CW&L Issue #32

Page 1

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How To Avoid






for men

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LasMay's Classic Editorial Cartoons Las May's body of work, accumulated over decades of ardent attention to current affairs, can stand alongside the best editorial cartoons produced anywhere in the world. The value of Las May’s cartoons rests heavily on his admirable ability to capture the feelings of the wider society. Readers often see their own views expressed in a Las May cartoon and this has, over the years, allowed Las to speak for the people on matters in which the people sometimes feel excluded. This collection of Las May’s cartoons is a vital addition to the growing collection of texts that record the history of this nation. It shows us, in a very pointed way, what we have done right and the areas in which we still have to work hard. We as a people can only benefit from the contents of this collection. Lasmay's Classic Editorial Cartoons

Coming this summer!

Title: Lasmay's Classic Editorial Cartoons Author: Las May

CONTENTS Welcome to

jul-sep 2014


Features 26 TRENDING TOWARDS Technosexuality 32

Human Extinction approaches...


Eco Watch: Climate Change, Global Warming or Angry Gods


Autism & Massage Therapy

– Dona Millet, J.P., M.A.


Animal Assisted Therapy: An Ideal Prescription for Humans

– Alicea James

12 The Crisis of Addiction: Prescription Drugs!


15 How to Budget for Back to School

– Clinton Gordon

17 Lessons from the 2014 World Cup

– Shawana Ebanks

20 6 Savvy Tips for Online Shopping

– Alicea James

22 Mommy Diaries: Because Sterotypical

is Overrated!

– Keisha-Ann Sleight

36 Prostate Cancer: The Early Warning Signs

– Dr. Herb Lowe

40 How to Spot Careless Drivers

On the Cover 24 How to avoid ATM Fraud! 26 Trending Towards Technosexuality... 30 4 Dangerous Sex Positions For Men 32 Human Extinction Approaches...


– Paul Messam

EVENT & BOOK LAUNCH: Loving Without Limits Couples Conference & 'Changed...The Journey' Book Launch


44 Summer Skin: 7 Essential Beauty Tips 46 Top 6 Summer Health Risks and How To

Avoid Them

– Meleisa Witter

50 Understanding Asthma

– Alice Green

52 Natural Health Secrets from Around

the World

56 The Versatile Coconut

– By Avi-ann Miller

60 5 Sources of Vitamin D

– Crystal Sutherland

62 Healthy Hair Is...?


– Vanessa Osbourne

64 Alicea's Guide to Proper Office Etiquette

– Alicea James


66 Wellness in the Workplace 68 Do's and Don'ts of 5k Training

– Geneadel Penglas

70 Cayman Connections: Strides towards a Fitter,

Healthier Government

– Cherie Branch

73 Human Trafficking in Jamaica: A Reality

– Sharlene Hendricks

76 Is Your Detox Making You Sick?

– Aneka McKenzie

79 Hot Summer - Cool Summer Juices

– Tamara Bailey




EDITORIAL Publisher Pelican Publishers Limited

Editor-in-Chief Dr. Henry I.C. Lowe

Editorial & Creative Director Meleisa Witter

Editors at Large Mrs. Janet Wilson-Lowe Mrs. Venus McGregor-Lowe

Editor Alicea James

Marketing / Sales Aneka McKenzie

Graphics Art, Layout & Illustration Nicole Williams Shauna-Kay Battick

Photography Pelican Publishers The Caribbean Wellness and Lifestyle magazine is published quarterly by Pelican Publishers Limited in Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies. © 2014 Pelican Publishers Limited No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronically or mechanically, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage retrieval system without written permission from the publishers.


hile it has not been deliberate, it seems we are always pandering to the females (granted that is still highly subjective)! Nevertheless, I thought we would try for some balance this issue and truly represent our men. Have we succeeded? Please do let us know. But whether focusing on the fairer gender or the fiercer, one thing is constant- our desire to give our CW&L readers the best; because that is what you deserve. Summertime is a great time! Time for visiting relatives and friends; vacations at exotic places, fruits galore; great fashion and just great fun! And for most of the world, this summer will be extra special as it is one of every four, in which the greatest show on earth is played. We pay homage to it, as we are sure you’d want us to do. We also offer great information about taking care this super hot summer. And while extensively acknowledging the great fun season; some interesting things commandeered our attention for the cover story and another of our major stories; non-human lovers and our potential extinction! Yes, dear readers…robots will be making quantum leaps when it comes to interpersonal, er, human/robot interactions in the near future. They will be sharing our beds, our technology and may even take our lives. Are we ready for this? We need to start preparing. Trending Towards Techno-sexuality; Sex with Robots? and Human Extinction Approaches... provide interesting information about what is happening and what is predicted to happen in the field of robotics and artificial intelligence.

But as one article pointed out, in some regards, the future is already here.

Meleisa Witter

Editorial & Creative Director






l a b Glo

G n i m r Wa ds?

o G y r g n or A

For the third day in a row, there has been not even a drip of water from the pipe. Even the water closet is now dry. Out in the street, as the dust swirls several feet in the air, you shudder to think about how dirty your skin and hair are getting and there will be no water in the pipe later for a decent shower after this onslaught. Who is to be blamed? Some say climate change, others global warming and of course, others think God is angry with us!



Are the answers posited one and the same, or are they different? The terms global warming and climate change seem to be used interchangeably pretty often. Should this be so? Climate change is defined as the “natural change in global temperat u res over t i me.� (About.Com Weather)

More specifically, a change in Earth's energy budget can result in both increases and decreases in global temperatures. Climates always change. Climate change occurs naturally on earth for several reasons including the Milankovitch Cycle (Milankovitch theory describes the collective effects of changes in the Earth's movements upon its climate), volcanic eruptions, natural variance, changes in ocean circulation, rate or capacity to reflect light and even tectonic activity. All of these events can explain why tropical and subtropical fossils can be found far more northward than the present-day tropical regions. It must be clear that climate change can and does occur. Historical data and carbon dating information show that before humans existed, climates have changed both regionally and globally. On the other hand, About.Com Weather defines Global warming “as the accelerated warming of Earth due to an increase in greenhouse gases, particularly from the burning of fossil fuels.� The increased warmth is measurable in the Earth's atmosphere and oceans. In addition to the actual increase in temperature, the effects of global warming are evident around us everywhere. Stop and take a look around you. What do you see and feel? Heat waves, forest fires, increasing threats from insect borne diseases, retreating ice caps and thinning glaciers, dry lakes and acidified oceans, coral bleaching, and rising sea-level, decrease

in habitat for animals as well as extinction of many species, global temperature rising, shifting weather patterns, increased flooding and increased drought, storms and hurricanes outside the hurricane belt, and more. And

the saddest part in all of this is that humans are responsible. Global warming, in a nutshell, is the human-induced rise in global temperatures. In the media, the terms are often used interchangeably. This should not be practiced, as explained above, the two are not the same. One thing is certain; the Earth will continue to get warmer if we

continue to do things the way we are now doing them. The deforestation, high consumption of fossil energy and general lack of concern for our world will continue to have worsening tangible impact on us and the systems it support. In fact, even this drought can most certainly be correctly attributed to global warming.

Here are some simple ways in which you can play your small role in energy conservation and stop global warming:

in a smaller home * Live Ditch the jacket and tie *during the warm months. Let’s have Casual August instead of Casual Friday.

on your pans *ThePutheata lidof evaporation to

keep water boiling is quite high.

raw food *YouEatwillmore absorb fewer calories

and take more time chewing; obesity is on the rise anyway.

cold baths * Take windows for light * Use during the day Go to sleep at night * Use a towel to dry hair * Import less stuff * Ride a motorcycle * to work more business * Hold meetings virtually.










drug abuse causes the

largest percentage of

deaths from drug overdosing!

Environmental Health Foundation

Wellness & Positive Lifestyle Awards 2014


everal distinguished Jamaican individuals and companies were recently awarded for their contribution to the health and wellness industry at the Environmental Health Foundation’s 10th Annual Wellness & Lifestyle Awards Ceremony & Dinner. The event took place on April 30, 2014 on the lawns of Eden Gardens Wellness Resort and Spa in Kingston. The recipients of this year’s awards included: Deika Morrison, Spartan Health Club, Kelly Tomblin, Source Farm Foundation and EcoVillage

Deika Morrison received the award for her contribution to Educational Wellness, specifically, for her role in early childhood development, through the establishment and implementation of Crayons Count, which benefits over 2,600 institutions and 130,000 children annually through much needed, age appropriate educational resources. For promoting wellness, healthy lifestyles and physical fitness in Jamaica for almost 40 years,

Spartan Health Club & Wellness Centre, was

recognized and awarded for their contribution to physical wellness.



Source Farm Foundation & EcoVillage received the award in the category, ‘Environmental Wellness’ for their efforts in preserving wildlife and botanical habitat; creating a lifestyle that regenerates rather than diminishes the integrity of the environment; and for educating persons about organic farming, renewable energy technologies, and sustainable building. The surprise of the night however, was the special designation bestowed upon Kelly Tomblin, President and CEO of Jamaica Public Service Company Ltd, as EHF’s Wellness Ambassador 2014. Ms. Tomblin received this designation because of her holistic approach to wellness and positive lifestyle. She persistently promotes energy efficiency and conservation, and demonstrates her transformational leadership skills both in her corporate and personal environment. She encourages her staff to keep a healthy work-life and portrays her dedication to proper nutrition and fitness. If all those weren’t enough examples of how much Ms. Tomblin embodies wellness, she consistently cherishes and nurtures mental growth and stimulation and encourages others to do so.

How to

budget or k-to ac B sc l hoo f

by: Clinton Gordon

Well it’s almost that time of the year again, no not Christmas, the other time... back to school. It’s a time when money is stretched in different directions to cover all the bases; unless it was budgeted in advance.



eing financially prepared can reduce or eliminate the effects of mental, emotional and physical exhaustion. This may occur from trying to generate the funds to cover important items on the ‘back to school’ checklist; you did prepare the back to school checklist….right?

Preparation begins with the creation of a budget to handle the upcoming spending for the new school year. This is called forecasting, it should provide an idea of what future expenses will be. One easy method to accomplish this task is to tally all the expenses from last year’s school term; it may sound a bit tedious but remember this, ‘success favours preparation.’ To help with the estimation of the upcoming expenses, review last year's receipts. Also, check bank account statements for the last school period so you have an idea what your objectives will be. Please note that this figure will change based on new requirements and inflation, but it provides a platform to arrive at an initial target. You may be alarmed at the final figure, but for peace of mind remember that this is not a one-time payment and will be broken down monthly, weekly and daily. The next move will prepare you for surprise items that were not on last year’s list of purchases.


do systematic allocations rather than wait until the last minute and maintain it in an account specifically for school related purposes. In situations where your income requires more detailed planning and strategizing, you should institute some mathematical calculations to assist you:

TargeT AMounT

ber nuoM f

sr h T n o m In sChool yeA Increase the figure that you arrive at from calculating last year's expenses by ten per cent for inflation purposes and if it’s a new school, include an additional ten per cent just to be safe. This is called a stretch target, which is used to cover unexpected expenses and will help identify the level of savings or sacrifice that will be needed.

Divide the target amount by the number of months in the school year. This will provide an idea of what your average monthly allocations will be (remember that unexpected requests can pop up at any time, so the monthly average may not always be what is required). Include school/education as a heading in your monthly or annual budget under expenses. It would be wise to continue transferring the allocated school expenses to the account during holiday breaks; this will be of great benefit when the new term starts. Incorporate the ‘back to school’ experience into your regular routine. Make a record of the expenses to help with next year’s budget preparations; make notes about what you have discovered and keep track of where to get the best deals

Now that you are armed with your dollar target, the next step is to figure out how it will be attained. Even if you're in the happy situation of having a substantial income that can cover sporadic amounts without hesitation, it is still recommended that you


and discounts. This will come in very handy a year from now, and can be used as a tool to teach your kids the art of financial responsibility.


from the 2014 world



ks n ba E na a w Sha


t is called ‘the greatest show on earth,’ and the ‘home of football’ Brazil, got the honour to host. This World Cup has been an absolute show stopper. Football fanatics from


all over the world and even conservative viewers, have been left in awe as

s from n o s s e

they gather to watch each match; hearts racing, palms sweating, and tremendous hope in their hearts for their supported team. Each game is filled with passion, drive, sweat, tears and often times, pain.



his World Cup has undoubtedly left a few lessons with us. Perhaps the biggest one we’ve learnt is to

neVer underesTIMATe A TeAM.

Costa Rica is a prime example of how less fancied teams challenged the more established ones in Brazil. Not only did Costa Rica create upsets against teams such as 2006’ World Cup champions, Italy; but they were also the winners

managed to score a goal against Ghana and provided an assist for Silvestre Varela in the second group match against the USA.

of Group D, which was considered by many as the ‘group of death.’ Other teams such as Mexico, Algeria, and the USA, were not expected to make it out of the group stages. The ripple effect caused by one such unfancied team showing bravado and determination in unsettling their much-vaunted opponents, has inspired other

But, it wasn’t Ronaldo’s poor performance at the World Cup that left some people disappointed. It was his lack of belief in his team. In an interview after his team’s 2-2 draw with the USA, he admitted that he never thought his ‘average’ side could win the World Cup. (By the way, even Mexico thought they could win the World Cup), so there really was no fighting spirit from Cristiano Ronaldo and his Portugal team.

unfancied teams to follow suit - resulting in the spectacle that unfolded before us this summer.

Another lesson to take away from the 2014 World Cup is that A plAYer’s cluB-ForM Isn’T

AlwAYs A reFlecTIon oF HIs Full poTenTIAl, or the lack thereof in some cases. Take for example, Cristiano Ronaldo. He was the 2013 ‘Ballond’ Or winner and scored a total of 51 goals for his team, Real Madrid last season. Moreover, he helped his club to win the UEFA Champions League. So of course, he was carrying the hopes of Portugal at the World Cup. However, he was diagnosed with tendonitis of the knee ahead of the tournament and was far from his best as Paulo Bento's men finished third behind USA and Germany in Group G. Despite that, he


On the other hand, Manchester United’s flop, Marouane Fellaini, stepped up at the World Cup for Belgium. In the 2013/14 season at Manchester United, Fellaini only managed to score one goal (In Capital One) for the Red Devils. But at this World Cup, we have seen a different Fellaini, who scored a superb header in the 2-1 win over Algeria. His goal couldn't have come at a better time as he seeks to convince his new boss, Louis Van Gaal that he is worth persevering with− when the Dutch National coach takes over the reins after the FIFA World Cup concludes. ‘Belgium is capable of winning the World Cup,’ Fellaini said. (If that proved the case I promised that I would shave my hair).


Now maybe one very important lesson we’ve all learnt in this World Cup (especially us in the tropics), is THe IMporTAnce oF

coolInG BreAKs! A labor court in the capital of Brasilia issued a temporary injunction stating that breaks are required near the 30th minute of each half so players can get hydrated. The breaks are now mandatory when temperatures reach 32 degrees Celsius (89.6 Fahrenheit). Many have argued that these water breaks have affected the momentum of teams with a stronger stamina. It has also been argued that perhaps if it weren’t for cooling breaks in the Netherlands vs Mexico game, Mexico would have probably won. Of course, Mexico is very familiar with the temperature in Brazil, unlike the Netherlanders.

However, not all lessons from the 2014 World Cup were learnt on the pitch. Some were learnt in the bedroom! A Brazilian study has shown that every team at this year's World Cup which abstained from sex have failed to make it past the 16th round, which may dismiss the long-held theory that sex before football is a hindrance to performance.

The four teams that completely banned their players from having sex during the World Cup - Bosnia and Herzegovina, Chile, Mexico and Russia - were all eliminated early. Six of the eight teams which made it to the quarter finals were not specifically asked to abstain from sex, but had put in place specific guidelines regarding the duration and positions players could experiment with.

All in all, it was an eventful, interesting and monumental experience for players and fans alike. The number one lesson you can take from the 2014 World Cup is the

unITY THAT FooTBAll HAs BrouGHT To THe world For An enTIre MonTH.

No wonder it is the greatest show on earth!




Mommy Diaries: s i l a c i p Stereoty ated!




'm a mother in every sense of the word; I clean a snotty nose in seconds, I kiss booboos and make pains disappear without ever having spent a day in medical school. I'm like billions around t he world who a re called mama, mommy, mother; but I refuse to be stereotyped. I have heard it over and over again, the question they ask with a scoff, ‘YOU have a child?’ My proud answer is always ‘Yes, I'm the proud mother of a three year old.’ This question is asked, because many times I’m


Keisha-Ann Sleight

told I’m not a ‘typical’ mother; but what is typical in a mother? I don't wear an apron around the house, I don't wear a house dress and I'm not a walking robotic cleaner that makes everything spotless, and (some will hate me for this) but, I don't wear mom jeans, never have, never will!


others come in different shapes, sizes and personalities; there is no perfect specimen of what a mother should be. After all, we were women before we took on this noble job. I'm a mother and a lover of music. No! Motherhood didn't change that! I love to dance, I like laughing, and I do so loudly. I love shoes and fashion and having fun with my friends, and becoming a mother didn't make that suddenly change.

for her song, titled ‘Partition.’ The fact that she is a mother of a baby girl makes him even more disgusted with her choice of subject matter in her song... SEX! But does being a mother render one unable to be sexual or not utter anything remotely related to sex. I think not; after all it's having had sex that made us mothers in the

embrace all the

marks we bear

lose our femininity too? A f ter hav ing my d aughter, I complained about my wrinkled belly; the lines came as my poor belly stretched under the pressure of a growing baby that eventually came out at nearly eight pounds. The lines were hard to adjust to after having a perfectly toned belly for years. I complained bitterly to a male friend about it, with tears welling up in my eyes, as I remembered the old belly that I loved, and with a look that was truly genuine he said “you are even more beautiful now; you have earned your stripes.”

for Motherhood

first place. So Mr O'Reilly, I would say mothers should embrace that they are sexual beings and special ones too...the ones that brought precious lives into this world.

Recently I read comments made by talk show host, Bill O'Reilly about a racy song by Beyoncé. He reprimanded the singer− who he says is a role model for millions−

There is already so much pressure in this life to look like a pinup model, and then throw in stretch marks and a wrinkled belly and one’s self esteem can surely plummet. Imagine how mothers who have to deal with a changing body feel when someone says, ‘Wow that baby fat really did a number on you.’ ‘Why didn't you work out?’ Or ‘Do you have another one in there?’ With all this to contend with, are we also to

So, instead of criticising or placing judgement, I think we should embrace all the marks we bear for motherhood. I can list a dozen sexy moms I know and heck, there are so many celebrity moms who we all look on and marvel at: Halle Berry, Jennifer Lopez, Heidi Klum, Gisele Bundchen, Jessica Alba and I could fill this page and several others with names. I'm a mom, confident in

my stripes; the ones I have so gratefully earned and I would hope that looking at me, my own daughter will become a woman confident with herself in every way, embracing her own femininity and loving herself in each and every way.


How to avoid


FrAuD! by Tanesha Henry


o you went to the supermarket to get some well needed grocery. Your tray is full of items… well not really, because it’s expensive to buy food these days and it gives some psychological comfort to make several trips just to avoid the big ‘one time’ spend. Now it’s time to pay so you hand the cashier

Very peeved, you make contact with your financial institution and the balance they quote is ridiculous! You start searching your mind to figure out how and when you could have managed to spend that money - with no recollection at all. Chances are, you should quit searching your mind, because the money was very well spent…just not by you.

your debit card. Obviously, she wasn’t properly trained to use the POS machine because the entire transaction should have been done by now. But lo and behold, the stupid machine has declined your transaction - three times now, and everyone is staring at you. Embarrassed and furious, you step out of the line, painfully aware that you are leaving your much needed grocery behind.

In many instances, the advancement of sophisticated technology to make life easy and convenient comes with equally sophisticated challenges. The use of debit cards has become common place today and you can find an automated teller machine (ATM) and point of sale (POS) at every turn. This has opened a whole new avenue for

you to lose your money without a trace and certainly no clue of the perpetrator. Automated teller machine fraud or ATM fraud, involves capturing your debit card number and using it in unauthorized transactions. ATM fraud also includes stealing your PIN which is necessary to complete transactions. The drawback to the convenience of the using a debit card is that scammers are able to manipulate the system and gain access to your funds. There are several ways in which this is can be executed. The most common methods include.

>>Physical theft of your card: physically stealing your card from your purse, bag or car while you are unaware.

>>Double swiping: occurs when the cashier takes your device, swipes it once for your purchase and then swipes it in a second device that captures the card number.

>>ATM skimming: is equivalent to identity theft for debit cards. The scammer places a counterfeit card reader over the real ATM card slot. You unwittingly insert or swipe your debit card through the counterfeit reader which copies and store all the information on a magnetic strip. Small cameras are also installed on or near the ATM to get a clear view of the keypad. This camera captures and records your PIN or pattern, giving the scammer full access to your account. Sometimes a scammer may use a fake keypad to capture PIN numbers instead of a camera.

>>Creating fake ATM cards: generating a new card based on information stolen from banks' computer systems.

>> Shoulder-surfers: when someone peaks over your shoulder as you enter your PIN and memorizes the PIN code for future use.

How to Avoid AtM FrAud

* Sign the back of a new debit card as soon as you get it.

* Do not write down your PIN.

Choose a PIN that is not easily duplicated. Avoid easy combinations of numbers, such as 1234, 0000 or 1100.

* Always check that your card is returned to you after every transaction.

* Watch out for shoulder-surfers.

* Monitor your account balance

closely to make sure there are no unauthorized transactions.

* If you notice a transaction on your statement that you did not authorize, call your bank immediately and follow up with a letter.


Always obser ve ATM machines before conducting transactions. Look out for objects mounted on the ATM or close by. Check for hidden cameras or anything unusual. Notice if anything protrudes from the keypad.

* Cover the keypad while you

enter your PIN so that your hand motions cannot be captured.Your debit card cannot be skimmed without your PIN information.

* For POS transactions, ensure

that your card is swiped in your presence, preferably by you. Do not allow cashiers or anyone else to take your debit card out of your sight. Make sure your card is swiped only once.

* If you are travelling, notify

your bank before you do. Monitor your bank balance while you travel.

* Call your bank immediately

to report a lost or stolen debit card.

ATM FrAuD VICTIMS: What You Should Do


Call your bank immediately. Make a note of the time, date and purpose of your telephone call and the name of the person you spoke with.

>> Follow up your telephone

call with a letter that summarizes the specifics of your telephone call.


Make a report to the police if you suspect you have been a victim of ATM fraud.


a lIttle d n u o s y It ma t It Isn't; weIrd, bu

x e s d n a e v o l s t o b o r h it w ble. are inevita ve and - author lo


Sex with ro

s d r a w o t g n i d n Tre

o n h tec y t i l a sexiu ? S t o b o th r Sex w

ince 2006, various newspaper sources especially those focused on


science, relationships and ‘techy’ news have been reporting that sex with, and even marriage to robots, is definitely on the cards for the foreseeable future. In one such article, The Daily Beast reported

that a survey revealed ‘One in five people in the United Kingdom would have sex with a robot, given the chance.’ More than 2,000 responded to the poll at Middlesex University. Now is as good time to contemplate some obvious concerns: Will having sex with a robot constitute cheating? Will age of consent matter? If people fall in love with robots, aren't they just falling in love with an algorithm? How might human-robot relationships alter human society? Will there be concerns raised about the fact that robots can be perfectly passive and never raise objections; will the users begin to expect this type of behavior from all interactions, including human ones?



hess Master, now Artificial Intelligence (AI) expert David Levy, believes sex with robots is just a continuum in the forward march of technology.

In his famed 2006 interview with Scientific American, Levy had to defend comments made in his bestselling book, Love and Sex with Robots. His book marked the culmination of years of research regarding interactions between humans and computers. His basic idea is that, for humans who cannot establish emotional or sexual connections with other people, robots will be a much easier alternative. His findings and book− which some might find disturbing or at least very futuristic in the main− included some very current information including the fact that ‘Brothels in Japan and South Korea already offer sex with dolls for the same rates they would charge for human prostitutes.’ David also postulated that the desensitization of persons to certain stigmas relating to marriage and sex, as well as the proliferation of gadgets and electronics that the next generation will grow up with, will result in people finding android robots to be fairly normal as friends, partners and, lovers. And, as a result of the speed at which technological advances are being made, the future is almost already here. ‘There's a trend of robots becoming more human-like in appearance and coming more in contact with humans,’ Levy said. ‘At first, robots were used impersonally; in factories where they helped build automobiles, for instance. Then they were used in offices to deliver mail, or to show visitors around museums, or in homes as vacuum cleaners, such as with the Roomba. Now you have robot toys, like Sony's Aibo robot dog , or Tic k le Me Elmos, or digital pets like Tamagotchis.’ H i s v i e w s a re

shared by Tariq Moosa; Guardian news writer who said ‘Books have gone digital; music professionals view CDs as being as antediluvian as penny-farthings; entire careers exist purely online; relationships and friendships are formed and matured and managed via social networks. We order groceries (online) because fridges tell us to. Thus, there is no massive leap to make here: our sex lives and love lives, from finding new partners to even the partners themselves, will get the gloss of modern and future technology.’ Indeed, researchers at Victoria University, for example, think that sex robots will, in many places, replace human sex workers by 2050. Techno-sexuality or robot fetishism is a fetishistic attraction to humanoid robots; or to people acting like robots or people dressed in robot costumes. A less common fantasy involves transformation into a robot. In these ways, it is similar to agalmatophilia, which involves attraction to, or transformation into statues or mannequins. And there is a vast niche world of techno-sexuality out there. In January 2010, the world’s first sex robot was unveiled. Discovery Health observed: ‘[Roxxxy] boasts artificial intelligence, speech recognition technology and a bevy of recorded phrases, making her able to, on some levels, converse with her mate. She also has a personalitychanger, an internet connection to receive software and dialog updates. So it has physical aspects that can simulate sexual interaction; and auditory and visual stimuli.’ Interestingly, Doug Hines, founder of the company that makes Roxxxy, told Discovery that ‘Roxxxy was created in response to a need to address certain health concerns. We came up with the concept of using a robot to help care for – not to replace a nurse – but help people who need extra care at home: invalids, Alzheimer's patients, etc.

It might not be cost-effective or practical to have a nurse full-time with the patient. But the robot would allow interaction with the patient as well as the technology to connect remotely and talk and care as needed.’


When health didn’t pan out, Hines saw the sex industry as another avenue; after all, they had the tech and innovation.


But, is this all a little revolting, or as some have posited, are there many potentially tangible benefits of such interactions. Well, here are some potentially credible positives:


Unplanned pregnancies wou ld become a l most obsolete, as one night stands a nd d r u n ke n, a morou s reunions with ex-partners would become un-necessary with a clean, reliable bot at home.


Chlamydia and other S T I ’s c o u l d b e c o m e diseases of the past.

* Dating a sexbot would

eliminate the emotional fallout of unrequited love. They would most certainly not b e e mot ion a l l y challenged if you don’t call them after a post movie groping.


W hen the of t human need for just a little fleeting, carnal, one-sided pleasure calls, there is no need to tell white lies or manipulate the other party to satisfy the urge.

The typical Casanova will be able to express himself in a manner that he can relate to…one machine to another! And poor unsuspecting females would be spared.

Sexual gratification would be available to people with various physical and mental disabilities

In 2012, two researchers at Melbourne’s Victoria University wrote a paper titled: ‘Robots, Men and Sex Tourism,’ in which they made the case that robots would replace humans as sex workers by 2050, eliminating sex trafficking and the need for underground brothels. ‘Robot sex is safer sex, free from the constraints, precautions and uncertainties of the real deal. The benefits of sex robots are obvious: users would obtain sexual fulfillment with something resembling the target of their desire (assuming you manage to find such a model), without harm. No STDs; no confusion about consent (you don’t obtain consent from your MP3 player when you put things inside it, so it's no different when you put things inside a Roxxxy device); in terms of sex work, for example, there wouldn’t be a worry around sex trafficking or harm to the workers. We'd be worried about glorified furniture, not people (granted, some think of women and sex workers as such, anyway).’ From a psychological perspective, it has been identified that for the roughly one dozen basic reasons why people fall in love, almost all of them could apply to human-robot relationships. With the bonus being, that anything that one desires from his robot partner can be programmed! In his thesis, ‘Intimate Relationships with Artificial Partners,’ Levy speculates

that robots will become so human-like in appearance, function and personality that many people will fall in love with them, have sex with them and even marry them.’ He went on to say however, ‘I don't think the advent of emotional and sexual relationships with robots w ill end or damage human–human relationships. People will still love people and have sex with people. But I think there are people who feel a void in their emotional and sex lives for any number of reasons who could benefit from robots. Other people might try a relationship with a robot out of curiosity. And there are always people who want to keep up with the neighbors.’ Some clear conclusions can be drawn early. Keeping a robot for sex could reduce the problems of human prostitution, emotional issues and others. However, ‘in a marriage or other relationships, one partner could be jealous or consider it infidelity if the other used a robot,’ Levy said. ‘But who knows, maybe some other relationships could welcome a robot. Instead of a woman saying, 'Darling, not tonight, I have a headache,' he could get 'Darling, I have a headache, why not use your robot?’ Sources:

• •

Discovery Health The Guardian



Men's healTh



PosItIons! sometimes men can be confusing creatures, but if there is one topic that defies that trend it's sex. We know

for a fact that men enjoy sex; it’s as simple as that. They talk about sex, they read about sex, they watch movies with sex, they think about sex and more importantly (for them) they have sex. Yes men are sexual beings no doubt about that, and they are often willing and able to try new and exciting sexual positions in a bid to spice up their sex life. While it’s perfectly fine to experiment with your partner in your quest to ‘rock her world,’ you might just rock your way into a position too dangerous to recover from. Yes men, I know this is hard to digest, but some positions can be detrimental to your health, and while you and your partner are in the throes of passion, you might not realize that something is wrong until it’s too late.

so, here are some dangerous PosItIons to avoId: 30


back breaker

I’m not sure if I need to explain why t h i s i s d a n ge ro u s ; I mean, come on; it’s called the ‘backbreaker’ is that ever a good thing? The name alone is a clear hint that this is unsafe. The position starts with both people standing on a bed, before falling backwards in unison. During intercourse you must balance yourself and your partner while bending backwards as she wraps her legs around your neck. Now, unless you are a magician like Davis Blaine with the ability to levitate, I don’t see how you could possibly do this without breaking your back. Thus, the name back breaker. I’m not sure who invented this position, but I wonder if he’s still alive or if his back is still intact. Either way I wouldn’t advise it.


Pogo Stick

This is pretty much a standing missionary position. As the male, you are holding up all her weight, bending backward while having sex. And there is vigorous up and down motion involved, similar to that of a pogo stick. I’m not saying that this position is impossible, but unless you have the abdominal strength of a super athlete like Usain Bolt or Michael Phelps why would you subject yourself to this. Anything this acrobatic (and if you’re not an acrobat) will likely lead to strains or back pains.




In theory, this sounds like loads of fun; I mean which guy doesn’t like a cowgirl right? Giddy up! Well, it might be fun, but it’s also dangerous. You’re lying on your back and she’s sitting on top of you. Rather than leaning forward with her hands on your chest, she’s leaning all the way back. And, herein rests the problem. A study from the University of California, San Francisco (UCFS) explains that the erect penis can be ‘hyperextended’ if you put too much or too frequent downward pressure on the shaft. Over time, this hyperextension can lead to Peyronie’s disease—a buildup of plaques that causes your penis to bend while erect. The study suggests that this can make sex impossible. However, don’t panic just yet, if you are doing this position and you feel a joint-like crack near the base of your penis, it means the angle of your intercourse is a little too extreme, but you don’t have to give up this position altogether just have your partner lean forward to avoid this problem. The further back she goes the more dangerous it will be for you.


In order to perform this position, the guy gets on all fours, facing upward. Then, the woman must somehow straddle him without knocking out his legs from under him. This is an almost impossible feat to achieve because it takes a lot of strength to stay in this position, plus the addition of the woman’s weight makes it virtually impossible to safely maneuver without straining his back or arms. She would have to be very light in weight and he would have to be very quick. I mean, I get that we all want to try new things, but don’t you want to be alive after trying such things?

Information courtesy of


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t is the year 2009. Artificial Intelligence is on the rise. Google introduces a new feature “CADIE” that can read your emails and respond in your

own tone and style. That’s right! Thousands of emails answered while your feet were crossed, hands behind the head on the beach. In the future, AI will work as your personal assistant on your phone and this time you can even speak to it and it will know exactly what you mean, understand the context of what you are saying and carry out instructions for you. WOW. The future sounds great … wait a minute... 2009? That was 5 years ago!





ael W . Mich


by : Ray S

That’s right folks!!! That future has already come and gone. The more interesting part is that for every feature in Gmail, there were some scientists in a University or Military lab cooking up this stuff 15 years before that. One starts to wonder “What the hell do they have cooking in the lab right now?” (You know what I’m talking about, the stuff we don’t get to see.)

I like to use Google and Apple as markers in terms of the things they release to market. Their foray into Artificial Intelligence and the technology used in their products give us a preview of where we are and that some scientists are already creating... innovations that will become mainstream 15 years from now.

But what is AI? John McCarthy coi ned it as "the science and engineering of making intelligent machines" in 1955. In “English” it means giving the devices, software or any machine the ability to learn and understand from mistakes and patterns just like humans do and what is more interesting is the ability to act out what they learned. AI on a basic level is what Gmail uses to show you different ads.

Have you ever realized that the ads change to something closely related to emails you have been sending, almost as if somebody was monitoring what you were talking about or reading your mind? Have you seen how Google can automatically tell you where you live, work or where you parked your car and all you did was just have your phone in your pocket? Have you ever thought about how your phone can pinpoint where you are and determine what you are doing ... better than your stalker girlfriend or boyfriend?

What if the intelligence behind your phone wanted to harm you? It could find you; it would know where you are during the days. It would know your interests, what you liked on Facebook and could probably figure out where, when and how to kill you? That’s right I said it!!! It could probably kill you if it wanted. You’re probably thinking, “Oh come on, we’re just talking about Gmail!!! What are we going to have killer email … is it going to mail you to death?” Shame on you naysayer! Ask Dr. Vonswcheklestein (I just made that up) what he has been working on in the military lab for the last 10 years. We never seem to pay attention to the danger in all these wonderful advancements.

are blown to smithereens...All happening now ... Dr. Vonswcheklestein creating all kinds of things that can be used against us.. The Matrix...good God “Terminator”.. Global Warming.. OH NO!!!! “The end of the world is coming”. Ok it didn’t quite happen like that, but you get the point.

Now to get to the part that really frightens me… drones and robotics. Remember all those movies - The Matrix, Terminator, Eagle Eye, Transcendence and I-Robot. (Actually you should watch those movies; there is truth to them). So, I was listening to a TED lecture recently. The presenter was Raffaello D'Andrea on “The astounding athletic power of quad-copters.” Incredible what these flying robots can do without human intervention. None of our pilots on their best day could fly like those things can. Then I watched USA Today’s “Flying taser drone stuns man with 80000 volts.” Then I read about Google automated driving cars and that Google bought a company called Boston Dynamics that had robots that could walk in any battlefield un-phased until it was blown to smithereens.

NEWS FLASH – it’s humans.

Then my heart started to race and my blood went cold and I said “Stop! Siri knows my everyday move… Google knows where I am and where I work …… Drones tase and could kill …. Robots walk until they

Can you imagine a world, where some “Mother Theresa” really wanted to save the world by stopping the slow destruction of the earth? She decides to programme an ASI super computer which controls the production of drones, robots, military equipment and gave it access to the internet and said ‘Stop anything that is destroying the world.”

We pollute the earth, we consume more than we need, we cut down our trees, we cause global warming, we throw nuclear waste into our rivers and oceans, we create viruses to destroy each other. A Super Intelligent robot will only come to one logical conclusion … humans need to be eradicated to protect the earth…. that goes for you too “Mother Theresa”; throwing your metal soda can in the plastic recycle bin. W hat makes this even more frightening is that they will be smarter than us, stronger than us and last longer than us. Despite what Steve Omohundro’s paper “Autonomous Technology and the Greater Human Good”says about unplugging them, the machines would have already THOUGHT about that!!!! They will go to solar power or find other alternatives for energy (something us humans know and still struggle to do).


They may even do the unthinkable, use humans for energy. I know what you are thinking, “these machines wouldn’t dare, that is immoral and unethical.” You really thought machines would have ethics or morals? Wait a minute, all of what I just described isn’t that the movie Matrix or Terminator ? The foregoing really reeks of the stuff sci-fi is made of. But is it just sci-fi, or a potential reality? Many renowned and prominent scientists fear this IS reality in the making. Computer scientist Steve Omohundro, author of a paper published in the Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence is one among many. His paper, entitled Autonomous Technology and the Greater Human Good, opens with this ominous warning: “Militar y and economic pressures are driving the rapid development of autonomous systems. We show that these systems are likely to behave in anti-social and harmful ways unless they are very carefully designed. Designers will be motivated to create systems that act approximately rationally and rational systems exhibit universal drives towards

self-protection, resource acquisition, replication and efficiency. The current computing infrastructure would be vulnerable to unconstrained systems with these drives.” That is a very nice, scientific, highfaluting way of saying: power and greed are propelling governments and the other powers that be to create robots which will have the capacity to defend them. However, in so doing, the robots are being created of such calibre that they will eventually become much more intelligent than their creators and in the process of developing a sense of self preservation, will kill anyone who tries to prevent their progress. In Our Final Invention - Artificial Intelligence and the End of the Human Era by James Barrat, the author explained “…that humans cannot help but race toward self-aware AI that will destroy us all.” Reiterating Omohundro’s point about fear and greed being the drivers (not said in as may words), his research led him to the conclusion that “Even if one government decided to abandon research into AI as being too dangerous, other governments would continue to

pursue the research regardless of the risks because the rewards are so great. …every government would assume that all other governments are still pursuing deep AI research and therefore any government which fails to do likewise will be left obsolete.” We have already encountered that reality with ASI. Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI): is defined as a hypothetical entity, which possesses intelligence surpassing that of the brightest human minds. Wait … hypothetical? But is it really hypothetical? In 1997, IBM developed a super computer called “Deep Blue” which as it turns out, outsmarted and defeated the Grand Master of chess. In 2011, our living rooms were invaded as the world watched IBM’s supercomputer named “Watson” win Jeopardy. I guess we can remove that ‘hypothetical’ tag from the definition. It took them 4 years between their conquests of the smartest minds. Next year will be the fourth year since that happened. I wonder how we will be conquered next.

“Dismissing hyper-intelligent machines as mere science fiction

would be a mistake, and potentially our worst mistake ever.” Physicist Stephen Hawking



Tried a medical crossword puzzles lately? Here’s a chance to test your knowledge on our skeletal system. Solve as many as you can-by yourself or with a friend.

l a c i d e M CROSSWORD

If you don’t know all the answers, then check a reference book or our solution. Most importantly, stay safe and don’t break any of these!


7. Chest bone

17. Lower jaw bone

2. Heel bone

8. The smaller of two lower leg bones

18. Any of the small

4. Collar bone

10. Entire back bone

6. Smallest bones in

11. Upper arm bone

fingers and toes

bones that make up the back bone

19. Ribs

13. Knee cap 4. Hand bones

14. The larger of two lower leg bones

1. Head or skull

5. Thigh bone

2. Tail bone

7. Shoulder blade

3. One of two lower arm

9. Upper jaw bone

16. Hip bones


bones, spelled with four letters

15. Ankle bone




Prostate Cancer: The Early Warning Signs By Dr. Herb Lowe

Prostate cancer can be a completely silent disease, especially in its early stages. It can grow slowly for years without noticeable symptoms. Sometimes, however, there are important warning signs. Because of the prostate's location in the body (just below the bladder in the lower pelvis), urinary symptoms are common warning signs that something is wrong. As urine empties from the bladder it travels through a tube called the urethra. At the beginning of the urethra− just as it exits the bladder− it passes directly through the prostate. As the prostate enlarges due to cancer or other problems, the urethra is pinched tighter and tighter within the prostate. As the tube narrows, urine has a much harder time making its way through the urethra and out of the body.



There are some urinary warning signs that something could be wrong with the prostate. These include:

Frequency Urinating much more

often than normal.


Having a sensation that you need to urinate immediately.


Getting up to urinate multiple times during the night.

Hesitancy Difficulty starting the urine stream.

Prostate cancer is not the only disease that can cause the prostate to swell. In fact, BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia) is a more common cause of an enlarged prostate, and thus displays urinary symptoms. BPH is not cancer, but is still a condition that should be treated by a physician.

Who is at Risk?

In their booklet, The Prostate Cancer Guide, Drs, Lowe and Bahado-Singh state that researchers are not sure why some men develop prostate cancer and others do not. However, they listed factors that may put you at higher risk of developing the disease:


Belonging to an older age group (usually 50 plus years). The older you get, the higher the risk that you will be diagnosed with prostate cancer.

Family History

If you have a close family member – a brother or father –who has had prostate cancer, then there is an increased chance that you will have prostate cancer.

Race & Ethnicity

Having certain racial origins; for example, for unknown reasons prostate cancer is more common among men of Afro-Caribbean origin.


Following certain eating patterns, e.g. If you are obese or eat a high-fat diet.

The urinary problems discussed above are among the most common experienced by men with prostate cancer. However, they are not the only ones. Other more serious warning signs include:

S Blood in the urine S Blood in the semen S New-onset erectile dysfunction (impotence) S Bone pain (especially in the lower back, hips, or ribs) S Loss of bladder control


When Should You Visit a Doctor? Visit your physician and explain your situation whenever you first begin to experience any of these symptoms. It is especially important for African-Caribbean men and those with a family history of prostate cancer to see a physician, as these two groups have much higher rates of prostate cancer. The warning signs previously listed are almost always abnormal and all need to be evaluated by a physician. This is especially true if these signs appear suddenly. Simple examinations and laboratory tests can be put to use by your doctor to determine whether or not your symptoms are due to prostate cancer, another serious disease, or a less dangerous condition. Your urologist has several modalities for screening you for the disease. Among them is the Digital Rectal Examination (DRE). Many men foolishly try to avoid this examination, but your doctor will tell you that embarrassment will not kill you, but prostate cancer will. With early detection and treatment your chance of surviving prostate cancer is greatly improved.

Information courtesy of

"The Prostrate Cancer Guide – A Resource For Jamaican Men & Their Families" by Dr. Henry Lowe & Dr. Perceval Bahado-Singh

SPECIAL OFFER “The Prostrate Cancer Guide”

25% OFF WITH COPY OF THIS MAGAZINE ISSUE *Applicable only at the Pelican Publishers location


Humor Once a woman invited some people to dinner. At the table, she turned to their six-year-old daughter and said, "Would you like to say the blessing?" she said. "I wouldn't know what to say," the girl replied. "Just say what you hear mommy say," the woman answered. The daughter bowed her head and said, "Lord, why on earth did I invite all these people to dinner?".

A three year old walked over to a pregnant lady while waiting with his mother in the doctor’s office. He inquisitively ask the lady, "Why is your stomach so big?" She replied, "I'm having a baby." With big eyes, he asked, "Is the baby in your stomach?" She said, "He sure is." Then the little boy, with a puzzled look, asked, "Is it a good baby?" She said, "Oh, yes. It's a real good baby." With an even more surprised and shocked look, he asked... "Then why did you eat him?"

How to

Sp t Careless

Drivers By Paul Messam


ach year the statistics for deadly road accidents continue to increase; these fatalities are often caused by careless drivers. Though the majority of our drivers are what we would describe as normal individuals, sometimes circumstances may challenge the mettle of their mental attitude and stability, which are essential to them. Some do not seem to realize that their driving ability varies day by day in accordance with their general outlook on the world and its psycho-social challenges. Examine the driver who has a spat with his spouse before he drives off to work, or the person on his way to a ‘loved one’s funeral. Certainly, neither of these people could be described as being in a settled frame of mind. This change in attitude can affect driving. Psychologist, Dr Leon James, says that driving a motor vehicle fosters a feeling of power on the road. It’s like drivers are in a short race to win at all costs. There are some drivers who get feelings of superiority from driving aggressively. But, aggressive driving can be dangerous, disastrous, and deadly, to say the least.

According to the book, Driving Instruction… According to Aptitude, one sign of an aggressive driver is the absolute refusal



to give way to others when the driver believes he has the right of priority. Paula Davis, an experienced auto mechanic, trained in California, was of the view that some Jamaican drivers are very erratic. ‘Firstly, they are always in a rush and secondly, they are not paying enough attention to the roads while driving.’ According to Mrs Davis, drivers need to make a distinction between careless, carefree drivers and road ragers. There are motorists who speed because they are in a hurry or simply impatient. ‘These drivers make full use of bad judgment and therefore engage themselves in risky behaviour.’ There are some who refuse to yield to other drivers and seek to dominate the space in which they occupy. Horace Edwards, Audit Supervisor, London England, describes many of our drivers as reckless on the road. ‘They have a disregard for the lives of other drivers, there is a total lack of road etiquette; they break red lights to name a few.’ He proposes a proper data base system to monitor tickets, backed up with the use of traffic light cameras as potential deterrents.

Here are some drivers to observe:

4. Driver H: THe roaD Hog

1. Driver DD: Defensive Driver

5. Driver C: THe Creeper

This driver reads the road, stresses consideration for others, thinks before he acts, has the ability to grasp the entire situation, has wisdom to judge accurately, and has admirable traits of self-control. He or she follows the two-second rule, follows and abides by the rules of the road, and acts in a way that protects other road users. He drives to prevent accidents in spite of the incorrect actions of other drivers or the presence of adverse driving conditions.

Firmly believes that very slow or reasonably driving even on Highways is the only sane way to drive.

Disgustingly drives in the middle of the road, to prevent anyone from passing.

2. Driver s: speeDing This driver could be described as the main maniac for the mad motorist crew and is most dangerous. He/she operates as if all others drivers are too stupid, too old, too cold, too everything.

6. Driver W: THe Weaver Careens from lane to lane, passing other cars right and left in a frantic and disdainful effort to get ahead of everyone.

3. Driver T: TailgaTing This is almost as dangerous as the speeder. He follows very close to the motor vehicle ahead, often at high speeds. He can generally be recognized by his angrily, indignant expression after he has crashed into the rear of the car ahead.

7. Driver Ci: THe CuTTer-inner Likes to pass at high speeds. He is always the one that whizzes by and then cuts in on you sharply.

Dr Hame Persaud purports that when a driver is under high stress, the reason for his behaviour is due to inner turmoil. His anger and negative thoughts are all pent up within. ‘Motorist should change negative thoughts to positive ones’ says Dr Persaud. Positives such as love, laughter, peace of mind, prosperity, health and harmony are ingredients to encourage defensive driving.


s t i m e i c L t u n o h e t i r W e f g n h n o c i c n v s u o e a L upL k L co Boo & The conference It would have made you laugh, cry, or do both at the same time. Reverend Carla Dunbar’s 'Loving Without Limits’ couples conference held on Saturday, June 14th at the Knutsford Court Hotel in Kingston, was an unforgettable experience. Under the theme “Rebuilding Jamaica One Marriage at a Time,” the aim of the conference was to help men and women better understand and navigate different facets of their relationships. Many couples turned up to see what all the fuss was about. It would be mission impossible to find one person who was disappointed at the end of the day’s events. Kerie-Ann Lewis-Thombs (Kiki) host of ‘Smile Jamaica’ (weekend) and ‘Entertainment Report’ was the quintessential master of ceremonies for this one of a kind affair. Rev. Dunbar in the first of her three wardrobe changes looked regal in an Afrocentric inspired dress and head wrap, and was accompanied by her husband Nalo Dunbar. She began the proceedings by addressing the classic struggle of communication; then raised awareness about ‘love language, financial intimacy and red hot sex.’



Later, Rev. Dunbar reminded everyone why she is popularly known as ‘Professor Sex’ with her in-depth and candid commentary on the subject. A bed in the background helped to set the mood for this captivating presentation. She affirmed her belief that sex is a beautiful gift from God meant to be fully enjoyed within marriage. Thus, a husband and wife should not be afraid to inject creativity into their sexual lives as long as any new activity proposed is consensual and will not cause harm. ‘Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus’; you may have heard this phrase expressing how men and women differ in a variety of ways. Professor Sex engaged the audience in how this difference is expressed in sex.

Entertainment abounded in other forms throughout the day. Singer, Dimario McDowell delivered a rousing performance of the national anthem, and later serenaded the audience with love songs. Gynaecologist and comedian extraordinaire, Dr. Michael Abrahams had the crowd roaring with laughter, with poems about a woman in search of the perfect man and a man’s misleading bravado about his sexual prowess. Christopher ‘Johnny’ Daley hosted a hilarious couples game show, and a variety of fashion shows including a lingerie display, punctuated the day’s activities.

The Book Launch As the evening came to a close, Susan Simes, host of TVJ’s ‘The Susan Show’ initiated the long-awaited book launch by way of an intimate interview with the newly

minted author, who was accompanied by her husband. Changed...The Journey, Rev. Dunbar’s first publication, took centre stage as the audience listened to tantalizing explanations of the stories captured in the book. She painted an honest picture of her life, her early struggles, her many challenges and her resilience in making a better life for herself and her children. After explaining some aspects of her story−without giving too much away, Changed...The Journey was officially launched. Alicia James, Editor at Pelican Publishers brought greetings on behalf of the publishing house. She attested to the deep impact the story had on her when she heard synopses of it for the first time and Pelican’s pride in being associated with the project. Attendees were then treated to a special book signing after purchasing their personal copies.

With a smorgasbord of fascinating discussions, diverse entertainment, delectable food, great company, and humour that threatened to have many fall out of their chairs, it was a day none will soon forget.

Be sure to get your copy today!!!



Research information courtesy of




heAlth rISkS how to avoid them



by Meleisa Witter

ll four seasons have their own elements which render them special. For summer, it is a time for the great outdoors, road trips and picnics. Beach trips are also generally on the summer itinerary. But as with all things yin and yang, the good of summer is balanced out by its potential bad. So, we have highlighted six of the major wellness threats to your summer, if not properly planned for and prevented.

1.Skin CanCer

The ultraviolet rays of the sun is linked to, or said to be responsible for most non-melanoma skin cancers. ensure you are protected when going to the pool, lying in tanning beds and even when going for long road trips in your vehicle, as exposure is just as bad when rays come through car windows.

Skin CanCer FaCTS > O ne pe r s on d ie s f rom

melanoma almost every hour. Skin cancer accounts for nearly 50 per cent of all cancers combined.

>Men are diagnosed with skin

cancer more often than women. Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in men over age 50.


Men are twice as likely to develop skin cancer as women. Skin cancer is more common than prostate cancer, lung cancer, and colon cancer in men over 50.

> Skin

cancer is the most com mon for m of ca nce r. Over one million people are diagnosed with skin cancer each year.

>If caught early, skin cancer is usually treated easily. Skin cancer is more common in people who:

* Have spent lots of time in the sun or have been sunburned.

* Have fair skin, hair and eyes. * Have a family member who has had skin cancer.


Food PoiSoning

Food poisoning is a term applied to illnesses acquired by consuming contaminated food.

or parasites. Food poisoning can also be caused by the toxic substances that these microbes produce, or by natural contaminants that occur in foodstuffs. During summer time, food becomes more susceptible as there are many picnics which result in food being left unrefrigerated and even uncovered for longer, and the warmth of the sun or general temperature encourages the bacterial spread. Most bacteria grow best and increase in number in a moist environment between 5°C and 60°C - a range of temperatures known as the ‘growth’ or ‘danger’ zone. Colder or hotter than this, means those bacteria cannot grow effectively. Food poisoning bacteria are found in most prepared foods including meats and dairy products.

There are many bugs that can cause food to become contaminated; including microbes such as bacteria, viruses, moulds, yeasts


TiPS For dealing WiTh Food PoiSoning:

* Avoid Dehydration

Drink plenty of fluids and coconut water if it is available.

* Medical assistance

Visit your physician or medical practitioner if you have any of the symptoms of food poisoning.

* report it

If you think that your illness was caused by food prepared outside the home, report the incident to your local health centre.


eye daMage

UV rays in sunlight can damage your eyes. If you are out in the sunlight in the summertime, be sure to wear sunglasses that filter out UV light. Otherwise, your sunglasses are opening up your pupils by making things darker, which actually

lets in more UV rays, not less. Be sure your sunglasses filter out 100 percent of UV light and be sure to wear them, especially around water, which can reflect a tremendous about of light to your eyes. Ultraviolet a and Ultraviolet B light can cause cataracts and eyelid cancers and are believed to play a part in macular degeneration, a major cause of vision loss for people over age 60. High-Energy Visible Light (HEV light)/Blue Light: HEV light – high-energy visible light in the violet/ blue spectrum is a potential contributor to cataracts and other serious eye maladies. Blue light can damage the retina over time, leading to macular degeneration. The retina is the membrane where images are formed and transmitted to the brain. The macula, the region of sharpest vision located near the center of the retina, is the most likely area to be damaged.

Light eyes are at increased risk for skin cancer and certain eye diseases because they contain less of the protective pigment melanin. Excessive UV exposure from the sun or tanning machines can burn the cornea, the clear refracting surface that admits light and images to the retina.

BeST deFenSe Lenses that absorb/block 99 to 100 percent of UVA UV offer strong defense against eye and eyelid damage; they should be worn year-round in the sun. Even on overcast days, UV can penetrate through clouds and haze. Wearing a hat with at least a three inch (3�) brim all around can block up to half of all UVB rays from your eyes and eyelids. Hats or tinted visors also help block UV from entering your eyes from above. Since sunglasses and hats cannot cover your entire face, sunscreen is also important. Also, whenever outside, seek shade, especially between 10 am and 4 pm.


droWning Pool related accidents lead the way in drowning incidents; boating accidents are next and lack of supervision is the main cause for drowning in children. About one in five people who die from drowning are children 14 and younger. Some contributing factors are lack of swimming ability, lack of barriers and lack of close supervision while swimming.

ensure their summer is fun but safe by observing the following:


Ensure there is constant, adult supervision around any body of water.

* Take Swimming Lessons – Formal

swimming lessons can protect young children from drowning.

* Teach basic water safety tips. * Learn CPR. * Ensure those beach and river trips

factor in adequate supervision for all non-swimmers.


dehydraTion Another force to be reckoned with during summer is dehydration. With temperatures soaring, much fluid is lost through sweating as our internal machines aim to amp up the cooling process. But we are made mostly of water and water is highly essential to the important transportation functions in our system; so dehydration is to be avoided.

As we prepare for the rising temperatures, please note: Thirst pains are real Chronic joint pain, headaches and gastric ulcers can often spell d-e-h-y-d-r-at-i-o-n. Water is needed to carry acidic waste away from cells, and when we’re dehydrated, these wastes don’t get carried away, leading to our nerves interpreting the acidic waste as pain. if you’re tired, it may be dehydration Lowering of water levels in the body have been found to cause loss in energy, fuzzy thinking, slower metabolism, reduced cognitive function, headaches and fatigue. allergies and asthma can be linked to dehydration Dr. Batmanghelidj found that when the body is dehydrated, histamine begins to ration water, which in turn increases histamine and the allergic response and lowered immunity. Chronic dehydration triggers a histamine release in asthma sufferers, which leads to inflammation and bronchial constriction.


UnSaFe Sex

Maybe it is because the devil really finds work for idle hands, but a lot of hanky-panky does take place in the summer. Nothing is inherently wrong with summer love...well except that statistics show that less caution is taken at that time and young lovers are more likely to engage in unsafe sex. We can only hope they will not continue to throw caution to the wind. So if you find a summer love and you insist on giving in to

hoW MUCh WaTer do yoU need? A good basic rule of thumb is to take your body weight (in pounds) and divide it by two. This is the number of ounces of water that you should be drinking each day. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, you will need 75 ounces of water per day. Divide this by eight to get the number of eight-ounce glasses you should be drinking. Of course some other factors such as lifestyle and health conditions will also determine intake.

that it safe.

information courtesy of 1.

Dr. Rodriguez-Sains-reconstructive surgeon, ophthalmic oncologist, and ophthalmologist. He is also a Clinical Assistant Professor at NYU-Langone Medical Center and a professional member of The Skin Cancer Foundation.





“Skip the symptoms, not the fun!”

As the school year draws to an end and the temperature rises, both children and parents look forward to sunshine and the pleasures of summer. However, it may not be all fun and sunshine for every one in six children whose summer may include wheezing, coughing and trouble breathing. The joys of summer can be challenging for those suffering from Bronchial Asthma. The long days outdoors may expose them to triggers such as increased pollen and allergens from blossoming plants and trees, and increased air pollution on some especially hot summer days.

What is Asthma? To fully understand asthma is to understand the working of the airways; these are tubes that carry air in and out


of the lungs. Persons with asthma have inflamed airways. The inflammation makes them swollen and sensitive, hence very reactive to certain substances, (usually inhaled) known as triggers. When the airways come in contact with these triggers, the muscles around them tighten, narrow and lessen the flow of air into the lungs. As the swelling worsens, the airways become even narrower, causing them to make more mucus than usual and the stickiness of the mucus further narrows the airways. This chain reaction can lead to what is commonly referred to as an asthma attack. As a result of this, asthmatic persons are usually easily tired from physical activities, such as, running, playing sports, walking up stairs and may even


display symptoms when laughing really hard. Asthma symptoms during an attack vary, but often include: shortness of breath, painful tightening in the chest, struggling to breathe and wheezing. Common triggers include: dust, pollen, strong odors, weather changes, viral infections and smoke. Some foods such as shellfish, soybean and nuts can also trigger asthma. Although asthma requires a lot of attention, asthmatics don’t have to be sidelined. With proper treatment, most persons with asthma can avoid attacks, experience fewer symptoms, be physically active, and enjoy summertime. Here are some easy ways to help you breathe easier so you don’t miss out on the fun this summer:

Establish and maintain a close relationship with your doctor/pediatrician. Communicating regularly with your doctor will make it easier to seek immediate assistance in the case of an attack. Partner with your doctor to create a working action plan. An action plan should outline in detail what should be done to control the symptoms on a daily basis and what to do in case of an attack. Provide copies of the action plan to your babysitter, daycare, family members or even camp counselors; all the persons who routinely care for your child. Have your child change his or her clothes after being outside, and wash sheets frequently. To avoid attacks, avoid outdoor activities when pollen counts are high or the air quality is expected to be low.

Ensure that medications are being taken as prescribed and on time.

Try and avoid being outside at the times of day when the sun is hottest from around 10am to 4pm. Persons with severe asthma should try and stay away from chlorine treated indoor swimming pools, as the chlorine in the water might lead to an attack. If your asthma is not so severe and you decide to go swimming on a hot day, whether you go to a pool, beach or the river. Allow your body to cool down first, as the sudden transfer from hot to cold might trigger an attack. Keep an inhaler with you at all times. If you notice symptoms that indicate a possible attack, use it to relax the muscle in the airways. However, if you have to be using your inhaler too frequently, contact your doctor.

Remember asthma cannot be cured, so even when you feel fine, you still have it. You should still try your best to avoid triggers at all times. With the easy steps outlined above, you should be able to breathe this summer, literally; not worrying about sudden attacks. If an attack should occur, you should be fully equipped and ready to ease the symptoms and get back to your regular scheduled routine. Don’t let your symptoms take the joy out of summer. With proper control and monitoring, you can skip the symptoms and enjoy the fun.






Migraine Headaches Migraine headaches are usually associated with sensitivity to sound, light and certain scents and more and more people seem to be suffering from this sickness without much option for its relief. In addition, some sufferers may experience nausea or vomiting. Pain from a migraine is often felt only on one side of the head but in some cases, it may be felt on both sides. There doesn’t seem to be many options in the case of over-the-counter drugs for this ailment, but there are some natural remedies that might prove helpful.


Although these nuts are indigenous to Western Asia and North Africa, they are readily available in other international markets. Along with a variety of health benefits, almonds have a pain relieving ingredient that is similar to aspirin and can be taken to relieve migraine.

Fish Oil

Omega-3 fish oils contain natural anti-inflammatory properties that can help to ease migraine headache without the need for aspirin (which reportedly can aggravate the condition). Fish oil is used in many parts of the world including the United States and many Caribbean islands.


This is a natural sedative and anti-spasmodic analgesic. Use two parts virgin olive oil and one part lavender and massage it on your temples to get some relief from your migraine.


Ginger relaxes muscle spasms and lessens the tightness brought on during a migraine. So stock up on your ginger just in case a migraine should pop up. Ginger is a staple in many Asian cuisines and is

also quite popular in tropical countries such as Jamaica. It can be stored fresh in the freezer for many months.


Some migraine sufferers may be victims of magnesium deficiency. So if you’re prone to migraines try to include some magnesium in your diet.

Muscle Aches Even the greatest athletes suffer from muscle aches every now and then. And for the rest of us, well, we tend to get more muscle aches during the summer as we try to work on that bikini body. But whatever your reasons for working out; chances are, if you haven’t done so in a while, you will initially feel some aches and pain. Fret not though; there are lots of natural health secrets for that.


Russians recommend a mixture of chopped onions and honey to soothe muscle aches. The concoction is directly applied to the area, not taken internally.

some natural remedies used to diffuse stress.


In Chinese tradition it is believed that celery has a mild sedative; therefore it is used for treating stress. The process is simple, just mix some fresh celery juice with honey and enjoy.

Tea tree oil

Australian tea tree oil is often used as an ailment for sore muscles by massaging the oil into the sore area; this increases blood flow to the underlying muscle.


The British use vinegar compresses to relieve muscle aches. Soaking in a bathtub of hot water with two cups of vinegar for 30 minutes, will help relieve a minor backache and soothe sore muscles. Or, ease the pain of a leg cramp or body cramps by using a rag soaked in full-strength vinegar as a compress.


Some years ago scientists in Germany discovered that cherries contain minute amounts of a sedative chemical. For this reason, feel free to add some cherries to your fruit platter or opt for a glass of cherry juice when you feel thirsty. Lemon- The Japanese use lemon oil with an aroma lamp to ease both emotional and psychological stress. Also, aromatherapy advocates say the scent of lemons can have a powerful effect on your state of mind.

Stress Ginger

In Japan, ginger is used to make ginger-oil and is often applied directly to sore muscles in order to relieve tightness. In order to make ginger oil, grate some fresh gingerroot and mix with equal parts olive oil into a bowl. Massage into the skin and voila! Asians also incorporate ginger into their baths; the healing liquid soothes pain and the aromatic scent will delight your senses.

Let’s keep it real; whether you are a stay at home mom, work a 9-5 job or, you are job hunting, if it has the word ‘job’ in it, it will cause some stress. Symptoms of stress vary from neck or back pain, headache, weight loss or weight gain. But, more serious manifestations of stress include nausea, panic attacks excessive smoking/drinking, lack of concentration and agoraphobia. Fortunately there are Info courtesy of Natural Health Secrets from around the World


simplex viruses in post angioplasty patients. Additionally, isolated coconut oil compounds, in particular monolaurin, have also been found to be effective against several viruses that are fat coated such as Epstein-Barr virus, influenza, and hepatitis C virus. Monolaurin may also be effective in killing several types of fungi that may cause diseases in humans including Candida.

Anti-bacterial Activity Coconut’s MCFs and some derivatives have also been found to be effective in destroying a broad spectrum of fat-coated bacteria. As such, coconut compounds may be effective in the prevention and treatment of common bacteria induced stomach ulcers, sinusitis, dental cavities, urinary tract infections, food poisoning as well as life threatening infections. Even now, monolaurin is often included in some intravenous preparations to prevent the growth of S. aureus and E. coli bacteria.

Hormone-like Effect Even with all these benefits, scientists are working hard to identify new ways in which coconuts may promote optimal health. Research indicates that young coconut water contains plant based hormones such as phytoestrogen and other sex hormone-like substances that may have beneficial use in instances of hormone replacement therapy and reducing the risk of dementia. There are however more studies to be done on the benefits and applications on these promising compounds. With such a rich nutritional profile, it is hardly surprising that the coconut could have other beneficial applications for humans. As the body of scientific literature grows, it is touting coconut and its byproducts as system regulating, nourishing, and antimicrobial wellness saviors. It is clear that coconut provides a wealth of potential; it is not only eco-friendly but multifarious and has definitely earned the respect it commands in both the medical and health and wellness fraternities. Information courtesy of w Prades, A. Dornier, M, Diop, N., Pain, J. (2012). Coconut water uses, composition and properties: A review. Fruits, 67, 87-107. w DebMandal, M. & Mandal, S. (2011). Coconut (Cocosnucifera L.: Arecaceae): In health promotion and disease prevention. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine, 241-247


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SOURCES OF Vitamin By Crystal Sutherland

In order to maintain a healthy diet, one must consider the importance of vitamin D. It provides the body with the ability to efficiently absorb phosphorus and calcium from the intestines, which help to build strong bones and teeth. This fat soluble vitamin also plays a role in modulating cell growth, regulating cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems and the metabolism of insulin.


The requirement for adequate amounts of vitamin D varies according to age, gender, work activity and heath conditions. However, a lack of this integral vitamin is associated with several health disorders and diseases such as osteoporosis, rickets, cardiovascular related diseases and diabetes. It is therefore imperative that vitamin D is supplied to the body in order to prevent them.

The following are FivE easy ways in which vitamin D may be obtained:

SUNLiGHT Ultraviolet radiation (UVB) in sunlight is a natural way in which vitamin D can be acquired. Its passage through the skin provides the body with cholecalciferol, which is vitamin D3. Inside the skin is a cholesterol precursor called pro - vitamin D3 that reacts with UVB resulting in the formation of the essential vitamin D3. The amount of vitamin D3 taken in from sunlight varies among different groups of individuals. One of the factors which determine this is age. The amount of pro - vitamin present in the skin of an elderly person is considerably less than that present in the skin of someone younger. Harvard Medical School confirms that ‘the recommended dietary allowance for vitamin D for 51 - 70 year old men/women was increased to 400 IU(International units), and to 600 IU for people older than 70.’ Another factor which determines the amount of UVB intake from sunlight is skin colour. Colour in the skin is as a result of the pigment called melanin. Melanin is very effective as a natural sun screen which limits ultraviolet rays’ penetration into deeper layers of the skin. Other factors may include geographic location and season.




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hair is...? by Vanessa Osbourne

I’m sure th at we’ve al l heard the popular q uote, Y


hair is your b eauty

and let’s b e real, for most of us this is so t rue.


our hair can really add to, or take away from your natural beauty depending on the style you choose− or most importantly how healthy your hair looks and feels. Healthy hair is the ultimate goal; stringy, dead, shedding hair can be a nightmare to style and comb. The length, texture or style you choose is irrelevant if your hair is unhealthy. But what is healthy hair? Is it only synonymous with long and shiny hair? Can short hair also be healthy? Luckily we have the answer to these questions and more, so let’s look at some characteristics of healthy hair.



Healthy hair

has a proper balance of protein and


Without both in the right balance, hair will be prone to being dry, dull, brittle and lifeless. Healthy hair has elasticity; you should be able to gently pull on your strands, get some stretch and once released, your hair should return to its original configuration without snapping and breaking. Healthy hair is strong and resistant to breakage, but that is not an excuse to treat it poorly or neglect its care. Protein provides strength and elasticity and helps hair to properly retain its moisture. Remember that moisture comes from water or products that list water as the first ingredient. Oils do not provide moisture.

Healthy hair

has shine. The outer layer of hair (the cuticle) lies flat and stays closed. This configuration allows hair to reflect light and exude sheen or shine depending on the hair type. More textured hair types give off less shine than straighter strands; this is not an indicator of health however, but rather a consequence of the strands’ curling and coiling, thus reflecting less light.

Healthy hair is soft.

This again is a function of texture. Straight hair and textured hair won’t feel the same to the touch, but when hair is soft you will definitely be able to tell. Proper moisture balance through deep conditioning treatments, are critical for achieving and maintaining softness. Soft hair is often smooth to the touch and usually makes very little sound when touched or when the strands come in contact with each other.

Overall, healthy hair is free of split ends and extreme feathering. Feathering is the excessive thinning of hair ends to the point where the difference in thickness with the roots and rest of the hair shaft is really evident. Your ends are the oldest parts of your hair and will weather no matter how well you take care of it. However, when feathering is excessive, splits ends, knots and tangles form, making hair difficult to detangle and causes breakage. This is the reason trimming of ends is recommended for maintaining the health of your hair as well as to promote length retention.

there are many different methods that you can employ to promote healthy hair. the key is learning what works for your hair type, and sticking to a healthy hair regimen. hey, what works for one person might not work for you, so trial and error is unavoidable.

But, now that we have redefined healthy hair, I only have one question to ask,

How healthy is your hair?


Alicea’s Guide To

ProPer office etiquette So you’ve been at your job for a while and as far as you’re concerned, you are the ideal co-worker. You get along with your peers, you arrive on time (most times) and you even work overtime a few days per week. When you add them all up, this means you are doing everything right, wrong! Unless you have a plaque that says ‘world’s best co-worker’ (I think I might get mine soon) there are things that you can do to improve your workplace etiquette. And, once you master these important tips and receive your ‘employee of the year’ plaque, it’s only fair to thank me in your acceptance speech.

communication Sometimes we are bombarded with several emails, and might not always have an immediate response. If you are caught off guard by something in an email, simply acknowledge receipt of the email until you think of an appropriate answer or have the relevant information.

>> Keep emails professional and don’t air your grievances

through them. If you want to resolve a personal issue, speak to your co-worker face to face. Trust me, a misplaced CAPS LOCK, a large font size or a few too many exclamation points!!!!!!! can seem very aggressive in an email. (Don’t ask me why, it just does).


If you call someone who is unavailable, leave a message and wait a reasonable amount of time before calling again. Do


not bombard anyone with ten calls in ten minutes, no matter how important it might be. If an individual is not at their desk or even in the office, then your phone call won’t make them suddenly appear.


If you are invited to a meeting, always arrive a few minutes earlier than the proposed start time; if you are going to be late, you must inform others ahead of time, and you must have a good reason. If you can’t make it to the meeting, you better have a good excuse and communicate it AHEAD of time..


People Skills The way you treat your co-workers plays an integral role in the way they respond to you. Of course, different personalities mean that you won’t all be best friends, but that’s not an excuse for lack of manners. Learn the names of the people you work with, no one wants to be called by a different name; make the mistake once and that might fly, but call me someone else’s name twice and you’re pretty much dead to me... (Wait, is it bad etiquette for me to say that?)


Limit the type of information you share with your co-workers. You might think you have a certain rapport with someone, but remember, one co-worker’s dirty joke is another co-worker’s sexual assault lawsuit (No seriously, the statistics on workplace sexual assual cases is sky high).

>> Respect people’s personal space (and I really cannot stress

this enough), please do not sit on my desk, do not stand over my computer while I’m doing my work, and DO NOT read along with me as I try to catch up on the daily news. (Take five steps back, please and thank you).

office romance Yes, yes, there are beautiful people everywhere, and the office is no exception. There is nothing wrong with finding your co-workers attractive, a little flirting here and there might even boost confidence, but I recommend not taking it any further. There are many negatives associated with office romances, so unless you know that this person is your soulmate and you will die a slow painful death if you pass up the opportunity, then I suggest you admire him/her from afar and try to find your dates outside the workplace. Aside from my personal opinion on this issue, statistics dictate that this is oftentimes a recipe for disaster:


It can interfere with your ability to perform your professional duties. What if you have to reprimand your girlfriend in front of other employees? (You know the couch will be waiting for you tonight, right?)


Working with your significant other in the same office means you are in constant contact with each other. Let’s be honest, everyone needs a little time away from their spouse.


It is hard to avoid accusations of favoritism if you work

with your significant other. What if you gave your boyfriend a promotion? Yes, he may very well deserve it,but others might not see it as such and this can affect employee morale.


If the relationship doesn’t last? Will you still be able to work together?

food in the Workplace Ordering lunch each day gets a bit expensive, so I understand if you want to prepare your own food and take it to work. However, please note that there are some foods that simply should not be taken into the workplace. If it were up to me, I would provide a long list of foods that I personally don’t like and have them banned from supermarket shelves altogether, but since my ‘dictatorship’ method might be frowned upon, I will just speak to general rules.


Do not bring food with overpowering scents to work; I don’t care how delicious you think it is. I do not need my cute outfit smelling like tuna, or my very expensive weave taking on the scent of your sardine sandwich, sorry (I’m, not sorry). Plus, do you really want customers coming into a tuna scented office? Yuck, there’s a reason Glade hasn’t bottled that scent.


There are some foods, that though not entirely inappropriate, can still be a bit smelly. If you heat something in the microwave (such as fish) is it too much to ask that you clean it afterwords? All I ask is that when I reheat my chicken it doesn’t smell or taste like fish,that is all! Proper office etiquette is not as hard as we make it seem at times. Just be as respectful of your coworkers as you would want them to be of you. Be on time each day, be cordial to everyone and understand that we all have to coexist in this space for at least eight hours every day and we need to make it as pleasant at possible. Happy people are productive people and ultimately if we are not productive at work then we are just wasting time- and time is money, honey!

For more of ‘Alicea’s Guide to Absolutely Everything,’ don’t miss the next issue of Caribbean Wellness & Lifestyle Magazine in major pharmacies and bookstores islandwide.

S S E N L L E W in the E C A L P K WO R ner, an exercise Dr Kenneth Gard ch liday Hills Resear physiologist at Ho le in the Gleaner, published an artic s , 2012 titled: Wellnes Wednesday, June 20 at the Workplace. s own how prescient hi He may not have kn ars Fast-for ward two ye observations were. w e Wellness� is the ne later and “Workplac s, ght alongside 5k race corporate in-thing. Ri e ate establishments ar all the major corpor s ng wellness structure focusing on establishi in the workplace.



People are as r YOUNG as thei sP ine." "

It is hard to say exactly which company ‘opened the gate,’ but one thing is sure, many others followed quickly. Not wanting to be left in the dark as to what transpired at these events, CW&L contacted Club Elite, promoter of Digicel’s Workplace Wellness Lunch and Learn, and asked to be included in their scheduled event, which took place at the company’s spacious, ambient location on the Kingston waterfront. When we arrived, other exhibitors were already set up and ready to go. We got a booth right next to some farmers from upper St. Andrew displaying their lovely fare of fresh ground provisions, fruits, and other edibles. As the morning progressed, a disparate range of exhibitors showed up to augment the offering being made to the staff of Digicel. Beauty reigned supreme as beauticians literally set up their parlors to offer services such as, brow shaping, scalp testing and other hair consultation advice, and styling. Makeup was also on offer. Spa aestheticians offered clients information about skin care, while beauty supplies producers had products on display.

A yoga specialist extolled the virtues of yoga and shared with us their adage that ‘People are as young as their spine.’ She also engaged participants to help in demonstrating some simple relaxation routines that can be practiced at work, and have a calming effect. Financial wellness was represented with building society experts providing information and tips about how to own your own home, while another institution expounded on a dynamic way to save for baby’s university tuition. Medical doctors, health food chefs and experts rounded out the repertoire. Of course, Pelican Publishers was there to represent for ‘Wellness Publishing’. Sister company Bio-Tech R&D Institute was there with their nutraceutical line of products and teas, which were well received. Host Digicel was gracious with staff popping in to get their supplies from the exhibitors. Event organizer Simone Rashford head of Digicel’s HR is to be credited for the initiative which sees Digicel staff and external exhibitors benefiting from this exercise on a monthly basis. Of course, CW&L applauds the move and encourages others to come onboard and build the momentum, as

healthy employees are usually productive employees!

“" Workplace Wellness is the new corporate in-thing!"



By Geneadel Penglas

Kingston city has a new fitness trend and possibly a new way of life for some. With increasing frequency over the last two years, 5k fundraiser races, and the number of people that now run for fitness are emerging. 5k’s provide healthy competition among runners and some tangible rewards for those who are fit enough to claim prizes. Running is one of the most natural forms of exercise or God given movement; one needs no special equipment to get started, simply the best supporting shoes. In addition, running at daybreak allows you the opportunity to feel closer to God and have an introspective chat and prayer first thing in the morning. Training for a 5k is an excellent way to shed pounds and maintain fitness. So if you’re on a budget and can’t make it to the gym this could be your next best fitness routine. In fact, I dare say 5k run training can actually make you fitter than the marathon cardio aerobics class! It can build endurance, speed, power and strength. As an avid runner for the past two plus years and usually finishing in the top 20 women for most races, I would like to share a few suggestions to help you get started on the right foot.



Do’s R Ensure you have proper shoes to provide proper support, this will ensure that you avoid unnecessary injuries. R Acquire information about training tips and possible injuries from early on (checkout ‘Runners World first 5k training guide, 5k in five weeks.’) R Join a good running group; they can help to motivate you immensely and ensure that you stick to the training. Some running groups include Pacers; We Got the Runs; We Run Tings and several others− most likely you can find them on Facebook. R If you’re like me and enjoy high energy music to add some pep in your step then, DO use a Nano or similar device to keep you tuned and pumped. R Go at your own pace; like life, each man must run his own ‘race.’ You will find many analogies while training that relate to life’s journey. R Change up the routine to challenge yourself and improve your performance. Add hill runs, hill sprints, interval running and some strength training exercises. R Be prepared for a few minor aches as your muscles and legs become stronger, usually it will pass, and sometimes you may need to ice the spot after a longer run. R Watch your diet. Just like your car that needs various fuels and care to perform optimally, so too should you make sure you refuel your body in the best way. Eat plenty of antioxidant rich foods and pay attention to portions when eating meals. R Work with your best time to schedule runs; however, I have come to appreciate the value of rising early to workout, get it done and get on with the day! At times, evening brings unexpected events that will derail your workout. There are several working moms that workout before the kids have to go to school. This is where the group definitely helps to get you out of the bed many mornings if you struggle with waking up during the early mornings. Eventually, your body gets used to the wake up time.


R Do cross train if you can, mixing up your training will improve your overall fitness and prevent boredom. Stretch routines, aerobics, cycling (real hills or spinning), and swimming are all great options.

Don’ts Q Don’t wear shoes that have done their time. If heavily used, change your shoes every six months. Q Don’t forget to include stretching after running; this helps to build flexibility and relieve tension. Q Don’t do, or expect too much too soon. Temper your runs, find your pace and build-up. Shaving minutes off your time to finish takes months of training, but if you stick with it, you will definitely be better next year! I’ve come from 34 minute 5ks to a low of 24 minutes, but it took two years. Q Don’t forget to do some strength training as well; it helps your endurance and performance during the runs and it also prevents injuries. Q Don’t stop! If you slack off for a few days make sure you get back on track as soon as you can. Q Don’t be afraid to bump up the mileage once you’re seasoned at doing 5k’s (3.1 miles), running six miles once per week will improve your 5k endurance too. To sum it up, you can train, improve your social network with positive people, race hard, and get really fit really fast. Just do it!


ConneCtions: Strides towards a Fitter, Healthier Government By Cherie Branch


orkplace wellness has been coming more and more to the forefront, possibly stimulated by a stressed out global population fighting to recover from the prolonged recession. Several studies have shown that wellness programs in the workplace have loads of benefits for all stakeholders involved, from helping to cut healthcare costs to improving employee productivity and morale. Bosses within the private sector have paid attention to this and the Cayman Islands’ Government is proving that it too has been listening. Greater emphasis has been placed on the governmental wellness policy to encourage its over 3,000 workers to place higher priority on their health.



The 2013 Healthcare Conference, themed ‘Taking Care of Business: A Shared Approach to Workplace Wellness’ had an interactive SWOT Analysis session hosted by Ms Jennifer Ahearn, JP (Permanent Secretary & Chief Officer – Ministry of Health, Sports, Youth & Culture). She pointed out that most of us already know what we must do to live healthier lives, but there seems to be barriers, preventing the transition from putting this information into action. Therefore, that session entitled ‘Turning Information Into Action,’ focused on those action points needed to be taken by the different stakeholders involved in workplace wellness, i.e. employers, employees, healthcare providers, insurance companies and the government. Videos of this and other presentations can be found on the conference’s website:

For anyone who is interested, the 5th annual Cayman Islands Healthcare Conference will be held 20th-22nd November 2014 with the theme ‘Winning the War Against Chronic Non-communicable Diseases (CNCDs).’ This will once again be held at the Ritz Carlton Hotel, Grand Cayman and promises to be very interactive.

There have been pushes to balance the wellness wheel amongst the governmental departments, its authorities and subsidiaries alike. Last year, the Deputy Governor and Head of the Civil Service, the Honourable Franz Manderson (Cert Hon, JP), invited government workers

to join him in training and participating in the 2013 Intertrust Cayman Islands Marathon – an event that is divided into the full 26.2 miles, the half marathon and a four-team relay race. Over 60 civil servants rose to the gruelling task and since then, several other fitness ventures have blossomed. Between the 17th of January and the 7th of February 2014, the Office of the Auditor General (OAG) and Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) partook in a ’Workplace Walk-off Pedometer Challenge,’ where 22 employees accumulated over four million steps, and the top four participants shed a combined 22.5 pounds! ‘This challenge fits right into our objectives of promoting wellness, a healthy lifestyle and teamwork’ the Deputy Governor noted. May 25th 2014, launched the inaugural ‘Deputy Governor’s 5K Walk /Run’ (passionately known as the DG5K), which took place at the Truman Bodden Sports Centre. This event was started by the Deputy Governor to have a government-hosted public fun walk run alongside the more visible corporate and charitable ones. Registration was opened to the public and proceeds from the event went to support former civil servant, Mr. Derek Haines’ own campaign ‘Six4Hospice.’ Currently, Mr Haines is on a one-man-mission to race in six marathons this year and raise one million dollars towards the construction of a new hospice care facility in Grand Cayman. For more information about this special campaign, titled ‘Six4Hospice’ visit (I digress, but thought it was well worth a mention).


workers and a family 5K walk run during the month of June. They have also launched a ‘Best Life Rewarded’ program with local supermarkets and other sponsors whenever members make healthy decisions, like g ood food purchases or participation in fitness classes. There are other facilities around government for balancing the other dimensions of wellness, from the provision of occupational development courses through the Civil Service College, The Hon. J. Mark P. Scotland, JP (Minister for Health, Environment, Youth, and Sports & Culture) accompanying his son across the finish line in Milo-sponsored Kids Fun Run (part of the Intertrust Cayman Islands Marathon, 2013) – photo courtesy: Kelly Holding Ltd.

There are also ongoing weekly fitness activities such as the Government Administration Building’s Walk/Run Club. This club meets every Monday and Wednesday at 5:30pm commencing at the staff entrance of the Government Administration Building (GAB). Membership is open to civil servants and non-civil servants alike and is completely free, ‘just bring yourself, some energy and a smile!’ One simply completes a short waiver and members can receive a 12-week, 5K walk run training guide. The club is subdivided into three groups based on your fitness level and goal. There is the ‘New Movers Walking Group,’ the ‘5K In Training Walk-Run Group’ and the ‘Regular Runners.’ The club isn’t just confined to walking and running. Members can take part in other activities such as the 5am boot camp, the evening fitness classes or Pilates, which are also available throughout the week. There’s also a rumour that Zumba will soon be added to this calendar of activities. Oooo…Sign a sistah up! To top this, members enjoy discounts from a variety of retailers on the island. Now that’s a lot of benefits for a free club!

CINICO booth at its 10th Anniversaryfree Health Screen for Civil Servants (June 25th& 26th, 2014)

to lunchtime Bible Study groups and ‘Health & Wellness Lunch and Learn’ presentations; just to name a few. The Cayman Islands Government has certainly shown that workplace wellness isn’t confined to the private sector. I, for one, am grateful to see these efforts being taken by the governmental leaders and I’m certain the Cayman Islands population will continue to see even greater positive returns from these initiatives.

You can contact the GAB Walk Run Club at for more information. The Cayman Islands National Insurance Company (CINICO), a government-owned insurance provider is also promoting wellness in the Cayman Islands Civil Service. As part of its 10th year anniversary, CINICO hosted free health screens for government




n the heel of what has kicked up a high trail of dust across the media landscape- the kidnapping of over 200 school girls from the remote Nigerian village of Chibok, many of us westerners are left outraged at the bold act of terrorism. Even more terrifying, the leader of Boko Haram, the local terror group which committed the act, has since released a video threatening to sell the girls.




A REALITY By Sharlene Hendricks

Despite the international outcry, much time has elapsed and the girls are yet to be found. And fact of the matter is, the authorities do not know where they are and it is a high possibility that they have been sold into trafficking markets across the globe. Before you take that sigh of relief and thank the clouds that you were not born in a country plagued by Muslim fanatics, just a bit of information – Human Trafficking is a billion dollar industry affecting over 200 countries worldwide, and Caribbean territories are certainly not exempted.

But first, what is Human Trafficking? In the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress, and Punish Trafficking in Persons, drafted by the United Nation’s Office on Drugs and Crime, trafficking is defined as: “the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation.” On the UNODC FAQ’s sheet, sexual exploitation is the most common form of trafficking, followed by forced labour. And as you might have guessed, women and children are mostly affected by human trafficking.


Human Trafficking in the Caribbean The US State Department 2013 Report on Trafficking in Persons, listed 14 Central American countries, including Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago and Guyana, as source, transit and destination countries for children and adults subjected to sex trafficking and forced labour. In that same report, Jamaica was ranked as a 2nd tier country; meaning the Jamaican government does not fully comply with requirements of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act, but is making significant efforts to comply. In comparison, Barbados, Haiti, Guyana, and Trinidad and Tobago were ranked as 2nd tier-watch-list countries, meaning there was an increase in reports of trafficking number and the failure of their Governments to provide evidence of effort to combat the problem. In another report by the UN Global Initiative to fight human trafficking, other Caribbean countries, namely St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines were reported as not having a specific law prohibiting human trafficking.

How is Jamaica combating Human Trafficking? Jamaica’s comprehensive Trafficking in Persons Act, in effect since 2007, makes sexual exploitation, forced labour, and child pornography illegal. The National Task Force against Trafficking in Persons has reported on its website that in the period April 2012 to March 2013, more than 200 police raids were carried out, and 23 victims of trafficking rescued. And recently, a shelter for victims of trafficking was established. So I guess we can tip our hats to the government for their efforts. Nonetheless, there remains troubling yet subtle elements of human trafficking that have yet to be addressed.




he Jamaican government does no t fully comply with requirements of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act, but is making signif icant efforts t o comply." T

The US State Department Report, mentioned earlier, in its round up of Jamaica, noted several areas of concern: sexual exploitation of street children, child labour, and reports of girls being targeted for sexual exploitation within don-controlled garrison communities. The reality of children living and working on the streets of Kingston’s corporate area was stated in the report as a point of concern for NGO’s working in Jamaica. With the increased number of reports of missing children, the possibility of them falling prey to sexual exploitation or forced labour is very high, not to mention other at-risk-youth who fall within Jamaica’s informal economies. The report concurs that sex trafficking in both children and adults is most likely to happen on the street, nightclubs and bars in the nation’s capital. There are also the horrid stories of young girls being targeted for sexual exploitation in don-controlled garrison areas. You might not have recognised the reality of a mother being forced to give her under-aged daughter over to have sexual relations with a don, as an act of trafficking, but it in fact has the elements of trafficking. The report stated the NGO’s are concerned that children from poor families are being sent to live with local dons or “better-off” families with the intension of them having a better life. Instead, these children become victims of prostitution or forced labour, including domestic servitude.


A mot her being forced t o give her under - age d d aught er over t o have sexual relat ions wit h a don... has t he element s of t rafficking."

Apart from the reported numbers of persons trafficked into Jamaica, these are the other forms or elements of humans trafficking that continue to plague Jamaica. So even though we need not fear local devout extremists going into our schools and stealing half of the female population with the intention of selling them, keep in mind that more subtle, miniature forms of human trafficking happen right here at home.


Is your

DETOX making you >>>>>>>>>>> By Aneka McKenzie



With more of us searching for new ways to achieve optimal health, we often decide to give our bodies the extra boost we think it needs to carry out what should come naturally. We often ignore the “if it’s not broken, don’t fix it” adage. However, this is often due to lack of knowledge and can result in harmful repercussions while on our quest for a better and longer life. Detox, short for detoxification, describes a process that can take various forms which many people undertake to rid their bodies of toxins or harmful substances that accumulate over time. Our bodies “vacuum cleaners” the liver and kidney naturally help to remove toxic substances that lead to various maladies. However, we can severely hinder our bodies’ ability to do its job with the lifestyle choices we make. There are many different sources of toxins.



short for detoxification, describes a process which many people undertake to rid their bodies of toxins or harmful substances that accumulate over time.



DIfferent SourceS of toXIn FOOD Processed foods contain additives and chemicals used to help enhance their taste and extend shelf life. This can cause digestive problems, allergies, and contribute to the development of chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension. Eating foods with all or as many natural ingredients as possible is highly recommended.

PErSOnal CarE PrODuCTS Our constant efforts to look our best may result in us not feeling our best. This is because chemicals in some of our everyday products like makeup, shampoos and deodorants can negatively affect our hormone levels, and other functions of our bodies.

EnVIrOnMEnT We can be exposed to environmental toxins such as noxious fumes and other pollutants. Being alert to the presence of toxins such as asbestos or leaky chemical containers, and keeping our surroundings clean are key. Where possible, use cleaning products made with organic ingredients as this limits our exposure to unhealthy chemicals.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As the myriad ways our bodies can come under attack from toxins continue to increase, so too it seems are the number of ways available to cleanse ourselves from these invaders, even if, in some cases we may have invited them. They include: detox diets, metabolic therapy, the use of modified citrus pectin, and colon cleansing; three of which are highlighted below.

DetoX DIetS


This form of detoxification is perhaps the most widely practised. Water fasting often alternated with juice fasting, involves consuming primarily seven to ten glasses of these liquids for three to thirty days. Despite being touted by celebrities globally as a strategy for weight loss and cleansing the body, care must be taken in the practice of this method. With juice fasting, the high sugar levels can pose a threat to diabetics while the lack of protein is dangerous for individuals undergoing chemotherapy for cancer. According to Dr Glenn Braunstein at Cedars-Sinai Hospital in the United States, prolonged practice of liquid diets can be detrimental. This is because it leaves your body starving for important nutrients such as protein and the good fat it needs to be healthy. Symptoms include fatigue, dizziness, and even a weakened immune system. Ironically, liquid diets can result in a lack of sufficient fibre needed to absorb toxins and prevent them from entering the blood stream.


MetABolIc therApy

The Gerson Therapy is a well-known form of this therapy developed by Dr Max Gerson in the 1930s. It offers a more balanced approach in which a combination of freshly made juices, a vegetarian diet, and supplements are used to help super charge the body’s immune system. A coffee enema is also used in helping the liver to rid itself of toxins. However, as with most detox strategies, lack of knowledge regarding its application can be dangerous. Reactions to certain foods and medication can be adverse and should be taken into consideration, under the guidance of a medical professional.


MoDIfIeD cItruS pectIn

Dr. Nan Fuchs, an American nutrition expert, warns that detox regimens can actually wind up making your body more toxic. Detox methods tend to extract toxins out of your body’s fat cells causing them to enter your bloodstream. This can then result in blood pressure and blood sugar related problems, sexual dysfunction, and can endanger the health of vital organs. She highly recommends the use of modified citrus pectin as an effective detox method without potentially dangerous side effects. Made from the inner peel of citrus fruits and safe enough for even five year old children, this solution prevents toxins from attaching to your body’s tissue and organs. So powerful is this method that participants in a United States Department of Agriculture study experienced as much as a 560 per cent excretion of lead and 150 per cent more excretion of mercury within 24 hours of use.

fluShIng out the truth In trying to cleanse your body of toxins, a balance should be observed. Feeling mildly or moderately sick for a short period of time can simply indicate the process your body is undertaking to rid itself of the waste. Conversely, experiencing a lengthy or severe period of sickness usually indicates something is wrong. With persistent effort to eat healthy as much as possible, your body is less likely to need a helping hand. In exploring the many pathways to detox, arm yourself with as much credible information as possible and seek medical advice where necessary. InformatIon courtesy of || || || ||


‘Whew! I think this is panning out to be the hottest summer ever… in the world…in history! Okay, so maybe I’m exaggerating a bit; but be warned; it’s going to be one hot summer! This means you are going to need liquids and lots of it. Yes, water is your best bet and you should drink lots of it. But we can also beat the heat with a variety of healthy drinks that are quick and easy to make. As a trained mixologist, I’ll share with you some recipes I have found to be fabulous for the climate, along with recipes from Johanna Denny, proprietor of ‘Events, Products & Services' located in Mandeville, Jamaica.


MAUBY If you like tropical flavour, here’s a treat; Mauby is a classic drink that you will find throughout the Caribbean. Mauby concentrate is sold under many labels but nothing beats making your own. You’ll need: 4 cups water 10 Mauby barks 2 cinnamon sticks (optional but recommended) 2 (4 inch) pieces of dried orange peel Nutmeg (optional) Place all the ingredients in a deep sauce pan on a med/high heat, boil for 5 minutes. Cover pan and allow to steep for about 5 hours or overnight for best results. For every cup of concentrate add 2 cups of water, then sweeten to your liking – According to Johanna, for the perfect glass of Mauby sweeten with cane sugar , add a drop of angostura bitters and top with crushed ice and a slice of lemon.

Five Finger (StArFrUit) JUice 4 ripe five finger (starfruit) 3 cups water 1 drop bitters Sugar to taste Wash and dice Starfruits, blend with 1 cup of water then strain. Squeeze the pulp to extract more juice, add two more cups water, drop of bitters and sugar to taste and stir well. Serve chilled or with ice. {Events, Products and Services}


MAitAi ¼ ounce lime juice ½ ounce syrup ½ ounce amarita ½ ounce triple sec 2 ounces rum 1 ounce orange juice 1 ounce pineapple juice Add all these ingredients into a shaker with 1 scoop ice; shake and serve.

BlUeBerrY DAiqUiri 1 ½ ounce strawberry syrup ¾ ounce lime juice 1 ½ ounce pineapple juice concentrate Wash then blend a cup of blueberries with ½ cup water. Pour syrup into shaker, then add pineapple concentrate, then lime juice. Add 1 scoop ice in shaker, shake then serve.

cUcUMBer Melon MeDleY 1 cucumber 1 1b melon 1 cup water Sugar (optional) Ginger Wash cucumber and cut into dices, cut melon into dices, add a piece of mashed ginger ½ cup water. Blend. Strain and serve with ice or chilled.


to remove the husk from the clear juice. Pour clear juice in jug, refrigerate or add ice cubes and serve. {Events Products & Services}

MAngo MAniA 2 ripe Julie mangos (fleshy type) 2 ounces pineapple concentrate 2 ounces passion fruit concentrate ½ ounce lime juice 1 cup water Ginger Wash mangos and dice, add to blender, add juice concentrates and lime juice, blend to desired state (either thick or thin), add ginger and add water and blend again. Strain and serve with ice or serve chilled.

SkYliner Shaved ice 1 ounce cherry juice 1 ounce pineapple juice 1 ounce cranberry juice 1 ounce coconut rum (optional) Add all ingredients to a shaker, serve with lemon slices or pineapple slices.

SqUASH JUice 2 cups peeled squash 1 banana 1 squeezed limed 1 cup raisin Half pinch ginger Sprinkle of cinnamon Process all ingredients through your juicer. This is enough for one 16oz glass.

e hot, but b t h ig m r e m m Yes the su k options are in r d s u io c li e these d , p you cool. So e e k to d e te n guara nders, shakers le b e s o th t u o pull t to mixing e g s t’ le ; rs e and juic a refreshing is th g in k a and m summer.

SUgAr cAne JUice 2 cups, skin peeled and chopped sugar cane 1 cup water 1 teaspoon lemon Juice ½ inch ginger piece chopped Take the sugar cane log and break them into small logs, then peel the skin and chop them into small chunks. Transfer chunks to blender. Add 1 cup of water, lemon juice and chopped ginger. Grind them well to a puree for a few minutes. Filter the juice using a sieve cloth


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