Natural Awakenings Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex Magazine JAN 2024

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Natural Health & Wellness in 2024 Poetic M.D. on Healing for the Soul

Holistic, Integrative and Functional Wellness

Metabolic Testing is New Gold Standard


Dallas Metroplex Edition


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NEW HEALTHY BODY! How are your organs functioning??







January 2024


Publisher’s Letter

Thank you to our Community Sponsors


NEW YEAR, NEW YOU, SUSTAINABLE WELL-BEING s we stand at the threshold of a brand-new year, I extend my warmest wishes to each and every one of you. The arrival of the new year brings with it the promise of fresh beginnings, renewed aspirations and the opportunity to forgive, redeem and redefine ourselves. It’s the time when we reflect on the past and look forward to the future with hope and determination. It’s the time when we more clearly see and appreciate the many and wonderful blessings that can only come from our creator—even those wrapped in suspicious packaging. This year, I encourage you to embark on a journey that transcends conventional New Year’s resolutions. While setting goals for career and personal development is crucial too, let’s not overlook the foundation upon which all our achievements rest—our health and well-being. As we are reminded in our owner’s manual, the Bible (3 John 1:2), those things don’t rely entirely upon our physical state; our souls are intricately involved, as well. The phrase “New Year, New You” echoes through the corridors of self-improvement, and rightly so. However, let’s delve deeper and consider a paradigm shift that extends beyond superficial changes and brings us more in line with what we were created to be. By embracing a holistic approach to health and wellness, we can experience profound transformation encompassing mind, body and spirit. In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s easy to neglect holistic well-being. We often find ourselves immersed in the demands of work, family and social commitments, inadvertently sidelining our health. This year, let’s collectively challenge this norm and prioritize ourselves—our whole selves. After all, a healthy individual is better equipped to face life’s challenges, savor its joys and survive and thrive in a world made to provide everything we need to do so. Holistic health goes beyond the absence of illness; it involves every facet of our being. It means making mindful choices in our diet, incorporating regular physical activity, nurturing our mental and emotional well-being and fostering a sense of connection with the world around us. By adopting a holistic approach, we lay the foundation for a healthier, more fulfilling life. As custodians of this trusted publication, we feel a sense of responsibility to guide and inspire you on this journey. In this month’s issue and throughout the year, you’ll find insights from national experts, as well as North Texas practitioners and providers dedicated to holistic, integrative and functional health and wellness. Our aim is to give you the knowledge to make informed choices that will contribute to your overall well-being and help you live a healthier life on a healthy planet. May this new year bring you health, joy and the courage to pursue a better version of yourself. Blessings until next month.

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350 Main Street, Suite 9B Bedminster, NJ 07921 © 2024 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing. Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. Please call to find a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. Check with a healthcare professional regarding the appropriate use of any treatment.

Natural Awakenings is printed on partially recycled and fully recyclable newsprint with black soy ink.

2024 Editorial Calendar January | Health & Wellness February | Heart-Healthy Lifestyle March | Food & Nutrition April | Eco-Travel May | Women’s Wellness June | Men’s Health

July | Keeping It Cool August | Finding Your Tribe September | Emotional Healing October | Whole Body Alignment November | Grateful Aging December | Reconnect & Rejuvenate January 2024


Contents 18

Holistic Medicine's 'Whole Person' Approach Supports Health and Wellness


Purposeful Healing and Zen Body Sculpting


Fitness Tips for New Year's Resolutions


Metabolic Testing is the New Gold Standard



Holistic, Functional Medicine and Thermography

28 Sharon Bruckman on Celebrating a Labor of Love


30 Thyroid-Friendly Eating




34 Poetry Inspires Spiritual Wellness

35 Letting the Seasons Enrich Us

10 News Briefs 14 Health Briefs 16 Global Briefs 20 Business Spotlight

22 Fit Body 24 Therapy Spotlight 26 Healing Ways 28 Wise Words

30 Conscious Eating 34 Inspiration 36 Calendars 42 Resource Guide

Advertising & Submissions HOW TO ADVERTISE To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please contact us at 972-992-8815 or email Deadline for ads: the 10th of the month. EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS Email articles, news items and ideas to: Deadline for editorial: the 10th of the month. CALENDAR SUBMISSIONS Submit Calendar Events online to: or fax to 972-478-0339. Deadline for calendar: the 15th of the month.


Dallas Metroplex Edition

REGIONAL MARKETS Advertise your products or services in multiple markets. Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp is a growing franchised family of locally owned magazines serving communities since 1994. To place your ad in other markets call 972-992-8815. Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. Please call to find a location near you or if you would like copies placed at our business. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services

advertised. Check with a healthcare professional regarding the appropriate use of any treatment .

Corrections & Clarifications Natural Awakenings Dallas is committed to accuracy. To reach us, contact the Publisher, Bernice Butler at 972-992-8815 or email editor@NADallas. com. Please indicate whether you’re responding to content online or in the magazine.

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January 2024


News Briefs

EarthX Summit

The eighth annual E-Capital Summit, held from April 23, 24 and 25 in Dallas, will comprise five main events: Investment Forum (April 24): Conference with engaging discussions on investment and industry trends. E-Capital Connections: Venture Capital/Growth Equity/Private Equity (April 25): Curated and self-chosen one-on-one dealmaking meetings focused on venture capital, growth equity and private equity investments between vetted investors, innovators,and dealmakers.

Abundant Life Wellness Center Celebrates 15 Years

E-Capital Connections: Funds/LPs (April 25): Networking event focused on filling an important capital gap, connecting private investment firms and fund managers with fund investors including endowments, foundations and pension funds.

Abundant Life Wellness Center offers education through social media and newsletters. Owner and naturopath Jennifer Trejo says, “We have highly qualified practitioners, and provide top-level customer service for all of our services under one room.” Abundant Life opened in January 2009 with Trejo and her sister, who served as office manager. To celebrate the milestone, Abundant Life will have weekly giveaways and discounts during the month of January

E-Commercialization Connections (April 25): Sales-focused event connecting innovators with potential customers and commercialization partners from leading corporations. EarthX Climate Tech Prize: Highly competitive pitch competition where early-stage startups compete for a cash prize. Over the past seven years, the invitation-only E-Capital Summit has convened more than 2,750 participants from over 25 countries, including active participation from more than 330 leading investors and more than 400 emerging innovators. Register at

Trejo’s desire to help people find the root cause of their health concerns using functional medicine by using holistic and natural products and modalities has never changed. She attests that the growth of the business and the thousands of people she has been able to help has been the biggest blessing over the years. Abundant Life now has four naturopaths, a nutritionist, a neurofeedback counselor, a holistic esthetician, IV room and many detox services, all under one roof. Location: 3100 N. Tarrant Pkwy., Ste.104, Fort Worth. For more information, call 817-229-0718, email Jennifer@ or visit to sign up for anniversary giveaways. 10

Dallas Metroplex Edition

Could your Weight, Mood, Sleep, and Energy Issues be Caused by Imbalanced Hormones? From fatigue and irritability to headaches and weight gain, it may be surprising to learn that these and other often-debilitating, ongoing ailments may be the result of hormone imbalances.

What are Hormones?

Hormones are chemical messengers that impact not only hunger, digestion, and immune function, but also reproduction, metabolism, blood sugar, and even emotions and mood. Imbalanced hormone levels are most commonly the culprit for the hot flashes that many women experience during menopause. However, it’s a newer concept for people to bring hormones into question when pondering potential causes such as sleeplessness, fluid retention, headaches, so-called “brain fog” and decreased libido, as well as struggling to shed excess pounds despite following strict diet and exercise regimens.

Is Stress Causing Weight Gain?

One of the main culprits of imbalanced hormones is stress. But not just mental stress. When we are under

*Actual clients. Results may vary.

Soraya lost 25 lbs.


lost 35 lbs. chronic stress – be it a demanding job, shuffling kids around, excessive exercising, lack of sleep, too much caffeine, nutrient deficiencies, toxins, artificial lights, chronic pain, the typical American diet high in sugars and processed foods, or all of the above – our bodies pump out a hormone called cortisol to buffer stress on the body and to protect us. Not only can high levels of cortisol lead to insulin resistance and inflammation, but it can create an imbalance between estrogen and progesterone (known as estrogen dominance).

When hormones are out of balance, even if you’re eating “right”and working out, it can be virtually impossible to burn fat efficiently. At BeBalanced, we offer a unique, natural approach to correct these hormone imbalances, helping women to lose stubborn weight, eliminate or reduce menopausal symptoms, sleep better, have more energy, and feel like themselves again! We do this through easy-to-follow protocols, helping our clients move the scale when it seems “stuck”, and provide tools to help keep the weight off long-term. Could imbalanced hormones be holding you back? Start by scheduling a free in-person or virtual consultation today at

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News Briefs

Heard Museum Zip Line Days

Saddle Up for the Rodeo

During the Zip Line Days at the Heard Museum, of Natural Science & Wildlife Sanctuary in Mckinney, guests will climb up a new dual platform and then proceed to a 487-foot zip line that will take them through a beautiful forest and prairie. Zip Line Days are scheduled from 1 to 4 p.m., January 14, February 3 and February 18. The Zip Line Days are part of the Heard Museum Ropes Course, which offers various elements and challenges for groups and individuals. The ropes course can also be scheduled for custom programs for groups of 10 or more persons. The nonprofit Heard Museum aims to bring nature and people together through events and educational opportunities in its 289acre nature preserve and museum. The museum features exhibits, trails, animals and programs that showcase the natural history and ecology of North Texas. Tickets are $12. Location: 1 Nature Pl., McKinney. To register (required), call 972-562-5566. For more information, visit

The Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo 2024, from January 12 to February 3, at the Dickies Arena and other venues, is the most authentic western lifestyle experience anywhere. This event features 30 rodeos, including the Ranch Rodeo, the Best of Mexico Celebración, the Cowboys of Color Rodeo, the Bulls Night Out, the Texas Champions Challenge and the PRORODEO Tournament, where the world’s elite rodeo athletes compete for more than $1 million in prize money. In addition to the iconic mustangs and their amazing trainers in two freestyle competitions, the Mustang Magic there are a variety of livestock and horse shows, featuring thousands of animals and exhibitors from across the country. The Livestock and Horse Sale is where top animals are auctioned to support the group’s scholarship program. Other highlights include the Children’s Barnyard, the Milking Parlor, the Petting Zoo and Pony Ride, the Doorways to Agriculture, the Mooseum Experience and the Vine 2 Win, as well as live music, a carnival midway, shopping, great food and more. Location: 3400 Burnett Tandy Dr., Fort Worth. For tickets and more information, visit

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January 2024



Long COVID has left millions with ongoing fatigue, cognitive issues, heart rate and blood pressure variation, and other debilitating symptoms. Recent findings reported in the journal Nature may help scientists develop a blood test to diagnose the illness. The study involved a cross section of 268 individuals—152 with long COVID and 116 without it as a control group. Blood testing revealed significant differences between the two test groups. Long COVID patients exhibited irregularities in the activity of immune system T cells and B cells that help fight off germs, as well as significantly lower levels of cortisol, a hormone that helps people feel alert and awake. Dormant viruses, such as Epstein-Barr that causes mononucleosis, were activated in the long COVID patients. While the scientists did not find significant evidence that long COVID was the result of an autoimmune disorder in which the body attacks itself, they suggested future studies would be needed to identify immune system problems. They also recommended further inquiry to understand cortisol’s role in long COVID and to determine whether dormant viruses are causing symptoms. Long COVID affects one in 13 Americans, according to a survey by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Researchers led by a team from Duke Health have developed a blood test to detect Parkinson’s disease, which afflicts 10 million people globally and is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder. The illness causes unintended or uncontrollable movements, such as shaking, stiffness and difficulty with balance and coordination. Symptoms start slowly and worsen over time. Until now, diagnosing Parkinson’s relied on a person’s medical history, a neurological examination and observable symptoms. An accurate diagnosis is critical because there are other disorders with Parkinson’s-like symptoms that require different treatments. The Duke Health blood test focuses on DNA damage in mitochondria, the energy-converting factories within cells. Patients with Parkinson’s had higher levels of mitochondrial DNA damage in blood cells, as compared to patients without the disease. The test also detects specific genetic mutations that are associated with an increased risk of the disease, which may be able to help doctors predetermine whether certain therapies would be effective on their patients. Researchers hope the new blood test will not only diagnose Parkinson’s disease, but also identify drugs that reverse or halt mitochondrial DNA damage and the disease process. Photo Volhacredit Barysevich/Canva Pro

Photocreo/Canva Pro


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Since 1945, cities and municipalities in the United States have added fluoride to community water systems to prevent tooth decay. As of 2020, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that nearly 73 percent of Americans have fluoridated water; however, there is growing concern about the negative effects of fluoride exposure. An article in Neurotoxicology and Teratology, a publication dedicated to the effects of chemical and physical agents on the nervous system, investigated the association between fluoride exposure in drinking water and cognitive deficits among children. The study involved 74 school-aged children living in rural Ethiopia. Researchers measured the participants’ exposure to fluoride through samples of community-based drinking-water wells and urine samples.

The study found that a higher SRI was associated with a 20 to 57 percent lower risk of mortality, even after adjusting for various factors such as age, sex, ethnicity, lifestyle and health biomarkers. Sleep regularity was associated with lower risks of all-cause, cancer and cardiometabolic mortality across the top four SRI groups compared to the least regular group. Importantly, sleep regularity outperformed sleep duration as a predictor of mortality risk, indicating its potential as an important predictor of health and longevity. Further research is needed to establish causality and explore the underlying mechanisms.


Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (CHS) is a rare, but growing, condition of repeated and severe bouts of vomiting experienced by some marijuana users. The syndrome is difficult to predict or diagnose at this time, although its prevalence may be associated with the increased use and potency of the drug. Some long-term, daily marijuana users develop CHS late in life, while some young people also suffer from it after a few years of heavy smoking. THC, the psychoactive component of marijuana, is thought to be responsible for CHS symptoms, because it binds to receptors in the body’s endocannabinoid system that regulate sleep and other bodily functions.

Although the exact mechanisms that trigger this illness remain unclear, mounting evidence suggests that prolonged cannabis use can lead to the rewiring of receptors and nerves in the gut and esophageal sphincter, leading to CHS symptoms. Some patients have found relief by rubbing creams with capsaicin—a chili pepper extract—on their arms or belly. Experts believe that the warming sensation created by these balms activates a receptor in the stomach that can calm nausea and vomiting. Aleksandr Kravtsov/ Getty

The study’s authors highlighted the need for additional studies involving children and adults to understand the potential neurotoxicity of low fluoride levels known to protect against dental cavities, as well as the effects of elevated fluoride levels in drinking water. Such research is essential to protect the cognitive health of children and to inform public health policymaking.

The findings from a study published in the journal Sleep highlight that sleep regularity, defined as the day-to-day consistency of sleep-wake timing, is a powerful predictor of mortality risk. The Sleep Regularity Index (SRI) was calculated from over 10 million hours of data from 60,977 participants in the UK Biobank.

Africa images/Canva Pro

Cognitive performance was measured using two assessments: the children’s ability to draw familiar objects and a standardized memory and new-learning assessment. The results showed that fluoride levels in drinking water were negatively associated with cognitive function, and that cognitive deficits were particularly strong among children exposed to high levels of fluoride.


January 2024



Scientists have successfully followed the movements of a 17,000-year-old woolly mammoth named Kik, shedding light on the ancient mammal’s epic journeys across Alaska. This groundbreaking study, published in Smithsonian magazine, used isotopes found in mammoth tusks to trace the animal’s travels in unprecedented detail. The arctic woolly mammoth, which stood 12 feet tall and had tusks up to 12 feet long, roamed the Alaskan interior during the Ice Age. Kik’s range expanded as he grew, covering vast distances between the Brooks Range and the Alaska Range. The research revealed that mammoths walked much farther than previously believed.

Gratitude is the most important human emotion. Are you tired of living life with stress and commotion? It’s time to Live a Lifestyle of Wellness. You have the ability to change direction. Stress management, exercise, nutrition and intermittent fasting is for your protection. How do you start and what should you do? Follow me on YouTube, FB and Instagram. The Dr. CBD and Nutrition Education Series will teach you. When you’re in the neighborhood stop by our retail store. There’s a plethora of CBD products to see and you can learn so much more. You will be greeted with kindness as soon as you open the door. If your interested in learning about vitamin supplements and CBD then please allow me to assist you on your wellness journey. I’m Dr. JCHill MD.


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Science Photo Library

Living A Lifestyle of Wellness?

To create an accurate map of Kik’s journey, the researchers also collected isotopic data from rodents in Alaska. By analyzing the strontium isotopes in these rodents’ teeth, they were able to establish a strontium map of Alaska. The team then matched the strontium values in Kik’s tusk to the strontium map, allowing them to trace his travels and connect the dots of his route.


Yasmeen Lari, an 82-year-old Pakistani architect, is leading an initiative to transform how Pakistan rebuilds after natural disasters by abandoning the reliance on concrete and embracing local architectural traditions. Pakistan is highly vulnerable to natural disasters, and the increasing frequency and intensity of floods demand sustainable and resilient solutions. By using local materials and design techniques, Lari addresses the environmental impact of construction, reducing carbon emissions and embracing a more climate-friendly approach. She uses cheap, locally available, low-carbon materials to construct flood-resilient homes. This includes incorporating raised platforms and bamboo roofing waterproofed with straw and tarpaulin. The walls incorporate bamboo panels reinforced with earth and lime, ensuring waterproof structures that can withstand heavy rains. To implement her ideas, Lari founded the Heritage Foundation of Pakistan, which trains villagers how to work with these sustainable materials. Her goal is to build 1 million homes by 2024.


Plastic waste has become a global environmental crisis, leading scientists to explore innovative methods for reusing and transforming it. A research study published in the journal Science provides evidence of the successful upcycling of polyethylene and polypropylene into a surfactant, the primary component of soap. The methods employed by the scientists led to a high conversion rate of 80 percent.

Natalia Klenova/Canva Pro

Upcycling plastics into soap offers several benefits. Using plastic waste not only reduces the burden on landfills, but also minimizes the demand for virgin materials in soap manufacturing. Plus, economic analyses conducted by the researchers suggest that the high conversion rate makes the process economically viable. oap: Natalia Klenova

Bottles for recycling(opens in a new tab or window) View more by Image Source from Photo Images


Singularity is a hypothetical future point where technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible. It was thought to be decades away, giving humans time to plan. But Ben Goertzel, Ph.D., CEO of SingularityNET and a leading artificial-intelligence scientist, predicts that singularity is fewer than 10 years away.


Every year, more than 100 billion bananas are consumed worldwide, 47 percent of which is the classic yellow Cavendish cultivar. According to a recent report in ScienceAlert, a strain of the Fusarium fungus known as Tropical Race 4 (TR4) is causing an outbreak of a wilting disease commonly referred to as Panama disease, which threatens to eradicate this popular varietal. First discovered in Australia in 1997, TR4 has spread worldwide. The infection begins in the tree’s roots and ultimately disables its ability to absorb water or conduct photosynthesis. Because of its slow progression, experts believe the disease will take about a decade to completely wipe out Cavendish bananas. Although there is no simple solution to TR4, scientists are exploring several options, such as genetically modifying the fruit to be more resistant to TR4, grafting Cavendish onto other trees to make them more resistant, and evolving Cavendish seedlings by exposing them to TR4 and selecting those that fare best. These may turn out to be short-term approaches, however, as the fungi could mutate. The best solution may be for farmers to stop growing only one variety of banana. By increasing the genetic diversity of the world’s favorite fruit, bananas may become less susceptible to diseases. On the other hand, introducing a wider variety of bananas could drive up costs and would require an overhaul of ripening and transportation practices.

Goertzel believes that the advent of artificial general intelligence (AGI) is just around the corner, citing the progress made by large language models like Meta’s Llama2 and OpenAI’s GPT-4. These systems have increased global enthusiasm for AGI, leading to more resources, money and human energy invested in its development. AGI could create or modify its own algorithms, essentially teaching itself—something that currently available artificial intelligence does not do. Despite the numerous benefits that AGI could bring, some people are concerned about the potential risks associated with the technology. Detractors worry that AGI could become more intelligent than humans, leading to drastic unforeseeable changes in civilization. While it is difficult to predict the exact timeline in which AGI will become a reality, it is important to consider the ethical implications of this technology, ensuring that its development aligns with human values and does not lead to unintended negative consequences. January 2024


Holistic Medicine’s ‘Whole Person’ Approach Supports Health and Wellness by Sheila Julson 18

Dallas Metroplex Edition


olistic, integrative and functional medicine encompasses many different modalities and areas of practice. This lifestyle medicine, which emphasizes prevention and aims to address the root cause of disease rather than alleviating symptoms, relies on a whole person approach that combines physical and mental health. These strategies may also address certain mindsets and behaviors that lead to unhealthy lifestyles. The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health notes how the use of holistic, integrative and functional approaches to health and wellness has grown within care settings across the U.S. “Researchers are currently exploring the potential benefits of integrative health in a variety of situations, including pain management for military personnel and veterans, relief of symptoms in cancer patients and survivors, and programs to promote healthy behaviors.”

Dr. Toni Engram,

of Flourish Dental Boutique, affirms the importance of a whole person approach toward wellness. “Our spiritual, mental and physical health are all equally important. Treating the whole person means that not only are all of our body parts and systems connected, but also that you can’t help heal someone physically while ignoring their spiritual and emotional health.”

intentionally choosing treatment options. Some examples of biological dentistry include ozone therapy, platelet-rich fibrin, laser dentistry and biocompatibility testing of dental materials.

Phyllis Gee, M.D.,

is a practicing obstetrician, gynecologist and founder of Willowbend Health & Wellness. At her integrative functional medicine practice in Plano, she looks at lifestyle factors concerning diet, exercise, stress, sleep and relationships. She encourages her patients to take active roles in their healing process. Through a “lifestyle prescription,” Gee assists patients in their healing journey by weighing 10 factors that promote holistic, whole person wellness: eating nourishing food, healing the gut, movement, restful sleep, stress management, herbal supplements, incorporating enjoyable activities into daily life, connection with friends and family, detoxification protocols to reduce inflammation and mind/body practices to promote relaxation. Gee’s treatments incorporate holistic elements such as red light therapy, lymphatic massage, herbs and nutritional counseling with allopathic treatments when appropriate.


Biological dentists such as Engram understand this holistic connection by promoting minimally invasive techniques and preventive measures to treat oral conditions. By avoiding non-toxic dental materials, patients can have safer, allergen-free options.

“Most chronic conditions, and even some acute problems, can be either treated or supported by integrative, functional, or holistic medicine,” Engram notes. “It can often provide a ‘best of both worlds’ approach, utilizing more natural healing methods whenever possible, and a more allopathic approach when warranted.”

Engram approaches her patients’ concerns by considering their biological terrain, taking care to limit toxins whenever she can and

Holistic modalities such as chiropractic care or therapeutic massage offer non-phar-

maceutical, non-surgical ways to address tangible structural or musculoskeletal issues. Holistic approaches also include yoga, breathwork and meditation, which according to the National Institutes of Health, support stress management and mental health. This, in turn, may lead to physical improvements such as lower blood pressure and better sleep to embody whole person heath. More studies are showing a solid connection between oral health and systemic health, understanding that what happens to the teeth and gums can impact the entire body. When left untreated, conditions such as gingivitis may escalate into periodontitis, a serious disease that causes receding gums. This allows an easier pathway for bacteria and toxins to move from the mouth into the bloodstream, where they can spread to other organs. Integrative, functional or holistic medicine can often be used alongside conventional medicine to achieve positive health outcomes. Gee notes that holistic, integrative and functional practitioners all offer the potential for a more natural approach to solving problems, but sometimes there may be more serious health concerns that need to be determined by conventional testing. Engram adds that while there are risks to any treatment options, as well as risks in doing no treatment at all, choosing integrative, functional or holistic care should be evaluated in the same manner as any type of care. She advises, “The key is to work with healthcare providers who are prepared to share with you all of those risks and help support you in making the best decisions for your whole health— physical, spiritual and mental.” Flourish Dental Boutique, 1415 State St., Ste. 800, Richardson, 469-676-7777, Flourish. Dental. Willowbend Health & Wellness, 4601 Old Shepherd Pl., Bldg. 2, Ste. 201, Plano, 469-3614000,

January 2024


Business Spotlight

Purposeful Healing and Zenlight Body Sculpting Tailored Options for Better Health and Weight Loss by Sheila Julson


In addition, licensed psychologist Dr. Margaret Moravec, Ph.D. addresses behavioral health. She helps patients understand their mindsets as to why they want to improve their health, and what habits or behaviors might hold them back.

aser Elqutub, Doctor of Osteopathy and clinic founder of Purposeful Healing Direct Primary Care, understands that one size doesn’t fit all when it comes to health and weight management. He and his staff partner with patients to guide them through their own unique, comprehensive and holistic weight loss plans.

“All of these services are in-house, under one roof, and very affordable under our membership plans. If you broke these services down separately, you’d be paying a lot more,” Elqutub notes.

In February, the clinic will move to a larger suite in their building to accommodate their sister business, Zenlight Body Sculpting, which can be used in conjunction with clinical weight loss. Purposeful Healing clinic members have exclusive access to Zenlight services. Elqutub describes his weight loss approach as “from the ground up.” He says services start with dietary changes and include supplements, weight loss medications and exercise. The clinic has a gym onsite. The Purposeful Healing team includes a personal trainer, James Scott, and a physical therapist, Marc Anthony Rodriguez. The onsite gym and fitness services enhance Elqutub’s approach toward patient accountability. “Most of my patients, whether they’re seeing me for weight loss or an injury, go to the gym afterward for some degree of movement or stretches to help the body heal,” he says. Rodriguez works with pa20

Dallas Metroplex Edition


As we begin a new year, many people set new year’s resolutions or intentions to lose weight. To be successful, Elqutub advises to first recognize why this goal is important. Then, set realistic, healthy expectations. tients that have injuries to help them build endurance, increase mobility and work out safely. Elqutub recently welcomed a medical masseuse, Curtis Olsen, to his staff to offer medical massage. Different than luxurious spa pampering, Elqutub describes medical massage as more interactive. Olsen uses manual therapy to aid in the patient’s recovery process by addressing concerns such as swelling or joint pain.

“Weight gain doesn’t happen overnight, and neither does weight loss,” Elqutub says. “A healthy weight loss range is four to eight pounds per month, when you’re doing a weight loss plan correctly without an unhealthy calorie deficit.” Yet Elqutub recognizes that many people want results faster. Purposeful Healing’s sister company, Zenlight Body Sculpting, was formed to help that subset of patients.

Zenlight uses the Contour Light, a non-invasive, Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved red light therapy device. “It’s safe, heathy and effective,” Elqutub explains. “In the clinic, we use it for medical purposes to address pain, inflammation, skin issues and lymphatic drainage. It’s also cleared by the FDA to burn fat.” The Contour Light can be used in conjunction with workouts, anti-inflammatory diet plans and proper hydration for faster weight loss results. Zenight Body Sculpting also offers Alma Opus technology, a skin resurfacing process that uses radiofrequency to tighten loose skin and reduce cellulite. Also new to Zenlight Body Sculpting is BeautiFill Fat Transfer, an outpatient liposuction service. BeautiFill is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that removes excess fat cells from one area of the body and transfers it to another area where a patient desires more contouring, such as the face or hands. “We don’t just do a procedure and send patients on their way,” Elqutub says. “They stay in-house with us to work on diet and continued healing that includes lymphatic massage, draining and burning fat. It’s a comprehensive approach that is tailored to each patients’ beliefs and needs.” Purposeful Healing is located at 4300 N. Central Expressway, Ste. 280, in Dallas. For appointments and more information, call 469949-2730 or visit See ad, page 14.

January 2024


Fit Body

Fitness Tips for New Year’s Resolutions


ometimes it seems that January 1 is the beginning of a yearlong race to accomplish feats of monumental import, such as curbing bad habits, attaining new milestones or opening new horizons. The most prevalent goals often involve our personal health. Unfortunately, these resoSeeker onofMachu Picchu lutions have rests a habit slipping awaywhile from viewing Huayna Picchu in Peru 22

Dallas Metroplex Edition

our attention, crowded out by life’s other demands. It doesn’t have to be that way.


Set realistic goals: When starting a fitness journey in the new year, it is important to set realistic goals that are achievable. This will help stay motivated and prevent feelings of disappointment or frustration.


Find an exercise routine: To stick to this fitness journey, it is crucial to find an exercise regimen to enjoy. Whether it is yoga, running, weightlifting or dancing, choose activities that is excited to do.


Start slow and gradually increase intensity: It is important to start slow and

gradually increase the intensity of workouts. This will help prevent injuries and allow the body to adjust to new demands.

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Incorporate strength training: Strength training is an essential part of any fitness journey. It helps build muscle, increase metabolism and improve overall strength and endurance. Include exercises like squats, lunges, push-ups and planks.

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Stay consistent: Consistency is key when it comes to achieving fitness goals. Create a schedule and stick to it, even on days when we don’t feel like working out. Remember that progress takes time, and every workout counts.


Prioritize rest and recovery: Rest and recovery are just as important as exercise. Make sure to give the body enough time to recover between workouts to prevent burnout and injuries. Incorporate rest days into the routine and listen to the body’s signals.


Fuel the body with nutritious food: A healthy diet is crucial for a successful fitness journey. Focus on consuming nutrient-dense foods like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains. Stay hydrated and avoid processed foods and sugary drinks.


Find an accountability buddy: Having someone to hold us accountable can greatly increase our chances of sticking to a fitness journey. Find a workout buddy or join a fitness group to stay motivated and share progress with others.


Celebrate small victories: It is important to celebrate small victories along the way. Whether running an extra mile, lifting heavier weights or fitting into a smaller size, acknowledge and celebrate achievements to stay motivated and positive.

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Do not be self-critical: Remember to be kind to ourselves throughout the fitness journey. There will be ups and downs, and it is important to embrace the process and focus on progress rather than perfection. Listen to the body, be patient and enjoy the journey.


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Therapy Spotlight


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Metabolic Testing is the New Gold Standard by Martin Miron

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Dallas Metroplex Edition

s we embark on new year’s wellness journey, William A. Moore, the founder of AdvancedYOU Bio-Hacking, sees an opportunity to enhance well-being by combining metabolic testing and biohacking. This dynamic approach understands each body’s unique needs, and leveraging technology, paves the way for targeted treatments to optimize overall metabolic health. A July 2022 study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology found that that only 7 percent of American adults possess opti-

mal metabolic health, leaving the majority at increased risk for serious diseases. Moore says, “Metabolic testing is the pivotal initial step in evaluating your metabolic health, providing personalized insights empowering you to customize diet and exercise routines for maximum efficiency. AdvancedYOU offers two key metabolic tests: resting metabolic rate (RMR) and maximal oxygen consumption (VO2 Max). RMR measures your body’s caloric burn rate at rest. VO2 Max assesses overall aerobic capacity,

powerhouses, boosting ATP production for enhanced recovery and growth.

health and fitness levels, pinpointing target training zones based on maximal heart rate and ventilatory threshold. These tests are instrumental in identifying target training zones, crucial for addressing prevalent risks like insulin resistance and cardiovascular issues affecting 93 percent of American adults.” After metabolic testing, integrating biohacking treatments becomes pivotal for precise interventions. Tailored to the patient’s needs, biohacking treatments involve using innovative technologies and methods to optimize health and wellness. AdvancedYOU’s Super Human Protocol is a comprehensive program featuring three popular biohacks: magnetism, oxygen training, and light exposure. Step 1: Magnetism: Commencing with pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy, U.S. Food and Drug Administration-approved technology stimulates cellular self-healing. On a PEMF body mat, magnetic stimulation separates red blood cells, optimizing oxygen saturation and creating an alkaline environment.

“Prioritizing metabolic testing as we embark on the new year is crucial to design a personalized roadmap aligning with your individual needs, ensuring optimal utilization of time and effort toward health and wellness objectives,” advises Moore. “In this rapidly evolving space at the intersection

of biology and science, staying informed about ongoing developments is imperative, enabling you to fully embrace the benefits this field has to offer.” AdvancedYOU Bio-Hacking is located at 5706 E. Mockingbird Ln., Ste. 250, in Dallas. For more information, call 214-949-4195 or visit See ad, page 3.



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Step 2: Exercise with oxygen therapy (EWOT): Inhaling approximately 90 to 93 percent oxygen during exercise floods red blood cells with concentrated oxygen. This practice, favored by athletes, is enhanced by PEMF therapy that primes cells for optimal oxygen reception. Step 3: Light exposure: Leveraging the TheraLight360 Pro bed for Photobiomodulation (PBM therapy), targeted light with five wavelengths accelerates healing and reduces inflammation. PBM therapy transforms red blood cells into oxygen-saturated

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Healing Ways

Holistic Functional Medicine and Thermography by Dr. Michael Einsohn


unctional medicine is a comprehensive and patient-centered approach to health care that focuses on identifying and addressing the root causes of illness, rather than just managing symptoms. This paradigm views the body as interconnected, where the health of one organ or system can impact the function of the whole. In this context, thermogra26

Dallas Metroplex Edition

phy emerges as a powerful tool offering a non-invasive and holistic way to evaluate the function of each organ and system. Thermography uses infrared technology to measure and visualize temperature variations on the body’s surface. Each organ and system has a distinct thermal signature, and abnormalities or dysfunctions

can manifest as temperature irregularities. This non-invasive imaging technique allows practitioners to identify potential areas of concern before they manifest as overt symptoms. The advantages of thermography lie in its ability to detect subtle changes in temperature, indicating variations in blood

conditions such as cardiovascular health, musculoskeletal disorders and inflammatory processes. Thermography serves as a dynamic tool for ongoing assessment and tracking progress, as well. By regularly monitoring thermal patterns, practitioners can identify changes over time and tailor interventions accordingly. This proactive approach aligns with the preventive philosophy of functional medicine, because it enables early detection of imbalances and facilitates personalized treatment plans to address the specific needs of each patient.

flow, inflammation or metabolic activity. Unlike traditional diagnostic methods such as X-ray or MRI, thermography does not involve radiation or the use of contrast agents, making it a safer option for regular monitoring and early detection. Thermography can be also assess a wide range of

Functional medicine, in conjunction with thermography, offers a holistic and patient-centric approach to evaluating the function of each organ and system in the human body. This dynamic duo empowers healthcare providers to identify root causes, promote early detection and implement personalized interventions, thereby fostering optimal health and well-being. Dr. Michael Einsohn, is the founder of Thermography Center Dallas, located at 5220 Spring Valley Ste. LL-40, in Dallas. For more information, visit

At its core, functional medicine seeks to understand the underlying imbalances that contribute to health issues. This approach recognizes that various factors such as genetics, environment, lifestyle and diet, play a crucial role in determining an individual’s health status. Unlike conventional medicine, which often treats symptoms in isolation, functional medicine strives to uncover the interconnections between body systems to promote optimal wellness.

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Wise Words

I noticed a need for a platform that could bring together all the holistic-living resources available in our community. This was before smartphones, social media and the internet. If you didn’t see it in print, you didn’t know what was happening in your hometown. Our mission statement today is as clear as it was in 1994: to be a natural lifestyle publication that empowers people in our communities with the knowledge, resources and connections to lead healthier lives on a healthy planet.

Sharon Bruckman On Celebrating a Labor of Love by Sandra Yeyati


n 1994, Sharon Bruckman started a natural health, conscious living magazine called Natural Awakenings in Naples, Florida. Within a few years and with the help of partners and collaborators, she turned that single edition into a national franchise. In an industry that has seen so many publications fail, Natural Awakenings thrived under her steady leadership, at its zenith amassing 95 franchisee-publishers across the U.S., including Hawaii and Puerto Rico. Last year, Bruckman sold National Awakenings Publishing Company to KnoWEwell, P.B.C., while still retaining her original mag-


Dallas Metroplex Edition

azine, essentially switching roles from franchisor to franchisee. As Natural Awakenings celebrates its 30th anniversary, she reflects upon her journey.

What inspired you to launch Natural Awakenings magazine?

It was divine intervention. I was going through a big transition in my life and praying about my livelihood—asking God to use my talents and passions to serve others in a way that felt fulfilling—and I heard a voice say, “Start a magazine.” It was surprising, because I had no background in publishing, so I started exploring the possibilities.

How did the decision to turn it into a franchise come about?

I had a knack for starting up small businesses based on passions of mine, but when I launched the first edition of Natural Awakenings, I never considered franchising it until I met John Voell II, who had a background in it. The whole thing was intimidating for me, especially in the beginning. I’ve had to step out of my comfort zone most of the time in this business, but I’ve come to understand that being out of my comfort zone isn’t a bad thing. It’s an exciting place where I can grow, open myself to new possibilities and feel most alive. Luckily, I learned how to manage the business one new franchise at a time, and our staff and skillsets grew with each new publisher who brought their own strengths and perspectives to the family. It became a collaborative environment. I loved how the publishers got used to working together and solving issues.

What are the qualities of a successful team leader?

One is leading with your heart. I discovered that people need to feel valued and hear they’re doing a great job. I often express my appreciation and empower them to let their talents and strengths shine. People need love, kindness and encouragement. I don’t hold onto grudges and come to each encounter fresh. I strive to be open and honest.

I’ve learned over the years how to be a better mediator and negotiator through challenging conversations with publishers and staff members. The key is to reach for the highest and best result for everyone involved. It isn’t about being right. I don’t jump to the battlefield. I’ll speak my mind about the difficult stuff in a noncombative way—a way that comes from my heart and with openness, so people can feel safe to respond on that level. To succeed, you also need tenacity, a willingness to work hard and clarity about your mission. Overwhelm is the norm in this business, making it necessary to practice extreme self care. People say my best trait is how well I handle stress and always have a calming effect or attitude.

How did you help the franchisee-publishers succeed?

Working with publishers, you could predict which would thrive and which wouldn’t, depending upon their beliefs and statements. The ones that said, “No one wants to advertise,” you knew weren’t going to make it because of their attitude. The publishers that worked on their personal growth and on creating and manifesting what they wanted were much more likely to succeed.

The Salt Retreat

At one of our publishers’ conferences, I remember motivational speaker Chik Shank of LifePower Seminars had us walking on glass and fire, bending steel bars and performing other amazing feats. We did things we never believed we could do, and it changed your whole perspective. That was one of our most powerful conferences; when people left, they said, “I didn’t think I could walk on fire; I guess I can sell an ad.” It’s about breaking through belief systems.

two of the most powerful words. What you put after them shapes your reality. I’ll assert: I am vibrantly healthy. I am loved. I am full of abundance. I am always protected.

Do you have any mantras or personal beliefs that provide strength or resilience?

Sandra Yeyati is the national editor of Natural Awakenings.

I remind myself to stay in the present. When feeling discouraged or challenged, I turn to a YouTube video by Esther Hicks, who says repeatedly, “Everything always works out for me.” The way she says it, accompanied by lovely background music, makes it sound so sensible. If you repeat it enough, you begin to believe it.

I like using “I am” statements because they’re

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Conscious Eating

Thyroid-Friendly Eating How to Treat Hypothyroidism With Food by Veronica Hinke

According to the National Institutes of Health, nearly five in 100 Americans suffer from hypothyroidism, which occurs when the body does not produce adequate amounts of thyroid hormones. Common symptoms like weight gain, fatigue, inability to tolerate cold temperatures and hair loss should not be ignored. Diagnosis is aided by a blood test that measures levels of thyroid-stimulating hormones. While most cases of an underactive thyroid are mild or cause few obvious symptoms, the disease can become severe if it is left untreated.

“For women, an especially critical time to check thyroid health is during perimenopause years, when thyroid function can often waver, becoming underactive. Even if lab tests are normal, it is important to speak with a physician that understands the symptoms of hypothyroidism,” says Anna Cabeca, an obstetrician-gynecologist and women’s health expert in Brunswick, Georgia. “Most people can improve or reverse it radically. Diet is very powerful. Start with your shopping list and at the top write: Food is medicine.” Offering hope, Michigan-based obstetrician-gynecologist Tabatha Barber says, “It’s often about doing less, not more, to

“Only 10 percent of the population is aware of their thyroid problem and trying to manage it. Thyroid disease is a big thing. If people don’t know if they have it, they should be screened for it. If they have it, they should have hope,” says Alan Christianson, a naturopathic endocrinologist and author of The Thyroid Reset Diet: Reverse Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's Symptoms With a Proven IodineBalancing Plan. 30

Dallas Metroplex Edition

help improve thyroid function. Don’t be afraid that this is something you have to live with forever.” As a teenager, Barber was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease, an autoimmune condition that affects the thyroid gland and often causes hypothyroidism. She has learned how to modify her diet for relief.


“Gluten is the main trigger that really seems to irritate the immune system,” says Barber. “A lot of people don’t realize that gluten is in some sauces, salad dressings, seasonings, medication fillers and more. It can be enough to keep the inflammation associated with hypothyroidism going.”

Minadezhda/ Canva Pro


haped like a butterfly, the thyroid gland in the neck plays a critical role in overall health, as it produces a series of hormones that regulate metabolism, brain development, bone maintenance, and heart, muscle and digestive functions. Thyroid health can be achieved by eating clean, unprocessed foods and maintaining appropriate levels of iodine.

Estefaniavizcaino/Canva Pro


“Iodine is the Goldilocks mineral,” says Christianson. “It’s important to not consume too much or too little. Those with thyroid disease usually get too much. When they do, it inflames and slows the thyroid.” In such cases, he recommends eating a wide range of unprocessed food and avoiding ingredients with the highest iodine content, such as fish and other seafood, iodized salt, seaweeds, grains and most dairy.


Barber prioritizes the elimination of artificial ingredients and additives, saying, “It’s about really getting back to basics, eating unprocessed meats, vegetables and some fruits.” She recommends consuming foods rich in zinc and selenium, such as shellfish,

legumes, seeds, nuts and diary, as they send signals to the thyroid to produce the right hormone levels. Cabeca shaves selenium-rich Brazil nuts on soups or salads. “Keep them as a staple in the kitchen,” she advises, adding that balance is important when selecting zincand selenium-rich foods because some of them, like dairy, may also contain high levels of iodine.


Cabeca finds clever ways to sneak anti-inflammatory ingredients into her recipes. For her kafta kabobs, for example, she combines ground meat with finely chopped parsley, garlic, tomatoes or dried shiso leaves and tops them with cashew

butter or tahini sauce. Similarly, she uses plenty of parsley in her tabouleh—a traditional Middle Eastern salad—and replaces the customary bulgur wheat with chopped Brussels sprouts or cauliflower. According to Northwestern Medicine, cauliflower can be part of a healthy thyroid diet, along with other cruciferous vegetables. “These are foods that I grew up on,” Cabeca says, noting that parsley is a natural diuretic that is also good for the thyroid. Veronica Hinke is a food historian and author of The Last Night on the Titanic: Unsinkable Drinking, Dining and Style; Titanic: The Official Cookbook and Harry Potter: Afternoon Tea Magic. Learn more at January 2024


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8 medium or 4 large beets, peeled and cut into 1-inch wedges 3 garlic cloves, minced ⅓ cup unsalted pistachios 2 cups baby leaf spinach leaves ¼ cup rice wine vinegar 1 Tbsp extra-virgin olive oil Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste Misting oil Preheat the oven to 350º F. In a medium bowl, toss the beets with the garlic and a mist of oil. Pour into a baking dish and lightly cover with foil. Bake for 30 minutes or until the beets are tender. Let sit for 15 minutes until cool. In a salad bowl, combine the beets with the pistachios, spinach leaves, vinegar and olive oil. Salt and pepper to taste. Recipe courtesy of Dr. Alan Christianson, NMD, from The Hormone Healing Cookbook.

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1 carrot, peeled, sliced and quartered 2 cups cauliflower, cut into florets ½ cup broccoli, cut into florets 1 cup mushrooms, chopped 1 Tbsp coconut oil 1 tsp garlic powder 6 oz wild-caught salmon fillet 2 Tbsp extra-virgin olive oil 1 Tbsp lemon juice 1 tsp Dijon mustard 3 cups baby spinach 2 Tbsp pumpkin seeds Sea salt and black pepper, to taste



3 Tbsp chia seeds 1 cup unsweetened flax milk 1 Tbsp maple syrup 0.65 inextract 1 tsp vanilla 1 cup kiwi, peeled and diced (about 3 fruits) 2 Tbsp pistachios, chopped

Preheat the oven to 425º F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Add the carrot, cauliflower, broccoli and mushrooms to the baking sheet. Drizzle with coconut oil and season with garlic powder, parsley and salt to taste. Bake for 15 minutes. Remove from the oven and add the salmon to the baking sheet. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Return to the oven and continue to bake for an additional 15 to 20 minutes or until the salmon is cooked through and the vegetables are tender. Meanwhile, make the dressing by combining the olive oil, lemon juice and Dijon mustard into a small bowl. Whisk ingredients and season with salt and pepper to taste.

Add the ingredients, except pistachios, to a blender and blend for one to two minutes until smooth. Pour into a bowl, cover and refrigerate for at least 1 hour. Garnish with chopped pistachios.

Assemble the salad by dividing the spinach between bowls and topping with vegetable mix and salmon. Top with the pumpkin seeds and dressing.

Recipe and photo courtesy of Dr. Alan Christianson, NMD, from The Hormone Healing Cookbook.

Recipe courtesy of Dr. Tabatha Barber. Photo by Morgan Chorak.

January 2024



Poetry Inspires Spiritual Wellness by Sheila Julson


ten in 2011 to his more r. Jerron Hill is a recent work, but there are board-certified ansimilarities. “All of these esthesiologist and poems come from the medical director of Ketrelationship as a follower amine Health & Wellness of Christ,” says Hill at 63. Center of Texas. His second “I’ve been a follower of venture, Dr. CBD & NutriChrist since I was 23. As tion Centers, offers profeswe grow and advance, we sional grade cannabidiol gain more knowledge and (CBD) and nutraceuticals. wisdom. It’s a maturation As well as performing anprocess as we go through esthesiology services in the the journeys in life.” Dallas Metroplex hospitals and surgical centers, he finds As a physician who spesolace in writing inspirationJerron Hill cializes in natural healal, contemporary poetry. His first book, Healing for the Soul: Food for ing, Hill emphasizes that in the book, hence the title; Healing for the Soul. “Our Thought, was released in August 2023. minds, will, intellect and emotions are “In 2009, I had a vision of myself writing all part of our souls,” he says. “When you poetry. God gives us dreams and visions. read the book, spiritual healing the soul That same weekend, I wrote about 11 po- and a deeper revelation of who God is, is its purpose.” ems,” Hill recalls. Hill continued to write and attend spoken-word events in local churches in the Dallas Metroplex. After a hiatus that spanned nearly a decade, the muse struck again in August 2020, and Hill picked up a pen. His writing is interwoven with current events and culture. “My first poems are entitled, ‘America, Who’s Your God?’ and ‘America, Who’s Your God, Part 2.’ I kept writing for two years, and decided to seek publishing opportunities.” Hill sees his own growth and maturity when comparing the poetry he had writ34

Dallas Metroplex Edition

Hill considers his book a compass to help people navigate the challenges and difficulties of life. Each poem addresses love, repentance, encouragement and enlightenment. He emphasizes that the poems were written with love and compassion for believers and non-believers. Some readers use Healing for the Soul as a daily devotional, Hill says, and notes that it can also be used as a study guide, in book clubs or in religious courses at secular and non-secular schools to bring about class discussion.

Hill does not consider himself a professional writer, but felt the need to share his work with others. He is energized and inspired by the writing process and how God speaks to him about certain topics. Others influence him, as well. “My wife once said, ‘You need to say what you pray.’ When I heard that, I thought that would be a good title of a poem.” When reading Healing for the Soul, Hill hopes that readers will have a divine encounter with God and hear his words speak to their hearts. “If you read these poems, you should expect to hear God, because he loves us all.” Hill continues to write poetry and is looking forward to releasing Volume II of Healing for the Soul. Meanwhile, Hill’s Ketamine Health & Wellness Center of Texas, (IVKI) is where he specializes in treating patients with mood disorders, depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder and pain management for arthritis, migraines, neuropathy, fibromyalgia and other chronic pain conditions. Hill combines his ketamine and wellness practices that together provide a wellness regimen for stress management, clinical nutrition and exercise counseling. Ketamine Health & Wellness Center of Texas will celebrate its seventh anniversary on March 1, so Hill plans to launch a podcast, along with an annual community luncheon called Shedding a Light on Depression, in 2024.

“I really want to educate and bring attention to suicide, particularly the alarmingly increasing suicide rates in teenagers and young people,” he says. Hill opened Dr. CBD & Nutrition Centers nearly five years ago to educate the public concerning CBD and the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS). He provides quality CBD as a natural alternative to help stimulate the body’s ECS. “I want to educate people in making more informed decisions about their health,” he says. Healing for the Soul: Food for Thought is available at or Barnes & Noble at Ketamine Health & Wellness Center of Texas is located at 5944 W. Parker Rd., Ste. 400, in Plano. For more information, call 972212-4341 or visit Dr. CBD & Nutrition Centers is located at 6933 Hillcrest Ave., in University Park. For more information, call 972-863-7775 or visit HEALING FOR THE SOUL


Letting the Seasons Enrich Us by Marlaina Donato


or most of us, the first half of our lives is spent tilling the soil of our careers, nourishing family and investing in our dreams. Before we know it, time engraves its signature onto our skin and weaves strands of silver into our hair, and we are presented with the unexpected but inevitable question of what comes next. The soil of Mother Earth is made fertile only by the debris of seasons. There would be no life without nature’s perpetual act of letting go and the sacred and inevitable growth that comes from decay. As we age, like trees in winter, our energy travels deep down into our roots—our bones. Only then can we stand sovereign, a stable foundation for others. Only when we are “I graduated in 1978 from Pershing High full seasons can School inof Detroit, MI. What an exciting time we offer the sweetest and year! The number “78” is one of my favorites. One phasethe of my life form – high school of shared knowledge, fruit in -was ending, and a new one – college - was soon to begin. Years later, I learned that the skills wisdom. Most of number “7” isand one of God’shard-earned numbers signifying completion. “Eight” is often used in the Bible as a symbol for a new beginning. Throughout all, we living examples of the Chiour lives, we arebecome often in transition. One season ends and, without cease, we embark upon a new beginning. These fresh starts can be know the road ahead, nese proverb: “To exciting, daunting, and challenging. Are you facing a challenging situation today? Are you ask those coming back.” in transition? God knows. He is with you. U.S. $XX.XX POETRY

Here are a few ways to enjoy the riches of the journey: • Instead of giving a loved one a storebought gift to mark an important milestone, write a letter filled with practical and loving advice for the road ahead. • Mentor a younger person or peer. Teach them how to make bread, paint a canvas, start a garden, fix a sink or make a quilt. Pay your passions forward • Visit a relative or a stranger at a retirement home and ask them to share their stories. Marlaina Donato is an author, wise-woman mentor and painter. Connect at


He loves you. The number “12” represents the authority or government of God. The twelve stars that surround the numbers “7” and “8” represent God’s authority over both your transitions and your life. As the seasons of your life change, know that God is sovereign and that He is in control (Jeremiah 32:17 NLT). The Bible says that the angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him and delivers them (Psalm 34:7 ESV). This refers to those who revere Him. Is there anything you need with which God can assist? Cast your burden upon the Lord. He will sustain you. (Psalm 55:22 KJV). Talk to Him. He will help you and sustain you through challenging and difficult situations. He will never leave you or forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:8 NIV). Be encouraged. God is for you and God is with you! You are more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus (Romans 8:37 NASB)!”


Accepting the aging process can be challenging and sometimes frightening, but if we lean closer and listen to what the wisdom years have to offer, our journey can become more joyful. The stories of our seasons can be a wellspring bubbling to the surface in conversations, filling empty cups with empathy, hope and humor. We sit at a table called humanity. Let us create a feast of shared experience. January 2024


Calendar of Events



Forest: Never See North Texas Nature the Same Way Again – 7pm. Presenter: Wild DFW author Amy Martin. Learn how a little knowledge about natural history and ecology can transform your perception of North Texas nature. Online. Tinyurl. com/3t4yfw53.

Wild DFW: A Deep Dive into North Texas Ecotone & its Natural Wonders – 7-8:30pm. Author Amy Martin shares the fun yet nerdy naturalist material from Wild DFW: Explore the Amazing Nature Around Dallas-Fort Worth. In-person and Zoom. University of North Texas Health Science Center, 3500 Camp Bowie Blvd, Research and Education Bldg, Everett Hall, Rm 100, Fort Worth.

TUESDAY, JANUARY 9 Dallas Sierra Club Meeting – 7pm. All welcome. Zoom.


how to make high-quality compost at home using materials most folks throw away. Free. Online. Register: SaveDallas

SATURDAY, JANUARY 27 Backpacking 101 Class – 10am-3:30pm. Designed for never-ever backpackers and people who want to refresh backpacking gear, knowledge or skills. $25. Preston Royal Branch of Dallas Public Library, 5626 Royal Ln, Dallas. Register by Jan 23: Dal

Dig into Composting – 9-10:30am. Learn

On Going Events

Sunday Carrollton Runners Club Mile + 5K – 7:30am. A low-key 5K and 1-mile race every last Sun. McInnish Park, 2335 Sandy Lake Rd, Carrollton. Sunday Service/Meditation and Purification – 9-11:30am. Participate in meditation, chanting and readings from the Bible and Bhagavad Gita. 9-9:45am, Meditation and Purification; 10-11:30am, Service. Ananda Dallas Meditation & Yoga Center, 4901 Keller Springs Rd, Ste 103, Addison. 972-248-9126. Gentle Waves – 9:15-10:15am. A healing meditative practice that moves very slow and intentional. Gaia Flow Yoga, 3000 Blackburn St, Ste 140B, Dallas. Register: GaiaFlowYoga. com. Celebration Service Live – 11am. Meditation, music and lessons on YouTube live: Unity on Greenville Dallas, TX or Love offering. Unity on Greenville, 3425 Greenville Ave, Dallas. 214-826-5683. Dallas Shambhala Meditation Center Weekly Meditation – 11am-1:15pm. Each Sunday, we offer a free meditation, tea and dharma talk session in-person and via Zoom. All welcome. Free. Dallas Shambhala Meditation Center, 2695 Villa Creek Dr, Ste B146, Farmers Branch.

tion techniques and styles, with a focus on mindfulness and open awareness. $10. Yoga Mart, 2201 Tucker St, Ste 101, Dallas. 214-2382433. Online: Awakening Heart Meditation – 5-7pm. Interfaith mindfulness meditation, music and message based on the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh. Facilitated by Brother ChiSing. Donation accepted. Dallas Meditation Center, 727 S Floyd Rd, Richardson. 972432-7871.

YES: A Young Adults Meditation Fellowship – 7-9pm. A meditation series for young adults in their 20s and 30s. Each evening will include a beginner-friendly walking and sitting meditation, Dharma teachings and refreshments afterwards. Donation. Dallas Meditation Center, 810 W Arapaho Rd, Ste 98, Richardson. 972-432-7871.



Online: Zen to Go – 12-12:45pm. Mon-Thurs. An oasis in the middle of the day offering walking and sitting meditation followed by brief sharing. Donation accepted. Dallas Meditation Center, 810 We Arapaho Rd, Ste 98, Richardson. 972-432-7871. DallasMedita

Meditation Mondays via Zoom – 7-8pm. Meditation Mondays focuses on the practice and the experience of various forms of meditation. Free. Unity of Dallas, 6525 Forest Ln, Dallas. 972-233-7106.

Tuesday Greater Dallas Organic Garden Club – 2:30pm. 4th Sun (Jan-Sept). Each meeting includes a special speaker presentation covering many topics of interest to local gardeners. Free. North Haven Gardens, 7700 Northaven Rd, Dallas. 214-363-5316. gdogc. org. Sunday Meditation – 3:15-4:15pm. With Lynne Patterson. Class offers many medita-


Dallas Metroplex Edition

Springs Rd, Ste 103, Addison. 972-248-9126.

Texas Master Naturalist Tuesday Webinar – Thru Jan. 12pm. 2nd Tues. Features fantastic new and returning guest speakers. Free. Register: Online: Ananda Yoga Sadhana Practice – 5:15-7:30pm. Also Thurs. Time to recalibrate and center through this transformational practice based on the yoga teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda. Ananda Dallas Meditation & Yoga Center, 4901 Keller

Hot Yoga 201 on Zoom – 6:15pm. Open to all levels. This flowing-style class links the fundamental asanas (poses) of yoga linking body, mind and breath with music. Yoga4Love Studio Cabin, Ovilla. Online: Meditation for Everyone – 7-8:30pm. Classes are great for beginners that want to learn to meditate and great for more experienced meditators that want to expand their meditation. Must register: Online: Metaphysics and Meditation – 7-8:30pm. Manifestation and mysticism: 2 sides of the spiritual coin. Let us practice together, while diving more deeply into universal principles and spiritual living. Open to all. Free. A Center for Spiritual Living, 4801 Spring Valley Rd, Ste 115, Dallas. 972-8669988.

Thursday ImpactNights – More info: Online: Celebrate Recovery – 6:30pm. A safe community to find support, hope and freedom from the struggles and realities that we all face through transitions, hurt, pain, loss or addiction of any kind. Free. First United Methodist Church, 777 N Walnut Creek Dr, Mansfield.

Calendar of Events



Online: Friday Meditation Happy Hours – 5:30-6:15pm. Sessions begin every hour. Release stress with breath and gentle movements as you withdraw from the external and begin the journey within 15-min guided meditation. $10/session. DallasMeditates. com.

Lewisville First Day Hike – 10-11:30am. This guided activity will provide information on the history of the park, the various ecosystems, as well as the plants and wildlife that can be found. Thrive Nature Park, 1951 S Valley Pkwy, Lewisville. CityOfLewis

Meet the Meadow Introductory Trail Walk – 3-4pm. An introductory trail walk which is appropriate for families and those new to The Meadow. Led by Texas Master Naturalists and Meadow Volunteers. Free. Details:



Morning Bird Walk – 7:30-8:15pm. 3rd Sat. Join Trinity River Audubon Center for a monthly bird walk and enjoy the grounds and our amazing feathered friends. $10. Trinity River Audubon Center, 6500 Great Trinity Forest Way, Dallas. Registration required:

Guided Trails – 2-3pm. Experience the ecology, geology, flora and fauna of the Heard Sanctuary. Led by our trained guides, spend 45-60 mins hiking our unique landscape. Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary, 1 Nature Pl, McKinney. 972-562-5566. HeardMuseum. org.



Coppell Farmers Market – 8am-12pm. Yearround market. 768 W Main St, Coppell. Morning Tai Chi – 8:30am. Join Tai Chi Chuan instructor George Deerfield for this interactive class in developing strength, balance, improved breathing. Unity of Dallas, 6525 Forest Ln, Dallas. Second Saturday Guided Hike – 8:309:30am. Learn about our surrounding habitat while you enjoy a hike. All ages. Trinity River Audubon Center, 6500 Great Trinity Forest Way, Dallas. Registration required: Pregnancy, Childbirth, Postpartum and Baby Classes – 6-7pm. Classes are held virtually online lead by our top AID instructors utilizing state of the art visual aids and activities to keep it fun and engaging while presenting the latest evidenced based material on each topic. $35/class. Childbirth-Classes. com.

Success with Seeds – 7-9pm. It’s never too early to start your spring vegetable gardening. Learn the secrets to successful seed sowing. Free. Environmental Education Center, 4116 W Plano Pkwy, Plano.


Vegetable Gardening for North Texas – 7-8:30pm. Whether it’s pumpkins, tomatoes, lettuce or herbs, we’ve got tips for successful vegetable gardening in North Central Texas. Free. Environmental Education Center, 4116 W Plano Pkwy, Plano.

SATURDAY, JANUARY 20 Edible Gardening – 9am-1pm. Workshop for gardening tips for the home gardener. The Landing at Myers Park & Event Center, 7117 CR 166, McKinney.

SATURDAY, JANUARY 13 Early Bird Walk – 8am. With Master Naturalist Jack Chiles. Weather permitting. Bring binoculars or borrow ours. Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge, 6465 Refuge Rd, Sherman. 903-786-2826. Register:

The Eastern Bluebird – 10am. Informative presentation by Refuge Manager, Kathy Whaley. Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge, 6465 Refuge Rd, Sherman. 903-7862826. Night Hike – 6pm. Explore the thrilling sights, smells and sounds of night with Heard Trail Guides. $12/member, $14/nonmember. Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary, 1 Nature Pl, McKinney. 972-562-5566.


Forest Bathing – 9:30am-12pm. An immersive time spent connecting with nature in our wildlife sanctuary. Includes guided activities done while walking, standing and/ or sitting along our trails. $25. Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary, 1 Nature Pl, McKinney. 972-562-5566. TEDxFrisco Welcome Back Event – 3-6pm. Join as we return to the community for a great in-person event. We will be highlighting the stories and insights from 6 speakers all from our local and surrounding DFW community. Frisco Discovery Center, 8004 N Dallas Pkwy, Frisco.

SUNDAY, JANUARY 21 Bluebird Monitoring Class – 2-3pm. All welcome. Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge, 6465 Refuge Rd, Sherman. 903786-2826. Register: FriendsOfHagerman. com.

Zip Line Day – 1-5pm. Guests climb a 23ft tree to our zip platform then proceed to a 487-ft Zip line. Purchase one ticket ($12 each) for each time you would like to travel down the zip line. Pre-registration required. Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary, 1 Nature Pl, McKinney.

January 2024


On Going Events NOTE: All calendar events must be received via email by the 10th of the month and adhere to our guidelines. Email for guidelines and to submit entries. No phone calls or faxes, please.



Grapevine Farmers Market – 9am-6pm, Sun; 8am-8pm, Mon-Sat. Eat healthy with locally-grown produce and products. 520 S Main St, Ste 203, Grapevine. 817-527-7446.

Dairy Farm Tours – Mon-Sat, by appt only. Experience life on a dairy farm with an educational tour including how and what cows are fed, the benefits of grass-crop based feed (silage), the milking parlor, bottle feeding baby calves along with the learning the benefits of drinking raw milk vs pasteurized milk. Everyone gets samples of milk. $7/person age 2 & up. Circle N Dairy, 2074 County Road 446, Gainesville. 940-372-0343.

Tuesday Star Coyote Events – Monthly events include gong, Tibetan bowl and crystal bowl sound journeys, shamanic journey with a drum dance, kid’s energy and creativity events, and a Wed morning class series. Please see the calendar at StarCoyoteSoundTemple. com for the exact dates and times as they change each month or call 469-344-6484.

Sunday Frisco Fresh Market – 10am-4pm. Also Sat, 8am-4pm. Frisco Fresh Market, 9215 John W Elliott Dr, Frisco. 844-776-2753. FriscoFresh Sunday Celebration Service Agape Center for Spiritual Living – 10am, meditation; 10:30am, service. Noah’s Event Venue, 5280 Town Square Dr, Plano. Rev Lee Wolak: 972468-1331.

Buddhist Sangha Online – 7-9pm. The meeting of Horizon’s Buddhist covenant group. Meditation and study of the 8-Fold Path. Horizon Unitarian Universalist Church: Hori

Wednesday Anu Kri Healing Service – 7-9pm. With Dr. Tricia and Dr. Rusty. Anu (God) Kri (Energy) is a new healing method for the evolution of humanity. Each week we will work with people from the audience. The healing service includes a time for everyone present to participate in healing as we address healing requests people have submitted online and in-person. Free. Entelechea Center, 1201 International Pkwy, Ste 200, Richardson. 972792-9900.

Sunday Worship: Unity Spiritual Center of Denton Service – 10am, coffee; 11am, service. Unity takes spiritual principles and makes them practical in your life. 6071 New Hope Rd, Krugerville. 214-453-0218. UnityOfNew

Thursday Meditation Practice – 6-6:30pm. With Dr. Tricia and Dr. Rusty. Meditation is a great way to bring more peace into your life, learn to quiet your mind and be more present. Free. Entelechea Center, 1201 International Pkwy, Ste 200, Richardson. 972-792-9900. Sunday Brunch –10am-3pm. Serves up farm-to-table shared plates, 72 taps (wine & craft beer), and a welcoming atmosphere to create a unique dining experience. Craft & Vine, 310 S Oak St, Roanoke. 817-464-8181. CraftAndVine.Restaurant.

Mystic Mandala Meditations – 6:307:30pm. Guided by Vijay Moksha. A non-denominational mindfulness practice to evolve consciousness; to go beyond the mind using the mind itself.

Horizon UU Worship Service – 10:30am12pm. Horizon Unitarian Universalist Church, 1641 W Hebron Pkwy, Carrollton. 972-4924940.



Dallas Metroplex Edition

The Joy of Daleth Breathwork – 7-9pm. 3rd Fri. With Dr. Tricia and Dr. Rusty. Access more energy, awaken your potential, resolve stress and anxiety, deepen spiritual aware-

ness, gain clarity of purpose and reconnect to your Divine self. $20. Entelechea Center, 1201 International Pkwy, Ste 200, Richardson. 972-792-9900.

Saturday The Little Sit – 6am. 1st Sat. If you want to learn how to identify the birds of North Texas, the Little Sit is the perfect way to start. A group of dedicated birders meet once a month at the end of Pad H on the West side of Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge. 6465 Refuge Rd, Sherman. 903-786-2826. Friends 2nd Saturday Bird Walk – Sept-June. 8-9:30am. Helps beginning and intermediate birders with bird spotting and identification techniques. Included in general admission; free/Heard Museum members. Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary, 1 Nature Pl, McKinney. 972-562-5566.

1st Saturday Nature Walks – 10am-12pm. Monthly naturalist-led nature walk. Each season at LLELA is different, and we never know what we’ll find. All ages. $5/vehicle. Lewisville Lake Environmental Learning Area, 201 E Jones St, Lewisville. Registration required: 972-219-3550 or Blackland Prairie Raptor Center First Saturdays – 10am-2pm. Meet raptors up-close. Take guided prairie hikes. Kids activities. Bring a picnic lunch. Blackland Prairie Raptor Center, 1625 Brockdale Park Rd, Lucas. Erich Neupert: 972-442-7607. BPRaptorCenter. org.

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January 2024


30th Anniversary by Kimberly Whittle Humans are social creatures by nature, and leaning into community is key to a long and healthy life. Look no further than the five so-called Blue Zones in places around the planet where people regularly live to be 100 years old. While eating nutritious food and exercising regularly are important aspects to a healthy lifestyle, Dan Buettner, a Blue Zones expert, believes part of the secret to a long and healthy life is finding purpose and doing it with help from a meaningful community. Buettner’s observations are supported by research. An article published in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine summarized the significant evidence that connection to a community helps people physically and mentally with improvements in weight control, blood sugar levels, cancer survival, cardiovascular health and overall mental health, as well as a notable mitigation of depression and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms. In a Brigham Young University meta-analysis of 148 studies to determine the effect of social relationships on the risk of mortality, researchers reported that social connections with friends, family, neighbors or colleagues improved the odds of living longer by 50 percent. A Nexus for Consciousness, Healing and Hope Natural Awakenings, a pioneering magazine founded to educate and connect communities for healthy living on a healthy planet, is celebrating its 30th anniversary. In this digital era, Natural Awakenings continues to stand at the vanguard along with its parent company, KnoWEwell, and its Regenerative Whole Health Hub (Hub). The one-of-its-kind Hub uniquely builds communities, enables trusted connections to people and businesses, provides evidence-based resources, as well as local provider and thought-leader education and healing programs. As global stressors continue to arise, now more than ever, it’s important to us at Natural Awakenings Publishing Corporation and KnoWEwell to expand our community’s impact to inspire, empower and connect our ecosystem locally, nationally and globally. We will be bringing our readers immersive engagement and learning opportunities, and amplifying our local businesses through multimedia publishing and business services in our local Natural Awakenings online communities, as well as within KnoWEwell’s Regenerative Whole Health Hub. As we enter our fourth decade, our print magazine will continue to grow while we embrace the everexpanding new era of digital enlightenment. We intend to continue to be a beacon of hope and a connector for safe, trusted connections to real people, authentic experts, education, and our natural, integrative and whole-health communities. We are creating new opportunities for our readers to learn from and engage with local business owners, as well as national and global experts through the Hub by:


30th Anniversary Bringing articles to life and expanding services to local business owners to help them share their unique qualities, expertise and stories in online inspirational and educational webcasts and videos Engaging online community book discussions with luminaries such as Deepak Chopra (see Providing access to immersive learning directories and 200-plus topic-specific communities Helping people find their best-matched providers, community members, businesses and locally grown foods based on their needs, values and preferences Saving members money with discounts on organic foods, courses, healing programs, products and services We promise to remain steadfast in our commitment to high-quality, evidence-based journalism to help our readers stay current and make informed decisions for sustainable, regenerative healthy living. Beginning this month and throughout our 30th year, we invite our readers and business owners to check out what’s new in our print magazines and online. We hope everyone loves our fresh new magazine design this month. We invite all to engage and connect with like-minded communities, submit feedback for a chance to be included in the new, “Members Comments” department of our magazine, and share your favorite businesses to help us continue to build trusted resources locally and globally. Together, we will be the change we seek in the world to build regenerative communities one at a time to achieve WELLthier Living: Happy. Healthy. Abundant. Purpose-Filled, People and Planet. Kimberly Whittle is the founder and CEO of KnoWEwell, P.B.C., and the CEO of Natural Awakenings Publishing Corporation. Learn more about her personal journey and purpose at What’s New and Coming in 2024 at Natural Awakenings Sign up today to be the first to know what’s coming and what’s new: • Expansion online to all 50 U.S. states with interactive digital magazines • New fresh look for our print magazine, websites and online communities • Share your feedback and new Member Comments department • Artist cover submissions • Reader and business-owner surveys • National book discussion communities with luminaries such as Deepak Chopra • New rotating departments and exclusive online articles • Inspirational local and global provider and business-owner spotlight webcasts • 100-plus (and growing) whole-health educational webcasts both live and on-demand • Giveaways and exclusive members-only discounts on programs and organic foods • Late night show with Dr. Reef Karim • Join our online community to receive Natural Awakenings’ 30th anniversary cookbook. • Love us! Own Your Own franchise! Learn more at


community resource guide Connecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide email to request our media kit.


Established in 2009, our amazing team of Doctors have trained and graduated from the best Universities and Hospitals in China, S. Korea, Taiwan and Japan. We use the best of Eastern Medicine using Micro & Laser Acupuncture and herbal medicine for those that are in pain and suffering and have amazing success rates.


Dr. Rusty, PhD, ND, LPC-S 1201 International Parkway. Ste 200, Richardson 972-792-9900 Dr. Barrier integrates mindbody-spirit into his psychotherapy practice. He specializes in Daleth Transformational Breathwork, Energy Healing techniques, and Hypnotherapy to assist clients in releasing old patterns and creating a better life. Dr. Barrier has been a licensed psychotherapist for 30+ years.



Dr. Zhangping Lu, DC, LAc, MD (China) 425 Maplelawn Dr, Ste 101, Plano 75075 972-519-8488


Dr. Cecilia Yu, DC, BSN. NUCCA Technique 5220 Spring Valley Rd, Ste 170, Dallas, 75254 Dr. Yu provides precise upper cervical chiropractic care for pain relief specializing in TMJ management, migraine headaches, vertigo, neck & back pain. With calculations tailored to each individual misalignment, Dr. Yu never guesses on your health. See ad on page 10.


1033 E 15th St, Plano, 75074 214-892-2273 Cereset can help your brain reset itself, restoring your brain’s rhythm naturally, enabling it to manage stress more effectively. Cereset sessions jump start the process of re-balancing your brain, and can help issues leading to trouble sleeping, restlessness and anxiety, inability to focus or lack of joy. Periodic “tune-ups” provide ongoing support, ensuring long-term brain balance. See ad on page 9.

Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.


Dr. Zhangping Lu, DC, LAc, MD (China) 425 Maplelawn Dr, Ste 101, Plano 75075 972-519-8488 Whole-body wellness center providing chiropractic care, spinal decompression, allergy testing, NAET, IMAET, detoxification, weight loss, hormone balancing, wellness programs and more. All-natural healing, no medication, no surgery. See ad, page 12.

—Dalai Lama

Dallas Metroplex Edition


1601 South Lamar, Dallas 214-378-1824 Dallas College has seven campuses, including El Centro, Brookhaven, Mountain View, Eastfield, Richland, Cedar Valley and Northlake. Dallas College serves the region with accredited one and two year certificates, degrees and core credit courses guaranteed to transfer to Texas colleges and universities.

THE HOCKADAY SCHOOL 11600 Welch Road, Dallas 214- 363-6311

Established almost 100 years ago, The Hockaday School provides a college preparatory educa-tion for girls; from pre-kindergarten to 12th grade, including Boarding school for grades 8-12. With an approximate enrollment of 1,000 students and a 10:1 student teacher ratio, Hockaday students enjoy a 100% acceptance rate to college.


Whole-body wellness center providing chiropractic care, spinal decompression, allergy testing, NAET, IMAET, detoxification, weight loss, hormone balancing, wellness programs and more. All-natural healing, no medication, no surgery. See ad, page 12.




Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas is a private Catholic institution for young men under the direction of the Society of Jesus. Located in North Dallas, it provides a student-centered education to approximately 1,000 students, grades 9-12. Our students’ average SAT scores exceed the national average by over 200 points.


2540 Walnut Hill Ln, Dallas 75229 800-637-8337/214-902-2429 More patients want alternative methods of treatment that are healthy, holistic and non-invasive. Earning your degree from Parker University in Functional Nutrition, Strength and Human Performance, Integrative Health can put you in position to help them. Offering top level experience and accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, the Council on Chiropractic Education, and the Commission of Massage Therapy Accreditation.

GARDEN CENTERS NORTH HAVEN GARDENS 7700 Northaven Rd, Dallas 214-363-5316

Serving Dallas since 1951, NHG has grown into one of the most respected horticultural Start establishments Your Victory Garden in North Texas by serving our cusfor a Lifetime of Health tomers with quality & andWellness value. Offering gardening and plant education, concierge services, DIY classes, video library, gifts and more.

Plant For Fall Harvest: Direct Seed Outdoors (O), Start Seeds Indoors (IN)

HEALTH CARE August 1 - August 25:

Through August 15: Winter Squash by seed (O) Black Eyed Peas by seed (O)


Dr. Philip Kozlow Dr. Josh Rowell 5050 Quorum Dr, Suite 300, Dallas 972-458-2464 We strive to provide healthy, green alternatives for our dental patients by providing digital X-rays, mercury safe restorative options and chemical free dental hygiene products. Committed to total body wellness while avoiding the use of toxic materials, and continuing education to ensure treatments are up to date and effective in a kind and caring environment. See ad, page 23.

Broccoli by seed (IN)

Brussels Sprouts by seed (IN)

BAYLOR SCOTT & WHITE HEALTH Cabbage by seed (IN) Cauliflower by seed (IN) CARE SYSTEMCorn by seed (O) Cucumbers by seed (O) 1-800-4BAYLOR August 1 - September 15: Kohlrabi by seed (IN) Pinto Beans by seed (O) Snap Pole Beans by seed (O) Southern Peas by seed (O) Okra by seed (IN)/(O)

Black Eyed Peas by seed (O)

Snap Bush Beans by seed (O)

Swiss Chard by seed (IN)

Yellow Bush Beans by seed (O)

Zucchini Squash by seed (O)

We have a network of cancer treatment centers through7700 Northaven Rd. Dallas, TX 75230 214-363-5316 out Dallas-Fort Worth, offering full range cancer-related and integrative medical services. Whether you want to learn about types of cancer, screenings, prevention, healthy living or support, Baylor is here for you. We offer the experience, expertise and technology you can trust.

comprehensive Open Daily 9AM-5PM. Visit for more info.


13 Locations in Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex 888-286-4603 With 13 Urgent Care Centers, PrimaCare serves the medical needs of area families with courtesy, convenience and compassion. Open 7 days a week with extended hours. No appointment necessary. Most insurance accepted. Use our Call Ahead Service and wait where your want. Open: Monday– Friday 8am-8pm, Saturday–Sunday 8am–5pm.

HOLISTIC DENTISTRY FLOURISH DENTAL BOUTIQUE Dr. Toni Engram 415 State St #800, Richardson 75082 469-676-2777

At Flourish Dental Boutique, we believe the best dentistry is often the least dentistry. We help your body thrive on its own with therapies that enrich and empower its natural healing processes. As a holistic and biological dental practice, we choose safe materials and treatment protocols with special attention to your nutrition and overall wellness. See ad, page 11.


Dr. D. Brock Lynn 6190 LBJ Freeway #900, Dallas 972-934-1400 Practicing dentistry for over 38 years, specializing in periodontics, Dr. Lynn is board-certified and a diplomate of the American Board of Periodontics and Dental implants. He practices dentistry with a holistic approach and is a member of the International Academy of Oral Medicine &Toxicology as well as the American Academy for Oral Systemic Health. See ad, inside front cover.


Dr. Becky Coats, DDS, MAGD, LVIF, FIDIA, FAACP 2631 Ira E Woods Ave, Grapevine 817-481-6888 Instead of focusing just on your teeth, we also look at dental issues connected with other health problems you may be having. We collaborate with Thermography, Lymphatic Drainage, and Osteopathic Medicine practitioners. Call today for TMJ Pain Relief, Sleep Apnea, Frenuloplasty(Tongue Tie), Biological Dentistry, Physiologic Orthodontics, Headache Relief, Mercury Fillings Removal, Metal Free Ceramic Implants.


Homeoprophylaxis (HP), a part of Homeopathy, is a major part of Cathy Lemmon’s practice at Healthy Healing Arts. HP has been used worldwide for hundreds of years with a success rate of over 90% to help fight off disease. Lemmon uses an energetic, nontoxic means of promoting immunity in a safe and natural way.


Bone health revolution for detection of osteopenia and osteoporosis. Echolight bone ultrasound measures bone density – using Radiation-free technology. Non-invasive, affordable bone scanning to measure bone density, strength and potential risk for bone conditions. Three locations across the Metroplex. Call now for appointment. See ad on page 4.


1320 W. Walnut Hill Ln, Irving 18601 LBJ #501, Mesquite 972-444-0660 Trained in Asia, graduated from a Korean University, Dr. Chapa holds a Naturopathic Doctorate Degree and a PhD in Eastern Medicine specializing in Neurological issues. A former medic/nurse since 1995, this unique training has given confidence from many Physicians to refer their patients. Dr. Chapa is founder and medical director of AIMC established in 2009.


Dr. Margaret Christensen M.D. Meadow Center, 10260 N Central Expy #210, Dallas 469-729-6460 Dr. Christensen founded Carpathia Collaborative, a unique multi-specialty clinic offering personalized care for optimal health. Carpathia Clinic has the most IFMCP-certified Functional Medicine practitioners in the country, collaborating to address chronic pain, autoimmune disorders, cancer support, mood disorders, and more. Services include detox foot soak, IV vitamin therapy, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, and BEMER pulsed electromagnetic field therapy.


Dr. Elizabeth Seymour, MD 399 Melrose Dr., Suite A, Richardson 214-368-4132 EHCD.COM A nationally recognized medical facility specializing in the relationship of health and disease to environmental factors. Thorough investigation is made to determine the cause and correlation of the patent’s disease process to environmental factors. A leader in the field treating mold exposure/sensitivity; oil spill, pesticides and chemical exposure; chemical sensitivities, immune dysregulation and much more.

January 2024




John D. Gonzalez DNP, APRN, ACNP-BC, ANP-C 469-312-0355 As a Texas based telemedicine practice, we work to identify and treat the root cause of chronic illness. Services and conditions we treat include HIV Prep prescription, Nutrition Counseling, Integrative Health Coach sessions, metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, obesity, autoimmune, hormonal imbalances, gastrointestinal issues, and brain health.

Dr. Phyllis Gee, MD 4601 Old Shepard Pl, Bldg. 2, Ste. 201, Plano 469-361-4000 With 30 years of practice, empowerment and whole health are centerpieces of our care. Our goal is finding and treating the root cause of your symptoms to restore your health utilizing regenerative medical practices. We address functional wellness, sexual wellness, weight management. We do functional health testing. Call for appointment. See ad on page 9.

MASSAGE JOHNSON MEDICAL ASSOCIATES Dr. Alfred R. Johnson, D.O. 997 Hampshire Lane, Richardson 972-479-0400

Johnson Medical Associates is a state-of-the-art medical clinic offering comprehensive medical services aimed at finding the cause not just treating the symptoms. Dr. Johnson is a doctor of internal medicine with 35+ years of experience in areas of chronic illness, toxic exposures, allergies and the use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy to address a multitude of conditions. See ad, page 21.

Providing traditional “standard-ofcare” medicine using prescription as well as complementary medicine. Recognizing that the human body is not simply a collection of independent parts but rather an integrative whole -we treat it that way. Conditions treated include chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, macular degeneration and glaucoma, as well as thyroid support, adrenal support, hormone replacement. essential oil therapy and hyperbaric oxygen therapy.


Dr. Jennifer Engels M.D. 9555 Lebanon Rd Ste 701, Frisco 972-668-2636 Dr. Engels founded We Care Frisco, Functional Medicine Clinic, to help patients improve hormonal balance, lose weight, and replenish nutrients through personalized treatment plans including bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, medically supervised weight-loss programs, and peptide therapy. With a whole-person approach, addressing various disorders & improving patients' quality of life through diet and lifestyle recommendations and hormone therapy.See ad, page 32.


Dallas Metroplex Edition

Suzanne Miller, LMT, CYT, APP 670 W Arapaho Rd, Ste 12a, Richardson 972-768-2210 Thai Massage is a unique combination of stretching, acupressure, massage and energy work. Benefits include: reduced muscle tension, improved flexibility, increased circulation and relaxation. With 23 years' experience, Suzanne welcomes the opportunity to be a part of your health journey.


Dr. Jerry Tennant MD, Medical Director 35 Veranda Lane, Ste 100, Colleyville 972-580-1156


Dr. Tricia Seymour, PhD, EdD, ND, LPC-S 1201 International Parkway, Ste 200, Richardson 972-792-9900 Dr. Seymour integrates mindbody-spirit into her holistic psychotherapy practice. She utilizes rapid psychotherapy methods such as EFT, ETT, Hypnotherapy, and EMDR to assist clients in releasing old patterns and creating a better life. Dr. Seymour has been a licensed psychotherapist for 30+ years.





9901 Valley Ranch Pkwy East, Ste 1009 Irving 972-580-0545 We are the exclusive distributor of the patented Tennant Biomodulator® PLUS & PRO. These FDA accepted non-invasive devices are designed to offer an affordable, drug free, user-friendly option for the indicated use of symptomatic relief for chronic, severe or intractable pain; and adjunctive treatment in managing post-surgical and post-traumatic pain.

PHARMACY ABRAMS ROYAL COMPOUNDING PHARMACY 8220 Abrams Rd, Dallas 214-349-8000 4904 W. Park Blvd, Plano 972-599-7700

Family owned and operated since 1980, with more than 135 years of combined experience. Our pharmacists work to provide proactive solutions to restore health and wellness. We work as trusted partners with physicians and patients to develop targeted treatment plans and customized wellness programs for your unique needs. Pharmacy Compounding. Accreditation Board (PACB) certified. PSY

RESTAURANTS CELEBRATION RESTAURANT 4503 West Lovers Lane, Dallas 214-351-5681

The original farm-to-table restaurant in north Texas, inFood You Can cluding catering and takeFeel Good About! out Dallas’ Market. With a full -serORIGINAL vice bar, we celebrate farm-to-table restaurant years ofFresh serving afford• Localdelicious, • Sustainable able, locally sourced food. We offer gluten free alternatives, clean water raised salmon and sustain• Local, free-range, 100% grass-fed ably raised seafood, cagebeeffree poultryRanch and 100% from Springerhill No antibiotics ever,in vegetarian grass fed beef. Come in •today, order or take-out. fed, cage-free chicken from See ad, page 23. Perdue Farms • Verlasso salmon raised in the clean waters of Patagonia

Restaurant - 214-351-5681 | 4503 West Lovers Lane Dallas, Texas 75209 Catering - 214-351-2456 • Market - 214-352-0031


As Celebration continues to serve delicious, affordable and locally sourced food, we want to thank our friends and customers for your loving and loyal support!

CONCORD DALLAS CHURCH 6808 Pastor Bailey Dr, Dallas 214-331-8522

Concord Dallas is the church that grows people. Their core values are passion for Christ, passion for people and catalyst for change. Services are Sundays at 8:00am, 10:00am, 12:00pm and online at Mid-week service is Wednesdays at 7:00pm. Reverend Bryan L. Carter, Senior Pastor.

UNITY CHURCH OF SACHSE 5502 Ben Davis, Sachse 972-984-8946 We teach positive psychology based on Spiritual teachings of Jesus. Services are held Sundays at 11:30am. Join us as we share truths and principles to help along your spiritual journey. Each week’s message and all events are posted on our website for your convenience. Spiritual counseling and positive prayer available.


All symptoms have an origin story and we get to the root of yours. Using radiation-free technology we can identify your symptom’s origin story and exactly what needs to change internally and how it will remedy your symptoms. We then recommend medical grade natural products to help you heal the root cause easily and organically. See ad on page 5.

WELLNESS CENTERS ROCKWALL COMPLETE HEALING & WELLNESS 2455 Ridge Road, Suite 151, Rockwall 972-771-8900

Editorial Calendar Three Month Planner

Heart-Healthy Lifestyle February

“Our goal is to offer our community high-quality wellness services in an exceptionally comfortable and healing environment. We know that time-honored healing traditions-Massage, Young Living Raindrop Therapy, Chiropractic, iV therapy, Juicing and Colonics work. RCW offers all of these things, come visit us and begin your journey to optimum wellness. See ad, page 25.

Food & Nutrition



Dawn Harris, RYT500 306 W Ave F, Midlothian 214-817-8597

Ellis county’s premier yoga studio and eco-boutique offers a variety of weekly classes, specialty workshops, private yoga and reiki sessions as well as natural health and wellness events. Come feel your stress and tensions away. New student intro offer: 2 weeks unlimited Yoga for $20. Empowering a healthy lifestyle.

Eco-Travel April

January 2024



GENOSTIM® PEPTIDE BENEFITS INCLUDE: – Peptide Viral Shield – Joint pain relief – Loss in body fat – Increased energy levels and endurance


CEO Genostim®: Lauriston Crockett III, International Award-Winning peptide formulator for Human/Pet Health and Longevity. Author, FOX, iHeart, Cumulus Radio-TV, and Natural Awakenings contributor, Master Trainer, Bio-Mechanics Specialist, Legends Dallas Metroplex Edition Award Recipient.

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Dallas Metroplex Edition


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