey to

WELLNESS begins here!



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You may notice

him crossing his

legs, twisting his body or going on


tippy toes.


Children By Paediatric Association of Jamaica

Constipation is a common problem in children. It is characterized by infrequent passage of stool or passing hard dry stools. Bowel patterns will vary among children, hence it is important for you to know your child’s frequency and the usual consistency of his stool. In babies, the passage of stool will depend on whether they are breast fed or formula fed. Babies who get breast milk


only, very rarely get constipated. During the first month or two of life, they will pass stool very frequently (as often as after each feeding). After this, the frequency may change significantly. In some cases, they may pass a stool once every week or once every two weeks. As long as the stool is watery or soft, it is unlikely that the baby is constipated. Formula fed babies should pass stool at least every two to three days.


In children over one year old, going five or six days without passing stool may suggest that there is a problem. Your child may be constipated if the stool is hard, looks like pebbles or if it is large, firm and difficult to pass. If your child is constipated, you may also notice that he/she complains of tummy pain, blood in the stool or ‘accidents’ in the underpants. The blood may be

caused by tiny tears of the skin of the anus due to passing the hard stool. The accidental spills occur when liquid stool leaks around the more solid stool that remains inside. If your child thinks that he will experience pain from passing stool, he may try to avoid doing so. You may notice him crossing

his legs, twisting his body or going on tippy toes. The longer the stool remains inside, the harder and drier it becomes making it even more difficult to pass. If your child withholds the stool, this may cause large stools to form in the rectum causing it to stretch. They may then no longer feel the urge to pass stool until it is too big to be passed and at that point it could be very painful.

Different factors can contribute to constipation in children, including:

1 2 3 4 5 6

Unhealthy diets

Ensure there is enough fiber in the diet, which can be found in fruits and vegetables.

Inadequate amounts of fluid

Drinking water and other liquids keep the stool soft.

Habitually withholding stool They are sometimes otherwise preoccupied or they may not want to use the bathroom at school.

Inadequate exercise

Moving around helps to move food through the digestive system.

Early toilet training

If toilet training is done too early, your child may not cooperate and choose to ignore the need to pass stool.

Medical problems

Rarely, constipation in children may be caused by a medical problem.

Each child’s bowel pattern is different , so you should be come familiar with child’s normal patt your ern. If you are co ncerned about your child’s bowel move talk to a physicia ment n.


Cayman ConneCtions:

Motivating your child to exercise In 2007, a survey done by the World Health Organization's (WHO) Global School-based Student Health Survey (GSHS) revealed that the Cayman Islands had the most inactive youths out of the 34 countries assessed. More specifically, 57 percent of the students, aged 13-15 were spending three or more hours in a sedentary state (sitting or being in front of a screen) outside of regular school time. To make matters worse, a follow-up study in 2010 showed an increase in this trend, with a greater proportion of them being females. Since the release of this staggering data, the local government has made it an even greater prority to promote healthier lifestyles, especially in the public schools. This ranged from adjusting meal plans, to providing students with a wider array


By Cherie Branch

of after-school physical activities to do while parents are still at work. But let’s face it, while some children naturally love to run around and play, others would simply rather not. Especially as children get older, some tend to settle into the comforts of mundane living, neglecting adequate fitness, thus becoming more prone to the development of non-communicable diseases like diabetes, coronary heart disease and cancer in adulthood. When it comes to helping your young one get out and get physically active, here are five tips, as recommended in a WebMD article written by Sarah Henry:


Introduce your chIld to a varIety of sports As we roll into summer, there will be loads of recreational camps available; from tennis to swimming, dance, basketball, volleyball, nature-themed adventures, you name it! This is the prime opportunity for your child to try new activities that they may find interesting. Even outside of summertime, opportunities exist. Aside from the community clubs, several sports and fitness businesses offer free trials and low-introductory-rate classes, so take advantage of them. Expose your child to different types of activities, and let them naturally gravitate to the one(s) that fit their athletic identity; from belly dancing to beach volleyball, team-based gaelic football to one-on-one bouts of Brazilian jiu-jitsu. The options are endless and in such a small country like the Cayman Islands, all of these and more can be found, thanks in part to our diverse melting pot of people and passionate athletes. If, over time, your child loses interest in the sport, let him/her try another! As long as they stay fit and have fun. The department of sports’ website, public bulletin boards at schools, libraries and supermarkets, even the newspaper’s ‘community calendar’ are all great sources of information about current and upcoming activities available throughout the Cayman Islands all year round.

set the example Become a good role model by demonstrating fun and commitment in your own fitness; can someone say ‘ouch?' It could be as simple as settling for those nosebleed parking spots at the store and walking the distance, or taking part in your company’s walk-off pedometer challenge; but let your children see and hear about your progress and how much you enjoy exercising. Also, try organizing regular family activities like a mini table tennis tournament in your garage, visit the skating rink or take the mastic trail. By the way, the beach is still free! Family involvement is a very effective motivational tool. Your child emulates you, so let’s set a good, healthy example for them.


BuIld your chIld’s confIdence Be your child’s biggest cheerleader. Negative comments will only tear down his/her self-esteem and can discourage any attempts at trying altogether. Remember the point here is to let your child realize the fun in physical activities, so acknowledge their efforts. Also, invest some personal time of your own in your child’s extracurricular activities. Sit-in or make a surprise visit during some of the practice sessions. Your show of support will boost confidence and encourage them to keep trying. Some children tend to shun activities in public settings (e.g. parks and arenas), especially if they are insecure about their appearance or skills. If your child is shy, try activities with a more private, indoor setting, such as gymnastics, ballet or boxing; avoid elimination games like dodge ball that can dampen emotions and cause your child to miss out on the fun. To make things more comfortable, let your child bring along a friend. Children are more likely to take part in activities knowing that they have a familiar face going along with them. Finally, gauge your child’s skill level; it may be better for him/her to start off in a more laid-back, smaller community sports setting, rather than more competitive, larger national clubs.

lImIt screen tIme Now this one may be a toughie, but restrict how much time your child spends in front of a screen (TV, computer, phone, etc.); no more than one to two hours a day. You can regulate this by taking active measures such as removing TVs from bedrooms and by placing the computer in a shared living space; also regulate phone use for the older ones. Substitute the free time with an activity alternative; let them play with the other neighborhood children or help you with gardening, or walk the dog. Over time, your child will become accustomed to the change.

stIck wIth It Cement your child’s activities into a routine calendar. By doing so, everyone has a schedule they are more likely to stick to. In addition to this, your child will begin to associate and even look forward to activity days (e.g. Monday is swimming, Wednesday is rugby).

Exercising is so diverse, it’s fun, and has loads of benefits. With so many options available in Cayman, there is certainly something to fit every child’s preference. For some, a little inspiration may be needed, but it’s never too late to get them started towards being more physically active. Studies show that children who get into the habit of exercising, tend to maintain an active lifestyle into their adulthood. So consider your efforts as a great, long term investment.



EHF's Annual Wellness & Lifestyle Promotion:

An Event Worthy ofAcclamation!

Each year, the Environmental Health Foundation (EHF) hosts a “Wellness & Lifestyle Promotion,” geared toward bringing widespread attention to the importance of healthy and positive lifestyles for individual health maintenance, which will in turn bring about a healthier nation. We saved some highlights from last year’s Promotion, held on April 15-18, 2013 to share with you:

Schools Wellness Club Re-launch The EHF Schools Wellness Club programme was re-launched with the new tagline ‘Future Leaders Actively Engage in Wellness.’ Wellness Club members from nine schools from the parishes of Kingston, St. Ann and Clarendon were in attendance.

Schools Wellness Quiz Our inaugural annual Wellness Quiz competition featured representations from Lannaman’s Preparatory, St. Richards Primary, Shar-Mar Preparatory and Servite Primary. After an exhilarating two rounds of competition, Lannaman’s Preparatory emerged as the overall champion.

Schools Wellness Seminar The highly anticipated Schools Wellness Seminar was facilitated by Mrs. Dorrset Gabbidon-Pottinger, who conducted an enlightening presentation on the topic: "Wellness – It Can Be Done,” encouraging the students to engage in all dimensions of wellness.

Wellness & Lifestyle Award Ceremony & Dinner EHF’s Wellness & Lifestyle Awards honour organizations and individuals who have promoted wellness and positive lifestyles in Jamaica. Recipients were: Dr. Heather Little-White (posthumously) for committing her own life to health and wellness, Professor Graham Serjeant (for enhancing the quality of lives of hundreds of persons living with sickle cell), The College of Health Sciences - University of Technology, Jamaica (for raising “wellness” to academic instruction and scholarly research) and Guardian Life Limited (for spearheading a Corporate Wellness Programme for its employees in an effort to better their social, physical and mental health).

Donation of Books to the Shady Grove Basic School EHF donated one hundred and fifty copies of its “Wellness Alphabet Book,” and “Wellness Alphabet Book – Teacher’s Guide” to the Shady Grove Basic School, situated at 217 Old Hope Road, Kingston 6. The children were extremely excited and showed promise that they will be utilizing the books fully to aid their development and in particular, their knowledge on wellness.

Nutrition & Fitness Workshops The Nutrition workshop, facilitated by Nestlé Jamaica Limited, elevated the level of excitement with very relevant and informative presentations on the food groups, appropriate serving portions and how to read food labels. During the presentations, a meal-demonstration was done, where attendees were taught how to prepare a delicious one-pot meal, much to the delight of the audience.

The week could not have ended on a better note than with Personal Trainers from Spartan Health Club and Stewart Maxwell (Wellness Consultant) hosting the Fitness workshop. Members of the public participated in what they described as fun, energetic and relaxing workout segments. Join us on April 28 to May 2, 2014 when EHF will host its 10th staging of the event, under the theme “Wellness Redeveloped: From The Inside Out.”

l a i c o s Media and

Y c a v I Pr el Williams

ha by: ray St. Mic


ith the emergence of social media, we have found new ways

to connect with new and old friends. The nerds back in high school that are now hotties,’ the nerds who are still nerds, family, friends, businesses, complete strangers (who you now wish had remained strangers) and even our pets. We share our ideas, our likes, our wants and our conversations. The phenomenon of social media even allowed us to start sharing pictures and videos. Some have led to job losses; others to relationship breakups, emergency family meetings and even the occasional pornography contracts.


ocial media curiously shows where we are, where we have been, where we plan to go and when. We use it to share our greatest ideas and achievements, the color of our underwear , the state of our governments, even how freely our bowels moved, or didn’t move. USA Today printed an article, ‘psychologists now know what makes people happy,’ it shows that humans are found to be happy based on the number and quality of relationships we maintain. Not just any relationship, but more specifically when we surround ourselves with friends and family that we care about. The thinking is, ‘the better they are, the happier we will be.’ Social media provides a platform for us to know, share and involve our friends and family through technology.





many platforms are out there. They have

certain ly figured this out

the members on the list can be categorized as messaging or dating services, but, they still allow us to share media content socially. Let us not forget that many popular applications and websites are trying to integrate some social features into their products. Netflix - which movies do you watch along with your friends. Amazon - what are you and your friends buying.

How Much is

Too Much?

The question must be asked, ‘when do I draw the line?’ How much sharing is too much, or in keeping with the social lingo TMI (Too Much Information)? Maybe the new term should be TMS (Too Much Sharing). This point may have some merit to it by looking at Twitter itself implementing ‘twitter jail.’ In simple terms, you are banned from tweeting too much for a few hours. It’s a nice way of saying you’re sharing too much for our servers to handle, so shut up for a little.

for commercial gain and it’s catching on like wild fire. Take for example: FaceBook, twitter, myspace, instagram, hi5, flickr, tumblr snapchat, viber, living social, foursquare, whatsapp, google+, skype, tango, eharmony, christian mingle, farmers only (Yes, farmers only!), grandma connect (Ok, fine, I made that up, but it’s bound to happen) and the list goes on. Some of

marketers and sales persons. They want to know how to pre-empt your needs so they can provide it before you even know you needed it. What I say next might not have been proven, but even if you did not need it, I’m sure they would still have wanted to sell it to you anyway, because it earns them money. Sharing with your friends and family is great. But what you shared is stored somewhere in somebody’s system. Once you have shared that part of your life, it no longer belongs to just you. It also belongs to your friends, family and the company that stores it for you. The question is, did you want that external company to have it? Did you want them to analyze and tell someone else about the best way to get you to buy something? Did you want to become a number to them? Well, how do you erase it? Is it backed up anywhere? Suppose the company’s security is just not that great, can other persons have access to it? How do they even keep the light on to do this for you if you’re not paying them; how do they make money? Let’s even say

On another note, it would seem advantageous that most of the services mentioned earlier are free of a financial charge. But are they really free? Not really; the price is privacy. So how aware are you of the implications of privacy and by extension security on social media sites? Knowing who you are and what you like is very valuable to


There are some

aspects of relationships that a keyboard, camera and a screen can never solve and it just requires some

good old face To face.

t h e c o m p a n y ’s security was solid and they were completely ethical and didn’t get sued like Google for privacy violations. Are you certain you wanted to share that piece of information with everybody?

You could say, ‘so what if I share my life, I have nothing to hide.’ Well, our circumstances change with time and you don’t know how your life will evolve in the next couple of years. Drunken pictures at a college party to christian convert, case in point. Nude pictures to soccer mom another case in point. When we share, we give up the ability to control our lives and


how persons interact or treat us. Our circumstances are affected by what people know about us. Think about it, if you knew nothing about a wall street looking guy in a suit would you walk past him in a five second alley. Most of us would, I’m sure. What if his picture was posted on twitter from his account as a serial killer, would you walk down the alley? I hope not. I would walk all the way around the block and call the police on my way. What about that vacation you are going on next week? Did you tweet publicly about it? And have you ever done a ‘check in’ at home and shared that publicly? Just in case you think I’m being absurd, tell that to the victims in the New Hampshire news report: ‘Police

state that thieves robbed homes based on facebook, social media sites’ from WMUr 9 New Hampshire.’


BrighT side?

I may have highlighted some of the negatives, but sharing is actually very good.

Our lives have become very busy and fast paced due to technology and other advancements. Also, many of our friends and family may now live all over the world. It also still remains true that we are happier based on the relationships we have. My theory of relationships and their quality is that the effectiveness and quality of our relationships are determined by using our five senses to interact with each other. Social media limits us to hearing and seeing. The other three are even more important in building relationships and memories. There are some aspects of relationships that a keyboard, camera and a screen can never solve and it just requires some good old face to face. ‘How dreaded is the thought of face to face,’ if that is what is going through your mind right now, then you have bigger problems than I can help with. The take-away

would be to use social media and share alot, but share responsibly, and share the right things, with the right persons at the right time and

don’t forget to share with all five senses.


On i t u l O REv

ua l t r i v tic s you i l r a o f e r use you te s o a E h e R r os c dream .. BEFO l life. i d r . tu D S of you d love t in rea lp you 3 l e n i e Pix lations ence a r see hics to h reate it o c p u ri sim , expe d, buy uter gra fore you tending p in e il h ee to s lly bu ses com ncept b r anyone erty suc , u a p co rs fo actu ompany design is ideal sent pro ch as ca of

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CWL: How long have you been in the

business of 3D visualizations?

Pixel 3D Studios will celebrate its five year anniversary this year. However, one of our founders has been using this technology for more than ten years. CWL: You do remarkable things with 3D visualization; how realistic is it? Three dimensional visualization to some people is merely an 'artistic impression,' pretty pictures or even cartoons. The reality though is that, unless otherwise directed, our imagery has to be quite realistic. It has to accurately depict the creation being represented. Being able to see, feel and experience your 470 million dollar real estate development before it is built, has saved millions for many of our clients from what we call 'do over' costs. With this in mind, what is created must be realistic and accurate.

CWL: Are your customers usually satisfied moving from the Pixel 3D versions to reality? Yes, without a shadow of a doubt. A major benefit of our service is ‘the ability to see, feel and experience an idea before it becomes a reality.’ It could be that you want to see your home in the perfect color combination before you paint it. See that new driveway at the side of the house before you move it. See the remodelled kitchen before you rip out the old one, and I could go on and on. The point is simple; you'd try on that new pair of pants before you buy them, right? Why not do the same with everything else and be absolutely certain that what you've got in mind is exactly what you would want, before you spend a cent to build or buy it.

Working with Pixel 3D Studios ensures this satisfaction.

CWL: How ‘ futuristic’ is 3D Studios though? At the start of our foray into visualizations, animations and graphic design, widespread use of three dimensional (3D) technology in Jamaica was virtually non existent. Back then, it appeared to be incredibly futuristic. 2014 and all the years between has brought about incredible advancements in the use of technology on a whole, which has not bypassed us here in Jamaica. The inherent creativity of our people has now brought about an exponential increase in the use of 3D visualizations and animation. As such, it may not seem futuristic in the way it did then, but what will always make it futuristic for us is the spirit and the 'to the core' passion employed at Pixel 3D Studios merged with our never ending research into ways to create fixes for many problems that our clients do not even realize that they have.

CWL: Do you have much, if any competition in Jamaica? From freelancers, to other animation studios, use of three dimensional visualization in Jamaica has significantly increased and as a result, we do face competition from other players here in Jamaica. We are however in the process of creating a new formula for delivery, which, when complete, will make the interaction

with us a truly enjoyable one and one that will differentiate us from all others.

CWL: How beneficial is the use of your system to your clients? Our clients come in two forms; the first is the professional, offering a particular service to their clients and the second is the ‘actual end’ such as a homeowner, business owner or a car owner. The professional can come in many types (developer, designer, inventor, etc) and some of the benefits include the ability to:


Show their potential customers their idea/design during or prior to its development.


See multiple options off their idea/ design from any angle.

* Present a comprehensive view of the

idea/design to obtain financing.

For the actual end users, their benefits include the ability to:

* See a picture of your planned changes to the home, office, car, and be able to experiment with colors, position, sizing and other features before you make the change in real life.

* Save money as you are able to perfect

the plan prior to execution, which saves you from 'doing-over' or changing something because you were not able to visualize it fully

CWL: Does it save one from any building headaches that are inevitable; how? Most people lack the ability to understand the drawings produced by the architect. For the people that are able to understand them, one's imagination can go so far in


The designer is then able to present her design in a comprehensive manner which allows the client to understand exactly what is being created for him. The client is then able to demonstrate clearly to the designer (using our imagery) what changes need to be made before construction starts. The designer can in turn easily understand the precise needs of the customer and hence tailor the design to be precisely what the customer requires. All in all, we aid in the prevention of typical issues that arise during the process of building, resulting from most people's inability to visualize an idea.

CWL: Who are your main customers; developers, persons doing a residential home or high rise complexes such as hospitals and plazas? There has been a surge in gated residential developments within the last few years or so. One cannot drive around St. Andrew for five minutes and not see a new townhouse project or new apartment building. As a result, our primary customers are currently real estate developers. Our 'bread&butta'


CWL: How long does it take to create a design; from the simple designs to more complex ones? Repainting a room? We can get that done in about two days or less. Remodeling the kitchen? Give us a week. Would you like to see the entire exterior of your small home? A week and a half should do it. Got a real estate development comprising of 25 units that you will be advertising? Give us about two and a half weeks upwards. Naturally, all of these examples depend on the specific details of the project.

CWL: Anything else you would like to add? Readers of this edition of the magazine will be entitled to a 15 percent discount during the months of March to June 2014, once they provide proof of purchase and the following promotional code [CWM-649-2H7]

CWL: What is the price range to access your service? The scale of our projects range from small objects to large developments. The average cost for a typical package for our end user clients can range from 5000 30,000 dollars (JMD). Our professional clients, however, typically require packages ranging from 50,000 - 200,000 (JMD).



Architectural Visualizations 3D Animations Presentations







truly unique POWERFUL AND

bringing everything together. This has repeatedly resulted in problems for the property owner which normally ends up in something being re-done. That's where pixel 3D studios come in; we translate. We bring all drawings, the terrain, colors, textures, fixtures, furniture and lighting together to produce an image that you are able to see and easily understand. Our imagery therefore becomes a universal language that brings everyone onto the same page.

(primary customers) may rest there, however tremendous opportunities exist for so many potential or existing home owners and car owners to save thousands of dollars by 'visualizing before they buy or build.'

visual imagery


TEL: (876) 631-7524


Warnings on Cigarettes Might Make You


Why? The paper says the messages, however dire, have the effect of increasing trust, and encouraging consumers to believe they are entering into an upfront ‘two-sided’ dialogue. “This increases the message recipient’s sense of knowledge and confidence about the product," the researchers


So, those alarming side-effect messages at the end of drug ads on TV, the ones warning about ‘thoughts of suicide,’ sexual dysfunction, and liquids issuing from unspeakable places... You would think they'd encourage people to take less abilify and prilosec, right? Maybe not. Oddly, a new study suggests side-effect warnings could actually increase sales of products. In a series of experiments, researchers tested how volunteers respond to ads for cigarettes, artificial sweeteners, erectile dysfunction medication, and hair loss products. In the first, they asked 71 smokers to view a tobacco ad, with one group viewing a version full of messages about cancer, heart disease, and so on, and another group seeing a clean version. As you would expect, the group seeing the horror ad bought less. What's interesting is

what happened a few days later, when researchers asked the volunteers again. The effect of the warnings had worn off. The participants seeing the horror ads were more likely to buy the brand than the group that had seen the clean ad.

write. At the same time, the power of the warning itself is gradually lost. "As time separates the message from the behavior of which it warns, the prominence of side effects is attenuated, and the trustworthiness of the ad rises,” the paper says.

Writing in the journal, Psychological Science, Yael Steinhart at Tel Aviv University, Yaacov Trope at New York University, and Ziv Carmon at INSEAD business school, say other experiments have reported similar results. In each case, when the purchase decision was delayed, volunteers were more likely to buy products with warnings attached.

None of the experiments involved more than 75 volunteers, so the conclusions should be treated with a grain of salt. But still, the work calls into question the idea that side-effect warnings necessarily make people more cautious. Ironically, they could lead them to engage in more risky behavior. Information courtesy of:

How to Control


by Mahalia Palmer

Hair that has reached the end of its growth cycle and naturally falls from the scalp is known as 'shedding hair.' It has a tiny white ‘root’ attached and it is not the hair that is deeply secured within its scalp, but is the base of the hair strand found on the scalp-originating end. If your hair is shedding, don't be alarmed (yet); shedding is a natural occurrence. The hair undergoes three phases of growth. At the end of the final phase, the old hair which has reached its final days is pushed out by new hair that is about to come out. 104



o why do we worry when our hair sheds?

relax the hair. You * may find that by relaxing the

According to Web

hair the shedding may stop.

Md, ‘shedding up to 100 hairs

* do some formByof

per day is normal.’ Anything

deep treatment.

above this on a daily basis is

adding protein or moisture, the hair's condition will return to a healthier state, which can reduce the shedding.

not normal. now that is cause for concern!

There are many reasons why one may experience premature shedding. Including:

and * Use shampoos that are


specifically formulated for shedding.

* take a hair


Sickness (anaemia, * thyroid disorders and a host of other chronic disorders)

* Use of certain types of * hair products Stress

Styling methods that * stress the hair follicles

* Medication Poor diet (crash diet, low * protein diet, etc.) * Heredity * Menopause * Pregnancy

hoW to Control Shedding

one very important tip is to continually observe your hair so that you know when it’s

hair with black * rinse (Yes the normal black tea

shedding normally, versus when it's shedding prematurely. If your hair is shedding more than the normal, chose methods that you are more comfortable with and be sure to try a variety of options until you find one that works for you.

There are several methods that can be used to control or reduce shedding. tea.

bag). This is a popular method that is being used in the relaxed hair 'society.'

rub hair with garlic. * This is the only method that has worked for me. I squeeze the garlic supplement pill all over my scalp (Please note you will become a walking clove of garlic for a few hours).







For a while now, you’ve wanted to end your relationship with relaxers and go completely natural. There's just one BIG problem. You're scared! You don't remember what your natural hair looks or feels like; it’s been so long since you've seen it. You are certain, well, almost certain, that it can't be all that manageable or ‘pretty’ otherwise you wouldn't be relaxing, right?


Whether this sounds like you or not, we all pause whenever we get to the point where we feel we want to be natural. We are afraid of what we will look like, what people will say, what type or ‘quality’ hair may be on our head and so on. We are afraid of the unknown. The way to overcome these fears is to educate ourselves. Now more than ever, there are


countless resources for natural hair information. There are websites dedicated to the education and support of aspiring, new and continuing naturals. I was so surprised to discover that there are hundreds, literally hundreds of people that post YouTube tutorials on how to achieve some awesome and easy natural hairstyles, and videos on

great products for natural hair. So the best bit of advice I could give you is get out there and read. Find out everything you can about the steps involved. For example, do you want to wear your natural hair with length or


are you content to chop everything off and start from zero? Are you ready to dive right in or do you prefer to grow into it gradually? Can you style your own hair? Are you prepared to exercise the patience required to style two different textures of hair?


Chopping off all your hair can be very traumatic if you aren't mentally prepared. A big chop will leave you anywhere from near bald to just a few inches of hair, often referred to as a TWA or 'teeny weeny afro.' If you feel that your facial structure will not be flattered by a short cut, this look is probably not for you. Now you need to be as dispassionate as possible when making this assessment. We often become so used to having long

hair that we instinctively feel it’s the only way we can be attractive. Society also re-enforces this notion, however, this is simply not true. Many women look stunning with short hair. Also, while your decision to go natural is still in its infancy, be careful who you share it with. Many people are initially against us changing our looks for many of the same reasons that we also hesitate when thinking of any change. A big chop will save you from the hassles of having to deal with hair of two different textures.

Transitioning hair is very fragile and is most vulnerable at the point where your new growth and relaxed hair meet (called the demarcation point). This area is very susceptible to breakage and when growing your hair out some breakage is to be expected. A big chop is the only way to truly prevent this. Also, when one transitions, it is not unusual to have your relaxed hair feeling great and the natural hair feeling dry or vice versa. A big chop means you need not worry about this happening to you.

OTHER TRANSITION METHODS There are healthy ways to transition using braids or extensions, but be mindful that extensions are drying to your own hair. They pull moisture out, so you must moisturize regularly to combat this. Be careful when doing styles that apply tension to your hair. Too much tension will lead to breakage or worse, you might pull your strands from the follicle. You could end up with bald patches and severely damage the hair follicle to the point where hair can never grow from it again.

Curly sets are also a good way to transition. These styles allow your two textures (natural new growth and relaxed ends) to blend well with each other. Buns, cornrows, twists and plaits are also good ways to transition. Any style that allows you to handle or manipulate your hair infrequently will provide you healthy ways to transition so long as you don’t do them too tightly and keep hair moisturized while in these styles.

Remember, there are hundreds of blogs, magazine articles, websites, groups, Facebook pages and YouTube channels that can provide you with information and inspiration. Going natural is an exciting journey and in the process your mind goes through just as much change as your hair. Be patient, be focused, be yourself and enjoy the ride.


Check on... one sweet potato crusted snapper with

pumpkin croquette!’ Sous Chef Keneal Jackson can be heard echoing throughout the kitchen, as the order prints out during our vibrant dinner service at the Spanish Court Hotel. Orders for this dish, without a doubt, will be repeated several times before the bell is sounded for closing. It is a crowd favorite, very simple, yet very impressive in presentation and flavor. Engaging all the important facets for an epicurean’s gastronomical delight.

Potato Crusted


by C hef

Anthony Matthews

with Slow Roasted Pumpkin Croquette Wilted Kale & Spiced Tomato Sauce

K a l e d e t l Wi IngredIents

1/2lb Kale

Bicarbonate of 1tsp soda


Bring a medium sauce pot of water to boil. Prep kale by removing the curly leaves from the thick stalks. Add bicarbonate of soda and season the water to taste. Once boiling, add the leaves and allow to cook to a tender bite. Remove from water and allow to cool. Squeeze out the excess water and sauté in a pre-heated frying pan with salt and pepper to taste.

Sweet Potato Crusted Snapper IngredIents

6oz snapper fillet

1 tsp parsley flakes

1 medium sweet potato, peeled and grated (use fine side of grater)

salt/pepper to taste 1 cup flour

1lt olive oil

2 eggs

2 tsp fish seasoning ½ tsp pepper flakes

PrePare: Season the fish with pepper flakes, parsley, salt and pepper in a medium bowl and let it marinate in the refrigerator for ten to fifteen minutes. For the mixture to coat the fish fillet, first whisk the eggs in a bowl, adding just a few drops of water, then in another bowl ever so slightly season the flour.

When marinating time is up, drain all excessive olive oil away and place fillet in the seasoned flour till coated. Shake well, then dip into the egg wash till completely covered. Place the egg covered fillet into the grated sweet potato, sprinkle the entire fillet till covered. Gently place in the pre-heated frying pan and shallow fry till golden brown.

Pre-heat half the olive oil in a shallow frying pan. Also, pre-heat the oven to 180`C.

Then, place on a tray and bake in the preheated oven for a further ten to fifteen minutes.

Slow Roasted Pumpkin C roquette IngredIents

1kg pumpkin (peeled and diced) 25kg irish potato (peeled and diced) 1tsp parsley flakes

PrePare: Place all the diced pumpkin and potatoes on a flat baking tray. Sprinkle with parsley, cumin powder, garlic powder, then add salt and pepper to taste. Sprinkle with olive oil and rub all together; make sure the seasoning coats all the pieces of pumpkin and potatoes. Place in a pre-heated oven and slow

1tsp cumin powder 1tsp garlic Powder salt / pepper olive oil to coat Panko breadcrumbs

roast till tender. Once done, place all diced pumpkin and potatoes in a colander to drain away the excess fat. Then transfer to a bowl and mash with a masher. Mold the mixture into a circular shape and coat in the panko bread crumbs. Place the rounded breaded croquettes on a tray and place in your pre-heated oven; bake till golden brown.

Spiceod Sauce Tom at ts IngredIen

eded, , peeled, se 1 ž p oun d toes whole toma and chopped olive oil ) ely chopped 1 onion (fin ) ely chopped 1 carrot (fin celery ely chopped 1 stalk , fin ley flakes 2 tbsp pars ced garlic 1 clove, min paste 1tsp tomato

l opped basi 1 bunch ch to taste salt /pepper

PrePare: Heat olive oil in a large skillet on medium heat. Add the chopped onions, carrots, celery and parsley. Stir to coat. Reduce the heat to low, cover the skillet and cook for 15 to 20 minutes, stirring occasionally, until vegetables cook. Remove cover and add the minced garlic. Increase the heat to medium high. Cook garlic for 30 seconds. Add the tomatoes as well as the juice, next add the tomato paste and basil. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Reduce the heat to low and cook uncovered until thickened; about 15 minutes. To achieve a smoother consistency, use an immersion blender.

Artistically arrange all the completed dishes on one plate and enjoy.


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