Saturday, June 3 Full Day Pre-Institute Workshops (Preregistration required)
1:00–5:00 PM Institute Registration
Sunday, June 4
7:00 AM–6:00 PM Institute Registration
8:30–10:00 AM Opening Plenary Session
10:30 AM–12:30 PM Sessions
12:00 Noon–3:00 PM
NAEYC Exhibit Hall & NAEYC Shop
12:30–2:00 PM Lunch Break in the Exhibit Hall ($)
2:00–4:00 PM
5:30–7:00 PM Exhibit Hall Networking Reception
5:45–7:00 PM Research Poster Session
Empowering early childhood professionals with fresh ideas and insights to participate in and facilitate the highest quality professional development
Monday, June 5
7:00 AM–3:00 PM
8:00–10:00 AM Sessions
10:00 AM–4:30 PM
NAEYC Exhibit Hall & NAEYC Shop
10:30 AM–12:30 PM Sessions
12:30–2:00 PM
Lunch Break in the Exhibit Hall ($)
2:00–4:00 PM Sessions
4:00–4:15 PM
Exhibit Hall Prize Drawing
4:30–5:30 PM Sessions
Tuesday, June 6
7:00 AM–12:00 Noon Institute Registration
8:00–10:00 AM Sessions
10:00 AM–2:00 PM
NAEYC Exhibit Hall & NAEYC Shop
10:30–11:30 AM
11:30 AM–12:30 PM
Dedicated time in the Exhibit Hall
12:30–2:00 PM
Lunch Break in the Exhibit Hall ($)
1:30–2:00 PM
Exhibit Hall Prize Drawing; Exhibit Hall Ends
2:00–4:00 PM Sessions
Visit to discover new ideas and solutions with the industry’s leading companies. Come for the demonstrations, conversations, and daily prize drawings!
4:30–5:30 PM Sessions
Wednesday, June 7
8:00–10:00 AM Sessions
10:30 AM–12:00 Noon
Closing Plenary Session
National Association for the Education of Young Children 1401 H Street NW, Suite 600, Washington, DC 20005
202-232-8777 | 800-424-2460
NAEYC.org #naeycINST
NAEYC is a high-performing, inclusive organization, and we encourage the exchange of diverse opinions. It is important for attendees to recognize that the ideas presented at the Institute do not necessarily reflect NAEYC’s official position and NAEYC assumes no responsibility for any statement of fact or opinion presented at the Institute. NAEYC does not endorse the products or services of any Institute advertiser, exhibitor, or sponsor.
Monday, June 5
32 Sessions
8:00–10:00 am
Featured Session Stories of Resistance: Learning from Black Women in Early Care and Education
OregOn BallrOOm 204
ACCESS Session
34 Sessions
10:30 am–12:30 pm
Featured Session Self-Regulation for All: Developing a Deeper Understanding of Self-Regulation Research and Classroom Strategies to Meet the Needs of All Learners
OregOn BallrOOm 204 35
Tuesday, June 6
41 Sessions
8:00–10:00 am
Featured Session
An Asset-Based Approach for Differentiating Teaching in Early Math: Environments, Interactions, and Activities for Playful and Joyful DAP OregOn BallrOOm 204
43 Sessions
10:30 am–11:30 am
45 Sessions 2:00–4:00 pm
Featured Session
Creating a Diverse Environment is Not Just About the Physical Classroom: Making Families and Children Feel Welcome from the First Day OregOn BallrOOm 204
47 Sessions 4:30–5:30 pm
Wednesday, June 7
49 Sessions 8:00–10:00 am
Featured Session Programs, Policy, and Strategy: Addressing Compensation for the Early Childhood Workforce in a Conservative State OregOn BallrOOm 204
Featured Session Observation, Documentation, Interpretation, and Instruction: Essential Components of Child Assessment, Development, and Learning
OregOn BallrOOm 204
There are options throughout the Oregon Convention Center to recycle and compost items you no longer want or can’t keep. Keep an eye out for collection points and be sure to sort items carefully into the receptacles.
She Flies With Her Own Wings: An Inside Look into Oregon’s Journey to Transform Early Childhood Education
10:30am-12pm WEDNESDAY Oregon Ballroom 202/203
What a joy it is to welcome you to the 2023 Professional Learning Institute in Portland, Oregon!
Over the course of these four days, you will have the opportunity to choose from nearly 200 peer-reviewed sessions—each aimed at deepening and broadening your expertise on how to advance a well-prepared, wellsupported and well-compensated early childhood education profession, and foster joyful, equitable learning environments for all young children.
May you use this time to curate an experience that will strengthen your professional practice, as educators, advocates, faculty members, state leaders, and more, and advance your understanding of the innovations and latest research informing our sector. The official Institute mobile app, Whova, will help—simply download to get immediate access to all the sessions, create your personal agenda, plan your Exhibit Hall visits, and chat with other attendees.
But don’t let those connections stop there! Beyond the learning we hope you will acquire in sessions, we also encourage you to use this time to connect with colleagues from across the country and build relationships that will broaden your professional community.
We know you experience a lot of heavy and isolating challenges in your dayto-day work, especially as our early childhood education profession continues to be on the front lines of supporting young children, their families, and our broader society and economy. We hope this will be an opportunity for you to feel lightness in the context of our shared community, and to be reminded that there are thousands of individuals doing this work alongside you. Together we are #NAEYCstrong and you are exactly where you belong!
On behalf of NAEYC’s Governing Board and staff, we want to express our gratitude for the time you have chosen to spend with us and for your commitment to invest in yourself and your professional learning. Children, families, and our early childhood education field are stronger because of you!
Have an incredible time, share your pictures and reflections on the Whova app and on social media using #naeycINST, and don’t forget to explore our host city of Portland and all it has to offer!
With gratitude,
Natalie Vega O’Neil, President
Kelly Ramsey, Vice President
Brian Johnson, Secretary
Michelle Wlazlo, Treasurer
Barbara Cooper
Charu Manocha
Joseph Alviani
Nadia Jones
Nicole Lazarte
Reginald (Reggie) Williams
Shayna Cook
Stacey French-Lee
Toni Sturdivant
Traki L. Taylor
Shu-Chen (Jenny) Yen
Xiara Quinn
Tonia Durden
Michelle Kang (Ex Officio)
Natalie Vega O’Neil, NAEYC Governing Board PresidentINSTITUTE SPONSORS Thank you to Kaplan and Tools of the Mind for their Lasting Legacy Scholarships!
Want professional development that builds on your experiences in the classroom?
HighScope's professional learning courses offer flexible self-paced scheduling and the support of an interactive learning community.
Participants will apply the coursework in their own classroom and return to a discussion board to share results, receive feedback from their instructor, and benefit from the experiences of fellow educators.
A Guide to Change, for Change
Second Edition
Louise Derman-Sparks, Debbie LeeKeenan, and John Nimmo
Foreword by Iheoma U. Iruka
Initiate and sustain anti-bias leadership in programs for young children and their families.
Oct 2023/Approx. 224 pages
Paperback, 978-0-8077-6852-5 Early Childhood Education Series
Engage young children in doing science and engineering.
Nov 2023/Approx. 144 pages
Paperback, 978-0-8077-6904-1
STEM for Our Youngest Learners Series
Visit tcpress.com/soyls for more books in this limited series
Using ReggioInspired Materials to Support Brain Development
Second Edition
Ann Lewin-Benham
Enhance the growth and development of infants and toddlers with this revised and expanded edition.
Sep 2023/Approx. 240 pages
Paperback, 978-0-8077-6878-5 Early Childhood Education Series
Transforming the System of Care for Young Children
Edited by Maurice Sykes and Kyra Ostendorf
Foreword by Barbara T. Bowman
Advocate for an antiracist early care education system.
Oct 2022/208 pages
Paperback, 978-0-8077-6758-0
The Teaching for Social Justice Series
Fostering Early Learning and Development Through Responsive Practice
Susan L. Recchia, Minsun Shin, and Eleni Loizou
Foreword by Mary Benson McMullen Nurture the social capacities of infants and toddlers.
Nov 2023/Approx. 144 pages
Paperback, 978-0-8077-6890-7
Early Childhood Education Series
Young Investigators
The Project Approach in the Early Years
Fourth Edition
Judy Harris
Helm, Lilian G. Katz, and Rebecca Wilson
A full-color guide to doing projects with young children.
Jun 2023/240 pages
Paperback, 978-0-8077-6796-2
Early Childhood Education Series
Use these research-based tools to optimize the quality of children’s early learning. Physical Environment • Teacher-Child Interactions • Health and Safety • Program Structure • Curriculum
2017/104 pp./ Spiral bound, large format, 978-0-80775867-0 2015/104 pp./Spiral bound, large format, 978-0-80775570-9
2019/104 pp./Spiral bound, large format, 978-0-8077-6301-8
2021/128 pp./Paperback, 978-0-8077-6607-1
We Are the Change We Seek Advancing Racial Justice in Early Care and Education
Iheoma U. Iruka, Tonia R. Durden, Kerry-Ann Escayg, and Stephanie M. Curenton Implement culturally grounded practices that will improve outcomes for diverse children in early childhood settings.
Jun 2023/168 pages
Paperback, 978-0-8077-6802-0 Early Childhood Education Series
Developing Language, Vocabulary, and Content Knowledge
Christina M. Cassano and Kathleen A. Paciga
Develop young learners’ vocabulary with guided drawing.
Jun 2023/192 pages
Paperback, 978-0-8077-6774-0
2019/120 pp./Paperback, 978-0-8077-5954-7
Copublished with Kaplan Early Learning Company
Oregon Convention Center (777 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Portland, OR 97232)
Attendees, presenters, and exhibitors should bring their registration receipt to Institute Registration, Level 1, located near Exhibit Hall C of the Oregon Convention Center, to pick up their name badge and Institute Final Program. On-site registration will be available to those who did not preregister. See Schedule of Events for hours.
Oregon Convention Center, Room A109 on Level 1
Oregon Convention Center
Exhibit Hall C: Booth #617
Visit the Shop to browse newly released titles and all-time favorites. Take advantage of free shipping in the in the contiguous United States and member pricing on all books! Credit card purchases only; we are unable to accept cash or checks. See Schedule of Event for hours.
Oregon Convention Center
Exhibit Hall C
Discover tools, services, and demonstrations for implementing new solutions that build on what you learn at Institute. Your complimentary registrant bag is waiting for you at the NAEYC Homeroom, Booth #300. See Schedule of Events for hours.
For safety reasons, we cannot allow children under the age of 18 in the event space including the exhibit hall and session areas.
Oregon Convention Center
Exhibit Hall C
Stop by the Research Posters to network and exchange ideas with individuals and organizations showcasing effective approaches to professional development, high-quality programs, and new research. See Schedule of Events for hours.
Network: OCC Free Wi-Fi
No password needed
Free Wi-Fi is available in the lobby areas of the Oregon Convention Center.
The Guest Experience Marketplace is located next to the main Welcome Desk in front of the Guest Experience Office on the Lobby Level across from the MLK entrance. Services include:
› Self-serve complimentary cloud-based printing and copying (black and white, 8.5” x 11” paper only)
› CVS kiosk for pharmacy needs
› ESI kiosk for Electronics needs
› MagicBox kiosk for unique Portland themed gifts
Please remember to complete the 2023 Institute evaluation survey, which will be sent to you electronically immediately following the Institute. NAEYC sincerely values your feedback, which is used to evaluate the Institute and to plan future NAEYC professional development activities.
The Welcome Desk concierge (Lobby Level across from the MLK entrance) can assist with:
› Information about local Portland attractions and dining options
› Directions and wayfinding within the Oregon Convention Center
› Wheelchair and electric scooter reservations
The nearest business/shipping center is the FedEx Office Print & Ship Center, located at 1605 NE 7th Avenue (0.6 miles from the Oregon Convention Center).
Contact Info and Hours of Operation:
Phone: 503-284-2129
Website: local.fedex.com/en-us/or/portland/office-5139
Monday-Friday: 8:00 AM-8:00 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM-6:00 PM
Sunday: 12:00 Noon-6:00 PM
Please visit the NAEYC Headquarters, Oregon Convention Center, Room A109, if you have lost an item while attending sessions.
In keeping with the Association’s duty of care and our responsibility as an event host, NAEYC is guided by recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) and will abide by the legal mandates of the State of Oregon at the time of the 2023 Professional Learning Institute (“Event”). Thank you for following NAEYC’s Event Safety Policy which can be found on the NAEYC website at NAEYC.org/ events/institute/institute-safety-information-policies.
NAEYC’s Institute encourages the exchange of diverse opinions. It is important for attendees to recognize that the ideas presented do not necessarily reflect NAEYC’s official position statements. Moreover, NAEYC assumes no responsibility for any statement of fact or opinion presented at the Institute, nor does acceptance of advertising or exhibits imply endorsement by the Association of any products or services.
Registration and attendance at, or participation in, NAEYC meetings and other activities constitutes an agreement for NAEYC, or anyone authorized by NAEYC, to record and use, as NAEYC may desire in its sole and absolute discretion, all recording and reproductions or depictions of such exhibitor’s, or attendee’s name, likeness, voice, persona, words, actions, and/or biography, which NAEYC may make, including without limitation, the right for NAEYC, or anyone authorized by NAEYC, to use such recordings, reproductions, or depictions in or in connection with any legitimate purposes, including for advertising, publicity, trade, and editorial purposes, at any time in the future in all media now known or hereafter developed, throughout the world.
The Sunday through Wednesday sessions are described on pages 21 to 51. The program is organized by day, time, and location. The description of each session includes the title, location, time, presenter(s), and topic. The topic defines the session focus.
Your opinion is important to us!
Please remember to complete the 2023 Institute evaluation survey, which will be sent to you electronically immediately following the Institute. NAEYC sincerely values your feedback, which is used to evaluate the Institute and to plan future NAEYC professional development activities.
Research shows that children who are able to regulate, or manage, their emotions and behaviors do better in school.
I agree! That’s why I’m dedicating time every day for social–emotional development.
Designed for early childhood educators, our PD Teacher Membership includes
• over 400 hours of online training,
• on-demand courses in English and Spanish,
• virtual live classes and courses,
• an online community of educators, and
• an “Ask an Expert” hotline.
Stop by booth 611 or scan to visit us online.
Children benefit from Discovery Driven Learning®, our approach that inspires curiosity, encourages exploration, and helps them become lifelong learners.
Teachers and center staff grow in their careers with innovative professional development and free early childhood college degrees.
Our center leaders mentor and motivate a world-class team of passionate educators to make a difference for children and families.
Bright Horizons®, learning is our passion.
Individualized professional development aligned with the Environment Ratings Scales
• Demonstrates what quality looks like in practice
• Provides opportunities to learn, reflect, and improve
• Builds on existing strengths
• Empowers educators to make changes
• Available in English and Spanish
• Includes CDA training hours
Accurate and reliable scoring of the Environment Rating Scales
• Calculates item, sub-scale, and overall scores automatically
• Reflects the most recent notes for clarification from the authors
• Includes data-driven analysis tools to identify trends across programs
• Utilizes CQI reporting to empower providers and directors
• Leverages assessments as learning tools to promote individualized professional development
Affiliate Day
8:00 am – 3:00 Pm
Affiliate board members and staff are invited to register for Affiliate Day. Planned jointly by the NAEYC Affiliate Advisory Council and staff, this day is designed to inspire and build leadership throughout our Affiliate network. Advance registration is required through the Affiliate Relations Department. Seating is limited. For more information, please contact the Affiliate Relations team at affiliate@naeyc.org.
Early Learning Program Accreditation: Managing Your Accreditation Journey
8:30 am - 3:00 Pm
Lori Nanney, NAEYC Becky Honig, NAEYC
Education for a Civil Society: Teaching for Five Democratic Life Skills
8:30 am – 3:30 Pm
Daniel Gartrell, Author
Please remember to complete the 2023 Institute evaluation survey, which will be sent to you electronically immediately following the Institute. NAEYC sincerely values your feedback, which is used to evaluate the Institute and to plan future NAEYC professional development activities.
Higher Education Faculty Workshop: Completing the NAEYC Higher Education Accreditation Process
9:00 am – 4:00 Pm
Rebecca Brinks, Grand Rapids Community College
m p o y e e s o f N a t i o n a A s s o c i a t o n f o r t h e E d u c a t i o n o f Y o u n g C h i d r e n ( N A E Y C ) a n d w h o e n r o l a n d s t a r t c l a s s b e t w e e n a n u a r y 1 , 2 0 2 3 a n d J u n e 3 0 ,
T h e g r a n t s c u r r e n t l y b e i n g e v a u a t e d f o r n e w s t u d e n t s s t a r t i n g i n J a n u a r y 2 0 2 3 N o t u i t i o n s a v i n g s o r t u i t i o n g r a n t w i l b e m a d e r e t r o a c t i v e y T h e t u i t i o n g r a n t e x c l u d e s t h e F N P s p e c a l z a t i o n i n t h e M S N p r o g r a m , a c c e l e r a t e d s p e c a z a t i o n s a n d t h e o n e - c r e d t t r a c k i n t h e n t h e M S E d p r o g r a m , a n d t h e S e l f - D e s i g n e d s p e c a i z a t i o n s i n t h e M S E d P h D i n M a n a g e m e n t , a n d P h D n P u b l i c H e a t h p r o g r a m s T h e t u i t o n g r a n t i s a w a r d e d a s a t u i t i o n s a v i n g s o f u p t o $ 5 0 0 f o r u p t o s i x c o n s e c u t i v e t e r m s f o r b a c h e l o r s a n d m a s t e r s p r o g r a m s a n d u p t o t e n c o n s e c u t i v e t e r m s f o r d o c t o r a l p r o g r a m s , b e g i n n i n g w i t h t h e f r s t t e r m o f e n r o l m e n t , u n t i t h e e n t i r e t u i t i o n g r a n t h a s b e e n e a r n e d o r t h e s t u d e n t i s n o l o n g e r e i g b l e S t u d e n t s m u s t b e e n r o l l e d c o n t i n u o u s y ( w i t h o u t b r e a k ) t o r e c e v e t h e f u l l t u i t i o n g r a n t T u t i o n g r a n t s a n d t u t i o n s a v i n g s a r e a p p i c a b e t o t u t i o n o n l y a n d c a n n o t b e c o m b i n e d w i t h a n y o t h e r t u i t o n s a v n g s b e n e f t T h e t u t i o n g r a n t i s a “ n o n - c a s h ” a w a r d a n d i n n o e v e n t w i l t h e r e c i p i e n t r e c e i v e a c h e c k o r o t h e r d i s b u r s e m e n t o f m o n e y p u r s u a n t t o t h i s t u t i o n g r a n t T h e t u i t i o n g r a n t m a y o n l y b e u s e d f o r c r e d i t - b e a r i n g c o u r s e s w i t h i n t h e r e c i p i e n t ’ s p r o g r a m n o n - c r e d i t c o u r s e s a r e n o t p e r m i t t e d u n d e r t h e t u i t o n g r a n t A n y c h a n g e s t h a t W a l d e n m a k e s t o t u i t i o n s a v i n g s g r a n t s o r s c h o l a r s h i p o f f e r i n g s w i l a f f e c t n e w s t u d e n t s / r e c p i e n t s A l t u i t o n s a v n g s g r a n t s o r s c h o l a r s h i p s a r e s u b j e c t t o s p e c i f i c e l i g i b l i t y r e q u i r e m e n t s C o n t a c t a W a l d e n U n i v e r s t y E n r o l m e n t S p e c i a l i s t f o r d e t a l s
Through our Think Small Institute, we can design and produce best-in-class eLearning content using Reflective Practice and Anti-racist Pedagogy specifically for your needs. Or we can customize our current Think Small courses by bundling them specifically for your audiences while hosting on ours or your platform. For more details, contact director@thinksmallinstitute.org
Think Small Institute also o ers the most a ordable, IACET approved, CDA training package in the industry. Included in this package is the CDA Prep Guide from our publishing division, Redleaf Press.
Need exceptional curriculum, management, and business resources for early childhood professionals?
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20% OFF
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HiMama is the only early education solution designed to support administrators, educators and families. Find out how our suite of tools and resources is helping hundreds of classrooms in your state!
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VALID JUNE 1-30, 2023
Communicate with parents
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Keep your center at your finger tips with an all in one source of truth.
Make it easy for parents to pay on time, and keep your billing in one place.
Discover how HIMama works with your childcare center!
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Run assessments
Easily record and assess development with Pearson Assessments.
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For nearly 100 years, NAEYC has been at the forefront of building a foundation for high-quality early childhood education that has helped hundreds of thousands of early childhood educators create joyful learning environments in which millions of young children and their families have thrived.
Anchored by Developmentally Appropriate Practice and the decades of research and evidence that inform it, this session will celebrate the myriad ways that early childhood educators, program directors, scholars, researchers, policymakers, and advocates can advance environments that support joyful, equitable learning for all young children.
The 2023 Professional Learning Institute Opening Plenary session will amplify the voices of members of the Oregon early childhood education profession, including early childhood educators and early learning program directors, leaders of Oregon AEYC, and our dynamic keynote speakers:
› Matt Karlsen and Susan Harris MacKay who direct the Center for Playful Inquiry to catalyze greater beauty and democracy in the partnership of children and adults.
We will also be joined by child care champion Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici, who represents Oregon’s First Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives, and leads with a focus on children, families, and educators, including those working with our nation’s youngest children. Together, our distinguished speakers will set the tone for a 2023 Professional Learning Institute focused on joyful equitable learning for all young children led by the expertise of early childhood educators who across states and communities have embraced and are committed to creating environments in their centers, classrooms, and homes where all young children feel seen, safe, and supported.
10:30 am – 12:30 pm
Three for One: How Spanish-Language Professional Development Supports Academic Language Development, Content Learning, and a Sense of Belonging
Portland Ballroom 252
10:30 am – 12:30 Pm
High-quality instructional support for emergent bilinguals in the classroom is a growing need in the field. Teachers in Spanish dual language and transitional bilingual programs require professional development (PD) that is designed with them in mind. We will share a model of a Spanish-language PD program offered state-wide to public kindergarten teachers in the state of Illinois.
Learn how this PD supports participants to develop their academic Spanish language skills, deepen their content knowledge in early mathematics and emerging literacy and elevates their sense of belonging to a professional community. Spanishlanguage PD removes barriers and increases the chances for teachers in bilingual settings to integrate powerful teaching routines into their practice.
Rebeca Itzkowich, Erikson Institute
Jie Qi Chen, Erikson Institute
Jeanine O’Nan Brownell, Erikson Institute
Sponsored by
Play on Purpose: Bringing Joyful Learning to the Classroom, Community, and Beyond
10:30 am – 12:30 Pm
Amy Kronberg, Montgomery County Preschool Promise
Preschool Teacher Perspectives on Engaging Fathers in Their Children’s Education
10:30 am – 12:30 Pm
Jawan Burwell, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
Charryse Jones, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
Family Engagement & Support
Voices of Practitioners: Reflecting on Our Own Identities in Early Childhood Education
10:30 am – 12:30 Pm
Isauro Escamilla, San Francisco State University
Debra Murphy, Cape Cod Community College
Barbara Henderson, San Francisco State University
Sarah Stein, San Francisco State University
Angela Aquilizan, San Francisco State University
Educator/Teacher Preparation
Creating an Equitable Program Climate that Supports Diverse Approaches to Learning
10:30 am – 12:30 Pm
Terryl Wheelock, 4C For Children
Jenna Finley, Value Our Voices Consulting
Diversity and Equity
Rethinking the Theorists: Enriching Our Work With the Wisdom of Diverse Early Childhood Theorists, Founders, and Influencers
10:30 am – 12:30 Pm
Camille Catlett, Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute
Alison Mellott, Shippensburg University
Michele Napierkowski, Community College of Alleghany County
Cindy Stephens, College of the Canyons
Diversity and Equity
Higher Education Accreditation: A Walk Through the Standards and Self-Study Process
10:30 am – 12:30 Pm
Mary Harrill, NAEYC
Rebecca Brinks, Grand Rapids Community College
Educator/Teacher Preparation
Leading with Heart: From Translation to Transcreation
10:30 am – 12:30 Pm
May-Ling Joa, University of Washington
Marcela Aguilera, University of Washington
Maria Alvarez, University of Washington
Diversity and Equity
Research-Based Strategies to Support CoRegulation and Active Learning: Lessons from Partnerships with Kindergarten Teachers
10:30 am – 12:30 Pm
Ashley Hoy, HighScope Educational Research Foundation
Madeline Chimka, HighScope Educational Research Foundation
Curriculum Theories & Approaches
Changing the Landscape of Early Childhood Education Professional Preparation: A StateWide Collaboration to Enhance Access, Prior Learning Credit, and Content Innovations
10:30 am – 12:30 Pm
Lissanna Follari, University of Colorado Colorado Springs
Cristina Gillanders, University of Colorado Denver
Amanda Rutter, University of Northern Colorado
Dorothy Shapland Rodriguez, Metropolitan State University of Denver
Educator/Teacher Preparation
But They Talk at Home! Understanding and Supporting Young Children Who Have Selective Mutism
10:30 am – 12:30 Pm
Katherine Slattery, The Center: Resources for Teaching and Learning
Children with Disabilities/Early Intervention
UAE-Based Conceptual Model of Early Childhood Education Preservice Teacher Competencies: Aligning with NAEYC’s Professional Standards and DAP Position Statement
10:30 am – 12:30 Pm
Priti Verma, Higher Colleges of Technology Slim Khemakhem, Higher Colleges of Technology
Nadya Moosa, Higher Colleges of Technology
Philip Quirke, Higher Colleges of Technology
Tinkering: Leveraging Loose Parts Play for Authentic STEAM Learning
Portland Ballroom 251
10:30 am – 12:30 Pm
Kathryn Price, Curious Kids Lynnfield; Salem State University
Teaching and Instructional Practices
Early Childhood Education and the COVID-19 Experience: How Leaders Came Together to Develop New Pathways to Survive, Manage, and Thrive
Portland Ballroom 253
10:30 am – 12:30 Pm
Leslie Spina, Kinder Academy, Inc.
Mary Graham, Children’s Village
Deb Green, The Parent Infant Center
Building a Strong Team: One Intentional Moment at a Time
Portland Ballroom 254
10:30 am – 12:30 Pm
Denise Sidney, College of Southern Nevada
Mary Regan, Las Vegas Urban League
Professionalism & Ethics
Let’s Get Moving: Using a Sensory Lens to Support Transitions, Big Emotions, and Healthy Relationships
Portland Ballroom 255
10:30 am – 12:30 Pm
Susan Osterhoff, Project Commotion
Guidance/Challenging Behaviors
Fostering Self-Esteem in Children
Portland Ballroom 256
10:30 am – 12:30 Pm
Maureen Burford, Creative Lives, Inc.
Teaching and Instructional Practices
2:00 – 4:00 pm
BANNED: Classroom Libraries as Book Sanctuaries for Young Children
oregon Ballroom 204
2:00 Pm – 4:00 Pm
The number of banned books in U.S. schools is increasing, with over 2,500 books banned in public schools across the country between July 2021 and June 2022, according to nonprofit PEN America. The bans have affected over 138 school districts in 32 states, with Florida and Texas leading the way. Many banned books are aimed at younger readers, including picture books and chapter books. This session will provide strategies for creating multicultural and multi-ethnic classroom libraries that protect banned books and promote critical literacy, diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Brian Wright, The University of Memphis
Networking Reception
Mix and mingle Sunday evening after your first day of sessions with a hosted appetizer and bar reception in the vibrant Exhibit Hall.
Food and beverage available for purchase Sunday through Tuesday 12:30 – 2 PM.
Prize drawings
NAEYC Homeroom
Connect with our team of experts in Early Learning Program Accreditation, membership, and advocacy.
Brain Breaks
Challenge your colleagues to a game of ping pong, located on the right side of the Exhibit Hall.
Network with the exhibitors to collect ping pong balls on Monday and Tuesday. Exchange ping pong balls at the NAEYC Homeroom for drawing tickets. Place your drawing tickets into the bucket of your choice for a chance to win some exciting prizes!
Find a list of exhibitors on pages 53-54
Play as a Function of Social and Emotional Learning
2:00 Pm – 4:00 Pm
Meghann Hickey, Hatch Early Learning, Inc
Kylie Rymanowicz, Hatch Early Learning, Inc
Social/Emotional Development
Screen Technologies Change, Children’s Developmental Needs Do Not: Tools and Strategies for Prioritizing Healthy Development Across Early Learning Environments
2:00 Pm – 4:00 Pm
Melinda Holohan, Western Michigan University Patricia Cantor, Plymouth State University
Jean Rogers, Fairplay
Learning Environment
Setting the Stage: Using Simulations to Build Family Conferencing Skills with Preservice Educators
2:00 Pm – 4:00 Pm
Tricia Shelton, Seton Hill University
Educator/Teacher Preparation
ECE Educator Workforce Data: Case Studies in Recent Uses of Data for Advocacy and Research
2:00 Pm – 4:00 Pm
Cristi Carman, RAPID Survey Project
Meghan Salas-Atwell, NAEYC
Advocacy/Public Policy
NAEYC Higher Education Accreditation: Meeting Quality Key Assessment and Data Collection Expectations
2:00 Pm – 4:00 Pm
Mary Harrill, NAEYC
Elisa Huss-Hage, HOPE Toledo
Educator/Teacher Preparation
Embrace, Reflect, Reframe, and Respond with an Equity Lens
2:00 Pm – 4:00 Pm
Lori Blake, Central Connecticut State University
Diane Gozemba, Eastconn Diversity and Equity
Preschool Nature Arts: Using Natural Materials to Enhance Creativity, Fine Motor Skills, and Cognitive Development
2:00 Pm – 4:00 Pm
Nicole Dravillas Fravel, Wildwood Nature School Nature/Outdoor Education
Making Your Program Data Work for You: Planning Intentional, Data-Informed Embedded Professional Development
2:00 Pm – 4:00 Pm
Jessica Haremza Diop, Start Early Technical Assistance (Coaching, Mentoring, Consultation)
Next Steps in NAEYC Early Learning Program Accreditation
2:00 Pm – 4:00 Pm
Alissa Mwenelupembe, NAEYC Program Quality, Evaluation, & Accountability
An Integrated Curriculum Approach: Connecting to State Standards, Learning Outcomes, Authentic Assessment, and Meaningful Learning Experiences Using Backward Design
2:00 Pm – 4:00 Pm
Virginia “Ginny” Harmelink, Pima Community College
R Taylor, Chemeketa Community College
Teaching and Instructional Practices
Connecting the Dots: Creating a System of Quality for Sustainable Change
2:00 Pm – 4:00 Pm
Susan Goettl, Fairfax County Government
Jill McFarren Aviles, McFarren Aviles and Associates
Duan Shankle, Fairfax County Government
Ana Hoover, McFarren Aviles and Associates
Leticia Flores, Fairfax County Government
Tabitha Evans, Fairfax County Government
We are Parenting in Real Time—Be Patient with Us! Stories from Families Engaging in Anti-Bias Education
Portland Ballroom 251
2:00 Pm – 4:00 Pm
Debbie LeeKeenan, AntibiasLeadersECE
John Nimmo, Portland State University
Lesa Valenzuela, Pike Market Child Care and Preschool
Family Engagement & Support
Teaching and Learning Together in Our Neighborhood: Building Strong Early Childhood Educators with Robert Morris University and The Fred Rogers Institute
Portland Ballroom 252
2:00 Pm – 4:00 Pm
Jennifer Tepe, Robert Morris University
Shellie Grooms, The Fred Rogers Institute
Susan Parker, Robert Morris University
Educator/Teacher Preparation
Improving Outcomes for Children Who Engage in Behavioral Escalations
Portland Ballroom 253
2:00 Pm – 4:00 Pm
Benjamin Smith, iBehaviorSupport LLC
Guidance/Challenging Behaviors
Being Therapeutic Without Being a Therapist: Higher Education Faculty Explore and Reflect on Using Trauma-Informed Care Materials and Strategies with Their Learners
Portland Ballroom 254
2:00 Pm – 4:00 Pm
Katie Emerson-Hoss, University of Washington
Social/Emotional Development
Math Joy: Teaching Strategies that Nurture the Next Generation of Problem Solvers
Portland Ballroom 255
2:00 Pm – 4:00 Pm
Rebecca Parlakian, Zero to Three
Teaching and Instructional Practices
Engaging and Equitable Literacy Practices: Visual-Based Storytelling and Multisensory Learning Strategies with Wordless Picture Books and Animation
Portland Ballroom 256
2:00 Pm – 4:00 Pm
Lory Haas, Sam Houston State University
Teaching and Instructional Practices
4:30 – 5:30 pm
Promoting Reflective Practice Through Coaching for Early Childhood Teachers in an Alternative Licensure Program
4:30 Pm – 5:30 Pm
Tanginia Southall, University of Illinois at Chicago
Anna Jerabek, University of Illinois at Chicago
Educator/Teacher Preparation
Social and Emotional Skills and Challenging Behaviors in Preschoolers: Examining the Impact of COVID-19
4:30 Pm – 5:30 Pm
Susan Damico, Devereux Center for Resilient Children
Assessment of Young Children
Supporting Young and Emerging Early Child Care Professionals
4:30 Pm – 5:30 Pm
Leah Walker, Rowan University
Gloria Woods, Vogel Alcove
Building Communities of Practice to Support Inclusion of Children with Disabilities
4:30 Pm – 5:30 Pm
Ann Kremer, Early CHOICES
Denise Henry, Starnet
Diversity and Equity
By Invitation Only: Higher Education Accreditation Peer Reviewer Meeting
4:30 Pm – 5:30 Pm
Mary Harrill, NAEYC
Educator/Teacher Preparation
The Relationship Between Undergraduate Preschool Education Majors and Professional Standards for Teachers: Comparing Contexts in China and the United States
4:30 Pm – 5:30 Pm
Mengxuan Gao, Shanghai Normal University
Tianhua College
Global Perspectives
Systems Approach to High Quality
Early Learning Experiences in Schools and Communities
4:30 Pm – 5:30 Pm
Bridgitt Mitchell, NAEYC
Edward Manuszak, Washtenaw Intermediate School District
Peter Finch, West Valley School District #208
Fostering a Changemaker Mindset by Cultivating a Culturally Competent Workplace
4:30 Pm – 5:30 Pm
Katorra Enoch-Longshore, Council for Professional Recognition
Veronica Commodore, Council for Professional Recognition
Program Administration, Evaluation and Financial Management
Using Technology to Develop a System of Effective Professional Development that Inspires Sustainable Behavior Change
4:30 Pm – 5:30 Pm
Michelle Salcedo, Teaching Strategies
Julia Whitney, Teaching Strategies
Advocacy/Public Policy
Co-Developing a Systems Approach for Dual Language Learners in Early Childhood Education
4:30 Pm – 5:30 Pm
Liteove Rodriguez-Tighe, Passaic Public Schools
Alexandra Figueras-Daniel, National Institute for Early Education Research
Bernice Vasquez, Passaic Public Schools
Mariluz Lopez, Children’s Day Preschool and Family Center
Jessica Torres, Passaic Public Schools
Emerging Bilingual/Multilingual
Partnering with Higher Education to Implement an Infant and Toddler Registered Apprenticeship Program in Early Childhood Education and Care: Perspectives from Collaborations in Rhode Island
oregon Ballroom 201
4:30 Pm – 5:30 Pm
Sue Adams, University of Rhode Island
Phyllis Penhallow, University of Rhode Island
Lisa Hildebrand, Rhode Island Association for the Education of Young Children
State Systems – Data, Financing, Professional Development, Standards, QRIS
Promoting Competency-Based Early Childhood Programs in Higher Education
Through Culturally Responsive Assessment
Portland Ballroom 251
4:30 Pm – 5:30 Pm
Wenjie Wang, Western New Mexico University
Shannon Rivera, Western New Mexico University
Educator/Teacher Preparation
Professional Development
Leading to Practice Change
Portland Ballroom 252
4:30 Pm – 5:30 Pm
Toni Linder, Early Learning Dynamics
Katherine Slattery, The Center: Resources for Teaching and Learning/STAR NET Region II
Access to Early Childhood Programming for Children in Foster Care
Portland Ballroom 253
4:30 Pm – 5:30 Pm
Ann Bailey, University of Minnesota
Amy Dorman, University of Minnesota
Frederique Corcoran, University of Minnesota
Family Engagement & Support
Designing High-Quality Curricula for Early Childhood Education: Challenges, Barriers, and Powerful Syntheses
Portland Ballroom 255
4:30 Pm – 5:30 Pm
Douglas Clements, University of Denver Curriculum Theories & Approaches
Supporting Emotional Safety in Early Childhood Teachers
Portland Ballroom 256
4:30 Pm – 5:30 Pm
Anna Curtin, The Lourie Center for Children’s Social & Emotional Wellness
Marianela Rodousakis, The Lourie Center for Children’s Social & Emotional Wellness
5:30 – 7:00 pm
exhiBit hall C
5:30 Pm – 7:00 Pm
Join early childhood colleagues, exhibitors, and NAEYC staff for networking, fun, complimentary bites, and a cash bar at the Networking Reception.
5:45-7:00 Pm
exhiBit hall C
A Community-Based Partnership to Enhance Communication Between Preschool Teachers and Racially and Ethnically Diverse Families
Sehee Jung, University of Washington
Courtney Zulauf-McCurdy, University of Washington
Action Research: Professional Development for In-Home Care Providers
Danielle Bujnak, Portland State University
Comparing Full-Day and Half-Day Kindergarten Then and Now: What Data from the Two ECLS-K Cohorts Reveal About Changes in Demographics and Child Outcomes
Dominic Gullo, Drexel University
Katie Mathew, Drexel University
Early Childhood Teachers’ Perspectives of Job-Related Stressors and Their Decisions to Remain In or Leave the Profession
Michelle Mertic, Baker College
Ensuring Preparation of Inclusive Early Childhood Educators
Julie Daniel, University of Colorado Denver
Michael Barla, University of Colorado Denver
Exploring Protective Factors of Early Care and Education Professionals
Through an Innovative Professional Development Approach: Associations with Head Start Educators’ Well-Being
Tyla Ricks, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Family Engagement in Preschool Classrooms: Perspectives of Culturally Diverse Families
Margaret Gichuru, SUNY Cortland
Jonghee Shim, The University of Texas Permian Basin
Longevity of Quality Rating and Improvement Systems: The Effects on Funding and Enrollment of Early Childhood Programs Across the United States
Maya Szafraniec, Institute of Human Development, University of Missouri Kansas City
Narrative Representations of Children’s Culturally Embedded Values, TeacherStudent Relationships, and Social Adjustment in Romanian Preschoolers: A Mixed-Methods Study
Loredana James, Chemeketa Community College
Pre-K STEM Instructional Model: A Framework for Effective Practice
Hye Ryung Won, Slippery Rock University
Mi-Hwa Park, Murray State University
Supporting Preschool Teachers’ Early Mathematics Instruction Within an Alternative Licensure Program
David Banzer, University of Illinois Chicago
Available at the NAEYC Shop!
Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs
Case studies provide real-world examples that make for rich discussions and greater learning in educational and professional development settings.
Item 1163
List $38 | Institute Price $30.40
Childcare organizations with five programs or more with shared policies and procedures can reduce the preparation time for NAEYC Early Learning Program Accreditation with one System-Wide Program Portfolio. Submit evidence for selected program assessment items electronically
How it Works:
Evidence is renewed and rated by trained, reliable assessors
Get assessors’ feedback for evidence you have submitted
Initial SWPP Fee:
Program directors will not have to provide additional evidence for SWPP items already rated
4 3
Renew you SWPP annually with your updated policies and procedures to meet updated accreditation assessment items.
5-100 Programs = $2,875 101-500 Programs = $4,600
501+ Programs = Price negotiated for initial review process (through Final Report)
Annual reviews of updated evidence based on the size of the system and the date of the annual review are specific to each system.
5-100 Programs = $500 101-500 Programs = $700 500+ Programs = $900
*Prices are subject to change.
8:00 – 10:00 am
Stories of Resistance: Learning from Black Women in Early Care and Education
oregon Ballroom 204
8:00 am – 10:00 am
In NAEYC’s 2019 Advancing Equity in Early Childhood Education position statement, early learning leaders were charged to “take proactive steps with measurable goals to recruit and retain educators and leaders who reflect the diversity of children and families served and who meet professional expectations”. Such a statement was needed because leadership in early childhood has not historically been as diverse as the educators they lead. Stories of Resistance: Learning from Black Women in Early Care and Education brings together the real-life experiences of Black women who found a seat at the table in early childhood leadership. This session will build upon their stories and offer participants the opportunity to come together and continue the path forward to realizing the goals of the position statement.
Alissa Mwenelupembe, NAEYC
Jerletha McDonald, Child Care Aware
Cynthia Davis-Vanloo, North Seattle College
Meghan Gowin, Erikson Institute
Kelly Ramsey, All Our Kin
Crystal Sanford-Brown, Emerging Young Leadership, Inc.
ACCESS to Shared Knowledge in Practice, Part I: Personas as a Tool for Supporting Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and the Use of Evidence-Based Practices in Your Courses
8:00 am – 10:00 am
Jennifer Koel, Waukesha County Technical College
Camille Catlett, Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute
Priti Verma, Higher Colleges of Technology, Sharjah Women’s Campus
Anu Sachdev, East Stroudsburg University
Educator/Teacher Preparation
Let’s Team Up! Strategies to Take Family Partnerships from Challenging to Collaborative
8:00 am – 10:00 am
Kristen McLeskey, Northwest Center Kids IMPACT Kelsey Henderson-Wasmund, Northwest Center Kids IMPACT
Family Engagement & Support
Celebrating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Supporting Nontraditional Early Childhood Preservice Teachers Online
8:00 am – 10:00 am
Cindy Ryan, Western Oregon University
Andrea Emerson, Western Oregon University
Ya-Fang Cheng, Western Oregon University
Educator/Teacher Preparation
Please remember to complete the 2023 Institute evaluation survey, which will be sent to you electronically immediately following the Institute. NAEYC sincerely values your feedback, which is used to evaluate the Institute and to plan future NAEYC professional development activities.
Rethinking Traditional Classroom Management: Shifting to a Culturally Responsive Classroom Facilitation
8:00 am – 10:00 am
Shawn Reddy, National Louis University
Diversity and Equity
NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct and DAP: Rising to the Current Issues and Challenges Facing the Field
08:00 am – 10:00 am
Lucy Recio, NAEYC
Meghan Salas-Atwell, NAEYC
Professionalism & Ethics
Empowering Teachers to Shift to NatureBased Curriculum Using the Learning Lifecycle: An Equitable Approach to Teaching and Reaching All Young Learners
8:00 am – 10:00 am
Jenny James, First Lutheran Preschool
Lea Ann Christenson, Towson University
Nature/Outdoor Education
Educator Professional Development and Overall Program Quality Improvement
Through Iterative and Responsive Supports: A Teaching and Learning Model
8:00 am – 10:00 am
Pamela Thompson, Neighborhood Villages Technical Assistance (Coaching, Mentoring, Consultation)
Professional Development in Laboratory School Programs
8:00 am – 10:00 am
Elizabeth Schlesinger-Devlin, Purdue University
Educator/Teacher Preparation
The Fine Art of Scaffolding Kindergartners to Create Joyful, Equitable Learning for All
8:00 am – 10:00 am
Deborah Leong, Tools of the Mind
Elena Bodrova, Tools of the Mind
Teaching and Instructional Practices
Building Early Learning Latiné Educators (BELLE): Creating a Pipeline of Latiné Leaders to Advocate for Young Dual Language Learners
8:00 am – 10:00 am
Alexandra Figueras-Daniel, National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER) at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
Ellen Frede, National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER) at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
Carmen Espinosa, National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER) at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
Liteove Rodriguez-Tighe, Passaic Public Schools
Elise Genao, Roselle Park Public Schools
Observing and Documenting
Young Children: Using a Variety of Approaches to Make Decisions
8:00 am – 10:00 am
Jacque Taylor, Greenville Technical College
Assessment of Young Children
Integrating STEM Concepts with Young Children’s Literature
Portland Ballroom 251
8:00 am – 10:00 am
Jayanti Roy, De Anza College
Phyllis DeMotta, De Anza College
Language & Literacy
Building Capacity of Program Directors to Drive Improvement and Inspire Educators: A Case Study from Fort Worth, Texas
Portland Ballroom 252
8:00 am – 10:00 am
Maureen Wagner-Garza, Start Early
Liliam Perez, Start Early
Karin Scott, Child Care Associates
Equitable Learning Partnerships: An Imperative to Strengthen Early Learning Systems
Portland Ballroom 254
8:00 am – 10:00 am
Nichole Parks, Leading for Children
Judy Jablon, Leading for Children
Carol Barton, Marin County Office of Education
Professionalism & Ethics
Powerful Practices for Higher Education Programs in Early Childhood: A Focus on Social and Emotional Learning
Portland Ballroom 255
8:00 am – 10:00 am
Amanda Moreno, Erikson Institute
Jeanette Banashak, Erikson Institute
Social/Emotional Development
National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators (NAECTE) Session
Portland Ballroom 256
8:00 am – 10:00 am
Pamela Evanshen, East Tennessee State University
Will Parnell, Portland State University
Zeynep Isik-Ercan, Rowan University
Educator/Teacher Preparation
10:30 am – 12:30 pm
Self-Regulation for All: Developing a Deeper Understanding of Self-Regulation Research and Classroom Strategies to Meet the Needs of All Learners
oregon Ballroom 204
10:30 am – 12:30 Pm
In this interactive workshop, participants will walk away with a deeper understanding of the research on self-regulation. They will also practice new self-regulation strategies that they can immediately implement in their own classrooms with children of all abilities and backgrounds (i.e., students with disabilities, multilingual learners, students experiencing trauma). Topics include social and emotional development, as well as cognitive and linguistic strategies to promote emotional literacy, body awareness, and building attention in both children and adults. Presenters will also support participants in reflecting on their own well-being and emotional resilience as part of their ability to develop self-regulation in young learners. Participants will also have opportunities to share their expertise with each other in a fun and caring learning community.
Lauren Vega O’Neil, Portland State University
Andreina Velasco, Portland State University
Sponsored by
Item 1164
List $22 | Institute Price $17.60
ACCESS to Shared Knowledge in Practice, Part II: Current Trends and Issues in Early Childhood Teacher Education
10:30 am – 12:30 Pm
Anu Sachdev, East Stroudsburg University
Cindy Stephens, College of the Canyons
D’Lee Babb, Western Kentucky University
Holly Lanoue, Olympic College
Educator/Teacher Preparation
Young Children and Screens: Promoting Healthy Development in a Digital World
10:30 am – 12:30 Pm
Victoria Saylor, Common Sense Media Family Engagement & Support
Language and Literacy Instruction for Preschoolers: Can it Be Fun, Appropriate, and Relevant?
10:30 am – 12:30 Pm
Joy Mazur, SC First Steps
Kenna Hoover, SC First Steps
Language & Literacy
Designing Emotion-Based Early Childhood Environments
10:30 am – 12:30 Pm
Sandra Duncan, Author
Spotlight Session
Presented by Kaplan
The Power of Presence in Teaching: Vision for Change
10:30 am – 12:30 Pm
Karen Ekeze, Brockport Central School District
Social/Emotional Development
Exclusion by Any Other Name: Changing Practices, Not Semantics, Through Preparation
10:30 am – 12:30 Pm
Courtney O’Grady, University of Alabama
LaShorage Shaffer, University of Michigan-Dearborn
Michaelene Ostrosky, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
Educator/Teacher Preparation
Using Open Communication and Problem-Solving Strategies to Support Teacher Collaboration
10:30 am – 12:30 Pm
Danielle Grimaldo, HighScope Educational Research Foundation
Professionalism & Ethics
Inclusive Teaching in Early Childhood Education: Understanding and Supporting Gender Identity, Expression, and Exploration in Youth and Their Families
10:30 am – 12:30 Pm
Brendon Bailey, Celebree School of Severna Park Diversity and Equity
Powerful Play: Building Executive Functioning Skills and Healing Trauma Through Play
Portland Ballroom 251
10:30 am – 12:30 Pm
Sarah Bishop, HighScope Educational Research Foundation
Alison Mokry, HighScope Educational Research Foundation
12:30–2 Pm Lunch Break
Concessions open in the Exhibit Hall
The Power of Participation: How Democracy in Early Childhood Programs Builds Inclusive Communities and Empowers Tomorrow’s Change Makers
Portland Ballroom 252
10:30 am – 12:30 Pm
Elizabeth Rodano, Southern New Hampshire University Learning Environment
Real Cases. Real DAP. Using the DAP Casebook to Engage Students and Colleagues with Developmentally Appropriate Practice
Portland Ballroom 253
10:30 am – 12:30 Pm
Christyn Dundorf, Teaching Preschool Partners
Lisa Roy, Colorado Department of Education
Amy Schmidtke, Buffett Early Childhood Institute
Dana Battaglia, NAEYC
Educator/Teacher Preparation
Helping Staff Grow and Succeed: The Leader’s Role in Building Intentional Staff Development and Onboarding to Support Teacher Efficacy and Well-Being
Portland Ballroom 254
10:30 am – 12:30 Pm
Jennifer Smallwood-Holmes, University of Maryland, Center for Young Children
Weighing the Risk of Preschool
Portland Ballroom 255
10:30 am – 12:30 Pm
Faith Jackson, Johnston County Public Schools
Program Administration, Evaluation and Financial Management
Fostering Social and Emotional Learning Through STEM Investigations
Portland Ballroom 256
10:30 am – 12:30 Pm
Kasey Kile, Kodo Kids
Social/Emotional Development
2:00 – 4:00 pm
Observation, Documentation, Interpretation, and Instruction: Essential Components of Child Assessment, Development, and Learning
oregon Ballroom 204
2:00 Pm – 4:00 Pm
Following the on-going assessment cycle with intentionality and creativity provides a framework to ensure children can grow and thrive. Session participants will explore how all adults can be keen observers, review various types and sources of documentation, learn strategies for tracking documentation data, and how to make data informed, instructional decisions that drive outcomes for children. Participants will devise working plans for parents, staff, and others in documenting child interactions and activities.
Letitia Bandy, Metropolitan Action Commission
Britany Hobbs, Metropolitan Action Commission
Christina Gomez, Metropolitan Action Commission
Sponsored by
ACCESS to Shared Knowledge in Practice, Part III: Increasing Engagement in Your Preservice Teacher Education Courses
2:00 Pm – 4:00 Pm
Jennifer Koel, Waukesha County Technical College
Will Parnell, Portland State University
R Taylor, Chemeketa Community College
Educator/Teacher Preparation
A Model of High-Impact Family Engagement Around Science: Home-School Partnerships that Engage, Educate, and Empower Families of Multilingual Learners
2:00 Pm – 4:00 Pm
Cindy Hoisington, Education Development Center Inc. Donna Rooney, Education Development Center Inc.
Family Engagement & Support
Engaging in Cross-Sector Professional Development with an Equity Lens: Sustaining Momentum to Lead Together
2:00 Pm – 4:00 Pm
Robyn Chun, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Coleen Momohara, State of Hawaii, Executive Office on Early Learning
Nalani Mattox-Primacio, University of Hawaii at Manoa Educator/Teacher Preparation
Play, Emergent Curriculum, and the Joy of Divergent Thinking: Reflecting on the Powerful Legacy of Elizabeth (Betty) Jones (1930-2022)
2:00 Pm – 4:00 Pm
John Nimmo, Portland State University Sharon Cronin, Goddard College Play
“I love Me”: Knowing and Loving My Identity as a Strategy for Welcoming and Engaging Families in Early Childhood
2:00 Pm – 4:00 Pm
Andrea Miller Emerson, Western Oregon University
Family Engagement & Support
Fostering Servant Leadership Competencies in Ongoing Professional Learning
2:00 Pm – 4:00 Pm
Jill McFarren Aviles, McFarren Aviles and Associates
Ana Hoover, McFarren Aviles and Associates
Technical Assistance (Coaching, Mentoring, Consultation)
Men in Early Childhood Education: The Compelling Need Before Us
2:00 Pm – 4:00 Pm
Calvin Moore, Jr., Council for Professional Recognition
Andrew Davis, Council for Professional Recognition
Christopher Barnes, Council for Professional Recognition
Advocacy/Public Policy
It Started with a Walk: Nature as the Great Equalizer
2:00 Pm – 4:00 Pm
Megan Carver, Kids Care Academy
Nature/Outdoor Education
More than Assessment Tools: How to Coach and Train Administrators on the PAS and ECWES
2:00 Pm – 4:00 Pm
Jill Bella, Bella Mattina
Teri Talan, Bella Mattina; McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership, National Louis University
Technical Assistance (Coaching, Mentoring, Consultation)
Thank you to Bright Horizons for sponsoring sessions focusing on teaching to enhance children’s development and learning.
Creating Pathways Through Higher Education for the Early Childhood Workforce
2:00 Pm – 4:00 Pm
Marsha Shigeyo Hawley, Illinois Board of Higher Education
Christi Chadwick, Illinois Board of Higher Education
Marcus Brown, Illinois Community College Board
Karen Yarbrough, Illinois Department of Human Services
State Systems – Data, Financing, Professional Development, Standards, QRIS
Let’s Read! Best New Children’s Books on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; Social and Emotional Learning; and More
oregon Ballroom 201
2:00 Pm – 4:00 Pm
Amy Vandament, The Book Vine for Children
Language & Literacy
Curiosity as a Fundamental of Learning: Insight from Fred Rogers and Educator Practice
Portland Ballroom 251
2:00 Pm – 4:00 Pm
Dana Winters, Fred Rogers Institute
Emily Uhrin, Fred Rogers Institute
Sarah Goehring, Fred Rogers Institute
Educator/Teacher Preparation
Every Interaction Counts: The State of Quality Interactions in Early Childhood Education
Portland Ballroom 252
2:00 Pm – 4:00 Pm
Jodi Whiteman, LENA
Kelly Slade, Ohio Child Care Resource and Referral Agency
Karen Wright, Tennessee Child Care Resource and Referral Network
Nathalia Bustamante, LENA
Teaching and Instructional Practices
Design for Learning: Training that Sticks
Portland Ballroom 253
2:00 Pm – 4:00 Pm
Staci Hitzke, Bright Horizons
Kelly Hansinger, Bright Horizons
Developing People: Creating a Culture of Excellence in Early Childhood Organizations
Portland Ballroom 254
2:00 Pm – 4:00 Pm
Aarie Wade, Baxter Community Center Leadership
Inside Outsiders and Outside Insiders: What Will It Take for Our Learning Communities to Be “Curious, Not Judgmental”
Portland Ballroom 255
2:00 Pm – 4:00 Pm
Holly Elissa Bruno, Holly Elissa Bruno Keynotes & Team Building, LLC
Crystal Sanford-Brown, Emerging Young Leadership, Inc.
Diversity and Equity
Anxiety, Stress, and Emotional Dysregulation: How Do We Support Our Children in Distress?
Portland Ballroom 256
2:00 Pm – 4:00 Pm
Kenneth Sherman, HighScope Social/Emotional Development
4:30 – 5:30 pm
Maintaining Your NAEYC Early Learning Program Accreditation
B110-112 4:30 Pm – 5:30 Pm
Lori Nanney, NAEYC
Becky Honig, NAEYC
Program Quality, Evaluation, & Accountability
Building on Strengths: Practical Theory and Strategies to Support Young Dual Language Learners and Their Families via Hands-On Literacy Lessons
4:30 Pm – 5:30 Pm
Lea Ann Christenson, Towson University
Emerging Bilingual/Multilingual
My Parents and Me: Teachers’ Reactions to Preschoolers’ Behavior Varies by Their Perceptions of Parents
4:30 Pm – 5:30 Pm
Courtney Zulauf-McCurdy, University of Washington
Diversity and Equity
Supporting Early Educators in Their CDA® Journey to Higher Education
4:30 Pm – 5:30 Pm
Katorra Enoch-Longshore, Council for Professional Recognition
Veronica Commodore, Council for Professional Recognition
Educator/Teacher Preparation
Online Science Professional Development: The Design and Evaluation of an Open-Access Program for Early Childhood Educators
4:30 Pm – 5:30 Pm
David Banzer, University of Illinois Chicago
Kathleen Sheridan, University of Illinois Chicago
NAEYC Affiliate President’s Circle
4:30 Pm – 5:30 Pm
Gwen Simmons, NAEYC
Becca Lamar, Pennsylvania Key to Quality
Raquel Diaz, FLAEYC
Strategies for Adopting and Implementing a New Curriculum in an Early Childhood Program
4:30 Pm – 5:30 Pm
Elizabeth Schlesinger-Devlin, Purdue University
Chanele Robinson-Rucker, Purdue University
Sara Schmitt, University of Oregon
Curriculum Theories & Approaches
Honoring the Whole Child Through Culturally Responsive Family Engagement
4:30 Pm – 5:30 Pm
Lynne Hall, Indiana Institute on Disability and Community, Indiana University
Family Engagement & Support
Partnerships to Implement Preschool Inclusion Within Mixed Delivery Systems: State and Local Perspectives on Policy and Practice Change
4:30 Pm – 5:30 Pm
Kayla Goldfarb, Start Early
Ann Kremer, Early Choices
Minissha Coleman-McGhee, Start Early Advocacy/Public Policy
Caring for Self: Renewing Early Childhood Educator Wellbeing
4:30 Pm – 5:30 Pm
Ingrid Anderson, Portland State University
Jennifer Baumgartner, Louisiana State University
Shani Johnson, North Clackamas Schools
Yondella Hall, Lifeworks NW
Sally Guyon, Portland State University
Educator/Teacher Preparation
Do You Know the Updates to DAP?
Highlights from NAEYC’s Newest
DAP Books and Resources
4:30 Pm – 5:30 Pm
Susan Friedman, NAEYC
Teaching and Instructional Practices
Selective Mutism in Preschool-Age Children
4:30 Pm – 5:30 Pm
Jessica Huffman, Romoland Elementary School District
Children with Disabilities/Early Intervention
Turning Your Expertise into Family Resources: Building Partnerships with 21st Century Parents and Caregivers
oregon Ballroom 201
4:30 Pm – 5:30 Pm
Claire Goss, Bright Horizons
Heather Ferillo, Bright Horizons
Family Engagement & Support
Working Together in the Early Childhood Sandbox: Models for How Child Care Assistance, Head Start, and State-Funded Pre-K Programs Can Work Together in Response to Community Need
Portland Ballroom 252
4:30 Pm – 5:30 Pm
Dianna Saelens, Birth to Five Illinois Community Partnerships
Teacher-Student Interactions: CoRegulation as the Path to Self-Regulation
Portland Ballroom 253
4:30 Pm – 5:30 Pm
Donna Housman, Housman Institute
Sierra Bowling, Housman Institute
Guidance/Challenging Behaviors
Early Childhood Education Career Pathway Project: Building Pathways to Increased Quality in the Early Care and Education Workforce
Portland Ballroom 254
4:30 Pm – 5:30 Pm
Karen Harrison, Save the Children
Rebecca Crawford, Eastern Kentucky University
Caelin Scott, Eastern Kentucky University
Bailey Bird, Eastern Kentucky University
April Trent, Save the Children
Educator/Teacher Preparation
Intentional Early Childhood Education Program Design: Aligning Program Goals, Learning Outcomes, and Assignments with NAEYC’s “Professional Standards and Competencies”
Portland Ballroom 255
4:30 Pm – 5:30 Pm
Tracy Sermon, Utah Valley University
Educator/Teacher Preparation
Unlocking the Potential for Young Dual Language Learners in California
Portland Ballroom 256
4:30 Pm – 5:30 Pm
Luis Molina, Early Edge California
Laxmi Gurajada, First 5 California
Melinda Geiser, First 5 California
Emerging Bilingual/Multilingual
Available at the NAEYC Shop!
Education for a Civil Society
Democratic life skills are skills that enable all of us—children and adults alike—to be caring, thoughtful members of families, schools, communities, and societies. Teachers and families support and nudge young children toward these skills, using guidance techniques that calm and teach.
Education for
Item 1165
Available at the NAEYC Shop!
Media Literacy for Young Children
A first-of-its-kind guide for pre-service and currently practicing teachers and child care professionals looking for pedagogically sound and developmentally appropriate ways to help today’s children navigate their media-rich world with confidence, curiosity, and critical thinking.
Item 1158
List $30 | Institute Price $24
8:00 – 10:00 am
An Asset-Based Approach for Differentiating Teaching in Early Math: Environments, Interactions, and Activities for Playful and Joyful DAP
oregon Ballroom 204
8:00 am – 10:00 am
Engage with free asset-based resources that support playful ways to learn about and understand children’s thinking and learning of math and how to build on that understanding with everyday activities and materials. Interact with videos and other media that help teachers and families learn more about mathematics content, children’s development, and how to support that development in a myriad of ways. Participants will see resources for ensuring cultural responsiveness, support for dual language learners, and especially adaptations for children with disabilities. View new facilitators’ guides to analyze videos of children’s learning paths, birth to second grade, and playful activities for each level of these paths. Sign up to beta test new resources under development.
Douglas Clements, University of Denver
Julie Sarama, University of Denver
Sponsored by
Updates to the Whole Leadership Framework: Responding to Voices from the Field to Strengthen Programs, People, and Professionalism
8:00 am – 10:00 am
Jill Bella, Bella Mattina
Teri Talan, National Louis University
Grow Your Own: Starting with High School Career Technical Education Students to Fill the Teacher Gaps
8:00 am – 10:00 am
Kathy Thornburg, R8CC
Cathy Hengesbaugh, Michigan Department of Education
Connie Griffore, Saginaw Intermediate School District
Shyann Kruger, Saginaw Intermediate School District
Educator/Teacher Preparation
Intentionally Impactful Practices to Support Language Acquisition, SelfRegulation, and Peer Collaboration for Preschoolers with Autism
8:00 am – 10:00 am
Ashley Lawless, University of Colorado Colorado Springs
Lissanna Follari, University of Colorado Colorado Springs
Children with Disabilities/Early Intervention
Mentoring and Coaching through the Lens of NAEYC Early Learning Program Accreditation
8:00 am – 10:00 am
Lori Nanney, NAEYC
Becky Honig, NAEYC
Technical Assistance (Coaching, Mentoring, Consultation)
Reimagining STEAM in the Early Years: Pivoting to Children’s Interests and Informal, Sociocultural Knowledge to Grow Their Identities as Emergent Engineers
8:00 am – 10:00 am
Brian Mowry, Frog Street Press
Jody Martin, Frog Street Press
Curriculum Theories & Approaches
Creating Engaging, Evidence-Based Course Assignments and Assessments
8:00 am – 10:00 am
Mary Harrill, NAEYC
Camille Catlett, Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute
Educator/Teacher Preparation
Cultural Competence and Anti-Bias Education for Early Childhood Education
8:00 am – 10:00 am
Mirna Mejia, Las Vegas Urban League Early Childhood Connection
Mary Regan, Las Vegas Urban League Early Childhood Connection
Diversity and Equity
Back to Our Roots: Embedding Nature Education into Early Childhood Programs
8:00 am – 10:00 am
Maura Walsh, Cambridge-Ellis School
Nature/Outdoor Education
Connecting DAP to Inquiry-Based Learning: Promoting Joyful, Engaged Thinking and Learning with the Project Approach
8:00 am – 10:00 am
Carol Bolz, Mid-America Regional Council
Karrie Snider, University of Central Missouri
Rebecca Wilson, Van Meter Community School District
Teaching and Instructional Practices
12:30–2 Pm Lunch Break
Concessions open in the Exhibit Hall
Implications for Quality Assessment Processes: A Reflective Self-Study
8:00 am – 10:00 am
Lia Rucker, NC Rated License Assessment Project @ UNC-Greensboro
Tanya Clauson, NC Rated License Assessment Project @ UNC-Greensboro
Karen Whitehall, NC Rated License Assessment Project @ UNC-Greensboro
Program Quality, Evaluation, & Accountability
Joyful and Equitable Training: Five Gems for Early Childhood Trainers
oregon Ballroom 201
8:00 am – 10:00 am
Teresa Byington, University of Nevada Reno Extension
Geraldine Wynn, University of Nevada Reno Extension
Charmika Hansen, University of Nevada Reno Extension Educator/Teacher Preparation
Family Partnership Within a Family’s Context: Increasing Equitable Access and Participation for Families of Young Children
Portland Ballroom 251
8:00 am – 10:00 am
Sherri Britt Williams, University of NC-Chapel Hill
Catasha Williams, University of NC-Chapel Hill
Sonia Sabater, University of NC-Chapel Hill
Family Engagement & Support
Let’s Talk About That Child: An Ethical Look into Challenging Behaviors
Portland Ballroom 252
8:00 am – 10:00 am
Angela Bayer-Persico, World of Angela
Guidance/Challenging Behaviors
Play as Intentional Learning: Using DramaBased Instruction to Support Language, Literacy, and Social and Emotional Development During Storytime
Portland Ballroom 253
8:00 am – 10:00 am
Jenny Millinger, Childsplay
Kathryn Brantley, Childsplay
Katie Bernstein, Arizona State University
Jen Gantwerker, Childsplay
Teaching and Instructional Practices
Building Strong Teaching Teams: Understanding the Influence of Teaching Teams on Classroom Quality and Child Outcomes
Portland Ballroom 254
8:00 am – 10:00 am
Emisha Maytubby, Langston University
Technical Assistance (Coaching, Mentoring, Consultation)
Intentional Reflection: A Pathway to Transformational Coaching and Leadership
Portland Ballroom 255
8:00 am – 10:00 am
Constant Hine, Horizons In Learning
Technical Assistance (Coaching, Mentoring, Consultation)
10:30 – 11:30 am
Using Creative Arts Virtually to Create a Community of Learners: The Flip Application as a Response to the Isolation of COVID-19 for Online Students
10:30 am – 11:30 am
Jennifer Quong, Texas Woman’s University
Zlata Stankovic-Ramirez, Coastal Carolina University
Arts (Performing & Visual)
Men as Role Models in the Early Childhood Classroom: Toxic Masculinity and the New Role of Men
10:30 am – 11:30 am
David Hatch, Oregon State University
Men in Early Childhood
Pathways to Inquiry and Playful Learning: Lessons from Inquiry-Based Approaches in Pre-K Through First Grade in Three Oregon School Districts
10:30 am – 11:30 am
Christyn Dundorf, Teaching Preschool Partners
Kayla Bell, Beaverton School District
Sarah Dunkin, Gladstone School District
Jen Burkart, Clackamas School District
Supporting Teachers in Developing Higher Level Thinking Opportunities
10:30 am – 11:30 am
Robin Wheatley, DC Public Schools
Center-Campus Partnerships: Resources for Building Teachers’ Competencies in Family Engagement
10:30 am – 11:30 am
Hannah Kye, Rowan University
Leah Walker, Rowan University
Family Engagement & Support
Competency-Based and Job-Embedded: The Ticket to Advanced Credentials
10:30 am – 11:30 am
Erin Kissling, Early Learning Indiana
Educator/Teacher Preparation
Sharing a Small World: Integrating Global Studies Themes into Interdisciplinary Curricula for Young Learners
10:30 am – 11:30 am
Gayle Thieman, Portland State University
Social Studies
Get Involved and Become a NAEYC Governing Board Member!
10:30 am - 11:30 am
Share your knowledge and expertise while helping to advance a diverse, inclusive, and dynamic early childhood profession by becoming a NAEYC Board Member.
Applications for the 2024 NAEYC Governing Board election will be available on the NAEYC website and due no later than July 15. Available positions include: Board Member at Large and Student Board Member.
Meet with current Board Members to discuss their experience serving on the NAEYC Board.
Preparing Early Childhood Educators to Work with Young Bilingual Children
10:30 am – 11:30 am
Cristina Gillanders, University of Colorado Denver
Dina Castro, Boston University
Emerging Bilingual/Multilingual
Writing for NAEYC Publications: A Roundtable Discussion
10:30 am – 11:30 am
Susan Friedman, NAEYC
Dana Battaglia, NAEYC
Annie Moses, NAEYC
Parent University: Empowering the Strongest Stakeholder
oregon Ballroom 201
10:30 am – 11:30 am
Christopher Turner, Legacy Traditional School Family Engagement & Support
Investigating Early Childhood Education
Through a Systemic Lens: What Impact Does Early Childhood Have On District-Level Leadership?
Portland Ballroom 251
10:30 am – 11:30 am
Edward Manuszak, Washtenaw Intermediate School District Leadership
Early Childhood Administrative Capacity Building: A Tool to Build and Shift Power
Portland Ballroom 252
10:30 am – 11:30 am
Katie Rahn, Gateway Early Childhood Alliance
Ellicia Lanier, Urban Sprouts Child Development Center
Technical Assistance (Coaching, Mentoring, Consultation)
There are options throughout the Oregon Convention Center to recycle and compost items you no longer want or can’t keep. Keep an eye out for collection points and be sure to sort items carefully into the receptacles.
Trauma-Informed Design: How Environments Can Be Designed and Improved to Support Our Most Vulnerable Children and Families
Portland Ballroom 254
10:30 am – 11:30 am
Mike Lindstrom, studioMLA Architects
Joanne Hiromura, studioMLA Architects
Social/Emotional Development
Children’s Books: A Powerful Tool to Help Children Learn About Themselves and the World Around Them
Portland Ballroom 255
10:30 am – 11:30 am
Rashelle Chase-Miller, SMART Reading
Stacy Goodwin, SMART Reading
Jessica LeVay, SMART Reading
Diversity and Equity
2:00 – 4:00 pm
Creating a Diverse Environment Is Not Just About the Physical Classroom: Making Families and Children Feel Welcome from the First Day
oregon Ballroom 204
2:00 Pm – 4:00 Pm
This session is designed for early educators to explore diversity and inclusion in their classrooms. Participants will examine their own biases and explore how to create an intentional, diverse, and inclusive environment through the materials used in the classroom and interactions with families and children. We will explore ways to ensure all families feel included in the learning process, including creating a space for home languages and addressing potential biases or misinformation about families. The goal is to create a peaceful environment built on mutual trust.
Tessie Ragan, Perfect Start Learning Consulting
The NAEYC “Code of Ethical Conduct”: Analyzing How It Provides Guidelines for Responsible Behavior and a Basis for Resolving Ethical Dilemmas Within Early Childhood Education
2:00 Pm – 4:00 Pm
Marlyn Kramer, ECE Training Dynamics, LLC
Larry Kotch, Central Texas Workforce Board
Professionalism & Ethics
Childhood: What’s the Rush?
2:00 Pm – 4:00 Pm
Kathryn Gallo, North Shore Community College
LeeAnn Soucy, North Shore Community College
Bringing NAEYC’s Advancing Equity
Statement to Life: Elevating Equity in Learning Spaces for All Children
2:00 Pm – 4:00 Pm
Kelce Eckhardt, Wyoming Early Childhood Professional Learning Collaborative
Char Norris, Wyoming Early Childhood Professional Learning Collaborative
Diversity and Equity
Anxiety, Trauma, and Emotional Dysregulation: Supporting Children in Distress
2:00 Pm – 4:00 Pm
Natalie James, Dreambranch Education, LLC
Assessment of Young Children
From a Moment to Momentum: Federal and State Policy and Advocacy to Support the ECE Workforce
2:00 Pm – 4:00 Pm
Lauren Hogan, NAEYC
Advocacy/Public Policy
“Sometimes I Just Don’t Know Where to Start” Creating the Foundation for a Professional Learning Community Through a Professional Development Book Club
2:00 Pm – 4:00 Pm
Nicole Willard, Windmill School
Educator/Teacher Preparation
From Article to Action: Using NAEYC Resources to Prepare and Support Early Childhood Educators
2:00 Pm – 4:00 Pm
Annie Moses, NAEYC
Camille Catlett, Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Educator/Teacher Preparation
Access ≠ Access: Exploration of Equity Challenges in Extending Insurance Benefits to the Early Childhood Education Workforce
2:00 Pm – 4:00 Pm
Cody Summerville, Texas AEYC
Neomi Fletcher, Children at Risk
Nicole Beasley, Texas AEYC
Advocacy/Public Policy
The Neuroscience and Practice of Literacy Development in Children’s Homes
2:00 Pm – 4:00 Pm
Deja Jones, Honeypot Montessori, Incorporated
Cognitive Development
Building Coaching Capacity Through Tiered Coaching to Support PBIS in Early Childhood Classrooms
2:00 Pm – 4:00 Pm
Jennifer Cunningham, University of Washington
Marie Fisher, University of Washington
Technical Assistance (Coaching, Mentoring, Consultation)
Rapid Onboarding: How to Build a System to Best Support New Teachers
oregon Ballroom 201
2:00 Pm – 4:00 Pm
Sandra Faria, Teaching Strategies, LLC
Breeyn Mack, Teaching Strategies, LLC
Educator/Teacher Preparation
For Practitioners, By Practitioners: Insight and Lessons Learned from Pilot Year One of a Master’s in ECE Policy Program
Portland Ballroom 251
2:00 Pm – 4:00 Pm
Lucy Recio, NAEYC
Educator/Teacher Preparation
How to Bring a Book to Life
Portland Ballroom 253
2:00 Pm – 4:00 Pm
Marie Preptit, Bringing Books to Life! at Nashville Public Library
Language & Literacy
Team Agreements: Helping Teaching Teams from Different Backgrounds, Values, and Perspectives Work Together Through Common Disagreements
Portland Ballroom 254
2:00 Pm – 4:00 Pm
Deidre Harris, The Rhelm Leadership
From Worksheets to Active Learning Phonics
Lessons: How Differentiation Works
Portland Ballroom 255
2:00 Pm – 4:00 Pm
Shushan Vardanyan, The University of Mississippi
Teaching and Instructional Practices
Connecting Teaching Practices to Curriculum Using Conversation and Strength-Based Feedback Strategies
Portland Ballroom 256
2:00 Pm – 4:00 Pm
Shannon Lockhart, HighScope Foundation
Teaching and Instructional Practices
4:30 – 5:30 pm
Holding Space: Reflecting on and Responding to ECE in the Crosshairs of the “Culture Wars”
4:30 Pm – 5:30 Pm
NAEYC and Affliliate Staff and Leaders
Advocacy/Public Policy
Digging Deeper: Using a Reflective Approach to Examine and Implement High-Quality Teaching Practices
4:30 Pm – 5:30 Pm
Nicole Kreller, Start Early
Teaching and Instructional Practices
Playful Learning: Bridging the Gap Between Student-Centered and Standards-Driven Education
4:30 Pm – 5:30 Pm
Lori Walter-Carro, Florida State University
The Challenges of Supporting Teacher Evaluation and Teacher Growth
Simultaneously: Results of a Revision Process
4:30 Pm – 5:30 Pm
Candace Barriteau Phaire, Central Connecticut State University
Maria Mongillo, Central Connecticut State University
Engineering with Bilingual and Bicultural Families
4:30 Pm – 5:30 Pm
Annie Douglass, Oregon Museum of Science and Industry
Julie Allen, Mt Hood Community College
Family Engagement & Support
Breaking Down the Language Barrier: Creating a Spanish Language Associate Degree for Early Childhood Educators
4:30 Pm – 5:30 Pm
Diane Schael, College of Lake County
Marcela Duran, College of Lake County
Stephanie Santos-Gray, College of Lake County Educator/Teacher Preparation
Orientation for New Affiliate Staff and Board Members
4:30 Pm – 5:30 Pm
Jordan Christian, NAEYC
Technical Assistance (Coaching, Mentoring, Consultation)
Thank you to Bright Horizons for sponsoring sessions focusing on teaching to enhance children’s development and learning.
Implementing NAEYC Professional Standards in States’ Professional Development Systems: The Process, Benefits, and Results
4:30 Pm – 5:30 Pm
Jill Soto, New World Now
Deborah Wise, Office of Child Development and Early Learning
Rose Manganell, Pennsylvania Key
Kris Madden, Pennsylvania Key
Dawn Ladiski, Oklahoma City Community College
State Systems – Data, Financing, Professional Development, Standards, QRIS
Leveraging Universal Preschool to Promote Linguistic Inclusion in the District of Columbia
4:30 Pm – 5:30 Pm
Raul Echevarria, CommuniKids Preschool
Jeannine Piacenza, CommuniKids Preschool
Community Partnerships
From Overwhelmed to Optimistic: How a Playful Workshop Can Shift an Educator’s Mindset and Inspire Joy
oregon Ballroom 201
4:30 Pm – 5:30 Pm
Caitlin Malloy, Newtowne School
Ron Grady, Childology
Technical Assistance (Coaching, Mentoring, Consultation)
From some of the foremost early literacy development experts in the field comes this practical resource that is a must-have for all educators of infants, toddlers, and preschoolers.
Item 1161
List $30 | Institute Price $24
How Unforeseen Circumstances Sparked Innovation: Supporting Preschool and Kindergarten Students’ Self-Regulation Development During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Portland Ballroom 252
4:30 Pm – 5:30 Pm
Madeline Chimka, HighScope Educational Research Foundation
Fernando Andrade, HighScope Educational Research Foundation
Social/Emotional Development
Coaching for Quality: Designing Coaching Programs that Support Joyful, Equitable Professional Development for the Early Childhood Workforce
Portland Ballroom 253
4:30 Pm – 5:30 Pm
Camille Mendez, Early Learning Coalition of Pinellas Angela Tufts, Early Learning Coalition of Pinellas
Technical Assistance (Coaching, Mentoring, Consultation)
Powerful Words: Increasing Peer Discussion and Language Learning Through Inquiry-Based Learning
Portland Ballroom 254
4:30 Pm – 5:30 Pm
Rebecca Wilson, Van Meter Community School District Cognitive Development
Please remember to complete the 2023 Institute evaluation survey, which will be sent to you electronically immediately following the Institute. NAEYC sincerely values your feedback, which is used to evaluate the Institute and to plan future NAEYC professional development activities.
8:00 – 10:00 am
Programs, Policy, and Strategy: Addressing Compensation for the Early Childhood Workforce in a Conservative State
oregon Ballroom 204
8:00 am – 10:00 am
This presentation discusses the crisis in the early childhood workforce, with low wages for educators and high costs for families leading to a dwindling supply of child care and provide an example of what has worked (and not worked) in a large, conservative state in terms of programs, legislative policies, and advocacy strategies. This presentation will explore programs that provide financial savings to child care programs to invest in their staff, legislative policies that increase direct compensation and funding for early childhood programs, and advocacy strategies such as coalition-building and using legislative process expertise. Participants will have the opportunity to reflect on successful policy strategies that could be accessible in their own contexts.
Kimberly Kofron, Children at Risk
Cody Summerville, Texas Association for the Education of Young Children
Kaitlyn Newell, Children at Risk
Sponsored by
There are options throughout the Oregon Convention Center to recycle and compost items you no longer want or can’t keep. Keep an eye out for collection points and be sure to sort items carefully into the receptacles.
Rebuilding and Reinvigorating Early Childhood Leadership Capacity: Three State Action Plans
8:00 am – 10:00 am
Jane Humphries, McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership at National Louis University
Pam Palmer, New World Application Design & Development
Kris Madden, The Pennsylvania Key In Support of Pennsylvania’s Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Kristine Jenkins, South Carolina First Steps to School Readiness
Rogers Pender, South Carolina First Steps to School Readiness
Ready for Reading: How the Science of Reading Can Inform Language Development and Literacy Learning in Preschool
8:00 am – 10:00 am
Breeyn Mack, Teaching Strategies, LLC
Lesley Jennings, Teaching Strategies, LLC
Language & Literacy
Tensions, Tussles, and Uncertainties in Nurturing Anti-Bias Early Childhood Educators
8:00 am – 10:00 am
Anita Kumar, William Paterson University
Ruth Facun-Granadozo, East Tennessee State University
Tsitsi Nyabando, Eastern New Mexico University
Diversity and Equity
Supporting Transgender Children: How to Make Your Early Childhood Program
Respectful and Inclusive for Gender
Diverse Children and Families
8:00 am – 10:00 am
Anna Putnam, Abilities Network
Jordan Fouche, Abilities Network
Diversity and Equity
Bullying: The Effects of Bullying on Teaching, Learning, and Development from Preschoolers to Educators
8:00 am – 10:00 am
David Hatch, Best Practices
Teaching and Instructional Practices
Issues of Equity: Understanding Biases and their Impact on the Early Childhood Program
8:00 am – 10:00 am
Jean Barresi, Capital Region Education Council (CREC)
Sheri Lambert, EASTCONN
Mary Stone, ACES
Diversity and Equity
Growing to Learn and Learning to Grow: The Significance of University-Community Partnerships in Teacher Preparation
8:00 am – 10:00 am
Pradnya Patet, Brightpoint Community College
Victoria Seeger, Northwest Missouri State University
Courtney Ravenscraft, North Kansas City Schools
Heather Montenguise, Northwest Missouri State University
Community Partnerships
We Live in a Child Care Desert: Changing the Child Care Landscape in Nevada
8:00 am – 10:00 am
Mary Regan, Las Vegas Urban League - Early Childhood Connection
Darcy Heath, Wonderschool
State Systems – Data, Financing, Professional Development, Standards, QRIS
Furthering Equity-Centered Assessment in Child Development
8:00 am – 10:00 am
Tyson Barker, Institute for Child Sucess
Katie Hammond, Institute for Child Sucess
Assessment of Young Children
Coaching in the ToddlerTalk Model: Supporting Educators in Creating Responsive Environments That Promote Play, Communication, and Social and Emotional Learning in Toddler Classrooms
8:00 am – 10:00 am
Jennifer Cunningham, University of Washington
Kathleen Meeker, University of Washington
Social/Emotional Development
Behaviors Are Messages: Implementing Developmentally Appropriate Strategies for Supporting Young Children and Families
8:00 am – 10:00 am
Kelly Hantak, University of Missouri-Kansas City Institute for Human Development
Nili Luo, University of Missouri-Kansas City Institute for Human Development
Children with Disabilities/Early Intervention
A Journey of Three Schools: How Curriculum Can Be Organized and Shared for Data-Informed Improvements
8:00 am – 10:00 am
Elizabeth Clarkson, Faria Education Group
Curriculum Theories & Approaches
Willing to Be Disturbed: Exploring an Equity Community of Practice
Portland Ballroom 251
8:00 am – 10:00 am
Michelle Toral, Miami-Dade Community Action & Human Services Head Start/Early Head Start
Melissa Brown, University of Florida Lastinger Center for Learning
Raquel Munarriz Diaz, University of Florida Lastinger Center for Learning
Diversity and Equity
Early Childhood Career Centers: A Comprehensive System to Support the Early Childhood Education Workforce
Portland Ballroom 253
8:00 am – 10:00 am
Claudine Campanelli, New York Early Childhood Professional Development Institute
Sherry Cleary, New York Early Childhood Professional Development Institute
Jon Gabay, New York Early Childhood Professional Development Institute
Danica Arias, New York Early Childhood Professional Development Institute
Educator/Teacher Preparation
Higher Education Accreditation: We Are All in This Together!
Portland Ballroom 254
8:00 am – 10:00 am
Dawn Wilkinson, Enhancing Early Childhood Educator/Teacher Preparation
Sustaining Bicultural Learning and Inquiry Partnerships in Early Childhood Education Professional Communities
Portland Ballroom 255
8:00 am – 10:00 am
Marilyn Chu, Western Washington University, Woodring College of Education
Kimberly Sopher-Dunn, New Birth Center for Community Inclusion
Technical Assistance (Coaching, Mentoring, Consultation)
Daily 15-Minute Phonological Awareness
Routine to Ensure Reading Readiness in Monolingual or Bilingual Students
Portland Ballroom 256
8:00 - 10:00 am
Maria Perry, Teaching Multilingual, LLC
Teaching and Instructional Practices
Visit the Exhibit Hall to discover new ideas and solutions in over 50 booths. Enjoy the conversations, innovations, and giveaways!
The NAEYC Shop offers a chance to page through our newest titles while the Homeroom features our team of experts in Early Learning Program Accreditation, membership, and advocacy. We are so excited to interact with you in person again that we have a gift waiting for you in the Homeroom!
The Exhibit Hall drawings on Monday and Tuesday have prizes galore with NAEYC books, an Annual Conference registration, gift cards, an Apple Watch, and nice-to-have lifestyle items. The Exhibit Hall Guide is available at registration or in the Exhibit Hall with information on the many ways to be a winner!
Sunday - Tuesday
12:30 – 2 Pm Lunch Service in the Exhibit Hall ($)
Sunday, June 4 12 noon – 3 Pm First Look
5:30 – 7 Pm Networking Reception (light appetizers and drink ticket)
5:45 – 7 Pm Research Poster Session
Monday, June 5 10 am – 4:30 Pm 4:00 Pm Prize Drawing
Tuesday, June 6 10 am – 2 Pm 1:30 Pm Final Prize Drawing
A Little SEL
Kindergarten; Preschool; Curriculum resources; Challenging behaviors 603 | www.alittlesel.com
Alive Studios, LLC
Curriculum resources; Early literacy; Mathematics; Family engagement 806 | www.alivestudiosco.com
American College of Education
Professional development; Higher education; Teaching resources; Technology/information 804 | www.ace.edu
Barn of Crafts
Child Care Aware of America
Family engagement; Leadership; Professional development; Health and safety 513 | www.childcareaware.org
Child Care Substitutes of Oregon
—The Research Institute at Western Oregon University
Career opportunities; Administrative/Staff; Child care center management; Anti-Bias education 702 | www.childcaresubsor.org
Child, Youth, & Family Studies Program
—Portland State University 819
Educational toys/games; Classroom equipment/furniture/ supplies; Learning settings; Teaching resources 417 | www.barnofcrafts.com
Bertelsen Education
Professional development; Teaching resources; Family engagement; Coach/trainer/consultant 405 | www.bertelseneducation.com
Book Vine for Children
Books; Early literacy; Infants and toddlers; Preschool 700 | www.bookvine.com
Branagh Group
Computer software; Professional development; Assessment/portfolios/observation; Techology/information 511 | www.branaghgroup.com
Brookes Publishing
Books; Curriculum resources; Professional development; Teaching resources 607 | www.brookespublishing.com ™
CELEBRATE Successful Early Learning
Curriculum resources; Early literacy; Teaching resources; Books 606 | www.celebratesel.com
Clackamas Community College
Higher education; Bilingual education; Administrative/Staff 816 | www.clackamas.edu/academics/ find-your-focus/teaching-education
Community Playthings
Classroom equipment/furniture/supplies; Multi-age; Playgroud equipment/supplies; Preschool 517 | www.communityplaythings.com
Curriculum resources; Early literacy; Preschool; Mathematics 505 | www.connect4learning.com
Council for Professional Recognition
Administrative/Staff; Assessment, portfolios, observations; Career Opportunities; Equity & Diversity 506 | www.cdacouncil.org
Cultivate Learning
Higher education; Professional development; Schoolage care/after school; Teaching resources 807 | www.cultivatelearning.uw.edu
Discount School Supply
Classroom equipment/furniture/supplies; Preschool; Teaching resources; Infants and toddlers 701 | www.discountschoolsupply.com
Force of Nature Pro Classroom equipment/furniture/supplies; Health and safety, Child care center management; Administrative/Staff 604 | www.forceofnaturepro.com
Foundations Worldwide, Inc. Classroom equipment/furniture/supplies; Infants and toddlers; Educational toys/games 411 | www.foundations.com/childcare
Gryphon House, Inc. Teaching resources; Books; Classroom equipment/ furniture/supplies; Family engagement 501 | www.gryphonhouse.com
G-W Publisher
Books; Teaching resources; Curriculum resources; Professional development 507 | www.g-w.com
Hatch Early Learning
Early literacy; Educational toys/games; Technology/information; Multi-age 419 | www.hatchearlylearning.com
HighScope Educational Research Foundation
Curriculum resources; Professional development; Infants and toddlers; Preschool 717 | www.highscope.org
Child care center management; Management; Administrative/Staff; Technology information 704 | wow.himama.com/conference
Housman Institute
Preschool; Professional development; Challenging behaviors; Books 605 | www.housmaninstitute.org
McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership at National Louis University Leadership; Professional development; Child care center management; Coach/trainer/consultant 403 | www.mccormickcenter.nl.edu
Mirus Toys
Educational toys/games; Mathematics; Curriculum resources; Science 602 | www.mirustoys.com
NAEYC Homeroom
300 | NAEYC.org/membership
NAEYC Shop 617 | NAEYC.org/shop
National University
Higher education; Professional development; Administrative/Staff; Bilingual education 703 | www.nu.edu
Northwest Center Kids IMPACT
Equity & Diversity; Coach/trainer/consultant; Learning Settings; Professional development 817 | www.nwckidsimpact.org
Oregon Center for Career Development (OCCD)
Leadership; Professional development; Career Opportunities; Coach/trainer/consultant 818 | www.pdx.edu/educationcareer-development
Pearson Curriculum resources; Books; Higher education; Technology/information 516 | www.pearson.com
Portland State University College of Education
Higher education; Professional development; Equity & Diversity 518 | www.pdx.edu/education
Primary Grade; Books; Curriculum resources; Preschool 707 | www.slumberkinseducators.com
Teaching Strategies, LLC
Curriculum resources; Family engagement; Infants and toddlers; Professional development 611 | www.teachingstrategies.com
Tout About Toys
Educational toys/games; Infants and toddlers; Preschool; Classroom equipment/furniture/supplies 600 | www.ToutAboutToys.com
Walden University
Higher education; Professional development 601 | www.waldenu.edu/naeyc
Western Oregon University
—Early Childhood Programs
Higher education; Equity & Diversity; Preschool; Leadership 805 | www.wou.edu/teachered/ early-childhood
Willamette Education Service District
Career Opportunities; Preschool; Infants and toddlers; Administrative/Staff 706 | www.wesd.org
Wilson Language Training
Literacy/Language Arts; Professional development; Early literacy; Curriculum resources 705 | www.wilsonlanguage.com
Zero to Three
Professional development; Infants and toddlers 407 | www.zerotothree.org
Kaplan Early Learning Company Preschool; Infants and toddlers; Teaching resources; Educational toys/games 500 | www.kaplanco.com
Lakeshore Learning Materials
Classroom equipment/furniture/supplies; Equity & Diversity; Teaching resources; Multi-age 801 | www.lakeshorelearning.com
Professional development; Equity & Diversity; Early literacy; Coach/trainer/consultant 802 | www.lena.org
Assessment/portfolios/observation; Professional development; Coach/trainer/consultant 506 | www.teachstone.com
The Academy at Chemeketa Center for Business and Industry
Coach/trainer/consultant; Higher education; Curriculum resource; Professional development 401 | www.go.chemeketa.edu/theacademy
The Source for Learning, Inc.
—Early Childhood Education
Professional development; Teaching resources; Dual Language Learning; Management 610 | www.sflece.org
The National Association for the Education of Young Children is pleased to present this Certifi cate to:
for having participated in NAEYC’S 2023 Professional Learning Institute
JUNE 4–7, 2023 |
Michelle Kang NAEYC Chief Executive Offi cerAssociation for the Education of Young Children