The Quarantine Comic Coloring Book

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The Quarantine Comics Coloring Book Brought to you by the Fantasy Comics Studio NuVu Summer Session III 2020 Studio Facilitated By: Nadine Z. Maddie J-H. Comics By: Alessandra M. Indira M-L. Daequan J. Umberto M. Henry P. Connor X. Ayaan N. Ava A.

Intructions for Printable Download: This comic book is formated to fit on standard printer paper 8.5” x 11” Please download PDF from website and beging your coloring creations!

About this Studio: The Prompt Remember, respond, Re-imagine, reignite “When you can imagine you begin to create and when you begin to create you realize that you can create a world that you prefer to live in, rather than a world that you're suffering in.” Ben Okri

Why do we tell stories? EMPATHY + COLLECTIVE UNDERSTANDING AND COMMUNITY BUILDING + SHARED HISTORY “Humans have been telling stories for thousands of years, sharing them orally even before the invention of writing. In one way or another, much of people’s lives are spent telling stories—often about other people.” Stories can be a way for humans to feel that we have control over the world. They allow people to see patterns where there is chaos, meaning where there is randomness. Humans are inclined to see narratives where there are none because it can afford meaning to our lives—a form of existential problem-solving. Stories can also inform people’s emotional lives. Storytelling, especially in novels, allows people to peek into someone’s conscience to see how other people think. This can affirm our own beliefs and perceptions, but more often, it challenges them. Psychology researcher Dan Johnson recently published a study in Basic and Applied Social Psychology that found reading fiction significantly increased empathy towards others, especially people the readers initially perceived as “outsiders” (e.g. foreigners, people of a different race, skin color, or religion).” Excerpts from The Atlantic Article “ The Psychological Comforts of Storytelling: Why, throughout human history, have people been so drawn to fiction? Written by: Cody C. Delistraty November 2, 2014

Why do we draw? TO COMMUNICATE EMPATHY + VISUALIZING THE STORY + UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE There is a natural impulse to want to capture and preserve something beautiful and interesting. So we draw. Drawing can teach us to see: to notice properly rather than gaze absentmindedly. In the process of recreating with our own hand what lies before our eyes, we naturally move from a position of observing beauty in a loose way to one where we acquire a deep understanding of its parts. This can be true of capturing what is before you, but more importantly and what we will focus on in this studio, is capturing what is beyond us... an imagined world. The drawings people create bring you into these worlds they envision and sharing these drawings communicates to people the imagined world, and is ultimately an invitation for you to participate in it. In this studio, students were asked to reimagine through drawing and this guided them to find their visual voices to do so.

What was the End Goal in this Studio? SHARED HISTORY + IMAGINATION + UTOPIA “Everything that is new or uncommon raises a pleasure in the imagination, because it fills the soul with an agreeable surprise, gratifies its curiosity, and gives it an idea of which it was not before possessed.” - Joseph Addison “Perhaps the real reason that we tell stories again and again—and endlessly praise our greatest storytellers—is because humans want to be a part of a shared history.” So what is our end goal? In the news and social media, there is ungrounded speculation and judgment around the lives of young people. Only you have the power to inform us about your experience at this time. Your words, your thoughts, your experiences…are powerful. No social media outlet or news publication can adequately speculate what you are experiencing during this shared historical moment. There is an untapped potential in young people’s ability to share their stories. In this studio, we used visual literature to encapsulate the lived experiences of today and reimaginings of it to set the tone and hopefully a precursor for how we are going to experience the world after this shared historical pandemic. Each student contributed to a story to create collective visual anthropology called “The Quarantine Comic”. As students of this studio, they will among the first contributors to this collection.

The ultimate outcome was three-fold: For students to find a visual voice and have autonomy in what they have reimagined world to look like. For other young people to add to this collection within the NuVu network and our local communities, making it a monumental piece that demonstrates how others are reimagining and experiencing their current worlds. For young people all over the world to have access and contribute to this collection. This is a rare moment in history, as this pandemic touches all parts of the globe and this is a way to represent those stories. Through a collective reimagining, this visual anthology, we can represent and create a connection between culture, experience, and utopia. Maybe we’ve just needed a shared historical moment to do so...

Volume I Brought to you by the Remote Reimagining Studio NuVu Spring Session III 2020 Comics By: Anara M. Liam C. Luca R. Cleo P.

Lost and Found By: Anara Magavi

Isolation Imagination By: Luca Rudenstine

The Vacation

By: Liam Coughlin

Aftermath: On Friendships after Disaster By: Cleo Podrasky

Volume II

The Story Saver

By: Alessandra Manganaro

Soon enough, Lynn was fast asleep.

Ugh... Quarantine is way too boring...

Tales o f the Un kn


But she woke up someplace strange...

At least I can read the next book of Tales of the Unknown tomorrow!

When I knocked, I met a strange boy around my age. I introduced myself and told him I was lost, and he asked me where I was from, and told me his name, Ray.

Wait a minute! Why is that name familier? OH YES! I can vaguelly remember that it’s from the “Tales of the Unknown�! Am I in the book?

Wait, this isn’t my room!

Well, there’s a cabin up there, better check it out.

Huh... Why can’t I remember the story?

Literia? Xeno? These are so familier! I MUST be in the book. But why can’t I remember the story?

Well... this is going to sound crazy but... I think you are part of a book in my world, and I kind of... fell in?

Oh... Of course!


e ole r, h tant r bby e i l i r sha am po be is f e im s too may e am om ok , so is n ve s e lo gh If h st ha ry. H thou o mu he st hero in t e the ick? b to sidek ? h t e o then e is... her nam the k her s ’ o n Wh it, I thi Wa ? Ran

Is something wrong?

Xeno’s Private Study/ Library

*cough cough*

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*cough cough*

Quick! You don’t have much time! *cough* Your only hope of getting home is the spellbook. This compass will lead you to it. Go! She’s getting stronger. *cough*


r su Ya fo

Don’t forget to touch the spellbook and say “bring me home�....

Looks like we need to enter that forest.

As they enter the forest, they find a hooded figure. ing llow ’s fo rself. o h W you Show


Why should I? You’re the ones following me. But if you really do insist, they call me Ran.

First tell us who you are!

Ran? Great! We need your help!


I finally remember the story! Ran is the villain, and Ray is... actually the hero! But wait... there’s also a character with my name in the story! Was I meant to wake up in here?



Huh, I feel like I just woke up! Was that all just a dream? If so, it was very vivid!

Oh no


Tales of the Unknown Part 2

Oh look! The second book!

This book is dedicated to:

Quick! A virus


from your

has infected us!

Well now that you’ve figured that out, I guess I’ll have to free you of that burden.

You saved my life! Thank you!

Okay! Goodbye! Bring me home!


By: Ava Ananda

Some people don’t want to wear masks. But now a new mask has been invented! If you wear it AND do an enviromental action, you get a power! Now, do you want to wear it?

Each time you do one of the Enviromental Actions, you get a power! Enviromental Actions will always be highlighted in green(don’t worry about Sophi’s and John’s oufits) You get powers if you did an enviromental action! But make sure to be wearing your mask ALLthe time! Powers will always be highlighted in yellow, don’t worry about Sophi’s and John’s outfits

Stop using plastic!

Super Speed!

Hi! My name is Sophi, the girl and I’m John the boy! We want ALL the powers meaning we are wearing a mask! Follow us on our journey to get ALL the powers! Suit up! Make sure to get a mask!!

One day, Sophi and John went to the grocery store with their masks on. They picked out items, careful to avoid plastic. At checkout the grocer handed them a plastic bag with a free plastic bottle. They told him of their mission and politely refused. The grocer immediatly put away the bag and bottle and threw out his supply. As they saw a delicous ice cream, they rushed towards it and was there in a second. Thats super speed!

Drive less, bike AND walk more!

Able to Fly!

The next day, John and Sophi wanted to go to the park. Their mom offered to drive them, but they refused. Instead they biked to the park. As they encountered a forest, they certainly didn’t want to weave their way in and out of the branches. So, as they stood there pondering, they suddenly flew up to the sky! They were surronded by a bunch of birds and they were super happy and excited! They could fly and have super speed!

Pick up trash and clean the ocean!


On the 3rd day, as they were walking, they saw trash on the sidewalk. They put on some gloves and started picking it up. A few hours later, at home, they desperately wanted to eat a cookie but they couldn’t reach the shelf and didn’t want to ask their mom. They stood on a stool. Their mom walked by and Sophi and John froze. Their mom called up to the stairs to have John and Sophi come down for dinner! They were invisible!

Turn off the water when not using!

Super Genius! On the 4th day, they were walking to school when they saw somebody had left their faucet on. They turned it off and continued to school. In school, a 9th grade math teacher was subsituting for the 4th grade and 5th grade math. He asked an algerba question, something they hadn’t learned yet. Except when John and Sophi raised their hands and answered correctly, the class cheered! They were now a super genius!

Start a Compost!

Super Strong!

On the 5th day, they were at home when their mom was about to throw away a banana peel. They stopped her, brought in a bucket of dirt and made their family start a compost! Then, later outside, they were playing, but a car was in the way. They tried lifting it, and it was super easy! They now had super speed, super strength, super genius, invisibility and the ability to fly! One more power!

Plant a Tree!

X-Ray Vision!

On the last day, they were walking by their garden when they noticed they didn’t have any trees. They went to the store to get a seed and planted it in hteir garden. They helped grow it and a few days later, they tried looking for something to eat. They could see food inside the fridge without opening it! They had all the powers!


By: Connor Xu

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Legends of Corona By: Umberto Manganaro

Covidpocalypse By: Daequan Jeffes

Basketball Tales By: Ayaan Nallicheri

The Magic Lego By: Henry Popp

Birthday Bash

By: Indira Mishra-Linger


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